Syria’s Assad says billions locked in troubled Lebanese banks behind economic crisis |
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Assad blames Syria’s current economic woes on Lebanese banks |
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SNHR Successfully Nominates Syrian Child Enar Who Reported the Suffering of Eastern Ghouta’s Children for International Children’s Peace Prize 2020 |
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iMMAP Receives Funding from EU on Syrian Refugee Returns Project |
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Eleven Countries Voted against Human Rights Council Resolutions Condemning Violations against the Syrian People Since March 2011 |
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Syrian Refugee ‘Sets Himself Ablaze’ in Lebanon |
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US troop presence in Syria to remain same regardless of election outcome – Syria envoy |
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Understanding the Syrian Civil War through Galtung’s Conflict Theory |
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The Best Syrian Music |
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Problems faced by Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Switzerland |
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Forced demographic change as a geopolitical tool in post-war Syria |
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The Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria- The Role of International Law |
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Re-Coding Smart Building in Damascus Syria by Reparametrize Studio |
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The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in October 2020 |
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Albanian IS Repatriation From Syria Will Be Long Journey Experts Say |
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‘The New Syria’: Critical perspectives on the deradicalisation and reintegration of Islamist offenders |
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Syria |
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6 Aleppo Syria |
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The Elephant Hunters of Bronze Age Syria 2013 |
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Civilian killed in Syria’s Idlib by regime forces – Middle East Monitor |
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Hillary Clinton Says “Take Out Syrian Air Fields” |
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SARC everywhere for everyone in Syria |
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‘Ethiopia is my home’: Syrian chefs build new lives fuelled by |
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Kesh Malek Syria |
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After a rocket attack Israel strikes Iranian sites in Syria |
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SARC organized Sphere first training in Syria |
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SyRiAn Sh3ll V8 Shell Download |
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Presence Of Turkish-backed Syrian Militants In Nagorno-Karab |
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Muslim player Mesut Özil donated Money Families in Turkey Syria and Somalia |
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Syriac dictionary ܠܟܣܝܟܘܢ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ |
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SyRiAn Sh3ll V8 Shell |
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No Alternative to Return Home: Violations Committed by Kurdish- Study about the Leaked Pictures of Torture Victims in Syrian |
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How Sneaking into War-Torn Syria Changed My Life |
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Tragedy Beckons in Syria as War-Ravaged Health‑Care System Is Ill-Equipped to Cope with COVID-19 Spread Humanitarian Chief Warns Security Council – Syrian Arab Republic |
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A Word from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent President Eng Khaled Hboubati |
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Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants 159 – 161 Water Cress/ Fleabane/ Syrian Rue |
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Blogpost: Syria Refugees blame game |
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MTN in talks to sell MTN Syria to Saudi-owned TeleInvest |
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Funded by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development we are missioned of aiding Syrian Refugees to integrate into workforce in Turkey |
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ICC Juridical mandate on war crimes committed in Syria |
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Syrian Dad Tells Daughter To Laugh When Bombs Explode In A |
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On Blaming Climate Change for the Syrian Civil War |
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Now online: Syrian revolutionary socialist Ghayath Naisse interviewed on the brutalisation of Syria the goals of those intervening and the prospects for socialists in the region |
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Assad blames Syria’s current economic woes on Lebanese banks |
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Syrian Artists: Between Freedom and Oppression |
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Egypt rejects any ‘forced demographic change’ in Syria |
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Human Rights Situation in occupied Syrian Golan |
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On Their Way To Attack Syria Russian War Ships Travelled Right Through UK Waters |
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Syria Facts: 44 Informative Facts About Syria |
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‘Ethiopia is my home’: Syrian chefs build new lives fuelled by… |
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The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in September 2020 |
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سوریه، آذربایجان، عراق، ارمنستان از سنگ های ما استفاده می کنند Syria Azerbaijan Iraq Armenia are using our stones |
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Syria Situation Report: October 14 – 27 2020 |
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CCSD’s fifth letter to Syrian Women and Men at the time of Coronavirus |
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Syrian Regime Continues To Encourage Popular Tribal Resistance Against US Assad: This Is The Only Way To Force The Americans To Leave |
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Trump’s record on Syria: Enabler of Assad’s victory enemy of Syrians |
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This shouldn’t be a relaxing video but it is! – Watch this chill edit of one soldiers deployment in Syria! |
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Canada USA Australia Malaysia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Germany Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta the Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Norway Iceland Liechtenstein Sweden United Kingdom Andorra Vatican Monaco San Marino Cyprus Switzerland Israel Syria Singapore Hong Kong New Zealand Iran Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Japan and the Russian Federation Belarus |
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Arab Papers Report That Efforts Are Underway To Promote Syrian Peace Agreement With Israel Syria Denies Reports |
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Syrian gold coin with Arabic inscription unearthed in Madurai Tamil Nadu |
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Interactive charts for civilians casualties in Syria |
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Through the lens: Chronicling daily life and the challenges of Covid-19 in Syria |
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Chronicling daily life in Syria |
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قناة سوريا دراما Syria Drama بث مباشر |
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UNHCR: 45 of Syrian Refugees are of working age and 177 thousand of them have obtained work permits |
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Presence Of Turkish-backed Syrian Militants In Nagorno-Karabakh Gives Armenia Additional Chances In War |
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Youths and the democratic change in Syria |
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Syrian Revolution Michael Comments |
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Syrian airstrike kills at least 29 Turkish soldiers in Idlib Turkish |
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Press conference Russian MOD spokesman on Syria ENG et FR |
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Our Minister Mr Süleyman SOYLU hosted Mr Muhammed Vecih Cumathe President of the Syrian Turkmen Assembly in His Office |
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PKK/KCK Terrorist Organisation’s Extension in Syria PYD-YPG |
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Women for the Future of Syria |
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Oil-soaked sheep contaminated groundwater: How oil spills are polluting creeks in Syria |
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Military Situation In Syria On November 5 2020 Map Update |
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Phân tích Mỹ tấn công Syria–Tiền mã hóa bỗng trở thành nơi trú ẩn an toàn cho các nhà đầu tư |
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Shelling in Syria rebel enclave kills seven including children |
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Shelling in Syria rebel enclave kills seven including four children |
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Horror in Syria continues as 235000 flee Russian bombing |
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The death of 818 Individuals Due to the Syrian Regime’s and |
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Second journey to Syria |
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Catholic Syrian Bank IPO Should you Appl |
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Open Letter to All Delegates at the ‘Supporting the Future of Syria amp the Region – Brussels IV Conference’ |
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President of Syrian Arab Red Crescent |
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Syria destroyed my faith in what journalism can accomplish |
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Kunjungan Syaikh Dari Syria |
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Chaos Continues In Turkish-Occupied Areas In Northern Northeaster Syria Video Photos |
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1 Damaskus Syria |
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All around the world working for better Syria |
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Chemical Weapons Use Allegations in Aleppo and Saraqib Syria |
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About Syria |
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Syrian Refugees and Water Security |
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Noam Chomsky jumps the shark on Syria |
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syriadalilcom |
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What’s really behind America’s rush to war in Syria |
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Najjah Tudung Syria 30 – Set |
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How an Evangelical Syrian Spoke at Harvard’s Commencement |
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Syrian Network for Human Rights |
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Syrian civil society organizations and the obsession with management |
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Syria’s Assad Says Billions Locked in Troubled Lebanese Banks Behind Economic Crisis |
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The Syrian Arab Red Crescent Organization in cooperation with the United Nations is delivering humanitarian convoy to the people in Rukban Camp |
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Hunger ’emergency’ in Syria’s Idlib |
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Immigration Attorney amp Pastor Comments On Why He Thinks The US Should Still Take In Syrian Refugees |
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108000 work permits issued for Syrian refugees since onset of crisis |
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At least 154 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests/ Detention Documented in Syria |
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Hệ thống phòng không BAVAR-373 Iran ở Syria hiệu quả hơn S-400 Nga |
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Brief: Turkey Considers a Partial Withdrawal From Syria |
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Scaramucci visits Rutgers: Discusses anti-Semitism on college campuses talks Trump and Syria |
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Call for an immediate end to attacks on civilians and hospitals in Idlib Syria |
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سيارة شام تزيد من قدركم بين الناس وليس العكس! – Syria Steps |
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Report: The Impact of the Detention Experience on the survivors’ relationship with public affairs in Syria |
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Syrian Refugees Scapegoated and Mosque’s Vandalized |
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Graffiti becomes a form of resistance for activists in northern Syria |
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Putin’s Hit Teams Of “Chechen Killers” Head For Syria |
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Syria : Sher Mughar observation post start to evacuate |
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Turkestan Islamic Party Since the United States and the Government of Exile Fights against Allah in Afghanistan and Syria |
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iMMAP Receives Funding from EU on Syrian |
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As Trump Tweets He Is ‘Bringing Soldiers Home’ Pentagon Chief Says US Forces Leaving Syria Are Shifting to Iraq |
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The Syrian Refugee Crisis Through The Eyes of A Child: My 9 Year Old Daughter Olivia Weighs In On The Syrian Refugee Crisis |
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Syrian League7 |
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Bosnia Kosovo Syria: Western Inaction and Radicalisation |
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Kết quả U23 Australia – U23 Syria: 120 phút kịch tính vỡ òa bàn thắng “vàng” |
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With Russian Backing Syrian Prisons Turn Slaughterhouses UN Turns Spectator- 13000 Hanged |
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Syrian Jihadi Cleric Condemns Attack In Vienna Praises Paris Attack |
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UN appeals for 211M to help Syria deal with COVID-19 |
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Iran sử dụng vũ khí lai giữa tên lửa và UAV ở Idlib Syria |
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At least 154 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests/ Detention Documented in Syria in October 2020 Including Five Children and Three Women |
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OPCW Issues a New Report Denying the Syrian Regime’s and Russia’s Allegations Accusing the Opposition of Using Chemical Weapons |
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The American Plan for Syria |
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