Index of references to Skripal in Global Information Space with daily updates
New headings with Skripal from Top 1,000,000 websites extracted on 2019-01-06
# | Headings H1-H6 | Count |
How the Integrity Initiative Spun the West’s Improbable Skripal Narrative | 5 | |
Skripal | 2 | |
If Yulia Skripal Now Understands Everything What Did They Tell Her Before | 1 | |
‘Operation Iris’ amp more: New documents tie Integrity Initiative to spin of Skripal affair | 1 | |
Skripal 20: It’s High Time for the British Government to Explain Itself – Here’s 10 Easy Questions to Help Them Out | 1 | |
World News Jan 5 2019 Edition: President Xi Orders Chinese Army To “Prepare For War” – France Ablaze Again: Yellow Vests Rage After Founder Arrested Cops Punched Tear Gas Deployed – British Army Seeks “Snowflakes” And “Selfie Addicts” As Recruitment Numbers Slide – Skripal spin doctors: Documents link UK govt-funded Integrity Initiative to anti-Russia narrative – Record snowfall for Oklahoma City – Record December snowfall in British Columbia | 1 | |
Why Yulia Skripal’s Belief That She Was Attacked is Not Supported by the Door Handle Theory | 1 | |
Proruské dezinformace loni cílily na Kyjev EU a kauzu Skripal | 1 | |
The Claim That CCTV Shows the Salisbury Poisoning Suspects in the Vicinity of Mr Skripal’s House is Deeply Misleading | 1 | |
Installed all the details of the assassination Skripal | 1 | |
William of Ockham Lends His Razor to the Skripal Case | 1 | |
If Yulia Skripal Can’t be Prevailed Upon to Believe the British Government’s Claims Why Should Anyone Else | 1 | |
‘Operation Iris’ amp more: New Documents tie Integrity Initiative to spin of Skripal Affair | 1 | |
CCTV Footage Shows Petrov amp Boshirov Close to the Skripals — Only it’s Not at Mr Skripal’s House | 1 | |
Mürgiekspert palgati Ühendkuningriigis juba enne Skripalide juhtumit | 1 |