“La russia viene sempre estremizzata” – Sergej Makovezkij sull’avvelenamento di Skripal e l’isterismo patriottico |
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Le silence des Skripal – Le gouvernement bloque les articles de presse – Des médias changent leur compte-rendu Moon of Alabama |
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The Skripal Affair: A Lie Too Far |
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Zaxarovadan Skripal işi ilə bağlı açıqlama: Hamısı susub |
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Russian ex-spy sees link between Skripal and GCHQ officer found dead in 2010 |
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Rusiya Skripal işini diqqətdən kənarda qoymayacaq -ZAXAROVA |
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«Londres necesitaba un caso como el de Skripal para desviar la atención del Brexit» |
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Skripal case: “BZ toxin” used in Salisbury not produced in Russia was in US amp UK service |
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If the Skripal incident were handled like an NHS complaint by PHSO it would go something like this: |
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ROZHOVOR „Všechno je podle jasných scénářů USA a Západu v němž vynikají zejména Britové Napřed otrava Skripala a jeho dcery kteří už měli být z jedu „novičok“ dávno mrtví Novičok je jen fantasmagorie Britů kteří tvrdí že otrávený otec a jeho dcera přežili jen kvůli genialitě britských lékařů |
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Västtillverkat gift mot Skripal |
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Craig Murray — Probable Western Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning More |
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Niezależne laboratorium szwajcarskie: “Toksyna BZ użyta w zatruciach Skripala była wyprodukowana w USA/Wielkiej Brytanii |
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Silenzio sul caso Skripal governo e media inglesi nascondono i fatti |
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Experts suisses : Le poison des Skripal était un innervant de l’OTAN |
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Rusiya Xarici İşlər Nazirliyi Skripal işini diqqətdən kənarda qoymayacaq |
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The Three Most Important Aspects of the Skripal Case so Far … and Where They Might be Pointing |
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The UK Government’s Skripal Conspiracy Theory – or The Art of Holding a Mass of Contradictory Thoughts in Your Head |
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30 Questions That Journalists Should be Asking About the Skripal Case |
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Mientras tanto los periódicos no se apresuran a disculparse Porque entonces tendrán que admitir que el Gobierno de Su Majestad miente abiertamente a sus ciudadanos Y si han mentido en esto podrían haber mentido en otras cosas como en el caso Skripal y el presunto ataque químico en gusta: |
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Russia’s questions to the United Kingdom regarding the Skripal case fabricated against Russia |
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Die Skripal-Affäre – Episode einer Verschwörung |
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The Lady and the Curiously Absent Suspect — Yet Another 20 Questions on the Skripal Case |
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Caso Skripal: Rusia pide otra reunión del Consejo de Seguridad |
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Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU se reúne para discutir el caso Skripal |
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The Skripal Case: It Looks Like Mrs May Has Some Explaining to do! |
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30 ważnych pytań w sprawie Skripala i reakcji rządu brytyjskiego które powinni zadawać dziennikarze |
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Yulia Skripal’s fiance ‘in hiding’ amid spy claims connected to Vladimir Putin |
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Sergei Skripal Salisbury and the Dangerously Hysterical Response of the British Government |
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Anh nghi thủ phạm đầu độc Skripal là cựu điệp viên FSB |
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20 More Questions That Journalists Should be Asking About the Skripal Case |
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Caso Skripal: prohíben que Julian Assange se comunique con el exterior |
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Skripala prawdopodobnie próbował otruć brytyjski wywiad żeby oczernić Rosję i uciszyć rosyjską wizję świata |
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El diario The Times por su parte publicó el artículo titulado: ‘Los trolls de Skripal se movilizan para difundir noticias sobre el bombardeo‘ Según el autor de la publicación Mark Bridge la activista de Finlandia bajo el nombre de Citizen Halo podría ser un bot del Kremlin |
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The Skripal Case: 20 New Questions That Journalists Might Like to Start Asking |
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Den senaste veckan har huvudnyheten i världen varit Theresa Mays påhopp på Ryssland genom anklagelser att Putin skulle ha beordrat morden på den avhoppade spionen Sergei Skripal och hans dotter i Salisbury England PK-media rapporterar lydigt och i falsett om det ofattbara övergreppet mot engelsk lag – ett mord utfört av Ryssland på engelsk mark! |
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Kremlinul sterge urmele! Artizanul neurotoxinei Novichock cu care a fost otravit spionul Skripal izbit in |
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“Der Luftangriff auf mutmaßliche Chemiewaffeneinrichtungen in Syrien war ein Bruch des Völkerrechts Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt ein Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Bundestages” Tagesschau 204 2018 zu Altbekanntem – weiter keinerlei westliche Beweise im Fall Skripal… |
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Según May la actividad de los bots rusos presuntamente creció hasta 4000 tras el envenenamiento de los Skripal y el ataque de EEUU el Reino Unido y Francia contra Siria |
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Russian Hit List Included Poisoned Sergei Skripal and Boris Karpichkov |
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«Londres necesitaba un caso como el de Skripal para desviar la |
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Who Is Really Responsible for Poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal |
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”Cazul Skripal” – război diplomatic împotriva Rusiei |
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Dilyana Gaytandzhieva: Das Porton Down Center könnte in den Skripal-Anschlag verwickelt sein |
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If the Skripal incident were an NHS complaint … |
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Skripal: Regierung blockiert Medienberichte – Medien verändern Berichte nachträglich |
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Skripal Putin Chińczycy i globalna szachownica |
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BMT Təhlükəsizlik Şurası Skripal işi üzrə yenidən toplandı |
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„Jedna lež za druhou a inteligentní lidé Západu ze sebe dělají idioty“ Otrava Skripala a útok v Sýrii pohledem spisovatele Olšera který mnohé zvedne ze židlí |
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NS N°4/2018 – AFFAIRE SKRIPAL : Non au poison |
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The Skripal Poisonings and the Chance To Build A Left Foreign Policy |
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Jefe de la OPAQ cae también ante los humoristas rusos y confiesa: El veneno usado contra los Skripal pudo ser desarrollado incluso en EEUU |
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Insiden Skripal: Episod baharu pembunuhan warga Rusia di Britain |
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Cazul Skripal – aritmetică diplomatică |
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THẾ GIỚI 24H: OPCW “minh oan” cho Syria vụ vũ khí hóa học thông tin mới nhất về vụ đầu độc cựu điệp viên Skripal10 |
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Samtalet med Julia Skripal |
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Russia sells vodka named after nerve agent that poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal |
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From Skripal to Syria – The Empire’s “New Realities” Are Reaching The End of the Road |
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Rusijos propaganda Skripalių nuodijimą susiejo su Verygos idėja: kaip sulaikyti vaikus kad per pertraukas nebėgtų pirkti kebabų |
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Le silence des Skripal – Le gouvernement anglais censure l’information et les médias refont l’histoire |
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Whether It’s Russiagate Skripal or Syria the Media Have Lost Their Grip on Reality |
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Is Yulia Skripal Being Denied Her Legal Rights |
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The Slowly Building Anger in the UK at the Government’s Handling of the Skripal Case |
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The Silence Of The Skripals – Government Blocks Press Reports – Media Change The Record |
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Skripal Syria NATO and Brexit: Why They are all Siamese Quads Joined at the Head |
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The Skripal Case: The Unbelievable Recklessness of the British Government and Their Utter Contempt for the Rule of Law |
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Rusiya XİN “Skripal işi” barədə |
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Bodo Ramelow/LINKE und die Wertvorstellungen seiner Koalitionspartner SPD und GRÜNE Wer in Deutschland stockreaktionär ist – und wer Skripal – 224 2018 – weiterhin keine westlichen Beweise Die Neudefinition der Liste zivilisierter Länder |
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