US China agree trade war ceasefire after Trump Xi summit |
17 |
Trump Leaves G-20 With China Trade Truce Plans To Cancel NAFTA Ahead Of New Pact |
14 |
California Democrats thank Trump for legislative majorities |
14 |
The Latest: Trump considering 2-week US funding extension |
13 |
Trump sets aside political differences in honoring Bush |
13 |
Cumbre entre Trump y Kim puede tener lugar en enero o febrero |
12 |
Republicans back Trump on border wall funding balk at shutdown threats 3 days ago |
12 |
Putin briefs Trump over Ukraine as EU leaders up pressure |
10 |
Trump says will formally terminate NAFTA soon |
10 |
Trump agrees to freeze higher tariffs on 200B in Chinese goods — for now |
10 |
Trump Wanders Off Again Leaving Argentina’s Macri Confused at G20 Photo Shoot |
10 |
To: Donald Trump – |
9 |
Trump hails trade deal with China as one of the largest ever made |
9 |
President Trump says next meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un likely in early 2019 |
9 |
Alec Baldwin’s Trump returns with worries about the Mueller investigation |
8 |
Trump to notify Congress in ‘near future’ he will terminate NAFTA |
8 |
On SNL’s cold open Trump is jealous of Putin and MBS’s budding bromance |
8 |
FACT CHECK: Trump claims an auto boom that isn’t 2 days ago |
8 |
Trump encerrará o Nafta antes de votar novo pacto assinado com Canadá e México |
7 |
Trump praises Bush as ‘a high-quality man’ |
7 |
ND Delegation Comments on President Trump’s E-15 Decision |
7 |
Trump Announces He’ll ‘Formally’ Terminate NAFTA |
6 |
Trump shpall 5 dhjetorin ditë zie kombëtare për Xhorxh HWBush |
6 |
Xi Jinping says cooperation is best for China and US at G-20 meeting with Trump |
6 |
Ông Trump đóng cửa chính phủ đưa Không lực Một đến đón ông Bush cha |
6 |
Trump suspende aranceles a China tras reunión con Xi Jinping |
6 |
‘Saturday Night Live’: Alec Baldwin Returns as Donald Trump to Talk G20 Mueller Putin Watch |
6 |
Trump holds major meeting with China at G20 |
6 |
G-20 summit backs global trade body reform ahead of Trump Xi talks |
6 |
· Watch Alec Baldwin’s Trump Consult Cohen Putin On ‘SNL’ |
5 |
Summit backs WTO reform ahead of Trump Xi trade talks |
5 |
Kremlinul speră la o întâlnire cu Trump înainte de summit-ul G20 din iunie 2019 |
5 |
President Trump puts aside differences in honoring George HW Bush |
5 |
See lovely photos of some of the wives of world leaders with Melania Trump rocking 10000 Dior dress as they pose together |
5 |
Canada seeks exemption to Trump’s steel tariffs vows retaliation |
5 |
Trump cancels meeting with Putin at G20 summit in Argentina |
5 |
· Trump Scraps News Conference ‘Out Of Respect’ For Bushes |
5 |
Trump appreciates Bush’s Leadership promises he will be remembered |
5 |
Sherrod Brown: ‘Hopeful’ on Trump-China trade deal |
5 |
Melania Trump Fires Back At Critics Over Wild White House Christmas Decorations |
5 |
First lady Melania set to divorce President Trump over multiple affairs |
5 |
With End in Sight ‘Murphy Brown’ Continues Anti-Trump Theme With Reporter’s Assault by ‘Sea of Red Hats’ |
5 |
Presidenti Trump shpall 5 dhjetorin ditë zie kombëtare për Xhorxh HWBush |
5 |
Trump y Kim Jong Un podrían reunirse en enero del año que viene |
5 |
Trump says he has ‘incredible relationship’ with Xi |
5 |
Mike Pence felicita a AMLO a nombre de Donald Trump |
5 |
Trump meeting China’s Xi voices hope for progress on trade dispute |
5 |
Putin Trump ile “ayak üstü” görüşmesi hakkında konuştu |
5 |
Trump suspende plano de aumentar tarifas para produtos da China |
5 |
Trade summit between Trump and China’s Xi went ‘very well’: US aide |
5 |
Putin Says He And Trump Briefly Discussed Ukraine Naval Confrontation |
5 |
N Korean soldier defects to South as Trump hopes for 2nd summit early next year |
5 |
Melania Trump’s Mail Suit Suggests Desire To Monetise First Lady Role |
5 |
Trump Xi agree to temporary truce on trade |
5 |
· Trump Sets George HW Bush National Day Of Mourning |
5 |
Trump respinge constatările știinţifice privitoare la schimbările climatice |
5 |
Judge’s Latest Ruling Is Very Good For Trump’s Bank Account |
5 |
Oakland Unified School District On Trump “Public Charge Rule Change” And Immigrant Families |
4 |
Trump to kill old NAFTA to push Congress to approve USMCA |
4 |
Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating Trump Then Apologizes |
4 |
Trump says he’ll be ‘formally terminating NAFTA’ says Congress will have choice between replacement or nothing |
4 |
Gặp ông Tập Trump cam kết không áp thêm thuế từ 1/1/2019 |
4 |
Don Lemon: Trump seems rattled by Cohen’s reveal |
4 |
¡Tregua! Trump y Xi Jinping hacen un importante acuerdo |
4 |
Trump sa chce s vodcom KĽDR znova stretnúť v januári alebo februári |
4 |
Las reacciones que provocó Ivanka Trump en la investidura de López Obrador |
4 |
Kremlin hopes Putin and Trump can hold talks before June next year |
4 |
할리우드 스타 명예의 거리에서의 Donald Trump 대통령은 CNN뉴스0920 |
4 |
Does Trump canceling meeting with Putin change anything |
4 |
Lawyer For Donald Trump Jr Is Confident His Client Won’t Be Indicted |
4 |
‘He did tremendous good’: Trump to attend Bush funeral as tributes flow |
4 |
Trump Headed To Aid US Sen Cindy Hyde-Smith A Day Before Run-Off Election |
4 |
Erdogan Trump meet on G20 sidelines in Argentina |
4 |
President Trump designates December 5 national Day of Mourning for George HW Bush 1 day ago |
4 |
Americans Holding Trump Responsible For Massive Job Loss He Gave Us “False Hope!” |
4 |
The real collusion story: AIPAC Trump and the Zionist takeover of America |
4 |
Former President Bush To Lie In State Next Week – Trump Will Attend Funeral |
4 |
Adam Schiff Just Leveled Trump With The Truth About His Refusal To Condemn Manafort WATCH |
4 |
Trump is Deviating Asylum Seekers towards Mexico- Border Law |
4 |
Trump Plans to Stop Subsidies to Economies Like India China |
4 |
El copywriting de Donald Trump |
4 |
Donald Trump Sounds Like Your Drunk Neighbor |
4 |
Mike Pompeo aseguró que Trump está “muy decidido” a restaurar la democracia en Venezuela |
4 |
Ivanka SHOCKED amp STUNNED After Jake Tapper REVEALS: Ivanka had knowledge of Trump Tower Moscow plans |
4 |
01-12 Resumen de noticias Cumbre G20: Donald Trump se reune con Xi Jinping |
4 |
Breaking: Paul Ryan Furious After Trump Issues Border Wall Demand! |
4 |
Donald Trump to meet Kim Jong Un likely in early 2019 |
4 |
Out with the old: Trump to kill existing NAFTA text to push Congress to approve |
4 |
REPORT: White House Just Tried To Bury Meeting Between Trump And Saudi Prince — DETAILS |
4 |
Trump Reflects on HW Bush’s ‘Commitment to Faith Family and Country’ in Heartfelt Address After His Passing |
4 |
Peter Margulies: The Temporary Restraining Order Against Trump’s Asylum Ban: Statutory Structure and Agency Discretion |
4 |
George Bush ließ Demut walten Donald Trump Egomanie Nie war der transatlantische Bruch sichtbarer: Während der ehemalige US-Präsident George H W Bush vermittelte spaltet Donald Trump |
4 |
The Trump phenomenon… or symptom |
4 |
Putin Trump to meet at G20 summit |
4 |
Trump y Xi Jinping apuestan a buenas relaciones y a la cooperación |
4 |
BOLSONARO chora em entrevista ao lembrar do atentado diz quando visitará Trump e fala de Michelle |
4 |
Trump hoppas på möte med Kim i början på nästa år |
4 |
Trump zapytał Putina o atak na ukraińskie okręty |
4 |
Trump dhe Xi Jinping tërhiqen nga lufta tregtare për 90 ditë |
4 |
Administraţia Donald Trump felicită România “un aliat puternic” cu ocazia Zilei Naţionale: SUA vor continua să fie alături în eforturile de susţinere a valorilor democratice |
4 |
Trump Trudeau y EPN firman T-MEC |
4 |
Trump envoie son avion pour le cercueil de George Herbert Walker Bush |
4 |
Perversion of Justice: How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime |
4 |
Trump says that next meeting with NKorea’s Kim likely to be in January or February and that 3 sites are being considered |
4 |
JUST NOW: Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Says “Pardons Are Off The Table”For Michael Cohen |
4 |
Trump and Bin Salman with Israel in Between |
3 |
‘New deal or no deal’: Trump tells US Congress he will terminate NAFTA |
3 |
Meryl Streep Talks Trump ‘A Star Is Born’ for ‘An Evening With Stephen Colbert’ |
3 |
Bữa tối Trump-Tập bên lề G20 kết thúc trong tiếng vỗ tay |
3 |
Trump: Federal offices closed Wednesday to honor George HW Bush |
3 |
Trump China’s Xi end high-stakes trade talks with no word on outcome |
3 |
Lady Gaga Slams Trump for Proposal that Would Define Transgender Community Out of Existence |
3 |
Trump y Xi abren camino a entendimiento entre China y Estados Unidos |
3 |
Trump Wanders Off Again Leaves Argentinian President Confused At G20 |
3 |
President Trump Signs New Trade Pact With Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and Mexican President Pena Nieto |
3 |
Trump Cuts All Funding For UNRWA |
3 |
White House bars CNN reporter after verbal duel with Trump |
3 |
Melania Trump dhe zonja e parë e Argjentinës udhëhoqën gratë e G20 në muze |
3 |
Gerson: Trump’s inner circle has always been a cesspool |
3 |
Trump to ‘formally’ terminate NAFTA |
3 |
‘SNL’ Rips Donald Trump’s Latest Scandals During ‘Weekend Update’ |
3 |
Trump cancels press conference at G20 as Michael Cohen asks for leniency |
3 |
Trump a jövő év elején találkozik ismét Kim Dzsongunnal |
3 |
Trump’s Backward Stance on Climate Ignites Cities States |
3 |
Alec Baldwin returns to ‘SNL’ jokes about arrest while impersonating Trump |
3 |
Trump reviews meeting with Buhari says ” I don’t want to meet a lifeless person like him again |
3 |
Putin and Trump Briefly Met on Sidelines of G20 Summit Kremlin Says |
3 |
Trump renews China tariff threats ahead of G20 summit |
3 |
Twitter ignores Bette Midler call to ‘hang’ Trump family ‘good and high’ |
3 |
Meryl Streep Talks Trump ‘A Star Is Born’ for ‘An Evening With Stephen Colbert’ |
3 |
Traders cast a wary eye post Xi-Trump “handshakeplus” photo op |
3 |
REPORT: Trump to Hold Off on Tariff Hikes Against China |
3 |
Ông Putin tiết lộ cuộc nói chuyện ngắn với ông Trump ở G20 |
3 |
Trump deverá concordar em estender prazo para financiamento do governo em duas semanas |
3 |
Mattis Pushes Back Against Potential Budget Cuts Floated by Trump |
3 |
Donald Trump hopes to meet Kim Jong Un in early 2019 |
3 |
Rethinking Foreign Aid Trump Style |
3 |
Updated Trump Xi agree to temporary truce on trade |
3 |
Trump goes it alone on trade climate at tense G20 |
3 |
President Trump explains the reason of canceling G-20 news conference |
3 |
Why Trump should pay for European ‘Defence’ |
3 |
Trump presiona al Congreso para poner fin rápidamente al TLCAN |
3 |
İlhan Uzgel: “Erdoğan Anadolu Kültür operasyonuyla Soros karşıtı söylemiyle Putin’e Trump’a ”Sizinle aynı kamptayım” mesajı veriyor” |
3 |
Erdoğan ile Trump görüştü |
3 |
Ông Trump sẽ họp báo về Hội nghị G20 sau tang lễ cựu Tổng thống George HW Bush |
3 |
Trump e Merkel i japin dorën njëri-tjetrit… |
3 |
Trump hints at the scandal about to blow Video |
3 |
Trump blocks Chrissy Teigen on Twitter |
3 |
1 Trump from MichaelNovakhov 198 sites: Donald Trump |
3 |
National Council Of Churches In The USA Urges President Trump To Institute Robust Refugees Resettlement Programs |
3 |
Décès du président Bush : messages de condoléances du Président Bouteflika à la famille Bush et à Trump |
3 |
See SNL’s Opening Skit – Trump in Argentina! |
3 |
Ivanka Trump opts for elegance in figure-hugging cream outfit on trip to Mexico City |
3 |
3 |
Trump volta atrás e diz que soldados não dispararão contra imigrantes ilegais |
3 |
China’s Xi wins optics game at G20 as he and Trump compete for Latin America |
3 |
Trump agrees not to raise tariffs on China after meeting with Xi Jinping |
3 |
G-20 Leaders Vote Unanimously Not to Give Trump Asylum |
3 |
Los inmigrantes de Trump |
3 |
For the sake of your children and grandchildren who would you believe on climate change: Scientists or Donald Trump |
3 |
Donald Trump Jr Responds To NPR Finally Retracting False Story About Him |
3 |
Putin managed “short contact” with Trump on a G20 summit |
3 |
VIDEOEl imprevisto desplante de Trump a Macri |
3 |
Donald Trump To Attend George HW Bush’s Funeral |
3 |
Trump suspende su plan de subir aranceles a China a cambio de exportaciones |
3 |
Trump to Antifa: ‘You should be careful the other side is much tougher’ |
3 |
Trump habló dos veces con Putin durante la cumbre del G20 en Buenos Aires |
3 |
The Trump Chronicles – Part Five – Trump Tower amp the |
3 |
US China declare trade war ceasefire after Trump Xi summit |
3 |
Trump notificará Congresso no futuro próximo que vai encerrar o Nafta |
3 |
Melania Trump zbulon ‘rivalen’ në samitin e G20-ës |
3 |
US TV Psychic Dies Predicting Trump Future |
3 |
G20: Trump leaves Argentine leader in the lurch |
3 |
3 sites eyed for Trump-Kim summit in early 2019 president says |
3 |
Trump agrees to freeze higher tariffs on 200M in Chinese goods — for now |
3 |
Putin high-fives MBS at G20 but did he shake Trump’s hand VIDEO |
3 |
White House: Trump and China’s Xi reach 90-day ceasefire agreement on new tariffs to allow trade negotiations |
3 |
No 25 Tariffs Next January! Trump and Xi Give Some Hopes on Trade War |
3 |
“It’s A Truce”: Trump Xi Agree… Keep Tariffs At 10 For 90 Days |
3 |
Xi Trump meet in Buenos Aires |
3 |
Chinese President Xi secures jamon deal with Spain amid trade war with Donald Trump |
3 |
President Trump ready to terminate NAFTA |
3 |
Trump cancela conferencia en Argentina tras deceso de Bush padre |
3 |
Trump kräver pengar till mur mot Mexiko |
3 |
Trump says he will tell Congress soon to terminate NAFTA |
3 |
Đàm phán Trump – Tập: Tạm ngừng nâng rào thuế quan |
3 |
Trump the POTUS of “no apparent reason” still meets with Vlad |
3 |
‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin’s Trump Channels ‘Evita’ and Mopes |
3 |
Trump administration faces another legal setback on DACA termination |
3 |
Trump imposes quota on asylum claims at the border |
3 |
Trump y Kim en traje típico por Singapur en Miss Universo 2018 |
3 |
Michael Cohen says Donald Trump knew all about plans to build a skyscraper in Moscow |
3 |
Trump Says He Plans to Withdraw From Nafta |
3 |
In Memo Asking Clemency Cohen Reveals He Worked With Trump’s Lawyers Preparing False Cong Testimony |
3 |
Trump Erdoğan ile yapacağı görüşmeyi iptal etti |
3 |
What President Donald Trump knows in his gut |
3 |
Trump and Melania host Thanksgiving dinner at Mar-a-Lago |
3 |
President Evil: Ryan Adams talks playing killer in Donald Trump mask |
3 |
Warum Donald Trump die Aussagen von Michael Cohen in Bedrängnis bringen |
3 |
The Deep State Plan to Remove Trump: The War has Begun and the Deep State is Winning Battles |
3 |
Trump Says Russia Business Links Are ‘Legal and Cool’ |
3 |
Most Mormons back GOP but fewer support Trump |
3 |
‘Muchas felicitaciones al pueblo mexicano’: Ivanka Trump |
3 |
Congratulations to Donald Trump! |
3 |
Insane CNN Kike Jeffrey Toobin Says Trump May Not Finish Term |
3 |
People Are Making Trump Photos With Tiny Hands To Annoy The President |
3 |
‘Saturday Night Live’ returns with a sad and lonely Trump at G20 – National |
3 |
Donald Trump și Xi Jinping au ajuns la un armistițiu comercial |
3 |
Donald Trump ordena dos castigos a Evo Morales |
3 |
Next Trump-Kim Meeting Likely Early Next Year |
3 |
Trump Visits California Fires: 71 Dead 1000 Missing |
3 |
Trump Uses Death Of George H W Bush As Excuse To |
3 |
Em tempos de Trump e Bolsonaro Sonic é um herói ambientalista inesperadamente subversivo |
3 |
Etats-Unis: Nancy Pelosi en passe d’incarner l’opposition à Trump au Congrès |
3 |
Rozejm w amerykański chińskiej wojnie handlowej Podczas szczytu w Buenos Aires Trump i Xi Jinping osiągnęli porozumienie |
3 |
Trump says hopes to meet NKorea’s Kim in January or February |
3 |
Trump intensifies attack on Mueller probe and dangles pardon for Manafort as his former attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty |
3 |
6 Reasons Why Donald Trump Should Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization |
3 |
Kremlin urges new meeting between Trump and Putin |
3 |
Trump meeting China’s Xi voices hope for progress on trade dispute |
3 |
Điều gì có thể xảy ra tại cuộc gặp Trump – Tập 01/12/2018 |
3 |
2 |
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Trump görüştü |
2 |
Trump stoking caravan fears says troops will fire on migrants if |
2 |
Trump abandonó Argentina tras su participación |
2 |
Trump orders US flags at half-staff for month in honour of Bush Sr |
2 |
Trump abandonó Argentina después de participar en la cumbre del G20 |
2 |
Spectrum Report: Trade Tariffs and Trump |
2 |
Justin Trudeau Sets Trump Straight At New NAFTA Signing Ceremony |
2 |
Trump’s legal team submits written answers to Mueller’s probe of Russian election hacking |
2 |
Breaking! Trump Administration Approves Seismic Testing In The Atlantic Ocean Shockingly |
2 |
Mike Pompeo a VOA: El presidente Trump quiere que se restaure la democracia en Venezuela |
2 |
Democrats In Florida Accusing Trump and |
2 |
Alec Baldwin Returns to SNL as ‘Trump’ After Assault Arrest |
2 |
90-day truce in trade war after Trump Xi dinner in Argentina |
2 |
Trump and the Media Conjure Up Memories of Youth Soccer Games |
2 |
Analysis: On this Trump trip low drama signs of acceptance |
2 |
Missile Trump |
2 |
Increasingly cornered Trump will look out for himself |
2 |
President Trump’s Policy Views on Global Warming |
2 |
Trump leaves Argentina’s Macri standing at G20 |
2 |
TAPE : Pourquoi Neil Young a-t-il tapé 5 millions à Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump at odds with world leaders on migration and climate change at G-20 summit |
2 |
After Trump backed out know who will be the chief guest this January 26 |
2 |
Hasta enero cumbre Trump-Kim |
2 |
2018 : le grand retour des énergies vs énergies renouvelables à l’ère Trump |
2 |
Trump Declares Temporary Detente in Trade War |
2 |
Trump expels environmental change contemplate by his very own administration: ‘I |
2 |
: Merkels Speed-Dating und ein leiser Trump |
2 |
Trump y Xi congelaron por tres meses la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China |
2 |
ELDER: On Immigration Hillary Clinton and John Kerry Discover Their Inner Trump |
2 |
Trump – Fraud or Foreign Policy Gu |
2 |
Top Dem explains why Cohen admission potentially hurts Trump |
2 |
CNN Analyst Busts Trump For Getting Facts Wrong About Life Of George H W Bush |
2 |
Trump Uses Death Of George H W Bush As Excuse To Not Hold Press Conferences |
2 |
Cohen seeks ‘time served’ prison sentence says crimes were meant to protect Trump |
2 |
Trump is prepping for all-out political war |
2 |
SNL: Alec Baldwin Returns As Trump In Argentina |
2 |
Trump’s strange behavior at G20 summit is a window into his current state of mind |
2 |
Trump Xi Agree to Temporary Truce in Trade War |
2 |
Trump Once More Shows There Is No War On |
2 |
EUA e China suspendem novas tarifas por 90 dias após reunião entre Trump e Xi |
2 |
‘Saturday Night Live’ returns with a sad and lonely Trump at G20 |
2 |
The Good News And Bad News About Talking Trump Outside The Country |
2 |
Ivanka Trump se sentó junto a Beatriz Gutiérrez en toma de protesta de AMLO |
2 |
Bossie: President Trump is trying to make Americans more prosperous! |
2 |
Trump suspende plan de subir aranceles a China a cambio de más exportaciones |
2 |
Trump quer se reunir com Kim Jong Un em janeiro ou fevereiro 02/12/2018 às 11:49 |
2 |
Anti-Trump Mexicans In US Rush To Vote F |
2 |
Michael Cohen ex-Trump lawyer asks US judge for leniency |
2 |
Trump Policy Change Instead of The Trump to Crown Prince Salman |
2 |
Trump će zbog ovog da poludi: Njegova najmlađa kćerka… |
2 |
Trump: Winning On Foreign Policy |
2 |
Federal agents raid office of lawyer who previously did tax work for Trump |
2 |
‘SNL’ Surprisingly Defends Melania Trump’s White House Christmas Decorations During ‘Weekend Update’ |
2 |
Protégez-vous contre les guerres de Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump Drops Hammer: Puts Government Shutdown Back On The Table! |
2 |
How many times has President Donald Trump played golf while in office |
2 |
The G20 communique’s most jarring sections courtesy Trump |
2 |
Trump likely to agree to two-week government funding extension |
2 |
The Tragedy of Trump |
2 |
With Cohen’s plea deal Trump shows he can’t be trusted |
2 |
2 |
Ivanka Trump felicita al pueblo mexicano en investidura de AMLO |
2 |
Trump Hates Them – We Love Them |
2 |
Trump Ramps Up GM Threats |
2 |
Ivanka Trump felicita al presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador |
2 |
¿Cómo se llevarán AMLO y Trump con la llegada del izquierdista al poder |
2 |
Décès de Georges Bush: Donald Trump va assister aux funérailles |
2 |
Putin y Trump se ignoran en el G-20 ¡ni la mano se dieron! |
2 |
Should Trump Be Worried About Michael Cohen’s Testimony |
2 |
Trump Shoves Cohen DOWN Mueller’s Face |
2 |
Trump’s Mid-East Strategy: Jockeying For Influence |
2 |
Putin Trump Talks Many on Both Sides Ha |
2 |
Omarosa Is Determined To Burn Trump The |
2 |
GM stock slips as Trump threatens to cut subsidies |
2 |
Donald Trump y XI Jinping pusieron fecha de tregua a la guerra comercial con el pacto de Buenos Aires |
2 |
Alien Arrival Downplayed By Trump |
2 |
Những kịch bản cho cuộc gặp Trump – Tập tối nay |
2 |
Ivanka Trump o guarda-roupa clássico e moderno da “Segunda Dama” dos EUA |
2 |
Subpoenaed Trump Organization Financial Documents Reveal Company’s Only Holding Is Single Dairy Queen In New Jersey |
2 |
Gov Brown looks to financially back Oregon’s fight against Trump |
2 |
Cúpula do G20 apoia reformas na OMC antes de reunião de Trump com Xi |
2 |
Trump Administration Changing Rules To D |
2 |
Trump cancela conferência de imprensa no Global Summit |
2 |
Trump en Xi breiden de handelsoorlog niet uit |
2 |
Outrage Over Trump Labeling MS-13 “ |
2 |
Senate Votes On Resolution Demanding Trump Pull The United States Out Of Saudi-Led War In Yemen |
2 |
‘Unlimited possibilities’: Trump agrees to pause US trade war with China |
2 |
Trump Berencana Ajak Kim Jong-Un Reuni Tahun Depan |
2 |
George HW Bush Somehow Reanimates Himself Long Enough To Say Trump Not Welcome At Funeral |
2 |
Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump Fi |
2 |
FOTO in VIDEO: Trump se zmede in v mikrofon dahne naj ga spravijo stran |
2 |
Mexico’s President AMLO May be Trump’s Surprisingly Close Partner |
2 |
Trump Will Pull Another Upset With The M |
2 |
Bash on Bomb Suspect: Trump ‘Responsible’ for ‘Stoking’ CNN Sucks Chants Encouraging ‘Crackpot’ |
2 |
New York Times: Elliott Broidy omul care l-a dus pe Dragnea la Trump ar fi primit bani din Malaezia ca să facă lobby pentru închiderea unei investigații a Departamentului de Stat |
2 |
Donald Trump returns to Washington after G20 Summit |
2 |
Trump dismantling US climate efforts as warnings grow dire |
2 |
President Trump Scraps Vladimir Putin Meeting at G-20 Over Russia-Ukraine Conflict |
2 |
Trump se retirará del TLCAN para presionar al Congreso a aprobar el T-MEC |
2 |
GLOBALIZAREA ÎMBOGĂȚEȘTE ELITELE și îi sărăcește pe angajați Iată adevăratul motiv pentru care TRUMP este INAMICUL PUBLIC NR 1 al marii finanțe! |
2 |
Presidenti Trump gati të zgjasë financimin e qeverisë me dy javë |
2 |
Iran Trump Has To Rejoin Nuclear Deal O |
2 |
Trump Administration’s Slow But Sure Energy Dominance Agenda |
2 |
George Clooney Blasts Trump and Popular Medical Arrangement |
2 |
CINA Rallenta la crescita del manifatturiero colpa delle sanzioni di Trump |
2 |
Trump Melania to attend state funeral for former president George HW Bush |
2 |
DNC Sues Trump Over Loss Of 2016 Electio |
2 |
G20 agreement backs ‘rules-based’ order but bows to Trump on trade reforms |
2 |
Trump paralizaría sus actividades por el muro |
2 |
If Trump survives will this country Yes but only if we fight |
2 |
Trump Refuses To Say Whether He Regrets Attacking The Bush Family |
2 |
“I cheated on my husband because he’s a Trump supporter and I’m not even sorry” |
2 |
Kim Jong Un Reveals He Is Just Using Trump to Meet Stormy Daniels |
2 |
An Arab affair: Trump daughter falls for Lebanese billionaire heir |
2 |
Trump’s on-off dance with complicated acquaintances at G-20 summit |
2 |
Skuespiller Robert De Niro fikk ærespris – langet ut mot Trump |
2 |
GOP Terrified After Female Trump Voters Reveal How They Feel About POTUS Now |
2 |
Donald Trump railed against George HW Bush’s “kinder gentler America” as early as 1990 |
2 |
Trump: Xi Dinner On But Press Conferences Off Until After Bush Funeral |
2 |
När får Trump och Turnberry arrangera The Open Det kan dröja… |
2 |
Ivanka Trump says father did not authorise lethal force against migrants |
2 |
Activist Judge Rules To Bar Trump From H |
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Dow plunges 832 points ASX slumps Trump blames the Federal Reserve and why I’ll be adding money to my portfolio today |
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‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin Returns as President Trump for First Time After Arrest |
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Trump Boys Set Up ‘Don And Eric Law Place’ To Help Dad With Legal Problems |
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George H W Bush DEAD: Media BASHES Trump |
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One of Trump’s Top EPA Officials Was Just Indicted on State Ethics Charges |
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Republican politicians condemn Trump for his refusal to challenge Putin on election meddling |
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Trump administration argues against tribal sovereignty in Supreme Court case |
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The Mark Taylor – Trump Prophecy is a Delusion – The |
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Could Trump Be The Next Reagan Part 2 |
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JUST IN: TOP DEMOCRAT Lawmaker Calls On UN To Prevent Trump’s Border Agents From Using Tear Gas To STOP Mob Of Illegal Invaders |
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Trump Warns Of Canadian Migrant Caravans After Learning 90 Of Canadians Now Just 200km From US Border |
2 |
Trump Is Keeping His Promises |
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Bố già Trump và chiến thuật mèo vờn chuột dành cho Trung Quốc |
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Trump y Xi sacan bandera blanca por noventa días tras cena en Buenos Aires |
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Trump’s 25 Tech Tariff Boost On China Delayed |
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Trump đồng ý tạm thời ‘đình chiến’ thương mại Mỹ -Trung |
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Vídeo: El menosprecio de Trump a Macri en el G20 |
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Điểm tin thế giới 2/12: Mỹ-Trung quyết định ‘ngừng bắn’ trong cuộc chiến thương mại Trump tiết lộ thượng đỉnh Mỹ-Triều lần 2 sẽ diễn ra vào đầu năm sau |
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Trump Ruins G20 Photo Op By Abruptly Running Offstage Heard Begging Staff “Get Me Out Of Here” |
2 |
Reunión entre Trump y Xi termina en completo hermetismo |
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The world makes room for Trump |
2 |
Sunday News: “Was George HW Bush the Good Bush” “Or Have HW’s Mistakes Been Forgotten” “George HW Bush the anti-Trump” SNL’s Trump Putin MBS… |
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Kim Kardashian says Kanye West’s support of Trump helped free Alice Johnson |
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Mean Girls Are After Melania Trump |
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Trump dejó plantado a Macri en medio del escenario: video viral |
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Trump : Joan Wallach Scott |
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Trump asistirá a funerales del expresidente George H W Bush |
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Under Trump the Swamp Is Draining |
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Donald Trump Leaves Argentinian President Hanging At G20 Summit |
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La Fed passe aux mains de Donald Trump |
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Trump doreşte să se renunţe rapid NAFTA în favoarea noului tratat |
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Kremlj se nada da će se Putin i Trump sastati prije lipnja iduće godine |
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Meese – Charges against Cohen deal with Trump and not Russian collusion |
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Giving the People What They Want: SNL Got Alec Baldwin to Sing “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” in His Donald Trump Voice |
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Preşedintele Trump se declară optimist în privinţa întrevederii cu preşedintele chinez Xi Jinping |
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SHBA – Trump i zgjat dorën gjigantëve të teknologjisë |
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Destroy Trump’s Star They Have Re |
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Trump Supporters Aren’t Evil But They Are Responsible |
2 |
Koniec największej wojny handlowej świata Trump i Xi Jinping zawarli rozejm |
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Trump’dan FETÖ’nün İadesi ile İlgili Açıklama |
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Trump get tough on Pakistan |
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Trump nói có thể gặp thượng đỉnh Kim Jong-un vào đầu năm sau |
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Trump’tan son anda Rusya Hamlesi |
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LeBron James calls on Donald Trump after the Charlottesville drama |
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CNN Analyst Busts Trump For Getting Facts Wrong About Life Of |
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Just In: US President Donald Trump Cancelled Meeting with Vladimir Putin |
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Is The Trump Administration Pivoting The Fight In Syria Toward A War With Iran |
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Trump’s battle with the Europeans |
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Digital Demagogue Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter |
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Donald Trump celebrates Diwali at White House lights diya |
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POLL: Does Trump need to change in order to win 2020 |
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Trump International Beach Resort |
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Trump Just Threw His Translation Earpiece On The Floor And Claimed To Understand Spanish At G20 WATCH |
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Presser: Trump says he’ll be ‘formally terminating NAFTA’ says Congress will have choice between replacement or nothing… |
2 |
Felicita Mike Pence a AMLO en nombre de Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump Said in the Shootout at Florida School- Keep Teachers Too |
2 |
The Left Claims Now Trump And GOP “ |
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Ancaman Tarif Baru Trump Menakuti Pedagang |
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Erdoğan Trump discuss clearing Manbij of YPG |
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Başkan Erdoğan Trump ile görüştü |
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Trump Xi declare truce on new tariffs as trade talks continue |
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Trump – America’s Gift To Th |
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Updated President Trump says next meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un likely in early 2019 |
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Floyd Mayweather On Trump’s ‘Grab Em’ Tape: ‘Thats How Real Men Speak’ |
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Left Goes Postal With Trump Derangement |
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Trump göçmen beyannamesini imzaladı |
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Could Trump Be The New Reagan Part 1 |
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Trump Orders DOJ To Investigate Obama Ta |
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JUST IN: Candice Bergen Gets Big Dose Of KARMA After ANTI-TRUMP “Murphy Brown” Reboot Gets BAD NEWS One Week After Show Trashes ICE Agents |
2 |
How Democrats Plan to Take Down Trump |
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Restaurant responds to backlash against anti-Trump shirts |
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Trump is wrong: his ‘new’ Afghanistan policy looks like more of the same |
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Trump và Putin có cuộc ‘đối thoại không chính thức’ tại tiệc tối G-20 |
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Trump China’s Xi To Talk Trade This Weekend |
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Donald Trump: come nasce il populismo USA |
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El Roto y Donald Trump el Black Friday y el Cambio Climático |
2 |
TRUMP – Rockefellers New Manager |
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Mike Pence Would Not Be Able to Pardon the Trump Organization |
2 |
Robert De Niro Confirms He Has Another Scorsese Project Lined Up Which Will Also Star Leonardo DiCaprio Talks Netflix Taxi Driver and Trump |
2 |
Trump to Fine Latinos for Use of Term “American” |
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Trump China’s Xi Jinping declare 90-day halt to new tariffs White House says – AOL |
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Trump has agreed not to raise duties against China since January 1 |
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Trump Deranged Lefty Wackos Now Completely Insane |
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Mégis találkozott Trump és Putyin a G20-csúcson |
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Trump vs Cuba: Inmoralidad a galope 3 |
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Reporter Confirms 6 Spies Tried to Infiltrate Trump Campaign |
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Trump Supporter Willing To Put Differences Aside And Let Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stay With Him |
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Trump will send Air Force One plane to bring former George HW Bush’s remains to Washington |
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Judge Blocks Trump’s Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline |
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Trump’s parade dreams in US over military affairs |
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Les ancêtres de TRUMP en Haïti … une histoire peu connue!!! |
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Putin y Trump se verán el sábado |
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G20: Los países acordaron un documento pero Trump se mantiene distante |
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Trump Refuses to Answer Question on Whether He Regrets Comments About Bush Family |
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Interview: Trump On Russia Ukraine Brexit |
2 |
George Bush ließ Demut walten Donald Trump Egomanie „Nie war der transatlantische Bruch sichtbarer: Während der ehemalige US-Präsident George H W Bush vermittelte spaltet Donald Trump“ |
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Report Shows Trump Has Been Right About Bitcoin |
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Service minimum sur le commerce et le climat avant le duel Trump-Xi |
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Mr Trump: Ukraine nata Russia zy ama dyuryh hlaleichhoh cha Putin a hmo aw vana |
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A Call From Trump That Was Recorded |
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Nga hy vọng sớm tổ chức hội nghị thượng đỉnh Putin – Trump |
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EEUU y China alcanzan tregua en guerra comercial tras cena entre Trump y Xi |
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Trump Investigations Report |
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Trump impone la sua linea al G20 su protezionismo e immigrazione |
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Trump: próximo encontro com Kim Jong Un deve acontecer em janeiro ou fevereiro |
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REPORT: Roger Stone comments about Trump pardon speculation |
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‘GOOD RELATIONSHIP’: Donald Trump says next meeting with Kim Jong Un likely in January or |
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Trump Was Asked If He Regrets Trashing Bush Family He Responds Like A True Coward |
2 |
Demanda CNN a Donald Trump medios de EU se solidarizan |
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Trump Complains of Currency Manipulation Before Xi Dinner |
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Trump Could Follow Clinton’s Hamas Order In Outlawing Muslim Brotherhood |
2 |
ABD’li senatör Elizabeth Warren’dan Trump’a tokat gibi sözler |
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Trump quer mudar ainda mais as leis imigratórias – CA 101 |
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Trump doreşte să se renunţe rapid NAFTA în favoarea noului tratat USMCA |
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House Democrats Release Their First Bill They’re Going After Trump’s Tax Returns |
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President Trump Threatening to Violate Constitution |
2 |
White House Security Officials Relieved Ivanka Trump’s Computer Just Cardboard Box With Mirror On It |
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México sufriría gravemente por los aranceles de Trump a los autos importados |
2 |
Trump Embracing Volatility We Are |
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Donald Trump speră să aibă o nouă întâlnire cu Kim Jong |
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La semaine à venir: L’affrontement Xi-Trump |
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‘Saturday Night Live’ returns with a sad and lonely Trump at G20 |
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Cohen cooperation is proof of Russian ‘leverage’ over Trump Rep Nadler says |
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Has Donald Trump Abandoned the Palestinians What do the cuts to USAID mean for Palestinians and Israel |
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Spectrum Report: The Russia Investigation and Trump |
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NPR Tries Fails To Prove Donald Trump Jr Lied To The Senate |
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Trump Picks Brett Kavanaugh For SCOTUS |
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How the Democrats Handed Trump the White House |
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Trump Spotted Sitting All Alone While World Leaders Mingle And Greet Each Other At G20 |
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Donald Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan tregua momentánea en la guerra comercial |
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Trump es nuestro aliado |
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Fox News says it has ‘addressed’ its stars stumping for Trump but won’t say how |
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Trump điều chuyên cơ Không lực Một chở thi hài Bush ‘cha’ tới Washington |
2 |
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President Trump directs American flags be flown at half-staff for 30 days in honor of George HW Bush |
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Summitul G20: Putin s-a declarat dezamăgit că n-a putut discuta cu Trump |
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Today News – Cohen claims regular contact with Trump legal team when crafting false statement to Co |
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Trump says hopes to meet NKorea’s Kim in January or February |
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Despite bitter family rivalry Bush wanted Trump at his funeral |
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Trump Xi agree to 90-day tariff pause citing progress on trade disputes |
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Trump on Mexico border tension GM job cuts |
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Trump Administration Approves Seismic Blasting In Atlantic Despite Risks |
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President Donald Trump First Lady Melania Trump Release Statement Following Death Of Former President George HW Bush |
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Bolsonaro / Trump Contaminadores y reaccionarios: las marcas del capital en esta etapa |
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Erdoğan Trump’la Minbiç’i görüşmüş |
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Trump and Twitter |
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We Estimate China Only Makes 846 From an iPhone – and That’s Why Trump’s Trade War is Futile |
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Defend American Democracy! Defeat Trump’s Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court Now! |
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Trump se agencia triunfo en nuevo acuerdo comercial con México y Canadá |
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Roger Stone says he hasn’t spoken to Trump about potential pardon |
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Mỹ chính thức hủy bỏ cuộc gặp Trump – Putin |
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Trump’s Attorney Raided More Over |
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Trump Khan and the Taliban |
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Alec Baldwin returns to ‘Saturday Night Live’ for a star-studded Trump cold open |
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Behind Donald Trump There Is Melania |
2 |
Did the Trump administration just announce plans for a trade war with ‘hostile’ China and Russia |
2 |
Alec Baldwin Just Made His Comeback As Trump On SNL And Captured His Botched G-20 Summit Performance Perfectly |
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Discuţii fără consens la summitul G20 de la Buenos Aires Vladimir Putin şi Donald Trump au vorbit despre incidentul din Kerci |
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Obama Openly Mocks Trump “Not Only Did I Not Get Indicted Nobody In My Administration Got Indicted” |
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Putin And The Saudi Prince Ignore Trump Like An Ex-Boyfriend At Prom |
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Trump şi Xi Jinping de acord să SUSPENDE noile tarife |
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China hails Trump-Xi truce to halt trade war Promises to import more from US |
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Triunfo para inmigrantes un Juez bloquea suspensión del TPS ordenada por Trump |
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Did the Illuminati Foreshadow Trump at Super Bowl 48 – The |
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Let the Xi-Trump post- dinner debate begin update 1 Good |
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Melania Trump dhe zonja e parë e Argjentinës udhëhoqën gratë e… |
2 |
Anti-Trump Candidates Lose Big in 2018 e |
2 |
Fox News Threw Trump Under The Bus Busted Him Lying About Saudi Arabia Deals |
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Trump’tan Kim ile ikinci zirve sinyali |
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Trump y Xi acordaron congelar por tres meses la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China |
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Trump envoie son avion pour le cercueil de George Herbert Walker contre la fraude après l’élection présidentielle |
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Trump pulls punches at global summit makes nice with foes |
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Trump: The Jerusalem Decision amp Russiagate |
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BREAKING: Cheers Break Out At Conclusion Of Trump’s Trade Meeting With China’s Xi Jinping |
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Once Again the Trump Administration Feeds Its Conspiracy-Loving Base |
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Ivanka Trump used personal account for emails about government business |
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Trump’u Korku Sardı |
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The Memo: Trump’s Mueller problems deepen worrying allies |
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Donald Trump |
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Rapper Akon ‘Very Seriously’ Considering Challenging Trump in 2020 |
2 |
Meltdown Over Trump Calling For Strippin |
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Trump Threatens Border Breachers: “We Will Close the Border Permanently” |
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Trump y Xi inician con optimismo una cena clave para la guerra comercial |
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Trudeau wants ‘adversarial relationship’ with Trump says presidential campaign manager |
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President Trump hits pause on tariff war with China – ABC News |
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Trump Headed To Aid US Sen Cindy Hyde |
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Vajza e Donald Trump dashurohet me miliarderin nigerian presidenti e urren |
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Trump gooit oortje tolk weg: ‘Ik verstond je beter in je eigen taal’ |
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Trump reúne líder chinês para discutir guerra comercial |
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Las tapas del domingo 2 de diciembre: La foto de Trump y Xi en Buenos Aires y el cierre del G-20 |
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Schiff knocks Trump: Negotiations |
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Embarrasses Trump At Signing Ceremony For The “New NAFTA” WATCH |
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Trump could cost Europe 75 billion if he follows through with |
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Trump says next meeting with North Korea’s Kim likely in early 2019 |
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EXCLUSIVE:This Will End Trump’s Presidency After Mueller Probing INVANKA amp DON JR In Moscow Project |
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Trump plantea nuevo encuentro con Kim Jong-un en febrero |
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Trump sets national day of mourning for former President George HW Bush |
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‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Joins Putin Mohammed bin Salman in Cold Open |
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Ivanka Trump no va a comida en Palacio Nacional y regresa a EU |
2 |
Will Trump Bring America Down |
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Trump y Xi Jinping cónclave en el palacio Duhau |
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Renegotiation or Withdrawal: The Trump Administration’s Stance on NAFTA |
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Let the Xi-Trump post- dinner debate begin update 1 Good news for Soybeans |
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Grand Lake Theater Oakland Says “Jail To The Chief” Donald Trump |
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Trump Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Received Millions in Laundered Money Report Says |
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Donald Trump’s Back to Crashing Weddings at Golf Club in New Jersey |
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La tregua de Buenos Aires: Trump y Xi frenaron la guerra comercial |
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UNHINGED: Federal Judge Rules Against Trump In Sanctuary Cities Case |
2 |
Mégis találkozott Trump és Putyin a G20 csúcson |
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Trump withdraws from Putin meeting cites Ukraine crisis |
2 |
Michelle Obama On The Late Show: Speaks On Trump’s Lack Of Moral Responsibility “It’s Not Shade It’s Truth” |
2 |
Smug Illegal Alien Trashes Trump On Live TV Not Laughing Moments Later |
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Tax Bill – Trump Wins Democrats P |
2 |
Menuju Agama Cinta Bukan Agama Kebencian ala Donald Trump |
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In GM country workers aren’t abandoning Trump — ‘I’d give him a B right now’ |
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Melania Trump se roba la miradas en el G-20 por sus atuendos |
2 |
The Justice Department Just Submitted Embarrassing Documents Stating Trump Has No Clue What He’s Doing |
2 |
Trump Close To A Deal With China Not Sure He Wants It |
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Trump Signs Trade Pact to Replace NAFTA |
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Hühner in den USA: Für Donald Trump ist geringste Menschlichkeit zu viel |
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Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan no fijar aranceles adicionales a partir del 1Ene de 2019 |
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Η υπόγεια σχέση Trump-Deutsche Bank |
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Trump – How the Left Is Trying To |
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Trump diz que próxima reunião com norte-coreano Kim provavelmente será no começo de 2019 |
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Trump Obama World Leaders Pay Tribute To George HW |
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Tổng thống Trump bất ngờ hé lộ thời điểm gặp ông Kim Jong-un |
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Presa chineză după întâlnirea Trump-Xi: SUA nu vor impune noi taxe |
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Trump Wants Out Of Middle East But Blames Oil And Israel For Having To Stay |
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JUST IN: President Trump Just Singlehandedly Rejected The G-20 Climate Change Statement While Others Caved |
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Donald Trump is playing poker |
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Trước giờ 2 ông Trump-Tập gặp nhau quân đội TQ loan tin trục xuất chiến hạm Mỹ ở biển Đông |
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Donald Trump ve “buenas señales” sobre comercio entre EE UU y |
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Updated Alec Baldwin’s Trump returns with worries about the Mueller investigation |
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Gerson: Trump’s inner circle has been cesspool |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump đề cử một người Công Giáo vào Tối Cao Pháp |
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President Trump says next meeting with North Korean leader Kim |
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Donald Trump – Delegitimize the Media Whataboutism Trolling – John Oliver on Last Week Tonight |
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Trump Visit To Civil Rights Museum Rejec |
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Lambro: Automakers news bad for Trump |
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Muslim congresswoman-elect says grandma prepared her for the ‘biggest bully’ — Trump |
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Trump Pulls Out of Iran Nuclear Treaty |
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The Arcanes: Tarot Predictions for 2018 Donald Trump and Extraterrestrials |
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Trump espera volver a reunirse con Kim Jong-un |
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Desairado por Trump Putin conquista a otros líderes del G20 |
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2/12-Thế giới đêm qua: Trump gặp Tập bên lề G20 giữa lúc căng thẳng thương mại Nga triển khai quân dọc biên giới với Ukraine |
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Space Force : Trump veut ses cowboys de… |
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Elizabeth Warren 2020 Preview: Donald Trump ‘Cozies Up to White Nationalists’ Inspires ‘Domestic Right-Wing Terrorism’ |
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Erdoğan Trump ile görüştü |
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Trump felicitó a Macri: “Estas haciendo un excelente trabajo” |
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Trump rozmawiał krótko z Putinem podczas szczytu G20 |
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With New Acting AG Trump Can Now Contro |
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Under-fire Putin briefs Trump over Ukraine as EU leaders up pressure |
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Trump njofton samitin e ri Kim Jong-Un |
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Traders cast a wary eye post Xi-Trump “handshakep |
2 |
Cuộc tấn công vào Fed là đợt khai trương của Trump trong chiến dịch tái tranh cử năm 2020 |
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Trump Stands Alone On Climate Change At The G20 Summit |
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Trump Blasts Koch Brothers |
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Trump Tower Defense: Защита башни Трампа |
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Trump – Xi 90 Détente: Qualcomm/NXP Tie up Back on the Cards |
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Președintele Trump a anunțat când va avea loc un nou summit cu Kim Jong-un |
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In Memo Asking Clemency Cohen Reveals He Worked With Trump’s Lawyers… |
2 |
Son Dakika! Erdoğan-Trump Görüşmesi Başladı |
2 |
Brexit: le critiche di Trump a Theresa May |
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Is Trump Trying to Change the Courts Qui |
2 |
Trump NAFTA’yı Sonlandıracak |
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Etats-Unis: Donald Trump s’en prend de nouveau violemment au procureur Mueller |
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News Daily: Economic impact of Brexit and Trump-Putin meeting in question |
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President Donald Trump has a message for Washington and Wall Street |
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Donald Trump – Rise of the “Despot Lion” – The Trump |
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Mégiscsak összefutott egymással Trump és Putyin |
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Trump will send Air Force One plane to bring former George HW Bush’s remains to Washington |
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Donald Trump’s Daughter Is Dating A Nigerian |
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Presidents Xi and Trump Agree to Tariff Truce Chinese Media Says |
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Pier 39 terrorist was an anti-Trump antifa supporter |
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Today News – Bolton Says Provided Clarification to Kremlin Over Canceling Trump-Putin Meeting |
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G20: Trump e Putin si sono parlati due volte |
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Traders cast a wary eye post Xi-Trump “handshakeplusamp |
2 |
Trump y Xi acordaron congelar la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China |
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Quem se dá bem com a aproximação Bolsonaro e Trump |
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What Exactly Has Trump Done |
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Moment amuzant cu Trump la G20 A plecat de pe scenă și a cerut să fie scos de acolo VIDEO |
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El “sherpa” TUCUMANO que en una madrugada de locos concilió a Trump con China y coronó el exito del G-20 |
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Did Trump Commit Any Crimes When Paying |
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La tension monte avant un choc Etats-Unis-Chine Trump bouleverse à nouveau l’agenda |
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Ex-prosecutor Hints Michael Cohen May Have Secretly Recorded Trump’s Kids Tapes May Exist |
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Despite Bitter Family Rivalry Bush Wanted Trump at His Funeral |
2 |
„Sieci”: Panie Trump kogo Pan przysłał „Sieci”: Panie Trump kogo Pan przysłał |
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Infamous Baby Trump Balloon – That Trump Can’t Stand – Just Popped Up At G20 Summit |
2 |
Miedo Trump en la Casa Blanca No Ficción |
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Donald Trump says hopes to meet NKorea’s Kim in January or February |
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Trump’s Massive Border Deployment – To Win Votes |
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Energie solaire : Donald Trump vient de faire une… |
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Trump Xi Dinner Leads to Temporary Truce in China-US Trade War |
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Trump sending Air Force One to bring Bush casket to Washington |
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Jew Woman Mourns That She May Not Have Enough White Privilege to Survive Trump’s America |
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A Short History of Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories |
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Jew Media in Hysterics Over Putin amp Trump |
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Trump leaves Argentine leader in the lurch |
2 |
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Trump zagadnął Putina podczas szczytu G20 Prezydent Rosji odpowiedział w dwóch |
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Media Roots Radio: Deadly Wildfires Midterm Wash Trump Fans Flames of Civil War |
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Trump Tower Delhi NCR |
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Summit G20: Întrevedere Donald Trump-Xi Jinping de aproximativ două ore |
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Trump assents to shutdown delay |
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Trump a rejeté l’accord de Paris mais ses diplomates négocient toujours |
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Trump’tan Kim ile ikinci zirve sinyali |
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My review of the first week of the Trump |
1 |
Trump Administration And Paul Ryan Are Forced To Pull The Trumpcare Bill |
1 |
Ralph Nader Makes Open Call for Trump to Veto Anti-Consumer Bill |
1 |
Trump May Meet North Korea’s Kim In January Or February |
1 |
Education Matters More Than Trump to Wisconsin Voters |
1 |
Trump Geri Adım Attı ABD ve Çin Arasında Geçici Uzlaşma Sağlandı |
1 |
Asian markets mostly rise ahead of Trump-Xi oil extends says hanging up his Rocky gloves |
1 |
Donald Trump’s Signature – what does it “really” say about him |
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G20 c’è l’accordo tra i leader E Trump canta vittoria: Per noi un successo |
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Welche Auswirkungen haben die Ergebnisse der Midterms auf die Trump-Administration |
1 |
Trump Bucks G20 Leaders on Junk Science Climate Change Agreement |
1 |
11 novembre: Macron interdit la rencontre Poutine-Trump |
1 |
Breaking: United Nations Orders Trump To Let The Caravan In! |
1 |
MIAMI: Alicia Machado revela foto de Trump besándola y le sale el tiro por la culata |
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Trump takes the battle to the MSM |
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Welcome to Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck |
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US China reach tariff ceasefire after Trump-Xi meeting |
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World News November 30 2018 Edition: FBI Raids Home Of New Clinton Foundation Uranium One Whistleblower – “It Was Anarchy” As Mag 7 Quake Rocks Anchorage Alaska Gov Issues Disaster Declaration – Putin high-fives MBS at G20 VIDEO – Putin Spokesman Shares 2016 Emails From Michael Cohen – US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices Not More Jobs: Survey |
1 |
The Trump Peace Plan – The Jay Shapiro Show audio |
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View this post on Instagram MBS totally stole Trump’s weird hand pat thing A post shared by Jacob Berezin jacobberezin on Nov 30 2018 at 8:21am PST |
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Trump’s Speech and the New World Disorder |
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Trump’s Jerusalem move won’t help the cause of peace |
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Întâlnire LA NIVEL ÎNALT între Ana Birchall fiica lui Trump și Mike Pence! DISCUȚII |
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Trump overheard saying ‘get me out of here’ as he suddenly walks off stage at G20 summit – The Independent |
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Melania Trump mostra as decorações de natal da Casa Branca – fonte: Caras |
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Trump y Xi Xinping el encuentro más esperado de toda la cumbre del G20 |
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‘Celebrity Apprentice’: Trump Blasts Show’s Low Ratings |
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Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics |
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Is Trump the new McCarthy |
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Trump Xi chew over trade war at high-stakes Editions |
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Trump Sets Wednesday as a National Day of Mourning for George HW Bush |
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Trump entregou seu destino nas mãos dos americanos |
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Trump and Xi begin meeting on trade in Buenos Aires with upbeat comments |
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Ohio Sen Sherrod Brown says ‘I don’t know’ when asked if he’s the best person to challenge Trump |
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Trump Nominates Indian American Noemi Rao To Replace Kavanaugh |
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Trump’s inner circle has been a cesspool |
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Sport amp Trump și Xi Jinping întâlnire crucială la sfârșitul summitului G20 |
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The Secret Meeting Planned Coup Against President Trump To Takeover |
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WatchOut with the old: Trump to kill existing NAFTA text to push Congress to approve USMCA |
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The Trumpcare Train Comes To A Grinding Stop – Will President Trump Work With Democrats On A Compromise |
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Si Ťin-pching a Trump se domluvili o zlepšení čínsko-amerických vztahů |
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Its 2040 and Trump is still president |
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Pedro Sánchez detrás de Trump y Macron en la cumbre G20 |
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Trump dice ver “buenas señales” sobre el comercio entre EEUU y China |
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Donald Trump could withdraw Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination if sexual assault claims found to be credible |
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Where Does the Trump-Russia Investigation Go from Migrants Are Managing Their Own Asylum Process |
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Donald Trump celebrates Diwali at White House l |
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Lavrov: a kercsi incidens célja a Putyin-Trump találkozó meghiúsítása lehetett |
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WATCH: Things Get Ugly on “The View” When Conservative Host Defends Trump |
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Nur Trump und Putin können neues gefährliches Wettrüsten noch verhinden: Erwartungen und Forderungen an das Gipfeltreffen in Helsinki Götz Neuneck |
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30 Seconds to Smart: How Trump Policies Are Affecting International Events |
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Rocked by Trump G-20 leaders defend ‘rules’ |
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High Tension G20 Opens Dominated by Trump quarrels |
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Trump Defends Moscow Pursuits |
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Che Guevara-fan Jay-Z slams Trump-fan Kanye West as a “House Ngger!” |
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Trump Muses About The Fed Chairwoman Who Got Away |
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Buhari joins Macron Trump Putin to mark centenary of World War 1 |
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‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin Returns As Donald Trump amp Is Jealous Of Putin amp Mohammed Bin Salman’s Bromance |
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Rush Limbaugh Predicts Republicans To Join Democrats In Opposing Trump |
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Open Letter To President Donald J Trump – Part 2 |
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Trump enfrentado al Estado Profundo |
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Donald Trump’s Son-In-Law Jared Kushner To Be Senior Adviser To President-Elect |
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De la efusividad de Putin a la frialdad de Trump |
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Trump Administration Rejects Ban On M-44 ‘Cyanide Bombs’ That Killed More |
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Turnberry en svidande förlust för Trump – förlusten 25 miljoner dollar |
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The Climate Report the Trump Administration Didn’t Want You to See |
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Januárban vagy februárban lehet Donald Trump második csúcstalálkozója Kim Dzsong Unnal |
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ENHANCING REGIONAL SECURITY: The Trump Administration is working with allies to enhance regional security |
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Michael Cohen’s guilty plea has President Trump ‘rattled’ Chuck Todd saysMichael Cohen’s guilty plea has President Trump ‘rattled’ Chuck Todd Michael Cohen’s guilty plea has President Trump ‘rattled’ Chuck Todd says |
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Mid-Term Elections 2018: Us Democrats Win House In Blow To Trump |
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Trump has shown himself to be a total wimp when it comes to making good on his previous threats to shut the government |
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John Kass: Acosta case proves Trump judges’ merits |
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G20 Trump annuncia e poi cancella l’incontro con Putin Il tecnologica e trasporto aereo |
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Child Donates 3 To President Trump And Look What He Receives After 9 Months! |
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Trump has his work cut out for himself |
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Trump ordena que banderas en EEUU ondeen a media asta 30 días por el expresidente George HW Bush |
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Trump: spotkanie z Kim Dzong Unem |
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Ivanka Trump Apple CEO Tim Cook visit Idaho school |
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Desmontando el Rusiagate: La CIA FBI NSA y el MI6 detrás de la falsa colusión entre Donald Trump y Rusia |
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Trump devalúa el G-20 |
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Kremlin espera que Putin e Trump possam se reunir antes de junho do próximo ano |
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Lou Correa and Tom Daly support Trump deportations and OC cooperation with ICE! |
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Fear: Trump in the White House By Bob Woodward |
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President Trump’s US Mexico Boarder Wall Prototypes Officially Unveiled and Why |
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El yerno de Trump rindió homenaje a víctimas de la Amia |
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Trump to kill old NAFTA 422 views |
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End Trump’s cruel zero tolerance anti-immigration policy |
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Trump suspende reunión con Putin tras peligrosa provocación de Ucrania Sigue viva la reunión con Xi Jingpin |
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New Details Reinforce That The FBI Used Fake Pretexts To Start Investigating Trump |
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BRUTALNO BOGATI KARIĆI Nezamisliv luksuz seksi snahe i on kao najveća zvijezda! Srpski Trump i njegova obitelj prava su balkanska ‘Dinastija’ |
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Trump và Trung Quốc kêu gọi một thỏa thuận ngừng bắn trong chiến tranh thương mại Giờ thì sao 1 |
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The Anti-Trump Revolt that Wasn’t |
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A faithful response to Trump’s border crisis from a Catholic a Protestant a Muslim and a Jew |
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Would Trump order the tear gassing of Norwegians if they came desperately to America for asylum |
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Sor került egy rövid Trump-Putyin találkozóra |
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Trump Policies Create a Brain Drain |
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Trump readies for 2020 campaign with no plans to change his approach |
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This week everybody was talking about Trump vs the law |
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Trump Conspiracy: 13 Theories Donald Trump Pushed That Were Totally False |
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1 Trump from MichaelNovakhov 198 sites: Politics: GM thinks layoffs will boost its bottom line The reality is more complicated |
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Collins says she will cast deciding vote for extreme Trump judicial nominee |
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JUST IN: Trump Just Made An Unexpected Announcement on North Korea |
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TRUMP Gobierno política exterior y geoestrategia mundial |
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Decreta Trump 30 días de duelo por Bush padre |
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Compania imobiliară a lui Trump a înregistrat pierderi uriaşe de când ‘BOSS-ul cel mare’ |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping Agree To Trade Truce At G-20 Summit – HuffPost |
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Trump Team Meeting to Determine Release Date for Mideast Plan |
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Trump đang cân nhắc 5 địa điểm cho cuộc gặp với… |
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Budget For Medicare And Other Health Programs Slashed By Trump |
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Trump: „Noi nu vom cheltui trilioane de dolari ca să le facem altora aerul mai curat” |
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Donald Trump pourrait décider de taxer de Villiers : Les quatre dimensions d’un bon : vers des super-menaces en 2019 |
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The Secret of Why Trump Won’t Release His Taxes |
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Resisting Trump Five Tips from the Hunter-Gatherer Playbook |
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– Trump og Putin i kort møte på G20 |
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Ex abogado de Trump se declaró culpable de mentir al Congreso sobre Rusia |
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De Niro übte scharfe Kritik an Trump |
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Trump opens trade dinner with Xi hails their ‘special’ relationship says hopeful for agreement at ‘some point’ |
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Trump Plays Nice With China At G20 Agrees To Ceasefire In War He Started |
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Trump trimite AERONAVA Boeing 747 pentru a TRANSPORTA corpul lui George HW Bush la |
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Donald Trump shows Attitude of Gratitude at Thanksgiving See Tweets |
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“My Administration is dedicated to securing human rights in Cuba and Venezuela and strengthening our cultural and philosophical ties with all our Latin American partners” – President Donald J Trump |
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G20 Argentina: Trump habló 2 veces con Putin durante la cumbre en Buenos Aires |
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Peña se preparó con rodilleras para entregar medalla a yerno de Trump |
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‘Fair Game: Director’s Cut’: Inspired By The Trump Administration Doug Liman Re-Cuts His 2010 Political Drama Review |
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Chính quyền Trump cố gắng một lần nữa để thực hiện cam kết hạ tầng |
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Malgré l’opposition frontale de la plupart des médias Donald Trump a fait mieux que limiter les dégâts lors des élections de mi-mandat: si la Chambre des représentants penche comme attendu du côté démocrate les Républicains renforcent eux leur majorité au Sénat |
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Media Roots Radio: Trump Erases Palestine Dallas Police Murder 9/11 Anniversary |
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Donald Trump et Xi Jinping enterrent momentanément la hache de guerre |
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La Crisis Mundial Trump BrExit BRICS Francisco Bitcoins Yuan Continentalismos Globalismos y Pluriversalismo |
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Trump-Xi meet a turning point in global trade war |
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Finalement Donald nous aura Trumpé… énormément ! |
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Gold prices moving in a narrow range before the Trump and Wuxi meeting |
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Fuera Macri Fuera Trump y Bolsonaro |
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Prezident Trump formálne zruší Severoamerickú dohodu o voľnom obchode |
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Peña y Trump son uno mismo |
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Trump hails trade deal with China |
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WATCH: NBC Uses President HW Bush’s Death to Attack Trump |
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Trump dhe Xi Jinping tërhiqen nga lufta tregtare |
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Trump ignora il presidente argentino Rimane solo e i fotografi se la ridono |
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CHINA 🔴 President Trump CRUCIAL Bilateral Meeting with Xi Jinping at G-20 Summit |
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Trump se retirará del TLCAN para presionar al Congreso a aprobar el trato de T-MEC |
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Trump prevê acordo para estender fundos e evitar paralisação de governo |
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Despite The Bush Family’s War on Trump POTUS Sending Air Force One to Carry George HW Bush’s Body To DC To Begin Final Tributes |
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ANN COULTER: Trump’s great wall is now Trump’s great stall |
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Coal Plant Capacity Decreasing Under Trump |
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Donald Trump amp Michael Cohen Recording Proved Legal Advisor warned Recently we listened that Do… |
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Kirsten Powers: White women who support Trump are racist and people actually voted for Empty Cortex |
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If They Understood Trump’s Grift Would Voters In 2016 Have Cared |
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Trump President – Make America Metal Again T-Shirt |
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Episode 2 of WTF Trump! The Full Ginsburg |
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US aide says trade summit between Trump and China’s Xi went ‘very well’ |
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Al final hubo tregua tras una cumbre de dos horas entre el presidente chino y Trump |
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When Trump Meets Sananda Supreme Commander Of Project Transition Earth… Dreaming Of A Future That Has Already Happened |
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Trump dismisses Bob Woodward’s book: ‘Lies and phony |
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Famílias separadas por Trump reúnem-se em biblioteca atravessada pela linha de animais a fazerem-nos companhia também no é que não comemos cães |
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The Latest: Trump considering 2-week US funding Gulf War looms large over Bush’s Mideast legacy |
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Tech Against Trump Available now |
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Lumia trump cards |
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Suspendería Trump actividades gubernamentales después de funeral de Bush |
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The Nationalist Party of Trump is killing the Republicans |
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Kreml: nem érkezett hivatalos értesítés a Putyin-Trump találkozó lemondásáról |
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Trump threatens Saudi Arabia with “very severe” consequences |
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Elecciones de medio mandato en EEUU: Revés para la administración Trump |
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Trump hace enfurecer a HBO y al mundo de Game of… |
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Donald Trump Balas General Motors |
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Barack Obama lambasts Trump over legal troubles |
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G20: puntos clave de un documento final marcado por guerra comercial y desacuerdos con Trump |
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What’s A Subpoena — And Should Trump Fear It By Robert B Reich |
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What Trump Should Do About Electric Vehicle Subsidies |
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Fmr CIA Director John Brennan Gets Royally Roasted After His Latest Anti-Trump Rant |
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GOP Terrified After Female Trump Voters Reveal How |
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Trade summit between Trump and China’s Xi went ‘very well’: US aide |
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Trump Blinked The Fed Blinked And The Powell Put |
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Trump Was Asked If He Regrets Trashing Bush |
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Adam Schiff: Trump Is ‘Compromised’ by Russian Ties — ‘That Puts Our Country At Risk’ |
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Trump-Berater wirft Deutschland Ausbeutung vor |
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Trump lamentó la muerte de Bush padre |
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Melania Trump – Ist das ihr neuer Trick So vermeidet sie Körperkontakt mit Donald |
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Trump’s protectionist gamble |
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First lady Melania Trump Has Unveiled the 2018 White House Christmas Decorations |
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Prince’s unusual comment on ritual spending raises key for Second Summit between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump ile Angela Merkel görüştü |
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Trump names handbag designer as US ambassador to South Africa |
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Ventuno cittadini fanno causa a Trump per il clima |
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Trump warns ‘Canada goose caravans’ heading toward US border |
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Actualidad Trump y Melania asistirán al funeral del expresidente George H W Bush |
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Trump droht erneut mit Reuter: „Ich gehe nicht gern es geht aber weiter |
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Gifts for First Lady Melania Trump |
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Trump à mi-mandat : le pire est-il toujours sûr |
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Apple Will Not Support Republican Presidential Convention Because Of Trump |
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Trump calls birthright citizenship ‘ridiculous’ plans to end it with executive order |
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How Did The Dems Win 7 Red GOP Seats Ben Ray Lujan And His Band Of Incompetents Want The Credit— But Kevin McCarthy And Trump Did More Than The DCCC Did |
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Trump Tower Moscow Deal Done! |
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Trumpcare Resultó Saboteado por su Propia Gente: Verguenza de Trump Ante el Congreso |
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Sad! Big bash honoring Rudy Giuliani canceled because people find him ‘too toxic’ thanks to Trump |
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Por la muerte de Bush Trump canceló la conferencia de prensa en el G20 |
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CNN Analyst Busts Trump For Getting Facts Wrong About Life Of George H W |
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Moscú “lamenta” que Trump haya cancelado su reunión con Putin |
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Donald Trump and Xi Jinping declare trade truce at G20 |
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Miku i dyshimtë i Donald Trump në Lindjen e Mesme |
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La chambre va passer aux Démocrates mais Trump a gagné la partie |
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Trump’ın Danışmanından YPG Ve PKK Açıklaması |
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NPR TELLS HUGE LIE About Donald Trump Jr’s Congressional Testimony…Trump Jr Fights Back After Prominent Dem Lawmakers Spread Lie |
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Ti sei mai chiesto perchè Trump non parla mai dei |
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Trump likely to agree to two-week government funding extension – Reuters |
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Trump điều chuyên cơ Không lực Một chở thi hài Bush ‘cha’ tới Washington |
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Ivanka Trump Shows Off New 1100 Cut amp Color Before u daawan karaa Filimada Mareykanka ee F4U |
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Russian spokesman says there were contacts on Trump Tower but they ‘disappeared’ |
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Is The SampP 500 Chart A Reflection of Mr Trump’s Style And How May This Resolve |
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Michael Cohen admits Trump knew as early as 2015 that it was Hillary’s turn to be president |
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“La bestia” de Trump se quedó sin nafta |
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Trump and Morrison meet |
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Trump y Putin hablaron brevemente durante la Cumbre del G20 |
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Trump Admin Approves Seismic Testing Which Harms Whales and Dolphins |
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Melania Trump The First Lady |
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Trump Obama Clinton mourn ex-president Preparing for The 2019 Elections ‘Thank You’ Walk In Osogbo |
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Ivanka Trump defends private email use says there ‘is no equivalency’ with Hillary Clinton’s email scandal |
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Trump Has Won Now Liberals Must Wake Up |
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Orange Crush: Trump broke McSally GOP’s stranglehold on Arizona1 |
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Trump nagyon berágott a General Motors-ra megvonná tőlük az állami támogatást |
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FBI Raid Trump’s Former Chicago Tax Attorney – Seizing Documents Computers |
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Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House Pdf version |
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Trump’la Prens Salman karşılaÅŸtı |
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Trump should take a hard look at his tariffs |
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Toxic Prison Housing: How Trump’s Playground Treats Its Poor |
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As Trump isolates the US with his recent ‘economic aggression’ policy Russia believes China will soon takeover as number one economy |
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Trump insiste en atacar a Bill Clinton |
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Melania Trump wyszła ze szpitala po operacji nerki |
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“Muchas felicitaciones al pueblo mexicano”: Ivanka Trump |
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Trump calls for end to Florida recount ballots ‘massively infected’ |
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JUST IN: GERALDO RIVERA Goes Ballistic…Demonstrates Why Liberals Aren’t Problem Solvers Like Trump Video |
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Trump marches off G20 stage before group photo and is overheard saying ‘get me out of here’ on microphone |
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Poutine défend devant Trump son approche musclée envers l’Ukraine |
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Se Hunde Trump |
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Shithole Countries What I Learned In The Peace Corps In Africa: Trump Is Right |
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Trump Refuses to Walk Back Attacks on George HW Bush But Uses Death as Reason to Ditch G-20 Press Conference: WATCH |
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Associazione Verità su Ustica: Conte ne ha parlato con Trump |
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SUWA Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit Produces Documents Linking Trump Interior Department to Oil-Gas-Coal Interests |
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Jane Fonda: Trump-Era has ‘Parallels’ to ‘Hitler and the Third the web |
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Hasil pertemuan Trump-Xi akan pengaruhi ringgit minggu depan |
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Trump’s foreign policy captive of the neocons |
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201118 Trump enthüllt freie Energie: Die ersten Türme für drahtlose Stromversorgung stehen schon |
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Tiffany Trump Just Shared One HOT Bikini Throwback as She Studies for Finals |
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Trump ‘Not Happy’ with Russian Aggression toward Ukraine |
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CXN 12021813 947 Tương tự như tháng 51968 sau Mậu Thân 2 bên Mỹ-Bắc Việt đồng ý ngồi vào bàn Hòa Đàm Paris mà thôi Paris Peace Talks Chỉ khác biệt lần này giữa Trump và Tập là đồ ng ý ngưng bắn khi thương thảo Hòa Đàm Paris là vừa đánh vừa đàm Hoàn toàn chư có một thỏ a thuận cụ thể nào cả chủ đồng thuận ngưng bắn trong 3 tháng thương thảo cụ thể nếu ko có gì thì lại nổ súng tiếp khốc liệt hơn rất nhiều trade war agreed to cease fired to proceed wit h peace talk: Chiến tranh thương mại Mỹ-Trung: Thỏa thuận đồng ý đình chỉ thuế quan thương mại mới Đây không phải là một sự đình chỉ của cuộc chiến thương mại mà là một sự đình ch ỉ của sự leo thang của cuộc chiến thương mại |
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Trump espera volver a reunirse con Kim Jong-un en “enero o febrero” |
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Ông Trump nói về “những dấu hiệu tốt” trước cuộc gặp với ông Tập |
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President Trump Made It Clear That He Wants To Leave The G20 Summit |
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Trump May Be Right on INF Treaty But Who Gains |
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Covering a crime Trump’s business glasses on the eyes of the United States |
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G20-csúcs: rövid találkozó Trump és Putyin között |
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Oficiales de la patrulla fronteriza de Estados Unidos Con bombas lacrimógenas y balas de goma disuadieron a los cerca de 500 migrantes que intentaron cruzar por Tijuana a suelo estadounidense además el Gobierno del presidente Donald Trump cerró temporalmente el paso fronterizo de San Ysidro |
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Donald Trump suspende plan de subir aranceles a China |
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Perception Pushing Trump’s 3 Goal But Economy is Not Out Of The |
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Trump’s dangerous Asian game |
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Trump and Xi Make Nice |
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La influencia de Trump en la legislación salvadoreña: el decreto 717/2017 |
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Donald Trump’s 35 tax could lead to job cuts in the film industry |
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Turkey’s Erdogan discussed Syria lender Halkbank with US President Trump |
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Mr Ring’s Landmark Case Against Donald J Trump Ivanka Trump Donald J Trump And The Trump Organization |
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Macri le agradeció a Trump la ayuda al país y el apoyo en las gestiones con el FMI |
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Trump hopes to meet Kim early 2019 |
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Trump y Xi Jinping pactan una tregua de 90 días |
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The Regional Consequences of Trump’s Jerusalem Decision |
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White House Spokestapir Sara Huckabee Sanders Tells Reporters That Donald Trump Jr Is Not Fredo |
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Donald Trump hails ‘amazing and productive’ talks as US agrees to suspend new China tariffs for 90 days |
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Jews Attempt Last Minute Trickery to Stop Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee |
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Analyse: Was die Einigung zwischen Trump und Xi für die deutschen Autobauer bedeutet |
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Un élégant Melania Trump vêtu d’une robe Dior de 10 000 dollars et la prestigieuse première dame argentine Juliana Awada à la tête des femmes des leaders mondiaux lors de la visite d’un musée d’art lors du G20 |
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Michael Cohen Believed Trump Would Offer Him A Pardon |
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Trump Claims the Economy Is the Best Ever—These 11 Facts Tell a Different Story |
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Trump Xi agree to temporary truce in bid to contain trade war |
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Trump and Xi’s Truce: What It Means for the Market This Week |
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POTUS Trump to ditch NAFTA give Congress choice of USMCA or nothing |
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Trump formálne zruší Severoamerickú dohodu o voľnom obchode |
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Trump says he’ll give Congress notice of Nafta exit |
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Before supporting Donald trump know his vision and the reasons for supporting him |
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Toate bisericile ortodoxe din ţară vor oficia slujba de Te Trump se declară optimist în privinţa întrevederii cu preşedintele chinez |
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The top destinations for global tech talent in the age of Trump |
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BREAKING: Trump WHITE HOUSE Makes DEVASTATING Announcement Puts ALL Obama Crooks On NOTICE!!! |
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President Donald Trump Views For Israel’s Regional Security |
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Trump Animal Face Swap Texture packs |
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Cohen’s Guilty Plea Isn’t Proof Trump Campaign Colluded with Russia |
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Trump blow after Senate votes to withdraw from Yemen campaign |
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Trump se hace con el Senado y Demócratas con la Cámara de Representantes en elecciones de ayer |
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Trump has officially moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem |
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Trump amenaza a los demócratas |
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Team Trump is probably none too pleased with this news |
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GOP Senators don’t show up for free speech hearing Dems blame Trump for campus violence |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump đề cử một người Công Giáo vào Tối Cao |
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Sirisena’s Last ‘Trump Card’: Sowing Discord In UNP amp Engineering |
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Guerra comercial en pausa: Trump congela plan d |
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Next meeting with NKorea’s Kim likely in early 2019: Trump |
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Trump become softens in Muslim issue |
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Manlig osäkerhet möjlig faktor i stöd för Trump |
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DSA action at the Trump protest – Suncoast Casino |
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Trump stellt 90-Tage-Frist : USA und China: „Waffenstillstand“ im Wetter : Adventszeit startet mit viel Regen und Wind |
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US politicians not yet toasting Trump-Kim summit |
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Videos: Alec Baldwin’s Trump Returns To ‘Saturday Night Live’ With Host Claire Foy |
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Men Who Are Insecure About Their Manhood Support Donald Trump |
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Trump is energetically and persistently assaulting the rule of |
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POLL: Do You Support Trump’s Decision to Move The US Embassy To Jerusalem |
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Donald Trump vrea o nouă întâlnire cu liderul nord-coreean Kim Jong Un |
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It is all by design You need to understand the left They want to politicize everything They believe that their version of the truth should be rammed down everyone’s throat IE having drag queens read to children in libraries They ooze with Trump derangement syndrome to the degree that anything available must be commandeered to condemn and destroy Donald Trump |
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Trump Terminating Mueller With GOP Support After FISA Memo Exposes Obama Era Abuses Video |
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Trump’s Crucial Test At San Ysidro |
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México premia a Trump por balas de goma de la border patrol |
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‘There’s not a single joke in Brexit’: Michael Palin reveals that he doesn’t find British politics funny and calls American president Donald Trump ‘completely bizarre and idiotic’ |
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Xi defiende ante Trump la cooperación como la mejor opción para… |
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Updated Alec Baldwin’s Trump returns with worries about the Mueller investigation 8 mins ago |
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Andy Penry Chủ tịch hội đồng bầu cử Bắc Carolina từ chức sau các bài viết chống Trump |
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VideoTổng thống Argentina khó xử vì bị Tổng tống Donald Trump bỏ rơi |
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El presidente Macri le agradeció al presidente Trump su apoyo a la Argentina |
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Trump és az energiaipar |
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Trump seeks ‘ideological certification’ for immigrants |
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Preparan coloquio sobre la “Encrucijada Trump” |
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Trump blinda de a sanciones a Arabia Saudita |
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IG confirms Trump’s involvement in FBI headquarters project across from his hotel |
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WILL WILKINSON Can Democrats Drain Trump’s Gilded Swamp New York Times 27 November 2018 |
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“Et personligt engageret angreb på Putin og Trump som i høj grad fortjener at blive læst trods sine begrænsninger” |
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US Government-Bond Prices Fall on Trump Outlook |
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Brésil: Jair Bolsonaro le “Trump Tropical” |
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Reunión entre Donald Trump y Xi Jinping tras G20 podría ser clave para contener la guerra comercial |
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The Raw Story Claims Trump Has ‘Secret Legal Team’ He Doesn’t |
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Don Lemon double standards on Trump’s Kanye meeiting |
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MEDIA BLACKOUT: US Court Finds Obama GUILTY Of Something That Vindicates Trump |
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Trump hace enfurecer a HBO y al mundo de Game of |
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CNBC: US will hold off on raising China tariffs to 25 as Trump and Xi agree to a 90-day trade truce |
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realclearp: Cohen’s Guilty Plea Isn’t Proof Trump Campaign Colluded with Russia |
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AG Becerra Takes Action to Block the Trump Administration from Withholding Public Safety Grant |
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Stars hilariously react to Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech taken from Michelle Obama |
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ErdoÄŸan Trump’la ayaküstü görüÅŸtü |
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NewsHere’s what Michael Cohen alleges about President Trump |
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Morrison Sly Over Possible Trump Meeting |
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Donald Trump Boxing Royale |
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Trump/Putin Meeting at G20: On or Off Showdown with China’s Xi Jinping |
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Hopes Slim for End to Trade War When Xi Jinping Meets Donald Trump at the G20 |
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The Powerful Friends of Donald Trump We Should Know About |
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‘Fake news’ la excusa de Trump ante su retraso con la Reina |
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Trump afirmó que le preocupa la situación Rusia-Ucrania |
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PARTNERING TO PROMOTE REGIONAL PROSPERITY: President Donald J Trump is using the G20 Summit to work with partners to promote economic prosperity for the Americas |
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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago cronies under investigation for shady work at VA |
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Putin in Trump samo stoje |
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Industriens Pension: Sådan bliver december for Trump og Xi Jinping har begge stærke kort på hånden – prisen for handelskrig er ved at blive for høj |
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Front features President Trump’s Portrait |
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Mr Trump Jerusalem is not the capital of biblical Israel |
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115-asis Vilniaus tarptautinis trumpųjų filmų festivalis kviečia lietuvių kūrėjus teikti filmus |
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Ivanka Trump dedica tuit en español a AMLO: Un honor acompañarles |
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Suspende Trump los visados exprés para empleados tecnológicos |
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Donald Trump avait raison ! |
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Anti-Trump Bisherige Aktivitäten Trumps und die Auswirkungen der Midterms im Überblick |
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‘Ogromna količina bijesa’ : Trump prijeti ukidanjem subvencija General Motorsu zbog otpuštanja |
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El G20 concluyó con un acuerdo que reconoce diferentes con Trump |
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Roger Stone Says He Never Talked to Julian Assange About Emails Mueller About Probe or Trump about Pardons |
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Gespräch zwischen Putin und Trump fand doch noch statt – aber nur kurz |
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Trump-Xi Showdown in Buenos Aires Begins Friday |
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Donald Trump’s “Nuclear Option” |
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In time for Midterms: Trump Sets Another Record |
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MSNBC Host Goes BALLISTIC Blaming Trump for Violence |
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Trump hace enfurecer a HBO y al mundo de Game of Thrones |
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After Latest Cohen Revelations Disintegration of Trump Regime Accelerates “Individual 1” Unlikely to Complete Four-Year Term in Conflict with Democratic House and Special Counsel |
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Trump Sends Jared Kushner to Border with Stop Sign |
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Why the candidates are arguing more about health care than Trump in Texas’ top races for Congress |
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A continência de Bolsonaro para o conselheiro de Trump John Bolton na quinta passada não pode ser vista apenas como um cumprimento Militar bate continência ao seu superior que responde ou não |
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It’s Time to Tell Trump What We Think |
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Trump Submits Written Answers to Mueller’s Russia Probe |
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Open Letter to Trump Whitaker and Nielsen: Give safe passage to legal asylum Note |
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Out Now:Anal Trump The First 100 Songs |
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The Office of Trump’s Former Tax Attorney Was Just Raided by the FBI |
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Ông Trump điều chuyên cơ Không lực Một chở thi hài Bush “cha” tới Washington |
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President Trump’s Most Unpleasant Day In Pleasure California |
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Trump USA Flag Men’s Boxer Brief |
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The Trump Regime Uses Info From Migrant Children to Deport Their Families |
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America First chiar şi la G20 Un mare succes pentru Donald Trump |
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“Fuera Trump fuera Bolsonaro y fuera a todos los fascistas de Argentina y América Latina” |
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The Failure of Liberal Feminism in the Trump RIGHT UNDER ATTACK |
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Maradona se burló de Trump y le negaron el ingreso a Estados Unidos |
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At Jerusalem media summit Oren and Friedman hail Trump — but it won’t last forever |
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Trump kreeg via advocaten een kijkje in de keuken van het |
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President Trump or anyone else |
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Melania Trump ist im Krankenhaus |
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Kremlin hopes Putin and Trump can hold talks before June next… |
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Trump’s flying monkeys |
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Washington Post: Trump pulls punches at global summit making nice with foes and avoiding feuds |
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Judge Refuses to Overturn Order Blocking Trump Asylum Ban |
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Putin defiende el uso de fuerza en el mar Negro antes de reunirse con Trump |
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tRump embarrasses his self and all his disciples |
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Întâlnire LA NIVEL ÎNALT între Ana Birchall fiica lui Trump și Mike Pence! DISCUȚII despre parteneriatul strategic româno-american |
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BREAKING: Trump and China just reached an agreement |
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Carper slams Trump administration’s approval of seismic tests |
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Un moment fort : la rencontre Trump–Xi Jinping |
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Donald Trump’s Cabinet Wages War against “Socialism” in Norway |
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Celebrities React To Donald Trump Victory Check Out photos Here |
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19 of 20 world leaders just pledged to fight climate change Trump was the lone holdout – Stats |
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Những gì tốt cho Hillary Clinton là tốt cho Ivanka Trump: Người đọc âm thanh tắt 2 |
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Donald Trump y XI Jinping pusieron fecha de tregua a la guerra comercial con el “pacto de Buenos Aires” |
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President Trump Repeals Obamacare |
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PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much Thank you Today I’m honored to host President Buhari of Nigeria at the White House right here in the beautiful Rose Garden President Buhari I want thank you very much for traveling to Washington for these important discussions It’s a true pleasure to welcome you to our nation’s capital Nigeria is the largest democracy in Africa As I conveyed to President Buhari in our discussions the United States deeply values and appreciates Nigeria’s role as a strong |
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Trump Moskova’ya otel yapacak |
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Mexican President To Trump “My Nation Demands Respect” |
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Bette Midler Sings With Glee About Hanging Trump And His Family |
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Trump Opens Dinner With Xi A Truce in the Trade War Is at Stake |
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Trump: I never said |
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President Donald J Trump Approves Alaska Emergency Declaration |
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¡Alta tensión!: Por primera vez Putin no estrecha la mano a Trump |
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Guantánamo’s Periodic Review Boards: The Escape Route Shut Down by Donald Trump |
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Arjantin’de Trump-Şi Zirvesi |
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1 Trump from MichaelNovakhov 198 sites: Putin and American political process – Google News: Pompeo: “Ludicrous” To Suggest Trump Canceled Putin Meeting Over Cohen News – RealClearPolitics |
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MinKwon Rejects Trump’s Latest Anti-Immigrant “Public Charge” Proposal Demand DHS to Stop the New Rule! |
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Se filtra ALARMANTE Grabación de Discursos Secretos de Trump |
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Erdoğan Trump meet on sidelines of G20 summit in Argentina |
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Legal groups respond to Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ and Islamophobia in Canada |
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Presidenti Trump shpall 5 dhjetorin ditë zie kombëtare për Xhorxh… |
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Trump acaba de concretar el mayor acuerdo sobre armas en la historia de EEUU |
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Encuentro de Trump y Kim Jong en Singapur: ¿Un avance hacia la paz en la península Coreana |
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Lawn Mowing Economics And Donald Trump |
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Trump visits Asia |
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Putin Erdogan May Hold Meeting in Cancelled Putin-Trump Meeting Time – Source |
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Kremlin Pastikan Putin-Trump Bertemu Tahun Depan |
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Trump Administration urges South Sudan gov’t to commit to peace process condemns ‘illegal’ term extension |
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Juliusz Trump |
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Trumpéknak vissza kell engedniük a Fehér Házba a CNN kitiltott tudósítóját |
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Trump Lawyer Giuliani Demands Supervision of Mueller: ‘Out of Control!’ |
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AMLO agradece el trato de Trump y la asistencia de Nicolás Maduro |
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HNewsWire-Mad Dog Mattis Trump Secretary Of DefenseHas A Long History Of Promoting Globalism And Perpetual War |
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Aquí está lo violento que la administración Donald Trump piensa sobre los videojuegos Vídeo |
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Trump could cost Europe 75 billion if he follows through with his threat to |
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Mark Levine Just Did A Number On Chief Justice Roberts – Calls Attack On Trump ‘Classless’ |
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Vizinhos da Coreia do Norte e Trump comemoram cúpula histórica |
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2019: World leadersDonald Trump Macron predicts Buhari victory |
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Israel despliega sus bombas nucleares / Nueva posición de Trump en los Altos del Golán de Siria |
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Trump administration considers funding guns in schools |
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Trump Near-Certain to Defeat Hillary in November According To Primary Model |
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Immigration: Donald Trump at the foot of the Senators discover technological nuggets |
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Kremlinul anunţă o întâlnire Trump-Putin pe 1 decembrie la Summitul G20 din Argentina |
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Agradece AMLO presencia de Ivanka Trump en investidura |
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Valiente Reportero Confronta a Trump en Cumbre del G20 Por Sus Insultos a la Familia Bush |
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Bruce Springsteen believes Trump will win a second term in the White House |
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DML TV: Democrat speaks about jobs in potential 2020 run against Trump |
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Corea del Norte engaña a Trump sigue avanzando en su programa Nuclear de misiles balísticos completo de Emma González contra las armas los políticos ARN y Trump en Estados Unidos: llamamos BS |
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Were people with Trump Derangement Syndrome always this foolish |
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Trump says Manafort pardon ‘not off the table’ |
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See President Trump On George Bush |
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BREAKING “ทรัมป์-สี” เห็นพ้องพักรบทางการค้า 90 วัน 25 Tariffs Next January! Trump and Xi Give Some Hopes on Trade War |
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Three sites under consideration for second US-DPRK summit: Trump |
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10 of the Most Offensive Things Donald Trump Has Ever Said |
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Dünya da Trump’tan nefret ediyor |
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Les citations les plus folles de Trump |
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Παράσταση διαμαρτυρίας ενάντια στις πολιτικές Trump |
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Rapper Trippie Redd WIFE’D UP Prn Actress Teanna Trump!! |
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MudShark Skier Lindsey Vonn Injures Her Back Two Days after Criticizing Donald Trump |
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Trump Called Single Payer a ‘Curse’ Sanders Delivered the Perfect Response |
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Donald Trump va participa la funeraliile lui George Bush Sr 5 decembrie zi de doliu național |
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Trump Obama y Clinton lamentan la muerte de George H W Bush |
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Trump Bolsonaro : l’alternance sans alternative économique |
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Argentina: Trump arroja auricular al piso al no entender la traducción |
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President Donald Trump: “America First Does Not Mean America Alone” |
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La reunión entre Trump y Xi estuvo muy bien |
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Trump to have trilateral meeting with Modi and Abe in Argentina |
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Trump Signs Veteran Mental Health Support Legislation |
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A reporter just called out Trump at the G-20 summit for insulting the Bush family |
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Lộ diện nhân vật ‘thế chỗ’ ông Trump họp riêng với Tổng thống Nga Putin ở G20 |
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La “Bestia” de Trump cargó nafta en recoleta y revolucionó el sector ¿Cuánto cargó |
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Tổng thống Putin “gặp nhanh” Trump tại Hội nghị G20 |
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¿Por qué ganó Donald Trump las elecciones en USA Mis dos centavos neoliberales |
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Sinirlenen Trump yere çaldı |
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The dossier’s only purpose was to get a special counsel appointed to go after Trump and they got that |
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Donald Trump dice que invitará a Kim Jong-un a USA y da fecha para su próxima reunión |
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Acuerdo comercial entre China y Estados Unidos en la reunión de Trump y Xi Jinping |
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Bush death highlights Trump’s isolation on world stage |
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Trump’s VA Faces a Lawsuit Aimed at Exposing the Influence of the ‘Mar-a-Lago Crowd’ |
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Encore raté les Américains aiment toujours Trump |
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BURSELE DIN LUMEDonald Trump pune pieţele europene şi americane pe scădere |
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BREAKING: Trump VINDICATED After Cohen’s Lawyer Makes SURPRISING Confession on MSNBC |
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Trump Xi Agree On Tariff Cease-Fire |
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And it’s not just guys digging a hole on their farm and filling it with MRE’s who are driving sales companies say but schoolteachers moms and successful financial planners Nor is it limited to just rural areas “Frederick Reddie” a 41-year-old “urban prepper” from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania is stocking up on staples like rice and peanut butter and working on expanding his 6-month supply of emergency food to two years He has to use a pseudonym to protect his supply from any future hungry neighbors he told NBC News Reddie predicts a Trump win that has the urban poor revolting across the nation and the imposition of martial law to quell riots and the burning of businesses But he’s also getting ready for the possibility of a Clinton victory that he says could lead to conflict with Russia and “World War 3 in 2017” |
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Paula White Praises Trump for ‘Putting Christ Back in Christmas Prayer Back in White House’ |
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Trump cancels 300M aid to Pakistan where US flags are burned – now they hate America for free |
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Trump straszy Niemcy |
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Michael Cohen’s lawyers dropped a slew of intriguing bombshells about Trump |
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14 riktigt roliga bilder på Trump i kända skräckfilmer |
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Pompeo: Trump s Putinom nakon oslobađanja mornara |
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Trump Says He’ll More Than Double Current Tariffs Impose New Tariffs |
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Putin resta importancia a no reunirse con Trump y augura futuro encuentro |
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Trump Administration Scrambling to Save US Support for Palestinian Security Forces |
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Here’s Evidence of Collusion: Trump’s Lawyer Discussed Business Deal With Putin’s Office By David Corn |
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Trump stellt zweites Treffen mit Kim Anfang 2019 in Aussicht |
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Trump amenaza con enviar al ejército a la frontera de Mexicali |
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Can Trade Threats Be Turned to Truce Trump Meets Chinese and German Leaders |
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Trump ile Selman’dan ‘arkadaşça’ görüşme |
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General motors: une automobile écrase le protectionnisme de Trump |
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Brennan Taunts Trump After Cohen Guilty Plea ‘The Wheels of Justice Grind Exceedingly Fine’ |
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Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan no imponer nuevos aranceles y además China a penar el comercio de fentanilo |
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Bolton Says Provided Clarification to Kremlin Over Canceling Trump-Putin Meeting |
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Trump le hace un desaire a Macri en la ronda de fotos de la bienvenida del G-20 |
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Trump International Washington DC |
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Xi pide a Trump cooperación para garantizar la prosperidad mundial |
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Il nuovo Nafta ridà fiato a Trump |
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Disguised ‘illegal’ voters cost Republicans midterm victories: Trump |
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Ben and Jerry’s sends a very public message to President Trump with new ice cream “Pecan Resist” |
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Trump’s Tariff Threats Prove Canada Should Exit NAFTA While We Can |
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Rob Reiner says ‘noose is tightening on criminal-in-chief’ Trump |
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Hillary accuses Trump of being a bigot having a ‘streak of racism’ |
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Trump Drives His Lawyers Crazy Again by Admitting on Twitter He Lied About Russian Business Interests |
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Did Trump call this woman a “murderer” |
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Trump y Xi Jinping: el comunicado de la Casa Blanca |
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How The Election Of The First Ever Muslim Congresswomen Will Change The Course Of Trump’s Presidency |
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Trump sagt Treffen mit Putin bei G-20-Gipfel ab |
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Fox Reporter Erases Trump’s Long History Of Attacks On Bush Family |
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Il sindaco Tijuana dichiara crisi umanitaria per la Carovana Migrante Trump invia l’esercito |
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Otra más de Trump en el G20: desplante a Macri en el escenario |
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Federal Court Makes Dramatic Weekend Ruling Against Trump amp GOP DETAILS |
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Trump Doesn’t Believe Climate Change – But Most People Do |
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Trump Xi Bahas Perdagangan dalam Jamuan Makan Malam di Argentina |
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Trump oo Taageeray Xog A Dibadda Mareykanka ee Afrika oo Jabuuti Booqdey |
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Primer cortocircuito en el G20: Donald Trump canceló la reunión con Vladimir Putin por la crisis de Ucrania |
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Xi et Trump se rencontrent à Buenos Aires |
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PM Modi to hold 1st trilateral meeting with Trump Abe to discuss situation in Indo-Pacific region |
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Dólar cierra sobre 670 este viernes con la atención puesta en reunión Trump-Xi en el marco del G20 |
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BREAKING NEWS: Michelle Attacks Trump amp Says Barack Put Americans 1st — Instantly Regrets It |
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Clean Energy Trump-Style |
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‘Get me out of here’: Watch Donald Trump leave Argentine presiden |
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Putin ersetzt Trump durch Erdogan |
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Trump aruncă în aer piaţa americană Președintele a anunţat că ar putea impune tarife de 10 pe iPhone-urile şi laptopurile importate din China |
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Plantón en la cumbre: Trump deja solo a Macri justo antes de la foto oficial en el G20 |
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Cambios a “carga pública” de Trump causan pánico en familias migrantes con y sin “papeles” |
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Trump Electors Being Harassed – THREATENED in Michigan and Idaho Stop harassing Georgia electors |
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Trump Tells China US Will Go It Alone against North Korea |
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Macri agradeció a Trump por el apoyo en el FMI |
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Trump Administration Approves Harmful Airgun Blasting in Atlantic – Global Research |
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Michael Cohen Admits Talks for Trump Over Moscow Tower Occurred Well Into Campaign |
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Alec Baldwin’s Trump Returns To ‘SNL’ — Along With Ben Stiller’s Michael Cohen |
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We Are Being Ruled By Trump’s Enormous Gut |
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Donald Trump podría imponer aranceles a los autos importados |
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Trump: possibile incontro con Kim Jong Un a gennaio o febbraio |
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Trump tror på möte med Kim Jong-Un nästa år |
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Trump prepara nuevo encuentro con Kim Jong Un |
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Gore Calls Trump ‘The Face of Climate Denial’ Predicts 2020 Voters Will Want to Get Back to… |
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Trump y Xi Jinping la reunión más esperada tras la Cumbre del G20 |
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5 Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies |
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La Space Force de Teflon Trump : Gadget ou véritable arme 1 |
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Psychic Hypnagogia Paleolithic DreamWalkers and Donald Trump: Welcome to PsiberDreaming 2017 |
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Paul Trump Clash on National Security at GOP Debate |
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Trump rozmawiał krótko z Putinem na szczycie G20 |
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Trump és Putyin mégis összedugta a fejét egy „rögtönzött” megbeszélésen |
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Trump encerrará o Nafta antes de votar novo pacto assinado |
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Poutine défend devant Trump son approche musclée envers l’Ukraine AFP |
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Donald Trump risks To Walk Out of Future Briefings |
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Trump spoke with Putin at G20 dinner White House confirms |
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Make or break time for Trump And America |
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¿El respaldo que no es: Trump retó a Macri dejándolo plantado por desmentir un comunicado |
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Trump orders flags flown at half-staff for month in memory of Shelbyville man was standing in roadway after crash when he was struck and killed |
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Russia Says There Were Contacts on Trump Tower |
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Trump and Xi’s G20 Dinner Could Halt — or Escalate — US-China Trade War |
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Trump holds major meeting with China at 領袖宣言開天窗 |
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Trump lamentó la muerte de Bush padre: “Su ejemplo seguirá vivo” |
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¿Qué significan para Trump las revelaciones de su exabogado mas leidas |
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Trump overheard saying ‘get me out of here’ as he suddenly walks off stage at G20 summit |
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Only 30000 refugees can seek shelter in the US-Trump Administration |
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Facebook on trial: “we made mistakes” on Brexit and Trump campaigns |
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George Bush: Obasanjo condoles with Trump |
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FOCUS: Donald Trump Gave Russia Leverage Over His Presidency |
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Trump pierde el control de la Cámara de Representantes y mantiene su poder en el Senado |
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Maná’s Fher Compares Donald Trump to Hitler During LA Concert Blasts Him for Anti-Immigrant Comments |
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Trump’s Miss Universe Gambit |
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QampA: Trump’s America |
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Trump Devlet Başkanı’nı bırakıp kaçtı |
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Trump mocks what responsible governance is all about |
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Trump Administration Approves Harmful Airgun Blasting in Atlantic |
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Model Sues Trump Models |
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Exabogado de Trump pide al juez no imponerle cárcel cuando lo sentencie |
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Рэп-баттл Ким – Трамп – Путин / Rap Battle Kim – Trump – Putin |
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Mueller’s ‘Individual-1’ Is Probably Donald Trump And The Jokes Are Rolling In |
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Trump će zbog ovog da poludi: Njegova najmlađa kćerka ima… |
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Amerika: Trump yavuze ko Inyungu z’igihugu Ziza Imbere |
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Mueller improperly received the emails from GSA says Trump allies |
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Reports Show Trump Was Right About Caravan Bringing In Disease and MS-13 Members |
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Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen admits lying to Congress over Russia |
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Trumping Trump’s Trade War: A Modest Proposal |
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Juez Suspende Prohibición De Asilo Emitida Por Presidente Donald Trump |
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Suspender la entrada de inmigrantes irregulares a territorio estadounidense desde México es la nueva orden ejecutiva que el presidente Donald Trump firmo una piedra más en el camino para la caravana de migrantes centroamericanos que se dirigen hacia Estados Unidos |
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Trump Says He Plans to Withdraw from NAFTA |
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Donald Trump’s slump: what the US and Chinese leaders’ body language tells us about their G20 talks |
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ASAN Condemns Trump Administration’s Attack on Transgender Americans |
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On Actual Vote Fraud In NC Race Trump Is Silent |
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Donald Trump wanders off stage leaving Argentina’s president hanging |
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‘GOOD RELATIONSHIP’: Donald Trump says next meeting with Kim Jong |
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Trump assents to shutdown delay – POLITICO |
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Armstrong amp Getty: Lanhee Chen on Trump amp Of The West Gun Show Dec 8-9 2018 |
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The Deep State Plan to Remove Trump: The War has |
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Kan Trump vinna valet |
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Obama on a rip against Trump and Republicans |
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Meghan McCain Responds To Reports Trump Made Fun Of Her Father’s Physicality |
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Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump Filed |
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Trump autoperdón y la desaparición del sentido común |
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Melania Trump “sfida” la Cina e veste Dolce e Gabbana |
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Trump says he plans to withdraw from NAFTA |
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Trump and Xi Square Off in Buenos Aires This Weekend |
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Trump congela por 90 días su plan de subir los aranceles a China y abre un nuevo diálogo |
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Ivanka Trump viajará a México para posesión de Migración Sin Fronteras |
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Mohammed bin Salman: high-five with Putin a few words with Trump |
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Bitter: Ousted Rep Mia Love knocks Trump GOP for making women and minorities feel unwelcome |
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Judge bars US from enforcing Trump asylum ban |
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On SNL Alec Baldwin and Ben Stiller Return to Play President Trump and Michael Cohen |
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El misterio de por qué Donald Trump firma con marcadores negros los documentos y notas |
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Trump pulls punches at global summit making nice with foes and |
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Trump quiere reunirse con Kim Jong Un a inicios de 2019: barajan “tres sitios” |
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Are the Democrats and Hollywood celebrities or Trump responsible for the country’s climate of divisiveness and political violence by Miguel A Faria MD |
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Putin a discutat pe scurt cu Trump despre conflictul maritim cu Ucraina |
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You Are a Rude Terrible Person’ Trump Berates CNN LINKS |
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El MI6 luchando para evitar que Trump libere documentos clasificados en Rusia Probe |
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Trump Says ‘Not Even a Little Bit Happy’ With Fed’s Powell |
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Biographer: Trump Sees Staffers as Either ‘Loyal to What He is Saying Right Now’ or a Traitor |
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Trump Ends 13 Billion Payments To Pakistan: “I Ended It Because They Don’t Do Anything For Us” |
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Trump Accuser Undercuts Presidents Russian Prostitute Rebuttal |
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Trump: Hegel’s World Historical Individual |
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Il Putin-day senza Trump: ponti d’oro da Abe e Merkel |
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Barclays estimates that US tariffs on the European automotive sector could knock as much as 75 billion from growth in the Eurozone next year Trump has threatened to impose |
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Trump y Xi Jinping cenaron en Buenos Aires y hablaron de la guerra comercial |
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Poetic Justice of the BlueWave Kind: Trump-enabler Comstock VA10 office goes to uber-progressive Ocasio-Cortez |
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Melania Trump saç baxımına nə qədər pul xərcləyir |
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Xi le pide a Trump cooperar |
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Report: Trump Planned to Give Putin a Huge Payday |
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Trump en Chinees president Xi Jinping bereiken akkoord over groep van 157 erg jonge meisjes en vrouwen in Zuid-Soedan bijzonder brutaal verkracht |
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Republiklan Senator assaults reporter Trump and minions rejoice |
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Trump Dismisses US Government’s Climate Warnings |
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Brian May Wants Donald Trump To Stop Using Queen Songs |
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Hội đàm của ông Trump và ông Tập Cận Bình tại G-20 có “tháo gỡ” được sự bất đồng thương mại |
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Golden Hair Donald Trump 007 |
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XRP Deflects Trump And Reveals Transactions Between The US And Mexico Will Happen Soon 477 |
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Trump’s Mideast Surge has Pentagon Debating ‘Mission Creep’ |
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The Latest: Trump Putin chat but have no formal sit-down |
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Trump Pauses New China Tariffs After Xi Agrees To Buy ‘Not Yet Agreed Upon’ Goods |
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North Korea: Donald Trump plans to Meet with Kim Jong-Un to the beginning of the year |
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Juez impide a Trump retener fondos a “ciudades santuario” |
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Hillary Clinton hacks and wheezes her way through her bash Trump road show |
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Dos fuertes reveses recibe Bolivia de parte del gobierno de Trump |
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Ben Carson Stands for Trump: Ben Carson: ‘where else in the world do you see caravans of people trying to get into the country’ |
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Trump Admin Scrambling to Save US Support for Palestinian Security Forces |
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JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon Says He’d Bet Trump Will Be a One-Term President |
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Vì sao TT Trump và Putin vẫn gặp nhau ở hội nghị G20 |
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The Russia connectionTwitter’s massive data release shows the Kremlin’s broad pro-Trump strategy |
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O gesto sem educação de Donald Trump no fórum do G-20 |
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Samantha Bee Apologizes for Calling Ivanka Trump a “Feckless C–t” |
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Democrat Sucks Up To Trump…Backfires |
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Trump Amerikasında Zulüm Kültürü |
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G20: Macri también se diferenció de Trump y destacó la importancia del Cambio Climático |
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Preşedintele Vladimir Putin dorește o „întîlnire adevărată” cu Donald Trump |
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Trump administration allows“incidental” injury to endangered whales in seismic blast zones |
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Why Beyoncé Trump and Cam show us the true colors of ‘murica |
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Eugene Robinson: The world is on fire and Trump plays with matches |
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Iconic Federal Judge Rebukes Trump With Ruling That Will Make Donald Rage |
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Analyse: Våbenhvile mellem Trump og Xi – positiv markedsreaktion i vente |
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The Trump administration to freeze fuel-efficiency standards |
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Trump Calls Me US Veteran Shirt Hoodie Tank |
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One Day After Being Cancelled Murphy Brown Features Journalists Being Attacked At Trump Rallies |
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Âm mưu phá hoại hiện hữu trong những lần thượng đỉnh Trump-Putin ra sao |
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Trump says he canceled Putin meeting over Ukraine |
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S3 BLACKLIGHT: Short VXX Traders Up 481 million Post Trump Election |
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White House Says Trump Had ‘Informal Conversation’ With Putin at G20 Dinner |
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Climate Change: Trump Differs With Own Government’s Warning |
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Programme électoral Donald Trump |
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Improbable que Putin y Trump se reúnan en futuro cercano dice |
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Trump wil uit handelsakkoord NAFTA stappen |
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Miss Universe SINGAPORE Will Wear A TRUMP-KIM Inspired Dress |
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Trump Agrees Not To Raise Tariff Levels on Chinese Goods China Agrees To US Purchases Two Sides To Start |
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Californians of every race say Trump thinks less of black people |
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Google engineers ‘debated whether to change algorithms to push conservative media outlets lower in search results’ after Trump won the 2016 election |
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Trump ocenil Elvise Presleyho Rasismus Měl ocenit černochy vyčítají mu kritici |
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Facts About Donald Trump´s Children |
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Schumer Contradicts Himself in Latest Twitter War with Trump |
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What Trump’s proposed birthright citizenship order could do to the children of Perry: Haiti’s Shining Musical Star Rising to International Stardom |
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Trump imao neformalni razgovor sa Putinom |
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El amoral comunicado de Trump sobre Arabia Saudí es el puro reflejo de décadas de “valores estadounidenses” y ortodoxias de política exterior |
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Trump says he will withdraw from NAFTA pressuring Congress to approve new trade deal |
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Trump praises Montana congressman who body-slammed reporter |
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Trump shpall 5 dhjetorin ditë zie kombëtare për Xhorxh për sot e shtunë 1 Dhjetor Dy shenjat që do kenë probleme |
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Đại gia Gatsby giúp chúng ta giải nghĩa Trump như thế nào |
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Trump Responds to New Cohen Plea Deal: ‘He’s Lying…’ |
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Acción ejecutiva de Trump contra frente a la caravana migrante |
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Current Events and Trump Administration Finalizing Federal Bump Stock Ban |
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Trump quiere que el TLCAN desaparezca rápidamente |
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Donald Trump ‘American Eagle’ Commemorative Coin 24K Gold Plated |
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El Gobierno de Trump está trasladando a los menores migrantes detenidos en distintos albergues del país a un inhóspito campamento de detención del oeste de Texas Las instalaciones según se informa no tienen escuela y los menores tienen acceso limitado a los servicios legales |
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Die Ära Trump Wege aus der Angst |
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Bis hierher hat der Spieler Trump alles richtig gemacht |
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14:30 – Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan un alto el fuego a la guerra comercial |
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Developer claims Chicago Spire information was leaked to Trump organisation |
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Despite The Bush Family’s War on Trump POTUS Sending Air Force One to Carry George HW Bush’s Body |
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President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday Edition |
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It’s Not Just Trump: Defense-Backed Lawmakers Are Also Standing With the Saudis |
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Mueller’s Steady Stream of Russia Revelations Is Driving Trump Crazy |
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China defends Iran business ties after Trump’s Posts |
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By the way Trump not talking to us here in Canada can I just say a simple and heartfelt thank you America has 10x Canada’s population but we’re dominating trade and hurting the USA How does that work Math dude try it |
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Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the Capita |
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Trump’s accomplishments should be applauded: Kevin Nicholson |
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SemiWEEK:Can China match Western technology and Trump’s strategic counter TI/ST market shock GF pivots in China Stocks Rocketed |
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A few months ago President Donald Trump shook the world with the announcement of the United Statesamp |
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Tweet Buster: How D-Street looked at new GDP print Trump-Xi talks |
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Interesele mai presus de principii: Trump insistă pentru menţinerea relaţiilor cu Arabia Saudită în ciuda asasinării jurnalistului Jamal Khashoggi |
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Trump decreta Día de Duelo Nacional el 5 de diciembre en memoria de Bush padre |
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Maxine says migrants swarming border is a ‘political ploy’ from Trump |
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Lifestyle: FLOTUS Melania Trump brings sketches to life as she tweets a video to announce that the White House is ready for Christmas |
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Saturday Night Live Recap: Baldwin’s Trump Channels Evita Weekend Update Honors George HW Bush |
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In A Wild Twist Stormy Daniels Throws Avenatti Under The Bus On Her Suit Against Trump |
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Donald Trump hopes to meet North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in early 2019 says three sites being considered for summit |
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Buenos Aires – Putin And Trump Chat At Last And Face Off Over Ukraine |
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Inspector General: Trump Regime Waived Background Checks at Migrant Children Camp |
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Trump kontra globalna |
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Donald Trump y Xi Jinping se verán las caras en reunión clave para el comercio mundial |
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National Day of Action for Immigrant Rights: Defend DACA amp TPS! Trump Must Resign or Be Removed! Shut Down Richmond Detention Center! |
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Trump visitará Colombia el próximo 15 de Abril confirma la Casa Blanca |
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Don’t Let Trump Hatred Thwart the School Choice Movement |
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TrumP Россия |
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Trump in Frankreich |
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TT Trump điều Air Force One đưa linh cữu Bush ‘cha’ về Washington – Thế giới – ZingvnSun 02 Dec 2018 04:52:00 GMT |
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EXCLUSIVE POLL : Will Trump’s Presidency Have Lasting Positive Effects On The Country |
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Wont guarantee security of NATO members: Donald Trump |
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Hoy quedará deshabitado albergue Benito Trump que tiene una ‘relación increíble’ con Xi Jinping |
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Trump i “shtrin” dorën gjigantëve të Kombëtar Theth destinacioni i fundjavës dhe i turistëve të aventurës |
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G20 summit: Trump Xi agree to temporary truce in bid to contain trade war |
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Trump BS protectors Anti Trump Kit |
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How did Trump sum up the talks |
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Trump Kina klimatförändringar och din ”lyxkonsumtion” |
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Get Health Care by December 15 and Piss Off Trump |
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Papelón en el recibimiento de Macri a Trump en |
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ABC News: Trump supporters are ‘weeds’ Obama is ‘America’s gardener’ |
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Putin And Trump Finally Talk At G20 Face Off Over Ukraine |
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Trump aleancë me gjigantët e teknologjisë |
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Tổng thống Putin gặp chớp nhoáng với Tổng thống Trump tại Argentina |
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‘Make Christmas great again’: New festive ad puts Trump on naughty list |
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Erdoğan ile Trump görüşmesi 50 dakika sürdü |
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Trump Agrees Not To Raise Tariff Levels on Chinese Goods China Agrees To US Purchases Two Sides To Start Broader Negotiations wsjcom 228 |
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Trump Can’t Control the Process Anymore It’s Unraveling on Him |
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Trump vs the world |
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Growing Frustration in Moscow at Trump’s Inability to Deliver US-Russia Rapprochement |
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Elecciones en EEUU: Trump en Red en Europa del Este |
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CNN Trump’a dava açtı |
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Will Trump pardon Manafort – Austin Sarat 11/30/2018 |
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Trump Signs Opioids Bill – Here’s What to Expect |
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Trump ARRIVES as Protestors led by Owen Jones amp Sadiq Khan MELTDOWN!!! |
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Aluminium Trump GTC |
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Vladimir Putin consideră că este „necesară” o întâlnire cu Donald Trump |
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Ben’s emails are PERFECT examples of how to sell with email… how to be a welcome guest in someone’s inbox rather than a persistent pest… how to sell with story… and how to create a persona that draws people to you like controversy to Donald Trump |
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Podría ser ilegal discutir sobre Trump en el trabajo |
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Di Air Force One Trump Ungkap Hasil Makan Malam Dengan Xi |
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Trump y Melania asistirán al funeral del ex presidente George H W Bush |
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Ed Henry Says Trump Has ‘Vindication’ Against Reporters ‘Who Will Go Unnamed’ Who Said Caravan Not an Invasion |
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Donald Trump and Xi Jinping voice alternate truce at G20 |
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Trump overheard saying ‘get me out of here’ as he suddenly walks off stage at G20 summitComments gt |
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GOP balks at Trump drug pricing plan |
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Will Trump Pardon Manafort |
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Trump amână războiul comercial declarat Chinei Ce a acceptat Xi Jinping |
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Trump Interview With VOA |
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Trump Care Health Insurance |
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Xi sends condolences to Trump on death of former US President George HW Bush |
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Rząd jest sparaliżowany a Trump powinien się wściec! |
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How Trump and the GOP could win back the House and keep the Senate in 2020 |
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Updates on Trump Executive Order Regarding Family Separation |
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Hvad nu hvis præsident Trump rent faktisk har ret |
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Trump presiona al Congreso para aprobar el acuerdo con Canadá y México |
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George HW Bush ist tot – seine Vertrauten kontrollieren die Trump-Administration Video |
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With Trump’s Justice Department Retreating Who Will Now Police the Police |
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This Week in SportsLaw 1/30: Cardinals Sanctions Tom Benson Trial Approaching and Trump’s Immigration Order |
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Increíble: Donald Trump fue a Puerto Rico para tirarle papel higiénico a la gente |
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Weekend Update: Trump’s Moscow Tower – SNL |
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The Supreme Value: Why Free Speech Is Paramount On College Trump: The Rise Of Jair Bolsonaro |
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Donald Trump Wants NASA to Focus on Deep Space Missions |
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Queen Elizabeth Says: “Muslim Refugees Are Dividing Nationality I Fully Agree With Donald Trump We Should Deport Them To Avoid Bloody Terrorist Attacks |
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Trump analiza otra opción si el Congreso rechaza financiar el muro con México |
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Trump To Attend George HW Bush Funeral Names Dec 5 National Day Of Mourning |
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Stop Trump’s Medicaid denial scheme |
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Trump ja Kim – näytelmä jossa roolitus yötä Itämerellä |
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US Congress must block Trump selling for a handfu |
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The-New Lmousine Vladimir Putin vs Lmousine Donald Trump Reveal |
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Trump cancels news conference but will still hold dinner with China’s Xi |
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Trump trimite AERONAVA Boeing 747 pentru a TRANSPORTA corpul lui George HW Bush la Washington |
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Xi Trump hold ‘successful… |
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Trump to attend George HW Bush’s funeral declares national day of mourning |
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Tweet Of The Day: Fast Company Staff Writer Tweets About Partying ‘If Trump Died’ |
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President Trump plans to replace NAFTA |
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Cal Poly volleyball falls to San Diego 3-1 ends record-making Democrats thank Trump for legislative majorities |
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Seattle demanda a Trump por ciudades santuario |
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Donald Trump amenaza con retirarse del TLCAN para presionar al congreso de EEUU |
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Take a Bow President Trump |
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Asian Company Invest In America As Trump Takes Office |
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Bill Clinton Shares Personal Note From HW Bush This Makes Trump Look Terrible |
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Trump pushes back against newly approved Brexit deal |
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After Rat Lawyer Betrays Trump Donald Unleashes The Hammer Of |
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Sunday Reading: Trump and Russia |
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WATCH: Red Laser Dots Float on President Trump’s Chest and Face During White House Speech |
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Bloom County and Trump |
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‘Prošao sam knjige o diktaturi i shvatio: Trump je novi Hitler’ |
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Other View: George HW Bush the anti-Trump |
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BREAKING: Trump White House WARNS Russia May ATTACK This US City |
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Trump Zinke to Auction Away 700000 Acres of Western Public Lands for Fracking |
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“US Stands With People Of India”: Trump Tweets As Country Remembers 26/11 |
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Updated Trump Xi agree to temporary truce on trade 8 mins ago |
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The Spa at Trump Chicago |
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Trump y Xi: una reunión clave para el comercio mundial en el G20 |
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Bette Midler’s Twitter poem celebrates Mueller ‘hanging’ the whole Trump family ‘good and high’ 13 Pics |
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Student Loans Watchdog Who Quit Under Trump Plans Own Initiative |
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Exdirector de la CIA critica a Trump |
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Trump issues threat to close US-Mexico border |
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D Trump – Đừng Bao Giờ Bỏ Cuộc |
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Putin Trump’la neler konuştuğunu anlattı |
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Donald J Trump |
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Trump canceló su conferencia en el G20 y viajará para el funeral de Bush |
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Report: Ruthless Mueller To Go After President Trump’s Children |
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Commémoration du centenaire de l’armistice du 11 novembre 1918 : Trump croyait commémorer les attentats de Paris de 2015 de mots-clés |
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Trump to send Air Force One to Houston to pick up George HW Bush’s casket |
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Neuer Gipfel mit Trump und Kim womöglich im kommenden Monat |
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‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin Returns As Trump With Appearances From Cohen Putin And The Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia |
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Sen John Barrasso on Trump Moscow Project: The President Is An International Businessman |
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Trump at Xi nagkasundo na pansamantalang iantala ang pagpapatupad ng mataas na taripa sa mga Chinese goods |
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uutisklipit – Presidentit Trump ja Xi Jinping tapasivat Argentiinassa |
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The Listener NZ – Money markets and global leaders except Trump front up to climate change |
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Mueller Subpoenas Trump Associates |
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Clinton Campaign Manager Says Trump Might Be Putin ‘Puppet’ |
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President Trump led in rejecting UN Global Migration Pact—Hungary and now Austria follow |
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Juliana v US: how America’s youth is fighting Trump on climate injustice |
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Axiom CEO on President Trump’s decision to start a ‘space force’ |
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Mégis találkozott Buenos Airesben Putyin és Trump |
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Trump sagt dass der China-Handelskrieg Milliarden in die USA gießt“ Aber Experten deuten auf Verluste und höhere Preise hin |
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In Trump’s conflict with Erdogan Putin wins |
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Trump China’s Xi Jinping declare 90-day halt to new |
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Trump Preparing to Slap Tariffs on all Chinese Imports |
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Elecciones en EEUU: un golpe político al gobierno de Trump |
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Signature TRUMP Estates Mansion |
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Un Famoso Director de Cine se Burla Despiadadamente de la Mirada de Putin a Trump en la Cumbre del G20 |
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In limited deal Trump cancels tariff increases after meeting with China’s Xi |
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Trump’s working-class double cross |
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Tiffany Trump Reportedly Has a New Boyfriend and He’s a Billionaire from Nigeria |
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Hva er «Dagens Trump» |
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Nike – Colin Kaepernick: la riposte des « pro Trump » après la campagne publicitaire |
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Chief Justice Roberts rebukes Trump’s ‘Obama judge’ gibe |
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Trump Ends Ban on Pesticides GMOs on Wildlife Refuges |
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There’s nothing normal or acceptable about the hate and corruption brewing in the Trump White House Join the fight to get him out |
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Rusia dijo el miércoles que enviará más de sus nuevos sistemas de misiles antiaéreos S-400 a Crimea y un reportero vio el despliegue de un buque de guerra ruso en las inmediaciones mientras aumentan las tensiones con Ucrania tras la captura por parte de Moscú de tres barcos de la marina ucranianaRusia ha estado enviando nuevo material militar de manera regular a Crimea desde que en 2014 se anexionó la península antes territorio de Ucrania convirtiéndola -según medios respaldados por el Kremlin- en una fortaleza publicó ExcélsiorEl anuncio de Moscú sobre los nuevos misiles se produjo después de que Rusia capturó tres embarcaciones ucranianas y a sus tripulaciones el domingo al considerar que habían invadido aguas rusas algo que Ucrania niegaKiev introdujo la ley marcial en partes del país después del incidente diciendo que temía una posible invasión rusaEl episodio podría descarrilar una reunión entre el presidente estadunidense Donald Trump y su homólogo ruso Vladimir Putin en la reunión del G-20 que se celebra en Argentina el fin de semanaTrump dijo el martes que podría cancelar la reunión debido al incidente pero el Kremlin dijo el miércoles que pensaba que aún estaba en la agendaAgencias de noticias rusas recogieron declaraciones de Vadim Astafyev portavoz del distrito militar del sur de Rusia en las que afirmó que pronto se entregará nuevos misiles S-400 a Crimea y que estarán operativos a fin de año |
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Countering Trump at the Border |
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This Is President Donald Trump’s New Cadillac “Beast” Limo |
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Trump says hopes to meet N Korea’s Kim in January or February |
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President Trump Expressed Concerns About The House Version Of Trumpcare |
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Trump çok sinirlendi! Yere fırlattı |
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Baba Ramdev – en åndelig Donald Trump |
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Trump Xi agree on tariff freeze on Chinese goods Hundreds arrested as protests in Paris turn violent ‘The word Jew is a common insult in German schools”……world news views and videos |
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justsayin takes a look at Trump and Melania |
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Ferguson Activist Bassem Masri Dead After Found Speak Out On Trump’s Claim That Tear Gas Is “Very Safe” |
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Trump thankful for himself on Thanksgiving Day |
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Yemen war: Vote in US Senate delivers rebuke to Trump Reply |
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G20 rompe lanza pro comercio y firma sin Trump |
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Supporter of the murderer who became a creditor what is behind the Trump’s insulting to the Iranian people |
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Donald Trump planeja participar da posse do presidente Jair Bolsonaro |
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Trump nói có thể gặp thượng đỉnh Kim Jong-un vào đầu… |
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Trump speaks at the United Nations General Assembly |
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What is something that Pres Trump is good at that he excels at |
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Trump reafirma en G20 su aislacionismo sobre cambio climático |
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Los bots llenaron Twitter de mentiras en las elecciones que ganó Donald Trump revela análisis |
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Pip Trump Club Records |
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OK Donald: Matchmaking apps for Trump supporters |
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BREAKING: Trump White House CRUSHES Obama After EXPERT Economist RUBS The HARCORE TRUTH In His Face |
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Funny Trump jokes |
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Trump Was Just Slapped With A Criminal Ethics Complaint Over His Attacks On Black Athletes |
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Losing the Popular Vote Doesn’t Make Trump Illegitimate It’s Irrelevant |
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CXN 12021813 944 Trước khi bước vào đàm phán với TC mà phát biểu ntn tức là Trump miễn cưỡng đàm phán cho dù có gì xảy ra sẽ ko thành công Trump đang đi quá đúng hướng và thành công tiếp thành công trong việc “make America great again” đây là lời hứa tranh cử electoral mandate thì tại sao phải đổi hướng Hoàn toàn ko có lý do gì để Trump đổi hướng với TC: Trump no sincerity on Trump’s part to talk kick-out East Sea discussion Pence criticized China for occupying islands on East Sea ox tongue: ‘Tôi không biết là tôi có muốn’ thoả thuận với Trung Quốc hay không |
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Trump reaches a 90 day CEASEFIRE in disruptive trade war with China: President agrees to no new tariffs at G20 summit to allow trade negotiations with Beijing to continue |
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There Really Is Collusion Between Trump and Putin |
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BREAKING: Putin Trump To Meet At G20 Summit |
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‘I’ll never forget’ says Melania Trump after visiting ex-slave holding facility in Ghana |
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The Arcanes: Tarot Predictions for 2018 Donald Trump and numbers: The meaning of dreams in numerology |
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Boris Johnson and Donald Trump: Gemini Tricksters |
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Is Trump really heading for re-election |
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Trump Portrays Israel as Reason for American Presence in the Middle East |
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‘Boss Baby’ Screenwriter on Skewering Corporate Culture and All Those Coincidental Trump References |
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China hopes for trade war solution at G20 Xi-Trump talks |
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Cohen is Singing About a Lot More Than Trump Tower Moscow |
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Trump President – American Horror Story T-Shirt |
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Trump vs China: los protagonistas de la pelea clave del… |
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MBS Trump and some crude realities |
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The Top 5 Places Trump And Putin Are Going To Secretly Meet At The G20 Ranked By How Quiet They’ll Have To Be And Now A Confused US President Wandering Off A Stage He Wasn’t Supposed To Leave |
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La crisi di General Electric ai tempi di Trump e di “American First” |
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Trump taking US back to Zimbabwe |
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Handelsungleichgewicht : Trump warnt Deutschland: „Wir werden das ändern“ |
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Is Trump truly delivering on his campaign against unemployment |
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Vladimir Putin cree necesaria una reunión bilateral con Trump lamenta cancelación de reunión acordada |
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Trump để cung cấp cho Quốc hội thông báo chính thức ông sẽ ‘ngay’ chấm dứt Nafta 2 |
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Who is Donald Trump |
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Trump odwołał konferencję na szczycie G20 |
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Cazul Khashoggi marfă de campanie electorală pentru Donald Trump cu gust turcesc |
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President Trump Quietly Changes Order of Succession at Justice Department |
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Trump Obama praise George HW Bush’s inspirational life of service |
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Macri intentó zafar del aprieto en que lo puso Trump: “Argentina no ve a China como una amenaza” |
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Colwell: Why President Trump might not run for re-election |
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Décrit comme fasciste autoritaire homophobe raciste «Trump tropical» il a tout pour plaire! |
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Trump scraps news conference ‘out of respect’ |
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Trump – Tập bất ngờ nhất trí đình chiến thương mại tương lai thế giới có tươi sáng hơn |
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Trump hits back at Chief Justice Roberts’ rebuke |
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Maxine Waters slam dunks Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump runs treasonous interference for Putin as Russia opens fire on Ukraine |
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Trump and Xi agree to halt trade war but it’s just 90 days of peace |
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Michael Cohen seeks ‘time served’ prison sentence says his crimes were meant to protect Trump |
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Bolsonaro afirma que Trump pode vir ao Brasil para sua posse em janeiro |
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Así lució Ivanka Trump para la toma de posesión de AMLO |
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Collins might back Trump for president in 2020 says it’s ‘too early’ to tell |
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The Making and Unmaking of Syria Strategy under Trump |
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Trump’s California water relief » |
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Trump suspende plano de aumentar tarifas a produtos da China |
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BREAKING: Trump UNLEASHES Hellstorm On His Favorite People After Media Pushes NEXT Democrat Plot |
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Trump’s Clarion Call to Re-Weaponize ‘Drug War’ |
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Press Release Labor rights NGO hits Duterte over surging cases of trump-up charges vs activists human rights defenders |
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Palestinians suffer as Trump tears up rules-based order |
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Trump back in US after thorny G20 summit China talks |
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Die USA und China haben einen „Waffenstillstand“ in ihrem monatelangen Handelskrieg vereinbart Die Strafzölle werden vorerst nicht ausgeweitet Neue Verhandlungen werden aufgenommen um eine Lösung zu finden Das teilten beide Regierungen am Samstag nach dem Abendessen von US-Präsident Donald Trump mit Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping mit das im Anschluss an den G20-Gipfel in Buenos Aires stattgefunden hatte |
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Trump Xi chew over trade war at high-stakes dinner |
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Donald Trump Revealed To Be First Cro-Mags Singer |
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Trump Investigations News Review |
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After Calling For Bipartisanship Pelosi Won’t Rule Out Investigating Trump |
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Gas lacrimógeno en la frontera y elecciones en Mississippi la agenda de Trump hoy |
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Trump say he’ll withdraw from NAFTA pressuring Congress to approve new |
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G-20 summit: Trump Xi agree to temporary truce in bid to contain trade war |
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Trump: Kim meeting likely in January or February |
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45 – The control of the House by the Democrats will stop President Trump from taking extreme actions39 – America will continue to be unable to address its underlying problems12 – It is a good outcome to have a hung Congress4 – A hung Congress will hamper the program of President Trump |
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How President Trump Is Undermining US Oil Producers |
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Forget Trump’s Peons |
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WATCH: Topless Feminist Charges Trump Motorcade and Gets Tackled |
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Muestra Peña Nieto su entreguismo total a Donald Trump |
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Trump Hammers NAFTA Trade Deal While Congress Attacks Him |
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Did Trump Meet With Putin at G20 White Confirms Surprise ‘Informal’ Meeting With Russian Leader – Newsweek |
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Trump Suspends Obama-era FHA Mortgage Insurance Rate Cut in 2nd Hour |
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Cubanoamericano en gabinete de Trump bajo fuego por acuerdo con depredador sexual |
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Trump perdoa ex-xerife que perseguia Aline Riscado curte dia de praia e mostra boa forma |
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Kremlin: Lack of Putin-Trump Meeting Results in Tensions |
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Crónica y su show de placas por la tardanza de Trump en el G20 |
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20 Sports Figures Who Endorsed Donald Trump |
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UN resolution rejects Trump’s Jerusalem declaration |
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Putin: “Trump’la Ukrayna krizini görüştük” |
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Post US Mid-Term Election Signals: Trump Bump or Trump Dump |
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Trump to meet with like-minded dictators at G20 in Argentina |
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Haddad critica submissão de Bolsonaro a Trump: ‘acoplamento cego’ |
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Nach der Absage ihres bilateralen Treffens haben sich US-Präsident Donald Trump und Russlands Staatschef Wladimir Putin am Rande des G20-Gipfels doch noch kurz unterhalten Indes betonte Trump nochmal die Ukraine-Krise war der alleinige Grund für die Absage |
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What Does Trump Know About Mueller |
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Trump sa s Kim Čong-unom stretne zrejme čoskoro s vodcom Severnej Kórey má vraj dobrý vzťah |
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Clinton amp Obama Worked With Foreign Spy To Weaken Trump |
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After Obama Slams Trump In Speech The President Slaps Back Hard With The Perfect Insult |
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Une fois de plus Trump leur met la carotte! Léon |
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Exclusive: Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order |
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Breaking: Trump reveals date for Biafra referendum WATCH VIDEO |
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Trump say he’ll withdraw from NAFTA pressuring Congress to approve new trade deal |
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Trump puts aside past criticisms and honours George HW Bush |
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Has Trump stopped offshoring It is arduous to inform |
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Contingent Faculty in the Age of Trump |
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Trump announces days of mourning celebration to honor George HW BushTrump announces days of mourning celebration to honor George HW BusTrump announces days of mourning celebration to honor George HW Bush |
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A close look at some Trump voters |
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Trump to close government Dec 5 |
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„Er ist ein Hurensohn aber unser Hurensohn“ – Um den saudischen Kronprinz zu schützen will Trump Fethullah Gülen an Erdogan Kommentare |
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1 diciembre 2018 Trump propone nueva regla para visa H-1B |
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How did America go from an Educated Black Man with a Law Degree from Harvard to Donald Trump failed casino tycoon that doesn’t pay taxes |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump sẽ mời lãnh đạo Kim Jong-un đến Mỹ |
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Pelosi Schumer expected to meet with Trump amid battle over border funding |
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jason hirschhorn’s MediaREDEF: 08/07/2016 – Blake Krikorian Sterile Aesthetics Indie Record Stores Pop Star Jihad Call Centers Trump Fails |
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The Trump Administration Ukrainian Autocephaly and Secular Governments |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping Agree To Trade Truce At G-20 Summit – HuffPost |
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Giorno del ringraziamento: Trump grazia due tacchini e punzecchia dem e media |
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Trump Xi agree on trade war ceasefire |
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Top 10 Reasons not to Vote for Donald Trump |
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Trump stråler efter møde med Kinas præsident: Kommentatorer er dybt skeptiske |
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Democrat Accuses Trump of Using Chemical Weapons on Border Invaders |
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Alec Baldwin returns to ‘SNL’ as Trump to mock G20 Summit with Ben Stiller and Fred Armisen |
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Tahun Depan Trump Berencana Ajak Kim Jong Un Reuni |
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Trump Cancels Meeting With Putin Amid Ukraine-Russia Conflicts |
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Melania Trump ha trovato una first lady in grado di tenerle testa in fatto di charme e bellezza |
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Yes Trump voters voted for white links |
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Alec Baldwin returns to ‘SNL’ as Donald Trump for first time since arrest |
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Tại G-20 cuộc gặp Trump – Tập kết thúc hai bên đình chiến |
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Casa Blanca confirma visita de Donald Trump a Colombia |
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Trump Stands Tall at G-20 Summit Refuses To Give In to Paris Agreement Pressure |
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Trump to attend George HW Bush’s funeral |
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Trump acusa a Twitter de quitarle seguidores |
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Erdoğan Trump’la Görüştü |
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Armstrong amp Getty: Lanhee Chen on Trump amp Dems |
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Before Trump was crazy we had people like this guy: Daniel E Sickles |
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Brexit Plan Could Hurt UK-US Trade Deal – Trump |
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Trump se reunió el jueves con el presidente argentino Mauricio Macri con el que habló sobre el comercio bilateral |
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Six Trump White House Officials Found To Have Violated Hatch Act |
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‘He knew what he signed up for’ Trump reportedly tells widow of fallen Miami Gardens soldier |
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Michael Connelly: ‘La historia escribirá que Trump era tonto’ |
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Impide juez a Trump retener fondos a ciudades santuario en EU |
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Trump’s on-off dance with complicated drawn to where Lee Harvey Oswald lived in Dallas |
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Trump’s Reality TV Cabinet |
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Credible new evidence just tied Trump directly to Russian |
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Desde Trump hasta Tim Cook reaccionan a la muerte del expresidente de EEUU George HW Bush |
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Trump’s New SEC Commissioner Might Changes Things for Bitcoin ETFs |
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La rivoluzione di Trump nei media: adesso vuole una tv di Stato |
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Roger Waters: llama a no votar a neofascistas como Bolsonaro y Trump además pide un Estado Palestino |
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Citizens United for the Trump AgendaTax Reform Now |
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Obasanjo writes Trump reacts to death of George Bush |
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Welche Gesetze hat Donald Trump bisher verabschiedet |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping showed optimism about dinnertime talk on trade war |
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Rational Review News Digest 11/28/18 — MS: Hyde-Smith defeats Espy in US Senate race Doing justice to Trump’s invasion claim |
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Aldo Lema: Trump y Xi Jinping saben que el libre comercio es la solución para mayor crecimiento |
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Trump’s Bolt Rasmussen |
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Jövő év elején újra találkozik az észak-koreai vezetővel Trump |
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George H W Bush Blamed the Fed for his 1992 Reelection Loss – Now Fed is Doing the Same Thing to Trump |
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ONU 2018: Indo além das risadas dos típicos exageros de Trump |
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BREAKING: Trump’s Homeland Security Advisor Just Got KICKED Out Of White House |
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Israel Says “Palestinian state over” After Trump Win |
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G20: Melania Trump se llevó de regalo una obra de arte del misionero Andrés y Encarnación elaboran productos para obtener financiamiento de la Unión Europea |
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Modi meets Trump Putin ahead of G20 summit |
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Trump is winning his war with the media |
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Trump canceló su conferencia en el G20 y viaja a EEUU para el funeral de Bush |
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Trump’s First 100 Days: Climate and Energy |
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Nelze mu věřit ani nos mezi očima Setkáme se nesetkáme se! Nakonec se DJ Trump s VV Putinem setkali jelikož to ani jinak nešlo DJ Trump opět lhal |
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ESAI Energy: Trump statement not oil policy |
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Our View: Saudis: GOP Senate right to challenge Trump |
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The Trump Administration needs to exercise leadership in space security diplomacy |
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REPORT: Trump sending Air Force One to carry George HW Bush’s body to DC to begin final tributes |
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Donald Trump deve vir ao Brasil para solenidade de posse de Bolsonaro |
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Weekly News Analysis: Americans seeking to escape Donald Trump are offered asylum in Canada |
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SNL: Alec Baldwin Returns As Trump With Appearances From Cohen Putin And The Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia |
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“Egyelőre nem kellett lőni! Hangsúlyozom: EGYELŐRE!”- mondta Donald Trump a migránskaraván ostroma után |
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Grafite de beijo entre Bolsonaro e Trump é apagado no Ceará |
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Nhìn lại kiểu tóc ‘trứ danh’ của Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump qua các bức ảnh |
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Donald Trump veut « mettre fin » à l’Aléna rapidement |
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Donald Trump impide el ingreso a Estados Unidos a los de Corea del Norte y funcionarios de Venezuela |
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President Trump’s tax reform vs his balanced budget |
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Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan un alto el fuego a la guerra comercial de 90 días |
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Trump nemulţumit de acordul pentru Brexit: Va afecta relaţia comercială SUA – Marea Britanie |
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Look Who’s Stocking Up on Guns Now: Fear and Loathing in Donald Trump’s America |
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How graduate unions are winning — and scaring the hell out of bosses — in the Trump era |
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Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan un alto el fuego a la guerra comercial |
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Trump y Xi acordaron congelar la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China 09:49 |
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Pragmatist vs pugilist: Bush death highlights Trump’s isolation on world stage |
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Trump: There was no collusion and Mueller knows it |
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Trump’s Comey Letter as a Breakup Letter |
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Federal Court Blocks Trump’s Termination of TPS |
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Christopher Steele the Man Behind the Trump Dossier |
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Trump/Xi Meeting At G20 Results: No Significant Changes To Trade War |
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Malamud: “El mundo de Trump al que Macri no quería llegar es el que lo tiene en el pulmotor” |
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Carlos Alberto Montaner: Las elecciones Trump y los sexos |
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G20 rompe lanza en pro del comercio y firma sin Trump compromiso por el clima |
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Hitler’s descendant living on Long Island says he dislikes Trump |
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The soybean market has its eye on Trump’s dinner date with Xi |
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Trump’s victory speaks to a crumbling liberal order |
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Jason Sattler for USA Today: Voters said please check Trump’s corruption The only option left is impeachment |
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Alec Baldwin returned as Donald Trump for ‘SNL’s latest cold open! Watch him get jealous over Vladimir Putin’s relationship with Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman |
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Obasanjo Writes Trump |
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López Obrador agradece trato de Trump y presencia en México de Maduro |
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Nadzieja Chińczyków „wpływowy dziadek Trump” położy kres Komunistycznej Partii Chin |
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Putin: Am avut o scurtă conversație cu Trump și nu am stat lângă Melania |
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GOP Analyst Who Said Trump “Won Midterms” Backtracks Now Predicts Doom And “Bad Omens” For Republicans In 2020 |
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Donald Trump Is A Weak Defender Of Due Process |
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Trump und Xi finden vorläufige Lösung |
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Next Americans for Trump Meeting to feature Juanita Broaddrick |
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¿Detendrá la administración de Trump el aborto «humanitario» |
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Fox News Anchor: Trump’s Attacks on Press ‘Disturbing and Wrong’ |
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From Iron Curtain to the Iran Veil: The Trump Administration’s Misguided Iran Strategy |
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Donald Trump perde maioria na Câmara para oposição democrata |
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CNN’s Rye loses her mind while yelling that Trump’s a ‘civil and human rights crisis’ |
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President Trump And Chinese President Xi Agree To Put Their Tariff War On Hold For 90 Days |
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G20: Donald Trump y XI Jinping pusieron fecha de tregua a la guerra comercial con el pacto de Buenos Aires |
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Trump lanza un vídeo para mostrar la violencia en los videojuegos |
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Trump Bertemu Jinping Perang Dagang AS-China Diperkirakan Mereda |
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Donald Trump firma autorización para que tropas en la frontera puedan usar “fuerza letal” en caso de ser trabajos de la Comisión Sonora-Arizona |
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Saudi Arabia Pumps Record Amount of Oil as Trump Piles on… |
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Ukraine yawagonganisha Trump Afrika Mashariki waanika kinachowakwamisha |
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Trump Obama Top World Leaders Eulogize George HW Bush |
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Elysee disorganized conversation between Trump and Putin |
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Trump won’t attend Republic Day due to scheduling constraints: White House |
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Trump announces support for the First Step Act which rolls back much of Clinton crime law |
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Should Trump Be Worried About Michael Cohen’s Testimony |
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Provoziert Trump einen Dollar-Crash |
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Trump Supporters Urged To Stay Home And Protect Their Families From Migrant Caravan Attack Planned For Tuesday |
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Trump abandona Argentina después de participar en la cumbre del G20 |
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D Trump: Spotkanie z Kim Dzong Unem pewnie w styczniu lub lutym |
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I Stopped Breathing Because of Trump Now I’m Dead |
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Trump: “Where is the IG Report” |
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¿Pone Donald Trump la invasión de Venezuela en manos de gobiernos subalternos |
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Tribulation Trump Vs Anarchy Acosta |
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Vote Trump |
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Trump Administration Backing Bill to Cut |
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Trump pide a Xi criminalizar el fentanilo para reducir muertes por opiáceos |
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SNL’s Michael Che And Colin Jost Hilariously Lay Into Trump And His Administration |
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The Trump Effect |
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Trump Lies All His Associates Lie The Whole Regime Lies The Republican Party Is Now A Lie Machine |
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Trump-Avrupa Birliği ve İsrail-Filistin Uyuşmazlığı |
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Changement de paradigme : aperçus de ce qui se profile après la vague mondiale « nationaliste » ou l’Après Trump |
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George Bush: Trump Obama Clinton Others Mourn |
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¡PAPELONAZO! Trump plantó a Macri y le hizo pasar un muy mal Francia: Fuerte protesta por aumento de la na |
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Donald Trump Grants Clemency To Alice Johnson After Meeting With Kim |
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Mike Pence felicita a López Obrador a nombre de Trump |
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Hy vọng gì ở TT Trump chống Trung Quốc |
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Obama Judge Sides with Sanctuary Cities Calls Trump’s Crackdown Unconstitutional |
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Alec Baldwin’s Trump returns with worries about the Mueller investigation – CNN |
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Analyzing speeches- B Obama and D Trump- unfinished |
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Erdoğan Trump ile ikinci kez görüştü |
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Anne Hathaway Claims Trump Used ‘Lethal Force’ Against Children |
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López Obrador provoca polémica por agradecer trato de Trump y la presencia de Maduro en México |
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President Donald Trump seems to be an anachronism today He believes in our national sovereignty to a great degree and in American distinctiveness I stand aghast at the unified hatred of this man by Democrats and many Republicans as well As he attempts to assert America and her role in leadership throughout the globe he is met with sarcasm obstruction and disparaging actions and comments at every turn My wife and I pray for his terms in office as well his successors Trump is like the proverbial Dutch boy placing his finger in the dike to keep the dam from bursting He has a unique pugilistic personality which enables him to fight against the New World Order yet I feel as soon as he is removed from office we will soon become plunged into a universal and global strategy without remedy The leaders of the near future will pick up where former President Obama left off Your family inheritance could be taken or be in jeopardy Your right to use guns for home defense personal protection and hunting will be severely curtailed and/or eliminated The United Nation desires to eliminate ALL small arms The right to own a home and property could be subject to the powers that be Perhaps the rights we take for granted like the opportunity to travel will be limited as well The freedom of public worship is another benefit that the Left would love to put an end to As I write this Sweden has become the first cashless society whereas credit cards checks and currency are all but history Millennials interpret this change as positive and convenient and anything except a scourge or mark of the Beast But Christians have spiritual discernment given to us by the Holy Spirit Yes brethren the pump is primed and the writing is on the wall for those with eyes to see |
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Lawyers: Ex-Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Deserves No Prison |
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Kaşıkçı’nın Nişanlısı: Trump |
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Volvo Expecting to Slow Ramp-Up of Charleston Plant Due to Trump Tariffs |
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Donald Trump goes utterly berserk after 60 Minutes further exposes the horrors of his immigrant child camps |
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Raid on Chicago Ald Ed Burke’s Offices More About ‘The Chicago Way’ than Donald Trump |
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Trump cancels G-20 conference ‘out of respect’ for Bush Sr |
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Armistițiu în războiul comercial SUA-China: Donald Trump şi Xi Jinping de |
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Will Trump’s short-term game spoil China’s long-term strategy |
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Don’t Cry For Trump Argentina! |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping Agree To Trade Truce At G-20 Summit |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump’la görüştü |
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Questions For Andrew Puzder Trump Nominee for Labor Secretary |
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Donald Trump hizo pasar un mal momento a su homólogo argentino Mauricio Macri durante la cumbre del G-20 |
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Guerra comercial en pausa: Trump congela plan de aranceles a China |
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Latest News: Donald Trump Condemns Syria’s Gas Attack |
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Cina: Trump-Xi hanno raggiunto un importante consenso |
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‘Battle’ over as Trudeau Trump Pena Nieto sign ‘new NAFTA’ |
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Trump threatens “strategic allies” with auto |
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Peña Nieto Trump y Trudeau firman T-MEC en Argentina |
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Investigation into Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia A Fraud |
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Trump escalates attacks on his attorney general |
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Photo: Trump in snowman festival in Tehr |
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Trump e la retorica allarmistica sull’immigrazione |
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Presidente agradece presencia de invitados especiales como Ivanka Trump |
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Trump Warns European Leaders to “Watch Themselves” |
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The new charge to which Trump’s ex-lawyer has pleaded guilty |
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Trump will send his Air Force One plane to Texas after ‘all of the seats’ are taken out to bring former President George HW Bush’s remains to Washington where he will lie in state before dramatic funeral in Texas |
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ENCUENTRO EN BUENOS AIRES Guerra comercial: Trump y Xi Jinping acordaron una tregua de 90 días |
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Donald Trump Pop! Vinyl Figure |
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Donald Trump Network Marketing Review – Can Help To Make Money With Donald Trump Network |
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G20 Argentina: Ông Tập Cận Bình được đón tiếp rầm rộ còn TT Donald Trump thì không |
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Trump wins Nevada GOP Caucus Rubio ahead of Cruz in race for second February 24 2016 |
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Trump Says he will End of The Citizenship – End birthright citizenship |
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Stocks climb as investors hope for Trump-Xi trade to attend state funeral for George HW Bush |
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Trump says he will likely meet with North Korea’s Kim in early 2019 |
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Implications of Trump’s Choice of Science Adviser |
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Trump Sets Aside Political Differences in Honoring Bush |
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Charles Koch Is Funding Rightwing Pro-Trump Media New Disclosure Reveals |
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Trump-Xi weekend meeting could bring bulls or bears |
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I was very much looking forward to having a press conference just prior to leaving Argentina because we have had su… George HW Bush led a long successful and beautiful life Whenever I was with him I saw his absolute j… from President Donald J Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on the Passing of Former President George HW… seanhannity on FoxNews NOW Enjoy! |
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Trump U-turn – says North Korea is an “extraordinary threat” |
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Trump y Xi se reunieron en la cena más esperada del G20 |
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Trump Leaves G-20 With China Trade Truce Plans To Cancel NAFTA Ahead Of New Pact : NPR |
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Trump hoopt op nieuwe ontmoeting met Kim Jong-un |
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ABC News Caught Red Handed Publishing Fake News Slandering Trump They Knew It Was Fake amp Still Ran With It |
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Rihanna Axl Rose tell Trump to cease playing their music |
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Report: Anti-Trump ‘Murphy Brown’ Reboot Cancelled After One Season |
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Trump y la caravana migratoria |
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New Poll Finds That The Majority Side With Trump… Are You One Of Them |
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Trump may not be liked but he’s what we need |
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Was There a Connection Between a Russian Bank and the Trump Campaign |
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Trump suspende aumento de tarifas à China por três meses |
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W czasie szczytu G20 Trump rozmawiał krótko z Putinem |
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Video: Chuck Norris Likens PM Orbán To Trump |
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President Trump to widow parishioner |
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Trump’s on-off dance with complicated nurse wins approval to return to US |
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Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet for Singapore summit |
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President Trump’s magic word: Israel |
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“For the record I have ZERO investments in Russia” Donald Trump first starts denying any business ties to Russia July 26 2016 “I mean I have nothing to do with Russia I don’t have any jobs in Russia I’m all over the world but we’re not involved in Russia” Donald Trump July 27 2016 “I know nothing about Russia I know — I know about Russia but I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia I don’t deal there I have no businesses there I have no loans from Russia” Donald Trump October 10 2016 His sons had already admitted taking loans from Russia “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS NO LOANS NO NOTHING!” Donald Trump January 11 2017 “I don’t know Putin have no deals in Russia and the haters are going crazy – yet Obama can make a deal with Iran 1 in terror no problem!” Donald Trump February 7 2017 “I had nothing to do with it I have nothing to do with Russia I told you I have no deals there I have no anything” Donald Trump February 16 2017 “Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems and played up by the media in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!” Donald Trump blaming Hillary and the media February 26 2017 “I have had dealings over the years where I sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago I had the Miss Universe pageant — which I owned for quite a while — I had it in Moscow a long time ago But other than that I have nothing to do with Russia” Donald Trump perhaps in a slip admits that he did have some deals going on in Russia May 11 2017 “I have nothing to do with Russia I never did” Donald Trump goes back to firm denial July 20 2018 “I have nothing to do with Russia” Donald Trump October 29 2018 “There was a good chance that I wouldn’t have won in which case I would have gotten back into the business and why should I lose lots of opportunities We decided — I decided ultimately — not to do it There would have been nothing wrong if I did do it” Donald Trump on the deal he denied existed November 29 2018 “Oh I get it! I am a very good developer happily living my life when I see our Country going in the wrong direction to put it mildly Against all odds I decide to run for President amp continue to run my business-very legal amp very cool talked about it on the campaign trail Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia Put up zero money zero guarantees and didn’t do the project Witch Hunt!” Donald Trump admits he was working on a “very legal and very cool” deal in Russia at a time when he was denying he had any deals in Russia November 30 2018 |
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BREAKING NEWS: Trump Cancels G20 Meeting with Putin |
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MARC A THIESSEN: Trump’s ready to deal Are Democrats |
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Deportation and the Trump |
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Fake News Labels Trump “Mentally Ill” |
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Trump och ”folkfienderna” |
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Trump abruptly cancels meeting with Putin |
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192: Groundhogs Day … Six More Weeks of Trump |
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Trump ist eher gestärkt als geschwächt |
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Alec Baldwin Returns as Donald Trump To Mope About Mueller Probe G20 Summit in SNL Cold Open |
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Ông Trump và ông Tập nhất trí không áp thêm thuế từ tháng 1/2019 |
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Trudeau Unveils 105 Billion in Tax Cuts to Keep Up With Trump |
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Krótko i na temat – tak Donald Trump rozmawiał z Putinem podczas G20 |
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G20 rompe lanza pro comercio y firma sin Trump compromiso por clima |
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Obama Blasts Trump’s Use Of Tear Gas On Foreigners: ‘Frankly I Would Have Used A Drone Strike’ |
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John McCain Acaba de Darle a Trump y Nunes Terribles Noticias |
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The Trump Administration Attempts to Erase the Humanity of Transgender Americans |
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Trump Orders Cleveland Indians to Replace Chief Wahoo with Elizabeth Warren |
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Harga Emas Turun Jelang Negosiasi Trump-Xi Jinping |
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Trump reaches a 90 day CEASEFIRE in disruptive trade war with China |
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Rusya soruşturmasında önemli gelişme: Trump’ın eski avukatı yalan söylediğini itiraf etti |
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Trump reafirma junto a Moon Jae In su compromiso de celebrar una segunda cumbre con Kim Jong Un |
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Trump Casts Doubt on Climate Report |
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Mueller Exposes the Culture of Lying That Surrounds Trump via perjury-trap extortion |
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The Impact of Trump’s Public Charge Rule for Select States |
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“Consensus Reached” and “Very Successful” – Chinese Media ECSTATIC Over Trump and Xi Meeting and Trade Truce |
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Trump will terminate NAFTA to press Dems into approving new trade deal |
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Restaurant Kicks Sarah Sanders Out Over Ties to Trump Her Response is Perfect! |
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Trump och Putin diskuterade krisen i Ukraina |
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Apply Now to Donald Trump All Approved US Embassy Scholarships For Africans Undergraduates And Graduates Students |
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Michael Cohen President Trump’s Former Lawyer Pleads Guilty to Lying to Congress |
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Demands for Trump Labor Secretary to Resign After ‘Jaw-Dropping’ and ‘Enraging’ Story About Sweetheart Deal for Billionaire Pedophile – Jake Johnson 11/30/2018 |
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Report: Ivanka Trump wrote unused ‘clarification’ on Donald Trump’s Mexico comments – POLITICO |
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Donald Trump Jr Divorce Leaves Confused Heartbroken Nation Wondering Why Bad Things Happen To Good People |
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John Steinbeck’s Warning in Playboy about Donald Trump |
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White House investigates leaks of Trump calls to Australia Mexico |
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Putin Trump ile ayak üstü görüşmesi hakkında konuştu |
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CNN sues Trump |
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Trump Calls Khashoggi Murder ‘Worst Cover-Up in History’ |
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Theresa May ‘won’t be afraid’ to challenge Donald Trump – BBC News |
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This Week We Learned Just How Much a Painting of Trump is Worth Oh Also There was Some Terrorism |
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the Police: Are We Done with Traditional Law Enforcement LA Review of BooksThe End of Policing’s great strength lies in demonstrating that if the shape of American policing is historical it is also contingent We could have made different choices regarding how we set about securing the public against the array of threats that confront it and — refreshingly at this moment of general despair — Vitale believes we still can What to Do About the Police The NationThe End of Policing offers a compelling digest of the dynamics of crime and law enforcement and a polemic against the militarization of everythingWhat I Can’t Live Without by Rachel Kushner New York MagazineRemember Ferguson Who among my peers in the literary world was up for supporting the rioters I wondered too In any case what’s happened since has been more abuses more killings of unarmed citizens and no reforms to date Unfortunately no increased diversity on police forces nor body cameras nor better training has made any seeming difference We need to restructure our society and put resources into communities themselves an argument Alex Vitale makes very persuasivelyThe End of Policing Race and ClassImpressively researched and thoroughly readable The End of Policing shatters the myth that police in the US protect and serve the population through their handling of social issues like homelessness unemployment drug use and violence as a way to create a ‘better’ society Rather Vitale argues that policing is ‘a tool for managing deeply entrenched inequalities’ that are organised along the intersecting terrains of race class gender and sexuality This convincing critique of law enforcement underpins Vitale’s view that ‘any real agenda for police reform must look to replace police with empowered communities working to solve their own problems’The End of Policing Policing: A Journal of Policy and PracticeGiven the importance of the argument the book can be readily defended as a basis for further research and debate Each of the chapters is well-suited to use in an academic setting as the basis for an extended study of the issues raised In this regard The End of Policing should be considered compulsory reading for those interested in the future of the police The End of Policing Kirkus ReviewsIn a tightly constructed monograph filled with reform suggestions Vitale decries the evolution of police agencies as tools of the white establishment to suppress dissatisfaction among the have-nots The author understands the role of police in trying to solve violent crimes such as rapes and homicides but he believes police should no longer serve as the chief combatants against narcotics use street gangs border patrol prostitution between consenting adults homelessness mental illness and misbehaving adolescents Instead Vitale suggests either decriminalization of certain behaviors or non–law enforcement solutions such as government agencies and private organizations that could for example work with the homeless to provide them with permanent shelter A clearly argued sure-to-be-controversial bookThe End of Policing The Crime ReportIn The End of Policing Vitale offers a different framework for thinking about how law enforcement relates to the communities it serves In a chat with TCR’s Isidoro Rodriguez he explains why the current policing model perpetuates racial bias why he believes community policing is misconceived and what he means by the provocative title he chose for his bookThe End of Policing: A New Book on the Problem of Policing Black PerspectivesThis post is part of our blog series that announces the publication of selected new books in African American History and African Diaspora Studies When Police are the Problem Public BooksConsidering the scope of its polemical argument and attention to detail The End of Policing is impressively brief it is is exactly the sort of introduction to the problem of policing that we have neededThe End of Policing Socialist ReviewAlex Vitale condemns the politics of austerity for creating the circumstances in which heavy-handed policing becomes the accepted means of controlling a poor marginalised majority in a system which exists to serve the 1 Chapters on mental health homelessness sex work drugs and border policing illustrate the way in which the system persecutes and fails those who need the most help and the increasing impossibility of accessing services without going through the cycle of the criminal justice systemReview: The End of Policing NetPol The Network for Police Monitoring‘The End of Policing’ looks in detail at a number of the key issues that dominate the debate about crime in the US including the various wars on drugs terror vice gangs and homelessness In each case he argues that after years of neo-liberal austerity there is compelling evidence that “local governments have no will or ability to pursue the kind of ameliorative social policies that address crime and disorder” Instead because “political leaders have embraced a neoconservative politics that sees all social problems as police problems” the response has been to harass arrest and imprison those who are themselves the most likely to become victims of street crime: people from poor working class and especially black neighbourhoods RadioWe must end policing as we know it with Alex Vitale The Dig In his new book The End of Policing Brooklyn College sociologist avitale makes the case that technocratic reforms won’t fix American policing In reality we can only fix policing by ending the carceral state and defeating neoliberalismPolicing in a Time of Austerity Against the GrainCrime is way down and law and order advocates argue that’s the result of expanded policing and other punitive measures But sociologist Alex Vitale says there’s no evidence that’s true He discusses how expanded policing is the flip side of neoliberal economic austerity and the slashing of social services‘If We Don’t Change the Mission of Police Reforms Will Not Work’ CounterSpinJanine Jackson interviews Alex Vitale about de-policing and his new book The End of Policing for CounterSpin radioThe End Of Policing: A conversation with Alex Vitale Verso The expansion of police authority is inconsistent with community empowerment social justice—even public safety Law enforcement has come to exacerbate the very problems it is supposed to solve The best solution to bad policing may be an end to policingAlex Vitale – The End of Policing In Conversation UpstreamIn this Upstream Conversation we spoke with author Alex S Vitale about his new book “The End of Policing” Confronting the American Way of Policing CUNY BooktalkAlex Vitale has been an impassioned advocate of police reform for 25 years and now the Brooklyn College sociologist is making waves with his new book The End of Policing Vitale who runs the Policing and Social Justice Project at the college argues that police in recent decades have taken on an expanded intensified and largely unchecked role in American society – a fundamental change fed by a “warrior mentality” that he says damages the country as much as it protects itAlex Vitale: The End of Policing The Katie Halper ShowWe talk to Alex Vitale about his book The End of PolicingThe End of Policing Featuring Alex Vitale Beyond PrisonsProfessor Alex S Vitale joins the Beyond Prisons podcast to discuss his book “The End Of Policing” which provides a historical analysis of law enforcement and police reform in the United States and argues for alternativesNews CoverageTrump Already Has a Wall It’s the Thin Blue Line The New RepublicThe fact that violent crackdowns on protesters rough treatment for criminal suspects and brutal mistreatment of immigrants are seen as simply prerogatives of the police is indicative of “a fundamental crisis in police legitimacy” writes sociologist Alex Vitale in his forthcoming book The End of PolicingMen are pretending to be cops and targeting sex workers Think Progress“Any enforcement whether it is targeting customers or providers is going to exacerbate all these problems that go with having an underground economy These workers don’t have any legally enforceable rights essentially making them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse” Vitale saidEnvisioning an America Free from Police Violence and Control The InterceptIn “The End of Policing” Alex S Vitale argues that police reforms implemented in the wake of Brown’s death — from diversity initiatives to community policing to body cameras — fail to acknowledge that policing as an institution reinforces race and class inequalities by design4 Disabled People Dead in Another Week of Police Brutality The NationAlex S Vitale author of The End of Policing told me that beyond the issues of disability and policing “This all starts as a self-directed search for drugs And since drugs are conceived of as automatically dangerous and illegal the police approach people as dangerous and a threat to be controlled As soon as the young person said ‘I’m fine’ that should have been the end of it”Activists urge inspector general to probe NYPD’s gang policing tactics NY Daily News“The NYPD has not been very forthcoming about the tactics that they’re using as the basis for these investigations the outcomes of the cases et cetera” Alex Vitale a Brooklyn College sociology professor who signed off on the letter “What we’re doing today is we’re trying to get more information” The Term ‘Terrorism’ Is a State Weapon The Nation“I’d like to hear more about how calling it terrorism ends up making us safer Will it lead to weapons ban or just more aggressive policing” asked Alex Vitale professor of sociology at Brooklyn College and author of The End of Policing in response to a tweet that stated “stephenpaddock is a terrorist” Vitale when met with predictable and reasonable replies about racist double standards replied “do we really want to feed the ‘terrorism’ machine Especially with Trump” Vitale makes a good point: The interpellation of “terrorist” has a fierce history of promoting a repressive and military state apparatus not justiceThe New Horsemen: How ANewsmerican Riot Police Embraced the BicycleThe GuardianIn the 1980s policing took another turn with the era of “community policing” This was “about restoring police legitimacy after the civil unrest of the 1960s and 1970s and the professional isolation of police” says Alex Vitale a sociology teacher at Brooklyn College and author of the forthcoming book The End of PolicingPolice Turn Body Cams into Tools for Public Relations not Accountability Columbia Journalism Review“What we’re seeing in practice on the ground is that even though body cams were sold to us as a police accountability tool they’re really being used for public relations purposes to make the police look good” says Alex Vitale Brooklyn College sociologist and author of “The End of Policing” “The media should be asking for unedited footage and should be demanding access to footage that plays a role in accountability not in PR”Essays and Op/EdsThe New ‘Superpredator’ Myth The New York TimesWhen community-based alternatives are well funded and well operated they can make a real difference in reducing gun violence Though no one program will solve all of our violence problems it’s time to dial back the criminalization approach and give communities the resources they need to create lasting public safetyTrump Is Trying to Militarize the Police It Won’t Make Us Any Safer Fortune MagazineIt’s time to take a much bigger step to end police militarization than the changes implemented by the Obama administration The 1033 and Terrorism Grants programs should be abandoned or completely rethought Given the catastrophe in Houston this week it’s clear that what local officials really need from the federal government to enhance public safety are high-water vehicles and swift water rescue boats not tanks and bayonets Jail workers should get on the Rikers closure bandwagon: The old facility is awful for them too NY Daily NewsIt’s time for COBA SEIU 1199 DC 37 and other unions that represent workers at Rikers Island to acknowledge that change is coming and take steps to protect their members’ long-term interests rather than fighting a losing battle to defend an institution whose time has run outAbolish the Drug Enforcement Administration The NationThe use of police to wage a war on drugs has been a nightmare Not only have the police failed to reduce drug use and the harm it produces they have actually worsened those harms and destroyed the lives of millions of Americans through pointless criminalization Ultimately we must create robust public-health programs and economic-development strategies to reduce demand and help people manage their drug problems in ways that reduce harm—while keeping in mind that most drug users are not addicts Do the math: More arrests will fill the jail not close it SF ExaminerExpanded policing and prosecution don’t stop the revolving door of imprisonment they just speed up the door’s motor The jail at 850 Bryant will only close once The City stops targeting people to fill itPolice and the Liberal Fantasy JacobinBody cameras and more training aren’t enough We need to divert funding for police into funding for human needs |
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GOP Furious: Trump Strikes Back Threatens Shutdown Over Border Wall! |
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Ex-Lawyer Says He Told Trump About Kremlin Contact |
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Truce in Trade War After Trump-Xi Dinner |
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Corea del Norte se ha comprometido a desnuclearizarse mientras Trump anuncia que suspenderá las maniobras militares |
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The Big Picture: From Russia to Ukraine to Brexit to Trump |
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Studie: Manlig osäkerhet kan kopplas till stöd för Trump |
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Trump Aims to Increase Value and Decrease Costs of Health Care |
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Trump Signs New Trade Deal With Mexico Canada |
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President Trump says He Hopes to meet NKorea’s Kim in January or February |
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Asian shares mixed as Trump orders new tariffs on China |
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Professor sues President Trump for blocking him on Twitter |
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Hannity And Gingrich Whine About Democrats Trying To ‘Destroy’ Trump By Getting His Tax Returns |
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Depression and Anxiety in the Age of Trump |
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Trump nem hisz a klímaváltozásról szóló kormányzati jelentésben foglalt veszélyekben |
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Usa Chiudono diversi impianti di GM Trump ‘dazi sulle auto importate’ |
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Trump sends team to Nigeria amid massacre of hundreds of Christians by Islamic radicals |
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Trump had ‘informal’ conversation with Putin: White House |
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Fox News Threw Trump Under The Bus Busted |
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Trump’s on-off dance with complicated acquaintances |
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Teenager Ashton Hess who was bullied by anti-Trump goons honored by Noble Gold Investments |
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Trump’s plan to stop the caravan |
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Melania Trump gives tour of White House Christmas decor |
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Let the Xi-Trump post- dinner debate begin update 1 |
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¿Travolta eres tú Macri se convirtió en meme tras episodio con Trump en la cumbre del G20 |
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Acosta Gets His Pass Back But Trump Has a Plan |
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Trump Censorship amp Media Bias |
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Trump Awards Himself the Presidential Medal of Freedom |
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Trump cancela su rueda de prensa en el G20 por respeto a la… |
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Trump to send presidential aircraft to Houston to pick up George HW Bush’s casket |
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Was This Aubrey O’Day Song About Her Alleged Affair With Donald Trump Jr Listen To |
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Trump’s Pick to Lead ICE Once Compared Him to Dennis the Menace |
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Trump og Xi Jinping tar en middag i Buenos Aires |
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PHOTOS – Melania Trump en mode cuissardes et couleur tendance de la saison : elle surprend avec son look ultra-moderne c’est canon ! |
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Trump Boosts Nova Scotia’s Lobster Industry |
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Trump Day – 01/21/17 21st January 2017 |
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Nadler Accuses Trump of Knowing About Cohen Cover-Up — ‘We Have a President Who Lies Incessantly’ |
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vertice Usa-Corea del Nord la Cina incoraggia il dialogo tra Trump e Kim Jong |
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EL G20 terminó con un acuerdo que reconoce las diferencias con Trump |
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Asian stocks mixed ahead of crucial Trump-Xi meeting |
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They Live Alien Donald Trump Mask |
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White House suspends CNN’s Acosta after Trump confrontation |
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Rapper 50 Cent Speaks On His Relationship With Donald Trump Video |
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Health Care Is Suffering At The Hands Of Trump And Republicans |
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Trump: Putin nə etmək istədiyini bilir amma biz |
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Putin e Trump se reúnem sábado em Buenos Aires |
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Tamil Nadu IampB minister Kadambur Raju on release of movie 20 over website through privacy says entire film fratern… President MVenkaiahNaidu calls for a re-look at India’s ancient values identify the most suited aspects for… belongs to Pakistan like Kashmir to India says Farooq Abdullah FarooqAbdullah JammuAndKashmir in UttarPradesh are fake being executed under YogiAdityanath’s patronage: AkhileshYadav Match betweeen India🇮🇳 amp Belgium🇧🇪 ends in draw 2⃣-2⃣ at Bhubaneswar INDvBEL HWC2018 YogiAdityanath takes on AsaduddinOwaisi in his home turf Hyderabad says AIMIM chief will… Trump Administration has proposed a new set of changes for H-1B Visas H1B USA DonaldTrump https://tco/vjIP6fjzXp |
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Donald Trump to meet Kim Jong Un likely in |
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Trump Elected: What Will It Mean for Musicians |
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‘This Isn’t Shade It’s Truth’: Michelle Obama GETS REAL About Trump |
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Trump to notify Congress in ‘near future’ he will terminate Nafta |
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Trump administration downplays major climate change report as ‘worst-case scenario ’ after president dismisses warnings |
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Obasanjo writes Trump mourns Bush |
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Trump Organisation Records Subpoenaed By Mueller |
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Khashoggi killing: CIA did not blame Saudi crown prince says Trump |
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Trump-Xi Dinner Leads to Temporary Halt in US-China Tariff War |
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A Halloween surprise out just in time for Election Day Nov 6… Who is Anal Trump Are they the unwanted bastard children of the Philanderer-in-Chief Regular citizens transformed into angry mutants by the deluge of toxic waste spewing from the 45th President’s mouth Whatever the origin of these mystery men they found only one way to deal with the insanity happening in the political world: they became Anal TrumpScreen-printed “DRAIN-THE-SWAMP” Green Vinyl CD and Digital available to purchase right this way… |
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Trump’s Company Offered Putin a 50M Penthouse in Planned Tower in Russia |
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Le parole incendiarie di Trump: fonte di violenza |
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Attention!!! Forward To President Trump Has To Watch These INCREDIBLE End Time Signs! 2017-2018 |
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Trump adia elevação de tarifas contra a China |
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Let’s be clear: Vladimir Putin will be happy to welcome Saudi Arabia into Moscow’s orbit if the US cuts Riyadh loose Here are four must-read articles on the importance of maintaining our alliance with the Saudis including the statement by President Trump |
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Melania Trump’s Hotel Charges Were 174000 For A Day Trip To Toronto |
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HARDBALL: Trump Threatens Democrats With Release Of ‘Devastating’ Documents |
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Trump’s immigration language |
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On SNL’s cold open Trump is jealous of Putin and MBS’s budding b |
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Trump arrives in Singapore for historic summit with Kim Jong Un |
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Trump Holds Bilateral Meeting With Japan’s Prime Minister at G20 |
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Carlos Alberto Montaner: Trump Bolton y los Cuatro Chiflados |
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Three Key Techniques Trump Uses to Insulate Himself from Criticism and Consequence |
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Putin and Putinism – News Review: Trump presidency could hinge on whether he knew of plan to give penthouse to Putin – USA TODAY |
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Trump Investigations |
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More Evil Portents For Trump! Buenos Aires EARTHQUAKE Hits G20 Summit Just As Donald Trump SNUBS Putin amp Saudi Crown Prince |
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Trump administration to follow ‘buy American hire Americans’ |
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Trump Fund-Raiser nhận tiền nước ngoài rửa tiền các công tố viên nói |
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Trump anuncia sus planes para revocar la ciudadanía por nacimiento |
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Saudi Arabia Pumps Record Amount of Oil as Trump Piles on |
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Donald Trump deve vir ao Brasil para solenidade de posse de de Assaltos são presos pela polícia militar em Campo Maior |
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Prezydent Trump nie wierzy w rządowy raport dot zmian książki |
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President Trump still taking shots at GM after US cuts layoffs announced |
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President Trump Stands Up to Migrant Caravans and Enforces Immigration Laws |
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Trump Bans CDC From Using Words Like “Science-Based” and “Evidence-Based” Updated: Likely Self-Censoring |
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‘Get me out of here!’ Trump wanders off G20 stage and leaves Argentina’s President hanging |
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19 of 20 world leaders just pledged to fight climate change Trump was the lone holdout |
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Trump’s challenge coin |
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Trump attacks 2017 |
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Donald Trump is destroying America |
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Trump Usir Imigran dengan Gas Air Mata |
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Ivanka Trump Elias Ayub y Alfredo Harp son algunas de las personalidades que le mandaron felicitaciones a AMLO |
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Federal Agents Raid Office Of Chicago Lawyer Who Handled Trump’s Taxes For Over A |
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Tổng thống Trump hé lộ thời gian gặp lại lãnh đạo Triều Tiên |
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Anti-Trump Christmas Carolers Spotted in Dupont Circle |
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Trump’ın Eski Avukatı Suçlamaları Kabul Etti |
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After rare rebuke from Chief Justice Roberts Trump… |
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Putin: Trump’la Ukrayna krizini |
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Nueva reunión Trump-Kim se llevaría a cabo a inicios del 2019 |
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Trump tax break aims to turn distressed areas into ‘opportunity zones’ |
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Trump’s Prospects Improve for Border Wall |
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Trump notificará Congresso que vai encerrar o Nafta |
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Should We Feel Bad About the Things We Think About Trump |
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Trump greatly oversimplifies his tariffs with ‘billions’ claim |
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News Related Videos On: Don Lemon: Trump seems rattled by Cohen’s reveal |
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Un al doilea summit Trump-Kim: Președintele SUA consideră că se va… |
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Trump y Putin apenas se se dijeron hola durante G20 |
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Donald Trump Secret Pardon Talks Announced By CNN VIDEO |
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Another Top Trump Staffer Suddenly Resigns As Mueller Dissects WH Trust Circle |
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Komentář Martina Ehla: Trump nemyslí v obchodní válce s Čínou globálně dohoda z Buenos Aires je tak jen přechodnou kapitolou |
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Războiul comercial SUA-China: Donald Trump şi Xi Jinping de acord să suspende noile tarife comerciale |
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Easy Access to Official and Accurate Trump White House Presidential Documents |
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Donald Trump en el país de las matemáticas |
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Ex abogado de Trump reconoce que mintió al Congreso |
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Reverse features President Trump’s many accomplishments |
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BREAKING: Trump Smiling After Crooked McCabe Gets The ONE THING That Will CRUSH EVERY FBI Rat |
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Week 80: Mueller Crashes Trump’s Liars Club |
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Digitalt privatliv under Trump |
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Trump Nominates Angel Garcia To Supreme Court |
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Trump anuncia ataque à Síria em resposta a uso de |
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Erdoğan ve Trump Münbiç’i konuştu |
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No to academic normalization of Trump |
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S3 BLACKLIGHT: EWW Short Interest Rises Along With Trump’s Polls |
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Tribute To Slain Biafrans During President Trump’s Inauguration Rally In Port Harcourt |
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Melania Trump ni u haljini od 64000 kuna nije uspjela zasjeniti lijepu Argentinku |
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BREAKING: Trump just dropped bombshell on NAFTA |
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Entretien avec VOA: Trump parle économie sécurité climat |
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Trump defends tear gassing children at border |
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Trump Defender OWNED On CNN |
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CNBC: Trump cites ‘great success’ of G-20 meeting but postpones press conference in the wake of former president George HW Bush’s death |
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Trump wants 12 billion in aid to US farmers suffering from trade war |
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BREAKING: Trump Ally Jim Jordan Expected to Land Powerful Leadership Role |
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Esta imagen le da la vuelta al mundo: Trump dejó… |
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Trump chce sprywatyzować Amerykę Na pierwszy ogień ma iść najstarsza instytucja publiczna – poczta |
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Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen asks judge for no prison time on guilty pleas |
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Twenty questions for the Trump Team on nationalizing 5G wireless |
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USA efter Donald Trump – tre möjliga framtidsscenarier |
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Trump Endorsed for President by…Oprah Winfrey! |
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Trump Could Give A HUGE Boost To This Company amp Industr |
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Vídeo: El menosprecio de Trump a Macri e… |
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Alec Baldwin describes President Trump as a “National Socialist tumor” |
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Trump y Xi firman una tregua comercial de tres meses |
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Falling oil prices may make Trump happy but they pose risks for US |
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Memes Donald Trump Presidente |
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Dems Plan To Fill The House Chamber With Dreamers During Trump SOTU Address Video |
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russian infiltration of both republican and democratic campaigns in elections 2016 – Google News: Trump abruptly cancels Putin meeting ancalls Cohen a ‘liar’ after guilty plea – Brinkwire press release |
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Najbliższa Kaczyńskiemu kobieta walczy o życie Prezes modli się w kaplicy prawdę o śmierci Kennedy’ego Trump odtajnia dokumenty |
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House of Cards Season 6 or How to Brainwash NPCs After Trump |
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Cumbre del G20: Dujove ratificó sumisión a Trump y Lagarde |
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Trump has made racism respectable in modern America |
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Trump’s War on the Fed |
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BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump will resign ‘soon’ says top Democrat Dianne Feinstein… |
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Trump blocks Macri’s call for multilateralism |
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Trump likely to ok funds to avoid government shutdown |
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After Lighting The National Christmas Tree Pres Trump Issues A Warm Christmas Message To All Americans |
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Media Roots Radio: 12 Russians Indicted Helsinki Putin Panic Trump’s Reversal |
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Trump: Why allow immigrants from ‘shithole countries’ in Africa |
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The Russia watchRussia’s leverage over Trump WikiLeaks as a Russian front early warning system for fake news and more |
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Donald Trump and the Triumph of the Common Man |
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Trump e Xi dão trégua à guerra comercial EUA x China |
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Donald Trump a General Motors: “Estamos considerando cortarle todos los subsidios” |
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Newsweek Just Caught Ivanka Trump Using Personal Email For Federal Business |
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Trump likely to meet Kim in early 2019 |
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Apology Mastercard Insulted Indian people complaining trump against Narendra Modi’s favoring of India RuPay Card boycottmastercard |
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State of the Union Trump and the Democrats Should Pledge to Work Together |
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George Kush Da Button: Don’t Pass Trump The Blunt |
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Trump se plantea cerrar la frontera con México |
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Es “realmente necesaria” una reunión con Trump dice Putin: esto quiere hablar |
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Another court nixes Trump push to cut ‘sanctuary city’ funds |
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Trump Bows to Globalists Cancels Putin Meeting at G20 |
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Trump recuerda a Bush por su “liderazgo tortazo |
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BREAKING: Trump Reacts to Obama’s VICIOUS Attack With HILARIOUS Speech That Put Him In His Place |
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United Nations Furious that Trump Blocked Their Radical Agenda |
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Stephen Colbert amp Michelle Obama Talk Donald Trump’s Lack Of Morality On ‘The Late Show’ |
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El G-20 finaliza con un acuerdo de mínimos y la discrepancia de Trump |
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23 Memes Of Sad Trump Watching Putin Bro Hug Saudi Prince |
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Trump sẽ dự lễ tang cựu tổng thống Bush ‘cha’ |
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Diversity does not trump autonomy |
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Donald Trump no cree en consenso científico sobre el cambio climático |
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500 Days Later: Is The Trump Presidency |
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Đối thoại Trump-Tập: TQ chủ trương 1 điều nhịn 9 điều lành ông Trump mừng thắng lợi lớn |
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Trump against Europe on Google dispute ! |
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Trump kontra globalna lewica… |
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‘Celebrity Apprentice’: Schwarzenegger Is The Perfect Successor To Trump |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping agree to suspend new tariffs end trade war |
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Mégis volt Trump-Putyin találkozó de az nem volt csúcs |
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FOX NEWS: Alec Baldwin returns to ‘SNL’ jokes about arrest while impersonating Trump |
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Ted Cruz throws his father under the Trump bus and gets on board |
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President Trump Participates in the USMCA Signing Ceremony |
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Donald Trump cancela su reunión con Vladimir Putin en el G20 en Argentina |
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Trump-May Special Relationship Gets Special Treatment In The Streets of Moves Beyond Robo-Advising With Human Financial Planners |
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CONSENSUS REACHED – President Trump and China President Xi Jinping Reportedly Reach Agreement in Buenos Aires |
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Atac cu bomba comis de traficantii de droguri Tinta ar fi fost fiica lui Trump |
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Sobre el Congreso argentino: La caricatura inflable de Trump que… |
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O Trump ανακοίνωσε πως ακυρώνει τη συνάντησή του με Πούτιν στην Αργεντινή γιατί η Ρωσία δεν απελευθέρωσε αιχμαλώτους Ουκρανούς ναύτες και τα 3 πλοία |
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Feel the love feel the hate in the cauldron of Trump’s wild rallies: Ed Pilkington |
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Trump spoke with Putin at G-20 dinner Huckabee Sanders confirms |
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Com Trump o que muda para para os brasileiros a trabalho em solo americano |
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Trump Wants 5 Billion To Build His Wall |
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The Trouble With Trump |
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Putin: Reunión con Trump era realmente necesaria lamento que cancelara la cita |
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The PAP Government Has More In Common With Trump’s America Than They Like To Admit |
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Pompeo: ‘Trump Putin’le bir şartla görüşebilir’ |
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Donald Trump US President |
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Norwegian Would This Trump has Flown |
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Number Of Uninsured Children Rose In 2017 Under Trump |
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Optimismo tras la cumbre clave entre Trump y Xi Jinping |
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Trump Fans |
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Donald Trump confirms North Korea summit with Kim Jong-un is back on for June 12 |
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Trump et Xi concluent une trêve la SAAQ lance une campagne |
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America’s greatest danger: Nuclear war decision-making by Donald Trump |
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A gold-plated Trump iPhone is here and nothing will ever be the same |
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Trump to Let States Divert Obamacare Funds to Non-ACA Plans |
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All four living former first ladies condemn Trump border policy |
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Trump hehkuttaa ”suurinta sopimusta koskaan” – USA ja Kiina sopivat aselevosta kauppasotaan |
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Trump authorizes lethal force against asylum seeking aliens |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping Agree To Trade Truce At G-20 Summit – Posts |
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Laughable Fake News CNN and Crybaby Jim Acosta File Lawsuit Against Trump |
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Usa Trump inciampa nelle elezioni di midterm |
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Cambridge Analytica used fashion brands to help elect Donald Trump |
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Ông Putin tiết lộ cuộc trò chuyện ngắn với ông Trump ở G20 |
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Su Propio Asesor Acaba de Admitir que Trump está Tomando Créditos por Empleos Creados por Obama |
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30 novembre 2018 Patagonia dona gli sgravi fiscali di Trump alle associazioni ambientaliste |
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Trump a Si se dohodli na obchodním příměří Je to dobrá zpráva pro českou korunu ČNB zřejmě před Vánoci úroky nezvýší |
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Trump touts relationship with Kim Jong Un expects second summit in January or 11:21 AM ET USA Today – Washington |
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Senate Panel Cancels Votes On Trump Court Picks Amid Flake Standoff |
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Trump’s Great Wall is Trump’s Great Stall Reply |
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Catherine Rampell: Trump loves big deals But let’s not hold our breath for one with China at the G-20 |
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E prieten cu Putin a cumparat o casa de la Trump si a fost suspectat ca si-a ASASINAT partenerul de afaceri! Povestea incredibila a celui mai NEBUN patron din fotbal – FOTO |
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Efecto Trump en las elecciones de México y Observatorio 33 Parabólica en Red |
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Trump sets aside political differences in honoring Bush 12 hours ago |
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Donald Trump toilet brush |
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Trump declares Alaska state of emergency after 70 quake damages roads amp infrastructure |
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MJ would’ve voted for Hilary Clinton not for Trump – Jermaine Jackson |
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Trump blew chance to justify US position on Saudis Khashoggi killing |
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Trump called CIA report on Mohammed bin Salman crude Trump’s full support of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia |
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PERFECTION! President Trump and First Lady Make Grand Entrance In Argentina Video |
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Tiffany Trump is dating London-based Michael Boulos of Lebanese origins |
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GOP Analyst Who Said Trump “Won Midterms” Backtracks |
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Trump Xi Reach Trade War Truce… For Now |
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· Red Dots Appeared on Trump’s Body During Speech |
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NFL Anthem Protest Grows After Trump Criticism 2017 |
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Trump Tower Moscow It Was the End of a Long Failed Push to Invest in Russia |
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G20: cuánto gastó en cargar nafta La Bestia la limusina de Trump |
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Ivanka Trump and Apple’s CEO are coming to the Treasure Valley on Tuesday |
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Fear of falling asleep Probably good away after a good night’s sleep Fear of Trump Well duh that’s rational |
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G20: Trump se queja de la traducción y tira su audífono al suelo |
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HILARIOUS: Kid Rock Takes A Sledge Hammer To Trump Hater Joy Behar On Live TV Behar Responds |
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Al G20 evitato lo scontro Trump strappa il compromesso sul comunicato finale |
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JUST IN: This Week’s Drugs MS-13 Crime Report Makes Eye-Opening Case For Trump’s Wall BuildThe Wall |
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What If Donald Trump Denies Ordering Robert Mueller To Be Fired |
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Donald Trump y Xi Jinping: una cena clave en Buenos Aires por “problemas” en el comercio mundial |
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Trump: „Noi nu vom cheltui trilioane de dolari ca să le facem altora aerul mai curat” VIDEO |
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NPR CAUGHT pushing FAKE NEWS about Trump Jr and gets SLAMMED over it… |
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Trump punterà sulla politica estera che sarà molto più energica e desiderosa di vittorie |
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SNL roasted Trump and the Mueller probe |
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Președintele american George H W Bush a decedat Trump a decretat zi de doliu național |
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President Trump is mentally ill – politicians and press and the rest of us need to acknowledge this fact |
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Kompromat: Trump Hollywood Sex Parties and the Russian Oligarchs Part II |
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La Voz de América entrevista a Donald Trump |
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Trump praises Republican congressman for body slamming journalist – National |
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World News December 1 2018 Edition: “Too Soon For A Deal”: All You Need To Know About “The Most Important Trump-Xi Meeting In Years” – CIA Intercept Reveals Saudi Crown Prince Sent 11 Messages To Head Of Khashoggi Hit Team Hours Before Murder – Over 200 arrested nearly 100 injured as Paris descends into chaos amid Yellow Vest rallies VIDEOS – Government Now Wants To Seize Your Car For Going 5MPH Over The Limit – As much as 53 inches of snow has fallen on Mammoth Mountain California |
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Trump’s Assault on the Rule of Law |
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Trump suggests US govt launch its own worldwide TV network |
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Trump is like ‘Star Wars’ movie keeps coming back: Vir Das |
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Trump Just Made Bizarre Collusion Accusations In This Morning’s Twitter Rant |
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How will American Evangelicals react to the Trump peace plan Here are the comments I made to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz this week |
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Da boken hans floppet vurderte han å bli eiendomsmegler Så skrev han «A Game of gikk nettopp inn i en ny fase Donald Trump jr har grunn til å være nervøs |
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G20: La otra cara del encuentro entre Trump y Xi Jinping |
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Trump se convierte en el personaje má |
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Transgender People and Their Allies Gather to Protest Trump Administration Proposal |
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Trump’s new plan for health insurance and how it affects you |
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We’re a grassroots movement fighting against the hateful and authoritarian agenda of Donald Trump and the radical right |
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BREAKING: Trump Reaches Historic Trade Truce With China |
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DML TV: Top Dem explains why Cohen admission potentially hurts Trump |
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‘Maniac Trump Supporter’ Identified as Cesar Sayoc Allegedly Threw Urine at Lesbian Couple |
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1 December Died George HW Bush the 41st President of the United States died at the age of 94 Homage from Trump and Obama |
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Religion Should Make Us Pluralistic But Often the Converse is True At Least in Trump’s Land |
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Trump Prepares Lifeline for Money-Losing Coal Plants |
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Yanlış Çanta Seçimi Tehlike Erdoğan ile Trump görüştü |
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Political refugee fears deportation on Interpol notice How Yemen’s Houthi rebels survive the Saudi onslaught Tower of Pisa slowly straightening as efforts to save it enter their 19th year Conservative Indonesian Muslims rally in Jakarta Romania marks 100 years of nationhood with parades boos Macron to hold crisis talks on protests G20 agrees on trade migration not climate A high-five from Putin and an awkward photograph Trump planning for NAFTA exit in bid to pass new pact Hopes for second Brexit referendum growing World News Quick Take North Korean soldier crosses border to South US to send observers to Bangladesh polls China supports Saudi Arabia Xi says Beijing lashes out at the US for South China Sea sail-by Countering China the US Japan and India push for open navigation in Asia Chinese scientist’s claim of baby gene editing sparks global debate over ethics |
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Evo le dice a Trump: “No somos un Estado limosnero no vamos a estirar la mano” |
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Finalizó cumbre mundial G20: países acordaron documento con menciones al comercio Trump mantiene sus diferencias |
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Trump şi Xi acceptă un “armistiţiu” de 90 de zile în războiul lor comercial |
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Trump amenaza con suspender el Gobierno si no le dan 5 mil millones para el muro |
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Breaking: Trump Announces Government Shutdown to Get Border Wall! |
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Donald Trump: “Es un gran honor estar trabajando con el Presidente Xi” |
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Obama hits back at ‘whacky’ Trump |
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La caravana de migrantes no está causando la crisis fronteriza: es Trump |
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Assessor de Trump convida Bolsonaro a ir aos EUA e diz esperar parceria aos 94 anos o ex-presidente dos EUA George HW Bush |
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Se reúnen Donald Trump y Xi Jinping en medio de guerra comercial |
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Trump Akan Hadiri Pemakaman George HW Bush |
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Vicepresidente de EU felicita a AMLO en nombre de Trump |
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Donald Trump lemondta a G20-csúcson tervezett találkozóját Vlagyimir Putyin orosz elnökkel |
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President Trump TROLLS Obama: Size Matters |
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Trump Eases Lawlessness At U S Southern Boarder With New Policies |
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China and the United States have agreed to a ceasefire in their bitter trade war after high-stakes talks in Argentina between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President |
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L’accord Trump-Xi Jinping n’est pour le moment qu’un cessez le feu publicitaire |
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Đình chiến thương mại 90 ngày – chiến thắng cho cả Trump lẫn Tập |
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Tiffany Trump is dating an Arab billionaire heir of Boulos Enterprises in Nigeria |
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Trump Approves Canvas Wall Art |
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Muchas felicitaciones al pueblo mexicano: Ivanka Trump |
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Problemas en la traducción y elogios mutuos: los detalles del primer encuentro entre Mauricio Macri y Donald Trump |
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George H W Bush Blamed the Fed for his 1992 Reelection Loss – Now Fed is Doing the Same Thing to Deletes Photo of Trump in ‘Assassination’-Like Crosshairs at Christmas Tree Lighting Amid S |
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South Sudan Warns Trump Administration Not To Meddle And Obstruct Peace Process in South Sudan |
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BREAKING: Trump Puts ENTIRE PLANET On Notice – Nikki Haley Delivers News To United Nations |
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Trump-Xi Meeting Won’t Stop the Trade War |
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Trump’s nose-stretcher on immigrant murders in the US |
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Passa la linea Trump: al G20 di Buenos Aires “vince” il protezionismo |
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Alex Acosta Jeffery Epstein amp The Real Dirt On Trump |
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Trump endorses Sen Heller’s re-election |
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Trump Says It ‘Might Be Cheaper’ to Build a Wall Between Guatemala and Mexico |
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Trump Fascists are coming after Native Americans this is NOT a drill… |
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Habib Rizieq Shihab Tausiah dari Mekkah Untuk Reuni Trump dan Xi Jinping Bertemu |
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Maxine Waters Trump verhöhnte sie Jetzt folgt sie seiner Geldspur |
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من هو دونالد ترامب donald trump |
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ABC SBS hysterical over Trump calling out Christine Ford for lying |
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Trump declares day of mourning Wednesday for late president George H W Bush |
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Trump expels environmental change contemplate by his very own administration: ‘I don’t trust it’ |
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Así fueron los dos encuentros de Trump y Putin en el G20 |
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Presidente Donald Trump Suspende Entrada De Inmigrantes Irregulares Desde México |
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Três locais em discussão para nova cimeira entre Donald Trump e Kim Jong Un |
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Empörung über Cover-Foto von Melania Trump |
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The Latest: Trump meets Chinese leader amid trade war |
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Trump Hired Giuliani To Meet With Mueller |
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President Trump’s Asylum Ban Is Illegal And Solves Nothing |
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Response to Trump: Pakistan sets terms for help in anti-terror fight |
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Melania Trump says Blue Room furniture has been restored and will be returned this fall |
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nytimes politics: Trump Says He Plans to Withdraw From Nafta |
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Russia 2018: Psychic pig that predicted Trump’s victory picks |
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Armistițiu în războiul comercial SUA-China: Donald Trump şi Xi Jinping de acord să SUSPENDE noile tarife comerciale |
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Trump Vs The World: G-20 Summit Stumbles On Trade Climate – HuffPost |
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Cei trei mari germani merg UMILI la Casa Alba pentru a incerca o negociere cu Donald Trump |
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Why Republicans Can’t Get Enough Trump » |
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Remarks by President Trump and President Buhari of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Joint Press Conference |
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Trump reaches for big moment with Putin |
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With Trump’s Justice Department Retreating Who Will Now Police the Police |
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La guerra comercial de Trump entra en una tregua de 90 días |
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The FBI and IRS just raided the office of Trump’s longtime tax |
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Melania Trump lookalike stripper getting death threats after appearing in TI video |
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Kremlin: Trump-Putin meeting unlikely to happen anytime soon |
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Trump administration vows to target migrants in future |
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Is Trump right about a US trade deficit with Canada It depends who you ask |
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Los chinos quieren una negociación Trump insiste en una rendición incondicional |
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Trump et Xi Jinping concluent une trêve commerciale en point d’orgue du G20 |
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Who’s supporters are the stupidest: Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders |
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What Obama Talks About When He Talks About Trump |
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Linksruck Was bedeuten die midterm-elections für die US-Politik und Trump |
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Despite Electoral Losses Don’t Expect the Trump Administration to Give Up on Its Objectives |
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Bush bude mít státní pohřeb zúčastní se ho i Trump |
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Trump tu ne nous auras pas ! |
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President Trump proposes a state-run media network |
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Trump administration asks Supreme Court to allow transgender military ban |
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The Brexit vote and Trump’s election were decided democratically So why don’t they feel that way |
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Trump’ın ricası Netenyahu’nun emri ile Beyaz Baretliler’e tahliye |
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Nicaragua may be out of the Paris climate accords but it’s still chasing renewables faster than Trump |
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Trump and the KEY REASON for Democrats’ Midterm Demise |
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Pediatricians Speak Out On Trump’s Claim That Tear Gas Is “Very Safe” |
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Trump’s Border Wall Cedes the Rio Grande to Mexico… |
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BREAKING: Trump UNLOADS On Michelle Obama After The TWO IGNORANT WORDS She Said About Him |
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· Trump’s Team: Here’s How Much Top Officials Made Last Year |
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President Trump approves seismic testing off Carolina coast 1 day ago |
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Kremlin hopes Putin and Trump can hold talks before June next |
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Juez ordena a Trump devolver acreditación a periodista de CNN |
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Trump os Nerds do 4Chan e a Nova Direita |
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Gianluca Vacchi – Trump-It |
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Punjab’s Trump card: Reduction in Alcohol price |
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Presidente Donald Trump: la pérdida de Bush deja una “nación de luto” |
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Trump Says He Will Meet Putin At ‘The Appropriate Time’ – OpEd |
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Putin lamenta cancelación de necesaria cita con Trump |
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Cohen claims ‘regular contact’ with Trump legal team when crafting false statement to Congress |
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Is the “Trump Risk Rally” Over |
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President Trump Defends Pursuit of Russia Business During Campaign |
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Trump agrees to temporarily halt US trade war with China |
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President Trump: More “Mr Nice Guy” Please |
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Trump will formally cancel NAFTA to press Congress to approve new trade deal – USA TODAY |
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Macron Hits Back At Trump “USA was speaking English before u came along” |
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Russians hacking candidates and encouraged racism to elect Trump |
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Dejó a su bebé encerrado en el auto para ir a la Los países acordaron un documento pero Trump se mantiene distante |
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Trump parla nuovamente a favore delle persone con sindrome di Down |
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Bunkerville Standoff: The Bundy’s and Donald Trump Agree On Substance But Differ On Tone |
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‘We did not start this fight’: In Trump era’s dawn scientists rally in Boston |
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La Space Force de Teflon Trump : Gadget ou véritable arme 2 |
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OPINIÓN // ¿Trump se reelegirá |
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Kobach says he’s talked to Trump amid speculation about job with administration |
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La caravana de migrantes un regalo para Trump |
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Culture should not trump laws or victims |
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US Supreme Court Chief Justice spanks Trump for dopey comments – Update |
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‘Trump en Xi zien af van nieuwe heffingen’ |
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Trump amenaza cerrar la frontera con México |
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Guantánamo’s Lost Diaspora: How Donald Trump’s Closure of the Office Monitoring Ex-Prisoners is Bad for Them – and US Security |
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Man Not Sure If He Watched The Walking Dead Or Trump Campaign Ad Last Night |
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Protected: PRIVATE Trump Close To A Deal With China Not Sure He Wants It |
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Trump vs China: los protagonistas de la pelea clave del comercio mundial en el G20 |
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Just as I Predicted Three Years Ago Trump and Putin Are Working Together to Drive Turkey Out of NATO and into the Soviet Union |
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Lawyers seek ‘Apprentice’ tapes in Trump immigration suit for evidence of racism |
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The road to Buenos Aires: Xi-Trump Summit |
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Trump Taps Putin As Partner In Local Cornhole Tournament |
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Présidentielle aux Etats-Unis : Donald Trump acceptera un verdict « clair » des urnes |
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OVO JE BESMISLICE U KOJE TRUMP DOISTA VJERUJE: Samo jedna od njih – stealth avioni su stvarno nevidljivi |
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Search on for anonymous Trump ‘senior official’ who authored Times op-ed |
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Trump concorda em adiar elevação de tarifas para produtos chineses |
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Indy DC Download: Senate rebukes Trump by advancing Yemen withdrawal talks continue to avoid government shutdown |
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Donald Trump To Visit Proposed Wall Site |
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Don’t Let Your Dog Shake Hands Like Donald Trump: The 3-Second-Rule for Dog Introductions |
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President Donald J Trump Visits Suresnes American Cemetery on 100th Anniversary of Armistice |
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Trump declares he can end birthright citizenship through executive next for Kelsey Merritt the first Filipina model in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show |
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Escalating Trade Dispute Looms Over Trump Xi Meeting |
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Trump jövőre újra találkozik Kim Dzsong Unnal |
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Dana Milbank: Truth is catching up to Trump |
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langet ut mot Trump |
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W tygodniku „Sieci”: Panie Trump kogo Pan nam przysłał W nowym numerze tygodnika Sieci: Panie Trump kogo Pan nam przysłał Jak ambasador Mosbacher zraziła do siebie pół Polski |
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Trump agrees to temporarily halt US trade war with China – NBC… |
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Trump cho biết ông sẽ chính thức chấm dứt Nafta trước khi bỏ phiếu về hiệp định thương mại mới với Canada Mexico 1 |
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Gorbachev: Tratado nuclear abandonado de Trump com a Rússia coloca “ameaça terrível à paz” |
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Pat Buchanan: Trump’s Crucial test at San Ysidro |
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Trump y Putin hablaron de manera breve 20:30 |
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Trump vrea rețea internațională de „făcut America mare” |
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W tygodniku „Sieci”: Panie Trump kogo Pan nam przysłał |
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Despite Trump’s efforts Stacey Abrams’ credentials cannot be denied |
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Guerra de Trump no Federal Reserve dos EUA |
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Trump et Xi concluent une trêve commerciale en point d’orgue d’un G20 conflictuel |
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The Man Trump’s HHS Appointed To Lower Drug Prices Turns Up Dead From “Suicide” |
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WATCH: Trump Supporters Hospitalize Reporter At Behest Of Trump On CBS’ ‘Murphy Brown’ |
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Trump is Right: Border Patrol Capturing MS-13 Gangsters in ‘Migrant Caravan’ |
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Thông điệp biết ơn Thiên Chúa và sự gắn kết quốc gia của Tổng thống Donald Trump nhân ngày Lễ Tạ Ơn 2018 |
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Impact on Millennials: Trump’s New Agenda |
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Manafort’s Attorney Leaked Information to Trump’s Legal Team |
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Trump Regime– A Culture Of Corruption Far Beyond Swamps |
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Debunking Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies is Not Enough |
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Haddad critica submissão de Bolsonaro a Trump |
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Trump to kill old NAFTA to push Congress to approve |
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Face à Donald Trump le guide tactique du patron de la Fed Jerome Powell |
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Putin lamenta cancelación de cita con Trump y dice que es ‘realmente necesaria’ |
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Get ready for Mueller’s end game Mueller signaled this week that he’s ready Is Trump |
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Donald Trump Daughter Reached Lahore Supreme Court |
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Το μήνυμα του Trump στην Ευρώπη |
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Donald Trump looking to start a Trade War with the Chinese… |
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SNL: Trump cold open |
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News der Nacht: Massenentlassung – Trump fordert von GM mehr Manager m/w/d |
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„Hochverrat“: Trump schickt Obama Comey und die Clintons hinter Gitter – per Trump schickt Obama Comey und die Clintons hinter Gitter – per – provoziert Russland die Ukraine oder – provoziert Russland die Ukraine oder umgekehrt |
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Xi Jinping says ‘cooperation is the best choice for both sides’ before dinner with Donald Trump |
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Kế bẩn của Tập bị Trump bẻ gẫy trước G-20 |
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Trump Done Answering Mueller Probe Questions |
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I Do Not Like You Mr Trump Mugs |
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FEMA has issued some public service videos about things falling apart as shown on this you tube video below ‘ALERT: Trump amp FEMA Say “Prepare Yourselves!” Bix Weir’ President Trump’s Proclamation on National Preparedness Month is on the same video |
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FIRST RESURRECTION – 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord Wherefore comfort one another with these words |
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Trump Elected World President |
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Will Trump Shut Down Government Over His Wall |
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Donnie Trump |
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Actualidad Trump suspende plan de subir aranceles a China a cambio de más exportaciones |
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California Democratic Chair Resigns After Sexual Misconduct Trump Has the Goods |
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White House Says Trump Will Attend George HW Bush’s Funeral |
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Weekend Update: Trump’s Moscow Tower – SNL |
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Retired Admiral amp Trump Nominee — Latest to be Sunk by Fat Leonard Scandal |
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Dunia Kutuk Donald Trump |
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Reports just revealed the first concrete link between Trump campaign and Russian military intelligence |
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G20: Macri recibió a Trump en Casa el expresidente de los Estados Unidos George HW Bush |
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Der Krieg von Präsident Donald Trump gegen den Jerome Powell der Federal Reserve erklärte |
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In a meeting with President Xi Jinping of China President Trump agreed to hold off on a plan to raise tariffs on 200 billion worth of Chinese goods on Jan 1 |
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Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump |
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Trump University “Professor” and Failed “Apprentice” Busted for Fraud |
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Donald Trump Hates White Men! |
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Nunes Reveals The Importance Of Trump Declassifying The Fourth Bucket Of Information |
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Pres Trump Cancels G20 News Conference ‘Out Of Respect’ For George HW Bush |
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Donald Trump Touts Vladimir Putin Defense: ‘He Said There Was No Collusion’ |
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Raking the forest floors is the answer Trump says |
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Un tribunal federal del estado de California en Estados Unidos suspendió temporalmente la orden emitida por el presidente Donald Trump de negar el asilo a toda persona que ingrese al país por fuera de los pasos fronterizos establecidos |
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No I’m Not Scaring My Kids By Discussing President Trump |
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Trump ‘personally answers Mueller Russia questions’ |
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Trump Again States That Fake News is an Enemy of the |
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Donald Trump ponders North Korean threat to cancel Kim summit |
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Trump might attend White House Correspondents Dinner |
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Trump lays out immigration policy at Arizona rally |
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Trump Black and White Pointing Canvas Wall Art |
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Barbra Streisand releases “Don’t Lie to Me” video attacking Trump |
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American State of New Jersey Interrogates Donald Trump on Buhari |
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Trump acuerda una tregua a la guerra comercial con China tras reunirse con Xi en el G20 |
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5 razones por las que Trump ganó antier |
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Corona Commercial Bitter About Trump’s Wall |
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Inauguraron sede del Centro Vecinal 337 Viviendas del barrio Fuerza Trump anunció que espera reunirse con Kim Jong-un en enero o febrero |
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Trump says all migrants in border will stay in Mexico |
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Trump Responds To The Alleged Moscow Trump Tower Deal In Classic Fashion |
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Ignorant Radio Host Says It’s Unfair To Call Trump Illegitimate Because NO ONE Did That To President Obama |
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G20: Los países acordaron un documento con menciones al comercio pero Trump mantiene sus Megatone Ferrum o Grimoldi: Informe desde Economis para La Nación sobre el impacto de las tasas altas en las empresas |
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Trump Was Right Response To Border Crisis Pays Off Caravan Begins To Self Deport After Being Used By Organizers |
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Trump habló dos veces con Putin durante la cumbre del G20 |
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CNN’s Jim Acosta elbows Trump out of the way |
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It’s Now Donald Trump’s America But George Bush’s Stamp Endures by PETER BAKER |
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No Way The Already Soaring Deficit Stops Congress And Trump From Responding To The Slowing US Economy |
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Trump otkazao sastanak s Putinom na marginama samita G20 zbog Ukrajine |
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Trump exhorté à faire pression sur le Maroc |
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President Trump Implores Supporters to “READ SIEGE!” |
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Leaders of the world’s largest economic powers have agreed to overhaul the global body that regulates trade disputes but they faced resistance from President Donald Trump over the Paris accord on climate change |
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G20 sob alta tensão com reunião entre Trump e Xi Jinping |
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The Stars Who Didn’t Move To Canada When Trump Won – Get The Fuck Out |
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JAY-Z Allegedly Warns Kanye West Against Trump Support On Meek Mill Track |
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Trump desaira a Macri y lo deja solo en el escenario de la cumbre |
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Enterprising authors turn Trump tweets into literature |
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Trump meets with Republican leadership party unity discussed |
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Trump y Xi Jinping tuvieron el encuentro clave para el futuro de la economía global |
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Wilder teacher gives inside look at Ivanka Trump and Tim Cook visit 1 day ago |
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President Trump Peter Strzok And Lisa Page Preceed The Fate Of America |
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Will Beto O’Rourke beat Trump in 2020 |
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Norway Is on Trump’s Black List |
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Mohammed bin Salman – maybe he did maybe he didn’t – Trump |
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Czy Donald Trump został porwany przez obcych tydzień temu – Argument z ciszy |
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Trump droht mit Austritt |
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Trump to terminate NAFTA pressuring Congress to approve new trade deal click to see stats |
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National Archives Urged to Reject Trump Administration Plan to Destroy Key Records on Endangered Species Public Lands |
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Trump y Xi Jinping acordaron no imponerse nuevos aranceles |
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Trump Mungkin Setuju Perpanjangan Anggaran bagi Pemerintah untuk Dua Minggu |
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POTUS Trump should be praised for his G-20 progress with China and here’s WHY |
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US CO2 Emissions Falling Under Trump While The World Increases |
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Would “F Is for Family” patriarch Frank Murphy vote for Trump Bill Burr says yes |
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Smooth Road Might be Difficult for Trump Following a Confrontational Weekend |
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Retail Janitors Strike against Trump amp Poverty Wages |
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Trump veut abroger l’ALÉNA pour presser le Congrès |
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G20: hubo acuerdo pero Trump marcó sus diferencias |
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BREAKING: Trump Tries To Lock Up Clinton And Comey |
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US Mail Bombs: Cesar Sayoc Charged After Campaign Against Trump Critics |
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Luxus pohody -The Trump Soho Spa |
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Trump vil også stoppe karavanen af partipolitiske grunde |
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Congress Trump consider postponing shutdown deadline until after Bush services |
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Sigue la batalla: aliado de Trump respondió a Trent Reznor y negó ser fan de NIN |
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Watch George Soros ATTACK Trump In Davos Speech And |
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How Manafort and Stone created the mess Trump said he’d drain |
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Xi and Trump: A beginner’s guide to translating Chinese diplomatic speak |
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Op-ed: Trump transforms America while press focus on tweets – October 14 2017 |
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Trump amenaza a Arabia Saudí con “castigo severo” de |
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Climate Change Response Pits Trump Against US Government By William Boardman 2 |
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Trump names Gina Haspel as new CIA deputy chief |
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Face à Donald Trump le guide tactique de Jerome Powell |
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The US People’s Delegation Takes on the Trump Administration |
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WATCH Trump’s a Lover Scorned as MBS and Putin Strike Up a Bromance on ‘SNL’ |
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NASA- President Donald Trump Calls The International Space Station – Astronaut Peggy Whitson |
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All internal and external goals of Donald Trump for withdrawing of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty |
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President Trump told reporters that he intended to end birthright citizenship and claimed that he could do so with an executive order The unexpected announcement sparked fears for many in the immigrant community including US citizens whose parents are undocumented |
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Trump to give Congress formal notice he will ‘shortly’ terminate Nafta |
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Trump impuso sus condiciones y el G20 evitó condenar el… |
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Xi y Trump tienen reunión “muy exitosa” sobre relaciones y comercio |
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First Lady Melania Trump Visits Egypt |
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The ‘Trump Card’ |
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LaMalfa: President Trump “on board” with forest legislation |
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Trump China’s Xi end high-stakes trade talks with no word on outcome |
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The Decline of Supreme Court Deference to the President Trump edition |
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President Trump Unleashes Plan To Stop Nancy’s Investigations In Their Tracks |
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75 Lawsuits Against President Donald Trump |
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Moscow welcomes Trump’s desire to meet Putin mend ties amp curb arms race – Lavrov |
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Riesgo País: siete motivos por los que los mercados financieros desconfían de la por el resultado de la cumbre entre Trump y Xi Jinping |
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Trump flings some of harshest words yet at Robert Mueller |
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President Trump replaces Kavanaugh with Heritage alumna |
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Chamisa calls for stiffer Trump’s conflict with Erdogan Putin wins |
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Ana Birchall s-a întâlnit cu Ivanka Trump și vicepreședintele SUA Mike Pence |
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President Trump’s Palm Beach trip good for Boca airport |
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Tariffic Tuesday Part 12 – Trump Ramps Up Tariff Talk Ahead of G20 Meeting |
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A Moment of Pause Regarding Trump’s Supporters |
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So you stayed at a Starwood hotel: Tips on data Democrats thank Trump for legislative majorities |
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Trump Removes Oil Train Safety Brake Requirement |
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Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ is not an exception in US history |
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Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Donald Trump a “Little Wet Noodle” |
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Lawyer For Donald Trump Jr Is Confident His Client Won’t Be |
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Trump to notify Congress in ‘near future’ he will terminate NAFTA – Reuters |
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Mueller Exposes the Culture of Lying That Surrounds Trump |
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As Derrotar Trump e Outros Ensaios |
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Should You Be As Excited About GDP Growth As Donald Trump Claims to Be |
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‘She got paid a lot of money’ – Donald Trump fires back at Michelle Obama |
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Trudeau Trump share ‘disappointment’ over GM plant closures |
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Trump canceló su rueda de prensa en el G20 por respeto… |
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Trump the Dollar amp Yen Crash |
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Trump’s decisions add to uncertainty hurt predictability on Wall Street |
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Trump Escobar Putyin Dzsongun Thatcher 51-es házimozi |
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Tras los ataque con bombas lacrimógenos a migrantes las estrellas de Hollywood arremeten contra Trump Se lanza el primer tráiler oficial del ‘Rey León’ y es un éxito rotundo |
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Trump Tops Tricky Dick by GAIL COLLINS |
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Trump backs off on separating migrant families |
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Obama beats Trump to become most admired man in US |
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Trump tries to play ‘Cowboys and Indians’ with international treaties |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin trao đổi với Tổng thống Trump về cuộc khủng hoảng Ukraine |
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Trump asistirá a funerales de George H W Bush |
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Trump hotar införa extra tullar på samtliga importvaror från Kina |
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We Must Not Let the Character of Trump Become Acceptable |
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Trump administration turns over written answers to Mueller’s questions |
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Konferenca në G20 Donald Trump merr vendimin e papr |
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PM Modi Most Followed Leader On Facebook Far Ahead Of Trump: Report » |
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Common Speaks on Inspiring the Incarcerated Trump amp the First Step Act |
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Donald Trump says he’ll terminate Nafta |
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2018 Trump Coin In Floating Diamond Display Case |
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‘Murphy Brown’ features reporter beaten by ‘sea’ of MAGA-hat wearing thugs at ‘Trump’ rally |
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Trump evalúa un “plan B” por si el Congreso le niega el dinero para el muro |
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Local delicacies and upscale wagyu for Donald Trump and Xi Jinping at a high-stakes dinner |
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A rush to judgment: The Trump administration is taking science out of air quality standards |
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What’s On My Mind Wednesday: Donald Trump |
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Ivanka Trump sinónimo de elegancia y sobriedad en la investidura de AMLO |
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Trump: North Korea has ‘brilliant potential’ as US team arrives at Posts |
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Utilizing Trump to Help us Transform our Consciousness By Sabrina Reber |
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cell jammer Grand Prairie – Trump moves to block China Mobile from US market |
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Tiffany Trump Boards Air Force One with Ivanka with Price Tag Still on Her Shoe |
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Forget ‘Trump Anxiety Disorder’ This 115-Year-Old Suffers from ‘William Howard Taft Anxiety Disorder’ |
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WHY GUILTY PLEA Of CONFESSED LIAR And CRIMINAL Michael Cohen Does Nothing To Show Wrongdoing By Trump |
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Letter to Peanut Politics: I Supported Trump Now I Regret It |
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Trump administration’s latest H1-B proposal may hurt US firms: Nasscom |
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G20 en Argentine: Donald Trump et Xi Jinping concluent une trêve commerciale |
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s thin grasp of trade science Democrats thank Trump for legislative majorities |
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Trump uteká pred Putinom a protiruské sankcie nezmenia ruskú politiku |
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Rusia deja la puerta abierta a reanudar las conversaciones con Estados Unidos tras el desplante de Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Space Force isn’t as new or as dangerous as it seems |
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Melania Trump Glad Donald Will Attend George H W Bush Funeral After Michelle Obama’s Disses |
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Trump chiude in bellezza il suo G20 La tregua commerciale con la Cina |
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Trump Argentina Cold Open – SNL |
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Trump blasts Michael Cohen after guilty plea |
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Trump will send Air Force One plane to former George HW The remains of Bush to Washington |
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Patagonia Donates 10M Trump Tax Cut Savings To Environmental Groups |
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Midterms 2018: Nuns to protest Donald Trump’s tax cuts outside Mar-a-Lago resort ahead of crucial vote |
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Trump: We Are Standing By Saudi Arabia |
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Senate GOP Revolt Against Trump Makes A Shutdown Next Week Less Likely |
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Trump-Xi both get trade war wins with harder issues unresolved |
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Saudi Arabia oil pumping at record high as Trump raises pressure |
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Trump Stalin amp Fake News |
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Gobierno de Trump promete enjuiciar a migrantes en el futuro |
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NYC:n täydelliset naiset – Jakso 10: – Trump ja Putin tapasivat sittenkin Argentiinan G20-kokouksessa |
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What Trump’s New AG Means for the Cannabis Industry |
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TRUCE: Trump and Xi Jinping Agree No More Trade War Escalation No New Tariffs |
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El nuevo gobierno y la Peña Nieto a Jared Kushner yerno de Trump |
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President Donald Trump and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari |
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Trump declara estado de emergência para o Alasca devido a terremoto de 70 |
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Trump Spoke With Putin At G20 Summit Despite Cancelling Meeting Says Kremlin Aide |
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Donald Trump y Xi Jinping acordaron no subir aranceles y reducir los desequilibrios Godoy: “Si tuviera que elegir a un presidente del G20 para bailar un tango sería a Xi Jinping” |
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How The Left’s Death Wishes For Trump Invite Anarchy |
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Marcia clima a Bruxelles Macron Merkel Trump rincorsi con forconi per chiedere di |
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Trump’s parade dreams in US |
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Off The Rails: Crooked Mueller Now Going After Trump’s Advisor for Mortgage Crimes |
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Here are 10 incredibly fake facts Trump supporters think are true |
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Ông Trump tiết lộ lý do duy nhất không muốn gặp ông Putin ở G-20 1 |
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Bolsonaro recebe conselheiro de segurança de Trump |
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Se desenreda el patrón de engaños de colaboradores de Trump |
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Judge Jeanine Pirro Drives Whoopi To Expose Her Trump Derangement Syndrome |
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Se acordó un documento pero Trump expresó sus diferencias |
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Ex-Lawyer Michael Cohen Says He Told Trump About Kremlin Contact: Court Filing |
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Trump’s assault on the rule of law |
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Peña Nieto le sirve de gendarme a Trump frenando la Caravana de migrantes centroamericanos |
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Les élites allemandes Des intérêts communs avec Donald Trump… |
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RACIST: Former Trump Atty Michael Cohen TRASHES Trump |
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President Trump is an Alt-Right Radical Terrorist Worse Than ISIS |
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Mesazh për Trump nga hapsira |
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Ngày 1/12 tại Argentina Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump và Chủ tịch Trung Quốc Tập Cận Bình đã nhất trí về một “lệnh ngừng bắn thương mại” giữa hai nền kinh tế hàng đầu thế giới |
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Trump: Nytt toppmøte med Kim i januar eller februar |
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Trump gyásznapot hirdetett – Több amerikai tőzsde zárva lesz jövő … |
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BRAVO! Trump’s Drop the Mic Tweet to Iran’s Hassan Rouhani |
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Donald Trump erwägt Ausweitung der China-Strafzölle auf iPhones amp weitere aus der Lieferkette: Apple kürzt iPhone-Bestellungen zum zweiten Mal |
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Countries FOLLOWING Trump: Pull Out of UN Treaty |
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It’s Over: 3 Richest Democrates Just Went On FOX Today And Give Trump Something Unfathomable |
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Trump engineering another land/water giveaway to Big Oil Bigger than Standing Rock |
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Donald Trump Apple CEO Tim Cook To Talk Trade At White… |
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Bush’s Death Highlights Trump’s Isolation |
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Trump: US will hold off on steeper tariffs after meeting with China’s Xi Jinping |
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Cumbre del G20: Se acordó un documento pero Donald Trump marcó sus diferencias |
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Trump y Xi Jinping acuerdan no fijar aranceles adicionales a partir |
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Trump’s Dinner Date With Xi May Give Soybean Market Bullish Jolt |
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Irish Taoiseach Visits SXSW Before Meeting President Trump |
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Xi Trump hold very successful meeting on ties trade |
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Donald Trump cancels G-20 news conference ’out of respect’ for George HW Bush |
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Nadler: Trump’s Lies About Business Dealings In Russia Gave Kremlin “Leverage” Over Him |
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The Politics of Religious Freedom Under the Trump Journey from Orthodoxy to Atheism and Back Again |
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Court Rules Trump Administration Must Conduct Further Review for Keystone XL Pipeline |
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Erie Arena Crews Work Overtime To Clean Up Load Of Bull Left By Trump Speech |
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Tại G-20 cuộc gặp Trump – Tập kết thúc hai bên |
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Melania Trump: ‘I’m the most bullied person on the world’ |
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Acordo entre Trump e Xi pode ser combustível para recuperação da soja |
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First Lady Of The United States Melania Trump Visits The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage In Kenya VIDEO |
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Şii Din Adamı: Nusra ve IŞİD Müslüman Değil Trump’la Nefretimiz Aynı |
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DONALD Trump said a new free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico would support hundreds of thousands of US jobs The deal is a reworking of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement which underpins 12 trillion in trade between the three countries Trump had described NAFTA as a bad deal for Americans and threatened to eliminate it as part of his “America First” agenda The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement USMCA is aimed at bringing more jobs into the United States with Canada and Mexico accepting more restrictive commerce with the United States their main export partner “These measures will support many – hundreds of thousands – American jobs” he said “It means far more American jobs and these are high-quality jobs” Trump also denounced Nafta saying “the factories were leaving the jobs were leaving people were being fired” as a result of the deal “We have negotiated this new agreement based on the principle of fairness and reciprocity” Continue reading: —–More G20: Argentina—– Mocking “Baby Trump” blimp flies over Buenos Aires What is the G20 how long is the 2018 summit in Argentina which countries are members and what is on the agenda Donald Trump dramatically CANCELS G20 showdown with Putin to punish rogue Russian leader for refusing to release seized Ukrainian sailors: Theresa May to snub Donald Trump at G20 after he claimed her Brexit deal will kill a US trade pact: Sun Subscribers receive the latest breaking news and videos direct to their feed SUBSCRIBE NOW and hit the bell to be the first in the know http://wwwthesuncouk Like The Sun on Facebook: Follow The Sun on Twitter: https://twittercom/TheSun Subscribe to The Sun on Snapchat: Happens When The Queen Dies |
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Trump says he has ‘incredible relationship’ with Xi |
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Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 21/11/18: ¿Traiciona Netanyahu a Trump pese al regalo de Jerusalén… |
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Mais qui est Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump Responds To Michael Cohen Plea Deal With Special Counsel |
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Trump-Kim meet can shuffle East Asia geopolitical deck: Denuclearisation of ‘Korean Peninsula’ may hurt US |
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Tiffany Trump Boyfriends 2018: Who Is She Dating Now |
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Dark Connections: Jeff Epstein Bill Clinton amp Donald Trump |
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US Chamber Statement on Trump-Xi Meeting Outcomes |
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Trump meghátrált mégsem vezeti be az USA az új vámot a kínai árukra |
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White House Adviser: Trump-Xi Trade Talks Went ‘Very Well’ |
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Resistance: House Dems FIRST bill takes aim at POTUS Trump’s tax returns |
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¿Puede Mohammed Bin Salman mantener el poder mientras hace malabares con Trump Putin y Petroleo a la vez |
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Trump is currently disavowing the visas of American residents It’s straight-up supremacist |
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Judge: Trump hotel boost from presidency does not break law |
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The Soccer Ball that Putin Gave Trump Contains a Tracking Chip |
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Trump US officials nakiramay sa pagpanaw ni ex-Pres George HW Bush 94 |
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Trump quer se reunir com Kim Jong Un em janeiro ou fevereiro |
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Samantha Bee appeared out of nowhere—just like the wicked witch Her mission was to politicize the Wizard of Oz She began by saying the Wizard of Oz is a story of a family separated Then he likened it to Donald Trump’s immigration policy She proceeded to promote her program Full Frontal—a title that of course is a term for nudity in film—during a program for children Who knows perhaps parents had to explain the meaning to children watching the children’s classic And why should they have to |
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Trump Abruptly Cancels Congressional Picnic Sends Food to Group of Americans Who Deserve It |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Trump ikinci kez görüştü |
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Virksomheder og aktiemarkeder ånder lettet op: Trump og Xi sætter handelskrig på pause |
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196: Trump’s Last Hope |
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Flake Threatens To Block Trump’s Judicial Nominees Unless Congress Protects Mueller |
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Donald Trump új intézkedéseket tervez a migránsok belépésének megakadályozására |
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Putin y Trump: ahora Rusia dice que habrá un encuentro de pie con los mandatarios |
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Alec Baldwin Ends Exile Returns To ‘SNL’ With His Stale Trump Impression |
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Trump And Bolsonaro – Real Enemies Of The People And The |
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Cohen cooperation is proof of Russian ‘leverage’ over Trump incoming House Judiciary chairman says |
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S3 BLACKLIGHT: Record Short Interest for EWW ETF Trump Hedge Trade |
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Melania Trump shows off White House decorations — and reveals whether she got president a gift |
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Nokia 808 trump cards |
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Trump paves way for air guns to search for Atlantic oil |
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What they really wanted–a connection between the DNC server breach Wikileaks Roger Stone anyone within the Donald Trump campaign and ultimately President Donald Trump |
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What Message Is Melania Trump Sending With Her Red Christmas Trees of Death |
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ANTROPOLOGJI / Trump zbulon një tribu të panjohur e fajëson direkt për lidhje me demokratët |
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A Kind of Homelessness: Evangelicals of Color in the Trump Era |
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Roger Cohen on the fate of the postwar order in the age of Trump |
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Trump’s Threat To Close Mexican Border Weakens Peso |
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Trump Releases His Guest List for SOTU and THIS One Name has People CHEERING! Video |
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Ohio Man Fired for Frowning During Workplace Discussion About Trump |
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President Trump Talks With Russian President Putin At G-20 Dinner |
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Donald Trump’s reaction to Khashoggi murder shows what ‘America First’ really means |
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Donald Trump planeja criar sua própria estação de TV após as eleições |
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Trump and Xi’s trace at ‘good’ final result to finish US-China commerce warfare forward of G20 dinner |
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Migrants- Crise au sommet le futur gouvernement nie tout accord avec Trump ! |
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Trump abandonó Argentina al finalizar la cumbre del G20 |
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Alec Baldwin’s Trump yearns for bromance of Putin and MBS |
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Dazed Grandpa Donald Trump Walks Off Stage During The G-20 |
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Out with the old: Trump to kill existing NAFTA text |
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Schiff: Trump Refusal to Rule out Manafort Pardon Evidence of Obstruction of Justice |
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Trump Obama Clinton others mourn the death of President George Bush who died at 94 |
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Kim Jong Un ကင္ဆီက Donald Trump ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ေနတဲ႔စာ |
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G20: Los países acordaron un documento pero Trump mantiene sus diferencias |
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Trump: Az USA mégsem vezeti be a január 1-re tervezett kínai vámokat |
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Report: Trump’s Real Estate Holdings Have At Least 650 Million in Debt |
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‘I haven’t been this mad since someone took my parking spot’: Alec Baldwin pokes fun at his arrest on his return to SNL as a down-in-the-dumps Trump shunned by Putin and harassing Ben Stiller’s Michael Cohen over looming Mueller probe |
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Trump en Xi Jinping uitgesproken op G20: ‘nieuwe heffingen van de baan’ |
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‘This Isn’t Shade It’s Truth!’ Michelle Obama Gets Real About Trump In New Interview |
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Trump To Meet With Schumer Pelosi Amid Wall Fight |
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Kiszelly Zoltán: Trump nem tudná befolyásolni Putyint Ukrajna ügyében |
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Trump Administration Could Turn Its Back On The Liberal World Order |
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Inter addio settlement agreement vicino GdS: “Zhang alla Trump ecco il suo progetto” |
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Trump incrementa su presión sobre México para que expulse a migrantes |
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Triunfo de mujeres en la Cámara de Representantes ¿desdibujan a Trump |
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Donald Trump llegó a Argentina para participar de la cumbre del G20 |
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Donald Trump presiona por el muro en la frontera con México |
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Trump refuses to accept the devastating earthquake striking Alaska is caused by climate change |
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Rögtönzött találkozón vett részt Trump és Putyin |
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Report: Everybody in the White House Considers Trump an Idiot |
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Profesor gay se toma una foto fabulosa junto a Donald Trump |
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EUA inicia elecciones que serán un referendo de la presidencia de Trump |
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Trump says he will withdraw from NAFTA and urge Congress to approve a new trade agreement |
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Comment un riche couple gay a craqué pour Trump |
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky on Donald Trump |
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Trump discusses ties between US Pakistan with Sharif |
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Trump wandered right off the stage leaving the Argentinian president all by himself A staffer is then observed attempting to stop and retrieve Trump |
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Trump’la Xi Şimdilik Uzlaştı |
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The ‘Era of Trump’ Remakes the GOP » |
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Top Yahoo searches of 2017: Love Island Donald Trump and Meghan Markle |
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Watch Alec Baldwin’s Trump Consult Cohen Putin on ‘SNL’ |
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Mueller amp Cohen: Trump sought Russian favors while running for president |
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Mẫu Xe Limousine của Tổng Thống Mỹ Donald Trump Trình Làng |
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Pablo Arcibia un reparador de Trump anunció que espera reunirse con Kim Jong-un en enero o febrero |
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No White House comment on NYT report Trump… |
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SNL Season 44: Claire Foy — Melania Trump Christmas Sketch Prediction – TVLine |
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Tax Policy In The Trump Administration |
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China impone aranceles para 128 mercancías importadas de EEUU en respuesta a gravámenes del Gobierno Trump |
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and Trump’s shrug at MBS murdering a Washington Post contributor |
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“It’s A Truce”: Trump Xi Agree No New Tariffs After January 1 Keep Tariffs At 10 For 90 Days |
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The End Of Trump |
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Links: “TrumP Россия” Blog by Seth Hettena |
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Trump Threatens Government Shutdown If N |
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Los Memes de la visita de Donald Trump |
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A Kreml ismertette a Putyin-Trump-találkozó napirendjét |
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US ambassador to Panama resigns says he can no longer serve under Trump |
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Just when you’ve supposedly seen it all… yes it’s Trump again |
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W Va Senate candidate touts Trump ties in campaign stop 6 months ago |
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Trump Positions Black Republican for Presidency |
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Trump Xi Agree On Tariff Cease-Fire As Trade Talks Continue |
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Trump’s Christmas List: A WALL |
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MSNBC Claims Need for ‘Truth Teller’ at All Trump Appearances: ‘Nothing He Says Is True’ |
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BREAKING: Trump REACTS to FISA Memo Release with FIVE Devastating Words for the FBI MemoDay |
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Kudlow: Highly Anticipated Dinner Between Chairman Xi and President Trump “Went Very Well”… |
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Arnold Schwarzenegger:”I would be a better President than Trump…2020 wait for me DO YOU AGREE |
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Trump Takes on the Fed |
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Trump isn’t Nixon he’s Pinochet |
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Donald Trump chiede alla Corte Suprema di far risorgere il suo divieto militare alle persone transgender |
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Ivanka SHOCKED amp STUNNED After Erin Burnett REVEALS:Ivanka had knowledge of Trump Tower Moscow plans |
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As the Republican leadership refuses to protect the Mueller probe Senate Democrats sue President Trump for defying the Constitution in appointing shooting victim Alaina Housley laid to rest honored at memorial |
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Trump Called Himself ‘President T’ The Internet Filled In The Rest |
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Blue Wave Dissipating As Trump Wins Surge |
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Trump Democracy and the Constitution |
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UAW Attacks GM as Trump Signs “New” NAFTA Deal |
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92 Million Dollar Parade started at 12M to honor Trump ooops I mean “vets” |
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Gobierno de Trump promete enjuiciar a migrantes en el de Andalucía serán prueba para gobierno español |
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Trump nie spotka się z Putinem |
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Rutte praat met Trump over bij ‘grootste klimaatmars ooit’ door Brussel |
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Trump says next meeting with North Korea’s Kim likely in early 2019 |
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Trump agrees to temporarily halt US trade war with China – NBC News |
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Trump faz trégua de 90 dias em plano de aumentar tarifas para China |
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Curtailing Ambitions Donald Trump Attends Global Summit Avoids Feuds |
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6 Reasons Why Donald Trump Should Adjust Immigration and Refugee Policy to Stop Importing Jihadists |
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Trump heard him say Get me out of here when he suddenly leaves the stage from the G20 summit |
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Berpapasan dengan Putin Trump Cuek |
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Trump instaurează un Oficiu pentru Religie la Casa Albă |
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Trump canceló su rueda de prensa en el G20 por respeto a la familia Bush |
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Γιατί ο Trump κήρυξε οικονομικό πόλεμο στην Τουρκία |
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Chia Donald Trump |
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Trump and Xi Agree to Temporary Truce in Bid to Contain US-China Trade War |
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Taking notes 65: Trump’s triumph: what more can be done |
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Trump Won Now What Church |
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Defiant Roger Stone vows to never testify against Trump: ‘Where is the crime I engaged in politics’ |
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Why Trump Bombed Syria |
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US China agree commerce warfare ceasefire after Trump Xi summit |
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Copa Libertadores mayhem comparing Pat Spillane with Donald Trump and the… |
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Another court nixes Trump push to cut ‘sanctuary city’ funds |
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La Bestia de Donald Trump pasó por el surtidor: qué nafta cargó y cuánto gastaron |
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Războiul comercial SUA-China: Donald Trump și Xi Jinping de acord să suspende noile tarife comerciale |
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Trump sets aside political differences in honoring Bush 14 hours ago |
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Tout le monde ou presque s’est trompé au sujet de Donald Trump Rares sont ceux qui comme Guy Millière Dick Morris et Ann Coulter ont prédit son ascension fulgurante et son succès |
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Trump reaffirms second North Korea summit plan |
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Alec Baldwin returns as Trump to talk G-20 Mueller Putin on SNL |
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Per battere Trump non basterà certo una Hillary 40 |
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Would the Trump administration divert the struggle in Syria to a war with Iran |
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Sales of survival bunkers jump ‘500’ since Trump took power |
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Trump meghátrált mégsem vezeti be az USA az új vámot a kínai távozik a CEU és Várpalotán már egészségtelen a levegő |
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EEUU y China acuerdan cese al fuego en guerra de aranceles tras reunión de Trump y Xi |
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Drop The Charges Against the Anti-Trump Berkeley 5! |
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President Trump Says a Pardon for Paul Manafort Is ‘Not Off the Table’ |
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Trump just tweeted about George H W Bush’s death and managed to make it all about himself |
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Team 6 you did a great job of fakery here There’s a hairline between the reality and the fakery You have captured Trump perfectly as well as the comments of military personnel Your reflective paragraph is superb Graphics too Everybody did an excellent job |
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Is Trump greater than Reagan |
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Blog1600Penn Update: Trump „begnadigt“ Truthahn – und steht hinter Saudi-Arabien |
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Mueller Exposes the Culture of Lying That Surrounds Trump by SHARON LaFRANIERE |
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Local TV News Said WHAT! About Trump’s Supreme Nomination |
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Inequality Was Increasing Before Trump |
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Donald Trump révélateur des maux de la planète |
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Papa John Appointed as Special Counsel to Investigate Trump ‘N-Word’ Tape |
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Fear: Trump in the White House ebook free by Bob Woodward epub/mobi |
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ACTRESS BETTE MIDLER Posts Disgusting Tweet About HANGING President Trump and His Family…TWITTER Ignores Vile Tweet |
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Der Schwachsinn ist nahezu grenzenlos – Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Trump in Putins Hand |
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Pasó de largo: el video del desplante de Trump a Macri |
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Remarks by President Trump and President Buhari of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Before Bilateral Meeting |
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Trump Cancels Press Conference |
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Unable to Bury Climate Report Trump and Deniers Launch Assault on |
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Trump’s migrant plan attacked by rivals |
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Olegario Vázquez Aldir platica con Ivanka Trump en toma de posesión de López Obrador |
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Trump Xi Agree to Hold Off Tariff Increase |
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Trump lamentó la muerte de Bush padre: Su ejemplo seguirá vivo |
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Trump Watching Closely as Florida Orders Recounts |
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Anti-Trump anti-discrimination anti-armes à feu Les marques de mode s’engagent |
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Trump e Xi Jinping declaram trégua em disputa comercial |
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SNL: Trump channels ‘Evita’ mopes about Putin’s new friend |
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Alec Baldwin pokes fun at his arrest on his return to SNL as a down-in-the-dumps Trump shunned by Putin and harassing Ben Stiller’s Michael Cohen over looming Mueller probe |
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Donald Trump Says He Has A Very Special Relationship With Xi Jinping |
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On ‘SNL’ Alec Baldwin and Ben Stiller Return to Play President Trump and Michael Cohen – The New York Times |
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US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping 習近平 on Saturday agreed to suspend any new tariffs in the escalating trade war between the world’s two largest economies even if huge existing duties will remain in place Following more than two hours of dinner talks FULL STORY |
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Am 30 November deuteten sowohl Q als auch Trump an dass Verratsanklagen bei Obama den Clintons und Mueller erhoben wurden – was kombiniert mit der Staatsverschuldung Börsencrash und Massenverhaftungen zu einem Rücktritt von Federal Reserve IRS und Kongress führen und zu Militärtribunalen einschließlich Kriegsrecht führen sollte bis im April 2019 Neuwahlen Anna von Reitz: Heute Morgen am 30 November wurde meine Heimatstadt Big Lake Alaska von einer Resonanzenergiewaffe allgemein bekannt als Direkte Energiewaffe angegriffen |
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Trump was elected in the Rust Belt of the United States |
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The threat of a Trump to close the border |
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¡ES CONTIGO NICO! Mike Pompeo aseguró que Trump está “muy decidido” a restaurar la democracia en Venezuela |
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Treason: Obama Admin Used Clinton Advisor to Spy on Trump! |
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Curt Schilling Continues to Defend Donald Trump for Some ReasonHall of Very Good |
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Donald Trump anunció que espera reunirse con Kim Jong-un en enero o febrero |
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Ivanka Trump de entrada por salida |
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Báo Mỹ gọi nhầm Tổng thống Nga là Vladimir Trump |
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Putin resta importancia a no reunirse con Trump |
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Donald Trump Fires Back at Supreme Court Justice John Roberts |
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NY Daily News slams Trump on bizarre news conference |
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President Trump Signs Executive Order Aimed At Increasing Access To Alternatives To Obamacare |
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IPOB is none violent organization Trump tells UN |
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Jerry Brown Admits Truth: President Trump was RIGHT |
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Trump Tweets WARNING to Robert Mueller |
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Infantino në mesin e dy liderëve si Erdogan dhe Trump |
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Trump pide que el TLCAN desaparezca pronto |
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video Trump se molesta con traductora y arroja auricular |
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Macron Blasts Trump as ‘Unpatriotic’ |
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Rusia no cierra la puerta a reanudar las conversaciones con EEUU tras el desplante de Trump |
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New Yorker admits Robert Mueller faces ‘formidable barriers’ in charging President Trump |
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CGTN: Trump Tập nhất trí không áp thêm thuế kể từ ngày 1/1 |
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ASAN Condemns Trump Administration’s |
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Trump die Medien und die Geopolitik |
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Trump Walks Past Putin At G20 Summit Exchanges ‘Pleasantries’ With Saudi Prince |
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Dana Milbank: Does Trump’s great gut mean a tiny brain |
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Russian exploration just entered a new phase Donald Trump Jr Have reason to be nervous |
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GOP Angry: Trump Orders Full Border Shutdown to Stop Caravan! |
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Veteran Trump Fan Gets Banned By Disney – Buys 50 Foot Sign In Retaliation |
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Trump signals deal with Mexico on asylum seekers |
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Peter Fonda Breaks Silence After Calling For Barron Trump To Be Locked In Cage With Pedophiles |
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Trump spoke with Putin during G-20 summit: WH official |
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Trump Likely to OK Funds Avoid Shutdown |
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G20: Cuộc gặp Trump-Tập hạ màn trong tiếng vỗ tay tán thưởng và thỏa thuận đình chiến |
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Hooray! Trump And Xi Agree To Do Nothing |
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Lewandowski and Bossie Target Trump’s Deep-State ‘Enemies’ |
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G20 Trump incontra Putin nonostante avesse a |
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Jamal Khashoggi: Trump ‘Demands Answers’ On Missing Saudi |
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Putin and Mohammed bin Salman share a high five… under Trump’s scrutinous eye |
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Trump pret takimin e radhës me Kim Jong-un në fillim të 2019 do ta ftojë dhe në SHBA |
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La agenda dominical continúa enfocada en el G-20 Macri protagoniza espacios centrales acompañado de Trump Xi Jinping Putin y Lagarde entre otros líderes mundiales Los diarios destacan la reunión entre el mandatario norteamericano y el chino en donde apaciguaron las aguas Además el Presidente argentino se reunió con Putin y recibió el apoyo de la directora del FMI Tiempo Argentino es el único que en su título menciona una novedad en el Caso Chocobar mientras el país entero está pendiente de la cumbre |
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Michelle Obama Just Ruined Trump’s Chances For 2020 |
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«Trump m’interdit de rentrer chez moi» |
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Trump and Xi called truce in US-China trade war — but now what |
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Trump espera se reunir com Kim Jong-un em janeiro |
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Photos: Donald Trump has put Middle East into ‘ring of fire’ by saying Jerusalem is capital of Israel |
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22 Democrats created fake Trump grope under the meeting table |
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Perdue Promises Five Percent Budget Cut as part of Trump Plan |
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Trump canceló reunión con Putin por confrontación con Ucrania |
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Trump januárban vagy februárban találkozik újra Kim Dzsong Unnal |
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ed note–As usual please pay close attention to those sections highlighted in red as they flesh out–no pun intended–the acrimonious picture of what happens to a President who dares chart a foreign policy course which he believes to be in America’s interest that clashes with what it is that organized Jewry demands and then after this plug this documented history of ‘how they do it’ into the modern equation vis a vis Trump and what is the obvious attempt on the part of these same forces to drive him from office and for the very same reason–his planned ‘peace deal’ between Israel and the Arabs |
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Trump was chasing Russia deal on campaign trail – Lied |
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World braces itself as Trump realizes he can bomb stuff he doesn’t like |
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REPORT: Alec Baldwin returns as Trump to talk G-20 Mueller Putin on SNL |
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Trump’ın Seçimi: Hizbullah Ve İran Uzmanı |
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This timeline shows how the US-China trade war led to Trump and Xi’s high-stakes meeting – CNBC |
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Offshore Wind opposed by Trump begins producing power |
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4 Trump et Xi Jinping concluent une trêve commerciale en point d’orgue du G20 |
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Trump’ın Kudüs kararından sonra işgal güçleri 345 kişiyi şehit etti |
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¿Cómo encontrar asesoría legal para inmigrantes Bienvenido López Trump y General Fronteriza cierra por simulacro el paso fronterizo de Otay Mesa |
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ELECCIONES DE MEDIO TÉRMINO EN ESTADOS UNIDOS Pasión de Multitudes: Trump y la polarización en EEUU |
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Trump paraliza su plan de subir los aranceles a China |
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PMG-Trump “Secret Meetings” To Be Investigated |
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Kanye West: I wasn’t stumped by Kimmel’s Trump question |
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Obasanjo writes Trump mourns ex-US President George Bush |
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El de precio de Trump para salvar a Mohammed bin Salman: 450 mil millones |
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Jay-Z has torn into Kanye West for supporting US President Donald Trump in a rap on Meek Mill’s new album |
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CTV News Channel on The Unquotable Trump |
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Trump Creates Doubt in US Leadership |
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Σκυλάκος κέρδισε σε διαγωνισμό μεταμφιέσεων ντυμένος Donald Trump! Τρίχες είπατε pics |
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Ian Easton On Taiwan: Why is Beijing arming to the teeth No surprise that people are angry at the CEC Referendums abused democracy Trade war refugees race to move out of China How to rescue social security in an aging world Samsung turns its gaze north to face cloud-computing giants EDITORIAL: Making an informed electorate Kaohsiung elections of the past How to cope after the nine-in-one elections LETTER Abused then arrested: inside California’s war on sex work Trump dismantling US climate efforts as warnings grow dire EDITORIAL: Carrying on the fight Local elections reflect local views Nuclear referendum has complicated the issue Changing rules to bring down home prices ‘A community in unbelievable pain’: the terror and sorrow of Australia’s Uighurs |
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Actually I’m Glad The Trump Administration Opposed The WHO Breastfeeding Resolution |
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TOP DEM Lawmaker Calls On UN To Stop Trump’s Border Agents From Using Tear Gas To STOP Mob Of Migrant Invaders |
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David Clarke slams Clinton for comparing Trump to Weinstein – October 14 2017 |
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Trump to terminate NAFTA pressuring Congress to approve new trade deal |
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Putin-Berater: Baldiges Treffen mit Trump wichtig |
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South Carolina voter told to remove ‘Trump’ shirt in order to vote trump |
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Trump Xi hold ‘successful meeting’ agree not to impose tariffs |
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Cumbre entre Trump y Kim puede tener lugar en enero o… |
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BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Calls Clinton Global Criminal Syndicate ‘Biggest in History’ Trump Holds Hillary’s Fate In His Hands |
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Trump’s Garlic Problem |
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Trump’s War on Real News Is Irrumating our Immiserated Democracy And the GOP is complicit |
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Un al doilea summit Trump-Kim: Președintele SUA consideră că se va |
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Defender Of The Constitution President Trump Announces Final Plan To Ban Bump Stocks |
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Office of Special Counsel Finds 6 Trump Staffers Violated Hatch Act For Tweeting “MAGA” |
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Ranní analýza: Trump opět kritizuje FED indexy pokračují v růstu |
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Parten Ivanka Trump y Mike Pence a EU |
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Trump y Xi declaran una “tregua” en su guerra comercial |
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19 milliárdot költ a kormány egy sportberuházásra aminek a részleteit nem tudni mert azokat Post: A Trump-adminisztráció hízelgéssel próbálta megmenteni a CEU-t de ráfaragott |
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Trump’s Chabad delegation to the embassy ceremony |
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Trump and leaders of Mexico and Canada sign new trade pact to revise NAFTA but uncertainty remains |
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Honeywell expected to announce HQ move to North says he’s talked to President Trump but won’t discuss details |
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White House Communications Director Hope Hicks admitted she sometimes tells lies for President Trump |
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Trump May Not Really Want A Government Shutdown Now Over His Wall |
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Civility in the Age of Trump |
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Actress Bette Midler Tweets About Trump And His Family Being Hanged ‘Good And High’ |
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US judge won’t immediately allow Trump to enforce asylum ban |
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Trump lost: 9th Circuit Court declines restoring travel ban |
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Dura lección contra el racismo en el MUSAC Trump Bolsonaro y Salvini están aquí |
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Breaking! France Passes Historic Bill Ordering Cameras In All News: Trump Legalizes Killing Hibernating Wolves Bears And Their Cubs |
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Megegyezésre jutott Trump a kínai elnökkel |
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Trump only world leader at G-20 to not sign statement supporting commitment… |
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Donald Trump was heard off camera saying get me out of here to an aide as he left the G20Comments gt |
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The Regents UCOP and Trump |
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Le Forum d’Halifax sur la sécurité s’ouvre avec le spectre de Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump egy a Fox TV-nek adott interjúban úgy fogalmazott hogy “megállítottuk a migránskaraván ostromát és egyelőre nem kellett lőni! Hangsúlyozom: EGYELŐRE! Hogy mi lesz később arra csak akkor tudok válaszolni!” |
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President Trump sets aside differences in honoring George HW Bush |
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BREAKING: Trump Xi Reach Major Trade War Truce China Agrees To ‘Substantial Purchases’ |
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Red Laser Dots Float on President Trump’s Chest and Face During White House Speech |
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跟隨 《本土新聞》 General of Canada Commemorates Canadian Soldiers in HK Chapman Chen Farcical HK Election without Localists’ HK Rule of Law still “Intact” as 2 HK Lawmakers are Going to Argue in USA Institution Warns of China’s All-round Infiltration before Trump-Xi Meeting Chapman Chen reports |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanı Trump ile bir araya geldi |
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Michelle Obama Just Ruined Trump’s Chances For 2020 In One Single Sentence |
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Bette Midler Calls For Trump And Family To Hang “Good And High” |
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Top G20 ធី នៅក្មេងសោះ Globe ខណៈដែល Messi Pep Champions Man City ញ៉ែម សុគន្ធ ខ្សែជីវិត ខ្សែលាភសំណាង Apple ចង់បះជើងក្រោយលោក Donald Trump លេង១ |
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Breaking: Pres Trump Pulls Plug on Paul Ryan’s Amnesty Plan! |
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Assessor de Trump vê “oportunidade histórica” com eleição de Bolsonaro |
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Here’s the link that goes with the video: http://bitly/2DTrv9Z SIGN UP WITH VIRTUAL SHIELD: http://wwwhidewithlisacom GET TRUMP COIN: https://trumpcoin2020com/ Get 5 Off Using Code: lisa GET STARTED WITH NOBLEGOLD: CALL NOBLE: 1-888-596-7916 Get the NobleGold Free E-Book: SIGN UP WITH VIRTUAL SHIELD: http://wwwhidewithlisacom GET ENCRYPTED EMAIL NOW WITH SAFEBOLT: Use Coupon Code: LISAHAVEN20OFF GET involved in the Trade Genius Academy: https://tradegeniusco/ Get Food Storage: Or Call My Patriot Supply at 1-888-204-0144 DONATE To Lisa Haven Via Patreon: DONATE Via-Bitcoin: DONATE Via-Litecoin: Subscribe to My Website at: http://lisahavennews/ Subscribe to My Backup Channel: Like Me on Bitchute/RealVideo/Minds: For More Information See: Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton November 30th 2018 |
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Stop Trump’s Coup By Any Means Necessary! |
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Proclamation on National Preparedness Month by President Trump: |
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NPR Blatantly Lies About Donald Trump Jr Then Says it was an Accident |
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Summit Backs WTO Reform Ahead of Trump Xi Trade Talks |
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Donald Trump’s Next Attorney General: A Careful Choice |
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Cumbre G20: tras los cruces por China Trump plantó a Macri en el escenario |
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More College Boys Pledge To Remove Testicles If Trump Wall Is Built |
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MBS mingles with G20 leaders as Trump fuels summit plans to skip polls in fear of defeat: Quader |
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Building a distributed Trump finder |
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Melania Trump a dépensé une somme monstrueuse pour une journée au Canada |
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5 Reasons Why Donald Trump Should Implement the Jerusalem Embassy Act and Move the US Embassy to Israel’s Capital City |
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Trump to call for National Day of Mourning Dec 5 |
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62 Treffen des Forums integrierte Gesellschaft – Trump Merkel Putin |
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La Bestia la limusina de Trump fue a cargar nafta en Recoleta: cuánto gastó |
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Dolar drogi Trump niezadowolony |
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7 Good Things For Everyone Yes Everyone About a Trump Presidency |
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3-7 Desember 2018: Trump-Xi OPEC Meeting Testimoni Powell NFP AS |
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Trump Has Fallen |
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Reunión entre Trump y Xi Xinping será clave para el comercio cantante virtual japonesa Hatsune Miku se lanza a la conquista de Europa |
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Forstå skandalen der kan vælte Trump: Hacking løgne og en mystisk forsvinden 1 |
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La reunión entre Trump y Xi estuvo “muy bien” dice un asesor de EEUU |
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Cancelled ‘Murphy Brown’ Shows Reporter Beaten By Trump Supporters |
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WWE Chairman Vince McMahon Wife Linda Embroiled in Trump Foundation Scandal |
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Kiểm tra sự thật: Tuyên bố về khí hậu giả của Trump – CNN Video |
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Trump congela 90 días su plan de subir los aranceles a China |
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Internacional Trump suspende plano de aumentar tarifas para produtos da China |
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Punta Pacifica Chief Elected Head of Trump Owners Group |
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DHAGEYSO:Madaxweyne Trump oo Wareysi Siiyay VOAWareysiga oo Lagu Turjumay Ka Dambeyso in Ciidamo Gaar Ah loo Diro Baydhabo |
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BBC World News Trump and Putin: Have they had their last tango |
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Trump’s proposed rollback of Obama-era emissions standards is riddled with critical errors |
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Jesse Ventura Coming After Trump’s Presidency! |
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Pres Trump amp First Lady Melania Issue A Statement On The Passing Of George HW Bush |
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President Trump champion of the “Forgotten Man” |
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Trump có thể chi phí 75 tỷ đô la châu Âu nếu ông theo đuổi mối đe dọa thuế nhập khẩu xe hơi của EU |
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Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump are in the hot seat over Trump Tower Moscow |
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Trump y primera dama de EEUU asistirán al funeral del expresidente George H W Bush |
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Cruz calls on Trump administration to defund UN agencies that allow Palestinian membership |
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Por qué Donald Trump firma con marcadores negros los documentos y POR : |
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Multilatéralisme: «Donald Trump impose son propre agenda unilatéral» |
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China to Start Purchasing Ag Products “Immediately” After G20 Meeting with Trump |
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Alec Baldwin’s Trump Channels ‘Evita’ in a Biting ‘SNL’ Look at the G-20 Summit: WATCH |
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President Trump Fires The Entire Board Of Top Democrat Federal Agency |
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Trump Russia bots and Breitbart: tldr edition |
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Misinformation and the Trump administration |
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New Mexico Official Threatens to Build Wall to Stop Trump’s Wall |
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Tiết lộ nội dung cuộc gặp chớp nhoáng Trump-Putin0 |
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Anonymous White House official cites Trump ‘amorality’ in New York Times op-ed |
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Trump planuje kolejny szczyt z Kim Dzong Unem |
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US stands with India in their quest for justice: Donald Trump on 26/11 Mumbai attacks |
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Business Wire: Western Journal Makes “Trump At War” Free Online |
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Los memes de Donald Trump y el Muro |
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Patto tra Trump e Xi tregua di 90 giorni tra Usa e Cina sui dazi |
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Biden feels the push to take on Trump in 2020 |
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G20 llega a un acuerdo en pro del comercio y firma sin Trump compromiso por el clima |
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Cuộc gặp Trump – Tập “kết thúc với những tràng pháo tay” |
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Too Much Winning: Trump’s Tremendous Presidenting Causing Whole Caravans Of People To Attempt Entry Into US |
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Trump Irish prime minister speak at St Patrick’s Day lunch |
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Hillary says Trump supports ‘authoritarian regimes’ calls Fox ‘divorced from reality’ |
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Trump-Beraterin nach Streit mit First Lady abgesetzt |
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Trump y Xi acordaron congelar por tres meses la guerra en Escobar: murió una mujer que fue quemada por su |
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Dr Steven Greer Says He Has Told Trump Administration About UFOs |
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Trump eager to ‘turn a blind eye’ to Khashoggi murder – Turkish FM |
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Donald Trump a demokratákra nézve kompromittáló dokumentumok nyil |
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Trump quiere endurecer asilo y pondrá campos de detención en frontera |
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All Aboard The Trump Train 2016 President Coffe |
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Updated Trump Xi meet during dinner in Buenos Aires |
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Rusia no se come el cuento de Trump cree que reunión con Putin fue cancelada por luchas internas en Internacional |
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Trump’s Mexico problem » |
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Trump ag under secretary nominee Texas Tech professor given distinguished research award |
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Trump and Russia Through the Years |
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More people killed with guns who knew guns do kill people Omarosa is a sociopath just like Trump The Great Orange Misleader they deserve each other but we don’t deserve either – perhaps they’re in on it together hey let’s have a public feud and split the royalties |
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Warum Donald Trump auf einen harten Brexit setzt |
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Trump slams the Fed and his own administration’s climate report |
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The Atlantic: Hillary Clinton Demands Resistence Of Trump At Midterms |
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Eleição de Bolsonaro traz ‘oportunidade histórica’ diz assessor de Trump |
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MUNDO Ivanka Trump no va a comida en Palacio Nacional y regresa a EU domingo 02 diciembre 2018 |
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PHOTOS Trump keeps umbrella to himself as Melania gets soaked |
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Reunión de Trump con Xi Jinping y firma del documento final lo que los principales diarios del mundo resaltaron del G20 |
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tRump sells out and admits Buses will soon be Hurting the Oil Industry |
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General of Canada Commemorates Canadian Soldiers in HK Chapman Chen Farcical HK Election without Localists’ HK Rule of Law still “Intact” as 2 HK Lawmakers are Going to Argue in USA Institution Warns of China’s All-round Infiltration before Trump-Xi Meeting Chapman Chen Institution Warns of China’s All-round Infiltration before Trump-Xi Meeting Chapman Chen General of Canada Commemorates Canadian Soldiers in HK Chapman Chen General of Canada Commemorates Canadian Soldiers in HK Chapman Chen reports |
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The Trump Enigma |
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Trump: Manafort Pardon Not ‘Off The Table’ After Briefings From Manafort’s |
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Trump: Brexit ‘a Great Deal…for the EU’ |
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Czy Donald Trump straci stanowisko |
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Sterlite Copper: Shutting Down Thoothukudi Plant ‘Not Sustainable’ Committee Tells Respond To Trump’s Latest Unhinged Climate Remarks: ‘It’s Almost Satire’ |
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Trump suspende aumento de aranceles a China tras reunirse con Xi Jinping |
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The Trump-Kim Summit |
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Cinco razões para a vitória de Trump |
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Donald Trump pozíciója gyengül a választások után |
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Palestinians Reject the Trump’s “Deal of the Century” |
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Kobach says he talked with Trump won’t elaborate |
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Hồ sơ tòa án: Cựu luật sư nói đã báo Trump biết về liên lạc với Nga |
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Trump May Want To Put The Federal Deficit On “Double Secret Probation” |
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The Hill’s John Solomon: At Least Four Previously Unknown Spies Tied to FBI or Western ICs Tried to Infiltrate Trump Campaign |
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Climate change: How slag can remove CO2 from the Trump leaves Argentine leader in the lurch |
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Donald Trump Meets With President Of US Virgin Islands |
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Weißes Haus: Treffen zwischen Merkel und Trump bei G20 |
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Xi defiende ante Trump la cooperación como la mejor opción para China y EEUU |
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Letter: No outcry over Ivanka Trump emails |
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Putin-Berater: Baldiges Treffen von Putin und Trump wichtig |
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Trump says he expects to meet with North Korea’s Kim early next year |
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Look de Ivanka Trump se lleva todas las miradas en toma de posesión de López Obrador |
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Borowitz Satire — G-20 Leaders Vote Unanimously Not to Give Trump Asylum Submitted By Sheila Samples |
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Trump deve se reunir com Kim Jong-un no início de 2019 |
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Trump backed Kemp wins big in Polk statewide |
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Sommet Trump-Kim : face au mutisme de Pyongyang la Chine appelle à la patience |
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Letter: Stop ad hominem attacks on Trump |
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86 45: Outrage As Amigos Mexican Restaurant In Rhode Island Openly Calls For The Death Of President Trump On Their Employee T-Shirts |
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G20 summit backs WTO reform ahead of Trump Xi trade talks |
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Trump Cannot Fire Fed Chairman Powell: Morgan Stanley |
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Tras finalizar el G20 Trump y Xi Jinping acordaron una tregua comercial por 90 días |
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VIDEO ‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin’s Trump Jealous of Putin and… |
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Painter: Dershowitz’s Reason for Trump Meeting ‘Complete could cost up to £4500 as SRA pushes back start date |
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Trump Uses Death Of George H W Bush As Excuse To Not Hold Press |
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Donald Trump engedélyt adott a déli határra vezényelt amerikai ka |
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Trump i Xi dogovorili: SAD i Kina neće uvoditi carine 90 dana |
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Black Friday climate report: Trump waves white flag and fails to protect American people |
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Halálbüntetés kiszabását fontolgatja Donald Trump a pittsburghi támadást követően |
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Energy According To Trump |
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Putin and Trump talked briefly at G20 summit – Kremlin |
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Trump Obama Clinton mourn ex-president Bush |
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Trump tells Sessions to probe corruption on the ‘other side’ |
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Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri Kim’le görüşme sinyali |
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Video viral: Trump dejó plantado a Macri en medio del escenario |
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Jim Jordan vs FBI Agent Peter Strzok in HEATED Exchange at Congress Hearing on Anti-Trump Texts |
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Trump hails exchange address China as one amongst the largest ever… |
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mediaite: Democrat Sherrod Brown Hopeful About Trumps Trade Discussion With China But Not Clear Yet if Trump Got it |
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Trump: Cuando migrantes lanzan una piedra a la Policía mexicana debe ser considerada como un rifle |
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Analiză Financial Times: Baza electorală a preşedintelui Donald Trump s-a erodat |
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1 Trump from MichaelNovakhov 198 sites: trump as danger to National Security – Google News: Three fierce women under fire – CNN |
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Bajo Trump aumenta número de niños sin cobertura médica por primera vez en años |
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Trump se nakonec na summitu G20 nakrátko setkal s Putinem |
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Trump aman razboiul comercial declarat Chinei Ce a acceptat Xi Jinping |
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Trump’s Brexit criticism is out of place |
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Donald Trump Xi Jinping truce does little to bridge vast US-China divide |
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Do you think Michael Cohen’s guilty plea for lying to Congress regarding Trump’s alleged Russian business ventures will impact the President |
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Vladimir Putin cree necesaria una reunión bilateral con Trump lamenta cancelación de reunión |
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Trump puts aside differences in honoring Bush |
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Soros Orban Trump und Kurz und die große Heuchelei |
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How the Refugee Crisis Israel and Trump Tore Germany’s Radical Left Apart |
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Đức Phanxicô: “Trump Tôi không phán xét Tôi chỉ lo ông đừng làm khổ người nghèo» |
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Trump tariff payments flow to cities as well as rural mailboxes |
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Unable to bury climate report Trump amp deniers launch assault on the science |
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Spallata Dem cercasi! Trump vince ancora |
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Evil Portent For Trump: Red Dot On Trump’s ChestPresident Trump’s Private Plane Clipped By Aircraft At LaGuardia Airport |
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Từ bỏ “Made in China 2025” sau này Tập sẽ cảm ơn Trump |
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Trump tremendously oversimplifies his tariffs with ‘billions’ declare |
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Donald Trump: A First Class Con Man |
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Trump Administration Inflated Saudi Arms Deal Figures: Report |
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Trump advierte que sigue muy de cerca la situación en Siria |
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‘De berichtgeving over Trump proeft naar oude elites die hun positie verliezen’ |
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Trump amenaza con subir los aranceles a China |
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Donald Trump cancela su reunión con Vladimir Putin en el G20 |
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News Related Videos On: Trump holds major meeting with China at G20 |
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Trump exige deportação e ameaça fechar a fronteira |
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Salta l’incontro tra Trump e Putin al G20 in Argentina |
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Alec Baldwin returns to ‘SNL’ as Donald Trump at the G20 Summit |
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Donald J Trump 45th President of the USA Eagle |
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Trump And GM |
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Do a push-up every time someone says Trump It won’t solve our political differences but at least you’ll have gains |
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Postkort fra Wall Street: Trump mobber sig frem i verden |
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Trump fordert „Angela“ und ist dann ungewohnt still: Merkel wirbelt G20 auf |
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Dos muletas contra Kim Jong-un: el periplo del refugiado norcoreano que ‘adoptó’ Trump |
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Melania Trump dijo a estudiantes universitarios que a veces tienes que “contraatacar” el ciberbullying en redes sociales |
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“Heil Hitler! Heil Trump!” — one story reveals the American divide |
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Actualidad G20 rompe lanza en pro del comercio y firma sin Trump compromiso por el clima |
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BREAKING: Trump STUNS World With What Just LEAKED – He’s Going After CHINA! |
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InternazionaleBrexit: le critiche di Trump a Theresa May 28/11/2018 11:00 PM |
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Deportation and the Trump and the Trump Administration |
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Afinidade com Trump |
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George HW Bush was everything Trump isn’t |
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Von Trump lernen Teil 11: Moral ist etwas für Weicheier |
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Trump walks in front of Queen Elizabeth causing social media frenzy |
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Surely Some Revelation Is At Hand: Classic Poetry and Donald Trump |
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Today News – US Office Contacted Kremlin After Canceled Putin-Trump Meeting – Kremlin Aide |
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Out with the old: Trump to kill old NAFTA to push Congress to approve USMCA |
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Trump ha ragione: la FED è un grosso problema |
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White House Statement: Interim Agreement Between President Trump and Chairman Xi… |
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TRUMP SOVIL 99135/16 |
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Όλοι εναντίον Trump στη σύνοδο των G20 – Καθοριστικές αποφάσεις για εμπορικό πόλεμο Κίνας – ΗΠΑ |
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Putin informerte Trump på stående fot |
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Trump Is Again Playing Hamlet Over Shutting Down The Government |
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Trump: Spotkanie z Kim Dzong Unem pewnie w styczniu lub lutym |
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La soppressione del voto: arma efficace dei Trump nomina Whitaker: giustizia tutta per sé |
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1 Trump from MichaelNovakhov 198 sites: Russia influence in Eastern Europe – Google News: How to talk about and with Russia Estonia has a thing or two to learn from Finland – Estonian World press release blog |
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President Trump Ready For More Cabinet Officials Departure by Lewis has Multiple Children from Different Women Including Adult Star Savannah Stern |
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Trước Trump ba tổng thống Mỹ từng ra lệnh đóng của biên giới Mexico |
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California burnt and became ash in the fire of Trump’s revenge… |
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Gallery amp PRO-TRUMP Groups |
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Así fue el desplante de Trump a Macri que causó risas y burlas en el G20 VIDEO |
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Donald J Trump is a traitor to our country |
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Tell the truth Isn’t Donald Trump the greatest President of your lifetime |
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Efeito Trump: Expansão da economia e corte de impostos contribui para geração de 878 mil novos milionários |
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Se reúnen Donald Trump y Xi Jinping en medio de guerra… |
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Donald Trump fumes as bid to reform Obamacare collapses |
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US President Donald Trump toughens stance on illegal immigrants |
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Benjamin Netanyahu elogió la “dura posición” de Donald Trump contra Irán |
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fivethirtyeight: Trump Says He Plans to Withdraw From Nafta |
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Don Lemon: Trump seems rattled by Cohen’s reveal |
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Further Drastic Meltdown on Gun sales under Trump |
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Cargos adicionales contra hombre amenazó a Trump |
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Anderson Cooper: Trump chose Kanye over victims |
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Trump lässt Bushs Leichnam von Air Force One abholen |
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Drag Queen Activist Serves Receipts of Gay Trump Supporter’s Anti-LGBTQ Comments |
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Mexico Bestows Highest Honor on Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner |
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Russia Makes Fun of Trump Cancellation |
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SNL Cold Open: Putin and Saudi Prince Too Soon Make Trump Jealous |
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Argentina:¡Fuera Trump y los líderes imperialistas del G20! |
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Trump Kavanaugh de facto legalized rape what social mores next |
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THIS Is Our Media Folks! This Is What A Reporter Asked President Trump Today that SHOCKED Everyone |
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Why Donald Trump Avoids Talking About His Daughter Tiffany |
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House of Trump House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia ebook free by Craig Unger epub/mobi |
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Trump agrees to freeze larger tariffs on Chinese language items — for now |
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Leaked Trump Administration Memo Reveals That They Have Been Witholding Information |
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Donald J Trump said: “I had become an accidental voyeur” |
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Trung Quốc « run rẩy » chờ đợi cuộc gặp Trump – Tập Ở G20 |
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Gobierno De Donald Trump Alcanza Cifra Record De Menores Migrantes Detenidos 12800 |
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Recuerda Trump vieja amistad con Macri |
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Testimony Suggests Russia Had Leverage Over Trump |
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Bush Wanted Trump at His Funeral |
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Madhuri Grewal: How Trump Weaponized the Government’s Refugee Resettlement Agency |
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SNL’s Michael Che Rips Trump’s Michael Cohen Insults: ‘Honey It’s You’ – The Daily Beast |
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Despite a Year-Long Media Onslaught Trump is Suddenly On a Roll |
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The ultimate trump card |
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President Trump Calls for National Spectrum Strategy |
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The Trump Show |
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ACLU Deputy Director Lee Gelernt on How Trump is Subverting the Asylum Process |
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Dan Bongino Blows the Lid Off the Clintons/Obama and The Political Whores They Surrounded Themselves With Plan to Destroy Trump |
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S3 BLACKLIGHT: Post Trump Win SPY amp IWM ETF Traders Turn Bullish |
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Trump Sells Fear Because He’s scared To Death Himself |
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Michael Jordan Just Gave A Powerful Response To Trump’s Attacks On Black Athletes |
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Trump’s Former Lawyer Cohen Pleads Guilty to Lying to Congress about Russia |
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Here’s How Trump Responded to 2 Questions from Mueller |
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CEO Awards – 2018 WILLIAMS — PowerScoring Trump’s judicial appointments in the first 18 months |
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President Trump’s Military Parade to Include Elements of US Strategic Nuclear Arsenal |
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News of Trump’s Kind Gesture Just Went Viral |
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Trump amenaza con enviar tropas y cerrar la frontera si México no frena la avalancha de migrantes |
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Ivanka Trump Nicolás Maduro y Evo Moralos fueron parte de los más de 20 representantes de Estado que se retrataron con el presidente |
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Trump sets aside political differences in honoring George HW Bush 15 hours ago |
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G-20 Leaders Agree on Trade Trump Bucks Others on Climate |
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Trump writing up rules and regulations for reporters |
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Trump nói có thể gặp thượng đỉnh Kim Jong-un vào đầu |
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Ivanka Trump Emails Reveal Hundreds of Classified Fashion Secrets |
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Trump and everyday anti-fascism beyond punching Nazis |
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Trump hails exchange address China as one amongst the largest ever |
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Sebut Strategi Lawan Adopsi Trump Rommy Dilaporkan |
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Ivanka Trump Shows Off New 1100 Cut amp Color Before Starting New White House |
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Trump hace ‘clic’ con AMLO y dice que prioriza un acuerdo |
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Trump Tweets BMW Factory Blasts GM |
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Trump upbeat on trade at dinner with China’s Xi |
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Trump’s on-off dance with complicated acquaintances – Fox News |
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Trump and Xi Agree No New Tariffs After January 1 |
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US China declare trade war ceasefire after Trump-Xi summit |
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Mexican revenge on Trump through Canada UK and home |
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Donald Trump Enrique Peña Nieto y Justin Trudeau firmaron el nuevo tratado comercial entre EEUU México y republicana ganó en Mississippi y Trump afianzó su mayoría en el Senado |
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Trump’s Scheming with Kremlin for Moscow Tower Extended Through Primary Season into Mid-June 2016: Fixer Michael Cohen Confesses in Manhattan Federal Court He Lied to Congress to Minimize Don’s Exposure Putin’s Official Deputy Dmitri Peskov Implicated in Contacts |
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Aufstand gegen Trump |
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China’s reaction to President Trump’s Tax Reform Act shows that the legislation was also a trade policy |
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Trump say he’ll withdraw from NAFTA pressuring Congress to approve new… |
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Trump offers Xi tariffs reprieve in trade war Daily: Bitmain Launches Crypto Index Xolaris Sets up Bitcoin Mining Fund |
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“Aurus” contra la “Bestia”: las limusinas de Vladimir Putin y Donald Trump |
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Guerra comercial: Trump y Xi Jinping acordaron una tregua de 90 días |
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Trump orders flags to fly at half-staff for 30 days to honor Bush |
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Michael Cohen thought Trump would give him a pardon |
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Etats Unis: Melania Trump fait des confidences sur son fils Barron |
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Fox Business O ex-embaixador dos EUA na ONU John Negroponte sobre as negociações comerciais do governo Trump |
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Con el pacto de Buenos Aires Trump y Xi Jinping dieron tregua a su guerra comercial |
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Tổng thống Trump bất ngờ hé lộ thời điểm gặp ông Kim Jong-un – 7 giờ trước |
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Trump to Hold Off on Tariff Hikes Against China Negotiations Continue |
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Trump Leaks ‘Israel Needs Saudi Arabia’ |
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El muro de Trump no es protección es un ataque: Judith Butler en la FIL |
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Vizinhos da Coreia do Norte e Trump comemoram |
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Kav Kills Never Trump Movement |
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Trump’s Hidden Genius |
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December 2nd – 2018 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 682 |
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Erste Annäherung in Helsinki: Eine Bilanz des Treffens zwischen Trump und Putin Wolfgang Zellner |
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25 Celebrities Who Support Donald Trump For President |
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Trump wandered right off the stage leaving the Argentinian president all by himself A staffer is thenComments gt |
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Trump says next meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un likely in early 2019 |
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Trump sinjalizon një samit të dytë me liderin verikorean |
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Tiffany Trump ‘Completely Falling’ For New Boyfriend Michael Boulos |
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Trump Cadde Şube |
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RTL war bei Planung dabei: Neue Weltregierung Wegen Trump geplatzt! |
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Exploring the joys of parking meters Donald Trump Xanax and the media » |
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Why Putin could will eat Trump’s lunch |
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Trump wants H-1B visas in highly-skilled not outsourcing jobs: official |
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World Markets Rally on Trump-Xi Talk News |
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Trump Xi Agree to Temporary Truce in Bid to Contain Trade War Bush SR: If the American people find out the truth they will lynch us 1992 |
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Passa la linea Trump: al G20 di Buenos Aires “vince” il… |
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Larwyn’s Linx: Trump Russia and lessons from the mob: Did ‘godfathers’ steer collusion Central |
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Trump just hired a man famous for covering up sexual abuse to a top White House job |
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Trump espera se reunir novamente com Kim Jong-un no início de 2019 |
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Trump’s BRILLIANT MOVE Against CNN and Acosta |
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Trump officials met with Venezuelan officers to discuss Maduro coup – report |
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Photo Welcome to Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck |
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Episode 1 of WTF Trump! Russia Probe amp Obamacare repeal has Washington on edge |
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Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Cries Over The Mueller Investigation In The ‘SNL’ Cold Open |
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Episode 320 Scott Adams: In the Wrong Time Zone Talking About Trump’s Pardon Talk His Jail Tweet |
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Kim Kardashian West Arrives at White House for Meeting with President Trump |
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Tổng thống Trump ngăn chặn Trung Quốc thâu tóm một công |
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Trump Xi sit down to dinner at G20 to discuss trade war |
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Global stocks tumble after Trump ‘crazy’ Fed comment |
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Trump et Visa H-1B: les règles vont changer |
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Donald Trump canceló la conferencia de prensa que iba a dar tras el G20 |
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Trump odwołuje zimną wojnę niektórych perspektywa pokoju wpędza w szał |
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How to Teach Under Trump |
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Trump-Putin Bertemu di KTT G20 |
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Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un Ready to Meet Again |
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Trump Signs CISA Bio Weapons Immunity Act |
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‘Saturday Night Live’: Alec Baldwin Returns as Donald Trump to Talk G20 Mueller Putin Watch |
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Deportación de Víctor Mejía: el Estado mexicano al servicio de Trump |
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Elecciones de medio término un traspié para Trump |
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Bruce Springsteen Talks Politics Marriage and Why He Won’t Write an ‘Anti-Trump Diatribe’ |
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Khoảnh khắc ông Trump-Putin chạm mặt tại G20 sau khi thượng đỉnh đổ vỡ |
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Trump Makes American Cannabis Great Again |
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A Feng Shui consultant’s take on Trump |
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Donald Trump – med egna ord |
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Conservative Lawyers Say Trump Has Undermined the Rule of Law |
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Trump May Putin Merkel Yi Erdogan MBS Trudeau ¡Bienvenidos al Infierno! |
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Trump Netanyahu supported MBS to avert collapse of Saudi government |
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Trump remains on top in farm country |
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Handelsoorlog: Trump en Xi gee 90 dae tyd |
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Trump Greets Argentinian President Mauricio Macri Promptly Walks Off Stage |
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G20 Mégis volt Trump-Putyin találkozó de az nem volt csúcs |
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Bolsonaro é uma parte essencial dos planos de Trump para construir a “fortaleza da América” |
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Trump won’t go down without a fight |
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Trump et Xi décrètent la trêve commerciale à Buenos Aires |
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Trump Ambassador Beat And ‘Kidnapped’ Woman In Watergate Cover-up: Reports |
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Trump Convirtió el Fallecimiento del ex Presidente George HW Bush en una Oportunidad Para Auto Alabarse |
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Donald Trump Xi agree to take steps to address trade disputes |
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FAIL! Rep Eric Swalwell tries to dunk on Donald Trump Jr about ‘the truth’ amp falls flat on his face instead |
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Dems ‘Out for Blood’: Gingrich Warns New Dem Majority May Use Obscure Law to Get Trump’s Taxes |
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EU demands Saudi ‘clarity’ on Khashoggi Trump wavers over top suspect |
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On ‘SNL’ Baldwin’s Trump Yearns For Putin-MBS Bromance |
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Trump Admits “Fake News” Really Means “Negative Media Coverage” |
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Pre-Christmas Mueller Grand Jury Announced For December 14 As Trump Rages Online |
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Trump avisa DECLAS Bad algo público não deve se ver iniciar o relógio |
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Macri le agradeció al presidente Trump su apoyo a la Argentina |
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Turkey Slams Donald Trump For Turning “Blind Eye” To Khashoggi Murder |
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Trump admits he “looked” at proposal to build Trump Tower in Moscow |
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Presidenti Trump uron 106-vjetorin e Pavarësisë |
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President Trump hits pause on tariff war with China following meeting with Xi Jinping – ABC News |
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Evangelical Leaders and Donald Trump Are Cut from the Same Cloth |
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Democrats Rejoice: Trump’s Travel Ban Ends in 2 Days |
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Venezuelas president sammenlikner Trump med Hitler |
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Out with the old: Trump to kill existing NAFTA text to push Congress to approve USMCA |
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Trump retweets supporter’s call for GM to return bailout funds |
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Auftakt : Vier Präsidenten: Von Obama zu Trump von Gauck zu Steinmeier |
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Donald Trump: «Αν η General Motors δεν θέλει να κρατήσει τις θέσεις εργασίας της στις ΗΠΑ θα έπρεπε να επιστρέψει τη διάσωση των 112 δισ δολ που χρηματοδοτήθηκε από τους Αμερικανούς φορολογουμένους» |
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Britain’s MI-6 BEGS Trump Administration Not to Release FISA Documents |
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Trump Mocks Democrats: RECORD Revenues to Fed DESPITE Tax Cuts |
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Pide IP de EU a Trump eliminar aranceles |
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Donald Trump dice que sigue “abocado” por asegurar los derechos humanos en Cuba dos días después de autorizar el envío de 750 mil dólares para “los prisioneros políticos” en la isla |
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Donald Trump ponovno napovedal uvedbo dodatnih uvoznih dajatev proti Kitajski |
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Trump administration vows to targets migrants |
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Trump odmítl setkání s Putinem dokud nepropustí zadržené Ukrajince Další zlom v jejich složitém vztahu |
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Trump’s Menagerie Of The Absurd |
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Russian Spox Tells NBC News Michael Cohen Made Contact With Officials Over Trump Tower |
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Donald Trump Barack Obama world leaders praise George HW Bush |
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Donald Trump – Sleazebags |
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Trump dangers weigh on Germany as July industrial facility arranges moderate suddenly |
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Ronald Trump’s Halloween Massacre – 10/29/16 29th October 2016 |
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Boycott Trump Products |
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Trump ignites political fight over US banking law reforms |
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Trump says meeting with DPRK’s top leader Kim likely early next year: report |
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Trump Says He Wants Two-State Solution for Mideast Conflict |
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Colau se suma a la alianza de Sanders contra Trump Salvini y Bolsonaro |
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WATCH: Trump Makes Classy Gesture of Respect Towards the Bush Family |
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CIA Undermines amp Humiliates Trump With Saturday Evidence Announcement DETAILS |
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国际英语新闻:Trump News |
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Est-ce que l’oncle de Trump lui a parlé des papiers de |
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Trump devalúa la cumbre del G-20 |
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Citizens United for the Trump Agenda |
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La Svezia e la crisi della Trump-GM: è forse la fine della luna di miele |
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Trump’s Manufactured Border Crisis a Symptom of a Failed Policy |
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Donald Trump amenință va închide complet frontiera cu Mexicul Militarii autorizaţi să folosească forţa letală |
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Democratic senators sue Trump over Whitaker appointment |
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The President Trump 2020 Freedom coin |
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Donald Trump is not invincible: Impeachment remains unlikely but the end is in sight |
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Trump suggests he’s looking into tariffs on car imports |
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Trump envía felicitaciones a López Gutiérrez una primera dama diferente |
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Trump Not Allowed to End Temporary Protected Status of 320K ‘Immigrants’ |
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Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 18/11/18: El globalista Emmanuel Macron fustiga al nacionalista Donald Trump |
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G20: Trump Trudeau and Pena Nieto sign the USMCA deal |
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Trump ve Kim’den ikinci zirve |
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Trump and China called a trade war truce — now what |
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Canada has legal marijuana if ya wanna Trump is meangirling us “I’m not even talking to Canada right now!” OMG cause Kelly told Stephen told Sarah told Jared told Ivanka that Justin Trudeau wasn’t kissing Donald’s butt – I can’t even! New reality show idea: “High School White House” How’s that cyberbullying campaign going Melania Be Best indeed |
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Feds Raid Offices of Trump’s Former Tax Lawyer |
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Sheryl Sandberg Asked Facebook Staff to Investigate George Soros’ Motives After Trump Defends Pursuit of Russia Business During Campaign |
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CINA Le offerte di Xi a Trump al G20 argentino |
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Judge Jeanine Pirro Drives Whoopi To Expose Her Trump Derangement Ugly Truth |
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Trump gambled big on sanctuary cities Could he lose big |
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Rational Review News Digest Weekend Special Edition — Judge rules against Trump regime in sanctuary cities case Gassing migrants |
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Drug wars Former Swiss president challenges Trump’s drug action plan |
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The Snack Food and Corn Syrup Lobbyist Shaping Trump’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans |
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Poetic Justice of the BlueWave Kind: Trump-enabler Comstock VA10 office goes to uber-progressive |
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Whoopi tells Trump to ‘shut up’ says he ‘doesn’t give a dmn’ about CA wildfires |
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Why Online Education Is Starting To Trump All |
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Trump Says He’s Too Intelligent to Believe Climate Change Report |
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Analysis Trump’s Decision to Stand by Saudi Prince Has Netanyahu’s Fingerprints All Over It |
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Pres Trump Savagely Trolled Haters After Their Mass Hysteria Of A ‘Potential’ Moscow Project |
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Trump geri adım attı ABD ve Çin arasında geçici uzlaşma sağlandı |
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Melania Trump hits out at critics who call her red Christmas trees “hellish” “creepy” and a “menace” |
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Ambasador Nsofor presents his credentials to President Trump |
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Trump und Putin – ein prekäres Patt |
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Updated Trump Xi meet during dinner in Buenos Aires 9 mins ago |
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Trump may meet Kim in January or February |
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Donald Trump wants to invite Kim Jong Un to US |
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Trump se reúne con Merkel en Argentina |
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Trump’s Trade War with China Hides Military Industrial Agenda |
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President Trump at Camp David |
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Maszol: Mégis találkozott Trump és Putyin a G20 csúcson |
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Tim Scott Opposes Trump Judicial Pick Thomas Farr |
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Trump abrió una negociación con China y accedió a suspender por 90 días aumento de los aranceles |
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Trump-Xi Jinping una cena para encarrilar un acuerdo |
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Get tough with General Motors Trump style union head urges Trudeau |
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Trump Fund-Raiser Received Laundered Foreign Money Prosecutors Say |
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The Only Thing That Would Make Us Feel Better Is if You Sent Us Trump’s Tax Returns |
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Fear: Trump in the White House Unabridged |
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General Motors cerrará cinco plantas y echará empleados: Trump respondió furioso |
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Donald Trump Threatens To Block China Trade Deal |
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Triển vọng cuộc gặp Donald Trump – Tập Cận Bình tại Hội nghị G20 – Phần đầu |
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Trump Says Renoir Personally Gave Him Painting While It Was Still Wet |
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And now–although carefully kept out of the national discussion–Trump is trying to do it and is being rewarded with much the same that his predecessors received |
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Trump et Xi concluent une trêve commerciale en point d’orgue d’un G20 réunionnaise : les samoussas |
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Trump’s Lawyers Argue That He Cannot Be Impeached Because He Was Never Actually Elected |
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Trump y Xi: duelo clave en el G20 ante problemas en el comercio mundial |
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99 Ways to Fight Trump |
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Why do we need Ivanka Trump She’s our v |
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84 Staging fake anti-Trump protest conspiring with Univision CEO |
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Papelón en el recibimiento de Macri a Trump en la Casa Rosada por el G20 |
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Trump Hotel amp Tower Toronto |
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LeBron James Just Torched Trump Over His Attacks On Black NFL Players |
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Student loans watchdog who quit under Trump plans own initiative |
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“Can Trump pardon himself This one’s trickier In short: Probably not |
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Melania Trump see through top nipples |
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Media Roots Radio: DC Blob Mourns McCain Palin Fast Track to Trump ‘Assadist’ Black Lists |
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Legal Experts: Michael Cohen Claims On Trump Are ‘Enormous’ And ‘Criminal’ |
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Trump’s way: camino a la próxima recesión mundial |
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Sherrod Brown bác bỏ thỏa thuận thương mại mới của Trump với Mexico Canada 7 |
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Trump Releases Exactly How He Would Force Mexico To Pay For Wall – This Will Work |
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Moment amuzant cu Trump la G20 A plecat de pe scenă și a cerut să fie scos de acolo |
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Trump launches 34 billion trade war and China ‘immediately’ fires back |
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Top House Intel committee Dem says Trump and his business was ‘compromised’ |
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Trump encerrará formalmente o Nafta antes de votar novo pacto com Canadá e México |
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· Red Dots on Trump’s Body During Speech |
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Out with the old: Trump to kill existing NAFTA text to push Congress to approve |
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ABC News Death Threat on Trump |
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25 Jun 2018 2:18 pm Comments Off on It’s time for the press to suspend normal relations with the Trump presidency |
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Trump Ruins G20 Photo Op By Abruptly Running |
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Gir blaffen i Trump – nå vokser USA-feberen igjen |
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Time for Trump to Stand Up to Putin After the Sea of Azov Attack |
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Trumps Amerika – Das Phänomen Trump |
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Trump imposes 25 tariff on Chinese goods |
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Scoppia la tregua del “pancakes” tra Trump e Xi: a gennaio i dazi Usa non saliranno |
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Irán amenaza con atacar Tel Aviv: “Si Trump comete un error” |
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Trump vil give afdøde Bush en sidste tur med Air Force One |
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Trump on the Mexico border: I’ll shut it all down |
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Rolling Stone Watch Alec Baldwin’s Trump Consult Cohen Putin on ‘SNL’ |
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President Trump a Jew Grandfather was! |
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La Terre est plate ! Selon Donald Trump |
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Ivanka Trump lựa chọn sang trọng trong trang phục kem ôm hình trong chuyến đi đến Thành phố Mexico |
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EPN condecora con Orden Mexicana del Águila Azteca a yerno de Trump |
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Former Launch Officer on Trump’s Potential for Nuclear First Strike |
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Trump e Xi Jinping concluíram trégua comercial 02/12/2018 às 11:39 |
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Donald Trump and yes what he is doing |
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South Carolina Sen Tim Scott sinks Trump nominee lands in the spotlight 23 hours ago |
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Trump ex-lawyer Michael Cohen to plead guilty for lying to Shah follows Arnab Goswami in peddling fake news to dangerously |
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‘How the media builds a narrative’: Chad Felix Greene dismantles The Hill’s latest attempt at framing Trump supporters as racists |
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Les cinéastes noirs contre Trump |
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Shinzo Abe cède le Japon négociera un accord bilatéral avec Trump |
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Trump on Federal Climate Report: ‘I Don’t Believe It’ |
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White House bars CNN reporter after heated Trump exchange |
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JOHN KERRY : ‘People Are Going To Die Because Of The Decision Trump Made’ |
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Believe It or Not: 10 Weirdest Things Said By American President Donald Trump |
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Concluye la cena de Trump y Xi sobre la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China |
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Kaşıkçı’nın Nişanlısı: Trump Cinayetin Örtülmesine İzin Vermemeli |
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Breaking: Trump Just Smacked Paul Ryan Down On Immigration And It Was Amazing |
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How Progressives Should Respond to Trump |
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Donald Trump Finally Gets With Program: Repeal Now Replace Later |
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Next Trump-Kim meeting likely early next year |
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Apple Down As Trump Suggest 10 Tariff On iPhones |
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The Deep State Chess Game To Unseat President Trump Is Reaching |
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Update: Xi and Trump Agree to Back Off on Additional Tariffs |
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“Virat Kohli Has Become The Donald Trump Of World Sport” – Australian Media Criticises |
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Amerika:Trump yavuze ko nta gitutu ariho cyo kumvikana |
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Même avec Trump « l’isolationnisme américain est une fiction » orientxxiinfo |
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G-20 Nations Agree On Trade Migration Trump Lone Holdout On Climate Change |
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Donald Trump Bobble Head |
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What Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know |
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Trump interview with Chris Wallace |
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Trump Merkel i Macron nie przyjadą To pierwsza porażka COP24 Będzie też sukces Przewodnik przed szczytem |
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AMLO habla con Trump de invertir en la región para enfrentar migración |
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Eugenio Derbez saca la cara por la caravana migrante y criticó a Trump |
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Thông điệp biết ơn Thiên Chúa đoàn kết quốc gia của TT Trump Ngày Lễ Tạ Ơn |
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Trump renews China tariff threats ahead of meeting with Xi |
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Trump backs Treasury Secretary Mnuchin after reports of dissatisfaction |
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Trump Says He’ll Meet Putin ‘At The Appropriate Time’ |
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Trump to notify Congress in ‘near future’ he will terminate NAFTA |
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Don’t blame Trump’s tariffs for GM layoffs |
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Hubo contactos entre Trump y Putin durante el G20 |
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Alec Baldwin como Trump canto no llores por mi Argentina |
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63-Million Trump Voters |
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Donald Trump’s Granddaughter Arabella Serenades Chinese President Xi Jinping and Wife With a Chinese Folk Song |
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Trump lambasts FBI for not being able to stop leaks to media |
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Illinois doctors say Trump immigration proposal already scaring away patients |
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Jerry Nadler Accuses Trump of Knowing About Cohen Cover-Up: ‘We Have a President Who Lies Incessantly’ |
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Is Trump happy with his life |
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Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress about Trump Tower project in Moscow cuts deal with special counsel Robert Mueller |
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Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever ebook free by Rick Wilson epub/mobi |
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Donald Trump llegó a la Argentina para participar del G-20 |
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Another Mueller Leak Two of Trump’s Answers to Mueller Revealed |
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Trump feiert Ölpreis-Crash – dabei übersieht der US-Präsident wichtige Details |
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Trump Will Terminate NAFTA to Pressure Congress |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ABD Başkanı Trump’la bir araya geldi |
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Is Donald Trump a Russian operative |
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Audio Of Mathew Whitaker Badmouthing Trump Uncovered By Washington Post |
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“We can’t find much change in their approach President Xi may have a lot more to say in the bilateral meeting but at the moment we don’t see it” Larry Kudlow director of the US National Economic Council plays down hopes of a deal on trade when President Trump meets President Xi for dinner… Read more |
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DEFENDING DEMOCRATIC VALUES: President Trump is standing up to authoritarian regimes across the region |
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Hvorfor vil ingen høre på Donald Trump |
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Tiffany Trump Dons Bikini At The Beach In A Throwack Pic From Summer |
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Reunión entre Trump y Xi Jinping finaliza con acuerdo en aranceles que “alivia” la guerra comercial |
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Donald Trump ve “buenas señales” sobre comercio entre EE UU y… |
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Trump llegó con elogios para Macri y promesas de venta de armamento – Por tener handys |
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Trump reaffirms 2nd North Korea summit plan |
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Pacto de Buenos Aires: Trump y Xi acordaron una tregua en su guerra comercial |
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Trump blames military for SEAL’s death |
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Trump düştükçe TL ve AKP toparlanıyor |
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Trump y Xi Jinping abrieron una instancia de negociación de tres meses: no queda claro aún si China volverá a permitir el ingreso de soja estadounidense |
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FOTO Donald Trump a acordat „premiile” pentru știrile false ale anului 2017 |
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North Korea warns it may cancel summit with Trump if it has to give up nukes |
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Donald Trump vs South Africa By EMMANUEL YAWE |
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White House: Trump had ‘informal’ conversation with Putin at G-20 |
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REPORT: Trump comments on potential meeting with N Korea’s Kim early next year |
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Ivanka Trump felicita a AMLO por toma de protesta |
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That One Time Donald Trump Fought Vince McMahon at WWE Video |
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Trump pret takimin e radhës me Kim Jong-un në fillim të |
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Trump To Send Presidential Aircraft To Houston To Pick Up George HW Bush’s Casket |
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Merkel és Putyin Szíriáról és az ukrán-orosz konfliktusról folytatott megbeszélést Trump csak néhány szót váltott az orosz elnökkel |
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Trump: Migrantes en caravana son “criminales curtidos” |
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Nella battaglia di Macron Trump è un nemico insieme a Putin e alla Cina |
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Donald Trump exige fondos para la construcción del muro entre México y EEUU |
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‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin Returns As Trump With Appearances From Cohen Putin And The Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia |
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bannon is deceptive in his radical nationalism because trump is pure imperialist |
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Bombshell: President Trump Orders FBI To Re-Open Hillary Investigation! |
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Trump declares hope for a better US-Russia relationship |
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I Guess We All Follow Trump on Twitter Now |
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Robert De Niro langet ut mot Trump |
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Mattis to Baier on Whether He’s Leaving Trump Admin Soon: ‘If I Did Bret You Wouldn’t Be the One to Know’ |
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Leugnung des Klimawandels ist haben weniger stoppt Trump´s Nutztiere sterben in Massen |
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Michael Cohen’s lawyers revealed intriguing new details about President Donald Trump in a new court filing this week Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress and is |
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President Trump hits pause on tariff war with China – ABC |
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The Trump-Merkel Showdown |
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Roger Waters trató de “neofascistas” a Trump y Bolsonaro |
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For Europe The G-20 Summit Is About More Than Just Trump Xi And Putin |
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”De groază”! Melania Trump a împodobit Casa Albă cu brazi roșii iar reacțiile au fost pe măsură |
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Body Language of Trump and Macron |
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G20 launched: Trump cancelled planned meeting with Putin Bin Salman facing world leaders |
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The actual value of Trump’s tariffs |
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Breaking! Trump Administration Approves Seismic Testing In The Atlantic Ocean Shockingly Issuing 5 New Permits |
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Trump a Macri: “Estás haciendo un trabajo fantástico” |
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Trump súhlasil s tým že odloží plány na zvýšenie ciel na čínsky tovar za 200 miliárd dolárov od 1 januára |
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Alec Baldwin Returns to ‘SNL’ as Trump |
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O que pensa Bolton o assessor de Trump que se encontrou com Bolsonaro |
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Vladimir Putin aseguró que espera reunirse con Donald Trump en Buenos Aires: “Tiene una actitud positiva” |
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Trump Has Done Some Good Though |
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Trump Slams President Of Hawaii For Not Meeting Him At Airport |
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El Cardenal Brenes y el Obispo Báez elogian al Embajador de Donald Trump en Nicaragua |
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Trump vaatii korkeinta oikeutta ottamaan kantaa transsukupuolisten asemaan Yhdysvaltain erotettiin helluntaiseurakunnasta – taustalla homosuhde |
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Trump vil give Bush senior en sidste tur med Air Force One |
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US News: “Trump-Xi Meeting Puts Stock Market on Edge” |
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Don’t let Trump deport America’s Dreamers |
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G-20 expected to back trade body reform ahead of Trump Xi talks |
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Trump Abolishes NAFTA! |
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funny pictures of donald trump |
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How Kim has gotten the best of Trump |
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Why media coverage of disasters is so important in the age of Trump |
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On Friday June 29th thanks to information provided by USEPA whistleblowers who care about the environment science and justice Greenaction confirmed that Scott Pruitt head of the USEPA who is working to destroy environmental protections is planning on sneaking into San Francisco Unfortunately for the Trump and Pruitt gang we found out and will be there to raise our voices in protest! |
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Trump propone nueva regla para visa H-1B |
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Trump rozmawiał z Putinem |
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The Trump Tragedy: What Some Evangelicals of Color See that Most White Evangelicals Don’t |
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Sally Yates calls Trump’s attempt to undermine faith in institutions ‘dangerous’ |
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Migrant Caravan – Trump’s tirade for Midterm gains |
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My Name’s Donnie Trump |
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Putin says he and Trump discussed Kerch Strait |
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Donald Trump threatens to cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin |
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Tổng thống Trump điều Không lực Một chở di hài ông Bush ‘cha’ |
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Trump Responds To George HW Bush’s Death |
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Trans People Feel Threatened as the President Trump Administration Guts Trans-rights Guidance |
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Tổng thống Trump đề cập thời gian và 3 địa điểm tổ chức Hội nghị Thượng đỉnh Mỹ-Triều |
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The Cato Institute: “Immigration Application Denial Rates Jump 37 Under Trump” |
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Meryl Streep Takes Down Donald Trump In Her Golden Globe Speech |
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‘Putin ve Trump görüştüler |
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CNN Floors Trump as Court Orders White House to Return Acosta’s Press Pass |
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Trump Plans to Export Fossil Fuels From Military Campus Header |
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Diálogo entre as Coreias é mérito de Trump |
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Unjustice: Overcoming Trump’s Rollbacks on Youth Justice |
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Trump zelo nezadovoljen z odločitvijo GM-a za množično odpuščanje ameriških delavcev |
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Trump cancela su reunión con Putin en Argentina por la confrontación con Ucrania |
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Make Republicans pay for the Trump tax scam |
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Trump’s New Deal For Student Loans |
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Trump Pavilion |
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5 ways Trump’s 200B of China Tariffs Could Impact US |
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DOL Responds To Trump Executive Order on MEPs |
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Trump’s Authority to Launch Attack at Syria |
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Donald Trump Rubber Duck |
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Trump and Immigration Enforcement: The First 100 Days |
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Trump’s inner circle a cesspool |
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Nga hy vọng sớm tổ chức hội nghị thượng đỉnh Putin – Trump |
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Kris Kobach says he has talked with Trump won’t elaborate |
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Donald Trump rrit tarifat ndaj Apple me 25 |
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En el marco de la cumbre del G20 que se lleva a cabo en Argentina el presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump el presidente de México Enrique Peña Nieto y el primer ministro de Canadá Justin Trudeau firmaron el acuerdo comercial USMCA o T-MEC luego de un año de negociaciones |
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slate: Trump Xi Dinner Leads to Temporary Truce in China-US Trade War |
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Trump đang cân nhắc 5 địa điểm cho cuộc gặp với |
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Rain Commemorates Fallen Droplets That Defeated Trump Earlier Today |
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Top Trump Boss Issues CRITICAL WARNING on “Looming Crisis” Are You Going To Be Affected |
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G20 Trump e Xi Jinping firmano la tregua commerciale dopo una cena al G20 in le strade di Soverato sommerse dall’acqua intervengono i Vigili del Fuoco |
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Petrolio: Opec verso il taglio del barileMa Donald Trump tenta il blitz |
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Pres Trump UNLOADS Multiple Savage Strikes At Mueller amp Co ‘This Is Our Joseph McCarthy Era!’ |
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Trump to end Nafta before vote to revise pact with Canada Mexico |
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Putin briefs Trump over Ukraine EU leaders up pressure |
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ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE — US President Donald Trump said Saturday he is likely to meet North Korean … |
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A ‘Nerd’ IU Prof Helped Establish a Link Between The Trump Campaign and A Russian Bank—in 2016 |
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Will Donald Trump Run Again in 2020 |
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A Trump presidency is a direct threatto our safety and well-being |
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Democrats Will Not Pass President Trump’s USMCA Trade Agreement VIDEO |
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Michael Cohen’s Disclosures Raise Serious Questions About Donald Trump and His Business Interests |
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S3 BLACKLIGHT: Is President-Elect Trump Putting Coal in Tiffany’s Stockings |
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Can Trump Make Mexico Pay for the Wall |
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Trump culpa a Obama por permitir la intromisión rusa |
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ClimateTruthorg Reaction to Sam Clovis Withdrawal of USDA Responds to Trump Efforts to End DACA |
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Trump Putin had ‘informal’ meeting at G20 White House says |
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Reunión Peña-Trump la próxima semana en Washington |
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Technocrat or Storyteller On Hillbilly Elegy Public Schools and Trump |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan – Trump görüşmesi sona erdi |
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Ana Birchall a discutat cu Ivanka Trump şi Mike Pence despre… |
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Alec Baldwin’s Trump returns with worries about the Mueller investigation |
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Así se ignoraron Trump y Putin en el G20: ni… |
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Trump struntade i kamerorna – lämnade direkt |
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Trump is Puppet of Kissinger CFR and Rothschilds the True Architects of Russian Collusion |
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Arabia Saudí y Trump aumentan la producción de petróleo para mantener la oferta estable |
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Trump lawyer Michael Cohen tries to silence adult-film star Stormy Daniels – NBC News |
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Motgiften mot Trump og Co |
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Our trump card — there’s a federal election coming up! Here’s what to do: |
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Trump’s firm faces prosecutors as CFO reportedly gets immunity |
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Americans are starting to suffer from Trump’s health-care sabotage |
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Future Trump Will Be Named Supreme Leader! |
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Cohen and Sater Reportedly Colluded on Moscow Tower with Dmitri Peskov Putin’s Right Hand Man Beware Secret Sellouts at G-20 Sherrod Brown Shows GM Plant Closings Stem from 50 Tax Cut on Foreign Profits Built into GOP Tax Scam If Sir Neville Chamberlain Had Faced a Special Counsel 1938 Munich Appeasement Tragedy Might Have Been Avoided GOP Lockstep Fails to Install Farr as Federal Judge Senate Defies Trump on Yemen December 7 May Bring Trump’s New Pearl Harbor in Form of Government Shutdown |
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Hilarious moment Trump wanders off the G20 stage before a group photo and leaves Argentina’s President Macri on his own before he is caught muttering ‘Get me out of here’ on a hot mic |
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Trump Unleashes More Attacks On Mueller’s Probe: ‘So Ridiculous A Total Disgrace!’ |
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Atac cu bombă comis de traficanţii de droguri Ţinta ar fi fost fiica lui Trump |
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Trump impuso sus condiciones y el G20 evitó condenar el proteccionismo |
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« Je m’en fiche complètement et vous » : la veste de Melania Trump suscite la stupéfaction |
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Trump says he’ll be ‘formally terminating NAFTA’ says Congress will |
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Ambrose: Trump should take a hard look at his tariffs |
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Judge orders Trump to restore Jim Acosta’s White House press pass |
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¿Es real la amenaza de Trump de terminar con la Alianza para la Prosperidad |
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Brexit Trump and the populist right |
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Moment amuzant cu Trump la G20 A plecat de pe scena si a cerut sa fie scos de acolo – VIDEO |
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Dipendente di Twitter disattiva account di Trump |
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Trump and Xi’s Truce: What It Means for the Market This Week 11:15 AM |
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Why is Trump offering to help Nancy Pelosi become speaker |
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¿Deberían renunciar los Consejeros Evangélicos del Presidente Donald Trump |
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White House: Trump Had ‘Informal’ Conversation With Putin At G-20 |
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Trump slams Mueller over Russia probe |
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Donald Trump amp Michael Cohen Recording Proved Legal Advisor warned |
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Michael Cohen’s lawyers dropped a slew of intriguing bombshells about Trump in a new court filing |
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Trump og Xi indgår våbenhvile efter middag: Uanede muligheder for USA og Kina |
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Democrat Sherrod Brown ‘Hopeful’ About Trump’s Trade Discussion With China But ‘Not Clear’ Yet if Trump Got it Right |
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Kenyan clinic loses 2m in US aid over Trump abortion policy |
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BREAKING: Trump THREATENED By ABRUPT Legal Move From Stormy Daniels Lawyer After Cohen Guilty Plea |
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SUBJECT: Putin and Trump the Lubavitcher Messiahs |
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Trump grants US citizenship to in-laws |
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The Poison And Toxicity That Is Trump |
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Trump consideró que inversiones chinas en Latinoamérica “no van a funcionar” |
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The Power of Trump Nostalgia |
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Guilty By Association: Trump Turns Neo-Nazi For Noticing White Genocide |
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8 – Bartosz Bekier – Trump dąży do rewolucji w Iranie |
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Ambasador Nsofor and his wife with US President Trump at the White House |
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Donald Trump realizará un encuentro clave con Xi Xinping en el G20 |
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The power of the movements facing Trump |
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Trump és Kim Dzsong Un hamarosan újra Attila: Ne legyenek kétségeink hamarosan a tettek következnek |
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Judge rebuffs Trump administration on restrictive asylum order |
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From climate change to trade- Trump effect leaves G20 divided |
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Csak egy rövid flörtre futotta Trump és Putyin között a G20-csúcson |
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On Labor Day Trump takes aim at AFL-CIO union chief |
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Newsweek: Did Trump meet with Putin at G20 White House confirms surprise ‘informal’ meeting |
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Soții Trump au aprins luminiţele bradului de Crăciun de la Casa Albă |
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Trump: Oaths Orbs amp Political Alchemy |
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Donald Trump fustiga esta popular visa de trabajo y pronto será como él quiere |
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Ana Birchall a discutat cu Ivanka Trump și cu vicepreședintele american |
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Trump lë “me gisht në gojë” Presidentin argjentinas video |
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“It’s Not That Type of Probe” Says Mueller to Pantless Bent-Over Trump |
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Alec Baldwin Returns to Mock Trump’s Tough Week in “SNL” Cold Open |
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Trump Midterm 2018 – das Ende der Macht der |
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¿Licencia para matar No señor Trump Hasta aquí podíamos llegar |
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TRUMP ROOM トランプルーム |
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Francia se alió con China y endurece su postura contra Trump |
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Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating Trump Then lists wrestling reggae others |
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Tra Trump e Xi è tregua a gennaio i dazi Usa non saliranno |
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Trump concorda em adiar elevação de tarifas para produtos chega com a alegria do Natal |
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President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet for the first time ahead of their private talks in Singapore |
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CBS Welcomes ‘God’ to Promote Oprah’s 2020 Defeat of Trump: ‘Yes She Can!’ |
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Trump Putin İle Görüşmeyecek |
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Trump Investigations from mikenova 32 sites: Russia investigations – Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated |
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Usa Mbs e guerra nello Yemen: il Senato contro Trump |
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Mark Zuckerberg Fires FB Employee For Supporting President Trump |
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Germany had 159 country trade surpluses in 2017 EU biggest global exporter — Trump in 2017 wondered if the US had trade surpluses with any country! |
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Is Trump smarter than every scientist on earth |
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Élection providentielle – Trump et le programme Marine Le Pen |
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It’s time for the press to suspend normal relations with the Trump presidency |
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Deutsche Gate pour Donald Trump |
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How are the Capitol Steps like the Trump Administration |
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Quando Trump disse: “Ma che diavolo sono i mille raggi |
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Trump Brings FISA Docs Front amp Center Puts Dems In Check If They Choose To ‘Play Tough’ |
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“I’ll Eat My Hat If This Means Anything Substantive”: What The Trump-Xi Truce Really Achieved |
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Trump Just Stuck It To Caravan Members By Changing US Rules Before They Get Here |
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Welcome to the Donald Trump Simulator |
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Donald Trump was heard off camera saying get me out of here to an aide as he left the G20 summit in Buenos Aires leaving the president of Argentina standing alone on stage |
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Punch The Trump |
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“La Bestia” la limusina de Trump gastó 1650 pesos de nafta en Recoleta |
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Trump Inauguration Terrorist Plot Uncovered |
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Esta imagen le da la vuelta al mundo: Trump dejó solo a Macri en plena cumbre G20 |
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Erdoğan ve Trump’ın görüşmesi |
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Trump điều chuyên cơ Không lực Một chở thi hài Bush “cha” tới Washington |
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Can Trump Talk Down Interest Rates |
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Altro che Apocalisse! Con Trump il Pil Usa prende il volo |
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Trump lemondta a találkozót |
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Trump assistera aux funérailles de l’ancien président George HW Bush |
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