Early Marriage Hits High Rates in some Areas of Syria |
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Timeline of the Disruptions Series of Aluk Water Pumping Station North East Syria |
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Syria: Rising Child Abandonment Poverty is the Leading Cause |
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Front Lines Aflame: Crop Fires Ravage Syria’s Jazirah Region Scorching Fields and Destroying Harvests |
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Syrian minister accuses Turkey of being one of region’s ‘main sponsors of terror’ |
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Syria minister calls Turkey main terrorism sponsor in region |
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“Bom Ninja” – vũ khí bí mật của Mỹ để tiêu diệt thủ lĩnh khủng bố ở Syria |
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The Syriac Gospel A bird’s view of its origins and the Evangelion da-Mepharreshe |
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Syria will end occupation by all means |
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Illegal transfer of Dozens of Syrian detainees into Turkey following Operation Peace Spring |
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Tunisians took to streets in support of Syria |
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11 Syrian Organizations Strongly Condemns the Repeated Assassinations in Deir Ezzor Against Tribal Leaders |
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Syriac Identity of Lebanon – part 6: Syriac Lebanese vocabulary |
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Russia’s and Turkey’s Recruitment of Syrian Mercenaries to Libya: Two Faces of the same Colonialist Coin |
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Syrian Militant Injured in Azerbaijan warns Fellow mercenaries Not to Come to Azerbaijan |
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Syria accuses the US using sanctions to suffocate Syrians ‘like George Floyd’ |
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The United Nations in Syria or how the road to hell is paved with good intentions |
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Reports Turkey Is Transferring Syrian Militants To Azerbaijan As Hostilities Against Armenia Increases |
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In Collusion with the “Syrian Government” a Russian Security Company Recruits Thousands of Syrians as Mercenaries… |
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Syria condemns US hostile actions against Iran |
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The Great Monarch will also restore the Holy Roman Empire and reign as the ‘Roman King’ / Christian Roman Emperor: St Hippolytus implied as the Frankish king of the West shall subdue the East Rome shall have ten kingdoms meaning an empire near the end of time St Methodius of Olympus St Ephraim the Syrian The dominion of the ‘Roman Kingdom’ will stretch to the ends of the earth an Empire and no one will be able to resist it St Remy St Bede the Venerable St Maurus Rabanus Adso of Montier-en-Der St Hildegard of Bingen Bl Joachim of Fiore Andrew of Salos St Thomas Becket will take three major crowns of Italy – the Iron Crown of Lombardy is among them – implies he will be Holy Roman Emperor as they are crowned Kings of Italy with the Iron Crown Abbot ‘Werdin’ d’Otranto St John of Capistrano an election at Aachen hints of an Imperial Election St Francis of Paola Bl Bernard di Bustis the Angelic Pope will crown him Emperor Bl Catherine of Racconigi he will be raised up as another Bl Charlemagne who was first Holy Roman Emperor Madre Magdalena de la Vera Cruz he will be like another Alexander the Great in how how fast he will gain his Empire The Birch Tree Prophecies an early prophecy says the Holy Roman Empire will punish all evil doers – indicates a restoration of the Holy Roman Empire Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser Bernard Rembold ‘Spielbahn’ Abbé Souffrant he will rule Europe like an Emperor Abbot Eugenio Pecche Alois Irlmaier after the victory he san an Emperor cornwd by the Pope – also sees other crowns |
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Syrian army attack on the Turkish army |
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1400 mercenaries fly to Syria after their Libya contracts have ended |
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Russia’s Syrian Air Base Has US Scrambling for a Plan |
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Northwestern Syria: Fresh Violent Airstrikes Target Jammed Marketplaces |
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Suicide bomber kills many in Afghanistan to mark the start of Eid: Syria faces the duality of terrorism |
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Syrian groups meet in Qatar which is supporting terrorism sectarianism and sedition against Syria |
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Asclépiades commune et asclépias syriaca tuberosa incarnata comestible et toxique ! |
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WEBINAR: “War on terror” from Guantánamo to Syria |
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السفر إلى سوريا و السياحة في سوريا Syria |
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89 Organizations Denounce Turkey’s Repeated Water cut to Hundreds of Thousands of People in Syria’s North East |
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Isu Sunni – Syiah Di Syria: Pandangan Sebahagian Pimpinan parti Islam Dibidas! |
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The Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff will not reign until the Earth is completely chastised with all these dreadful punishments: St Ephraim the Syrian Age of Peace established by the ‘Roman Kingdom’ comes after the fire and destruction Vatiguerro Prophecy Bl Catherine of Racconigi Bl Elisabetta Canori Mora The Holy Pope destined to restore the Church will come after the dreadful punishments Bl Anna Maria Taigi the Angelic Pontiff will come after the Three Days he will be miraculously pointed out by Sts Peter and Paul APPARITION OF OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE indicates that the a great king will ascend the throne after the great disorders and the destruction of Paris and Marseilles then religion will flourish again through the world Ven Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg the promised king will come after the chastisements his destiny is to repair and regenerate all St Mariam Baouardy France will become the ‘Queen of all Kingdoms’ but after the chastisements Marie-Julie Jahenny France must be punished and completely cleansed first then the Great Monarch will come to free the Pontiff – this will be the Triumph of Rome Fr Don Dolindo Ruotolo the Great King and Angelic Pontiff establish the ‘Kingdom of Love’ after the earth is chastised this is the First Triumph of the Church Alois Irlmaier saw an Emperor crowned by the pope who had fled He sees three crowns and an old crown from the south honoured once again – the great peace comes at this time when the wars are over |
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Security forces kill 13 militants near Syria border |
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7: Syria Categorized Email List |
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The Bombing of Idlib’s Marketplaces by Syrian Regular Forces and Allies a Repeated Pattern |
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Thắng kịch tính Syria Việt Nam giành vé lịch sử dự bán kết ASIAD |
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Turkey Continues to Weaponize Alok Water amid COVID-19 Outbreak in Syria |
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General Qaani successor of Quds Force Commander and Turkish forces in Syria Hit with Suicide Attack |
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The protest of Syrian refugees trapped in Greece demand basic rights |
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Turkey Saudi Arabia and Qatar should be charged for war crimes against Syria |
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2007 Operation Orchard: Israel Bombs Syrian Nuclear Reactor |
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Anonymous browsingTrove of Docs Leaked by Anonymous Shows How Western Intel PR Firms Crafted False Syria Narrative |
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The armies of the Great Monarch will be aided by St Michael who will fight Satan and thereby bring the victory: St Ephraim the Syrian St Michael with God’s heavenly armies will wipe out the enemies hoards from the East The Prophecies of Premol St Hildegard of Bingen Ven Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg St Michael will bring the exiled prince back Marie-Julie Jahenny St Michael will lead the armies with the Banner of the Sacred Heart-St Michael promised to destroy all that has to do with Freemasonry – all the corruption of the democratic and socialist governments of today must be completely eradicated before the King can rule as a an absolute Catholic monarch |
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‘Bom Ninja’ – vũ khí bí mật của Mỹ để tiêu diệt thủ lĩnh khủng bố ở Syria |
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The Syrian Mental Health Crisis: Present Findings and Future Directions |
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Kurds and Christians in Syria should fear the FSA Islamists Turkey Qatar and Saudi Arabia |
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SOHR: 1400 Mercenaries Returned from Libya to Syria |
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Obstacles of Buy Property will Remove for Syrian Citizens in Turkey |
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أكواد Syriatel و MTN |
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Tensions between Tehran and Damascus as Iran looks to carve more of Syria for itself |
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Turkey’s assault against Syrian Kurds leaves trail of misery and spin |
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Syrian foreign minister says US sanctions ‘suffocate Syrians just like George Floyd’ |
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Syrian Organizations welcome the Dutch government’s decision to hold the Syrian authorities A Complaint to the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council on the Deliberate Interruptions of Water Supplies from Aluk Water Station |
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Turkey’s Recruitment of Syrian Mercenaries to Fight in Libya: Process and Legal Consequences |
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The Syria Boondoggle: Who’s Ready to Die in Vain |
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Hamas Supports Erdogan’s Brutal Attack on Syrian Civilians |
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friends of syria |
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Military Situation In Syria And Northern Lebanon On Septembe |
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Freedomroo – Northern Syria dresses its wounds left by 9 years of civil war |
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News in brief: Mechanisation amp the failing economy / Worsening health amp mortality in the UK / Agricultural markets amp sovereign power in Syria / Monitoring global shipping activity |
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Save Syrian Children: A One Minute Video That Will Make You Question Your Love Towards Humanity |
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When France once again becomes the ‘Queen of all Kingdoms’ it will rule over Syria: St Mariam Baouardy |
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The Great Monarch will bring great peace to the world – Age of Peace: St Methodius of Olympus St Ephraim the Syrian God’s age of peace will be established during the rule of the ‘Roman Kingdom’ which no one will be able to resist St Caesarius of Arles Prophecies of Premol St Hildegard of Bingen Andrew of Salos Vatiguerro Prophecy Abbot ‘Werdin’ d’Otranto St Bridget of Sweden St Vincent Ferrer St Francis of Paola St John of Capistrano Madre Magdalena de la Vera Cruz Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser Birch Tree and Rhineland prophecy of 1701 – the White Prince will be a great peacemaker Bernard Rembold ‘Spielbahn’ the Holy Roman Emperor will bring peace to mankind Abbé Souffrant the peace will be so great it will not be like anything ever experienced before in past centuries Sr Rose of Colomba of Taggi peace will not return until the White Flower / Lily ascends the throne of France Ven Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg Marie Martel / APPARITIONS OF TILLY Marie-Julie Jahenny |
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Syria: New Visual Evidence of Bulldozing the ‘Ali Dada’ Historic Shrine in Afrin |
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Branded: FT: Syria vote shows Labour’s deep divisions 4:38 mins |
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US demands Syria cease-fire slaps sanctions on Tu |
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Download Lagu Anak Suriah : Heartbeat The Children Of Syria – Subtitle Indonesia |
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Quân đội Nga sử dụng các kinh nghiệm chiến đấu trên chiến trường Syria trong diễn tập Caucasus-2020 |
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New Notifications Declare Dead Hundreds in Syrian Security Services’ Detention Facilities |
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How Sneaking into War-Torn Syria Changed My Life |
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Suleimani’s absence has not been a problem for Iran in Syria |
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Turkish artillery attacks on residential buildings in Al-Hasakah province in Syria |
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The earth will also be punished by the elements unleashed plagues crop failures famines and wars foreign and civil revolutions the rise of Islam utter carnage all as warning / cleansing chastisements: Prophet Joel plagues and famines sweep the earth JESUS CHRIST St Ephraim the Syrian invaders from Gog and Magog ie invaders from the Middle East Muslims will capture Jerusalem St Caesarius of Arles Prophecies of Premol St Hildegard of Bingen Bl Joachim of Fiore Vatiguerro Prophecy Abbot ‘Werdin’ D’Otranto St Bridget of Sweden Fr Botin St Francis of Paola punishments by invasions from infidels and heretics Bl Catherine of Racconigi Bl Bartholomew Cambi de Saluzzo The Birch Tree and Rhineland Prophecies – revolts against rightful rulers ie anti monarchy revolts fathers against sons and sons against fathers Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser Peré Nectou Bernard Rembold ‘Spielbahn’ Sr Jeanne de Le Royer of the Nativity Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich Bl Elisabetta Canori Mora Abbé Souffrant Bishop George Michael Wittman wars revolutions scarsity poverty pestilential maladies and other misfortunes APPARITION OF OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE the world will be given up to impious passions disorder will be everywhere the pope and religious persecuted a great famine will also happen at this time Sr Rose Colomba of Taggia starvation and earthquakes before the precursor antichrist Ven Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg St Mariam Baouardy every nation shall be shaken by wars and civil wars Marie Martel / APPARITIONS OF TILLY Marie-Julie Jahenny APPARITIONS OF HEEDE what is coming will surpass everything that has happened in the world up to now Ida Peerdeman / THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS Alois Irlmaier WW III Bl Sister Elena Aiello mentions plagues wars Fr Bernardo Martinez / APPARITIONS OF CUAPA WW III has been pronounced |
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Syrian Karma |
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Syrian perspective – Ziad Fadel |
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Syrian rebels committed crimes against humanity: HRW – Tehran Times |
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Quân đội Lebanon diệt và bắt sống hàng chục tay súng khủng bố trên biên giới với Syria |
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In Collusion with the “Syrian Government” a Russian Security Company Recruits Thousands of Syrians as Mercenaries to Fight in Libya alongside “Haftar” |
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Pompeo slams Russia China for blocking humanitarian aid to northern Syria |
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The arrival of the Antichrist is possible as Christians have grown lax during the prosperous Age of Peace and will begin to doubt the Faith The earth will grow evil again and become doubly corrupt – the last Great Apostasy foretold by St Paul: St Methodius of Olympus St Ephraim the Syrian St Caesarius of Arles St Hildegard of Bingen Vatiguerro Prophecy St Vincent Ferrer – those who receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will stand firm against the Antichrist Bl Bernard di Bustis Dionysius of Luxemburg people will lose the faith again and grow corrupt before the Antichrist Sr Jeanne de Le Royer of the Nativity a certain evil priest will do much to harm the Church near the coming of the Antichrist Ven Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg the world will grow evil again after the Age of Peace and last until the End of Time OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE the peace and abundance will be taken for granted – people will fall back into the old disorders the Antichrist will be born Fr Don Dolindo Ruotolo notes that the apostasy and perversion that comes before the reign of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff is a sign of the Great Apostasy that will happen just before the Antichrist comes – so yes the world will grow lax and corrupt one more time after the Age of Peace before the Antichrist comes |
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Syrian child burned by regime napalm bomb attacks – no medicine to treat him |
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The first International Contest writers cartoon 2020/ SYRIA |
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Syriana M |
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108000 work permits issued for Syrian refugees since onset of crisis |
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Jury OF the first International Contest writers cartoon 2020/ SYRIA |
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سيارة شام تزيد من قدركم بين الناس وليس العكس! – Syria Steps |
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Freedomroo – Mothers from Turkey Switzerland Bosnia lend helping hand to Syrian children |
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Initial Russian Strikes in Syria Are Not Targeting ISIS |
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Despite the challenges the fight against COVID-19 in Syria must leave no one behind |
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Russia’s Intervention in Syria: Historical and Geopolitical Context |
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Armenia settles Syrian Armenians in Azerbaijani territories Why is the world silent |
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كيف تتغير سورية للأفضل/How Syria is Changing for the Better |
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Muallem: Golan is indispensable part of Syria we will not rest until it is taken US sanctions inhumane are aimed at suffocating Syrian people |
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Freedomroo – New regime policy hinders Syrians from returning home rights group says |
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Victims of a Broken System: A Syrian Refugee Family’s Struggle for Healthcare in Lebanon |
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Syrian Refugee Family United By MUrgency Airport Assistance |
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The Great Monarch will defeat the Arabs / Turks Muslims: St Hippolytus the king of the Franks will crush the Saracens ie Muslims St Ephraim the Syrian The Roman Kingdom will be set up by God where evil eastern armies of Iran and Iraq once ruled St Caesarius of Arles St Isidore of Seville Andrew of Salos St Bridget of Sweden St Francis of Paola Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser Dionysius of Luxembourg the great ruler will retake the Turkish Empire / lands and make them Christian |
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World amp Syria News |
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Jerusalem will be invaded by ‘Gog and Magog’ Invasion from Iraq / Iran- Suggests Muslim Invaders: St Ephraim the Syrian ‘Prophecies of Premol’ The ‘Sons of Baal’ / Babylon will invade Jerusalem Babylon is in present-day Iraq Ida Peederman / THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS Middle East / Jerusalem will suffer also suggestions of an invasion of Europe from the east |
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Freedomroo – Terror attack in Syria’s Ras al-Ain kills 2 wounds 12 |
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Freedomroo – Iran Russia Turkey must coordinate steps on Syria Iranian FM Zarif says |
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Further Details on a Video Showing a Syrian Fighter Captured in Libya |
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Syrians Rally against Military Presence of US Turkey in Qamishli Countryside |
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Syria/Hasakah: A Complaint to the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council on the Deliberate Interruptions |
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FOP2 is the de facto standard in operator panels used in more than 150 countries Iraq Tanazania Barbados Denmark Slovenia Nicaragua Netherlands Haiti Bulgaria Panama Andorra Hong Kong Sweden Algeria Cyprus Jamaica Gibraltar El Salvador Antigua and Barbuda Latvia United Arab Emirates Greece Lithuania Lebanon Poland Bosnia and Herzegovina Viet Nam Mali Mexico Netherlands Antilles Israel Cayman Islands Guatemala Morocco Liechtenstein Qatar Russian Federation Costa Rica Argentina Pakistan Bangladesh Chile Czech Republic Reserved Macedonia Belize Puerto Rico Ecuador Guadeloupe Saudi Arabia Spain Lesotho Rwanda Peru Belarus Germany Papua New Guinea Hungary Bolivia Dominica Uruguay Austria Ghana Laos Ireland Finland Botswana Monaco Myanmar Bahamas Cote D’ivoire Sri Lanka French Polynesia Suriname Mongolia Turkey Italy Iran Azerbaijan Fiji Malaysia Indonesia Serbia France Burkina Faso Moldova Republic of Romania Saint Vincent and Th Philippines Honduras Virgin Islands New Caledonia Belgium Venezuela Kuwait Uganda United States South Africa Namibia Paraguay Kyrgyzstan Senegal Taiwan Croatia Singapore Cambodia China Vanuatu Mauritius Portugal Bahrain Oman India Ethiopia Albania European Union Georgia Trinidad and Tobago Nigeria Egypt New Zealand Switzerland Japan Norway Syrian Arab Republic Ukraine Slovakia Malta Australia Canada Zimbabwe Jordan Colombia Brazil Korea Republic of Dominican Republic Afghanistan Kazakhstan Saint Kitts and Nevis Luxembourg Aruba Kenya Armenia Palestinian Territory Maldives Thailand Tunisia Uzbekistan United Kingdom Estonia |
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Video Allegedly Showing Syrian Militants In Azerbaijan Surfa |
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Ust Farid Okbah: Kenapa Israel Syiah amp Sekutunya Bimbang Mujahidin Menang Di Syria |
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Iran’s Military Intervention in Syria: Long-Term Implications |
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UNHCR: 45 of Syrian Refugees are of working age and 177 thousand of them have obtained work permits |
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Tabung Kemanusiaan SYRIA |
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New article on Syria and its jihadists in Newsweek |
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PETITION TO CONGRESS: Ban importation of 200000 Syrian migrants into the US |
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Syrian Refugees |
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Syria u23 asia cup 2020 |
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Syrian Children |
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Syria Email Database Lists |
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US Is Suffocating Us With Sanctions Like George Floyd — Syria |
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Turkey-backed Syrian mercenaries arrive in Azerbaijan – SOHR |
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Peta Negara Suriah / Syria map |
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The Great Catholic Monarch’s authority shall extend everywhere: St Hippolytus the Frankish king of the west shall subdue the east the Roman Empire near the end of time shall have ten kingdoms St Ephraim the Syrian the dominion of the ‘Roman Kingdom’ will spread to the ends of the earth St Caesarius of Arles Andrew of Salos St Francis of Paola Ven Bartholmew Holzhauser Abbé Souffrant together with the Russian Emperor who will rule the East he will rule the West and all sovereigns will be subject to them — |
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Russia Responds To Trump Syria Threat With Nuclear Weapon Flights Targeting US Navy |
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Immigrant From The Slums of Syria to an American Success Story: Mo Abboud |
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Syria: Violent Military Escalation Takes Toll on Civilians in Western Rural Aleppo |
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Turkey Could Use Syrian Islamists Against Fellow NATO Ally Greece |
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Turkey’s Syrian National Army |
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My Take on Syria ! |
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UN: Syria calls Turkey as the epicenter of terror in the world |
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The Antichrist will appear when the Great Monarch’s reign / Age of Peace comes to an end – the Antichrist is defeated the Second Coming of Christ: St Paul the Apostle St Paul’s teaching shows the Antichrist will be defeated by Christ Himself on the Last Day just before time on earth ends so this means the Antichrist appears after the Age of Peace St Irenaeus of Lyon Antichrist sets up his seat in Jerusalem and will be defeated at the Second Coming St Hippolytus implied in the prophecies plus confirms that the Antichrist comes at the end of time and is defeated just before the Second Coming St Methodius of Olympus people grow lax after the Monarch’s reign – the Antichrist then comes St Ephraim the Syrian the world will grow corrupt again after the Roman Empire is established the Antichrist will then come St Cyril of Jerusalem The Antichrist attempts to take all the Roman Empire will humble some kingdoms and take others but will be defeated by Christ at the Second Coming St Caesarius of Arles after the Age of Peace with the King and Pontiff fervor will cool the earth will grow corrupt then the Antichrist will come after him the end of the world St Maurus Rabanus after the reign of the Great Monarch the Antichrist comes and rebuilds the temple in Jerusalem Adso of Montier-en-Der The Antichrist comes after the Frankish King of the Roman Empire St Hildegard of Bingen The Antichrist comes after the Great Monarch Andrew of Salos The Antichrist comes after the King of God Abbot ‘Werdin’ D’Otranto The Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff will precede come before the Antichrist St Bridget of Sweden indicates the Antichrist comes after the King St Vincent Ferrer Christians will grow lax again after the Age of Peace- the Antichrist then comes Bl Bernard di Bustis indicates the Antichrist comes after the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser The Antichrist comes after the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff Dionysius of Luxembourg a great Christian ruler comes before the Antichrist aka the Great Monarch Bl Anna Maria Taigi the Antichrist will come after the Church experiences the Great Renewal / Peace under the Angelic Pontiff Mélanie Calvat / APPARITION OF OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE the Antichrist comes after the King and teh short time of peace Fr Don Dolindo Ruotolo The Antichrist comes after the reign of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff- Christ then defeats the Antichrist this is the ‘Second Triumph’ of the Church |
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Chiến sự Syria |
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Syrian Aid Resolution a Step Forward by th |
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Phân tích Mỹ tấn công Syria–Tiền mã hóa bỗng trở thành nơi trú ẩn an toàn cho các nhà đầu tư |
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Hotels in Syria |
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Locations of Iranian forces in Syria |
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US demands Syria cease-fire slaps sanctions on Turkey over incursion |
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Maximpact Expands Online English and Employment Classes to Support Syrian Refugees |
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Top forces kill 13 militants near Syria border |
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89 Organizations Denounce Turkey’s Repeated Water cut to Hundreds of Thousands of People in Syria’s North |
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The Great Monarch will possess Jerusalem: St Methodius of Olympus the Monarch will fight his enemies and will live the last ten years of his reign in Jerusalem before the Antichrist appears St Ephraim the Syrian as the ‘Roman Kingdom’ of God will be set up on the ruins of the Iraqi and Iranian armies that occupy Jerusalem the king of the ‘Roman Kingdom’ will obviously retake Jerusalem St Isidore of Seville St Thomas he will travel to Cyprus then to Jaffa and then to Christ’s tomb aka Jerusalem where he will fight- he will be like a crusader knight Bl Joachim de Fiore – says the Angelic Pope shall restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem but this is obviously with the aid of King Madre Magdalena de la Vera Cruz Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser he will rule over the Jews they will have started to or will have rebuilt the Temple by then |
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The Syrian Refugee Boy Who Started School For Refugees When He Was 12 |
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TV: Syrianska föll mot Rågsved – se matchen i repris |
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Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tiêu diệt hàng chục chiến binh người Kurd ở Syria Iraq |
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US commission members praise religious diversity in northeast Syria |
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The Great Monarch will come before or just about the time when the last of the greatest depopulating chastisement hits or will hit the earth – Also prophecies of the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS: Prophet Joel the sun and moon will be darkened before or during the arrival of the unstoppable armies of the Lord seems to indicate the army foretold about the Great Monarch Prophet Isaiah sinners will be wiped out and infidels will be brought low during the ‘Day of the Lord’ when the sun and moon are darkened St Ephraim the Syrian God will send fire from the sky to wipe out the evil armies from the East – The ‘Roman Kingdom’ / Empire of peace will be established afterwards St Hildegard of Bingen a comet Vatiguerro Prophecy also the TWO DAYS of Darkness Bl Elisabetta Canori Mora Hell will literally be let loose Three Days of Darkness Bl Anna Maria Taigi the Three Days of Darkness will cleanse the earth St Gaspar del Bufalo the Three Days will wipe out all of the Church’s persecutors – the earth will be covered with bodies Sr Rose of Colomba of Taggi St Mariam Baouardy the Three Days will wipe out the ‘evil cause so that only one fourth of mankind will survive’ Marie Martel / APPARITIONS OF TILLY she saw the fire and Days of Darkness over the earth MARE-JULIE JAHENNY most detailed prophecies to date on the Three Days and the Great Monarch Fr Don Dolindo Ruotolo The Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff will seem defeated at first but a great punishment strikes the earth the apostates convert to thier ‘Kingdom of Love’ Ida Peerdeman / THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS cosmic chastisement is seen / meteors – also Ida sees a symbolic reference to the Great Monarch which she says will happen ‘later’ |
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What’s really behind America’s rush to war in Syria |
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Syrian Engineer |
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Freedomroo – Normalization period in northern Syria’s Tal Abyad revives economic life trade |
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Syrian army destroyed at least 10 Turkish armored vehicles near Idlib – source |
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syria chat |
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War between Libyan groups and Syrian mercenaries erupts for the GNA wallet |
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Quân cảnh Nga bị úp sọt ở Syria thiết giáp BTR-82A tan tành |
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Quân đội Syria tiêu diệt 10 xe tăng xe bọc thép Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ chỉ trong 3 giờ đồng hồ |
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Support to Syrian community workers in Jordan dealing with gender based violence |
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Syria Calls All States at The Butt End of ‘Suffocating’ US Sanctions to ‘Close Ranks’ and Resist |
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Provide pure water and fresh food for syrian poor people |
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The prospect of a peacekeeping operation in Syria |
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Syrian Organizations welcome the Dutch government’s decision to hold the Syrian authorities accountable |
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