Cesar Sayoc: ‘MAGA Bomber’ Facebook Betrays Democrat Trump Infiltrator Anti-GOP Posts |
236 |
Dems Trump trade blame as shutdown slogs into 2nd weekend |
57 |
Trump Democrats play the blame game in 2nd shutdown weekend |
52 |
Trump EPA orders rollback of Obama mercury regulations |
46 |
‘MAGA’ Bomber Suspect’s Trump Van Shown on Facebook Without Trump Stickers |
44 |
The Latest: Trump tweets he’s waiting for Dems to make deal |
42 |
Stelter looks at the Trump Fox News ‘love story’ |
33 |
Female veterans defy vote trend to oppose Trump seek office |
33 |
Trump Democrats play the blame game in 2nd shutdown weekend 2 hours ago |
25 |
Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019 |
20 |
The Latest: Trump tweets he’s waiting for Dems to make deal |
20 |
Trump says ‘big progress’ made in talks with China |
19 |
See how Trump’s false claims have multiplied |
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Borderland residents react to President Trump’s threat to shut down the border updated |
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Borderland residents react to President Trump’s threat to shut down the border 12 hours ago |
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Trump says ‘big progress’ made in talks with China |
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AP poll shows high job approval for Trump from veterans |
13 |
Trump and Tennessee Senator trade insults over Twitter 5 days ago |
13 |
Deutsche Bank About To Go Under House Microscope – Trump Owes German Bank Over 300 Million – Jim Heath TV Friday December 28th 2018 at 6:22 PM |
12 |
Could Trump’s Relationship With Deutsche Bank Lead To Money Laundering Charges Congress May Conduct Parallel Probe To Mueller Investigation – International Business Times Friday December 28th 2018 at 6:22 PM |
12 |
271218 Endlich – Trump entlarvt NASA-Betrug und veräppelt ISS-Astronauten in Live Sendung! |
11 |
Trump and China loom over a tumultuous year in Asia |
11 |
Trump Democrats play the blame game in 2nd shutdown weekend 1 hour ago |
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Donald Trump |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera sur si no habilitan fondos para muro |
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Trump ramps up threats over wall funding |
9 |
McCaskill warns Dems about ‘cheap’ rhetoric says GOP senators privately believe Trump is ‘nuts’ |
8 |
Trump Democrats play the blame game in 2nd shutdown weekend new |
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Trump administration attempts to soothe allies’ worries over Syria troop withdrawal |
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Trump vs the Economy |
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How Trump’s Phone Call to Erdogan Changed Syria’s War |
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JUST IN: President Trump Holds Nothing Back Threatens Obstructionist Democrats — “Give Us The Money” |
8 |
Update: EJP Personal Letter to President Donald Trump on Jesuit Conspiracy against America Removed from Scribe D! |
7 |
Trump administration attempts to soothe allies’ worries over Syria troop withdrawal |
7 |
Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019 |
7 |
Trump pulled out of a massive trade deal Now 11 countries are going ahead without the US |
6 |
Trump amenaza con cerrar por completo la frontera con México |
6 |
Trump-Russia: Republican probe of alleged FBI bias ends ‘with a whimper’ |
6 |
Cezar Juan Trevino Haym // Trump y demócratas se culpan por cierre de gobierno |
6 |
EEUU: 58 rechaza muro de Trump y demanda reabrir Administración |
6 |
Deciphering the Patterns in Trump’s Falsehoods |
6 |
Chris cuomo STUNNED by Ana Navarro DESTROYS Steve Cortes After he Demands she ‘BE NICE’ to Trump |
6 |
The Guardian: America’s new year’s resolution: impeach Trump and remove him |
5 |
Robert Mueller House Democrats and slowing economy will end Trump’s ‘great time’ in 2019 – USA TODAY Saturday December 29th 2018 at 9:25 AM |
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10 Key Ways House Democrats Plan to Investigate the Trump Administration – Rolling Stone Saturday December 29th 2018 at 9:22 AM |
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Ocasio-Cortez Slams GOP And Trump Over Shutdown |
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Trump retreats from public view as government shutdown continues over border wall fight |
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“La palabra ‘sorpresa’ se queda corta”: Cómo una llamada de Trump cambió la guerra en Siria |
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Donald Trump Has ‘Dynamited the Institution of the Presidency’ in First 2 Years Says Presidential Historian – Newsweek Saturday December 29th 2018 at 9:24 AM |
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People Are Confused About Melania Trump’s Flesh-Colored Pants |
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President Trump: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors are on the Attack from Within Your Administration |
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Donald Trump Give funds for wall or will seal Mexico border |
5 |
Trump transition team under Mueller’s microscope – CNN Saturday December 29th 2018 at 9:20 AM |
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Trump: acordo com China será bem abrangente e atenderá todos pontos de disputa |
5 |
Majority in poll want Trump impeached or censured |
5 |
Federal Employees Union Rep Shreds Trump For Holding Workers Hostage |
5 |
· Female Veterans Defy Vote Trend To Oppose Trump Seek Office |
5 |
Year of the anti-Trump: Robert Mueller’s tenacious investigation – The Irish Times Saturday December 29th 2018 at 9:19 AM |
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The Guardian: Shutdown enters day eight with Trump unmoved and Democrats determinedby Martin Pengelly and agencies Saturday December 29th 2018 at 9:12 AM |
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Fact checking Donald Trump’s holiday fictions |
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Fear of a Rand Paul-Influenced Trump Foreign Policy |
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REPORT: Melania Trump’s trip to Iraq marked first war zone visit by a first lady for over a decade |
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Trump Suriye’den Çekilemez |
4 |
CHICAGO CARNAGE: Black Activists Slam REALFAKE Trump Tower Deception |
4 |
Más de mitad de EEUU rechaza muro de Trump y demanda reabrir Administración |
4 |
Toddler dies days after reunion with Yemeni mom Family says Trump travel ban kept her away |
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Trump to Review Murder Case Against Fmr Green Beret Multi-Video |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera si no logra el muro |
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Trump threatens to close Mexico border blames Democrats over shutdown |
4 |
How Environmental Policies Fared In Trump’s Cross Hairs In 2018 |
4 |
Trump Scores Breaks Generals’ 50-Year War Record |
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LIVE: President Donald Trump Biloxi Mississippi MAGA Rally |
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WATCH: Vape Store Employee Goes Absolutely Ballistic On Trump Supporter |
4 |
Si no hay muro cierro frontera sur: Trump |
4 |
Trump’ın Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Bolton Türkiye’yi ziyaret edecek |
4 |
Donald Trump Destroyed Obama’s Life With Just One Tweet |
4 |
Democrats Refuse To Fund Trump’s “immoral” Wall |
4 |
Trump enjoys high job approval from veterans — unless they’re women: AP poll |
4 |
Post Syria: Why Trump Must Clean Out His National Security Cabinet |
4 |
Trump amenazó con cerrar la frontera con México si el Congreso no financia el muro |
4 |
Nasheed calls on Gov Parson to work with Trump Congress to end partial shutdown |
4 |
‘Just full of it’: Trump caught telling lies to troops |
4 |
Donald Trump Jr Destroys Media Over Double Standard |
4 |
AMLO prefiere no incomodar a Trump y guarda silencio sobre su última amenaza |
4 |
Trump beruhigt Israel nach Abzug aus Syrien: “Wir geben euch doch 45 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr” |
4 |
Geraldo Rivera Slams CNN After They Attack Troops For Supporting President Trump — DETAILS |
4 |
President Trump Insists on Border Wall Funding in Govt Funding Bill |
4 |
Trump y demócratas se culpan por cierre de gobierno |
4 |
Trump Lies To US Troops Pretends He Gave Them Their First Raise In Ten Years! |
3 |
Trump Is About To Be Swallowed Up By Biden / Beto In 2020 |
3 |
The Syrian army enters Manbij as Trump follows through on withdrawal: Iraq is next |
3 |
Trump’s Attorney Will Take Down Mueller With A Crazy Move |
3 |
President Trump Works While Nancy Pelosi Plays In Hawaii |
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Das chaotische Trump-Jahr 2018 in Bildern |
3 |
Trump amenaza con cierre fronterizo analistas advierten sobre costos |
3 |
Donald Trump is completely transforming the Democrats |
3 |
Trump dice que está esperando a los demócratas en la Casa Blanca para … |
3 |
Trump renews threat to seal US-Mexico border if wall not funded |
3 |
Poll shows high job approval for Trump from veterans |
3 |
Mexican President Reacts To Trump With Caution |
3 |
Donald Trump amenință cu închiderea frontierei cu Mexicul dacă nu va fi finanțată construirea unui zid la frontiera de sud a SUA |
3 |
Redadas migratorias durante el gobierno de Donald Trump |
3 |
Why mainstream media shifted their business model around President Trump |
3 |
Trump dice que está esperando a los demócratas en la Casa Blanca para un … |
3 |
Trump recibirá el Año Nuevo en la Casa Blanca por cierre parcial del Gobierno |
3 |
Top Democrats accuse Trump of lying about CIA’s Jamal Khashoggi report |
3 |
Trump Threatens to Close Border if Democrats Don’t Fund Border Wall |
3 |
Trump Says He May Close The Southern US Border Entirely |
3 |
Con Trump a toda costa |
3 |
Shutdown looms over Trump border wall funding |
3 |
Forest Whitaker files for divorce from Keisha Latest: Trump tweets he’s waiting for Dems to make deal |
3 |
Trump Signs Farm Bill Hemp Becomes Federally Legal |
3 |
Trump responds to Israeli complaints about US troops exiting Syria: We give Israel 45 billion |
3 |
Poll: More Americans Blame Trump For Government Shutdown |
3 |
Malgré le décret afghan de Trump les commandants américains qualifient de » rumeurs » toute allusion au retrait des troupes |
3 |
3 |
Trump Russia |
3 |
Trump cede Siria a Bashar Al Assad y Rusia: El unipolarismo ha muerto |
3 |
Trump może wycofać wojska z Polski Przerażająca wizja niemieckiego tygodnika |
3 |
Democrats send out job postings seeking lawyers and legal staff to investigate President Trump |
3 |
Schmick: The Trump Dump |
3 |
Kathy Griffin Tells Trump ‘Shut the Fck Up amp Prepare for Prison’ — Gets Destroyed |
3 |
Trump Admin Considers Weakening Coal Power Plant Mercury Pollution Standards |
3 |
2018 in review: 5 foreign-policy debacles that show why GOP must confront Trump |
3 |
As Schumer Declares War On Trump 2009 Video Comes Back To Haunt Him |
3 |
Trump mści się za karawanę uchodźców Trzy kraje zostaną pozbawione pomocy |
3 |
Donald Trump Presses Democrats on Border Wall Funding Ahead |
3 |
Xhale City Vape Clerk Fired For Meltdown Over Ian Furgeson’s Trump Hat |
3 |
in the Time of Trump |
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13 Things That Probably Sent Donald Trump Into A Rage Spiral In 2018 |
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Infografía: Redadas de inmigración en el gobierno de Donald Trump 2017/2018 |
3 |
3 |
Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly Not ‘Necessary’ |
3 |
Trump asegura que ha habido “un gran progreso” en negociaciones con China |
3 |
CNN Attacked Troops For Getting ‘MAGA’ Hats Signed By Trump CNN Said Nothing When Obama Did It |
3 |
Omite AMLO opinar sobre amenaza de Trump |
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Despite tumultuous year in DC Melania Trump shined |
3 |
Making drugs great again Trump-themed ecstasy pills surface |
3 |
– Mark Taylor: Military Tribunals amp Latest Trump Prophecies |
3 |
Trump åpner for økte utslipp av kvikksølv |
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Trump vs Demokraten: Wer zuckt verliert |
3 |
How Environmental Policies Fared In Trump’s Cross Hairs In 2018 |
3 |
Trump meets Xi: No extra tariffs as talks continue |
3 |
Trump Learns Pelosi Is In Hawaii During Gov’t Shutdown Makes Her Pay |
3 |
Donald Trump rút quân khỏi Syria Afghanistan để tập trung đối phó Trung Quốc |
3 |
2018 Trump ve Gazeteciler Açısından Çekişme Dolu Bir Yıl Oldu |
3 |
Trump: “Los medios de noticias falsas enloquecieron cuando firmé gorras de ‘MAGA’ a militares en el exterior” |
3 |
Yemeni boy whose mother sued Trump administration dies in California hospital |
3 |
Trump revela por accidente localización e identidades de fuerzas especiales de |
3 |
Donald Trump y Melania visitan tropas en Irak |
3 |
El cuento de Navidad de Donald Trump: solo en Washington y sin vacaciones |
3 |
3 |
Leaving Syria: President Trump’s Withdrawal – OpEd |
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Mayoría en EEUU por enjuiciar a presidente Trump |
3 |
Trump continues canceling his plan with family for New Year’s Eve |
3 |
If Trump’s Mother Was Still Alive He Would Shove Her Under Air Force One Just To Stay In Power |
3 |
VIDEO: Michael Moore voices sinister New Year’s wish for Trump family |
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ANALYSIS: New year new trouble for President Trump |
3 |
Trump: Patrick Shanahan Will Replace James Mattis as Defense Secretary Effective January 1 |
3 |
Nancy Pelosi Will Be Cleaning Up Trump’s ‘House’ In Six Days |
3 |
2018: el tumultuoso año de Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca |
3 |
Trump threatens to close the Southern US border ‘entirely’ if Congress doesn’t fund his wall |
3 |
Trump for Mexico |
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Suspect in California shooting in US illegally prompting Trump tweet |
3 |
Quốc tế nổi bật: Tổng thống Trump nổi giận trên Twitter Tây Ban Nha ra tay giúp dân di cư |
3 |
House probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious end — with no report |
3 |
Amaga Trump con cierre total de la frontera exige recursos para muro |
3 |
Skandál Trump plní předvolební sliby |
3 |
Winning Bigly Trump Dismantling the NWO |
3 |
Will The Democrats Tell Trump To Eat Cake |
3 |
Syria: Damascus government refuses autonomous Kurdish entity – Politics – ANSAMed By Trump These Teens Are Turning Instagram PoliticalHuffPost AlejandraSosa |
3 |
Why Mark Hamill Gets Upset When Trump Is Compared To Darth Vader |
3 |
Trump asegura que ha habido un gran progreso en negociaciones con China |
3 |
Trump dice que está esperando a demócratas en Casa Blanca para hacer … |
3 |
Trump’s reckoning is well underway |
3 |
Syrie : la très sage décision de Donald Trump… |
3 |
Study: China Mostly Pays for Trump’s Trade War US “Strategically Levied” Tariffs |
3 |
Trump hasn’t ordered troops to withdraw from Afghanistan: official |
3 |
A Call to Vote for Trump! Why |
3 |
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks – Trump Investigations Report Friday December 28th 2018 at 5:25 PM |
3 |
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Official Portrait of Trump Shot on Older Camera than Obama |
3 |
Trump will stay in DC through the shutdown |
2 |
Republican Congressman Humiliates Trump For Ridiculous Threat To Close Border And Kill NAFTA Over His Wall |
2 |
Don Lemon Previews The Hell ‘Pouting Child’ Trump Faces After Democrats Take Over The House In 2019 |
2 |
Poll shows only 20 of American 7-year-olds believe in Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump’s focus on pleasing his most ardent supporters raises questions about reelection strategy – The Washington Post |
2 |
Trump v Bernie: who makes the better Juggalo |
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Trump reveals US military as protection racket |
2 |
Trump sí puede ser enjuiciado |
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Trump Warns Honduras Guatemala El Salvador that Aid is Gone Unless They Stop Illegal Caravans |
2 |
Trump verhindert de Verenigde Naties om de enige wereldregering… |
2 |
Trump Thinks He’s Safe From Indictment Then an Old Ken Starr Document Shows Up |
2 |
Trump Slams Twitter’s Shadow Banning of Prominent Republicans |
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Obama le da un duro golpe al ego del presidente Trump |
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US Government shutdown: Donald Trump negotiations with Democrats collapse |
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Stelter looks at the Trump Fox News love story |
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Air Force shoots down CNN claim troops violated regs by having Trump sign MAGA hats |
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Reuters: TT Trump sẽ ký lệnh cấm mua bán sản phẩm Huawei và ZTE trên toàn nước Mỹ vào 1-2 019 |
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Đại sứ Mỹ thời Obama bảo vệ quyết định rút quân khỏi Syria của Trump |
2 |
El duro mensaje que envía este republicano a los que apoyan a Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump’s Personal Charity Ordered Closed |
2 |
Donald Trump Toilet Brush |
2 |
Donald Trump amenaza con el fin de ayudas a Centroamérica y cierre de frontera mexicana |
2 |
Vous attendez Cobra Fulford Q Trump la réinitialisation financière Mais réveillez-vous donc le monde n’attend que vous ! |
2 |
NYMag asks: What if the Trump-Russia collusion scandal is ‘much worse than we suspect’ |
2 |
Trump’s Geopolitical Paradoxes: Unpredictable Concerns For India’s Eurasia Connect – Analysis |
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El trampantojo de Trump |
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Trump Warned — “Big Danger” At The US-Mexico |
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Nigeria’s former President Obasanjo delivers soft criticism of Trump’s Africa policy – why it matters |
2 |
40 Companies Give Trump Tax Reform Bonuses Up To 2000 |
2 |
Trump’ın çekilmesinin amacı bu imiş Okuyun her şeyi anlayacaksınız |
2 |
Peggy Seeger First Time Ever: A Memoir Reviewed by Warren Leming Asad Haider Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump Reviewed by Aidan J Beatty |
2 |
South Carolina girl 7 who spoke to Trump about Santa says |
2 |
REPORT: Trump administration attempts to soothe allies’ worries over Syria troop withdrawal |
2 |
President Trump Unhappy With Decision By General Motors To Cut Production |
2 |
The Gateway President: Is Donald Trump driving people to do mushrooms |
2 |
Republican Adviser Reveals He Realized “Trump is an actual traitor” |
2 |
Trump Signs Executive Order To Improve Mental Health |
2 |
READ: Donald Trump’s EPA Wants To End Obama-Era Regulations on Mercury Pollution from Coal Plants |
2 |
2 |
American Electrical Grid Under Withering Attack! Deep State Warning to Trump |
2 |
Four reasons Trump’s withdrawal is an error |
2 |
Donald Trump Is Handing House Democrats a Loaded Gun |
2 |
27 Shocking And Unbelievable Trump Quotes About Women |
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Michelle Obama says Trump ‘birther’ concept put her members of the family in danger |
2 |
Does America owe Trump a debt of gratitude on race relations |
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Donald Trump Has Beef with DirectTV Over UFC Fight |
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Here is the psychological condition that best explains Trump’s twisted worldview |
2 |
Working-Class Families Are Winning Big Under Trump |
2 |
Updated Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019 |
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Menuju Agama Cinta Bukan Agama Kebencian ala Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump Issues Ultimatum to Democrats: Fund Wall or Southern Border Shuts Down ‘Entirely’ |
2 |
Jennifer Rubin: Trump flubs yet another routine task |
2 |
Trump could suffer ‘political costs’ from a prolonged shutdown: Matthew Continetti |
2 |
WaPo: Trump Needs to Destroy Venezuela to Save It |
2 |
ESP 2-3ENG : Three Lions Trump La Roja in High Scoring Game |
2 |
Omarosa Trump’s first defeat and it took a nasty self-serving Golem to deliver it |
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President Trump Maintains Innocence Amidst New Court Filings |
2 |
Environmental Rules Going Out the Door Under Trump |
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Kako je Trump gnojeći našu „Lipu“ zagnojio Hrvatsku |
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Mark Hamill: «Non paragonate Trump a Darth Vader!» ecco perchè il villain di Star Wars è una persona migliore |
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Trump amenaza con cortar toda la ayuda a Centroamérica |
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Representante de Trump já está a caminho e avisa: quer oportunidade no Brasil para negócios de “defesa” |
2 |
Melania Trump’s nude leather pants sparks online debate over peculiar fashion choice on her return from Iraq |
2 |
Good riddance to a bad year: Trump closes out the calendar with squirrelly Iraq visit – Salon |
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Home Depot Founder Vies to Become Official Sponsor of Mexico-America Wall Endorses Trump |
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O Trump είναι έτοιμος να υπογράψει εντολή που θα μπλοκάρει τις εμπορικές δραστηριότητές των Huawei και ZTE |
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Donald Trump recibe duro golpe de realidad por su amenaza de cierre “completo” de la frontera |
2 |
Trump widens demands in wall standoff threatens Mexico border closure |
2 |
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Vdes djali 2 vjeçar nëna e të cilit paditi administratën “Trump” |
2 |
Trump in Iraq: Recognition fiction friction |
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Trump amenaza con el fin de las ayudas a Centroamérica y el cierre de la frontera con México |
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Donald Trump: „Statele Unite nu pot continua să fie jandarmul lumii” |
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Trump dọa cắt viện trợ cho hàng loạt nước Trung Mỹ |
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Vdes djali 2 vjeçar nëna e të cilit paditi administratën Trump |
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Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border Entirely and End Trade Deals Unless Wall Is Funded |
2 |
Trump-Russia: Republican probe of alleged FBI bias ends ‘with a whimper’ |
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Ivana Trump Says Trump Used to Read Hitler Speeches Trump Denies The Claims |
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Blame Anybody But Trump |
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Trump’s New Campaign Hotline Is a Cry for Help |
2 |
McCaskill warns Dems about ‘cheap’ rhetoric says GOP senators privately believe Trump is ‘nuts’ |
2 |
Trump’s character will be his downfall |
2 |
Den blinde damen forutså 9/11 og dannelsen av IS Spådommen for 2019 er ikke godt nytt for Trump og Putin |
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The latest Tweets from Donald Trump |
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El cuento de Navidad de Donald Trump: solo en la Casa Blanca y sin vacaciones |
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Melania Trump’s Flesh-Colored Pants Shock Some People |
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Trump Has Historic Senate Win And Couldn’t Be Happier With Dems Taking The House admits he personally got rid of Jef Flake Trump goes on the offensive |
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Trump ki akarja tiltani Amerikából a Huawei és ZTE készülékeket |
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EEUU y Cuba de la cercanía de Obama a la hostilidad de Trump |
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Mueller’s Investigation Shifts Focus to Trump’s Suspicious Michigan/Wisconsin Wins |
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Incoming New York attorney general plans wide-ranging investigations of Trump and family |
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Ông Trump dọa cắt viện trợ cho hàng loạt quốc gia Trung Mỹ |
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Individuals Are Confused About Melania Trump’s Flesh-Colored Pants |
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Trump kërcënon të mbyllë kufirin SHBA-Meksikë |
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Trump EPA says limits on mercury emissions from coal plants not necessary |
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Extreme Video – Vape Shop Employee Has Epic Meltdown Over Trump Shirt |
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Izvjestilac UN-a: Trump je najgori dezinformator na internet |
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Trump au bord du krach cdanslair 27122018 |
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20 Things You Didn’t Know About Donald Trump |
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Q Trump Ordered All Military To Return Home Per GESARA Imminent Financial System Reboot |
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Cựu Giám đốc FBI thừa nhận phê chuẩn lệnh FISA dù không biết gì về thông đồng Trump-Nga |
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Donald Trump será “quemado” en Honduras por rechazo a caravana de inmigrantes |
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Ledarkollen: Kaoset runt Trump |
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Amaga Trump con cierre total de la frontera con México |
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Trump Wants Developer to Build His Wall He Responds With: “The wall is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever seen or heard in my life” |
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Trump-Hating Actor Alec Baldwin Arrested for Assault |
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Maxine’s Impeachment Orgasm: Forget Trump She’s Planning for Pence Too |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome on Nitrous |
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Trump Gets Put in His Place by Commander Who Caught Bin Laden: “Greatest Threat to Democracy in My Lifetime” |
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Friday News: “Obscene” Trump Politicized Flat-Out Lied to the Troops in Iraq ” Unpaid |
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Trump administration: US limits on coal plant mercury emissions too costly |
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Trump’s 2018 Immigration Plan: |
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President Trump Orders DOJ To Stop Using Arabic Numerals Another Obama Policy GONE |
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Trump: ‘Either We Build the Wall or We Close the Border’ |
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VIDEO: Liberal store employee LOSES IT when guy walks in with Trump gear!! |
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NYT Writer Guarantees Trump Will Be Impeached Even If He Didn’t Commit Any Crimes |
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Trump cerrará frontera con México sin recursos para el muro |
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Melania Trump releases ‘Billionaire Wife Bluez’ album |
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Trump Steals PR March In Nicodemus-like Trip To Iraq |
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Trump Fires Shot Across Dem’s Bow Scores Direct Hit |
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Apprentice Producers Struggled to Make Trump—and His Decisions—Seem Coherent |
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American-Islamic council: 2-year-old son of a Yemeni woman who sued Trump administration to let her into US has died |
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Trump Refuses to Sign G20 Statement on Climate Change |
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Trump’s Latest Shutdown Tactic Is To Threaten To Close The Border With Mexico — Meanwhile About 800000 Federal Workers Aren’t Getting Paid |
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Donald Trump: SHBA jo më “polici i botës” |
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Trump admin looks to counter China Russia’s growing power in Africa with new strategy |
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Donald Trump kpi z Polaków Zniósł wizy naszym sąsiadom |
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GOP Congressman Calls For Compromise Wants Trump To End Federal Shutdown |
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Po Syrii Trump powinien oczyścić aparat bezpieczeństwa narodowego |
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Trump doesn’t want you to know: Obamacare Open Enrollment Season ends Dec 15! |
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Trump Fan Face Plants When Asked About The Donald’s Endless Lying Video |
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Don Lemon Previews The Hell ‘Pouting Child’ Trump Faces After |
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Nancy Pelosi fights ‘Trump Shutdown’ with Resistance luxury vacation in Hawaii |
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Trump destaca ‘grande progresso’ em negociação comercial com China |
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Trump EPA orders rollback of Obama mercury regulations Update |
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El abandono de Siria por parte de Trump |
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Melania Trump returns to Mar-a-Lago to be with her son after a busy Christmas |
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Bowser Urges Trump to ‘Reach a Deal’ |
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READ: Rep Mark Meadows Tweets ‘President Trump Has Consistently Shown a Deep Admiration and Respect for Our Troops’ |
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Under pressure: Trump more vulnerable than ever |
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Trump furious over budget fight threatens to close US-Mexico border |
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President Trump Designates FHFA Acting Director |
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Thursday News: “As Shutdown Continues Resolution May Depend on Definition of ‘Wall’” “Trump Imperils |
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BREAKING: President Trump Orders Drug Tests for All Members of Congress |
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Ipantaro Melania Trump yagaragaye yambaye yatumye benshi bacika ururondogoro ku mbuga nkoranyambaga |
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Trump threatens to close southern… |
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If Democrats Won’t Give Trump WALL He’s Gonna Burn Iowa TO THE GROUND! |
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Trump says he’ll close border if wall isn’t funded |
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Mercury in retrograde: Trump EPA orders rollback of Obama-era regulations |
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– Trump brutális csapásra készül a kínai-amerikai kereskedelmi háborúban |
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Maduro a Trump: Estoy dispuesto a sentarme a dialogar sobre las diferencias bilaterales |
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Cuando Alguien Serio Dice Que la Destitución de Trump es Inevitable se Vale Prestarle Atención |
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Fred Whitaker’s OC GOP chose Trump over Vietnamese-American voters |
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Besuch im Irak: Trump postet Twitter-Video und verrät damit schwerwiegendes Geheimnis |
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Rusia organiza humillación a Trump |
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Most Americans Don’t Want a Wall Do Want Trump to Shut His Pie Hole |
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Border Security: Trump Has a Pair the Size of ALASKA |
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What you need to know about the Trump Baby blimp that will greet POTUS in the UK |
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7 Times Hollywood Celebs Wished Violence Against Trump in 2018 |
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Trump takes ‘shackles’ off ICE which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe |
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WhiteHousegov: President Trump Leads Made in America Roundtable |
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Trump Administration Now Legalizing The Right For Coal Companies To Poison Americans |
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Steun Trump voor Saoedi-Arabië is identiek aan Obama en hun voorgangers |
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Face the facts: Trump is bad for Israel Opinion |
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How The Economy Would Be Impacted If Trump Really Closed The Border |
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Rand Paul Supports Trump |
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With Trump Ready to Leave Afghanistan can Qatar Broker a Peace |
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Trump reitera demanda del muro en sexto día de cierre gubernamental |
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President Donald Trump has a message for Washington and Wall Street |
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Should Trump continue to take aim at the Fed |
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Donald Trump amenazó con cerrar la frontera de Estados Unidos con México sino se financia muro |
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READ: Mazie Hirono Tweets ‘As Long as Donald Trump Refuses to Re-Open the Government I Will Be Donating My Salary to Hawaii’s Food Banks’ |
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Amenaza Trump con un cierre total de la frontera si no se autoriza el muro |
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Media Tries to Get Troops in Trouble For Having Trump Sign Autographs Didn’t Care When Obama Did It |
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Updated Trump administration attempts to soothe allies’ worries over Syria troop withdrawal |
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US limits on coal plant mercury emissions too costly: Trump’s EPA |
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Dems Trump trade blame as shutdown slogs on |
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Trump says big progress on possible China trade deal |
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Donald Trump será “quemado” en Honduras por rechazo a inmigrantes |
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HEATED EXCHANGE: Elizabeth Warren DESTROYS Trump’s Federal Reserve Nominee |
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Trump to Continue Funding on 13 Billion Gateway Program at Hudson River |
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Trump prijeti zatvaranjem granice s Meksikom ako Kongres ne odobri novac za zid |
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Bà Melania Trump gây tranh cãi với chiếc quần phản chủ trông như bán khỏa thân |
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Trump Is Trolling The World To Spark Nationalism |
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Dems’ New Year’s resolution: Stiff Trump on the wall and re-open the government |
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Fed’s Powell Has Much to Lose Little to Gain in Meeting Trump |
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Trump se agencia triunfo en nuevo acuerdo comercial con México y Canadá |
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Przedsiębiorcy – Trump wie o czym mówi » |
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Majority of US voters want Trump impeached or censured: Poll |
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Obama’s Syria Ambassador Has a Surprising Response to Trump’s Decision |
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Pdvsa habría firmado contratos “desfavorables” con empresa norteamericana cercana a Trump |
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Donald Trump amenaza con cierre completo de la frontera sur en caso de no conseguir fondos para el muro |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera a menos que se financie el muro |
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Trump calls out Democrats for shutdown during Iraq visit |
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Dems Trump Trade Blame as Shutdown Slogs into 2nd Weekend |
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Trump Effect |
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La posibilidad de un proceso de “impeachment” contra Donald Trump dispararía |
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Trump denounces a political justice and opposes the head of the Supreme Court |
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Trouble In GOP As Republicans Feel “Burned” By Trump’s Shutdown Won’t Do “Anything” To Help Him |
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Trump’s “Softening” On Wall Gives Conservatives Belly Ache |
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O’Rourke rips Trump’s border wall |
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Proof Trump is anointed by GOD! The Last Trump as prophesied in the bible is POTUS! The messenger |
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Trump compromises to close outskirt altogether except if Democrats finance divider |
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Amaga Trump con cierre total de la frontera exige recursos para |
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Trump Ancam Tutup Seluruh Perbatasan AS-Meksiko |
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The Little Boy Whose Yemeni Mom Fought The Trump Travel Ban To Be With Him Has Died |
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– ∆ YAHuWAH The “Trump Card” A NATION OF YAH amp KINGS THE 12 TRIBES |
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Donald Trump será “quemado” en Honduras por rechazo a caravana de |
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Trump’s wall – to keep Americans in |
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Through the eyes of a narcissist: How Trump Views the World |
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2-year-old son of Yemeni mother who battled the Trump administration’s travel ban dies |
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‘He’s still in prison’: Trump lifts Turkey sanctions but Americans remain detained |
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Trump spent the year pushing us closer to nuclear war |
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Trump is trying to ban Huawei and ZTE’s 5G equipment |
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Tell DOJ: Don’t block Trump indictment |
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Trump: ‘Build The Wall Or Close The Border’ |
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Crime Rate Comparison between Obama and Trump Era |
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CNN Leaks Confidential Trump-Cohen Recording |
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Trump Biographer Details Cocaine Scandal Cover-up on CNN |
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OC “Mex-In-Chief” on the “maremoto azul” and crushing Trump’s baldheads |
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Trump threatens to shut down southern border over wall funding |
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Trump se perderá su fiesta de Fin de Año y pasará solo en la Casa Blanca |
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President Donald Trump stunned the US establishment by |
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As Government Shutdown Set to Go into New Year Trump Threatens to Close the Southern Border |
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Trump’s Black Hispanic Poll Numbers Spell 2020 Landslide |
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Nancy Pelosi Set To Do Battle With Trump |
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INCROYABLE ! Trump révèle par erreur l’identité de membres d’une unité |
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Trump refuses to testify before Mueller his attorney “Only over my dead body” |
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Thursday News: “As Shutdown Continues Resolution May Depend on Definition of ‘Wall’” “Trump Imperils the Planet” Corporate Media Massive Failed on Climate Change in… |
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Trump Calls Media “Enemy of the People” Then George Bush Puts Him in His Place |
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Trump amenaza cerrar la frontera EEUU-México si el Congreso no financia su muro |
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Donald Trump destacó un “gran progreso” en las negociaciones comerciales con China |
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Trump sees no way of overcoming Iran Russia aid in Syria: Ex-US diplomat |
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Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique le shutdown s’embourbe |
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Xhale City Vape Shop employee has epic meltdown over Trump Shirt |
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Republican Congressman Humiliates Trump For Ridiculous Threat To Close Border And |
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Trump finally found a conspiracy theory he doesn’t believe |
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Trump swipes at senators Mattis over military alliances |
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Media Roots Radio: Deadly Wildfires Midterm Wash Trump Fans Flames of Civil War |
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Trump is headed for a wake-up call on reality of divided government That’s not a bad thing – Washington Examiner |
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Saturday News: “Ire Turns to Fear for Federal Workers” “Trump: Give Me a Wall or I’ll Engineer a Recession” “New dawn for new utility… |
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Urge President Trump to Stand Firm on the Border Wall! |
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Did social media elect Donald Trump |
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Pelosi and Schumer Post Near Identical Anti-Trump Tweets |
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Trump gets pass from Congress on Puerto Rico deaths |
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Amaga Trump de nuevo con cerrar frontera |
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President Trump just dropped two ‘yuge’ surprises on Democrats |
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Nga vừa xây xong bức tường nhanh rẻ và khủng giữa Ukraine-Crimea: Ghen tị chưa ông Trump! |
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REPORT: Trump Democrats play the blame game in 2nd shutdown weekend |
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Trump’s Foreign Policy and the Sowing of Illiberal Disorder |
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EEUU: Donald Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera si no hay dinero para el muro de México |
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Robert Reich Silences Every Trump Supporter with One Overlooked Fact |
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Trump killing baby Jesus 12/22/18 |
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Mueller Digging Through Trump Tweets to Make Obstruction Case |
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Trump’ın Suriye’den Çekilme Kararı ve Olası Komplikasyonları |
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The Mixed Presidency of Donald J Trump |
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Trump Fan Face Plants When Asked About The Donald’s Endless Lying |
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Wednesday News: Trump Shutdown Continues Trump Trade War Pain to Hit in 2019 “Migrant boy dies in US custody” “Why the Trump presidency will… |
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Trump threatens to seal southern border if wall isn’t fundedTrump threatens to seal southern border if wall isn’t fundedTrump threatens to seal southern border if wall isn’t funded |
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Anti-Trump Dem says break-in at his office ‘probably not related to my politics’ |
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Friday News: “Obscene” Trump Politicized Flat-Out Lied to the Troops in Iraq ” Unpaid Shutdown Workers Are Mostly Dems So Screw ’Em” Cohen Was… |
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Trump Brags of His High IQ and Being “First in My Class”…So We Checked The Dean’s List |
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НОВОСТИ CNN News President Trump |
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Steel Profits Gain but Steel Users Pay under Trump’s Protectionism |
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Trump’s Holiday Gift to America: Hope for a Little More Peace on Earth |
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Sorpresa en Siria: Cómo una llamada de Trump cambió la guerra |
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Trump brutális csapásra készül a kínai-amerikai kereskedelmi háborúban |
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VIDEO: Sen Flake hints of possible run against President Trump |
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REPORT: House probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious end |
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Boy Whose Mother Fought Trump’s Travel Ban To See Him Dies |
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Trump to boost coal by easing mercury rules |
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President Trump pays a surprise Christmastime visit to US military base in Iraq amid withdrawal from Syria |
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Trump Threatens to “Close the Southern Border Entirely” If Congress Doesn’t Fund Security |
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Trump: I may be forced to seal southern border cut off aid to Central America |
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¡SE HIZO EN LOS PANTALONES! Ex asesor gringo asegura que Trump se chorreó por amenaza china y retiró tropas de Siria y Afganistán |
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TAKE THAT CNN: Air Force Says Troops Did Nothing Wrong Having Trump Sign MAGA Hats |
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Trump ameaça fechar fronteira com México |
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When People Say They Still Support Trump I Instantly Know 6 Things About Them |
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Democrats Trump trade blame as shutdown slogs into 2nd weekend |
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HOAN HÔ: Trump thông qua đạo luật că’t đư’t “Đường lưỡi bò” của Trung Quốc trên biển Đông |
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Triunfo para inmigrantes un Juez bloquea suspensión del TPS ordenada por Trump |
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Trump’s focus on pleasing his most ardent supporters raises questions about |
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Trump vuelve a amenazar con corte de ayuda a países del Triángulo Norte |
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REPORT: Trump hasn’t ordered Pentagon to withdraw troops from Afghanistan |
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Akon to contest against Trump in 2020 |
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President Donald Trump stunned the US establishment |
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Trump Orders Troops Home NWO Freaks! |
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Christian Author Unloads on Evangelical Trump Supporters: “You don’t like that I’ve “gotten political” huh” |
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Trump’s Personal Writer Reveals He Has Strong Evidence “Trump is a traitor” |
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When Fiction Most Becomes Trump |
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TRUMP TWEETS: Missing texts Dems border wall China and more! |
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Të gjithë sy e veshë nga Melania Trump … |
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A Female Donald Trump |
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Tổng thống Trump dọa đóng cửa biên giới với Mexico |
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Man Who Sent White Powder To Donald Trump Jr |
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A price to be paid for the new Trump ‘doctrine’ |
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Trump’s Border Wall Causes Government Shutdown |
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Interponen demanda contra Donald Trump para detener las restricciones de Solicitantes… |
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Trump QAnon My Rifle My Pony and Me LockHerUp WWG1WGA |
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Trump has passed the threshold for impeachment |
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Saturday News: “Ire Turns to Fear for Federal Workers” “Trump: Give Me a Wall |
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Trump says build US-Mexico wall or he’ll seal border |
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Former Federal Prosecutor: Donald Trump Jr Needs to Be ‘Worried’ About Michael Cohen’s Guilty Pleas |
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Arrest Records Discovered Trump Melts Down: “This never happened This is nonsense and it never happened This never happened Never took place” |
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Iraqi politicians lawmakers denounce Trump visit US troop presence |
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Jibril Buhari not invited: Trump Invites Saraki to Launch of ‘Africa Strategy’ in Washington |
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Trump’s Attacks on Our Rights Explained |
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Cardenal Rosa Chávez lamenta dichos de Trump |
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L’administration Donald Trump tente de calmer les inquiétudes de ses alliés sur le retrait des troupes syriennes |
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Ready Set Upchuck: Here’s Your Trump Year in Review |
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US SHUTDOWN: Dems Trump trade blame as government disruption enters 2nd weekend |
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Trump v Bump: A Potentially Deadly Holiday Decision |
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Trump Not A Disciple Of Climate Change |
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Top Republican Just Hinted At 2020 Run This Could Crush Trump’s Dreams Of A Second Term |
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Leftist Hatred Lays Groundwork for Purge of Trump Americans |
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Trump advisor heads to Turkey Israel after Syria pullout |
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Si no hay muro Trump va cerrar frontera con México |
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Cohen Tape: Further Evidence Trump Committed ‘Felony Campaign Finance Violation’ |
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With Twitter Video Trump May Have Unmasked Secretive Navy SEAL Team |
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Trump Asked To Block Air Italy In Attack On Qatar’s Investment |
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Donald Trump Is a Good President Subscribers onlySign in hereSubscribe here |
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Headlines Over Trump’s Border Wall Dispute Silence on Endless US Wars |
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Trump Blasts Network For ‘Going Wild’ After Signing MAGA Hats: ‘Can You Imagine Me Saying NO’ |
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Trump Can Now Text Every Single US Citizen Directly amp You Cannot Opt Out |
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Trump amenaça amb tancar totalment la frontera amb Mèxic |
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Video: Trump reveló accidentalmente este secreto militar durante su visita… |
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Stephen L Carter: Wrong about Franken right about Trump in 2018 |
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Trump amenaza de nuevo por construcción del muro fronterizoInternacional |
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Întâlnire pe axa Putin-Trump ”lungă” şi de ”substanţă” în Argentina |
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Jövünk – A Blackwater magánhadsereg visszatér és félő hogy Trump velük privatizálná a közel-keleti háborúkat |
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Jesu Sun Kil Moon release anti-Trump song “The Greatest Conversation Ever In The History Of The Universe” READ MORE » |
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Democrats Make Trump Tax Return Announcement That Has Donald Shook |
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Spurned by Congress Trump administration seeks food stamp curbs via rule change |
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Trump Names Patrick Shanahan Acting Secretary of Defense Moves Up Mattis’ Departure |
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Trump recibirá Año Nuevo en la Casa Blanca |
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Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern Europe against Russia |
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Why The ‘Christian Case for Trump’ is Hogwash |
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It is fine and dandy if HIAS wants to hold anti-Trump political rallies sue the President and organize for the Tuesday midterms but doing those things while accepting millions of taxpayer dollars every year strikes most people as fundamentally unfair! |
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Trump says court ruling sank DACA-wall deal |
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Trump Administration Suggests Furloughed Workers Barter with Landlords to Pay Their Rent |
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Palestine: Successful Hamas-New Center Meeting in IstanbulHamas Dpty Foreign Affairs Minister Ghazi Hamad and German politician Christoph Hörstel Federal C Turkey Sends More Troops Into North-East SyriaWashington’s escalatory steps force Ankara to react – with potentially positive consequences for the Yellow Vests in France Challenge Macron PresidencyYellow vest demands are pointing to an urgently needed system change – and pose risks far higher and Gelbwesten in Frankreich als warnendes BeispielAm 17 November haben die Gelbwesten in Frankreich mit 282000 Teilnehmern ein europäisches Riesenz Das Menschenbild der Neuen Mitte G20 Summit: Is the US Losing its Global LeadershipFact is it’s the other way round: Global leadership has lost he US – and for good The Buenos Ai Kerch Trouble: CIA Provocation Against RussiaAgainst Trump’s intentions the CIA increasingly sows chaos in US and NATO foreign policy – includ Freiheit für Palästina!Der Freiheitskampf des palästinensischen Volkes und unsere Arbeit für Frieden Gerechtigkeit und g Freedom for Palestine!Our communication to all concerned organizations and individuals on freedom and well-being of all pe Mosul and Raqqa – Remote-Controlled MiseryReports about the two ex-IS cities Mosul and Raqqa drive tears into the eyes of any decent researc Volkstrauertag – der reine WahnsinnDer Volkstrauertag wurde 1919 vom Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge als Gedenktag für die g NATO Exercise Threatens PeaceNATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 exercise propaganda speaks of defense and security – but choice of lo Trump’s INF Treaty GameThe INF treaty covers intermediate range nuclear forces – but Trump’s handling might result in wide „Verschwörungstheorie“: Krach mit RT DeutschViele wundern sich warum Christoph Hörstel zwar für russische Medien schreibt und dort häufig in CDU Regime ChangeGermany’s political elite in turmoil: Angela Merkel leaves the chair of her Christian-Democratic Uni US: last fight for global dominance to start tomorrow morning!Tomorrow morning isn’t just the start of the toughest sanctions in history only to be compared wi Merz statt Merkel! – Schmerz statt Murksel!Jetzt schlägt’s 13!! Selten so klar Recht behalten in 24 Stunden! Dieser Tag in Beiträgen: Gest The Hushed-Up Summit SuccessSeven year-old Syria conflict gets a shiny new peace building format – while western propaganda medi Iran Under US War ThreatImminent US cabinet reshuffle gives a hint on planning This is the special Trump way to fire a m Western Media Murder GamesFrenzy about an alleged fake Russian murder case – near complete silence about French realities Öffentlicher Gesprächstermin bei Gießen: 12 Oktober 2018 Christoph Hörstel wirkt als Publizist und berät Regierungen und Unternehmen Er ist Experte für Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Herr Präsident Putin!Exzellenz sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Putin mit 66 Jahren da fängt das Leben an sang Deutschland: Korrupte Führungselite verliert ihre SpracheEin stinkender Sumpf der Korruption regiert unser Land – überall: Es gibt keinen Lebensbereich der Syria: Erdogan’s Tough ChoicesSochi agreement on the demilitarized Idlib belt offers risks – and opportunities The chain of ev Islam: Hetze und Rassismus in DeutschlandUnfassbare Dinge geschehen jetzt in Deutschland ganz selbstverständlich |
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Trump World: Those from Nigeria will “never want to go back to their huts” in Africa 0 |
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James Comey calls on voters to oust Trump in 2020 |
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Members of Darth Vader’s estate ask Trump to stop playing ‘Imperial March’ at rallies |
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Speak MY Piece – PW: Bush 41 And Trump 45 |
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Trump’ın Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Bolton’dan Türkiye açıklaması |
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Trump’s Secret Weapon Has Dems Worried |
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Trump confunde a Canadá con EUA: Se equivocó de país se equivocó con los números y se equivocó con la descripción |
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Más de mitad de EEUU rechaza muro de Trump y demanda |
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House probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious end — with no report – Fox News |
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Don Lemon Rips Trump on Day 7 of Shutdown: He’s Sounding ‘Like a Pouting Child’ |
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Alerta de Google: fbi: Republicans quietly close House probes into decisions FBI made in 2016 about Trump and Clinton |
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Democrat Schumer Says Wall “Trump’s Bone To The Hard Right” |
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mikenov on Twitter: When professionals sell out we get a president like Trump and Times from MichaelNovakhov 15 sites: mikenov on Twitter: When professionals sell out we get a president like Trump World from MichaelNovakhov 22 sites: News: German female IS recruit facing prison for ‘letting slave child die of thirst’ in Iraq |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México si no tiene su muro |
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Last Mature Man Has Left Trump White House |
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فيلم The Trump Prophecy 2018 مترجم |
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1 Trump Supporters |
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Trump’s Tax Cuts: One Year Later Much To Celebrate |
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Trump threatens to close the border if Democrats don’t fund the wall |
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Trump has taken a hatchet to federal rules but a number of industries are now pleading to be regulated |
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¿Sabes que Trump ha salido en varias películas y series |
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I have been meaning for some time to send you something that has been troubling me While it is a great improvement in things that we now have Badagas publishing books about their culture most of these books seem not to be based on well-established scholarship on South India but rather personal impressions Contrary to what Trump might say in the long run you can’t have alternate histories of a people some of which are based on critical research and others of which are not The critical research is what will last while at the same time being modified by further research |
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Lou Correa and Tom Daly support Trump deportations and OC cooperation with ICE! |
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Donald Trump aye ko somba Konzo Force maintenant disponible à Iowa Coralville |
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President Trump threatens to close US-Mexico border if wall funding not agreed |
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SerialBrain2 – The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted “poor me” |
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Russian Trolls and the Trump Campaign Both Tried to Depress Black Turnout |
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Dan Rather fires veracious cannonball at Trump Submitted By Stephen Fox |
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The Back Story on Syria False Flags Trump and His Ties to the Mob and the CIA |
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Trump set to sign farm bill minus the food stamp changes |
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30 Days 30 Songs: Written and Recorded by Artists for a Trump-free America READ MORE » |
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Trump Blows A Gasket And Threatens SNL After Christmas Sketch |
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Trump says big progress being made on possible deal with China |
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US youths’ climate case against Trump can proceed to trial |
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Trump DOJ Sues California For Interference With Immigration Enforcement |
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Trump Can be Indicted States Indian American Legal Expert Neal Katyal Who Once Represented Osama bin Laden’s Driver |
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Trump Demands Funding For Wall Threatens Mexico Border Closure |
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US government shutdown set to drag on to 2019 as Trump Democrats stick to their stands |
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Trump Exposes Dem Obstruction amp What They Stand For: ‘An Open Southern Border amp Large Scale Crime That Comes With Such Stupidity!’ |
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Trump amenință că va închide frontiera dintre SUA şi Mexic dacă nu |
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Trump sparks Republican rift on Russia |
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China and Trump – 713 visningar |
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What a Trump presidency means for Middle East |
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Good News – Trump besiegelt das Ende der Die Nostradamus-Vorhersagen für das Jahr 2019 |
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Trump pulled out of a massive trade deal Now 11 countries are going ahead without the US – CNN |
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Apprentice Producers Struggled to Make Trump Seem Coherent |
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Trump’ın askerini çekme kararı Suriye ve Ortadoğu’da yeni bir dengelenmeyi tetikledi Bölgedeki bütün güçler stratejilerini ve taktiklerini yeniden değerlendiriyor |
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Hemp legalization passes House Farm Bill heads to Trump for final approval |
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Donald Trump y una nueva estrategia: promover las relaciones con Africa |
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Donald Trump Exclusive Insight |
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Nín thở chờ cuộc gặp giữa hai ông Trump – Tập vào tối thứ Bảy |
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Gianluca Vacchi – Trump-It 2018 HD 1080p Music Video |
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Ex-Trump-Anwalt Cohen dementiert Prag-Reise |
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Trump hasn’t ordered Afghan troop withdrawal: White House |
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Donald Trump no se quita y lanza una nueva amenaza |
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Trump’s Doctor Admits He Has Heart Disease After Dr Sanjay Gupta Calls Him Out |
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Trump’a Şok! Obama’nın Gerisinde Kaldı! İşte O Liste |
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Rubio calls on Trump to overrule illegal Major League Baseball deal with Cuba allowed by Obama |
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Trump-Xi G-20 meeting offers best chance in months to defuse US-China trade fight |
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Donald Trump: RATA DE DOS PATAS Rat with Two Legs |
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Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts runs surplus in January |
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Trump Administration FORCED To Release Thousands Of Migrants Into US |
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Trump Tells Kid Calling Santa Hotline That Believing At His Age Is Marginal |
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631: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High |
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Does Trump care that he’s Obituaries |
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Qué es y para qué sirve la OMC blanco de los ataques de Trump |
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El libro la esperanza y la América de Trump |
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Trump signs bills that helps Veterans and Police officers by giving them Priority and Training |
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Rich Lowry: Trump should chill about the stock market |
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It’s Now Illegal to Protest Against Trump It Violates His “First Amendment Right” |
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Russian Official Publicly Threatens Blackmail Material Release on Trump |
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Trump élu ! Merci au Chat pour ce dessin |
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Former Trump attorney secretly videos CNN’s Cuomo |
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FKM Trump Snort Tee |
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Mr Trump Jerusalem is not the capital of biblical Israel |
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Perezida Trump Yashyizeho Ministiri w’Ingabo w’Agateganyo |
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Luis von Ahn le responde a Trump tras amenazar a Guatemala |
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President Trump holds press conference after UN meetings in New York |
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Trump Delivers a Victory to Iran |
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Trump’s Wall Will Produce Stability Security and Survival! |
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Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019 9:47 AM ET CNN politics |
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Is Melania Trump really fluent in five languages |
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If This Is True Donald Trump Is Finished |
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Trump amp The Reset From Chat |
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Trump guts refugee system in time of great need |
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Trump Shrinks Government by 16000 Jobs since elected |
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Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique le « shutdown » s’embourbe |
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No Regrets for Undocumented Trump Worker |
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Trump reitera que cortará la ayuda a El Salv |
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President Trump Tells Dems to Fund Wall or He’ll Be ‘Forced’ to Close Border ‘Entirely’ No More Aid For Caravan Countries |
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What Does Trump’s Sincerity Look Like |
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Mattis resignation shows the Trump presidency is collapsing |
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Former top editors Jill Abramson and Nancy Gibbs talk about women and the double standard Trump and truth diversity and trust |
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Will the Trump presidency survive 2019 |
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Fox Propagandists Dodge Discussing Trump’s Iraq Trip By Bashing The Media |
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9 Problems with the Current Economy And Trump ain’t one… yet |
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Jared Kushner Admits Off The Record That Trump |
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Trump Speech in Saudi Arabia to Muslim World |
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COP 24: Rules written but Trump’s still out |
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Trump Çin Devlet Başkanı Xi ile görüştü |
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Medical Students on DACA Fearful Over Trump Presidency |
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Trump orders troops home from Afghanistan |
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Trump totally prepared for a shutdown |
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Abogado ecuatoriano lleva caso de migrantes que denuncian abuso en un resort de Donald Trump |
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115-asis Vilniaus tarptautinis trumpųjų filmų festivalis kviečia lietuvių kūrėjus teikti filmus |
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Importance of archiving President Trump’s accomplishments |
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PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP the Real Big Baby 825” Deck |
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Den Bürokraten der UN ist wohl klar dass sich an einem verpflichtenden Vertrag über die Steuerung der Massenmigration eine Reihe von Staaten nicht beteiligen würde Dafür genügt es ja nicht dass die Eliten in den Regierungen unterschreiben es müssen auch die Parlamente in einer öffentlichkeitswirksamen Debatte per Gesetz zustimmen wodurch weite Teile der Bevölkerung hellhörig werden Die USA haben die Mitwirkung am «Globalen Pakt für Migration» schon vorher gekündigt da es ein No-Border-Programm sei ein Pakt zur Aufhebung der Grenzen «Amerika ist ein souveränes Land Wir legen unsere Einwanderungsregeln selber fest Wir hören nicht auf ausländische Bürokraten» sagte US-Präsident Donald Trump Das gleiche kann von den osteuropäischen Staaten Polen Ungarn Slowakei Tschechien und auch Österreich erwartet werden Es würde viele Jahre dauern bis man alle wenn überhaupt für einen solchen Vertrag gewonnen hätte |
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Ranking Intel Committee Member Tells Trump: This Will “wipe out you and your corrupt organization all the way down to the studs” |
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Friend of Melania’s Reveals Private Divorce Comments She Made to That Trump Cheated Out of Money Speak Out on CNN |
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Mainstream Trump vs Reality Trump |
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Giant Trump rat balloon to fly near Mar-a-Lago 12 hours ago |
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Magick for the Trump Era: Help Defeat Fascism Without Fing Up Your Karma |
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Trotz des Todes von Chérif Chekatt Macron hält höchste Terrorwarnstufe in Frankreich Verschwörungen hat es immer schon Terror-Versicherungen für Weihnachtsmärkte auf ein Weihnachtenwunder – Appell zur Registrierung von jaunes – was wir Deutschen nicht riskiert sein Leben – Trump greift die FED führen islamistische Feiertage Rückenschmerzen mit Vitamin D3 plant Euro-6-Diesel-Verbot ab 2020 |
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Artículos Bronca monumental entre un dependiente de tienda y un simpatizante de Trump VÍDEO ENG |
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Firman EPN Trump y Trudeau TMEC en Arge |
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Trump: ‘I Won’t Be Here’ When National Debt Explodes |
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Trump admin to unpaid federal workers who can’t make rent: beg barter and get a lawyer |
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– BOOM!President Trump/Putin Only Way to Stop DeepState/NWO-Military Tribunal GET READY!🇺🇲️🤙🇨🇦️🇵🇭️ |
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President Trump Fires Up White Nationalists in South Africa |
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A triple amputee US military veteran says he was inspired to raise money for President Trump’s US-Mexico border wall after reading a New York Post article |
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trump’s president and i’m shutting down my blog no really |
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New Yorker Mag Reporter: There Is No Trump ‘N-word’ Tape |
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Trump Just Googled Himself Then Had A Meltdown Over The Results |
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Saturday News: “Ire Turns to Fear for Federal Workers” “Trump: Give Me a |
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Top Trump Official Calls Bankers Will Convene ‘Plunge Protection Team’ |
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2018/07/27 ARTICLE – Seungri et Mino parodient Donald Trump et Kim Jong-Un dans WHERE R U FROM |
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Senator demands action from Trump admin after Saudi ‘helped man 21 who killed girl 15 flee US’ |
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History – Trump and Kim Summit |
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What Lies Behind Donald Trump’s Approach to China and Pakistan |
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25 Brutally Hilarious Memes Proving Trump Is A Joke |
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Chuyện ông già Noel thời Obama Trump và Warrent Buffett |
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Pelosi Agrees to Trump’s Wall… On One Condition! |
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Donald Trump visitó las tropas estadounidenses en Irak |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Trump Fındık Zirvesi |
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Melania Trump’s latest fashion choice left Twitterati very confused |
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President Trump’s Top Ten Tweets |
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Trump acusa a los demócratas de cerrar el Go |
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Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border Entirely and End Trade Deals… |
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Interponen demanda contra Donald Trump para detener las restricciones de Solicitantes de asilo |
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DNC Chairman Defends Lawsuit Against Russia Trump Campaign WikiLeaks by David Weigel April 22 2018 The Washington Post |
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Trump Boasted 10 Raises To The Troops He Visited: The Actual Raise Is Much Lower |
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Trump on Twitter Sept 19: Kim Jong Un 2032 Olympics Hurricane Florence |
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Trump enfrentado al Estado Profundo |
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FBI Investigating Allegations That Melania Trump Plagiarized 2 Lines Of Speech |
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Over 100 companies giving ‘Trump Bonuses’ after tax victory |
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EU Aligns with Trump in WTO Action Against China |
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Indiana woman With Broken Hip quilts American flag for President Trump wants to |
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Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants |
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Meet Trump’s Dangerous Picks for Our Nation’s Judges |
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Your Saturday 6: Record-breaking baby high marks for Trump love for St Louis artist |
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Stop Trump from Spying on Protesters |
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After President Trump’s visit Iraqi lawmakers demand US to end partial government shutdown at standstill-ABC |
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Trump marines y rocanrol |
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‘Somebody does need to challenge the president’: Republican Jeff Flake calls for civility says Trump ‘owns’ the government shutdown |
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Prison Fellowship Applauds President Trump Signing the FIRST STEP ACT |
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Trump dice que hay un gran progreso en negociación con China sobre comercio |
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Trump có định “diệt Trung Cộng” không |
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Trump Upset With Another SNL Skit |
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Author Claims Trump Is Having An Affair In White House |
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“Signing up for your newsletter was the best decision I’ve made in three years It’s the best Everyone says so” —Donald Trump |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar por completo la frontera con México |
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América Central cederá a las amenazas de Trump y buscará frenar a los inmigrantes |
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Elatas Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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A Look at Trump’s First 100 Days |
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How Australia is profiting off Trump’s trade war |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con México si no consigue dinero para el muro |
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États-Unis – Levée de boucliers contre le défilé militaire de Trump |
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How Good Is the Trump Economy Really |
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Trump Threatens To Close Border Completely |
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The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted “poor me” |
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HOAN HÔ: Trump thông qua đạo luật că’t đư’t “Đường lưỡi bò” của Trung Quốc tr ên biển Đông |
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Trump quiere cerrar la frontera con México si no financian su muro |
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DC’s Mayor Just Torched Trump Over Military Parade Cancellation Tweet |
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Trump first America second și Europa în coada listei Chestiunea siriană și efectul deciziilor unilaterale |
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The Horrid Truth on Trump’s Lies |
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Donald Trump – der „arme“ einsame Präsident |
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House probe of FBI-DOJ’s anti-Trump bias ends with whimper – and no report |
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Trump Extricates Himself from the Trap in Syria Abandoning the Kurds By Dimitri Minin |
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Michael Cohen drags Ivanka Trump into historic scandal |
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Melania Trump Files for Divorce – Reports that Mrs Trump has voiced |
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Trump is a Project – TradCatKnight Radio Interview with Eric Gajewski |
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Black Support for Trump DOUBLES to 29 percent |
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Will Architecture Have Its Donald Trump Moment |
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VS blijven onder Trump een zeer disfunctionele democratie |
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Donald Trump’s Temperament |
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Trump Points Out Dems Are Hurting Themselves with Shutdown: ’Most People Not Getting Paid Are Democrats’ |
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Maybe Now Trump Will Withdraw From Japan To Make Putin Happy Too |
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Trump America and Eastern Europe |
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Government employees can do work for their landlords during shutdown Trump admin says – Kansas City Star |
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US can’t be world’s policeman: Trump to US troops in Iraq |
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Mulher de Donald Trump Jr pede o regressa a casa após ter sido realizado o seu funeral |
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Trump’s Tariff Threats Prove Canada Should Exit NAFTA While We Can |
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‘Build The Wall Or Close The Border’: Trump Issues New Ultimatum to Democrats |
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Trump’s EPA Wants to Prove That Limiting Toxic Mercury Emissions Is a Giant Waste of Money |
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Trump Referenced Pardoning Manafort Did He Mean it |
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Trump vs Hillary: Who Celebs Voted For |
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A Trump se le escapa en un tuit paradero de equipo de operaciones especiales |
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Donald Trump twenty-four months on… |
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Breaking News — Air Force One Spotted Over Europe Trump Visiting TODAY |
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Trump Mattis Middle East Policy and “One World Government” |
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Aniversario 60 de la Revolución Cubana en cementerio de Santiago de de Watergate sostiene “inevitabilidad de un juicio político” contra Donald Trump |
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Trump anuncia aranceles de 25 sobre cincuenta mil millones de dólares… |
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Trump pronostica que en “30 días” habrá acabado con Estado Islámico |
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Trump’ın Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Bolton Türkiye’yi ziyaret edecek |
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Europeans ask: Will Trump’s New NAFTA benefit working people or does it just promise more corporate control over our lives |
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Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border |
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Despite National Outrage Scholastic Defends Children’s Books Celebrating Trump |
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The China I see is losing Trump’s trade… |
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Trump Says He Will Personally Review Murder Charges Against Decorated Soldier |
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Trump continua amenintarile: Ori se face zidul ori inchidem frontiera cu Mexicul |
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West Virginia Senators Capito and Manchin Meet With Trump … |
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Trump comments: Countries insulted United Nations decry … |
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Just Hours Before Comey’s Testimony Watergate Lawyer Discusses Latest Bombshell on Trump: “Perfect to be asked under oath” |
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Editor reveals publicly there’s more incriminating stories on Trump |
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Robert Mueller Confirms Key Facts From Steele Dossier that Trump Calls Bogus |
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Donald Trump Served with Over 200 Pages of Subpoena Documents |
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Breaking News: Trump Says We Will Fire On Caravan If They Throw Rocks |
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Obama’s Syrian Ambassador Admits Truth About Trump Embarrasses Barack In Process |
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Kauffman Foundation: Small business owners hopeful on economy but wary of representation by Trump Congress |
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Former Deputy US Attorney: Mueller Has Phone Records Proving Trump Conspired With Russia |
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Dikira Tak Sopan Hanya Bermantel Tanpa Celana Gagal Kostum First Lady Melania Trump Dibully Lagi |
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O construimos el muro o cerramos la frontera sur advierte Trump |
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Trump zapowiada koniec pomocy dla uchodźców! |
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Media’s ‘19th nervous breakdown’ as Trump fulfills another campaign promise |
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Toys UPG Sparking Donald Trump Toy 5227 |
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Dr Frederick Wallace’s email about Trump’s executive order GUST’s president Prof Donald Bates reply Student Association’s reply |
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Fox News is Piling on Trump Expects Him to Be Indicted |
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Tuyên bố sốc của ông Trump về việc chính phủ Mỹ đóng cửa |
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Shocking List Shows Everything Trump Has Accomplished In … |
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Bolsas têm forte queda nos EUA após Trump criticar o Fed |
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My latest piece of fiction imagines America near the end of President Donald J Trump’s second term This was posted 12/18/2016 just before the Electoral College votes Read it here |
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Trump Cries “I am Alone” |
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This Week’s Reads: Will Trump’s Pulling of Troops from Syria Prove to Be a Historic Blunder |
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Trump World Tower |
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Americans Agree With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Not Trump |
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Feminists Attack Trump’s Labor Pick Cry “Sexism!” |
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Trump es el raro político honrado sobre la deuda de EEUU |
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Trump and Family at the UN |
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Russian Mobster Reveals 10 Yrs of Personal Contact with Trump Twice Per Day Sometimes |
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Trump Should Read His Grandfather’s Letter Begging Not to Be Deported |
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Iraq: Trump defends pulling out army troops from Syria |
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Anti-Trump Oakland mayor insists she ‘did the right thing’ in tipping off illegal immigrants about ICE raid |
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shutdown Trump’s shutdown will close Smithsonian Museums National Zoo and more Xeni Jardin |
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Trump credited with restoring American faith in Bush |
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If Trump Really Meant Make America Great Again – Jeff Wiersma |
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Trump pode ser o catalizador de um novo boom na mineração |
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New Jersey sues Trump administration to block offshore drilling |
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Department of Justice confirms that if indicted Trump will be tried |
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Trump Mnuchin try to calm Wall Street amid shutdown bumpy ride |
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My Electoral College Prediction: 329 to Clinton 209 to Trump |
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Donald Trump Twitter Account Video Reveals Covert US Navy SEAL Deployment During Iraq Visit |
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Trump’s Missing Editor and the Case of Voter Confidence |
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Ivanka Trump Shows Off New 1100 Cut amp Color Before u daawan karaa Filimada Mareykanka ee F4U |
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Trump Toon |
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🔴 President Trump SHOCKING Speech Chairs the UN Security Council Meeting |
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Trump recibirá en la Casa Blanca el 2019 por cierre parcial del Gobierno |
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Voters Blame Trump For Shutdown Yet He Remains A Huge Online Betting Favorite To Win In 2020 |
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Trump’s Zionist Ball amp Chain |
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Letter to President Donald Trump |
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“YOU WANT TO WEAKEN BANKING RULES!!” Elizabeth Warren CONFRONTS Trump’s Federal Reserve Nominee |
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As Democrats Went On Vacation President Trump Continued To Do His Job And Ended ‘Catch And Release’ |
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Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border if Not Given Wall Funding |
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Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 PrincesDonald Trump in AsiaHow to Remove John Terry |
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Trump administration appears to back Israeli attacks in Syria |
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Trumper Joes: Brewed by friends of Trump amp GOP |
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Newsmax Insider – Trump Tax Reform Will Lead to Job Creation |
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Robert Steele: Donald Trump The Accidental President — Under … |
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Trump freezes federal workers’ 2019 pay amid government shutdown |
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The Shutdown as Proof of Trump’s Unfitness |
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Christmas Day 2018 News: Dow Drops 653 Points Trump Whines About Being “All Alone” |
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Trump’s Grand Strategy |
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Η συνταγή της ημέρας: Σπιτικό Trump: Anonymous op-ed author sabotaging country |
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Trump Says Central Bank Is US Economy’s ‘Only Problem’ |
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Trump Aides Reveal His Actual Daily Schedule Not The One Given to Media |
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Why Twitter Doesn’t Delete Donald Trump’s Insults |
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In Trump Country Republican Candidates this Year Fall Flat |
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MSNBC desbanca en audiencia a Fox News televisora favorita de Trump |
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Thấy gì từ chính sách khuấy đảo thế giới của Tổng thống Trump |
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Trump’s Establishment Straddle: High Dollar Event Rankles Supporters in South Dakota |
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‘Trump STUNNED As House Intel Chair REVEALS ‘We’ll Subpoena Mueller Repo |
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James Comey just sent Trump into an unhinged panicked public meltdown |
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How Trump Made War on Angela Merkel and Europe |
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Trump Escobar Putyin Dzsongun Thatcher 51-es házimozi |
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Trump Says Phone Call With Xi Jinping On Trade “Big Progress” |
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Trump Says Build The Wall Or Else |
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Trump The Art Of The Deal |
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Trump: Give Me a Wall or I’ll Engineer a Recession |
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Man-Free Music Festival Found Guilty of and Schumer Post Near Identical Anti-Trump Tweets |
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Trump disuelve polémica comisión de fraude electoral |
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Trump: I May Have ‘Lightly’ Colluded For Moscow Tower During The Campaign |
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Tragedy in San Antonio is “Predictable Outcome” of Trump’s Immigration Crackdown |
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La clase obrera quizá tenga algo que decir a la economía del presidente Trump |
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Defying pundits Republican share of Latino vote steady under Trump |
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Real Fake Art at Chicago Trump Tower |
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Does Anonymous support Trump |
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President Trump Readies Deportation of Melania After Huge Fight At White House |
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5 Democrats That Might Give Trump The Wall |
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Trump: We give Israel billions it can defend itself in Syria |
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Trump Admin is a Deregulation Machine: Eliminating 22:1 |
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Democrats’ quest to topple Trump gets real in January |
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Clinton encabeza un nuevo sondeo tras primer debate con Trump |
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Federal Court Rules On Trump Attempts To End Medication Discounts |
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FURORE!! Trump va in Irak senza avvertire il Governo di Bagdad: parlamentari chiedono sessione d’emergenza! |
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The Regents UCOP and Trump |
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Trump Administration Dumps Obama’s “Restorative” School Policy That Led To |
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Mark Meadows says Trump is still ‘very firm’ on wall as shutdown drags on – CNN |
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‘Trump wil Huawei- en ZTE-producten met decreet het opvallendste technieuws van 2018 |
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VIDEO: President Trump’s inspirational speech to our troops in Iraq |
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Obama VS Trump Welcoming Ceremony in China! Colossal Difference |
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¡Construyan el muro! exige Trump a 6 días de cierre de gobierno |
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Two 2019 Polls: 1 Will Trump Get Us All Killed or MAGA 2 Which |
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Economía Trump reitera que cortará “toda” la ayuda a El Salvador Guatemala y Honduras |
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Albert Rivera negoció en secreto el encuentro entre Trump y Kim Jong-un en la Cumbre de Singapur |
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Amaga Trump con cierre total de la frontera con México exige a su Congreso recursos para el muro |
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Tổng thống Mexico trả lời thân thiện với Tweets thù địch của Trump |
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Administración Trump Negará Residencia o Visas a Ciertos Inmigrantes Catalogándolos de… |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera si no logra fondos para muro |
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Ex-Trump Attorney Michael Cohen Is on a Prague Denial Spree |
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American Judge Betrays United States Constitution In Favor Of United Nations Charter To Justify Unconstitutional Court Order Against President Trump |
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Biały Dom: Trump nie zarządził wycofania żołnierzy USA z Afganistanu |
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Shitty Stories about Trump and Kim Jung-Un |
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A Donald Trump Parody |
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Washington Post: For honest hawks: Trump’s Syria policy is the same as Obama’s |
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Las Destacadas de la Nacional e internacional con Axel Avendaño… Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera… una vez más |
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CHIEF OF STAFF LIMBAUGH Trump reportedly personally promised Rush Limbaugh he’d shut down the government over border wall funding |
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Trump brilliantly turns the tables on Cohen and owns the libs in one tweet |
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Brian Stelter looks at the Trump Fox News ‘love story’ – CNN |
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In Syria Trump’s version of Obama’s red-line moment – Washington Examiner |
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Lei Seca nova proposta do governo que prega caça às bruxas escola sem partido pena de morte kit aborto alinhamento com Trump e agronegócio sem lei |
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Trump Jr Cries On Twitter Over Media Criticism Of His Father For Iraq Visit |
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– Trump kan stenge grensen til Mexico helt |
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Ex-ethics chief just revealed Trump’s wild tweeting put him in a potentially serious legal bind |
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Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open |
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Trump’s stupidity on climate change will galvanize environmentalists |
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Trump engana tropas sobre aumento salarial |
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The Media Hypocrisy – Michelle Obama And First Lady Melania Trump |
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President Trump Approval Rating at 51 Percent |
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Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly Not ‘Necessary’ – Stats |
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Questions Following Trump’s Scrapped North Korean Summit |
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Trump The Jibaro |
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Alt du trenger å vite om etter-forskningen mot Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump ha ganado la presidencia |
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‘DEMOCRATS ARE LIKE DEATH would rather see Trump do badly than our country do well” |
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NYT interview with Trump criticized for failure to follow-up Apple issues apology lowers battery replacement price |
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North Korea: Trump threatens ‘major sanctions’ after latest missile |
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National Security Expert Confirms the Obama Administration Wiretapped Trump Tower |
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TRUMPZILLA: Why Donald Trump was the Uranus-Pluto Dark Horse of the 2016 US Election |
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Donald Trump: Prove Me Wrong |
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Twitter search feed for: michael novakhov: Trump Investigations: 7:30 PM 12/28/2018 – Obama’s FBI brass hollowed ou… … |
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Síguenos en planes del muro fronterizo de Trump acaban de ser destrozados por el demócrata Beto O’Rourke |
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Look If You Can’t See How Trump Tricks You You Have Some Serious Blinders On |
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Trump-Putin meeting: Bipartisan outrage as ‘disgraceful’ US president sides with Russian |
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Trump Defends ‘Minor Form’ Of Tear Gas Used On Asylum Seekers Video |
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Naher Osten Trump Erdogan Assad Macron Russland Jordanien Saudi-Arabien Quatar Iran Türkei Ukraine |
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Trump: Do ta mbyllë plotësisht kufirin me Meksikën nëse nuk ndërtohet muri |
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Donald Trump Presses Demo |
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Ed Rollins: Mr Trump Mueller’s team is the best Yours must be even better — Prep for battle and lawyer up |
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A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment |
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Prezydent Trump: Koniec z pomocą dla biednych państw |
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Trump Imposes Pay Freeze on Civilian Feds for 2019 |
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Con un muro de caricaturas mexicanos se burlan de Donald Trump |
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He is even more socially conservative than Donald Trump Mike Pence is stronger on abortion and marriage than Trump For social progressives this is exit frying pan enter fire |
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Mass Immigration Is Out of Control—But Trump’s Plan Will Stop It |
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I am forming a group therapy for those struggling with the results of this election This post is respectfully not intended for those who voted for Donald Trump |
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Trump’ın Güvenlik Danışmanı: Ocak’ta Türkiye ve İsrail’e gitmek için İslam: Meclis’te ”FETÖ’nün siyasi ayağını ortaya çıkaralım” diyoruz AK Parti ve MHP reddediyor |
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Watch Trump Brag To Fox News About The Number of People Missing in California Fires ‘Burned Beyond Recognition’ |
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South Carolina Republican Party Considering Canceling 2020 Primary To Protect Trump |
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Trump inflicts a whopping 200 million do |
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Paul Pelosi Jr Announces Huge Tax Break Opportunities Under Trump Presidency Providing An Opening For Big And Small Businesses To Save And Thrive Supporting National Solar Initiatives |
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Etats-Unis: Donald Trump s’en prend de nouveau violemment au procureur Mueller |
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Richard Burr Protects Trump From Russia Probe Then His Russian Money Ties Surface |
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No Movement on Shutdown Despite Trump’s Pretending Otherwise |
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Trump kërcënon me mbyllje totale të kufirit me Meksikën |
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Will Trump Get His Border Wall |
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Unhinged: Democrats Want Trump’s Helsinki Translator to Testify |
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Grand jury reveals Mueller going after Trump |
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Ivanka Trump Lindi Two-Tone Block Heel Pumps |
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Maple Match Taps Anti-Trump Lovers |
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Donald Trump Jr’s new MAGA cowboy boots might cost nearly 5000 |
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Robert Mueller Just Delivered a Very Bad Day for Trump’s Son-in-Law Calling Him by Name |
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The globalists are under attack Alex Jones and Dr Jerome Corsi talk about Trump’s executive order |
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Michael Moore’s 2019 fantasy is to see mom of 3 Ivanka Trump in jail Brace yourselves as Dems prep |
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Trump will stay in DC through the shutdown incoming Chief of Staff says |
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Pro-President Donald Trump Congressman: Shutdown ‘Until Hell Freezes Over’ |
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Ce que les médias ne veulent pas que l’on sache sur le président Trump |
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Trump defiende salida de Siria y dice que EEUU no puede |
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Trump About To Repeat Mistake In Middle |
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President Trump Escalates Border Fight |
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Trump Administration to Auction Off 900000 Acres for Fracking in Nevada |
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Efeito Trump: Minério de ferro em alta recorde |
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Citation du jour : Donald Trump président des États-Unis d’Amérique |
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Trump ramps up reckless assault on the Arctic Refuge |
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Rick Scoville aka The Texas Vagabond Compares George Herbert Walker Bush To Donald J Trump! |
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Will Ferrell’s Latest Comedy Attacks Trump amp His Supporters Gets Terrible News |
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Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Is A Simple Case Of Foreign Policy Realism |
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Watergate Journalist Drops Bomb On Trump’s Presidency: Impeachment |
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US top court snubs environmental challenge to Trump’s border wall |
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L’administration Donald Trump tente de calmer les inquiétudes de ses alliés |
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Democrats and Neocons Are the Biggest Losers of Trump’s Syria Withdrawal |
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Donald Trump Robert Mueller Cold Open – SNL |
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Melania Trump Keine Hose Bei diesem Outfit müssen wir zweimal hinsehen |
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Trump-China National Emergency ban Apple making iPhones in India amp more – Pocketnow Daily |
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The Latest: Trump Threatens to Shut Border If No Wall Money |
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‘We’ve never seen anything like this’: Trump assails Fed |
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Trump threatens to close border over wall funding ‘go back to pre-NAFTA’ |
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JUST IN: Trump Gives Obstructionist Democrats ONE Option…FUND THE WALL…Or I’ll Shut It Down |
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google spotlight: Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019 – CNN |
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White House: Trump did not order to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan |
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WATCH: Georgia Vape Shop Employee Melts Down Assaults Customer Wearing Trump Shirt |
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Podcast: The Cheef Report James Cheef Interviews Author Of “Trump: Why He’s Right For America” Kevin Monte deRamos and Former New Jersey Senate Candidate |
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Sự tự tin vào bản năng của ông Trump sau hai năm cầm quyền |
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Por conflicto del Senado con Trump EU no investigará accidente en Puebla |
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The AIA’s Tone-Deaf Response to the Election of Donald Trump |
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Confronting Science Denialism in the Trump Era |
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You Won’t Believe What Jemele Hill Just Said About Her Trump-Hating Comments Now |
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Russia Bisected: The Trump Straw Man Theory |
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Deciphering the Patterns in Trump’s Falsehoods 10:30 AM ET New York Times Politics |
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Trump administration’s Federal Action Plan on lead falls short |
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Trump claims he can end birthright citizenship for children of noncitizens |
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Trump Panics Explodes Into a Public Meltdown…Now We Know Why |
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George W Bush Twitter lock down Trump meets troops/Troops have MAGA hats/Dems pissed off |
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What Donald Trump and Dick Cheney Got Wrong About America |
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Hillary Clinton Subtweeted Donald Trump and People Are HERE FOR IT |
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William Engdahl What is Trump’s True Agenda Jay Taylor Media |
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Five Reasons We Should All Support Donald Trump |
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Trump has signed 53 bills into law |
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Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under Trump |
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HISTORIC: Trump Nominates First Woman for Head of CIA |
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BREAKING: President Trump Spent Christmas Alone in the White House Kitchen Eating PB and J |
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WWE Chairman Vince McMahon Wife Linda Embroiled in Trump Foundation Scandal |
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Next we can already see here how they are laying the groundwork for rejecting Trump’s ‘Ultimate Peace Deal’ by making the claim–based on Trump’s recent decision to pull out of Syria–that Trump is unreliable and does not have the security needs of the Jewish state in mind and therefore how can dear little defenseless Israel yahweh’s chosen people the rose of sharon and the apple of his eye count on DJTPOTUS to have the best interests of dJooz in mind after throwing them to the wolves with his Syria pullout |
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Coming Soon: Trump’s Tax Returns or Maybe Not |
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Trump Reality Check Now with Actual Facts! |
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POTUS Trump Tweets… |
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Giáng sinh Tổng thống Trump than cô đơn trong Nhà Trắng |
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Kanye And Trump Turn Oval Office Into Circus |
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Thanks Trump! Hospitals now to post prices |
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Trump could violate deal with China at any time — expert |
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Exactly Who Has Congratulated Trump on Being Right About Islamic Terrorism |
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Trump admin looks to counter China Russia’s growing power in Africa with new of Antwon Rose Jr sue former employer of officer who fatally shot him |
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As aulas de Trump para quem quer tornar-se rico |
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Q This Will Be For The History Books Trump Said It All 5:5 |
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These Trump Cartoons Are Cracking Me Up |
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Trump rompe con la Unesco por su continua discrimi |
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House Officials Prepping For Major Trump Investigation REPORT |
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Ha nem kap pénzt a falra teljesen lezárathatja a mexikói határt Trump |
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Rum Doings Episode 228: Vote Trump We Were JOKING |
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Ermittlungen gegen Trump: Nackt-Selfie aufgetaucht |
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Donald Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border Over Government Shutdown |
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How is Singapore’s founding father– Lee Kuan Yew relevant for Trump |
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Historiker: Washington är inte sig likt efter Trump |
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Ramalan ‘Nostradamus Balkan’ Kembali Viral Trump Diramal Pekak Tsunami Landa Asia 2019 |
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The left and the right ignored their extremists and we ended up with Brexit and Trump |
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El G-20 en la era Trump El nacimiento de una |
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Trump se libró de la Guerra de Vietnam gracias a un certificado médico falso |
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¿Es D Trump fascista Lo responde un eminente profesor de Yale |
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Trump hittade på om höjda soldatlöner |
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Report Urges Strong Action to Protect the Delaware River even as Trump administration proposes to weaken Clean Water Act |
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Watergate Journalist Drops Bomb On Trump’s Presidency: Impeachment Is Now “Inescapable” |
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And it’s not just guys digging a hole on their farm and filling it with MRE’s who are driving sales companies say but schoolteachers moms and successful financial planners Nor is it limited to just rural areas “Frederick Reddie” a 41-year-old “urban prepper” from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania is stocking up on staples like rice and peanut butter and working on expanding his 6-month supply of emergency food to two years He has to use a pseudonym to protect his supply from any future hungry neighbors he told NBC News Reddie predicts a Trump win that has the urban poor revolting across the nation and the imposition of martial law to quell riots and the burning of businesses But he’s also getting ready for the possibility of a Clinton victory that he says could lead to conflict with Russia and “World War 3 in 2017” |
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Trump chooses new Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman against Mattis opts out of Remo D’Souza’s dance film |
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Appeals court agrees to hear case involving Trump DC hotel |
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Obama’s Syria Ambassador Backs Trump’s Decision |
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Trump threatens to seal US-Mexico border if wall is not built |
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Trump Endorses Supporter’s ‘My Pillow’ During North Dakota Rally: ‘I Actually Use Them Believe it or Not’ |
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Rodrigo Duterte: el Donald Trump de Filipinas |
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Trump Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS |
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Trump distribui ataques no Twitter na noite de Natal |
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My Thoughts on the US Midterm: Voting against Trump to Defend US Institutions and Keep the GOP from becoming the National Front |
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Jim Carrey Knocks POTUS’ Supporters as ‘Loyal Zombies’ and Takes Aim at Trump’s Call for Border Wall |
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Trump monte d’un cran |
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Pakistani Woman Claims To Be Donald Trump’s Daughter – Everyone’s Concerned For Her Health |
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Trump Foundation to Dissolve Under Judicial Supervision |
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“Pobre de mí”: Trump se queja en víspera de Navidad de que está “solo en la Casa Blanca” |
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Whose Fault Is It If Mark Burnett Created Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump vola segretamente in Irak |
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Aasif Mandvi – Storywallah in the Time of Trump |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera si no logra |
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Trump came out And Announced Exactly Who Was Behind Las Vegas Shooting |
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Soldier’s Widow: Trump ‘… |
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Russland-Affäre: Jagd auf „Person Nummer 1“ – Wie einstige Vertraute Trump nun Schwierigkeiten Moskau und Ankara wollen nach US-Abzug stärker in Syrien kooperieren |
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Mollie Tibbetts’ Mother Took in Child of Mexican Immigrants After Trump Politicized Her Daughter’s Death |
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Cinco cosas que incluso los críticos de Donald Trump puede reconocer que ha hecho exigen seguridad ante extorsiones de pandillas |
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Putin And The Saudi Prince Ignore Trump Like An Ex-Boyfriend At Prom |
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“The Russians Would Not Have Gone Into That Meeting Empty-Handed:” Bill Browder on The Trump Tower Meeting and Vladimir Putin’s Russia |
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A Look at Where the Investigations Related to Donald Trump Stand |
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Bertemu di Vatikan Ini Pesan Paus Fransiskus kepada Presiden Donald Trump |
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Wall Street Bracing Itself For The Trump Recession Of 2019 |
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Man Who Issued Death Threats To Major Newspaper Praises Trump On His Way Out Of Court |
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‘Outrageous’: Veteran Groups Blast Trump For Not Lowering The Flag To Half-Staff To Honor McCain |
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New GoFundMe Page Seeks Cash To Buy Shovels To Dig Tunnel Under Trump’s Border Wall |
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Trump Attacks Reporters with Handwritten Notes…Then They Released Them to Public |
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Trump administration to scrap Obama’s school discipline guidance |
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Watergate WH Counsel Reveals: “Entire Trump family now in jeopardy” |
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Trump Democrats Play Blame Game in Battle Over Border Wall |
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The Dictionary According To Donald Trump |
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Trump Keep America Great 2020 Coin |
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Dems Probe Mine Safety Record at Trump Nominee’s Company |
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Trump adds Germany to Travel Ban after hostages taken at Nakatomi Tower |
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Advice For President Trump |
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When Will Trump Be Gone |
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La Irreflexiva e Irrespetuosa Conducta de Trump Durante Navidad ha Desencadenado Otra Crisis Diplomática |
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Serie A Primera Trump destacó un “gran progreso” en las negociaciones comerciales con China |
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Trump amenaza con romper el nuevo TLCAN si no recibe fondos |
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25 Brutally Hilarious Memes About the Trump-Mueller Showdown |
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Donald Trump invita a Jair Bolsonaro a visitar EEUU |
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Melania Trump shkakton polemika me veshjen: “Duket sikur ska veshur gjë“!! |
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ESG-Ratings als Rauchen E-Zigarette: Markteinführung mit Trump plant weitere Massnahmen gegen Huawei und ZTE |
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Sanders says Trump would like to see GOP filibuster |
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Top Democrats Fighting Trump on Border Security Who Sang a Different Tune in the Past |
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Trump personally pushed US Postal Service head to double rates on |
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Trump threatens to c… |
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How Trump and China Fked Up Recycling |
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Trump Advisers Reveal Private Comments Trump Makes About Mike Pence |
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Trump Issues Public Warning to America Some Call It a Threat |
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When Trump Phones Friends the Chinese and the Russians Listen and Learn |
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tRump sells out and admits Buses will soon be Hurting the Oil Industry |
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The Five Gets Heated Over Media Criticism of Trump’s Iraq Trip: He ‘Says Things So Frequently That Aren’t True’ |
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Vuçiç: As Trump s’më detyron të flas me Kosovën pa hequr taksën |
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donald trump caricature |
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President Donald Trump and Democrats are trading blame for the partial government shutdown but doing little substantive talking with each other as the disruption in federal services and public employees’ pay slogs into another weekend |
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China Acaba de Desplegar 150000 Soldados en Anticipación a un Ataque de Trump |
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Trump on Twitter October 23: Tax Cuts Puerto Rico Tariffs |
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Trump: Asad Rusi i Iranci ne smiju napadati Idlib |
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Donald Trump îi ţine în SUSPANS pe liderii instituţiilor europene |
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Donald Trump Trolls Stormy Daniels On Twitter – Is This Real Life |
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Trump: il muro o chiuderò la frontiera meridionale |
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Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique le « shutdown » |
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The Electoral College Is No Longer Relevant In Today’s Society And That Is Why We Have Donald Trump |
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Google respondió al por qué si buscas “idiota” aparece Donald Trump |
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Trump legalisiert Hanf bundesweit offiziell |
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Jeff Flake: I Haven’t Ruled Out Challenging Trump in 2020 But ‘Somebody’ in the GOP Needs To |
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Carta al Consejo Judicatura Trump amenazó con cerrar la frontera con México si el Congreso no financia el muro |
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Democrats and Neocons Are the Biggest Losers of Trump’s Syria Withdrawal By Daniel Lazare |
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Trump meets with Schumer and Pelosi |
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Trump threatens to shut down the border ‘entirely’ Here’s why he can’t do that |
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Trump Signs Bill to Streamline VA Disability Claims Appeals Process |
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Donald Trump Beefing with DirecTV Over UFC Fight |
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45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America DONALD J TRUMP |
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Patrick Shanahan: Trump names acting defence secretary |
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Donald and Melania Trump see US troops in Iraq in Christmas |
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Trump amp Die Militärtribunale 2019 – GITMO – Menschenhandel |
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Trump: Mattis is out January 1st 2018 Not February |
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Jim Jordan vs FBI Agent Peter Strzok in HEATED Exchange at Congress Hearing on Anti-Trump Texts |
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The Democrats and President Trump are blaming each other for shutdown |
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Nooses Hung From Trees At The Mississippi Capitol Greet Trump’s Arrival |
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Barselona Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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Trump ameaça suspender ajuda à América Central e fechar a fronteira |
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THANKS-KILLING PROOF MISERY LIKES COMPANY liberal Magazine GQ Calls For Trump Haters To Ruin Thanksgiving for Trump Supporting Family Members |
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Trump is heading for a do-nothing presidency |
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Interesting Facts about Donald Trump |
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Donald and Melania Trump see US troops in Iraq in Christmas trip |
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Trump i prerë: Qeveria mbetet e mbyllur derisa të sponsorizohet muri me s’duron kolonat në Kosovë – Shikojeni veprimin e tij! VIDEO |
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Der Trump-Effekt und der Grund warum POTUS armes ich twitterte SerialBrain2 |
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Trump: Patrick Shanahan Will Replace James Mattis as Defense Secretary Effective January 1 – https://tco/JZGqCktdez 5 days ago |
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Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly Not ‘Necessary’ – NPR |
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Eugene Robinson Knocks Trump’s Negotiation Skills: ‘He Ought to Read This Book Art of the Deal’ |
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¿Es cierto que Los Simpson Nixon Moore predijeron triunfo de Trump |
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Trump threatens to close US southern border ‘entirely’ – CNN |
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VIDEO Bernie Sanders: I will probably run in 2020 if I’m the best candidate to beat Trump |
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Latino Support for GOP Steady Despite Trump Immigration Talk |
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A 2-Year-Old Boy Has Died After His Yemeni Mom Fought Trump’s Travel Ban To Be With Him |
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US Shutdown Impasse Over Trump’s Wall Drags On |
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Trump Says Neither NBA Team Invited To White House |
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Trump recibirá en la Casa Blanca el 2019 por cierre parcial del las últimas noticias en tu email! |
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Donald Trump reitera amenaza sobre ayuda a El Salvador Guatemala y Honduras |
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Despite Flaws Electric Cars Trump Hydrogen Gasoline Cars on Emissions Efficiency and Operating Costs Says New Study |
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Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii |
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Trump Just Went On Crazy Christmas Morning Rant ‘It’s a Disgrace What’s Happening to Our Country’ |
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Trump Administration Got Roasted For Telling Federal Workers Hurt By Shutdown To Do Menial Labor In Exchange For Rent |
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Trending Trump’ gives her own S |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar completamente frontera EEUU-México |
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What Does Trump AG Pick William Barr Mean for the Cannabis… |
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Donald Trump Cousin Eddie Shitter Was Full Premium T-Shirt |
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Ajedrez busca campeón absoluto y el muro o se cerrarán las fronteras”: Trump |
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Vietnam / The deportees caught in Trump’s immigration war |
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Trump About To Repeat Mistake In |
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Trump Palace 18101 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach |
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Trump cerrará chorro económico a tres países Centroamericanos por caravanas TITULARES 28/12/18 |
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Deep State Trap: Migrant Caravan Massacre False Flag to Depose Trump |
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Melania Trump heading to Mar-a-Lago for family vacation as Shutdown looms |
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Trump Evil ASA 12 52/300 with HOT Softball |
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US Shutdown Impasse Over Trump’s Wall Drags On |
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Trump exhorta a los Demócratas a que dejen de acosarle y acaben con la paralización del lamenta que el mundo ha seguido fallando a los niños en 2018 |
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Reacción de diariolatinonet- El presidente de los Estados Unidos Donald Trump amenazo este viern… |
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Report on President’s Environmental Record so Far ‘Reminds Us that Trump Soap Opera Has Dire Real-World Consequences’ |
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Trump affirme avoir vaincu Daech et se prépare à retirer les troupes américaines de Syrie |
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Asegura AMLO que no confrontará a Trump por amenaza de cierre fronterizo |
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US amp Silk Road Korea Las Vegas Trump NWO Cashless Society |
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Inauguration of Donald Trump |
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Loathsome Gay Trump Supporters Named ‘Men of the Year’ By Conservative News Site |
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Christmas Day 2018 News: Dow Drops 653 Points Trump Whines About Being “All Alone” Tells 7-Year-Old Believing in Santa Is “Marginal” “We Are All… |
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El fin de la Fundación Trump: la ley es igual para todos |
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Productora de “The Apprentice” revela que “lucharon para que Trump pareciera coherente” |
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Trump Gave Little Notice to Entrepreneurs in His Address |
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Trump to Erdogan: “Syria is all yours We have finished” |
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Campaña en GoFundMe recolecta más de 5 millones de dólares para el muro de Trump |
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Trump Blasts ‘Obstructionist Democrats’ Over Wall As Shutdown Continues |
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Trump or Capital in the Oval Office |
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Donald Trump sin censura |
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Air Force 1 Pilots and Crew react to Trump’s Government Shutdown |
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President Trump Says He’ll Sign Every MAGA Hat a Soldier Brings to Him |
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Der Schwachsinn ist nahezu grenzenlos – Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Trump in Putins Hand |
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Melania Trump : le Père Noël se trouve au Sahara…au Maroc ! |
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Trump’s 2018: A year in a stranger-than-sitcom presidency |
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Trump Publicly Attacks Mueller as Resignation Talk Reach Boiling Point |
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President TRUMP Smashes Congressional Pay |
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Melania Trump total black per la foto ufficiale Ma il diamante è da 25 carati |
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Trump rebaja las pretensiones financieras para acabar el muro con México |
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Rechazan demócratas otorgar a Trump mil mdd para muro |
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Trump pide ser tratado de héroe |
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Donald Trump Purposefully Murders Yet Another Brown-Skinned Infant |
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TRUMP Gobierno política exterior y geoestrategia mundial |
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AMLO evita confrontación con Trump |
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Trump: above the ‘white noise’ of Leftist doom… |
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Gata cu pomenile: Trump amenință să reducă ajutoarele în Honduras Guatemala și El Salvador |
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Did Vote Leave’s overspending win the referendum for I have fallen out of love with Donald Trump |
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America cannot be world’s policeman: Trump tells US troops in Iraq |
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We invite Donald Trump to make his |
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Vape Store Clerk Has Meltdown over Customer Wearing Trump Shirt – Stats |
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ANTIFA Member Swinging A Metal Pole Gets Melted By Jacked Trump Supporter |
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‘We’re Not the Suckers of the World’: Trump Defends Syria Pullout |
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As government shutdown continues Trump retreats from public view |
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Trump visita a soldados en Irak |
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Trump instaurează un Oficiu pentru Religie la Casa Albă |
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Trump signs legislation to rename post office to honor fallen Illinois vet |
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– Trump’s Wall in This 2015 TV Show |
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Melania Trump Iraq December 26 2018 |
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Preguntas clave en torno de la decisión de Donald Trump de proceder al retiro de Siria |
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Trump scoate Armata SUA de sub comanda globalistă: ”Nu mai suntem fraierii planetei!” |
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Dem Lawmaker: Shutdown Won’t Stop Probes Of President Donald Trump |
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One year into Trump’s tax cuts few major benefits |
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Trump amenaza cerrar frontera con México si no obtiene financiamiento para muro |
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Trump’s Own DOJ Files Court Document Saying Trump Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About |
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Trump Says He Doesn’t Understand Declaration of Independence…All Men Are Not Created Equal |
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Coal Miners Voted for Trump Now They’re Terrified to Lose Obamacare |
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Dem Rep Gerry Connolly on Trump’s Border Shutdown Threats: He Lives in a ‘Delusional World Fed by Fox News’ |
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Trump National Doral Miami |
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Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various positions |
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Border Wall or Bust: Trump Would Totally Be Willing to Shut Down the Government |
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Trump signs VA accountability act into law promises better care for veterans |
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Trump’s Awful Road Show |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar definitivamente frontera con México |
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With President Donald Trump US Moves Away From Working With Allies |
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The Boss versus The President: Bruce Springsteen daagt Donald Trump uit121 |
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Migránsnak hitték a Loch Ness-i szörnyet 2018-06-05 Hatalmas riadalmat okozott a skóciai Inverness városában mikor elterjedt a hír hogy állítólag illegális bevándorlók úsznak a szörnyéről elhíresült közeli Loch Ness-i tóban A migránsokat egy Donald Trump hadat üzent Kínának 2017-09-26 Ismeretlenek kifizették Görögország adósságát 2017-08-09 Földi kórházban vizsgálják a Halált 2017-01-08 |
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Senator Flake Doubts Trump’s Border Closure Threat |
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Trump’s America: Alabama Judge Allows Segregation Back in School |
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Gipfeltreffen Kims berechnende Liebe zu Trump |
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Breakthrough Ceasefire Agreements Reached over Yemen Ports as US Senate Rebukes Trump |
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The Latest: Trump tweets he’s waiting for Dems to make deal New |
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Possible Crimes Investigated at Trump Golf Club |
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The Trump administration has targeted an Obama-era regulation credited with helping dramatically reduce toxic mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants saying the benefits to human health and the environment may not be worth the cost of the regulation |
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President Trump issues ultimatum to “obstructionist Democrats” over border wall amp Analysis |
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Trump: Duvarın inşasını kabul etmezseniz Meksika sınırını kapatırım |
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How a Loss to Trump Empowers Women in a New Way |
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Goodbye To Goodlatte And The GOP Going From Lincoln To Trump |
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realclearp: Trump Democrats Play Blame Game in Battle Over Border Wall |
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Bill Maher: America Is ‘Married To The Mob’ With The Trump Administration -VIDEO |
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Trump Junior’s White House Nickname Shows The Total Contempt Staffers Have For Him |
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Trump lies to troops on surprise visit to Iraq |
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Trump’s Faith in Voters Prevents Impeachment Concerns |
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Anti Trump Uk Visit |
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Trump Cut Off 200 Million in Aid to Palestinians |
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Beto vs Democrats: Texas Lawmaker Frequently Voted to Help Trump and GOP |
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Trump threatens to seal off US-Mexico border ‘entirely’ if Congress does not agree funding for a wall |
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Způsobí Trump diskreditaci americké armády |
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General blasts Trump Iraq trip |
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Trump’ s character will be his |
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Macri sacó el cuidado del ambiente de la agenda del G20 para complacer a Trump |
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Fox’s Brit Hume Blasts Trump: His ‘Poor Character’ May ‘Cripple’ His Presidency |
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Apprentice Insiders Doubt Trump N-Word T… |
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Trump asegura que ha habido un gran progreso en las negociaciones sobre comercio con China |
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Björn Soenens in 2018: een gesprek over Trump ouder worden en de dood van zijn vader155 |
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Meet the violent cult that Trump’s regime change crew is trying to put in charge of Iran |
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US House committee in favour of releasing the Trump-Russia transcripts |
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Trump amenaza cerrar frontera si no hay presupuesto para muro |
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Trump Refusing to Sign Shutdown Bill |
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Vijon përplasja mes Trump dhe demokratëve |
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Dem Rep Goes Low with a Shot at Trump’s Mental Health During Shutdown Controversy: ‘Off His Meds’ |
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Michael Cohen: TRUMP IS A LIAR |
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FOCUS: Trump’s Self-Imposed Shutdown Crisis Is Just the Beginning |
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Breaking Down the Math Behind Trump’s Claim That Israel Gets 45 Billion From the US |
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Mercosul reage a protecionismo de Trump e busca acordo… |
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New York state editorial roundup: Rikers Island handgun bill Donald Trump |
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CNN Fights for Freedom of Speech and Due Process in Trump Lawsuit |
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Christopher Steele the Man Behind the Trump Dossier |
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Carl takes an in-depth look at judicial activism against the Trump Administration |
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Reason 6973 That Trump Was Elected |
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Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports |
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Trump: acordo com China será bem abrangente e atenderá todos pontos |
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Dems Trump trade blame as shutdown slogs into second weekend |
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Trump makes 2019 federal pay freeze official |
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Trump admin appeals to remove federal protection for grizzly bears |
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Essay Peter Drexler historian: on Trump in 2016 Think How to Think About Trump |
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Interested in Donald Trump |
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Trump Threatens To Shut Down Border Over Impasse On Wall Funding |
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Donald Trump as Architecture’s Nightmare Client |
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It is silly to worry about what people will think if we stand with Trump The spirit on the left will hate you and God with or without Trump At least with Trump we have a firewall to let us preach the Gospel and hold on for another miracle |
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Trump Administration to Furloughed Employees: Have You Tried Mowing Lawns |
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Why You Should Never Compare Trump to Darth Vader According to Mark Hamill |
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Trump verhindert de Verenigde Naties om de enige wereldregering te worden |
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Under the current circumstances can we rely on Trump to protect Israel if and when it faces a direct threat from Moscow Under such dangerous circumstances Trump could very well turn out being not the friendliest American president in Israel’s history as Netanyahu portrays him but rather the most dangerous |
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u/SerialBrain2: The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted “poor me” |
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¿Y si Trump quisiera partir Jerusalén en tres |
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Fox’s Trish Regan Blames Migrant Children Deaths On Democrats For Not Funding Trump Wall Mexico Was Supposed To Pay For |
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Pashinyan beats Putin and Trump in Politician of the Year category of Russian newspaper’s poll |
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To whom are the most vulnerable to be targeted by RICO organized crime laws for anything having to do with marijuana is nearly every single elite leftist Blue State whose leaders have been trying to destroy to President Trump- |
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The Courts Consistently Brushed Back Trump’s Assaults on Immigrants in 2018 |
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Trump ameninţă că va închide frontiera SUA-Mexic dacă Congresul nu alocă bani pentru zid |
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How Australia is profiting off Trump’s trade stoushes |
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Trump felicita a López Obrador y augura buena relación |
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Ny verklighet i Washington väntar Trump 2019 |
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CNN: The Donald Trump-Fox News “Love Story” |
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Trump Kesal Militer AS Jadi Pasukan Gratisan |
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Thấy gì từ chính sách “khuấy đảo thế giới ” của Tổng thống Trump – Dân TríSat 29 Dec 2018 07:28:00 GMT |
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ASTROLOGY Trump’s Future By Twilight |
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Trump’s joke on Cristiano Ronaldo falls flat |
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Trump sera peut-être «très imaginatif» pour sortir du shutdown |
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Trump Continues Blasting Democrats Over Shutdown: ‘I Am in the White House Waiting’ for Them to ‘Come on Over’ |
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Chia Donald Trump |
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Federal Reserve took President Trump’s advice on interest7:45 AM |
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Air Force defends airmen with pro-Trump merchandise in Germany |
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Trump Says Debt Ceiling Is Not Necessary |
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Trump Democrats Play the Blame Game in 2nd Shutdown Weekend |
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The 2018 Trade Investigations and the Trump Administration |
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Trump in 2018: A Cartoon Review |
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Trump y Jerusalén |
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Trump Foreign Policy Fears |
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End Trump’s cruel zero tolerance anti-immigration policy |
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CONNECT WITH Trump trade blame as shutdown slogs into 2nd weekend |
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Trump Fans Chant ‘Lock Her Up’ Just Hours After Manafort Trial And Cohen Faces Years In Prison |
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Perezida Trump Yashyizeho Ministiri w’Ingabo |
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28/abril/2017Ofrece el Episcopado sus servicios para defender a tema vital en la agenda legislativa de Estados migrantes y sus hijos: entre los grupos más afectados por políticas de Trump |
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READ: Ali Rogin Tweets Donald Trump |
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Kathy Griffin Tells Donald Trump to ‘Prepare for Prison’ |
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Felony Charges Discussed After Trump Ally Issues Profanity-laced Physical Threat Against Adam Schiff |
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Donald Trump propone recorte a la ayuda destinada a Colombia |
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Turbulent week for Trump trade tactics has the world on edge |
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Trump Hasn’t Ordered Troops Cuts In Afghanistan |
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CEOs Navigate Ethical Minefield in the Age of President Trump |
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December 29th – 2018 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 709 |
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Melania Trump gafă de PROPORȚII: A purtat ochelari de soare pe timpul nopţii – FOTO |
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How Design Saved My Sanity on Trump’s Inauguration |
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Trump exhorta a los Demócratas a que dejen de acosarle y acaben con la paralización del Gobierno |
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How Trump can make the Syria withdrawal work |
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These world leaders have been vocal about US President Trump |
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Witness comes forward to reveal Trump lied in medical records |
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Conservatives are now admitting the Trump presidency is going to end badly |
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Trump’s Fox amp Friends Meltdown amp House Republican’s Attempt To Repeal Logan Act – Heather Cox Richardson |
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Warren Buffet: I’ve bought 12 bn of common stocks since Trump won |
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Trump Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS By Max Blumenthal |
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Was it right to fire an employee for giving President Trump the finger |
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Trump’s “New Honduras Caravan” Confirmed – 15000 Preparing To Come |
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لمحة سريعة حول كتاب “خوف: ترامب في البيت الأبيض” Fear: Trump in the White House |
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Trump Blocks Chinese Purchase of Qualcomm due to National Security |
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Trump promised to Shut Down Government if Border Wall Is Not Funded |
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La Crisis Mundial Trump BrExit BRICS Francisco Bitcoins Yuan Continentalismos Globalismos y Pluriversalismo |
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Donald and Melania Trump visit US troops in Iraq in Christmas trip |
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US Taxpayers Are Subsidizing Mar-a-Lago’s New Year’s Eve Party Despite Trump’s Shutdown rollingstonecom |
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FOIA Appeal Won Shows Trump Funneled Tax Dollars To His Kids |
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President Donald Trump Renews Threat To Close Southern Border Over Wall Funding |
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10 Takeaways From Trump’s Inaugural Address |
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The MSNBC Show Where President Donald Trump Aides Make Their Case |
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Mondial 2026: les déclarations de Trump renforcent la candidature du Maroc selon les experts |
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Trump Explains Why There’s A Government Shutdown |
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Trump se reúne con líderes musulmanes acuerda crear centro antiterrorista |
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President Trump participates in a signing ceremony for S 756 and HR 6964 |
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NATO weighs new ‘Counter Terrorism Post’ following Trump’s demands |
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Refser Trump for «løgner» om ransaking |
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Trump แบน Huawei / ZTE ในสหรัฐ |
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Trump has written 46 Executive Orders |
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Supreme Court Upholds Injunction Against Trump’s Asylum Policy |
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Trump to Review Murder Case Against Fmr Green Beret |
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Trump Conspiracy: 13 Theories Donald Trump Pushed That Were Totally False |
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Galt als geizig und vereinsamt: Nach dem Tod wird US-Beamter zum Trump: Ein Nackt-Selfie taucht in Ermittlungen gegen sein Team auf |
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Why Is Christian America Supporting Donald Trump |
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After Trump’s Syria Decision Mattis Resigns as Secretary of Defense |
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Trump Visited By Ghosts Of Anti-Communists Past |
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Trump consents to Australian leader’s demand to bring down banners for shooting casualties |
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The man who reinvented Donald Trump |
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America is turning against its own self Trump’s Plutonian demonization |
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Trump restera à Washington jusqu’à la fermeture a déclaré le nouveau chef de cabinet |
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16 Luxury Donald Trump’s Tax Reform Proposal Photos |
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Trump Towers – Delhi NCR |
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Media Roots Radio: Trump Erases Palestine Dallas Police Murder 9/11 Anniversary |
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Lone Democratic Senator stands to applaud during Trump’s State of the Union speech |
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MSNBC Host Attacks Trump for Good Deed |
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2019 Elections – Donald Trump Set To Support PDP |
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Trump afirma en Irak que EEUU no puede seguir siendo el “policía” del mundo |
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Trump Rages DJIA Tumbles Further |
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Actor Says Che is ‘Cool’ But Trump is ‘Cruel’ |
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我們能從川普的訪問學到什麼時尚功課?What fashion lessons can we learn from Trump’s What fashion lessons can we learn from Trump’s visit 朗讀 解說 |
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Breaking Down the Math Behind Trump’s Claim That the US Gives Israel 45 Billion |
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Trump Ends 2018 With An Astounding Number Of Lies Under His Belt |
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North Iowa’s 95 most popular letters to the editor in 2018: Baseball Mohawks Trump and King |
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Quand Akon prévient Trump : « Je te battrai en 2020 et avec ma |
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Trump’s Really Really Bad Week As The Walls Close In Video |
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Trump: Bygg muren – annars stängs gränsen |
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Contingent Faculty in the Age of Trump |
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Exige Trump respuestas a Arabia Saudí por del turismo meta para Cancún |
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It Is Time For America To Chuck Up For Good The Mucus That Is Donald Trump |
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President Trump and the First Lady made a surprise trip to Iraq on Wednesday |
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Mexico’s President Responds With Amity to Trump’s Hostile Tweets – Fortune |
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Melania Trump’s trip to Iraq marked first war zone visit by a first lady for over a decade – Washington Examiner |
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‘Trump As Food’ el trabajo artístico que se inspira en el presidente Donald Trump |
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Trump Investigations News Review |
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Official Portrait of Trump Shot on Older Camera than Obama When it comes to Photography experience… |
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Upon Returning From Iraq Trump Shifts Focus Back On The Shutdown: ‘We Desperately Need Border Security amp A Wall’ |
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Sunday News: “The most bizarre political moments of 2018” “You Can’t Serve Both Trump |
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Trump le declara la guerra a Google: «Están controlando lo que podemos ver y lo que no» |
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Trump’s Clarion Call to Re-Weaponize ‘Drug War’ |
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Trump Moves to Ease the Firing of Federal Workers |
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Trump: Nëse PD bllokon financimin e murit do mbyll kufirin SHBA-Meksikë |
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Los planes del muro fronterizo de Trump acaban de ser destrozados por el demócrata Beto O’Rourke |
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WATCH: Vape shop employee in epic anti-Trump meltdown |
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REPORT: Latino Voter Support For Republicans And Trump Remains Strong |
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Carry Me Trump |
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Good riddance to a bad year with Trump |
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Can Rudy Save Trump |
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Christian Support for Donald Trump |
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Trump sýnýra duvar için rest çekti |
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DL Hughley Is Pissed at MLK III for Choosing Trump Over Rep John Lewis |
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Trump amenaza con el fin de las ayudas a Centroamérica y el cierre de la frontera sur |
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Scott Pruitt Trump’s EPA Chief Resigns Under Cloud of Ethics Scandals by Carol Davenport July 5 2018 The New York Times |
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Deep State Takedown in Progress: Time for Trump to Bring Top |
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The Trump Effect |
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Trump defiende a los cristianos perseguidos por grupos yihadistas mientras el Vaticano le da la espalda a Asia Bibi |
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Trump Like Court Jester Made King: Apprentice Producer |
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Veteran Lawyer Who Vamoosed From Trump DOJ Named House General Counsel |
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Soros Steams That Trump’s “Revolution In World Affairs” Is Succeeding |
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Interview With Mark Ames: The Unending Baffling Frenzy Over Trump Putin And Russia |
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Trade Talks Episode 58: Woodward Trump Fear Trade Is Bad |
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WATCH: MSNBC Analyst Blames Trump For ‘Preventable And Predictable’ Death Of Migrant |
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“fbi criticism” – Google News: Deciphering the Patterns in Trump’s Falsehoods – The New York Times |
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Trump speaks in black amp white terms about global matters: Hunt |
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Michael Moore Says He’s Looking Forward To Trump Family Members ‘In Orange Jumpsuits’ In 2019 |
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No easy escape from Afghan war for Trump |
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Week in review: How Trump’s policies |
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NLC denounces Trump actions against transgender and intersex people |
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Hosenlos Melania Trump irritiert mit Lederleggings und Sonnenbrille bei Nacht |
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Donald Trump “dobló las manitas” ante la presencia de Vladimir Putin en Helsinki |
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Watch Trump ask 7-year-old if he Still Believes in Santa |
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How Donald Trump has monetized the presidency |
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Trump espera visita de Jair Bolsonaro no início de 2019 |
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Why satirists can’t touch Trump |
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Post US Mid-Term Election Signals: Trump Bump or Trump Dump |
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China Tariffs Overwhelmingly Target Trump Counties |
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Trump: ‘I Am All Alone Waiting For Democrats to Make Deal On Border Security’ |
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Can the New NAFTA Pay for Trump’s Wall |
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Top Democrat Schiff Adds Call for Probe of Trump Deutsche Bank Links |
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Donald Trump y Melania realizan una visita sorpresa a las tropas estadounidenses en Irak |
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¿Peloteros cubanos en EEUU Marco Rubio dice no y pide a Trump que cierre la puerta |
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Trump threatens to shutdown government ‘today’ if Senate does not pass |
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That Girl Still Believes in Santa Despite Trump’s Phone Call |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar por completo frontera con México |
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Trump tells California Cut down all the trees to prevent future… |
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Trump’s “Witch Hunt” Attack on Robert Mueller Goes Up in Flames Legal Expert Explains |
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Trump’s effect reaches both party’s primaries |
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Trump Staffers Reveal Ridiculous Childish Tantrum Trump Throws Inside White House |
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Trump Pulls Fast One Pulling Out of Syria |
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Trump’s Post-Shutdown Approval Ratings Have Pelosi Doing Her Happy Dance |
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Furious Iraqi Lawmakers Demand US Withdrawal After Trump Visit |
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Trump: albo będzie mur albo zamknę granicę z Meksykiem |
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2018 : les « meilleurs » tweets de Trump |
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Trump and The Turkey President |
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Trump Slams ‘Sleazebag’ Democrats Over Charity Shutdown |
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Nueva amenaza de Trump: si no aprueban el muro cerrará frontera con México |
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Rep Gutiérrez Rides Off With a Scathing Rebuke of DHS and Trump Immigration Policy |
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The War On Trump Is All About Keeping Liberals And Their Lackeys In Power |
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Tintin au Congo: le chapeau controversé de Melania Trump |
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Trump-parets private skandaleår |
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VIDÉO – Donald Trump le 14 juillet No thanks ! |
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Hat Melania Trump etwa ihre Hose vergessen |
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Donald Trump është duke e cenuar ndieshëm miqësinë tonë me vlerat dhe shtetin amerikan! |
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El cuento de Navidad de Trump: solo en Washington y sin vacaciones |
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Trump Administration Restricts Chinese Students |
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The Incredible Trump Deception Guns And Butter Audio |
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Melania Trump wore a pair of really confusing pants |
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Ocasio-Cortez slams GOP Trump over shutdown |
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Trump: Schumer and Pelosi MUST fund his wall because most employees hit by shutdown are Democrats |
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Pakistan Doesn’t Do ‘a Damn Thing’ for US Says Trump After Blocking Military Aid |
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Trump si vuole ritirare dalla Siria Per i curdi è ‘una Bus turistico: sale a 4 il bilancio delle vittime |
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Fox’s Trish Regan Blames Migrant Children Deaths On Democrats For Not Funding Trump Wall |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Trump görüştü |
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Trump kündigt amerikanischen Truppenrückzug aus Syrien an |
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Indictments just blew a giant hole in Trump’s story he’s been telling to protect himself |
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Capping off a disastrous week Trump was just personally pinned to the felony |
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When a Trump Voter Brings Up Hillary’s Email Silence Them with This |
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time: Senator Calls on Trump Administration to Investigate Saudi Role in Helping Manslaughter Suspect Flee US |
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December NFP Preview: The First Test of Post-Trump Data |
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Healthy Michigan Plan work requirements approved by Trump administration present dangerous risks for Michigan |
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Donald Trump signe la loi sur la vente libre des aides auditives |
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Trump ameaça fechar fronteira com o México se muro não for construído |
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Tidak Mampu Selesaikan Masalah Ini Berseorangan Trump Minta Bantuan PM Pakistan |
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If Trump Is beholden to Russia then Israel faces dire threat to its existence in Syria |
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Trump Yana Shirin Rufe Iyakar Amurka Da Mexico |
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Activist 10 makes appeal to Trump on behalf of Haitian immigrants |
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Obama-Trump |
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Don Lemon Previews The Hell ‘Pouting Child’ Trump Faces After Democrats Take Over |
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Federal judge blocks Trump administration’s cuts to discount drug program |
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Menino liga para Casa Branca para saber do papai noel e Trump pergunta: ‘Você ainda acredita em Papai Noel’ |
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US President Donald Trump’s troubled charity foundation to shut down In Deal With New |
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Trump is winning on immigration |
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Trump zapowiada zaprzestanie pomocy gospodarczej dla Salwadoru Gwatemali i Hondurasu |
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The Trump miracle is not for wimps |
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Analysis: Russia probe threatens Trump those in his orbit |
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Ben Bruce Saraki others in US to attend launch of Trump’s Africa Strategy |
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The One Thing Trump Had Going For Him Obama’s Strong Stock Market Has Now Evaporated |
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Shutdown halts civil court cases — including those against Trump – NBCNewscom |
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¿Se acentúa la soledad de Trump: 27 funcionarios se fueron en 2018 |
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¿Cooperaron los bancos de inversión con el robo de los de EEUU señala que han sido torpes las medidas de Trump contra Maduro |
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Trump threatens to ‘entirely’ close border over wall dispute |
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People’s Movement Against Criminalization of Migrants in US • Trump Authorizes Lethal Force by Troops at the Border – Voice of Revolution – • United Actions Affirm Migrant Rights • The Landscape of Immigration Detention in the US – Emily Ryo JD PhD and Ian Peacock MA American Immigration Council – |
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Foi assim que Melania Trump decorou a Casa Branca para o Natal de 2018 |
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A incrível Trump Tower |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México si no le dan presupuesto para el muro |
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Trump lowers his ask for border wall funding – CBS This Morning |
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Trump Pulls The Rug Out From Under Congress On Spending Bill |
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MSM And Democrat Blame CBP amp Trump Admin For 7-Year-Old Migrant Girls Death But Her Father And Evidence Show Progressives Are Exploiting Her Death |
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Don’t count on a stock market tumble to topple President Trump |
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Italy’s Donald Trump-like minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini chose to cite Pope John Paul II rather than Pope Francis in his annual Christmas greeting as a growing divide over immigration opens between the two leaders In his wishes for a “merry and holy Christmas and a happy new year 2019” Mr Salvini added a quote from sainted Polish Pope John Paul: “The future begins today not tomorrow” |
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Trump dọa đóng toàn bộ biên giới với Mexico Nga – Anh bước đầu hòa giải vụ điệp viên |
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The FBI is reportedly probing whether Trump’s golf club gave workers fake green cards |
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Is Trump’s daughter dating Lagos jails woman for three years for ‘harassing’ monkey |
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Trump trumps them |
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Best Tampa Bay news stories of 2018 include Trump’s yeti pubes hidden cameras and the Pumpkin King |
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López Obrador responde a las amenazas de Trump de cerrar la frontera con México |
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Will The Trump Administration Fall For North Korea’s Olympic-Level Deception |
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US Election 2016: It was Never Trump Vs Hillary |
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A doença de Trump: o que são esporões ósseos e quais os sintomas |
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Don Lemon Says Trump’s 2013 Call For Obama To Be ‘Fired’ Over Shutdown Is ‘Priceless’ |
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Trump’s Working Class Conservative Populist Realignment |
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· Trump Makes Major Blunder inTweet |
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Trump secures 2026 World Cup for the USA |
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House Dems Reportedly Prepared to Investigate the Bejeezus out of Trump |
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Eric Trump Lashes Out At Kellyanne Conway’s Attorney Husband For Tweeting About The Law |
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President Trump VS President Obama Visiting Saudi Arabia Huge Difference |
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Trump ameaça fechar fronteira com México se democratas não aprovarem muro |
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Amministrazione Trump: sì ai transgender nell’esercito ma solo se non cominciano il processo di il tuo… LIKE Su Facebook |
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Nederland moet militairen naar Syrië sturen nu president Donald Trump de tweeduizend Amerikaanse troepen terugtrekt zo bepleit de blijken zoons van Marokkaans raadslid in Bergen op Zoom |
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Naked Trump statue goes for 28000 at auction |
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Trump threatens to close southern border if Democrats don’t back down over border wall funding |
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Donald Trump Just ‘Re-Founded’ ISIS By Pulling Out Of Syria And Putin Loves It |
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Periodista de Watergate sostiene “inevitabilidad de un juicio político” contra Donald Trump |
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Trump: nem lehetünk a világ csendőrei! |
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Trump: Give Me a Wall or I’ll Engineer a Recession – Stats |
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Trump: ‘Honduras Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the US’ |
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Closer legal peril for Trump in probes he sees no collusion |
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Rest easy Minnesota Trump is winning for us: A Mike Lindell Article |
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Poo Toys for Planned Parenthood amp Black Devils at Trump Tower |
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Trump – GITMO – Militärtribunale – Menschenhandel – EO deutsch übersetzt |
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Maduro a Trump: Estoy dispuesto a sentarme a dialogar sobre las |
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Trump Receives Rare Honor In China No President Has Ever Earned treated like king |
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Άρθρο του Κρικόρ Τσακιτζιάν : Οι παλινωδίες Trump και πως δι… |
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65 US varsities contest Trump’s visa Californian cop’s killing fuels immigration debate |
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Trump Sends Personal Threat Note to CNN President: “Just remember I always seem to find a way to get even” |
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CNN’s Don Lemon Airs 2013 Clip of Trump Saying Obama Should Be Fired Over Shutdown: ‘Priceless’ |
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Does America Need to Wait for Trump to Win the Election Before Putting an End to ISIS |
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Trump needs to redirect his focus |
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Teaching a neural net to tweet like Trump |
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Trump ameninţă că va închide graniţa cu Mexicul dacă nu va obţine finanţare pentru zidul promis în campanie |
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thank you president trump! |
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PIERS: Why You Can’t Blame Trump For Pics Of Tear-Gassed Migrant Kids |
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La Casa Blanca en busca de nuevo jefe de despacho para administración Trump y Melania visitan tropas en Irak |
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Turkey And Iran Ditch The Dollar Putin Smiles And Trump Cries – Economic Collapse Will Be Gradual! |
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Trump’s Cancellation Of Summit With Kim Raises Fears Of Renewed Tensions |
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Trump: ‘MyPillow guy’ should be my ad buyer |
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Trump: I’m A Nationalist Not A Globalist Not Good For Democracy |
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The Tired Trope of Blaming Trump on ‘Liberal Smugness’ – Fairness amp Accuracy In Reporting |
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VIDEO Trump Makes Surprise Visit to Troops in Iraq Germany With First Lady |
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Trump’s HHS defines life as beginning at conception |
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Watch: Dem Rep Suggests Trump’s Border Policy Would Have Killed Jesus |
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How Trump Weaseled Out of Live Mueller Interview and Limited His Written Responses |
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Trump Blaming Obama For Russia Scandal Backfires |
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Trump More Seriously Kowtows To MBS |
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Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure |
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Trump succeeds where Obama failed – spawning a new wave of liberal activism |
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Trump Mocks CNN for Fake Scandal |
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Defense Secretary James Mattis to leave as of January 1 Trump |
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Representante de Trump já está a caminho e avisa: quer oportunidade |
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Trump’s Syria Withdrawal: Right Idea Wrong Way Wrong from the Roberta Wohlstetter Forum on National Security |
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La economía de Trump es buena pero no todos piensan lo mismo sobre todo eso |
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Finger Puppet UPG Trump and Putin Best Comrades 5044 |
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Trump and Christian-right Want New Civil War |
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The Latest: Trump uses officer’s killing to push for wall |
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Trump Fires Back at CNN for Criticizing MAGA Hat Signing: If the Troops Ask ‘I Will Sign’ |
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Dear White House Press Corps: It’s Time to Boycott Trump |
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Trump Brags of “High IQ” and Being “First in my class”…Then We Checked His College Records |
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Jim Carrey slams Trump supporters calling them ‘loyal zombies’ |
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The Wall the Shutdown Mattis Syria Afghanistan — Trump ends 2018 with a tidal wave of incompetence alternet |
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Rand Paul hails Trump for Syria withdrawal |
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You claim Trump is a miracle like King Cyrus But Cyrus didn’t help Israel build for very long It was up to the people of God to seize the miracle If not for the astonishing endurance of a handful of priests prophets and one notable cup bearer Israel would have remained in ruins Read Ezra Nehemiah and Haggai |
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Ekspert WEI: Donald Trump nie wycofa wszystkich sił z Syrii |
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What has Trump said about the gold standard |
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US-Präsident Donald Trump verkündet den Abzug der völkerrechtswidrig in Syrien stationierten US-Truppen Die Kriegermeute heult wütend auf – von Friedhelm Klinkhammer und Volker Bräutigam |
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President Trump Rally in Rochester MN for local candidates |
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Trump Brexit Gilets jaunes : comment les observateurs traditionnels sont devenus incapables de prédire les étapes suivantes |
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Donald Trump will you just Shut Up and LEAD |
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Ha Trump meglátná azt az amerikai zászlót! |
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Lionel Messi yagiriye inama Ousmane Dembele ufite imyitwarire Melania Trump yagaragaye yambaye yatumye benshi bacika ururondogoro ku mbuga nkoranyambaga |
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Challengers To Trump’s Transgender Military Ban Push Back At The Supreme Court |
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As Trump Pulls Out Of The Nuclear Treaty With Russia Putin Introduces A Missile The US Can’t Stop |
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Trump’d |
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Donald Trump acuza Administratia Barack Obama ca a permis anexarea Crimeei |
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Trump surprisingly visits soldiers in Iraq |
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Trump says “big progress” being made on possible deal with China |
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mikenov on Twitter: When professionals sell out we get a president like Trump / MN Newsletter // December 29 |
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Trump of ADHD |
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“Construiremos el muro o se cerrarán las fronteras”: Trump |
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Sharyl Attkisson: 63 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List |
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Cancer Pill Price Hike Canceled Trump Disses Middlemen on Prescription Drugs |
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The Memo: Trump veers between hard-liner dealmaker on shutdown |
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Noted Harvard Professor: Trump A ‘Fking Idiot With No Moral Compass’ |
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Amerika: Perezida Trump yashyizeho intumwa nshya muri Loni |
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Trump goes Berserk at 5:58am Melts down because people are critical of him |
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DC Circuit Won’t Force The IRS To Release Trump’s Tax Returns |
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Let Trump Be Trump Hardcover Book AUTOGRAPHED |
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Trump Democrats Trade Blame as Partial Government Shutdown Continues |
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Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid merge State and USAID |
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Trump Exposes Identities And Location Of Special Ops Team |
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Donald Trump Franchit la « ligne rouge » de ses ennemis intérieurs et extérieurs réponse de ces derniers: la descente aux enfers de l’économie |
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Fact Checking President Donald Trump’s Most Sweeping Claims Of 2018 |
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Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And President Trump’s ‘One Million US Jobs’ Promise |
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Peña Trump y Trudeau Firman N |
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Biafra: What Nnamdi Kanu said about 2019 elections Trump Fayose his escape |
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President Trump Just Signed a Law That Radically Changes Life for Airline Passengers Flight Attendants and Airlines Almost Nobody Even Noticed |
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Trump Putin meeting shifts from discourse to discord |
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Evita López Obrador confrontarse con Trump por amenaza de cierre fronterizo |
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GOP Congressman: ‘Nobody’s Going To Be Surprised’ If Trump Lied About Trump Tower Meeting |
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Environmentalists fear the Trump adminis… |
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Rep Gutierrez Hits Trump’s Attrition Through Terror |
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LISTEN: LT COL TONY SHAFFER Discussed President Trump’s Surprise Trip To Iraq |
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Graves Registry: Donald Trump’s really crummy Christmas |
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Donald Trump is Liking The Lower Oil Prices for Required Production |
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Trump Won Pennsylvania Democrats Want the State and His Voters Back By Matt Flegenheimer and Thomas Kaplan Auguwst 19 2018 The Trouble With Trucking |
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Donald Trump xài tranh fake |
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President Trump in Christmas Video Teleconference with Members of the Military |
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Do not help Trump’s billionaire supporters art-wash violations of human rights and labor rights Blog Post |
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Trump’s wall and the migration dilemma |
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Donald Trump firma ley que financiará programas de alimentos y agricultura en Cuba por 867000 millones de dólares |
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Globo Media Group in Conflict with Bolsonaro Damascus government refuses autonomous Kurdish entity – Politics – ANSAMed By Trump These Teens Are Turning Instagram PoliticalHuffPost AlejandraSosa |
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HISTORIC! Trump’s First SOTU USA! USA! USA! chant breaks out |
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Trump’s white male supporters may lose their food stamps |
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World War 3 Trump to TAKE US to war with Syria Russia and Iran SHOCK report reveals |
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Blaming Obama For “Killing Christians” Is A Pathetic Attempt To Excuse A Century Of US Foreign Policy And Trump’s Actions |
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Caravana de migrantes: grupo pede a Trump R 192 mil por |
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The American church must build on the opportunity that Trump gave us We must wake up to our task! Our disunity is killing our cause We must shake off the disastrous apathy and complacency that is dulling us to our duty |
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How Bush and Obama Paved the Way for the Trump Presidency and Why It Isn’t Too Late to Reverse Course |
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Chính sách đối ngoại của Mỹ thời Trump |
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Trump declara que EEUU ya no será más “el policía del mundo” |
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Ti kjappe om jula: Håper å se Trump i håndjern |
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14 journalist Bob Woodward on Trump’s Twitter and digital media: ‘We have a governing crisis’ |
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‘Suudiler Trump’a para ödesin diye Brexit kaosu |
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Fmr Ethics Director Nails Trump for an “Admission to violations of the law” |
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Prosecutors Destroy Trump’s Conspiracy Theory About A Democratic House Staffer |
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Die Türkei lädt Trump ein das Weiße Haus sagt nichts … |
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Jusqu’où ira la guerre commerciale Sino-américaine après la rencontre Xi Jinping – Trump au G20 |
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Trump’s year |
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SHUT DOWN – Trump Threatens to Close Border if Congress Won’t Fund Wall |
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Pelosi Schumer Post Slew of Identical Anti-Trump Tweets |
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Tired of Hearing “Give Trump a Chance” Here’s How You Respond… |
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The Trump administration to freeze fuel-efficiency standards |
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El Real Madrid sigue ganando títulos bajo las órdenes de Santiago Trump y Melania realizan una visita sorpresa a las tropas estadounidenses en Irak |
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CNN Reporters Deemed Troops’ MAGA Hats Signed by Trump ‘Inappropriate’ — Air Force Gives Perfect Response |
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JK Rowling Has Stephen King’s Back In The Twitter Battle Against Trump |
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Trump um ataque dissimulado ao verdadeiro cristianismo |
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Trump-Kim Jong-un ile görüştü |
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Subpoena served on Ivanka Trump Co |
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Trump Administration Set to Roll Back 900 Million in Obama-Era Offshore Drilling Regulations |
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Bolsonaros de cabojate con cucharadas de Trump CIPAYOS APALEANDO SU PROPIO PASADO |
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President Donald J Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to Key Administration Post |
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Melania Trump Enggan Membahas Isu ‘Pelakor’ |
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Trump limoge Mattis le système en crise ouverte |
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Paryžius Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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¿Qué está pasando en la China de Xi Jinping mientras todo el mundo mira a Donald Trump |
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Ivanka Trump Shocked For Pawan Kalyan Craze |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera de Estados Unidos con México |
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STORMY NO MORE: Trump Saved by Texas Anti-Slapp Statute |
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Trump Administration Asked Top Hedge Fund Investor For Advice How To Halt Market Rout |
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The Washington Post Brought Down Nixon And Is About To Bring Down Trump Too |
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TT Trump tuyên bố tình trạng khẩn cấp quốc gia “xoóa sổ” Huawei khỏi thị trường Mỹ |
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Trump Denies Telling Cohen to Break the Law |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera al sur |
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The Trump vs Clinton race goes on: 2016 presidential race not yet settled after first debate |
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Trump threatens to close border terminate trade deals cut aid unless wall is funded |
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How Trump Succeeded |
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Trump’s New Year’s Resolution: Close the Border Cut Off All Aid to Central America |
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President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday Edition |
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Bilancio del Midterm: Trump i democratici e il ritorno di Hillary Clinton |
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It’s great to get to the end of 2019 with my enthusiasm for blogging undimmed My obsessions this year have mainly focused of the Thoughts of Chairman Trump the Kindness of Jacinda Ardern and the potential for carving out of a new post-neoliberal political platform With of course a few dollops of life love and intrigue thrown in It has been a year I suppose like most but more so of hopes and fears We are living in interesting times |
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MORE ANTI-TRUMP JOURNALISTIC FRAUD Report that Michael Cohen was in Prague Slammed as Garbage by Everyone Involved |
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Newsmax Insider: Trump Not Bashful About America in Face of NFL Protests |
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Interacting with Trump Supporters |
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Donald Trump: What The Media Doesn’t Report |
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A vision of a post-Trump America |
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Donald Trump đối mặt với AX: Tổng thống Mỹ S be bị lật đổ ‘trong vài tháng đầu năm 2019’ |
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Trump Continues Blasting Democrats Over Shutdown: ‘I Am in the White House Waiting’ for Them to ‘Come on Over’ |
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The Resistance Sings Trump an Impeachment Carol VIDEO |
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Trump considering options to replace John Kelly as chief of staff |
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Trump Warns European Leaders to “Watch Themselves” |
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US Refugee Programs In Danger Of Collapse After Deep Trump Cuts |
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Trump has ‘black and white’ world view: UK foreign minister |
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Could Trump be Correct Could the Media be the Enemy of the People |
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Ignatius: Trump’s order abandons 10000 Kurds who fought ISIS |
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In a single tweet Trump destroys US policy in the Middle East |
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Las Víctimas de la Guerra Comercial de Trump a Punto de Duplicar su Sufrimiento en Vísperas de Año Nuevo |
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Kaşıkçı’nın Nişanlısı: Trump |
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Former Trump speechwriter David Sorenson on the dangers of uncorroborated allegations |
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Trump insiste con la amenaza de cerrar la frontera con México |
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Trump signs VA Mission Act |
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Democrats Just Humiliated Donald Trump…and He Didn’t Take It Well |
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Trump Administration Sued For Failure to Protect Giraffes As Required by EPA |
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Nancy Pelosi Mocks Trump’s Comments About the Wall |
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Trump põe o Estado Deep State Profundo em evidência com a retirada da espaçonave estacionada no limite do sistema solar |
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Donald Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border if Democrats Fail to Fund Border Security |
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Trump Threatens to Cut Aid to Honduras Guatemala and El Salvador |
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Trump Supporter Hands Liberal Cashier 20 Cops Called When He Looks At The Back |
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Liberals Enlist Soldiers For Impeachment Against Trump That Would Start Next Week |
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The Chart That Shows the Price Tag for Trump’s Obamacare Sabotage Submitted By Susan Lee Schwartz 1 |
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Trump proposes biggest civil service change in 40 years – ‘Hire the best and fire the worst’ |
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· Trump Makes Major Blunder in Tweet |
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Donald Trump ismét sürgette a demokratákat a határon építendő fal költségeinek megszavazására |
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About That Wall Trump Said Mexico Would Be Paying For: QuickTake |
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Electric Driving in the Time of Trump |
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Trump orders probe of China’s intellectual property practices |
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Top Video of 2016 1: Penn Jillette on Libertarianism Taxes Trump Clinton and Weed |
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GOP Senate Dem House Will Re-Open Government With Veto Proof Vote: After Trump Shutdown |
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Trump administration looks to Texas as it pushes a criminal justice reform bill 3 weeks ago |
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Donald Trump says he is willing to meet with Iran without precondition… |
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En secreto Trump llegó a IrakInternacional |
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Interponen demanda contra Donald Trump para detener las restricciones de Solicitantes |
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Giuliani Insists Mueller Should Be Investigated over Russia-Trump Probe |
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Niemiecki dziennik ostrzega: Nie ma gwarancji że Trump nie wycofa wojsk z Polski po rozmowie z Putinem |
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DEM Pollster Says Election Could be Like 1980 a 40 State Trump Landslide |
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Pelosi and Schumer CRUSH Trump in Oval Office Battle on Open |
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Trump Executive Order Bitcoin Madness amp CEO Resignations – Pizzagate Pedogate qanon |
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Putin just turned on Trump in public lashing on his media outlet |
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Jemele Hill: Calling Donald Trump a white supremacist like ‘saying water is wet’ |
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Melania Trump’s Visit To Africa Not Well Defined -By Rafiq Raji |
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New Story Just Out: How Environmental Policies Fared In Trump’s Cross Hairs In 2018 |
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This Trump-Bashing Anti-Conservative Movie Is Doing Well In The Box Office But It’s Absolutely Awful |
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Nhà Trắng đón đợi 12 tháng khuấy đảo của ông Trump |
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‘Late Night’ Takes A Peek At Trump’s Personal Christmas Cards |
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Trump se retira de la vista pública mientras el cierre del gobierno continúa a lo largo de la lucha del muro fronterizo |
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Trump: nem lehetünk a világ a Mikulás házának hátsó udvarán |
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DOJ Now Has a Star Witness Against Trump |
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15 Memorable Donald Trump’s Cameos: From ‘Home Alone 2’ to ‘Sex and the City’ |
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Trump Obamas Share World’s Most Awkward Handshake At Bush Funeral |
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Trump kontra sternicy Imperium |
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Trump Brags About His “High IQ” and Being “First in My Class”…Then We Checked The Dean’s List |
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Ari Melber Reflects on ‘Strange Bedfellows’ of the Trump Era: Fat Joe and ‘Woke Bill Kristol’ |
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Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Are Not ‘Necessary’ |
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Trump says ‘big progress’ made in talks with China New |
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Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half takes more Christians than Muslims |
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President Donald Trump’s Wall Demands Clash With Campaign Rhetoric |
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President Trump More Popular in Democratic Western New York than Democrat Andrew Cuomo Survey Finds |
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President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for HR 2 the “Agriculture Improvement Act” |
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Americano: is Michael Cohen going to bring down Trump |
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‘Recipe for disaster’: Trump tariffs key White House departures raise risk of global trade war |
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VIDEO Actress Diahann Carroll: ‘We’ve Never Had A President Like Trump And We Will Never Have Again In The Future So Just Respect His Efforts For This Nation! Or Leave The Country Do You Support Her |
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Euphrate : La Turquie conquérante Trump lance des coups de pied à ses adversaires Paris et Londres sombrent dans le ridicule absolu…chronique d’un grand jeu devenu petit ! |
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Unpresidented: A Biography of Donald Trump |
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Vladimir Poutine : En Syrie nous ne voyons aucun signe du retrait des Etats-Unis annoncé par Trump |
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REPORT: Senator demands action from Trump admin after Saudi ‘helped man flee’ from US prior to murder trial |
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Bette Midler Calls For Murder Of Trump – She Regrets But It’s Too Late |
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A fake Trump tweet goes out of control |
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Syria troop withdrawal welcomed but Trump’s aim unclear |
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At the six month mark the Trump Administration is operating well under a CEILING of 45000 refugees at 10548 admitted so far |
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Trump Presidency A Kind of Shakespearean Romp And Other Famous Novels Comedy and Tragedy |
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Trump Caught Embezzling |
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Sen Flake Hasn’t Ruled Out Running Against Trump In 2020 |
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A Texas congressman from the border says Trump should fix our existing security system instead of funding a ’14th century solution called a wall’ |
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Trump Inadvertently Claims He Can Close The Southern Border Without… |
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Senior Democrats in Congress have accused Donald Trump of lying about the CIA’s findings on the invo… |
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Mexico City – Mexican President Reacts To Trump With Caution Yesterday 03:00 PM Mexico City – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has reacted cautiously to a threat by President Donald Trump to close the border Trump tweeted Friday: We build a Wall or close the Southern Border Disputes with Congress over funding for the border wall have already led to a |
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Trump Claims Federal Workers Impacted by Shutdown Want Him to ‘Stay Out Until You Get the Funding’ |
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Defending Trump’s Space Command – Washington Times |
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Phu nhân Tổng thống Trump khiến nhiều người giật mình vì quần da “phản chủ“ |
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Economia Mundo Trump diz que China vai ‘reduzir e remover’ tarifas de carros dos EUA |
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The News and Times: When professionals sell out we get a president like Trump professionals sell out we get a president like Trump Postcards from MN: Twitter search feed for: michael novakhov: The FBI News Review: MN: Continue this Purge: relentlessly and object… … |
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Political Figures Differ Online: Names of Trump Obama Merkel Attached to Ransomware Campaigns |
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Women’s March Calls For “Jihad” Against Trump |
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NEĆETE VJEROVATI: Trump ima dva uslova za sastanak sa Putinom… |
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Năm 2018 qua ngôn từ của Trump |
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Let me say upfront—I want Donald Trump to remain president I believe he will remain president And then he’ll be reelected |
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Majority of Americans polled want Trump impeached or censured |
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Trump ordena al Pentágono crear un “Comando Espacial” |
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Trump termina su segundo año de mandato con un horizonte judicial sombrío |
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Trump: Shanahan to become acting defense secretary Jan 1 |
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China Just Perfectly Trolled Trump On His Fave Platform This is BRILLIANT |
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El cuento de Navidad de Donald Trump: Solo en Washington y sin vacaciones |
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9:25 AM 12/29/2018 – The Trump-Russia Investigations and Archive |
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Hükümetin kapanması krizinde fatura Trump’a kesildi |
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Η αφρικανική πολιτική του Trump είναι προορισμένη να Sacks: Ψευδαισθήσεις Εκδόσεις “Ροπή” |
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Esodo natalizio/In autostrada un week end che sembrava selfie osceni e incivilta’ davanti ai ritratti satirici di Trump e Merkel |
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Snapped On Em: White Clerk Refuses To Sell Products To White Customer Wearing A Trump ‘MAGA’ Hat! |
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Paris demande à Trump de ne pas se mêler de politique intérieure française |
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Democrats Are on a Hiring Spree for Lawyers to Help Investigate Donald Trump in 2019 |
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Trump’s shutdown takes a toll on the farmers who are already hurting from Trump’s trade war |
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The partial government shutdown will almost certainly be handed off to a divided government to solve in the new year as President Donald Trump sought to raise the stakes Friday and both parties traded blame in the weeklong impasse |
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10 motivos pelos quais Trump não será reeleito |
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Trump Says NKorea Summit Now On |
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President Trump stands firm on border wall funding |
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US Embassy moved to Jerusalem by President Donald J Trump |
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Fox News’ Kat Timpf: Trump Wants Credit For Stock Market Gains But Not Blame For Losses |
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Tarik Pasukan di Suriah Trump Sebut AS Tak Lagi jadi Polisi Dunia |
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Trump’s Slow-Motion Nervous Breakdown By Bob Burnett 1 |
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Trump: I told Saudi king he wouldn’t last without US support |
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Trump and China loom over a tumultuous year in Asia – Fox News |
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Media Tries to Get Troops in Trouble For Having Trump Sign Tries to Get Troops in Trouble For Having Trump Sign Autographs |
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Sau Chủ tịch Fed Bộ trưởng Tài chính Steven Mnuchin sẽ là quan chức tiếp theo ông Trump đòi sa thải |
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Abandonados por Trump curdos pedem ajuda a Assad e oferecem-lhe vitória |
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Rand Paul ‘all in’ on Trump’s tax plan |
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Donald Trump Had His Most Batshit Press Conference Yet And the Internet Reacted In Kind |
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Bilancio del Midterm: Trump i democratici e il ritorno di Hillary… |
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On Donald Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria |
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Melania Trump viste tres looks diferentes en apenas 24 horas |
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Trump ameninţă să închidă frontiera cu Mexicul dacă zidul nu este finanţat |
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Barron Trump Donald Trump’s Son 10 Things You Should Know! |
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Trump Considering to Put Venezuela on ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’ List and Intensify Sanctions |
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Trump to Choose Kushner as Next Chief of Staff Supporters Not Amused |
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VeChain and BIOS Middle East Partner Up To Offer Trump Names Crypto Supporter Mick Mulvaney As White House Chief of Staff |
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‘That’s shiny’: How a UK plane spotter cracked Trump’s secret |
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Trump Triumphant over globalists in historic announcement Hailed LEADER OF THE WORLD by South Korea |
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Un Agente De La CIA Acaba De Renunciar Por Culpa De Trump Con Esta Carta Abierta |
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Corker says Trump could have avoided shutdown |
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Fox News Gets Critical on Trump’s ‘Campaign Rally’ Rhetoric During Visit With Troops |
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Trump literally just looked our Military troops in the face and lied to them |
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Trump’s Leaked NYC Finance Records Show Things That Just Don’t Add Up |
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An Essential And Critical Conversation On Trump’s Hasty Decision To Attack Syria |
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Trump llama rata a su exabogado condenado tras colaborar con Fiscalía |
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Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security |
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Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate 2016 election |
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Trump’s Latest Attack on Abortion Access Blocking Insurance Coverage |
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Letter to the editor: President Trump is doing right by US |
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President Trump Thinks Of America As A Company Not A Country |
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Trump Administration Seeks To Muzzle Scientists Protecting Vital Native American Sites |
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What Trump’s Syria decision means on the front lines of the fight against the Islamic State |
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Russian Dressing At Trump Plaza Salad Bar Dems Want Answers |
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US Congressman Wants Trump To Punish Subversive Nigerian Politicians |
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La inauguración de Trump pagó a la compañía de Trump – con Ivanka en el medio |
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Clinton WH Staffer Says Ryan/McConnell Are on Tape Discussing Illegal Russian Money in Trump Campaign |
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Irak : Trump révèle par erreur l’identité de membres d’une unité top secrète |
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Trump signs sweeping two-year budget deal – MILITARY FUNDED |
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Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End |
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MN: The true bipartisan effort is needed for this initiative the true roles of the Obama’s FBI and DOJ in these “Trump-Russia Investigations and Non-Investigations” have to be uncovered This subject becomes a part of the larger and for now conducted mostly by Mueller comprehensive “TRUMP INVESTIGATIONS” These should include the very broad range of issues from the state of the Counterintelligence Service to the reassessment of the various impacts of the new Social Media on the Society’s cognitive and political lives |
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Trump’s ‘Lose-Lose’ Trade Wars Cost US China 6bn |
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Is Trump the problem |
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Watergate lawyer John Dean nails Trump for having a ‘lifetime of escaping the rules’ — but that time is up |
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13 times Trump and his GOP allies weaponized the DOJ in 2018 |
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US Elections: Democrats Seize Control Of Congress In Setback For Trump |
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Beto O’Rourke Just Destroyed Trump’s Border Wall Theory amp Donald Is Livid |
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Ex-Trump Adviser Flails On CNN After He’s Busted Making Up Facts VIDEO |
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Trump threatens to shut Mexican border |
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Trump exposed the location and faces of Navy Seals In Iraq tweet – AOL |
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Warga Salahkan Trump |
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Media Continue Attacks on President Trump’s Iraq Visit: ‘Video Puts Troops at Risk’ |
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Top Yahoo searches of 2017: Love Island Donald Trump and Meghan Markle |
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Laura Jane Grace on Donald Trump’s Transgender Action: ‘F–k Off’ |
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Trump Government Shutdown |
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Report: Everybody in the White House Considers Trump an Idiot |
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Trump’s G20 Summit |
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— River Donaghey That Girl Still Believes in Santa Despite Trump’s Phone Call |
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Trump Administration Streamlines Veteran Medical Records |
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Trump will stay in DC through the shutdown incoming chief of staff says |
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Carl Hiaasen: Former ally David Pecker flips and Trump probably flips out |
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Colbert: Trump putting a ‘pillow over the Constitution’s face’ with latest request |
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Taking Aim At Democrats Trump Once Again Singles Out Israel’s Wall’ For CRAZY LEASE DEAL: 5-DAY BLOWOUT SALE ON 2019 TOYOTA CAMRYS |
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What Does Trump AG Pick William Barr Mean for the Cannabis Industry |
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New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump’s golf club and Mueller FBI are involvedComments gt |
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Trump Tries to Claim Obama Had a Similar Stance on Immigration But He Leaves Out Important Context |
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To the Editor: Marino Embraces Trump Embarrasses District |
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Trump Adviser Stumbles Through Interview After MSNBC Host Corners Him Over How Trump Is Comforting Furloughed Workers |
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Melania Trump’s sister Ines Knauss Things You Should Know! |
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Gold Returns as a Safe Haven on the Back of Trump’s Foreign “Policy” |
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President Trump Tweet: I Just Ended the Fed |
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The linchpins for a rules-based double game stymies Trump’s Afghan peace effort |
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The World According to Trump and Xi |
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CUTREMUR în Administrația lui Trump |
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In preparation for Trump’s ‘America First’ Doctrine Japan unleashes 243bn defense spending plan |
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New Low for Liberal Media Criticizing Trump’s Iraq Visit • The Story with Martha MacCallum |
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Trump: Twitter Facebook i Google faworyzują Demokratów |
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Media Roots Radio: 12 Russians Indicted Helsinki Putin Panic Trump’s Reversal |
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Why One Shouldn’t Be Deluded by Trump’s Pro-Russian Remarks |
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Deep State Panicked by Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Syria |
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Israels Angriffe in Syrien: Geduld Moskaus auf harte Probe Trump auf geheimer Königin von England spricht über Selbstopferung – schau mal den in der Ukraine wurde still und leise aufgehoben – Was steckt greift Syrien zu Weihnachten an – Trump entlarvt NASA-Betrug und veräppelt ISS-Astronauten in Live Merkel: Die Stasi lebt noch und Angela Merkel ist die ist BRD 1:1 – Erkennen und handeln! |
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Trump’s Video Did Not Violate Security Protocols |
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Melania Trump gets mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting the troops |
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Donald Trump Dan Dunia Islam |
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World Trump says build US-Mexico wall or he’ll seal border |
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VA fires more than 500 feds under Trump even before new accountability law |
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Kara Swisher amp Lydia Polgreen on News in the Trump Era |
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Trump attacked in rally |
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Jim Carrey Targets Trump Admin Women In More Bizarre amp Bitter Posts |
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Steve Mnuchin Becomes Trump’s Latest Target |
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Trump amenaza con dejar en cero la ayuda a Centroamérica |
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Donald Trump cancela planes de celebrar Año Nuevo |
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Trump Administration Announces Bump Stock Ban |
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Is it the Fed or is it the Trump Here’s the Truth |
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Dinilai Menguntungkan Negara Lain Trump Umumkan AS Berhenti Menjadi Polisi Dunia |
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Amenaza Trump de nuevo con cerrar la frontera con México |
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Trump Visited the Troops in Iraq Pelosi Visited a Hawaii Resort |
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Correction: Trump-Rolling Rollbacks story |
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Don Lemon double standards on Trump’s Kanye meeiting |
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Trump y Siria: “Mambrú se fue a la guerra y no sabe cuándo vendrá” |
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Trump become softens in Muslim issue |
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Trump y el supremacismo blanco Palestinización de los mexicanos 2017 |
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Don Lemon Says Trump’s 2013 Call For Obama To Be ‘Fired’ Over Shutdown Is ‘Priceless’ – HuffPost |
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VICIOUS Trump offensive plan in motion: World wide Panic Engulfs Elites:TRUMP TRAP SET decimation and decapitation AND THE REAL REASON FOR SESSIONS WAR ON CANNABIS |
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Trump Ormai un pugile suonato Solo la Fed può far tornar il Toro a WS |
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Trump just made Mueller’s job easier by admitting to various crimes |
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Trump/Cohen/Russia Emails Have Mysteriously Disappeared |
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Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique et le shutdown s’embourbe |
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ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory – due to Trump admin |
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Pelosi Responds To Trump’s Shutdown Tantrum With Very Bad News For Donald |
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I was honored to speak at President Trump’s rally in Rochester Minnesota |
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DisruptJ20 Chaos Crisis Drones and Roller Derby Planned for Trump Inauguration |
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Why is Trump about to have a huge headache |
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Digital Demagogue Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter |
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Trump Suggests He’s Smarter Than Obama…So We Checked His College Pens Epic Open Letter to Joel Osteen After Hurricane Harvey Response |
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Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press |
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Will Trump Bring Back the Gold Standard Amanda Kay – December 20th 2018 |
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CEO Google Dicecar Pertanyaan “Mengapa Gambar Trump Muncul Saat Mencari Kata Idiot” |
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California poised to fight back against Trump’s “public charge” attack on immigrants |
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We asked 1000 Americans what they think Trump’s New Year’s resolutions should be Here’s what they told us |
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Donald’s Trump picture was sold at auction for 29000 |
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Donald Trump amp Megan Mullally – Green Acres at the Emmys – YouTube |
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Did The White House Leak Trump’s Iraq Visit To Sebastian Gorka |
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Análise: Trump une esquerda e direita contra planos de se afastar da Síria e do Afeganistão |
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Suspect arrested following death of California police officer Trump cited in wall push |
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Trump amenazó con cerrar la frontera si no recaudan fondos para el muro |
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James Mattis Resigning As Defense Secretary In Rebuke To Trump’s Policies |
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Flake Says Trump Won’t Follow Through on Border Threat |
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Ahora amenaza Donald Trump con cerrar frontera de EEUU con México |
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Trump is impulsive In a zombie apocalypse you must act fast! |
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TRUMP ATACA SIRIAPERO QUE SIGNIFICA TODO ESTE TEATRO/no te quedes con lo que te cuenten los medios |
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Life During Trump: Progress on Climate Change Will Come From the Bottom Up |
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Trump threatens to shut southern border amid govt shutdown |
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Trump rebaja sus pretensiones financieras para acabar el muro con México en un gesto hacia el Partido Demócrata |
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Nachruf auf Amos Oz Immer fantastisch nie mit Amos Oz von 2017 Trump hat keine Ahnung |
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Trump hypes jobs relocating back to the US Are they |
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Suspect In California’s Holy Fire Is A Trump Supporting QAnon Conspiracy Theorist |
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2-Year-Old Yemeni Whose Mother Sued Trump Admin to See Him in Oakland Has Died |
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Trump Stands His Ground on Putin with the War Party |
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Chris Matthews explains sneaky way Robert Mueller can perhaps force Trump to resign |
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House Dem lets Trump know to buckle up for money laundering evidence |
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Trump’s removal from office being called for by Republican official |
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Trump and the Fed |
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Deportation orders up 31 nationwide under Trump |
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So now Trump wants us to pay for the wall |
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F WILLIAM ENGDAHL: Are the French Protests a US Color Revolution amp is Trump the Real Deal |
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Watch: Vape Shop Clerk Throws Violent Tantrum Over Trump Shirt Screams N-Word At Customer In Viral Video |
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New Trade Deal in Place of NAFTA to be Signed by November: Trump |
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President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President |
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A Design Proposal that Out-Trumps Trump |
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Turn around go back home: Trump defends use of teargas on migrants |
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Wall Street cae mientras Trump pelea con demócratas y la FED |
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President Trump denies using vulgar language to describe African countries |
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Grassley government shutdown: “I support President Trump” on 5 billion wall funding |
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Famous Rapid City ‘Art Alley’ Shows Trump Assassinated With Arrows |
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Esquerda liberal vs suposta direita conservadora Trump e Bolsonaro qual o objetivo A Oposição Controlada Illuminati |
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Rudy Giuliani screws up again Unwittingly revealing laughable legal defense for Trump |
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Republicans Now Concerned About Trump “Not serving out the term” |
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Cisano le foto della festa dello Scurotto “griffato” Donald Trump |
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Oklahoma Church Erects Fence Around Nativity Scene to Protest Trump Border Policies |
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President Trump Makes Surprise Visit to US Troops in Iraq |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera si no hay dinero para el muro de México |
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Pour Trump les Etats-Unis n’ont pas vocation à être le « gendarme du Moyen-Orient » |
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Trump Vows To Cut Off Aid Honduras El Salvador and Guatemala |
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Trump attention aux journalistes qui ne font pas preuve de «respect» |
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Trump pedaling on Syria withdrawal – by Kevin Zeese |
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Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord |
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Why Trump’s Wall is a Must and Why a “virtual fence” Will… |
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Watch Donald Trump Defend Israel After A ‘Nasty’ Zionist Question |
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The US Presidency 2016 – NEW GOAL Adviser to TRUMP |
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O noua gafa marca Donald Trump: A dezvaluit accidental identitatea soldatilor Navy Seals din Irak |
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Former Miss USA Credits TRUMP With Helping Her Turn Her Life Around |
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Trump Threatens to Shut Down the Southern Border Without Wall Funds and He Has the Power to Do It |
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House probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious end — with no report – Stats |
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Trump 24/7 Online |
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Sam Trump Shows |
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Trump claim that FBI can’t probe Kavanaugh allegations is wrong ex-officials say |
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On Trump Presidency online shopping logistics sector etc |
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The Pittsburgh mass murder and Donald Trump won’t bend Lawrie Bloom and Brampton’s Har Tikvah Synagogue |
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The ‘Trump Effect’ on the NAFTA negotiations has spilled into the Brampton business community |
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Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump MSM Completely Ignores |
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Trump to a boy: Do you believe in Santa |
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Trump åpner for økte utslipp |
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The Trump administration ignores climate change as the Arctic melts |
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Republican Voter Slams Trump Supporters For Enabling ‘A Screw-Up’ |
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Instead of 5 billion for Trump’s wallDo this |
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The Daily Show- Trump’s UK visit |
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Jemele Hill Doesn’t See Why Folks Were Pressed When She Called Trump A White Supremacist |
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House Probe Of FBI-DOJ’s Anti-Trump Pro-Clinton BiasHits Unceremonious End — With No Report |
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Trump’s Travel Ban Is Upheld by Supreme Court |
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Présentation des lettres de Créances à Son Excellence Donald Trump |
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Trump New Strategy With Chinese Car Industry |
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Why I’m a Liberal Who Fights the Left Even in the Age of Trump |
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Kathy Griffin to Trump: ‘Shut the Fck Up and Prepare for Prison’ |
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Notes on the Dual State Exception and Law: Understanding the Third Reich to inform us about President Trump the Muslim Ban the firing of Sally Yates and things to watch out for |
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Trump Extricates Himself from the Trap in Syria Abandoning the Kurds |
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Donald Trump quotes for business |
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Chimamanda describes Melanin Trump as racist |
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Russian Spy Butina Pleads Guilty To Illegally Helping Trump Get Elected President Of The United States |
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Yes Donald Trump Actually Did Publicly Insult The Navy Seal Who Killed One Of America’s Biggest Enemies Osama Bin Laden |
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Xmas in America: Trump’s Government Shutdown |
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Christmas Eve Monday News: Trump Forces Out Mattis on 1/1/19 “Plunge Protection Team” Trump |
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Don’t get me wrong I respect Donald Trump I believe he is a man of faith but I might not crown him theologian of the year Mike Pence on the other hand knows the Bible well He will take a strong stand for godly principles |
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Instead of the zingers from Trump which I love you will get the rational considered opinion that demolishes stupid questions Which I also love You really want that |
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Trump is an answer to prayer He is the wrecking ball to corruption in both Democrats and Republicans that we so desperately needed This just in: Trump will not be thrown out of office Donald Trump will fulfill his destiny |
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Latino Rebels: Latino Support for GOP Steady Despite Trump Immigration Talk |
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EUR/USD – Euro stops after solid increases following Trump remarks |
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How to Be a Citizen in President Trump’s America |
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Trump Trans Ban 20 |
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Anti-Trump Journalist Caught in Unthinkable Crime |
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Dems Plan To STIFF Trump’s Border Wall! |
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A world without Trump |
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Turns Out Trump’s Email Server Less Secure Than Hillary Clinton’s |
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„Tarnów pełen blasku” czyli miasto świątecznie Trump w Białym Domu” |
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President Trump: “It’s Time For Our Troops To Come Back Home” |
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What do we do with Trump in 2019 |
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Book Review: Fear: Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward |
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Trump Investigations: 10:48 AM 12/29/2018 – “To make a deal to get him out of there” And ASAP – MN – Opinion |
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Cuộc thăm dò của AP cho thấy sự chấp thuận công việc cao đối với Trump từ các cựu chiến binh |
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USINDO-PADA MoFA RI Open Forum: US Policy toward Southeast Asia under President Donald Trump: Continuity or Change |
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Congresista republicano se burla de la última amenaza de Donald Trump en frontera |
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Trump rebaja sus pretensiones financieras para acabar el muro con México en un gesto hacia el Partido Latina cierra un año electoral que consolida el cambio político con más presión sobre Maduro y en EEUU el exguerrillero Pablo Muñoz Hofmann buscado por la Justicia chilena más de 20 años |
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Osama Bin Laden Pakistan Fake News – Trump on Twitter Nov 19 |
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UN to Trump: Accept Illegal Aliens and Muslim Refugees or Else |
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Crimes at Trump Golf Courses NJ |
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State of Hawaii v Donald Trump |
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Trump Investigations Report |
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Trump lifts Turkey sanctions but Americans remain detained |
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Penguins acceptance of Trump’s White House invitation odd but opportune |
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Trump presses Democrats on border… |
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Hizbullah Al-Nujaba: Kunjungan Trump Langgar Kedaulatan Irak |
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Russian trolls supported Green Party candidate to help Trump report |
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Trump Ancam Tutup Perbatasan AS-Meksiko |
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More Trump/Russia evidence released involving presidential election |
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Official reveals Trump was physically throwing things after embarrassing press conference with Dems |
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Trump/Russia Ties Found to Go FAR Deeper Than Anyone Imagined |
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Trump Admits Live on MSNBC He Has a Relationship with Putin |
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President Trump’s executive order will undo Obama’s Clean Power Plan rule |
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GoFundMe pagina voor Trump’s grensmuur brengt meer dan… |
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Trump Issues Dark Warning About Immigrants In New Plea For Wall Funding |
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Trump ordena la retirada de las tropas estadounidenses de Siria declara victoria sobre el |
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Trump rally cancels book burning as supporters have no books to |
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Trump Threatens To Close Mexican Border |
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Sundance President Trump and Turkish President Recep Erdogan – This Should Be Interesting… |
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Amenaza Trump con el cierre de frontera |
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Quand le député des Français de Suisse se lâche sur Trump ou dérape |
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What’s really going on with the Trump attack on federal sage grouse plans |
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Il secondo tempo di Trump |
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Trump’s New Acting Secretary of Defense Just Got Tied to Russia |
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George HW Bush Gets the Last Laugh on Trump: “A final gift to the country he served so well” |
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Atrapan a estafador en Ticul Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera si los demócratas no aprueban el presupuesto del muro |
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Mueller FBI amp NJ AG Aware of Possible Immigration Crimes at Trump Golf Courses |
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Donald Trump est le premier résultat de la recherche de skiddie sur Google Images |
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Trump Takes Aim At The Federal Reserve Board |
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Man fired after freaking out over customer’s Trump shirt – Stats |
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2 Was the Queen sending coded messages to Donald Trump via her brooches Absolutely 朗讀 解說 |
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Trump in Bagdad: „Wir können nicht mehr der Weltpolizist sein“ |
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President Trump issues ultimatum to “obstructionist Democrats” over border wall funding-USA Today |
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Donald Trump inspira nome de novo tipo de cobra-cega |
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¿Melania Trump sin pantalones bajando del avión presidencial Vea muy bien este video |
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GOP Lawmaker Dismisses Trump Border Threat |
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Trump y su esposa viajaron por sorpresa a Irak para visitar las tropas de |
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Donald Trump vs the Whores of War |
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“Number Of OSHA Workplace Safety Inspectors Declines Under Trump” OSHA |
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Como Barbra Streisand no puede sacarse a Trump de la cabeza canta sobre él |
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Trump urged to nationalize ‘E-Verify’ after 700 percent surge in arrests of illegal workers |
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Trump: ‘We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values’ |
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‘Trump Went Off His Meds’ Congressman Says About Budget And Border Wall Negotiations |
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Trump: Not Funny! |
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Trump has our soldiers remains returned home from Korean War |
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Trump Administration Announces ‘Extreme Vetting’ Plans |
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Để chuẩn bị cho Học thuyết ‘Nước Mỹ trước tiên’ của Trump Nhật Bản đã triển khai kế hoạch chi tiêu quốc phòng 243 tỷ đô la |
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Donald Trump envisage de limoger le président de la sphère bleue |
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Ivanka Trump creates new World Bank initiative to foster Entrepreneurship among Women |
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Politik Arzt-Töchter packen aus: So dreist soll sich Donald Trump um den Militärdienst gedrückt haben |
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Hispanic Vote for Trump GOP Remains Steady |
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Deep Pentagon trying to sabotage Trump’s Syria withdrawal – pro-gov’t media |
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Michael Cohen Guilty Of Thinking President Trump Was Untouchable |
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CNN Panel Gets Heated Over Updated List of Trump False Statements: Aren’t You Alarmed by the Sheer Number |
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Robert De Niro opens up about Trump feud and playing Mueller on ‘SNL’ |
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Bethune-Cookman University President To Meet With President Donald Trump |
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What To Know About Families Separated By New Trump Zero Tolerance Policy – World Relief’s Matthew Soerens |
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Trump threatens to close southern border amid gov’t shutdown |
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Si buscas la palabra idiota en Google aparecerá Donald Trump |
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Video: Liberal freaks out over man’s Trump shirt |
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Efeito Trump: Expansão da economia e corte de impostos contribui para geração de 878 mil novos milionários |
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Donald Trump: An American Jehu |
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Trump cast shadow over Nassau elections: Cairo |
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Trump roba la Navidad a un niño: ‘¿Todavía crees en Santa Claus’ |
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Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019 – CNN |
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Trump expuso a los Navy Seals desplegados en Irak al publicar sus caras en Twitter |
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SUA „nu pot continua să fie jandarmul lumii” afirmă Donald Trump |
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El presidente Trump amenazó con cerrar la frontera con México |
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Ed intanto Trump raccoglie il fatidico 3 seggio di vantaggio al Senato USA che cambierà il mondo e nel mentre Repubblicait continua con la sua propaganda contro-informativa… |
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Here’s How the Economy is Shaping Up in Trump’s First Hundred Days in Office |
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United Nations Declares Trump Border Policy Violates International Law! |
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China purchases US soybean after trade war truce between Trump and Xi |
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Conséquence du retrait de Trump : la Turquie n’envahira pas le nord de la Syrie si Damas et Moscou maîtrisent le PKK |
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The Last Trump Of The Rapture Explained |
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Retired Navy Admiral Slams Trump For Skipping Visit to WWI Memorial ‘He Hasn’t Visited Troops Overseas Either’ |
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Trump’s America Black Panther Mural Defaced with Swastikas in Los Angeles |
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Gloria Allred on the Marine nude photo scandal Trump fires all US attorneys Trump Hotel lawsuit Neil Gorsuch |
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Understanding Narendra Modi amp Donald Trump |
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La decisión de Trump conmocionó Washington donde altas autoridades gubernamentales trataron de hacer cambiar de opinión al presidente |
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Donald Trump and the Age of Unconventional Diplomacy |
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Trump’s Latino Base |
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Shutdown in den USA: Trump droht erneut mit Nur ein Viertel der Firmen ist Putin freut sich über neue Superwaffe „Avantgarde“ |
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Recent syriske hæren entrer Manbij etter Trump følger opp vedtatt tilbaketrekning Neste land ut: Irak |
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Reaction To Trump At Dublin Concert |
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Rescue divers Twiggy make UK honors list Turkey probes TV anchor after protest remarks Let Kurds keep weapons: US commanders Magnitude 69 earthquake strikes near Philippines Canadian teacher detained in China has been released Winter storms batter most of the US Trump Democrats trade shutdown blame US EPA orders rollback of mercury air pollution rules Three more arrested over abductions by Jewish sect Brazil’s Bolsonaro Netanyahu vow to deepen relationship World News Quick Take Hacker steals N Korean defectors’ data in South Business booming at N Korean ‘Singapore shops’ Hui fearful as PRC Sinicizes religion Bangladesh’s violent campaigning ends Australia swelters through record-high heat Author jokes about being mistaken for jailed official |
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Yale Psychiatrist’s Terrifying Trump Prediction |
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Giuliani backtracks on whether Trump will answer more questions from Mueller |
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shutdown Trump admin to unpaid federal workers who can’t make rent: beg barter and get a lawyer Xeni Jardin |
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La visite de Trump en Irak et la guerre sans fin au Moyen-Orient WSWS |
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Sheldon Adelson was a giant loser in midterms — and Trump is letting him know it By Philip Weiss |
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Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months |
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New Trump threat: Close the border |
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The List/UK/30 Days Project Perhaps songwriters need to look beyond claiming one side of a binary to preach to the converted From the 30 Songs project ‘The Greatest Conversation in the History of the Universe’ by Jesu and Sun Kil Moon remains stunningly transcendent a twinkling electro-acoustic ballad which pays raw tribute to everything Mark Kozelek loves about America Lou Reed Laurie Anderson Muhammad Ali the raw multiculturalism of New York ‘If you don’t like this song or what I have to say’ he notes in language Trump might appreciate ‘then fuck off and listen to bye bye Miss American Pie’ His conclusion with a ring of truth we should all acknowledge embraces turbulent reality over self-affirming comfort: ‘if you think you took no part in Trump’s place in this world then you’re fired / because you’ve not been paying attention and your apprenticeship expired —David Pollock |
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Trump signs Right to Try drug bill |
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1hr Trump Democrats trade blame as shutdown continues |
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60 Of Americans Say They Want To See Trump Impeached Censured |
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Fox Legal Analyst: Trump’s New AG ‘Is Not Qualified Under The Law’ -VIDEO |
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Republican Goes On National Television To Call Trump A Joke – Donald Spazzes |
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Journalists Challenged to Question Trump on Wakanda US Relations |
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Trump’s Surprise Victory and the Bernie Factor |
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Chris Matthews predicts Trump could resign ‘in the coming weeks’ |
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Trump: EEUU no puede ser la policía del mundo |
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20 Hilarious Memes Mocking Melania Trump’s Blood-Red Christmas Trees |
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Após Trump ex-Miss Bumbum tatua Bolsonaro |
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Wednesday News: Senate Passes “First Step Act” 87-12 “GOP talks Trump off the shutdown ledge” Northam Unveils Budget Republican Wins Special Election in Deep-Red… |
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Trump amenaza cerrar frontera Estados Unidos México |
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Trump Criticizes NFL for Not Penalizing Anthem Kneeling |
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UNHINGED: Kathy Griffin Tells Trump To ‘Shut The F Up’ And ‘Prepare For Prison’ |
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What Aristotle Can Teach Us About Trump’s Rhetoric |
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Crece enojo con Trump por cierre de gobierno |
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Home probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious finish — with no report |
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Trump emotionally presented the following head of the US Department of defense |
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DAX under strain after Trump undermines money war |
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Trump’s Government Shutdown Could Affect Payments to Struggling Farmers |
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Donald Trump Turns Grinch On Christmas Eve Questions Child’s Belief In Santa |
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The Era of Trump begins |
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Spielberg amp Hanks discuss Trump freedom of the press and their latest film |
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President Trump’s ‘Big Beautiful Trump And The Looming Shutdown |
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Trump arremete contra medios por el caso de los explosivos |
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La estrategia de “Prosper África” de Trump es una admisión de derrota pero también una trampa astuta |
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Trump Employee Turns in Blistering Resignation Letter: “It is you who should be tendering your resignation instead” |
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Michael Cohen Tape Creates More Disaster For Trump |
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Michael Cohen makes comment in sentencing memo that doesn’t look good for Trump’s White House |
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Tape Released of Trump Saying Disturbing Things About Young Girls Backstage |
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No nose big heart: Impaired dog ‘Sniffles’ up for Trump threatens to close border if Democrats don’t fund wall |
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The Four Counties That Flipped From Trump to Polis |
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Trump Blocks China from buying Semi-Conductor company Lattice |
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Trump threatens to ‘entirely’ close US-Mexico border unless wall… |
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Members of Darth Vader’s estate ask Trump to stop playing ‘Imperial March’ |
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Democrats refuse to fund Trump’s “immoral” wall |
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Trump says willing to meet with Iran leaders ‘any time’ |
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Trump Adviser Stumbles Through Interview After MSNBC Host |
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Migrant boy dies in US custody Trump vows shutdown will last until border wall is funded |
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Also! Pete claims to be a staunch Georgia Republican and has raised money for Donald Trump Tom Price and Johnny Isakson among others Why then would Pete and his wife Janet donate a combined 5200 to the primary campaign for a Democrat representing a congressional district in California What could possibly be the MOTIVE behind this donation other than to bribe another doctor Click here to see Pete’s donation to Rogers’ campaign |
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Letter: Who will be left to stand for Trump |
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Trump: ‘Haré todo lo que sea necesario’ para tener un muro |
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Judges check Trump’s immigration cruelty |
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THE NEWS: A Brightline Station Between WPB and Orlando Maybe Trump Could Ruin Miami’s Minority Neighborhoods |
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Trump-Backed Candidate Thinks McCain Family Statement Before He Died Was Meant To Hurt Her Campaign |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera si no |
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Cambridge Analytica Says It Won The Election For Trump Here’s What They’re Actually Talking About |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera sur si no logra fondos para el muro |
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US Officials Meet With North Koreans Despite Uncertainty Surrounding Trump-Kim Summit |
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Trump enjoys high job approval from veterans — unless they’re women: AP poll |
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15 Things Melania Trump Was Trying to tell Us With Her Outfits |
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Awesome Pro Trump Meme – Exposing the Corrupt Government |
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Saturday News: Trump Shutdown/Breakdown Begins “RIP Axis of Adults” Mattis Departure “Puts Our Nation |
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Trump’s In DC Working To Reopen Government Pelosi Vacationing In Hawaii At Luxury Resort |
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Alerta de Google: fbi: Trump-Russia: Republican probe of alleged FBI bias ends ‘with a whimper’ |
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Staging Trump: The Republican Convention Reveals Its Set Design |
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Could Donald Trump really be sent to unfunny’: Ferrell’s film savaged |
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Trump no ha construido ni un kilómetro de su muro fronterizo: informe |
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Donald Trump and the EEOC Part II |
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UPDATED: Trump talks “big progress” after phone call with Xi on trade |
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Pres Trump’s Non-Africa Strategy |
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Trump Destroys World of Literature Redrum |
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Trump Shares His Impeachment Terror With ‘Friends’ Who Share It With All Of Us |
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PERSPECTIVES: Trump on the world stage |
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”Trump Just Closed the FED” |
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Trump’s lawyer now preparing the way for scandal to be exposed |
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Trump Strategies For Real Estate |
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Trump signs ‘Forever GI Bill’ boosting aid to student vets |
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Etats-Unis: Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique |
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Buzz Aldrin says not punching Trump is his greatest achievement |
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Trump advierte nuevamente a los demócratas: “Construimos el muro o cerramos la frontera sur” |
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Donald Trump: Hay ‘gran progreso’ en negociación comercial con China |
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Trump threatens to shut border ‘entirely’ unless Democrats fund wall |
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Mattis deja a la administración Trump sin un referente moderado |
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The Repugnant Donald Trump |
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Super Trump Holdings Ltd |
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In Blow to Pipeline Project Court Invalidates Trump Administration’s Keystone XL Environmental Review Blocks Construction |
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Tổng thống Trump kêu gọi cầu nguyện cho một phụ nữ |
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Chris Krok: What is Trump Doing |
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Carta desde el futuro a propósito de Bolsonaro Trump y Chávez |
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Hondureños planean quemar imagen de Trump por rechazo a caravana de inmigrantes |
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Subpoena Served to Ivanka Trump Co For Money Laundering Activity |
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Massive Trump Docs Leak: Russian Money Trail Found to RNC and Multiple GOP Elite |
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What if Trump is Impeached Is The Left Really Ready For What Comes Next |
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Mañana radical de Donald Trump: Cierre total de la frontera fin del TLCAN y cero ayuda a Centroamérica |
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Trump- Invadir Iraque e Afeganistão foi “o pior erro da História dos EUA” |
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Melania Trump har blekt håret och blivit blondin: Oigenkännlig |
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Merry Christmas from President Donald J Trump and First Lady Melania Trump POTUS amp |
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Trump Would Be Proud To Shutdown Government If Wall Isn’t Funded – New York Times |
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Donald Trump có thể bị bãi miễn như thế nào |
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El Tribunal Supremo impide a Trump negar el derecho de asilo a los inmigrantes irregulares |
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Donald Trump: Political Alpha Incarnate |
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Donald Trump panics Gives up in front of the entire world at G20 |
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“ Arrin Aanan Waligey Horey U Arkin Ayaan Kala Kulmay Diyaaraddii Aan Ku Tagay Wadanka Ciraaq” Madaxweyne Trump |
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::FULL REPLAY:: Minister Farrakhan Issues Final Warning To Trump and US Government |
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Gặp ông Tập Trump cam kết không áp thêm thuế từ 1/1/2019 |
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Per Mark Hamill Darth Vader è meglio di Donald Trump! |
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The Nation: Donald Trump Is Actively Obstructing Justice |
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White House is not aware of Trump’s plans to dismiss the |
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President Trump Signs First Step Act into Law Reauthorizing Second Chance Act |
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«Trump har blitt samenlikna med eit sirkus Det syns eg e både feil og urettferdigt» |
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CNBC: Chính quyền Trump tìm chuyên gia tư vấn về thị trường chứng khoán Mỹ |
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Trump accuses Dems of ‘treasonous’ behaviorTRUMP COUNTER ATTACK BEGINS |
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D J Trump News |
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Trump Left Humiliated As He Cuts Border Wall Funding In Half Democrats Still Not Budging |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera de EEUU-México |
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Trump Signs Executive Order Freezing Pay of Nearly 2 Million Federal Workers |
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Trevor Noah Releases Very Disturbing Tape of Trump Defending/Praising Statutory Rapist |
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Michael Moore Announces Detailed Plan To Instantly Impeach Donald Trump |
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Trump And An Adderall Habit |
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Trump quiere cerrar la frontera con México si el Congreso no le financia el muro |
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Trump llama por teléfono a Peña Nieto tras sismo |
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Trump: Ya duvarın parasını verirsiniz ya da Meksika sınırını tümüyle kapatırım |
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Four reasons Trump’s Syria withdrawal is an error |
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Panic In The House Of Trump! |
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INF – Os neoconservadores do Trump Pompeo e Bolton sempre odiaram acordos sobre controle de armamentos |
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Thumbs Down on Trump’s Tax Reform Plan – Bad for Home |
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Trump Makes 2019 Federal Pay Freeze Official |
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Women For Trump T Shirt |
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Make First Visit to Afghanistan Trump Hints He Could |
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Stop Trump’s Medicaid denial scheme |
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More Omarosa Tapes: Eric Trump’s Wife Tried To Use Juicy Job Offer To Silence Her |
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Trump’s bizarre and confusing DACA meeting with Congress … |
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Trump’s Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide |
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Key Witness Teams up with US Attorney’s Office Against Trump with Evidence |
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Federal Judge Exposes Trump’s Scandal Lie He’s Been Telling for Nearly 2 Years |
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Fmr CIA Director Tells Trump: “Your fear of exposure is palpable Your desperation even more so” |
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Jason Chaffetz Melts Down When Confronted With Trump’s Dissing Of The Troops |
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Trump Says Build US-Mexico Wall or he’ll Seal Border |
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Trump: ‘I do’ have confidence Treasury Secretary Mnuchin |
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20 Brutally Hilarious Memes Mocking Trump’s Raking Solution |
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Trump zdecydowanie przeciwko imigracji |
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Trump Melania watinga Iraq kimyakimya |
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The Trump Challenge for Libertarians: Are We Willing to Man Up and Admit That the Republican Strategy Was a Mistake |
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Amerika: Perezida Trump yashyizeho intumwa nshya |
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The FBI News Review: 9:25 AM 12/29/2018 – Trump-Russia Investigations and Non-Investigations |
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Recent Poll Reveals Majority Of Americans Want Trump Impeached Or Censured |
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I know I know…some Christians are wringing their hands at all the drama going on right now But I am at total peace These histrionics are simply proof of two things: President Trump is not a politician And who could have foreseen when he started draining the swamp how vicious and abundant the monsters |
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The antidote to Trump’s ‘economic illiteracy on stilts’ A dose or Reagan’s pro-trade wisdom |
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Trump having a temper tantrum |
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Trump Delivers ULTIMATUM to Democrats |
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Was Trump Blackmailed Into Syria Pullout |
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What Trump is doing is very dangerous… |
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Trump Can Push Congress on NAFTA but Congress Can Push Back |
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Donald J Trump – Weekly Update 042118 |
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Donald Trump and the fascist style |
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Morte de crianças migrantes é consequência da política Trump |
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Trump Vs violadores y corruptos |
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Ahead of PM Modi’s 2017 US visit Trump wanted ‘set him |
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Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming |
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New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump’s |
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Upset Leftist: Trump’s border wall was never just about security It’s meant to remind all Latinos that we’re unwelcome |
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10 Key Ways House Democrats Plan to Investigate the Trump Administration |
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The Trump EPA’s Top 6 Dubious Achievements Of 2018 |
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Estados Unidos espera la visita de Jair Bolsonaro a principios de 2019 Donald Trump invitó al presidente electo de Brasil a Washington |
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Iraqi Lawmakers Demand US Withdraw After Trump Surprise Visit |
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Trump Economy Explodes Record Number of Americans Employed Stocks Soar |
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Michael Hadaway: Trump continues to spread his lies |
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As Trump disparages immigrants Midwest dairy farmers build bridges to Mexico |
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Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule |
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German industry views Brexit Trump |
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Trump: Har gjort framsteg i handelssamtalen med Kina |
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Trump has updated his travel ban includes these 8 countries – Chad Iran Libya North Korea Syria Venezuela Yemen Somalia – NO EXPIRATION DATE |
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Trump Companies That Every Progressive Should Boycott |
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Judge blocks Trump administration policy cutting drug payments to hospitals |
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Trump vs Economy |
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President Trump set a record for lifetime appointed judges in 2017 |
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Obama Applauded Hillary The Businessman of The Plan without Saying to Trump |
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Trump Scores Big Victory Over Iran |
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NEWS Trump threatens to ‘entirely’ close US-Mexico border unless wall is funded |
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Decide Trump acabar con programa DACA pero con tregua de seis |
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Abbas says talks with Trump positive if short on specifics |
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Plan contra huachicoleo desata detenciones Ejército toma refinería y se despliega en Trump con cerrar la frontera con México por la fuerza |
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5 Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies |
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businessinsider: ‘Somebody does need to challenge the president’: Republican Jeff Flake calls for civility says Trump |
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Gold Range Bound as Investors Await Trump Speech |
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Twitter Briefly Thought Melania Trump Went Pantsless – HuffPost |
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Trump pledges to cut off aid to Honduras Guatemala and El Salvador – Washington Examiner |
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‘The IPOB organisation does not promote terrorism’ – says President Trump |
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Những khoảnh khắc hài hước của Trump trong năm 2018 |
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Former US ambassador sticks knife into ‘chaotic’ Trump administration |
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ArbeitFairTeilen: Kürzer arbeiten – besser für Trump – Arbeitsplatzvernichtung in Niedersachsen |
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Nuke the wall blow the ‘Trump’et🎺 |
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Air Force Shoots Down Fake News Media Attack on Pro-Trump Troops |
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Mario Crespo Martínez – Trump’s Guaguancó |
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Jacob Rothschild admits that President Trump is trying to destroy the |
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Tổng thống Trump tuyên bố cắt toàn bộ viện trợ cho các nước Trung Mỹ |
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Trump in Light of This Week’s Readings |
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Trump Turns Iraq Visit Into Train Wreck |
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Este Demócrata Acaba de Explicar Perfectamente a Trump lo que Significan sus Tweets de las Escuchas |
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19 Key Points From President Trump’s State Of The Union Speech |
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Mattis and Trump |
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President Trump makes surprise visit to Iraq to wish US troops a Merry Christmas |
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USINDO Jakarta-PADA MoFA Open Forum: US Policy toward Southeast Asia under President Donald Trump: Continuity or Change July 27 2018 |
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The Year That Bill de Blasio Became Donald Trump and 9 Other Improbable Week 4 Snowfall Challenge: Where to Find the Hidden Banner |
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Putin afirma estar de acuerdo con Trump sobre la victoria contra ISIS en Siria |
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Mike Lindell interviewed at President Trump rally in Houston Texas |
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Air Force command in Europe: Trump’s MAGA hat signings for troops don’t violate regulations |
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You’re reading the right blog: Trump and the Fed edition |
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Trump speaks at the United Nations General Assembly |
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Otra amenaza: Trump cerraría “completamente” frontera con México si el… |
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Republicans Invited Vampire Trump Into Their Houses Last Year |
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BEFASUESE/ Zyrtari irakian: Vizita e Trump një shkelje sovraniteti një “pushtim amerikan” |
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New Trump Order to Officially Ban Huawei and ZTE from 5G Rollout |
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Trump ameaça fechar a fronteira com o México caso não consiga orçamento para construir o muro |
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Trump To CNN White House Correspondent: ‘You Are A rude Terrible Person’ |
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La esperada reunión entre Trump y Putin |
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Bigotocracy in Charlottesville Va and Trump’s America 💔 |
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Why Trump needs to focus on government spending |
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Trump Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fuelled Rise of ISIS |
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The Important Role Teachers Play in Resisting Trump’s War on Immigrant Families |
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Trump Administration Seeks Public Comments On Marijuana Reclassification |
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Trump Launches Unhinged Rant Over Michael Cohen’s Plea Deal With Mueller Makes Himself Look Guilty |
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Is Trump Trolling Everybody » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s … |
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Donald Trump made ‘despicable’ racist comments in recorded … |
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Congress ends with Trump’s fight for wall shutdown and GOP leaders hard to find |
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‘Trump SHOCKED As WAPO Fact Checker REVEALS He Has Made 6400 False O Mi |
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«Medo – Trump na Casa Branca» chega a Portugal em Novembro |
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Mattis joins ‘revolving door’ exits from the Trump White House |
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Jared Kushner Admits Off The Record That Trump Lies To His Base Because “Republicans Are Stupid And They’ll Buy It” |
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Maddow says Mueller has more dirt on Trump |
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Venezuela rechaza en ONU discurso anticubano de Donald Trump |
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Michael Moore Says He’s Looking Forward To Trump Family Members ‘In Orange Jumpsuits’ In 2019 |
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Trump highlights Mike Lindell at North Dakota rally |
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Shpërthen autobusi në zonën turistike dy të vrarë e 12 të As Trump s’më detyron të flas me Kosovën pa hequr taksën |
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Sin financiamiento para el muro Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera sur |
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Is Trump the Most Furryphobic President Since Andrew Jackson |
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Is It Time for Donald Trump to Index Capital Gains to Inflation |
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Trump’s shutdown will close Smithsonian Museums National Zoo and more |
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What we’re really saying when we talk about Donald Trump’s weight |
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Trump AM 12/29/2018 – To make a deal to get him out of there And ASAP – MN – Opinion |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México si no |
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Fear: Trump in the White House |
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Morning Consult poll shows Donald Trump with lowest approval rating of presidency amid shutdown |
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Donald Trump: Theresa Mays Brexit deal could harm UK trade with US |
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Trump အေမရိကန္သမၼတအျဖစ္ေလ ွ်ာက္ေသာလမ္း |
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Trump ‘very happy’ with Treasury chief Mnuchin: White House adviser |
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President Donald Trump stunned the US establishment by ordering a troop withdrawal from Syria |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera si no le dan fondos para el muro |
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Farmers Are Worried About Their Aid Payments in Trump Shutdown |
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Trump Accuses Obama of Wire Tap During Presidential Campaign |
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¿Trump puso el estado profundo en aviso con la retirada siria |
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Trump Signs EO Then Melania Trump Gets Hit with Major Immigration Investigation |
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It turns out that Trump’s Scroogian line of questioning didn’t cue Lloyd into the fact that Santa might not be real because she didn’t understand what the word ‘marginal’ meant |
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¡Mirá la ‘falsa minifalda’ de Melania Trump y el efecto óptico de su último look! |
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Pakistan not your hired gun anymore: Imran tells Trump |
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Trump Says Mueller Probe Will Meddle In Midterms |
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España envía respuesta a Trump |
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Far-Right Internet Groups Listen for Trump’s Approval and Often Hear It – NY Times |
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Trivial de cine: ¿Quién ha dicho estas frases Donald Trump o… |
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12/27 Joe takes Rookie to task over airport travel no catastrophic storms and media coverage of Trump Joe starts the second hour discussing Colin O’Brady completing the first ever unaided walk across Antarctica |
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Family separation: Girl whose cries highlighted the cruelty of Trump’s policy starts life in US |
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Trump’s Foreign Policy: A Symposium |
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Trump signs bill on Tibet into law despite China protest |
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Facebook on trial: “we made mistakes” on Brexit and Trump campaigns |
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Trump a semnat Ordinul de retragere a trupelor americane din Siria |
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Trump’s Voter Suppression Czar Ousted From Kansas Primary This Is HUGE |
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Trump fire and fury arcade game |
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Fire and Fury Inside the Trump White House |
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Ron Paul: Trump’s decision to withdraw US troops from Syria is ‘fantastic’ |
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Muro col Messico Trump non cede800 mila in congedo o senza paga |
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All the First Ladies before Melania were trans according to a dude who’s been retweeted nine times by Donald Trump |
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ECONOMIABolsas dos EUA têm forte queda após críticas de Trump ao Fed |
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Shutdown Day 7: Trump threatens to close border without wall funding |
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The Pace of Trump’s Lies is Increasing! |
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Team Trump promoted coal at the UN climate talks Youth activists busted it up |
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Trump About To Repeat Mistake In Middle East |
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Trump Just Left The Kurds to Die The Question is: For What Video |
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Trump Is A Twitter Queen And It’s Ruining America And Strengthening Russia |
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Trump diz que esá aberto a negociar novo acordo nuclear com Irã |
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Next James Bond Could Be Trump Jr Destroys Media Over Double Standard |
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Zajárova explica por qué canceló Trump la reunión con Putin |
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12 Ways We Resisted Trump in 2018 — and Won |
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Trump Rock ASA 12 52/300 Softball X-ROCK-RP-ASA-Y |
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Fox amp Friends Host Trashes Trump During Fiery Rant – Video |
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Melania Trump exige despedir a una importante asesora de la Casa Blanca tras pelearse en África |
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Why Trump is wrong about WTO treating US unfairly |
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REPORT: Company Trump Claims He ‘Saved’ Is In Worse Shape Than Ever |
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Muro de TRUMP en Crypto “WallCoin” |
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Donald Trump quer mesmo deixar a Huawei e ZTE fora do 5G! |
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Trump Ormai un pugile suonato Solo la Fed può far |
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Trump dreigt Democraten: Ga akkoord met de financiering van de muur of ik sluit de grens met Mexico |
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Shutting the Government Down Is Grounds for Firing the President According to a 2013 Version of Donald Trump |
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Fox News Contributor Pushes Trump To Use Cop-Killing To Boost Shutdown |
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Syrie Le retrait des troupes de Trump n’est pas la paix c’est une reconfiguration impérialiste |
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🇺🇸 🇲🇽Trump threatens to seal US-Mexico border if wall is not built |
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How a UK plane spotter cracked Trump’s secret |
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Trump’s EPA To Weaken Rule Limiting Coal Plant Mercury Emissions |
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PHOTO: The word ‘shhole’ and sh emojis mischieviously projected on Trump |
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Poll: More Americans blame Trump for government WEEKEND: ‘Holmes amp Watson’ ‘Vice’ ‘Destroyer’ lead New Year’s debuts |
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Trump Fans |
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Etats-Unis Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique si le shutdown dure trop longtemps |
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Ben and Jerry’s Announces New Trump-Inspired Ice Cream Flavor |
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Democrats Are on a Hiring Spree for Lawyers to Help Investigate Donald Trump in 2019: Report – Newsweek |
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Trump oder Powell |
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AAOS Lauds 2 Key Initiatives in Trump Reform Plan |
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Trump annoys you You want a saint in the Oval Office Grow up! His foibles are nothing in comparison to the overt godlessness spewing from the left Instead of wimping out on Trump blame the real villains |
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Dear Left…you’re salivating at the thought of throwing Trump out of office Be careful what you wish for You are truly in a lose-lose situation |
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In Pardoning Saudi Arabia Trump Gives Guidance to Autocrats |
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Donald Trump and the Rage Against Robots |
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Trump y la EEH entre los monigotes malqueridos de 2018 |
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Trump wil geldkraan dichtdraaien |
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Trump: Huawei und ZTE-Netzwerkausrüstung könnte verboten werden |
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Donald Trump achievements as US PresidentView All |
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Trump relinquished the TPP Now it goes without the US in force |
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Give Watch to THIS GEM of a Leftist Liberal Snowflake Melting-down over Trump Shirt and Hat in Georgia |
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As shutdown nears Trump and Congress gripped in a ‘test of wills’ 1 week ago |
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Trump asegura que ha habido un gran progreso en las negociaciones con China |
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The Places Most Likely To Be Impacted By Trump’s Paris Accord Withdrawal |
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Trump Signs Korean Trade Deal |
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President Trump in Briefing at Al Asad Air Base |
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Sin fondos para el muro Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con |
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Matt Purple Washington Melts Down over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal |
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Putin lamenta cancelación de cita con Trump |
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The Latest: Trump tweets he’s waiting for Dems to make deal8:17 AM |
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LEDER: – At Mattis forsvinner ut og Trump nå får mer kontroll på forsvarspolitikken er ikke godt nytt for verken Nato eller Norge |
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Trump cites Saudi arms deal with US to downplay apparent murder of journalist |
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Muros de Trump são um tapa na cara até de seus… |
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Donald Trump Make America Great Again Adjustable Baseball Cap |
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Trump Tax Plan: What it Means for Domestic Employers |
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Reuters: Trump Erdoğan’a ‘O zaman sen yap’ dedi |
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Trump le hace un desplante a Macri y lo deja solo en el escenario |
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Trump Sends Mattis Out The Door Early |
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December 27 2018 Trump and Russia |
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Trump International Hotel Las Vegas |
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Trump y su esposa viajaron por sorpresa a Irak para visitar… |
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Prendam o Trump! E não faltam motivos para isso |
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Trump urged to nationalize ‘E-Verify’ |
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Priceless: CNN’s Don Lemon recalls Trump’s call for Obama to be fired over 2013 shutdown |
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Trump administration tells furloughed workers: Do chores to pay your rent! |
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Melania trump nue sous son manteau La photo qui fait jaser |
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Coulter Blasts Trump for ‘DACA Lovefest’ With Dems Plan for … |
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Donald Trump revela identidad de marines de EU |
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With Korean Talks Of Peace Trump’s Deserves Nobel Peace Prize |
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L’Europe face au défi Trump |
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Trump Calls for US to ‘Get Tough’ on Border Security as Police Suspect Officer Was Killed by Illegal Immigrant |
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witches against donald trump |
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Existe um consenso entre os cientistas conhecedores do assunto no mundo inteiro: dizem que a Terra está se aquecendo drasticamente por causa das emissões de dióxido de carbono do ser humano e que isso terá consequências catastróficas Mas Bolsonaro igual a Trump prefere não ouvi-los Prefere ignorar o problema |
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Trump Admin Repeals Lax School Discipline Rules Implemented Under Obama That Led To Increased Behavior Violence And Likely School Fed Chief Powell Single-Handedly Destroying American Economy To Weaken Trump’s Success And Institute Globalist Govt |
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President Trump Promises to Close Southern Border if Democrats Won’t Fund Wall |
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12/28 Links Pt2: What if the Six-Day War never took place What Bret Stephens Missed About Trump and Israel Pallywood Rears Its Ugly Head Again |
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Atty Gen Jeff Sessions forced out by Trump setting up likely clash over the Russia investigation |
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SYRIE: Le sénateur américain Thomas Garrett fustige la décision de Trump |
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No Te Pierdas la Estúpida Solicitud de Trump a la Reina para su Próxima Visita a Inglaterra |
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DC Showdown: Don Jr Indictment Looms Trump to Fire Sessions Rosenstein |
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JUST IN: Jeff Flake Just Issued This Statement About Challenging President Trump |
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Donald Trump – Mais um desinformador illuminati act |
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Trump et son équipe de AVEC L’ALLEMAGNE DES ANNÉES 30 |
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London CND conference – Trump’s finger on the nuclear button |
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Trump policy still checks fingerprints of migrant child sponsors as record number wait in detention |
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Impediamo a Trump di distruggere la natura |
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Ian Thorton-Trump |
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Trump’s North Korea diplomacy aims to contain China |
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Mark Hamill: «Non paragonate Trump a Darth Vader!» ecco perchè il… |
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Mexico Agrees to Pay for Trump’s Psychiatric Care |
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Trump EPA Orders Rollback of Obama Mercury Regulations |
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Groups Call On State to Protect Wetlands from Trump Rollbacks |
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Trump Threatens to Seal Off US-Mexico Border Without Wall Sarnoff: Billionaire Epstein’s Case Guarantees Minimum Prosecution for Human Traffickers |
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Washington: US President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his administration’s decision to stop hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Pakistan saying the country does not do “a damn thing” for the US and its government had helped Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden hide near its garrison city |
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We fight back when the Trump FCC attacks your digital rights |
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🇺🇸 🇲🇽Trump threatens to seal US-Mexico border if wall is not built |
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With eye on 2020 Trump puts wall above paychecks |
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Trump said the US can use Iraq as a base for action in Syria |
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BOOM! Air Force Destroys Media Narrative Troops Did ‘Nothing Wrong’ By Letting Trump Sign Hats For Them |
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Trump allegedly paid off over 100 women to keep shut about |
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President Trump Participates in a Tax Cuts and Tax Reform Roundtable in Missouri |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar la frontera con México si el… |
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Trump will Mexiko-Grenze schließen |
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Nation’s Oldest War Veteran Has Passed Daughters Allege That Their Father Helped Donald Trump Avoid Trump Visits The Troops |
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Donald Trump hat es besonders auf Deutschland abgesehen und niemand weiß warum |
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South Park Season 21 Gets A Release Date Will Steer Clear From Trump |
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First Member of Congress Calls for Trump’s Resignation Amid Month of Chaos |
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Kanye West Said He Doesn’t Agree With “Half The Shit Trump Does” In A |
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Double Standard Media Bash Trump For Signing MAGA Hats Ignored Then-Candidate Obama Signing Autograph |
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Farm Bill Passed by Congress Will Legalize Hemp if President Trump… |
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La NFL responde con unidad a los insultos de Donald Trump |
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President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday Edition |
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Trump has signed a 15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey |
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Defamation: Court orders 292000 payment to Trump |
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POST TRUMP SPEECH QAnon posts 927-941 |
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Donald Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México y ponerle fin a la ayuda que brinda a Centroamérica |
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Trump amenza con cerrar “completamente” frontera con México si no se aprueban dineros para el muro |
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Trump imposes quota on asylum claims at the Philippine film “Signal Rock” is a muddled excess of drama and plot |
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Serialbrain2 12-27-18… “The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted ‘poor me’” |
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California Slaps Surcharge On ACA Plans As Trump Remains Coy On Subsidies |
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“fbi and trump” – Google News: ‘A giant waste of money’: Ex-FBI agent explains the biggest problem with Trump’s border wall – Raw Story |
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Trump Healthcare and Insurers: What Comes Next |
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Trump threatens to close southern border |
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Multimillionaire Trump Fan and Fox News Advertiser Jumps Into Film Financing |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar la frontera con México si el Congreso no le da dinero para su muro |
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A Second Term for Trump is Better Than Beto |
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Media Fawn Over Trump’s Success at Saying Words in Semi-Coherent Fashion |
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US Supreme Court rejects Trump… |
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Robert Mueller Turns Focus to Trump’s Suspiciously Miraculous Swing State Wins in Wisconsin amp Michigan |
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Watch Beto O’Rourke Demolishes Trump’s Wall in 48 Seconds with Viral Video |
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Trump revela por accidente localización e identidades de fuerzas especiales de los Estados Unidos |
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Trump publica no Twitter vídeo que mostra equipe secreta no Iraque |
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The Turbulent Relationship Of Trump and Kim Jong-un |
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Trump’s Attorney General Pick William Barr Rejects Separation Of Church And State |
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The Spa at Trump Chicago |
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BREAKING: President Trump Gives Full Pardon to Bill Cosby |
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Well…That Didn’t Take Long Trump’s New Chief of Staff Already in Trouble on Video |
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Trump amenaza con mantener cerrada la frontera con México |
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President Trump Declassifies and Releases JFK Files |
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Jeffrey Toobin … I’d be nervous if I were Trump |
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Real reason Trump fired Sessions |
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US-Präsident Trump besucht Truppen in Irak |
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Trump Names Patrick Shanahan Acting Defense Secretary |
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L’armée syrienne entre dans Manbij alors que Trump poursuit sa retraite : L’Irak est le pays suivant Elijah J Magnier |
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Trump signs 700 billion defense bill gives troops largest pay raise in 7 years |
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Trump amenaza cerrar frontera EEUU-México si el Congreso no financia su muro |
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Trump secures release of American Prisoners from North Korea |
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President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform Push |
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Trump Shrinks Federal Bureaucracy by 16000 |
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13 Stories That Aren’t About Trump That Explain 2018 |
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Trump threatens to shut down southern border as government funding stalemate drags on |
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Trump’s bad character will be his downfall |
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These Reasons Will Not Include Trump in the Republic Day Parade of India |
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Doodling to Deportation: How Students Pay the Price for Trump Crackdown |
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GOP Strategist Tells Trump To Fold And End Shutdown Before His |
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Melania Trump me minifund Veshja e Zonjës së Parë “çmend” mediat VIDEOFOTO |
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Lebron James’ take on Trump’s victory |
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Trump pertahankan pendirian |
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President Trump: “We Need the Wall” |
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A look at where the investigations related to Trump Carey’s Christmas classic sets new record on Spotify |
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Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System |
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Trump Lost Out |
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Powell Has a Lot to Lose Little to Gain in Trump Sit-Down – Bloomberg |
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James Mattis’s Brother Says He Had ‘No Anger’ about Being Forced Out by Trump |
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‘Poor’ Trump ‘all alone’ on Christmas amid wall impasse |
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Wont guarantee security of NATO members: Donald Trump |
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Twitter’da Trump Facebook’ta Modi Periscope’da Erdoğan ilk… |
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Cierre de fronteras y retiro de ayuda a Triángulo Norte de CA últimas amenazas de Trump |
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El ataque de Trump al periodista de CNN Jim Acosta JONATHAN ERNST EPV |
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Trump Sells Qatar 12B In Weapons Day After Saying They Sponsor Terrorism |
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Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border Entirely and End Trade Deals |
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‘That’s shiny’: How a British plane spotter cracked Trump’s secret |
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AFT sues Trump administration over attack on international workers |
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Student Loan Complaints Matter… Why the Trump Administration Should Follow the Law |
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Trump: “Si nuestro país permanece fiel al Creador |
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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Donald Trump |
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Trump was at August 2015 meeting about hush money payments source says |
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South Korean President stuns the world calls Trump “The Leader of the World” |
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“Poor White People” CNN Mocks Assaults on Trump Supporters |
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Schumer welcomes departure of ‘toxic’ Zinke from Trump’s ‘swamp cabinet’ |
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Vape Store Clerk Has Meltdown over Customer Wearing Trump Shirt click to see stats |
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Trump Cancels New Year’s Plans Amid |
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Trump Foundation agrees to dissolve in deal with New York attorney general |
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Trump’ın Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Bolton Türkiye’yi ziyaret edeceğini duyurdu |
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Politico quotes “sources close to Trump” in byline then never quotes supposed sources while levying accusations against the News |
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Más de 10 mil viajeros han pasado por terminal de Puerto La Cruz esta habría firmado contratos “desfavorables” con empresa norteamericana cercana a Trump |
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Trump a un niño de siete años: «¿Aún crees en Santa Claus» |
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People Want ‘American Idiot’ to Reach Number One Before Trump’s Visit to the UK |
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Has Trump forever changed America |
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Bongino Slams Corker For Abandoning Trump: ‘He Has No Spine amp I’m Glad He Left Office’ |
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Trump cortará toda ayuda a tres países de Centroamérica por caravanas de migrantes |
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Trump orders a study on abuses of US trade agreements – WTO |
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Về quyết định 19-12-2018 của Trump |
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LIVE: 100K in Attendance as Trump-Cruz Rally Rocks Texas US Senate Race |
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When will Fox News tell Trump that it’s time to end the shutdown |
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“Virat Kohli Has Become The Donald Trump Of World Sport” – Australian Media Criticises |
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VIDEO: Počela militarizacija svemira – Trump naredio slanje proturaketnih oružja u “neutralnu zonu”! RATOVAT ĆE SE U SVEMIRU! |
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Cierre total de la frontera si no se avala muro: Trump |
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US-Shutdown: Trump droht mit Schliessung der Grenze zu 13-jähriger Berner nach fünf Tagen aufgetaucht |
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Trump Administration Accomplishments |
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Trump – Symbol der Wegwerfgesellschaft |
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Trump rudely fires only cabinet member doing anything to seriously halt the migrant “invasion” |
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Trump Turnberry a Luxury Collection Resort 5 |
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First Lady Melania Trump Appearance Once Again Sparks Body Double Questions Photos |
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Trump is moving on from ISIS But its supporters still walk Iraq’s streets |
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Iran Erupts Protesters Gassed for Confronting Regime After Trump Pulls out of Nuke ‘Deal’ |
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Trump writes to Thaçi and Vučić urges them to “capitalize on |
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Trump Shuts Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels |
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Ut molestie bibendum ligula sit amet placerat cuomo STUNNED by Ana Navarro DESTROYS Steve Cortes After he Demands she ‘BE NICE’ to Trump |
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Outgoing GOP Rep Can’t Help But Laugh at Trump’s Latest Border Threats |
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President Trump Considers Closing Southern Border… |
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Americans blame President Trump for the government shutdown: poll |
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Jeff Flake Won’t Rule Out 2020 Run: ‘Somebody Needs To’ Challenge Trump |
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El presidente de México evita confrontación con Trump por muro |
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The Trump time travel theory |
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US SHUTDOWN: Dems Trump trade blame as shutdown slogs into |
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Fox Anchor Mocks Trump Administration’s Stock Market Ineptitude: What Were They Thinking |
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In Newly Uncovered Audio File Mick Mulvaney Shreds Trump’s Border Wall As ‘Absurd and Childish’ AUDIO |
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Trump Further Erodes American Democracy By Firing Another Official He Just Doesn’t Like |
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Jennifer Lawrence claims Hurricanes Irma Harvey are nature’s ‘wrath’ for Trump victory |
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Trump Administration Weakens Healthy School Lunch Standards |
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Trump trains hard for Olympic backpedaling |
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Freeland says Trump metal tariffs ‘contradict’ new NAFTA and will have to go |
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Democrats send Trump into a childish unhinged meltdown for not getting his way |
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Rudy Giuliani just made Robert Mueller’s job much easier against Trump…then panics and tries to deny it |
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Trump Cancels Plans to Spend New Year’s at Mar-a-Lago |
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Trump Decreases Debt to GDP Ratio – First Time in Over 50 Years! |
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El 2018 fue un año caótico para Trump y podría venir otro más |
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El Congresista Costello es Republicano Pero no Pudo Contenerse Ante la Andanada de Estupideces de Trump |
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President Trump visited US troops in Iraq |
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Trump’s Cyber Challenges – First 100 Days |
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VIDEO: Vape Shop Clerk Has EPIC Meltdown When Man Wearing Trump Hat amp Shirt Enters Store |
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Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital |
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Trump threatens to shut down border as government funding stalemate drags on |
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Wie lange bleibt Trump Kochen – fleischlose in Deutschland |
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USA: Migrantenkarawane stellt Trump Ultimatum |
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See Donald Trump’s Official Birth Certificate and Chart |
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Michael Moore on What He’s Looking Forward to in 2019: Trump Family Members in ‘Orange Jumpsuits’ |
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Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump |
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Trump Slams Steve Bannon Says He’s Lost His Mind – LIVE … |
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Trump amp Sessions Ignored Warning Of Psychological Harm To Children With Zero Tolerance Policy – PBS News Hour |
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Trivial de cine: ¿Quién ha dicho estas frases Donald Trump o el Joker |
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Trump e democratas estão distantes de acordo sobre paralisação diz Casa Branca 28/12/2018 às 22:18 |
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Trump les Palestiniens n’oublient pas le couffin de Ben M’hidi |
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Trump jeopardizes global diplomacy |
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No there isn’t a tape of POTUS Trump using the ‘n-word’ |
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Muqtada Al-Sadr Of Sadr City Is Upset Trump Didn’t Tell Them He Was Coming For ‘Security Reasons’ |
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Trump: Israel sabrá defenderse con apoyo milmillonario que recibe |
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Donald Trump chiede a un bambino di 7 anni se crede ancora a Babbo Natale |
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Trump uhkasi sulkea Meksikon rajan kokonaan |
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15 Brutally Hilarious Memes Mocking Trump for Skipping a Ceremony to Honor WWI Soldiers Due to Rain |
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El proteccionismo de Trump llegó a la industria marítima y los puertos |
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Despite Trump’s efforts Stacey Abrams’ credentials cannot be denied |
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Bre Payton Criticizing Media Coverage Of Melania Trump |
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25 Jun 2018 2:18 pm Comments Off on It’s time for the press to suspend normal relations with the Trump presidency |
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Healthcare In Trump’s America |
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Niña responde a Trump: ‘Sí señor todavía creo en Santa Claus’ |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera México si no logra fondos para muro |
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At Bet El gala there’s lots of love for Trump |
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Trump amenaza con suspender el TLCAN otra vez… |
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‘He’s still in prison’: Trump lifts Turkey sanctions but Americans remain |
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Pide Trump a la Fed que no suba los tipos de interés |
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Trump to Freeze Federal Employees’ Pay |
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Gobierno presentó el Sistema Integral de Tránsito y amenazas! Trump cerraría la frontera con México si no consigue financiación para el muro |
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Star Wars: Mark Hamill fica irritado quando comparam Trump a Darth Vader |
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President Trump’s WARMONGERING in Iran and North Korea |
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Trump’s Government Shutdown: EXCLUSIVE Glossy News Expose of Previously Unknown Discussions! |
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Another Mainstream Media Outlet Caught Pushing Manufactured Info In Effort To Stifle And End The Trump Presidency And Administration |
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National Christmas Tree goes dark Trump fumes in Wa |
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A deeper look at President Trump’s favorite Biblical Verse |
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Construimos el muro o cerramos la frontera sur: Trump lanza un ultimátum a los demócratas |
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Hydropower May be Affected by Trump Presidency |
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Trump ameaça Melania com deportação caso se divorcie acusa ex-assessora |
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A mediados de enero saldrá otra caravana migrante de Trump dijo que se verá “forzado” a cerrar la frontera con México si el Congreso no le permite construir el muro |
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TRUMP/I Will Take the Deep state DOWN/God is for MeNo weapon formed against Me shall prosperCNN |
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Tracking over 3000 false or misleading claims made by President Trump – Washington Post |
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Trump Accomplishments Feed: |
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A growing list: Trump associates who have pleaded guilty |
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Si no frenan a los migrantes: Trump amenaza con retirar… |
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More powerful than Rush Limbaugh Smarter than Mark Levin Better looking than Sean Hannity Not as big as Donald Trump but NRO’s National Review Online Bill Whittle says that it is mindbogglingly brilliant and the idea has been banned on TED and both Facebook and Yahoo’s advertising platforms for being too effective at supporting conservatism We’re serious about that last part Republican patriots like Ted Cruz Mike Pence Donald Trump and Trey Gowdy would be immensely aided in their fight for capitalism liberty and freedom national loyalty and family values if it was known throughout the nation But for that we need your help This is the new idea sweeping behind the scenes in Political Science and being discussed in hushed tones by professors throughout Leftist academia It asserts that Liberalism is a programmed psychology designed to exploit resource excess within our populations It is based upon the foundational concept in the study of reproductive strategies called r/K Selection Theory and no political junkie who reads it can help but be awed In r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology if you provide a population with free resources those who will come to dominate the population will exhibit five basic traits called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy These traits are all designed to best exploit the free resource availability In nature the r-selected strategy is best seen in the rabbit which lives in fields of grass it will never fully consume The five traits are competition and risk avoidance promiscuity low-investment single parenting earlier age of sexualization of young and no loyalty to in-group These traits are ultimately designed to maximize the numbers of offspring produced Each of these offspring though of lesser fitness will be able to survive and reproduce freely themselves due to the free resource availability In r/K Theory there is also a strategy exactly opposite to the rabbit’s which emerges under conditions of resource scarcity It is called the K-selected Reproductive Strategy There where resources are scarce competition for resources is everywhere and some individuals will die due to failure in competition and the resultant resource denial that this produces This produces the K-strategy which is best seen in the wolf This strategy also has five psychological traits – mate monopolization/monogamy high-investment two-parent child-rearing later age of sexualization of young and high loyalty to in-group This psychology is designed to form highly fit and competitive groups that succeed in group competition all while capturing and monopolizing the fittest mate possible as a means of making their offspring genetically fitter than those of competitors Here the goal is not to simply consume as much as possible yourself and produce as many baby-making machines as you can with little regard to their fitness Here the goal is to help your group succeed in its competition for the scarce resources and then produce offspring of as high a fitness as possible so they may carry your genes forward by succeeding in competition themselves The premise of this highly substantiated scientific work is that all of politics is really a battle between the K-strategist wolves within our society designed to battle in a world of scarce resources and fierce competition and the r-strategist rabbits designed to freely graze the bounty of a sudden resource glut and rapidly explode in numbers to exploit such a glut The implications of such a work on our perceptions of each ideology’s morals and propriety are mind boggling Get the book for free and see for yourself! |
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Trump Admits To Sharing Information With Russia |
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Aseguran que Trump no ha ordenado al Pentágono que retire las tropas en Afganistán |
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Trump’s China trade strategy is winning |
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Política comercial de Trump: la guerra comercial con China y sus consecuencias |
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Dems Trump Trade Blame As Shutdown Slogs Into 2nd Weekend |
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Tin un grupo stabil di Latino ku ta loyal na Trump |
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Të gjithë sy e veshë nga Melania Trump ka veshur gjë Zonja e parë pos… |
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Trump amenaza con cortar toda la ayuda a Centroamérica por su permisividad con la caravana de inmigrantes |
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Trump stages visit to Iraq amid mounting crisis over Syria troop withdrawal By Bill Van Auken |
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Ordem E Progresso Image Courtesy Of: had No Love For Sociologists Image Courtesy Of: Barcelona Star Rivaldo Voices His Support on Social Media Image Courtesy Of: with Donald Trump Defined the Latest Election in Brazil Image Courtesy Of: This is How the “Left” Deals With Social Problems Perhaps a Change is in Order Image Courtesy Of: Protestors March to Reverse Brexit Vote Mainlamestream Media Manipulates Readers by Focusing on Football |
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Trump administration pushing to ease roll-out of driverless vehicles — including trucks |
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El muro fronterizo provoca discusión pública entre Trump y Pelosi |
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Η Melania Trump έκανε την πιο απροσδόκητη αλλαγή στα μαλλιά της |
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Trump The Wall and The Shutdown |
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Trump: cerrará frontera Asunto Interno: AMLO |
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Macri le agradeció a Trump “el apoyo a la Argentina en tiempos difíciles” |
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President Trump Implores Supporters to “READ SIEGE!” |
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Donald Trump is the “Ignorant Antagonist” Mark Twain Warned Us About |
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Continua lo shutdown L’incaponimento di Trump sul Muro blocca ancora il bilancio federale |
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The ties between the two countries strained after Trump hit out at Pakistan for providing safe havens to “agents of chaos” that kill Americans in Afghanistan |
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Michelle Obama: «Trump a mis en danger ma famille» |
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Meadows: Many House GOPers Would Encourage Trump to Accept 25 Billion for Wall VIDEO |
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Apertura de mercados a la baja: Poca actividad con muchas bolsas cerradas Trump fuerza el cierre parcial del Gobierno |
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CNN: US administration appeals court decision blocking Trump’s decree on illegal |
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Il ne manque plus que la signature de Trump pour que le chanvre soit légal partout aux États-Unis |
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Robert Mueller Thinks He Found The Smoking Gun That Will Impeach Trump |
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Bob Woodward: Jak jsem se dostal k Watergate co mi řekl Trump a která otázka je pro novináře nejdůležitější |
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‘That’s shiny’: How a British plane spotter cracked Trump’s House CEO Louise Herron opens up about ‘that’ call |
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Russian money trail findings hit Donald Trump just before Christmas: “His involvement with Russia was deeper than he’s acknowledged” |
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Donald J Trump News Network |
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Trump threatens to close south border amid govt shutdown |
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Se mofan de Trump por “diseño” de reja del Tren Maya se dividirá entre 8 consorcios: Fonatur |
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A surpreendente ou não tanto vitória de Trump act1 |
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Republican Senators are Bashing Trump in Private Colleague Leaks What They’re Saying |
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Trump Lying to Cannon Fodder |
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Maverick Trump does it again pushes West Asia into deep gorge of instability |
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President Trump signs Farm Bill into law |
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Trump’ın Suriye sürprizi |
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Trump bans Eating Of Dog Cat Meat In US |
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See how Obamas Clintons greeted or didn’t greet Trump |
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Trump’s Punching Bag |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera |
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Trump EPA seeks to lessen mercury regulations for the coal industry-NPR |
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gq: No Democrat Deserves a Free Pass Just Because They’re Not Trump |
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Don King – Speaks about Donald Trump |
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Troops bringing Trump hats to sign may violate military rule |
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Did Trump Blow the Shutdown |
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Why Trump will be assassinated |
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Dump Trump Lapel Pin |
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Latest Posts and President Trump News |
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Trump’s Big Pullout |
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What Might a Trump Withdrawal from the World Trade Organization Mean for US Tariffs |
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Trump’s Huawei threat a risk to Canadian and global tech in |
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Trump dice que “está esperando” a demócratas en Casa Blanca para hacer trato |
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El senador cubanoamericano Marco Rubio critica acuerdo entre Cuba y Estados Unidos que permitirá a los peloteros cubanos jugar en Grandes Ligas y le pide a Donald Trump que lo cancele |
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Kristen Stewart es super gay y quiere que Donald Trump lo sepa |
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Donald Trump ordena eliminar la visa a TODOS los políticos CORRUPTOS y sus familiares¡ESTA ES LA LISTA! |
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Hilferuf der Deutschen Völker an Präsident Donald Trump Video |
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Michelle Obama’s Glitter Boots Put Melania Trump’s Continued Tone Deaf Fashion Sense Into Further Perspective |
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President Trump a Jew Grandfather was! |
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President Trump threatened again to close the border if Congress continues to deny funding for a wall |
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Murkowski Scorns Trump for Keeping Campaign Promise on Border Wall |
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Can Trump’s Trade War General Make Peace |
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WATCH: MSNBC Panelist Attacks Trump For Visiting Troops In Iraq |
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Trump staffers reveal details of near fist fight between top Trump Officials |
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GOP Congressman Lambastes Trump’s Threat to Close Border: Struck Me as ‘An Angry 8th Grader’s Tweet’ |
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US President Trump for the case of Khashoggi: “Bad stuff” |
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Westlake Academy student heading to Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration |
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READ: President Trump’s State of the Union address |
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Mystic Baba Vanga Has Some Wild “Worrisome” Predictions for Trump Putin |
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AP: Trump signals no end to shutdown: ‘You have to have a wall’ |
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Donald Trump e’ pronto a incontrare la regina |
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Trump’s New Year’s Gift to Putin Rouhani and Erdogan |
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Trump Negotiates Peace between North and South Korea |
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Nurturing Student Activists in the Time of Trump |
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Wealth Of Trump’s Cabinet Wonder Woman |
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Donald Trump tweets NBC ‘SNL’ should be tested by courts |
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Sarah Sanders SLAMS Network After They Bashed Trump’s Visit To Troops amp Signed MAGA Hats |
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US Election: Trump triumph over Clinton to take White House |
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Trump has done much of what he promised to do |
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Trump threatens to cut GM subsidies |
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Trump hasn’t ordered Pentagon to withdraw troops from Afghanistan |
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New Yorker Reveals ‘Apprentice’ Struggle To Make Trump Look Good: report |
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Rubio: ‘Terrible mistake’ for Trump to pardon Manafort |
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Is Trump in bed with Erdogan |
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On Wednesday Bre was going on TV to support Trump |
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Ivanka Trump 10 things You Should Know about Donald Trump’s Daughter! |
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Trump is not a pastor or a moral reformer His role is specialized and only for a season If we don’t seize the time and the door God has opened disaster will strike |
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SHOCKER 🔴 What President Trump JUST said about the wall will change EVERYTHING |
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Melania Trump încă o gafă A purtat ochelari de soare noaptea |
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Donald Trump: “nu bannar vi Huawei” |
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Trump besucht überraschend Soldaten im Irak – „Die USA nicht mehr Weltpolizist“ – Ärger in Heimat bleibt |
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Oil costs would be ‘less expensive’ if Trump would quit tweeting Iran official says |
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Trump ‘disparará’ el precio de la plata |
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BREAKING: They’ve fired him for his anti-Trump tirade |
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12/20/18 Mark Perry on Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from Syria |
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Shelby warns Trump against firing Fed chairman |
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George Bush Slams Trump In Latest Speech |
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Orbán is részt vesz a „brazil Trump” beiktatásán |
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Fate Of Enjoined White Collar Overtime Rule Still Undecided: Unlikely To Defend Obama Administration Rule The Trump Administration Stalls |
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Nancy Pelosi chiến đấu ‘Trump Shutdown’ với kỳ nghỉ sang trọng Resistance ở Hawaii |
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Trump Threatens To Close Mexican Border If |
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Real Life Rock Top 10 Dec 2018 Elvis Gaga Kreuger Trump Ed Chuck Mary Betty Marge et al |
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– Trump – GITMO – Military Tribunal – Trafficking – EO |
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Obama’s Syria ambassador agrees with POTUS Trump’s troop pullout |
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The latent Synastry of Donald and Melania Trump! |
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Faute de mur Donald Trump menace de fermer la frontière livres et films : Le top de 2018 de Barack Obama |
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Trump Royale 18201 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach |
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EEUU: Trump no vio al primer ministro iraquí |
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Four charged with leaks from Trump administration |
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How “The Apprentice” Transformed President Donald Trump |
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Trump calls for Increased Military: Senate passes 700 billion defense bill |
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Het Pentagon kon Trump beletten om een rechtstreekse oorlog met Rusland uit te lokken Deze keer dan toch |
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Trump huddles with Pence Mulvaney Kushner as shutdown hits one week |
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defending our land wildlife and waters against the Trump Administration |
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In other words it is the media that has colored the thinking of Americans towards favoring impeachment of Trump and we all know who owns the media |
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President Donald J Trump’s Accomplishments List: |
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La mina californiana de tierras raras atrapada entre Trump y… |
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Challengers To Trump’s Transgender Military Ban Push Back At The Supreme Court |
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Are You A Federal Worker Low On Cash During Shutdown The Trump Admin Is Here To ‘Help’ |
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Are US businesses behind Trump’s trade talks with China or do |
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On Day 7 Of The Shutdown Trump Issues An Ultimatum To Democrats: ‘We Build A Wall Or Close The Southern Border!’ |
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Doonesbury Trolls Republicans Perfectly Capturing Their Spineless Nature In The Trump Era |
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Trump Announces His Plans For New Years Eve amp People Are Enraged |
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Joseph Stiglitz: La guerra comercial de Trump traerá más pobreza para todos |
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Melania Trump sin pantalones vuelve de Irak: Estilo arriesgado de la primera dama |
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Muslim man who tried to sue President Trump jailed for scamming migrants |
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👍🇺🇸️🇨🇦️ President Trump Needs the Military home for Mass Arrests that are about to Happen! BOOM! |
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Trump dumps Obamath |
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Trump Pushes Congress for New Health Law after Court Ruling |
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Trump sett fra Damaskus i dag: Libyske statsinstitusjoner under militskontroll grove overgrep betydelig rasisme |
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The AP Pushes Bold Faced Lie To Protect Obama And Destroy Trump |
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引言 ( “Almost all US presidents including Trump have been Christians“ by DAVID MASCI 資料來源 資料來源 6 |
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El presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump ini |
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Trump tweets ‘Build the Wall!’ in response to Calif cop slaying |
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Herkesin cevabını aradığı soruya cevabı buldum: Trump’ın yaptıkları yeni bir Amerikan planını mı gösteriyor |
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Smirnoff Said To Have Trolled Trump in Vodka Ad |
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NBC News forced to backtrack on Trump troops article |
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Trump Just Suffered the “Worst blow yet” in a Federal Court Room |
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ClayToonz: Trump Ruins Everything |
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Trump Announces 200 Million in Apprenticeship Funding |
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The Syrian army enters Manbij as Trump follows through on wi |
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Witches mad with Trump for calling them out |
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How Do Solar LED Street Lights May be Affected by Trump Presidency |
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PHOTOS: The Latest: Trump greets US troops in Germany |
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22 Democrats created fake Trump grope under the meeting table |
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Apple to Invest 350 BILLION in US citing Trump Tax Plan |
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Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017 |
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Trump amenaza con cortar toda la ayuda al país |
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López Obrador opta por la prudencia tras amenaza de Trump |
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President Trump Participates in a Christmas Day Video Teleconference with Members of the Military |
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ACCESS TO THE Trump’s wall – to keep Americans in |
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Robert Mueller Lied To The Court By Withholding Exculpatory Evidence to Exonerate Trump! |
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Reps Goodlatte and Gowdy Send Letter to Acting AG Whitaker – Request Special Counsel to Investigate Trump/Clinton Investigations |
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Feared “Trump-Trap” Prepares To Spring Jeff Sessions and the war on cannabis |
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Donald Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera si los demócratas no aprueban el presupuesto del muro |
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Wall For Trump |
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Fans Stunned As Melania Trump Appears To Be Wearing No Pants |
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UPDATEAnunţul lui Trump privind retragerea SUA din Siria îi şochează pe aliaţi Jim Mattis demisionează |
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Trump’tan sert açıklama: Ya sınırı kapatacağız ya |
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Trump Repeatedly Yells At Reporter April Ryan And Tells Her To ‘Sit Down’ In Hostile News Conference |
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Sanctuary California’ Faces Bankruptcy if Trump Withholds …fedearal funds over sanctuary cites |
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En el 2013 Trump Exigió Que Obama Fuera Despedido Por el Cierre del Gobierno Ahora Pagará Por Sus Palabras |
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Trump’ın Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Türkiye ve İsrail’i ziyaret edecek |
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Trump supporters get really upset if somebody implies all Trump supporters are racist |
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Donald Trump promises to deport all immigrants “back to Alaska” |
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Trump proposal seeks to tighten the screw on food stamps |
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Is There Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump by JAMES HAMBLIN Submitted By Susan Lee Schwartz 3 |
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To My Hypothetical Descendants of the Future and to Whom it May Concern in the Present I Opposed Donald Trump |
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Newly discovered amphibian named after Donald Trump |
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Trump tells California to use prostitute piss to put fires out |
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Jueza de EEUU prohíbe a Trump bloquear a usuarios de Twitter |
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Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding |
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When The Absurd Becomes Reality: Donald Trump Edition Posted by kid dynamite on March 4th 2016 at 3:06 pm |
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While Trump Spends Christmas At WH Melania Does The Incredible To Make His ‘Home Alone’ Extra Jolly |
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Trump vizitë në Irak – Hera e parë që udhëton në zonat e në vitin ‘36! Si u ndalua me ligj importi i automjeteve veshjeve dhe çimentos në Shqipëri |
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Trump: ”Stora framsteg” i handelssamtalen med Kina 11 min sedan |
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President Trump awards a contract for the construction of 115 mile border wall in Texas |
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Cao ủy châu Âu đánh giá “đe dọa” của ông Trump đối với Dòng chảy phương Bắc 2 |
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Trump’s Immigration Claims: Fact or Fiction Spoiler Alert: They’re Mostly Fiction |
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Trump And First Lady Make Surprise Visit To Troops In Iraq |
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Trump Voters Likely To Be Most Impacted By New Republican Health Plan |
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Ivanka Trump Praised Oprah’s Speech Twitteratis React With Derision |
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With Trump’s signature on the Farm Bill hemp gains federally legal status |
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🇺🇸 🇲🇽Trump threatens to seal US-Mexico border if wall is not |
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Donald Trump Once Called A Pedophile A ‘Terrific Guy’ |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar frontera si no se aprueban recursos para muro |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera sur “por completo” |
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Trump slaps travel restrictions on North Korea Venezuela in sweeping new ban |
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Urgent: Donald Trump contraint de démissionner dans les prochains jours |
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Kellyanne Conway’s Marriage May Be On The Rocks And It’s All Trump’s Fault |
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Republican Voter Defends Democrats From Trump In Brutal Letter POTUS May Never Recover |
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Politics Over Profit: The Hazards of Big Corporations Inflicting Self-harm to Bash Trump |
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López Obrador reacciona a amenazas de Donald Trump sobre el cierre de la frontera |
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Esteemed Pastor Explains: “It’s Time We Stop Calling Donald Trump a Christian” |
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Trump Discovered Pocketing Gov’t Funds in Seven States From 5 Million People |
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Obama’s Lawyers Launch Action Against Trump Corruption 50 Legal Docs Filed |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con México si el Congreso no financia su muro |
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Anson Burlingame: Joining the resistance to President Trump |
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With Unconscionable Rollback Trump EPA Lays Groundwork for Coal Industry to Release More Mercury Into the Air By Common Dreams |
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Trump’s Presidency Has Changed Washington Defied Convention |
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It Seems There’s Nothing Terrible Trump Can Do That Will Change Some Supporters’ Minds – Jeff Wiersma |
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On Monday Jan 7 Attend the Trial in Brooklyn Against Trump for Racism Against Haitians! |
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Ronald Reagan’s Son Issues A Sheer Warning To President Trump On The Wall Deal: ‘It’s Now Or Never’ |
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Nước Mỹ thời Donald Trump: từ “cảnh sát toàn cầu” đến “quan tòa thế giới” |
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Celebrities and activists gathered in New York City Monday night for the star-studded “People’s State of the Union” a public rally meant to serve as counter-programming to President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address on Tuesday |
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Trump wants to ban US companies from using China’s Huawei and ZTE made equipment |
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Donald Trump – Sorry Losers |
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Trump Presidency and Real Estate |
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Is Trump duping Putin |
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Trump: China ‘deal’ is ‘moving along very well’ |
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Trump Thinks His Shutdown Will Stop Nancy Pelosi From Investigating His Corrupt Regime Good Luck With That |
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Trump Elected World President |
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Will Trump Become President |
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What Jim Carrey Just Called Trump Supporters Will Make You BOYCOTT |
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Trump desafía a congresistas en sexto día del cierre del gobierno federal de EEUU |
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Two-Year-Old Whose Yemeni Mother Had To Fight Trump Travel Ban To See Him Dies |
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Lanza Trump primera “amenaza” en era AMLO quiere dinero para el muro o cierra frontera |
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The Weekly Standard Closed Due To Technological Change Not Donald Trump |
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SHUTDOWN DAY 8: President Trump Keeps Working While Lazy Democrats Hide |
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Trump Perfectly Trolled – Not Once But Twice – Today By The Washington Post |
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Republican Senators TURN On Trump |
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Trump supporters angry at his ‘retreat’ on border wall |
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Trump Has ‘Walled’ Himself Off From The Rest Of The World Now Holed Up In The White House For Three Days |
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Tax havens helped get likes of Donald Trump elected experts say |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera sur |
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Melania Trump en visite au Ghana les photos des hommes de sa sécurité font le buzz |
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Media Roots Radio: DC Blob Mourns McCain Palin Fast Track to Trump ‘Assadist’ Black Lists |
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Trump Shrinks Looks Like A Tiny Baby Alongside Other G-20 Summit Leaders |
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Trump accusé de plonger les USA «dans le chaos» |
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President Donald Trump continues to tweet through the government shutdown going after the Democrats again Saturday morning for being too focused on “presidential |
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No Trump-Putin Meeting While Russia Holds Ukraine Ships Says Bolton |
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GoFundMe Page Seeks Money To Buy Shovels To Dig Tunnel Under Trump’s Border Wall |
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Trump macht sein Wahlversprechen wahr: Abzug der US-Truppen aus Syrien |
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84 Staging fake anti-Trump protest conspiring with Univision CEO |
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Is Donald Trump A Racist Hint: If it Walks Like a Duck… |
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Trump threatens White House may take press passes away from more media Pike Net Worth – Income and Earnings from Over 16 Years of Acting Career |
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Sign of the Times: Stanton Tubman and Trump |
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Millions of low-income renters are threatened by Trump’s government shutdown : Indybay |
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Did Trump Ban Epstein from Mar-A-Lago |
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Ratings for Anti-Trump Late-Night Comedies Hit ROCK BOTTOM! |
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Trump Makes Christmas Eve Call To A Young Child And The Internet Explodes |
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Trump drives me nuts – But I will vote for him anyway! |
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Co mají John F Kennedy a Donald Trump společného |
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„Die Weltpresse hat sich in Bolsonaro genauso getäuscht wie 2016 bei Trump“ |
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Trump just put America lives at risk with idiotic public brag then Military mother lets him have it |
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Trump Sends Personal Threat Message to CNN President: “I always seem to find a way to get even” |
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Trump Gets Called a “Fascist Loofa-faced Sht-gibbon” By Senator After Trump Threatened to End Career |
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On Trump’s Criminals |
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El mundo se polariza con el triunfo de Trump |
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Donald Trump Ends Obama Effort to Waive Work Requirements for Welfare |
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‘Trump’s not prepared to lose that income for the sake of one life’ |
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Those of you who worship Trump need a wake-up call too He is not supposed to usher in revival We are He is not the one to pray without ceasing We are He is not the moral leader of America…that is the church! |
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New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump’s golf club — and Mueller FBI are i |
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Trump Destroyed Pelosi And Schumer With This Nasty Surprise |
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Trump’s standoff brings US closer to economic shutdown |
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The coming Democrat-controlled House could dramatically affect the Trump administration’s deregulatory agenda |
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Pro-Trump Doctor Launches Rant For Cops Treating Him Like A ‘Fing Black Person’ During An Arrest |
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Do Trump’s Tweets Have Legal Weight |
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Trump parla nuovamente a favore delle persone con sindrome di Down |
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Donald Trump fragt ein Kind am Weihnachtsabend: ‘Sind Sie noch ein Gläubiger in Santa Weil es um 7 marginal ist richtig ‘ |
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Ezequiel Peña le canta sus verdades a Donald Trump |
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Travis Scott: Kanyes flört med Trump är känsligt |
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Falta de acuerdos: Trump no da su brazo a torcer… |
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“Idiot” – Bei der Google Suche nach “Idiot” erscheint Trump |
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Trump Voters Say They Prefer “ACA” Over “Obamacare”…LOL |
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Russians hacking candidates and encouraged racism to elect Trump |
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Cannabis – Deutschland adaptiert US Gesetzgebung und Donald Trump rudert zurück |
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BOOM! Ed Henry obliterates Rep Ted Lieu’s criticism of Trump’s border security concerns with a reality nuke |
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Trump Slaps 30 Tariffs on Solar Panels imported from China |
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More Americans blame President Donald Trump for government shutdown |
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Shinzo Abe cède le Japon négociera un accord bilatéral avec Trump |
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Ο Trump θα σταματήσει τους μετανάστες με την βοήθεια των επιδημιολόγων |
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Trump Declares Jerusalem the Capital of Israel |
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A cooped-up Trump’s threats fail to break budget deadlock |
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TRUMP TWEETS demanding deal from Democrats mauls Mueller over obstruction! |
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Poll: A Majority of Americans Think Trump Should Give Up on His Border Wall Demands |
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VIDEO: Interviews on Trump’s Transgender Jungle Cruise Omits “Gay” from Coming Out Scene |
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The Subtle Insult Of Trump’s Time Cover |
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Business Donald Trump ២២២នាក់ តើអ្វីខ្លះជាកំហុសស្រាល មធ្យម Donald Trump 60 លានដុល្លាត្រូវបានលួច តើអ្វីខ្លះជាកំហុសស្រាល មធ្យម ត្រូវគោរពនីតិវិធី អ៊ិន បូផា នីតិភស្តុតាង |
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Trump is YOUR Fault and You Suck |
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Satan has stoked the fires One big reason is to get the church to abandon Trump However in doing that we also abandon our miracle Trump is only the start of a miracle Trump is a foot in the door—a stay of execution He is an act of God to buy the church time to repent and return to her rightful role in American life |
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Conozca las razones por las que Donald Trump quitará la ayuda a El Salvador Nicaragua y Honduras |
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Trump’s strategic unpredictability its pros and its cons |
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Voyage surprise de Donald Trump en Irak |
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Trump Administration to Open Alaska’s ANWR to Drilling in 2019 |
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Donald Trump hadat üzent Kínának |
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‘SHUT UP!’ Trump MADLY SCOLDS James Comey After He Blasts GOP Silence As |
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Review: The Trump Tax Cut: Your Personal Guide To The New Tax Law |
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Star Wars: Mark Hamill Says Darth Vader Is Better Than Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Tax Cut One Year Later |
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Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military boosts troop pay |
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BREAKING: Trump Pulls All US Forces From Iraq After Criticism |
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Trump Threatens to Close the Southern Border Entirely If Congress Doesn’t Fund Security – https://tco/hBUSW4q7ft 1 hour ago |
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Narrow majority backs Trump on Syria Afghanistan troop reductions |
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Trump administration tax laws may explain slowdown in year-end giving |
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Government shutdown reaches day seven as Trump continues to push for border wall funding |
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A Week of Too Much News Trump Week |
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After border agent is killed and partner injured in Texas Trump renews call for wall |
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Donald Trump a határ lezárásával fenyegetőzik ha nem szavazzák meg a fal költségvetését |
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President Trump’s Top Military And Veterans Tweets Of 2018 |
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Maduro: Trump Advisor John Bolton Behind Assassination Plot |
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Ambasador Nsofor and his wife with US President Trump at the White House |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México por el muro |
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Trump delivers lessons for Japan on North Korea |
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Frases de Donald Trump para alcanzar el éxito |
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Grandma Pelosi Shuts Trump Down Like An Angry Toddler And We Are So Here For It |
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Guilty By Association: Trump Turns Neo-Nazi For Noticing White Genocide |
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China grants Trump family 18 trademarks in 2 months |
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Más estadounidenses culpan a Trump por paralización del Gobierno |
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Trump signs bill to rename Virginia post office in honor of |
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NYC Lets Trump Know What They Think About Him with Massive Billboard in Times Square |
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Trump Completely Silent After NYPD Fact Checks His Lie To Officers Firefighters and Others Get Hit with Tax Penalty |
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L’armée syrienne entre à Manbij pendant que Trump amorce le retrait annoncé: l’Irak suivra |
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Japan Freezes North Korea’s Assets after Trump’s Visit |
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Donald Trump amenaza nuevamente con cerrar frontera con México |
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Dating App for Trump Fans: data leak at DonaldDaters |
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An Ad Shows Melania Trump Would be the Next First Lady in Upcoming Years |
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Federal judge permanently blocks Trump administration’s cuts to discount drug program |
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A Korean Deal Based on Flattering Trump as a Useful Idiot will Not Video |
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Trump says will probably meet with Putin at G20 summit |
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Trump amenaza cerrar frontera con México si el Congreso no aprueba dinero para el muro |
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Trump and the US Stock Market |
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Trump Prophecy update Justice is coming Hillary Clinton Could Face the Death Penalty the Uranium one scandal may be the silver Bullet that slays the Democrat Party and be the beginning of the end of the Deep state |
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Road to Impeachment: Dems Prepare to Destroy Trump |
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Ivanka Trump |
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Verified: DOJ Used False Information to Secure Trump Wiretaps |
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Sworn Testimony From Trump Rape Case Finally Released |
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Jim Carrey arremete contra Trump y califica a sus seguidores de ‘leales zombies’ |
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Trump’s interlocutor believes more in Santa Claus |
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Donald Trump sceptical about the New UN Report that raises a Climate Change Alarm |
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‘Build the wall or close the border’: Trump issues new ultimatum to Democrats |
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Trump diz que grandes progressos estão sendo feitos em possível acordo com China |
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Iraqi Cleric Who Called US A ‘Great Serpent’ Is Mad He Didn’t Get Advance Notice Of Trump’s Christmas Visit |
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Trump talking you are a great great dad very special shirt |
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MOST Latest: Trump tweets he’s waiting for Dems to make deal |
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The Fed took Trump’s advice on interest rates Now he’s not happy – The Washington Post |
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Nine federal departments will shutdown at midnight on Friday due to Congress’ inability to settle funding disputes including Trump’s demands for 5 billion for his border wall |
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Flashback: Trump Once Said the President Should Be ‘Fired’ for a Government Shutdown |
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Trump’ın motivasyon ziyareti olay oldu: Askerlerin konumunu ifşa etti |
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Donald Trump Father’s Day T-Shirt |
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Disney y Trump ¿la misma cara de la moneda |
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Most of the action expected to come from the Trump administration |
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Có gì đáng đọc trong cuốn sách “Nuôi dạy con Trump” của vợ cả tổng thống Mỹ |
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Trump Says Now Is The Right Time To Buy Stocks |
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Liberal-Run ‘Santa Tracker’ Skips White House In Attack On Trump |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera “por completo” si no le dan dinero para el muro |
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Black Business Ownership Under Trump JUMPS 400 PERCENT in ONE YEAR |
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Taxpayers Are Subsidizing Mar-a-Lago’s New Year’s Eve Party Despite Trump’s Shutdown |
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Trump Administration Now Legalizing The Right For Coal |
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And if you think you can use the tactics you currently use on Donald Trump…consider the Mike Pence temperament He is calm measured listens before he speaks uses few words and leads a squeaky clean personal life He is the yellow journalist’s worst nightmare |
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”De groază”! Melania Trump a împodobit Casa Albă cu brazi roșii iar reacțiile au fost pe măsură |
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Is The Trump Dossier Actually True |
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Trump Kicks Off Christmas Eve By Delivering Multiple Truth Bombs To His Haters |
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13 times Trump and his GOP allies weaponized the DOJ in… |
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Anti-Trump RINO Gets Smacked |
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More Americans blame President Trump for government shutdown-Reuters |
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After CNN Criticizes Troops During Trump’s Visit Donald Leaps To Their Defense |
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Toddler’s death reminds us why Trump’s immigration policies need reform |
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Hastag Trump : serial twitteur |
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Legal Action Challenges Trump Reversal of Prohibition on Bee-killing Pesticides Genetically Modified Crops on National Wildlife Refuges |
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Wednesday News: Trump Shutdown Continues Trump Trade War Pain to Hit in 2019 “Migrant |
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Editorial: Stock Market Fall Rests With Trump |
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Crónicas de la Era Trump |
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Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique le “shutdown” s’embourbe |
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Éditorial : «Bolsonaro un “Trump tropical”» |
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Today’s order by President Trump will provide welcome relief to Western farmers cit… |
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USA: Donald Trump promotes the purchase of shares of |
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How Trump’s phone call changed Syrian war |
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Trump Cancels New Year’s Plans Amid Shutdown |
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Trump Deserves a Defense Secretary Who Will Implement His Vision |
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Trump vindicated media is silent |
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The Last Trump Rally |
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Prosecutors Reach Deal With Publisher Over Payoffs On Behalf Of Trump Campaign |
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Freedom of the Press: Is Trump the Next Erdoğan |
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Trump Has Kept His Promise: Unprecedented Christmas Never Ends For Iconic Paris Department Stores |
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Migrant Child Dies after Detention under Trump’s Hardline Immigration Policies |
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Trump blinks allows Erdogan to revive ISIS in Middle East |
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Anderson Cooper calls out Trump’s hypocrisy on unity |
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Looming impeachment worries Donald Trump – White House source |
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The Trump Crime Family Is ‘Surrounded’ In Their White House Hideout |
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La Senadora Feinstein Acaba de Insinuar que Trump va Directo a su Destitución |
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Trump maakt tussenlanding in Duitsland |
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Trump lashes out at Fed — again: ‘They’re raising interest rates too fast’ |
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Pelosi Vs Trump — Let The Game Begin |
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Middle East Chaos in Wake of Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem |
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Trump la telenovela |
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FBI Appeared to Be Making Fun of Trump Oddly Timed Public Announcements |
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Vladimir Putin Publicly Throws Trump Under the Bus on Michael Cohen |
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Ford CEO Exposes Trump Job-Creating Lie To The Entire Nation |
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Man fired after freaking out over customer’s Trump shirt |
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Netanyahu Trump Palestine |
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La Fuerza de Deportación de Trump Acaba de Sacar de un Hospital a Chica con Tumor Cerebral |
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America’s Last Stand Deep State Striking Back Against Trump |
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Mark Hamill: Darth Vader era mejor que Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump wakes up to a new criminal federal investigation |
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Rampell: Trump did what he always does and changed his mind Why was Congress surprised |
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Illinois budget deal collapses Uber amp Kay Jewelers sexual harassment allegations does Trump understand FISA OJ’s release |
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Trump: Obama gaf 150 miljard dollar aan Iran democraten betalen geen 5b voor de… |
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Trump Signs Healthcare Order Expands Choice and Access through associations |
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this blog hates donald trump |
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Immigration: nouveau revers pour Trump |
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Youth Pastor Writes Open Letter to Trump Every American Needs to Hear It |
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New York Times tracks down anti-Trump children of deceased doctor to run uncorroborated Vietnam allegations |
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LISTEN: JOE CONCHA Analyzed The Media Coverage Of Trump’s Surprise Visit To Iraq |
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SNL missed how ‘wonderful’ Trump has made America |
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Top Seven Suggested Resolutions For President Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Allegations of Google Search Manipulation Confirmed in 2012 |
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9th Circuit Hears Trump’s Travel Ban |
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El gobierno de Trump prohibirá comprar celulares de Huawei y ZTE |
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La volpe selfie osceni e incivilta’ davanti ai ritratti satirici di Trump e Merkel |
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‘Apprentice’ Crew Members Doubt Trump’s N-Word Tape Exists |
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Paul Ryan Proves GOP Sabotaged Obamacare To Get Trump Elected |
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Donald Trump’s Chart |
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Trump’s reckoning is well underway |
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İklim değişikliğine Trump heykeliyle farkındalık! |
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AMLO reta a Trump en la frontera: “México no es una piñata” |
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Trump threatens to shut down the border ‘entirely’ Here’s why |
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Donald Trump Wins the Clown Forum |
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🇨🇾 Minus One lashes on Donald Trump with new single “The Greatest” |
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President Trump Visits Troops After Announcing New Defense Secretary |
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Trump EPA yêu cầu khôi phục các quy định về thủy ngân Obama |
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Utilities cutting rates cite benefits of Trump tax reform |
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Trump: Απειλεί ξανά να κλείσει τα σύνορα με το Μεξικό |
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Recent Poll Reveals Majority Of Americans Want Trump |
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Rep Gwen Moore: Trump Should Resign Leave Office in ‘Dignified Way’ |
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Trump amatőr módon felfedte a titkos Navy Seals osztag helyzetét és identitását |
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Presidenti Trump shtang të gjithë nëse nuk ndërtohe |
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Trump Considers Barring ZTE And Huawei Purchases |
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Erdogan Mengundang Trump Mengunjungi Turki Tahun Depan |
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Trump to Appeal Devastating Court Ruling |
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Trump pulls out of Putin meeting due to Ukraine crisis |
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The Trump Presidency 12/20/18 |
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winning a war becomes much easier when you are have an advantage over your enemy -Donald Trump |
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Trump grants US citizenship to in-laws |
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Obama’s ambassador to Syria: Trump’s troop withdrawal decision is ‘essentially correct’ – Washington Examiner |
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Rusya Trump’a yardım etmiş! |
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It’s a holiday weekend and President Donald Trump undoubtedly has a light schedule That leaves plenty of time for tweeting and the Commander-in-Tweet is off to an early |
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Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Mỹ đột ngột từ chức chỉ trích Trump |
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L’esercito siriano entra a Manbij mentre Trump completa il ritiro : poi sarà la volta dell’Iraq |
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7 Times Jeff Sessions Triumphed for Trump’s ‘America First’ Agenda |
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Melania Trump shkakton polemika me veshjen: “Duket sikur ska veshur gjë“!! 1271 |
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Cannabis Science Inc OTCMKTS:CBIS Continues To Disappoint By Alex Carlson Posted on May 8 2016 Share Tweet Share Email Comments The string of press releases coming from Cannabis Science Inc OTCMKTS:CBIS is no longer a laughing matter We would hope that as a public company CBIS would work as hard to complete its annual report as it does on issuing non-stop press releases The latest of which we have to say takes the icing on the cake We would laugh about CEO Raymond C Dabney naming a university after himself but this is no laughing matter when other people’s money is at stake If a multi-billionaire like Donald Trump could run into problems with his Trump University we’re afraid to find out how Raymond C Dabney University will fare Last week’s press release said that “the initial Mission of Raymond C Dabney University is to provide to working adults of the community an affordable opportunity to acquire a quality legal education within a structured and regulated program in law leading to the degree of Juris Doctor RCDU will be providing free scholarships and additionally subsidized education packages for the Tribe Members of the Community In exchange for and in addition to the land the tribe will provide RCDU with a University building lab space and medical clinic facilities The intent is to create a self-sustaining community of academia which allows business opportunities medical advancement and legal progress to thrive RCDU and its legal group will work closely with Cannabis Science and the McDermitt Tribe to manage and operate the University and Medical Complex With approximately 40 acres to work with it is designed to be a completely vertically integrated operations model providing hundreds of jobs for the community educational medical construction as the list goes on there will be plenty of jobs for all” This press release raised more questions than answers For one if CBIS is involved why wasn’t the school named Cannabis Science University Second consider what Forbes wrote in 2014: “Take Raymond Dabney In 2005 the British Columbia Securities Commission up in Canada slapped a five-year trading ban on Dabney and barred him from being an officer or director of a publicly-traded company for five years after Dabney admitted to issuing 22 bogus news releases that contained misrepresentations about the revenue of Xraymedia a Minnesota company in which Dabney was a controlling shareholder The Securities amp Exchange Commission also sued Dabney and in 2010 obtained a final judgment against him that included a disgorgement and penalty of about 190000 The SEC launched the enforcement action against Dabney and three others in connection with a scheme to manipulate the price and trading volume of Alliance Transcription Services Today Dabney works as a management consultant for Cannabis Science a cannabis formulation-based drug development company that trades on the OTCBB Dabney is described in SEC filings as the trustee of the Bogat Family Trust which owned 65 of Cannabis Science last year” Now look at what Dabney said in this press release: “This whole experience has been a serious eye opening look into the future launching the University planning with Chief Bill working with our outstanding legal group and of course my team at Cannabis Science We have now certainly made it to the next level and are growing much faster than we initially anticipated The business model we have created with the McDermitt Tribe is something of a wonder when you do the math: let’s just say potentially seeing over 10-20 million per month running through the system is what I’d call a serious economic stimulus package for all of us The most compelling things are the jobs we are creating the education we are providing and the sense of hope for individuals like me who have never had this type of educational or job opportunity given to them for whatever reason To be clear this is the first of many hybrid University Medical complex communities we will be building As time and resources permit we will be offering University package courses in major cities across the United States and other countries including but not limited to Canada Europe Africa and Asia” In regards to the annual report we can see why the company would want to delay filing The last 10-Q was not pretty For the nine months ended September 30 2015 “2015” as compared to the prior year nine months ended September 30 2014 “2014”: The Company had 4150 in revenues for the 2015 compared to 1031 for 2014 This increase in revenue is due to acquisition of EquiPharm Net loss on settlement of debt increased by 770000 to 4488076 for the nine months ended September 30 2015 compared to 2116500 for the nine months ended September 30 2014 This increase is due to the higher share price of the Company’s stock and relative loss related to settling debt at a lower share price General and administrative expenses increased by 2967024 to 8710982 for the nine months ended September 30 2015 compared to 4845803 for the nine months ended September 30 2014 This increase is due to increased stock compensation expense pursuant to management consulting and bonus agreements Currently trading with a market cap of 25 million we’ll let the facts speak for themselves and let investors draw their own conclusions about CBIS All that we’ll say is that there are other pot stocks climbing up the charts generating real revenues and delivering for their shareholders These are the types of companies we look for and what we alert our subscribers about Whether you’re a bull or a bear on CBIS there are plenty of other names worth owning and easier ways to make money on this year’s Green Rush We will be updating Insider Financial as soon as we know more For continuing coverage on CBIS sign up for our free newsletter today and get our next hot stock pick! Disclosure: We have no position in CBIS and have not been compensated for this article |
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In Trump era American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years |
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City of Palm Beach and Mr Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort |
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Trump zapowiada ograniczenie pomocy dla Ameryki Środkowej |
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Trump signs US-Taiwan travel bill angering China |
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Shutdown enters day eight with Trump unmoved and Democrats determined |
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La posibilidad de un proceso de “impeachment” contra Donald Trump dispararía… |
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The Hugely Wealthy Americans Who Support Trump Are Right To Do So But The ‘Poor Ones’ Need A Reality Check |
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Don’t let Trump deport America’s Dreamers |
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‘Trump Hasn’t Ordered Afghanistan Withdrawal White House Says’ |
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Trump Investigations Report: 10:48 AM 12/29/2018 – “To make a deal to get him out of there” – Opinion |
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Trump speaks in black and white terms about global matters: Hunt |
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Trump Tower II 15901 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach |
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Op-Ed: Trump is not a client of Putin but a bin Laden agent |
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Voters repudiate Trump’s politics of bigotry and paranoia |
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At Star-Studded Rally Trump Makes Shutting Contention: ‘Stop Radical Opposition In Its Tracks’ |
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Trump menace de fermer la frontière avec le Mexique si le “shutdown” dure trop longtemps |
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Donald Trump’s “Shithole” Comment Shouldn’t Offend You Something Else Should |
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EPN habla con Trump y Trudeau por acuerd |
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Trump and Why Corruption Matters |
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Trump amenință că va închide frontiera dintre SUA şi Mexic dacă nu primește bani pentru zid |
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Bill Maher Slams Trump As ‘Racist Paul Revere’ -VIDEO |
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Trump Administration Indicts Chinese Nationals on Alleged Cy |
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Berikan Undangan Erdogan Pastikan Kunjungan Trump ke Turki Tahun Depan |
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Trump Signs Order Calling for Work Requirements for Welfare Programs |
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Republicans Bamboozle Voters with fakevote on Repeal amp ReplaceRepublicans conspired to save political face with a fake vote on Repeal amp Replace and the American people have no clue as to just how easily they have been bamboozled Former Speaker of the House John Boehner telegraphed the hidden truth just days before the epic fail but has been continue reading Cheap Radio and TV ads Commercials Production Audio Video and script writingGet the lowest cost and highest quality audio and video commercials for both radio and TV advertising made by our friends at Advertising World Radio ads and TV ads made fast and cheap – Prices start at 9900 Professional nationally syndicated radio host will read your ad giving it the continue reading Now fake news attacks Don Jr OMG! Mentally ill Press for sure!Obamacare has been a disaster creating higher costs and fewer choices Americans need relief now President Donald J Trump is continuing to work with Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare The President is committed to finding a solution that works for the American people Today’s Events 9:05 AM: Vice President continue reading Advertising that gets resultsIf you want to get great media buyer services and high quality advertising campaigns done right… Call these guys ate Advertising that gets results! Ho to get ads on radio and TV at the best rates in the Unites States Contacts that go back decades are the secret to getting continue reading Breaking White House News PresidentTrump 6/09/2017Former Buffoon FBI director JamesComey admits to criminal acts Watch this unfold! Wow! Watch highlights from President Trump’s summit with Governors and Mayors to discuss the Nation’s infrastructure: Today’s Events 11:00 AM: President Trump participates in the Roads Rails and Regulatory Relief Roundtable at the Department of Transportation – Watch continue reading Cheap remnant and Stand by Print ad rates 888-449-2526Display advertising remnant rates online newspaper and magazines at the lowest prices in America Now you can get the very best rates for newspapers magazines and online even dedicated email list rental is included for some offers Radio and TV advertising in any state in the USA Regardless the size continue reading |
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Trump signs bipartisan bill to combat synthetic opioids |
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House probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious end — with no report click to see stats |
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Revisão do OGE dependente do Twitter do Trump |
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Somehow Trump Still Enjoys Support Of 80 of White Evangelicals – Amy Sullivan |
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280 explicit BoneQuest 624 00:00:35 / 2017-01-10 02:00 tinypeepee in 2014 grilldos welcome to trump’s america |
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The 25 Funniest Trump Shutdown Memes |
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Michelle Obama Disrespects President Trump First Lady Melania and More |
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Rusia usó las redes sociales para ayudar a Trump en los comicios |
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Trump hasn’t ordered Afghan troop withdrawal yet WH official says |
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President Trump: Accept Germany’s Offer to Drop Auto Tariffs |
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Retiring Republican gets real about Fox News: Sean Hannity yelled fire and Trump fell in line |
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And We Know VIDEO 12-29-18… “SerialBrain2 – The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted “poor me”” |
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Ambasador Nsofor presents his credentials to President Trump |
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The GOA Sues Trump and ATF over Unconstitutional Ban on Bump Stocks |
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Trump ante demócratas: llueven las culpas de ambos lados por cierre de gobierno |
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Administración Trump Negará Residencia o Visas a Ciertos Inmigrantes Catalogándolos de “Carga Pública” |
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UPDATE: Trump Wall GoFund Me Page Nears 16 Million In First 6 Days Despite Progressive Suppression |
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‘Build US-Mexico wall or I’ll seal the border’ threatens Donald Trump |
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is Going Rogue Against Trump |
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Trump’s behavior inside White House shows he’s circling the drain…and he knows it |
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Trump Jr amp Jared Kushner Indictment Fears Just Escalated in Washington John Dean says: “I will be surprised if he’s not indicted” |
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Donald Trump firma su prometida y ambiciosa reforma fiscal |
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Le président américain Donald Trump envisagerait au nom de |
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Tech giants pledge millions to Trump initiative |
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Trump y la lógica de la presencia de EEUU en Medio Oriente |
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Analysis: BRICS can defeat Trump’s protectionism |
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Video RedPill78 — Trump Tweets: POTUS Message to R or RR Plus News! |
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Sebut ISIS Tumbang Trump Akan Tarik Tentaranya dari Suriah |
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Estrategia de Trump y Clinton |
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On the Brink Trump Kim and the Threat of Nuclear War |
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ed note–Lindsey Graham is the voice of Netanyahu in the Senate and despite him being painted in this piece as a ‘staunch supporter’ of Trump he has been one of the most vocal and active of Trump’s many enemies and particularly on issues related to Trump’s foreign policy in the Middle East The ‘disaster’ that Graham predicts vis a vis the Kurds coming to some sort of political arrangement with Assad is that by doing so it effectively brings to an end Israel’s policy of deliberate Balkanization of the region as a means of having the entire region tear itself apart piece by piece Read the rest of this entry » |
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“fbi criticism” – Google News: House probe of FBI-DOJ’s alleged anti-Trump pro-Clinton bias hits unceremonious end — with no report – Fox News |
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Chuck Schumer Said Something That Could Destroy Trump’s Entire Agenda |
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Corsi Bannon Mifsud Nunberg and Greenberg: How Mossad Pinned Russia On Trump |
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Gracias a Una Estúpida Amenaza de Trump Ahora Sabemos Quiénes Son los “Culpables” de Nuestros Problemas Económicos |
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Trump AchievementsView All |
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Melania Trump epitomizes the qualities that Americans should admire in our First Ladies While clearly both fashionable and beautiful Mrs Trump’s most impressive qualities are her toughness determination in the face of a hostile media environment |
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Why Does Donald Trump Belong In A Cell WATCH |
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Trump to Revoke Security Clearance for Brennan Clapper ComeyRice Do Women Shun STEM It’s Complicated |
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Trump’s Sweeping Victory at Midterm Elections |
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Trump Supporter With No Shirt On Gets Put Out Of McDonald’s For Chanting “Trump” |
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Trump ähvardas sulgeda täielikult kogu USA-Mehhiko piiri 3 |
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Trump amenaza a quienes se opongan a su decisión en Jerusalén |
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Trump Need’s NOPEC not OPEC |
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Trump defends Syria pullout says… |
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Trump Supporters Looking For A Side Of Love |
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Michelle Obama Says She Plans To Run Against Trump in 2020 – With Barack As Her VP! |
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¿Disturbios civiles Trump cree que “la gente se rebelaría” si él es acusado |
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Trump’s Signature on a Document Further Corroborates Michael Cohen’s Story |
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Rudy Giuliani Reveals Trump’s Answers to Mueller Were “a Nightmare”…”It took him about three weeks to do what would normally take two days” |
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It’s time for the press to suspend normal relations with the Trump presidency |
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Trump “Taking a Sledgehammer” to the 1972 Clean Water Act |
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SO YOU’RE GOING TO JAIL: The 17 Active Federal Criminal Investigations Into Donald Trump/Russia |
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Can Trump Overcome Secular Stagnation Part One: The Demand Side |
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Take that Trump! Russia finishes ‘The Wall’ on… |
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President Trump secures release of Pastor Brunson from Turkey |
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How will a Trump presidency affect universities |
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Iraqi politicians denounce Trump’s visit to Baghdad demand pullout of US troops By Abdus-Sattar Ghazali 8 |
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Trump Left Humiliated As He Cuts Border Wall |
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Republican Voter Defends Democrats From Trump In Brutal |
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Trump is moving on from ISIS But Iraqis fear the terror group could make a comeback |
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Trump Brexit Stocks: Your Wednesday Briefing |
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Trump Administration’s Rollback Of Bank Regulations Under Dodd-Frank Moves Forward |
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Iraqi Politicians Fuming After Trump Visit Demand US Forces Leave |
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CNN Has Receipts For ‘Trump Tower Moscow’ Campaign Collusion |
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Ex Comandante de la OTAN se Enfurece con Trump y lo Incinera Públicamente Por su Vil Actuación |
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Trump “anti-nova ordem mundial” é mais uma fraude e desinformação contra o cidadão |
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Trump Now “Offering Money” to a Prospective Witness Against Him Explains Legal Expert |
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Ivanka Trump’s Fake Voice |
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New York State Judge Throws Out Trump’s Claim That He Can’t Be Sued Because He’s President |
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Bllokada federale Trump kërcënon sërish |
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Presidenti Trump kërcënon se do ta mbyllë kufirin me i vogël i qytetarëve për legalizimin e armëve pa leje |
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The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso December 28 2018 |
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Trump reaffirms the US war on Kurdistan |
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Here’s why Trump is a great gift to America |
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Trump’s attorney accidentally implicates him on Trump Tower meeting |
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Farm Bill Passed by Congress Will Legalize Hemp if President Trump Approves |
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Donald Trump vs South Africa By EMMANUEL YAWE |
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FOTO Donald Trump a acordat „premiile” pentru știrile false ale anului 2017 |
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News Related Videos On: 🇺🇸 🇲🇽Trump threatens to seal US-Mexico border if wall is not built |
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Asunto interno amenaza de Trump de cerrar la frontera con México: AMLO |
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Trump’s New Job: ‘Want Fries With That’ |
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Grandpa Donald Trump Coffee Mug |
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Trump Acknowledges Wife Of Navy Seal Killed In Us |
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Mundo : viernes 28 de diciembre de 2018Donald Trump amenaza con cerrar “completamente” la frontera con México |
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Coverage: Trump wants to fire Fed chair or maybe not |
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Trump’s ‘Fixer’ Cooperates With The Feds This Is BAD NEWS For Trump |
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Upcoming Webinar: The Astrology of ET Disclosure in the Trump Era |
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Trump Now Mocks Scott Pruitt |
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Trump comparte un vídeo disfrazado de granjero para anunciar ley agrícola |
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Trump Happened |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar “completamente” la frontera con México si no recibe fondos para construir el muro |
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López Obrador responde a amenaza de Donald Trump por cerrar la frontera |
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Trump began to buy allies – Who else after Guatemala will want to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel |
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Trump threatens to shut down more than the government |
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Hoch lebe Donald Trump |
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Angelina Jolie không giấu tham vọng tiếp bước Donald Trump trở thành Tổng thống Mỹ |
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Një tjetër vit përplasjesh mes Presidentit Trump dhe medias |
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Teanna Trump is back bitches!!! |
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Proof That Trump is Good for the Economy |
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Trump’s focus on pleasing his most ardent supporters raises questions about reelection strategy |
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Trump Tells Erdogan Regarding Syria: “It’s All Yours We Are Done” — Trump Is Giving Power To Turkey To Further Invade Syria |
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Five ways US retreated from world stage under Trump this year |
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You Know It’s Bad When Fox News Says Trump is Guilty |
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Mueller Time: Grand Jury Details Show He’s Pursuing Trump For Much More Than Just Obstruction |
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Trump’s Business Partner is an Informant for the Feds “Definitely Mueller’s Man Now” Says Expert |
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3 Ways Trump Immigration Order Is Affecting Alphabet Inc NASDAQ:GOOGL And Others |
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Trump ends 230 Million Dollar Rebuilding Payments to Syria |
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Trump adds 184000 manufacturing jobs and continues growth trend |
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Trump GOP seek to shift blame for shutdown to Pelosi |
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Robert Reich: The end is near for Trump |
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Trump le pregunta a un niño de 7 años: ¿todavía crees en Santa Claus |
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Donald Trump threatens to close the southern US border |
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Trump wzywa Fed by nie podnosił stóp Franciszek zaproszony do Iraku |
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Trump Launches Unhinged Rant Targets Democrats Jeff Sessions And ‘The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax’ |
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How The Trump Administration is Being Run Like An Organized Crime Organization! |
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Therapy Group Forming- Processing and Managing Trump’s Presidency |
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Trump: Mattis Out as of Jan 1 Deputy to be Acting Yemeni Boy Whose Mom Sued US to See Him has Died |
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How to Fund the Government Without Paying for Trump’s Border Wall |
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Trump visits US troops in… |
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Meet Trump’s acting Pentagon chief |
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‘THE YEAR’S 10 MOST Trump’s LIES amp Mueller Probe TOP 1 Giuliani amp Le |
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Contreras: The GOP self-immolated a decade ago before Trump |
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Trump Now Hit with Asset Forfeiture by Attorney General in New York |
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Aides report Trump privately talking about Paul Manafort ‘flipping’ on him |
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Trump Gets Put in His Place by Commander Who Caught Bin Laden: “Greatest Threat to Democracy in My You Still Support Trump Here’s 11 Things You Need To Hear |
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Trump Said to “resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice” Trump Associate Explains |
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Trump’s coal jobs T-Shirt |
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CNN’s John Berman: Are Trump’s New Border Threats Serious or Just ‘A Guy Home Alone Venting to the Walls’ |
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Dem Senator Blasts Trump Over Shutdown: He Was Listening to ‘Very Loud Voices of Fox News’ |
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Norte-americanos culpam mais Trump por paralisação do governo mostra pesquisa |
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Michael Cohen in court: Trump ex-legal advisor concedes deceiving Congress |
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President Trump Surprises US Troops at Al Asad Airbase Iraqi Government Unhappy |
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Donald Trump Can’t Be My President |
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The Constant Spin Zone/ How one publication reported Trump’s trip to see troops in Iraq |
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New Poll finds that only 23 percent of Americans support Trump’s stance on the border wall |
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11000 government jobs slashed under Trump – downsizing government |
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Bill allocates 16 billion for Trump’s border wall |
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O’Rourke rips Trump’s border wall in video: ‘A symbol of division’ |
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How a UK plane spotter cracked the secret of Donald Trump’s Iraq visit |
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President Trump at Camp David |
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„Die Vereinigten Staaten können nicht weiter der Weltpolizist sein“ – Trump |
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Trump’s Personal Finances and the Death Tax |
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Trump tells boy that believing in Santa at 7 years old is Soul Train celebrates the season |
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Congress Ends with Trump Fighting GOP Leaders Hiding |
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Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff ebook Free Download |
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Don’t Look At Donald Trump’s Facebook Page Before Going To Sleep |
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Svijet u 2018 – Trump u centru pozornosti – pripremila Renata Tomašević |
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The FBI News Review: 9:25 AM 12/29/2018 – Trump-Russia Investigations a… FBI News Review: MN: Continue this Purge: relentlessly and object… Investigations: 7:30 PM 12/28/2018 – Obama’s FBI brass hollowed ou… FBI News Review: mikenov on Twitter: When professionals sell out we get a president like Trump on Twitter: When professionals sell out we get a president like Trump on Twitter: The FBI News Review: 9:25 AM 12/29/2018 – Trump-Russia Investigations a… News and Times: Twitter search feed for: michael novakhov: The FBI News Review: MN: Continue this Purge: relentlessly and object… … |
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Trump cerrará frontera con México si demócratas no apoyan proyecto del muro |
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Nhà tiên tri Vanga dự đoán 2019: Trump mất đi thính giác Putin bị ám hại nền kinh tế châu Âu sụp đổ |
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Trump won’t attend Mar-a-Lago New Year’s celebration amid shutdown |
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BREAKING: Donald Trump’s Visit to UK ABANDONED From Queen’s Speech 2017 |
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Trump Signs Criminal Justice Reform Bill Into Law |
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Trump amenaza con cortar la ayuda a Honduras |
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One Minute After Using An Anonymous Source Trump Says Don’t Read Reports Using Anonymous Sources |
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O filme Dragon Ball Super: Broly vai mesmo estrear em Trump quer mesmo deixar a Huawei e ZTE fora do 5G! |
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Proof of possible crimes found at Trump golf club |
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President Trump signs bil to change the name of post office after Captain Humayun Khan |
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Can Trump Halt China’s Rise to the Top |
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Coinpots/Dow Jones/Vietnam GDP highest in 11 Years/Trump Tweets/Coinbase |
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How Progressives Should Respond to Trump |
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Chính phủ Mỹ đóng cửa: Quốc hội họp chớp nhoáng dân đổ lỗi ông Trump |
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Video Trump GITMO Military Tribunal Trafficking EO |
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¡Más amenazas! Trump cerraría la frontera con México si no consigue financiación para el muro |
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Trump signs National Quantum Initiative into law |
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Trump’s Geopolitical Paradoxes: Unpredictable Concerns For India’s Eurasia Connect – Beverage Pattern Linked To Higher Kidney Disease Risk |
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Brzezinski’s Ghost: The Geopolitics of the Trump Administration |
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The Trump Family Vacation |
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Trump and the media – codependents wallowing in the mud |
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Chickensh-t Trump |
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Putting under pressure: How will the Federal Reserve react to continued public criticism from President Trump |
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Trump’s Denaturalizatio |
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Főbb republikánusok szerint is káoszba fullad a Trump kabinet |
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COLUMN: Trump has no authority over birthright citizenship |
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Jesolo: selfie osceni e incivilta’ davanti ai ritratti satirici di Trump e Merkel |
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President Trump Vows To Lower Severity of Sexual Assault Crimes Hopes To Make Them ‘Ticketable’ Offenses |
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Feds to still check fingerprints of migrant child about Trump traffic and Tekashi 6ix9ine |
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Shutdown Day 7: Trump Reportedly Slashes Border Wall Funding Demand in Half Dems Won’t Budge |
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