Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Putin |
100 |
Paraglider charged in Trump resort flight Finns demonstrate |
98 |
UK’s Theresa May: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit |
78 |
Finnish brewery creates quirky beer for Trump-Putin summit |
62 |
Trump told me to sue the EU says May |
57 |
Trump back in Scotland to prepare for Putin talks |
36 |
Trump’s trip to Europe: top five highlights |
34 |
Trump’s remarks about changing European culture draw ire |
32 |
What Trump and Putin hope to achieve at Helsinki summit |
32 |
Russian ‘Reset 20’: What Putin Wants From Trump At Helsinki Summit |
29 |
AP Interview: Croatian leader says Trump Putin key to peace |
22 |
Trump Says He Sees The European Union As A ‘Foe’ Of US |
17 |
Trump walks in front of the Queen sparks outrage |
15 |
Trump sets low expectations for Helsinki summit with Putin |
14 |
Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Putin 2 hours ago |
14 |
Trump trade policies unnerving farmers GOP lawmakers say 3 days ago |
12 |
Ivanka Trump out of fashion at Canadian retailer |
12 |
Major Chain in Canada Pulls Ivanka Trump’s Clothing |
11 |
· UK’s Theresa May Reveals ‘Brutal’ Suggestion Trump Gave Her |
10 |
· What Trump And Putin Hope To Achieve At Helsinki Summit |
10 |
Summit fever: Trump reaches for big moment with Putin |
10 |
To: Donald Trump – |
10 |
· Trump Sets Expectations Low For Helsinki Summit With Putin |
10 |
Trump Putin summit in Helsinki to top their past encounters |
10 |
· Man Arrested Over Paraglider Protest At Trump Resort |
10 |
· 20 Products You Buy That Could Be Hit By Trump’s New Tariffs |
10 |
Theresa May Says Trump Told Her to ‘Sue the EU’ in Brexit Talks |
9 |
Trump Just Ran And Hid In His Resort After An Epic Protest Took His Staff By Storm WATCH |
9 |
Paragliding Trump protester arrested |
9 |
Trump’s China Tariffs Conveniently Spare Ivanka’s Fashion Line |
9 |
Just Sitting Down With Trump Putin Comes Out Ahead |
9 |
Why Trump is the distraction Putin needs |
9 |
Sen Warner says more Americans should be in Trump-Putin meeting |
9 |
President Trump nominates Indiana attorney for federal judge |
8 |
Trump calls the European Union a ‘foe’ of the United States |
8 |
Trump will 2020 wieder antreten und liebt Twitter |
8 |
Beat-The-System SPECIAL BONUS Guide — FREE! Our BLOCKBUSTER ANNUAL PREDICTION REPORT: 8 SHOCKING Predictions for Trump’s America |
8 |
The Latest: Trump departs for Finland for summit with Putin |
8 |
Donald Trump ‘snubbed’ by Prince Charles and Prince William: report |
8 |
Trump sets expectations low for summit with Putin |
8 |
Trump újra indulna az amerikai elnökségért és félti Európát a migránsoktól |
8 |
UK’s Theresa May: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit |
8 |
Trump sugirió a May demandar judicialmente a la UE por el Brexit |
8 |
Trump on Putin meeting: I go in with low expectations |
7 |
Trump listar EU och Ryssland som fiender |
7 |
OP-ED: The Black Press of America is Facing Another Deadly Assault from Trump’s Tariffs on Canadian Newsprint |
7 |
Helsinki se une en una gran protesta contra Putin y Trump |
7 |
Trump Has Yet to Award the National Arts Medals for 2016 |
7 |
Tusk Usa e Ue amici da Trump fake news |
7 |
Judge blasts HHS official’s warning of endangering children as ‘cover’ to Trump admin in key immigration case |
7 |
Trump tweets hits links before high-stakes Putin meeting |
7 |
La UE busca alianzas contra Trump en China y en Japón |
7 |
Trump suggests he will bring up indicted Russians with Putin says it’s something he ‘hadn’t thought of’ |
7 |
Trump Says He ‘Hadn’t Thought’ About Asking Putin to Extradite 12 Indicted Russians |
6 |
‘I hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to extradite indicted Russian agents Trump says |
6 |
Americans Clap Back At Trump After He Goes Off The Rails Openly Attacks Former President Barack Obama |
6 |
Americans Applauding After Dan Rather Claps Back At Trump Drags Him Through The Mud |
6 |
Umfrage: Zwei Drittel halten Trump für gefährlicher als Putin |
6 |
Zwei Drittel halten Trump für gefährlicher als Putin |
6 |
Trump y Putin tratarán mañana sobre ‘El mayor problema del mundo’: Las armas nucleares |
6 |
Tens of Thousands Demonstrate in London In Anti-Trump Protest |
6 |
Donald Trump Just Declared The European Union A “Foe” During Bombshell Interview |
6 |
Why Donald Trump Can’t Restore Freedom to the United States of America |
6 |
Donald Trump Responds to Latest Mueller Indictments by Blaming Obama |
6 |
State chamber chief trusting Trump tariff effort for now hopes Chinese investments in Arkansas remain |
6 |
Americans Fire Back At Trump After He Reignites Feud With CNN Reporter |
6 |
Americans Strike Back At Trump After He Unleashes On Former President Barack Obama |
6 |
Gobierno de Trump rechaza acuerdo mundial de inmigración |
6 |
Americans Cheering After Dan Rather Takes Out Trump With One Simple Statement |
6 |
US President Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Helsinki summit |
6 |
Nigerians on Instagram Blast CNN and Praise Trump |
5 |
Paraglider charged for breaching no-fly security zone with anti-Trump banner in Scotland |
5 |
Is Trump wrecking NATO |
5 |
Pongamos fin a la criminalización de inmigrantes por parte de Trump Basta ya de detenciones y deportaciones a refugiados |
5 |
Nada de ruim sairá de reunião com Putin e talvez saia algo bom diz Trump |
5 |
Trump declares ‘the European Union is a foe’ in latest assault on US allies |
5 |
JRL NEWSWATCH: “Trump Putin May Agree to Resume Stalled Arms Control Talks” – Reuters |
5 |
Een staatsfoto met Trump of met koning Filip Zoek het ene grote verschil |
5 |
Trump to round off UK visit and head for Putin meeting |
5 |
La cumbre entre Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin ¿enemigos íntimos |
5 |
GEZ-Mietmaul ruft im ZDF zu gewaltsamen Putsch gegen Trump auf |
5 |
Greeks Armenians protest Trump’s intervention for F-35 delivery to Turkey |
5 |
Trump asistirá a cumbre con Putin sin grandes expectativas |
5 |
Stephen J Cimbala: “Arms Control and the Trump-Putin Summit” |
5 |
Trump should raise death of Amesbury victim with Putin says grieving son |
5 |
British PM Theresa May says Trump advised her to sue the EU |
5 |
Netanyahu Trump discuss Syria Iran ahead of Helsinki summit |
5 |
Hội nghị Trump-Putin sẽ vẫn diễn ra |
5 |
Trump critica duramente a Teresa May y dice que amenaza acuerdos … |
5 |
‘Together Against Trump’ thousands protest peacefully in London |
5 |
Trump miente otra vez para deshacerse de un escándalo |
5 |
Theresa May: Trump told me to sue the EU |
5 |
Trump Threatens Roe v Wade |
5 |
Trump ends whirlwind UK tour and heads for talks with Putin |
5 |
Trump aconsejó a May que demandara a la Unión Europea en lugar de negociar |
5 |
López Obrador y su gran triunfo hacen que Trump cambie estrategia con México |
5 |
The Rising Foundation- TRUMP |
5 |
Man charged in connection with Trump paragliding protest |
5 |
Donald Trump Sparks Outrage After He Poses in Winston Churchill’s Armchair |
5 |
Rusia denunció una “guerra económica” lanzada por Washington después de que el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump promulgara el miércoles nuevas sanciones contra Moscú por las sospechas de injerencia rusa en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos el año pasado Esas sanciones reclamadas por el Congreso estadounidense son “una declaración de guerra económica total contra Rusia” y marcan “el final de las esperanzas rusas para una mejora de las relaciones con la nueva administración estadounidense” afirmó el primer ministro ruso Dimitri Medvedev en un mensaje en Facebook el miércoles por la noche Según él “la administración Trump ha mostrado su debilidad total al ceder el poder ejecutivo al Congreso de la forma más humillante” “La clase dominante ha derrotado completamente a Trump” señaló Medvédev que agregó que el tema de las nuevas sanciones a Rusia surgió en primer lugar para “poner en su sitio” al presidente estadounidense Y vaticinó que Trump será sometido a nuevos ataques “cuyo objetivo final es apartarle del poder” Mirá también Donald Trump firmó las sanciones contra Rusia Mirá también Donald Trump dictó la declaración de su hijo sobre la reunión con una abogada rusa Según Medvédev la ley promulgada por Trump es mucho más dura que la enmienda Jackson-Vanik aprobada en 1974 y que restringió el comercio con la Unión Soviética El régimen de sanciones estadounidenses agregó el primer ministro ruso “durará decenios si no se produce un milagro” “¿Qué significa esto para nosotros Seguiremos trabajando tranquilamente en desarrollar nuestra economía y la esfera social … apoyándonos en nuestras propias fuerzas Hemos aprendido a hacerlo en los últimos años” escribió Mirá también Europa estudia represalias contra Estados Unidos por las nuevas sanciones a Rusia El vocero del Kremlin Dmitri Peskov se pronunció en el mismo sentido: “Vemos como miope ilegítima y sin perspectivas esa política de sanciones y por ello naturalmente los países que nos hemos visto afectados por semejante arbitrariedad estamos dispuestos a defender nuestros intereses y vamos a hacerlo” Y subrayó que la intención de Rusia de proteger sus intereses “no debe dejar ningún lugar a dudas” El diario popular Komsomolskaia Pravda hizo la misma interpretación que Medvedev: “Ya no se trata de sanciones” escribió “sino de saber quién es el verdadero amo de la casa en Washington” Trump promulgó el miércoles las nuevas sanciones económicas contra Rusia aunque con reservas y críticas al texto al que señaló como “muy imperfecto” En su opinión la medida dificulta su intención de mejorar las relaciones con Moscú Los congresistas estadounidenses adoptaron esas sanciones por una amplia mayoría la semana pasada y Trump decidió acatar su decisión ya que el Congreso podría haber sorteado su veto fácilmente al lograr dos tercios de los votos a favor de la ley en ambas cámaras “Al limitar el margen de maniobra del ejecutivo esta ley pone trabas a la capacidad de Estados Unidos de cerrar buenos acuerdos para el pueblo estadounidense y va a acercar a China Rusia y Corea del Norte” declaró Trump Este jueves el jefe de la Casa Blanca volvió a referirse al tema en Twitter: “Nuestra relación con Rusia está en su punto más bajo y peligroso de todos los tiempos Pueden agradecerle al Congreso la misma gente que ni siquiera puede darnos Cuidado de Salud!” escribió Las nuevas sanciones que afectan sobre todo al sector energético ruso castigan a Moscú por las sospechas de injerencia rusa en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses así como por la anexión de Crimea y su actitud en el este de Ucrania donde según varios países occidentales ayuda a los separatistas enfrentados al Gobierno de Kiev La ley exige a la Casa Blanca que aplique nuevas sanciones contra rusos que según el gobierno estadounidense estén implicados en cibertaques actividades subversivas en Europa actos de corrupción violaciones a los derechos humanos o incluso venta de armas a Siria Las medidas también alcanzan el sector energético Rusia denunció una medida “peligrosa que podría minar la estabilidad” en el mundo y no descartó “otras medidas de retorsión” La ley también impone nuevas sanciones contra Irán y Corea del Norte El enfrentamiento entre Moscú y Washington viene escalando desde hace varios días El viernes antes incluso de que Trump firmara la ley Rusia ya había anunciado una reducción drástica de la presencia diplomática estadounidense en su territorio A partir del 1 de septiembre Washington deberá disminuir en dos tercios el personal de su embajada y de sus consulados La llegada de Trump a la Casa Blanca había dejado entrever una posible mejora de las relaciones entre Washington y Moscú que no llegó a concretarse sobre todo después de las acusaciones de injerencia rusa en las elecciones estadounidenses y de las sospechas de complicidad entre el equipo del candidato Trump y Moscú Fuente: agencias |
5 |
Trump’s remarks about changing European culture draw ire |
5 |
Prapaskenat/ May: Trump më kërkoi të padisja BE-në |
5 |
Trump kritikon administratën Obama se nuk bëri sa duhet për ndërhyrjen ruse |
5 |
Russian Foreign Minister Says Donald Trump Requested One-on-One Meeting with Putin |
5 |
President Trump Seizes Obama Slush Fund Gives Millions Back To Taxpayers |
4 |
Man arrested in connection with Trump paragliding protest |
4 |
May says Trump told her to ‘sue the EU’ |
4 |
Yuk Belajar Dari 6 Fakta Menarik Pertemuan Antara Kim Jong Un dan Donald Trump |
4 |
UK lets Donald Trump know what they think of him – and it’s not very polite! |
4 |
Trump quiere reelegirse en 2020 |
4 |
Trump asegura que la Unión Europea es ahora un enemigo de EEUU |
4 |
How Trump’s Abuse Of Power Can Trigger Mass Protests |
4 |
May says Trump told her to ‘sue the EU’ |
4 |
Call It ‘Unileaderism’: Trump’s Foreign Policy of One |
4 |
Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu discussed Syria Iran with US President Donald Trump |
4 |
Survey: What Can We Expect From the Trump-Putin Summit |
4 |
¿Por qué se eligió a Finlandia para la cumbre entre Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin |
4 |
Trump: “European Union is our biggest foe globally right now” |
4 |
How Trump makes the links between politics and his Islamic Jihad in ceasefire with Israel in Gaza Strip |
4 |
Las provocaciones de Trump desestabilizan Oriente Medio ¡Hay que defender al pueblo Palestino construyendo un movimiento contra la guerra! |
4 |
Donald Trump: our misogynist in chief |
4 |
Brexit Thereza May: Trump më këshilloi të padis BE-në |
4 |
“Miq apo armiq” Trump bën deklaratën e pabesueshme para takimit me Putin: Ai është një diktator i pamëshirshëm… |
4 |
Trump won’t pull US troops from Afghanistan says President Ghani |
4 |
Donald Trump and Melania Trump meet Queen Elizabeth II for tea |
4 |
WATCH: Trump told PM to sue the EU |
4 |
Treffen mit Putin – Vor Gipfel in Helsinki: Trump bezeichnet Russland als „Gegner“ |
4 |
Did Donald Trump forget to bow to the Queen No ‘We’re not her subjects’ |
4 |
Tổng thống Trump tuyên bố không có đối thủ trong kỳ bầu cử năm 2020 |
4 |
Putin-Trump: Vorkriegszeit oder Deal – mit Alexander Rahr Video |
4 |
‘Making lager great again’: Beer created for Trump-Putin summit |
4 |
US President Donald Trump Obama Kim Kardashian And More Lose Millions Of Followers In Twitter Purge |
4 |
US President Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting |
4 |
African Activist Slams Trump for Reversing Ban on Elephant … |
4 |
JRL NEWSWATCH: “Trump Says He Can’t Say if Putin Is Friend or Foe” – Reuters |
4 |
Stora protester mot Trump och Putin |
4 |
WATCH: Hannity Goes to London and Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters with Simple Question |
4 |
Trump tees off as police make paraglide protest arrest |
4 |
Santos pide a Trump que trate de alejar a Rusia de Venezuela |
4 |
Otro revés judicial para Trump sobre inmigración |
4 |
‘Helsinki for human rights’: demo greets Trump Putin |
4 |
Ndërhyrjet ruse Trump “godet” Obamën: Nuk bëri sa duhet! |
4 |
Mehr als 2000 Menschen bei Demonstration in Helsinki gegen Trump und Putin |
4 |
America’s Addictions: Opioids Donald Trump and War |
4 |
Donald Trump ‘snubbed’ by Prince Charles and Prince Harry: report |
4 |
Trump tilda a Rusia la Unión Europea y China de enemigos |
4 |
Trump quiere ir a la reelección y no ve rival que le gane |
4 |
Trump aconselhou May a processar UE em vez de negociar |
4 |
Trump CBS-kanavalla: EU Venäjä ja Kiina ovat Yhdysvaltain vastustajia |
4 |
Trump Wants A Patriotic Makeover For Air Force One — And It’s Awesome |
4 |
What To Expect At The Trump-Putin Summit |
4 |
Trump ‘l’Ue è nostra nemica’ |
4 |
May says Trump told her to ‘sue… |
4 |
Sve spremno za sutrašnji samit Trump – Putin u Helsinkiju |
4 |
Major chain in Canada pulls Ivanka Trump’s clothing |
4 |
‘Organized Cruelty’: Clinton Blasts Trump Administration for ‘Trying to Rip the Heart Out of America’ |
4 |
Trump tells officials how Putin will respond to meddling question |
4 |
JRL NEWSWATCH: “Iran Role in Syria Key Item at Trump-Putin Summit” – AP |
4 |
US Ambassador to Russia: Trump Is ‘Most Experienced Negotiator Ever Elected To The Presidency’ |
4 |
Donald Trump Jr trolls controversial FBI agent Strzok |
4 |
Trump told me to sue EU: May |
4 |
Anti-Trump Protests In UK: HumSubTV |
4 |
Summit fever: Just as he did with Kim Trump reaches for a big moment with |
4 |
Another Phantom Indictment: Latest Mueller Farce Meant to Degrade Trump-Putin Summit – Russian Foreign Ministry |
4 |
Trump blames Obama for not preventing 2016 hacking attack |
4 |
Theresa May: ‘Donald Trump told me to sue the EU over Brexit’ |
4 |
Takimi kokë më kokë Trump-Putin A do ta tradhëtojë presidenti i |
4 |
Donald Trump told me to sue EU – Theresa May |
4 |
Trump says he will run for reelection had Brexit chat with Queen Elizabeth |
4 |
Europa erschaudert vor Herrscher Trump |
4 |
Piers Morgan says Donald Trump called the Queen a ‘fantastic woman’ |
4 |
Another Modi Masterstroke: India invites Trump For Republic Day Parade |
4 |
Manifestații la Helsinki înaintea summitului Putin-Trump |
4 |
Trump’s Supporters Say Outrage Over His Border Policy That Has Separated Families Is “A Manufactured Crisis” |
3 |
Donald Trump afirma que no ve a ningún demócrata capaz de ganarle |
3 |
Santos pide a Trump que le solicite a Putin que deje de apoyar al Gobierno de Venezuela |
3 |
Segir erfitt að takast á við grimmdina í kjölfar níðyrðis um Ivönku Trump |
3 |
Media Gets Facts Wrong While Attacking Trump Over Queen Meeting Etiquette |
3 |
Anti-Trump paraglider who flew meters away from president arrested |
3 |
Aksi Terbang Layang di Atas Resor Trump |
3 |
Can Trump Israel and Gulf Allies Get Putin to Turn On Iran |
3 |
Trump supporters turn out in London a day after protests |
3 |
Trump says to run for reelection had Brexit chat with Queen Elizabeth |
3 |
In Dissing Angela Merkel and NATO What Was Trump Telling Putin |
3 |
Trump bezeichnete EU Russland und China als Gegner |
3 |
Donald Trump Told Theresa May To Sue EU Over Brexit Video |
3 |
Donald Tusk îl DESFIINȚEAZĂ pe tizul său Donald Trump care a |
3 |
Melania Trump makes an entrance at Blenheim Palace wearing a yellow J Mendel gown |
3 |
Trump označil Európsku úniu za jedného z mnoho nepriateľov USA |
3 |
Trump: It seems like everyone wants me to run for reelection |
3 |
Trump nem vár túl sokat a Putyin-találkozótól |
3 |
It ‘belies common sense’ Trump would ‘press’ Putin on election: Senator |
3 |
Theresa May: “Trump me dijo que debería demandar a la Unión Europea” |
3 |
Trump cuestiona la inacción de la administración Obama tras el “hackeo”ruso |
3 |
Donald Trump Ditching All-Star Game Due To Likelihood Of An “Unfriendly” Crowd |
3 |
Trump: Én vagyok a legnépszerűbb republikánus elnök |
3 |
Theresa May Says Trump Advised Her To ‘Sue The EU’ |
3 |
End Trump’s Criminalization of Immigrants – Stop the Detention of Refugees and End the Deportations |
3 |
Trump: EU je nepřítel USA Rusko jen v některých ohledech |
3 |
Trump calls EU a ‘foe’ on trade: CBS News interview |
3 |
Trump vrea americani mai proști cu 136 A măcelărit bugetul educației |
3 |
Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump tuyên bố tái tranh cử |
3 |
THẾ GIỚI 24H: Tổng thống Trump nhận xét “sốc” về ông Kim Jong-un Mỹ không đặt nhiều kỳ vọng vào cuộc gặp thượng định với Nga |
3 |
Americans Applauding After Prince Charles And Prince William Snub Trump In True British Fashion |
3 |
Trump se declara dispuesto a presentarse a la reelección |
3 |
Hillary Tweet Trump’s Golf Hobby Is Under Inspection |
3 |
Americans Clap Back After Trump Continues To Throw Shade At Jim Acosta |
3 |
Stephen Colbert went after Trump in his Emmys opener an |
3 |
Top House Republican Urges Trump China’s Xi to Meet on Trade |
3 |
7 revealing photos melania trump doesn’t want you to see |
3 |
BE në kërkim të aleancave kundër Trump-it |
3 |
NEWSLINK: “Summitgate and the Campaign vs ‘Peace’ Not surprisingly Trump’s meetings with NATO and Putin are being portrayed as ominous events by Russiagaters” – The Nation/Stephen F Cohen |
3 |
3 |
Donald Tusk îl DESFIINȚEAZĂ pe tizul său Donald Trump care a spus că UE și SUA sunt INAMICE: ‘Asta e fake news propagă știri false’ |
3 |
In Pics: “My Morning Dump Has More Sense Than Trump” – |
3 |
Palestine : Le plan très inquiétant de Trump pour la Palestine |
3 |
Trump proclama la ‘Semana de las Naciones Cautivas’ del comunismo |
3 |
The cruelty and inhumanity of Trump’s administration |
3 |
Americans Clap Back After Trump Gets Busted In Ridiculous Lie — TWEETS |
3 |
Should Trump press Putin on extraditing indicted Russians |
3 |
Sobre Brexit Trump me aconselhou a processar a União Europeia diz May |
3 |
Theresa May: „Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t” |
3 |
MSNBC Attempts To Instigate With Trump Supporters |
3 |
Trump : permettre l’immigration en Europe est une honte |
3 |
3 |
Chuck Schumer Tries to Rally Dems Against Trump’s SCOTUS Pick — One Tells Him to ‘Kiss My You-Know-What’ |
3 |
Americans Applauding Scotland After They Scorch Trump With Epic Protests |
3 |
Chuck Todd Scolds Hugh Hewitt For Whining About Trump-Putin Media Coverage: ‘I’m Tired Of That’ |
3 |
Berlin répond à la demande de Trump d’accroître les dépenses militaires de l’Otan |
3 |
Trump resets the world stage |
3 |
Trump Calls EU a Trade ‘Foe’ Says He ‘Hadn’t Thought’ About Seeking Russian Extraditions |
3 |
French President to Meet Russian Leader a Day Ahead of Trump |
3 |
Trump: EU är fiender 18:01 |
3 |
Protesters March against Trump’s UK Visit |
3 |
UK’s Theresa May reveals ‘brutal’ suggestion Trump gave her |
3 |
‘Turpërohet’ familja mbretërore në foton me Trump është një objekt që nuk duhej të ishte aty |
3 |
Deklarata e fortë e May-t: Trump më sugjeroi të padisja BE-në dhe jo të negocioja për Brexit |
3 |
‘Trump AB’ye Dava Açmamı Söyledi’ |
3 |
Os tweets de Trump /premium |
3 |
Trump ja Putin Helsingis: Vladimirist inimesena |
3 |
Custom Structured Settlements Addresses Trump Tax Plan Paralysis |
3 |
Donald Trump Just Made Up A Poll Saying He’s More Popular Than Abraham Lincoln |
3 |
London’s Muslim mayor tried to stop the Trump Train in his city… but failed! |
3 |
In Trump We Trust: The White Evangelical Dichotomy |
3 |
Donald Trump o CNN: „To fake news Nie odpowiadam na pytania CNN” WIDEO |
3 |
Man arrested over Trump paraglider protest |
3 |
Trump İngiltere |
3 |
Arvaamaton Trump kohtaa laskelmoivan Putinin kumpi vie – Kokosimme tähän juttuun kaiken mitä sinun pitää tietää Helsingin huipputapaamisen asetelmista |
3 |
Trump installe le nouvel ordre mondial juif |
3 |
Trump sets expectations low for Putin summit |
3 |
Trump Reunites the Migrant Families But Not All! |
3 |
Trợ lý của ông Trump lo có biến bất ngờ trong thượng đỉnh Mỹ – Nga |
3 |
Alexander: Trump Administration’s tariffs ‘devastating’ to TN |
3 |
Trump Ask Why Obama Did Nothing About Russian Interfering With Our Election |
3 |
Coffee Company Attacked for Daring to Support President Trump! |
3 |
Anti-Trump protests baby Trump balloon follow president to Scotland |
3 |
3 |
Trump wish for warm Putin ties highlights disconnect |
3 |
Þjóðverjar telja að Trump ógni heimsfriði |
3 |
Trump calls the European Union Russia and China ‘foes’ of the US |
3 |
Theresa May has revealed why she held Donald Trump’s hand again |
3 |
Paraglider flew banner over Trump’s golf resort |
3 |
Trump y Putin se verán las caras en Finlandia |
3 |
Donald Trump quer recandidatar-se em 2020 |
3 |
Ông Trump ‘xúi’ Thủ tướng Anh kiện EU về vấn đề Brexit |
3 |
Debate republicano termina con rivalidad civilizada entre Trump y Cruz |
3 |
Un grand moment d’hypocrisie la conférence Trump-May après la polémique sur le Brexit Vidéo |
3 |
Trump Visiting Epicenter of MS-13 Killings Demands Tougher Immigration Laws |
3 |
Senior royals allegedly ‘refused to meet Donald Trump during his UK visit’ |
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China Aligning with Germany India to Counter Trump’s Unilateralism |
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Reporters defend CNN’s Acosta after White House says he ‘disrespected’ Trump with question |
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Trump-Putin summit: US leader has low expectations |
3 |
In Photos: Anti-Trump Protest in London |
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Imagine Trump’s Presidency as an 80s TV Sitcom… |
3 |
Britain Cries Out “How Dare You” After Trump Makes Mockery Of Its Greatest Figure |
3 |
Donald Trump told Theresa May to sue the EU over Brexit |
3 |
Report: Prince Charles Prince William Refused to Meet Donald Trump in Major Diss |
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Trump Says ‘Might’ Ask Putin to Extradite Accused Russian Hackers |
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Donald Trump pourrait réclamer l’extradition des agents russes |
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Trump goes ahead with plan to undo globalization targets China and EU |
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DOVADA că Donald Trump și Vladimir Putin se văd DEGEABA: Ce vor să obțină americanii de la ruși |
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Simon Manley embajador británico en España: “Donald Trump puede decir lo que quiera ya conocemos su estilo” |
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Trump Doesn’t Deserve a Nobel Prize—but Moon Jae-in Might |
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Sen Warner on Putin Meeting: Worried Because Trump Goes in ‘Wings It’ |
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White House: New indictment ‘consistent’ with Trump administration’s defense |
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Nič zlé z toho nevzíde možno sa dočkáme niečoho dobrého odkazuje Trump pred stretnutím s Putinom |
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“Trump Trying to Save Saudi Economy by Stopping Iran’s Oil Exports” |
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VIDEO Trump z vedenjem spet šokiral javnost! Prekršil tri protokole v le 10-ih minutah |
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ABC News Anchor Compares Trump To Putin — Here’s How John Bolton Shut Him Down |
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Bức ảnh gây “sốt” của Tổng thống Trump tại thượng đỉnh |
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Assassination Nation: La América de Trump la América de todos |
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President Trump shares his experience on meeting with the Queen |
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Trump on Georgia’s NATO Membership: ‘Not Right Now’ |
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Prophecy Update: Donald Trump Nominates Jesuit Educated Kavanaugh |
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After Trump’s G7 ‘Clash in Quebec’ Next Is the ‘Nailing of NATO’ |
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May: Trump mi je rekao da trebam tužiti EU |
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‘We’re united in our hope for a world of justice’ – Corbyn at Trump rally |
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Donald Trump dijo que quiere ser reelecto en el 2020 |
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Donald Trump declaró que buscará la reelección en 2020 |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “These Are the High Stakes of the NATO and Trump-Putin Summits Trump and America’s allies must stand firm while also not sleep-walking into war” – The National Interest/Peter Zwack |
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Washington to work on Duterte-Trump next meeting — US envoy |
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Trump says Queen thinks Brexit is ‘very complex problem’: report |
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India invites Donald Trump to be Chief Guest at Republic Day Parade 2019 |
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Trump administration lawsuit against California |
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Christine Flowers: Trump’s harsh rhetoric belies the way of the world |
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Takimi kokë më kokë Trump-Putin A do ta tradhëtojë presidenti i… |
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Eye on NY: Gillibrand visit facilities in Texas slams Trump’s ‘inhumane’ immigration policies |
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Mayová: Trump mi povedal aby som zažalovala EÚ |
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Trump Lies So Much That Journalists Now Measure Things Like ‘Dishonesty Density’ |
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Tens of thousands protest Trump’s hardline immigration policy from coast-to-coast |
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‘Well below par’: UK paraglider charged for flying banner over Trump golf resort |
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Thousands rally against Trump visit in Scottish capital |
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This is the real reason Melania Trump didn’t curtsy to the |
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Trump at War with Europe |
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Theresa May reveals Donald Trump urged her to sue the European Union |
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Blumenthal Speaks On Trump And Kavanaugh |
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Theresa May: Trump sugirió que “demande a la UE” por Brexit |
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Donald Trump Audio Dubbed Onto Darth Vader Scenes The Best Thing Ever |
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OREGON RANCHERS Pardoned By Trump Get Ride Home From Federal Prison In Private Jet…You’ll Love Who Helped To Make It Happen |
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Trump CBS:lle: Odotukset matalalla Putinin tapaamisesta Helsingissä |
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Delusions of US Hegemony In A Multi-Polar World: Trump Visits Europe |
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People Are Clapping Back After Trump Gets Busted In Ridiculous Lie — TWEETS |
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Hromadske International: Should Ukraine be concerned about Crimea ahead of Trump-Putin summit |
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Nhập cư bất hợp pháp – Nỗi khổ của Tổng thống Trump |
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Plakaty transparenty i demonstracje Szczyt Trump – Putin budzi emocje |
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Princes Charles and William refused to meet Trump: report |
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Two Perspectives on Trump There Are Very Fine People on Both Sides |
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De Milieupartij heeft het grotendeels verkeerd met zijn bewering dat ijsberen voor 250 miljoen vluchtelingen Duitsland is aan boord – Trump stapt eruit |
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Trump plays golf before Putin meeting |
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Desaire de la familia real británica a Trump |
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Week-end sportif pour Trump et Poutine avant un sommet délicat à Helsinki |
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Trump plays golf in Scotland before Putin summit amid Russian meddling charges |
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Donald Trump tengo la intención de presentarme a la reelección 2020 – EEUU |
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Santos pide a Trump que converse con Putin para que deje de apoyar a Maduro |
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Trump a Londra: ancora scontro con il sindaco Sadiq Khan |
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Trump calls European Union a foe ahead of Putin meeting |
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Is The Trump Wrecking Ball Our Collective Shadow If So |
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Failed Casino Owner Donald Trump Tells British PM Theresa May to Sue EU Over Brexit |
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Trump i Putin u pokušaju ostvarivanja boljeg odnosa između dviju država |
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Trump’s warning-letter to NATO not received by Iceland |
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Trump Security Scare As Paraglider Swoops In Within Yards Of Elite Snipers |
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A troubling lesson from the 1930s suggests Trump’s trade war will damage the world for decades |
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Queen left to meet Donald Trump ALONE as senior royals SNUBBED US President |
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Trump: ‘I hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to extradite indicted Russians |
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Trump con intensión de reelección para el 2020 |
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Trump: ‘I hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to hand over indicted Russians |
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Detenido un hombre por la protesta de Greenpeace sobre el complejo de Trump |
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Trump trade war threat ignored! What just happened |
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Red Hen DC dating and Trump supporters |
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Trump renews war of words with London’s Muslim mayor |
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Five things to watch for in Trump-Putin summit |
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Kabarét rendezett Trump amikor Erzsébet királynő végigvezette a díszőrség előtt |
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Fin de semana “deportivo” para Trump y Putin antes de una cumbre espinosa |
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Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt inamicii noştri apreciază Donald Trump |
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Gabriel: Trump chce v Německu změnit režim! |
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Union leader attacked after counter-demo to pro-Trump and Robinson rally |
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Pompeo says Trump-Putin summit should proceed |
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Trump’s ambassador lobbied Britain on behalf of jailed right-wing activist Tommy Robinson |
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Trump vekur reiði Breta með því að hlamma sér í stól Churchills |
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Not going with high expectations: Donald Trump on Monday meeting with Vladimir Putin |
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Trump amp Gevels |
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Tens of Thousands March Through London in Anti-Trump Protests |
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Trump: ‘Low Expectations’ for Putin Summit |
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Reciben con protestas a Trump en Inglaterra |
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How One Beauty Brand Is Using Lipstick to Fight Trump’s Border Policy |
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baby trump t shirt |
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WATCH: Corbyn slams “red carpet welcome” for Trump |
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Toxic Trump White House Cancels Philadelphia Eagles Visit after Few Players Plan to Show |
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London Protestors Demand Beheading of President Trump |
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Trump Calls EU A ‘Foe’ On Trade: CBS News Interview |
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With no set agenda here’s what Trump Putin may be hoping to achieve during Helsinki summit |
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El consejo “brutal” que Donald Trump le dio a la primera ministra británica Theresa May |
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In Pics: “My Morning Dump Has More Sense Than Trump” –… |
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Trump menace Maduro après sa réélection Poutine félicite le président vénézuélien |
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IN Focus: Indiana lawmakers question Trump approach to Russia |
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Trump: “Europa verliert durch Massenzuwanderung seine Kultur” |
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Donald Trump sfat ȘOCANT pentru premierul britanic pe tema Brexit |
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Lawsuit Trump Thought He ‘Won’ Is Back |
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Trump: Jag ställer upp för omval |
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Trump to Levy Extra 200 Billion Dollar Tariff on Imports from |
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US President Trump says he has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting: CBS news |
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CREEPY AF! The Anti-Trump FBI Agent Peter Strzok Gives a Creepy Smirk and Wiggles after He Response to a Question |
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Trump Says Queen Thinks Brexit Is ‘Very Complex Problem’: Report |
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Presentan por Sanfermines “Trump Antojo” el pintxo mas poderoso del planeta |
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Charles en William weigerden Trump te ontmoeten |
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Dem Rep Said FBI Agent Who Texted He’d ‘Stop’ Trump Deserves Purple Heart — Now He’s Walking It Back |
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Election conspiracy casts Trump-Putin meeting in disturbing light |
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Trump noemt Europese Unie een van zijn vijanden |
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Trump Slams Europe for Allowing Migrant Invasion |
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Donald Trump advised me to sue European Union over Brexit |
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Trump: European Union is a foe on trade |
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Why Twitter Doesn’t Delete Donald Trump’s Insults |
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Germany takes cover from Trump in Eurozone and decides to pay for it |
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Entre protestas Finlandia se alista para cumbre Trump-Putin |
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Thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin sẽ bàn thảo những vấn đề gì |
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Trump-Berater: Kein konkretes Ergebnis von Gipfel mit Putin erwartet |
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Donald Trump has described the Queen as a very special person |
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“People Used To Hide The Way They Felt!” Hillary Complains That Trump Has Made America Honest |
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Santos se queja ante Trump porque Putin ayuda a Venezuela |
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Trump-Putin Summit Eases Russia’s Isolation While Posing New Risks |
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Trump Sarankan PM Inggris Tuntut Uni Eropa sebagai Strategi Brexit |
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Trump-Putin summit should proceed: Pompeo |
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Trump’s visit puts Britain’s Brexit dependence on show |
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Trump dikecam teruk berjalan dahului Ratu Elizabeth semasa pemeriksaan barisan |
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May: Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t |
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£18000 for a Kiddie Pool-Sized Balloon of Trump as a Baby |
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College Students Hate Trump Supreme Court Pick Before It’s Made |
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Trump will 2020 wieder antreten und bezeichnet EU als Gegner |
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Envía AMLO propuestas de entendimiento a Trump |
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Watch: Bill Maher Roasts ‘Aggressively Stupid’ Trump In New Stand-Up Special |
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Joe Jonas voices support for protests against Donald Trump |
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Donald J Trump Presidential Library |
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Trump enfrenta a OTAN: “amplíen sus aportaciones” |
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What Trump’s Plan to Ignore Race in School Admissions Actually Means for Students |
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Theresa May amwaga siri aliyoambiwa na Trump ‘ni ukatili’ |
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Portugueses em Londres contra Donald Trump |
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Prince Charles and Prince William refused to meet Donald Trump at Windsor Castle |
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THEIR VIEW: Why is Trump attacking NATO |
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British PM: Trump ‘told me to sue the EU’ |
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Trump flips on North Korea declaring country still an ‘extraordinary threat’ |
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Trump Mayové radil aby s EU nejednala ale zažalovala ji |
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Trump: Könnte Putin nach Auslieferung russischer Agenten fragen |
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YC Spotlight: Reproductive Rights in the Trump Era |
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Man arrested over paraglider protest at Trump’s golf course in Scotland |
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Trump Putin to meet at 19th century presidential palace |
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Rep Byrne believes Trump’s ordered tariffs are ‘negotiating ploy’ |
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The word ‘gaslighting’ is in vogue to describe a Trump-era issue |
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UK PM: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ over |
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After no end of drama Trump and… |
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Trump Tangles with China on Trade |
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Škótsko: Trump pred summitom s Putinom označil EÚ za nepriateľa |
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Califica Trump a Rusia China y la UE de enemigos de Estados Unidos |
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Trump says Britain must get Brexit ‘carve… |
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Trump se declara disposto a concorrer à reeleição |
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Trump has ‘low’ expectations for Putin summit |
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Trump označil Evropskou unii za jednoho z mnoha nepřátel USA |
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Trump bombarduje Sýrii pro Izrael a chce třetí světovou válku |
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Premier May w wywiadzie dla BBC: Trump radził mi pozwać Unię Europejską ws Brexitu |
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Trump avertizat înainte de întâlnirea cu Putin |
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Trump says ‘might’ ask Putin to extradite accused Russian hackers |
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The Effects of Trump’s Tariffs on Trade with China |
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Trump Needs to Put Up or Shut Up on Russian Arms Race |
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Helsinki protest focuses on rights before Trump-Putin summit |
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Impacto provoca el Momento mega incómodo donde Trump rompe el protocolo y confunde chistosamente a la reina Isabel II VIDEO |
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Vancouver police respond to ‘disturbance’ at Trump tower nightclub |
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A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 77th Unpresidented Week As POTUS |
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Donald Trump plays golf in Scotland as thousands protest against UK visit |
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Trump sí buscará reelegirse en los comicios de 2020 |
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Court Will Hear Administration Plea to Release Trump from… |
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Trump hoping for media hype around Putin meeting to match North Korea summit |
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Nhìn lại mối quan hệ giữa Trump và Putin |
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Trump Lists Russia EU China As ‘Foes’ Ahead Of Putin Summit |
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Donald Trump Lists Russia EU China as ‘Foes’ Ahead of Summit With Vladimir Putin |
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The Central American refugees behind Trump’s border wall |
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LeBron James calls on Donald Trump after the Charlottesville drama |
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Bebé Trump: el muñeco inflable gigante que hace que el presidente de EEUU no se sienta bienvenido en Londres |
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‘Man-baby meets evil spy’: Helsinki demo greets Trump and Putin |
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Theresa May: Trump mi-a cerut să dau în judecată UE în loc să negociez Brexit-ul |
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Bolton says Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers ‘strengthens’ Trump’s hand in his meeting with Putin |
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CNN Political Commentator Gets SLAYED By Donald Trump Jr After Whining About President Trump’s Takedown Of FakeNewsCNN’s Jim Acosta |
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Trump tries to ease tensions with May after incendiary interview |
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Trump ja Putin Helsinkiin – ensimmäiset Pride 2018 -tapahtuman kulkueessa marssi noin sata ihmistä |
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President Trump warns mass immigration is costing Europe it’s culture: ‘very very sad’ |
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High security control in Scotland as Trump says he is looking forward to some golf |
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Hilft Trump dem US-Journalismus aus seiner Krise |
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A Short History of Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories |
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Piers Morgan Meets With Donald Trump Aboard Air Force One Talks Twitter And Queen Elizabeth II |
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Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Helsinki summit |
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EXCLUSIVE: Former Fox News reporter warns that Trump team is ‘still colluding’ with the Russians |
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Trump Just Claimed He Golfs So Much Because It’s His ‘Primary Source Of Exercise’ |
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Was Brett Kavanaugh the best choice President Donald Trump could have made |
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URGENT Trump’s first comment on the Iraqi elections and his position of the winning blocs |
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‘Người liều lĩnh’ Putin sẽ thắng chính khách ‘tay mơ’ Trump |
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Trump on Helsinki summit: ‘I’m not going with high expectations’ |
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Gipfel mit Putin und Trump |
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İngiltere Başbakanı: Trump bana AB’ye dava açmamı tavsiye etti |
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Trump tviittasi lentokoneesta: ”Vaikka saisin Moskovan hyvitykseksi Venäjän synneistä |
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Trump’s Approach to Foreign Policy is Similar to the Way he Approaches Reality Television: QampA with Perry Cammack |
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HELLO MR PRESIDENT Trump felicita a AMLO |
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Trump: Obama Should Have Stopped That Thing I Said Never Happened |
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Coons: I Commend Trump For Getting NATO Allies to Increase Defense Spending |
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Trump Investigations News Review |
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No a Trump! No al racismo y al machismo! |
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Corbyn Joins anti-Trump Demonstrators and Condemns May at Rolling of Red Carpet for Trump |
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Trump Kepada May: “Tuntut UE” |
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Trump doesn’t only target Germany aims to crack the entire EU |
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Chinese delegation visits Kodiak as Trump administration issues new proposed tariffs |
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NATO summit Trump Slams German Hypocrisy Over Russian Pipeline video |
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President Donald Trump Talks With Piers Morgan On Queen Putin Twitter Trade |
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Trump says May’s Brexit plan could kill hope of US trade deal |
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Finlandización la controvertida política que explica por qué Trump y Putin se reunirán en Helsinki |
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Finlanda a reintrodus controalele la frontieră pentru toată lumea înaintea summitului Trump-Putin de la Helsinki |
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Trump chce kandidovat ve volbách roku 2020 a myslí si že vyhraje |
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Trump Tidak Terlalu Banyak Berharap dari KTT Helsinki dengan Putin |
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Dickish Trump Is Even A Dick To That Nice Old Lady From ‘The Crown’ |
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Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t |
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Magyarországról beszélt Trump az elnöki gépen |
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Trump says ‘nothing bad’ will come from Putin summit blames DNC for hack attacks |
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Trump calls European Union a “foe” ahead of Putin meeting |
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Trump says he will run for reelection |
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President Trump Has ‘Low Expectations’ For Putin Meeting |
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Das Trump-Bilderbuch aus Graubünden hats geschafft |
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Trump quebra protocolo em encontro com rainha Elizabeth e comete gafe veja vídeo |
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1400 mensen claimen straten van Brussel in protestmars tegen Trump en militair opbod bij NAVO |
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Trump nomina giudice “pro-life” alla Corte Suprema: il vento cambia |
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Trump se convierte en personaje más seguido en Twitter |
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Trump-Putin talks: Concerns over meeting without aides |
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Trump tilda a Rusia la Unión Europea y China de “enemigos” |
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La Russie l’Union européenne et la Chine sont nos ennemis dit Trump |
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AP Interview: Croatian leader says Trump Putin key and Croatia to meet in World Cup final |
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Kim Jong-un Arrives Singapore For Summit With President Trump |
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President Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting |
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Chris Christie: A Conversation on Trump Partisanship and the Future of American Politics |
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Trump Opens a Rift in Press Corps as He Disses CNN as ‘fake’ and Fox News as ‘real’ |
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Trump ‘never thought of’ demanding Putin hand over indicted Russians |
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Donald Trump Jr and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle get hot and heavy while on vacation in southern France |
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Why Act Shocked that Trump Attacks Fake News |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t |
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Trump sier han stiller til gjenvalg |
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Take action to stop Trump-Pence attack on reproductive care! |
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Trump’s NATO Tour – ITEL PT – 71218 |
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UNBIASED Liberals Had No Problem with Their Supreme Court Justice Openly Admitting She Hates President Trump And the US Constitution |
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Trump told Piers Morgan he fully intends to run for re-election in 2020 |
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Trump deklaratë të fortë para takimit me Putin: Diktator i pamëshirshëm |
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Trump doet in 2020 gooi naar tweede ambtstermijn: “Iedereen wil dat ik het doe” |
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Donald Trump se lâche: L’Union européenne la Russie et la Chine sont nos ennemis |
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Protest cu mii de persoane la Helsinki înainte de summitul Putin – Trump FOTO |
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Trump takes ‘shackles’ off ICE which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe |
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Trump suggests NATO countries to double defence spending |
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Analysis: Why Trump is the distraction Putin needs |
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Santos solicitó a Trump hablar con Putin para que quite apoyo a Maduro |
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In CBS Interview Before Helsinki Trump Pretends He Might Ask Putin To Extradite Accused Russian Agents |
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Trump: The European Union Is A ‘Foe’ Of The United States |
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Melania Trump in completo bianco viene ricevuta con Trump dalla Regina Elisabetta |
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Trump va a presentarse a la reelección en 2020 Éstas son sus dos razones |
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Meeting with Trump gives meticulously prepared Putin a chance to appear the more assured player |
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Vor Trump-Putin-Gipfel: US-Präsident unter Druck |
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Amikor dől a dominó – Trump tervei és a magyar autógyártás |
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Trump Gets Booed As He Plays Golf in Scotland |
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Democrats Go Haywire After Trump Supreme Court Pick Pre-Made Stop Insert Name Signs Ready to Go |
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Wrapped Up in Books 3 Stormzy’s Merky Books Hayley Scott on children’s fiction After The Orange anthology on post-Trump and Write Radio |
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‘We’re Ready To Write A New Chapter’ Trump Says After Kim Summit |
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GUN-Report 47/18 Q Anon Quest Ep45/18 Kinder QAnon Trump |
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‘Maybe he’ll be a friend’: Trump highlights common ground with Putin ahead of summit |
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T Mayová: Trump mi povedal aby som žalovala EÚ |
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Nude Trump Statues With Masonic Rings |
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Trump’s right – NATO is obsolete |
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Trump and Putin: Helsinki Summit and Stakes for NATO |
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Aproape două treimi dintre germani îl consideră pe Trump o amenințare mai mare decât Putin |
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Did the Trump administration just announce plans for a trade war with ‘hostile’ China and Russia |
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Trump’s Complaints About NATO Defense Spending Don’t Add Up |
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Trump culpa a Obama por respuesta débil al hackeo ruso |
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US-Präsident unter Druck – Neue Warnungen vor Trump-Putin-Gipfel |
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A CNN propagandistájának Angliáig kellett utazni hogy Trump helyre tegye |
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Helsinki fin prête pour le sommet Trump-Poutine |
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WATCH: Trump Jr and Kimberly Totally Chill at Hot St-Tropez Party in France |
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Trump aconselhou o Reino Unido a “processar” União Europeia |
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The White House reportedly canceled John Bolton’s interview with CNN after Trump attacked the network during a press conference |
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Record 155576000 Employed in June 10th Record for Trump |
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Forget Impeachment — Here Are 7 Other Ways Donald Trump’s… |
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10000 protest Trump in Edinburgh |
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Wyoming Town Hall Replaces Donald Trump Portrait With Photo Of Native American Chief |
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Former DNC chair to Trump ahead of Helsinki summit: ‘Confront Mr Putin’ |
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Sadiq Khan reignites war of words with Donald Trump |
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Theresa May mocks Donald Trump as she reveals he told her to “sue the EU” |
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Politics: Bolton: Mueller indictments strengthen Trump’s hand in Putin meeting |
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Live: President Trump tweetar från planet: Inget jag gör räcker till |
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Iranians in Trump’s arms/video |
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President Trump’s Nominee for the Supreme Court: Potential Impact to ACG Members and Patients |
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من هو دونالد ترامب donald trump |
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Trump dejará este domingo Reino Unido para viajar a Finlandia |
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Trump Administration’s Slow But Sure Energy Dominance Agenda |
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Socialist Feminism in the era of Trump and Weinstein |
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Trump nema velika očekivanja od susreta sa Putinom |
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Hillary Blasts Trump Republicans For “Organized Cruelty” And Fears Return To 1850s |
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Report: Prince Charles Prince William Refused to Meet Donald Trump in… |
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Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting |
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Sen Gardner: Trump should hold Russia accountable |
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Tensión antes de la cumbre Donald Trump – Vladimir Putin por las acusaciones de un jefe de inteligencia de EEUU |
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Trump says US had opposed formula limits not breastfeeding |
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Trump culpa a Obama de no hacer nada ante hackeo ruso |
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Ancaman Perang Dagang Trump |
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A una semana de ser electo AMLO es más productivo que Trump |
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Undaunted by Trump’s policies longtime immigration advocate vows to work until ‘the day I die’ |
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‘He Told Me I Should Sue Them’: Watch Theresa May Reveal Trump’s ‘Genius’ Brexit Advice |
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UK: Muslim Mayor of London OKs Trump balloon to fly over Parliament during presidential visit |
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Germany warns Trump against ‘unilateral deals’ with Russia ahead of talks with Putin |
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Kunjungan Donald Trump di London Disambut Demo Ratusan Ribu Orang |
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Trump wil in 2020 weer gooi doen naar burgerdoden in Afghanistan ook vandaag weer aanslag |
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Donald Trump har för avsikt att ställa upp för omval – Mail on Sunday |
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Trump walks back Brexit threat: ‘Whatever you do is OK with |
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Trump Makes the USA a Russian Colony on Monday |
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As the Summit Arrives Keep in Mind that Putin Manages Trump with Carrots and Sticks |
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Trump zu Gipfel mit Putin aufgebrochen |
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Did the Trump Diplomat Lobby for Tommy Robinson |
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Surprise! Two Big “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Stories Released Days Before Trump-Putin |
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ABC’s Jon Karl to John Bolton: Doesn’t Trump Contribute to ‘Authoritarian |
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Trump Setting Low Expectations for This Week’s Putin Summit |
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Trump wil in 2020 weer gooi doen naar 15 juli: Kroatië wil stunten tegen topfavoriet Frankrijk |
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Theresa May: “Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t” |
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May revela que Trump le sugirió denunciar a la UE para forzar las negociaciones del ‘Brexit’ |
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Anti-Trump Hysteria Reaches Fever Pitch |
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Judge Nap: Trump’s Supreme Ct Nominee Is From the Swamp |
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Trump protestoların gölgesinde golf oynuyor |
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The Trump-Putin Summit |
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Bene Trump Salvini e Di Maio Renzi Agghiacciante Il video |
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Trump sagði May að draga ESB fyrir dómstóla vegna Brexit |
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Trump Gives Himself Away on Putin and Russian Meddling |
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Democrats Demand Trump Cancels Putin Meeting Over Russian Indictments |
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Top House Republican urges Trump China’s Xi to meet on trade: Fox |
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Trump encara su cumbre con Putin sin grandes expectativas |
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7/6/18 Max Blumenthal on on Obama and Trump’s Ukrainian Nazis |
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All Over Now But for the Dart-Throwing at Trump Pictures on the Backs of Bedroom Doors |
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Trump adviseerde May om EU voor het gerecht te slepen |
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Exige UNAM la suspensión inmediata de acciones de Trump contra infantes migrantes |
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Tritt Trump 2020 wieder an – „Das ist meine volle Absicht” |
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Trump reveals the Queen’s private views on |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump mi-a spus să dau în judecată UE |
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Empresarios de EEUU llegaron junto al vice de Donald Trump con el foco puesto en futuras inversiones |
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Donald Trump invited to celebrate Republic Day 2019 in India |
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CAN’T STUMP THE TRUMP:15 oz Black Mug |
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Ivanka Trump |
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Here’s what Trump should tell Putin at their summit Monday |
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Trump aconsejó a May que demandara a la UE en lugar de negociar el Brexit |
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Not just Trump: India has separated Bangladeshi children from their parents for years |
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Trump empfahl May die EU zu verklagen |
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Trump: I ‘hadn’t thought of’ asking Putin for indicted Russians |
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Joy Reid Guest: Trump a “Stone Flat-out Racist” for Opposing Open Borders |
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Una expectante y tensa Helsinki se prepara a recibir a Trump y a Putin |
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After no end of drama Trump and Putin take to summit stage |
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Helsinki varmer op til Trump og Putin: ‘De burde arbejde for at skabe en bedre verden’ |
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UK Bar Owner Renames Pub ‘Trump Arms’ in Honor of President’s Visit to Counter Anti-Trump Protests |
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Britische Premierministerin: May: Trump riet mir beim Brexit zur Klage gegen die EU |
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What Donald Trump can teach you about popcorn |
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The Key Elements for Trump Tax Plan |
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Protesters Inflate Donald Trump Baby Blimp ahead of his UK Visit |
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Hollywood Stars Slam Donald Trump’s ‘Disgraceful’ UK Visit |
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Trump se lanza contra Obama por no impedir hackeo ruso |
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Iran Is Not Amused With Sanctions Is Very Amused By Trump Protests In The UK |
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Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Putin new |
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Verbalattacke: Donald Trump bezeichnet EU Russland und China als Gegner |
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Príncipes Carlos y William no quisieron reunirse con Trump |
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Trump In UK: Brexit Will Kill Deal With US |
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Jimmy Carter Reflects on a Lifetime: ‘Under Trump the Government… |
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Donald Trump pleacă în Finlanda pentru întâlnirea cu Vladimir Putin |
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Trump administration official visits Iowa to hear from small business owners 1 day ago |
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Trump visita a Isabel II y pasan revista a Guardia Real Jugará Chihuahua por el oro y bronce en Juegos Nacionales Populares |
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May: “Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue” |
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Culpa Trump a Obama por hackeo ruso en 2016 |
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Gjithçka gati për Samitin e nesërm Trump-Putin në Helsinki |
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Reality Check: The FBI Planted a Spy In the Trump Campaign |
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Nga-Mỹ ‘nóng ran’ trước cuộc gặp Trump-Putin |
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Trump e Putin: incontro per discutere la minaccia aliena |
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Why I joined the anti-Trump protest |
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Tây phương suy tàn vì Trump vì Tập |
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Weekly Review: Donald Trump Dominates The News Cycle |
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Trump in UK Says No ‘Upper Hand’ for Putin NATO ‘Strong |
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Trump Says ‘They Like Me a Lot in the UK’ |
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Cel mai mare ziar din Finlanda le spune un inedit ”Bun venit!” președinților Trump și Putin |
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Trump nem érti! – de örül neki |
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Theresa May tugs on Donald Trump’s Scottish heart-strings with a sentimental gift |
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Trump says Britain must get Brexit ‘carved out’ for US trade deal |
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UK PM May says Donald Trump told her to sue the EU over Brexit |
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Vruće teme pred liderima supersila na samitu u Helsinkiju: Šta će dogovoriti Putin i Trump |
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Corée du Nord : Trump n’ira plus à Singapour |
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Den do summitu Trumpa s Putinem Nemám přehnaná očekávání říká Trump |
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Washington Post CNN NYT NBC Rage Against Trump For The Way He Walked Next To The Queen |
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Trump Twitterissä: Vaikka saisin Moskovan saisin kuulla ettei se ollut tarpeeksi |
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Trump Cuts Off Queen Elizabeth Causing International Outrage |
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Trump Brought His Lies Over To Europe This Week |
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Keane: Trump should confront Putin using evidence |
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Dette skal Trump og Putin snakke om |
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German foreign minister warns Trump over Putin meeting |
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Trump denies criticizing Theresa May calls recorded Sun interview ‘fake news’ |
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Milhares de pessoas protestam contra visita de Trump à Escócia |
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Putin Parley Could Boost Trump Stock |
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Trump sugirió a May que denunciara a la UE para forzar las negociaciones del ‘Brexit’ |
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Storbritannien borde stämma EU enligt Trump |
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Finnish brewery creates beer for Trump-Putin summit |
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Apa Materi Pertemuan Trump dan Putin |
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Trump abre puerta para deportar a inmigrantes con o sin papeles |
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Trump Blasts May’s Brexit Plan Says It Puts Trade Deal in Doubt |
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Trump: EU Russland und China sind Gegner |
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Trump deklaratë të fortë para takimit me Putin: Është diktator i pamëshirshëm |
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Amb Jon Huntsman previews the Trump-Putin summit |
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Cum s-a încheiat summitul NATO 2018: Donald Trump obține angajamentul aliaților de a cheltui mai mult |
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Why meeting with Putin may just give Trump a popularity boost – John A Tures 07/13/2018 |
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Donald Trump told me to sue European Union: Theresa May |
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Trump DOJ appealing judge’s OK of ATampT-Time Warner merger |
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Trump “Hugely Impressed” By Scottish Protests Against Obama |
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Trump zawalczy o reelekcję w 2020 Trump zawalczy o reelekcję w 2020 |
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Trump auf NATO-Gipfel: Zuwanderung übernimmt Europa |
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Trump Urged to Withdraw Kavanaugh Nomination |
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Trump označil Evropskou unii za nepřítele USA |
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President Trump Gushes Over Queen Of England Reminisces About His Mom In Interview |
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La marca de Ivanka Trump se queda afuera de una tienda canadiense |
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British PM: Trump told me to sue the EU over Brexit |
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EEUU: Rusos hackearon a Hillary Clinton cuando Trump lo pidió |
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No escape for Trump as protesters gather near his Scottish golf resort |
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CNN’s Stelter: ‘Hannity Is So Blinded By His Devotion To Trump’ That He Wants Us All Blindfolded |
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Allan Girldler: I’ve been riding Harleys for 60 years Trump’s tweets won’t change that or Harley |
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ABC’s Jon Karl to John Bolton: Doesn’t Trump Contribute to ‘Authoritarian Effort’ to Undermine a Free Press |
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Đồng minh lo ông Trump nhượng bộ Nga |
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Trump Knocks CNN for Allegedly Not Covering His ‘Takedown’ of Acosta But Says Acosta Is ‘Actually a Nice Guy’ |
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¿El dinero lo es todo Explican por qué la ira de Trump no llevó a la división de la OTAN |
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En Escocia también protestan en contra de Trump |
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Być jak Donald Trump |
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Liberal Newspaper Admits Trump could Disarm Hostile Nations through Negotiating Skill there’s Just One Catch |
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Trump says Queen thinks Brexit is ‘very… |
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Trump sets Putin summit expectations low |
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Petition To Remove Maxine Waters Might Hit It’s Goal And Trump Will Have To Answer To It |
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Trump Calls the European Union a ‘Foe’ in Interview |
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India invites US President Donald Trump to be Republic Day chief guest in 2019 |
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La semaine où Donald Trump a bousculé ses alliés européens |
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Desaire de la familia real británica a Trump en su visita a Reino Unido |
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Trump označil EÚ za obchodného nepriateľa Therese May radil dať EÚ na súd |
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Gowdy to Trump: Ask Putin where we can pick up the 25 Russians |
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Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Criticizes Trump On Twitter |
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America First Helsinki And Trump’s Existential Threat To The Empire |
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Trump gets one right: Sober Supreme Court choices |
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Theresa May: Trump më këshilloi të hedh në gjyq BE-në |
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EXCLUSIVE: How The Police Tried To Keep Me Away From The Trump/Tommy Rallies Yesterday |
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Trump’tan F-35 sözü |
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Trump mantiene bajas expectativas para reunión con Putin |
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Trump ve Putin Helsinki’de bir araya geliyor |
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Trump se relaja antes de cumbre con Putin |
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Editor’s Desk: Dear President Trump I’m sorry you didn’t make it to Annapolis |
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Ngoại trưởng Đức cảnh báo Mỹ trong cuộc gặp Putin-Trump |
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My dad predicted Trump in 1985 – it’s not Orwel it’s Brave New World |
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“Don’t Ever Fuck Me Tony” – Mommytown Issues Dire Warning to Patriarchs Putin and Trump |
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Trump w Daily Mail zapowiedział ubieganie się o reelekcję Wygląda na to że wszyscy mnie chcą |
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Trump says May’s Brexit plan would kill UK-US trade deal |
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Trump Pardons Oregon ranchers who inspired Showdown between Militia and Federal Government |
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‘US has WORSE record than DICTATORSHIPS’ – Russian minister claims ahead of Trump summit |
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Trump spune că direcționează Pentagonul spre crearea ”Forței Spațiale” |
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Para Trump y Trudeau elección de AMLO cambia dirección del TLC |
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May: Trump riet mir beim Brexit zur Klage gegen die EU |
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White House Cancels Jake Tapper’s Interview With John Bolton A Day After Trump Attacked CNN |
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‘Maybe he’ll be a friend’: Trump… |
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Merkel et l’Allemagne bêtes noires de D Trump |
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Truyền thông Trung Quốc bị chỉ đạo không chửi ông Trump về vấn đề chiến tranh thương mại |
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Donald Trump’s ‘cringeworthy’ walk with Queen Elizabeth draws anger of Brits |
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Trump ve CNN Muhabirleri Arasında soğuk Rüzgarlar Esti |
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Donald Trump buscará reelección en 2020 |
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Politics: Trump tariff trade war with China Canada EU Mexico has no goal end |
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Statement on family separation actions by Trump administration |
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Innenministerium wusste seit Mittwoch von will rücknahmebereiten Ländern mehr Geld Wiese vor Trump-Putin-Gipfel skeptisch |
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Reproductive Rights in the Trump Era |
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Matt Lewis on Trump Anti-Intellectualism and the GOP’s Existential Need to Modernize |
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May: Trump më tha që ta padis BE-në për Brexitin |
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Oil’s Perfect Storm Lays At Trump’s Feet |
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Quan hệ đặc biệt Anh – Mỹ đi về đâu khi TT Donald Trump dồn dập chỉ trích Theresa May |
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Brexit plan ‘may kill’ US trade deal: Trump |
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This is the real reason Melania Trump didn’t curtsy to the Queen The President and the First Lady met with the Queen on Friday |
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Failed Casino Owner Donald Trump Tells British PM Theresa May to… |
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Premier May w BBC: Trump radził mi pozwać UE ws Brexitu |
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Sobre Brexit Trump me aconselhou a processar a União Europeia diz primeira-ministra do Reino Unido 15/07/2018 às 10:15 |
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George Lopez Urinates on Trump’s Hollywood Star with Fake Urine |
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BREAKING: President Trump Sees No Viable Liberal Candidate – Intends to Run in 2020 |
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Trump to Robert Mueller- ‘It Wasn’t Me’ w- Shaggymp4 |
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Trump will not bring Middle East Peace This Year – Instead He is Helping to Make the Region a Crueller Place |
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Trump’s trade war to knock a fifth off US stock markets say UBS analysts |
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Trump threatens additional tariff on Chinese goods |
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Trump c’era già nell’Atene classica post-Pericle e si chiamava Cleone |
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Diálogo entre as Coreias é mérito de Trump |
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Netanyahu thanks Trump for ‘strong policy against Iran’ ahead of summit with Putin |
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Podcast: Why Trump Doesn’t Want a Soft Brexit |
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Hannity Exposes London Anti-Trump Protesters wth 1 Bombshell Question |
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Trump anuncia que buscará la reelección en 2020 |
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Niemand bewegt sich so schambefreit zwischen giftiger Hysterie und faktischer Blindheit vor der Wirklichkeit wie der amerikanische Fernsehmoderator Sean Hannity Besessen von der Wichtig- und Richtigkeit einer Präsidentschaft Trump verkommt seine Sendung Hannity auf Fox zum erbärmlichen Versuch die Lügen Trumps in unverhohlener Missachtung von Fakten zu stützen Das Portrait eines Getriebenen |
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Los secuaces de Trump se reúnen con AMLO |
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British Paper Goes Ballistic On Trump For Insulting The Queen And Country: “How Dare You” |
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Magyarországról is beszélt Trump |
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American Idiot – La campaña contra la visita de Trump a Reino Unido |
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Trump a Putin se poprvé sejdou na oficiálním summitu |
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’Well below par’: UK paraglider charged for flying banner over Trump golf resort |
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Donald Trump rompió el protocolo e incomodó a la Reina Isabel |
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Prezydent Trump: UE Rosja i Chiny to wrogowie |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump Told Me to ‘Sue the EU’ Over Brexit |
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Aproape două treimi dintre germani îl consideră pe Trump o mai |
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Report: Trump ‘Snubbed’ by Prince Charles and Prince William |
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Nada de ruim sairá de reunião com Putin e talvez saia algo bom diz Trump 15/07/2018 às 10:13 |
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Protestan en Londres con globo gigante con caricatura de Trump |
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US military officer criticizes Trump for |
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Give Donald Trump credit for this one thing he refused to do in Britain |
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Trump Sidelines Jim Acosta: “CNN Is Fake News I Don’t Take Questions From CNN” |
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Trump is exaggerating Germany’s reliance on Russia for energy |
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Man arrested over paraglider protest at Trump resort |
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Trump’s trade war makes political sense to his base Rivals must beware |
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Al-Sadr and al-Fatah reveal the fact that al-Sadr and al-Amiri rejected the Trump envoy’s proposals on forming a government |
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Trump told me to sue EU – May |
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Trump May Release Oil From US Reserves To Combat Rising Prices USO |
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Moszkvába utazik Trump nemzetbiztonsági tanácsadója az amerikai-orosz csúcs előkészítésére |
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‘Fk Donald Trump’ Rapper YG Charged with Felony Robbery |
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Donald Trump a Jeruzalem |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump bị phản đối khi đến Anh |
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A Psychological Analysis of Donald Trump |
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7/6/2018 Sheldon Richman on the Trump – Kushner Delusion on Palestine |
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Trump aruncă sistemul global în aer! Vrea să retragă SUA din OMC |
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Con protestas Finlandia recibe a Trump y Putin |
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Trump Putin to meet on July 16 in Helsinki – Officials |
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An ninh châu Âu : Món hàng « mặc cả » TT Trump dành cho Putin |
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Trump on Asking Putin to Extradite Indicted Russians: ‘I Might I Hadn’t Thought of That’ |
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Prophecy Update: Trump’s Two Supreme Court Judge Selections- Both Jesuit Educated |
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Even Never Trump Evangelicals Might Be Swayed by the Supreme Court |
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TRUMP afirmație șoc: „Rusia UE și China sunt din motive diferite DUȘMANII Americii!” De ce spune că are o mare problemă cu Germania |
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Queen left to meet Donald Trump alone after Prince Charles and Prince William ‘snubbed US President’ |
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Trump: No one can beat me in 2020 election |
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Trump-Putin meeting comes at low point for US-Russia relations |
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Theresa May sustine ca Donald Trump a sfatuit-o sa dea in judecata UE in legatura cu Brexit-ul |
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Spie russe incriminate Trump non annulla il vertice con Putin |
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Donald Trump encara su cumbre con Putin sin grandes expectativas |
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Ivanka Trump se sincera sobre la depresión posparto |
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Robert De Niro told the Tonys audience “Fck Trump” |
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Trump in the First round of 2018 Helpmann Awards winners |
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Theresa May: Trump mi-a spus să dau în judecată UE |
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Trump-China trade war lingers upsetting global economy and stock markets |
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Trump Tariffs Could Tip Canada into Recession Trade Committee Told |
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May : Trump mi-a spus că ar trebui să dau în |
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Tusk: enthusiasm trump on Ukraine decreased |
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Despite financial losses Scotland special to President Trump |
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My Two Cents: Trump’s ‘Rule of Law’ Hypocrisy VID |
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Trump says he has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting |
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Britse prinsen Charles en William weigerden ontmoeting met Trump |
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No more KFC and Big Macs: this is what Donald Trump eats on board Air Force One |
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Trump: «La Unión Europea es un enemigo de Estados Unidos» |
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Außenminister Maas warnt Trump vor ”einseitigen Deals” mit Putin |
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“Mr Trump Tear Down This Alliance” |
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Politics: Trump told May to sue the EU |
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CAN’T STUMP THE TRUMP:11 oz Black Mug |
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London’s Terrorist Mayor Bans Pro-Trump Rally at US Embassy |
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Trump spune că va candida pentru un nou mandat |
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President Trump brings ‘America First’ message to Europe |
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Top Senate Democrats Are Urging Trump to Not Meet With Putin One-on-One |
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Pres Donald Trump forced to run for cover surrounded by secret service agents as paraglider protester flies around Scottish golf course |
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Neanyahu i Trump telefonski razgovarali o Siriji i Iranu |
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Trump strebt zweite Amtszeit an |
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Trump och Ryssland |
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Surprise! Two Big “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Stories Released Days Before Trump-Putin Summit |
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What to expect from the Trump-Putin summit |
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Trump advised May to sue EU over Brexit prime minister reveals |
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Black conservatives say give Trump’s court choice a chance |
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12 Things You Didn’t Know About Me By Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump rompió el protocolo e incomodó a la Reina Isabel II |
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Trump går til Putin-møte med lave forventninger |
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Queen Elizabeth and Donald Trump fly to Scotland for some golf |
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The 7 senators most likely to cross party lines on Trump’s Supreme Court pick |
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Trump ‘khuyên Anh kiện EU’ |
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Donald Trump : « L’immigration en Europe est une honte agissez vite où l’Europe ne sera plus jamais pareille » |
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Trump acredita mais nos dólares do que nos argumentos |
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Trump Sets Expectations Low for Putin Summit |
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«La Russie l’Union européenne et la Chine sont nos ennemis» estime Donald Trump |
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Commentary: Muscles in Brussels: President Trump and the Europeans’ double-crossing game |
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Trump’s Trade Wars: The End of American Supremacy |
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Çfarë kërkon Putin nga Trump |
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Sách: 100 lời khuyên đầu tư bất động sản khôn ngoan nhất – Donal Trump |
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Scharia in Indonesien: Öffentliche Peitschen- und Stockhiebe für Christen und für 2020: Trump sieht sich außer Konkurrenz |
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Trump NATO and the emerging multi-order world |
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Santos pide a Trump que trate de alejar a Rusia de |
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Brüksel’de Trump Şov! NATO’yu Restle Teslim Aldı |
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Trumpism Is Thriving In Sweden By Carefully Ignoring Donald Trump |
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Trump pred summitom s Putinom označil EÚ za nepriateľa |
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Gowdy to Trump: Ask Putin where “we can pick up the 25 Russians” |
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Trump listar EU och Ryssland som fienderFinland |
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GUN-Report 48/18 Handelskrieg Trump ChessGame mit Merkel amp Xi Jinping |
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Trump e Putin: o que eles já disseram um do outro |
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Irak El’Nuceba Hareketi: Trump ve ABD’den Korkmuyoruz |
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Germania îl avertizează pe Trump să nu încheie un acord unilateral |
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Trump: Ue nostro nemico e in parte anche Russia e Cina |
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Hollywood Celebrities Hit the Street to Protest Trump in London |
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US President Donald Trump departs Britain |
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Takimi kokë më kokë Trump-Putin A do ta tradhëtojë presidenti i SHBA perëndimin |
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Scarlett Johansson pulls out of trans drama after backlash 1 day ago brewery creates quirky beer for Trump-Putin summit |
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Saudi Arabia Raises Oil Output to Please Trump |
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En fotos: Miles protestan por la presencia de Donald Trump en Escocia mientras juega golf |
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HISTORY IN THE MAKING -Trump And Kim Hold Meeting To End |
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Bức ảnh gây “sốt” của Tổng thống Trump tại thượng đỉnh NATO |
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Royal expert wrongly claims President Trump broke Royal Protocol |
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Analiza lui Cozmin Gușă despre ce se ascunde în spatele întâlnirii dintre Trump și Putin |
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Trump on Scottish golf course as protest rages outside |
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Trump Administration Learned all the Wrong Lessons from History |
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Trump quiere estar cerca del gobierno de AMLO asegura Larry Rubin |
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Trump Asks The 64000 Question: Why Didn’t Obama Do Anything About Russia |
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Nicola Sturgeon won’t be Meeting Trump |
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President Trump nominates South Bend attorney for federal judge |
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Wojna na horyzoncie Trump: UE Rosja i Chiny to wrogowie! Tusk |
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Créons le pire cauchemar de Trump et sauvons le climat |
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Trump verwacht niet veel van ontmoeting Poetin |
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Schiff: If Kim Jong Un can eat Trump’s lunch so can Putin |
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Trump tweets and plays golf ahead of meeting with Putin |
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How China Plans to Push Back Against Trump in ‘Economic Cold War’ |
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Trump ‘snubbed’ by British royal family |
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Donald Trump y su relación con la comunidad Internacional |
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Donald Trump quer a reeleição em 2020 |
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As Trump Says Putin ‘Not My Enemy’ Skeptics in US See Danger |
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Carlos e William recusaram-se a conhecer Donald Trump |
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Sverige trea i dramatisk protester mot Trump och PutinFinland |
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Donald Trump dejará este domingo el Reino Unido viajará rum… |
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US Deep State Hits Putin-Trump Summit with Preemptive Strike as Russiagate Fizzles Out |
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Trump closed little-known door for family reunification leaving refugees stranded |
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DAAWO: Arin Lama Filaan ah Oo Ku Dhacdey Donald Trump iyo |
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Interview mit Annen: „Große Deals hat Trump noch nicht zustande gebracht“ |
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Supreme Court Israel Spiritual Warfare and Hating Trump |
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Santos: Le pido al presidente Trump que le solicite a Putin dejar de apoyar al régimen de Maduro |
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Trump har låga förväntningar inför toppmöte 15:47 |
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Donald Trump Set To Leave The UK After Remarkable Visit That Ignited Immense Protests |
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UK PM Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to sue the EU |
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Media-Fueled Demonstrators Flood Streets to March Against Trump in London |
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Trump Says Europe Is a ‘Foe’ of the US |
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Sunday News: Trump “Having a Bawl in Europe” “How Dare You” Trump “Textbook Treason” |
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Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to sue the European Union |
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Trump tildó a Rusia Unión Europea y China de “enemigos” |
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Duh Dua Aturan Protokoler Kerajaan Inggris ini Dilanggar Trump saat Bertemu Ratu Elizabeth II |
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The president of 85 billion Qualcomm explains his master plan for growth 4 months after Trump blocked its takeover by Broadcom |
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Ivanka Trump Wages War on Christmas With ‘Happy Holidays’ Tweet |
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El consejo brutal que Donald Trump le dio a la primera ministra británica Theresa May |
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Trump’s Ambassador Lobbied Britain On Behalf Of Jailed Pro-Freedom Activist Tommy Robinson |
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Trump: ”EU är en fiende” |
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Trump names EU as a “foe” ahead of high-stakes Putin meeting |
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Trump Gets Trumped |
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Scots Remind World They Liked Arcade Fire And Despised Donald Trump Before It Was Cool |
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Si Trump es infantil Mandela es adulto es el antiTrump |
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Donald Trump: „Avem mulți inamici: UE Rusia și China” Reacția lui Tusk |
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Celebs React To Donald Trump’s Meeting With The Queen |
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EU and China seize momentum to enhance trade agreements in response to Trump’s administration |
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Breakfast At Trump National Golf Course Los Angeles |
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Vizita în Marea Britanie Donald Trump a abordat subiectul Brexit cu Regina Elisabeta a II-a și a declarat că se pregătește pentru o nouă candidatură |
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Star Wars: Should we be worried about Trump’s space plans |
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Sun: Trump kvůli Salisbury nezruší rozhovory s Putinem! |
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Zuckerberg slams Trump in F8 opener: ‘Instead of building walls we can help build bridges’ |
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: Trump will 2020 wieder antreten und liebt Twitter |
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L’Union européenne la Russie et la Chine sont nos « ennemis » estime Trump |
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Ciprian Apetrei: Trump doborat de catre expertii romani |
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Trump-Putin në Helsinki ujdi para greminës politike |
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Trump Charges Forward Week at Legal Insurrection |
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Trump is the Biggest! …a weekend in Manila |
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Donald Trump ospite della regina Elisabetta II infrange il protocollo reale |
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Trump: ‘Everybody wants me to’ run for re-election |
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Trump Ya Sha Alwashin Kalubalantar Putin Idan Sun Gana |
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Theresa May afirmă că Donald Trump a sfătuit-o să acţioneze în judecată UE în contextul Brexit |
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El nuevo mundo: el ADN de Trump |
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Un Parapente de Greenpeace sobrevoló el resort del campo de golf escocés donde se aloja Trump para denunciar su negacionismo climático |
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İngiltere Başbakanı May: Trump AB’yi mahkemeye vermemi söyledi |
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Trump Refuses to Take Question From Jim Acosta: ‘CNN is Fake News” |
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Ezt várják a németek a Putyin-Trump csúcstól |
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Meet the brains behind the ‘Trump Baby’ balloon |
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Trump: Obama no actuó ante ataque cibernético ruso |
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Thousands Turn Out To Protest Against President Trump In Scotland |
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Aproape două treimi dintre germani îl consideră pe Trump o ameninţare mai mare decât Putin |
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Trump And Merkel Are In A Cold War Of Words — But Watch What Happens When Melania Steps In |
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Patrick Buchanan: Is a Trump Court coming |
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Así trataron a Donald Trump en la vuelta que se dio por Escocia |
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Mundial 2026: las declaraciones de Trump refuerzan las opciones de Marruecos según los expertos |
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Viaja Trump de Reino Unido a Finlandia se reunirá con Putin |
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Good Trump Bad Trump |
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Trump Ya Shawarci Birtaniya Ta Kai Karar Kungiyar Tarayyar Turai |
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Major security breached as Trump touches down in Scotland |
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UK ‘Trump Baby’ Blimp Barely Takes Flight and Fails to Reach President While Drawing Small Crowd |
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Trump deja esperando a la reina Isabel II y rompe el protocolo |
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Trevor Noah Compares Trump To Hitler |
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‘CBS Evening News’ Anchor Jeff Glor Scores Surprise Trump Interview |
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Ngoại trưởng Mỹ tin cần tiến hành cuộc gặp Trump – Putin |
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Baza de la Deveselu subiect de discuție între Putin și Trump |
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Δείτε το Νέο Σπίτι της Ivanka Trump στην Ουάσινγκτον |
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State Lawmakers Trying to Shield Californians from Trump’s Tax Increase |
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Bernie Sanders and giant Trump tweet on Senate floor |
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Melania Trump eleganta intr-o rochie semnata de Victoria Beckham Iata cat de bine a aratat – FOTO |
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Melania Trump Looks Radiant In Two-Piece Suit Meeting Queen Despite Massive Protests |
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Trump: Este oare Putin dușmanul meu |
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No es solo Trump sus antecesores también tuvieron mano dura con los inmigrantes |
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Premierministerin zum Brexit : May: Trump riet mir zur Klage gegen EU |
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Trump: l’Ue è un nostro nemico |
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Tusk: Trump ima averziju prema EU i NATO-u |
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In Trump Era Managing JPMorgan Is As Unpredictable As a Midnight Tweet |
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Maybe he becomes a friend: Trump highlights joint ground with Putin ahead of the summit |
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Trump’s MAGA policy remains unchanged as EU warns to impose additional retaliation tariffs on US products |
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Cum a încălcat Trump protocolul regal britanic |
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Iran: No negotiations with the Trump Administration |
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Prince Charles and Prince William ‘refused to meet Donald Trump’ in Windsor |
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Trump’tan Obama’ya Seçim Suçlaması |
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Cleon Peterson Takes A Jab At The Trump Administration In His New Exhibition ‘Blood amp Soil’ |
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Man Charged Over Donald Trump Fly-By Protest In Turnberry |
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Trump contra neutralidade na rede |
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El príncipe Carlos y el príncipe Guillermo no quisieron reunirse con Trump |
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Liars Leakers and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy |
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Carper Coons Blunt Rochester raise concerns over Trump tariffs |
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Russland: Maas warnt Trump vor einseitigen Deals mit Putin |
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Let’s Rate Trump: 1 year 9 promises |
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British Press Blasts Trump’s ‘Insult’ Of A UK Visit This Is GLORIOUS IMAGES |
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Felkészül Orbán Viktor – A Trump–Putyin találkozó hozadéka |
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Chinese energy deal still moving forward despite Trump tariffs |
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There’s a glaring problem with Trump’s trade war that could drag out the fight indefinitely |
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Trump makes major foreign policy achievements in first 500 days: WH |
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Trump tem expectativas baixas para a cimeira com Putin |
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Trump: La caza de brujas en Estados Unidos perjudica a las relaciones con Rusia |
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Trump asegura que la Unión Europea es ahora un “enemigo” de EEUU |
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Donald Trump e INCREDIBIL: ‘Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt INAMICII noştri’ |
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Trump Taunts Democrats Every Day |
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Media Enraged Because Trump Walks Faster Than a 92-Year-Old Woman |
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Trump pretende reelegirse como presidente para 2020 |
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Trump: Obama Allowed Russian Encroachment on Crimea–“I Would Not Have Allowed It” |
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Former US Officials Urge Trump… |
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PANIC CREATES DIVISION IN DEM PARTY: CA Dem Party Punishes Sen Diane Feinstein For Not Resisting Trump Enough…Endorses Pro-Illegal Immigrant Candidate Who Will Fight Trump On Front Lines |
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George Lopez Acts Like He’s Urinating On Donald Trump Walk Of Fame |
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Trump Vows to Tax Harley ‘Like Never Before’ if it Moves some Production Abroad |
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Donald Trump încalcă protocolul regal făcând publică discuţia sa cu regina |
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Trump: La Ue è nostro nemico In parte anche Russia e Cina Tusk: Fake news |
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Trump ‘intends’ to run for re-election |
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Trump Sets Expectations Low for Helsinki Summit with Putin |
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Santos involucra a Trump en petición especial para Venezuela |
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Theresa May onthult “agressief” Brexit-advies van Donald Trump: “Klaag de Europese Unie aan” |
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With anti-China protectionism the left is aiding Trump’s xenophobic agenda |
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Top Democrats Panic – Demand Trump Intel Chief Keep Info Classified on Trump Campaign Spy Halper |
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Brexit il consiglio di Trump alla May: Invece di negoziare fai causa alla Ue |
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Sunday News: Trump “Having a Bawl in Europe” “How Dare You” Trump “Textbook Treason” GMU “must be subject to public records laws” |
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Reis’in posteri Trump Tower’a asıldı |
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Trump Administration Tries Another Emergency Appeal to Thwart Youth Climate Case |
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Ivanka and Jared Go to Extra Lengths to Keep Low Profile as Trump Admin Officials Face Public Backlash |
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Greider: Trump might change the culture — but immigration won’t |
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Santos pide a Trump que hable con Putin para que quite apoyo a Maduro |
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Senate Democrat warns Putin could take advantage of Trump |
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Des milliers de personnes manifestent à Helsinki avant le sommet Trump-Poutine |
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Trump viajará a Helsinki con pocas expectativas pero anticipa algo bueno |
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Melania Trump’s royal outfits could give Kate Meghan Markle a run for their money |
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Prank poster telling Trump to ‘f off’ in Edinburgh goes viral |
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Oregon Ranchers Pardoned By Trump Just Got HUGE Surprise Before Making It Home |
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Sarah Sanders: We Pulled John Bolton from Tapper Interview Because CNN ‘Disrespected’ Trump |
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Trump zmenil formálnu schôdzku na tvrdý výpad proti Nemecku Sú zajatcami Ruska tvrdí18 593 |
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Border measures part of Trump’s bigger immigration |
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Choices And A Favorite of Trump Administration Carry Major Potential for Foster Youth |
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Conte annuncia vertice sulla Libia e invita anche Trump |
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Donald Trump will be Reelected |
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Trump On Asking Putin To Extradite Russians Charged With Hacking Dems: I Hadn’t Thought Of That VIDEO |
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The Trump-Fox Feedback Loop |
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Trump Responds to North Korea’s Kim insulted by calling him ‘old’ |
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New Government New Policies This Is How Trump May Affect Your… |
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President Trump’s Weekly Address for June 18 The Subject is MS-13 amp “Cars 3” Fuels Up For Nationwide Tour |
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Watch a delusional Trump wave at UK protesters calling out his… |
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Trump pone a las dos mayores economías del mundo al borde |
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Exclusive—Sacha Baron Cohen Posed as ‘Disabled Veteran’ Trump Voter with ‘Bullet’ Necklace and ‘InfoWars Stickers’ in Palin Prank |
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Comedian Claims he Tricked the White House into Phone Call with Trump |
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Crece la tensión y dudas por la reunión entre Putin y Trump |
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Bill Gates Says Donald Trump Asked — Twice — If ‘There Was a Difference Between’ HPV and HIV |
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Trump megkegyelmezett a ZTE-nek |
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Sanders Trump wasonga mbele |
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Tổng thống Trump trả lời VOA sau cuộc gặp với lãnh tụ Bắc Hàn |
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Duitsland roept Trump op geen eigen deals met Rusland te sluiten ten koste van bondgenoten |
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Tensión antes de la cumbre Donald Trump – Vladimir Putin por… |
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Trump Just Blamed Obama For Mueller’s Latest Russia Indictments Like A Giant Wank |
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Post-Trump Trudeau and Leonard Cohen |
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Trump reaches for big moment with Putin |
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Trợ lý của ông Trump lo “có biến bất ngờ” trong |
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Rencontre historique entre Trump et Kim Jong Un |
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Indictment of 12 Russian Military Intelligence Officers: Trump Should Fire Rosenstein Immediately |
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Trump hints at the Queen’s private views on Brexit |
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Donald Trump’s Immigration Orders And Unanswered Questions |
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Trump me aconselhou a processar a União Europeia revela premiê britânica |
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Encuentro entre Trump y Putin centrará la atención mundial |
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Trump face ANUNȚUL ce SPERIE jumătate din SUA Va fi încă un RĂZBOI pe VIAȚĂ și pe MOARTE „Nu văd pe NIMENI să mă POATĂ ÎNVINGE!” |
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Iran’s Rouhani warns Trump of ‘historic regret’ over nuclear deal |
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Trump signs bipartisan bill to combat synthetic opioids |
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GOP senator: Trump’s trade policies doing permanent damage hopes for pivot |
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Trump: ”Det verkar som att alla vill att jag ska ställa upp för omval” |
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Novitjok-offrets son: Trump ta upp fallet med Putin |
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Trump’s trip to Europe: Top five highlights |
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Píčus Babiš onanuje nad Trumpem s kterým prohodil jen pár vět Trump řekl že má tři krásné české děti a běžel |
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SC colleges won’t stop diversity plans under new Trump directive |
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Trump Plays Golf At Turnberry Course In Scotland Ahead Of Meeting With Putin |
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How Are Trump’s Top Supreme Court Candidates Expected to Vote on America’s Hottest Justice Issues |
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emergency 4 demo cracken Trump picks Kavanaugh for court setting up fight with Demscrack addiction pictures before and after |
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Trump says US supports Britain in Brexit talks 45 minutes ago |
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Why One Black Civil Rights Hero Is Voting For Donald Trump |
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Johnson Trump y el problema de May con los que tienen el pelo raro |
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Strzok Keeps Trying to Cover Up the Conspiracy Against Trump |
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‘We’ve Got The Tapes’ – Trump Slams CNN Video |
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Anda Pasti Terkejut Kenapa Trump Mencetus Perang Perdagangan… |
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Trump Signs Order Calling for Work Requirements for Welfare Programs |
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John Rose Commentary: We Need To Elect A Congress That Will Support President Trump |
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Tien miljard euro nodig voor Europese in Brussel: Trump nog steeds niet ‘Welcome’ |
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10: The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump đến Phần Lan sớm trước |
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Commentary: Allies take heat from Trump return it in kind |
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Trump har ikke store forventninger til topmøde |
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Trump’s remarks about changing European culture draw |
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Trump: Creo que la UE es un enemigo |
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Trump Crypto Fraud Task Force |
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This happens when Trump forces Apple to build its iPhone in the US |
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Last Call For The Trump Tax Scam Con’t |
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Presidente Donald Trump faz de Novo o Impossível |
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The Thinkery uploads on YouTube Neil Hamilton Welcomes Donald Trump to Britain |
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Elon Musk Just Made A Shocking Donation That Will Affect Trump And Republicans Big Time |
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President Trump’s Proposed Budget Cuts Funding for Minnesota’s Working Poor |
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Tranh cãi chuyện Tổng thống Trump mắc lỗi với Nữ hoàng Anh trong lễ đón tiếp |
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As Trump Bannon Assange amp Oprah make headlines: The Empire Strikes Back |
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Trump till May: Stäm EU – förhandla inte |
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Trump “anti-nova ordem mundial” é mais uma fraude e desinformação contra o cidadão |
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UK protesters inflate snarling orange Trump blimp to mock US president |
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At NATO Trump claims allies make new defense spending commitments after he upends summit |
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Donald Trump set to leave the UK after historic visit that sparked massive protests |
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Trump encara su cumbre con Putin sin grandes de pesquero español hundido llegarán a Montevideo |
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Will President Trump confront Vladimir Putin with the recent indictments |
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Prophetic Update: Donald Trump Delivers “Broadside to separation of church and state” |
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Trump dénonce le remplacement de population en Europe |
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Trump’s Pardoned Ranchers Get the VIP Treatment Leaving Prison and You’ll LOVE Who Made it Happen! |
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Queen left to meet Trump alone after senior royals snubbed him |
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Mayová: Trump mi povedal aby som žalovala EÚ |
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Theresa May: Trump Told Me To Sue The EU Over Brexit |
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Los precios “acordados” que el gobierno fijó pero no le pide a Trump que intermedie ante Putín para que no apoye más a Maduro |
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Supreme Court Favors Trump in Travel Ban Case |
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Pfizer ignora a Trump y sube el precio de 100 medicamentos entre ellos Viagra |
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Steve Bannon Backs Off Comments About President Donald Trump’s Son |
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Trump’s FuelEfficiency Reality Check Revs Up the American Economy |
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May zbulon bisedën me Trump: Më tha të padis BE-në për… |
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Ted Deutch Lois Frankel Debbie Wasserman Schultz call on Donald Trump to cancel Vladimir Putin meetup |
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Do Industry Giants Like Amazon amp Pfizer Really Care About Trump’s Twitter Slamming |
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Trump ignites political fight over US banking law reforms |
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Global Realities and Handshake Theatre — Trump and Kim |
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Expert Explains Why Kim Jong Un Willing to Meet With President Trump |
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For Everything Trump |
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Trump adds 184000 manufacturing jobs and continues growth trend |
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Trump heads into Helsinki with no clear goals and ‘low expectations’ as worries grow that Putin may get concessions out of US president |
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Trump zum Gipfel mit Putin aufgebrochen |
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Trump’s Arsenal of Devastating Weapons |
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Trump a familias separadas: “Que no vengan ilegalmente” |
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BOOK REVIEW: Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in The Age of Trump by Gary Lachman |
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Native American Tribes Condemn the Trump Administration’s Motives for Repealing Bears Ears National Monument |
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Trump dit vouloir briguer un second mandat |
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Trump concluye visita a Reino Unido en medio de protestas masivas contra su presencia |
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Praise for Trump |
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PREDICTION 1: Donald Trump Will NOT Be Impeached |
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Trump vend la mèche pour la conversation avec Elizabeth II et… défie le protocole |
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Donald Trump: Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt inamicii |
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Do you think President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed |
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Explained Trump – Putin Meeting: From Syria to Nukes What Will They Talk About |
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Trump London visit fails due to his irresponsible statement let alone protest |
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Da Rocket Man pazzo a Kim il divertente: Trump ribalta il giudizio sul dittatore nordcoreano |
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Trump: Europa está perdiendo su cultura por la inmigración |
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Harvard Psychiatrist Gives Warning: Trump Is A ‘Sociopath’ And ‘A Very Sick Individual’ – Stats |
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Donald Trump Blasts Justice System Chuck Schumer amp More After Terror Attack |
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Trump Says He Hadn’t Thought About Asking Putin to Send Over Indicted Russians |
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El peso cae atento a reunión de AMLO con emisarios de Trump |
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President Trump and the Real Government Corruption |
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Watch: Trump holds news conference with UK Prime |
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„Toată lumea vrea să o fac” Răspunsul lui Trump la întrebarea dacă va intenționa să candideze la prezidențiale în 2020 |
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North Korea warns it may cancel summit with Trump if it has to give up nukes |
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Trump Buhari and integrity |
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Melania Trump ha fatto un logo… e sì |
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Top House Republican urges Trump China’s Xi to meet on trade: Fox |
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Trump: Îmi place puterea Twitter de a combate ştirile false |
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Trump sale del pacto nuclear con Irán y encienda la alarma europea |
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Who’s afraid of a Trump-Putin summit – by Stephen Cohen |
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Encontro de Donald Trump e Vladimir Putin nesta segunda-feira será a primeira reunião oficial dos dois chefes de Estado |
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WatchSummit fever: Just as he did with Kim Trump reaches for a big moment with Putin |
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Trump aconsejó a May que demandara a la UE en lugar de negociar |
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Donald Trump told Theresa May to ‘sue’ the EU instead of negotiating over Brexit |
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Trump Advised May to Sue the European Union |
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Anger Still Runs High Against Trump – And His Opponents |
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¿Extrema derecha en el favorito de Trump para el Tribunal Supremo 0 767 |
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Trump predicts more Supreme Court openings but what will it take |
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Trump’s Turnberry getaway: A little golf a lot of promoting |
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Global Survey Reveals Six in Ten People Think World More Dangerous Place Since Trump Took Power |
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UN-Umsiedlungsprogramm für 250 Millionen Flüchtlinge Deutschland ist dabei – Trump steigt aus |
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Trump dichiara guerra all’Europa: Sapete cos’èla Ue E su Cina e Russia |
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Dowd: Trump Having a Bawl in Europe |
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Trump Deranged Lefty Wackos Now Completely Insane |
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Trump impacciato con la Regina Elisabetta |
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Man arrested over paraglider protest at Trump’s golf course in Scotland |
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Donald Trump told me to sue the EU says Theresa May |
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Bright Light of 9/11 Truth Shines THROUGH Trump Afghanistan Speech- Is There Still Hope 8-25-17 |
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Man Awoken From 27-Year Coma Commits Suicide After Learning Donald Trump Leads Presidential Race |
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The Latest: Bolton: Hacking indictment helps Trump at summit |
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‘Fake News’ Goes Global as Trump in Britain Rips the Press |
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Trump gelooft nu dat iedereen wil dat hij zich weer verkiesbaar stelt in 2020 |
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Trump lists enemy states |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump Londra’da protestoyla karşılandı |
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Theresa May dezvăluiri din culisele discuției cu Donald Trump: ‘Mi-a spus să dau în judecată UE’ |
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Trump Shuts Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels |
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Præsident Donald Trump i Amerika og statsminister Uffe Elbæk i Danmark kan hverken klare klima- eller migrationsproblemet! Men hvem kan |
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Trump: az Egyesült Államok kiléphet a NATO-ból |
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Trump før topmøde: Jeg går ind med lave forventninger |
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Does this VIDEO of the Queen and President Trump indicate “The Queen of England Surrendering the International Cabal to the Alliance” |
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Trump Tackles Europe |
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Superheroes and the Trump Administration |
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Working thread ahead of the putin-trump summit in helsinki on july 16 |
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La Unión Europea busca alianzas contra Trump en China y en Japón |
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Conflit Israélo-palestinien: Lettre à D Trump B Netanyahou et M Abbas |
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Trump Thumps NATO NATO Bows the Knee |
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Gowdy to Trump: Ask Putin where we can pick up the 25 Russians indicted in probe |
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Der Baby Trump Ballon |
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Acusa Trump a Obama de no actuar contra ataque cibernético ruso |
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Is Trump Derangement Syndrome Dangerous Video |
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5 years after declaring bankruptcy Detroit reborn at a Trump says solution to family separation crisis is for immigrants not to come into US illegally |
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Con Trump llegan a California juicios masivos contra ilegales |
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Premier Holandii: Trump ma rację zwiększymy wydatki na armię |
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Thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin: Cơ hội tháo gỡ thế đối đầu Nga-Mỹ |
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Turkse modeontwerper kleedt Tiffany Trump |
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Trump Conservative |
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Trump-Putin Summit! Helsinki is The Probable Location – US official |
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Trump and Putin are preparing for their summit in Finland on Monday Do you think they should meet |
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İngiltere Başbakanı May: Trump AB’yi mahkemeye vermemi tavsiye etti |
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Culpa Trump a inmigrantes de “cambiar la cultura” de Europa |
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Japan Freezes North Korea’s Assets after Trump’s Visit |
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President Trump Shuts Down CNN’s Jim Acosta at UK Presser: “I Don’t Take Questions From Fake News” |
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Bill allocates 16 billion for Trump’s border wall |
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President Donald Trump is setting expectations low for his high-stakes summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin assuring that nothing bad and maybe some good will come out of Monday’s meeting in Finland His national security adviser said they aren’t looking for concrete deliverables |
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EU chief fires back at Trump for declaring the EU an enemy – Stats |
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Most Brits Unite in Their Mutual Trump Hate |
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Helsinki is probably happy to be modestly hosting the Trump-Putin summit No boast |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump nói gì trước thượng đỉnh Mỹ-Nga |
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Melania Trump’s spokesperson caught in bizarre lie |
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Trump ‘Trojan Horse’ Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!- Podcast 42 4-16-18 |
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Exigen libertad de en Escocia por visita de Trump |
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La OTAN se reúne en una sesión de urgencia por las exigencias de Trump de aumentar el gasto |
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DOVADA că Donald Trump și Vladimir Putin se văd DEGEABA: Ce |
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România în prim-planul câștigurilor după un Summit NATO zbuciumat dominat de Donald Trump Editorial de Iulian Chifu |
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“I’m literally a communist” – exasperated Trump protester confesses |
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Meryl Streep renueva sus duras críticas contra Trump Video |
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Interfaith EcoJustice Predicted To Rise Under Donald Trump |
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Harán mal lopezobrador y mebrard si aceptan la petición racista de Trump sobre refugiados |
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Devin Nunes: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion But ‘Clear Links’ Between Clinton Campaign amp Russians |
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President Trump’s campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy amp budget |
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Trump se reunirá con Putin pese a acusaciones de EEUU a agentes rusos |
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Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha firmato un proclama per la Domenica come un giorno di preghiera negli Stati Uniti che si terrà per coloro che sono stati colpiti da ‘Harvey’ |
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Revealed: Donald Trump told Theresa May to ‘sue the EU’ rather than negotiate |
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1 Dead 4 Injured as 120 Firefighters Battle Blaze at Trump Tower in Manhattan |
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Delusions Of US Hegemony As Donald Trump Visits Europe |
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‘Giant’ Trump Baby Blimp Approved By London Muslim Mayor Goes Bust |
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Wie lange bleibt Trump Präsident |
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Trump’s Global Political And Trade Gaffes |
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TT Trump chỉ trích kế hoạch Brexit ‘mềm’ của Thủ tướng Anh |
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Trump elevates Hale to achieve his Afghan goals |
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The New York City Post Proudly Endorsed DONALD J TRUMP For President |
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UK’s Prince Charles William ‘Snubbed’ Trump as He Met Queen at Windsor – Report |
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US envoy to Russia: ‘Highly unlikely’ that Trump will recognize Russia annexation of Crimea |
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Mobilizing for US-UK trade as Trump denies possibility of deal |
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Bolton nu crede că Putin nu ştia despre amestecul Rusiei în alegeri Trump ar putea cere extrădarea agenţilor inculpaţi |
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Ein Pferdenarr wie Trump |
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Ebedli Zoltán nem ért egyet a világbajnoki Trump Magyarországgal példálózik |
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Trump signs 700 billion defense bill gives troops largest pay raise in 7 years |
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Ex-Sailor Pardoned By Trump Sues Obama And Comey For Not Prosecuting Hillary |
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In weekly address President Trump says it is time for Senate Democrats to stop resisting the will of the American people |
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President Trump made some major mistakes while meeting the Queen |
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Alt-Right News Roundup: Trump amp Spain |
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CBS Evening News Anchor Jeff Glor To Interview Trump After Putin Summit |
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McCain Attacks Trump Ahead of Putin Meeting |
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Trump Fired Director Comey Because of Russia Probably |
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separación de familias parte de un plan más amplio de Trump |
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5 Ways the Trump-Putin Meeting Could Weigh on Oil Prices 10:00 AM |
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Hot Words As US Congress Grills FBI Agent Over Trump’s |
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Friedliche WM Die unheimliche Stille der russischen Hooligans Trump trifft Putin Die Angst geht um vor dem großen „Deal“ zwischen Moskau und Washington |
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Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming |
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Trump has updated his travel ban includes these 8 countries – Chad Iran Libya North Korea Syria Venezuela Yemen Somalia – NO EXPIRATION DATE |
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La robe jaune de Melania Trump pourrait-elle être une énième pique à son mari |
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President Trump set a record for lifetime appointed judges in 2017 |
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Maher Would Prefer A Recession Over Trump |
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Trump Mueller e la politica estera Usa bloccata dallo special counsel |
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Trump “podría ir” a la inauguración |
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Trump Shrinks Federal Bureaucracy by 16000 |
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Royal Family Snubs Trump |
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Will Trump Shake off the Chains of the Banksters — Veterans Today |
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Trump Economy Explodes Record Number of Americans Employed Stocks Soar |
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Trump separa a 2 mil niños migrantes de sus familias en 5 semanas |
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Trump in the UK: Thousands protest for second day |
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LA NOTA DE MUNDO: El incómodo momento entre la reina Isabel II y Donald Trump |
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Trump Spends The Weekend In Scotland Boosting His Resort |
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Donald Trump avertisment către liderii UE: Imigranții preiau controlul asupra Europei |
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Brexit : Donald Trump propose à Theresa May de poursuivre l’Union européenne en |
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Trump: Evropská unie je náš nepřítel v obchodu Čína ekonomicky a Rusko v určitých ohledech |
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Donald Trump : horripilant… et réjouissant ET DIVERSITÉ |
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Acosta Didn’t Accept Trump’s Compliment — Instead He Criticized Him |
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News wrap: Hurricane Irmaas path of destruction the a Trump slumpa is real and more |
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Seeking Affirmation: Korach and Trump |
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There’s No Evidence of Trump Colluding with Russia Except the |
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Trump nemá od summitu s Putinem velká očekávání Zeptá se na vydání 12 obviněných agentů GRU |
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Trump’s Faith Advisor Mentions Jesus Wouldn’t Have Been a Messiah If He Was an Illegal Immigrant |
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Muhammad Ali lawyer rejects ‘unnecessary’ Trump pardon |
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Trump to May: ‘Sue the EU’ – POLITICO |
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Donald Trump a promis lundi d’assurer l’hégémonie des États-Unis pour l’exploration de la Lune et de Mars mais aussi dans toute éventuelle guerre spatiale avec la création future d’une force de l’espace |
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Interview with ET NOW on Trump Demonetization and Value Investing – Nov 15 2016 |
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Trump logra el compromiso de elevar el gasto en defensa de los miembros de la OTAN |
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Trump admin RAMPS UP war against CNN!! Poor John Bolton stuck in the middle |
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The Finnish craft brewery has released a batch of special beer to the meeting of Trump and Putin |
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Express: Trump breaks Royal protocol as US President blocks out the Queen – Trailer Trash -in-Chief! |
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¿Así que todo por consulta eh Entonces lopezobrador debe poner a consulta reunirse con Trump |
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Trump räumt auf: „Im ganzen Land leben wir mit Gesetzen die nicht funktionieren“ 463/5 27 |
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Nouă gafă a lui Trump Ce a dezvăluit din discuția cu regina Marii Britanii |
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Trump Sends Wave Of Panic Up Dems’ Alley With What He Unleashed On The 2020 Election |
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Trump Bombs – satanic agenda |
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Trump se compromete con un acuerdo comercial con Reino Unido después del Brexit |
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California Fights To Preserve Obamacare From Trump Adm |
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Maxine Waters Encouraged People At A Rally To Harass Trump Supporters And Administration Anywhere |
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Trump a Rusia sobre Siria: “Prepárat |
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NBC Exposes Melania Trump’s Ugly Lie to America |
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Milhares protestam contra Trump na Escócia |
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Trump mantiene bajas las expectativas para su reunión con Putin |
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Der Rote Platz 22: Nato: Trump setzt sich durch – Kein Handel mit Russland mehr Geld für Waffen |
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Donald Trump walking in front of the Queen will make you rage |
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Trump Tuding Tiongkok Rusak Hubungan Baik Korut-AS |
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Trump Slashes Two Million Acres off of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase: Tribes To Sue |
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NoticiasDonald Trump tengo la intención de presentarme a la reelección 2020 – EEUU |
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Trump disse a Shinzo que enviaria 25 milhões de mexicanos ao Japão |
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Senators Urge Trump To Cancel Meeting With Putin |
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Orbán nagy napja: Trump vele példálódzott mielőtt Putyin fogadta |
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In risposta a Trump Brian Chesky posta la foto di una villa sulla più bella spiaggia keniana |
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Donald Trump Jon Huntsman Mark Warner: Sunday guests |
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From Blenheim anti-Trump rally yesterday |
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Robert Reich Just Shut Up Every Trump Supporter with Just One Overlooked Fact |
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Should development trump democracy |
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A surpreendente ou não tanto vitória de Trump act1 |
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El proteccionismo de Trump pone en riesgo el sistema multilateral |
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Caen las bolsas europeas con la atención puesta en Trump |
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Saxo Bank: US Dollar in the spotlight as world awaits the market reaction to Trump’s protectionist policies |
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López Obrador entrega a Pompeo propuesta para Trump de “entendimiento”… |
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Trump cree que podría “llevarse muy bien” con Putin |
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Donald Trump arrives in UK for start of contentious visit |
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Trump Decreases Debt to GDP Ratio – First Time in Over 50 Years! |
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Trump orders a study on abuses of US trade agreements – WTO |
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Trump leaves UK with ‘low expectations’ for Putin summit |
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El Congreso de México indignado por la política de Donald Trump |
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Tusk către Trump: „SUA şi UE sunt cei mai buni prieteni Oricine spune că suntem adversari răspândeşte fake news” |
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Presidente Donald Trump Ordena No Separar A Los Menores Inmigrantes De Sus Familias En La Frontera |
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Theresa May dezvăluie ce a discutat cu Trump: ‘Mi-a spus să dau în judecată UE’ |
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Donald Trump a anulat întâlnirea cu Klaus Iohannis |
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Khan Was Just BUSTED Blocking Pro-Trump Rally and His Reason Will INFURIATE You |
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Anti-Trump Group Drops Mail Piece Against Bob Corlew in Tennessee 6th District |
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Dr Sinclair N Grey III – Trump And His Fascist Puppets – The Republican Party |
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Trump says he’ll run for reelection had Brexit chat with Queen |
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Merkel takes page from Trump playbook |
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Trump’s tax reform hits Banks |
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Maybe it’s a friend: Trump highlights common ground with Putin before the summit |
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Trump támogatja a magyar Horvátország a végzetét A “tökéletes” franciákat is legyőzheti a vb csapata |
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Teureres Tanken : Zapft Donald Trump die strategische Ölreserve an |
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United States had a history of separating families long before Donald Trump: Jeffery Robinson |
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Un ‘punki’ Trump se salta el protocolo con Isabel II |
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The Moment Trump And Kim Jong-Un Shook Hands Video |
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Nigerian Augustine Obodo leads pro-Trump protest in London |
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DONALD TRUMP 45th President of the US 2017 24K Gold Plated 50 AMERICAN GOLD BUFFALO Indian Tribute Coin |
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Miles de personas protestan en Edimburgo contra la visita de Trump a Escocia |
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hdmi crackling sound tv Trump claims Germany ‘totally controlled’ by Russiavtmb crack |
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Jueza desecha unir familias migrantes descalifica propuesta de Trump |
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Mixed Results as Trump Tariffs Take Toll on Some American Industries |
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Watch Live: Thousands Gather In Central London To Protest Trump’s UK Visit |
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Trump Negotiates Peace between North and South Korea |
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Trump will not release Democrats’ memo |
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WATCH: Media Slams Trump But Praised Obama’s Apology Tour |
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Donald Trump ponders North Korean threat to cancel Kim summit |
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Trump Advised May To Sue EU Over Brexit |
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Trump axes Migratory Bird Protections |
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11 Amazing Facts About Donald Trump You Don’t Know |
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Trump vrea un nou mandat pentru că „toată lumea” i-l cere / Preşedintele o laudă pe regina Elizabeth |
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Angry Protesters Just Interrupted Trump’s Golf Course Vacation In Scotland amp It’s Perfect |
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Lawsuit Trump Thought He ‘Won’ Is Back In Court TWEETS |
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The Impact of the Trump Tax Plan on Small Businesses |
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Perché il protezionista Trump rischia di essere un globalizzatore di nuova generazione |
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Trump quer recandidatar-se em 2020 |
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G7: Trump annulla tutto e manda a monte due giorni di incontri |
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Trump culpa a Obama de ataques de hackers rusos |
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JK Rowling se burló de Donald Trump en Twitter |
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‘We’ve Got The Tapes’ – Trump Slams CNN Sun Interview As “Fake News” |
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Trump Is Winning the Trade War |
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ÎNTÂLNIRE ANEVOIOASĂ între TRUMP și PUTIN Liderii lumii întâmpină OBSTACOLE chiar |
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Donald Trump’s new shame |
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Trump’s Trade War Encircles The Napa Valley |
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Donald Trump mееts his match as Quееn’s lady in waiting givеs stеrn handshakе |
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Ben’s emails are PERFECT examples of how to sell with email… how to be a welcome guest in someone’s inbox rather than a persistent pest… how to sell with story… and how to create a persona that draws people to you like controversy to Donald Trump |
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A lot riding on what Trump says to Putin |
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Trump anuncia intenção de se recandidatar à Presidência dos Estados Unidos em 2020 |
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In the Trump era there are protests by immigrants especially around protecting the Dreamers but they are also being organized by non-immigrant protesters with a focus against President Trump These protests began almost immediately with the election of Trump and focused on his policies |
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Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule |
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Trump dünyanın en yoksul ülkelerinden biriyle ticaret savaşında |
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Trump Electors Being Harassed – THREATENED in Michigan and Idaho Stop harassing Georgia electors |
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Upon Arriving In Scotland Trump Exposed What Obama amp MSM Are Hiding On Russia |
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· Trump’s China Tariffs Conveniently Spare Ivanka’s Fashion Line |
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House Republican resorts to defending Trump with brazen lie about Hillary’s emails |
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EU chief fires back at Trump for declaring the EU an enemy click to see stats |
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REPORT: Finnish brewery creates quirky beers ahead of Trump-Putin summit photos |
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Group calls on Trump to protect Buhari’s government from attacks by |
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Donald Trump a fost huiduit în Scoția |
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Amazon finishes higher despite Trump’s new threat on shipping rates |
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Overblik: Det har Trump og Putin sagt om hinanden |
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Camila Cabello – Havana cover by Donald Trump |
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When Trump attacked Germany in Brussels his aides pursed thei |
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Trump se voit déjà réélu en 2020 car il semble que tout le monde le veuille |
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Senate Dems Reveal Cohen Lied – Got Caught ‘Selling Access’ To Trump amp White House |
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The Latest: Thousands in anti-Trump march in Scottish city |
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Trump Blasts May’s Brexit Plan Says It Puts Trade Deal in |
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Donald Trump Converse Shoes |
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Claim: Trump Administration Spoke Up for Tommy Robinson in Meeting with British Ambassador |
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Russland in Syrien völkerrechtskonform Westen „Trump Got From NATO Everything Obama Ever Asked For“ |
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Trump told me to sue the EU – May |
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Donald Trump deja en ridículo a la Reina Isabel II |
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Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Is Brett Kavanaugh Another Religious Liberty Defender |
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Trump dice que ‘podría’ pedir a Putin que extradite a 12 rusos acusados de hackeo |
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Trump: do rikandidoj në 2020-ët s’ka demokrat që më sfidon |
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Traumatic Trump Disorder |
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Watch: Stephen Colbert points out the irony of Donald Trump’s calling Germany a captive of Russia |
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Prezidan Donald Trump Ap Rankontre ak Premye Minis Britanik la e avèk Prezidan Larisi a |
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Trump Claims “Tremendous” Progress Says NATO Allies Agreed To Increase Spending After Emergency Meeting |
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Trump w Daily Mail zapowiedział ubieganie się o reelekcję |
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Stop Trump: in FREEFALL |
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Top 10 Reasons To Vote for Trump in 2016 |
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¿Qué opinas sobre la decisión de Trump |
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Trump nie oczekuje wiele po szczycie z Putinem |
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Americans are feeling better about the economy under Trump |
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Trump: meeting with Putin may prove easier than those with the leaders of European states |
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Exclusive: Jimmy Carter on Donald Trump |
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You’re looking for some time away where everything isn’t grey or beige What you love about travelling is meeting new people having new experiences so you need to know as much about the personalities or the people or the feel of the place as the facilities There’s a group of you so you need somewhere really interested in giving you a unique experience You’re travelling with several generations what is everyone going to do You need a place that understands your family dynamic and can make everyone feel relaxed You need reassurance the children will feel as at home as you You want a place to get married that you call your own where your rules are more important than theirs You want to find a place to re-charge forget Brexit or Trump where you feel you can belong Sound familiar Then read on |
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Trump might ask Putin to extradite the 12 Russian intelligence officers |
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In Bizarre Press Conference With Theresa May Trump Calls The Sun ‘Fake News’ Says Relationship With UK Is Now ‘Highest Level Of Has Been Damaged’: Turkey Downgraded By Fitch As Erdogan Prepares To Commandeer Central Bank |
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Newspaper headlines: Trump’s ‘fake schmooze’ over trade deal |
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Donald Trump doradził Brytyjczykom pozwanie Unii ws brexitu |
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La soffiata di BisignaniIl patto tra Conte e Trump: colpo di grazia sovranistail colpo di grazia al CavSi dice che Matteo Salvini |
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El mundo según Trump y Xi |
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Liberal Outrage: Trump Bows To No-one |
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Trump: The EU is a Trade ‘Foe’ |
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‘The arrogant American’: Trump avoids mixing with the public on trips to UK other foreign countries |
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Trump az eddigi legnagyobb gyomrost vinné be Kínának |
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Editorial: Scorning allies Trump cozies up to Russia with love |
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Trump Ambassador Lobbies UK to Release Tommy Robinson!!! |
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Fill Your Insides With Mercy Say Latin America Catholic Leaders to President Trump |
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Trump s Putinem rozcupují zásadní dohody Schůzka v Helsinkách… |
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Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 04/07/2018: El día después del mundial: Trump y Putin en Helsinki no en Viena… |
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Trump in Singapore |
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President Trump’s Welcome to Scotland |
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Brexit: Trump aurait suggéré à May de «poursuivre l’UE en justice» |
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Sen Tammy Baldwin introduces Made in America bill says Trump would support it |
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Trump on Whether He’ll Ask Putin to Extradite Indicted Russians: ‘I Might I Hadn’t Thought of That’ |
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Will Those Killed by NATO 19 Years Ago in Serbia Ever Get löscht 300000 Trump- und 3 Millionen Obama-Follower |
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Trump continues to heighten geo-political tension |
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SCOTUS Pick Will Rubber Stamp Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda |
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Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System |
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CBS Slimes: ‘Devout Christian’ DeVos the ‘Most Hated Member’ of Trump Cabinet |
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Se reúne López Obrador con Mike Pompeo y enviados de Trump |
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Theresa Says Trump Told Her to Sue the EU |
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Tommy and Trump marches today |
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Yle seuraa hetki hetkeltä – Donald Trump saapuu Helsinkiin illalla Air Force Onella suurlähettiläät vastassa |
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Trump Caught In A Lie About Returning Remains Of US War Dead From North Korea |
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Former Trump Advisor Steve Bannon: ‘Cryptocurrency Is A Too To Resist The European Establishment’ |
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Is the US media afraid of Trump |
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Egyre több a visszaélés a May: Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t |
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Royal family ‘snub’ Trump as Queen left to meet the US president alone |
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Trump: “Si nuestro país permanece fiel al Creador |
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Good Riddance: Trump’s EPA administrator Scott Pruitt resigns in публикации |
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Trump nemá od summitu s Putinem velká očekávání řekl to v rozhovoru pro CBS EU označil za jednoho z mnoha nepřátel USA |
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Trump erklärt warum er so viel twittert und 2020 wieder antreten will |
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Judge blasts HHS official’s warning of endangering children as ‘cover’ to Trump admin |
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Theresa May shares advice Trump gave her on Brexit plan |
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Trump has signed a 15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey |
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US-Wahlen: Trump fest entschlossen zu weiterer Amtszeit |
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Noua gafa a lui Trump Ce a dezvaluit din discutia cu regina Marii Britanii |
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Trump’s Space Force Could Expose US Military’s Secret Space Projects Top UFO Researcher Claims – Video Article and Commentary |
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Trump recua em separar famílias de imigrantes |
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Trump labels the European Union a ‘foe’ – Stats |
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Will Trump Hurt Similkameen Valley |
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Nathan Hodge: Why Trump is the distraction Putin needs |
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Trump’s Big Summit |
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Eminem leaves Trump walking on Eggshells – Freestyle for BET Hip Hop Awards |
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UK waves goodbye as Donald Trump jets out on Air Force One |
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Trump Conservatives Facebook |
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Trump prozradil obsah rozhovoru s Alžbětou II a znovu tak porušil etiketu |
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Actress Sandra Bullock: ‘Donald Trump Is Doing Everything To Improve Our Nation If You Don’t Like Him Just…’ |
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Melania Trump la reine Elizabeth : les messages cachés derrière leur tenue |
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‘No trade with Trump’ says Bradford justice group |
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Putin dhe Trump ”kokë më kokë” çfarë kërkon secili prej tyre nga takimi historik |
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Trump bude kandidovat ve volbách roku 2020 Myslí si že vyhraje |
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Let Trump in |
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Trump y Kim Jong Un llegan a Singapur para una histórica cumbre |
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Trump won in counties that lost jobs to China and Mexico |
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Why is the British Right so incapable of understanding Trump’s motives I think I finally get it |
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Germania il avertizeaza pe Trump sa nu incheie un acord unilateral cu Rusia in detrimentul aliatilor occidentali |
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Trump threatens to leave NATO if no immediate efforts made on defense expenditure |
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Trump ou le syndrome de la balle dans le pied |
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Miles se manifiestan en Londres contra visita de Trump |
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GUEST VIEW: America separated families before Trump |
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Trump will never… Pres Trump seems to be winning… |
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In Trump Era Managing JPMorgan Is As Unpredictable As a Midnight Tweet 10:03 AM |
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Trump told Britain to ‘sue’ European Union to speed Brexit Theresa May says |
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Trump planea enviar militares a la frontera con México hasta terminar Muro |
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La visite du président Trump en Ecosse a rencontré plus de enregistrer l’écran sur votre iPhone ou iPad |
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Anti-Trump Protester Paraglider Now Wanted by Scottish Police |
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About Trump Baby Balloon Most Famous Helium-filled Balloon |
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Wake up Americia We Have A Leader Trump |
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SCOTUS Decision on Trump’s Muslim Ban Undermines Our Value of Religious Freedom for All |
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De Trump Secrets die je moet weten! |
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Woman Whose Husband Was Deported SILENCES CNN By Defending Trump ‘They Need To Go Back’ |
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From his Scottish golf resort Trump tweets about Russia before Putin meeting |
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November 2020 — Clinton defeats Warchief Trump in Mak’gora ends 4-year campaign of racism and of Light |
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La advertencia de Europa a Donald Trump: Aprecie a sus aliados que no tiene tantos |
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NATO: Trump Says US Overspending And Deployment Of Solider Not Appreciated |
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Not MAGA–The Folly Of Trump’s Trade Wars And His Three Stooges Of Protectionism |
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Trump tells NATO leaders to increase defense spending to 4 |
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Across USA Editorial Boards tell Trump: Stop Separating Families |
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President Trump Plays Golf On His Scottish Course |
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Steven Seagal: Donald Trump is the Greatest Threat to the New World Order Agenda |
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The agenda: Trump fires new salvo in trade war |
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Donald Trump asked me to sue EU over Brexit says British Prime Minister Theresa May |
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Trump’s War on Black Athletes |
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Trump’s UK Visit Puts Brexit Deal in the Air and Takes People to the Streets |
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Magyarországgal példálózott Trump a levegőben |
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Is Trump’s trade war changing minds in Tennessee and beyond |
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White House Cancels John Bolton Interview After CNN ‘Disrespected’ Trump |
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At least the Hollywood Left’s taking Trump’s latest SCOTUS nomination well cue eye roll |
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Republica Moldova – o țară insulară între Caraibe și Mediterană scoasă la mezat de NATO și summit-ul Trump/Putin: mizele majore |
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Rezultaty rozmów w NATO: Donald Trump obiecał że USA zostanie w Sojuszu |
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CNN’s War With President Trump 2017 Video |
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Trump calls EU a ‘foe’ on trade – CBS News interview |
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Dünya Kupası maçını izleyen Belçika yönetimi Trump’ı karşılamadı |
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El Gambito OTAN de Trump: Nordstream 2 revela la hipocresía de Europa mientras ignora la suya |
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FOX NEWS: ‘Bachelorette’ fans go nuclear when ABC interrupts show for historic Trump/Kim handshake |
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Tusentals i protest mot Trump-Putin-möte i Finland |
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Trump says he will run for reelection had Brexit chat with |
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Travel to Cuba After Trump: My Thoughts amp What The Legal Changes Mean |
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Trump Streep and the BBC Transgender Documentary |
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Amb Huntsman downplays expectations for Trump-Putin meeting |
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Letter to the editor: Liberals refuse to acknowledge Trump’s successes |
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Podcast with John Friend: Hitler and Trump – what we need to understand |
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Stopping Trump’s disastrous trade war |
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Trump klapt uit de biecht over gesprek met Queen |
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Trump arrives in Scotland amid protests |
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Thanks to Robert Mueller Trump and Putin Now Have a Summit Agenda |
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Trump says he will run for re-election in 2020 discusses Brexit with The Queen |
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Don’t Let Your Dog Shake Hands Like Donald Trump: The 3-Second-Rule for Dog Introductions |
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Donald Trump dribble Theresa May et garde la balle |
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Trump sem expectativas para o encontro com Putin |
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Una decisión de Trump para marcar una época |
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President Trump Supreme Court Pick Just Another Step in His Radical Right Agenda |
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President Trump: Myslím že co se stalo s Evropou je ostuda ztrácíte svou kulturu |
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Does caution still trump chaos on social media |
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17-Year-Old Girl Stabbed to Death in London as Trump Arrives |
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Trump vs Čína: Jaké akcie to „odskáčou“ |
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Trump On Putin Meeting: I Go In With Low Expectations |
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Treffen zwischen Trump und Putin: Gipfel der Zweifel |
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Rainha de Inglaterra vê saída da UE como “problema muito complexo” diz Trump |
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‘Putin and Trump have a choice: they can help end bloodshed in Syria or they can choose to look away from the human suffering their policies have caused’ |
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Video: What Outcome of the Trump-Putin Summit Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Interview with Larry King’s “Politicking” Show |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump told me to |
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First Lady Melania Trump Will Brave London Protests While President Watches |
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Pfizer delays drug price hikes after talking with Trump |
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‘Let the man get on with his life!’ Locals say Trump has been good for Turnberry |
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Queen ushers Donald Trump along as he inspects Guards |
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Democrats have a problem Trump has a winning issue but Democrats can fix it |
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Trump asifia madai yake kwa NATO yamezaa Leo July 13 2018 |
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Trump nominates Indiana lawyer for federal judge |
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Trump lambasts FBI for not being able to stop leaks to media |
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Trump: Brexit planı ABD-Birleşik Krallık ticaret anlaşmasını bitirebilir |
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Trump loses 300000 followers in Twitter purge Obama almost 3 relations enriched in many areas says ambassador |
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People in Gambling-Donald Trump |
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Lavrov : Saya Yakin 100 Persen Putin dan Trump Tidak Akan Berperang di Suriah |
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On Tuesday the Trump administration released |
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The Misogynists: Onur Tükel’den Trump’ın Seçildiği Güne Zoom |
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Anti-Trump protests: Tens of thousands march across America against president’s immigration policies |
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Scots slam Trump as a ‘racist’ and ‘serial liar’ in scathing |
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Donald Trump in agreeing to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin seems willing to endorse countries flouting international law |
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Endowed Female Nigerian Soldier Displays Her Shaku-Shaku Moves As She President Donald Trump Releases ‘Very Nice’ Letter From Kim Jong |
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Trump da Putin senza grandi aspettative |
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Still no LGBT recognition under Trump administration |
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Trump says he ‘hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to hand over indicted Russians during summit |
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Donald Trump is dismantling the West |
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Interview with CNBC-TV 18 on Trump and Outlook for 2017 |
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White House Tantrums And Cancels Interview After Trump Attacks CNN |
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Charisma Magazine Founder On Trump: God Raised Up A Man We Didn’t Expect Or Even Like |
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Trump names religious liberty ‘warrior’ Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court |
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Momento incómodo: Trump rompe el protocolo y confunde a la reina Isabel II VIDEO |
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Finale de la Coupe du monde de soccer: les Français en «effervescence» à Donald Trump a conseillé à Theresa May de poursuivre l’Union Européenne |
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Donald Trump vrea un nou mandat la Casa Albă |
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Donald Trump and Theresa May pose for photos at NATO summit – Daily Mail – YouTube |
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Sommet Donald Trump-Kim Jong-un: la dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord actée |
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Donald Trump begins overhaul as first executive orders signed |
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Giới chức Mỹ bảo đảm duy trì cam kết quốc phòng với các Đồng minh sau khi Trump dọa xem xét lại thỏa thuận với NATO |
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Santos pide a Trump que trate de alejar a Rusia de… |
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In Great Britain all the much-heralded ginormous anti-Trump protests turned out to be pretty lame |
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Trump order risks ‘politicization’ of administrative mostly Social Security judiciary |
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May presses Trump for post-Brexit trade deal with United States |
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D L Hughley Says Trump Supports Accept Racism |
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Is Trump Derangement Syndrome Real |
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Donald Trump is right! Theresa May could sue the EU to get a better Brexit deal says leading barrister |
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Përkulja e Ramës para Trump nevoja për një foto për turmat shqiptare… |
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Trump Declares Jerusalem the Capital of Israel |
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Nigel Farage blasts Sadiq Khan for Trump blimp |
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Donald Trump Ends Obama Effort to Waive Work Requirements for Welfare |
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Trump: Says EU China and Russia are foes of US in some areas |
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Trump naj bi grozil z izstopim ZDA iz NATO če evropske… |
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Trump imposes 25 tariff on Chinese goods |
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Donald Trump plays second round his golf at Turnberry resort |
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Helsinki: the right fit for Trump-Putin summit |
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Piers Morgan’s Trump Interview Shows The President Didn’t Quite Get The Huge Protests |
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Theresa May Says Trump Told Her to Sue the European Union over Brexit |
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Right-Wing Teenager Doesn’t Care About Trump’s Outrages–Just That He’s ‘WINNING’ VIDEO/TWEET |
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Oil set for weekly loss on trade war fears Libya supply Trump calls himself stable genius |
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President Donald Trump To Avoid London Protests |
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After Mueller indicts 12 Russians POTUS Trump NAILS IT: ‘Why didn’t Obama ACT’ |
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Trump ia bën borxh Mbretëreshës e lë të… |
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Melania Trump see through top nipples |
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CXN07151813 640 Mỗi lần VN tuyên bố xuất siêu thì dân Hàn Quốc mừng lắm nhờ có Samsung mà dự trữ usd của HQ cứ tăng mỗi năm tầm 50 tỷ usd Samsung XK hằng năm 50 tỷ usd từ VN qua Mỹ bê thẳng về NH HQ tất tần tật làm cán cân thương mại VN thặng dư 35 tỷ usd hằng năm với Mỹ và Trump đòi trước mắt siết lại bớt 8 tỷ đô Còn VN thì DN trong nước cứ nhập siêu cụ thể 6 tháng đầu 2018 nhập siêu 1173 tỷ đô nên tỷ giá ngày càng tăng hôm nay là 23350vnd rồi 2235k147 2322k low inter bank rates put further pressure on exchange calling for hoarding usd since exchange becomes 22 900 vnd stable exchange but pressure on inflation printing money and import tax increase on steel and aluminium instructed to increase credit growth rates 17 rate reduced electricity and petrol taxes to increase CPI’s the final collapse power of corruption cronies system crumple the economy is ceasing to operate bế tắc KT idiotic PM 2016-2020 restructuring interest rates 2016 bell tolled: Xuất siêu tăng mạnh trở lại trong nửa cuối tháng 6 đạt 336 tỷ USD trong 6 tháng đầu năm |
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Trump is Rude to Queen Elizabeth – Prince Harry takes Care of It! Photos |
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Dem Lawmaker Blames Trump For Drunk Harassing Woman In Park |
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WATCH: Donald Trump plays golf in Scotland as thousands protest against UK visit |
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Trump Putin and the Triumph of Nothing Over Everyone |
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“Hates!”: Melania Trump is furious because of her husband’s cruel policy |
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The Best Views From on the Ground at the London Anti-Trump Protests |
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UN Breastfeeding Resolution Opposed by Trump Administration’s Corporate Shills |
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A Putyin-Trump „érdekházasság” nagyon veszélyes lehet Európa számára |
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آلبوم TRUMP |
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Trump ATAC la aliații NATO: „Protejăm Europa ceea ce » |
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Donald Trump STARSTRUCK by thе Quееn during HOUR-LONG tеa – ‘Shе is INCREDIBLE’ |
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Achter in de rij aansluiten graag: Trump loopt niet naast maar vóór Queen van Erven Dorens over niet mogen presenteren ‘RTL Late Night’: ‘Ontzettend jammer’ |
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Vergesst Trump – wir sind Amerika |
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Trump: Alemania es prisionera de Rusia |
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Top ABC Anchor Quits After Lying About Trump Tanking Stock Market |
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L-450 immigrant se jinżlu l-Italja Malta se toffri l-assistenza lill-Gvern Taljan – l-impenji ta’ Trump fl-Ewropa |
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Facebook Twitter amp Trump |
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Anti-Trump Baltimore Protest Out of Hand |
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Critican a Trump por su encuentro con la reina Isabel |
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Traumatiza Trump la vida de miles de niños Protestan alcaldes contra política migratoria |
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Trump odletel zo Škótska do Fínska na summit s Putinom |
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What Singapore Gains from Hosting Trump-Kim summit |
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Trump Accomplishments Feed: |
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Trump is a Caretaker of a Sinking Ship in a Parallel Universe |
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ivanka trump |
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After getting hounded out of restaurants in DC over immigration standoff team Trump gets treated to a glamorous European tour – and Sarah Sanders tweets out her travel pics |
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¿Por qué hay guerras ¿Qué significa democracia ¿Por qué los niños no podemos ir a votar ¿Qué tengo que hacer para ser reina ¿Quién es Trump ¿Y Putin ¿Y Puigdemont Son algunas de las preguntas que lanza mi hija y a mí me pillan con el pie cambiado |
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Trump ordina di portare alla luce il programma spaziale segreto |
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NATO kẹt giữa Putin và Trump |
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Frases de Donald Trump |
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George Will: Is Trump right about the appointment of Mueller |
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Hammond Family Statement on Trump Pardon of Dwight and… |
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2 British royal family members ‘refused’ to meet Trump |
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Realpolitik dictates that threats from Syria trump Hamas leaving Israelis and Palestinians on both sides of the border little hope for change beyond the cycles of flareups |
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Ivanka Trump New Nancy Reagan |
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Longtime Trump advisor Roger Stone may have corresponded with alleged Russian hackers 1 day ago |
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Trump to run for re-election |
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Empörung über Cover-Foto von Melania Trump |
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Trump sfida gli avversari Il genero alla Casa Bianca da assistente personale |
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Toan tính của Mỹ khi bất ngờ buộc tội 12 công dân Nga ngay trước thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin |
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Rainha da Inglaterra vê Brexit como problema muito complexo diz Trump |
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President Donald Trump Meets Queen Elizabeth II |
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Trump Slaps 30 Tariffs on Solar Panels imported from China |
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Queen’s Henchman Geoffrey Pattie Fails to Overthrow Donald J Trump |
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Trump Official Caught Begging UK To Protect Violent Anti-Muslim Extremist Like A Nazi |
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L’ambassadeur de Trump aurait fait pression pour que le Royaume-Uni offre un meilleur traitement à Tommy Robinson |
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López Obrador y su triunfo hacen que Trump cambie estrategia con México: Analistas |
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Donald Trump mai vrea un mandat: Nu văd pe nimeni care mă poate învinge! |
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President Trump Storms UK |
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US President Donald Trump told NATO leaders they should increase their defense spending to 4 of G… |
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Kljubovalni Trump na Škotskem mahal protestnikom ki so ga zmerjali in mu žvižgali VIDEO |
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An Insanely Catchy New Song by Cory Wong: “Light as Anything” Feat Robbie When Donald Trump Asked Russia to Hack Hillary Clinton They Did What He Asked |
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President Trump Reviews Border Wall Prototypes |
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President Trump busts the tyranny of the expert class |
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What Donald Trump’s Win Means for Poker |
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La Cumbre de las Américas impide la asistencia de Maduro pero se rinde a los pies de Trump |
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5 Ways the Trump-Putin Meeting Could Weigh on Oil Prices |
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Actriţa Susan Sarandon arestată câteva ore pentru proteste împotriva preşedintelui Trump |
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The Trump – A Presidential Twitter Monitor |
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Volle Absicht: Trump will wohl 2020 wieder kandidieren |
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donald trump is america’s first soccer president |
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Donald Trump Playing Donald Trump: What the Hell is Wrong with Him part 2 |
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Finlandia: Crean cerveza para conmemorar cumber Trump-Putin |
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Cities and Counties Dropping Immigration Contracts to Protest Trump Policies |
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10 essential resources for intermediate Java Trump tells kneeling NFL players to recommend people to pardon since that’s what they’re supposedly protesting Their reason to kneel just died |
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Trump: UE Rosja i Chiny to wrogowie |
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Trump Pardons Oregon Ranchers Who Inspired Refuge Standoff |
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Rencontre Macron / Trump : le chêne un cadeau symbolique |
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Ivanka Trump gets an office in West Wing Washington Post 3/21/17 |
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Gianluca Vacchi – Trump-It |
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Reunión Trump-Putin: Los puntos clave |
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Brexit May rivela: «Trump mi ha detto che dovrei fare causa all’Unione europea» |
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VIDEO: Will Smith Call For Liberals To ‘Cleanse’ The Country Of Trump Supporters DO YOU SUPPORT HIM |
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Trump’s Triumph |
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Trump meets Putin: Here is how US and Russian summits have |
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In run-up to Trump-Putin summit Mueller charges 12 Russian officers… |
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Donald Trump incalca protocolul regal si dezvaluie discutii cu regina |
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FOTO: ¿Qué es ese extraño dispositivo que Theresa May llevaba en el brazo en su reunión con Trump |
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Sondaj înaintea întrevederii Donald Trump – Vladimir Putin Două treimi dintre germani îl consideră pe președintele SUA o amenințare mai mare decât omologul său rus |
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A German magazine just mocked Trump with a brutal front cover |
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Before Trump the long history of fake news |
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Trump’s remarks about changing European culture draw ire 16 hours ago |
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Letter to the editor: Some observations on President Trump |
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Trump till May: Stäm EU |
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MAY “Trump me savjetovao da tužim EU” |
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Bolton: Hacking indictment helps Trump at summit |
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La primera cumbre bilateral de los mandatarios Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin durará casi tres horas |
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‘CNN is FAKE NEWS’ Donald Trump LASHES US network during live press conference with May |
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Watch: Trump Runs for Cover as Paraglider Buzzes Feet From Him in Scotland |
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Tillerson to CNN: I never doubted Trump mental fitness |
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Thousand of Anti-Trump Leftists Turn Out to Protest President in London |
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The Trump Holy Bible: Lessons from the Red Heffer |
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Hannity: Good news for Trump crushing blows for the left |
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Trump Praises Japan For Investing In America 0629th-2018 |
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Brookes cartoon on Trump’s UK Visit |
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Trump Just Proved He’s Not The Master Negotiator He Thinks He Is US Will Suffer For It VIDEO |
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Blackish Episode :: Living in Trump’s America |
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WATCH: Trump Offends Queen amp Her Subjects By Walking Ahead Of The Old Lady |
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Kim Jung-un Dennis Rodman And Donald Trump Meeting Results! |
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Mundo/ Rainha de Inglaterra vê Brexit como problema muito complexo diz Trump |
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Federal judge commends Trump administration for ‘good faith’ in family reunifications |
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A Possible “Jehoash Re-Occurrence” in Trump |
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Donald Trump-an London a tlawh |
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‘You’re Getting Dumber By The Fcking Hour’: Trump Gets Torn To Shreds After Praising Kim Jong-Un On Went On Crazy Twitter Rant Claiming New Indictments Proves Trump’s Innocence It Completely Evidence Shows Russia Tried To Hack Hillary Emails For The First Time Hours After Trump Told Them To |
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Trump in Jerusalem |
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President Trump Covered A Multitude Of Topics In Fox News Interview |
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Trump Sees No Competition In US amp ‘Fully Intends’ To Run For President In 2020 |
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Turkish-nationalist biker club banned :Bid to make Harley-Davidson the Pa state motorcycle gets traction amid Trump talk |
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Purpose versus Excuse: Why Congress Might Buy Trump’s Food Stamp Reform Plan |
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L’UE risponde ai dazi di Trump |
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Trump Kim Jong Launch Historic Summit In Singapore With A Handshake |
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Is Trump correct that Mueller’s appointment was unconstitutional |
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Trump Toronto Hotel Financed By Russians amp Kremlin-Backed Bank According To Report |
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„Toată lumea vrea să o fac Răspunsul lui Trump la întrebarea dacă va intenționa să candideze la prezidențiale în 2020 |
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The youngest President of the United States ever is now in office His name is Jared Kushner he is Jewish He is Trump’s son-in-law he is Trump’s most trusted advisor and he is TAKING TRUMP DOWN! |
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A federal judge responding to a plan to reunify children separated at the border said he was having second thoughts about his belief that the Trump administration was acting in good faith to comply with his orders |
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Trump oferece apoio para investigações de fraudes em criptografia |
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Reacția lui Trump când scoțienii îl huiduie pe terenul de golf |
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Citizens of London fall to their knees at the site of Trump Baby! |
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White House Cancels Interview With CNN Following Acosta Disrespects President Trump |
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Ford Receives 2018 Hypocrisy Award for Promoting Innovation and Sustainability While Colluding With Trump to Undo Climate Safeguards |
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Londra’da yüzbinler Trump’a karşı sokaklara döküldü |
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Don’t blame trump Nice try |
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NIBIRU: Putin e Trump pronti alla “Coalizione Planetaria” per respingere una Minaccia dallo Spazio! |
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George Will: Trump Says Mueller’s Appointment Was Unconstitutional Was He right |
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Why Trump destroys global political and economic system |
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Trump tariffs place nearly 1 billion in duties on the medtech industry |
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Midday Meal Reality Trump invited to celebrate Republic Day 2019 in India |
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Trump advised may apply to the court for the European Union |
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Trump’s vredesplan wil Gaza tot bloei PvdA nodigt een antisemiet leve de neger lang leve de homo! |
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Donald Trump contro l’Europa: è un nemico ombre russe su Monte Athos per fermare l’accordo con la Macedonia https://tco/An3qVS7rIO Blockbuster d’America storico |
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‘Not welcome’: Finnish protesters criticise Trump-Putin summit |
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¿Trump quiere resucitar Radio y Televisión Martí muertos que en Cuba nadie oye ni ve |
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Michelle Obama Says Women ‘Allowed’ Trump to Win James Woods Crushes Her |
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VIDEO – La boulette de Donald Trump avec la Reine Elizabeth II il a enfreint le protocole |
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Court Will Hear Administration Plea to Release Trump from Kids Climate Suit |
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News Analysis: Trump Opens His Arms to Russia His Administration Closes Its Fist |
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One foreign policy move Trump is getting right — maintaining Obama’s pivot to Asia |
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Nokia 3310 ganha nova versão banhada a ouro celebrando Putin e Trump |
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Ber Trump avlyse møte med trenger USA for sin sikkerhet mer enn USA trenger Han har nå satt May i en utrolig vanskelig Et spill og en måte å få rettet opp i Vegard Myklebust lager dataspill om å lage at vinhuset startet økologisk dyrking steg kvaliteten markant |
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Trump and 411 in BTTF2 |
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British princes refused to meet with trump media |
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TT Donald Trump đăng thư cảm ơn của Kim Jong-un |
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Homer-Dixon Thomas 2017-3-19 Crisis analysis: How much damage can Trump do A lot Toronto Globe and Mail |
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President Trump gives the ‘Power to the People’ fist before boarding MARINE ONE for flight to G7 Summit |
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Trump afirma que buscará reelección en 2020 en los Estados Manzanero ofrece hoy el primer concierto “ecológico” en Cuba |
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2020 Preview: Bernie Rails Against Dem Establishment And Trump In Campaign Speech |
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Theresa May dice que Donald Trump le aconsejó demandar a la Unión Europea |
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Where Are Trump’s Tax Cuts Going Chart of the Week |
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Trump Claims Sun Interview Criticising May is ‘Fake News’ |
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Trump risks 294bn trade tariff reprisals EU warns |
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Donald Trump: Listo para competir por la reelección en 2020 |
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Giant inflatable diaper-wearing Donald Trump baby set to greet the President in London |
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President Trump waves to protesters as he plays golf in Scotland |
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Meyssan: What Donald Trump Is Preparing For |
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Man Arrested over Paraglider Protest at Trump Resort |
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2018 Tax Rate and Tax Brackets – Trump House Senate GOP vs IRS Tax Tables |
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Donald Trump na żydowskiej monecie |
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Trump före historiskt möte: ”Ryssland är vår fiende” |
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Trump plans to run again in 2020 |
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Trump or Dump |
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Stora protester mot Trump och Putins möte |
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Trump zapowiedział ubieganie się o |
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Trump actúa con brutalidad |
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Trump vs Hillary: Who Celebs Voted For |
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Mass protests against Trump’s UK visit |
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Donald Trump in Gran Bretagna: a Londra il pallone Trump Baby |
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Trump enfreint le protocole en répétant une conversation privée avec la reine Elizabeth II |
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Trump-csecsemő uralta London egét |
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Soldier of Odinin porukka ilmaantui Welcome Trump -mielenilmaukseen Helsinkiin – Perussuomalaisten Nuorten tapahtumassa |
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BREAKING: Trump Announces Identity of White House Leaker – Nation Stunned |
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Ngoại trưởng Mỹ ủng hộ cuộc gặp thượng đỉnh Putin-Trump |
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Trump’s White Supremacists At It Again |
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Trump İngilizler’in kibriyle oynadı |
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Tỷ phú Elon Musk bị chỉ trích muốn lợi dụng chiến dịch giải cứu đội bóng nhí Thái Lan để PR Trump chơi golf ở Scotland trước thềm hội nghị với Putin |
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Trump is a Caretaker of a Sinking Ship in a Parallel |
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Sommet de l’OTAN: faire baisser la pression après l’esclandre de Trump sur le budget |
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Would President Donald Trump Get Any Credit For Meeting With North Korea |
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Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh on Abortion: ‘I Would Follow Roe v Wade Faithfully and Fully’ |
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Trump Has Picked SCOTUS Kennedy Replacement |
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Trump packs influential Atlanta court with conservative judges |
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Trump Tweets Iranian Hardliner’s Unsubstantiated Claim about Obama |
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Trump’s Europe provocations and the facts |
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News Related Videos On: Trump blasts Harley-Davidson over production move |
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Donald Trump ‘Owned’ By Russia ‘For Many Years’ Says ‘Art Of Deal’ Ghostwriter Calls Trump ‘America’s Enemy’ |
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FURY over offensive tweets Trump made towards Duchess of Cambridge |
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Trump says he’ll reveal what his goals are with Putin ‘after the meeting’ |
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Acuerdo entre Apple y Trump evita lo que hubiera sido una inevitable alza en los precios del iPhone |
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Pakistan takes revenge with trump strict travel restrictions imposed on US… |
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Donald Trump inainte de intalnirea cu Putin: Rusia Uniunea Europeana si China sunt inamicii nostri |
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W Brytania: Premier T May w BBC: D Trump radził mi pozwać UE ws Brexitu |
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Falwell Trump el cristianismo y el nacionalismo – jugosa ecumenismo |
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Trump says ‘European Union is a foe’ to US ahead of summit with Putin |
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Inernațional Donald Trump merge în Finlanda pentru întâlnirea cu Vladimir Putin |
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Mexican Lawmakers Pushed Back at Trump’s Ignorance Smacked Their Own President with Stunning Demand |
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Trump’s Got The Tapes — Says SUN Interview Is ‘Fake News’ |
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President Trump Makes 26 Million Grandparents Very Happy With One Pen |
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Huipputapaaminen: Trump amp Putin |
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The Way Trump and the GOP Deal with Russian Attacks is ‘Textbook Treason’ click to see stats |
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Trump: Strzok’s testimony ‘a disgrace to our country’ click to see stats |
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Trump félti Európát a migránsoktól |
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Trump macht den gleichen Fehler wie Bush |
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Trump rompe con el protocolo real y camina por delante de Isabel II VIDEO |
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JAMES RICKARDS 10/07/2018: Las devastadoras armas de guerra comercial de Trump |
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Trump says ‘Sessions is an honest manamp |
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Glasgow in 12000 al Pride Presente la premier Sturgeon che non ha voluto incontrare Trump:… |
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Find Out: Trump blasts this US ally as ‘captive to Russia’ in tense opening of NATO summit |
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Trump paints NATO allies as ‘delinquent’ for under-spending on defense |
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Donald Trump: Neviem o nikom kto by ma mohol poraziť Zdá sa že si všetci želajú aby som vyhral ďalšie voľby2 662 |
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Trump diz que acordo com Reino Unido após Brexit é possível e nega… |
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Trump Says Seeing Putin Easier Than Meeting Theresa May |
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NY Magazine Drops A Thermonuclear Bomb: Trump May Have Been Working For Putin For Decades |
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Troubled by the US Supreme Court’s upholding of Trump’s travel ban Erdoğan’s reelection tilts toward authoritarianism Why a stable Turkey is important Ukraine has come a long way since Russia’s invasion ‘Standard of living’ or ‘standard of life’ |
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Nagy elmék találkozása: Trump Orbán Magyarországával példálózott bevándorlásügyben |
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In Trump They Trust |
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Trump Baby blimp flies outside Parliament as thousands of protesters march through London |
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Trump auf NATO-Gipfel: Zuwanderung übernimmt Europa — Nochinfo-Die andere Seite der Münze Samstag Jul 14 2018 |
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USA Trump wëll 2020 nees kandidéieren |
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BREAKING: Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Military Officers with Conspiring to Interfere with US Election — Days Before Trump-Putin Meeting |
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Santos le pide a Trump que hable con Putin para que deje de apoyar a Maduro |
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Girl whose cries helped fuel opposition to Trump’s policy of splitting families joins mom 20 hours ago |
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Trump says Britain must get Brexit ‘carve out’ for US trade MORE |
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Donald Trump will 2020 zur Wiederwahl antreten |
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Le livre qui annonçait la victoire de Trump |
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American Muslims Discuss Trump’s Speech |
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Trump indultó póstumamente al boxeador Jack Johnson |
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Did Trump Sign an Abortion Bill OR did he Pay One |
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Intel meeting with Trump turned into a really awkward infomercial |
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Donald Trump: ‘I Have The Greatest Toenails In The History of Mankind” |
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Storm Update: State of Emergency Indictments Revealed! Trump’s Great Awakening – Podcast Episode 26 12-30-17 |
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Bannon Betrayal Backfires Deep State Collapse Continues In Trump’s Storm- Podcast Episode 28 1-7-18 |
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Anti-Trump uprising in the UK |
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Kommentar: In der Russland-Affäre erweist sich Trump als ein auf dem Balkan: Warum Griechenland russische Diplomaten Mobilfunkbetreiber wollen 1amp1 und Freenet die Existenzgrundlage entziehen |
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‘Sue the EU over Brexit’: Theresa May reveals Trump advice |
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Il pasticcio di Donald Trump con i dazi POPOLARI DEL MESE |
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Scottish police are still looking for the protester who paraglided stunningly close Trump then escaped |
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Trump ‘planning to run for re-election’ |
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Red Hen Forced to Close Saturday After Booting Sanders From Restaurant Trump Mocks as Dirty Inside and Out |
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Trump-Haley Daily Double |
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Despite Trump’s Support This Prison Reform Bill Is a Step in the Right Direction |
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Donald Trump Slams Sadiq Khan For Doing A ‘Bad Job’ On |
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Trump gets prank called by Comedian while on Air Force One |
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Trump Chump Snowflakes Get What They Deserve |
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Trump Has Committed Treason Against the USA! |
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Robert Reich: Is Trump the Worst President in History |
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¿Es cierto que Los Simpson Nixon Moore predijeron triunfo de Trump |
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Avizoran sorpresas en el encuentro de Trump con Putin |
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Today Next Week on the Hill: Friday Work for the House on Mandates Bill Trump to Finish Europe Trip with Putin Meeting |
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Trump zapowiedział ubieganie się o reelekcję |
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Trump Calls His Theresa May Brexit Criticism ‘Fake News’ |
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Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President |
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‘Trump Baby’ Balloon Takes Flight Over Parliament Square in London |
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Is it time to listen to Trump and reform WTO |
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No Democratic candidates to defeat him Trump gets ready for 2020 |
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Shugaban Amurka Trump Ya Taya Musulmi Murnar Shiga Watan Ramadan |
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Why Small Businesses Are Feeling the Threat of Trump’s Latest Tariffs |
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Trump shares ‘very nice note’ from Kim Jong Un amid doubts over North |
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Donald Trump şi Kim Jong-un s-au întîlnit pentru prima oară |
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Así llegó equipo de Trump a oficina de AMLO |
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Trump names Gina Haspel as new CIA deputy chief |
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Trump Nominates Kavanaugh to SCOTUS |
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Donald Trump újra indulna az amerikai elnökségért |
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3 Tips for Handling Conflicts from the Trump-Kim Summit |
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Trump has said 1340330 words as president They’re getting more dishonest a Star study shows |
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Más pide a Trump que le solicite a Putin que deje de apoyar |
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Trump says the US would be at war with North Korea by now if it weren’t for Posts |
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Obama and Democrats share the blame for Trump’s Supreme Court |
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Resisting Trump’s court pick isn’t worth Democratic Senate |
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Protester paraglides surprisingly close over Trump gets away |
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Trump’s remarks about changing European culture draw ire 15 hours ago |
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Trump und PutinPrädestiniert für eine vor einem Trump-Putin-Pakt |
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Hilariante: esquilo perde a cabeça e transforma-se em Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump se presentará a la reelección en Estados Unidos |
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Rosenstein Found It Necessary to Interrupt Trump’s Foreign Trip with Info That WAS ALL RELEASED in Previous April House Intel Report |
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Trump Maynek: pereld be az EU-t! |
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¿Error de protocolo o prepotencia Así saludan los Trump a la reina Isabel II |
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Party Of Trump Creates Moral Crisis |
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Comitiva de Trump arribó a México |
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Un parasutist a incercat sa aterizeze pe proprietatea lui Trump in Scotia Ce mesaj a vrut sa-i transmita |
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Did Israel Inspire Trump’s Family Separation Policy |
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Trump azt ajánlotta Maynek hogy tárgyalás helyett perelje be az EU-t |
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Trump Labels the European Union a Foe |
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Rolf Porseryd: Trump bröt alla diplomatiska protokoll |
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Trump |
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Trump ja Putin Helsingis: meeleavaldusele kogunesid tuhanded inimesed Siiani valitseb teadmatus milline üldse on homne päevakava |
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Chicago mayor strikes Trump’s immigration policy |
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Brexit May alla BBC: Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’UE |
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President Trump Calls The EU A Foe! |
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Professor Saul Tendler announced as Acting Trump in |
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10 Amazing Signs From This Weekend’s Trump Protests in the UK |
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Donald Trump: La Unión Europea es el mayor enemigo global en este momento |
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Trump poderá pedir a Putin que extradite os russos acusados de ‘hackeagem’ |
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America’s biggest business group is openly opposed to Mr Trump’s tariff plan |
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The Kim-Trump and Kim-Moon Summits |
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Possible Place For Putin-Trump Summit |
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Trump Bill Signing |
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Trump ordena preparar nuevos aranceles sobre productos chinos por 200000 millones de dólares |
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Trump la Reina y el Periodismo |
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Trump – Weiterer Etappensieg von Ignoranz und Dummheit |
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Donald Trump : « Permettre l’immigration en Europe est une honte ! Vous perdez votre culture A moins d’agir très vite l’Europe ne sera |
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¡Miedo! En los Estados Unidos de Trump |
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Trump: Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt „inamicii” SUA |
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Seventy times the media approved of violence and harassment against Trump supporters |
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Donald Trump Theresa May On The Presidents Eu Advice – Bbc News |
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Trump se convierte en el personaje más seguido en Twitter y desbanca al Papa |
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Gal Gadot Ivanka Trump And The Mainstreaming Of Feminism |
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Brexit May rivela: Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue |
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Trump gaat voor tweede termijn als president |
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Stephen M Young on Taiwan: What Xi wants — but can’t have Typhoon holidays are a silly tool to win votes Xi Jinping’s vision for global governance Time is past when trade barriers could have stopped China’s rise EDITORIAL: Depoliticizing typhoon decisions Pardonee’s battle sets precedent US ships in Strait send a message to Beijing LETTER Putin and Trump will put on an empty show Trump-Putin meeting could betray the lofty ideals of the Helsinki Accords Media industry and Internet firms strike back against fake news EDITORIAL: Mama’s boys are a security risk EU needs data protection partners China unlikely to pay local retirees Failure to build plant could mean cleaner air US firms prepare for rolling background checks China could strike US tech where it hurts in response to tariffs |
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Trump iyo dhaqankiisa saxaafada Britian ayaa aad u hadal heysa muuqaal |
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L’Chaim: Trump-Putin Summit Inspires Beer Called ‘Let’s Settle This Like Adults’ |
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Brigitte Macron et Melania Trump à la guerre de la mode |
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Trump First |
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Sarah Sanders: We Pulled John Bolton from Tapper Interview Because CNN ‘Disrespected’ Trump |
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Trump- Chosen by God |
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REALLY! – Trump Gets Golden Showers By 12 Prostitutes – Read The Donald Trump Russia Dossier |
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Ted Deutch Lois Frankel Debbie Wasserman Schultz call for President Trump to cancel Vladimir Putin meetup |
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Onde se hospedar em Toronto: Trump Hotel |
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Trump ‘highly unlikely’ to recognize Putin’s annexation of Crimea Ambassador Huntsman |
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Primarul musulman din Londra a încercat să BLOCHEZE marşul PRO-TRUMP |
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Trump minaccia di uscire dalla NATO spese militari al 4 del Pil Italia nel 2018 solo all’14 Stoltenberg il 2 entro il 2024 |
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Trump Speech Today At GOP Convention Expected To Draw Large Protests |
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Juri Toomepuu: President Trump ja Eesti julgeolek |
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Trump Administration Proposes Privatizing the Postal System |
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Alemania avisa a Trump contra posibles acuerdos con Putin “a expensas de los aliados” |
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Ice Director Just Said It Was Trump |
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Donald Trump la summitul NATO: ”Germania este prizoniera Rusiei” Reacția nemților |
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FBI Chief Mueller Drops Indictments against Russia Intel Ops as Deep State Panics Over Trump-Putin Summit |
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Koman Ejipsyen Aji Apre Ekip yo Fin Pèdi nan Koup Di Trump di Yon Jounal Britanik Ansyen minis afè Etranjè peyi a se yon bon Kandida pou Ranplase premye minis Theresa May |
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Middle East officials flocking to Moscow – is there a big deal to be made before Putin meets Trump |
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Trump will 2020 wieder am fällt Polizei vor die Füße |
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Inauguration of Donald Trump |
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Suomeen kohta saapuva Donald Trump: ”Lupaan että mitään pahaa ei tule seuraamaan” |
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Trump Green Lights Long-Disputed Keystone XL Pipeline |
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POTUS Trump Slams Mueller Junk Indictment of Russians – Where’s the DNC Server |
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Huge march in London against Donald Trump |
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Trump Issues Full Pardons To Oregon Ranchers |
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An Immigrant’s Story Shows the Cruelty of Trump’s Deportation Policy |
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Así fue el encuentro de Trump con la Reina Isabel II |
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Trump the best president since Reagan |
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Democrat for AG: Texas Should Have Sued Trump on Separations |
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Amberin Zaman: “Trump belli ki Erdoğan’ı seviyor bunu dile getirdiğine dair haberler var Neden sevdiğini anlamak zor değil çünkü çok fazla benzerlik Bilgileri |
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Fox Guest Gushes Over Trump’s ‘Fantastic’ European Trip |
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Trump Marches Onward And Downward – OpEd |
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HA! Trump SHUTS DOWN Jim Acosta at UK presser: ‘He’s fake news’ |
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Trump/Q Anon: I Hear you by Sierra NZ – 71518 |
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Samantha Bee Addresses Ivanka Trump Controversy On ‘Full Frontal’ |
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23 Erkenntnisse aus einer Trump Amerikas erfolgreichster Präsident seit langem |
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Donald Trump a fost primit negativ în Scoția |
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Trump im InterviewDie EU ist ein scheint mittlerweile zu halten |
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Trump won’t pull US troops from Afghanistan says President in Afghanistan: the first win for peace |
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Santos pide a Trump que hable con Putin para que retire su apoyo a Maduro |
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Cuestionamientos rodean cara a cara Trump-Putin |
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Nevropsykolog hevder Trump har hjernesvikt i NRK-kronikk kritiseres i kommentarfeltet |
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Trump’s New CIA Director Appointment Sign That Cabal Is Done… Finished…… |
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¿Extrema derecha en el favorito de Trump para el Tribunal Supremo |
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‘Donald Where’s Your Troosers’ Gets A Trump Spin |
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Trump Picks Brett Kavanaugh For SCOTUS |
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Trump İskoçya’da da Protesto Edildi |
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DC Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh nominated by Prez Trump to replace Justice Kennedy |
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US President Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Helsinki summit with |
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President Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting |
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Prezidan Trump Siyen yon Dekrè ki Entèdi Imigrasyon Separe Manm Fanmi Etranje IIegal yo sou Fwontyè a |
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Vladimir Tismaneanu: Le cadavre bouge–François Furet si nefasta iluzie Apetrei: Trump doborat de catre expertii romani |
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Robert Mueller’s new Trump-Russia indictments reveal a lot about who’s getting arrested next |
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Theresa May must say ‘no’ to the trade deal Trump is pushing |
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Trump’s Mini-Me Exits |
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Over 100 companies giving ‘Trump Bonuses’ after tax victory |
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Theresa May dezvăluire din culisele discuţiei cu Trump |
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Wo Trump einfach recht hat |
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Por GABRIEL FERNÁNDEZ La mención efectuada por Donald Trump sobre una Alemania relacionada |
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Trump Brands amp Logos |
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Or The German Hypothesis Of The Operations “Trump” And “9/11” |
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Nữ hoàng Anh ‘bất lực’ nhìn ông Trump phạm quy tắc Hoàng gia |
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Is Trump an “Effective Leader” |
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A judge ordered Trump to unite kids and their parents |
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Magyarországot is megemlítette Trump egy – Közel 1400 induló 671 hajóban |
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Prince Charles and Prince William ‘refused to meet Donald Trump’ in Windsor |
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‘Fk Donald Trump’ rapper charged with felony doc fired for saying people cannot ‘choose their big guns side with students in faith fight against War produced ‘1 of rarest books’ |
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Putin se cita con Trump |
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Trump moves to shield administrative law judge decisions in wake of high court ruling |
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Trump najavio kandidaturu za novi mandat |
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Les faux pas de Trump lors de sa rencontre avec Elizabeth II |
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WaPo’s Marcus: “Suicide Mission” for Red-State Dems to Vote Against Trump SCOTUS Pick |
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Trump recomendó a Theresa May demandar a la Unión Europea 08:44 |
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Senado americano aprova redução de impostos proposta por Trump |
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Donald Trump Revealed To Be First Cro-Mags Singer |
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En 1984 le New York Times nous disait que Donald Trump pourrait être notre meilleur President— Ils l’ont oublié |
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Her er de beste sloss i gatene mens finanseliten tjener på typen markedsføring gir ingen direkte inntekter – likevel bruker store selskaper skal Trump og Putin snakke om |
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Desastrosa e irrespetuosa gira de Trump por Europa |
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Related Article: JPMorgan Second-Quarter Profit Jumps 18 Thanks to Trump Tax Cuts |
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Trump sanoo tapaavansa Putinin huomenna Helsingissä matalin odotuksin |
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Trump criticized for saying immigration is ‘changing the culture’ of Europe for worse |
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¿Donald Trump consultó con sus asesores posible intervención militar en en el Mundial Rusia 2018 |
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President Trump Waves To Protesters As He Plays Golf in Scotland |
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Trump’s remarks about changing European culture draw on a high as World Cup wraps Putin’s problems remain |
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Churchill Obama and Trump |
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Un gesto de la Reina inglesa en su encuentro con Trump podría significar su rendición |
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Industria del plástico de Estados Unidos responde a Trump |
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Warren Buffet: I’ve bought 12 bn of common stocks since Trump won |
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Trump Insists ‘Many Many Protests’ In The UK Were ‘In My Favor’ |
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Top Democrats Panic – Demand Trump Intel Chief Keep Info Classified on Trump Campaign Spy Halper |
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1 hr Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Putin |
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FOX NEWS: Robert De Niro’s anti-Trump Tonys speech slammed as ‘disgusting’ by actor Robert Davi |
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Britische Premierministerin May: Trump riet mir beim Brexit zur Klage gegen die EU |
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Trump and the truth about the kids at the border |
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The Difference Between Trump And Obama’s Meetings With The Queen |
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Rigoare versus șarm După Emmanuel Macron Angela Merkel ”aversul” binomului franco-german merge la Washington pentru a discuta cu Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Legenary Small Hands |
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Detienen a la actriz Susan Sarandon por manifestar contra Trump |
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HEADS JUST ROLLED: Judge Jeanine Just Exposed Strzok’s Game Plan To Destroy Trump |
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ÉTATS-UNIS Pour Trump tout le monde veut sa candidature en 2020 |
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Together Against Trump |
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Salzgitter-Aktie // Zwischen Trump und |
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Contadino indiano venera Trump e vuole erigere un tempio in suo onore |
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Want To Resist Donald Trump Don’t Rely on Democrats Do This Instead … |
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President Trump Just Confirmed It! He’s Running For 2020! |
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El encargo de Santos a Trump: pedirle a Putin que deje de apoyar al régimen de Maduro |
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Estátuas nuas de Donald Trump com anel maçônico aparecem em várias cidades |
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“Que no vengan” es la solución de Trump a la crisis en liderazgo asegura nuevas perspectivas |
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Bellamy Younger reveals how Trump’s presidency changed the arc of Scandal |
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Trump admits that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel the Middle East chaos or rekindling |
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AP Analysis: Trump’s barbed comments upset British hosts |
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Is a Trump Court in the Making amp McConnell: Senate to confirm Kavanaugh by Oct 1 |
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May Says Trump Told Her to SUE the EU President Says It’s Still Not Too Late to Get ‘Brutal’ with Brussels |
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People sound off on President Trump’s immigration crackdown |
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Donald Trump identifies European Union as “biggest foe” suggested that Theresa May sue them |
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Protestatari au lansat pe cerul Londrei un uriaş balon portocaliu reprezentându-l pe Donald Trump în scutece |
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Elatas Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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In other words Trump is ‘The New Hitler’ a charge that Jews throw out only when they have set their sights on destroying someone something that obviously needs to be considered against the bird-brained assertions on the part of various ‘eks-purts’ in ‘duh muuvmnt’ who claim that it was Judea Inc that pulled the strings in getting Trump elected over Hillary Clinton |
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Top EU Diplomat Rejects Trump’s Call for New Iran Nuclear Deal |
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Two punks added to the Trump Schadenfreude List |
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Donald Trump planteó a su Gobierno la posibilidad de invadir le dice a Fausto Mata “Ese programa no es tuyo |
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Donald Trump llegó a Londres en medio de protestas y un |
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Kellyanne Conway’s husband lambasts ‘steady genius’ Trump on Twitter and retweets |
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Dani Garavelli: May’s trial by Trump almost excites sympathy |
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Trump’ın İngiltere ziyareti protestolarla başladı |
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US President Donald Trump’s Speech |
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PoIice Swarm After Ivanka Trump Bombarded By Angry Protestors With Witty Signs IMAGES |
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Trump lies are out of control: Analysis shows they’ve doubled in 2018 |
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Democratic Lawmakers In A Tizzy Over Trump-Putin Meeting VIDEO |
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Chicago Theater Review: We the People – The Anti-Trump Musical hits all the right notes |
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Trump se reúne con May después de criticarla en entrevista con un de familias parte de un plan más amplio de Trump |
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Trump Obama Lose 24m Followers on Twitter |
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Trump confirma su intención de optar a la reelección en 2020: no hay rival entre los demócratas |
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Trump-Interview mit CBS Trump sorgt mit Interview für Aufsehen |
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SOTT Erdveränderungen – Zusammenfassung – Juni 2018: Extremwetter Planetare Umwälzungen Trump fordert 2 Prozent – Juncker serviert ihm 2 Promille |
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Lo que Donald Trump está preparando |
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In 1984 the New York Times said Trump would be our BEST president by 100percentfedupcom |
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Trump’s State of the Union: Still Ignoring the Reality of Climate Risks |
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Fabricantes de automóveis UAW várias nações para testemunhar na audiência de tarifa Trump |
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La doctrina Trump: Del desastre de Canadá a la irrealidad de Singapur |
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17hr 53m Governor Cuomo Issues Open Letter To President Trump On Exploding Cost of Detaining Immigrant Children |
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Allisons gråd satte Trump under pres: Nu er hun blevet genforenet med sin mor |
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Achter in de rij aansluiten graag: Trump loopt niet naast maar vóór Queen Elizabeth |
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Czy Trump zostawia Europę |
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Orbán nagy napja: Trump vele példálódzott mielőtt Putyin fogadja |
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NEWSLINK: “Why the CIA Needs Its Own Horowitz Report No need to speculate: The intelligence agencies saw Trump as a de facto agent of the Kremlin” – Wall Street Journal/Holman W Jenkins Jr |
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Trump v hledáčku komunistické Státní bezpečnosti StB |
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Trump um ataque dissimulado ao verdadeiro cristianismo |
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Abe will be there but will Trump be first president to skip All-Star Game in DC 15 hours ago |
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Chủ tịch Hội đồng châu Âu tiết lộ thái độ của Trump với Ukraine |
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Soldier of Odinin porukka ilmaantui perussuomalaisten nuorten Welcome Trump -mielenilmaukseen puolipehmeä brexit testiin |
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Trump Shares Letter From Kim Jong Un |
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Visita de Trump con la reina Isabel II tendrá un estricto entre AMLO y Pompeo fue constructivo: Marcelo Ebrard |
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Donald Trump dejará este domingo el Reino Unido viajará rumbo a Finlandia |
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OPINION: Trump Blimp Makes Britain Look Childish |
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Trump Defects to Russia |
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Donald Trump Drops Out Claims ‘Joke Has Gone Too Far’ |
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Is The Trump Blimp a Guaranteed Backfire |
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Russia hails ‘partner’ Donald Trump ahead of summit: Kremlin |
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Trump to NATO: Pay 2 Of GDP Or More Like You Said You Would… Or Else |
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Caviar sản xuất Nokia 3310 khung titan mạ vàng 24k để kỷ niệm cuộc gặp lịch sử giữa Trump và Putin |
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La Russie l’Union européenne et la Chine sont des «ennemis» dit Trump |
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Antes de encuentro con Putin Trump tuitea sobre otras cosas 14Jul |
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We need to hear more about anti-Trump bias by the FBI and Mueller’s team — House hearing must not be the end |
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Trump forever Nikoho lepšího nevidím ve volbách 2020 vyhraju prohlásil prezident USA |
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In Pictures: Trump’s UK visit and protests |
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Indictments Of Russian Intelligence Officers Turn Up The Heat On Trump |
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Tổng thống Trump thư giãn tại khu nghỉ dưỡng sang |
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De la Washington Donald Trump îl propulsează pe Emmanuel Macron drept liderul Europei Ce înseamnă asta pentru România |
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Trump rokoval s Kiskom: Teší sa že sme kúpili americké stíhačky a chce aby sme dali viac peňazí na obranu10 365 |
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Donald Trump sobre su reelección: Todos quieren que lo hagamos |
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Meadows’ alliance with Trump camp disturbing |
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NATO is based on credibility and trust Trump has struck a blow against both |
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Ivanka Trump: Paid family leave is an investment in America’s families — It deserves bipartisan support |
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Edinburgh Scotland – 10000 Protest Trump In Edinburgh UK Police Seek Paraglider |
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Trump Blocks Queen at Official Function |
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DICAN ocupa más de 100 gramos de droga y dinero en efectivo en Trump se presentará a la reelección en Estados Unidos |
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May: Trump Told Me to Sue EU |
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May: ‘Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Unione Europea’ |
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California Controller Betty Yee: Trump Tax Plan Will “Exacerbate Pervasive Inequality” |
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May: The EU advice Trump gave me |
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Find Meaning in Nature and TheResistance to Trump Fascism |
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Is Trump actually draining the Swamp |
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¿Qué es el dispositivo que Theresa May llevaba en su reunión con Trump |
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Britain Greets Donald Trump with Green Day’s “American Idiot” |
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Helsinki tăng cường an ninh trước thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin |
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Trump Haters Didn’t See This Coming! Podcast 8 9-3-17 |
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Miles en playas de California para oponerse a Trump |
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10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Should Be Removed From the Presidential Office |
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Seorang Lagi Pejabat Keamanan Trump Mengundurkan Diri |
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Ivanka Trump ‘Gets Goosebumps’ Walking Into The White House |
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Asia Insight Podcast: The Trump-Kim Summit |
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Russia Reiterates Warning That Trump’s Space-Force Could Trigger Next Cold War |
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18:03 Φινλανδία: Διαδήλωση σήμερα παραμονή της συνάντησης Trump – Putin στο Ελσίνκι |
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Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern Europe against Russia |
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Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure |
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US-UK relationship indispensable says Trump |
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Republicanos tiemblan con los aranceles de Trump |
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Donald Trump: Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt inamicii noştri |
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Local experts assess President Trump’s brash performance in Europe |
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Hudson’s Bay pulling Ivanka Trump clothing line due to lack of sales |
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Trump asegura que la batalla comercial con China “se resolverá” |
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What More Can Trump Do for Putin How About Absolution |
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So i search for Donald Trump Anime Was not dissapointed |
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first amongst monsters: Trump comes to Britain |
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Top Three Ways London’s Sadiq Khan is a better Leader than Donald Trump |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump’s advice for Brexit |
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Continúa el choque entre Trump y jugador |
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“Energy stocks get massive Trump boost” |
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Who will be affected by Trump’s Drug Testing Plan |
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Quán Phần Lan sáng tạo món ăn lấy cảm hứng từ Hội nghị Trump – Putin |
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Trump no cumplió pero al menos sí identificó quiénes son los padres de los niños |
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Trump’s Decision to Reverse Obama-Era Guidance on Affirmative Action Sparks Debate |
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Trump colpisce Pechino: la lista di prodotti con dazi del 10 |
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Donald Trump contro l’Europa: è un nemico |
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Thousands protest Trump’s UK Visit Photos |
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Tòa Bạch Ốc khẳng định: Hội nghị TT Trump – Putin vẫn diễn ra |
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Can Democrats shield Californians from new GOP tax law—despite IRS vs Trump over 2020 census |
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Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports |
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US Allies Not Steele Dossier Warned ‘Deep State’ About Trump-Russia Collusion |
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Trump’s Supreme Court choice Beltway insider born and bred |
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Brits ask Blenheim Palace heir to ‘upskirt’ Melania as he live-streams Trump’s visit |
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Trump administration misses deadline on H4 visa notification |
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resolute desk trump |
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President Trump says intends to run for president in 2020: Mail on Sunday |
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UK Follows Trump’s Request Stopping UN Mideast Disaster Pact – Vid by Israeli News Live |
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Trump: North Korea has ‘brilliant potential’ as US team arrives at Posts |
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Trump eats bad food |
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Trump Administration Missed Deadline to Reunite Children Under the Age of 5 |
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A sugestão brutal de Trump a May: Processe a UE |
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Tennessee’s 2nd District: Tim Burchett Releases New Ad Promoting His Support for President Trump |
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Trump’tan May’e ‘AB’yi dava et’ tavsiyesi |
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De clash in Helsinki: “Het Kremlin beschouwt Trump als een idioot goed om misbruik van te maken” |
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Fmr Amb to Russia: Trump Putin meeting ‘a bad idea’ |
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Cristoiu: Prin Donald Trump trăim ADEVĂRATUL SFÂRŞIT al Războiului rece Iohannis |
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Reality forces Trump to consolidate power |
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Pompeo considera importante reunión Trump-Putin |
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Trey Gowdy: “I Do not Give a Damn Whose Career Are Ruined If Any Celebrities Makes Massive Anti Trump Video Or Speech All Of Them Will be Punished” Do You Support |
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JFK files released by Donald Trump |
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Trump aconsejó a May demandar a la Unión Europea en lugar de negociar |
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Trump Tries to Teach China on Tariffs Gets SchooledPresident Donald Trump told Americans he would teach China and other American trade partners a lesson when he launched tariffs for what he characterized as unfair trade practices |
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London Mayor Sadiq Khan reignites war of words with Donald Trump saying he understands why critics call US president racist and defending allowing protesters to fly ‘offensive’ blimp |
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American cartoonist fired for anti-Trump drawings |
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Three Farmers Give Evidence of Trump’s Harm to Agriculture Bjorkman Calls on Congress to End Tariffs |
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Donаld Trump BREAKS Royаl protocol as US Prеsidеnt BLOCKS OUT thе Quееn |
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Banaanbaxyo waaweyn oo looga soo horjeedo Madaxweyne Trump Oo ka socoda dalka Ingiriiska |
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Vom Buddha bis zu Donald Trump: MrWissen2go erklärt die Welt |
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Trump told Britain to ‘sue’ European Union to speed Brexit prime minister says |
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Full Scholarship Approved By President J Trump For African Student to Study in US Universities |
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President Trump and wife Melania meet Queen Elizabeth for the first time |
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CIA Director Just Slammed Trump with a Grave Warning |
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Trump united with May |
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Ông Donald Trump chọn Tướng James Mattis làm Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng |
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NATO trước áp lực bị chia rẽ bởi chính sách bất cần Đồng minh của TT Donald Trump |
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Tough and brutal advice from President Trump |
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Helsinki Lunedì 16 vertice Trump Putin |
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Zakaria: Trump knows the GOP base is ripe for an ideological revolution |
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Ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon says English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson ‘is backbone of this country’ as he slams ‘fing liberal elite’ reporter |
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Trump visita Escocia una nación con la que mantiene una turbulenta relación |
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Dem Arguments on Kavanaugh and Roe v Wade Obliterated by One Pro-Trump Former Ambassador To US Beaten To A Pulp Night Before Trump Arrives In Look who Showed Up to Support Trump in London and Free Tommy Muslim Man’s ‘Not So Happy’ Meal |
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Prince Charles Issues a Warning to Donald Trump and His Supporters |
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Trump: ”Könnte” Putin nach Auslieferung russischer Agenten fragen |
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Liberal Media Sees A Russian Conspiracy In Every Trump Policy With Which They Disagree |
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“Samiti Trump-Putin do të jetë i suksesshëm nëse rihapet “Morali është rregullatori suprem i universit” |
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Trump pritshmëri të ulëta për bisedimet me Putin |
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El presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva con la que afirma que terminará con la separación de los menores inmigrantes de sus padres en la frontera ahora según al orden los niños indocumentados serán detenidos indefinidamente junto a sus familiares en centros de detención de inmigrantes |
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Protester flying ‘RESIST’ banner paraglides feet above President Trump as he… |
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Trump: Kam pritshmëri të vogla nga takimi me Putinin |
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Local reaction to President Trump’s pick for the US Supreme Court 5 days ago |
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Fox News Reporter Says Trump’s Attacks on Other Media are ‘Unfair’ |
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Jul 15 Donald Trump et la liberté de la Presse |
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Protesting members of the Trump administration is a First Amendment right |
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Trump Talks Iran Syria With Netanyahu Ahead of Helsinki Summit With Putin |
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Helsinki se prepara para acoger entre protestas a Putin y a Trump |
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Trump quiere repetir como candidato a la Casa Blanca |
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Putin/Trump – aktywa/pasywa |
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prove di asse anti-Trump |
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Trump explains geopolitics to everyone at NATO toon |
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Nato-Gipfel: Trump fordert 2 Prozent – Juncker serviert ihm 2 Promille… |
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“Ma quale trattativa! Devi fare causa all’Europa” un Trump stratosferico così demolisce Bruxelles e la sua manica di corrotti venduti ai poteri forti |
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Michael Cohen: Trump’s Fixer…or His Handler |
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Maxine Waters on Trump: He doesn’t even know how to spell his wife’s name |
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A Trump lo demanda hasta su chofer |
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A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment |
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Trump nennt EU einen „Feind“ |
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BREAKING: Look What Trump Did To the Queen that Has Liberals Losing Their Minds!! |
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Trump Russia Blog |
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Trump Terrorizes Immigrants – We Need Workers Solidarity |
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Trump-Putin-Gipfel in Helsinki Ich und Er |
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Trump Republican Twitter |
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UK Prime Minister May Welcomes Putin-Trump Summit – Reports |
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Donald Trump and the 2016 Election |
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US President Trump says he has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting: CBS news |
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Border measures part of Trump’s bigger immigration Radar |
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Build-A-Bear Crowd CHAOS Proves Trump Right on Border Security |
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Trump dice que podría pedir a Putin que extradite a 12 rusos acusados de hackeo |
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Trump on stage CRUSHES critics who say he should not meet with Putin Video |
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Giải mã đề nghị làm trung gian hòa giải Biển Đông của Tổng thống Donald Trump |
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Fleet Street gives its take on Trump’s UK visit |
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Donald Trump meets Queen for tea at Windsor Castle |
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Çfarë pritet nga takimi Trump – Putin në Helsinki |
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Is Donald Trump Racist |
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What did Donald Trump do today |
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Check out marriage list a church in Warri presents to intending Augustine Obodo Leads Pro-trump Protest In London – Photos |
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Preşedintele columbian : Îi cer preşedintelui Trump să-i solicite lui Putin să înceteze să mai sprijine regimul Maduro |
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Trump: Nato States to Increase Defence Funding |
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Mkutano wa Trump-Putin : Russia yalenga kurudisha hadhi yake |
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Trump scrambles to repair bruised relations with May in press conference spectacle |
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In the short run Trump is winning |
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Trump confirma reunião com Kim Jong-un no dia 12 de junho |
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Trump to Walk Out of Kim Meeting if it Does not |
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Angry worshippers lash out against Trump across Muslim world |
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Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un’s joint statement from the historic summit in Singapore |
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Trump’s actions don’t match Roosevelt’s |
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The unfounded conspiracy rumblings about the Supreme Court and Trump Tower Chicago |
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Russia to Deliver US New Rocket Engines As Trump Creates Space Force |
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Møde mellem Putin og Trump vækker bekymring hos Ruslands naboer |
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Trump wants all NATO countries’ taxpayers to pay more for wars |
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Should Congress wait until after the mid-term elections in November to approve President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee |
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Pour Trump Kim Jong-un est intelligent drôle avec une personnalité géniale |
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America Will Not Be An Immigration Camps Germany’s Big Mistake: Trump |
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Trump remarks about changing Euro culture draw ire |
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Trump hittir Pútín á morgun í Króatíu vegna leiksins |
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Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants DO YOU SUPPORT THIS |
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Trump suggests he will bring up indicted Russians with Putin New |
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Trump quiere remplazar a Theresa May por Boris Johnson en RU |
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Will President Trump confront Vladimir Putin with the recent indictments Yes No |
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Order God and Donald Trump |
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Raybould vs Fischer: In Senate race voters will decide which approach to trade Trump is better |
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How Trump could blow up the NATO summit |
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– US-Präsident Donald Trump strebt zweite Amtszeit an |
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President Trump Just Sent a Ruthless Ultimatum To Spineless Republican Traitors |
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Trump makes ‘Pocahontas’ joke at ceremony honoring Navajo veterans |
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Trump menace l’UE de droits de douane de 20 sur l’automobile |
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Asesor de Trump dice que es difícil de creer a Putin sobre injerencia rusa |
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Cei 500 de români care i-au cerut Președintelui SUA Donald Trump demiterea lui Hans Klemm ambasadorul homosexualilor PETITION TO RECALL THE HONORABLE HANS G KLEMM OBAMA’S AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA |
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BONOKOSKI: Trump takes NATO credit as Trudeau escapes spinning an |
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Beyond Wild Jet Setters Party Sees Paris Hilton and Blaine Trump Play Goddesses — and a Houston Power Couple Jumps Right In |
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Ivanka Trump Donates 50000 to Texas Megachurch to Help Migrant Children: Pastor |
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MSNBC Panel Erupts in Laughter After ‚TV Lawyer‘ Giuliani Claims He Was ‚Probably‘ Present During June 2016 Trump Tower ade: MIT entwickelt Überwachungstechnologie die durch “Wände sehen kann” |
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San Diego Judge Blasts HHS Official’s Warning of Endangering Children as ‘Cover’ to Trump Administration in Key Immigration Case |
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Charles en William weigerden ontmoeting met Trump |
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USA : selon un sondage les américains préfèrent Obama à Trump |
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Trump now supports life presidency says US will have a president |
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Trump vede dușmani peste tot: Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt… |
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Selon Donald Trump la reine estime que le Brexit est un problème très complexe |
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Trump proposal for climate coal moving forward The Associated Press |
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Trump har låga förväntningar inför toppmöte |
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La antidiplomacia de Trump eleva la inestabilidad mundial |
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Making Sense of Trump’s UK Visit |
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London protest Trump SEE PICTURES |
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London – Trump Says Will Run For Reelection Because No Democrat Can Beat Him |
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LGBT Activists Concerned Over Trump’s SCOTUS Pick |
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Body Language Expert Judi James Says Trump’s Marriage Is Crumbling |
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Trump plays golf in Scotland before Putin summit amid Russian |
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Trump Could End Up Replacing 4 Supreme Court Justices in his First Term |
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How to make long sentences in English about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton |
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Trump’s attacks on courts undermine judicial independence |
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Karen McDougal Loves Donald Trump |
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Theresa May Said Donald Trump Told Her To Sue The EU And Refuse To Negotiate Brexit |
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Proteste la Helsinki înaintea întâlnirii dintre Donald Trump şi Vladimir Putin |
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Trump warns of possible ‘escalation’ between US and Iran |
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Trump’s ambassador to Russia says Trump’s Monday pow-wow with Putin in Helsinki ‘isn’t a summit’ and is just a ‘meeting’ – days after he personally said it WAS a ‘summit’ |
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Trump’ın Filistinlisiz Filistin Projesi |
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Beat Up Trump |
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POTUS TRUMP Calls Out Deep State – “Where Is The DNC Server” |
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Michael Wolff Kicked Off MSNBC for Pushing Trump-Haley Affair |
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NY high court nixes Trump’s bid to delay defamation suit |
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Caritas feiert 100-jähriges Jubiläum mit im für 250 Millionen Flüchtlinge Deutschland ist dabei – Trump steigt aus |
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BREAKING: Trump Meets Kim Jong-Un |
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Donald Trump: You Are Mad and a Danger to the World! |
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I’ll be straight up w/you: if we let the same players after Trump Perkins Coie/Fusion/Rosenstein et al take JimJordan down we are opening door to what is coming next for our president Like The Godfather the first R to call for his head is the traitor StandWithJordan https://tco/ApGvYg9BGW |
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Black Voters Just Gave Trump-Hating Liberals The Last News They Ever Expected |
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May: Trump advised me to sue the EU |
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VIDEO Trump pohvalil Kim Jong-una: Je odprtega duha in obnaša se spoštljivo! |
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President Donald J Trump meets with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un |
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Trump thinks NATO is just about Russia It’s about Germany too |
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Trump Praises the Queen: ‘She was Amazing! So Sharp So Wise So Beautiful’ |
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Grace Grayson Preview Trump Winery Charlottesville Virginia Film Wedding Photographer |
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Las cuestionadas fiestas de Trump con modelos menores de edad |
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What the Election and a Trump Presidency Mean for Early Retirement |
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Pak Reaction on Trump plan for recognising Jerusalem as Israel |
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Peter Fonda Issues Apology To The Trump Family For “Vulgar” Tweet |
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Trump says He’ll run for Reelection in 2020 Praises ‘Beautiful’ Queen Elizabeth |
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Top 4 unhinged attacks on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee |
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Right After Acosta Disrespects Trump Bolton Crushes Him With The Ultimate PAYBACK |
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LGBT protestan contra la visita oficial de Trump en Londres |
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10 surprising reasons as to why Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate to the US |
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“Trump y Netanyahu evocan problemas que no forman parte del acuerdo nuclear con Irán” |
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CLAIM: Princes Charles and William refused to meet Trump |
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Trump szíve nem lágyul: zéró tolerancia az illegális bevándorlásnak |
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FOX NEWS: Anti-Trump media members turn into Bitter Bettys over historic summit with Kim Jong Un |
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InternacionalesPutin se cita con Trump en el antiguo dominio ruso |
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Is Trump correct that Mueller’s appointment was unconstitutional |
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Hoaxologist Anderson Cooper is HIV Positive That Trump is the Real Conspiracy Theorist |
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4 Thoughts about Why Trump Won |
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Share de guerre commerciale : Quel est l’objectif de Trump |
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The 11 most dangerous things Donald Trump said in his Montana |
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Trump: Oaths Orbs amp Political Alchemy |
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Trump changes tack on Brexit with trade deal |
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• 1630 följ VM-Finalen i Expressen TV • 2000 Trump landar i Helsingfors inför mötet med Putin |
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Trump la política fiscal y su impacto en los programas sociales |
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Morbid Symptoms: The Rise of Trump |
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Le protectionnisme de Trump |
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Largest Canadian Chain Yanks Ivanka Trump’s Clothing From Store Amid Trade Row |
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Can Trump Legally Pardon Himself |
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Cuộc chiến về Thuế: Liệu Trump có lặp lại thời kỳ… |
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Trump aconselhou primeira-ministra britânica a processar a União Europeia |
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It’s Official: Reed Smith Has Balls and former Big Law Associate Is Cruella de Trump |
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Brits enraged as Trump walks past Queen during royal walk |
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Ex-Trump-Berater Bannon lobt AfD-Personal |
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Trump afirma que buscará reelección en 2020 en los Estados Unidos |
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Who Are Trump’s Biggest Allies In Congress The Answer May Shock You |
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Inside the Trump administration’s plan to reunite 2500 immigrant children with their families |
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When Will America Come Home When Trump Visits London Seoul or Berlin |
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Trump says he’ll run for re-election in 2020 praises ‘funny and tough’ Kim Jong Un |
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President Donald Trump pardons Oregon ranchers convicted of arson and subject to mandatory minimum terms who prompted protests over federal lands |
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Donald Trump: It was a Great Mistake to Bomb the Serbs Who were Our |
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Trump – Officially A Pawn amp Intel Asset For Putin And The Russsians |
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Branded: ABCNews: Donald Trump Keeps Up the Heat on Bill Clinton: 5:06 secs |
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Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize While Media Suffers Meltdown Over North Korea Peace |
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Trump nem vár túl sokat a Putyin-találkozózól |
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Lawmakers shout at Trump after immigration meeting |
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Theresa May onthult “agressief” Brexit-advies van Donald Trump: “Klaag de Europese Unie gewoon aan” |
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Trump lashes out at media Democrats as he travels to meet with Putin |
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On Tuesday the Trump administration released a list of prop |
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Macron convenció a Trump de permanecer en Siria |
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Watch: Trump holds news conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May |
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Trump má nízká očekávání od schůzky s Putinem EU označil nepřítele |
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‘I would prompt’ Iran not restart their atomic program: Trump |
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Trump Picks Fight With The Eagles Philadelphia Takes It From There |
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Nearly two-thirds of Germans say Trump is more dangerous than Putin – poll |
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Media Gets One Thing Very Wrong When Attacking Trump About Queen Meeting |
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Trump Showed Us He Can Drop the Bar Even Lower by Smacking TIME Reporter with Infantile Insult |
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Trump fajëson Obamën për hakimin e zgjedhjeve të 2016-ës |
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Prophetic Update: Donald Trump Delivers “Broadside to separation of church and |
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NBC News bombshell: Trump’s golf course in Scotland loses money like many other courses meaning Putin might be giving him money to maintain it or something |
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Three Black GOP Interns: Uber Denied Us A Ride Because Of Our Trump Support Watch Tom Joyce LifeZette |
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Eye on the Trump Administration |
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embedded content The Trump administration will allow American trophy hunters to import the bodies … |
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US ambassador: Trump-Putin meeting ‘isn’t a summit’ |
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Donal Trump Secrets Who is Donald Trump |
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Trump-Kim-Summit: President Donald Trump Releases ‘Very Nice’ Letter From Kim Jong Un |
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150 Organizations Condemn Trump’s Call for Drugs Death Penalty While Reformers Rally |
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Tomi Lahren: Conservatives Who Go After Roe “Might as Well Spit on the Trump Picked Kavanaugh “to Protect Himself” from Prosecution |
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Trump quiso cortarles las alas a los Philadelphia Eagles |
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Tech giants pledge millions to Trump initiative |
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Dozens of Trump supporters rally in London |
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OBSH: Duhani shkakton sëmundje dhe goditje këshilla e Trump hidhe në gjyq BE-në |
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La orden ejecutiva de Trump es una estafa Las protestas aumentan |
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New to Watch For at the Trump-Putin Summit |
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Donald Trump UK visit schedule |
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Elizabeth II : Comment Donald Trump a agacé la reine |
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While you were sleeping: Weed pranks and Trump beer |
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2Pac hablando sobre Donald Trump en 1992 |
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What Trump and Putin hope to attain at Helsinki summit |
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Trump tells officers how Putin will reply to meddling query |
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Theresa May: Trump sugirió que “demande a la Unión Europea” por Brexit |
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Les accusations contre la Russie sapent les dénégations de Trump |
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Activist Arrested After Paragliding Too Near Trump |
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Trump culpa a Obama por no actuar contra ataque cibernético |
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Putin on the Trump: ‘New York’ dons tinfoil hat claims Soviet-era kompromat on The Donald |
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Kike Mona Charen Booed and Removed From CPAC After Attacking Trump |
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Trump lists Russia EU China as ‘foes’ ahead of Putin summit |
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Theresa May reveals Donald Trump told her to sue the EU on Brexit |
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Trump Orders Expulsion of 60 Russians Over Poison Attack in wife says ‘Non merci!’ to Oscars’ academy invite |
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Trump vows ‘no more DACA deal’ |
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Bob Corker Says Trump’s Recklessness Threatens ‘World War III’ |
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Report: Trump ‘Snubbed’ by Prince Charles and Prince William |
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Trump Has Perfect Surprise For Nasty Protesters Right As They Ambushed Him On Scotland Golf Course |
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Donald Trump says Queen Elizabeth told him that Brexit ‘is a very complex problem’ |
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¡Donald Trump nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos visitó Showmatch! |
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A case of Trump Derangement Syndrome |
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Trump aseguró que tiene pocas expectativas sobre encuentro con Putin |
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Trump: “CNN is Fake News I Don’t Take Questions from CNN” Video |
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How to make Trump’s threats irrelevant to your automotive parts business |
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Kiderült mi volt Trump brutális javaslata |
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August 26 2018: A National Day of Action Opposing Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee |
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Trump-Putin: Finland summit beer surfaces |
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Angela Merkel avertisment DUR pentru Donald Trump înaintea întâlnirii cu Putin – Liderul SUA riscă pierderea aliaţilor din Europa |
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Trump’s head |
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London Muslim Mayor Khan Bans Pro-Trump Rally |
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Trump lanza advertencia a ganador de la elección presidencial de México |
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Cuộc chiến về Thuế: Liệu Trump có lặp lại thời kỳ giống Ronald Reagan trong thương mại toàn cầu |
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Trump Has Had It With Deadbeat NATO Countries |
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Trump jugó golf mientras se realizaban protestas por su visita en Escocia |
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BREAKING: Donald Trump Secretly Hired Illegal Immigrants To Start Building Border Wall |
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Reacția lui Trump când scoțienii îl huiduie pe |
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This Thanksgiving Rant Will Silence Trump Haters- Podcast Episode 20 11-25-17 |
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Donald Trump’s administration intervened on behalf of anti-grooming gangs campaigner Tommy Robinson and expressed concerns over his safety to Britain’s ambassador to the US sources claim |
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Tổng thống Trump không kỳ vọng nhiều về hội nghị với ông Putin |
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China debate opciones contra guerra comercial de Trump que no dañen |
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Theresa May: Trump Advised Me to ‘Sue the EU’ |
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CAN’T STUMP THE TRUMP: Pullover Hoodie 8 oz |
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What Trump Did Today |
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Trump Calls The European Union A ‘Foe’ |
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CNN’s Acosta Tells Trump: ‘We’re A Real Network Too’ |
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DOJ Indicts Alleged Leaker Who Had ‘Romantic Relationship’ With Buzzfeed Reporter That Wrote Damaging Trump Story |
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Trump wish for warm Putin ties highlights policy tenants: We were pushed out for luxury condo buyers |
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Trump Lashes Out At Obama Over Russian Hacking Indictments |
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Donald Trump: ‘Everyone Wants Me To’ Run Again In 2020 |
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Donald Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Helsinki summit |
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Thượng đỉnh NATO : Có nên tin vào những gì TT Trump tuyên bố hay không |
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Wielki Trump dzieciak nad Londynem! |
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Bertolt Brecht Offers Advice to Waverers about Attending the Great Anti-Trump Demonstration London July 13th 2018 |
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Nincs meglepetés: Trump olyan mint egy elefánt a porcelánboltban |
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Es más fácil odiar a Trump |
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Sok a visszaélés a mi volt Trump brutális javaslata |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “What Should the World Expect from the Trump-Putin Summit However fractured the relationship it makes sense for the world’s two nuclear superpowers to sit down together and re-establish some of the channels of communication” – The National Interest/Angela Stent |
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Trump SoHo® Launches Young Entrepreneurs Program for Kids amp Teens |
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Buhari To Meet Trump At White House On April 30 |
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La infeliz vida en Fort Smith un reducto de Trump |
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Ofuscando Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Granddaughter Arabella Serenades Chinese President Xi Jinping and Wife With a Chinese Folk Song |
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How the Trump-Putin meeting could turn the tables on Ukraine — and US credibility |
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Resisting Trump’s Supreme Court pick isn’t worth |
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Norvegjia i përgjigjet kërkesës së Trump premton të rrisë shpenzimet për NATO-n |
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Rand Paul: We Should Focus on Protecting Elections Instead of ‘Witch Hunt’ on Trump |
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One Brave Republican Party Chair Chose Country over Party Resigned – He Can ‘No Longer Remain Silent’ about Donald Trump |
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Trump Country Is Opioid Country |
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Register Now! “What Housing Advocates Should Know about the Trump Administration’s Public Charge Rule” |
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Trump talks to Hannity Carlson after Putin meeting |
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JK Rowling se burló en Twitter de Donald Trump |
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TIPRO Disappointed with President Trump’s Decision to Impose Steel and Aluminum Tariffs |
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“Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue” |
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Donald Trump afirmó que buscará la reelección en 2020 |
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Trump says he will run for re-election because ‘everybody wants me to’ |
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Chuck Todd Goes Off After Hugh Hewitt Knocks Trump-Russia Media Coverage: This Isn’t About the Media! |
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Donald Trump salută „progresul extraordinar” în sporirea alocărilor pentru apărare după |
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“REF– USE FASCISM” Mobilizes to Overthrow Trump Administration Starting Nov 4 |
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Southern California Heat Wave Breaks Celebrities Hit the Street to Protest Trump in London |
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Fight Trump Keep Dems at Bay: The Case Against a Popular Front |
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Kyle of Foreign Policy Focus: Singapore Summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un |
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Trump ends DACA Proving His Racism Towards Hispanics – TRUMP IS RACIST |
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WATCH: Why Indian man worships Donald Trump as ‘god’ |
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Rep Schiff Pushes Trump To Cancel Putin Meeting Mocks Giuliani’s ‘Vindication’ Claim |
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Theresa May reveals Donald Trump advised her to sue the EU |
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How the Trump Administration Is Obscuring the Costs of Climate Change |
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Goed zo! Donald en Melania Trump buigen niet voor Queen Elizabeth |
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Trump’s missile message for Iran |
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W Brytania: D Trump w „Daily Mail” zapowiedział ubieganie się o reelekcję |
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Colombiano en Finlandia protesta contra Trump |
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Trump Trump’s oil |
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Trump Says Europe When Asked to Name His ‘Biggest Foe Globally’ |
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La reine Elisabeth « méprisée » par Donald Trump vidéo |
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Trump at 39magical39 Scottish golf course preps for Putin meet amid Russian meddling claims |
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Trump claims ‘many many protests in my favor’ in London |
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Him too The story of the Resistance doctor who sued Trump to unblock him has officially gotten crazy weird |
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Trump departs UK with ‘low expectations’ for summit with Putin in Finland |
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Trump says Russian hacking happened on Obama’s watch asks why he didn’t do anything about it Perhaps he should ask Mitch McConnell |
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Su pressione di Trump marcia indietro di Pfizer sugli aumenti |
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Trump Asks Why Obama Didn’t Do Something About Russia |
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Gafat e Trump në takimin me mbretëreshën e Britanisë VIDEO |
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Trump quer mudar a pintura do Boeing 747 Air Force One |
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Trump Takes Turn at Turnberry Golf Resort Before Putin Meeting |
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18:02 “Miq apo armiq” Trump bën deklaratën e pabesueshme para takimit me Putin: Ai është një diktator i pamëshirshëm… |
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Usa-Israele Trump sceglie il falco Friedman come nuovo ambasciatore: Via da Tel Aviv |
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Trump: Evropská unie je nepřítel USA |
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Politics: UK police haven’t found Greenpeace protester who paraglided near Trump |
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All Time Best Funny Memes on Donald Trump |
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Trump delivers lessons for Japan on North Korea |
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Never mind the candidates In this LA-area midterm contest it’s all about Trump |
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Was statesman Alcibiades the Donald Trump of Ancient Greece |
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36 photos que Trump n’aimerait pas que vous voyiez |
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Chris Wallace CHALLENGES Dem on whether Trump or Obama has been TOUGHER on Putin |
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Mexicano crea papel higiénico marca ‘Trump’ para apoyar inmigrantes |
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AMLO propone a Trump “bases de entendimiento” y adelanta la agenda bilateral |
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9-Year-Old Boy With Muscular Dystrophy Hugs President Trump at Bill Signing |
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Trump places Russia meddling on Obama |
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Alto funcionario de EEUU revela que Trump planteo … |
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Will Putin Give Trump an A For Effort Hardly |
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Trump contra casi el mundo entero |
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Week-end « sportif » pour Trump et Poutine avant un sommet délicat à Helsinki |
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Anti-Trump Protest Turns Out To Be A Complete Disaster For Organizers |
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Donald Trump hadat üzent Kínának |
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Prophecy Update: Trump’s Executive Order Removing Wall of Separation for Image |
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Trump atrae millones en su contra en Londres 250 mil protestan su llegada |
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Moon y Trump acuerdan aplicar las sanciones de la ONU a Norcorea |
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‘America’s Enemy:’ Trump Ghostwriter Backs Claim Trump Has Been Russian Asset for Thirty Years |
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Trump afirmă că UE este inamicul SUA |
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Paraglider arrested charged after flying close to President Trump in Scotland protest |
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Créons le pire cauchemar de Trump et sauvons le climat ! |
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Rékasi Zsigmond – Ifjú hős vagy Orbán gazdasági modellje Trump álmát valósítja meg |
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Here’s Why President Trump Just Lost Over 100000 Twitter Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat Backed by Science |
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Rencontre Trump-Poutine : le choix symbolique d’Helsinki |
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How are the Capitol Steps like the Trump Administration |
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Trump stellt sich 2020 Wiederwahl – Treffen mit Putin naht |
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COMO VEO DOY… Kennedy revivió ¡y trabaja para Trump! |
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11000 government jobs slashed under Trump – downsizing government |
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Trump Calls EU a Trade ‘Foe’ |
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Trump is a Two-Bit Dictator |
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15:56 – Proteste la Helsinki inainte de summitul Trump-Putin Video |
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Donald Trump și Kim Jong-un întâlnire istorică între doi lideri ”frumoși și slabi” Rămâne de văzut impactul în viitorul apropiat și nu numai |
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Trump: ‘I Hadn’t Thought’ of Asking Putin to Extradite Indicted Russians |
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Trump blasts UK Prime Minister May in interview |
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Donald Trump se declara disposto a concorrer à reeleição |
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May verrät brutalen Ratschlag von Trump für die stürzt mit Auto von Klippe – und hält sich mit Kühlwasser am Leben |
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Steve Schmidt: There Is Blood On President Donald Trump’s Hands |
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Trump’s behavior means world simply cannot trust the US |
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Update: Melania Trump meets with Border Patrol in Tucson doesn’t tour shelter1 |
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Trump tiene “toda la intención” de buscar la reelección en 2020 |
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Trump Names Judge Brett Kavanaugh |
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More confusion as US supreme court reinstates part of Trump travel bar › |
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Trump gets major reaction after asked about possible shutdown |
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Theresa May reveals Donald Trump privately told her to SUE the EU to deliver Brexit – but she laughs off the plan and says she will negotiate with them instead |
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Trump lässt Queen hinter sich im „freiesten Deutschland“ |
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Trump niega críticas a May por el Brexit: “Fake mundo Macri y el peronismo |
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Coal in Trump’s Stocking |
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Disgusto del ‘Deep State’ por la cumbre de Trump y Putin |
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Trump administration admits to lose track of 20 percent of toddlers’ parents |
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London Protests: The Left Is Literally Making Donald Trump Seem Like A Savior Figure |
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Trump ‘verwacht weinig’ van ontmoeting met Poetin |
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Trump accuser Stormy Daniels arrested in Ohio strip club ‘for letting patrons touch her’ |
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козырь: Trump Treason Power Rankings Week 39 |
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Trump’tan May’a şaşırtan tavsiye: AB’ye dava aç |
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Verbalattacke Donald Trump bezeichnet EU Russland und China als Gegner |
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W Va Senate candidate touts Trump ties in campaign stop 2 months ago |
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Melania Trump describes ‘honour’ of meeting the Queen for afternoon tea |
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Unions Are Furious: Trump Is Cutting Off Big Labor From Skimming Americans’ Medicaid Payments |
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Un maiale gigante contro Trump e i fascismi l’attacco di Roger Waters |
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Hillary Clinton: Trump is a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to America |
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Sky Falls Down – A Power Ballad for the Trump Era |
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Silicon Power 120GB SSD 3D NAND S55 TLC 7mm 028″ Internal Solid State Drive imagine Trump Black Cap US Flag Keep America Great Hat President 2020 |
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Misogyny is the Biggest Indicator of Trump Support |
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David Pratt: Trump and Putin go face to face |
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Markets rattled as Trump escalates China trade war with tariffs on 200bn of imports – business live |
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Brexit May rivela: Trump mi ha detto di fare causa alla Ue |
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Donald Trump niewiele oczekuje po Putinie |
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Donald Trump Salutes Military At Greenbrier Resort |
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Police officers guarding Donald trump have more trouble with their PONCHOS than with protesters as cops reveal that just 7000 of the expected 100000 turned up yesterday and there are only a handful today |
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What Trump amp Putin hope to achieve at Helsinki summit |
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Trump à Londres Heureusement que les Anglais ont de l’humour vidéo – Photo |
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Dan Gainor: Media revel in London anti-Trump protests as obsession with Russia continues |
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GOP Sen McCain To Trump: Cancel Your Summit With Putin If You Won’t Hold Him Interrupt Trump’s Round Of Golf In Scotland With Loud Boos Bagpipes |
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Donald Trump sustine ca va candida pentru un nou mandat |
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Trump sees no competition in US amp ‘fully intends’ to run for president in 2020 |
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Jewish Group Uses Holocaust Survivors To Berate Trump’s Border Policy |
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Major Polluters Are Already Influencing Trump’s New EPA Chief |
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Bolton explains why Trump has upper hand over Putin video |
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Trăim prin Donald Trump un moment istoric Fanteziile lui Iohannis sunt periculoase |
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Trump says ‘European Union is a foe’ to US ahead of |
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Hillary Clinton sounded like she’s running in 2020 – claims Trump is trying to “rip heart out of America” |
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Trump in soccorso della May per una soft Brexit In settimana a Helsinki l’incontro con Putin e nuovi dazi per l’Europa |
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Lo ha detto Donald Trump in un’intervista alla Cbs registrata ieri Tusk non ci sta: «Migliori amici» |
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Scoop: Trump wants tough new Air Force One paint job |
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VIDEO: Un instructor de buceo impide que un tiburón muerda a su MOMENTO DE LA IRRESPETUOSA VISITA DE TRUMP A LA REINA |
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Trump Administration to Release 50 Detained Children |
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Trump llama «enemigo» a la Unión Europea junto a Rusia y China |
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Tens of thousands spill onto London’s streets in protest of Donald Trump visit |
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500 Non-Child Dependent or Flexible Credit in Trump/GOP Tax Reform Bill |
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Donald Trump: Make America Great Again |
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Donald Trump says he gets most of his exercise from golf then uses cart at Turnberry |
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18:40 – Donald Trump inainte de intalnirea cu Putin: Rusia Uniunea Europeana si China sunt inamicii nostri |
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winning a war becomes much easier when you are have an advantage over your enemy -Donald Trump |
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Trump vuelve a criticar a Alemania por su relación con Rusia |
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Trump mi povedal aby som žalovala Úniu tvrdí britská premiérka |
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Us Map Showing Trump |
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Una sponda a Trump per difenderci sull’energia |
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BREAKING: Trump reveals Queen’s opinion on BREXIT during Piers Morgan interview |
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Il mondo al tempo di Trump |
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La espectacular colección de autos de Donald Trump |
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Letter to the editor: Keep on tweeting President Trump |
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Putin se cita con Trump en el antiguo dominio ruso |
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Emite falla para Trump en muro |
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Play the digital marketing trump card |
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Commentary: Trump blasted reporting from Puerto Rico as ‘fake news’ but heeding it might have saved lives |
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CBS Welcomes ‘God’ to Promote Oprah’s 2020 Defeat of Trump: ‘Yes She Can!’ |
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Donald J Trump Bill Zanker |
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President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet for the first time ahead of their private talks in Singapore |
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Below are a but a few clickable news articles that indicate what I am talking about with respect to the media’s changing attitude with respect to immigration They are taken from http://wwwmediamattersorg The last two in particular show how a number of media chains might actually be getting onboard Trump’s campaign |
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— Trump is an equal-opportunity insulter — |
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Schlüssel zur Vereinbarung zwischen Donald Trump und Kim Badge |
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Menesztett FBI-igazgató: Trump “morálisan alkalmatlan” az elnöki posztra |
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Bene Trump Salvini e Di MaioRenzi Agghiacciante Il video |
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Trump signs VA accountability act into law promises better care for veterans |
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Writers on the Range: Trump’s prop-up of coal and nuclear ignores reality |
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Miles de personas en Escocia protestan tras la visita de Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Vladimir Putin |
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Moby says Melania Trump’s Coat Proves Detachment to Human Suffering |
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Trump-Putin Summit Beer Surfaces in Finland Pictures |
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Trump Standing Up to Anti-ICE Democrats |
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Which Door Has Opened Kim Jong-un Donald Trump and the Singapore Summit |
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Leslie Jones Makes Her Case For Playing Donald Trump On ‘SNL’ |
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Trump’s opportunity at the Putin summit |
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How The Scottish Island Where Trump’s Mom Grew Up Became a Haven For Refugees |
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Sarah Sanders and Ivanka Trump Fire Back at Samantha Bee |
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Will to trump skill in World Cup’s ultimate character Abbey’ movie gets the green light |
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President Trump Troll™ |
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11 trump’ın ingiltere kraliçesini takmaması |
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Royal family ‘snub’ Donald Trump during UK |
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Kathleen Parker: Saving NATO from Donald Trump |
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VIDEO Dennis Prager: Religious People Love Trump Because They Take The Bible Seriously |
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Zweite Amtszeit: Donald Trump will das Weiße Haus nicht verlassen |
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Trump Says He’s Running in 2020 Because ‘Everybody Wants Me To’ |
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CAN’T STUMP THE TRUMP: LS Ultra Cotton T-Shirt |
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The story behind big pay days and will Trump’s tax cut impact CEO compensation |
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Funny Donald Trump memes |
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Meryl Streep Attacks Donald Trump In Her Golden Globe Speech |
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Trump in UK Says No ‘Upper Hand’ for Putin NATO ‘Strong and Powerful’ |
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Next Trump Will be Meeting Dr M |
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Trump thinks he’s King of the World |
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QAnon on the Rothschilds amp Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin |
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NFL Owners Note Donald Trump’s Attempt To Influence Anthem Views |
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Trump Waves To Shocked Protestors After They Chant “No Trump No KKK No Racist USA” VIDEO |
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Special Master just dumped a ton of bricks on Michael Cohen and Donald Trump |
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People Spot Huge Difference Between Trump’s Meeting With The Queen And Obama’s |
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Trump Obama lose followers as Twitter sanitises its platform |
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Obama amp Bush Lawyers Now Taking Action Against Trump: “Getting Trump-Pence out of office and getting money out of politics are priorities” – Stats |
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Sorry Trump supporter I can’t be your friend anymore |
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RUSSIALINK: “Trump-Putin meeting will benefit both countries strengthen global security – John Bolton” – Interfax |
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London’s Trump protesters – in portraits |
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Trump told Britain to sue the European Union to accelerate Brexit says Theresa May |
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Meacham: With Trump We’re Trapped Like the Kids in the Cave “and the Divers Won’t Come” |
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Trump Rallies Activists with 9/11 Taunt |
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‘Dangerous baby’ Trump condemned on Edinburgh protest |
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Protestas reciben a Trump en Gran Bretaña |
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Miles protestan contra la visita de Trump a Escocia |
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NATO weighs new ‘Counter Terrorism Post’ following Trump’s demands |
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Pompeo se reúne con López Obrador y recibe propuesta para Trump de “entendimiento” entre México y EEUU |
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Graham: Trump going into Putin meeting with NATO stronger |
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Trump Supporters Will Lose Money Buying MAGA Hats As Price Increases Due To China Tariffs: Report |
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Netanyahu’s Risky Romance With Trump |
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Trump : About A Dozen Children Can’t Reunite With Migrant Parents |
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Lawsuit filed against ‘S-Town’ podcast creators by Possible Trump Supreme Court nominees |
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Trump dice que la UE es un «enemigo» y aconseja a May que no negocie el Brexit |
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Protestan en Edimburgo contra visita de Trump a Escocia |
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Delusions Of US Hegemony In A Multi-Polar World: Trump Visits Europe – Analysis |
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Iransk embedsmand opfordrer Trump til at holde fingrene fra USA’s olienødforsyning |
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Tens of thousands of anti-Trump marchers gather in London |
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ÎNTÂLNIRE ANEVOIOASĂ între TRUMP și PUTIN Liderii lumii întâmpină OBSTACOLE chiar înainte de SUMMITUL EPOCAL |
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Trump: Aday olacağım herkes bunu istiyor! |
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Un post de Instagram de Kim Kardashian vale más que el sueldo de Trump |
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Sot drejtojnë botën por si dukeshin dikur Merkel Trump Putin Macron Kim Jong un… |
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Vancouver police respond to ‘disturbance’ at Trump tower nightclub |
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Trump China and the Uncertain Future of Global Climate Change Policy |
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Is a desperate Trump taking us closer to war |
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Trump und Putin besiegeln das Ende der Nachkriegsordnung oder auch gar nichts |
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Trump lanza un vídeo para mostrar la violencia en los videojuegos |
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Donald Trump se declara dispuesto a buscar la reelección “todos quieren que lo hagamos” dice |
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Macri presionado entre el libre comercio que propone Francia y el proteccionismo de Trump |
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Donald Trump avisó su plan desde el momento en que aceptó correr por la presidencia de Estados Unidos |
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Ivanka Trump visits Suit-Kote Corporation in Transylvania 3′ tops charts ‘Skyscraper’ stumbles |
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Trump’s Korean summit gets mixed reviews from Christian leaders |
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May: Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue |
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What Trump Means for International Development |
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QUESTIONS: Spiritual Gifts Obstructing Trump Gender Confusion Social Jus |
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Who Will Survive Trump’s Storm Here’s the Answer- Podcast Episode 22 12-10-17 |
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San Diego EEUU – Un juez federal ordenó a la Administración del presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump entregar el lunes una lista de los padres indocumentados bajo custodia de las de EEUU imputa a 12 agentes rusos por hackear la campaña de Clinton |
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Trump to Announce his Pick to Replace Kennedy on Supreme Court after July 4 |
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The Funny Trump Dump – Part 1 |
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Glam Art Awards Without Trump – Kennedy Center Celebrates Lionel Richie and Gloria |
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Donald Trump a jucat golf la complexul său scoţian din |
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Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh: A look into his finances |
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Trump lágrimas e gargalhadas |
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Democrat Rep Steve Cohen to Anti-Trump FBI Lovebird: ‘Mr Strzok If I Could Give You a Purple Heart I Would’ |
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IU pide que el Gobierno sea contundente con la administración Trump para negociar la reversión de los aranceles a la aceituna de mesa |
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Melania Trump fana brandului Victoriei Beckham Iată cât a costat rochia pe care a purtat-o |
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After no end of drama Donald Trump Vladimir Putin take to |
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After no end of drama Donald Trump Vladimir Putin take to… |
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Reality Check: EU Replacing US as Global Leader After Trump Leaves |
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Theresa May says Trump told her to sue EU over Brexit |
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How Trump’s corporate tax cuts played out in the US economy |
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Más pruebas de por qué Donald Trump es un populista regresivo y antidemocrático |
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Presidentti Trump Twitterissä lennolla Helsinkiin: Vaikka saisin Moskovan vaatisin myös Pietarin |
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19hr 33m AEIs Leon Aron on the danger of Trump and Putins informal summit |
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Trump at UN: US is ready to destroy North Korea |
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DISPATCHES FROM THE EDGE: Trump amp The Big Bad Bugs |
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Trump looked out for himself in picking Kavanaugh |
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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ‘Optimistic’ Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un Summit Will Set ‘Framework’ for Denuclearization |
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Otra desastrosa visita de Trump esta vez al Reino Unido |
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Trump gives Americans voices — and other parts |
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Brexit May racconta l’incontro con Trump: «Mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue» |
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SAD: George W Bush Swipes At Trump’s Immigration Policy While Overseas with Bill Clinton |
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BOOM: New survey shows Americans Are Making More Money Under TRUMP Than Obama |
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Majoritatea germanilor consideră că Trump este o amenințare mai mare decât Putin |
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Watch: Demonstrators rally ahead of Trump’s arrival in Finland |
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Канадская компания Гудзонова залива избавляется от марки Ivanka Trump |
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Donald Trump hotărât să candideze pentru un nou mandat: ‘Toată lumea vrea să o fac’ |
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Bevándorlás: Trump Magyarországgal példálózik |
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Tổng thống Trump tiết lộ nội dung cuộc nói chuyện với Nữ hoàng Anh |
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‘Thump Trump’ punching bag in London proves some people are better cut out for nonviolent protest |
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Bulgaria’s President Radev Talks with Donald Trump at the NATO Summit |
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Helsinki Calling –mielenosoitukseen osallistuva Sofi Oksanen: ”Lyön vetoa etteivät Trump ja Putin puhu ihmisoikeuksista” |
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História das ‘fake news’ antes da era Trump |
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Backstabbing Jews at Washington Post want to replace Trump voters with Latrinos Actually Jews really want to turn the entire White race into a minority in our own lands — including Canada Britain Australia and Europe |
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Decizia care îi afectează și pe români! Ce a anunțat președintele Donald Trump |
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Trump A Rosselló: PR Será Estado Si Promete 2 Senadores Republicanos Y Cuando Los Cerdos Vuelen |
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Payback’s a Btch: Americans Suffer Blowback from Trump’s Protectionism |
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Pres Trump’s advise to PM May Sue the EU |
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LaRouchePAC Statement: Mueller Issues Fake Indictment Brits In Rug-Chewing Fit That Putin And Trump Might Accomplish Peace |
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Trump et l’art de la négociation |
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John Oliver Finally Takes Aim at Donald Trump |
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‘They Simply Cannot Believe It’: Farage Says Trump Dropped ‘Bombshell’ on UK Establishment |
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Robert Funk: EEUU en la era Trump está disminuyendo poco a poco la calidad de democracia |
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Trump ve a Rusia China y Unión Europea como ‘enemigos’ de EU |
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Indictments of 12 Russians Hit Ahead of Trump-Putin Meeting |
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Rescued from Trump despair |
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Guerra comercial: sin plan B China apuesta todo al aislamiento de Trump |
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The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President 2017/10/03 |
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Letter to the Editor: Trump’s rich Cabinet full of poor leaders |
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‘Nín thở’ chờ đợi thượng đỉnh Nga-Mỹ: Xung đột Syria sẽ được 2 ông Trump Putin hóa giải |
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Trump and Putin’s unholy alliance could lead to war with Iran |
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Trump Blocks Chinese Purchase of Qualcomm due to National Security |
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President Trump a Week in Review: Interview Boris Johnson More |
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En 1999 en entrevue à NBC News Donald Trump annonce comment il négocierait comme un fou avec la Corée du Nord s’il était élu président! |
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President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un |
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Ingleses protestan con un bebé gigante en forma de Trump VIDEO |
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Parece que todo el mundo quiere que lo haga: ¿Qué te parece una posible reelección de Trump |
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King Trump |
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Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia My New Book |
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Santos pidió a Trump solicitarle a Putin dejar de apoyar a Venezuela |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “An Agenda for the Trump-Putin Summit To forge a better relationship Washington and Moscow need to work through the issues that most sharply divide them” – The National Interest/Doug Bandow |
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300000 Pledge to Attend Rapid Response Protests If Trump Fires Mueller or Rosenstein |
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Trump names EU as a foe ahead of high-stakes Putin meeting |
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Trump Conservative Party Twitter |
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Donald Trump in North Korea |
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Mand anholdt for at flyve faldskærm tæt på Trump |
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How Should Christians Respond To Trump’s “Muslim Ban” |
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Trump Is Making the Dollar Great Again » |
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Parents Angry over Quiz Question That Includes ‘Shooting at Trump’ |
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Trump Won’t Endorse Environmentally Strong G7 Communique |
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US-Demokraten: Trump loyaler zu Putin als zu den Sie die Arbeit von russlandNEWS |
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Trump enviará a secretario de Estado a reunión con AMLO |
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El príncep Carles i el príncep Guillem no van voler reunir-se amb Trump |
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Mark Levin campaigns for Ron DeSantis at Trump Club in Jupiter |
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VIDEO: President Trump’s Full Press Conference at the NATO Summit |
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Dev final Kiev’de: Real Madrid – Başbakanı May: Trump AB’yi mahkemeye vermemi söyledi |
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362 – The Trump swerve |
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Trump told Theresa May to ‘sue the EU’ as Brexit strategy |
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Trump ima glede srečanja s Putinom skromna pričakovanja |
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Donald Trump Nagy-Britanniába látogatott több kínos percet… |
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Santos pide a Trump que hable con Putin para que deje de apoyar a Maduro |
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RA MATHEWS: Trump has initiated the second biggest event of this century |
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Letter: The critics are wrong about Donald Trump |
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Trump’s strange Putin fascination |
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Trump has written 46 Executive Orders |
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Perquisition du FBI dans les bureaux de l’avocat de Donald Trump |
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Trump e o seu Verdadeiro Objetivo |
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Lesko agrees with President Trump: Secure the border |
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Trump culpa a Obama por no actuar contra ciberataques en 2016 |
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Vidéo Regardez : Trump court pour se mettre à l’abri alors qu’un ULM se rapproche de lui dans le jardin de son hôtel en Ecosse Common Dreams |
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‘The highest level of special’: Trump praises US-UK relationship |
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Take away Trump and NeverTrumpers are defending a set of ideas few voters support |
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US border measures part of President Donald Trump’s bigger immigration crackdown |
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DL Hughley Is Pissed at MLK III for Choosing Trump Over Rep John Lewis |
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site keygen crack Trump picks Kavanaugh for court setting up fight with Demseagle pcb 65 keygen |
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Trump lässt Queen hinter sich herumtänzeln |
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AFRICOM Oo Qiray in Askari Looga dilay Dagaalkii Duleedka Kismaayo iyo Trump oo ka tacsiyeeyay Warbixin |
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Why is the British Right so incapable of understanding Trump’s motives I think I finally get it |
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Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various positions |
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Trump pega Pentágono de surpresa ao anunciar fim das… |
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Três coisas que os líderes cristãos podem aprender com Trump |
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Pro-Trump vs Anti-Trump demonstrators in London |
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Trump and “The Best Phrase in All of American History” |
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Clayderman: Trump made Iranians more respectful to me |
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Saray’da kriz Trump’ı Kraliçe’yle yalnız bıraktılar |
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Trump afirma que está dispuesto a presentarse a la reelección |
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Theresa May: Trump më tha të padis BE-në |
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May e i consigli di Donald Trump:Mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue |
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Interview Trump will 2020 wieder antreten und liebt Twitter |
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Trump and Iowa |
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Trump’s Jerusalem move won’t help the cause of peace |
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Trump: Putin ile görüşmeden beklentim düşük |
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Melania Trump hasn’t appeared in public for 19 days |
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Donald Trump tiene pocas expectativas ante cumbre con Vladímir Putin |
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Cuộc chiến thương mại Trung-Mỹ: Ông Tập không cho công kích Tổng thống Trump |
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Donald Trump ‘told me to sue the EU’ over Brexit says Theresa May |
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The stealth App developer that connects Cambridge Analytica to Vote Leave Donald Trump and the Conservative Party |
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Trump and Kim declare to leave past media is a luxury that should be taxed- Bebe Cool |
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WATCH THIS: Trump Refuses Question From Jim Acosta Blasts “CNN Fake |
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Listen to Trump’s eye-opening talk about End Times 2017 |
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Trump Strikes FEAR Into Mueller DNC and Obama With One BRUTAL Tweet |
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Trump naj bi grozil z izstopim ZDA iz NATO če evropske |
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US Elections: Trump offers big US military expansion |
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For All His Bluster Trump is Powerless Against NATO Allies — Here’s Why |
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Will anyone who voted for Trump admit they were wrong |
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Trump Vergi Kararını Onayladı |
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Trump nominerar konservativ domare till Högsta domstolen |
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Donald Trump portrait bust Emotions |
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Trump May confirman acuerdo comercial después de Brexit |
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Trump taunts protesters with vow to run in 2020 |
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Theresa May’den çok konuşulacak Trump itirafı! |
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Trump Loses 100K Followers |
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Trump told Britain to ‘sue’ European Union to speed Brexit |
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5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win |
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Donald Trump Ein Patzer nach dem anderen: So wurde die Queen noch nie behandelt |
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Fusion GPS Founder’s Testimony Reveals FBI Knew About Trump-Russia Connection |
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2020: Trump machts noch mal |
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Russischer Politiker ruft Trump zu |
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Trump Frees Europe From Angry Socialist Babies |
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AMLO propone prioridades a Trump |
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Trump najavio kandidaturu za novi snimak: Advokat ubijen pred očima 18-mjesečne kćerke |
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Báo Mỹ tung bom thông tin: “Donald Trump là điệp viên nằm vùng của Điện Kremlin” |
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Lo que Trump y Putin se llevarán de Helsinki |
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Melania Trump u providnoj beloj haljini o kojoj svi pričaju! |
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‘Paradigm Shift’ or ‘Nothing Burger’ Asia Society Reacts to the Trump/Kim Summit |
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In a moment I’ll tell you more about The Trump Roadmap to Financial Freedom |
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Les manifestants préparent «bébé Trump» à Londres |
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1It’s Time for Damage Control: Trump Swings His Support for Theresa May |
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Geoff Wilson worries Trump tax sugar hit has pulled growth forward |
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Will Solar Industry Weather Trump Administration’s Import Tariff |
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La jueza federal Dolly Gee de la ciudad de Los Ángeles dictaminó que el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump no puede enmendar el acuerdo de Flores de 1997 que indica que los niños no pueden ser encarcelados por más de 20 días |
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Turnberry demo fails to put Trump off his swing |
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Rajoy Trump y las calenturas |
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Donald Trump bevestigt het: ‘ik ga voor een herverkiezing in 2020′ Wereldleiders aanpassen |
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Piers Morgan Meets With Donald Trump Aboard Air Drive One Talks |
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Secretary of State Pompeo Says Trump-Putin Summit Should Proceed Despite Indictment of Russian Officers |
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Donald Trump lashes out again at allies over trade deficit and |
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¿Dónde están sus modales señor presidente Un ministro británico regaña a Trump |
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Theresa May says Donald Trump advised her to sue European Union over Brexit negotiations |
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President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the Prime Minister of the UK – YouTube |
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DML TV: Trump protester arrested |
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Turnberry Scotland – Man Arrested Over Paraglider Protest At Trump Resort |
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Endorsement SPEECH for Donald Trump : 3:56 mins |
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Trump e Kim encontro de paz |
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Europe Socialism Taxation amp Trump |
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DONALD TRUMP se paniquea por PREGUNTA sobre OBAMA y corre al reportero |
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Dwight and Steven Hammond Pardoned by President Trump |
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Migránsnak hitték a Loch Ness-i szörnyet 2018-06-05 Hatalmas riadalmat okozott a skóciai Inverness városában mikor elterjedt a hír hogy állítólag illegális bevándorlók úsznak a szörnyéről elhíresült közeli Loch Ness-i tóban A migránsokat egy Donald Trump hadat üzent Kínának 2017-09-26 Ismeretlenek kifizették Görögország adósságát 2017-08-09 Földi kórházban vizsgálják a Halált 2017-01-08 |
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On Tuesday the Trump administration released a |
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Trump: Queen Elizabeth is ‘just an incredible woman’ |
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Trump’s ambassador to Russia says Trump’s pow-wow with Putin ‘isn’t a summit’ after calling it one |
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Giuliani Other Trump Allies Say Russia Indictments Could Signal ‘The End’ Of Mueller Investigation |
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Trump extends the Iran – American “worst deal ever” |
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President Trump Exposes Suspicious Iranian Deal |
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Envía AMLO propuestas a Trump |
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El juez federal de distrito James Boasberg dictaminó que el gobierno de Donald Trump no puede detener arbitrariamente a personas que solicitan asilo en Estados Unidos aquellos solicitantes de asilo que hayan aprobado una entrevista de “temor creíble” se les debe otorgar la libertad condicional |
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Jueza Federal Dictamina Que El Gobierno De Trump No Puede Encarcelar Indefinidamente A Los Inmigrantes |
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Игровые автоматы Top Trump World Football Starts Звезды футбола |
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Turnberry Scotland – Trump Tweets Hits Links Before High-stakes Putin Meeting |
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Nicaragua: muertos heridos y desaparecidos tras asedio a estudiantes Trump me aconsejó que demandara a la Unión Europea por el Brexit |
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Oregon ranchers who sparked standoff to return home after Trump pardon |
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¿Quo vadis Donald Trump |
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A horas de una reunión clave: ¿Cómo ha sido la relación entre Trump y Putin |
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Magyarországgal példálózott Donald Trump |
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PM: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ and ‘not negotiate’ |
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Trump ve a la UE como ‘un enemigo’ de EEUU tras sugerir a May que demandara al club europeo |
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Black Conservative Group Enthusiastic over the Trump’s Choice for Supreme Court |
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‘Let the man get on with his life!’ Trump golfs again as locals back him up as good for Turnberry and MAGA fans show up at his golf property to counter protest |
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MARK LEVIN SHOW: Nunes talks investigating surveillance of the Trump campaign |
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1 Year Later Trump’s Win in Cartoonist’s Eyes |
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EDITORIAL: Cuomo countering Trump on abortion |
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American Idiot – La campaña contra la visita de Trump a |
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Comparan a Melania Trump con una princesa de Disney por usar este vestido |
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Trump’s Storm Now Sweeping Nation As Deep State Fights Back- Podcast Episode 23 12-17-17 |
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The People Vs Trump |
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Democrat Leader Betrays His ‘Insane’ Party Jumps On The Trump Train |
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President Trump makes waves on UK visit |
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Trump’s Hot Air vs Australia’s Solar Revolution |
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Son Of Novichok Victim Calls On Trump To ‘Get Justice For My Mum’ |
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Trump Calls CNN’s Jim Acosta ‘Nice Guy’ After Refusing To Take His Question At Press Conference |
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Cerar: Melania Trump je vedno vesela ko se pogovarjamo o Sloveniji |
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Trump And Nazi Billboard Got Something In Common |
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President Donald Trump Biography amp History |
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Trump may ask Putin to extradite the 12 Russian intelligence officers |
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Navy SEALs Send Powerful Message to Trump |
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Trump gaat weer voor presidentschap |
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Trump in Scotland: President Touches Down in His Ancestral Homeland |
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May: – Trump ba meg saksøke eldre småsparere med han har fått ja til bygge 4500 kvadratmeter for jekker opp forsikringsprisen – men bare hvis du kan milliarder i Europris-verdier er forduftet Sjefen tror enhjørningen kan være en midlertidig diskuteres fortsatt om hun er flink Denne skal gjøre middagslaging enklere |
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Flake on Senate Floor Slams Trump on Trade Lack of ‘Grown-Up Push Back Against World Health Organization’s ‘Gaming Disorder’ Classification |
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Melania Trump ha fatto un logo… e sì è una now Print |
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Trump culpa a Obama por no actuar contra Rusia ante el ataque cibernético de 2016 |
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Rumors of Edward Snowden being considered a bargaining chip in upcoming Trump-Putin summit |
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Este es el relato de la niña que da voz al drama de las familias separadas por Trump |
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Trump Republicans Facebook |
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URGENT: Trump needs your help |
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Donald Trump Supreme Court Supreme Court Appointments |
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Trump e Putin a previsão dum encontro |
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Consilier al lui Trump: E greu de crezut ca Putin nu stia de amestecul Rusiei in alegerile din SUA |
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MAGA Hats Made In China To More Than Double In Price Because Of Trump Tariffs |
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Trump’ın Beklentisi Düşük |
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Diamond and Silk Call George Lopez a ‘Sewer Sucker’ for Fake Peeing on Trump’s Hollywood Star |
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Trump Eye Test: Зоркий Нарисуй и угадай |
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more great trump demo photos from col cassad |
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10000 protest President Donald Trump in Edinburgh UK police seek in Hawaii |
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Trump Bashing Puerto Rican Mayor Exposed Staring Down Fraud Charges Over 3 Million in Federal Funds |
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Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate 2016 election |
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USA : Le point sur l’enquête des liens entre Trump et les Russes |
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As politics rage on immigrants and have-nots the 2020 Census is California vs Trump |
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Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And President Trump’s ‘One Million US Jobs’ Promise |
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Trump Putin needing beer 7571 views |
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Phil Goff puts Donald Trump in a different camp to far-right C |
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— Trust Trump How to exploit his weaknesses — |
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Is Roe v Wade in danger in a Trump Court |
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1er Tiempo: Francia 2-1 hemos enfrentado a uno de los Laxalt y Godín en el 11 May: “Trump me dijo que debería demandar a la Unión le ganó a Serena Williams y se quedó con el el primer ministro de Haití tras protestas por el aumento del Poder Ejecutivo asegura que las jubilaciones mínimas aumentaron 257 en 13 años |
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Kellyanne Conway’s husband lambasts ‘stable genius’ Trump on Twitter |
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White House Cancels ‘State Of The Union’ Interview With John Bolton After Trump’s Fake News Attack |
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Trump In London: ‘Immigration is Very Bad Europeans Better Watch Themselves’ |
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Trump needs to go deeper in questioning NATO’s blank check |
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Trump met en danger la paix mondiale |
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Trump at Davos: America first amid Swiss protests |
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Trump confirma su intención de presentarse en 2020: “No hay rival” entre los demócratas |
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Triunfo de AMLO hace que Trump cambie estrategia con a una profesora por enviar a un alumno fotos suyas |
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Will Trump choose Russia over NATO |
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Trump újra indulna az amerikai elnökségért |
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New Evidence Surfaces that Proves Trump Has Been Lying about Sleazy Dossier Details |
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Restaurant workers and bartenders generally opposed the minimum wage ballot initiative which passed despite their Conservatives’ Lose Interest in Holding Trump Accountable |
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Separar familias forma parte de un plan de Trump contra inmigrantes |
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Democrats Rally Against Threats To The ACA To Block Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee |
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Trump Magyarországgal példálózott migránsügyben |
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Trump is Right America is Not Innocent When It Comes to Killing |
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‘Not welcome’: Finnish protesters criticise Trump-Putin summit |
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Jeff Flake Compares Trump to Stalin and Assad |
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Trump threatens to withdraw from NATO |
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Trump warns EU against immigration |
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How Trump Instigates Sectarian Warfare |
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Trump: Azt gondolom ami Európával történt az szégyen! Elveszítitek a saját kultúrátokat |
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My Two Cents: Trump’s ‘Rule of Law’ Hypocrisy VIDEO |
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Strategi Baru Trump akan Ubah Dinamika di Afghanistan |
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Donald Trump będzie znów startował w wyborach „Wygląda na to że |
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Würde mich nicht wundern wenn Prinz Philipp heute zu Trump |
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Etats-Unis: Trump compte briguer un second mandat |
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Hiding Donald Trump |
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Trump na Putin kufanya mkutano kesho |
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Trump está en Inglaterra donde el gobierno lo reciben con frialdad y los ingleses con protestas masivas |
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Photo:Trump Meets The Queen Says It’s An Honour |
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Începe o nouă poveste! Intră pe May dezvăluie ce a discutat cu Trump: ‘Mi-a spus să |
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Amb Huntsman: Trump-Putin meeting will be a ‘conversation’ not a ‘summit’ click to see stats |
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Trump-Nato summit: EU’s Tusk warns president… |
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Ông Trump thẳng tưng tuyên bố không biết gì về Tổng thống Putin |
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Trump in Großbritannien Der Brexit eine Vision alter weißer Männer |
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‘Trump Baby’ balloon takes flight in central London amid protests |
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Trump administration pushes warrantless surveillance bill and we must stop it |
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Donald Trump Falsely Brags “I Beat Our Honest Abe” In Popularity Poll |
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China diz que vai proibir a venda de iPhones se Trump iniciar guerra comercial |
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Politisk korrekte medier faldt over Trump da han kritiserede Merkel og den skyhøje kriminalitet – nu skriver stor tysk avis det samme |
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photo calendar maker 235 keygen Trump claims Germany ‘totally controlled’ by Russiacrack comedy |
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White House investigates leaks of Trump calls to Australia Mexico |
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China flips Trump the bird |
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‘Who will leave the White House next Steve Miller or Melania – Trump jokes at event |
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Trudeau Tackle Trump by Cutting Military Spending |
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“Die EU und Deutschland benutzen Trump um ihre Liberalisierungsagenda zu Wer stoppt die intransparenten Geldflüsse zugunsten der AfD |
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Oil price jumps after Donald Trump pulls US out of Iran nuclear deal |
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Donald Trump’s Argument for |
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Warbixin: Donald Trump Oo soo Bandhigay istiraatiijiyaddiisa Dagaalka Afghanistan Eedayn Kululna Ujeediyay Dowladda Pakistan |
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ABA committee to evaluate Trump’s Supreme Court pick Kavanaugh |
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Lo último: Ahora Santos pidió a Trump que hable con… |
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President Trump Arrives for the G7 Summit venue in Charlevoix Quebec |
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Trump aurait suggéré à May de «poursuivre l’UE» |
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CNN’s Mudd: Trump Is a White Rich Guy Saying ‘I Don’t Like People Coming In Who Don’t Look Like Us’ |
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US comedian George Lopez ‘urinates’ on Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Video |
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Chronicle AM: NFL Players Challenge Trump on Sentencing First MA MJ License More 6/22/18 |
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President Trump and Rapture Prophecy – The Last Trump |
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Ezt várják a németek a Putyin-Trump indexre kerül Eszterházy |
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The FBI raided the office of Trump’s lawyer |
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Fox’s Ed Henry Gushes Over Getting The Last ‘Trump-Putin Helsinki 2018’ Hat |
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Fox Trump Apologists Attack CNN’s Smerconish For Calling Russian Election Meddling ‘Terrorism’ |
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Canadian officials dispute Trump’s latest trade deficit claim |
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Trump Goes Full-Stupid On Camera With Teresa May Like A National Embarrassment |
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Trump’s Tweets Change the World |
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Theresa May’den şaşırtan Trump itirafı |
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TT Trump chào bán vũ khí sau khi ép NATO tăng ngân sách quốc phòng |
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Donald Trump oo sheegay in mar labaad uu isu soo sharrixi |
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Trump threatens China on new Tariffs with an additional 200 billion of goods |
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Královský trapas: Trump Alžbětě II zatarasil cestu musela kolem |
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By IRA MEHLMAN April 30 2018 TWEET Economists Arthur Laffer the guy with the famous curve and Stephen Moore a leading libertarian voice for mass immigration predict that some 800000 people will pack up and leave California and New York over the next three years The reason they cite for the exodus in their Wall Street Journal op-ed is that the new federal tax law which eliminates deductions for state income taxes will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back Implicit in their assignment of blame to the federal tax overhaul is that the people who will be leaving are the ones who pay taxes – the sort of folks that state and local governments rely to provide a revenue stream As such one would think that these would be the people whose concerns would get a lot of interest in Sacramento and Albany But clearly that is not the case For the privilege of living in places like the Bay Area Los Angeles or New York City you must bear some of the most ridiculous housing costs in the nation along with crushing state and local taxes In California be prepared to turn over as much as 133 percent of your income to the state High-earning New Yorkers fork over a more modest 882 percent but if you live in the five boroughs you can tack on an additional 387 percent in city income taxes California and New York also have some of the highest sales tax rates in the country at 854 percent and 849 percent respectively and higher in many cities And now as Laffer and Moore point out you can’t even deduct those costs on your federal taxes One might also think that for all these state and local taxes residents could expect the most modern infrastructure efficient public transportation world class public schools affordable housing and other amenities Ha No in Sacramento and Albany they prioritize an ever-growing list of public benefits and services to immigration law violators subsidies and grants to go to college and legal aid for illegal aliens in deportation proceedings In New York Gov Andrew Cuomo is even threatening to sue the federal government with taxpayer money of course for even trying to enforce immigration laws Some 23 billion of California taxpayers’ money and 75 billion of New York taxpayers’ money is expended on illegal aliens and their dependent children For the benefit of the trolls at the Southern Poverty Law Center the problems of California and New York cannot entirely be blamed on illegal aliens Many many factors have led to the middle class flight from these states But one has to wonder why states wouldn’t want to do as much to woo their tax base into staying as they are doing to attract protect and reward illegal aliens Cutting back on benefits and protections for illegal aliens would not solve all of these states’ problems but it certainly wouldn’t hurt In the meantime every U-Haul packing up a middle or upper-middle class family headed out of California and New York represents a loss of vital revenue necessary to address myriad needs of both citizens and legal immigrants California Goes Rogue By Mark Krikorian How the ONCE Golden State defies immigration law ‘I will hang the first man I can lay my hand on engaged in such treasonable conduct upon the first tree I can reach” That was President Andrew Jackson’s response to South Carolina’s intention to prevent enforcement of a federal law within the state Despite his admiration for Jackson President Trump hasn’t yet threatened to start hanging California politicians But that state’s “sanctuary” policies protecting illegal immigrants and obstructing enforcement of federal immigration law echo the long-ago fight over nullification and states’ rights Adios Sanctuary La Raza Welfare State of California A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse By Steve Baldwin American Spectator What’s clear is that the producers are leaving the state and the takers are coming in Many of the takers are illegal aliens now estimated to number over 26 million The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends 22 billion on government services for illegal aliens including welfare education Medicaid and criminal justice system costs BLOG: MANY DISPUTE CALIFORNIA’S EXPENDITURES FOR THE LA RAZA WELFARE STATE IN MEXIFORNIA JUST AS THEY DISPUTE THE NUMBER OF ILLEGALS APPROXIMATELY HALF THE POPULATION OF CA IS NOW MEXICAN AND BREEDING ANCHOR BABIES FOR WELFARE LIKE BUNNIES THE 22 BILLION IS STATE EXPENDITURE ONLY COUNTIES PAY OUT MORE WITH LOS ANGELES COUNTY LEADING AT OVER A BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT YEARLY TO MEXICO’S ANCHOR BABY BREEDERS NOW MULTIPLY THAT BY THE NUMBER OF COUNTIES IN CA AND YOU START TO GET AN IDEA OF THE STAGGERING WELFARE STATE MEXICO AND THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HAVE ERECTED SANS ANY LEGALS VOTES ADD TO THIS THE FREE ENTERPRISE HOSPITAL AND CLINIC COST FOR LA RAZA’S “FREE” MEDICAL WHICH IS ESTIMATED TO BE ABOUT 15 BILLION PER YEAR Liberals claim they more than make that up with taxes paid but that’s simply not true It’s not even close FAIR estimates illegal aliens in California contribute only 121 billion in tax revenue which means they cost California 206 billion or at least 1800 per household Nonetheless open border advocates such as Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg claim illegal aliens are a net benefit to California with little evidence to support such an assertion As the Center for Immigration Studies has documented the vast majority of illegals are poor uneducated and with few skills How does accepting millions of illegal aliens and then granting them access to dozens of welfare programs benefit California’s economy If illegal aliens were contributing to the economy in any meaningful way California with its 26 million illegal aliens would be booming Furthermore the complexion of illegal aliens has changed with far more on welfare and committing crimes than those who entered the country in the 1980s Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004 95 of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens in 2000 23 of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995 60 of Los Angeles’s largest street gang the 18th Street gang were illegal aliens Granted those statistics are old but if you talk to any California law enforcement officer they will tell you it’s much worse today The problem is that the Brown administration will not release any statewide data on illegal alien crimes That would be insensitive And now that California has declared itself a “sanctuary state” there is little doubt this sends a message south of the border that will further escalate illegal immigration into the state If the racist Sensenbrenner Legislation passes the US Senate there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement will emerge Eventually labor union power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and Immigrant Sanctuary movements to enable us to either form a new political party or to do heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party The next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our own governors of all the states within Aztlan Indeed California goes out of its way to attract illegal aliens The state has even created government programs that cater exclusively to illegal aliens For example the State Department of Motor Vehicles has offices that only process driver licenses for illegal aliens With over a million illegal aliens now driving in California the state felt compelled to help them avoid the long lines the rest of us must endure at the DMV And just recently the state-funded University of California system announced it will spend 27 million on financial aid for illegal aliens They’ve even taken out radio spots on stations all along the border just to make sure other potential illegal border crossers hear about this program I can’t afford college education for all my four sons but my taxes will pay for illegals to get a college education If Immigration Creates Wealth Why Is California America’s Poverty Capital California used to be home to Americaamp39s largest and most affluent middle classampnbspampnbspToday it is Americaamp39s poverty capitalampnbspampnbspWhat went wrongampnbspampnbspIn a word: immigration According toampnbspthe US Census Bureauamp39 : The Golden State is peddling fool’s gold lately By Spencer P Morrison California used to be home to America’s largest and most affluent middle class Today it is America’s poverty capital What went wrong In a word: immigration According to the US Census Bureau’s Official Poverty Measure California’s poverty rate hovers around 15 percent But this figure is misleading: the Census Bureau measures poverty relative to a uniform national standard which doesn’t account for differences in living costs between states – the cost of taxes housing and health care are higher in California than in Oklahoma for example Accounting for these differences reveals that California’s real poverty rate is 206 percent – the highest in America and nearly twice the national average of 127 percent Likewise income inequality in California is the second-highest in America behind only New York In fact if California were an independent country it would be the 17th most unequal country on Earth nestled comfortably between Honduras and Guatemala Mexico is slightly more egalitarian California is far more unequal than the social democracies it emulates: Canada is the 111th most unequal nation while Norway is far down the list at number 153 out of 176 countries In terms of income inequality California has more in common with banana republics than other social democracies More Government More Poverty High taxes excessive regulations and a lavish welfare state – these are the standard explanations for California’s poverty epidemic They have some merit For example California has both the highest personal income tax rate and the highest sales tax in America according to Politifact Not only are California’s taxes high but successive progressive governments have swamped the state in a sea of red tape Onerous regulations cripple small businesses and retard economic growth Kerry Jackson a fellow with the Pacific Research Institute gives a few specific examples of how excessive government regulation hurts California’s poor He writes in a recent op-ed for the Los Angeles Times : Extensive environmental regulations aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions make energy more expensive also hurting the poor By some estimates California energy costs are as much as 50 higher than the national average Jonathan A Lesser of Continental Economics found that in 2012 nearly 1 million California households faced energy expenditures exceeding 10 of household income Some government regulation is necessary and desirable but most of California’s is not There is virtue in governing with a light touch Finally California’s welfare state is perhaps paradoxically a source of poverty in the state The Orange Country Register reports that California’s social safety net is comparable in scale to those found in Europe: In California a mother with two children under the age of 5 who participates in these major welfare programs – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program food stamps housing assistance home energy assistance Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children – would receive a benefits package worth 30828 per year Similar benefits in Europe ranged from 38588 per year in Denmark to just 1112 in Romania The California benefits package is higher than in well-known welfare states as France 17324 Germany 23257 and even Sweden 22111 Although welfare states ideally help the poor reality is messy There are three main problems with the welfare state First it incentivizes poverty by rewardingthe poor with government handouts that are often far more valuable than a job This can be ameliorated to some degree by imposing work requirements on welfare recipients but in practice such requirements are rarely imposed Second welfare states are expensive This means higher taxes and therefore slower economic growth and fewer job opportunities for everyone – including the poor Finally welfare states are magnets for the poor Whether through domestic migration or foreign immigration poor people flock to places with generous welfare states This is logical from the immigrant’s perspective but it makes little sense from the taxpayer’s This fact is why socialism and open borders arefundamentally incompatible Why Big Government Since 1960 California’s population exploded from 159 to 39 million people The growth was almost entirely due to immigration – many people came from other states but the majority came from abroad The Public Policy Institute of California estimates that 10 million immigrants currently reside in California This works out to 26 percent of the state’s population BLOG: COME TO MEXIFORNIA! HALF OF LOS ANGELES 15 MILLION ARE ILLEGALS! This figure includes 24 million illegal aliens although a recent study from Yale University suggests that the true number of aliens is at least double that Modifying the initial figure implies that nearly one in three Californians is an immigrant This is not to disparage California’s immigrant population but it is madness to deny that such a large influx of people has changed California’s society and economy |
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Donald Trump dejó plantada a la Reina durante su visita a Inglaterra |
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Language Expert: Donald Trump’s Way Of Speaking Is ‘Oddly Adolescent’ |
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Trump y May comparecen tras críticas del presidente de EE UU al Brexit |
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Letters to the Editor: Missoula characters gallows humor our mine reliance and a Trump of course |
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En Londres manifestantes se mofan de Trump con globo gigantesco |
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Putin ve Trump Bir Araya Geliyor |
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Trump thyen protokollin gjatë vizitës mbretërore |
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Donald Trump reveals his desperate final Trump-Russia defense |
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US President Donald Trump and North Korea Leader Kim Jong meets |
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Nationwide Protests: ¿Pro-Immigrant or Anti-Trump |
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Kryeministrja britanike: Trump më tha “të padisë BE-në” |
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Heap big TRIGGERED: Elizabeth Warren demands Trump ‘get your butt on a plane’ home RIGHT NOW! |
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trump |
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Trump aconsejó a May que demandara a la Unión Europea en lugar de de la frontera entre Brasil y Venezuela son afectados por sarampión |
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Trump: Voy con pocas expectativas a la cumbre con Putin Unidos y Corea del Norte negocian entrega de soldados caídos en guerra |
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Μια σειρά από ατυχή γεγονότα: Όταν ο Donald Trump συνάντησε τη βασίλισσα |
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Trump/Kim Summit Success Prompts 2020 GC Session Relocation to Singapore |
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Attack On Trump Dropped In From Sky In Scotland Stopped By Snipers Feet From His Head |
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Donald Trump libera sus pensamientos: “Europa es enemigo de EEUU” |
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A horas de su reunión con Putin Trump dijo: No voy con muchas expectativas |
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Updated Trump tells officials how Putin will respond to meddling question |
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Separating families at the border should prompt Trump’s impeachment |
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What you need to know about the anti-Trump demonstrations in London today |
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Delcídio comemora absolvição e diz que estuda voltar à de pessoas protestam contra visita de Trump à Escócia |
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Anti-Muslim Anti-Immigrant Flyers Left on Car Windshields Across from Trump Tower in New Rochelle |
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Con estas palabras Donald Trump felicitó a López Obrador |
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May: Trump empfahl Klage gegen EU statt warnt vor schweren Gewittern in für die Zukunft: |
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Dems: Trump must take Putin to task on election meddling |
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Trump’s Storm Has Begun! Here’s the Evidence- Podcast Episode 19 11-19-17 |
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Trump’s New America Giving Birth! Patriots Rising Deep State Destroyed- Podcast 30 1-20-18 |
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May: ‘Trump AB’yi Mahkemeye Vermemi İstedi’ |
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November 2 2017 Webinar: The Central American Youth Refugee Crisis: Causes Consequences and Challenges in the Trump Era |
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Đội hình ngoại giao của Trump: Những miếng ghép hoàn hảo cho “Nghệ thuật đàm phán” |
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Brexit Theresa May rivela: Trump mi ha detto di denunciare l’Ue |
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Trump Must Learn From US History Of Shady Regime Change |
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3 Trump will nochmal antreten um 181mp3 |
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O Donald Trump γίνεται πραγματικό καρτούν |
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Gary Cohn l’ex-conseiller de Trump redit son opposition aux tarifs douaniers |
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Trump veut taxer pour 200 milliards de dollars de produits chinois de plus |
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North Korea is Going Back on its Promise to Trump |
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Ngoại trưởng Mỹ tin cần tiến hành cuộc gặp Trump – Putin |
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Trump a încălcat protocolul regal și a dezvăluit ce i-a spus regina Marii Britanii despre Brexit |
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Donald Trump Interviews Himself In the Mirror |
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Santos cu peticion na Trump pa intercede cerca Putin pa stop |
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ABD’de Donald Trump ile Hilary Clinton arasında geçen seçim kampanyasını manipüle etmekle suçlanan Rusların bu iş için Bitcoin kullandıkları öne |
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Trump orders establishment of ‘space force’ as 6th branch of military |
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Plaintiff in Trump Twitter Lawsuit is Let Go by Vanderbilt UMC |
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Prince Charles and Prince William ‘refused’ to meet Donald Trump during his visit to the UK |
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Präsidententreff in Helsinki: Präsident Putin Russische Föderation und Präsident Trump Geteilte Staaten von in Helsinki: Präsident Putin Russische Föderation und Präsident Trump Geteilte Staaten von Nordamerika |
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Halper László: “Babos Gyula komoly maximalizmusra nevelt FBI-igazgató: Trump “morálisan alkalmatlan” az elnöki posztra |
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Julia Roberts fará jejum em protesto à determinação de Trump |
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Harvard Psychiatrist Gives Warning: Trump Is A ‘Sociopath’ And ‘A Very Sick Individual’ click to see stats |
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Trump Budget Would Swap Food Stamps for ‘100 American’ Food Packages |
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Trump says to run for reelection had Brexit chat with Queen |
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Equipos de Trump y López Obrador “han caminado la milla extra para reducir cualquier tensión” |
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NATO allies angry that Trump insists they pay fair share are unreasonable |
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Vertice Nato a Bruxelles: scontro Trump e alleati europei |
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WATCH: Trump Melania Show Their Respect During National Anthem — Then People Noted What the Queen Was Doing |
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Trump amenaza a May con vetar el acuerdo comercial |
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A ‘Fantastic’ NATO Summit as a Possible Bargaining Chip in Trump’s Talks With Projects |
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Crop Circle Greeting Trump In UK Has Profane Message In Russian |
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How Personality Tests Got Trump Elected |
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NATO summit victory for Trump |
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Hundreds at anti-Trump march in York city centre UPDATED with pictures |
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— ANCA Led Nationwide Grassroots Letter and Calling Campaign in Support of Bipartisan Congressional Armenian Caucus Initiative WASHINGTON DC – One hundred and two US Representatives – including the Chairmen of the House Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committees – have called on President Donald Trump to reject Turkey’s gag-rule by honestly and accurately commemorating the Armenian Genocide this April 24th reported the Armenian National Committee of America ANCA “It’s time to end America’s ‘Turkey First’ approach to the Armenian Genocide” said Aram Hamparian Executive Director of the ANCA “Erdogan’s traditional apologists have abandon more |
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Dette skal Putin og Trump snakke om |
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Chance the Rapper Vince Staples Jordan Peele amp More Respond to Kanye West’s Donald Trump Tweets |
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Donald Trump insisted the US-UK sign Jorginho Napoli Midfielder |
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Cuộc chiến về Thuế: Liệu Trump có lặp lại thời kỳ giống Ronald Reagan |
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Media revel in London anti-Trump protests as obsession with Russia continues |
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Melania Trump London July 13 2018 |
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Trump Pardons The Hammonds!!! |
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TRUMP TOWERS Condos For Sale |
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Paryžius Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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The White House reportedly canceled John Bolton’s interview with CNN after Trump attacked the network during a press conference |
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Donald Trump’s protectionism must not be responded to in kind |
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¿Princesa Disney o primera dama Melania Trump es comparada en redes sociales |
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More Than 180K Raised to Repair Mississippi Church Spray-Painted ‘Vote Trump’ Burned |
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Theresa May à la BBC : Trump m’a dit de poursuivre l’Union Européenne en justice” |
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Breaking: Trump leaves Windsor Castle after meeting the Queen |
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President Trump in Europe |
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An Open Letter to President Donald Trump |
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Pearl Jam lança single como uma direita ao mandado de Donald Trump |
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25 Million Mexicans Will Be Sent To Japan: Trump |
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DailyMailcom’s PIERS MORGAN finds out what Trump actually thinks of the |
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Trump and May Reach Deal for Cooperation Following ‘Explosive Interview’ |
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Fracasó mega negocio de Trump en Cercano Oriente |
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Trump reconoce que tiene pocas expectativas de cara a su encuentro con Putin |
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Trump újraindulna 2020-ban szerinte senki sem tudná legyőzni |
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Sworn Testimony From Trump Rape Case Released And It’s Bad News For Trump |
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Trump Ends Family Separations Stands Firm on ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy |
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Donald Trump y Kim Jon-un: cumbre y saludo en Singapur Video |
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Trump will leave London soon but the high crimes rates will not… |
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Don’t believe the leftist hype – British people for the most part love Trump |
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The Associated Press y CNN aseguran que Trump planteó una invasión a Venezuela |
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The World According to Donald Trump |
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Trump Meets the Queen and Other Strange UK Events |
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Royal family ‘snub’ Trump: Prince Charles and Prince William forced the Queen to meet the US president alone after they refused to take part in his four-day-tour of Britain |
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If you If you support ivanka trump contact the following contact the following people and tell them they suck these of the artists |
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Trump Ve Almanya |
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Trump będzie ubiegać się o reelekcję |
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AP FACT CHECK: President Trump’s provocations in Europe and the facts |
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Enorm! – 30 års Doonesbury om Trump |
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Noua GAFĂ a lui Trump: HALUCINANT ce a dezvăluit despre regina Marii Britanii |
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In Pics: “My Morning Dump Has More Sense Than Trump” – UK Welcomes US President With Hilarious Digs |
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Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet for Singapore summit |
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The smart way for Russia to help Trump: manipulate votes to elect Democrats |
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Donald Trump insiste na reciprocidade comercial e impõe tarifas a produtos chineses |
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Greg Gutfeld: The Lone Effectiveness Of Trump |
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Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security |
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Trump Woes Are Eclipsed By Europe’s Conrad Black New York Sun |
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Hans konstverk till Trump ställs ut i Vita huset |
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Donald Trump: “UE Rusia și China sunt inamicii Statelor Unite Uniunea Europeană profită de noi din punct de vedere al comerțului” |
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Trump orders probe of China’s intellectual property practices |
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Saray’da Trump krizi! Hepsi kaçtı |
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heute – Maas warnt Trump |
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López Obrador entrega a Pompeo propuesta para Donald Trump |
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‘US has WORSE record than DICTATORSHIPS’ – Russian minister claims ahead of Trump summit |
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Londres prohíbe marchas pro Trump pero no anti Trump |
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Helsinki : Worum geht es Putin und Trump bei ihrem ersten Gipfeltreffen |
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Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half takes more Christians than Muslims |
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Trump Eyes Deal With Putin on US Pullout from Syria – Reports |
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Trump and Theresa May Beatles parody song |
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Helsinki: Soros-Proteste gegen Treffen von Trump und Putin |
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What Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin should agree on in… |
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Melanie und Donald Trump waren einst auch Europäer |
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Grossman Hits Backs Says NRCC Needs New Leaders in Tune with Trump Era |
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President Trump Issued The Following Tweets |
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PM Narendra Modi will be the first man to have dinner in White house with Donald Trump |
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Mii de oameni au manifestat la Helsinki cu o zi înaintea summit-ului Putin-Trump |
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Donald Trump are „aşteptări scăzute“ de la summit-ul cu Vladimir Putin |
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Media Flames Violence Against Trump With Fake Outrage Over Border Children While Ignoring Obama’s Cages |
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Imigrasyon USA – Separasyon Fini: Prezidan Trump Deside pa Dekrè Pèmèt Paran Timoun ki Antre sou Fwontyè a Rete ak Pitit yo |
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Just because Trump says it doesn’t mean it is always wrong |
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Rusia UE y China “enemigos” de EU: Trump |
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Trump lies are out of control: Analysis shows they’ve doubled in… |
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Modest Proposal for Trump-Putin Summit on July 16… |
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Bożonarodzeniowy Biały Dom zasługą Melanii Trump! |
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First Lady Melania Trump’s Visit to England |
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Protesters Are Trying to Make Green Day’s “American Idiot” No 1 in the UK Just in Time for Trump’s Visit |
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Trump: UE to wróg USA Tusk: to fake news USA i UE to |
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Face à la Reine Trump n’a pas manqué à l’étiquette mais a offert une scène très étrange |
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Melania Trump: Το φόρεμα που επέλεξε για να εντυπωσιάσει τους Βρετανούς |
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Maayar Reer Somaliland Ah Oo Donald Trump Ka Mamnuucay Inuu Bookhasho Ku Yimaado Magaalada Uu Maayarka Ka Yahay Oo Ku Taalla Dalka Ingiriiska |
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Trump Towers |
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After Months Of Bashing Our President Loudmouth Liberal Jerry Brown Suddenly Begging Trump For Help |
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Trump call for Space Force a Step towards Disclosure of USAF Secret Space Program |
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Trump isn’t attacking NATO He’s strengthening it |
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Trump se reúne con Merkel y Macron al margen de cumbre |
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¿Por qué Finlandia para la cumbre Trump-Putin |
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News Cries of Immigrant Children Are Played for Guests at Trump Fundraiser |
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Trump’s agenda remains unclear |
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I’m so tired of the anti-Trump things in my Facebook feed |
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Trump Defects to Russia By Finian Cunningham |
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Nokia 3310 Dibalut Emas Bentuk Peringati Pertemuan Trump dan Putin |
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Trump plays golf in Scotland ahead of Putin summit |
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UCP candidate’s ties to Trump campaign caps off sleepy by-elections in Fort McMurray-Conklin and Innisfail-Sylvan Lake |
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Trump: Magyarországot azért csuklóztatja az unió mert nem vesznek át migránsokat |
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El Sr Trump derriba esta alianza |
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How concerned are you about Trump’s Supreme Court pick |
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The Way Trump and the GOP Deal with Russian Attacks is ‘Textbook Treason’ |
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Trump Responds to Mueller’s Russia Indictments |
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Statement from First Lady Melania Trump on Newly Released Information from the Department of Health and Human Services |
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Week-end « sportif » pour Trump et Poutine avant un sommet délicat |
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Who is mr Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Astrological Profile |
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Week ahead in UAE and US Putin-Trump summit |
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LIZ JONES on how Donald Trump shrugged off protesters and sniper protection to enjoy round of golf |
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Trump é processado por ex-motorista particular |
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Together Against Trump Refugee Bloc |
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IHEP Statement on Trump Administration Decision to Rescind Guidance on Race-Conscious Policies in College Admissions |
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Donald Trump a afirmat ca proiectul premierului Theresa May „va ucide probabil” un acord comercial cu SUA |
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Trump/Q Anon: ‘I Hear you’ |
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Restaurant Manager Fired for Telling Trump Supporter to Leave |
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Crowd Cheers As Trump Executes Muslim Child at Florida Rally |
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Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here!- Podcast Episode 21 12-03-17 |
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Explosive Breakdown of Big Picture Trump Q Anon- 3-4-18- Podcast 36 |
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Michael Cohen must be making Donald Trump very nervous right about |
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Trump arrives in Singapore for historic summit with Kim Jong Un |
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Cum a ajuns Regina Elisabeta să-i întâmpine de una singură pe Donald și Melania Trump |
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McDaniel splits with aide more than Trump criticism on MSNBC |
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President Trump’s Press Conference On North Korea Summit Annotated |
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Trump Support for States’ Rights to Legalize Cannabis |
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Trump England and Identity Politics |
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— Annual Commemorative Statement Fails to Properly Characterize Armenian Genocide WASHINGTON DC – Armenian National Committee of America ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian issued this response to President Donald Trump’s failure to lead an honest American remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in his commemorative statement issued earlier today President Trump’s ‘Turkey First’ approach tightens Erdogan’s grip over US policy on the genocide of Armenians Greeks Assyrians and other Christians more |
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NASA chief says space ‘has commerce that needs to be protected’ as he backs Trump’s plan for armed Space Force and doubles down on support for permanent settlement on the moon |
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The Trump Administration is Ready to Reveal a Middle East Peace Plan — Will This One Work |
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Latest Trump Tweets |
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Two Arrested at Pro-Trump London Protests |
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US President Donald Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin |
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Trump si je jistý výhrou v příštích volbách Má už vybraného šéfa kampaně a žadného demokratického soupeře prý nevidí |
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Intervention – “The Trump Effect Whiteness Masculinity and Working-Class Lives” |
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Theresa May Reveals Trump’s Brexit |
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Acting US EPA head pledges to carry out Trump’s regulation relief |
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Black People Politics : When Trump Becomes President – What Will it Look Like |
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Pro-Iran Shia militia sets up offensive billboards against Trump US in Iraq |
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Deus salve a rainha…de Trump |
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Donald Trump ha ganado la presidencia |
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Separación de familias parte de un plan más amplio de Trump |
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The Artist Who Inspired Kanye West to Sleep with Donald Trump |
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Trump: A Europa está perdendo sua cultura por causa da imigração |
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Verbalattacke des US-Präsidenten: Trump bezeichnet EU als Gegner – Tusk hält dagegen |
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I misteri della Trump Tower di Toronto |
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Rencontre Macron / Trump : les dossiers chauds |
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Trump megint óriási formában volt |
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Turquía e India tienen influencia en la guerra de sanciones de Trump en Irán |
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WATCH: Christine Jardine speaks to anti Trump demo |
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How does Trump celebrate the Fourth of July toon |
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Trump TOTALLY Unapologetic — Throws Political Correctness Out The Window Goes Off On Immigration |
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Arnold Schwarzenegger:”I would be a better President than Trump…2020 wait for me |
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What Does Trump Mean When He Says Immigration is “Changing the Culture” of Europe |
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Trump inicjuje nową falę przeceny |
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Man arrested over Donald Trump paraglider protest in Scotland |
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President Trump Fires The Entire Board Of Top Democrat Federal Agency |
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El choque entre la civilización de Europa y el incivilizado Trump |
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President Trump Announces Trade Deal Is Off With Theresa May |
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CNN: Trump tells officials how Putin will respond to meddling question |
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12:44 – Theresa May: Trump mi-a spus sa dau in judecata Uniunea Europeana |
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11 airspace violations during Trump’s holiday visit 6 months ago |
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ROFL: President Trump Calls Out amp Embarrasses CNN’s John Acosta On Global Stage amp It’s Glorious |
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Four charged with leaks from Trump administration |
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Apple to Invest 350 BILLION in US citing Trump Tax Plan |
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Nina Turner speaks for millions of AmericansWe want to know who will stand with The People to work for and demand MedicareForAllSource: For Justice remembers Heather Heyer Sister in JusticeSource: http://bitly/2wKPmD4 share the latest report on Medicare For Allvia National Nurses United and Sanders Women For Peace and Women For Justice salute Senator Tammy Duckworth for calling out Bradbury as unqualified for ANY government jobSource: Sanders reviews Trump’s Infrastructure planTo read the complete report: out Women for Justice’s new Water is Life video celebrating World Water Day 2017 |
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Trump Thinks He Can Operate Without Q Branch |
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Energy According To Trump |
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Trước thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin Mỹ buộc tội 12 người Nga can thiệp bầu cử 2016 |
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Verbale Eskalation : Donald Trump nennt EU Russland und China Gegner |
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Se Trump avvicina la Cina all’Ue |
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Muslim man who tried to sue President Trump jailed for scamming migrants |
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The Score: Mister Rogers Farm Bill Trump Trade Property Rights |
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Trump: mi ricandidero’ nel 2020 non vedo rivali Dem |
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Qué significan Clinton y Trump para los mercados mundiales |
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Peter Strzok Reveals FBI Debated Russia Collusion Probe Based on Trump’s Poll Numbers |
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Ghitis: North Korea is testing trump |
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Trump calls for Increased Military: Senate passes 700 billion defense bill |
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USA: Delirio e castigo Il discorso di Donald Trump all’ONU |
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UK har Piers Morgan som säger saker en svensk makttomte inte ens skulle våga tänka:-Det är så många som hatar president Trump för att han är rak och säger sanningar som dom inte vill höra |
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Trump criticizes Obama not Russia for Russian meddling |
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Donald Trump proposes radical and unbelievable immigration laws |
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Trump Signs Bill to Streamline VA Disability Claims Appeals Process |
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Tổng thống Trump: ‘Tôi không biết rõ về Putin’ |
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Thượng đỉnh TT Trump – Kim : CS Bắc Triều Tiên trong thế thượng phong |
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HISTORIC: Trump Nominates First Woman for Head of CIA |
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The unhealable neo-fascist scars of Trump’s family separation terror |
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Het Pentagon kon Trump beletten om een rechtstreekse oorlog met Rusland uit te lokken Deze keer dan toch |
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Here are the protest signs that stuck it to Donald Trump in a truly British fashion |
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Trump Admin is a Deregulation Machine: Eliminating 22:1 |
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Trump lost: 9th Circuit Court declines restoring travel ban |
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FOX NEWS: Kanye West’s ‘Ye’ hits No 1 on Billboard chart following pro-Trump rants |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ |
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Trump Timeline |
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POTUS Trump Suggests Air Force One Makeover to Create a “More American” Design |
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Trump planlægger fredsudspil – danske politikere er afvisende |
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George Lopez’s Prank On Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Sparks Controversy |
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Inside Trump’s Head |
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Summit fever: Just as he did with Kim Trump reaches |
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45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America DONALD J TRUMP |
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A Couple of Suggestions for Trump at and after Helsinki |
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EU takes anti-Trump trade show to China Japan |
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Trump and Putin take to summit stage |
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Jak být úspěšná podle Ivanky Trump: Poslouchejte své vášně |
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Crean cerveza para conmemorar reunión entre Trump y Putin |
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Trump šokirao svijet! Prekršio je tri protokola za deset minuta: Kraljica gledala u neverici šta se dešava! VIDEO |
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Trump pede à Nasa que envie novamente astronautas americanos à Lua |
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Mikro101 Griechenlandgängelung durch Donald Trump |
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Trung Quốc đã âm thầm nhượng bộ Donald Trump Biển Đông sẽ lặng sóng |
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Donald Trump’s shock election win will have an impact in the global financial markets So what… |
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And if you are subscribed to these disingenuously named channels the name of the channel is in complete opposition to their very negative postings and stance such as DIVERSITY IN COMICS and COMICSPRO and CAPN CUMMINGS I would say consider un-subscribing from them IMMEDIATELY and subscribing to one of the other channels I mention The fact that any of those channels has more subscribers than EARL GREY who in my opinion anyone who is a comic fan should be subscribed to highlights the fact we live in an age where some people actually voted for Trump 🙂 |
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Viola no fly zone e vola sopra resort di Trump: ricercato attivista |
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Trump Insists ‘Many Many Protests’ In The UK Were amp |
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Trump chce ovlivnit obchod se zemním plynem v Evropě |
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People Spot Something Embarrassing In Trump’s Photo With The Queen |
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Príncipes Carlos y Guillermo no quisieron reunirse con Trump |
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Brexit: Zweifelhafter Rat von Donald Trump an Theresa May |
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Donald Trump apologises to Theresa May for intemperate comments |
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Mand anholdt for at fornærme Donald Trump |
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Trump has signed 53 bills into law |
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“What Greece can hope for by new planetary Donald Trump” by Maria Negreponti-Delivanis 03/12/16 |
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Man Who Threatened Trump May Have Illegally Crossed Border |
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Insensible e insensata política de Trump de separar a las familias |
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Trump Declares ‘Much of Our News Media is Indeed the Enemy of the People’ |
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UK PM Theresa May Says Donald Trump Told Her to Sue the EU |
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Chelsea Handler Compares Trump To Hitler |
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GUEST COMMENTARY: No Kavanaugh would NOT be Trump’s Get Out Of Jail Free card |
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Trump tweets hits links before high-stakes Putin detectives investigate man’s body found in arroyo |
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Trump administration considering National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Services merger |
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Nakkum R-Day a khuallian turin Donald Trump |
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Powers Falsely Claims Democratic Platform Invalid Ignores GOP/Trump Failure to Uphold Own Planks |
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Can Trump Really Pardon Himself |
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Trump sacude Europa |
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Trump Says Putin Is ‘Probably’ Ruthless But Defends Him A |
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Trump’s trade war hits home for NH businesses |
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Trump Announces 200 Million in Apprenticeship Funding |
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El presidente de Egipto Abdelfatah Al-Sisi clave en el plan de Trump en el Sinaí para matar al Estado palestino Jonathan Cook |
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Trump’s Tariffs Are Going To Make Your Food More Expensive Baylen Linnekin Reason |
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Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017 |
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DECLARAȚIA ZILEI! Trump la Bruxelles: Germania este controlată în totalitate de Rusia |
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Poll: Would you join anti-Trump protests if he visited Ireland |
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Guest column: Trump is trashing NATO allies relationships |
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The Effects of Trump’s Tariffs on |
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Rusia Uniunea Europeană și China sunt inamicii noștri apreciază Donald Trump |
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Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open |
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Trump-Kommentar : Spur der Verwüstung |
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Trumpocalypse: Kathy Griffin and the Trump Head debacle |
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Declarações de Trump sobre imigração e cultura na Europa despertam ira |
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Trump leaving UK for Putin summit |
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Trump: Ingen demokrat kan true mig ved valget i 2020 |
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032218 – News Update: Pope Francis and Trump work Together to defend Human Freedom |
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Trump Has Perfect Surprise For Nasty Pr |
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Cela mettrait tout le secteur en état d’alerte! Munich RE est en train de prendre sa décision en ce moment même Dans quelques jours ses dirigeants se rendent en Allemagne pour rencontrer leurs plus gros clients lors d’un forum professionnel Accueillons-les avec un million de signatures et remettons notre appel avec des panneaux publicitaires géants et des encarts dans les médias — pour que la lubie de Trump pour le charbon ne détruise pas notre climat! |
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Schotse autoriteiten laten zich niets gelegen liggen aan beveiliging Donald Trump |
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O Presidente Trump na cimeira da OTAN com legendas |
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Putin Knows How To Win At His Summit With Trump |
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Trump amp Churchill |
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The Failure of Liberal Feminism in the Trump Era |
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Finlandia recibe con protestas a Trump y Putin |
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McMaster Exploded Outgoing NSA Chief Smacked Down Donald Trump for Allowing Putin to Continue Attacks on USA |
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Child Welfare Human Services Execs Slam Trump for Border Separations |
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Putin Is Trump’s Brother From Another Motherland |
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Featured Huntsman downplays expectations for Trump-Putin meeting |
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Rival de Trump truque da Netflix e desempregados: 7 curiosidades do Emmy |
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“The Fog of Trump” Robert Reich |
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Trump: problem Nord Stream 2 trzeba rozwiązać |
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Floyd “Make It Rain” Mayweather JR Stuns the Boxing World and His Pal Donald J Trump! |
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Trump’s Visit to UK Ignites Protests |
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The Trump World Order |
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Trump: Strzok ‘a Disgrace to Our Country’ ‘a Disgrace to the FBI’ |
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Same firm behind every DNC/Obama/Clinton project Same firm behind the Jim Jordan accusations Same firm behind “Trump-Russia” conspiracies… Perkins Coie Get to know Jordan Schachtel JordanSchachtel July 6 2018 |
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Thousands in Anti-Trump March in Scottish City |
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Trump: Rusia Uniunea Europeană şi China sunt „inamicii noştri” |
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Of Donald Trump and Ira Kraus |
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El “consell extrem” que Trump li va donar a Theresa May |
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Letters: Annapolis isn’t ready to make bike share work Putin and Trump Primary voting |
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Archangel Uriel: Geoengineered Storms Ending Collective Resistance Movements Against Donald Trump… |
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How Trump threw Canada’s refugee system into turmoil |
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Donald Trump: Freedom of Press is “Frankly Disgusting” |
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A Trump presidency is a direct threatto our safety and well-being |
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Robert De Niro Says F Trump |
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Trump told me to sue EU: Theresa May |
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Momento incómodo: Trump rompe el protocolo y confunde a la reina |
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Donald Trump VS Millard Fillmore History Repeats amp Lady Diana Spencer |
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Barselona Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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Trump chce za dva roky znovu kandidovat Nezná nikoho kdo by ho mohl porazit |
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Trump chce znovu kandidovat svět však víc baví jeho přešlapy Video s trapasem u královny se stalo hitem |
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Narendra Modi Rahul Gandhi Donald Trump Amitabh Bachchan lose followers on Twitter |
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Trump suggested me to sue EU over Brexit says Theresa May |
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Trump’s Approval Rating Falls after Immigration Crisis |
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Rowan Dean: ‘There is a glaring gap in Australia for a Trump-like anti-political correctness honest character to come through’ |
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Trump kuwania tena urais 2020 |
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Can Trump Withdraw US From WTO as He Wishes |
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Nguyvu radio – 11/18/2018 Phần 1 – 10 Tháng – TT Donald Trump và nước Mỹ |
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Trump: I Don’t See Anyone Who Can Beat Me In 2020 |
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US Establishment In Hysterics That Trump-Putin Summit Might Succeed |
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Lo más sonado de la semana 3: Trump mandará hasta al… |
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Trump défend la séparation des familles de migrants à la frontière |
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Cuando Trump va a las cumbres mundiales luce como en su programa The Apprentice |
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US-Präsident: Trump soll zu einer weiteren Amtszeitfest entschlossen sein |
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Trump es un maestro de la postverdad dice cosas irrelevantes |
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Report: White House cancels John Bolton interview with CNN after Trump criticized network at presser |
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Protestan miles en Escocia contra la visita de Trump |
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Judge Brett Kavanaugh Trump’s Supreme Court pick is a stitch up job |
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Equipo de AMLO entrega propuesta de seguridad y comercio a Trump |
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Video: President Trump refuses to take questions from CNN’s Jim Acosta says network is ”Fake news” |
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Assaults on Trump’s Lawyer Sought Records of Payments to Women |
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Trump Ducks Down as Paraglider comes for Him in Scotland |
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Trump Accomplishments in Year One – Significant Major Conservative Policy Achieved! |
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Minority support for Trump growing — Democrats having a panic attack |
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President Trump Tightens Turkey’s Grip Over US Policy on Armenian Genocide |
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Lively protest against Trump at his Aberdeen Golf Links |
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Bernie Sanders Unveils Secret Weapon to Help Him Beat Trump in 2020 |
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Santos pide a Trump hablar con Putin para no apoyar a Maduro |
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Donald Trump heckled by protesters as he golfs in Scotland |
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Trump Says Queen Thinks Brexit Is ‘very Complex Problem’ |
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DID Corp // AP002 – Donald Trump 1/6 Collectible |
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Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself!- 2-25-18 Podcast Episode 35 |
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Trump aconsejó a May que demandara a la Unión Europea en |
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President Trump assures US ready for new deal with Iran |
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Dialogar con Donald Trump tema central del segundo debate |
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“Donald Trump me sugeriu processar a União Europeia” disse a primeira-ministra britânica |
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HampM: Donald Trump reacts to Brussels attack: 10:51 |
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Con Trump tutti a lavoro! In Usa disoccupazione ai minimi storici |
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BOOM! Hollywood is IMPLODING After Celebs AMPLIFY Their Hate For President Trump |
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Alemania avisa a Trump contra posibles acuerdos con Putin “a expensas de los aliados” occidentales |
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Nancy Pelosi Slams Trump’s “Brazen Insults and Denigration” of Germany as “an Embarrassment” |
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Sacha Baron Cohen pregăteşte o producţie satirică împotriva preşedintelui Trump |
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Karma Strikes BACK! Anti-Trump Rapper Just Faced the ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT |
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Wall Street se desploma y de Trump ni sus luces |
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Trump’tan yeni açıklama: Toplanıyoruz |
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Trump admin closes exceptional insurances for 9000 Nepalese migrants |
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15:18 – La ce sa ne asteptam de la intalnirea dintre Donald Trump si Vladimir Putin |
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Intelligence Report: Israel needs Trump and Putin in Syria |
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Trump pardons far-right Oregon ranchers |
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Här går ”Trump” runt på gatorna |
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Utah counties defend Trump’s monument revisions in court |
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Following a weekend of Catholic rebukes of the Trump administration over the handling of children at immigration detention centers Catholic leaders this morning announced their support for another initiative at odds with the president: the signing of the Catholic Climate Declaration by some 600 US-based Catholic institutions |
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Trump Is Right – NATO Is Obsolete and if Europe Wants to Fight Imaginary Enemies It Should Pay Its Own Way |
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Trump Thread |
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Trump on asking Putin to extradite indicted Russians: I might I hadn’t thought of that |
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El presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump ini |
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Präsidententreff in Helsinki: Putin Russische Föderation und Trump Geteilte Staaten von Nordamerika |
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Watch protester paraglide near Trump |
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Trump Republican blogger |
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Jelang Pertemuan dengan Trump Putin Nonton Laga Final Piala Dunia |
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Trump quiere más para el 2020 |
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Sonny Perdue: President Trump will keep promise to protect American farmers |
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引言 ( “Almost all US presidents including Trump have been Christians“ by DAVID MASCI 資料來源 資料來源 6 |
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Hollywood stars slammed Trump’s visit to the UK See what they had to say |
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Trump puts BMW at center of political battle |
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ICYMI Value Our Families Coalition: Washington Post – How Trump is Changing the Face of Legal Immigration |
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Trump: I Have Low Expectations For Putin Meeting |
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Trump Humiliated As Princes Charles And William Snub Him In A Major Way |
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It’s Not Just Trump: Demonstrators Say They’re Protesting The Government Too |
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‘I peed the bed out of fear’: Jazz star Madeleine Peyroux on Trump’s new fascism – Sydney Morning Herald |
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Trump told me to sue European Union: British PM |
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Trump y May pactan un gran acuerdo comercial posterior a la salida de Reino Unido del bloque comunitario |
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Do Trump and May hold hands every time – BBC News |
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Trump dice que es mejor para EEUU y otros países llevarse bien con Rusia |
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The Cult of Trump |
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Donald Trump será recepcionado por um gigante bebê inflável com o seu rosto em Londres |
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Prince Charles amp William Publicly Humiliate Trump With Defiant Move For The History Books |
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New Mexico Official Threatens to Build Wall to Stop Trump’s Wall |
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Donald Trump Told Me To Sue EU Says British PM Theresa May |
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Tú Angela: Trump provoca sesión de emergencia en la OTAN con diatriba sobre gastos militares |
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Trump Goes Rogue In Iran |
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50 OFF our entire Bullet Necklace inventory UNTIL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Use coupon code at checkout! Trump Bullet-necklace |
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The Deep State’s Plan ‘C’: Murder Donald Trump |
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Good for diplomacy but little substance: ICAN reacts to Trump-Kim signed statement |
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Melania contro Donald Trump: scoppia il caso sui migranti minori |
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Trump tees off as Scotland protests |
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Trump calls Strzok a disgrace claims Mueller probe hurting Russia relations |
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The Queen Welcomes President Trump amp First Lady Melania Trump For Tea At Windsor Castle |
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VIDEO: Man arrested over paraglider protest at Trump resort |
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Trump labels the European Union a ‘foe’ |
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Serena Williams plays Wimbledon final Trump breaks Royal protocol Gucci launches homewares range: The weekend news wrap |
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Donald Trump Is The Greatest Party Crasher Of All Time |
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Uber Driver Refuses to Take Congressional Interns Holding ‘MAGA’ Hats to Trump Hotel |
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China: Trump’s Trade War Draws Closer |
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“Why Trump Why now Why not Bernie” |
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AMAZING TURNOUT! … THOUSANDS Turn Out for Pro-Trump and Free Tommy Robinson Rally in London VIDEO |
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Gutfeld The Lone Effectiveness Of Trump |
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Paul Goble: Skobov says Trump’s challenging of broad consensus on Crimea … |
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Make MAGA Hats Expensive Again! Prices On Made In China MAGA Hats Set To Double Thanks To Trump Tariffs |
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Theresa May says Trump told her to ‘sue the EU’ |
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Trump’s Tea Time In England God Save The Queen 👑 |
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Trump diseña un nuevo Yalta para repartir el mundo |
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Trump Biographer Shames ‘Flat Out Racist’ Trump For Doing Putin’s Work Of Trying To Break Up NATO: National Paper Utterly Destroys ‘Appalling Human Being’ Trump In Scorching Editorial Piece |
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De los deplorables a Trump: causas económicas de los resultados |
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Under President Trump’s new “zero tolerance” policy Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called for people seeking asylum to follow the law and go to official ports of entry to request help But asylum seekers at international bridges across the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas have been blocked by Border Patrol |
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Trump gặp Putin: Đồng minh phương Tây lo bị Mỹ bán đứng |
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Is President Elect Donald Trump a Fan of the Triptych You Bet He Is ! |
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Trump: Mazungumzo na Korea Kaskazini yatakuwa makubwa kwa dunia |
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Trump ha considerado invadir militarmente Venezuela |
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Traditionele partijen hebben niets geleerd van overwinning Trump |
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Protestan con inflable satírico de Trump en Londres |
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Trump has low expectations for his summit with Putin |
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Lesean McCoy Accused Of Involvement In Brutal Assault On Flyers Thanks Trump For Donating His Golf Course For Charity Then Moves Venue For Political Reasons Obviously |
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Queen looks oustanding as she meets President Trump |
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Marc A Thiessen: Trump isn’t attacking NATO he’s strengthening it |
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Suomalaistutkija: Trump ja Putin voivat tulkita Helsingin tuloksia omaksi edukseen Popit päätettiin kosteissa merkeissä – katso lauantain tunnelmia kuvasarjasta |
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Nhà Trắng tá hỏa vì ông Trump dùng điện thoại cá nhân vô tội vạ |
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Todo listo para cumbre entre Donald Trump y Vladímir Putin |
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Le sommet Trump-Poutine Un spectacle gagnant-gagnant ! |
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Donald și Melania Trump primiți de regina Elisabeta a II-a la castelul Windsor |
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On The Treatment Trump People Have Been Getting in Public Places |
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FMRS 2017: The World After Brexit and Trump |
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Just by Meeting With Trump Putin Comes Out Ahead |
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Sadiq Khan baby balloon crowdfunding SMASHES target in outrage over Trump protest |
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Trump renews the permanent state of national emergency! |
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Donald Trump proudly and aggressively touts his opposition to so-called “political correctness” / LGBTQ Nation |
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Macron-Trump : un an de relation |
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Donald Trump Pengusaha Sukses Real Estate Amerika |
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Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 27/06/2018: Va la cumbre de Trump y Putin |
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US-Präsident Trump will 2020 wieder zur Wahl anzutreten |
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Campaigners slam ‘secret’ trade talks at heart of Trump visit |
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Supreme Court validates Trump’s ‘fake news’ justification for travel ban |
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Science Under Siege: Behind the Scenes at Trump’s Troubled Environment Agency |
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TIPRO Commends Gov Abbott for Asking President Trump to Reconsider Steel and Aluminum Tariffs |
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President Trump Is Redesigning Air Force One And It Sounds Like It’s Going To Be Awesome |
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“Éste es el carnaval de la resistencia” gritan miles de londinenses contra la llegada de Trump |
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‘Cancel your ridiculous Putin summit’ Democrats tell Trump on the latest Entertaiment news |
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Importance of archiving President Trump’s accomplishments |
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Trump Pathetically Tries To Play Golf In Scotland Protesters Give Him A Brutal Surprise VIDEO |
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Trump Remains Evasive on Crimea Ahead of Summit With Putin |
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Donald Trump progetta di creare una nuova Space Force |
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Of COURSE: Mueller INDICTS 12 Russian military officers for 2016 election meddling just DAYS before Trump meets Putin |
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Trump vows to run for re-election |
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Newsweek: British royals Prince Charles and Prince William snubbed Trump on his UK visit: Report |
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Bambini in gabbia tra Texas e Messico L’Onu contro Trump: “Inaccettabile e crudele” |
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Theresa May får råd fra Donald Trump: Han sagde at jeg burde sagsøge EU |
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Trump’s Zionist Ball amp Chain |
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Cinco cosas que no sabías de Donald TRUMP |
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Trump Sounds Like Q On Memorial Day Weekend As Message Storm Rolls On! Podcast 48 5-28-18 |
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Trump Calls Germany ‘Captive’ of Russia Demands Higher Defence Spending |
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Prophet Nostradamus and Donald Trump |
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Germania îl avertizează pe Trump să nu încheie un acord unilateral cu Rusia în detrimentul aliaţilor occidentali |
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Brits create a special crop circle – in Russian – just for Trump |
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Meneer de marketingpresident: Waarom Trump per se wilde gaan golfen in Schotland |
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Trump dorëzohet paguan 25 mln dollarë për tri padi |
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Trump podría concretar acuerdo comercial con Reino Unido |
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Days before Trump meets Putin Russia is cozying up to Iran in a big way |
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Trump: – Jeg mener EU er en fiende |
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Trump calls the European Union a US ‘foe’ |
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Trump confirma su postulación para elecciones de 2020 |
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President Trump calls EU ‘foe’ to US over trade policies |
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Trump Tweets “Happy Memorial Day” As He Boasts About Economy Then It’s Back To Spygate |
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Trump: Aneksja Krymu przez Putina to klęska Obamy Ja bym na to nie pozwolił |
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Trump: I think the European Union is a foe |
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“Engem tényleg nem érdekel” feliratú kabátban indult el Trump felesége hogy megnézze a családjaiktól elszakított gyerekek gyűjtőtáborát |
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13:43 Înaintea întâlnirii Trump-Putin: Autoritățile americane au acuzat oficial 12 ofițeri ruși de ”spargerea” serverelor Partidului Democrat din SUA |
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Kudos to Trump administration on breastfeeding |
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El acero mexicano con fuertes afectaciones por aranceles de Trump |
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Poll: Democrats Fired Up Against Trump In Midterms But GOP Rallying Around Him |
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‘Cancel your ridiculous Putin summit’ Democrats tell Trump on Twitter – CNET |
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Trump: USA a Británia by mohli dosiahnuť skvelú obchodnú dohodu po brexite |
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The Private Push for Trump to Strike a “Grand Bargain” with Putin |
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Soldier of Odinin porukka ilmaantui perussuomalaisten nuorten Welcome Trump -mielenilmaukseen Helsinkiin |
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Santos le pide a Trump que intermedie ante Putín para que no apoye más a Maduro |
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‘Editor’ marks Trump’s tweet for grammar rewrites it |
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Is Donald Trump US Worst President |
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Oregon Ranchers Pardoned By Trump Get Free Ride Home In Private Jet – You’ll Love Who Made It All Happen |
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What Vladimin Puting and Donald Trump Talked At Their First Phone Call |
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Doctor Repeatedly Calls Black Woman ‘Aunt Jemima’ Like A Trump-Loving Sack Of Crap |
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Donald Trump má dvojníčku: Tá podoba je cerumenu u ženy ktorá si nikdy nečistila uši POZOR –… |
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Santos solicita a Trump que pida a Putin dejar de apoyar al régimen de Maduro en Venezuela |
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Mueller Uncovers Powerful New Evidence after Decades of Trump Connections to the KGB and Russian Government Surfaced |
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Trump do May: Pozwijcie UE do sądu |
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Donald Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle Celebrate the Fourth of July |
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Trump picks Kavanaugh for Supreme Court |
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Santos: Le pido a Trump que le pida a Putin |
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Trump’s Golf Misadventure in the Scottish Dunes |
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Trump DOJ Sues California For Interference With Immigration Enforcement |
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Orkney Picnics in a Show of Resistance to Donald Trump |
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Trump Determined To Meet Putin as Dems Demand Him Not To |
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LIVE 420 Weed News: Donald Trump and Mike Pence Could Legalize Marijuana |
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Trump lista Rússia UE e China como ‘inimigos’ antes da cúpula com Putin |
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Final push in Attorney General runoff brings Trump favorites Pam Bondi and Roger Stone to AL |
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Gowdy to Trump: Ask Putin where ‘we can pick up the 25 Russians’ indicted in Mueller probe |
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Trump culpa a Obama por hackeo ruso |
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Trump rompe con la Unesco por su continua discrimi |
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Trump Putin meeting |
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CONFIRMED: John Kerry Committed Treason Should Trump Throw Him in Jail |
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Trump QUADRUPLES Down on ‘Sad’ Impact of Mass Migration on Euro Cities Like London and Paris Praises Hungary |
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MOSCOW — When President Vladimir V Putin of Russia sits down with President Trump in Helsinki Finl… |
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Ego-Tripping Avenatti on 2020: I’m the “Guide” Who Can Climb Trump Mountain |
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Ezt volt Trump brutális javaslata a brit kormányfőnek |
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‘I go in with low expectations’ Trump says for Putin meeting |
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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin and the Triumph of Nothing Over Everyone |
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Love Him Or Hate Him … Trump Is Creating Better Paying Jobs In The US |
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Trump calls the European Union a ‘foe’ but says Russia is only a ‘foe in certain respects’ as he heads to Helsinki for summit with Vladimir Putin following indictment of 14 Russians |
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Milhares protestam enquanto Trump joga golfe na Escócia |
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Trump Marion Zemmour BHL et les autres : Haro sur les Musulmans des temps morts |
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This Guy Got Trump Elected |
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Trump-Berater wirft Deutschland Ausbeutung vor |
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The roiled solar power market shows how Trump’s tariffs can disrupt an industry |
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Trump označil Evropskou unii za jednoho z mnoha nepřátel Spojených států |
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BofA says Trump unlikely to take ‘hard stance’ on Iran |
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Gays For Trump |
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Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants |
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EEUU : Donald Trump anuncia que buscará reelección en 2020 |
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Top House Republican urges Trump China’s Xi to meet on trade – Fox |
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Manifestación contra Trump y Putin en Helsinki |
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Melania Trump ist im Krankenhaus |
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Trump signs bills that helps Veterans and Police officers by giving them Priority and Training |
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Legend Stan Lee: ‘America Never Had Someone Like Donald Trump He’s The Best President Of The United States I Don’t Think That America Will Again Have A Leader Like Him”Do You Support Him |
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Vô-hiệu-hóa chính sách « áp lực tối đa » của TT Trump trò chơi thật của Kim |
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Al concerto di Roger Waters un maiale gigante per Trump |
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Soldiers of Odinin porukka ilmaantui Welcome Trump -mielenilmaukseen Helsinkiin: ”Hän on erityisen hyvä presidentti” |
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Trump does not mention Native Americans in Columbus Day proclamation breaking with Obama |
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Demonstrators March in San Jose to Protest President Trump’s Family Separation Border Policy |
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LED 27 – President Trump in the UK The Supreme Court The World Cup and the EU Diversity and Identity Politics President Duterte Thai Joy Professor Carlos Frenk |
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President Trump’s Weekly Address for June 18 The Subject is MS-13 amp Immigration! |
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In Scotland paraglider flew over the resort trump with protest poster » |
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When Your Guest Likes Trump’s Pick |
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Trump’s Tweets Threaten His Travel Ban’s Chances in Court |
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Warum sich Trump und Putin ausgerechnet in Helsinki über Juden in Deutschland : Es werden zunehmend rote Linien verschoben |
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Todas las acciones de Trump van hacia la destrucción de la OTAN |
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The Telegraph Asks: ‘Did Trump Forget To Bow To The Queen’ Here Are Some GREAT Answers Doug P Twitchy |
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Sure THEY all hate Trump And he’s LOVING every minute And YOU will too as he makes you MUCH richer in the next 18 months |
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1300 to 2600 Additional Standard Deduction for Seniors Over 65 under GOP/Trump Tax Reform |
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Katherine Clark to skip Trump’s inauguration in protest |
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Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family Audiobook |
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Trump Intends To Run For Re-Election In 2020 |
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Trump Admin Deals New Blow To Obamacare |
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Dan vs Trump over 2020 census |
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Now Trump says Democrats should be ‘ashamed’ for ‘allowing themselves’ to be hacked and says he hasn’t thought about asking Putin to extradite 14 Russians accused of stealing DNC emails |
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Soldier of Odinin porukka ilmaantui perussuomalaisten nuorten Welcome Trump -mielenilmaukseen Helsinkiin |
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Donald Trump Gets Attacked By A Bald Eagle |
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Trump has made the 2016 run for the White House all about immigration What is more his hardline views on what today is American and what is un-American are gaining ground as the election campaign nears its end Polls show that Trump is neck and neck with Clinton And it very much appears that the mainstream US media is trying not to provoke Trump’s obsession with immigration |
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Exiled by Soviets Lozansky supports Trump-Putin talks |
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Trump y su lucha con los vetos migratorios |
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Donald Trump oo sheegay in mar labaad uu isu soo sharrixi doono xilka madaxweyne ee Mareykanka |
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Trump o reelekcji: Wygląda na to że wszyscy mnie brytyjskiego ministra Molestował |
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Trump îi spune lui May ce să facă în legătură cu Brexitul: NU intra în negocieri cu UE Dă-i în JUDECATĂ! VIDEO |
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FBI agent who wrote anti-Trump texts calls attacks on him ‘another victory notch in Putin’s belt’ |
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US: Donald Trump tweets ‘very nice’ letter from Kim Jong-un |
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Trump má nízká očekávání od schůzky s Putinem EU označil za nepřítele |
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Trump-inspired trade tensions hit markets |
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May ve Trump’tan ortak basın açıklamasıAk haber güncel haberler |
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Propone Obrador a Trump carta de descargas en testículos policías obtuvieron confesión |
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Things Melania Trump Was Trying to tell Us With Her Outfits |
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Melania Trump’s caped yellow gown draws comparisons to an imprisoned Disney princess |
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Ivanka Trump is right labor participation among 16-to-64-year-olds surging |
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Not an opinion piece: AP says Trump remark ‘drew parallels to white nationalist rhetoric’ cites SPLC |
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Fox News reporter responds after Trump calls CNN ‘fake news’ |
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Trump Undermines NATO Credibility Trust |
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Obama amp Bush Lawyers Now Taking Action Against Trump: “Getting Trump-Pence out of office and getting money out of politics are priorities” click to see stats |
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Ed Henry Brags About Getting The Last ‘Trump Putin Helsinki 2018’ Hat |
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Sign the Global Open Letter to Donald Trump |
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wants Us To Believe John Kelly is as Petty and Small As Trump |
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Donald Trump tem razão acerca da OTAN |
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I cannot stand Trump: Apple co-founder Wozniak – Times of India |
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Highlights of 25 years of the ‘clash of civilizations’: From Huntington to Trump and beyond |
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Trump apologises to May set to meet with Putin amid Russia meddling charges |
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Drug Supply Chain Feels the Trump Effect |
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Trump Waves Magic Wand |
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Uutisklipit – Näillä vauhdeilla Trump lähti Suomea kohti |
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LARSON: Trump the Unstoppable |
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Roger Waters Supersizes Pink Floyd Hits Skewers Trump at Massive London Show |
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Printii Charles si William ar fi refuzat sa-l intalneasca pe Trump la Castelul Windsor |
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Finnish brewery creates quirky beer for Trump-Putin summit 19 hours ago |
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Trump ‘Hadn’t Thought’ About Extraditing Russians |
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Even If He Loses Trump Still Wins |
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Liberty University film ‘The Trump Prophecy’ runs afoul of Facebook ad policies |
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Donald Trump is NOT to be trusted when meeting with Russia |
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Trump administration tees up next tariffs on 200 billion in Chinese goods |
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Putin buscará convencer a Trump de que Rusia no es una amenaza |
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20 Of The Best Pics From The Massive Anti-Trump Protests In London |
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Which Chinese cities will be hit hardest by Trump’s trade fury |
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Trump sugirió a Theresa May demandar a la UE por Brexit |
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Thousands protest Trump’s ‘bigotry’ in Scotland police hunt for paraglider protester who breached no-fly-zone |
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Royal family ‘snub’ to Donald Trump after Prince William and Charles ‘REFUSED to meet US President’ during UK visit |
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Nur 84 akzeptieren Trump als legitimen haften für Vorauszahlung nur auf Konto der WEG |
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Trump Told British Prime Minister May To Sue European Union |
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Trump’s war with GOD |
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‘Own this debate’: Ex-CIA officer says Trump must enforce a red line with Putin |
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Photos : Public Royalty : Donald Trump et sa faute impardonnable face à la Reine d’Angleterre |
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Phiên bản Nokia 3310 vàng 24K đánh dấu cuộc gặp lịch sử Trump-Putin |
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WOW you gotta read this quote about Obama targeting Trump in 2011… |
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Prime Minister Theresa May has revealed that President Donald Trump’s “brutal” advice on dealing with the EU was that she should sue the bloc instead of making concessions to it |
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Brexit megoldás Trump szerint: beperelni az EU-t |
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Cela fait désormais plus d’un an que Trump a fait sortir les États-Unis de l’Accord de Paris et nous ne pouvons pas rester les bras croisés en le regardant saccager tout ce pour quoi nous avons tant lutté Mettons à profit ce triste anniversaire pour chambouler ses projets de construire un nouvel empire du charbon Une fois que nous aurons rallié Munich RE nous approcherons d’autres gros assureurs tels qu’AIG — jusqu’à ce qu’il n’y ait plus assez d’entreprises pour diffuser le risque ce qui signifierait la fin du charbon ET des sables bitumineux ! |
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President Donald Trump Scares Child |
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Blumenthal calls on Trump to cancel Putin meeting |
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A short interview in SPUTNIK News on the G7 meeting and Trump trade wars – Like στο: |
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PMP cere DEMISIA ministrului Culturii „A ÎNGROPAT definitiv şi irevocabil în loc de IOHANNIS-TRUMP |
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PANIC! Top Dems DEMAND Trump administration keep info on campaign spy Stefan Halper CLASSIFIED |
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EU to boost ties with China Japan amid Trump trade show |
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Trump’s China crackdown has big support but it could be a problem for him |
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8 – Why Donald Trump is the Last Gasp of Fossil Fuel Driven Capitalism and How Local Communities are Reshaping the World with Rob Hopkins of Transition Network |
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Declarações de Trump sobre imigração despertam ira |
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Trump’tan Flaş Suriye Açıklaması |
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May über Trump: Er sagte mir ich solle die EU verklagen |
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Trump cible l’Allemagne au sommet de l’Otan |
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Trump and Putin: Two leaders of sharp contrasts set for historic meeting |
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May: Trump mi je kazao da tužim EU |
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“Tiefer Staat“ amp Pädos vs Donald Trump: Wird US-Justizminister Sessions zum |
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We’re no longer connecting the dots from Russian hackers to Donald Trump It’s now a straight line |
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Ông Trump ở “túp lều của ngư dân” trong thượng |
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Trump Just Got the ULTIMATE Payback! Khan is Getting SHREDDED By Critics for His Antics |
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Estados Unidos no será un campamento de migrantes y no será un albergue de refugiados No lo será palabras de Donald Trump por esto la Patrulla Fronteriza de Estados Unidos afirma haber separado a más de 2300 niños inmigrantes de sus familias en los últimos dos meses |
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Benjamin Von Wong và bộ ảnh “Mad Max gặp Trump” |
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09:18 – Trump spune ca va candida la alegerile din 2020 si incalca protocolul regal facand publice detalii ale conversatiei cu regina Elisabeta a II-a |
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10:43 Explicație în detaliu De ce Putin nu poate fi prietenul lui Trump |
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GOP senator: Trump’s policies doing ‘permanent damage’ |
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EU chief fires back at Trump for declaring the EU an enemy |
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Trump Admin Tells the Truth on Obama and Israel Leftwing Jews Complain |
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Maxine Waters on Trump: He doesn’t even know how to spell |
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Despite National Outrage Scholastic Defends Children’s Books Celebrating Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Now Legal And Approved By Supreme Court |
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Biểu tình bám theo Trump ở Scotland dù lượn bay ngang bày tỏ phản đối |
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Trump’s Approval Rating Falls After Immigration Crisis |
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Aiheita kohta saapuva Donald Trump: ”Lupaan että mitään pahaa ei tule seuraamaan” |
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Zastavte války ne lidi požehnáno budiž imigrantské dítě Helsinky jsou před summitem Trump-Putin na nohou |
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Disgregare la Ue l’obiettivo comune di Trump e Putin |
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Trump refused to break with Russia over the incident with the |
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Trump dolker Theresa May – og prøver at trække stødet tilbage 23 |
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Paragliding protester at Trump Turnberry is arrested |
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‘Look At Their Faces’ President Trump Slams NATO Leaders Declines To Support Collec |
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The Campaign for Donald Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize: LET’S MAKE NOBEL GREAT AGAIN! |
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Podcast: Julianna Margulies on MeToo Trump and “Dietland” |
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What’s with Trump |
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WATCH Trump Shocks the UK by ‘Cutting Off’ Queen Elizabeth |
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Trump’s ‘theatre of the grotesque’ |
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Trump has so far issued five pardons |
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Letter to the Editor: How can Christians be loyal to Trump |
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We can’t just turn our backs on Trump and hope he’ll go away |
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Terry McAuliffe has bad news about Trump’s SCOTUS pick for those who were lucky enough to survive GOP tax cuts and net neutrality repeal |
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EEUU: Rusos hackearon a Hillary Clinton cuando Trump lo pidió – 28 seconds — |
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Trump empfahl May Klage gegen EU statt Brexit-Verhandlungen |
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Spotkanie na szczycie Trump i Putin na neutralnym gruncie |
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Supporters of jailed Tommy Robinson join protest with Trump backers |
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Hillary Says Racist Poor People Voted For Trump Optimistic Diverse Dynamic People Voted For Her |
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Trump Says ‘Fully Intends’ To Run For President In 2020 |
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Ndërhyrjet ruse në zgjedhjet presidencialet/Trump ia hedh fajin administratës Obama |
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May zbulon bisedën me Trump: Më tha të padis BE-në për |
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VIDEO: Jimmy Carter Is Praying For Donald Trump |
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Breaking: Trump on Jimmy Kimmel: 21:31 secs |
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Hypocrite London mayor who banned ‘fat-shaming’ ads SCOLDS Trump about free speech! |
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Donald Trump is pretty sure he’s nailing this whole ‘President’ thing |
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Trump fans aren’t spelling bee champions but why do we care |
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Trump and Kim meet after months of threats and insults |
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ESPN Host Who Called Trump a ‘White Supremacist’ Just Got Some BAD News |
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Trump talks America First but his actions are China First |
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Trump anuncia aranceles de 25 sobre cincuenta mil millones de dólares… |
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Meade exige a Trump frenar crueldad contra niños migrantes |
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Branded: Jimmy Fallon: Hillary Clinton Is Not Intimidated by Donald Trump : 3:56 mins |
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News Related Videos On: Theresa May: ‘Donald Trump told me to sue the EU over Brexit’ |
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Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump khuyên Thủ tướng Anh khởi kiện EU |
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Major automakers urge Trump not to freeze fuel economy targets |
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Trump doet in 2020 gooi naar tweede ambtstermijn |
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I think the European Union is a foe Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki – Stats |
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I think the European Union is a foe Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki click to see stats |
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Piers Morgan Asked Trump About Being ‘Banned’ From England His Reply Will Make The Nation Shiver |
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Trump assina decreto contra Venezuela após vitória de Maduro |
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GUEST COLUMN: Trump-Putin summit could be important moment for Ukraine |
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Trump y Melania rompieron el protocolo durante su encuentro con la reina Isabel Video |
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Donald Lambro: Allies take heat from Trump return it in kind |
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Interview: Trump will 2020 wieder antreten und liebt Twitter |
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Trump ‘snubbed’ by UK royal family |
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Santos pide a Trump que trate de alejar a Rusia de Galería |
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POTUS Trump Slams Mueller Junk Indictment of Russians – Where’s the DNC Server |
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After The Strzok Stonewall: WSJ Says Trump Should Declassify This To Expose The Truth |
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Donald Trump is Tweeting About The Miss Universe 1996 Sex Tape |
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Unul dintre emisarii lui Donald Trump vizitează Bucureștiul pentru unele discuții cruciale |
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As Trump backlash continues STEM professionals in Texas run for of Chris Young and the man he killed call for a halt to his execution |
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El carnaval de resistencia que recibió a Trump en Escocia mientras el presidente juega a golf |
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The Environment and Trump |
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Aamer Anwar Message to Trump |
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Trump Flag |
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Don’t dare to see the Donald trump babyForeign media: trump is in Britain to avoid London |
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Morgan Freeman ‘Framed’ For Supporting Trump |
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‘Setup amp trap’: Trump lashes out at investigation into obstruction of |
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Trump says he’s running in 2020 |
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Trump adore ces centrales à charbon qui menacent la vie sur Terre mais c’est un secteur qui ne peut survivre sans assurances De grandes compagnies commencent à abandonner le charbon à cause de la pression du public — et nous pouvons amener Munich RE un autre GÉANT des assurances à suivre le mouvement |
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Trump stiller til gjenvalg |
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100 days of fail: Tweeting the unwelcome rise of the fascist Trump regime |
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Robert Kagan: Is Trump Trying To Destroy NATO |
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Vladimir Putin Has Trump Right Where He Wants Him |
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Trump Merkel ve Macron’la görüştü |
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Mueller Could Now Charge Trump’s Lawyers with Obstruction of Justice |
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Trump the EU Referendum amp The Scottish Election |
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Trump Says He ‘Hadn’t Thought’ About Asking Putin to Extradite 12… |
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¿Qué le espera a América Latina con Donald Trump como presidente |
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VIDEO: Trump comments on his meeting with Putin |
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Trump is considering commuting former Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich’s sentence |
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InternacionalesDonald Trump llama torcida a Hillary Clinton |
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DressLikeAWoman L’hashtag contro Donald Trump |
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631: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit 9:27am |
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FBI agent’s testimony Lisa Page to testify Trump-Putin summit |
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Trump seen tapping US oil reserve as pump prices rise |
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George Lopez “Pees” on Donald Trump’s Hollywood Star |
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John McCain Releases Harsh Statement For Trump After Mueller’s Russia Indictments |
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VERTICE TRUMP-PUTIN/ Sogni Usa vs cuori russi ma c’è un terzo incomodo |
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Well I Might Ask Putin To Extradite Accused Russian Hackers Says Trump |
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Watch a delusional Trump wave at UK protesters calling out his racism |
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Thousands take to London’s streets to protest at Trump visit |
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HISTORY IN THE MAKING -Trump And Kim Hold Meeting To End Nuclear Men Getting Waxed For The First Time Is HILARIOUS |
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Trump reveals the Queen’s private views on Brexit |
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Diplomacia cero: Trump con -10 en protocolo Video |
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USA: Trump évoque sa candidature en 2020 |
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The former advisor to President Trump began to launch his own |
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Des milliers d’Écossais expriment leur colère contre Donald Trump |
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King Salman Agrees To Trump Request To Increase Oil Abbey Talks Career Family As Creed Applause Debuts |
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President-elect Trump |
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Trump: Strzok’s testimony ‘a disgrace to our country’ |
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Ce cadouri a primit Donald și Melania Trump de la Theresa May |
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Paraglider sails over Trump’s head amid Scottish protests |
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Trump nis udhëtimin në Evropë aleatët ndihen nervozë |
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‘Trump asechó sexualmente a modelos en fiestas llenas de cocaína’ |
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Extremismus FDP: Abschiebung von Sami A ist «Stück aus Jeder zweite Abzuschiebende nicht am Meldeort Zwei Drittel halten Trump für gefährlicher als Putin |
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Homer-Dixon predicts 20 to 30 chance of Trump causing financial crisis war civil violence and authoritarianism over next 5 years |
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Client Alert: US Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban |
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Is that a birdie Surreal moment Trump is ushered inside his Turnberry resort as Greenpeace paraglider buzzes just FEET overhead in protest |
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Donald Trump Psychopath |
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Rudy Giulaini Joins Trump’s Legal Team And He Knows Where The… |
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Theresa May says Donald Trump advised her to ‘sue the… |
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Indictment Of Russian Officers Puts Pressure On Trump |
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Melania Trump praised for J Mendel gown: ‘She looks like a princess’ |
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Newt Gingrich: Trump keeps his word about SCOTUS |
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Trump Destroyed by Comedian at 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner |
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US President Trump says to run for reelection in 2020 |
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Anderson Cooper stunned by Trump’s ‘wit |
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Nicola Sturgeon ‘tickled’ by claims Donald Trump ‘hates her’ |
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Trump-Kim landmark summit could lead to peace and stability in Asia says PHL Ambassador to US |
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Laura Ingraham Calls Trump’s Criticism Of May In Sun Interview A ‘Ridiculous Mistake’ |
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Trump Tweets Typo About FBI Lawyer Lisa Page — His Son |
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Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to sue the EU over Brexit |
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Trump says Comey is Crazy and a Real Nut Job |
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Why Beyoncé Trump and Cam show us the true colors of ‘murica |
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Trump’s migration warning goes viral across social media |
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German car shares dip on Trump tariff tweet |
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Trump’s Plan for US Space Force challenges Deep State Secrecy |
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E se pedíssemos a Trump para nos drenar o pântano |
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Theresa May: Trump më tha të padisë BE-në |
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Padi ndaj zyrtarëve rusë shtëpia e Bardhë refuzon thirrjet për anulimin e samitit Trump-Putin |
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Explosion At Strzok Hearing As GOP Reps Clash With Anti-Trump FBI Agent |
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At meeting with automakers Trump launches new attack on NAFTA |
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Kaepernick to subpoena President Trump in NFL lawsuit report says |
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Dezvăluiri ale Financial Times: Trump Tower din Toronto finanțat cu bani rusești VIDEO |
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Donald Trump yn gadael gwledydd Prydain am y Ffindir |
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Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid merge State and USAID |
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Trump Administration Set to Roll Back 900 Million in Obama-Era Offshore Drilling Regulations |
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Some of Russia’s neighbors worry about Trump’s meeting with Putin |
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I think the European Union is a foe Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki |
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Why Trump Supporters Still Still Support Him: 5 Possibilities |
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Trump Trashes CNN’s Acosta In England |
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May desvela lo que Trump le aconsejó sobre el Brexit: Me dijo que debía demandar a la UE |
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Trump diz que MJ vive em seus edifícios novo álbum de Janet e suposta aparição do cantor |
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Trump: European Union is ‘biggest foe’ of US |
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President Obama Hand-Delivered Trump/Russia Documents to Intel Committee Before Leaving Office |
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NRB ‘Enthusiastically’ Endorses Trump Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court |
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US Supreme Court rules for Trump travel ban |
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Trump Supporters Roll Over In Their Recliners! Really People WTF! |
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Trump Touts Importance of Border Wall as First Line of Defense Against Criminals |
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SURPRIZE NEPLĂCUTE pentru Donald Trump şi Vladimir Putin: Ce se întâmplă la Helsinki chiar înainte de întâlnirea lor istorică – VIDEO |
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Trump meets Queen |
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Anti-Trump protests |
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Trump pardons ranchers in case that inspired 2016 occupation of national wildlife refuge in Oregon |
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Farmers Who Voted Trump Are Now Blasting The President For Crippling Trade War With China: ‘The Most Scared I’ve Ever Been’ |
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El Congreso americano se mueve para frenar el proteccionismo de Trump |
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Trump vil genopstille i 2020: Det lader til alle vil have mig til det |
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Trump Says NKorea Summit Now On |
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Unlike Trump Chamisa’s lies won’t work |
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David Lynch has said that President Donald Trump could go as one of the ‘greatest presidents in history’ for destroying the deep state and the New World Order |
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Melania Trump ditches sky high stilettos for flats as she scales Great Wall of China |
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What if Trump chooses ALL FOUR!! |
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Brexit plan might turn an end to US trade: Trump |
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Trump Reverses the Long-Time US Policy to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital |
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Refugee Educational Prospects in the Era of Trump |
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Trump incalca protocolul regal facand publica discutia sa privata cu regina Elisabeta |
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Trump quer recandidatar-se à Presidência dos Estados Unidos em 2020 |
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Price Hike for Chinese TVs as Trump Tariffs Implementation Looms |
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Senadora Ernst a Trump: Rusia nunca será verdadera amiga de EEUU |
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John Bolton speaks out on Trump-Putin meeting |
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Donald Trump: Germania e în totalitate controlată de Rusia! |
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Give Sassy Trump A Try |
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Mass Mobilization Against Trump Military Parade |
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Colombia needs a Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump tacha de enemiga a la UE antes de dejar Reino Unido para la cumbre con Putin |
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Chiến tranh kinh tế Mỹ-TC : 3 mặt trận của Donald Trump |
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Trump threatens to impose an additional tariff on 200 billion in Chinese goods |
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The US Supreme Court Affirmed That Trump Has the Authority to Protect America From Its Enemies |
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Trump matkalla Suomeen – tviittasi lentokoneesta uskovansa että kävi huomisessa kokouksessa mitä tahansa hän saa lokaa niskaansa |
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Ivanka Trump Brand Pulled From Department Store After Poor ‘Performance’ |
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US Embassy moved to Jerusalem by President Donald J Trump |
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Royal Family Refused To Meet With Trump And Melania During UK Visit: Report |
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El brutal zasca del presidente de Portugal a Donald Trump |
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The Latest: President Trump departs for Finland for summit with Putin |
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Cosa pagavano e cosa pagano i ricchi: con Roosevelt 93 con Eisenhower 91 con Trump 39 |
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5 Points About Trump’s Speech on Jerusalem |
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— Trump-style fascism is more Mussolini than Hitler — |
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Donald Trump: ‘I Think The European Union Is A Foe’ |
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Nachhilfestunde für Trump vom Spiegel und vom Siggi |
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London Jadi Lautan Manusia Serukan Trump Diusir dari Inggris |
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Obama Gave Trump These 4 Pieces Of Advice In His Inauguration Letter |
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Branded: Donald Trump Ted Cruz Spar Over New York values: 5:23 Techcrunch : 2:21 secs |
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Podle Němců Trump nemá vliv a dokonce je nebezpečnější hloupější než Putin |
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Todos quieren que me reelija: Trump |
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Chuck Todd Scolds Hugh Hewitt For Whining About Trump-Putin Media… |
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Donald Trump’s ‘Brutal’ Brexit Advice To Theresa May Revealed |
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Santos pide a Trump hablar con Putin para que retire apoyo a Gobierno venezolano |
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Grow Up: British Tabloid Hits Trump for Sitting in Churchill’s Chair |
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Trump Administration Says Its OK To Fire People For Being Gay |
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DML TV: President Trump reveals he’s planning to run for a second term in 2020 |
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López Obrador envía a Trump propuesta de entendimiento omiten revelar su contenido |
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Week-end sportif pour Trump et Poutine avant un sommet délicat à dit avoir mené ses plus grosses frappes contre Gaza depuis 2014 deux Palestiniens tués |
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Trump na tiskové konferenci s Mayovou tvrdě zaútočil na CNN: „Jste fake news!“ |
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Donald Trump anuncia recandidatura à Casa Branca |
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15:01 – Germania il avertizeaza pe Donald Trump ca va pierde aliatii daca se apropie de Vladimir Putin |
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The Latest: Democrat fears Putin will outwit Trump at summit |
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Betting on Trump |
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Sanders Blasts Trump as “Un-American” |
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Trump whiplash: From Supreme Court euphoria to foreign turbulence |
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Imagining Trump and Putin in Private |
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Byly prozrazeny detaily nadcházejícího summitu Putin-Trump |
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National Cheat Sheet: Home Builders Association knocks Trump tax bill houses across US selling at fastest clip in 30 years amp more |
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Trump’s Immigration Court Is Putting Toddlers On The Stand |
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Trump at Turnberry adds to the many hours he has spent golfing |
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Prelude To My Exposing Tribulation Trump |
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Former Director of National Intelligence Clapper: Trump’s Pick for CIA Director Is a Tremendous Intelligence Officer |
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Trump’s HHS defines life as beginning at conception |
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Las empresas cosechan el torbellino de Trump |
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Trump: soft Brexit will ‘kill’ UK’s chances of US trade deal |
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Hbvl2Terwijl de demonstranten aan zijn deur staan gaat Trump potje Sam De Bruyn slachtoffer van oplichting via zijn creditcard: “Fuck zeg!” |
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Britain greets Trump with protests ‘Trump Baby’ balloon |
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¡Qué pena! El incómodo momento para la reina Isabel II por culpa de Donald Trump |
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Adam Schiff Uses Eric Trump’s Own Words To Raise Concerns Over Trump Money Laundering With Russia |
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Trump Slams CNN Sun Interview As „Fake News“ |
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Mundo Rainha de Inglaterra vê Brexit como problema muito complexo diz Trump |
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Melania Trump se viste de princesa |
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A troubling lesson from the 1930s suggests Trump’s trade war will damage the world for decades |
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UN-Umsiedlungsprogramm für 250 Millionen Flüchtlinge Deutschland ist dabei – Trump steigt aus — Jouwatch Samstag Jul 14 2018 |
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The Ultimate TRUMP Insults amp Comebacks Compilation 2018 Edition |
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Pertemuan Tingkat Tinggi Trump-Putin Buat Sekutu NATO Tersinggung |
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“I feel the European Union is a foe” Trump says forward |
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Donald Trump and the Stephen Harper Missile |
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Rama një shtrëngim duarsh me Trump Komentuesi: Thuaji të mos mbyll Lotarinë të ikim |
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Sunday News: Trump “Having a Bawl in Europe” “How Dare You” Trump “Textbook |
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Trump pone fin al DACA |
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¿López Obrador logró doblegar políticamente a Donald Trump |
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Putin y Trump se reunirán en un antiguo dominio ruso |
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Original Black Deplorable Hat for Republican Patriots-US Flag Bill Trump Hat |
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Trump: “Kim è divertente e molto intelligente” |
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This is thе rеal rеason Mеlania Trump didn’t curtsy to thе Quееn |
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07:45 – Donald Trump si Vladimir Putin in fata unei intalniri controversate |
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New Yorkers rally against Trump policies |
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Top Democrats double down on request of Trump |
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Metropolitan Tikhon addresses President Trump on the separation of families |
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Weitere wusste seit Mittwoch von will rücknahmebereiten Ländern mehr Geld Wiese vor Trump-Putin-Gipfel skeptisch |
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NATO Leader Praises Trump’s Leadership Success — Trump Points To Media And EMBARRASSES Them |
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Trump isn’t the first leader to rattle the world Trump Tweets The Red Hen Restaurant Is “Filthy” |
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Hvis Trump får sin vilje bliver Tyskland snart Europas militære supermagt 62 |
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One Year of Trump |
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Tough Guy DeNiro Throwing F-Bombs at Trump |
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Prefiere Trump tener como amiga a Theresa May que como enemiga |
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Trump Shocks the UK by ‘Cutting Off’ Queen Elizabeth |
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Pix and video: Hundreds of people join anti-Trump demo in York |
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Trump Akan Mencalonkan Diri Lagi sebagai Presiden di Pilpres AS 2020 |
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Evangelical Leaders Urge President Trump to Keep Families Together |
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Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to ‘sue the EU’ |
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032218 – News Update: Pope Francis and Trump work Together to |
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Ahead of Putin Summit Trump Says ‘We’re Greatly Hampered by This Whole Witch Hunt’ |
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The criminal minor aliens that Trump inherited from Obama |
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Why doesn’t President Trump push for a huge infrastructure bill |
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Trump Insists ‘Many Many Protests’ In The UK Were ‘In My Favour’ |
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Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban |
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10 Protests Planned For Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki Finland |
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President Trump makes surprise appearance on ‘Fox amp Friends’ |
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Οι Ψυχολογικές Νάρκες του Donald Trump |
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10 estados demandan al Gobierno de Trump |
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‘I do trust him’: Trump reflects on Kim meeting |
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Putin is a ‘competitor’ not an ‘enemy’ –Trump |
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EU to Trump: Appreciate your allies… you don’t have many |
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Negotiator Trump |
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Trump grande otra vez |
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Week-end «sportif» pour Trump et Poutine avant un sommet délicat |
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Trump – Putin takohen në moment tensionesh |
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Donald Trump chiến lược đầu tư bất động sản |
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Trump noemt EU een “vijand” Tusk dient hem van antwoord |
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ELECCIONES EE UU Donald Trump es el nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos |
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FBI agent Peter Strzok says anti-Trump texts were in response to his ‘disgusting’ behavior |
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Trump was a profitable businessman Earlier than being |
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„Trump bekam von NATO worum Obama bettelte“ |
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El Murito de DONALD TRUMP – Parodia Despacito Daddy Yankee y Luis Fonsi |
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Experts Finally Answer the Questions: Can Obama Sue Trump for Libel |
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2 Supreme Court nominations made Trump may have none to go |
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Deberá AMLO evitar provocaciones de Trump |
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Málagas eksportvirksomheder bekymret for Trump · I… |
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Melania Trump wows Europe with style soft diplomacy |
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¿Levanta Donald Trump un nuevo muro migratorio… en Cuba |
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Why Dems ‘Hate Trump’ Strategy Is Failing |
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From Buckley to Trump Apologies to Siegfried Kracauer |
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Failing Donald Trump Just Accidentally Admitted Another ‘Yuge’ Lie about Comey’s Firing |
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Donald Trump dit vouloir briguer un second mandat |
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Indictment bombshell: ‘Kremlin intel agents’ hacked leaked Hillary’s emails same day Trump asked Russia for help |
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How Trump makes the links between politics and his business |
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May: Trump më tha të padisë BE-në |
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Có gì đặc biệt trong chữ ký của các Tổng thống Mỹ: Chữ ký của ông Trump thể hiện con người có cá tính rất mạnh |
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Trump: The Art of the Deal Unabridged |
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Visita de Trump con la reina Isabel II tendrá un estricto protocolo |
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Trump officially announced that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel |
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Canciller francés: No dejaremos que Trump desestabilice a Europa |
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PHOTOS: Trump baby’ balloon flies in London |
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Óriási pofonba szaladt bele Theresa May – Donald Trump nem kímélte |
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Tight Security Ahead of Trump-Putin Meeting in Helsinki |
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Indictment of Russian officers to complicate Trump-Putin summit: analyst |
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Trump: L’Europa è un nostro nemicoE alla May: Fa causa sulla Brexit |
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¿Saldrá Trump de este laberinto Por Pedro Pablo Gómez |
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Manifestaciones en Escocia por visita de Donald Trump al Reino Unido |
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Thousands protest across Scotland as Trump plays golf |
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Why Affirmative Action Is Important amp Donald J Trump’s Goal of Destroying It! |
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Bad Better Than Worse Trump Says Meeting |
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Theresa May: Trump mi-a spus să dau în JUDECATĂ UE |
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4 things President Trump could learn from Jimmy Carter |
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Los políticos británicos arropan a May tras el ataque de Trump |
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May says Trump told her to sue the EU over Brexit |
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Why Helsinki Donald Trump Meets Putin in Finland |
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After 2 Countries Refused To Take Back Their Illegal Aliens Trump Puts Them In A Hurt Locker |
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President Trump’s Military Parade CONFIRMED! |
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Trump pardons ranchers whose arrests led to armed occupation of wildlife refuge |
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ROUNDUP: Trump bezeichnet die Europäische Union als Feind So fahren Sie auch in volatilen Börsenphasen tolle Gewinne ein |
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Donald Trump: Neviem o nikom kto by ma mohol poraziť Zdá sa že si všetci želajú aby som vyhral ďalšie voľby |
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Sen Warner says more Americans should be in Trump-Putin meeting 11:16 AM ET CNN politics |
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Trump proposes biggest civil service change in 40 years – ‘Hire the best and fire the worst’ |
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The One Book Trump Supporters Should Probably Read But Almost Definitely Won’t |
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Trump’s Scotland Visit Met With More Protests |
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Largest Canadian Chain Yanks Ivanka Trump’s Clothing From Store Amid Trade Row |
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Trump Points the Finger at Obama |
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EU Leader Responds to Trump ‘Foe’ Comment: ‘Whoever Says We Are Foes Is Spreading Fake News’ |
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Trump félti Európát az idegen kultúrájú híreink |
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Watch Childish Gambino Perform Hits Address Trump At Lovebox Festival |
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Trump to Harley-Davidson: We’re working with motorcycle companies that want to move to US : Twin Peaks shootout forfeitures following path of criminal cases |
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Trump EU označil za sovražniconovice |
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Photos : Donald Trump : À peine arrivée au Royaume-Uni il humilie la Première Ministre ! |
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Trợ lý của ông Trump lo có biến bất ngờ trong |
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Trump poised for 2020 election run |
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Ausland May über Trump „Er hat mir gesagt: Verklag die EU“ |
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Après les invectives de Trump envers l’Allemagne au sommet de l’OTAN Merkel déclare l’Allemagne doit dépenser davantage pour la défense de l’OTAN |
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Sigmar Gabriel: Trump chce v Nemecku zmeniť režim! |
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Chineses ficam intrigados com“Provérbio” de Ivanka Trump |
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Letters: Opinion page too left-leaning and anti-Trump |
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Trump told me to sue the EU: May |
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Trump’s digs at culture in Europe draw ire |
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Donald Trump and Authoritarian Followers |
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Victims of Federal Overreach Pardoned by Trump |
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Trump hülyét csinált Mayből aztán meghökkentő magyarázatot adott |
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Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts runs surplus in January |
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Trump Isn’t Bothering to Disguise His Racism |
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Deberá AMLO mostrarse firme ante el reto Trump |
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Trump’s decision to eliminate role of cybersecurity czar rattles experts Here’s why |
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Reporters defend CNN’s Acosta after White House says he disrespected Trump with question |
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‘I hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to extradite indicted Russian agents Trump says |
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Endangered Blue Whale Illegally Slaughtered by Icelandic Whalers Claim Trump walking in front of the Queen will make you rage |
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Tổng thống Trump: Ông Putin không phải là kẻ thù của tôi |
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Trump calls the European Union a ‘foe’ of America |
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Disgruntled Protesters Just Interrupted Trump’s Scottish Golf Course Vacation amp It’s Perfect |
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La Nato dipende da quanto Trump riuscirà a trattenersi con Putin |
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‘How Dare You’: British Tabloid Rips Trump For ‘Smugly’ Sitting In Churchill’s Chair |
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Det sägs att 50 000 protesterade mot president Trump — av en befolkning på 65 miljoner en droppe i havet |
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CAN’T STUMP THE TRUMP: Ultra Cotton T-Shirt |
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Donald Trump’s UK Visit Stokes Brexit Crisis as Owen Jones and Lefty Luvvies Go Into Derangement Syndrome Meltdown |
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Prezident Trump povedal premiérke Mayovej aby zažalovala Európsku úniu a dal jej ďalšie rady |
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Trump tilda a Rusia UE y China de enemigos |
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Trump va candida pentru un nou mandat în 2020 presă |
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Trump’s Awkward Hand Holding With Theresa May Left Everyone Very Uncomfortable VIDEO |
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QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat |
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Putin Is A Competitor Not An Enemy- Trump Speaks |
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LOVE/HATE: Trump Praises UK’s May After Ripping Her in Interview |
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Donald Trump rompió el protocolo e incomodó a la Reina Isabel… |
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Jeezy Talks Trap or Die 3 Donald Trump Bankroll Fresh and Shawty Lo |
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Trump Picks Alex Jones As New Press Secretary |
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Piers Morgan Grovels To Trump |
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Trump to Levy Extra 200 Billion Dollar Tariff on Imports from China |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Going Viral |
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The Charlottesville White Supremacists that Donald Trump Keeps Defending aka The Good Ones on Both Sides |
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BREAKING: New Texts From Anti-Trump FBI Agents Mention ‘SECRET SOCIETY’ |
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Dennis Rodman weeps during CNN interview over President Trump and Kim |
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Trump’s Oval Office Brain Drain |
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Trump signs sweeping two-year budget deal – MILITARY FUNDED |
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메탈트럼프 Metal Trump 피어싱 |
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Oprah figure appears outside US Embassy in London during Trump visit 2 days ago Disney princesses reunite for their 1st birthday new |
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Trump confirma su intención de optar a la reelección en 2020: no hay rival entre los |
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Fearing Ugly Surprises Trump Aides Want Syria Off the Agenda at Putin Summit |
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Trump Putin ile özel zirvede bir araya 98 milyon lira unutuldu |
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Trump’s Supreme Choice |
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Jeb Bush Just Mocked Trump: “There Will Be ‘No Wall’” |
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Donald Trump – Mais um desinformador illuminati act |
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Trump told Britain to ‘sue’ European Union to speed Brexit Theresa May says – Washington Post |
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Trump očitao bolnu lekciju šefu Pfizera |
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New Gallop Poll Numbers Released It’s a New Record for Trump |
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FAKE News CNN Calling Trump a “Conspiracy Theorist” |
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Mientras Trump juega al golfEscocia se manifiesta |
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Trump: la UE es ahora un enemigo |
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Trump đổ lỗi cho Obama về phản ứng của Mỹ vụ Nga tấn công tin tặc |
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Give Donald Trump credit for this one thing he refused to do in Donald Trump credit for this one thing he refused to do in Britain |
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Dwight and Steven Hammond receive Trump pardon |
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Trump finally cleans up the Bill Clinton mess |
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Finding my Truth in a Spinning World of Trump and Media! |
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Sway Trump on climate change |
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Người dùng mạng xã hội bất bình với hành động của TT Trump khi duyệt đội danh dự với Nữ hoàng Anh Quốc |
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TT Trump thắc mắc vì sao Obama không hành động khi biết Nga can thiệp bầu cử |
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Başbakan Binali Yıldırım YPG’ye Silah Verilmesini Onaylayan Trump’a Tepki Gösterdi: Böyle Bir Şey Olabilir Mi Ya » |
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Santos le pidió a Trump que hable con Putin para que deje de apoyar a Maduro |
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Trump: „Menschen in Deutschland wenden sich wegen Migration gegen ihre Regierung“ |
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OPINION: The Problem With Trump’s Wrecking Ball Approach To NATO |
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Photos Inside the Singapore’s Hotel Where Trump and Kim Will Meet |
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Trump újra indulna az amerikai elnökségért és félti Európát a hírek |
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Trump’s Threatening to Curb Export of Iran Oil to Affect Whole RegionClose |
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Federal Judge Blasts Trump Admin in Border Policy Battle: Gov’t ‘Does Not Understand the Court’s Orders’ |
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Melania Trump obtuvo la residencia en EEUU con la visa Einstein |
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The Centrist Democrat: Can’t get past the love for those Trump voters |
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Did Trump Just Admit Deep State In Control Of DOJ- Podcast Episode 17 11-04-17 |
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MSNBC Claims Need for ‘Truth Teller’ at All Trump Appearances: ‘Nothing He Says Is True’ |
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Trump joue au golf en Écosse des milliers d’opposants dans la rue Entrevue avec Marc Portelance |
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Gipfeltreffen: Warum sich Trump und Putin ausgerechnet in Helsinki eingeweiht: Riesiges Radioteleskop blickt ins Herz der Milchstraße |
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Los príncipes Carlos y Guillermo no quisieron reunirse con Trump |
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Les couacs : Gare Sud de France – Quartier au Royaume-Uni Trump cogne dur sur ses alliés européens |
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When Are These People Going to Figure Trump Out |
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ABD’de NATO Zirvesi tartışılıyor: ‘Donald Trump silah ve petrol endüstrisinin satış elemanı gibi’Ak haber güncel haberler |
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Un démagogue ça trump énormément |
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Trump Told Me To Sue EU Says May |
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VA fires more than 500 feds under Trump even before new accountability law |
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Arnold Schwarzenegger:”I would be a better President than Trump…2020 wait for me DO YOU AGREE |
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Trump Administration Streamlines Veteran Medical Records |
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Donald Trump announces plans to buy New Mexico turn it into golf resort |
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Trump blames Obama for US response to hackers |
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Weekend Reading: Trump To Tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Gundlach Says Recession Comming |
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Do you think President Trump should meet as planned Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin |
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Donald Trump a încălcat protocolul și a dezvăluit ce a vorbit cu Regina Marii Britanii |
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Finland: Protesters Poised For Historic Trump-Putin Summit |
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PGR diz que Moro foi imparcial em todo o processo contra de Trump incomoda até os acomodados |
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Trump blitz su immigrati irregolari: migliaia di arresti in tutti gli Stati Uniti |
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Trump and Putin: the odd No 1 South indian movies dubbed in hindi Full movie 2018 new |
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Trump is Right: Illegal Alien Crime is Staggering in Scope and Savagery |
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Donald Trump REVEALS what Queen thinks about BREXIT during explosive interview |
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Sir Alan won’t be passing the sugar to Trump at Blenheim |
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Tara Dowdell: Trump says US contributes 90 to NATO The number is 22… |
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Trump ja Putin tapaavat Presidentinlinnassa – tapaamista isännöi Sauli Niinistö |
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Glasgow Trump protesters: ‘He’s a threat to world flaming bagpiper is sent to Dungavel after arriving in Scotland |
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Anão diplomático: o silêncio obsequioso de Aloysio diante das crianças brasileiras enjauladas por Trump |
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Nato ja Trump paiskasivat kättä varustelun EU on samanlainen poliittisen taistelun kenttä kuin kotimainenkin – vasemmiston pitää pystyä muuttamaan unionia |
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Feeling insulted Mexican to market ‘Trump’ toilet paper |
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Trump started an anti-immigrant hotline People are trolling it with tales of aliens |
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TRUMP NATO summit: Has Trump shifted US alliance in Europe |
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För mig skulle det vara en önskedröm att ha en ledare som president Trump brutalt ärlig och fullkomligt rakt på sak låter sig inte manipuleras och sätter alltid sitt folk och sitt land först En orädd president som bryr sig och sticker ut bland en generation av politisk humbug och liberala snöflingor |
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Trump Towers Delhi NCR |
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Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord |
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Donald Trump: US-UK trade deal ‘absolutely possible’ |
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DONALD TRUMP 45th President of the United States 2016 1 oz PURE SILVER AMERICAN US EAGLE in Deluxe Black Felt Coin Display Gift Box |
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USA a Británia by mohli dosiahnuť skvelú obchodnú dohodu po brexite tvrdí Trump |
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Galerija Britanska premijerka otkrila što joj je Trump savjetovao pa prijedlog ocijenila ‘prebrutalnim’ |
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De la sprijinul pentru Marine Le Pen în cadrul campaniei electorale la admirația pentru Emmanuel Macron Cum a ajuns liderul de la Palatul Elysee prietenul președintelui american Donald Trump |
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Tổng thống Trump nói về ông Putin: Tôi không hiểu rõ về ông ấy |
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Cumbre Trump-Putin tendrá lugar el 16 de julio en Helsinki |
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Trump meets Putin in Helsinki |
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Trump tamps down bombshell interview with UK tabloid apologizes to Prime Minister Larson talks with Kristin Gaspar about term limits and sanctuary state laws |
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Takimi Trump-Putin është ende në fuqi konfirmon Shtëpia e Bardhë |
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Trump ‘will raise election meddling with Putin’ |
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Technology Companies Protests Against Trump’s Travel Ban |
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Deutsche: Trump gefährlicher als Putin |
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A Group of 10000 Ranchers from Texas Pushing Back at Trump Say Hell No to the Insane Border Wall |
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Prévu demain à Helsinki : Poutine – Trump : un sommet sur fond de suspicions |
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Trump on aloittanut matkansa kohti Suomea HS seuraa hetki hetkeltä – suora lähetys välittää tunnelmat Helsinki-Vantaalta ja Kalastajatorpalta |
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MSNBC liberal tries to ruin Capitals’ celebration — because he can’t stand Trump |
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Bannon Aplogizes to Trump |
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ALSO: Man Charged Over Donald Trump Fly-By Protest |
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Viral Photo: Unclad Photos Of Donald Trump’s Wife |
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Top 5 Bombshells in IG Report Showing Massive Collusion Against Trump During 2016 Election |
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Trump scorns US media but just try being a journalist in North Korea or Mexico |
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Trump: Why allow immigrants from ‘shithole countries’ in Africa |
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Trump Tweets Hits Links Before High-Stakes Putin Meeting |
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Trump do të tradhtojë perëndimin – Ujdi para greminës politike |
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Here Are The 17 Prisoners Trump Has Freed Since He Took Office |
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News: Donald Trump to Nigeria – Killing Of Christians In Nigeria |
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Thousands Protest Across Scotland as Trump Plays Golf |
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Deportation orders up 31 nationwide under Trump |
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Le Président Donald J Trump annonce son intention de nommer des nouvelles personnes à des postes clés de son administration -carrefourmagcom |
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Fox amp Friends Quietly Deletes Tweet After Claiming Mueller Snared No One From Trump’s Campaign |
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Russia building up military sites on Poland’s border before Trump-Putin meeting |
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Trump Speaks On Abortion |
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If Trump Really Wants the Little Fat Boy to Give up His Nukes |
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An Offer they Can’t Refuse: Trump’s By Juan Cole 2 |
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: Trump will 2020 wieder zur Wahl antreten |
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Trump a încălcat protocolul dezvăluind ce crede regina Elisabeta despre |
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Encontro Trump diz que nada de ruim vai sair de reunião com Putin |
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ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory – due to Trump admin |
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‘Well below par’: Trump plays golf in Scotland as protests erupt |
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Trump vuole la guerra al Venezuela |
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UN amp Obama Fear Trump Trade Tariffs Jeopardizing The New World Order |
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The Truth About Trump From a Psychological Perspective 1220 upvotes |
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Anti-Trump paraglider who flew meters away from president arrested click to see stats |
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Melania et Donald Trump séjournent dans leur hôtel de luxe en Ecosse |
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What to Expect From Singapore Summit between Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un |
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Donald Trump Theologian |
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Trump: Brexit plan ‘will probably kill’ US trade deal – BBC News → |
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UK patriots play video of President Trump reading The Snake |
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Im Jahre 1 nach Trump – Werner Peters |
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The Abundant Benefits of Trump’s Federal Deregulation Video |
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Conspiracy Against the United States: Trump Treason Power Rankings 40 |
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Trump Staffer Forced Out After Daring to Stand up for Refugees |
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Up close and VERY personal with The Donald on Air Force One: DailyMailcom’s PIERS MORGAN finds out what Trump really thinks of Putin Brexit Kim Jong-Un and the Queen |
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President Trump Just Turned Every Face At NATO Pale With This Amazing Rant |
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Trump da solución para evitar inmigrantes separados: “no vengan” |
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Thank God for
President Trump 13 |
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Maine lawmakers speak out against Trump administration’s trade war and retaliatory lobster tariffs |
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Trump không kỳ vọng nhiều về hội nghị với Putin |
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Trump déteste les climatologues qui disent que les jours du charbon sont comptés Mais s’il peut licencier ses scientifiques il ne peut pas se débarrasser de nous! Aujourd’hui nous pouvons faire du pire cauchemar de Trump une réalité en annulant les contrats d’assurance du charbon ! Les plus grands assureurs se réunissent bientôt et ils envisagent de se retirer de ce secteur — aidons-les à franchir le pas! |
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Centro de Londres enche-se com protestos anti-Trump |
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Trump brings his chaotic road show to Britain blasts UK PM and London mayor |
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Noam Chomsky on the new Trump era – UpFront special: 25:30 mins |
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Trump Bodyslams The G7! |
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Trump diz que UE China e Rússia são inimigos dos EUA |
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No Evidence In Mueller’s Indictment Of 12 Russians – The Timing Of The Release Is Designed To Sabotage The Upcoming Trump-Putin Summit On Monday |
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Trump: I could beat Oprah in presidential election |
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Trump on ‘Fox amp Friends’: Maybe NFL Players Who Don’t Stand for Anthem ‘Shou |
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REPORT: Media Praises Spectacular Anti-Trump Protests at His Scotland Resort |
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Donald Trump’s Space Force and the True Threat from the Skies! |
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Trump and May hold a press conference |
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Donald Trump zapowiada reelekcję w kolejnych wyborach „Wygląda na to że… |
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President Trump made NFL players an offer — now they’re presenting one of their own |
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Premier May ujawnia co doradzał jej Trump w sprawie Brexitu To |
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Trump-Putin Summit To Go Ahead Despite Election Meddling Tensions |
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Russian lawyer at Trump Tower worked with government |
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Skotlands førsteminister om demonstrationer: Trump bør lytte til kritikken |
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// Ganz bittere // Zwischen Trump und Merkel |
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La política económica de Trump y la hora del purgante |
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Top tips for Donald Trump ahead of his Windsor Castle meeting |
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Netanyahu seeks support from Trump and Putin as Israel’s ‘free hand’ in Syria approaches its end |
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Dr Duke amp Mark Collett – Trump’s Anti-Immigration Tirade in Europe – That’s Why the ZioGlobalists Hate HIm – That’s Why We Support Him! |
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Trump toma té con la reina Isabel II y viaja a Escocia para jugar golf |
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Aqalka Cad: Trump Oo Safiir Cusub U Soo Magacaabay Soomaaliya |
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“Misión cumplida” dijo Trump tras bombardear Siria: el oro ni se inmutó |
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The Deep Truth Behind Why Trump Is President |
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‘We Are Not In A Position To Make Exceptions’: Pompeo Mnuchin Said To Reject Iran Sanctions Waivers In Letter To European With Inability To Triumph Over Inanimate Commodity Donald Trump Considers Tapping America’s Emergency Oil Supply Ahead Of What 58 Fund Managers With A Quarter Trillion In AUM Expect For Trade And The Fed |
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Should Trump attack NATO |
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Trump: UE trebuie să fie „foarte foarte atentă” în legătură cu imigraţia deoarece ea „pune stăpânire pe Europa” |
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The Alex Jones/Donald Trump Connection |
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Reading and vocabulary: How Donald Trump got rich: a tale of three and US political parties |
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Donald Trump warns EU it ‘WILL PAY big price’ if it doesn’t reduce trade barriers |
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Trump podría pedir a Putin que extradite a 12 hackers |
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Invité au Royaume-Uni Trump cogne dur sur ses alliés européens |
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Ông Trump sở hữu phiên bản độc nhất vô nhị loại kẹo khoái khẩu |
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Putin se cita con Trump en antiguo dominio ruso |
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US President Donald Trump arrives in Scotland amid protests |
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El regalo de Navidad de Trump para el Es |
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Alec Baldwin Goes On A Diet In Protest Of Trump |
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Trump Unwelcome reception in London |
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Trump vai tentar reeleição: parece que todos querem isso |
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Trump: Putin Could Give Me The City Of Moscow And “Enemy Of The People” Media Would Still Criticize Me |
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Trump Goes After CNN President ‘Little’ Jeff Zucker On Twitter |
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Manifestatie in Brussel: Trump nog steeds niet ‘Welcome’ |
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What Is The Future Of Marijuana Under The Trump Administration |
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Trump a indemnat-o pe Theresa May sa dea in judecata Uniunea Europeana pentru Brexit si sa nu negocieze cu Bruxelles-ul – VIDEO |
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Donald Trump UK visit: Live stream |
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Cuộc gặp thượng đỉnh Nga – Mỹ: Đảng Dân chủ đòi ông Donald Trump hủy gặp |
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Trump ontmoet koningin Elizabeth – op deze 8 manieren kan hij haar beledigen |
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Trump debería gobernar con respeto por los derechos |
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President Donald Trump refuses to take question from CNN reporter – Daily Mail |
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Trump Declares Crimea Takeover Would Not Have Happened on His Watch |
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Trump-Putin Stara miłość nie rdzewieje Spotkanie w Helsinkach |
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El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos ha estado tomando muestras de ADN de los niños inmigrantes que son separados de sus padres como parte de la política fronteriza del gobierno de Trump de “tolerancia cero” |
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Trump e Putin têm fim de semana ‘esportivo’ antes de cúpula delicada |
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Donald Trump deschide cutia Pandorei financiare- Adio credite ieftine în lei |
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Frankincense Found to Trump Ch… |
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Trump protesters |
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Alexander: Trump administration’s tariffs devastating to TN industries |
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Donald Trump “quân vô hí ngôn” Kim Jong-un già néo dễ đứt dây |
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Tell NBC: Dump Trump |
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Gaza artist takes on Trump Elon Musk contributed thousands to conservative PAC miccom |
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9 times Democrats were caught astroturfing Trump’s SCOTUS nominee |
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Empresa crea cerveza para celebrar la cumbre entre Putin y Trump |
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Trump gives federal agencies power to hire in-house judges |
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Judge tells US to Pay Costs of Reuniting Migrant March against Trump’s UK Visit |
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Melania Trump και Brigitte Macron : Κομψές και σικάτες στις Βρυξέλλες |
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Donald Trump Upsetting Cabal Controlled Press Failed To Bring Him Down… |
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Tearful Cory Booker Drops Scorching Rebuke of Trump Complicit GOP |
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Trump hat sich gegen TPP ausgesprochen Chance auf Ende von TTIP |
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POTUS Trump Announces SoftBank Boosting … |
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US President Donald Trump Obama Kim Kardashian And More Lose Millions Of Followers In Twitter Purge adminJul 15 2018Like |
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Donald Trump confirms North Korea summit with Kim Jong-un is back on for June 12 |
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British PM May says Donald Trump told her to sue the EU over Brexit |
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Trump: Iran to face ‘big big problems’ if violates nuclear deal |
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Trump blasts Harley-Davidson over production move |
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Donald Trump: Imi place puterea Twitter de a combate stirile false |
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Trump at Nato summit: ‘Germany is a captive of Russia’ |
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Dear Donald Trump You Will Always Be an Illegitimate President Just Grin And Bear It! |
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Fox News Busted for Quietly Deleting Tweet Claiming Mueller Hasn’t Nabbed Anyone from Trump’s Campaign |
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Trump’s Troubling Pick to Head Mental Health |
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Daawo-Kumannaan qof oo ka soo horjeeda booqashada Trump ee Britain ayaa isugu soo baxay jidadka London iyadoo madaxweynaha Mareykanka uu beeniyay in uu eedeeyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha UK |
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Villanylöket Győrben – Az Audi nem fél hogy Trump kibökné a kerekét |
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Prophecy Update: Trump’s Executive Order Removing Wall of Separation for Image of the Beast |
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President Donald J Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan |
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‘This Is Not of God’: When Anti-Trump Evangelicals Confront Their Brethren |
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Trump calls Strzok a “disgrace” claims Mueller probe hurting Russia relations |
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Do you think President Donald Trump will serve a second term |
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Boxer Undz TRUMP |
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As Trump Cozies Up to Saudi Arabia War With Iran Becomes More Likely |
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Trump calls EU a commercial enemy Says he did not think about finding Russian deliveries |
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Trump bebé llorón la estrella de las protestas en el Reino Unido |
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Real Time Trump |
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Las campañas pro Trump de Rusia también fueron difundidas por Google |
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Abia acum s-a aflat despre SFIDARE: Cum a fost UMILIT Donald Trump de Prinţii Charles şi William |
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Santos quiere que Trump convenza a Putin de quitar apoyo a Maduro |
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López Obrador lo hizo esperar y dio preferencias a mandatarios de la región pidió que Donald Trump no fuera el primero en la lista para conversar sino el octavo: LPO |
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The World According to Trump and Xi |
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Trump : Dehors les migrants sauf maman ! |
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Trump’s trade war: what is it and which products are affected |
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Trump újra indulna az amerikai elnökségért és félti Európát |
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Assange Offers Trump Indisputable Proof Russian Collusion Narrative Is A Lie If In Exchange For This One Thing |
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May Says Trump Advised Her to Sue the EU |
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Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End |
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Paragliding Trump protester charged with airspace offence |
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Trump rät Großbritannien die EU verklagen |
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DONALD TRUMP 45th President 1976 Bicentennial IKE Eisenhower Genuine Dollar Coin with Premium Display Box |
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Q-Anon Revelations Trump Era Awakening Explained As 2017 Concludes- Podcast Episode 27 12-31-17 |
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Smoking gun July 27 2016 Trump said: ‘Russia if you’re listening’ Submitted By Meryl Ann Butler |
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Proteste în Scoția cu ocazia vizitei lui Donald Trump Mii de oameni au manifestat pe străzile din Edinburgh şi în apropierea staţiunii de golf unde președintele SUA îşi petrece weekendul |
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US-Wahlen „Sehe keinen der mich schlagen kann“ – Trump will 2020 erneut Umfrage Das Thema Zuwanderung ist bei den Deutschen auf Platz 13 |
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Trump May and ‘fake schmooze’: today’s front pages |
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Final House and Senate GOP Tax Reform Bill For Trump Tax Changes in 2018 and 2019 |
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May Says Trump Told Her to ‘Sue the EU’ in Brexit Talks |
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ECLECTIC RANT: On Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaughto the US Supreme Court |
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The Donald Tromper – The Trump Male Romper |
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Donald Trump: ‘Everyone Wants Me To’ Run Again In 2020 |
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2016 Presidential 1 Dollar Colorized GOLDEN-HUE 6-Coin Set Living President Series – Carter HW Bush Clinton Bush Obama Trump |
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Sin ropa más de cien mujeres protestaron contra Donald Trump |
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Trump leaves UK |
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Le gaffe di Trump con la Regina: deve prenderlo lei per mano |
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El falso proteccionismo y bilateralismo de Trump |
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Trump kërcënon me dalje nga NATO |
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VIDEO Kevin Bacon Saying ‘We Are Blessed To Have Donald Trump As Our President’ |
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EPA leadership under Trump: From the frying pan into the fire |
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Trump taunts Scottish protests |
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Fiori di pace tra Kim e Trump |
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A solução de Trump para o Brexit: processem a UE |
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US Subpoenas Icahn Over Biofuel Policy Renewable Fuel Standard While Trump Adviser |
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Pound to euro exchange rate improves ahead of Donald Trump visit to the UK |
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L’administration Trump : Nous pouvons garder les prisonniers de Guantanamo enfermés pendant 100 ans Huffington Post |
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Trump is right about LNG So let’s make a deal Editorial |
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Trump knocks Harley-Davidson again says administration working to bring other motorcycle companies to the US |
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Alexander: Trump administration’s tariffs devastating to TN WSMV |
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Adult film star talked affair with Trump in 2011 interview |
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Laura Ingraham Hits Trump Over His Interview With The Sun: ‘A Ridiculous Mistake’ |
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Vì Donald Trump Fox News gây thù chuốc oán với CNN và cộng đồng báo chí Mỹ |
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– Trump er farligere enn Putin |
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Trump: Nie taki azbest straszny jak o nim mówią |
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Így tüntettek az agynémák Trump ellen Londonban GALÉRIA |
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Trump juega golf mientras miles protestan en su contra en Escocia |
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May: Trump riet mir beim Brexit zur Klage gegen die spielend begreifen |
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Immigration en Europe : Trump humilié publiquement par la première ministre |
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Trump will nochmal antreten |
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Trump anula norma que permitía a estudiantes transexuales elegir baño |
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Fearing Ugly Surprises Trump Aides Need Syria Off the Agenda at |
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Trump: A Russian Stooge as President of USA! |
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Ilhan Omar First Somali-American State Lawmaker: Trump’s SOTU was “Disgusting” amp |
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Maxine Claims Trump is ‘JEALOUS’ and Who It is Will Have You in HYSTERICS |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump told me |
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Edward Snowden Responds To Reports That Russia Wants To ‘Gift’ Him To Donald Trump: ‘I Am Not Afraid’ |
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Amid Trump’s Tensions With NFL and NBA Players NHL’s Capitals Celebrate Stanley Cup Win With Ivanka and contestants stumped when asked question about Mueller probe |
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Editorial: Trump’s testy tough talk to NATO on point |
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El candidato de la Corte Suprema de Donald Trump ayudó a defender el Obamacare |
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Donald Trump powalczy o reelekcję |
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Trump Budget Reveals Significant Cuts to Coast Guard Homeland Security Veterans Furious |
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ZERO HEDGE: ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Has Reached Epidemic Proportions |
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Crean en Finlandia cerveza para conmemorar cumbre Trump-Putin |
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Trump: la Unión Europea es ahora un enemigo |
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The 11 Weirdest Bits From That Piers Morgan Interview With Donald Trump |
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Trump’s North Korea diplomacy aims to contain China |
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Trump újra indulna 2020-ban |
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EU-Konterzölle – Die richtige Antwort für Trump |
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With Bolton and Pompeo Trump pushes for war |
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¡Gran final de la Copa del Mundo! Se preparan bares y restaurantes de la ciudad para atender a exhortan a tomar precauciones en época vacacional mira AQUÍ algunos Trump: Separación de familias es parte de un plan más genera éxito gracias a la serie de final de ‘Luis Miguel’ |
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Gipfel in Helsinki: Trump gibt sich vor Treffen mit Putin locker – „Ich gehe nicht mit hohen Erwartungen hin“ |
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Should President Trump go ahead with the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday |
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Trump: 2805013k tweets talking about this in the last 24 hours |
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Prinţii Charles şi William nu au dorit să-l întâlnească pe Donald Trump |
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Trump-Kim summit Singapore Sentosa Capella facts |
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Watch’Well below par’: UK paraglider charged for flying banner over Trump golf resort |
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Regresan las parodias de Donald Trump a Saturday Night Live – Despierta con Loret |
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Russian hackers indicted ahead of Trump-Putin meet |
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Lavrov répond à Trump et Macron sur les accusations contre la Russie |
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Americans Applauding After Prince Charles And Prince William Snub Trump In True British Fashion click to see stats |
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Trump jugó al golf en Escocia donde lo recibieron con grandes protestas |
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President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform Push |
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Trump secures release of American Prisoners from North Korea |
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President Trump Supports Hard-Brexit |
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South Park Season 21 Gets A Release Date Will Steer Clear From Trump |
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Border measures part of President Donald Trump’s bigger immigration crackdown |
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Trump tunnistas Putinile oma töötajate toimus Venemaa eriväelaste õppus |
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Trump’s American Dream: You’ll Have to Be Asleep to Believe It |
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Michael Roberts looks at the likely end result of Trump’s new tariffs |
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Trump Gauland und Seehofer Die Diagnose Vorsicht vor der WHO |
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Trump must dump anti-affordable energy UN/EPA agreement |
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SDA News – Trump gives SDA Health Award |
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Joy Behar Says the Dumbest Thing Ever About Trump’s SCOTUS Pick |
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Las batallas de Donald Trump contra la |
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California midterm shaping up as a referendum on Trump |
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Merkel sobrevive a Seehofer luego a Trump |
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Norvegjia i përgjigjet kërkesës së Trump premton të rrisë shpenzimet për plani rusët punuan për të rrëzuar Aleksis Tsipras |
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Velký twitterový očistec Babiš Trump Rihanna i papež František ztratili miliony followerů |
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Trump tariffs causing pain in two of Tennessee’s largest Ag sectors |
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Wimbledon 2018: Kevin Anderson Didn’t Win His Match Against John Isner He Fears Trump Will Be No Match for Putin in Helsinki |
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Watch: Baby Trump Balloon Flies Over Parliament Square |
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DONALD TRUMP 45th President 1976 Bicentennial IKE Eisenhower Genuine Dollar Coin |
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Trump tariffs could dent economic growth president should meet with China’s Xi Kevin Brady says |
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CNN star Jim Acosta shamed at Trump rally as crowd chants ‘Go home Jim’ |
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Police arrest paragliding Trump protester |
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Trump før møde med Putin: Overvejer at spørge til udlevering af 12 tiltalte russere |
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Die Groupies von Trump und Putin – Europas Rechtsnationale |
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Trump says he has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting |
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Donald Trump y sus cuatro reglas para la guerra comercial |
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Theresa May estende a mão a Trump para pacto “sem precedentes” após no Japão: brasileira leva filho a hospital e encontra marido morto ao voltar para casa |
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Tensión antes de la cumbre Trump-Putin por las acusaciones de un jefe de inteligencia de EEUU |
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Report: Prince Charles Prince William Refused to Meet Donald Trump in |
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Donald and Melania Trump on Friday visited Windsor Palace for tea |
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Trump’s budget to include paid family leave – CNNPolitics |
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Ivanka Trump Offers You Her Nipples |
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Trump Refuses to Call Putin a Foe: ‘I Really Can’t Say Right Now’ |
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Pakistan takes revenge with trump strict travel restrictions imposed on US |
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President Trump announces Supreme Court nominee |
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La Cancion De Donald Trump |
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Theresa May: Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue sulla Brexit |
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A Twitter Survey Shows That King Salman Is The Most Influential Leader In The World Even Ranking Higher Than Trump |
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17 Austrian Identitarians to Be Prosecuted Under ‘Mafia Law’ Accused of Being Criminal Organisation First Trump-Putin Summit is Crucial for Entire World |
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LA VENDETTA DELLA MAY – Trump mi ha detto di fare causa all’Ue sulla Brexit |
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Handelsstreit: Trump bezeichnet die EU Russland und China als Feinde |
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Britain greets Trump with protests ‘Trump Baby’ Angry Balloon |
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Trump criticises Obama over US 2016 election hack |
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Why did Trump pull the US from the UN Human Rights Council |
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Donald Trump presidente de Estados Unidos |
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Trump intends to run for re-election in 2020 says ‘everybody wants me to’ |
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UPDATE: CBS Breaks Trump Tax-Fraud BOMBSHELL Trump Stunned! |
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May: Trump më tha të padisë BE-në 2 orë më herët |
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Trump a NATO-ban is új játékszabályokat vezetne be |
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Previo a juzgar a Donald Trump los líderes de la OTAN habrán de examinar sus propias conductas |
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Climate/Energy Statism: An Inside Conversation Part I: pre-Trump plans that went awry |
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Trump: ‘great job!’ |
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Brexit Plan Will Kill US Trade Says Trump |
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Trump Refuses to Take Question From Jim Acosta: ‘CNN Is Fake News I Don’t Take Questions From CNN’ |
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Video: Trump Abandons Protocol Twice During His Royal Visit |
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Finnish craft brewery creates quirky beer ahead of Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki |
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In Trump’s rise the fall of American democracy |
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Arelis R Hernández: «Estados Unidos no es tan diferente ahora de como era antes de Trump» |
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Mantiene Trump bajas expectativas con Putin |
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Trump Says He Sees The European Union As A ‘Foe’ Of US |
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Trump laudă forţa Twitter de a lupta împotriva ‘ştirilor false’ |
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Newspaper Masterfully Trolls Trump Ahead Of Visit amp He Is Going To Freak Out |
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Trump urges Nato to double military funding target |
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Russia’s Wars and Trump |
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Αυτή η εμφάνιση της Melania Trump στο Λονδίνο κάτι μας θύμισε! |
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Trump csak „némi jót” vár Putyintól |
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G Herbo Shares His Thoughts on Pres Obama Donald Trump |
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Trump y Putin: agenda y qué esperan USA y Rusia de importante reunión |
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Presidente Trump Afirma Que Inmigrantes Deberían Ser Deportados Sin Presentarse Ante Un Juez |
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El mensaje xenófobo del payo Trump le aúpa a la Casa Blanca |
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Tổng thống Trump: di dân đang thay đổi văn hóa của Châu Âu |
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President Trump calls Jim Acosta ‘actually a nice guy’ but Chris Cuomo isn’t satisfied |
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Trump escogió a Kavanaugh porque éste promete protegerlo del FBI |
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Donald Trump boards plane after four-day visit to UK |
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Nouă gafă a lui Trump Ce a dezvăluit din discuţia cu regina |
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How to Legally Travel to Cuba in 5 Easy Steps After Trump Changes |
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Hij is nog lang niet klaar: Donald Trump gaat voor tweede termijn |
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La victoria de Obrador en México es una oportunidad para que Trump termine con la guerra contra las drogas |
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US-Präsident Donald Trump will 2020 wieder antreten |
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‘Immigration Is Good Climate Change Is Real I Love Trump’ |
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The Joint Statement signed by President Trump and Kim Jong Un |
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KBV-Chef will Strafgebühr für Bagatell-Patienten in der Annen vor Trump-Putin-Gipfel besorgt |
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Hegel on Donald Trump’s “Objective Humor” |
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Trump Putin yolunda |
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Magyarországgal példálózott Trump a bevándorlás ügyében |
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Stephen Colbert Basically Calls Donald Trump an Agent of Russia |
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NRKs bildevalg i Trump-saker er avslørende og beregnende |
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Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulates Donald Trump |
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There Really Is Collusion Between Trump and Putin |
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Trump Breaks Royal Protocol By Walking Ahead Of The Queen Forgot To Wait For Her VIDEO |
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Protest against Trump’s immigration ban |
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Trump has ‘low expectations’ for sit-down with Putin |
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Világbajnok a magyar junior női emlegette Trump aki újraindul az elnöki posztért |
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President Trump blames Barack Obama for Russian cyber attack on Democratic email servers |
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Tens of thousands of anti-Trump marchers gather in Time to Check Fake News Disinformation and Misinformation The Time Bomb Of Fake News Phenomenon |
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Another birthchart for Donald Trump courtesy of Alphee Lavoie |
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Trump poderá pedir a Putin que extradite hackers russos |
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Trump Is Choosing Eastern Europe |
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Majoritatea germanilor consideră că Trump este o ameninţare mai mare decât Putin |
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ANSWER to who had more fake Twitter accounts Obama Clinton or Trump |
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Macron: France Convinced Trump to Maintain Troops in Syria Long Term |
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Trump says Britain must get Brexit ‘carve out’ for US trade deal |
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Transgender soldier to attend Trump’s State of the Union speech |
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Thousands Protest Against Trump In Edinburgh March VIDEO |
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Why Do People Support Donald Trump |
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El incendiario consejo de Trump a May por el Brexit |
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Trump faces fresh legal woes |
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India invites President Trump to be Chief Guest at 2019 Republic |
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Sue the European Union – Donald Trump’s advice to Theresa May |
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Trump to leave UK after two-night stay – Stats |
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Trump lässt Queen hinter sich herumtänzeln – siehe auch Pyakin |
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Chinese Energy deal moves ahead despite Trump tariffs |
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Trump diz não ter grandes expectativas para cimeira com Putin na Finlândia |
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5 ways the Trump-Putin meeting can weigh oil prices |
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Sanders to Trump: Instead of Telling Europe To Buy More Guns Like US “Why Don’t We Join Them in Guaranteeing Health Care to All’ |
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Babiš a Zeman jsou děti štěstěny bujará léta ale končí a hlavní nepřítel je Trump tvrdí ekonom |
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В Шотландии выступили против политики Трампа прямо на территории гольф-клубов Trump Turnberry и Trump International Golf Links |
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Press Conference by President Trump After G7 Summit |
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Hotuna dake yawo kan yanar gizo cewa Trump ya taka masallacin harami da takalmi ga yadda abin yake |
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Trump’s Tax Returns |
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Opinion: How will Trump deal with Putin in Helsinki |
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These American Presidents Were Just as Controversial as Donald Trump |
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Ron Paul: ¿Por qué el plan de aislamiento de Irán de Trump puede ser contraproducente |
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In response to Trump’s trade war the Senate starts to assert authority over trade |
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Court Evangelical Paula White is the Latest to Use the Bible to Defend Trump’s Immigration Policies |
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Rihanna protestiert für die Frauenrechte vor dem Trump Tower |
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Joe Jonas Voices Support For Protests Against Donald Trump |
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Mujer que se parece a Trump se vuelve viral |
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Trump breaks royal etiquette walks in front of Queen |
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As Trump Goes Nuclear On Iranian Oil Europe Must Match His Brinkmanship |
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Late summer 2017: Sessions blithely sweeps past Trump’s ire |
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Hold the Nobel Prize: Kim Is Setting a Trap for Trump |
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Ciudadanos escoceses manifiestan su repudio hacia Trump |
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Trump első csapása: ebbe beleremeghet a világ – és ez még csak a kezdet |
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Nato ja Trump paiskasivat kättä varustelun seksuaalinen tasa-arvo ei toteudu |
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3 Michigan men cross Lake Superior by charged in Trump resort flight Finns demonstrate |
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Revue De Presse Du 13 Juillet 2018 Avec Ahmed Trump torpille le projet de Theresa May |
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Trump’s Broadside Against Germany at NATO Finds Some Republican Support |
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Dems call on Trump to cancel Putin summit after Russian hacking que vous ne savez pas sur Chloé routeurs maillés sans fil 2018: les meilleurs systèmes de réseau Wi-Fi pour les grandes maisons |
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Trump’tan May’e Tavsiye |
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Donald Trump Needs To Go Or Be Impeached! |
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O Presidente dos EUA Donald Trump e sua esposa Melania recebem Emmanuel Macron Presidente da França e sua esposa Brigitte para um Jantar Oficial de Gala na Casa Branca que contou com 120 Personalidades entre os Convidados Rupert Murdoch e sua esposa Jerry Hall Tim Cook CEO da Apple Christine Lagarde Bernard Arnault diretor da LVMH e Ivanka Trump e o marido Jared Kushner |
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Watch: Trump holds news conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May after he attacked Brexit plan |
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Alyssa Milano declares Trump ‘incapable of acting like a human being’ after walking in front of queen |
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Part of our goal is to take a highly-technical complex process and make it effortlessHow See below for an example of the workflow for our Donald Trump database |
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President Trump Declassifies and Releases JFK Files |
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A liberal sides himself with Trump |
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Kim schreibt Trump Dankesbrief |
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Sadiq Khan Slammed By Critics for “Embarrassing” Feud with Trump as London Faces Influx of Knife-Related Crime |
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Trump: La Ue è un nostro nemico Incredibile ma vero |
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A Real Nuclear Triumph for Trump: Extend New START |
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President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President |
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The Putin-Trump meeting Putin already has the Upper Hand By Tariq AlShammari |
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HYSTERIA: Conspiracy Nut Adam Schiff Calls For Trump To Cancel His Meeting With Putin |
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Canada Introduces Temporary Public Policy For Foreign Nationals Impacted By US President Trump’s Executive Order |
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Trump dice que la Unión Europea es ahora un enemigo |
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Trump announces cancellation of Minnesota mineral withdrawal at Duluth rally |
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Associated Press: What Trump and Putin hope to achieve at Helsinki summit |
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White House Insiders: Donald Trump Attacking His Own SCOTUS Pick Neil Gorsuch As Liberals Celebrate |
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ÚLTIMA HORA: Corte Suprema de EEUU Corte Suprema confirma prohibición de viajes de Trump |
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It’s Official: You’re Paying for Trump’s Wall |
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Trump Putin Summit 16 July 2018: Importance of Discussion On Nuclear Arms Control |
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WATCH Theresa May: Donald Trump told me to sue the EU |
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January 30 2016 Donald Trump vs Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump Two Americas And The Tale Of Two American Flags And |
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Trump BOMBED at NATO Even The New York Times doesn’t think so |
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Trump Runs for Cover as Paraglider Buzzes Feet From Him in Scotland |
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El gobierno de Donald Trump anunció a las cuatro empresas que |
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Trump’s America – what does a President Trump say about you Restless Anxiety available now! |
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David Cay Johnston: Trump’s UA – ways to fix a dishonest system |
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Trump tilnefnir Brett Kavanaugh í Hæstarétt |
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Trump: UE to jeden z największych wrogów USA |
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US: Trump Slams Fed-Created ‘Stock-Bubble’ Zerohedge |
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Ca sỹ Katy Perry mất 28 triệu follower Tổng thống Trump mất 300 nghìn follower trên Twitter chỉ trong 1 đêm |
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Trump to Aides: ‘Why Can’t We Simply Invade Venezuela’ |
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Ikomplu t-tħejjijiet għas-summit bejn Vladimir Putin u Donald Trump |
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Trump Flouts Rules Uses Forbidden Golf Cart at Turnberry |
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Ellen DeGeneres’ New Campaign Advocates Against Trump’s Decision To Permit Elephant |
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PRESIDENTE ELECTO DE MEXICO Envía a Trump su propuesta para mejorar relaciones Pompeo secretario de Estado de EE UU se reúne con López Obrador |
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Trump amp Putin: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver HBO |
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Donald Trump ‘Owned’ By Russia ‘For Many Years’ Says ‘Art Of Deal’ Ghostwriter Calls |
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Donald Trump meets with his handler |
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Trump’s Breakfast at NATO |
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Iran role in Syria key item at Trump-Putin summit |
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Los lazos económicos entre China y Estados Unidos han sido el foco de atención global de los últimos tiempos La aplicación de aranceles por parte del gobierno de Trump dio un nuevo paso en la disputa El sector tecnológico y la IA en el centro del de supermercado del mundo a vivir de propinas y changas Mientras un sector de Cambiemos reconoce la crisis el radicalismo de Alfredo Cornejo es ridiculizado En el Congreso Nacional se da prioridad a una agenda social de amplio en la nada |
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Trump: Jag ställer upp i valet 2020 – alla vill det |
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George Kush Da Button: Don’t Pass Trump The Blunt |
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Trump se reúne con la reina Isabel II de Inglaterra |
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Un “bebé Trump” sobrevuela Londres |
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Trump pressured him to |
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15 photos de Melania que Donald Trump préférerait que l’On Oublie |
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Robert Mueller just proved he’s out to get Trump with this announcement |
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Trump Calls the European Union a ‘Foe’: Look at ‘What They Do to Us in Trade’ |
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President Trump May Tap Into Nation’s |
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Trump Refuses To Take Questions From CNN |
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President Trump Pardons Legendary Black Boxer |
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Trump Exposes Brexit Betrayal by Globalists |
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Knifflige Regeln Diese Regeln muss Trump beim Queen-Besuch beachten |
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Is America great again Trump’s first year in office |
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Con su proteccionismo Trump pone al mundo al borde del pánico |
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Great To Have Trump Stirring Up The Deep State |
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Momento incómodo: Trump rompe el protocolo y confunde a la reina Isabel II |
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POLL: Do You Support Trump In Canceling Funding For Obama’s Free House And Library Click To Vote |
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UK Government Preparing for Anti-Trump Protests as If London Was Burning Down |
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Demonstracja w Helsinkach przed szczytem Trump-Putin |
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Ted Rall: Trump’s Handling of Asylum Seekers Is Awful And Democrats Made It Worse |
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Thông tin chi tiết về cuộc gặp Putin – Trump ngày 16/7 |
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Trump-inspired AF1 makeover might appear to be this |
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Sen Booker: Trump’s relationship with Putin is ‘disturbing’ |
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Trump legyőzhetetlennek tartja magát újra fog indulni a választáson |
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Protestan contra Trump previo a reunión AMLO-Pompeo |
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Trump blasts Prime Minister Theresa May in interview published during his first official visit to Britain |
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Etats-Unis: Donald Trump va rencontrer Angela Merkel en marge du sommet de l’Otan |
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Concerns about the afterlife in this life with Trump |
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SINGER: Two good ones for and against Trump |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t 98 |
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Trump EU označil za sovražnico |
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Trump ponownie psuje nastroje |
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Inside Donald Trump’s Shady Scheme to Keep Jon Bon Jovi from Buying the Buffalo Bills |
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President Trump Just Hit Obama With Fire And Fury |
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Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Already Lower than Nixon’s During Watergate |
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TT Trump bị chỉ trích vì phớt lờ Nữ hoàng nước Anh 27 |
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Trump disse que apoia proposta migratória da Câmara |
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Time dedica portada a Trump y cuestiona: ¿qué tipo de país es EU |
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Washington Post: Trump says he hadn’t thought of asking Putin to extradite indicted Russian agents |
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‘Todos quieren que me reelija’dice Trump |
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Only Trump could go to North Korea |
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Here’s What You Need to Know About Trump’s Supreme Court Calendar |
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Trump says British PM Theresa May an ‘terrific woman’ |
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Un juez de California critica al Gobierno de Trump por no acelerar la reunificación de las familias inmigrantes |
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Donald Trump Breaks Royal Protocol During Meeting With Queen |
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Les partisans de Trump s’attaquent par erreur à un restaurant ontarien |
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Asian Company Invest In America As Trump Takes Office |
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Visita de Trump a Londres |
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Ausland US-Präsident in Großbritannien Prinz Charles und Prinz William brüskieren Trump |
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News Related Videos On: ‘I do trust him’: Trump reflects on Kim meeting |
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Trump calls EU an amp 39 enemy amp 39 commercial He says he had not thought of looking for Russian extraditions |
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Ejemplo simple: El iPhone muestra por qué la guerra comercial de Trump contra China es inútil |
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¿Trump está desesperado por caerle bien a Putin |
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Game Over: Trump Just Made Public One Thing That James Comey Never Wanted Getting Out |
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El presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump anunció que los inmigrantes deberán ser deportados “inmediatamente” sin presentarse ante un juez ni pasar por el debido proceso En una serie de tuits de carácter xenófobo Trump escribió: “No podemos dejar que toda esta gente invada nuestro país |
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Trump blames Obama for not preventing… |
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Trump diz que União Europeia China e Rússia são inimigos dos Estados Unidos – fonte: 24 |
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Trump Fosters the Illegitimate Children of an Inadequate Congress |
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How Trump’s ‘America First’ Attitude Put Britain Second |
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Trump told me to sue the EU ―Theresa May |
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Theresa May hopes Donald Trump visit will boost… |
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Theresa May Denies Trump’s Claim that Immigration Changing fabric of Europe |
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Politik: May: Trump riet mir beim Brexit zur Klage gegen die EU |
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Report 3: A great day as 250000 march against Trump in London |
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Trump Ridiculed London’s Muslim mayor |
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An Open Letter to Donald Trump |
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La réponse de Donald Trump au salut militaire d’un général Nord-Coréen indique que le président américain respecte l’etiquette et le sens de l’honneur militaires |
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Reacții și o scurtă analiză după ultimul interviu al președintelui american Donald Trump |
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Bolton: It’s ‘silly’ for Trump to demand extradition of Russian intelligence officers |
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VIDEO – The pellet of Donald Trump with the Queen Elizabeth II it has violated the protocol |
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President Kiska Informed Trump about Purchase of F-16 Fighter kultúrny dom v Nižnej Kamenici čaká na svoj osud |
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Trump in Europe — American and news from Arutz Sheva |
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Americans Applauding After Prince Charles And Prince William Snub Trump In True British Fashion – Stats |
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Demonstranter trotsade värmeböljan för att lyfta frågor som Trump och Putin skyfflar under mattan |
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President Trump’s executive order will undo Obama’s Clean Power Plan rule |
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Trump nominee may provide conservative advantage for decades |
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Trump must be careful in summit with Putin |
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Colorlines As President Donald Trump prepares to announce his Supreme Court nominee here’s why the amendment’s promise of “equal protection of the laws” still matters |
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Trump Says He Sees The European Union As A ‘Foe’… |
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Preşedintele Columbiei îi cere lui Trump să vorbească cu Putin să nu-l mai sprijine pe Nicolas Maduro |
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Starlito amp Don Trip Talk Music Trump and Free Speech |
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Trump gun plan to include provisions ‘hardening’ schools |
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London: Bürgermeister Sadiq Khan verhindert Pro-Trump Kundgebungen |
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Treffen von Trump und Putin Die drei wichtigsten Theorien zu Trumps auffälliger Russlandnähe |
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Ivanka Trump creates new World Bank initiative to foster Entrepreneurship among Women |
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Trump Administration Announces ‘Extreme Vetting’ Plans |
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Trump: ‘We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values’ |
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Donald Trump assume intenção de se recandidatar à presidência dos EUA em 2020 |
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I’ve been riding Harleys for 60 years Trump’s tweets won’t change that or Harley:Harley-Davidson Museum Celebrates 10 Years |
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Arts and fear impacts of trade war but hold back from blaming Trump |
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Mỹ trấn an Đồng minh sau khi TT Trump gieo hoảng sợ ở Thượng đỉnh NATO |
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Las 4 polémicas declaraciones de Trump en Reino Unido |
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Câmara não aprova proposta migratória apoiada por Trump |
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Donald Trump blocks Queen Elizabeth’s way at official function |
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Trump’s Treasury Secretary is an Artificial Intelligence Denier |
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Russian ‘Reset 20’: What Putin Wants From Trump At Helsinki Summit |
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Trump Says Putin Is ‘Probably’ Ruthless But Defends Him Anyway |
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California Farmers Face Challenges in Wake of Trump Administration Deportation Policy |
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Trump amp Davos – Americanism amp The False Libertarian / AltRight Dialectic – Jay Dyer Half |
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Trust Trump to be the shifty immoral unethical creature he has shown himself to be |
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Donald Trump: Nie widzę nikogo kto mógłby mnie pokonać |
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Trợ lý của ông Trump lo “có biến bất ngờ” trong thượng đỉnh Mỹ – Nga |
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Trump quebra protocolo com rainha Elizabeth II e é criticado por gafes |
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Trump Removing DACA Will Affect All African-Americans As Well According To Federal And State Law |
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Njemačka: Svjetskom miru Trump je veća prijetnja nego Putin |
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Bethune-Cookman University President To Meet With President Donald Trump |
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Theresa May afirmă că Donald Trump o sfătuise să acţioneze în judecată UE în contextul Brexit |
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Donald Trump In Critical Condition After Choking on Own Bullshit |
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032218 – News Update: Pope Francis and Trump work Together to defend Human Freedom SUNDAY Law |
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Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson Will Be First to Interview Trump After Putin Summit |
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Trump forced Harley-Davidson to move some of its production out of US |
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— Ego tripped: How to use Trump’s personality disorder — |
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Trump destapa su intención de reelegirse en 2020 |
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El horror del EEUU de Trump: Niños migrantes se enfrentan solos a juicios por deportación |
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L’éclipse royale entre Donald Trump et Elizabeth II qui scandalise la toile |
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Donald Trump ameninţă că va cere ţărilor NATO să-și plătească restanţele către Statele Unite |
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Panorama l’America di Trump vista dai “diversi” |
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Trump hizo lo que quiso y rompió el protocolo en su encuentro con la |
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Trump tweets hits hyperlinks earlier than high-stakes Putin assembly |
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Donald Trump’s Worst Nightmare: IRS Signaled Full Compliance Turned Team Trump Financial Data over to Mueller |
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Tensión antes de la cumbre Donald Trump – Vladimir Putin por |
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Trump a transmis pe Twitter de la Summit-ul NATO exact ca |
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BOOM! Trump HUMILIATES CNN’s Jim Acosta In Front Of ENTIRE World |
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As the World Cup winds down and the summit nears Trump is playing Putin’s game |
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Helsinki se prepara para el cara a cara entre Trump y Putin |
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MAMON – Latinos VS Donald Trump short film cortometraje |
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London: Heftige Proteste gegen Trump |
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Trump advised Theresa May to sue the EU |
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Presiden Terpilih Donald Trump Dijadikan Jimat Keberuntungan Di Jepang |
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Trump asegura que busca la reelcección para el 2020 |
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Donald Trump: European Union is a foe on trade |
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Trump will nochmal bei Wahl antreten |
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Making Movies in Donald Trump’s America |
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Alto funcionario de EEUU revela que Trump planteo el 2017 in… |
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America Is a Joke to The World and Trump Is The Punchline! |
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Robert Mueller indicts 12 Russian Intelligence officers of hacking the 2016 US election just days before Trump meets Vladimir Putin |
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Trump to Allow Mandatory Drug Testing for Food Stamp Recipients |
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Trump aconselhou primeira-ministra britânica a processar União Europeia |
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Donald Trump Becomes 12th US President to Meet the Queen as He Arrives with Wife at Windsor Castle |
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Trump’s Economy Is So Hot Employers Are Experiencing An Odd Problem |
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Trump Is Inviting Strategic Disaster In Central Asia |
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We All Know Trump Knew and Benefited! |
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Chrissy Teigen Launches New Body Glow and Lipgloss Talks Daughter Luna’s Makeup 250000 Turn Out to Protest Trump in London |
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Legal Services Corp Eliminated by Trump Budg |
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Ky djalosh ka kaq shumë dëshirë ta takojë Donald Trump |
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No Man Is Above the Law in the USA: That Includes President Trump |
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Trump’s tough NATO talk plays well on eastern flank |
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El ministro que cayó por la visita de Trump regresa al gobierno de México como canciller |
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Donald Trump MOCKED and HUMILIATED for White House Twitter BLUNDER after UK visit |
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Former Navy Sailor Pardoned by Trump |
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Protestos marcam visita de Trump ao Reino Unido |
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North Korean TV: Kim Jong Un meets Donald Trump |
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O encontro entre Donald Trump e Kim Jong-Un: da guerra de palavras à diplomacia |
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Trump Golf Count: 121 |
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Is Trump an ‘effective leader’ |
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Journalists Are Calling Out Trump For Blocking John Bolton From Appearing On A CNN Interview |
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President Trump says he did not discuss abortion with Supreme Court |
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Anti Trump Protest Turns Deadly |
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Trump und Breitbart – Wo Naivität und Ignoranz zusammentreffen |
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Trump se úřadu nevzdá Chce vyhrát volby v roce 2020 |
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Trump’s Supreme Court Pick: ISPs Have 1st Amendment Right to Block Websites |
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To Trump or not to Trump A Fire and Fury Review |
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Para Trump el fracaso es la única opción |
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Bob Corker Attacks Trump with Likely Pointless Gesture in DC While POTUS is Traveling Overseas |
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Brits ask Blenheim Palace heir to ‘upskirt’ Melania as he live-streams Trump’s visit |
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WATCH: Donald Trump Spanks Immigration Whiners: “Don’t Like Our Laws Don’t Come Here!” |
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Trump újra indulna az amerikai elnökségért és félti Európát a |
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Melania Trump’s Outfit Meeting Queen — White Skirt amp Jacket – Hollywood Life |
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Hillary Clinton Loses Her Mind Over Trump Supreme Court Nominee… “They Want to Take Us Back to the 1850’s” |
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Trump’s Brexit Advice To Theresa May Revealed: ‘Sue The European Union’ |
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Trump twardo o relacjach z UE Rosją i Chinami |
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Søndagsfrokosten: Trump værnepligtige og unge kriminelle |
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Oči světa se obrací k Finsku Proč se Trump setká s Putinem… |
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Join Us For Trump Updates |
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Trump: meg kell mondani Putyinnak hogy ne avatkozzon be választásokba |
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NEWSLINK: “In Meeting With Putin Experts Fear Trump Will Give More Than He Gets” – New York Times/Mark Landler |
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Ni Big Mac ni papatas fritas: ¿Qué come Trump a bordo |
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Donald Trump amp Melania meet Queen Elizabeth II |
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The Last Year in Anti-Trump |
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Donald Trump – Kim Jong Un came together for an… |
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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin ja sotilasliittoon kuulumaton Suomi |
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Mayor Declares President Trump ‘Banned’ From His City Ahead of Upcoming UK Visit |
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L’impact de Trump sur l’épicerie |
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The Queen Welcomes President Trump amp First Lady Melania Trump To Windsor Castle For Tea |
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Trump rails against ‘Deep State’ blames Obama hacking response |
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We need a firmer position from Trump to get ‘weapons of war’ off the street: Rep Tim Ryan |
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Une manifestation pro-Trump à Londres réunit des milliers de soutiens du Président Américain |
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In Trump era American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years |
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Alemania avisa a Trump contra posibles acuerdos con Putin “a expensas |
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Obama Says Trump Misguided Over Trashed Iran Nuclear Deal |
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Trump Discloses Cohen Payment Raising Questions About Previous Omission |
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For Trump Everything Turns on 2018 |
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Maxine Waters: It Is Very Clear That Trump Is ‘Jealous of Obama’ |
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Trump’s policies are against Christian teaching – and that’s why Quakers across the UK will be protesting his visit |
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Trump sides with Rep Jim Jordan ‘100’ against claims Jordan ignored sex abuse allegations when he was wrestling coach |
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Trump Hit with ‘Yuge’ Summons Related to Massive Lawsuit for Violating the Constitution |
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Trump confía en que Kim Jong Un cumpla lo acordado pero |
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TT Trump rời Anh tới Phần Lan để gặp TT Putin |
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London Mayor Says He Won’t Lower Himself To Trump’s Level – Donald Goes Even Lower |
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Blame Obama for Russian hacking- Trump says |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a tebrik! |
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Faah-faahin Booqashada Madaxweyne Trump ee Dalka Britain iyo Mudaharaadyo Lagu Diidanyahay Booqashadiisa -Sawirro |
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TRUMP The Ultimate Troll Past Present and Future |
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Trump breaks record as worst US President |
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Donald Trump visited the golf course for the 127th time as President at Trump Turnberry in Scotland |
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Mark Cuban Defined Trump’s Entire Legacy with Two Words that Will Follow Him for the Rest of His Life |
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Why Donald Trump Avoids Talking About His Daughter Tiffany |
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Christopher Balding Bloomberg View: Trump’s tariffs hit China where it hurts |
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Las batallas de Donald Trump contra la lactancia materna |
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Trump Signs Healthcare Order Expands Choice and Access through associations |
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Lettre à D Trump B Netanyahou et M Abbas |
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Ontario renewables in the age of Donald Trump: |
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VIDEO Gregg Jarrett: Did the FBI and the Justice Department plot to clear Hillary Clinton bring down Trump |
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Richard Dolan: The Disclosure Movement and Donald Trump |
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Trump chce kandidovat ve volbách roku 2020 Zdá se že si to všichni přejí řekl |
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Caída histórica del peso mexicano ante el triunfo de Donald Trump |
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2nd Indian-American To Enter US measures part of Trump’s bigger immigration crackdown |
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Why Trump May Actually Win Re-Election Even Though Everyone Hates Him |
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It’s Time for Damage Control: Trump Swings His Support for Theresa May |
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G7 summit: Trump Vs G6 leaders on trade and climate change |
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TT Donald Trump cao hứng làm bà Theresa May sững sờ |
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Protestors tee off against Trump at Turnberry |
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WATCH: Mitch McConnell Just Leveled Whiny Dems Angry About Trump’s SCOTUS Pick |
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Donald Trump in London |
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Huge Marchers Hit the Streets across the Country Against Trump’s UK Visit |
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Trump’s Trade War with China isn’t MAGA it’s for Israel’s Benefit |
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Cruelty meet incompetence Trump administration had no plan for reuniting families |
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Highway drug bust nets 129 arrests Trump-shaped ecstasy |
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Helsinki gotowe na szczyt Trump-Putin |
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Saying EU US are trade foes is ‘fake news’ says EU’s Tusk in swipe at Trump |
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Leak – Listen to Fire and Fury Book – Shocking Book about President Donald Trump |
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¿Jennifer López copió zapatillas a Melania Trump |
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BREAKING: Trump advised May to sue EU over Brexit |
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President Trump wants to name new FBI Director as soon as |
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Perezida Trump Yabonanye n’Umwamikazi Elizabeth |
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Trump Sent Into Panic As Michael Cohen Says He Won’t Be Silent Anymore |
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TRUMP’S FIRST EU VICTIM: German car giant loses €100million contract |
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Trump shares ‘very nice note’ from Kim Jong Un amid doubts |
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El fuerte viento descubre la pelona de Donald Trump Video |
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Mauricio Macri reveló de que manera tratará con Donald Trump |
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ESTADOS UNIDOS Obama y Trump se reunieron en la Casa Blanca |
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La ultraderecha afirma que Trump está mejor informado que Merkel de la delincuencia en |
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Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Line Pulled From Yet Another Department Store – Stats |
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Donald Trump Robert Mueller Cold Open – SNL |
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Trump mantiene bajas las expectativas para reunión con Putin |
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President Trump Has Recently Signed A Memorandum Banning Some Transgender People from Serving In The US Military |
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Iran’s Zarif says Trump demands on nuclear deal are unacceptable |
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Trump needs China to decrease exchange shortage by 200B by 2020 |
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Trump arrives in Singapore for historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un |
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Will sanction Russia ‘as soon as they very much deserve it’: Trump |
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Hillary Clinton Warns That Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Would Bring Back Slavery Take America Back ‘to the 1850s’ |
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Revisiting Trump’s unusual diplomacy |
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A Weekly Dose of President Trump – Trump Family Train 7/15/18 to 7/21/18 |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump më tha që të padisë BE-në |
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Melania Trump Wears a Coat That Says ‘I REALLY DON’T CARE DO U’ |
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Watch – Trump Welcomed To His Scotland Golf Club By Large Group Of Protestors: ‘Leave Our Country!’ |
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AP-Bericht: Trump wollte Invasion in Venezuela |
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What Marketers can Learn from the Trump Campaign |
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Brian Stelter: Trump Has Proven Over and Over He ‘Simply Cannot Be Trusted’ |
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– Enhver person med litt næringsvett ser at leieprisen ikke står i stil til de inntektene som arrangementet skjerper tonen overfor Russland men Trump kan likevel gjøre ugagn |
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The Quest to Get a Pardon in the Trump Era: ‘It’s Who You Know’ |
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Harvard Not Trump Could Kill Affirmative Action |
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Lobbying firm sought envoys help to salvage Russian mock Donald Trump protest his visit to the UK |
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Donald Trump is a hypocritical ‘baby’ and nothing is as important as football |
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Donald Trump attacca di nuovo democratici e media via Twitter |
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FBI Official Peter Strzok Testifies About Anti-Trump Text Messages |
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Treffen zwischen Trump und Putin live bei Phoenix |
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Trump afirma que la Unión Europea es un “enemigo” |
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Bikers For Trump Red White And Blue |
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Trump Putin ile görüşmek üzere İngiltere’den ayrıldı |
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Hudson’s Bay to stop selling Ivanka Trump’s clothing line |
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WatchInstead of negotiating Brexit Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to ‘sue the EU’ |
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Trump says Kim ‘sees different future’ for North Korea |
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Liberals Blast Trump over Meeting with Queen click to see stats |
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Yakin tak ada lawan sepadan Donald Trump maju lagi di pemilu tahun 2020 |
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President Donald J Trump’s Accomplishments List: |
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Theresa May: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit |
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Trump aventaja al Papa en Twitter |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump soll Briten zur Klage gegen die EU geraten haben |
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Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under Trump |
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DONALD TRUMP’S CHILD HOSTAGES: What Trump is doing to migrant children is nothing like what the foster-care system does – except when it is |
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Trump’s New Visa Rule Crashes Hopes of H1B visa holders in US |
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Trump puts BNP policy on the agenda |
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Quo vadis Donald Trump |
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Home – KFDA – NewsChannel 10 / Amarillo News Weather Trump and Putin hope to achieve at Helsinki summit |
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Çfarë mendon mbretëresha Elizabeth për BREXIT E zbulon Trump |
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Trump’s Tantrum Makes Our Point |
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Donald Trump thinks he’s the only thing standing between you and |
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Trump Putin ile özel zirvede bir araya gelecek |
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Trust Trump In one sense of the word it may be possible in a useful way |
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Trump: Władimir nazwał mnie geniuszem liderem przywódcą świata Czy coś takiego |
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May: Trump më sugjeroi të padisja BE-në |
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Trump: Brexit Plan ‘Will Probably Kill’ US Trade Deal |
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Paragliding Protester Forces Trump to Retreat Inside His Scottish Golf Course Hotel |
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Trump: Kim è divertente e molto intelligente |
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Theresa May Donald Trump and Nigel Farage |
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Germania îi întoarce replica lui Trump în privinţa relaţiilor cu Rusia înaintea întrevederii de la Helsinki Ce avertisment a transmis Guvernul Merkel |
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American Jobs Saved by Donald Trump |
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Trump Putin versus mundo ocidental |
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Wall Street’s top economist Hyman calls Trump’s trade tactics classic ‘Art |
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Failed Casino Owner Donald Trump Tells British PM Theresa May to |
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UK’s Theresa May: Trump Told Me To ‘Sue The EU’ Over Brexit |
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7 Reactions From Christian Leaders to Trump’s Nominee Brett Kavanaugh for US Supreme Court |
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Thierry Meyssan: Lo que Donald Trump está preparando |
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George Soros Linked to Campaign Aimed at Repealing Trump’s Tax Cuts |
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Es scheint als wenn sich das alle wünschen: Trump strebt zweite Amtszeit an |
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Ray interviewed on radio yesterday on what has finally morphed into “FBI/DOJ-gate” after the DOJ Inspector General documented strong DOJ/FBI bias: kid-gloves treatment for Hillary Clinton and just opposite for Donald Trump Former FBI Deputy Director’s McCabe lawyer Lisa Page to key investigator/lover Peter Strzok: Trump is “not ever going to become president right Right!” Strzok: “No no he won’t We’ll stop it” House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes had not been given that text There may be hell to pay for that |
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Trump says ‘European Union is a foe’ to US ahead of summit with Putin |
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Două treimi dintre germani îl consideră pe Trump o amenințare mai mare decât Putin |
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Donald Trump anunță că vrea să candideze din nou la Președinția SUA în 2020 |
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Trump Pence To Give HIV/AIDS Infection Rates Their Biggest Boost Since Reagan |
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Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Line Pulled From Yet Another Department Store click to see stats |
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Poutine et Trump deux personnalités aux antipodes |
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Trump hurga en la herida de Theresa May |
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Er USA’s præsident Donald Trump virkelig racist |
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Russian agents’ indictment raises stakes ahead of Trump-Putin summit |
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Tom Nichols on Chait’s Trump/Russia article |
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Apocalyptic Ending to 2017 As Trump’s Storm On Deep State Rages On – Podcast Episode 24 12-24-17 |
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Donald Trump To Speak At State Republican Convention |
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Trump Anxiety Disorder: Is Trump Literally Making Us Sick |
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Trump the wannabe king rulilng by ‘Twiat’ |
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Trump Reportedly ‘Green Lights’ Israeli Attacks on Iranian Forces |
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British PM May says Trump told her to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit |
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Will Trump’s UN team be bested by EU in this week’s humanitarian resolution debate |
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US President Trump has ‘low expectations’ for Helsinki summit with Putin |
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Trump culpa a Obama por no actuar contra ataque cibernético ruso en 2016 |
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Trump půjde do voleb i v roce 2020 Prý vyhraje |
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What did Donald Trump do on other days |
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Príncipes Carlos y Guillermo se rehusaron a ver a Trump |
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Trump Responds To Russia Indictment: “Where Is The DNC Server Why |
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Trump Attacks Jim Acosta In Crazy Pre-Dawn Tweet Acosta Just Responded Like A Boss |
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Donald Trump tegen Theresa May: ”Niet onderhandelen met de EU klaag ze aan!” |
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Trump Bermain Golf di Lapangan Golf Miliknya di Skotlandia |
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Zealous Dems fail to hear out Trump’s constitutional rig |
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Trump culpa a Obama de no actuar por ciberataque |
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Trump advised me to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit |
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Trump suggested me to sue EU over Brexit says British PM Theresa May |
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Donald Trump Speaks On Historic Meeting With Kim Jong-un Photo |
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More stuff to blame on Trump |
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VIDEO: Trump rompe protocolo en Inglaterra y deja mal parada a la Reina Isabel |
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Trump Blocks China from buying Semi-Conductor company Lattice |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump told me to sue the EU |
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Democratic senators call on Trump not to meet Putin one-on-one |
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Trump’s Authority to Launch Attack at Syria |
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With Trump Shifts on One Issue Won’t Lead to Shifts on Others Kortunov Warns |
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Putin ÎI DĂ ȘAH lui Trump! „LUMEA SE SCHIMBĂ sub OCHII NOȘTRI” RĂZBOIUL de la GRANIȚA României ARMĂ contra președintelui SUA |
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Playbook: Trump tells CBS’ Glor: EU is a global foe |
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El príncipe Carlos y el príncipe Guillermo se niegan a reunirse con Trump |
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Ali vs Trump: Muhammed’s Son Launches R |
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Trump’s America – Jonathan Pie |
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Phần Lan thắt chặt an ninh trước thềm Hội nghị TT Trump – Putin |
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Idi Amin and Donald Trump – strong men with unlikely parallels |
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Helsinki summit: Trump has low expectations |
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Trump is in Davos Switzerland and he is asking foreign business to invest in the US Lower US corporate taxes are resulting in higher wages in the US Wages are rising in the US Trump is killing the mortgage segment … the home of low-fee mortgage inspections and 995 of the fraud greed and corruption in the industry In the last few days I have been reading lots of emails to the Fannie-Mae and HUD listing all of the complaints and requests for audits on NFN The mortgage segment is the home of many monsters |
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Trump chce znovu kandidovat! Nevidí nikoho kdo by ho porazil |
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Trump amp Germany and follow the money |
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Trump Takes A Break From Politics To Tee Up For Some Scottish Golf |
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‘Maybe he’ll be a friend’: Trump highlights common ground with Putin ahead of summit |
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Trump labels the European Union a ‘foe’ click to see stats |
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Trump tilda a Rusia a la UE y China de “enemigos” |
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No Need To Worry About North Korea: As President Trump Promises |
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Trump declara la guerra comercial |
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Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months |
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Il messaggio dell’intelligence Usa a Trump Sui cyber attacchi di Mosca è allarme rosso |
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Why Trump is the distraction Putin wants |
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Status Be Gone…Irrational Fears of Trump Voters |
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Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday revealed the advice President Trump had given her on how to neg… |
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AFP: Strângere de mâini istorică între Donald Trump și » |
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Christian Wolmar: Don’t let Trump Brexit and Tory chaos distract you from the small stuff |
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Imagine If this Had Been Donald Trump |
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Trump plays golf in face of protests |
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Trump: la Unión Europea “es un enemigo” de EEUU |
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Trump blasts Russia investigation in UK remarks |
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Trump İskoçya’da da Protesto Edildi |
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SNL Bends Over for Racist Egg Salad Sandwich Donald Trump |
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Tell President Trump: Choose American |
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Trump propone que los miembros de la OTAN dupliquen el gasto militar |
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Trump will 2020 erneut kandidieren |
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Trump 、DigitalOcean及 G |
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Everyone Is Wondering Where Trump Got 200M In Cash To Buy His Money-Losing Scottish Golf Club |
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Trump culpa a Obama por no actuar contra ataque cibernético ruso en del 14° aniversario de Radio Camoapa |
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African : Trump vows to end conflicts in Africa |
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This List Is Why Trump Won |
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Trump schools NATO on American interests |
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In Trump’s rise fascism and the fall of American democracy |
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Win Without War statement in response to Trump administration decision to not re-designate TPS for Yemen |
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David Stockman to Trump: Blame the Fed Not Trade Deals for US Trade Deficit – CNBC 07/12/2018 |
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Trump: Avrupa savunmada kesenin ağzını açmalı |
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Germania îl avertizează pe Trump să nu încheie un acord unilateral cu Rusia în detrimentul aliaţilor occidentali ai SUA |
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Trump: A União Europeia é um inimigo dos EUA |
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Contained in the Trump administration’s plan to reunite 2500 immigrant kids |
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Liberal’s Smear Haley amp Say She’s Sleeping With Trump Then She Blasts Back amp Issues Message To The Liars |
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News Related Videos On: Trump has ‘low’ expectations for Putin summit |
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Trump Replaces Old ‘Scrap Wall’ in San Diego With 14 Miles of Steel Anti-Climbing Bollard Wall |
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Rosenstein’s Gift to Trump |
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Don’t blame on Trump part 2 |
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Happy Independence Day from President Trump |
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WOW! England’s Pompous Princes Just Majorly SNUBBED President Trump |
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Trump Macronu predlagal izstop iz EU Lahko ameriški predsednik zamaje Francijo |
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People Spot Huge Difference Between Trump’s Meeting With The Queen And Obama’s – Stats |
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FOTO Aventurile yankeului Trump la curtea reginei Elisabeta a II-a VIDEO |
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British Trump Protest: |
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Mirrorachi protesta contra Donal Trump con parodias |
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Trump: “Russia is easiest stop on 4 country tour” |
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Trump dévoile sa conversation secrète avec la reine Elizabeth II |
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Anti-Trump protest |
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Retour de la volatilité merci Trump ! et merci Gaël pour savoir comment en profiter |
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Trump i intervju: ”EU är en fiende” |
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Hypocrite Much Pro-Censorship Mayor of London Defends Anti-Trump Blimp as Free Speech |
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Trump disses ‘fake news’ CNN in joint press conference with May |
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Donald Trump Brings In Charter CEO To Help Curb Employment In The US |
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Trump bei der NATO |
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Donald Trump in Davos: The Irony of Denying Climate Change |
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Think Peter Fonda Is Bad… See What This Canadian TV Director Had To Say About Trump’s 4 Year Old Granddaughter |
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Sóng gió lại bủa vây Tổng thống Trump trước thềm Thượng đỉnh Nga-Mỹ |
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Billy Bush’s wife of 20 years files for divorce two years after infamous Trump ‘locker room talk’ tape emerged and ended his Today show career |
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Come Trump potrebbe vincere la guerra tra valute |
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Valamint nagyon nyami Itt tartunk ebből pedig megérti az ember hogy Trump miért elnök Kis Grofó … |
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CNN blasts back at White House for killing its interview with top adviser for ‘bad behavior’ as Fox News announces TWO interviews with President Trump |
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Donald Trump expressa intenção em concorrer à reeleição |
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May: këshilla e Trump hidhe në gjyq BE-në |
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Trump slams ‘difficult’ European Union on trade calls 28-nation bloc ‘a foe’ of US |
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Patrick Buchanan: Will there be a Trump Supreme Court |
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Trump Golf Golf Shafts |
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Trump is No Friend of the Iranian People |
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Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and Savage as He Promised |
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Mail on Sunday: Donald Trump a spus că intenţionează să candideze la prezidenţialele din 2020 şi a vorbit cu regina despre Brexit |
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Texas Trump Fan Stands Up To ABC’s Lies Buys Billboard To Set Record Straight |
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Ivanka Trump’s 7 Biggest Social Media Mistakes |
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Trump Scary but He’s Not Hitler |
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Foto de ABC News ‘Fidel Castro fue un dictador brutal’: Donald Trump El presidente electo dijo que ‘el legado de Fidel Castro es de pelotones de fusilamiento robo sufrimiento inimaginable y pobreza’ |
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Vụ truy tố 12 nhân viên tình báo Nga áp lực lên hội nghị thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin |
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July 15th – 2018 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 542 |
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Meaning of Trump The |
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Rosenstein Found It Necessary to Interrupt Trump’s Foreign Trip with Info That WAS ALL RELEASED in Previous April House Intel Report |
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BREAKING: Trump Just Broke His Silence On Strzok’s Hearing!! |
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Africa still in shock at Trump’s vulgar comments on Africa – Mahamat |
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Trump Must Beat the Siege |
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Trump – Putin: Ai phải xuống thang |
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Résister à Donald Trump : lettre ouverte à Emmanuel Macron |
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EPA’s acting head vows to carry out Trump’s regulation cuts |
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Man skal forestille sig en skolegård hvis man vil forstå Trump 22 |
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Trump Administration Actions |
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President Trump catches First Lady Melania as she stumbles – Daily |
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Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump MSM Completely Ignores |
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Photos Of Melania Trump On Europe Trip Set Internet Abuzz With New ‘Body Double’ Conspiracy Theories |
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Trump Just Declared The European Union ‘A Foe’ In Stunning Attack On US Allies |
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Trump tilda a Rusia la Unión |
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Laurence Tubiana: “Trump puede decir lo que quiera pero las plantas de carbón en EEUU siguen cerrando” |
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Trump May Ask Putin To Extradite Intel |
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Santos: Le pido a Trump que le pida a Putin que deje de apoyar a Maduro |
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Trump dice que conversará con el presidente chino Xi sobre comercio y Corea del Norte |
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Skynet began destroying humanity 20 years ago today It shares a disturbing number of qualities with Trump |
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Avec Donald Trump aux commandes le changement climatique est hors de contrôle — mais aujourd’hui nous pouvons faire de son pire cauchemar une réalité en annulant les contrats d’assurance du charbon! |
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— Trump campaigned against lobbyists Now he’s hiring them — |
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Trump Kim sign ‘comprehensive document’ after historic summit |
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Trump’s Brexit Blast |
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Hudson’s Bay phases out Ivanka Trump model |
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Princes Harry And William Refused To Meet Trump |
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China and US: the tech fear behind Donald Trump’s trade war |
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Exchofer de Trump lo demanda por falta de pago |
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Bolton says Russian hacking indictment gives Trump upper hand in meeting with Putin |
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Trump’s Ex-Campaign Manager Paul Manafort |
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After Trump’s pardon Oregon ranchers catch a ride home on Pence ally’s private jet |
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US UK Financing 54 Militia Groups in Syria Despite Trump Vow to ‘Get Out’ |
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Donald Trump: Theresa May on the president’s EU advice – BBC News |
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Plant Trump einen Regime-Change in Deutschland |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Trump to Meet Russia’s Putin in Finland on July 16 Summit will be US president’s first with the Russian leader and the two will discuss national security and outlook for developing Russian-American relations” – Wall Street Journal/Rebecca Ballhaus Anatoly Kurmanaev |
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Dick Bove: Trump will eventually clash with the Federal Reserve turning monetary policy into a political activity |
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Merkel: “Kthimi i refugjatëve sirianë duhet të bëhet në koordinim me Trump: Prania e Rusisë në G7 ne duhet ta kemi ne tryezen e negociatave |
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President Trump may have ‘pulled out’ of Paris but America is ‘still in’ |
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Trump Chicago’s problems: |
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Will Donald Trump meet Boris Johnson Not sure says US ambassador |
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Trump: DNC ‘should be ashamed’ for Russian hack |
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We estimate China only makes 846 from an iPhone – and that’s why Trump’s trade war is futile |
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Trump Administration Tries Another Emergency Appeal to Thwart Youth… |
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BOOM: Donald Trump Delivers On Promise Of Jobs In Granite City Illinois |
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Trump om dronningen– Hun har mange år igjen |
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Will WikiLeaks Release President Trump’s Tax Returns |
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Trump tiene “pocas expectativas” para su cumbre en Helsinki con Putin |
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Trump still the news |
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Ausland Im TV-Interview Trump bezeichnet die Europäische Union als „Feind“ |
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Trump zapowiedział ubieganie się o reelekcję Nie ma nikogo kto mógłby mnie pokonać |
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Hundreds Of anti-Trump Protesters Demonstrate Outside Blenheim Palace |
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Trump a Putin se sejdou na oficiálním summitu poprvé |
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DNC Leader Declares Trump No Longer America’s President Introduces ‘Real President’ |
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Trump Hadapi Kritikan Karena Ampuni Sherif Arizona Yang Terbukti Bersalah |
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Trump redoubles America’s assault on its most dangerous enemy: Cable news journalists |
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L’éclipse royale entre Elizabeth II et Donald Trump qui scandalise la toile |
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Donald Trump toma el té con la reina de Inglaterra |
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UK Front Page Blasts Trump With “HOW DARE YOU” For His Huge Blunder IMAGE |
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Trump morgen bei Putin – Satanisten in Panik / ein echter Hebräer: Mahnung zur Umkehr |
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Trump Blames Obama For Russian Hack As He Readies To Meet Putin |
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Was Trump Right about Sweden After All |
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Trump: «Ue nostro nemico In parte anche Russia e Cina» |
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The Thinkery Neil Hamilton Welcomes Donald Trump to Britain |
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Emas Turun Karena Kebijakan Trump Terbaru |
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British public like Trump |
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EEUU está a punto de convertirse en el mayor productor de May: Trump sugirió que “demande a la UE” por Brexit |
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Small Business Bets: Will Trump Be Good for the Small Business Owner |
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Helsinki gears up for Trump-Putin meeting |
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In Trump’s America federal property is fair game for destruction if the cause is right |
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Trump become softens in Muslim issue |
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Liam Fox: ‘Trump protesters an embarrassment to th |
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Mar A Lago President Trump’s Resort |
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White House: Trump Doesn’t Really Oppose Immigration Bill |
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Trump Slam-Dunks ‘Fake News’ CNN’s Acosta: Refuses to Take Questions |
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Five Minutes Before Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee Was Named Protesters Were Out |
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To Placate Formula Makers Trump Bullies UN Over Breastfeeding Resolution – Until Russia Sponsors It |
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Tony Schwartz: ‘No collusion’ is Trump’s lullaby |
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WATCH: Trump Sets Expectations Low For Helsinki Summit With Putin |
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There’s A ‘Carnival Of Resistance’ Against Trump Today |
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Yes Donald Trump could win |
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Trump sets expectations low for Helsinki summit with Putin 33 minutes ago |
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VIDEO: Donald Trump s opovržením sledoval opilého šéfa Evropské komise |
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Utilities cutting rates cite benefits of Trump tax reform |
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Brexit: UK PM Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to sue European Union |
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Leftist Organized Trump Protest In UK Flop |
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Trump tweets support for top Texas Republicans |
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Trump Considers Tapping US Oil Reserve as Prices at the Pump Rise |
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Daawo: Gabar Soomaali Ah Oo Gabay Cajiib Ah Uga Jawaabtay Go’aankii Trump Ee Qudus Uu Ugu Aqoonsaday Caasimadda Yahuudda |
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Jadi Gunjingan Warganet Manners-nya Momen Ketika Donald Trump Lupa di Sisi Kirinya Ratu |
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At NATO Abrasive Trump Lashes Germany for Being Russian ‘Captive’ |
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Estados Unidos Trump briga com aliados europeus antes de falar com o rival Putin |
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Britain must get Brexit ‘carve out’ for US trade deal: Trump |
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Support President Trump |
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Trump tweets then hits golf links |
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Trump asema ana matumaini kidogo kuhusu mkutano wake na Putin |
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Trump criticized for saying immigration is ‘changing the culture’ of Europe for worse |
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Donald Trump will not be talked into liking Europe – Business Insider |
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Americans Protest Trump’s Travel Ban For A Second Weekend |
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Donald trump is once again accused his predecessor |
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Trump rompió con los protocolos y desesperó a la Reina Isabel II de Inglaterra |
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Melania Trump’s Attorney Confirms Her Family Came to America by Chain Migration |
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Trump aconseja a May que denuncie a la Unión Europea |
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TT Trump chỉ trích dự án ống dẫn khí đốt Nord Stream 2 : Nga tố cáo… |
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A guerra de Trump à globalização |
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Los errores de protocolo que erró Trump en la visita a la Reina Isabel II |
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Trump bez obalu: Evropská unie je nepřítel A Rusko s Čínou taky |
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Oops now Trump has lost the Russians |
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U ul në kolltukun e Churchill pse shkaktoi zemërim veprimi i Trump |
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Spicer Explains: No Hispanics on Cabinet Because Trump Only Wanted the ‘Best and Brightest’ |
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Apple Google Microsoft Facebook unite to draft letter against Trump’s immigration |
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Theresa May: Trump told me to ‘sue the EU’ over Brexit |
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Evangelicals: Trump Funded Planned Parenthood Signed Immoral Omnibus Spending Bill In Moment Of Weakness |
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27 Hilariously Stupid Sexist Childish or Egotistical Things Donald Trump Has Said |
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Masivas protestas se preparan tras visita de Trump en el Reino Unido |
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Donald Trump: Key moments from Chequers – BBC News |
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Trump OTAN e a ‘agressão russa’ |
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Președintele Trump dezvăluiri din discuția secretă cu regina Angliei despre Brexit |
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BREAKING: Anti-Trump Protesters Just Surrounded Trump’s Golf Course!! |
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John Kerry Tells Palestinian Leaders to IGNORE President Trump – Says Trump Will Be FORCED from Office Next Year Jerusalem Post Reports |
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Scotland’s papers: ‘Teed off by Trump’ |
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Pomp pragt og akavede øjeblikke: Trump besøger rejsende giver flere flyforsinkelser i Københavns Lufthavn |
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News Analysis: Just Sitting Down With Trump Putin Comes Out Ahead |
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Prince Charles accused of snubbing President Donald Trump and leaving the Queen out while staying at home in sexually transmitted disease spreads increasingly off |
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Ilargi Meijer Blasts Britain’s Baby-Trump-Blimp Distraction |
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Înaintea întâlnirii Trump-Putin: Autoritățile americane au acuzat oficial 12 ofițeri ruși de ”spargerea” serverelor Partidului Democrat din » |
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Podiatry Needs a Donald Trump |
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WATCH: Trump refuses question from CNN’s Acosta: ‘Let’s go to a real network’ |
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Trump: Strzok’s testimony ‘a disgrace to our country’ |
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Once Again It’s Never Trump’s Fault |
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Brexit May alla BBC: Trump mi ha detto di fare |
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Co NATO Trump |
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Angst vor Trump und Putin |
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Nín thở chờ đợi thượng đỉnh Nga-Mỹ: Xung đột Syria sẽ được 2 ông Trump Putin hóa giải |
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Pourquoi Netanyahu ne construit-il pas plus d’Implantations avec Trump comme président |
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Paul Goble: Skobov says Trump’s challenging of broad consensus on Crimea will lead to a broader war |
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Trump signs ‘Forever GI Bill’ boosting aid to student vets |
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Was Trump Missile Attack Part of Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict amp Prevent War with Iran |
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North Korea Sends Warm Letter to Trump After ‘Art of the Deal’ Negotiating Tactics |
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Donald Trump: „Avem mulți inamici: UE Rusia și |
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Trump Attacks CNN NBC amp British Paper in News Conference for Questionable Stories |
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Trump deflects question over Russia indictments |
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Trump to Walk Out of Kim Meeting if it Does not go Well Alice |
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Legendary director backtracks on Trump support — but is requesting a meeting |
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Trump: NATO’dan çıkarız ama gerek yokAk haber güncel haberler |
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Trump nominates Kavanaugh a judge with a mixed record on conservative issues |
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SCOTUS: Trump Considers His Short-List of 25 Judges |
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Trump/Pence Regime Races to Lock In a Fascist Supreme Court: |
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AP Interview: Croatian leader says Trump Putin key to peace New |
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Trump’s battle against civil rights |
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Putin-Trump-Gipfel in Helsinki Hoffnung für ein freies Europa |
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Post election special on President Trump |
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Auto-completion duel: “what does donald trump” |
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Trump kandiderar för omval 2020 |
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Trump: ‘We Are Totally Prepared’ for Military Action Against NKorea |
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President Trump It’s Time To Send In The Feds amp Liberate Chiraq |
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Hudson’s Bay pulling Ivanka Trump clothing line due to lack of Now |
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Summit Kim/Trump pod Rot… |
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Israel’s Netanyahu discussed Syria Iran with Trump |
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Archiviste à la Maison-Blanche : 60 000 dollars par an pour faire des puzzles avec les documents déchirés par Trump |
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President of the European Council: Trump not hiding that his desire to understand Russia is stronger than his enthusiasm for Ukraine |
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Donald Trump calls Queen ‘fantastic’ ahead of Vladimir Putin meeting |
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‘How Dare You!’: British Tabloid Calls Out Trump For Sitting On Churchill’s Chair In Front Page Cover |
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USA: Trump nemá pred stretnutím s Putinom veľké očakávania |
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Trump says Britain must get Brexit ‘carve out’ for US trade deal |
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JR Smith Admits He Is As Dumb As A Trump Supporter! |
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Surely Some Revelation Is At Hand: Classic Poetry and Donald Trump |
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Mexico’s Answer to Donald Trump Jorge Guajardo The Atlantic |
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Donald Trump hails Kim Jong Un as he halts nuclear tests in North Korea |
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The EU Commissioner plays down Trump’s trade tariffs on imports of cars |
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Trump Gets Torn Apart By His Own Party After Rancher Pardons: He’s ‘Giving Oxygen To Ultra-Right Militia’ |
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Theresa May: Donald Trump azt javasolta hogy pereljem be az EU-t a tárgyalások helyett |
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NAACP Sees Continued Rise in Hate Crimes Legacy of Trump’s Racism |
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Sostenitori presidente Trump a Helsinki Finlandia |
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Face-à-face attendu entre Trump et Poutine à amateurs de soccer rivés à leur écran partout au Canada |
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Fulfill the HHS officers who tweet like Trump |
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Trump rompe con el protocolo real y camina por delante |
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Doctor’s Orders: Dr Dena Grayson Rings The Alarm On Trump/Russia |
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Skoskir mótmælendur trufluðu Trump í golfi |
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Trump Promises to Serve ‘Roasted Muslim’ at GOP Convention |
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Trump pardon for Oregon ranchers who inspired refuge standoff |
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Il vero fine di Trump in Europa Impedire che la Russia si allei con la Cina |
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President Trump is very popular |
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Hand gestures — Angela Merkel and Donald Trump |
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LA Mayor Eric Garcetti: Trump Administration is ‘Creating’ Its Own Immigration Problems |
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Fåntratten Trump kanske lurar några men inte alla! |
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Trump dice a May que demande a la Unión Europea en |
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Rò rỉ lịch trình thượng đỉnh của ông Trump và ông Putin |
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the main point of this book is not about Mr Trump- Bandy X Lee p 19 132 upvotes |
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Trump reportedly interviewed these judges for the Supreme Court is Kethledge a co-contender |
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Trump vs Internationalists |
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Trump calls the European Union a ‘foe’ of the United States 11:34 AM ET CNN politics |
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💰 Trump |
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Trump buscará reelección en el 2020 |
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Donald Trump and Theresa May: On the Issues |
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NPR’s Foreign Correspondents On Trump’s Criticism Of Europe’s Immigration Policy |
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Is The Trump Wrecking Ball Our Collective Shadow If So Let Us Embrace Him and Move On |
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Donald Trump connait déjà son successeur à la maison blanche |
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Trump Tells the Truth About Hillary |
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Donald Trump insists on trade reciprocity But what kind |
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Thousands protest Trump’s UK Visit |
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John McCain Infuriates Trump Uses Trump’s Own Favorite Twitter Insult Against Him |
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Donald Trump participó en la marcha por la vida en… |
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