Trump Organization to use E-Verify for worker status checks |
93 |
Trump says ‘wall’ must be part of lawmakers’ border deal |
44 |
Trump says ‘wall’ must be part of lawmakers’ border deal |
35 |
‘Great!’ Trump supports states pushing for Bible literacy courses in school |
35 |
Trump disputes ‘naive’ intel chiefs on North Korea Iran |
34 |
Trump disputes intel chiefs on North Korea Iran |
26 |
NOAA denies climate change tweet was directed at Trump |
23 |
Trump pushes back on intelligence assessment of North Korea |
16 |
The Latest: Trump says he’s still insisting on border wall |
14 |
Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran |
13 |
Trump Administration Gets An Earful On New Campus Sexual Assault Rules |
13 |
Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
13 |
Trump reitera su “completo respaldo” a Guaidó en una llamada telefónica |
12 |
Senators look to stop future shutdowns but Trump says another is ‘certainly’ an option 1 day ago |
12 |
Nicolás Maduro acusa a Donald Trump de ordenar su muerte |
10 |
Roger Stone warns Trump’s presidency is in peril |
10 |
Cliff Sims Is Proud to Have Served Trump |
9 |
Trump says ‘wall’ must be part of lawmakers’ border deal |
9 |
Trump friend Roger Stone pleads not guilty in Russia probe |
9 |
Stacey Abrams to deliver response to Trump’s State of the Union |
8 |
Analyst: Trump treats Putin as a shadow adviser |
7 |
The Latest: Trump stresses support on call with Guaido |
7 |
Trump reitera su completo respaldo a Guaidó en una llamada telefónica |
7 |
Robert Mueller Turned The Last Person Trump Ever Thought Would Sell Him Out |
7 |
Apunte misterioso de asesor de Trump insinúa invasión a Venezuela |
7 |
Trump Administration Begins ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy Sending Asylum-Seekers Back |
7 |
Nancy Pelosi And Donald Trump Sealed A Shocking Agreement That No One Saw Coming |
7 |
Women invited to wear white to Trump’s State of the Union address |
6 |
Trump disputes ‘naive’ intel chiefs on North Korea Iran |
6 |
Transatlantik: Venezuela krizi Trump’ın duvar fiyaskosu amp Kaşıkçı cinayeti |
6 |
Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran and claims of foreign policy success |
6 |
Chris Christie: Trump ‘blew it’ with shutdown |
6 |
Former Trump Aide Announces Involvement in Medical Marijuana Startup |
5 |
Những gì Tổng thống Trump làm được còn ông Obama thì không |
5 |
What Does Donald Trump Think Of Chris Christie’s Tell-All |
5 |
No CNN… The US Intelligence Chief Actually Vindicated Trump’s Syria Exit |
5 |
Watch top intel chiefs contradict Trump on ISIS Russia |
5 |
VENEZUELË – Donald Trump përshëndeti personalisht Juan Guaidon |
5 |
Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Reignites His War With Trump |
5 |
Trump tax cuts fail to boost investment or employment but pile |
5 |
What’s Up With Jussie Smollett’s Twitter History and President Trump |
5 |
Donald Trump has never really believed what his intelligence community tells him |
5 |
Chicago hladniji od Antarktika očekuje se -53 stepena oglasio se i Trump |
5 |
Cannabis stocks look set to flourish thanks to Trump’s 2018 Farm Bill |
5 |
Trump asegura que Maduro está “dispuesto a negociar” |
5 |
Rick Wilson hilariously mocks Trump’s NDA scheme to keep staffers silent |
5 |
Donald Trump usiluje o to aby lidstvo dobylo Mars už za jeho funkčního období |
5 |
Trump will deliver the State of Union after the Shutdown |
5 |
Donald Trump habló con Juan Guaidó y le ofreció completo respaldo |
5 |
President Trump Lashes Out At Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him |
5 |
Trump Publicly Breaks With His Top Intelligence Officials |
5 |
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says She Will Not Shake Trump’s Hand at SOTU |
5 |
Las promesas de Trump dos años después |
5 |
Juan Guaidó agradeció la llamada y el respaldo de Donald Trump |
5 |
Trump felicita por teléfono a Guaidó por “haber asumido la presidencia” de Venezuela |
4 |
Trump Has One Piece Of Advice For Lawmakers Negotiating Border Funding |
4 |
Trump Turned The Tables On Obama And The CIA With One Stunning Move |
4 |
Trump Admin Hands Venezuela’s US-Housed Bank Accounts Over To Guaido |
4 |
How Trump’s Border Adjustment Tax Could Affect Canada |
4 |
Plot To Take Out Trump |
4 |
Intel chiefs challenge Trump’s national security claims |
4 |
4 |
Donald Trump a-t-il été contraint de renoncer |
4 |
Maduro: Trump ka urdhëruar vrasjen time jam i gatshëm të bisedoj me të |
4 |
Angry President Trump Takes Aim At And Hits Many Targets |
4 |
Catherine Rampell: The Trump administration learns that fighting gravity is hard |
4 |
Donald Trump è di destra anzi di sinistra |
4 |
Trump’s Gift to the Taliban |
4 |
Tucker Dedicates Segment To Walls Around The Homes Of Trump’s Biggest Critics |
4 |
Trump Supporter Brings Out Best In Liberal Comedian |
4 |
Trump attacks intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran North Korea ISIS |
4 |
Con trai Trump kêu gọi ban bố tình trạng khẩn cấp |
4 |
Donald Trump habla por teléfono con Juan Guaidó |
4 |
Former NJ governor claims he was fired from Trump’s team because he jailed Kushner’s father |
4 |
Quebec mosque attack: two years on will security trump openness |
4 |
Trump may roll back FATCA |
4 |
Democrats Pick Georgia’s Stacey Abrams To Give Response To Trump’s State Of The Union |
4 |
Corruption seen rising in Trump’s US: Transparency Intl |
4 |
İlham Ahmed Trump’la görüştü |
4 |
Will Trump Win on His Bet on Coal |
4 |
Schumer Tells Trump to Butt Out Gets Roasted by Lindsey Graham |
4 |
4 |
Agradece Guidó respaldo de Trump |
4 |
Trump Says ‘Wall’ Must Be Part Of Lawmakers’ Border Deal |
4 |
Trump yönetiminden Çinli Huawei’ye iki ağır suçlama |
4 |
ÚLTIMA HORA: Trump advierte a estadounidenses que no viajen a Venezuela |
4 |
El mensaje de Trump a Guaidó tras decisión del TSJ |
4 |
Organización Trump verificará estatus legal de trabajadores |
3 |
Stone indictment presents no evidence of links between WikiLeaks and Trump campaign |
3 |
Trump to lawmakers: Don’t waste your time deal needs wall |
3 |
Venezuela: El enviado especial de Trump al servicio del sionismo |
3 |
Eric Trump calls on his father to declare national emergency if negotiations fail |
3 |
Maduro: Trump ölüm emrimi verdi |
3 |
Con Trump y el imperialismo no hay salida para los trabajadores y el pueblo venezolano |
3 |
‘Trump Kolombiya Mafyasına Beni Öldürmeleri İçin Talimat Verdi |
3 |
WATCH: Trump Supporter Booted Off Flight for Second Time Over Saying ‘Make America Great Again’ |
3 |
Trump Postpones Speech On The State Of The Nation To 5 February |
3 |
Guaidó recibió una llamada de Trump quien reiteró “fuerte apoyo” y total respaldo a su lucha |
3 |
Trump pide “no ir” a Venezuela por marchas opositoras |
3 |
Peter Thiel: I won’t have a job with Trump’s administration |
3 |
Ông Trump làm kinh tế tốt người khuyết tật Mỹ có việc làm |
3 |
Most Americans Want Top Dems to Negotiate With Trump on Wall Funding Instead of Continuing to Obstruct |
3 |
Trump Dropped Davos — So Empty Without Me |
3 |
Juan Guaidó: Agradezco el completo respaldo de Donald Trump a nuestra labor democrática |
3 |
Trump accuse le renseignement américain d’avoir tort sur l’Iran |
3 |
Maduro îl acuză pe Donald Trump că a ordonat asasinarea sa |
3 |
Trump persuades allies to prevent Huawei 5G |
3 |
NATO Agrees To 100 Billion Thanks To President Trump |
3 |
Donald Trump se burla del calentamiento global y lo tunden en redes |
3 |
Trump dobló las manos pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta |
3 |
Late Night Comics School Trump on Climate Science |
3 |
Mes të ftohtit arktik Presidenti Trump shpreh përsëri dyshim për ndryshimet klimatike |
3 |
US spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to the US |
3 |
Trump’s two justices mean Supreme Court could essentially flip abortion access ruling from 2016 |
3 |
Update: Trump says he’s still insisting on border wall |
3 |
Kamala Harris is a candidate operating in the pre-Trump mode |
3 |
Chris Christie: Trump ‘blew it’ with shutdown |
3 |
Nunes Drops Bombshell: Rosenstein Made Trump ‘Target’ |
3 |
Trump pocht auf Geld für Mauer an Grenze zu Mexiko |
3 |
Cliff Sims Helped Curate Trump’s Enemies List |
3 |
Trump’s Foxconn deal that would have employed 13K on the verge |
3 |
Trump and evangelicals are wrong about teaching the Bible in schools |
3 |
Trump Administration Ramps up Reckless Assault on Arctic Refuge |
3 |
Trump ally Roger Stone pleads not guilty to Russia probe charges |
3 |
Goodbye Afghanistan lo schiaffo di Trump ai pacifinti |
3 |
Maduro: “Trump dio la orden de matarme al Gobierno y a la mafia de Colombia” |
3 |
Trump calls his intel chiefs |
3 |
Con trai Trump kêu gọi ban bố tình trạng khẩn cấp quốc gia |
3 |
Undocumented former Trump workers ask Congress for protection |
3 |
As Polar Vortex Hits The US Donald Trump Questions Climate |
3 |
Trump Imbau Warga AS Hindari Venezuela |
3 |
Dems Choose Georgia’s Stacey Abrams To Respond To Trump’s State Of The Union |
3 |
Donald Trump Elliot Abrams et le Venezuela |
3 |
Trump Guaido ile görüştü: Tam destek veriyoruz |
3 |
On the funny side of the street – Trump on Trump cartoon series |
3 |
Trump Administration Begins ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy Sending Asylum-Seekers Back |
3 |
Trump’s government shutdown cut off access to crucial public data |
3 |
Trump califica a sus jefes de inteligencia de “ingenuos” |
3 |
Trump ally Stone pleads not guilty to Russia probe charges |
3 |
Trump lashes out at Intel officials for admitting Iran is complying |
3 |
Guaidó: Trump reitera su completo respaldo a nuestra labor democrática |
3 |
Truy tố Mạnh Vãn Châu Trump đang bắn cùng lúc 5 mũi tên vào Trung Quốc |
3 |
Venezuela BOMBSHELL: ‘Donald Trump has given order to KILL ME!’ Shock Maduro claim |
3 |
Trump Himself to Blame for His Woes |
3 |
Trump dijo que Maduro está dispuesto a negociar tras sanciones de EEUU |
3 |
Guaidó: Trump me dio su completo respaldo |
3 |
Trump Organization will use system to verify workers’ documentation |
3 |
‘Will not vote for’ Trump say 56 percent of Americans in poll |
3 |
El intento de Nicolás Maduro de desafiar a Donald Trump en inglés: “¡Hand offs Venezuela! ¡De inmediati!” |
3 |
ĐIỂM TIN TRONG TUẦN: Chấp nhận mở cửa chính phủ nhưng TT Trump sẵn sàng đóng cửa chính phủ lần nữa để có tường |
3 |
President Donald Trump Accepts House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Invitation To Deliver State Of The Union On February 5 |
3 |
Trump: “Maduro está dispuesto a negociar su salida con la oposición” VIDEO |
3 |
Foxconn may not build 10B Wisconsin plant Trump touted |
3 |
Trump y Putin una historia de amor Entrevista a Luke Harding |
3 |
Podcast Mueller She Wrote captures the minutiae of Trump’s Russia probe |
3 |
Venezolanos piden a Trump sacar a Maduro le prometen construir muro con México |
3 |
Trump: Maduro está dispuesto a negociar debido a sanciones de EEUU |
3 |
Thaçi i përgjigjet letrës së Trump: Gati për kompromiset e nevojshme |
3 |
Zuckerberg slams Trump in F8 opener: ‘Instead of building walls we can help build bridges’ |
3 |
Trump thotë se shërbimet e inteligjencës amerikane janë ‘naive’ |
3 |
Gov’t Reopens Trump Drafts National Emergency Order |
3 |
President Trump tells US spy chiefs: ‘Go back to school’ |
3 |
US President Donald Trump desperately wants Global warming to take action |
3 |
Venezuela: Keep Trump Out |
3 |
Emir To Meet US President Trump In Washington Today |
3 |
Maduro hizo el ridículo al intentar hablarle en inglés a Trump |
3 |
Where the investigations related to President Trump stand |
3 |
President Trump’s Political Adviser Roger Stone Pleads Not Guilty To Mueller Charges |
3 |
17 Articles of Impeachment for Trump and 1 for Pence Too |
3 |
Venezuela’s Maduro says Trump out to kill him Russia seeks talks |
3 |
Official Portrait of Trump Shot on Older Camera than Obama |
3 |
Anketat mbështetja për Presidentin Trump ka rënë |
3 |
Donald Trump: Empereur au-dessus de la loi |
3 |
Venezuela’s Maduro accuses Trump of ordering his murder |
3 |
Trump advierte a estadounidenses que no viajen a Venezuela “hasta nuevo aviso” |
3 |
Trump dice que Maduro está dispuesto a negociar en Venezuela |
3 |
Democrats’ choice to rebut Trump’s State of the Union: Stacey Abrams |
3 |
Trump Says US Intelligence Services ‘Naive’ ‘Wrong’ on Iran |
3 |
Trump: İran ekonomisi çöküyor |
3 |
See USA Intel Chief Contradict Trump on ISIS Defeat |
3 |
¿ASUSTADO El desesperado mensaje de Maduro a Trump: Deseo tener relaciones de respeto con EEUU Video |
3 |
Donald Trump Jr sobre Covington y las fake news: No cedan al miedo |
3 |
“Trump kërkon kokën time urdhëroi mafian kolumbiane të më ekzekutojë” |
3 |
Gobierno Trump aumentará número de tropas en la frontera con México |
3 |
After Jussie Smollet attack Maxine Waters blames Trump for emboldening racists |
3 |
Trump and Kim sign joint agreement on total denuclearization of the Korean peninsula |
3 |
Has the Arms Industry Captured Trump’s Pentagon |
3 |
Trump amp Pelosi: Come Together To Rebuild Rye’s Sea Wall |
3 |
Trump team’s MESSAGING WEAKNESS Bill Shine’s fault renders that WH has not sold the full public yet on WALL being necessary |
2 |
Trump afirma que inteligencia de EEUU es ‘ingenua’ y se ‘equivoca’ sobre Irán |
2 |
Rajoy Trump y las calenturas |
2 |
Trump Says His Intelligence Chiefs ‘Should Go Back To School’ Over Iran |
2 |
In Boca’s Retirement Communities Trump Is Dividing Neighbors |
2 |
2 |
US Senate committee delays vote on Trump’s attorney general pick |
2 |
Republicans In Early Primary States Face A Choice: Protect Trump Or Their Place In Line |
2 |
Trump: bury Russian-probe headlines with second North Korea meeting |
2 |
President Donald J Trump Recognizing Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela |
2 |
Victory! President Trump Signs Law To Help Human Trafficking Victims |
2 |
We began the original Indivisible Guide with these words: “Together we have the power to resist — and we have the power to win” That is true now more than ever Use our latest guide to get ready for whatever comes in 2019 2020 and beyond: the speech however Trump would lose the single best opportunity a president gets each year to pitch his agenda both to Congress and the public as well as to frame the national debate entirely on his has never heard a voice like mine After years of seeing my community at the whim of national politics while organizing in Indian Country it was time for me to take the lead” – Deb Haaland for Congress |
2 |
Trump conversó telefónicamente con el presidente E Guaidó |
2 |
Trump caved your advocacy worked |
2 |
Trump insists ISIS is destroyed and North Korea isn’t a nuclear |
2 |
La vittoria di Trump e i piani della setta per il completamento dell’agenda del “papa di nuova generazione” Le profezie di San Francesco |
2 |
Trump reitera su ‘completo respaldo’ a Guaidó en una llamada telefónica |
2 |
Cohn to Brits: Take Trump…Please! |
2 |
2 |
Jemele Hill Accuses ‘White Supremacist’ Trump of Weaponizing Sports |
2 |
“We are definitely not done” New Jersey Indivisibles are ready for 2019 2020 and only work when every voice is heard and every vote is counted Call now amp tell your member of Congress to support comprehensive democracy reform bill HR 1: healthy democracy would have rejected Trump long before he reached the White House That’s why we’re so glad to see House Democrats prioritizing a bill that includes the crucial democracy reform measures our country needs Hearings on HR 1 started today Use our script to call your MoC and tell them to co-sponsor the bill: flipped the House — and took back some power — in November Now we’re turning the lights back on in Washington |
2 |
Menuju Agama Cinta Bukan Agama Kebencian ala Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump Administration claims US air is cleaner than ever |
2 |
Big Win For Trump And Military |
2 |
Trump Calls His Intelligence People ‘Naive’ |
2 |
The Gateway President: Is Donald Trump driving people to do mushrooms |
2 |
The Truth About Donald Trump’s 5 Kids |
2 |
Trump ofrecerá el 5 de febrero su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión |
2 |
Salter: Thompson’s Statements on Border Security Battle with Trump were Noteworthy |
2 |
CNN’s Don Lemon And Chris Cuomo Mock Trump For Tweet Asking Global Warming To ‘Please Come Back Fast’ |
2 |
Kim Jong Un Reveals He Is Just Using Trump to Meet Stormy Daniels |
2 |
Governo de Trump promete ajudar Angola a recuperar |
2 |
SOTU Shutdown: Trump vs Pelosi |
2 |
Trump bezeichnet Geheimdienste als «naiv» |
2 |
Donne Trump |
2 |
”Χωρίς εμένα ο Donald Trump δεν θα το έκανε ποτέ αυτό” |
2 |
2 |
Video de Trump antes de destruir Libia: “Nosotros los ayudaremos y queremos 50 de su petróleo” |
2 |
The Telegraph paga una indemnización a Melania Trump y se disculpa por difamarla en un reportaje |
2 |
Trump felicita a Guaidó por “histórica asunción” a Presidencia de Venezuela |
2 |
Trump rebate críticas de chefe de inteligência sobre Coreia do Norte e Estado Islâmico – 30/01/2019 – Mundo |
2 |
Maduro: “Trump dio la orden de matarme al Gobierno y a la mafia de Colombia |
2 |
Progressive groups press Dem chairman to immediately request Trump’s tax returns |
2 |
Trump Signs Farm Bill Now we will see the way it plays out |
2 |
Klaus Iohannis prima întrevedere oficială cu Donald Trump |
2 |
USA – Trump wettert: „US-Geheimdienste sollten noch einmal die Schulbank drücken“ |
2 |
Trump: Earth Day Commemoration |
2 |
Stymied for Now Trump Can Still Outflank the Democrats |
2 |
Trump tells Americans NOT to travel to Venezuela amid mounting protests and credits US sanctions on a state-owned oil company for convincing Maduro to negotiate |
2 |
Video: Rep DeSaulnier Town Hall on “Trump Shutdown” |
2 |
Trump dará su informe el 5 de febrero |
2 |
Plan de Trump regresa al primer migrante a México |
2 |
Now that Democrats have retaken control of the House they have the opportunity to change course and do more than extend “thoughts and prayers” On January 8 2018 House Democrats introduced HR 8 a bill to address gun violence and do just that Learn more: this moment of trial for all who treasure democratic institutions the world could use an example of politicians whose solutions to our problems involve more democracy not less” Call your MoC and let them know you want them to support H R 1 and pass comprehensive democracy reform: is systematic it’s wrong and it’s anti-American” ICYMI Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interview from last night is a town went through a natural disaster less than a year ago Now their lives are once again in turmoil because of Trump’s temper tantrum Call your Senator and tell them to put people over politics and vote NO on any legislation until they end the TrumpShutdown: is continuing to throw a temper tantrum over a racist and unnecessary border wall – meanwhile hundreds of thousands of workers are going without a paycheck and struggling to make ends meet during his in the House just passed another bill to reopen the government with support from just 8 Republicans 4 of the House GOP And Mitch McConnell STILL refuses to bring it to the floor Call your Senators now demand they vote NO on any motion to proceed before the government is reopened: |
2 |
US spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to America |
2 |
WATCH: Left Turns On Starbucks’ Schultz For Helping ‘Re-elect Trump’ |
2 |
Maduro: Trump beni öldürme talimatı verdi |
2 |
Russia humiliates Trump by leaking details of secret meeting between Putin |
2 |
How Trump’s Venezuela Sanctions Could Undercut His Iran Policy |
2 |
“5 mil soldados a Colombia”: El “descuido” viral de asesor de Trump |
2 |
Trump respalda medida que permitiría clases bíblicas en escuelas |
2 |
Kako je Trump gnojeći našu „Lipu“ zagnojio Hrvatsku |
2 |
The Palestinians say No Trump should listen |
2 |
Trump: Maduro pide diálogo pero el TSJ persigue a Guaidó |
2 |
Trump Barnstormed Into Reno Yesterday amp Security Scare Briefly Interrupts Speech |
2 |
Maduro: Trump je naredio moje ubistvo spreman sam razgovarati s njim |
2 |
Trump Met With Putin Without Translator Note-Taker Last Month – But Don’t Worry Melania Was There |
2 |
US intelligence chiefs reveal gulf with Trump on North Korea Iran ISIS |
2 |
Can Trump Win In 2020 |
2 |
Will Trump Lose in 2020 But to Who |
2 |
Proponen empresarios Venezolanos ¡apoyar a Trump en la construcción del muro si saca a Maduro del poder! |
2 |
Big Event US Election 2016 Donald Trump vs Clinton |
2 |
Colombia Recibirá a Donald Trump |
2 |
The Total Cost of Trump’s New Tariffs |
2 |
2 |
Trump and Mitch McConnell created a crisis and are now refusing to let the hostages of the TrumpShutdown go Read our comprehensive resource on the state of play and take action now |
2 |
Cierre del gobierno de Trump provocó en pérdidas el doble de lo que quería para el muro |
2 |
¿Qué significan las sanciones petroleras impuestas por Trump a Venezuela |
2 |
Von der Leyen „biedert“ sich Trump in der „New York Times“ an |
2 |
MASTER TROLL: Trump Points Out The Obamas Have A 10-Foot Wall Around Their House |
2 |
The Unintended Consequences of Trump’s Decision to Withdraw From Syria |
2 |
Wer Fox News schaut wird ein Fan von Präsident Trump |
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President Trump dismisses new tell-all book as ‘made up stories’ |
2 |
El regalo de Navidad de Trump para el Es |
2 |
To All Trump Haters and Lovers: Get a Life! |
2 |
Many Countries at UN Oppose Trump Interference in Venezuela |
2 |
FBI’s Wray Attacks Trump in Angry McCabe-Like Tirade |
2 |
Historic Kim-Trump Summit paves way for Peace on Korean Peninsula |
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Trump Tower Gurgaon – Trump tower Delhi NCR |
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Opinion: President Trump climate change deniers hinder positive progress |
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: Read our resource on the TrumpShutdown: http://falcn/r36A : Call your Senators and tell them to reopen the government and end the shutdown without 1 more for Trump’s racist wall: 1-844-236-2373 : Call again and again until the government is reopened |
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Gov Whitmer Moves Speech Over Conflict With Trump Address |
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You never know where the cracks will show up when pressure is applied everywhere That’s why it’s so important we keep calling and demanding the Senate acts to end the our movement has driven in more than 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ calls to our Senators demanding they reopen the government with zero funding for Trump’s racist border wall Haven’t called your Senators yet Watch the video below get up to speed and make a call now! |
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President Trump Democrats reach temporary deal to end shutdown |
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Donald Trump justificó el uso de gases químicos |
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Maduro: Trump Kolombiya çetelerine beni öldürme talimatı verdi |
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The Trump Appointee Delivering a Jackpot for Hedge Funds |
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Without President Trump Knowing The White House Counsel Is Caving to Democrats on Judges |
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Trump lanza nuevas sanciones contra Cuba |
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El efecto Trump en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas |
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Olimpic Athlete Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel |
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Trump is a climate change denier so Jimmy Kimmel had kids explain why he’s wrong |
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Omarosa Trump’s first defeat and it took a nasty self-serving Golem to deliver it |
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Trump habló por teléfono con Guaidó para ofrecele “todo su respaldo” |
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Venezuela’s Maduro accuses Trump of ordering his murder |
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Trump Met Privately With Putin at G20 Summit Without Notetaker Again |
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Nouvelle charge twittesque de Trump à l’encontre de… |
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Ramesh Ponnuru: If Trump wants another shutdown Republicans won’t stop him |
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Trump Will Deliver SOTU Dares Pelosi To Say Otherwise |
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Trump firm tacitly admits gaps in vetting worker status |
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Is President Trump Setting the Democrats Up |
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For the last 35 days Trump has held government employees and immigrant families hostage All because of a hateful campaign promise to his base to build a border wall But today we won Because of your constituent pressure the government will reopen with no funding for Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda THANK YOU! This is just a short term deal Next up: Congress heads to a conference committee to negotiate funding for DHS If they can’t reach an agreement by February 15 we could get another shutdown or Trump could declare a nat’l emergency Here are some resources for the next stage of this fight: What’s a conference committee What can Congress do if Trump declares a state of emergency Full TrumpShutdown state of play Stone was indicted Manafort has a court hearing today And it’s easy to get distracted BUT we must keep those calls coming The government has been shut down for 35 DAYS We can’t stop calling until the government reopened w/ NO funding for the wall CALL NOW: Senate is expected to vote on two bills to reopen the government beginning at 2:30pm! One with funding for Trump’s racist wall and a short term funding bill without THREE Republicans have reportedly flipped and will vote for both bills including the bill a House has already passed with no wall funding Your pressure is working! But we can’t relent now Here’s how you can take action CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW 844-236-2373 before the Indivisibles made more than 10000 calls asking their Senators to end the TrumpShutdown with no funding for his racist wall The Senate will likely vote TODAY on bills to reopen the government and we have to make sure they hear us Keep the pressure and calls! up |
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Groups press US House lawmaker to seek Trump’s tax returns |
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British Newspaper to Pay Melania Trump Substantial Damages Over False Statements |
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Donald Trump sobre caravanas migrantes: Los números son tremendos |
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Trump acuză serviciile americane de infomaţii că se ”înşală” cu privire la Iran |
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Maduro Tuduh Trump Berupaya Membunuhnya |
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gt Trump på väg att kapitulera för talibanerna |
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See Jimmy Kimmel Joke – Donald Trump’s Shutdown amp Roger Stone’s Arrest |
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American Gestapo – Mueller Takes Down Another Trump Supporter |
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Trump to Fine Latinos for Use of Term “American” |
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Aww Eric Trump Has an Opinion |
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Trump tax cuts fail to boost investment or employment but pile on debt |
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A New White House Tell-All Illustrates Trump’s Views on How to Keep Teens From Abusing Opioids |
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US Dairy Farmers Say Billions of Sales at Risk After Trump Quit TPP |
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EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Claims Donald Trump Never Talked To Him About Wikileaks |
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President Trump: ‘No Cave!’ on partial government shutdown gridlock |
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Anthony Scaramucci “Trump Will Legalize Marijuana After Midterms” |
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Cosa accadrà adesso con Trump allo Studio Ovale se ci arriverà |
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Mulvaney: Trump ready to shut down the government again |
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Here Comes the Trump Peace Plan and Here Comes Judgment! |
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Siasatan kes Trump-Rusia hampir selesai |
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Con đường trở thành tổng thống của Donald Trump |
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Trump suggests that it may be necessary to close the US to the arrival of foreigners |
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Trump News House |
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Trump: “Maduro está dispuesto a negociar con la oposición en Venezuela” |
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Corruption seen rising in Trump’s US: watchdog |
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The Trump shutdown is about more than just politicians arguing in DC This is about people’s lives It’s the ability to feed your kids make rent and pay your bills Call your Senator today and demand they step up and put people first: would like you to believe that Steve King is an outlier But the truth is Trump and his base’s obsession with a useless border wall is the result of a constant decades-long drumbeat of the same xenophobia in Republican messaging and policy that Steve King Enough Senators just voted again to block a bill unrelated to ending the government shutdown Your activism is working! Keep calling your Senators and tell them to play hardball amp continue holding strong: like they should get used to it |
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3000 tropas a Colombia”: La desconcertante nota del asesor de Trump en el anuncio contra Venezuela |
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Senador dos EUA cobra aliança Trump-Bolsonaro contra ‘más intenções’ de Rússia e China |
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Trump blasts US spy chiefs disputes assessments on Iran and other threats |
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Stone: I Won’t ‘Make Up Lies’ or ‘Bear False Witness’ Against Trump |
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Key Democrat Signals Caution on Seeking Trump’s Tax Returns |
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We’ve updated our HR 1 resource – now you can check if your member of Congress has signed on as a cosponsor for comprehensive democracy reform! Don’t see your member on the list Give them a call: is exploring declaring a state of emergency to build his racist and unnecessary wall – but the only emergency at the border is Trump’s immigration policies We’re watching and monitoring the situation – we’ll keep folks informed on how to take action |
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Could Trump White House Stage Phony Attack to Boost Poll Numbers |
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Trump Caved On His Hateful Wall: Here’s What’s Next |
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Trump llamó a Guaidó: Esto hablaron por teléfono este miércoles |
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Trump Administration Hands Venezuela’s US-Housed Bank Accounts Over To Guaido |
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Candidate Schultz can swing the 2020 election to Trump |
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WATCH: US intelligence differs with Trump on global threats |
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The government has reopened – but the fight isn’t over yet We have 3️⃣ weeks to make sure Democrats stay strong and Republicans keep the government open with NO new money for Trump’s wall Read our resource for more on how to contact your Senator and what comes next: a functional democracy in which everyone is included and represented we can’t achieve any of our other priorities We’re so excited for the new Democratic House of Representatives to start hearings tomorrow on HR 1 the comprehensive democracy reform bill! Here’s how to contact your member of Congress and tell them to support this bill: government has temporarily been reopened—but the fight to make sure Trump can’t build his racist border wall isn’t over Trump is threatening to go around Congress and declare a fake state of emergency to build the wall Our resource has more on what to tell your MoC to do if he does: knocked doors Made calls Drove voters to the polls Now we get to see the rewards of all your hard work The Democratically-controlled House Oversight committee holds its first committee hearing this week! It’s to shine a on proud to join Justice Democrats PCCC – BoldProgressivesorg Demand Progress and more to push for naming more Democrats to bipartisan agency boards like the SEC and FDIC |
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5 Shocking Family Secrets Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know |
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Majority of Clemson’s black players declined Trump’s fast food reception report says |
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Trump żartuje z mrozów na Midweście |
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Trump contrazis de șefii serviciilor secrete americane pe tema Coreea de Nord şi Iran |
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Trump tells lawmakers: Don’t waste your time deal needs wall |
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FBI tried to ‘re-engage’ dossier writer Christopher Steele after it started anti-Trump probe |
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Even former Obama Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan who Trump fired admits the truth about walls |
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El “mensajeichon” que Maduro envió a Trump Video |
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Trump congratulates Venezuelan opposition leader in call |
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Donald Trump presidente de Estados Unidos |
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Updated Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran |
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Trump Effect: Media Layoffs at MAJOR LEFTIST ORGANIZATION |
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Pelosi puts tight grip on talk of Trump impeachment |
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US N Korea officials may meet Feb 4 ahead of Trump-Kim summit |
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Donald Trump Quotes on India China Pakistan Others All You W |
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While Democrats Were Enjoying the Government Shutdown Trump Decided to Lead — Not Cave |
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Trump asegura que Maduro está cediendo |
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Trump Get Out! |
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TT Trump bác nhận định của lãnh đạo tình báo Mỹ về Triều Tiên IS |
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No te Y que México debería unirse a Trump y reconocer a Juan Guaidó como presidente de de la semana |
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Trump decide le sorti dello stabilimento FCA di Melfi |
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Trump llama a Guaidó y le refrenda apoyo total de EU |
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Trump says he’s still insisting on border wall |
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Trump Scores Major Victory As “Delinquent” NATO Members Boost Contributions By 100 Billion |
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Trump contrazis de serviciile secrete americane |
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The government is back and it’s debunking Trump’s tweets |
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Trump’s taped-up women claims: Fact or Hollywood fiction |
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President Donald Trump looks very enthusiastic about sending humans to Mars |
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Trump asevera que Maduro quiere dialogar tras las sanciones |
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US Intelligence Chiefs Contradict Trump on ISIS North Korea amp Russia |
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By prioritizing strengthening our democracy Democrats are signaling that they’re ready to fight the big fights and root out the unhealthy parts of our democracy Here’s how to call your MoC and tell them to support HR 1 and pass this democracy reform bill without watering it down or breaking it up: Trump shutdown is bad for the country and bad for the economy Mitch McConnell is refusing to bring a bill that would end the shutdown up for a vote in the Senate Call your Senator amp tell them to act: claimed responsibility for the shutdown on national television Mitch McConnell has refused to bring a bill that would end the shutdown up for a vote in the Senate This isn’t just Trump’s shutdown – it’s a Republican to the race Kirsten Gillibrand! We’re so excited to begin seeing a large Democratic primary field take shape and can’t wait to be a part of the conversation about progressive ideals leading into 2020 |
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Triunfo para inmigrantes un Juez bloquea suspensión del TPS ordenada por Trump |
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The US House voted to end the Trump Shutdown – and now the Senate must act as well: http://falcn/r–0 What has the most diverse and progressive House of Congress ever elected been up to in their first week in office Find out here: |
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Is there a way to break Trump’s will One Democrat has an idea |
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Trump can call Democrats’ bluff on border security — and regain his leverage |
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Trump’s missile defense strategy: Build wall in space make allies pay for it |
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Roger Stone’s charges debunk narrative that Trump colluded with Russia |
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Stacey Abrams to Give Democratic Response to Trump’s State of the Union |
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Donald Trump pide a norteamericanos no viajar a Venezuela |
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President Trump says the ISIS caliphate is almost destroyed |
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Pondría a temblar a la administración Trump arresto y cargos a Roger Stone implicado en la llamada ‘Conexión Rusa” |
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President Donald Trump looks very enthusiastic about sending humans to Mars during his presidency |
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Los Crueles Memes Del triunfo De Trump |
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A Short History of Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories |
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Trump se empecina en construir el muro le piden no intervenir en acuerdo de seguridad |
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Democrats’ Attempt To Trick Progressives When Drafting Obamacare May Help Trump Ruin Law |
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Trump says US intelligence services ‘naive’ ‘wrong’ on Iran |
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Majority of Black Clemson football players opted out of White House visit and Trump’s ‘Hamberders’ |
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Según Maduro Trump ordenó matarlo |
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Trump Backs Overthrow Of Venezuelan President Recognizes Right-Wing Opposition Figure As Leader |
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Last week House Dems passed FOUR more bills to reopen the government Once again Mitch McConnell has refused to bring ending the TrumpShutdown up for a vote A government shutdown is not business as usual Call your Senator and tell them to play hardball: Barr vigorously defended Trump’s firing of James Comey and has a long record of pushing for unchecked executive powers His Attorney General confirmation hearings begin today Call your Senator and tell them to vote NO: Trump declares a state of national emergency it would be an illegal anti-democratic power grab rooted in racism Here’s how Congress can hold him accountable if he does: first recess of 2019 is right around the corner It’s time to show every member of Congress what Indivisible on Offense looks like: demanding an end to the TrumpShutdown with NO money for Trump’s racist wall comprehensive democracy reform congressional oversight and more Here’s how to plan your recess event: Friday over 800000 people missed their first paycheck since the shutdown began Today marks day 24 – the longest government shutdown in US history Here’s how to call your Senator and tell them to play hardball and end the Trump shutdown: news – enough Senators just voted again to block a bill unrelated to the TrumpShutdown Keep calling your Senators! Tell them to hold strong amp keep playing hardball until the TrumpShutdown is ended with 0 for Trump’s racist wall: Barr has a long record of pushing for unchecked executive powers and wrote an infamous memo arguing against congressional oversight of presidential activities Call your Senator NOW and tell them to vote NO on Barr’s confirmation: are changing history – from the Arizona state house to the US House! |
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The Ongoing Gratuitous Cruelty of Trump’s Travel Ban |
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READ: NOAA Climate Tweets ‘Winter Storms Don’t Prove That Global Warming Isn’t Happening’ the Morning After Donald Trump’s ‘Global Waming’ Tweet |
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Venezuela – Juan Guaidó se declara presidente Donald Trump e Brasil |
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Trump rebate críticas de chefe de inteligência sobre Coreia do Norte |
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Guaidó: Agradezco la llamada de Donald Trump quien reiteró completo respaldo a nuestra labor democrática |
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Facebook Suffers Setback in Fraud Lawsuit Over Data Harvesting for Trump Election |
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The impacts of the Trump shutdown are shameful Here’s how to tell your Senator to end this and restore funding to programs that need it: Barr has a long history of racism misogyny and homophobia – he has no business serving as Attorney General Call your Senator and tell them to oppose his Trump shutdown is officially the longest government shutdown in history – and we’re going to keep feeling the impacts more and more |
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A Progressive Alternative to Trump’s Dangerous Venezuela Policy |
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Howard Schultz Could Spell The End Of Donald Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi knows how to exploit Trump’s sexism — and she’s totally owning him |
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Maduro: Trump dio la orden al gobierno de Colombia y sus mafias de matarme |
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Trump por cambio a la ley para acelerar T-MEC |
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Maduro pretendon se Trump urdhëroi ekzekutimin e tij |
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Analyst: Trump treats Putin as a shadow adviser – CNN Video |
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Americans Demand Trump Build Northern Border Wall To Keep Cold Air Out |
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See Kids Explain Climate Change to Donald Trump! |
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Maduro: „Trump a dat ordin să mă ucidă” |
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Kryengritja në Venezuelë Trump telefonon Juan Guaidon |
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Trump Is Leading Not Caving |
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Stacey Abrams to deliver Democratic rebuttal to Trump’s State of the Union address |
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Trump i kënaqur me ecurinë e bisedimeve për paqe në Afganistan |
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Impeach Donald Trump |
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The State of the Union and Trump’s 2019 agenda |
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Trump throwing a temper tantrum over funding for a racist useless wall that won’t work is not a state of emergency Here’s what Congress should do if Trump declares a fake state of emergency |
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“The law couldn’t be clearer Employers have no business interfering in women’s health care no mistake: this would be an illegal anti-democratic power grab rooted in racism Here’s what Congress can and should do immediately if Trump declares a state of emergency to build his racist useless border wall: is the longest government shutdown in US History Nearly 1 million workers have been going without pay House Democrats have passed multiple bills to re-open the government and Nancy Pelosi has written a letter to Trump calling for a delay to his State of the Union speech until the situation is resolved Why is Mitch McConnell acting as if this is business-as-usual and refusing to bring a bill for a vote on the Senate floor to end this |
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Trump and Republicans Lead the way to the White House |
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De rechtszaak van 6ix9ine wordt misschien doorgestuurd naar Donald Trump |
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Rachel Maddow Reads the Receipts on a Possible Indictment of Donald Trump Jr – WATCH |
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Trump isi marcheaza teritoriul |
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Trump indica juiz conservador para Suprema Corte |
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RT: Trump anunció “protestas masivas” en Venezuela y recomienda a los estadounidenses no visitar el país |
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Maduro diz que Trump quer matá-lo Rússia pede mediação |
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Christie downs tequila with Colbert claims he’d be better prez than Trump |
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What’s Happening to Donald Trump Video |
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10 estados demandan al Gobierno de Trump |
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Agencias contradicen a Trump en cuanto a amenazas a EU |
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Trump eager for trade deal with China to boost stock market |
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Alista Trump a 5 mil soldados en Colombia para presionar a Venezuela |
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Shutdown 20 Trump has good reason to avoid a second round |
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‘Naive’: President Trump disputes his own intelligence chiefs on Iran North Korea |
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Trump achaca la disposición a “negociar” de Maduro a las sanciones de EEUU |
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Maduro: “Trump ha ordinato di uccidermi” |
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Trump’s tweets push back against intelligence reports on IS North Korea |
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Steve Bannon Lashes Out At Trump Exposes What It Was Like To Work With Him In The White House |
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Casa Blanca confirma llamada de Donald Trump a Juan Guaidó por tensión en Venezuela |
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Your View: Trump manufactures crises to hide wrongdoing |
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Trump says Afghanistan talks ‘proceeding well’ |
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Trump Begs Global Warming To “Come Back Fast” Climate Change Supporters Freak |
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Trump pooldab piiblitunde riigikoolides |
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Is Donald Trump’s approval rating highest of all in West Virginia |
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Trump Offered Compromise Pelosi Offered Nothing |
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Namaste Donald Trump |
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Last week Democrats passed FOUR more bills to end Trump’s shutdown – which Mitch McConnell has refused to bring to the floor Meanwhile nearly 1 million workers are going without pay Call your Senator and tell them to play hardball and re-open the government: deserves the truth and the Foreign Affairs Committee will seek to get to the bottom of it THIS is why we built a big blue wave last November Use our new guide to help demystify how Congressional oversight works and tell your MoC to keep it up: may declare of state of national emergency over the border wall soon If he does there are three things Congress can and should do immediately: is exploring declaring an emergency to build his racist useless border wall If Trump declares a national emergency here’s how Congress can hold him accountable: 1 Immediately reopen the government to stop the harm to families across the country – and the bill they pass must zero out wall funding 2 Congress can and must reject Trump’s phony emergency The National Emergencies Act expressly provides a procedure for Congress to terminate a state of emergency Congress has never used this procedure but they should this time 3 House Democrats should immediately schedule an investigation into his executive overreach |
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3 Takeaways: Why Trump’s media blackout likely won’t last much longer |
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Trump Shakespeare y la muerte |
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SCOTUS Stays Two Injunctions on Trump Trans Military Ban |
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Maduro: Trump i dha urdhër mafias kolumbiane të më vriste |
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Trump: Maduro pide diálogo y el TSJ persigue a Guaidó |
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Trump pushes back against US spy chiefs on North Korea |
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“We must not make the same mistake that the clergy of Birmingham made in 1963 If we would honor King then let us follow him in refusing to compromise with a lie” This article by Rev Dr William J Barber II on why we must not compromise with Trump to end the government shutdown is a must-read |
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Trump’s State of the Union options |
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Trump face à une Amérique de moins en moins blanche anglo-saxonne et protestante |
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Donald Trump i zhgënjyer me spiunët |
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Congressional Analysis Reveals Shutdown Cost Twice What Trump’s Wall Would’ve Cost |
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Video de Trump antes de destruir Libia: “Nosotros los ayudaremos… |
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Sarah Sanders swipes at conservatives accusing Trump of caving on the wall |
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Democrats fear Donald Trump re-election if ex-Starbucks CEO Schultz runs |
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Donald Trump insiste en muro en la frontera con México |
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‘Semangat Trump’ Dibandingkan dengan Pandangan Komunis Tiongkok Terhadap Semua Kehidupan |
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Jeff Flake Rules Out Primary Challenge To Trump Signs With CBS News Don Jr Roasts Him |
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‘I want him to declare an emergency’: Eric Trump urges |
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Trump Dismisses Tell-All Book as ‘Made-Up Stories’ |
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Will Trump send 5k US troops to Colombia |
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We are people too We have families We have bills We have kids that need to eat Call your Senator and tell them to play hardball and demand Mitch McConnell bring a bill for a vote to end the government shutdown: is exactly what House Democrats should be doing with their new investigatory powers Congress must continue to use their full powers to expose Trump and hold him accountable: clear that William Barr will continue to attack those that Trump and Sessions have already targeted putting the rights of vulnerable communities especially at risk Here’s how to tell your Senators to vote NO on his confirmation: Due to the Trump shutdown it appears as though January recess is cancelled in both the House and the Senate next week Holding our members of Congress accountable however is never cancelled Here are the actions you should take in the next week: Right now the most important thing you can do is keep pressuring your Senators to end the shutdown with 0 for Trump’s border wall Republicans should pressure Mitch McConnell to bring a vote to reopen the government and Democrats should keep playing hardball and hold strong Here’s how to keep the pressure on: 1 District office visits – in-person actions are always the best! Plan a visit to your MoC and Senators’ local offices next week 2 Phone calls – FLOOD their phone lines and make it clear that you’re expecting them to hold strong and end the shutdown On Wednesday we’ll be holding a national call day – stay tuned for more info! 3 Support federal workers Make a plan to support the nearly 1 million workers who are going without pay each day this shutdown continues Read more about what canceling recess means and what comes next: workers who are also military veterans TSA workers employees with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and workers with the US National Park Service among others have asked for donations on GoFundMe to survive” Call your Senator NOW and tell them to end this government shutdown: is horrifying and criminal Yet another reason Congress must not give Trump 1 more for his anti-immigrant agenda including his racist useless border wall – and the House Judiciary Committee must only State of the Union we need Language NSFW |
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¿Qué le dijo Trump a Guaidó en su primera comunicación oficial |
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Trump’ın Ekonomik Terörü |
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Trump says no spending deal without wall or ‘physical barrier’ |
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‘Absolutely Unconscionable’: Trump EPA Refuses to Limit Toxic Chemicals Contaminating Drinking Water |
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Trump Hails ‘Best’ Relationship With N Korea Despite Intel Chiefs’ Nuclear Assessment |
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Roger Stone: I’m not going to bear false witness against Trump like Michael Cohen |
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Donald Trump se enfrenta a los Illuminati y a George Soros que busca Derrocarlo |
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Trump parabeniza Guaidó por ‘histórica chegada à presidência’ da Venezuela |
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La economía de Estados Unidos ya resiente las decisiones y necedades de Trump |
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Trump Says ‘wall’ Must Be Part Of Lawmakers’ Border Deal |
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Donald Trump acuză de naivitate serviciile secrete americane Trimite CIA-ul din noul la şcoală |
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WATCH: ALTuscis Twitter User Identifies Film Clips From ‘Sicario: Day of the Saldado’ That Correspond With Donald Trump Immigration Talking Points |
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Maduro está cediendo tras presión de EU asegura Trump |
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A day of House drama over a resolution blaming Trump for the shutdown |
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Trump lashes out at Intel officials for admitting Iran is complying with nuclear deal he withdrew from |
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JUST IN: President Trump announced a deal to reopen the government for three weeks funding it through Feb 15 |
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Coberta com tatuagens de Trump e Bolsonaro Erika Canela faz ensaio e dispara “Se eu fosse a primeira dama teria ciúmes” |
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Trump Presidente: delusione o ultimo katechon Intanto grazie agli americani per non aver creduto alla propaganda |
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‘I want him to declare an emergency’: Eric Trump urges his father to use executive |
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Richard Neal plows ahead with plans to request Trump’s tax returns |
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EUR/USD Retreats as Trump’s Trade War Arrives |
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SampP Extends to Rise Ahead of Kim-Trump Summit |
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Why Trump’s superfans dig Ocasio-Cortez |
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Trump tells US spy chiefs: ‘Go back to school’ |
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Trump blasts intel chiefs as ‘passive and naive’ |
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Hallan una ‘sociedad secreta’ con gente del FBI y Justicia para echar a Trump |
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Trump Boys Set Up ‘Don And Eric Law Place’ To Help Dad With Legal Problems |
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Column: Howard Schultz is fully capable of winning the 2020 election for Trump |
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Trump reconoce a opositor Guaidó como ‘presidente’ de Venezuela |
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Venezuelan army defectors appeal to Trump for weapons |
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Trump tells Americans not to travel to Venezuela and credits US sanctions for Maduro talks |
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Maduro pidió apoyo del pueblo de los EEUU para rechazar injerencia de Trump |
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Colbert Dings Trump for Similarities Between His Border Wall |
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Trump tells intel chiefs to ‘go back to school’ after they break with him |
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Froid glacial aux USA : Trump ironise encore sur le réchauffement climatique |
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Humiliating New Book By Former White House Staffer Enrages Trump |
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Trump’ın çıkardığı kaos! |
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US billionaire Tom Steyer: 100 million to hunt Trump out of the office |
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Madeleine Albright on Fascism Trump and Santa Cruz |
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YPG’nin siyasi kanadıyla görüşen Trump neyin sözünü verdi |
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Project Fear Comes To DC: Coats Contradicts Trump Says ISIS ‘Very |
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Democrats Planning Secret Coup NOT Against Trump |
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Trump claimed ‘we need’ global warming to deal with record cold temperatures and got roasted |
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Why Google Shows Donald Trump’s Images When Someone Searches Idiot Sundar Pichai Finally Answers |
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Trump Dijo no Conocer al Autor de “Equipo de Víboras” Pero el Autor se Encargó en Proporcionarnos las Pruebas |
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Djali i presidentit Trump fotografohet me një armë ja çfarë shkruhet… |
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Black Feminist Politics from Kennedy to Trump |
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Trump deepens public row with his ‘naive’ intelligence services |
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Trump slams naive US spy chiefs on Iran |
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Kamala Harris Flip-Flops on Socialist Healthcare With Trump Like Maneuver |
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The anti-Trump negative media spin knows no limits |
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Melania Trump Sang Penyendiri yang Terpaksa Jadi Ibu Negara |
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4 días Match Point Trump |
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Corruption Seen Rising In Trump’s US |
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Donald Trump habló con Juan Guaidó y lo felicitó por su “histórica asunción a la presidencia” |
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Trotta Gamus: “Donald Trump no está encabezando esta cruzada” |
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Trump llama a Guaidó le reitera su ‘completo respaldo’ |
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With control of the US House Democrats have real power to investigate the Trump administration But where should they start |
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Trump asegura que las sanciones a Venezuela han surtido efecto |
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The most important thing you can do right now is pressure your Senators to end the TrumpShutdown Read our resource for more information on how to take action: and an estimated 1500 workers — according to two unions that represent some of the janitors security guards cafeteria workers and hospitality workers who staff federal facilities — likely won’t receive any back pay from the duration of the shutdown” Read our resource for more on what you can do this week to pressure your Senators to play hardball and end the shutdown: McConnell has CONTINUOUSLY refused to do his job and bring a bill up for a vote that would fund the federal government and end the Trump shutdown |
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LOUDMOUTH Chris Christie Drinks Tequila With Trump Hating Late Night Host…Blames Trump For Shutdown…Ignores Embarrassing NJ Shore Blunder VIDEO |
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In the cartoons: Schultz for president Polar vortex Trump |
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9 Out of 10 States Most at Risk From Climate Change Voted for Trump |
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President Trump criticize mainstream media ‘disgraceful’ coverage of ‘phony’ BuzzFeed report |
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Trump reitera “completo respaldo” a Guaidó en una llamada telefónica |
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Guaidó habló con Donald Trump y le agradeció respaldo de EEUU a su gestión |
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As we enter the longest government shutdown in American history we have to ask: Who do the President and Mitch McConnell think they work for Because it’s certainly not the millions of Americans impacted by their decision to put their ego and Trump’s temper tantrums over people |
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Trump’s Foxconn deal that would have employed 13K on the verge of collapsing |
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Year 2018: Donald Trump’s press attacks on International Media |
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Book says Donald Trump adviser spoke dismissively about refugees |
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Sen Graham Utters Just 5 Words About Trump Nominated Judges That’ll Have Conservatives Cheering |
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Diapers Tampons Nursing Bras: The Trump Shutdown’s Unseen Costs for Working Families |
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Pelosi’s Coup To Become President In 2019 With Mueller’s Help Trump Destroys Her |
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Trump se agencia triunfo en nuevo acuerdo comercial con México y Canadá |
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Korea e Veriut: Nuk ka gatishmëri për denuklearizim të plotë të armëve bërthamore pavarësisht shpresave të Trump |
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Maduro Announces 50000-strong Paramilitary Force To Protect Nation Says Trump Wants Him Dead |
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¿Estará Trump en las boletas electorales de 2020 |
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Date For Trump’s Delayed State Of The Union Speech Confirmed |
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Presidente Donald Trump Reconhece Jerusalém como a Capital de Israel |
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Well…Ladies amp Gentlemen We Are All Knotted Up Trump 437 amp Clinton 437 |
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Roger Stone warns Trump’s presidency is in peril |
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Trump warns border security conference committee before talks begin |
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Trump takes ‘shackles’ off ICE which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe |
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Mitch McConnell has CONTINUOUSLY refused to do his job and bring a bill to fund the federal government and end the Trump shutdown up for a vote |
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PRESIDENT TRUMP Tweets About Polar Vortex…Brutally Mocks Global Warming Hoaxers |
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Unterschiedliche Ansichten zu Krisen: Trump glaubt seinen Geheimdiensten nicht |
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Trump tells worried ally ‘I love the Kurds’ in hotel meeting |
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Ignoring Trump or Just Bored by Him |
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REPORT: DC Council taunts Trump on Twitter over parade that never happened |
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Trump has opportunity to flip the 9th Circuit so why isn’t he |
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Can Trump’s Health Care Policies Increase Premium Prices For You |
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How the shutdown helped Trump |
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Wirbel um Trump-Putin-Treffen: US-Präsident traf Kreml-Chef laut Bericht ohne Begleiter |
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La vittoria di Trump e i piani della setta per il completamento dell’agenda del papa di nuova generazione Le profezie di San Francesco |
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Trump reitera completo respaldo a jguaido y compromiso de ayuda humanitaria |
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Better the second time around: Cover songs that trump the original |
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Trump described Global Warming a hoax and the Tweeter can’t bear it |
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We’ve been in the dark as Trump and his cronies have been accountable to no one That era is over With new progressive voices like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Ayanna Pressley Katie Hill for Congress and Rashida Tlaib For Congress on the House Oversight Committee it’s time to shine a light on the corruption of this co-Executive Director Leah Greenberg on the TrumpShutdown: “Trump has caused unimaginable harm to millions of people for no reason in service of a hateful agenda He caved yesterday He cannot be allowed to win in three weeks |
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If Trump declares a national emergency here’s how Congress can hold him accountable: 1 Immediately reopen the government to stop the harm to families across the country – with 0 in wall funding 2 Congress can and must reject Trump’s phony emergency The National Emergencies Act expressly provides a procedure for Congress to terminate a state of emergency Congress has never used this procedure – but they should this time 3 House Democrats must immediately schedule an investigation into this executive overreach Read more in our resource: that Democrats have retaken control of the House they have the opportunity to change course and do more than extend “thoughts and prayers” HR 8 would close background check loopholes prevent gun violence and make our communities safer |
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Trump reitera completo respaldo a Guaidó en una llamada telefónica |
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It’s simple: the only thing that the Senate should be working on right now is ending this shutdown The House has done its job Now it’s time for the Senate to do the same And last night enough Senators voted to block legislation unrelated to ending the TrumpShutdown – your activism is working! Keep calling and contacting your Senators: symbol of America should be the statue of liberty – not a 30 foot wall Make sure your MoCs continue to hold strong against the border wall and end the Trump shutdown: speech tonight was more lies from the liar in chief The only crisis is the one that Trump is needlessly manufacturing through this government shutdown |
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Serie documentari Trump Un sogno americano streaming NETFLIX |
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VIDEO Trump: Deal reached to reopen government for 3 weeks |
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Subpoenaed Trump Organization Financial Documents Reveal Company’s Only Holding Is Single Dairy Queen In New Jersey |
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Trump’s Fake Photos Mask a Larger Truth |
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Amazon BANS Pro Trump ‘Covfefe Coffee’ |
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Amerikan istihbaratının yalanladığı Trump tepkili! |
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Les nouveaux T-Bonds : des Trump Bonds à… |
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VIDEO: Grupo de venezolanos promete ayudar a Trump construir el muro fronterizo si saca a Maduro de Venezuela |
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Rechazamos la intromisión de Trump y la Política expansionista de EEUU en América Latina |
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Trump: Lawmakers ‘wasting’ time if they’re not talking about a wall or barrier |
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The Apocalypticon Bias lies Trump China smog climate stuttering losses support bat Ebola anti-gay Chechnya robot cull fake rain right rises EU opioids beat road deaths |
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Trump Negotiates Peace between North and South Korea |
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Trump respinge raportul spionajului american cu privire la Statul Islamic şi Coreea de Nord |
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January 28 2019Blaming Trump For Young People Dropping Out Of Church |
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Black Business Ownership Under Trump JUMPS 400 PERCENT in ONE YEAR |
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Trump Nigerian Pres Buhari discuss countering terrorism in Oval Office meeting |
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“Reiteró su completo respaldo”: Donald Trump conversó vía telefónica con Juan Guaidó |
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Trump: A Graphic Biography by Ted Rall |
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11000 government jobs slashed under Trump – downsizing government |
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Americans fault Trump for chaotic |
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WaPo: “Meet Femen the “naked shock troops of feminism” who greeted Trump with a topless protest in Paris” |
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Historians Bill Black and John Fea author of the book Believe Me discuss how evangelical Christians were drawn to Trump’s campaign messaging |
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Trump Shuts Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels |
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Twitter Trumps Trump Detractors |
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La presentatrice: “Trump ha provato a baciarmi” |
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Trump lobt Beziehung zu Nordkorea – Geheimdienste Bowl LIII |
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Shutdown 20 Trump has good reason to avoid |
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TV: De utmanar Trump i nästa val |
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The Jussie Smollett Attempted Lynching By Trump Supporters Is One Of The Most Fantastic Works Of Fiction I’ve Ever Heard But It Fits The Narrative So It Doesn’t Matter |
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Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Discusses Economic Issues with Fox amp Friends Anchor Prior to Trump Interview |
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Donald Trump promete investir em sistema de defesa espacial contra ‘ameaças externas’ |
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News And Commentary On President Trump |
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Morning Joe: Trump’s Pattern of Private and Unreported Putin Meetings is Truly ‘Unsettling and Disturbing’ |
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Shapiro: Jewish Pittsburgh Leaders Are Not Against Pres Trump It’s a Lie |
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John Bolton Këshilltar Nacional për Siguri i Presidentit të SHBA-ve Donald Trump do ta qortojë so… |
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Venezuela está enfrentando la gran coalición que Trump hapergeñado para acabar con la soberanía bolivariana |
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Rapper Cardi B Meltdowns At Trump Supporters: Fking Racist Rednecks |
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Trump: Border security committee ‘wasting their time’ if not discussing a wall |
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Según encuesta Donald Trump será buen presidente |
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Chris Christie: There Is No One With More Influence Over Trump Than Jared Kushner |
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President Trump Treats NCAA Football Champions to Wendys McDonald’s Burger King and Dominoes — |
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Maduro intenta advertir a Trump en su particular inglés: Hans ofs Venezuela de inmediati |
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Sept 11 defense lawyers threaten hearing boycott over FBI interview of diplomacy: How three former Trump rivals influence foreign policy |
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Donald Trump the Church the State and the Image to the Beast |
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Discurso de Trump se hace popular en twitter |
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Bahçeli: Trump Muharrem İnce’yi mi görevlendirecek |
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Frases de Donald Trump para alcanzar el éxito |
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Maduro: Trump nařídil vládě Kolumbie aby mě zavraždila |
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Trump: ‘İran ekonomisi çöküyor’ |
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US Shutdown: Trump Delays State Of The Union Address |
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After Trump Ends DACA Dreamers Left to Wonder What Comes Next |
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USA/COREE : le sommet entre Donald Trump et Kim Jong-un à Singapour |
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Prophecy Come Against Trump or Body of Christ and Get Shattered |
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Trump administration will blow past deadline for budget request |
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Manchetes Americanas 29 janeiro: Casa Branca diz que Trump quer evitar novo encerramento parcial do governo |
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Why the “Resistance” to Trump |
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Punch The Trump |
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Agencia Federal Acaba de Avergonzar a Trump Con un Simple Comentario a su Interpretación de las Heladas Actuales |
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Trump Slithers Out Of Bed amp Launches Insecure 8-Tweet Morning |
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Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA As Massive Child-Sex Scandal Ignites Death Fears |
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Trump Signed the Farm Bill |
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Trump Ignores The Death Of A Soldier To |
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Donald Trump a-t-il été contraint de renoncer par Thierry Meyssan |
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Trump ‘darbeci’ Guaido Ile Görüştü |
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GIF: Boy Asks Trump For Hug Hurricane Relief North Carolina |
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David Magerman is a computer scientist who developed a name for himself while working alongside Robert Mercer – a long time Trump supporter Robert Mercer |
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Popular Fox news reporter abruptly quits on air … blames Trump |
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Trump talks to Venezuela’s Guaidó |
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Scaramucci visits Rutgers: Discusses anti-Semitism on college campuses talks Trump and Syria |
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¡¡¡Trump is coming!!! |
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Trump Tariffs Continue To Weigh On Harley-Davidson Profits |
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Somebody Said Yes! Jackie Evancho Will Sing At Donald Trump’s Inauguration |
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How the Democrats Handed Trump the White House |
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Opinion: Irresponsible media sensationalism again smears Trump supporters |
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Trump’tan Amerikan İstihbaratına Sert Tepki |
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¿Los fiscales federales implican por primera vez a Trump en ilícitos electorales |
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Chronicle AM: Trump Repeats Border Wall Drug Falsehoods Malaysia Drug Policy Shift More 1/21/19 |
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Bomba ! Un consilier al lui Trump care a fost la Bucuresti arestat in SUA ! |
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Trump throws a fit after US intelligence leaders prove how wrong he is click to see stats |
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Trump’s Generous Offer Shot Down By Pelosi |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump çocukken aileleri tarafından ABD’ye getirilen çoğunluğu Latin Amerika kökenli göçmenlerin korunmasını amaçlayan programı DACA 6 ay içerisinde kaldırma |
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Trump’s Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook |
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WH: Dems Will ‘Get Virtually Nothing’ If They Don’t Make a Deal and Trump Takes Executive Action |
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Trump le ofreció a la NASA un presupuesto ilimitado para llegar a Marte pero esto puso las cosas muy incómodas para la Nasa |
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Babs on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen ausgesetzt |
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‘I would have been a better President’: Loose-tongued Chris Christie downs tequila with Colbert before saying Trump threw him under a bus and that the President ‘blew’ the shutdown |
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Trump anunció el retiro de las tropas de Estados Unidos de la guerra en Siria |
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‘Impeach Donald Trump Now’ Billboard Goes Up a Mile from Mar-a-Lago |
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“Trump benim öldürülmem için talimat verdi“ |
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Trump signs bill to end partial government shutdown |
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Why Rubio and Graham Suck Up to Trump |
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Trump Administration Seeks Public Comments On Marijuana Reclassification |
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Trump Scotland Cruden Bay amp Royal Aberdeen |
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Trump signs Historic USMCA trade agreement replacing NAFTA |
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Trump: Kanye West Gerçekten Harika Bir Adam |
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Trump Boosts Book by ‘Low Level’ Former Staffer |
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La frase en el anotador de un asesor de Trump que encendió la alerta en Venezuela: “5000 soldados a Colombia” |
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Chris Christie Explains Who Poses the Biggest Threat to President Trump and It’s Not Robert Mueller |
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Tweets giận dữ mới nhất của Trump cho đảng Dân chủ mở đầu Đây là cách họ sẽ trả lời 3 |
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Trump to Congress: Don’t waste time on a deal without this |
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Trump says ‘wall’ must be part of lawmakers’ border deal8:50 AM |
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Maduro sigue impulsando “diálogo” con Guaidó y Trump pero quiere adelantar las elecciones legislativas |
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Hollywood Melts After Trump Mocks Global Warming: ‘Inhumane Unethical Pathetic Imbecile’ |
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Poniéndole pausa a su picante enfrentamiento con Donald Trump los actores Robert de Niro y Stormy Daniels sazonaron al Perú con su visita |
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Most of Clemson’s black players refused the hamberder party amp 39 from Trump |
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Trump ra lệnh ‘thêm vài ngàn’ quân tới biên giới phía nam buộc người nộp thuế phải chi hơn 600 triệu đô la |
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No wall no deal: Trump 5758 views |
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Trump has updated his travel ban includes these 8 countries – Chad Iran Libya North Korea Syria Venezuela Yemen Somalia – NO EXPIRATION DATE |
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Trump Administration Begins Production Of A New Nuclear Weapon To Counter Russia |
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Obama on a rip against Trump and Republicans |
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Trump Hits Back At ‘Naive’ Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him At Hearing |
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Trending on Tampons Nursing Bras: The Trump Shutdown’s Unseen Costs for Working Families |
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Donald Trump -Opinión |
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Kevin McCarthy Rolls Eyes Behind Trump |
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Trump Slaps 30 Tariffs on Solar Panels imported from China |
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‘Black Klansman’ Ron Stallworth tackles white supremacy activism and Donald Trump at Englert lecture |
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Trump Shrinks Federal Bureaucracy by 16000 |
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Trump cede a reabrir la Administración de EEUU sin dinero para el… |
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¡Hasta en inglés! Advierte Maduro a Trump ‘no intervenir’ en Venezuela |
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Sell Out Marco Rubio on NBC: I Will Fight President Trump Declaring National Emergency Over Border Security VIDEO |
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Opinion: Betsy DeVos Edumacashun Test – Trump Cabinet Continues Dismantling Common Sense |
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Why President Trump Wants To Build The Wall- Stop The NWO |
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Everything is Golden in the Donald Trump’s House |
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Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming |
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Trump y un número creciente de países reconocen a Juan Guaidó como presidente encargado de Venezuela |
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Trump un presidente constitucionalista |
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Trump blasts ‘naive wrong’ spy chiefs |
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Finally No Deal To End US Gov’t Shutdown Trump Says It May Be Long Time |
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Trump tells American Jews: ‘Israel is your country’ |
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RUSSIA PROBE: Trump’s ex-campaign associate Stone pleads not guilty to charges |
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Former Trump Aide Who Wrote Tell-All Book Busts |
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Analysis of Trump’s secret server story |
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‘Climate Change In Era of Trump’ Art Exhibition In San Francisco |
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The Universal Notebook: Trump’s wall nuts |
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Trump gets a taste of his own tactic – CNN |
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Maduro: Trump beni öldürme emri verdi |
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Maduro: “Trump dio la orden de matarme” |
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Arab Radio: Should Palestinians accept the Trump Peace Plan |
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Report: Trump Putin Held Private Meeting At The G20 Without US Translator Or Note |
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Trump llamó a Juan Guaidó ¿Quieres saber lo que le dijo |
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Will Roger Stone flip on Trump His answers about it are weird6:33 AM |
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Trump Unisex Socks |
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Trump-Hating Thug Tasers Patriot Rescuing Flag at Protest |
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Trump Administration Moves to Protect Faith-Based Foster Care Agencies that Don’t Serve LGBT Couples |
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President Trump Shows Clemson ‘The Art Of The Meal’ 🍔 |
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Donald Trump acuză serviciile de informaţii americane de naivitate în relaţia cu Iranul |
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‘Trump told the Colombian government and mafia to KILL me’ claims beleaguered ‘President’ Maduro as Russian jet arrives in Venezuela ‘to remove gold worth 840million from central bank’ |
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Shania Twain on Donald Trump: ”I Would Have Voted for Him” |
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Ir a Trump y Trudeau firman el TMEC en Argentina |
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Trump Meets DaTechGuy |
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Trump en Libia: “Les ayudaremos a los rebeldes pero queremos el 50 de su petróleo” |
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Trump: Bush Had “Advanced Notice” of 9/11 |
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Pelosi invites Trump to deliver State of the Union address on February 5th |
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Trump supporters cheer the shutdown for smaller government |
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13:09 – Serviciile de informatii il contrazic pe Trump in legatura cu Kim Jong Un Iran si Statul Islamic |
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Trump touts proposed Bible literacy classes in state schools |
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Corey Lewandowski: Leading the Fight Against President Trump’s Enemies |
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Venezuela’s President On Russian TV: Trump Ordered Colombian Mafia To Kill Me |
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Trump congratulates Juan Guaidó on assuming power amid unrest in Venezuela |
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Trump calls US intelligence chiefs ‘passive and naive’ on Iran |
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Donald Trump likes to pit elite and non-elite white people against each other Why do white liberals play into his trap |
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Frank Sharry: Xenophobia Backfires Again Will Trump and the GOP Ever Learn |
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Bill Scher on Pelosi’s victory Beto 2020 Green New Deal amp Trump’s crimes |
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BUSTED: Jake Tapper amp CNN SELECTIVELY EDITS Trump’s LGBTQ Clip – TFNOriginal FakeNews CNNSUCKS |
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Eric Trump Goes off on Democrats Calling Them ‘Almost Anti-American’ and ‘Crazy’ |
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Image Of Trump And His Goons Eating Steak While Federal Employees Got Cheated Out Of Back Pay Will Make You Sick |
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Chavismo quer vetar saída de Guaidó EUA falam em “sérias de Trump Stone diz que é inocente de acusações no caso Rússia |
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Trump vs Obama: Presidential Book Recommendations Compared |
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Trump defends North Korea and ISIS foreign policy after intel chief paint different picture |
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La economía de Estados Unidos ya resiente las decisiones y necedades de Trump en donde los especialistas ya pronostican un impacto negativo en el PIB |
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‘Trump told the Colombian government and mafia to kill me’ claims President Maduro as Russian jet arrives in Venezuela ‘to remove gold worth 840million from central bank’ |
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Trump dice que se quita los “grilletes” y ahora peleará hasta con los republicanos |
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The Shutdown Has Crashed Through Trump’s Previous Floor of Support |
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Trump’s Border Wall Demands Fox News’s Gaffe amp Kamala Harris’s Big Announcement |
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Trump quiere forzar un golpe de Estado en Venezuela sabemos cómo termina la injerencia el jefe de obstetricia que se negó a practicar ILE a la niña víctima de violación |
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Public forum on Trump Title IX guidelines fills auditorium elicits protest |
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President Trump Baffles and Shocks the Nation in New Christmas in July Television Special |
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Trump Administration moves to cancel clean car standards undoing Obama’s |
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Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 13/01/2019:Renuncia el presidente del Banco Mundial Ivanka Trump candidata… |
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Trump: Saya Sendirian di Gedung Putih |
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DFA on Trump Border Speech: US has “a national security disaster in the Oval Office” not a crisis |
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BREAKING: Soros Buys 600 Acres on Each Side of Border to ‘Make Trump Look Stupid’ |
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Trump’s top homeland security adviser resigns |
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Enabling Trump puts country at risk |
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ETATS-UNIS – En visite à Paris : Obama contredit Trump en tous points sans le nommer |
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’Bible literacy’ bills endorsed by Trump reopen divide over religious studies in public schools |
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Visitó el Presidente Trump Estación de Patrulla Fronteriza y Parque Anzaldúas |
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Thin film solar market picking up not affected by Trump tariff |
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Zum Artikel Vorsicht Satire! : Trump kann von den Dänen lernen |
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Trump Congress reach deal to temporarily end shutdown |
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Porur NFTE Divisional Trump is a disgrace to Said 35A amp 370 of Indian Constitution are sacred: |
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Luther King incluyente D Trump discriminador |
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Get Over It — Trump’s Not Going Anywhere |
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Inside the Trump Fox News ‘love story’ |
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Guaidó agradeció llamada de Trump: “Reiteró reconocimiento a nuestra presidencia” |
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Trump slams US intelligence chiefs as naive and wrong |
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White House Mum on Trump’s Anti-LGBT Meeting with Ginni Thomas |
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La Navidad del Presidente Trump |
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President Trump Declassifies and Releases JFK Files |
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Trump: Yaptırımlar sayesinde Maduro muhalefetle görüşmek istedi |
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Trump sobre Corea del Norte: ‘Haremos lo que hay que hacer’ |
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Top intelligence officials contradict Trump administration on greatest threats to nation |
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Trump Signs Order Calling for Work Requirements for Welfare Programs |
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Trump deal he touted as ‘eighth wonder of the world’ totally flops |
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Trump Gives Public WH Tours Points Out Bill amp Monica’s Spot |
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Beto O’Rourke meilleur atout des Démocrates contre Trump en 2020 |
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Should President Trump shut down government again if he dosen’t get wall funding |
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World Trump confidant Roger Stone indicted by Mueller pleads not guilty |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks To Troops |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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Trump Goes Off on ‘Extremely Passive and Naive’ Intelligence Officials For Contradicting Him: ‘They Are Wrong!’ |
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Des responsables du renseignement ont contredit le président Trump |
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Trump Mengaktifkan Kembali Pemerintahannya Apa Dampaknya Bagi Dolar |
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Arrestan a estudiante tras amenazar a compañeros en Monte Carmel High School reabren ha hecho nada” México por detener las caravanas de migrantes acusa Trump e insiste: en la frontera “hay Crisis Humanitaria” |
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That One Time Donald Trump Fought Vince McMahon at WWE Video |
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DONALD TRUMP – Keep America Great 2020 – Genuine Legal Tender US 2 Bill |
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Trump støtter fortsat oppositionsleder i Venzuela |
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Future Trump Will Be Named Supreme Leader! |
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Trump on DaTechguy |
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Melania Trump news: First Lady exudes elegance in monochrome look as she delivers update |
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Trump’tan Guaido ile telefon görüşmesi |
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Al Green joins billionaire’s bid to impeach Trump |
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Venezuela’s Maduro Accuses Trump of Ordering His Murder: RIA |
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Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 23/01/19: Trump responde a Rusia y China con su nueva guerra de las galaxias … |
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Trump appreciates the chances of denuclearization of North Korea |
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Trump Jr Admits Trust Within White House Is Dying |
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Melania Trump Got Nervous After Handshake Wit |
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President Trump praises states for giving Bible classes in schools |
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How President Trump Is Like A Terrible Poker Player |
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Mit Trump auf dem Weg zum verstehen das Passahfest nicht! |
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Jeff Bezos Thanks Comrade Trump Book Salesman of the Year! |
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Donald Trump insiste cada vez más en construir muro en frontera mexicana |
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Trump announces deal to reopen US govt |
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Tech giants pledge millions to Trump initiative |
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Defiant Schultz outlines how he differs from Trump calls President ‘despicable’ |
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US intelligence chiefs reveal gulf with Trump |
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traumgarten on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen ausgesetzt |
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Ford Receives 2018 Hypocrisy Award for Promoting Innovation and Sustainability While Colluding With Trump to Undo Climate Safeguards |
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Road map to denuclearization key to second Trump-Kim summit |
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Russia Embarrasses Trump With Leak Of Secret Talk At G-20 Meeting |
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Trump administration to blame for “incredibly frustrating” 2-year delay still facing haggis exports |
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Column: Trump has healthy fear of Pelosi’s power |
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Heather L Weaver: The One Wall Trump Doesn’t Like — The One Separating Religion and Government |
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Michelin-Starred Chef Invites Football Team To Celebrate Properly After Trump’s Embarrasingly Shit ‘Feast’ |
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President Trump Executive Orders: Travel Advisory |
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Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran and claims of 10:47 AM ET CNN politics |
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Graham says Trump floated using military force in Venezuela |
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Trump felicita por teléfono a Juan Guaidó por su “histórica asunción” y le ofrece su respaldo |
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Rodolfo Gil descartó la intervención de Trump en Venezuela |
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¿Qué le interesa a Trump de Venezuela m |
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Lý do thực sự họ ghé t Trump ! |
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NYT On Jussie Smollett: Homophobic Racist Trump Supporters Try to Lynch Gay Black TV Star In Downtown Chicago |
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Parlamento mirandino repudia ataque a monumento de los Diablos Danzantes de Maduro llama al pueblo estadounidense a rechazar la injerencia del Gobierno de Trump en Venezuela video |
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US intel chiefs contradict Trump on North Korea ISIS threats |
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Trump Abandons Obama’s War as Leftist Media Tries to Slut Shame Him |
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Grandpa Donald Trump Coffee Mug |
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Art of the Deal Co-Author Says Trump ‘Has No Conscience’ and No ‘Soul’: He’s a ‘Sociopath’ |
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Trump Will ‘Never Be Safe’ From Russian Intelligence and Will Have ‘No Defense’ Retired General Says – Newsweek |
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Trump orders a study on abuses of US trade agreements – WTO |
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Forlenget fengsling for drapssiktet i Maduro ber Trump holde seg unna Venezuela |
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Donald Trump atribuye la disposición de Maduro a negociar a las sanciones de Estados Unidos |
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Donald Trump’s Team Sanctions Venezuela Super Bowl Is Worth 500M It |
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Trump Decreases Debt to GDP Ratio – First Time in Over 50 Years! |
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The Trump-Merkel Showdown |
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Dieser Moment wenn man live im TV über Trump spricht – und der einen parallel auf Twitter beleidigt |
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Trump says intelligence community ‘wrong’ about Iran ‘should go back to school’ |
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Can US alliances withstand Trump’s venom |
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Trump pide que “regrese” el calentamiento global ante el frío… |
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IQ’s Of The Famous The Rich And The Powerful Including Barron Trump |
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Roger Stone Is Already Spilling The Beans On Trump To Robert Mueller |
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Marketing Lesson 101: Getting Haters for Success and how the Donald Trump 2016 campaign is using this to win the nomination |
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Trump y Pence trazan el camino correcto para Venezuela |
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Trump trade war: ‘We’re going to hang with him’ says Farm Bureau chief |
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Trump Mueller ile göürşmemek için Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne gidebilir |
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Bloomberg gunning for Trump |
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Asylum denials hit record-high in 2018 as Trump administration tightens immigration policy |
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Apunte misterioso de asesor de Trump insinúa invasión a |
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Venezuela’s president claims Trump ordered his assassination |
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Bill allocates 16 billion for Trump’s border wall |
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Trump lawyer swaps ‘no collusion’ for ‘not a crime’ |
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A Muslim Feminist Weighs in on Trump |
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Venezuela CRISIS: Putin to CONFRONT Trump Mystery Russian aircraft arrives in Caracas |
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5mins Trump calls spy chiefs ‘naive’ for contradicting him |
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Trump Is Pretty Much Just Trying to Murder Americans at This Point |
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Trump throws a fit after US intelligence leaders prove how wrong he is |
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These ’90s Era Photos Of Donald Trump Prove He Hasn’t Changed A Bit |
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Thaçi i përgjigjet Trump |
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A pesar de la Advertencia del Papa Francisco Trump mudará la Embajada de EEUU a Jerusalén |
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Trump Associate Stone Pleads Not Guilty To Charges Connected To Russia Probe |
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Trump’s border wall would trample on indigenous land and culture |
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videos of the day-President Trump to Give State of the Union Address on Feb 5 |
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Is Trump “Furthering” Russia’s Interests |
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Trump Bomber Race Jacket |
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W Va Senate candidate touts Trump ties in campaign stop 8 months ago |
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Trump firma acuerdo que pone fin al cierre de gobierno |
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President Trump offered NASA Unlimited Funds to get Man on Mars by 2020 |
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Top 10 Cột mốc quan trọng nhất trong cuộc đời Donald Trump |
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Le FBI arrête un proche conseiller de Donald Trump |
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Democrats Announce Who Will Respond To Trump’s SOTU Address |
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Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military boosts troop pay |
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Escort says she made up Trump dirt story to help win release from Thai jail |
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Introducing the Trump Snappy – A Vintage Camera Collector’s Great Find |
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Larry Leamer’s Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump’s Presidential Palace Nepal |
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Trump’ın eski danışmanı Roger Stone gözaltına alındı |
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Sport Tech San Martín: Ocupación y mantener la fuente de / Cele Fierro MST: “Trump no es democracia tampoco Guaidó ni Maduro” |
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Don’t let Trump deport America’s Dreamers |
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Donald Trump alertó nuevamente sobre situación en Venezuela |
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Este fue el mensaje que le lanzó Maduro a Trump… |
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Judicial Surge as Trump Looks to Restore Constitution to the Courts |
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Donald Trump w telenoweli |
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What I learned about Trump |
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Trump’s Stock Market Fears Fuel US-China Trade Talk Progress |
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Howard Schultz Is Capable Of Winning Election … For Trump |
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SECRET TAPE Maxine Waters Caught SPYING on Trump |
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Watch: WWII veteran and former POW’s message about Donald Trump will bring you to tears |
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UCS Report Claims Science Suffered under Trump Presidency |
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Trump’s Score on the Psychopathy Scale – Compared to the Average Accenture Director |
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Thema: Donald Trump |
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Trump: Inteligência dos EUA é ‘ingênua’ e ‘se engana’ sobre Irã |
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The Case Against Trump Supporters in the OTO |
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The World According to Trump |
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Fact Checker Gives Trump’s Immigration Math an F |
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Sonnenschein on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen ausgesetzt |
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Jemele Hill on President Trump Weaponiz |
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Hollywood Celebs: We will go on Total Strike if Trump does not Resign |
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New Michigan Senate leader has tackled big Trump caved but confident he’ll get wall |
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Delegación de China se reúne con Donald Trump en Washington |
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Majority of Clemson’s black players declined Trump’s fast food reception report |
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Trump paves way for NSA to snoop on EU citizens |
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Watchdog Groups File Objection To Trump Administration’s Unlawful Effort to Change FOIA Rules and Evade Transparency |
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Trump dice que hay ‘opción decente de desnuclearización’ con Corea del Norte |
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Trump renews call for wall as Congress huddles on elusive border solution |
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Authoritarianism Federal Government Law Race Trump |
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Trump and the China-North Korea Equation |
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Je salue votre optimisme Autant je respecte Poutine autant Trump |
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Japan Freezes North Korea’s Assets after Trump’s Visit |
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Trump’tan flaş açıklama : Kürtler için güvenli bölge… |
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Sen Elizabeth Warren Rockets to Front of Democratic Field with Launch of Wealth Tax Levied on Accumulated Assets Not Merely Income Measure Would Take 2 of Wealth from 50 Million to 1 Billion 3 of Assets Over 1 Billion Levy Would Be Paid by 75000 Super-Rich Yielding 275 Trillion in Tax Revenue Over Decade Authentic Economic Populism in New Deal Tradition Exposes Hollowness of Trump-Bannon Workerist Fakery and Dem Identity Politics Candidates GOP Lockstep Crumbling in Senate After 6 Republicans Vote with Democrats to Re-Open Government Carter Attorney General Civiletti’s Egregious Blunder of 1980 Made Shutdowns Possible |
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Hillary Clinton compara a Trump con Weinstein acusado de numerosas agresiones sexuales |
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Trump Slams US Intel Brass on Iran: ‘Passive Naive Should Go Back to School’ |
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Trump ends 230 Million Dollar Rebuilding Payments to Syria |
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Trump adds 184000 manufacturing jobs and continues growth trend |
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Shutdown surrender The partial shutdown of the US government was the first major showdown between President Donald Trump and the Democrats after the latter took control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term Congressional elections in November 2018 Mr Trump had threatened to keep the government shut down Read more |
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Government shutdown reaches day seven as Trump continues to push for border wall funding |
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Tagesereignis – Wer hat Donald Trump wirklich rekrutiert |
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After hiring undocumented Trump Org to use E-Verify to check immigration status |
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Maduro offers to negotiate with opposition accuses Trump of ordering his murder |
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Trump advisor pushing Brexit deregulation |
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House of Pain for President Trump |
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Trump el triunfo del showman: Golpe a los medios y jaque al sistema |
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US Has No Clear Syria Strategy But Trump Makes Bad Situation Worse |
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Trump warnt US-Bürger vor Reisen nach Venezuela |
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Why Trump didn’t want US translator when talking to Putin |
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House panel to probe Trump’s troop deployment to US-Mexico border |
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Trump: In Third Year with Three Charges |
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Pro-religion Trump administration will counter China’s crackdown on believers |
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Mulvaney: ‘Many Democrats Have Come to Us’ Saying They’re Starting to Agree With Trump on the Necessity for a Barrier |
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Trump handicaps border security talks with new wall demand |
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Trump Putin Handshake Helsinki 2018 GIF |
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Trump wins US Presidency! Climate Skeptics Rejoice! Set to dismantle amp Defund UN/EPA climate agenda! |
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Trump Announces Deal to Reopen Government for 3 Weeks |
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Nancy Pelosi could not believe how she just lost the biggest fight of her life to Donald Trump |
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Chris Christie: Trump messed it up with shutting down |
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President Trump In Attempt To Shutdown UK Government |
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Your Views: Democrats want border security not Trump’s disillusions |
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Trump asks farmer support on shutdown hints at farmworker reform |
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Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Could be Gone Tomorrow but Systemic Injustices Led to His Election Won’t Change |
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Trump conversó con Guaidó y respaldó la lucha para el retorno |
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Trump Presidency and Nigeria Conference |
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Gobierno de Trump otorga a Guaidó el control de las cuentas del Estado venezolano en EEUU |
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GOP Senator Backtracks on Trump Endorsement |
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The Great Right Nope: Flake wants GOP to primary Trump … with someone else |
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Special Counsel Mueller Deploys FBI ‘Stormtroopers’ to Arrest Trump Associate Roger Stone |
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Campaign cash paid Trump foe’s legal bills after MeToo fall |
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Top Defense Official Says Trump Doesn’t Need Congress National Emergency in Order to Build Border Wall |
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Trump ignites political fight over US banking law reforms |
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Trump contrazis iar de serviciile americane de informații |
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Xi-Trump-Tradedeal: Kommt er |
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Stacey Abrams Will Deliver Democratic Response To Trump |
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Trump reitera su “completo respaldo” a Guaido con una llamada telefónica |
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Trump napao američke obavještajce jer Iran ne smatraju nuklearnom prijetnjom |
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Trump is a Bigger Fakeout than Obama |
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Trump Admits He Got Wall Idea From ‘Game Of Thrones’ |
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People Want ‘American Idiot’ to Reach Number One Before Trump’s Visit to the UK |
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Trump wrong on global warming |
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Guaidó se juramenta presidente de Venezuela: qué significa realmente y qué consecuencias tiene que Trump lo reconozca |
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Maduro agli USA: “Non permetteremo un nuovo Vietnam Trump giù le |
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Trump 2018 aneb co se po dvou letech změnilo |
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Trump nega qualquer vínculo com os crimes do ex-advogado Cohen |
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President Donald Trump Said He Likes Taylor Swift’s Music “25 Less” After Her Political Instagram |
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¡ÚLTIMA HORA! Donald Trump aconseja a sus ciudadanos no viajar a Venezuela “hasta nuevo aviso” |
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Donald Trump has Arrived in Davos |
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Ivanka Trump Womens Livi Riding Boot Black 85 M US 8999 |
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Will AG Nominee Destroy The Trump Administration |
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Steve Bannon Exposed: A Political Biography Of The Man Behind President Donald Trump |
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County Will Consider Suing Trump Admin Over Migrant Release Policy |
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L’étoile montante Stacey Abrams répondra à Trump sur l’état de l’Union |
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President Trump Just Did A Pretty Cool Thing For These West Virginia Women |
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Trump demanded ‘horrifying’ anti-opioid ads |
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USA: Hexenjagd auf Trump – soll die Festnahme von Roger Stone von den Clinton-E-Mails ablenken Video |
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Revista estadounidense denunció que Trump intentó boicotear llegada de Bachelet a la ONU |
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Asesor de seguridad de Trump menciona “5000 tropas a Colombia” en su libreta |
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Harold Pease: Trump duped globalists love new NAFTA/TPP agreement |
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Shock Poll: Democratic Swing Districts Back Wall/Trump Immigration Offer |
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McConnell’s Rebuke Points To Fact That Trump GOP Miles Apart On Foreign Policy |
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The Trump presidency is taking its toll…on the once fresh faces of CNN anchors |
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President Trump has a ‘biggly’ agenda for 2019 |
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Under Secretary of Defense: President Trump Can Build The Wall Without Declaring A National Emergency |
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Is Romney About to use the Senate to Launch a Primary Challenge to Trump |
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1979 Gas Thank You Donald Trump |
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Norddeutsches Urgestein on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen ausgesetzt |
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Donald Trump – Ein amerikanischer Albtraum |
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Trump Slams “Naive” Intel Officials: “Go Back To School… Be Careful Of Iran” |
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UN to Trump: Accept Refugees and Illegal Aliens or email protected |
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Melania Is Trump’s “Protector in Chief” Claims ‘Team Of Vipers’ |
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Trump Can and Should Be Indicted |
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San Francisco Reception Sun Oct 28 2018 “Art of Michael Killen: Climate Change In Era of Trump” |
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Trump Says If Lawmakers Don’t Discuss Border Wall During Talks Over Spending Bill They Are ‘Wasting Their Time’ |
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Trump: Border security talks a waste of time if they don’t include a ‘wall or physical barrier’ |
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FT: Na spotkaniu Trump-Putin w Argentynie nie było amerykańskiego tłumacza |
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Trump Says ‘Wall’ Must Be Part of Lawmakers’ Border Deal |
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Venezolanos proponen a Trump construirle su muro si “saca” a Maduro |
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La sospechosa llamada de Maduro a Trump en plena madrugada |
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Donald Trump quiere ser el presidente que envíe humanos a Marte |
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Factor AfD: El retorno de la ultraderecha a How Russia Helped Trump Win The White House |
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Trump quer transferir fortuna de Maduro para oposição da Venezuela |
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Operação da PF sobre Trump Hotel mira filho de ator e neto… |
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Maddow Connects Trump’s Troop Deployment To Fictional Movie ‘Sicario’ |
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Trump’tan Guaido’ya telefon |
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Donald Trump y los medios de comunicación: ¿Un partido hecho en el infierno |
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Trump Administration Forced To Release Report That Confirms Humans Are Causing Climate Change |
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Trump Punts on Syria |
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Verificará Organización Trump estatus legal de trabajadores |
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REVEALED: Russia secretly offered North Korea a nuclear power plant last year as talks between Kim Jong-un and Trump stalled |
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Martin Luther King Would Fuck Trump’s Shit Up 2019 Edition |
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Schultz-Trump gara libera di insulti |
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Stephen King Has 1 Burning Question For Every Trump |
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Ekkora pofont rég kapott Trump a Twitteren |
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Pablo Escobar’s Family Wants To Impeach President Trump |
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Trump – Symbol der Wegwerfgesellschaft |
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Teixeira: Some Trump Voters Bail on Him Due to the Shutdown |
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Trump campaign to sue former aide over tell-all book |
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Starting Over: The Center Right After Trump – Full Conference Audio and Transcript |
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President Trump Signs Farm Bill – Victory For Hemp! |
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Donald Trump the Kremlin and the ghost of Alger Hiss |
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Tom Fitton: ‘Not One Piece of Evidence’ of Trump/Russia Collusion in Roger Stone Indictm |
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Exclusive: Mueller Is Holding Top Secret Intelligence That Will Sink the Trump Presidency |
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Mike Flynn’s Disastrous Day in Court Blows Apart Trump’s Deep State Conspiracy Theory |
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Hey you guys Trump and Putin had another secret meeting! Yes another one! |
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280 explicit BoneQuest 624 00:00:35 / 2017-01-10 02:00 tinypeepee in 2014 grilldos welcome to trump’s america |
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Trump 1000 Bill |
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Ivanka Trump Shows Off New 1100 Cut amp Color Before Starting |
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An Analysis of Anarchist Resistance to the Trump Is America 55: The “Smart” Wall and Counter-Insurgency |
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How Progressives Should Respond to Trump |
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Maduro: Trump Minta Kolumbia Bunuh Dirinya |
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Gillibrand to Trump nominee: Don’t repeat I-81 mistake |
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Aussie steel faces downturn as ‘Trump bump’ fades and China fears grow |
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GOP desperate to stop Trump: ‘Shutdowns don’t work and they’re stupid’ |
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Trump se burla del cambio climático en medio de una fuerte ola de frío en EEUU |
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Democrats Announce Bill Limiting Trump’s Nuclear Strike Capabilities |
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Trump signs bipartisan bill to combat synthetic opioids |
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Air Traffic Controllers Defeated Trump That’s Worker Power |
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Donald Trump Ends Obama Effort to Waive Work Requirements for Welfare |
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Collins: I’m not prepared to endorse Trump for 2020 |
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Healthcare In Trump’s America |
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Donald Trump’s Shutdown Defeat amp Roger Stone’s Arrest |
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Maduro se abre ao diálogo e acusa Trump de tentar matá-lo |
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Trump despide a su secretario de Estado |
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Trump makes exceptional declaration on the helpful e |
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Die Trump-Administration übergibt Venezuelas Bankkonten an Guaido |
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Comparison of Trump Birth Chart to George Washington Inaugural |
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What Trump’s Presidency Could Mean For The FDA |
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Trump’s Chance to End America’s Longest War |
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NLC denounces Trump actions against transgender and intersex people |
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Hollywood celebrity: I believe Trump will defund Planned Parenthood |
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Golitsyn’s Methodology and the Trump Possibilities and Dialectical Games |
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Donald Trump conversó telefónicamente con Guaidó y le expresó su total respaldo |
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DEAL REACHED SHUTDOWN ENDS: President Trump Announces Budget Deal Until Feb 15 |
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Így hajszolta bele magát elnöksége legnagyobb vereségébe Donald Trump |
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Juegos de Pelea de Trump |
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Emekçi halkın bağımsız seferberliğiyle Maduro defol! Ne Trump ne ordu… |
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Trump says he’s still insisting on border wall 4 hours ago |
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Trump Brands amp Logos |
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New Mexico’s Senator Martin Heinrich Speaks Out Against Trump’s Wall Against Mexico By Stephen Fox 1 |
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REPORT: Maduro accuses Trump of seeking his assassination |
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Donald Trump Initiated the Dumbest Most Scripted Fake Government Shutdown In History |
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Kremlinul neagă că ar fi purtat negocieri privind ”Trump » |
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Sen Susan Collins declines to say whether she’ll endorse Trump for |
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Trump’s troop order to the southern border will cost taxpayers over 600 million |
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Trump Year Two: The Economic Record |
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Trump promises ‘more good news is coming’ for those who have ‘made a |
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How America’s East Asian Trade History Can Inform Trump’s Negotiations With China |
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Dois anos de Governo Trump… Vamos ver o que dá a queda de braço com Nancy Pelosi… Hoje é o dia do discurso do Estado da por morte |
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Trump pide a estadounidenses que no vayan a Venezuela hasta nuevo aviso |
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Trump’s Logic Behind “The Wall” |
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Undocumented immigrant admits killing couple in spree cited by Trump police say |
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NOT REAL NEWS: Photo Of Large Crowd Not Taken At Trump Rally |
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Public Workers’ Trump Card |
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Asesor de Trump admite buscar que empresas de EU “produzcan el petróleo en Venezuela” |
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Trump stops regular press briefings citing unfair media treatment |
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Trump gọi các chỉ huy tình báo Mỹ là ‘thụ động và ngây thơ’ đối với Iran 3 |
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President Donald Trump |
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NOAA scientists debunk Trump’s ‘global waming’ tweets with a cartoon |
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Russia leaks secret US meeting with Putin to keep Trump in… |
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Donald Trump reconhece Juan Guaidó como “Presidente interino” da de prisão – um acervo para muitos estudos |
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“A Sensitive Issue” says DNI Coats of Trump-Putin Secret Helsinki Huddle |
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Interdiction de la masturbation: La gouverneur de l’Oregon fait comme pour Trump et Moustic renie son fils Florian Philippot: « Un con » |
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Per Trump: |
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Trump National Doral Miami Hotel Registration: July 7th-July 12th 2019 For Early Registration Call 3057176350 |
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Trump Organization To Use E-Verify For Worker |
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As Trump Orders US Out of Afghanistan Notorious CIA-Backed Units Will Remain |
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Joy Behar Attacks Ivanka Trump POTUS Embarrasses Joy With Simple email protected |
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Watch Trump’s Journey: Wall To Cave To |
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El polémico tuit de Donald Trump sobre el calentamiento global |
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Trump To Allow Release of JFK Docs – Gematria Study amp Illuminati Symbolism |
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“Whatever Works” – McConnell says he’s open to DACA raising debt ceiling IF it will prevent another shutdown and keep Trump from declaring National Emergency VIDEO |
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Trump lobt Beziehung zu Nordkorea – Geheimdienste zweifeln |
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Collapse of Civil Aviation at LaGuardia Newark and Philadelphia Triggered Shift Impeachment Shown Imperative to Prevent Present and Future Harm Not Just for Past Crimes Airbus and Burberry Threaten to Leave UK Citing No-Deal Brexit “Madness” Move Would Cost Ford 1 Billion Commons Must Call Second Referendum on Tuesday to Save Britain Dems Should Defund Late February Appeasement Summit with Kim At Davos Soros Condemns Chinese Dictator Xi as World’s Biggest Totalitarian Threat Stone Arrest Moves Mueller Probe Closer to Trump-Kremlin Nexus |
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¿Justo o Injusto Estudio Dice que Trump Ha Recibido 80 de Cobertura Negativa en los Medios |
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As Putin Props Up Maduro Trump Heats Up US Energy to Undermine Russian Global Mischief |
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Trump signs bills that helps Veterans and Police officers by giving them Priority and Training |
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États-Unis – Levée de boucliers contre le défilé militaire de Trump |
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Trump to Speak to the Nation |
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Nominan a Trump como Peor Actor |
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Allan Nairn: Trump’s Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams Is a War Criminal Who Has Abetted Genocide |
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Newspaper Apologizes for Running Fake Smear Piece on Melania Trump |
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Donald Trump habla por teléfono con el líder opositor venezolano Juan Guaidó |
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CNN demanda a Trump por expulsar a reportero de la Casa Blanca |
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Nigerian Solution for Trump’s Wall and Theresa May’s Brexit -By Abimbola Lagunju |
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Importance of archiving President Trump’s accomplishments |
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El acuerdo de USMCA de Trump con Canadá y México |
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Trump Bacakan Pidato Kenegaraan 5 Februari |
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Crypto Market ‘Major Announcement’: Is Donald Trump Preparing to Declare a National Emergency |
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Paduanio Family amp “Forest Trump” |
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2048 Trump |
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Trump conversó con Guaidó y respaldó la lucha para el a funcionaria del Cicpc durante un robo en pleno centro |
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Trump dice que Maduro estaría negociando debido a las sanciones de EEUU |
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Jabba and Trump 0 comments by Everyone |
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Trump habló por teléfono con |
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NOAA seems to be fact checking Trump |
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WaPo poll: 56 say they definitely won’t vote for Trump next year |
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Happy Thanksgiving and Trump Is A Racist |
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Kufungwa serikali kwakatiza hotuba ya Trump |
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Dina Merrill Once Lived in Trump’s Lavish Home – How Did She Afford it |
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The courts may decide which Trump goes to jail |
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Trump confidant Roger Stone indicted by Mueller pleads not guilty |
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Anti-Trump RINO committed one of the worst acts of betrayal anyone had ever seen |
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Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts runs surplus in January |
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Tổ chức Trump sử dụng người nhập cư bất hợp pháp 1 |
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Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants |
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Trump and Republicans Lead thTrump and Republicans Lead the way to the White HouseImage by Steemit It is more and more looking like history will not be remade in this American election as many were hoping that it would be a decade of records being broken in the World’s biggest political democracy This after the preliminary results that are coming in are showing dark horse Donald Trump leading the election |
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Who wrote the anti-Trump New York Times op-ed Using tidytext to find document similarity September 06 2018 |
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Washington Post Fact Checks Trump Claim About Women With Tape on Their Mouths Being Trafficked Across Border |
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California sticks it to Trump and takes the lead on climate change |
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The case of Donald Trump for the border wall had a |
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Trump Touts Progress Made On ISIS North Korea Denuclearization |
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Heckler To Schultz: ‘Don’t Help Elect Trump You Billionaire Ahole!’ |
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Trump Gets Savage Twitter Fact-Check Over ‘Wheels Older Than Walls’ Claim |
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Did Danny Ainge’s LeBron-Trump Comment Cost Celtics Anthony Davis Trade – NESN |
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Poll: Fifty-Six Percent of Voters Say They Will Definitely Not Vote For Trump |
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Stranger El desafío de un inmigrante latino en la era de Trump |
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La administración Trump impone sanciones a la industria petrolera venezolana |
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The Trump Report Reveals |
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State foresters praise President Trump’s executive order in support of forest health |
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HUGE news: Motch McConnell tried to avoid dealing with the Trump shutdown and it FAILED thanks to enough Senators who blocked a bill that was unrelated – and YOU Your activism is working – keep calling and contacting your Senators! |
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Maduro: Trump befahl kolumbianischer Regierung mich umzubringen |
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Exclusive The Second Trump Market Acceleration |
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De cómo Donald Trump llegó a la Casa Blanca – Crítica de “Robin Hood Forajido héroe leyenda” 2018 |
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Trump Venezuelalı Guaido’yla görüştü |
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Story idea on Trump… |
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12 Things Trump Does When He Dines Out |
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Geopolitics and Prize Winner Martha C Nussbaum in Newsweek: How President Trump’s Tactics of Fear And Loathing Can Be Defeated |
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Tổng thống Venezuela Maduro cáo buộc: Trump ra lệnh giết tôi |
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How Design Saved My Sanity on Trump’s Inauguration |
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Nancy Pelosi isn’t the only one who can stand up to Trump and win Public outrage has ⏱️delayed 🚿watered down or 🛑stopped policies we were all but certain were happening before – let’s do it again and 🌊flood usedgov with Title IX comments HandsOffIX attack on Jussie Smollett was clearly racist amp homophobic It is clearly a hate crime We are all shaken by it As NYC AntiViolence Project said Jussie is not aloneGay Black men are some of the most vulnerable to violence in the LGBTQ community Data: Schools And Communities Are Failing Transgender Students |
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Trump marca la agenda para hoy en Venezuela y señala impacto de sanciones petroleras a Maduro |
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Trump Sucks FB page tops 785000 fans |
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Christian pastor: Trump’s border wall was already prophesied so it’s a ‘done deal’ |
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Ocasio-Cortez Questioned About Anti-Semitism in Women’s March Blames… Trump |
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Tin ảnh: Ông Trump gây căng thẳng cho nhiều người Mỹ |
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‘Grown-ish’ Views Kanye West As A Race Traitor For Trump Support |
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Everybody in the White House Considers Trump an Idiot |
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This GOP Senator Is ‘Not Prepared’ to Endorse Trump in 2020 |
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A Trump-aligned World Bank may be bad for climate action and trade but good for Chinese ambitions |
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Trump is The Wall Therefore The Wall Must be Stopped |
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Trumpův právník Cohen bude vypovídat na uzavřeném jednání Sněmovny reprezentantů |
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President Trump Donates Quarterly Salary To VA |
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s Rhetoric On Voter Fraud Is Misleading |
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Can We Call Trump A Literal Actual Russian Agent Now What About Now What About Now What About |
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Gov Inslee on end of Trump shutdown: ‘Should have never happened’ |
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Nhìn lại hai năm đầu của Tổng thống Donald John Trump qua 8 biểu đồ |
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Trump Endorses Bible Courses in Public Schools: How Should Christians React |
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El asesor del Presidente Donald Trump revela invasión a Venezuela |
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‘I want him to declare an emergency’: Eric Trump really wants his dad to build |
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Trump Cut Off 200 Million in Aid to Palestinians |
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Iranian Refugee: Trump’s Muslim Ban Stranded My Uncle Green Card Holder In Iran |
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Make America Great Again—Trump Must Go! 103 |
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Cops Thwart Georgia Muslim’s Plan to Attack Trump White House |
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Trump’s Israeli peace plan – “deal of the century” — to be announced died thinking he was a failure 84 years later thriving |
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WAKE UP! Trump the Pope Evangelicals and the Image of the Beast! |
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Memorandum to President Trump |
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Los anuncios de condones contra Trump y Kim Jong-un |
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Trump habló con Juan Guaidó y lo felicitó por su “histórica asunción a la presidencia” |
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Kamala emerges as front runner to oust Trump |
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Harris emerges as frontrunner to oust Trump! |
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‘Sex coach’ who claimed to have Trump-Russia info speaks out |
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Trump et Gates ne veulent pas de rayonnements 5G |
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Trump cảnh báo người Mỹ không đi du lịch đến Venezuela – cập nhật trực tiếp 1 |
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Guaidó agradeció llamada de respaldo de Trump a su presidencia |
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Dems Announce Who Will Give SOTU Response to Trump |
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Maxim Model Slams Media’s Treatment Of Melania Trump In Exclusive Interview |
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Trump Number 88 Gematria Study |
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Immigration: Les conséquences du décret Trump sont effrayantes New York Times |
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¿Trump y su hermana gallega |
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How Trump’s retirement decision will affect you |
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Trump ‘mete presión’ en guerra comercial en reunión con vice primer |
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Trump lobt Fortschritte mit Nordkorea trotz US-Zweifeln |
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Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order |
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Emission / Interdit d’interdire Où s’arrêtera la guerre commerciale lancée par Donald Trump |
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Rosie O’Donnell Says President Trump Will Be Arrested Before 2020 Election |
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Trump Blocks Chinese Purchase of Qualcomm due to National Security |
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Christian Political Principles in the Age of Trump |
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Trump has written 46 Executive Orders |
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‘Hands off Syria’: Protests Across US Cities against Trump’s missile strikes on Syrian airbase |
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Los ‘Moñecos’ Travolta y Trump destacan en los Premios Razzie 2019 |
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President Trump: BUILD A WALL amp CRIME WILL FALL! |
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Power struggle in Venezuela: Maduro warns Trump in front of the second Vietnam |
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Trump and his intel chiefs are worlds apart on ISIS Russia and the border |
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Trump’tan ABD’lilere Venezuela’ya |
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‘Pelosi Is a Better Dealmaker’: Former Trump Org VP Spills the Beans on Trump’s Art of the Deal |
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Trump’s Score on the Psychopathy Scale – Compared to the Average Accenture Director |
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President Trump Mocks Global Warming |
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El pasado 23 de enero Donald Trump inició una escalada de ataques contra la estabilidad venezolana e imponer un gobierno al servicio |
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Trump alerta americanos a não viajarem para a Venezuela |
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Donald Trump consideră naive rapoartele serviciilor americane despre programul nuclear iranian |
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Guaidó señala que Trump le ha trasladado su completo respaldo en una llamada telefónica |
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BAD NEWS FOR DEMS! Trump Takes Shocking Spot In Poll Asking Dems Who They Prefer In 2020 |
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El intento de Nicolás Maduro de desafiar a Donald Trump en inglés: ¡Hand offs Venezuela! ¡De inmediati! |
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Operação da PF sobre Trump Hotel mira filho de ator e neto de… |
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Black Support for Trump DOUBLES to 29 percent |
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Krasniqi për letrën e Thaçit drejtuar Trump: Presidenti ka bërë shkelje |
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President Trump and First Lady Pay Surprise Visit to Troops in Iraq |
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Most Americans don’t want Trump but there’s no clear favorite to oppose him poll finds |
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Trump Org To Use E-Verify For Worker Status Checks After Reports Of Undocumented Staff |
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Trump zweifelt die Kompetenz der eigenen Geheimdienste an |
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Trump Says Afghanistan Peace Talks ‘Proceeding Well’ |
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Is Trump Disloyal |
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New Congress Same Old Trump Derangement Syndrome |
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Pactan Trump y Demócratas reabrir Gobierno el 15 de febrero |
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Students For Trump |
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Trump Responds to Obama’s ‘Inflammatory’ Statements |
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Trump Adviser Roger Stone Pleads Not Guilty To False Statements Obstruction Charges |
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Trump Akejeli Jaribio La Kombora La Korea Kaskazini Jana ‘Ni Dharau’ |
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Trump llamó a Guaidó y le reiteró compromiso con la democracia |
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Trump Team Prepares to Sue Fmr Aide |
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Turns Out Trump Actually Thought Mexico Would Write A Check |
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Climate skeptic advisor says Trump could pull out of Paris climate agreement in days |
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Trump will try to strike a deal with China as he looks for re-election CEO says |
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President Trump warns Midwest about frigid temps asks global warming to ‘please come back Creek HS sings rendition of Hallelujah to announce snow day |
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USAs etterretningstopper sterkt uenig med Trump om Nord-Korea IS og Iran |
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Trump pode ser o catalizador de um novo boom na mineração |
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Relationship between Trump Enquirer goes beyond headlines |
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Republican Senator Graham urges Trump to open US government temporarily |
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49 Hottest Pictures of Melania Trump’s Curvy Ass Is Like Heaven |
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Trump Approves Bill Military Members Get Pay Raise |
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Trump ‘cambia’ al presidente de Venezuela |
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«Donald Trump ha dado la orden de matarme» |
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President Donald Trump dismisses tell-all book as ‘made up stories’ |
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Maduro Must Go! – Trump Administration Backs Venezuela Regime Change |
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Trump reiteró su completo respaldo a Guaidó como presidente E en una llamada telefónica |
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Detrás de la Razón: Alerta: Trump suelta al lobo contra Venezuela ¿qué harán Rusia y China |
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Tell Congress: Block Trump from Using Nuclear Weapons |
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The Latest: Trump stresses support on call with with us |
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The Great Trump Revolt |
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Chris Christie: Trump blew it by shutting down the government with no plan |
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President Trump Build The Wall Anyway! |
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30Ene ASÍ AMANECE Vzla Trump Quiere comer Hallacas Aquí y este año |
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Trump softens tone as Senate measures to end shutdown fail |
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Would you be in favor of another government shutdown if President Trump and Democrats in Congress can’t work out a deal on border security |
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Trump Pauses Shutdown with No Money for Fascist Wall Wild Recriminations Inside GOP Suggest Breakup of Party Beware Adventures by Foreign Foes Seeking Easy Wins over Shattered US Regime |
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McGurk: La decisione di Trump ha dato nuova vita a IS |
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The Trump House |
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Liberals outraged as Trump endorses Bible literacy classes in public schools |
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FREBIN-Carabobo apoya al Presidente Maduro y rechaza injerencia de Trump |
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Emir Embarks On His US Trip Will Hold A Meeting With Trump On April 10 |
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Trump’ın eski danışmanı Roger Stone Rusya soruşturması kapsamında hâkim karşısına çıkıyor |
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This Trump Shutdown Mutiny is Beyond Pathetic |
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The Trump Legacy |
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Meet The Black Woman Set to Give Trump a Run For His Money in |
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The Dictionary According To Donald Trump |
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Trump cree que Maduro quiere ahora negociar con la oposición por las sanciones a la petrolera |
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President Donald Trump Allegedly Groped A Thanksgiving Turkey |
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Concerned With Alien Threats Trump Orders Pentagon To Create Military Space Force |
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Randy Rainbow Says Trump amp Associates “Had It Comin’” |
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Vụ Nga-Trump: Đồng minh của Trump tuyên bố vô tội |
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As US air travel stalls Trump agrees to halt shutdown temporarily |
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Fox News cuts off Trump after border wall lie |
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youtubecom Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says Donald Trump is not qualified to be president |
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Why Trump Supporters Believe He Is Not Corrupt |
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Trump Shrinks Government by 16000 Jobs since elected |
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Original Black Deplorable Hat for Republican Patriots-US Flag Bill Trump Hat |
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Donald Trump: Kürtleri destekliyor ve Kürtleri seviyorum |
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Trump: ‘Wall’ must be part of border deal |
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US intel chiefs contradict Trump on NKorea IS group threats |
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Trump’s ‘Axis of Evil’: Mike Pompeo John Bolton and Elliott Abrams |
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Trump dice que Maduro quiere dialogar debido a las sanciones |
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READ: Donald Trump Tweets That Fox |
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Trump DOJ Sues California For Interference With Immigration Enforcement |
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Congresista estadounidense exige a Trump levantar bloqueo contra Venezuela |
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Amerikas Präsident Trump hat mich anfangs imponiert |
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Why Donald Trump’s Tweets About Climate Change Are Dead Wrong |
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Poll: Trump Will Lose 43 of His Support if Wall Isn’t Built |
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631: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High |
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President Trump Gets No Credit for Helping Defund Vladimir Putin |
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Venezuelan Coup Reveals Trump as a Deep State Punk By Dana Bruce Thibault 12 |
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The Latest: Trump says he’s still insisting on border wall |
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Chris Christie: There is no one with more influence over Trump than Jared Kushner |
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Collins: ‘Not Prepared’ To Endorse Trump For 2020 |
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Enter Elliott Abrams: Trump Gives Plum Post To Prominent Opponent |
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Presidential hopeful Sherrod Brown of Cleveland who says Trump is a racist brings his Dignity of Work Tour to Brunswick Ohio January 30 a city 20 miles southwest of Cleveland with Brown a ranking US senator saying he can beat Trump in 2020 |
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Trump stellt Sinn von Pressebriefings im Weißen Haus infrage |
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‘Let’s not permit a new Vietnam in Latin America’ Maduro warns Trump administration |
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The media has become unhinged since President Trump took office BlazeTV exposed it |
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Howard Schultz: President Trump is ‘despicable’ |
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Chris Christie tells Colbert that he would have been a better president than Trump – Fox News |
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USS Cole bomber Jamal al-Badawi died in Yemen air strike – Trump |
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Hillary’s former campaign chief John Podesta insists she will NOT challenge Trump for the Presidency in 2020 |
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Trump straszy Niemcy |
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The Trump Prophecy Movie – Get Your Tickets – Pass it Around |
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Vom Tahrir-Platz zu Donald Trump |
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Trump jokes about people who will die in massive winter storm to hit the Midwest |
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CW DAWSON: Don’t impeach Trump Avoid the ugly consequences |
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Betsy DeVos and the Trump Administration want to let schools off the hook for covering up cases of sexual assault Last year DeVos rescinded key documents that ensured students had the right to an education free from sexual violence and discrimination |
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Bab Baru Perselisihan Trump dan Putin |
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Opinion: Transgender military ban exposes Trump’s transphobia |
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Trump acusa a NBC de inventarse que haya intentado multiplicar el arsenal nuclear |
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Der US Präsident Donald Trump gratulierte Wladimir Putin zur besten Salihamidzic ist mit Hoeneß nicht einverstanden |
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Donald Trump’s SAVAGE Alternative to State of the Union |
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Trump’s tweets give Democrats an opening Here’s how they’ll8:09 AM |
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Venezuela / Cele Fierro MST: “Trump no es democracia tampoco Guaidó ni Maduro” |
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Trump Pence ’16 Coffee Mug |
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Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon Mock Trump Over ‘Global Waming’ Tweet |
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If Trump Campaign Sues Former Staffer Cliff Sims Over Tell-All Book They Could Hit a ‘Brick Wall’ |
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Partido Democrata escolhe mulher negra e progressista para responder a Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump sera bientôt le 45e président des Etats-Unis |
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Donald Trump reaffirms US support in call with Venezuela’s Guaido |
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Operação da PF mira investidores do antigo Trump Hotel no Rio |
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Republicans Give Trump the Green Light for a Border Wall Emergency Declaration – The Daily Beast |
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Three Years After National Review’s “Against Trump” |
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Protesters caused thousands in damage at Trump Tower: prosecutors |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Me autoproclamo amante de Ivanka Trump nieto de la Reina Isabel y eternamente chavista |
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Trump: Bisedimet për paqe në Afganistan po zhvillohen mirë |
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Hands off Venezuela: Maduro se dirige a Trump en inglés |
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In El Paso Hundreds Of Protesters Denounce Trump’s Border Wall Plans |
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Trump’s constant trashing of China over its currency could backfire |
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The Super Bowl That Trump’s America Deserves |
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Trump Bolsonaro and Latin American Right Support Attempted Coup in Venezuela |
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Goldsmith amp Mercer on the Trump Administration amp the International Legal Order |
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Very Few African-American Players From Clemson Attended Trump’s Fast Food Celebration |
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Trump Ready For Us Shutdown To Last ‘For Years’ |
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Can Trumpism survive Trump |
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Trump Spoke With Putin At G20 Without A Note Taker Or Any US Staff |
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ANALYSIS: Europe’s Patience with Iran Wears Thin Tiptoes Towards Trump |
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Maduro el doctor Sánchez y el tóxico Trump |
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‘Our Country Is In A Hell Hole We Need To Take Some Action’- Cardi B Blast Donald Trump Over Government |
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Trump afirma que Maduro quiere dialogar debido a las sanciones |
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Trump promete vetar leis abortistas: “toda criança é um sagrado presente de Deus” |
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Fake hues and cries: Trump and the White House press corps |
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CNN Deceptively Edits Trump Clip To Appear He Broke Promise to Gay Community |
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Nicolás Maduro envió un mensaje en “spanglish” a Donald Trump: “Hands off Venezuela de inmediati!” |
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Did liberal media play a role in students blaming Trump for shutdown VIDEO |
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Apple nuk do të prodhojë iPhone në SHBA edhe përkundër kërkesave të presidentit Trump |
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ETATS-UNIS : Ingérences russes: l’ex-directeur de campagne de Trump aurait menti au procureur |
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Nixon en Trump: boeven maar heel verschillende boeven |
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Jorge Ramos: “El comentario de Trump fue racista” |
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Now Trump praises states that demand that schools amp Bible literacy… |
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Hannity Calls Out Anti-Trump Conservatives |
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8 convincing reasons why Donald Trump will win the Election |
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Donald Trump’s Cabinet Wages War against “Socialism” in Norway |
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Trump Leading Us to Armageddon |
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Trump: I never said |
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Has Trump Seen Jared Naked |
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Maduro said that Trump gave the order to kill him |
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BREAKING NEWS RED ALERT: STOP TRUMP – up to 1500/week – Craigslist |
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Trump Says Afghanistan Talks ‘Proceeding Well’ |
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Nicolas Maduro Exklusiv: »Donald Trump gab den Befehl mich zu töten« |
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Prefiere postrarse ante Trump que volverse un hombre digno de su pueblo |
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Michael Cohen fue responsabilizado por el pago a dos mujeres que fueron abusadas por Trump El diner… |
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9 Donald Trump Memes – Best Funniest Collections on Internet Ever |
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The Cotones have the first song on soundtrack for the final days of the Trump administration |
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Trump disputes national security critics on Syria Afghanistan North Korea |
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Everything Donald Trump got wrong about national security in five tweets today |
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How Trump’s Shutdown Wrecked Sean Hannity’s Ratings |
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Trump Threatens To Cancel Super Bowl |
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Maduro: Trump nakazał kolumbijskiemu rządowi i mafii zabicie mnie |
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Trump calls Venezuela’s Guaido in intensifying push to oust Maduro – 13分前 Reuters Top News |
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Trump Awards Himself the Presidential Medal of Freedom |
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Trump acaba con una serie de subsidios fundamentales para el funcionamiento del Obamacare |
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When Will Trump Be Gone |
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Club de golf de Trump en Nueva York despide a sus trabajadores indocumentados |
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Trump no descarta una intervención militar en Venezuela |
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Trump’s Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections |
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Undeterred by Trump US and Global Players Move Forward on Climate Action |
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Maduro’dan Trump açıklaması |
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Why Trump’s superfans dig Ocasio-Cortez – POLITICO |
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Trump may drop Spicer Bannon and Priebus: report |
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Profeta amiga de Donald Trump vende la “Vida Eterna” por 1144 |
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TV Networks Just Gave Trump Ten Free Minutes to Vilify Immigrants and It Should |
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Another birthchart for Donald Trump courtesy of Alphee Lavoie |
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Trump llama por teléfono a Juan Guaidó para reafirmar su respaldo |
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Venezuela: Juan Guaidó es un masón grado 13 perteneciente a la misma Logia Masónica Benjamín Franklin de Nueva York a la que pertenecen George Soros ¿y Donald Trump Una logia pedófila |
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ETATS-UNIS : Trump veut une enquête sur l’«infiltration» supposée de sa campagne par le FBI |
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The BL with Rich Crankshaw-2 Years of Trump: Part 1 |
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These Anti-Trump Celebs Have The Biggest Walls |
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Trump sat down with Putin at G20 without US note-taker |
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Trump insists he has a right to foreign policy after his intelligence agents break with him |
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Trump’tan birlik olalım çağrısı |
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Episodio 53: ¿Debe Donald Trump ser destituido |
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AMLO y Trump dialogan sobre migración |
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Trump-Kim summit: Second meeting by end of February |
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“shutdown” in the United States ended provisionally Trump’s defeat or victory |
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Trump tells worried ally ‘I love the Kurds’ in hotel meeting – CNN |
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Wont guarantee security of NATO members: Donald Trump |
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¿Podría Robert Mueller interrogar a Trump |
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An Open Letter to President Elect Trump on Global Warming |
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Trump-regeringen strammer skruen om Huawei |
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Trump’s Troop Drawdown |
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Trump’s Trade War Reportedly Hits Harley-Davidson Hard |
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Trump signs 700 billion defense bill gives troops largest pay raise in 7 years |
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Trump tells lawmakers: Don’t waste your time deal needs wall |
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Stephen Colbert: Trump’s Wall Spending the ‘Definition of |
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Trump signs short-term bill to reopen to remove God gender-specific language from committee oath |
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Mensaje del Gobernante de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro al Presidente Trump |
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A Vitória de Trump e o Episódio de Os Simpsons |
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Democrat Eric Swalwell Can’t Explain Why Trump is a Russian Agent |
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Trump and the of Spain Podcast |
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Trump Plans To Build Casinos Along Length Of Border |
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Trump Economy Explodes Record Number of Americans Employed Stocks Soar |
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Trump friend Roger Stone pleads not guilty in Russia probe case |
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Protesters supporters make voices heard ahead of Trump’s NICC Peosta visit |
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Actualización Trump |
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Cruelty is Trump’s only consistent policy |
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As Shutdown Continues President Trump Cancels Switzerland Trip |
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Venezuela’s President On Russian TV: Trump Ordered Colombian Mafia To… |
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US intelligence heads contradict Trump on various threats |
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Trump dijo Maduro está dispuesto negociar tras sanciones EEUU |
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Trump Rebukes Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him on Iran and Claims of Foreign Policy Success |
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Donald Trump’s Re-Election Prospects Are Far Worse Than Barack Obama’s Were During Any Point of His First Term Poll Suggests – Newsweek |
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Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule |
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Ben’s emails are PERFECT examples of how to sell with email… how to be a welcome guest in someone’s inbox rather than a persistent pest… how to sell with story… and how to create a persona that draws people to you like controversy to Donald Trump |
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Surviving Donald Trump: Israel’s Strategic Options |
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Kritik an CSU-Verkehrsminister SPD sieht Scheuer auf den Spuren von Trump |
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Partisans Agree Politicians Should Be Honest and Ethical Disagree Whether Trump Is |
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The Real Game Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton |
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Shane Claiborne: The Gospel of Trump vs the Gospel of Jesus |
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EndorseThis: Randy Rainbow Sings The Trump Cell-Block Tango |
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Andrew L Seidel: Trump pushes bible class in public schools backs Project Blitz |
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President Trump at a Naturalization Ceremony |
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Is Trump truly delivering on his campaign against unemployment |
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Az amerikai hírszerzés vezetői ellentmondanak Trump politikájának |
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Paradise is destroyed while Pres Trump lies about climate change and promises big things in electric motorcycles gives peak at 2020 |
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Trump’s EPA will not set legal limit on dangerous chemicals in drinking water report says |
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MAGA Will Trump Build Wall – Gematria Of Donald J Trump 888 And Tlaib Storm Decoded |
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Elliots Abrams el enviado especial de Donald Trump en Venezuela |
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Wilderness of Mirrors: Notes on the Trump-Russia VA: Yellow Fince Tree Sit in Solidarity with Wetsuwet’en Resistance |
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TWO Readers Say Trump Doesn’t Need Congress To Build A Wall—And The Congressional Research Service Agrees |
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DEMOCRAT PARTY STRUGGLING Chooses Big-Time LOSER To Deliver Rebuttal To Trump’s SOTU Speech |
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Danimarca stato meno corrotto al mondo Male gli USA: “Colpa di Trump” |
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Donald Trump on WTC 911 |
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Melania Trump Pastel Portrait – 11 x 17 Print |
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Trump throws a fit after US intelligence leaders prove how wrong… |
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Ola de frío ártico en EEUU: científicos responden a Trump y sus dudas sobre el cambio climático |
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A majority of Clemson’s black football players opted out of Donald Trump’s fast food feast: report |
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Trump backs push for Bible classes in schools – CBS News |
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Nuk do ta besoni se çfarë mban Donald Trump poshtë krevatit |
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Trump felicita a Guaidó por da detalles sobre el fallecimiento de Yoskar Sarante |
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Trump dijo que Guaidó está siendo atacado por el TSJ |
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Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System |
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Evil Monkey Colin Powell Says Trump is Wrecking America |
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Is Brexit Worse Than Trump |
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Trump Warns of “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow |
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Trump afirma que Maduro quiere negociar tras las sanciones de Estados Unidos |
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Mary Shelley: “La guerra es el juego del estadista la dicha del sacerdote la burla del abogado y la profesión del asesino le interesa a Trump de Venezuela m |
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Maduro dispuesto a negociar ante sanciones de EEUU al petróleo: Trump |
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HUGE news: Motch McConnell tried to avoid dealing with the Trump shutdown and it FAILED thanks to enough Senators who blocked a bill that was unrelated – and YOU Your activism is working – keep calling and contacting your Senators! Democrats introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act today because black women and Latinas earn respectively 63¢ and 53¢ compared to every 1 non-Hispanic white men earn Outraged Use our resource to call your member of Congress and tell them it’s past time for equal pay |
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Maduro: ‘Trump beni öldürme emri verdi’ |
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Reality Checks: Pelosi vs Trump Hagfish Slime Airport Security and Health Outcome Disparities |
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EUA enfrentam vaga de frio histórica – e Trump questiona aquecimento quer criar uma rede telefónica privativa para a distribuição de do iPhone caem 15 no último trimestre de 2018 |
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Bivši Bushov savjetnik: Trump |
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Trump: Bisedimet për paqe në Afganistan “po zhvillohen mirë” |
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As US Moves to Oust Maduro Is Invading Venezuela Next Allan Nairn on Trump’s Attempted Coup |
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Donald Trump Late to G7 Summit – Video |
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Trump Slams His Favorite Media Fox News |
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How do you feel about President Trump’s transgender ban |
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Trump-Loving White Trash Harasses Waitress With Nasty Hate-Note IMAGE |
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US intel chiefs: Trump is wrong on just about everything he… |
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Trump caves to Pelosi in humiliating late-night meltdown |
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Dünya şokta trump ölüm emrini verdi |
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The Democrats Chose Stacey Abrams To Respond To Trump’s State Of The Union |
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Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner belongs to an elite doomsday cult that boasts the Rothschilds as members and is trying to foment a “prophesied” third world warChabad Lubavitch is a Jewish supremacist cult that serve the Illuminati Despite only having 200000 elite followers it has intimate ties to nearly every powerful government leader on earth |
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Trump’s ‘wrecking ball’ on science threatens public health and |
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Trump tvrdi da još insistira na graničnom zidu |
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Do you think Trump is bullying journalists |
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Steve Bannon Says Trump’s Family Separation Policy is ‘Inhuman’ |
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Christie Says He’d Be a Better President Than Trump |
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Roger Stone warns Trump’s presidency is in peril – CNN |
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Thaçi i shkruan Trump-it zotohet se do të punojë për marrëveshjen historike me Serbinë |
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Lizzie Wade Examines a Debate over the Origins of the Amazon’s Baker Untangles the Story behind Trump’s False Claims of Immigrant Voter Fraud |
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Trump’s MAGA Caps Have Evolved into a Hot-button Issue: Patriotic or Racist |
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Maduro: Če se mi kaj zgodi je odgovoren Trump |
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Dù Trump có nói gì Apple vẫn sẽ không bao giờ sản xuất iPhone tại Mỹ |
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Democrat Response To Trump’s SOTU: Socialist Stacey Abrams |
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Komiker reißt Trump die Maske runter |
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El senador republicano de Arizona acusa a Trump de socavar las ‘normas democráticas’ |
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CNN: Trump reconocería a Juan Guaidó como presidente legítimo de Venezuela |
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Longtime Trump confidante Roger Stone pleads not guilty |
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Trump plaide pour la réintégration de la Russie au G7 |
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Modi Curries favorece a Trump pero no funcionará |
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The DACA program to protect people brought to the US illegally as children from deportation also remains in effect while the Supreme Court determines whether Trump can get rid of it See more about Immigration |
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VIDEO: El oso de Maduro al enviarle un mensaje en inglés a Trump |
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The Supreme Court has allowed Trump’s transgender military ban |
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Trump nakazał zabicie mnie kolumbijskiemu rządowi i mafii Trump nakazał zabicie mnie kolumbijskiemu rządowi i mafii Mocne oskarżenia prezydenta Wenezueli i podziękowania dla Putina |
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President Trump set a record for lifetime appointed judges in 2017 |
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Stop Trump’s Medicaid denial scheme |
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Trump incluye a Corea del Norte y Venezuela en el veto migratorio |
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Trump had MORE one-on-one talks with Putin – meeting the Russian president for 15 minutes inside historic opera house in Buenos Aires joined only by Melania and Putin’s translator |
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President Trump disputes his own intelligence chiefs on Iran North Korea 10:38 AM ET USA Today – Washington |
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Trump Promises Changes To H1-B Visas Including Potential Citizenship |
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Trump Will Now Have to Bear the Burden of ‘America First’ |
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Trump secures release of American Prisoners from North Korea |
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President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform Push |
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President Trump is Boss Nass |
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Trump signs First Step Act criminal justice reform into law |
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Some Trump supporters cheered government shutdown |
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Trump insists he’s right on foreign policy after his intelligence officials break with him – POLITICO |
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How to Talk about Islamophobia in the Age of Trump: There aren’t Two Sides to Bigotry |
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Trump speaks with Venezuelan opposition leader |
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El éxito de Trump de MAGAnomics I |
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Trump is ignoring a major security crisis in Puerto Rico |
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Trump habla por teléfono con el líder opositor venezolano Guaidó |
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Club de golf de Trump en Nueva York despide a sus… |
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Only 30000 refugees can seek shelter in the US-Trump Administration |
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Trump 2020 Camo Shirt |
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Trump Hell |
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DeepEnd Research: Analysis of Trump’s secret server story |
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By Jerry Brown: Trump doesn’t fear ‘wrath of God’ |
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Războiul Administrației Trump |
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Foxconn may not build 10B Wisconsin plant Trump touted click to see stats |
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Trump won’t deliver State of the Union speech until shutdown ends |
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British Tragedy Shows Road to Hell Is Paved with “Populist” Demagogy Opposition Must Oust May and Honor Growing Demand for Second Referendum Polling Shows Staying in European Union Has More Support Than Alternatives Pro-EU Forces Expose Brexit as Gambit of Hedge Fund Hyenas and US Corporate Predators Seeking to Privatize and Asset-Strip Britain’s National Health Service Caution Needed in Evaluating BuzzFeed Report on Trump and Cohen Mueller’s Cryptic Reply Trump Running Scared Offers Sops and Shucks in Exchange for Fascist Wall |
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Trump Pushes Back Against US Spy Chiefs on North Korea Islamic State |
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Trump Accuses Obama of Wire Tap During Presidential Campaign |
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UIllinois prof: Trump’s ‘racial animus’ is ‘part of our historical DNA’ |
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Trump Predictions Jan 2019 |
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Who Are Trump’s Golf Partners |
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Should Trump use executive action to build the wall |
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President Trump Treats NCAA Football Champions to Wendys McDonald’s Burger King and Dominoes — On His Own Dime VIDEO |
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How These Online Ads Predicted Trump’s Victory |
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12 cách để đánh bại thuế thu nhập tư bản trong thời đại của Trump |
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Kim-Trump Summit: A Quick Highlight |
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Sen Murray: ‘We need to get to work to clean up the mess that President Trump created’ |
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POLL: More Americans trust Pelosi than Trump |
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Si legisladores no contemplan un muro están perdiendo el tiempo: Trump |
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Noodtoestand uitgeroepen: Verenigde Staten huiveren in Koudeschok door Polar Vortex – Trump smeekt Global Warming om terug te keren |
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Trump to turn internet into oligarchy say experts |
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Chris Christie Explains How Trump ‘Blew It’ With Government Shutdown |
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Fingers Crossed Ivanka Trump Is Coming To India |
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Trump: Danûstandinên Afganistanê Baş Diçin |
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Malgré le Shutdown Trump conserve l’appui de sa base |
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Ivanka Trump planeja o impulso do desenvolvimento econô |
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jornal norte-americano “Axios“Trump quer transferir fortuna de Maduro para oposição da Venezuela |
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EU: Trump felicita a Guaidó por “histórica asunción” de Presidencia de Venezuela |
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Trump Proposals Could Increase Health Costs For Consumers |
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“Why Ex-Churchgoers Flocked to Trump…” |
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Analyzing Trump’s Latest Border Wall Speech |
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Trump NLRB Smashed Google Guy |
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Trump habría ofrecido fondos ilimitados a la NASA para enviar humanos a Marte durante su mandato |
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Trump Stands Firm Against His Intelligence Chiefs’ Assessment of Threats From ISIS and North Korea |
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Indocumentados que trabajaron en negocios de Trump piden que los protejan de la deportación |
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Intelligence community rebukes Trump’s favorite talking points during Senate hearing |
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Venezuelan President Maduro Accuses Trump Of Ordering His Assassination |
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Trump’s Orwellian history |
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Obama Nuked Economy in 2008 wants Credit for Trump’s Boom |
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Trump 5 lutego wygłosi tradycyjne orędzie o stanie państwa |
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Framboesa de Ouro 2019: John Travolta Will Ferrell Trump e o pior que Hollywood nos deu no ano passado |
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Trump reiteró su respaldo hacia Juan Guaidó como presidente de Venezuela |
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Trump friend and advisor Roger Stone pleads not guilty in Mueller |
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Phillip Tutor: On the Bible Trump should listen to Christie |
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Trump Blindsides Congress Finds All The Border Wall Money Needed And BILLIONS More |
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Şeful spionajului american contrazice afirmaţiile lui Trump privind progresul cu Phenianul |
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Trump’s Tweet About an Ex-Aide’s Brutal Tell-All Book Might Have Bumped Its Sales |
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Maduro manda mensaje en inglés a Trump |
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Interview With Mark Ames: The Unending Baffling Frenzy Over Trump Putin And Russia |
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The Democrat Response to President Trump’s State of the Union Speech |
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Maduro ve bien adelantar las parlamentarias en Venezuela pero no las presidenciales y acusa a Trump de querer asesinarlo |
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Medical breakthrough! Surgeons claim world first by transplanting common sense into Donald Trump! |
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Moet het Paleis aan politiek doen N-VA heeft tips voor een ‘groenere’ inlichtingendiensten halen buitenlandbeleid Trump volledig onderuit |
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Trump’s bad day: Stone arrest airport chaos shutdown surrender |
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NATO Chief Rebukes US Democrats: Exposes Pelosi as Ignorant Praises Trump’s Leadership and Effectiveness |
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Trump Crushes O’Sullivan In Masters Final |
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Jeff Flake Rules Out 2020 Primary Challenge To Trump |
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Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools click to see stats |
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De Trump-mythe |
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Kathryn E I chose an Letter Abortion Spoken Word Poetry v Wade in Trump’s America |
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Buzzword emerges as Trump Jr Russia scandal deepens: Treason |
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US Supreme Court allows Trump military transgender ban |
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Donald Trump llamó a Juan Guaidó y le manifestó su “firme respaldo” |
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PAIGEO Podcast 38 – Trump Abe és az amerikai-japán szövetség jövője |
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Der kleine Ex-Doktor auf Trump-Kurs! |
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¿Caerá Trump el 2019 |
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Trump lies to troops on surprise visit to Iraq |
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Trump Contradicts Himself Administration on ISIS and North Korea in Morning Tweetstorm |
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Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various positions |
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‘The Telegraph’ indemnizará a Melania Trump |
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El árbol de Josué muerto que simboliza el daño ambiental causado por Trump |
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Watch late night hosts react to Donald Trump’s climate change denial tweets |
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Trump Tells His Intel Chiefs to ‘Go Back to School’ After They Break With Him on Security Threats |
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After two years of Trump his 2016 voters say he’s been good but not great |
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St Louis federal employees held hostage over Trump’s fantasy of a wall |
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Tại sao TT Trump lại lạnh nhạt với Putin tại hội nghị G-20 |
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Official Portrait of Trump Shot on Older Camera than Obama When it comes to Photography experience… |
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Trump’s Shutdown Is Making America Less Safe: A Closer Look |
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Are Trump and Flynn playing 3D chess with Russia |
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Trump Says 58000 Texans Voted Illegally Here’s What Actually Happened |
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Senado americano aprova redução de impostos proposta por Trump |
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Trump Suit live |
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Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos apoia veto de Trump a transgêneros nas Forças Armadas |
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President Bone Spurs Bash Retired Adm William McRaven the Architect of bin Laden Raid Trump |
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US intelligence chief breaks with Trump on North Korea Iran ISIS |
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Diplomats to hammer out Trump-Kim summit details at DMZ meeting |
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Nostradamus afirmó que: Donald Trump es el Anticristo |
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President Trump to Join Super Bowl Pre-Game Coverage |
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Christie Says Trump ‘Blew It’ By Shutting Down The Government Without A Plan |
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Crypto Market Why Trump’s Trade War Hasn’t Stopped US Venture |
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Игровые автоматы Top Trump World Football Starts Звезды футбола |
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Jumpin Trump Shirt |
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A surprising number of Republicans want Trump off the ticket in 2020 |
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Gobierno se reúne con representantes del sector bancario público y Trump conversó telefónicamente con Guaidó y le expresó su total respaldo |
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Schumer Tells Trump To Butt Out Of Border Talks |
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¿Qué le interesa a Trump de Venezuela manejar su oro y petróleo o “ayudar” al pueblo venezolano |
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Refser Trump for «løgner» om ransaking |
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Trump’s War on Asylum Moves South |
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Mujer cachetea a discapacitado en redes la llaman a gemelo de Donald Trump en gasolinera |
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NATO weighs new ‘Counter Terrorism Post’ following Trump’s demands |
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Trump’s Immigration Offer Shows The White House Isn’t Even Trying To Cut A Deal |
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Trump signs VA accountability act into law promises better care for veterans |
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Foxconn xem xét lại các kế hoạch cho Wisconsin được chào mời bởi Trump và Thống đốc Scott Walker |
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Donald Trump va-t-il garder sa majorité à la Chambre des représentants |
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Trump campaign says president bolstered by shutdown |
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Trump critic or salesman |
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Sinkhole Chooses Perfect Moment To Appear At Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Resort |
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Women invited to wear white to President Trump’s State of the Union address |
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Ultrareaktionäre Meinungsmacher von AfD Trump und Co |
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Contingent Faculty in the Age of Trump |
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Kosovo’s Thaci Tells Trump Deal With Serbia ‘Within Reach’ |
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Donald Trump reconsidera volver a negociar el TPP y temas de inmigración |
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Collins Won’t Endorse Trump for Re-Election Yet |
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Trump At Odds With Mick Mulvaney: ‘You Just Fked It All Up’ |
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Snoop Dogg ‘Assassinates’ Trump |
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Jew Rothschild: Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order – Communist Jewess Merkel agrees |
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Trump Severely Damaged by Government Shutdown Debacle GOP Primary Challenge to Discredited Cave Man Expected Regime Seeks Wag the Dog in Venezuela Corporate Press and Media Want to Smother Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax the Most Radical Policy Idea in 2020 Campaign British Parliament Votes Tuesday on Brexit: Delay on Article Fifty and Second Referendum Must Pass to Prevent May’s Catastrophic No-Deal Brexit with Massive Exodus of High-Tech Manufacturing House Dems Should Quickly Impeach Whitaker Over Public Comments on Mueller Grand Jury No More Billionaires: Howard Schultz Needs to Butt Out of 2020 Race! |
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USA/JUSTICE : La justice américaine donne raison à CNN dans sa bataille contre Donald Trump |
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La última piedra preciosa del imperio petrolero venezolano con la que Trump presiona a Maduro |
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Flames Born Again Among the Ashes Kremlin to Deny the Old Story of Trump’s Conspiracy with Russian |
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Obama Photographer Fact-Checks Donald Trump’s White House Tour Tales With Old Snaps – HuffPost |
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Guaidó habló con Donald Trump y le agradeció respaldo de EEUU a su |
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After Deciding on Kavanaugh Last-Minute Now Collins Is ‘Not Prepared’ to Endorse Trump for Re-Election |
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Trump/GOP corruption remembering George Bush and rapey Xmas songs or not |
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Against Trump: Three Years Later |
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Trump Acaba de Recibir Horribles Noticias de un Comité del Senado Liderado por los Republicanos |
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Trump insiste en muro en la frontera con México |
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ETATS-UNIS : Trump et Kim Jong-un se rencontreront le 12 juin à Singapour |
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Trump llama a Guaidó horas antes de primera movilización masiva |
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Trump’s first endeavor which made him famous around New York City was the creation of the Grand Hyatt hotel in 1980 |
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InternationalA La Une: La Compagnie Pétrolière Nationale Vénézuélienne Sanctionnée Par Les Le Régime Contre-attaque En Ouvrant Une Enquête Contre Juan Donald Trump Contredit Par Ses Propres Services De Maduro Pour Des Législatives Anticipées Pas Une Un Père Partage D’adorables Photos De Son Fils Faisant Des Choses D’«adulte» |
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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Says Donald Trump Gave Order To Kill Him |
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Trump promueve la Biblia en las escuelas públicas |
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Trump Slams His Favorite Media Fox News over Wall Negotiations: “Less Understanding than Fake News CNN amp NBC” |
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Así será la licitación para cambiar los paraderos en Abrams y los halcones de Trump que podrían incendiar Venezuela |
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‘Bullying journalists is not Presidential’: Fox News anchor berates Trump for tweets |
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Trump’s plan: H-1B visa only for most-skilled highest-paid foreign workers |
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Survei: Rasisme meningkat di AS sejak Trump berkuasa |
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Trump: ‘I don’t do anything … just for political gain’ |
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President Trump: Who The Fk Does He Think He Is |
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La-taliyaha amniga ee madaxweynaha Mareykanka oo “kashifay” qorshe sir ah oo uu damacsan yahay Trump: SAWIRRO |
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Majority of Americans Believe Mueller’s Coup d’Etat Probe Is Complete Bullsht – Only 24 Have Complete Confidence in Anti-Trump Witch Hunt |
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Corruption Seen Rising In US Under Trump |
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Exasesor de Trump se declara no culpable |
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Don’t Let Trump Be The Only One Seen Hugging An American Flag This Fourth Of July |
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An Asylum Seeker Has Been Returned to Tijuana Under Trump’s ‘Return to Mexico’ Policy |
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Trump’ın eski danışmanı suçlamaları reddetti |
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25 Percent Tariff Threatened by Trump for Imported Vehicles |
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Christie Unintentionally Reveals Trump’s Strategy |
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Tom Fitton: Targeting of Trump’s Team ‘Worst Corruption by DOJ in Modern Times’ |
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Majority of Clemson’s black players opted out of Trump’s fast food feast: report |
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Positive Changes To Take Back Our Trump Hits Venezuela with New |
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Dems tap Stacey Abrams to give response to Trump’s State of the Union |
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Trump’s new nuclear weapon has entered production |
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A Plum Post for a Prominent Trump Foe |
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Trump has signed a 15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey |
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Howard Dean: Trump Is ‘Running A Criminal Enterprise Out Of The White House’ ‘Shaking Down Foreign Governments’ To Hold Their Events In His Hotels |
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17 Articles of Impeachment for Trump and 1 for Pence Too By David Swanson 9 |
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How public-private partnerships failed in the Trump… |
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Trump cho các nhà lập pháp: Đừng lãng phí thời gian của bạn thỏa thuận cần tường 1 |
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The only good thing you can say about Donald Trump |
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Foxconn may not build 10B Wisconsin plant Trump touted – NBCNewscom |
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Trump llama por teléfono a Guaidó para reiterarle su apoyo |
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A Trump presidency must also be a laughing matter |
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WATCH: Is Eric Swalwell ‘allergic to saying anything positive about Trump’ |
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La CE insiste que arancel de Trump a coches bloquearía avances para acuerdo |
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WATCH: The brilliant Randy Rainbow’s latest video: “The Donald Trump Cell Block Tango” |
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Would Trump Trade Protecting Mueller for a Wall |
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Colorado Dems Statement on Trump’s Wall Address |
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Atlanter on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen on 30 Jan in: »Unsere Wirtschaft ist derzeit der Goldstandard auf der ganzen Welt« |
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‘Netanyahu y Trump compiten por quien puede implementar más leyes… |
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Leid Stories–Why Is the United States A Principal Actor In Venezuela Crisis Trump’s Brilliant Threat/Idea: Declare A National Commentary Hour – 013019 |
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Robert David Steele on Midterms Trump the Deep State and Open Source Water for Texas |
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What Is Trump’s Motivation Behind the Recognition of Guaido as Venezuelan President |
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Trump digs in through the border wall while congressional negotiators prepare for the gathering |
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Le renseignement américain contredit Trump sur sa politique étrangère |
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If Trump Declares a National Emergency He’ll Be Breaking the Law |
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Wikistrat Ran Simulations Of Election Interference In 2015 Then Met With Trump Campaign |
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Trump’s Texas Troubles Are Rooted in the Suburbs |
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Trump afirma que inteligencia de EE UU es ‘ingenua’ y se ‘equivoca’ sobre Irán |
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Trump zawiesił pomoc dla palestyńskich Moshe Harel – boss mafii przemytu ludzkich organów – aresztowany |
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In new book Chris Christie recalls watching ‘Access Hollywood’ tape with Trump |
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Trump Lights Go Out Out White House 2018 GIF |
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Militares venezolanos en el exterior le piden a Donald Trump armas y ayuda militar |
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Rapper Tells White Trump Supporters to ‘Toughen Up’ |
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La falsa cita de Trump que vuelve y vuelve y vuelve… |
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‘Semangat Trump’ Dibandingkan dengan Pandangan Komunis Tiongkok Terhadap Semua ! Epidemi “Penyakit Kelima” Menyebar di Tokyo Jepang! Gejala Awal Berupa Pilek Jika Wanita Hamil Terinfeksi Dapat Memengaruhi Janin |
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Donald Trump’s Team Sanctions Venezuela Pushes China |
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The Trump Estates Park Residences |
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Torches Trump For Shutdown In First House Floor Speech |
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End Trump’s cruel zero tolerance anti-immigration policy |
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La CE insiste que arancel de Trump a coches bloquearía avances |
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Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J Trump Unabridged |
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Trump Democrats and Media Bias |
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Ieri 19:00 – Trump a produs pagube de 11 miliarde de dolari incercand sa obtina 5 miliarde pentru zidul sau |
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Would You Vote For Trump or a Random Citizen |
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How Trump Is Reshaping Federal Courts – Ricochet |
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Trump: Maduro muhalefetle müzakere yapmaya istekli |
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Conbive rechaza agresión de Donald Trump contra Venezuela |
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Trump Assails Intelligence Chiefs as ‘Extremely Passive and Naïve’ |
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Trump advarer amerikanere mod besøg i Venezuela |
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Nicolás Maduro intenta intimidar a Trump en inglés |
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US intelligence chiefs contradict Trump on Daesh North Korea |
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Trump tells his intelligence chiefs ‘go back to SCHOOL’ and lectures them on Iran in Twitter dressing down after they said North Korea wants to keep its nuclear weapons and ISIS are NOT defeated |
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Hood stating alternative facts: Trump didn’t win a majority |
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Donald Trump may unwittingly be a revitalising force for American feminism |
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Video: SAfrica: Communist Julius Malema called Trump a Pathalogical liar – My Important Analysis |
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¿Ayuda en secreto a Trump para un golpe en Venezuela:… |
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Meet the violent cult that Trump’s regime change crew is trying to put in charge of Iran |
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ExxonMobil and Shell lead an industry divide on Trump climate rollback |
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Tom Steyer vs Donald Trump II 2020: BATTLE OF THE PATRIOTS |
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How President Trump Has Used Mar-a-Lago to Boost His Personal Business |
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Trump Ignores The Death Of A Soldier To Whine And Moan On Twitter |
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Trump pide que “regrese” el calentamiento global ante el frío extremo en EU ¿Por qué es erróneo su comentario |
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Standing up to Donald Trump’s Extreme Agenda |
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Unity to Bring Public Awareness of a Possible Trump Executive Order |
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Joe Scarborough Sums Up ‘Điểm yếu trên toàn cầu’ của Trump với 6 từ nhỏ |
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Trump Slithers Out Of Bed amp Launches Insecure 8-Tweet Morning Mega-Rant IMAGES |
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Maduro: Trump ka urdhëruar vrasjen time jam i gatshëm të bisedoj |
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President Trump Plans Prime-Time Oval Office Address |
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Trump reitera completo respaldo a jguaido y compromiso de ayuda exige liberación de periodistas chilenos detenidos en Venezuela |
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Trump to be opening act for Stacey Abrams’ State of the Union response |
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Trump: Guaidó es atacado por el TSJ |
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Eugene Robinson: Howard Schultz is fully capable of winning the 2020 election for Trump |
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John Lennon predicted Trump’s presidency in unreleased 1980 song |
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Trump´s Tax Cut ´Scam´ Created 13 Million New Jobs New CBO Data Show |
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Lo que resulta asombroso es que Trump diga que Venezuela es un peligro y el gobierno español le aplauda con las orejas |
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JapaneseP Shoukai Tensei-kun Inomaru Kaneru-S Makita Aoi Ookubo Matagi ampamp Trump – Momo-an 23 2009-08-16 2 chapters Senshi no Kyuujitsu |
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Trump’s Presidency Is A Blessing In Disguise – Here’s the Surprising Reason Why! 51K Reads amp Counting! |
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What President Donald Trump Means for Preppers |
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US Embassy moved to Jerusalem by President Donald J Trump |
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DONALD TRUMP Official XMAS JFK Half Dollar US Coin in Christmas Ornament Capsule |
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Editorial: Trump’s coddling of a Russian aluminum oligarch could undermine Bootheel smelter |
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Truyền thông hé lộ cuộc trò chuyện “bí mật” Trump-Putin tại G20 |
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Cum arată iubita lui Athanasios Papazoglou jucătorul care va semna cu Dinamo! Fostă Miss Univers Cum s-a pozat cu Donald Trump! Foto |
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Trump: Maduro pide diálogo pero el TSJ |
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Donald Trump felszólította a globális felmelegedést hogy térjen vissza |
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Trump adds twist to personal Obituaries |
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Trump asegura que “Maduro está dispuesto a negociar” |
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Trump to be opening act for Stacey Abrams’ State of the… |
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Trump truer med ny nedstengning |
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Trump Administration Sending Thousands More Troops To The Southern Border |
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Donald Trump ha dado la orden a Colombia de matarme: Maduro |
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Trump’tan vatandaşlarına uyarı |
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All in all it’s just another brick in Trump’s wall |
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Trump’s spat with ally South Korea raises fears of US pullback |
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Trump pedirá al Congreso que imponga líneas rojas al acuerdo nuclear con Irán |
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White House: Donald Trump Clemson Tigers Fast Food Celebration |
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McConnell Rebukes Trump Urges Keeping Troops in Syria Afghanistan |
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Stacey Abrams to deliver Democratic response to Trump State of the Union |
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¿El club de golf de Trump contrató a inmigrantes ilegales |
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I’m Good Luv Enjoy: Boston Red Sox Player Mookie Betts Declines Invitation To White House To Meet With Donald Trump |
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Dana Milbank: The government is trying to turn Trump’s lies into truths |
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How Progressive Era radical Thorstein Veblen helps explain Donald Trump |
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Caution in Asian Markets as Individuals Wait for the Crucial Xi-Trump Meeting at G-20 |
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Pelosi Wore KNEE PADS: BEGGED Trump to Open the and his FAKE HATE CRIME Beating |
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Biały Dom: w rozmowie z Guaido Trump poparł walkę Wenezueli o powrót demokracji |
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LO ÚLTIMO: Trump dice a estadounidenses que eviten Venezuela |
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The left’s extremism will continue to drive support for Trump |
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Donald Trump : contredit par le renseignement américain sur l’Iran et la Corée du Nord |
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Latest Trump Border Policy Breaks the Law Again |
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Women invited to wear white to Trump’s State of the Union |
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Trump Grants Relief From Shutdown With This Warning |
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Donald Trump’s Compromise Got Him Nothing |
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Zum Artikel Kommentar zur Lage der US-Nation : Wir werden auch Trump überleben |
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Venäläiset tarjosivat kampanjalle tietoa Clintonista – Trump kielsi tietäneensä tapaamisesta roxanne lyrics moulin rouge übersetzung |
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DONALD amp MELANIA TRUMP Offical White House Christmas Photo JFK Half Dollar US Coin |
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Trump Warns Congressional Negotiators to Consider Border Wall Funding |
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With sanctions lifted Trump transition member gets board position on Russian oligarch’s company – Salon |
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Forever War Evermore: The Congressional Left Saves NATO Trump Goes Empire First |
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An Essential And Critical Conversation On Trump’s Hasty Decision To Attack Syria |
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Analyzing Warrants and Worldviews in the Rhetoric of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Burke and Argumentation in the 2016 Presidential Election |
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NÓNG Tổng thống Maduro: Chính ông Trump đã lệnh cho chính quyền và mafia Colombia ám sát tôi |
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Donald Trump’s Argument for |
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Kim and Trump in Singapore: extraordinarily ordinary – not quite |
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White House: Trump OK with second shutdown over border spat |
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Facts About Donald Trump´s Children |
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Trump: A Far From Perfect Fighting Chance |
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El peligroso discurso de El Bronco y su similitud al de Donald Trump |
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Trump staffer Scaramucci in Holmdel: ‘I was too salty and colloquial’ via APP |
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Senate Judiciary Delays Vote on Trump’s Attorney General Pick |
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Djali i presidentit Trump fotografohet me një armë ja çfarë shkruhet në të |
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William Barr Will Be a Loyal Foot Soldier in King Trump’s Army |
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‘Trump effect:’ California Latino voters showed up in force in 2018 Will they do it again |
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Het verhaal achter Trump en Melania’s ontmoeting is precies wat je zou verwachten |
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SYRIA: Prophecy of Syria / Damascus Trump bombs Damascus |
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Trump Slams US Intel Chiefs As ‘Passive And Naive’ |
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Thalia Zedek: Todo lo que está pasando con Trump es difícil de procesar |
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Trump Politics Europe Asia US Markets… |
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At last Republicans have found a Trump policy they can’t abide: ending wars |
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Was hat Trump vor Government Shutdown – Nationaler Notstand – Versiegelte Anklageschriften! |
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Trump calls his intel chiefs ‘passive and naive’ after they contradict him |
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La présidence Trump approche des élections de mi-mandat |
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Hector Bellerin Slates Donald Trump On Twitter |
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The Trump Midterm Maelstrom |
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Trump Amerikasında Zulüm Kültürü |
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Pondría a temblar a la administración Trump arresto y cargos a |
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Republican Jeff Flake Says He Won’t Challenge Trump In 2020 |
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Directly contradicting President Donald Trump US intelligence agencies told Congress on Tuesday that North Korea is unlikely to dismantle its nuclear arsenal that the Islamic State group remains a threat and that the Iran nuclear deal is working The chiefs made no mention of a crisis at the US-Mexican border for which Trump has considered declaring a national emergency |
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Trump’tan Venezuela tweeti |
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Fred Trump: 5 Things To Know About Donald’s Dad Who Gave Him A Billion Dollars Possibly Fraudulently |
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Trump’s ban on openly transgender military personnel is now in effect while the Supreme Court mulls whether it is legal or not See more about Civil Rights |
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Trump the Movie Fan |
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Trump a negociadores del Congreso: ¡Están perdiendo el tiempo! si no incluyen el muro |
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Trump: A National Emergency |
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Mongolia ousts parliamentary speaker amid graft talks going well: Trump |
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ICE Courthouse Arrests Increase by 1700 Under Trump Administration The Bronx 4th Hardest Hit County |
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The Trump administration to freeze fuel-efficiency standards |
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PAIGEO – Policy Brief 24 – A 19 orosz-indiai Podcast 38 – Trump Abe és az amerikai-japán szövetség jövője |
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Trump Hotel Las Vegas Estados Unidos |
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El Esposo de Kellyanne Acaba de Lanzar a Trump las Cinco Palabras Que Están en la Mente de Toda la Nación |
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Trump-Koch versorgt Obdachlose mittels Lottogewinn |
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¿Hasta dónde irá Trump frente a Nicolás Maduro |
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Top Video of 2016 1: Penn Jillette on Libertarianism Taxes Trump Clinton and Weed |
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Schultz Would Win the 2020 Race for Trump |
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Arrestan y después liberan a Roger Stone colaborador cercano de Trump |
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CBO Releases Trump’s National Deficit Projection amp It Is Terrifying |
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REPORT: Undocumented former Trump workers meet senators ask Congress for protection |
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Pro/Anti Trump Rallies in Seoul A Translation 한-영 |
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Trump tells US spy chiefs: ‘Go back to school’ |
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Sen Susan Collins Is ‘Not Prepared’ To Endorse Trump For 2020 |
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Trump asked to target UK food and environment rules |
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“This is not a reality show” – US Citizens’ Attitudes Towards Trump’s Military Parade |
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US Environmental Agency Mocks Trump With Simplified Climate Change Graphic |
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Trump’tan NASA’ya sınırsız ödenek |
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Trump tax changes you need to know before you file |
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The Taliban plays Trump for a fool – Washington Examiner |
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The Taliban plays Trump for a fool |
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Se empecina Trump con el muro |
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Trump Had Yet Another Secret Meeting With Putin |
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El FBI Acaba de Confirmar TRES Diferentes Investigaciones Sobre el Escándalo Trump-Rusia |
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Trump dice a estadounidenses que eviten Venezuela |
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Coreia: chefe da inteligência contradiz Trump |
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Secret Trump Putin Meeting With No Translator Exposed |
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Former Trump Aide Who Wrote Tell-All Book Busts Trump In A Lie After POTUS Says He “Hardly Knew Him” |
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Terrified Trump Voter Loses His Mind After Noticing |
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Trump’tan SDK’ye tampon bölge sözü |
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Venezuela /Canciller Arreaza: el golpe de Estado en marcha es petrolero / Congresista estadounidense exige a Trump levantar bloqueo contra Venezuela |
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Trump–Xi Makeover Is Significant |
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George Clooney to use Trump wall prototype around Malibu home |
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The battle to lead Trump’s potential impeachment |
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Why Trump’s wall rhetoric is about power rather than Buzz |
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Trump anuncia una pronunciada rebaja de impuestos |
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Actualidad Nacional Guaidó: Trump reitera su completo respaldo a nuestra labor democrática enero 30 2019 |
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¿Recuerdas el Ataque de Trump Ayer a Fox News Pues Aquí Tienes Cómo le Respondieron |
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Dennis Rodman pourrait participer au sommet entre Donald Trump et Kim Jong-un |
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President Trump dismisses tell-all book as ‘made up ‘Hot Wheels’ to Become Live-Action Movie at |
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NATO Chief DESTROYS Liberal Claims Praises Trump’s Pushing Allies To Pay Up |
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Appointment of Abrams at State Proves Trump Has Zero Control Over Foreign Policy |
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From Despair to Delight: Ankita Raina Wins ITF Singapore Open Jumps Up in Round-up Ep35: Aadhaar Linkage Failure Student Protests in Ontario Trump’s Ignorance amp More |
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Pro-Wall Trump and America T-Shirt |
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Presidente Trump anuncia “aplazamiento” de informe de de Perú Alberto Fujimori regresa a prisión tras salir de una clínica de |
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Actualidad Exasesor de Trump se declara no culpable en caso relacionado con trama rusa |
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Erdoğan-Trump görüşmesinin 7 sonucu |
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Rand Paul ‘all in’ on Trump’s tax plan |
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As Trump fibs scientists consider correcting the record |
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JK Rowling Has Stephen King’s Back In The Twitter Battle Against Trump |
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Trump: Hegel’s World Historical Individual |
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The Trump Administration Really Needs An All-Day PowerPoint Briefing On OPSEC Awareness |
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Trump’ın Anayasa Mahkemesi adayı Kavanaugh |
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Democrats Unveil Bill To Stop Trump From Dropping Nukes amp He’s Pissed |
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Tourbillon polaire aux US : Trump se moque du réchauffement climatique |
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Ver “Ultimas noticias de EEUU TRUMP MANTIENE AMENAZA LATENTE 29/01/2019” en YouTube |
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Trump: US intelligence services ‘naive’ ‘wrong’ on Iran |
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Crisis en Venezuela: “5000 soldados a Colombia” la frase de un asesor de Trump |
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What’s Happening to Donald Trump He Is In Grave Danger! A Grave Responsibility Lies On Patriots Shoulders An Eye-Opening Exposé! Important Video |
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Trump nói chuyện với Guaido của Venezuela Nhà Trắng nói |
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Η φωτογραφία του Σάκη Τανιμανίδη με τον Donald Trump και τον Kim Jong Un! |
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Jewish Libs Accuse Pres Trump for Pittsburg Massacre |
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Liberal Lawmakers Challenge Trump with Drug Cost Legislation |
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Trump anuncia “protestas masivas” en Venezuela y recomienda a los estadounidenses no visitar el país |
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Trump Organization To Use E-Verify For Worker Status Checks |
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White House investigates leaks of Trump calls to Australia Mexico |
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Trump’s Flaky Finances |
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State Debate: Harley sales drop but Walker’s still on board for Trump blogger James Rowen writes |
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Russians hacked candidates and encouraged racism to elect Trump |
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US intelligence extremely naive on Iran they are wrong: Trump |
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Man Still On Hold Waiting For Liberal Hotline To Tell Him What To Say About Trump During Thanksgiving Dinner |
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World News Jan 28 2019 Edition: Trump Administration Rolls Out Low-Yield Nukes – “5000 Troops To Colombia” To Quell Venezuela Crisis John Bolton Flashes Notepad Contents At Briefing – Russia’s New Military Exoskeleton Can Break You – Deep Freeze: Dangerously Cold Record Low Temps To Hit Chicago Midwest – NWS now says windchill values could reach -56F -49C – Record cold headed for Chicago and Upper Midwest – The END of “Conspiracy Theories” on YouTube – Scientists rewrite mice DNA so genes can be spread through species – Yellow Vest Organizer “Handicapped For Life” By French Riot Police: Lawyer – Democrats’ Refusal to Fund Border Wall Cost Taxpayers 40 Billion So Far |
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ព័ត៌មានសន្តិសុខ ពិធីបុណ្យ៧ថ្ងៃរបស់ខេមរៈ ស្រីពៅ គូ សុភាព ស្រីពៅ ឃើញស្អាតពេក ព្រោះជឿតាមអ្នកលក់ថា «ដើមប៉ោមតឿ» ចុងក្រោយស្ទើរក្អួតឈាម តកូន Trump |
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How do Trumpsters and other deplorables feel about Trump’s new song called Why We Build the Wall |
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Estas promesas económicas de Donald Trump afectarían al mundo |
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Trump dice que las conversaciones en Afganistán avanzan |
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She Still Refuses to Rule Out Catastrophic No Deal Brexit Which Would Threaten Food Medicine Travel and Communications for British People Labour Party Leader Corbyn Still Failing to Declare War on Brexit Insanity Depriving Britons of Clear Policy Choice Scottish National Party Plus Growing Labour Faction Want Second Referendum Pelosi Shows Some Fight Disinvites Trump from Delivering State of Union Address to House If Government Remains Shut Down Four US Deaths in Manbij Syria Show Trump Is Lying about ISIS Wipeout Vote No on Barr for AG |
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Trump Should Confront the Culture War |
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Trump dichiara la sconfitta dell’Isis in Siria |
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Trump names Gina Haspel as new CIA deputy chief |
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មន្ត្រី ៖ ការស៊ើបអង្កេតលើករណីលោក Trump តែងតាំងគ្រូបង្វឹក U15 របស់ភ្នំពេញក្រោន ឲ្យដឹងនាំក្រុមនារី កែ លីហេង U22 កម្ពុជា ឈិន ឈឿន Man Cityបំបាក់ក្រុម Wolves Premier League |
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Iran’s potential fall Israeli Elections amp The Persecution of President Trump |
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Gen Skrzypczak: jeśli mamy być quasi-sojusznikiem USA to Fort Trump nie powinien powstać |
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Dave Janda 1-29-19… “President Trump Reopens The Government: Cave or Strategic Move” |
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BREAKING: China Irán Rusia Turquía reconocen a Nancy Pelosi como la legítima presidenta de los Estados Unidos de América … ¡Cede el precedente de Trump con Venezuela! Humor |
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Trump reduces protection for migratory birds |
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Trump accuse le renseignement américain d’avoir « tort » sur l’Iran |
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Trump deal he touted as ‘eighth wonder of the world’ totally… |
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Trump strategy calls India ‘leading global power’ |
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Daily Caller: Anonymous Trump Official “I hope Shutdown lasts a very long time” |
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Sondeo: Seis de cada 10 estadounidenses culpan a Trump del cierre del gobierno |
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¡ATENCIÓN! Militares venezolanos en el exterior le piden a Donald Trump armas y ayuda militar Video |
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Hoy día 6 de diciembre de 2017 se cumplirá algo tan histórico que cambiará el epicentro de las noticias mundiales y los ubicará nuevamente en Jerusalén la capital de Israel a consecuencia del reconocimiento por decreto del Presidente americano Donald J Trump como la nueva capital de Israel |
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Stone el aliado de Trump se declara inocente de mentir a Congreso |
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Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports |
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Donald Trump vize yasağını yeniledi |
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Checking In On 28 Of The Many Many People Who May Challenge Trump In 2020 |
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Trump ratifica respaldo a Guaidó durante llamada telefónica |
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Donald Trump usiluje o to aby lidstvo dobylo Mars už za |
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Stacey Abrams Will Give Democratic Response to Trump’s State of the Union |
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Trump’s Twitter insult about ‘Team of Vipers’ might be helping Cliff Sims sell books – CNN |
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Trump Administration Begins ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy Sending Asylum-Seekers Back – NPR |
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The Trump administration is eyeing a slew of new trade deals in 2019 while hoping to push the new USMCA through a new Congress |
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State of the Union 2019: The Trump economy is a success story not even his harshest critics can deny – Fox News |
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Kremlin confirma el encuentro entre Putin y Trump en Buenos Aires |
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Democrats just legalized murdering their own children in New York… do you really think they won’t murder Christians and Trump supporters next |
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Top Democrat Agrees With Trump On Wall – Democrat Opposition Falling Apart |
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Trump To Star In Sequel To ‘All The President’s Men’ |
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Trump signs VA Mission Act |
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FEMEN Activists “Welcomed” the Cortège of Donald Trump Twice on His Way to Arc de Triumph |
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New Poll Suggests People Trust Democrats Over Trump On Border |
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Image Of Trump And His Goons Eating Steak |
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¡Hands off Venezuela de inmediati! Maduro intentó retar a Donald Trump en un inglés fallido |
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How Bush and Obama Paved the Way for the Trump Presidency and Why It Isn’t Too Late to Reverse Course |
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Maher plays hardball wants Trump impeached |
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How Trump Jr’s Fixer Wages War Against The Media |
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Five takeaways from farcical Trump shutdown |
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Truy tố Huawei: D Trump thêm dầu vào lửa |
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Maduro y un posible diálogo con Trump “En privado en público en EEUU en Venezuela o donde él quiera” Entrevista |
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Former Trump Economic Advisor Shares The Five Pillars of Prosperity |
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Commentary: Roger Stone’s indictment hits Trump close to home |
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Analyst: Trump treats Putin as a shadow Daily |
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Trump se plantea ‘descertificar’ el acuerdo nuclear con Irán |
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Robinson: Howard Schultz is fully capable of winning the 2020 election for Trump |
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Weltsichten – Spare Ribs und Trump: Familiengespräche zur Lage der USA |
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Beto may have stumbled on to key to beating Trump |
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Coats Breaks with Trump |
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Korea e Veriut shefi i Inteligjencës kundër pretendimeve të Trump |
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Rise of Hate Against Jews in Trump Era |
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Si congreso no discute el muro pierden su tiempo: Trump |
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Trump straccia il patto con l’Iran |
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Trump Gives Update On Chaos In Venezuela And Warns Americans Not To Travel There |
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“5000 tropas a Colombia” la anotación que no ocultó el Consejero de Seguridad de Trump |
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Trump’s possible impeachment: how can it affect Egyptian global economy |
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Trump Keep America Great 2020 Coin |
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Thành quả của TT Trump qua 8 biểu đồ |
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The AIA’s Tone-Deaf Response to the Election of Donald Trump |
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Hillary Jumps The Shark With This Latest Attack Against Trump |
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Donald Trump consideră naive rapoartele serviciilor americane despre programul nuclear iranian: Poate că agenţii ar trebui să revină la şcoală! |
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Son-in-law trump was given access to classified information to media |
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Trump tweete sur la vague de froid et raille encore le réchauffement climatique |
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Trump Should Disrupt the Debt |
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IRON SKY 2 Trump-Trailer German Deutsch 2019 |
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‘The Root’ Decries Trump’s Accusations of Fake News with More Fake News |
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Guaido being targeted by Venezuela’s Supreme Court: Trump |
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A former insider in Trump’s White House reveals why the president will never fire Kellyanne Conway |
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Source Reveals Real Reason For Trump Fight With |
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Elliott Abrams y los halcones de Trump que podrían incendiar Venezuela |
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The Apocalypticon This is America Around the World in awful ways bullying Trump France Saudi Germany Poland China World Bank Russian Orthodox robots data Facebook digital hoarding |
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Trump điện đàm với Tổng thống tự phong Venezuela |
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Entra en vigor el veto migratorio de Trump para Venezuela y Corea del Norte |
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Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure |
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“Empire” Actor Hospitalized After Hate Attack By Trump |
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Trump tweets that 58000 noncitizens voted in Texas That hasn’t been proven |
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Heckler Shouts Down Howard Schultz: “Don’t Help Elect Trump You Egotistical Billionaire A—Hole!” VIDEO |
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Trump tái khẳng định sự hỗ trợ của Hoa Kỳ trong cuộc gọi với Guaido của Venezuela |
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La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de Trump |
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Trump will deliver State of the Union address after government shutdown is resolved |
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Trump Hadapi Masalah Jelang Pidato Kenegaraan |
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Trump’tan İran paylaşımı : Ekonomisi çöküyor |
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Le cinéma des années Trump |
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January 29 2019 Plan to Cut Medicaid Funding Under Development The Trump administration is seeking to cut Medicaid funding through the use of block grants to the states Under the plan being developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services each state could ask permission from the federal government for Medicaid funds to be provided in a single lump sum rather than as a … Read |
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The Middle East in the Age of Trump |
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Chris Christie downs tequila shots on the ‘Late Show’ and says he could have been a better president than Trump |
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Trump to hold state of the nation speech on February 5 |
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Trump campaign manager privately pushes President to hold firm on border wall fight – CNN |
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Trump Plans To Announce Wall Prototypes |
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Nicolás Maduro retó a Donald Trump hablando un inglés bastante “pobre” |
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Venezuelas Staatschef Nicolás Maduro behauptet US-Präsident Donald Trump habe die Regierung Kolumbiens beauftragt ihn umzubringen „Zweifellos hat Donald Trump den Befehl erteilt mich zu töten Er befahl der kolumbianischen Regierung der kolumbianischen Mafia dass sie mich töten soll Wenn mir einmal etwas passiert sind Donald Trump und der kolumbianische Präsident Iván Duque dafür verantwortlich“ sagte Maduro gegenüber RIA Nowosti |
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Tribune libre Donald Trump Président des Etats-Unis… |
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AKUZA TË RËNDA/ Maduro pretendon se Trump urdhëroi ekzekutimin e tij |
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Trump y las reglas implícitas |
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CNN: Trump reconocería a Juan Guaidó como presidente legítimo de Venezuela 23Ene |
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Asesor de Donald Trump deja ver en su libreta mensaje “5000 tropas a Colombia” |
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Trump gave order to kill me: Maduro |
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Trump: ‘I Won’t Be Here’ When National Debt Explodes |
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Maduro accuses Trump of ordering his murder |
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Will Architecture Have Its Donald Trump Moment |
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Hjälpte Trump till makten – ångrar sig |
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Stacey Abrams to give Democrats’ response to Trump’s State of Union |
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Abrams to Give Democratic Response to Trump’s State of the Union Address |
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‘I want him to declare an emergency’: Eric Trump urges his father to use executive power to build a border wall |
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Over 100 companies giving ‘Trump Bonuses’ after tax victory |
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Jeff Sessions’ Final Betrayal Of Donald Trump Will |
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¿Sabe por qué mujeres se vestirán de blanco en el discurso de Trump |
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Zachary K Hubbard Omarosa Walkaway Movement and Trump Gematria Study |
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Intel Agencies Contradict Trump On North Korea ISIS |
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Trump Got Fact-Checked By A Climate Change Cartoon From His Own Agency |
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Maduro desafía a Trump en un particular ‘inglés’: ‘¡Hands offs Venezuela! ¡De inmediati!’ |
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Prison Planet – Trump Brasileiro: Porque os Brasileiros Querem Jair Bolsonaro Como Próximo Presidente |
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A World Divided: Trump and China Take Sides in Venezuela Maduro Warns: ‘Blood’s on Your Hands’ |
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LO ÚLTIMO: Trump reitera “fuerte apoyo” a Guaidó |
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Wie Trump die Welt sieht Und wie seine Geheimdienste die Welt sehen |
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Venezuelas Präsident Maduro hält Ansprache an Trump: “Hände weg von unserem Land!” |
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Falwell Trump el cristianismo y el nacionalismo – jugosa ecumenismo |
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El “realismo mágico” del presidente Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump picked a white nationalist as a delegate and blamed it on a “database error” |
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Second Trump-Kim summit risks US credibility |
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Donald Trump’s Email Spam Campaign |
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Will Trump Rule by Decree |
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Trump afirma gostar de comparação com Jair Bolsonaro |
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¡Que viene Trump! |
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Trump Organization adopts E-Verify to check worker immigrant status |
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ABD Yeni Başkanı Donald Trump Hakkında Yapılan Komik Capsler |
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Pelosi jemput Trump sampaikan ucapan negara |
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Comedian Details Why Trump Foe is a Jerk |
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I want him to declare emergency: Eric Trump on father |
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Trump’s Latest Anti-Immigrant Talking Points Appear Lifted From A Movie |
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Jimmy Kimmel Enlists Little Children to Explain ‘Global Waming’ and Climate Change to Trump |
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VIDEO: “¡Hands off Venezuela de inmediati!” Maduro envía mensaje en inglés a Trump |
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Una retracción costosa para CNN y una apertura para Trump |
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French President Macron and Top Eurocrat Verhofstadt Repeat That Negotiations Are Over May Wins on Six of Seven Amendments If Whitaker Dares Interfere with Mueller Stop Him with Impeachment Schedule State of the Union Address for February 20-25 to Increase Price to Trump for New Shutdown Bosses of US Intelligence Agencies Reject Every Point of Trump’s Twisted World Outlook Bolton and Pompeo Pressing for Aggression Against Venezuela Making Them Impeachable Too Don’s Grotesque Reunion of Iran-Contra Bush Loyalists: Bolton Barr and Now Eliot Abrams |
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January 30th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 741 |
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President Begaye urges President Trump to end the federal shutdown |
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Trump personally pushed US Postal Service head to double rates on Amazon other firms |
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USA rammes av historisk kulde Trump etterlyser global oppvarming |
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Espert en contra del “alineamiento con China fascista” y a favor de profundizar lazos con EEUU de Trump |
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Cesan en SLP a Trump a estadounidenses evitar Venezuela |
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Maravilha da economia mundial da Era Trump ajudará a equipe econômica de Bolsonaro |
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Will Republicans actually stop Trump from forcing another shutdown |
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Maduro claims Trump ordered Colombian government mafia to kill him |
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Donald Trump as Architecture’s Nightmare Client |
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President Donald Trump Uses Oval Office Speech To Raise Money For Reelection |
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What’s different about US foreign policy and diplomacy in the Trump to Newsletter |
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Trump: I’m nearing decision on emergency declaration to build wall |
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Trump’s Road to the White House |
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Trump insiste en el muro en la frontera con México |
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“De acero” y no de concreto debe ser el Muro insiste Trump pero…México no es la causa del fenómeno migratorio le responden |
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Nicolás Maduro retó a Donald Trump en un raro inglés: “Hands off Venezuela de inmediati!” |
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Angry Heckler Confronts Howard Schultz: ‘Don’t Help Elect Trump!’ |
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Trump conversó con Guaidó y respaldó la lucha para el retorno de la democracia en Venezuela |
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Trump USA 45 Beanie |
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Foxconn may not build 10B Wisconsin plant Trump touted – Stats |
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Washington Post Fact Checks Trump Claim About Women With Tape on Their Mouths Being |
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Trump Announces Deal with Lawmakers to Temporarily Reopen US Government |
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“Impeachment of Donald Trump” coming along nicely… |
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Trump declara: 122 ex reos de Guantánamo regresaron al campo de b |
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Venezuela’s Maduro accuses Trump of ordering his murder – RIA |
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Trump Termina DACA Creador de Facebook lo Emplaza Públicamente El País se Alza en una Sóla Voz |
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Trump llamó a Guaidó y le reiteró el pleno apoyo de EE UU |
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Maduro “intenta” advertir a Trump en su particular inglés: “Hans ofs Venezuela de inmediati” |
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Dezvăluiri incendiare: Cine a împiedicat dialogul dintre Trump și Maduro |
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Ocasio-Cortez Says Removing Trump Won’t Solve All Our Problems |
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7 Things: Mo Brooks cites law that says Trump can build the wall Trump slams Yellowhammer News founder Cliff Sims disgraced former Governor Bentley lawsuit goes on and more … |
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Morning Joe Wishin’ amp Hopin’ for Nasty Hill GOP Break from Trump |
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Govt Atmospheric Agency Mocks Trump’s Climate Change Tweet |
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Sobre La Retirada Siria De Trump |
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Empire Star Jussie Smollett Claims He Was Attacked By Trump Supporters in Chicago |
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Robert Wright and historian Stephen Wertheim discuss why Democrats welcomed neoconservatives into the Resistance after Trump’s election |
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Escort says she made up Trump dirt story to help win release from Thai jail – Fox News |
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World War 3: Russia and Iran UNITE against US over Venezuela crisis warn Trump ‘STAY OUT’ – Expresscouk |
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Donald Trump ha ganado la presidencia |
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Trump ag under secretary nominee Texas Tech professor given distinguished research award |
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Opțiunile președintelui Trump și bugetul american |
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Stone proclaims innocence and vows he won’t testify against Trump |
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TRUMPZILLA: Why Donald Trump was the Uranus-Pluto Dark Horse of the 2016 US Election |
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Wegen Personalmangel: Kita in Tempelhof kündigt 113 Übergriff an Schule: Polizei warnt vor Verbreitung von Ansichten zu Krisen: Trump glaubt seinen Geheimdiensten nicht |
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Harley-Davidson profit is wiped out by Donald Trump’s tariffs |
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Trump’tan bir skandal tweet daha |
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This is América: el crudo videoclip que cuestiona al Estados Unidos de Donald Trump |
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Kolejne cła w światowym handlu Trump przyjrzy się |
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I correctly predicted a Donald Trump victory |
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Support PRO-TRUMP Groups |
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La estrategia perdedora del presidente Trump: Abrazar el Brasil de Bolsonoro y enfrentar a China |
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Big talker Jeff Flake says he won’t challenge Trump in 2020 |
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Trump lobt Fortschritte mit Nordkorea trotz überwacht Smartphone-Aktivitäten von Teenagern |
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One Republican turned heads with a major announcement about challenging Trump in 2020 |
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VICENZA – GoTo Science Trade Wars: l’Europa tra Cina e Trump |
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Trump heads to TV border as fed workers face paycheck sting |
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Devlet Başkanı: “Trump ölüm emrimi verdi” |
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Trump Accuses Google Of Being Biased Google Immediately Denies Claims |
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Reapertura condicionada del Gobierno Federal por tres semanas acordó el Presidente Trump el acuerdo provisional fue interpretado como victoria política de Pelosi y los |
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Trump-Hyped Foxconn Pivots Away From Blue-Collar Manufacturing |
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VIDEO Trump decides to cut US aid to UN 5 Billion will Stay in the United States!Do You Support email protected |
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Trump’s Enemies Book Autographed Edition |
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Trump habla por teléfono con el líder opositor Juan Guaidó |
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WATCH: CNN Airs Brutal Montage Showing Trump DNI Chief Coats Contradicting Each Other on ISIS North Korea |
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Another reported off-the-books meeting between Trump and Putin jolts debate – Stats |
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Oud veldtogbestuurder van Trump in aanhouding |
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Trump Toilet Brush |
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In the Age of Trump and CTE Football Is a Guilty Pleasure |
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Trump Signs Bill to Streamline VA Disability Claims Appeals Process |
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“Se esperan protestas masivas”: Trump advierte a estadounidenses no viajar a Venezuela |
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Trump and Melania mark Holocaust Remembrance Day 2019: ‘Never Again’ |
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Waging War On US Intelligence Trump Abuses Declassification Process |
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Chris Christie Explains Who Poses the Biggest Threat to President Trump and It’s Not Robert Mueller |
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Jonah Goldberg: Pelosi Trump have few incentives to compromise so madness will continue |
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President Trump: We Need the Wall From Chat |
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Trump has signed 53 bills into law |
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Intel chiefs: Trump is just wrong |
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5 Common Trump Stories That Are Based On Junk Science |
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CBO report shows that spending not Trump tax cuts are primarily driving the nation’s deficits – Washington Examiner |
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James Nava: ‘Trump ha hecho ya más por América que Obama en ocho años’ |
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Donald Trump kitart amellett hogy kormánya helyes külpolitikát folytat |
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Các thủ lĩnh gián điệp Hoa Kỳ phá vỡ Trump với nhiều mối đe dọa đối với Hoa Kỳ 1 |
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Cohen expected to plead guilty to misleading Congress about Trump real estate deal in Russia |
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Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Could be Gone Tomorrow but |
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President Trump dismisses tell-all book as ‘made up Bowl stadium looks to be a standout for hungry fans |
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How to Handle the Anxiety of a Donald Trump Presidency |
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Kim Kardashian West to meet President Donald Trump |
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Etats-Unis : le dossier Steele financé par les démocrates pour contester l’élection de Trump |
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Donald Trump gets roasted after asking ‘global waming’ to come back fast |
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DONALD J TRUMP Make America Great Again Colorized Genuine Legal Tender US 2 Bill |
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Trump’s hotels and golf courses to used federal database to check ALL their workers’ immigration status after firing 12 illegals – who claim bosses ‘knew their status for years’ |
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The Trump Enigma |
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Russian Hooker Who Promised to Spill ‘Trump-Russia’ Secrets Admits She Made Claims to Save Her Life |
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Donald Trump’s 57bn Wall Fund game show – Where’s My Wig |
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Kevin Kruse amp Julian Zelizer on history’s lessons for defeating Trump amp Trumpism |
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In the North Country these Trump voters are sticking with the president |
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Why Trump Is In The Clear |
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Fox News Anchor Rips Donald Trump For Ripping Her Colleagues: “Bullying Journalists Is Not Presidential” |
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Donald Trump Meets With President Of US Virgin Islands |
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Guaidó se declara presidente interino de Venezuela y Trump del Caribe a Panamá cambios en el equipo dominicano |
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Gefahren für Amerika : Trump widerspricht Geheimdiensten |
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HISTORIC: Trump Nominates First Woman for Head of CIA |
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Burnett: Mueller drops a major bomb on Trump |
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Trump’s Statistics About Undocumented Immigrants Are Questioned by Experts |
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TRUMP ODOBRIO Nastavak programa deinstitucionalizacije osoba s invaliditetom |
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Four charged with leaks from Trump administration |
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Machtkampf in Südamerika – Trump warnt US-Bürger vor Reisen nach Venezuela |
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Les demandes d’Israël pour une base étatsunienne sont un obstacle dans les plans syriens de Trump Bloomberg |
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Trump war strategy takes one-two punch |
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Trump’s Crusade in Latin America |
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Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under Trump |
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Trump: Maduro está dispuesto a negociar con la oposición |
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USA: Delirio e castigo Il discorso di Donald Trump all’ONU |
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Five Takeaways from the Farcical Trump Shutdown |
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Dems fear Trump re-election if ex-Starbucks CEO Schultz runs 1 day ago |
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Remarks by President Trump in Cabinet Meeting incl about Afghanistan |
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Apple to Invest 350 BILLION in US citing Trump Tax Plan |
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Why Donald Trump Won |
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Trump vuelve a defender la libertad religiosa como pilar de EEUU |
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Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open |
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EU’s Iran fight is not about Iran or Trump |
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Top 5 de los argumentos más tontos que defienden el intervencionismo venezolano de Trump |
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Donald Trump exhorta a estadounidenses a que eviten Venezuela |
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How did President Trump raise his children |
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Beziehung USA und Nordkorea Trump lässt US-Geheimdienste abblitzen |
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Trump Charlotte Concours d’Elegance |
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Trump Cliff Sims trade tweets — ‘I know who Jesus says I am’ |
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From fake news to enemy of the people: An anatomy of Trump’s tweets |
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Anti-Trump Potter Star : ‘England Should Take America Back’ |
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Trump Does This To Make Shutdown Priority 1 |
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Trump and his aides offer the public a glimpse of their private notes — no matter how revealing |
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Americans don’t think Trump got message from midterms |
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Singapore Vietnam shortlisted for second Trump-Kim summit |
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After Jussie Smollet attack Maxine Waters blames Trump for emboldening No footage yet of alleged attack on ‘Empire’ actor |
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Russia leaks secret US meeting with Putin to keep Trump in his place |
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Sell Out Alert! Mitch Will Do Anything But Support Trump’s Border Plan |
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Donald Trump criticó a los padres que envían a sus niños a cruzar la frontera “en un viaje muy peligroso” |
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Trump and Clinton: Censoring the unpalatable |
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Some More News: The Trump Quote That Illustrates Everything Wrong With Trump Roger Stone Is a Very Weird Guy VIDEO |
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Super Trump in Venezuela: ruba ai poveri per dare ai ricchi |
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Was This Actor Really The Victim Of A Trump-Related Hate Crime |
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D Trump ostrzega Amerykanów przed podróżowaniem do Wenezueli |
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Ahora en DF: Trump sobre situación en Venezuela todas las opciones están sobre la mesa |
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CNN Calls Trump A Drug Dealer |
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Etats-Unis : Trump accuse Obama de l’avoir placé sur écoute avant l’élection |
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Letter: Trump is not to blame for everything that’s wrong |
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US intel chiefs at odds with Trump claims on N Korea IS and Iran |
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Rep Tlaib: Defunding Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban and Abolishing ICE ‘So in 2016 San Jose Trump Rally Assault Case Getting Closer to Seeing Justice |
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WaPo: No Dem Candidate Has Even 10 Support But Trump is Still In Danger |
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Trump 2020 Bucket Hat Women’s/Child Fit |
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Donald Trump Bobblehead |
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Muslim Pedophiles Defy Trump in Canada! |
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Is the Trump administration preparing to send ‘5000 troops to Colombia’ in preparation for Venezuelan invasion |
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Trump Organization to use E-Verify for worker status checks – AOL |
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Get over it — Trump’s not going anywhere |
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El muro de Donald Trump |
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Trump’s disapproval rating at all-time high |
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Trump Royale 18201 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach |
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Trump slaps oil ban on Venezuela |
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President Trump’s Military Parade to Include Elements of US Strategic Nuclear Arsenal |
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Trump slams ‘naive’ intelligence services over Iran threat |
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Kav Kills Never Trump Movement |
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Trump’s Hidden Genius |
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The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso January 29 2019 |
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Venezuela – Trumpův plán na převrat má velké nedostatky |
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Letter: I agree with Trump this once |
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23 March 2018: The Dow Plunges as Trump’s Targets China with 60bn in Tariffs |
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Trump felicita por teléfono a Guaidó por “haber asumido la presidencia” de Venezolanos en Chile se unieron a la parada este 30Ene fotos |
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Vermont Man Gets Big Surprise after Trump Flag is Vandalized |
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Trump Celebrates 100 Days In PA |
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Trump shefave të inteligjencës: Kthehuni sërish në shkollë |
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Trump culpa a Obama por permitir la intromisión rusa |
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Nevada Update: Murder charges filed against Wilber Ernesto immigrant cited by Trump charged with four murders |
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The Donald Trump Worldwide Threat Assessment |
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Intelligence Chiefs Diverge From Trump On Main Threats to US |
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Trump talimat verdi |
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The Pelosi vs Trump shutdown fight begins a new era of political dysfunction |
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Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017 |
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Republican-led Senate needs to stand up to Trump |
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Real Americans Are Hurting While Trump Wants to Stop Fantasy Immigrants |
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The US Press Freedom Tracker in 2018: Year two of documenting attacks on the press in the Trump era |
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Az amerikai hírszerzés vezetője pont az ellenkezőjét állítja Iránról és Észak-Koreáról mint amit Trump szokott |
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President Trump champion of the “Forgotten Man” |
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Morning Joe On Trump’s Foreign Policy: “It’s Retreat Retreat Retreat Surrender” |
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Trump Announces 200 Million in Apprenticeship Funding |
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President Donald J Trump’s Accomplishments List: |
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Director Of Natl Intelligence amp Senate Majority Leader Issue Rebuke To Donald Trump |
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Trump’s UN Speech Confirms US Government under Full Control of CIA and the Military/Security Complex |
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Pentagon chief backs watered-down Space Force in new setback for Trump |
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Will Trump and Shorten kill or save the economy and stock market |
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Bernie Sanders Acaba de Destrozar a Trump con un Tweet Espectacular |
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Plea To President Trump |
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20 Million In Donations GoFundMe Is Refunding All To Build Trump’s Wall After The Plans Changed |
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US Treasury’s Malpass a finalist on Trump’s World Bank list -Bloomberg |
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Trump’s biggest media supporters turn on him after government reopens without border wall funding |
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Donald Trump’s Ex-Campaign Chairman Manafort Set To Cooperate With Russia Probe |
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Republicans Increasingly Split With Trump on Foreign Policy |
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Sign Our Open Letter to Donald Trump |
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CityWatch Today: No Democrats Do Not Need to Nominate a White Man in Order to Defeat Trump |
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Guaidó agradeció llamada de Donald Trump |
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As Trump Declares ISIS in Syria Defeated New Attack Kills American the Insult Comic Dog to Ted Cruz: Trump ‘Neutered’ You VIDEO |
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Resultado final di torneo di weekend “Copa Betico a reta Trump den un Ingles straño: “Hands off Venezuela de inmediati!” |
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Democrats Just Legalized Murdering Their Own Children Do You Really Think They Won’t Murder Christians and Trump Supporters Next |
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Obstructionist Democrats Vow Lawsuit if Trump Declares Wall Emergency |
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Bloomberg issues sharp warning about third party candidates saying they could help re-elect Trump – The Washington Post |
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Mick Mulvaney Says Trump Wants To Shut Down Government Again In Three Weeks VIDEO |
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On the Shutdown Trump Played the Odds |
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La inteligencia de EEUU contradice a Trump en su posición con Corea del Norte Irán y Estado Islámico |
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Trump proposes biggest civil service change in 40 years – ‘Hire the best and fire the worst’ |
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Duvar için ödenek vermeyen Pelosi’ye Trump’tan seyahat vetosu |
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Jared Kushner Admits Off The Record: Trump Lies |
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President Trump Calls on Americans to Avoid Travel to Venezuela |
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Donald Trump y viceprimer ministro chino se reunirán en Washington |
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Trump orders probe of China’s intellectual property practices |
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US gun sales down 61 percent in 2018 extending ‘Trump slump’ |
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Melania Trump Enggan Membahas Isu ‘Pelakor’ |
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Trump Says Potential Candidate ‘Doesn’t Have The Guts To Run’ |
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Monde TourbillonPolaire Tourbillon polaire aux US : Trump se moque du réchauffement climatique 30 janvier 2019 – 16:19 |
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Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security |
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Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid merge State and USAID |
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El Congreso de EEUU aprueba la histórica reforma fiscal de Trump |
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Democrats just legalized murdering their own children in New York do you really think they won’t murder Christians and Trump supporters next |
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Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And President Trump’s ‘One Million US Jobs’ Promise |
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Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate 2016 election |
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Intelligence contradicts Trump on North Korea and Iran |
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Trump humiliated by another former adviser he pretends not to know |
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Blocajul guvernamental al lui Donald Trump a costat America 11 miliarde |
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Joe Scarborough: I’ve never heard Trump ‘say anything close to being’ racist behind closed doors |
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Trump With Love |
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Trump Organisation Records Subpoenaed By Mueller |
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Weird superstitions President Trump believes revealed |
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Pitoniso: Trump anuncia protestas masivas en Venezuela para hoy y recomienda a los estadounidenses no visitar el país |
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Era Trump |
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Nicolle Wallace: ‘Even the Wackiest Part’ of Trump’s Base ‘Thinks He’s a Giant Loser’ on Shutdown |
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– Trump har uten tvil gitt |
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Trump doesn’t just disagree with US intel leaders he also mocks them click to see stats |
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CFP: Trump’s America: Terrorizing Gender Race and Justice |
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“Donald Trump will be in your personal life 30 years from now whether you like it or not” |
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Opinion: Ivanka Trump is America’s Marie Antoinette |
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Trump says he’s still insisting on border wall |
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Trump’tan Venezuela’ya seyahat uyarısı |
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De dolda idéerna som styr Trump |
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Trump to Hogan by Al Sikes |
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Donald Trump Jr Divorce Leaves Confused Heartbroken Nation Wondering Why Bad Things Happen To Good People |
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Fake News amp Angebliches Vergewaltigungsopfer von „Trump-Richter“ gibt LÜGE zu! Deutschsprachiger Mainstream SCHWEIGT! |
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Women should wear suffragette white to Trump’s state address |
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Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Lauds Trump Administration’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital |
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Latest Trump Defense: He’s Just an Ignorant Boob |
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Majority of Clemson’s Black Players Declined Trump’s Invitation to WH due to his “Racism” and “Divisive Behavior” Report |
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Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half takes more Christians than Muslims |
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Dormir en tiempos de Trump da respaldo total a Juan Guaidó |
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Trump Launches First Twitter Troll On Howard Schultz |
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Group promotes female dress code for Trump’s speech |
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Women urged to wear suffragette white to Trump’s State of the Union address – AOL |
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US attacks on Somalia’s al-Shabab increase under Trump |
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Trump recalls ‘Aretha Franklin’s beautiful singing at my inauguration’ |
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Trump hamstrings first round of border security talks by telling Capitol Hill negotiators ‘they are Wasting their time!’ if they aren’t discussing his ‘Wall’ or a ‘physical barrier’ of some kind |
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Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of being behind Russia dossier in Twitter rant after Roger Stone arrest |
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Şok iddia: Trump Maduro’nun ölüm emrini verdi |
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AfD beseitigen denn Trump macht ernst |
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Nueva York Acaba de Emitir un Gravamen contra Ivanka Trump por Evasión Impositiva |
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Venezuela : « Trump joue un jeu très dangereux » |
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Chefe da inteligência americana contradiz Trump sobre Coreia do Norte |
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I servizi segreti americani smentiscono Trump: la Corea del Nord non ha nessuna intenzione di rinunciare alle sue armi |
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Trump Administration Grants Waiver Permitting Discrimination by Child Welfare Providers |
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Assault on America Day 28: SOTU postponed but Trump will enjoy last word in standoff |
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Trump LASHES OUT At Fox News |
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Pelosi vs Trump |
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Huawei charges escalate Trump fight with China |
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Foxconn in Wisconsin non sarà una fabbrica colpo al Made in USA di Donald Trump |
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Peña Nieto fa de gendarme de Trump |
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Trump Administration Set to Roll Back 900 Million in Obama-Era Offshore Drilling Regulations |
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Donald Trump catert für Football-Team |
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Ex asesor de Trump se declara no culpable por trama rusa |
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Ret Admiral John Kirby Says Trump’s Attack on US Intel ‘Scares’ Him: Reveals ‘Huge Gaps’ in National Security |
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Les mesures visant la politique migratoire américaine annoncées samedi par Donald Trump afin d’arriver à un compromis avec les démocrates pour le financement d’un mur à la frontière avec le Mexique n’ont pas reçu un accueil positif de la présidente de la Chambre des représentants Nancy Pelosi |
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Denied: President Trump Cancels Pelosi’s Travel Plans |
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Democrats Destroy 11 Billion To Keep Trump From Spending 5 Billion To Protect US Border—Then Gives Europe 1 Trillion To Protect Theirs |
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On Venezuela Trump “Clear Violation” of International Law |
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Twitter Message Feature Pretends TheRealRaNon JFK Jr Does Not Exist – Go Visit JFK Jr here: Iron Trap Around America – Please Pray For Donald Trump Qanon JFK Jr All Their Families and For All White Hats Alliance Members Patriots Their Families and For All Earth and All Of Its Living Creatures Pray Every Day! – posted by Sun Tzu |
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Trump’s Coup in Venezuela: The Full Story |
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Is Trump a president with precedents Would you rather Brexit or Mr Brexit |
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Trump Takes on Russia and China Over Venezuela |
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Apple falls after Trump suggests iPhones could get hit by tariff |
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Trump traite les chefs du renseignement américain de « naïfs » |
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President Trump Called Venezuela’s Interim President to Congratulate Him |
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Trump’s HHS defines life as beginning at conception |
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Trump Friend Stone Pleads Not Guilty in Russia Probe Case |
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Pelosi Trump have few incentives to compromise so madness will continue |
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Trump secures 2026 World Cup for the USA |
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BBC Türkçe: Beyaz Saray’da Donald Trump’la 2 yıl: Vaatlerinin ne kadarını yerine getirdi |
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Ex-White House aide Cliff Sims says Trump can be ‘racially insensitive at times’ but isn’t racist |
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White House officials defend Trump say athletes ‘can do free speech on their own time’ |
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Appeal to increase oil production from US President Trump’s Saudi decree |
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Trump adviser Roger Stone pleads not guilty to false |
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Báo Nga: TT Venezuela cáo buộc TT Trump ra lệnh giết ông |
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Americans trust House Speaker Nancy Pelosi more than President Trump on big issues according to Qui |
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The Failure of Liberal Feminism in the Trump Era |
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Trump pede à Nasa que envie novamente astronautas americanos à Lua |
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Trump’ın ricası Netenyahu’nun emri ile Beyaz Baretliler’e ayrılık riski arttı’ |
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Trump da el control de las cuentas venezolanas a Guaidó |
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Trump reitera ayuda humanitaria a Venezuela en llamada telefónica a Guaidó |
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Sacha Baron Cohen confirms Donald Trump is one of his characters |
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“Emergency Broadcast”: Request Issued to President Trump to Declare National Emergency Video |
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How Yasser Arafat led the Palestinian people to Trump’s Deal of the Century |
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Desestiman lógica de Trump sobre la desnuclearización de Corea del Norte |
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Trump says US intelligence ‘naive’ ‘wrong’ on Iran |
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Trump heeft het weer mis: extreme kou in VS is wel degelijk gevolg van veranderend klimaat |
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Opinion: From Russia with Trump |
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What is Donald Trump |
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Meryl Streep Takes Down Donald Trump In Her Golden Globe Speech |
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Venezuela’s Maduro Accuses Trump Of Plot To Kill Him |
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How Trump Supreme Court amp the Purge Stole the Election Reports Republican Insider |
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Ivanka Trump Founder Ivanka Trump Collection |
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Efeito Trump: Minério de ferro em alta recorde |
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Trump disuelve polémica comisión de fraude electoral |
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Trump Doesn’t Seem to Care About the Power of Pomp |
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Video: Trudeau Pushes Trump’s Regime Change in Venezuela Canada Violates the UN Charter |
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Trump’s Government Shutdown Cost US Economy at Least 6bn 30 Million More than His Demand for the Wall SampP |
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US Senate Makes Bipartisan Power Move Against Trump amp Donald Is Raging Online |
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Senate breaks budget impasse Trump Government to reopen |
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Trump i-a numărat pe imigranții ilegali din SUA I-a » |
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Militares alzados quieren actuar y esto es lo que le piden a Trump |
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Breaking! France Passes Historic Bill Ordering Cameras In All News: Trump Legalizes Killing Hibernating Wolves Bears And Their Cubs |
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The Regents UCOP and Trump |
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Trump pide a estadounidenses no viajar a Venezuela |
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Resist Donald Trump! |
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Why It’s OK To ‘Mute’ Trump |
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Definitions of Donald Trump |
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Trump’s trade threats appear to be working — for now |
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Seth Meyers Uses Trump’s Own Words to Teach Him the Difference Between Weather and Climate |
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On a Low-pay Job and Don’t like Trump: Do You Have to File Taxes |
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Trump is using Shaquille O’Neal to measure perfect height for the wall |
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“The Impeachment of Donald Trump” |
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Trump reitera respaldo a Guaidó en llamada telefónica |
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Donald Trump Calls on DaTechGuy Worcester MA |
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Trump’s Mob: Prince Feinberg amp Giuliani |
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Venezuela’s Maduro accuses Trump of ordering his murder: RIA |
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Maduro: “Desconocer los resultados de las presidenciales es un despropósito del grupo de países alineados con Trump” |
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CNN Fail: Commentators Outraged Over Trump’s ‘Melania Salad’ Joke |
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Sen Blumenthal Cites Corsi’s Unverified Claim As Evidence That Trump Campaign ‘Coordinated’ With WikiLeaks |
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Trump Camp Threatens Ex-Staffer With NDA Lawsuit |
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Trump dijo que Maduro está dispuesto a negociar |
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12 Completely Random Facts About Donald Trump |
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El expresidente de México Vicente Fox revela lo que cree tienen en común AMLO y Trump y si la legalización de algunas drogas podría bajar el crimen en México |
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Trump Announces New Protocols For Migrants And Democrats Are PISSED |
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Trump Palace 18101 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach |
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Trump bloqueia acesso de Maduro a dinheiro da venda do petróleo |
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Trump: ‘Maduro muhalefet ile müzakere niyetinde’ |
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Trump Inc Fires Undocumented Employees Who Worked at Coun |
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¡Insistente! La nueva de Trump con respecto al muro fronterizo |
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Harley-Davidson Reports Profits Wiped Out by Trump’s Tariffs |
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Trump’s Attorney General Nominee Shares Opinion on Legal Marijuana |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome Alive and Well |
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Trump: Nancy Pelosi Maxine Waters Are the ‘Unhinged Face’ of Democratic Party |
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Temsilciler Meclisi’nden Trump’a Ağır Tenkit |
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Analysis: Reactions to Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ caps split between patriotic and racist |
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Trump calls for Increased Military: Senate passes 700 billion defense bill |
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Élections aux États-Unis : Trump plie mais ne rompt pas |
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Trump remite a la Cámara de Representantes su plan de principios para la reforma migratoria |
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Donald Trump Quotes on India China Pakistan O |
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Tổng thống Venezuela: Ông Trump ra lệnh cho mafia ám sát tôi – ZingvnWed 30 Jan 2019 07:07:38 GMT |
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Prezydent Wenezueli: Trump nakazał kolumbijskiemu rządowi i mafii zabicie mnie |
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Bị chế tài Tổng thống Venezuela đả kích Trump |
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Trump Hints At Possibility of ‘Space Force’ |
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Trump Pavilion |
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45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America DONALD J TRUMP |
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Trump Admin is a Deregulation Machine: Eliminating 22:1 |
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Trump’s AG pick admits he might hide Mueller report from public |
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Trump AG Pick Says He’ll Enforce LGBTQ Protections—But Won’t Admit You Can’t Choose to Be Straight |
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Trump wants people to come to US on merit insists on building wall |
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Trump Eyes Limit to States’ Power to Block Pipelines |
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Presidenti Trump përballet me sfida para fjalimit për gjendjen e vendit |
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Light rain plays havoc with my bone spur insists Trump |
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Trump Suggests Embedding Solar Panels Into His Mexico Border Wall |
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Trump atribuye a las sanciones de EEUU la oferta de diálogo planteada por restos del avión en el que viajaba Emiliano Sala en una playa francesa |
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Trump puede bloquear puertos petroleros de Venezuela |
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FT: podczas szczytu G20 Trump i Putin rozmawiali bez tłumacza ze strony amerykańskiej |
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Kamala Harris redo att utmana Trump |
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California’s Kamala Harris shreds Trump’s AG nominee |
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Let Us Pause to Appreciate Just How Batshit Insane Trump’s Speech on Monday Was |
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President Trump Approval Rating at 51 Percent |
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Donald Trump llamó por teléfono a Juan Guaidó para ofrecerle su apoyo |
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Counterpunch — ‘Take out their families’: Trump fulfills criminal campaign promise as hundreds die in latest US-led Syria strikes |
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Trump gratuliert selbsternanntem Übergangspräsidenten Venezuelas telefonisch |
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Clipe de nova música do The Killers critica muro de Trump e apoia imigrantes assista |
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Trump warns Midwest about frigid temps asks global warming to ‘please come back fast’ |
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OMG Teanna Trump from her private Snapchat |
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Panic DS Trolls Trump Think Mirror We Are Getting Closer |
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Trump Adviser Roger Stone Indicted |
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Another Coup: Tory Brexit Fanatic Rees-Mogg Wants British Parliament Shut Down to Allow Zombie Prime Minister May to Steer UK Over Cliff of No-Deal Brexit! Pelosi Bans Trump State of the Union Address Set for January 29 Nation Glad to Be Spared Another Bombardment of Lies! Late Word Says Don Is Again Leaning Toward State of Emergency to Illegally Commandeer Funds for Fascist Wall House Dems Ready Compromise to Open Government: 57 Billion More for Actual Border Security but Nothing for Sick Wall Fetish |
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Trump’s ‘Axis of Evil’: Pompeo Bolton amp Abrams |
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Trump pushes back on intel chiefs: ISIS ‘will soon be destroyed’ |
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Az amerikai hírszerzés vezetői ellentmondanak Donald Trump észak-koreai és iráni |
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Donald Trump vs Hillary Cliton: Ai sẽ đắc cử dưới góc |
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Africa Policy in the Trump Administration American University’s Mary Graydon Center |
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“Impeachment of Donald Trump” |
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Trump Organization to Use E-Verify to Prevent Hiring Undocumented Immigrants |
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Assista ao novo vídeo do Trump Invitational espetacular |
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Source Reveals Real Reason For Trump Fight With CNN After WH Aides Quoted Saying “This Is Going To Be Fun” |
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The Most Bizarre Trump Ads By Brands |
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Cohen: The walls are slowly closing in on Donald Trump |
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Le réchauffement climatique selon Trump |
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Ginni Thomas Wants Trump to Hire Her Fringe Nativist Friends |
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State of Hawaii v Donald Trump |
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President Trump Blindsides Congress – Finds All The Border Wall Money And Billions More |
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Trump cáo buộc tình báo Mỹ là ‘ngây thơ’ về Iran 1 |
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Trump and the Spookery |
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Trump: ‘We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values’ |
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US intel chiefs contradict Trump on NKorea Iran nuke deal IS group threats 20 hours ago |
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Q – die Macht hinter Trump |
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Right-wing media split over Trump’s shutdown decision: Did he cave or was it a master stroke |
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La NBA boicoetea a Donald Trump |
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GOP Strategist Explains Trump’s ‘Disturbing’ Private Meetings With Putin: He ‘Does Not Trust His Own Staff’ |
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Analysis: Shutdown 20 Trump Has Reasons to Avoid A Repeat |
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Top Intelligence chief gives SOUR view of North Korea ahead of Trump’s summit with Kim Jong Un |
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Kamal Nath brings Trump’s nativism protectionism to Madhya Kitchen restaurant: a little bit of Bangladeshi heaven |
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Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran New |
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Fox News star has nasty anti-Trump tirade! |
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Is Donald Trump’s reelection campaign setting the president up for failure |
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We’ve seen deliberately placed Russian Fingerprints efforts to forge perceived association to WikiLeaks DNC breach claims discredited How Guccifer 20 Used Trump Opposition Research like an identity card the day after it was cited by CrowdStrike executives in a Washington Post article noted how he could only ever seem to hack the DNC lacked syntactical traits of a Russian speaking English and has been shown to have operated from US timezones based on email timestamps archive timestamps Twitter activity and WordPress Introduction |
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Trump calls for global warming to ‘come back’ amid winter storm |
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John O’Brien on Leadership and Self-Awareness in the Trump Era |
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9th Circuit Hears Trump’s Travel Ban |
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Coats intel leaders contradict Trump |
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Trump says Afghan peace talks are ‘going well’ |
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Trump: qalmaqallı maqnatdan biznes məsləhətləri |
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Report: 75 of Clemson’s Black Players Rejected Trump’s Invite to Eat Fast Food |
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Trump populism Hofstadter Heer |
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Trump’s tweets push back against intelligence reports on IS North Korea |
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“Donald Trump urdhëroi mafien kolumbiane të më ekzekutojë” |
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Trump’s Venezuela Envoy Is a War Criminal Who Has Abetted Genocide |
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Trump Outlaws New Trump Filter That is Popular in the Scientific Community |
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‘Hands off Venezuela’: Maduro slams Trump in English VIDEO |
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Russia and Iran UNITE against USA over Venezuela crisis warn Trump ‘STAY OUT’ |
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‘BDSed By ABC’ In Tel Aviv Roseanne Says Hollywood’s Hatred of Trump and Zionism Brought Her Down |
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Is Trump really winning over Hispanics |
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Is Trump’s pitch to black voters a lost cause |
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Donald Trump will deliver State of the Union Address on February |
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Trump exposed how worthless the press is |
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Shutdown debacle leaves Trump with stark choices – CNN |
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Trump For president |
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Trump Tower II 15901 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach |
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Fuck Trump!!!!! |
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Stacey Abrams Will Give the Democratic Response to Trump’s State of the Union |
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Trump Has Been Broken By the military/security complex says Paul Craig |
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Amerikaner med krass kritikk av norske medier: De blåser opp bagateller om Trump og er fiender av FrP |
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Political Post Affects Donald Trump’s Opinion on Taylor Swift |
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Trump the Musical |
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Goldsmith on The Trump Administration and International Law by Koh |
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Trump Administration Urged Not to Block Access to Records on Wildlife Public Lands |
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Le allegorie di Trump e Jong-un viste e realizzate da Max… |
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Trump el victorioso |
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Trump traslada por teléfono a Juan Guaidó su completo respaldo |
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Wer ist noch schamloser als Donald Trump Roger Stone! |
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Commentary: After standoff Trump is inviting third kick of a mule |
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Dixville Notch New Hampshire Votes for Clinton 4 Trump 2 |
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Vous voulez sans doute savoir – sans l’hystérie médiatique – pourquoi Trump a décidé le retrait de Syrie et d’Afghanistan |
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Trump reconhece Guaidó como presidente legítimo da |
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‘Don’t help elect Trump ahole!’ Democrats nervous about ex-Starbucks chief’s potential 2020 run |
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Trump Signs Healthcare Order Expands Choice and Access through associations |
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Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd Wisconsin Donald Trump Scott Walker |
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Trump become softens in Muslim issue |
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In a speculative statement made yesterday by Devin Nunes the entire plot to take down and impeach President Trump orchestrated by Rod Rosenstein now makes sense |
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5 días Obama vs Trump |
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ExCEO de Starbucks quiere sustituir a Trump |
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Trump doesn’t just disagree with US intel leaders he also mocks them – Stats |
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Why is Trump Being Portrayed as Russia’s Stooge |
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Amphibian that buries head in sand named after Donald Trump |
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Pelosi Trump set the date |
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15 Things Melania Trump Was Trying to tell Us With Her Outfits |
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President Donald Trump advocates for Bible literac |
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Rising star Stacey Abrams to deliver Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union address |
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What If Trump Let Brands Use His Brand |
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Trump signs order authorizing “automatic” sanctions for election interference Updated |
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Trump blasts US central bank again over rate hikes |
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How Seriously Should the World Take Trump’s Venezuela Threat |
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Le allegorie di Trump e Jong-un viste e realizzate da Max |
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Utilities cutting rates cite benefits of Trump tax reform |
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Trump to Change Rhetoric in 24 Hours Renewing Call to ‘Build The Wall’ after Reopening Government |
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Why the US Genocide in the Middle East is Continuing Under Trump |
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NEWS BLASTS by ENoCH through December 6 2018: “RUN AWAY!” French PM Macron GOES INTO HIDING as France Revolts over GLOBALIST IMMIGRATION POLICIES NOT “Fuel Prices” Clinton-Obama Cabal CRAP PANTS IN CHURCH Next to Trump |
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Why Trump is still beefing with ‘Da Nang Dick’ |
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De una manera u otra México pagará por el muro: Trump |
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Former WH Aide Says Leaker Kellyanne Has Trump’s Favor Because She Fights for Him |
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Militares desertores en el exterior piden a Trump armas y ayuda militar |
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Trump Politics Europe Asia US Markets Tulsi Gabbard apologizes |
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Ilhan Omar used two words to describe Trump’s border wall that will leave you |
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Trump et Visa H-1B: les règles vont changer |
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NYT Story Unwittingly Shows Effectiveness of Trump’s Border Policies |
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Un fost consilier al lui Trump voia să răpească un câine |
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Trump Administration Declares It Will Begin To Produce New Generations Of Nuclear Weapons In Preparation For War With Russia |
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VIDEO: Chris Christie says Trump ‘blew it’ with government shutdown deal |
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Trump says he’s reducing Central American aid over migrants |
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Die muur: Trump se obsessie demokrasie die prys |
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Trump Tower Moscow Deal Done! |
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Revealed: Russia secretly offered North Korea a nuclear power plant last year as talks between Kim Jong-un and Trump over the country’s nuclear capabilities remained deadlocked |
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Intelligence chiefs contradict Trump on Iran |
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Collins: I’m not prepared to endorse Trump for 2020 |
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NATO stárne bez grácie: Je šance pakt rozpustit Na východ jsme jít neměli Nechali jsme jejich osudu Maďary Poláky a v roce 1968 i Prahu I Havel chtěl NATO rozpustit Bažiny jsou posedlé válkou Co udělá Trump |
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Anti-Vaxxers Spread A Plague Of Randy Rainbow Sings The Trump Cell-Block Tango |
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‘Empire’ actor who claims ‘MAGA’ attack denounced Trump ‘and his white hooded cohorts’ just 10 days ago |
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Post-election Mexican Trump cartoons |
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REVEALED: Most of Clemson’s black players REFUSED to go to Trump’s ‘1000 hamberder-feast’ at the White House- but the white players attended |
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Meet John Bolton: The Mercer-Backed Trump Advisor Pushing for Post-Brexit Deregulation |
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Maduro: Trump dio la orden de matarme |
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Maduro a reta Trump den un Ingles straño: “Hands off Venezuela… |
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Are US intelligence chiefs at odds with Trump |
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Presidente Maduro responsabiliza a Trump ante cualquier acción violenta en Venezuela |
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POTUS Trump: Border security dealmakers ‘wasting their time’ if they’re not talking about wall funding |
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Iran threat: Trump tells spy chiefs to “go back to school” |
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Tim Heidecker Made Another Album of Wall-to-Wall Anti-Trump Songs |
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Words from Trump’s Speech on Immigration |
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4 December 2018: Trump Tax Plan Gets Closer |
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Ex-Starbucks CEO: I will not be the person who re-elects Trump |
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Does Aaron Sorkin Need Rehab for Trump Derangement First Pop-Up Shop at Students for Life |
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CNN chief White House reporter Jim Acosta pens book about Trump’s war with media |
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You Won’t Believe Who’s On Trump’s Bad Side Now |
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Taylor and Francis doing Trump’s dirty work for him |
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El Propio Jefe de Inteligencia Nacional de Trump Hace Sonar las Alarmas Respecto a la Ingerencia Rusa |
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Donald Trump Loses His Sht After Senator Confirms Don Jr Is Going To Prison |
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Trump genuinamente quiere negociar los fondos para el muro |
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En Estados Unidos-Trump denunció qu… |
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Michael Killen taps into Trump’s actions great liturature namely Don Quixote and principles of strategies–Adaptation Mitigation Resilience and Sustainability to provde a new look at the clinage challenge and need for energy and other solutions Photos from the ongoing exibition “Art of Michael Killen: In the Era of Trump” below: |
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Trump today I come to ask for your daughter’s hand |
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President Trump Offers DACA Protections for Wall |
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Trump LEE Chae-Eun |
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In Trump era American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years |
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La semana de Trump: Un hit y dos strikes |
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Maduro se niega adelantar elecciones Trump ordenó matarlo |
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លោក Maduro បានអះអាងថាលោក Trump សម្លាប់គាត់ |
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Perception Pushing Trump’s 3 Goal But Economy is Not Out Of The |
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Trump digs in on border-wall funds as congressional negotiators prepare to convene |
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We should all be grateful to have a president who loves America like Trump |
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IT’S DONE!! Trump Just Dropped The Giant Bomb On The Media After He Did This |
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US-Notenbank entscheidet über Zinspolitik Zinspause in USA Wie Trump die Fed unter Druck setzt |
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I’m A Conservative Woman Who Supports Trump And I Attended The Women’s March Here’s What Happened |
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Kathy Griffin Poses With Donald Trump’s Severed “Head” Which Is a Bad Idea on Several Level |
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Trump reconoció a un “aventurero”: Rusia contra el golpe de… |
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545M Settlement Reached in Trump Golf Club Unfair Fees Class Action Lawsuit |
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Jerry Falwell Jr: Evangelicals who don’t support Trump ‘may be immoral’ |
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Black conservative Robert George on why he’s Never Trump |
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Trump’s ‘Compromise’ Immigration Offer To Democrats Includes Major Changes Restricting Asylum Law |
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Condenaron a tres años de prisión al ex vocero de Trump por intentar silenciar a mujeres abusadas |
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Staging Trump: The Republican Convention Reveals Its Set Design |
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Venezolanos prometen a Trump construir su muro si sacan a Maduro de su país |
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Macron a Trump: |
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Corte americana aprova veto de Trump que probe travestis e transexuais de servir nas Foras Armadas |
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A kopasz körszakállas Donald Trump rendkívül metál |
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FoxConn Is Backtracking on Trump-Touted Wisconsin Facility |
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Maison-Blanche : Donald Trump accusé de mentir sur Barack Obama |
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American Honey Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on the Street |
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VIDEO: Eric Trump: I want my father to declare an emergency at the border |
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Why Donald Trump Avoids Talking About His Daughter Tiffany |
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ToK Trump |
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TRUMP is YOUR/MY President T-Shirt |
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Trump contro gli agenti dell’intelligence USA: Troppo ingenui su Iran dovrebbero tornare a scuola |
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Trump Organization Will Use E-Verify to Check Workers’ Status After Report That Immigrant Workers Were Fired |
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US Officials Try to Talk Trump Out of Afghan Peace Deal |
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Corruption on the Rise in Trump’s America: International Paid Users to Track Smartphone Use Report |
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High School Student Forced to Remove ‘Trump’ Jersey Champs Baseball Jersey at USA Themed |
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Cannabis – Deutschland adaptiert US Gesetzgebung und Donald Trump rudert zurück |
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Un juez bloquea el tercer veto migratorio de la Administración Trump |
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In Photos: Trump’s Two-Year Presidency |
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Trump Goes After Communist China Company |
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US officials in contrast to Trump warn of stark threat posed by ISIS |
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Katil Trump’ın katil polisi! |
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Trump administration’s lumber tariffs forces Canadian producers to idle sawmills |
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AMLO anuncia tianguis para financiar la Guardia Trump en las boletas electorales de 2020 |
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Donald Trump To Visit Proposed Wall Site |
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“I tell you this day Donald Trump is also as Belshazzar for he is the last king of Babylon/America” |
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Jugadores de NFL que se arrodillan en himno no deben recibir pago pide Trump |
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Should Harry Reid’s corporate interests trump public grazing rights |
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Trump Spoke to Putin Alone In November |
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Trump claims great progress on ISIS North Korea after intelligence officials present less optimistic view – The Washington Post |
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Donald Trump’s Book in Iran |
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Maduro: Trump öldürülmem için emir verdi |
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Sanksione për Haradinajn këshilltari i Trump e thërret në telefon |
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Why Order Pages Trump Shopping Carts in Sales Conversion Plus How to Lower Your Abandonment Rates |
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Jared Kushner Admits Off The Record: Trump Lies To His Base Because They’re “Stupid And They’ll Buy It” |
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Trump must stay with a capitalist message: Kennedy |
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Trump: Lawmakers ‘wasting their time’ unless they consider wall funding |
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Trump can call Dems’ bluff on border security |
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Trump signs sweeping criminal justice bill |
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Trump: Maduro dispuesto a negociar tras las sanciones de Estados Unidos |
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President Trump secures release of Pastor Brunson from Turkey |
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Irish Times: ‘Trump Not Welcome’ protest group formed ahead of Irish visit |
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Trump Didn’t ‘Cave’ on the Wall He’s Advancing in Another Direction |
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Trump aide communicated with ex-Russian intelligence officer during 2016 election |
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Juan Guaidó agradece a Donald Trump por su llamada telefónica de respaldo |
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Trump ofrece extender DACA y TPS por tres años a cambio |
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World News Jan 29 2019 Edition: MAIN CORE: GOVT “THREAT LIST” NAMES AT LEAST 8 MILLION AMERICANS WHO WILL BE DETAINED WHEN MARTIAL LAW IS IMPOSED – Russia Vows To Defend Its Venezuelan Oil Assets – Midwest Hit With Record-Breaking Cold: State Of Emergency Declared As Wind Chills To Hit -60F – The Real Resistance: Washington State Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws – Trump Met Putin At G-20 With No Note-Takers Present – People robbed of Canada Goose coats at gunpoint in Chicago – ‘Fake news’ filter NewsGuard grilled for having links to PR firm that peddled Saudi propaganda – Ex-mercenary group secretly spread HIV in South Africa to ‘eradicate black people’ – Half Of German Army Recruits ‘Unfit For Service’ |
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Trump hæðist að yfirmönnum eigin leyniþjónusta |
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Stacey Abrams To Deliver Rebuttal To Trump’s State Of The Union Address |
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Aliado di Trump a deklará inosente di gaña Kongreso |
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Trump: Lawmakers ‘wasting’ their time if they’re not talking about a wall or barrier |
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Faune sauvageLes papillons improbables victimes du mur promis par Trump |
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President-Elect Trump: Tonight with John Oliver HBO 7 Million Views |
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Οι Killers εναντίον των σχεδίων του Donald Trump στα σύνορα με το Μεξικό // Δείτε το video |
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Immigration compromise leaves Trump walled in |
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President Trump and The Prince of Doom |
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Daniel Radcliffe Has a Message for Trump Supporter Tom Brady |
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Tráiler agradeció llamada de Donald Trump |
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Beating Trump in Rural America: An Interview With 2020 Presidential Candidate Richard Ojeda |
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SE Cupp: How the Age of Trump brought us Ocasio-Cortez |
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Gun Owners of America’s Suit Against the Trump Bump Stock Ban |
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Trump Accomplishments Feed: |
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Will Trump’s Labor Board Say Workers Have No Right to Float a Balloon |
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TRUMP TWEETS: Blasts US intel officials over Iran report says they should ‘go back to school’ |
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AMLO y Trump dialogan sobre migración Leer más |
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259 Donald Trump |
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Oposisi Turki Sebut Ancaman Trump kepada Erdogan Sebagai Sikap Ceroboh |
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Juan Guaidó se declaró presidente encargado de Venezuela Donald Trump lo |
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Agencias contradicen a Trump en cuanto a amenazas a Estados Unidos |
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Trump Chickens Out |
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Nancy Pelosi – Profile of The Leader of Trump’s Police prosecute persons making hate speech |
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donald trump is america’s first soccer president |
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Eric Trump Slams ‘Radicalized’ Democrats on Hannity: Pushing ‘Almost an Anti-American Message’ |
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Labour’s Party Boss Corbyn Betrays His Own Pro-EU Base US National Security Endangered as FBI Is Crippled by Trump Shutdown McConnell to Allow Thursday Vote on Three-Week Funding Bill Tell Your Senator to Vote to Open the Government and Pay the Workers! Macomb County Michigan in Northern Suburbs of Detroit Is Fed Up with Trump His Wall and His Shutdown Losses Here Will Doom Don Horrors of Globalization: 26 Top Billionaires Own Assets Equal to Those of the Poorest 36 Billion Davos Festival of Plutocrats Disrupted By Failure of Their Own Policies |
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President Donald Trump Outdoor Standee |
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Donald Trump promises Islamic State will ‘soon be destroyed’ amid repeated doubts |
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Shutdown Ends Without Funding for Trump’s Border Wall |
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Donald and Melania Trump’s Most Cringe-Worthy Moments |
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Guaidó respalda las sanciones de Trump contra Petróleos de Venezuela |
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La demócrata Nancy Pelosi dice vigilará de cerca a Trump |
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Putin sigue el ejemplo de Trump e invita a Kim Jong Un a una reunión de alto nivel |
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Machtkampf in Venezuela Maduro warnt Trump vor zweitem Backstop – was ist das wann kommt das warum ist das so verdammt kompliziert |
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Trump threatens national border wall emergency |
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Here’s What President Trump’s “Global Waming” Tweet REALLY Means… |
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Democrats To Deny Funding to Trump’s Muslim Visa Ban on 2nd Anniversary |
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Frantic Climate Scientist Response to President Trump’s Latest Troll Tweet |
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Hydropower May be Affected by Trump Presidency |
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Trump meeting Chinese delegation over trade |
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“No ha hecho nada” México por detener las caravanas de migrantes acusa Trump e insiste: en la frontera “hay Crisis Humanitaria” |
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DONALD TRUMP: JERUSALEM and the 7th 70 of 70’s with 777 of 7’s |
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Ivanka Trump: Sexual harassment should never be tolerated |
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Donald Trump: I’m ‘the least racist person’ |
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Punks for Trump t-shirt |
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Trump Pushes Back On Intel Report: ISIS ‘Will Soon Be Destroyed’ |
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Another reported off-the-books meeting between Trump and Putin jolts debate click to see stats |
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Secretário de Defesa de Trump pede vai agilizar acesso dos pequenos negócios às compras públicas |
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NAACP Blames President Donald Trump for Alleged Racist Homophobic Attack on Actor Jussie Smollett |
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AG Nominee William Barr’s Senate Panel Trump Agrees To Pre-Super Bowl Korea Says It Wants Peace Relations |
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JK Rowling And Stephen King Team-Up To Fight Against Trump |
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Common Dreams — Why Trump can’t save coal from the ash heap of history |
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¿Donald Trump ha sido obligado a renunciar |
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Trump administration’s claim that new sanctions won’t hurt ordinary Venezuelans is ‘just a lie’ |
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President Trump agrees on Feb 5 for State of the Union address |
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Ann Coulter thinks President Trump is failing |
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¡Indignante! católicos seguidores de Trump se burlan del indígena Nathan Phillips VIDEO |
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Profil Dan Biografi Donald Trump – Raja Real Estate Yang Menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat |
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Trump Blew Up With Jealousy As Obama Was |
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Trump Owns the Shutdown |
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President Trump’s executive order will undo Obama’s Clean Power Plan rule |
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Fake news: US intel chiefs dispute Trump claims on NKorea IS and Iran |
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Caracas – Venezuela’s Maduro Says Trump Out To Kill Him Russia Seeks Talks |
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Trump has our soldiers remains returned home from Korean War |
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El nacionalismo de Trump Orban y Salvini contra el establishment – NUEVA ARGENTINA |
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Trump Is Losing His Wall Fight and He’s Taking Republicans With Him |
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Trump tapte første slag om muren men gjør seg klar for runde to |
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Trump Stands His Ground on the Shutdown |
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Trump This Is Going To Be A Great Great Christmas Premium T-Shirt |
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Al Gore Is Back In Theaters With A Powerful New Lie Anti-Trump Message On Climate Change |
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Political satire: Jokes about Donald Trump aren’t funny anymore |
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Susan Collins ‘not prepared’ to endorse Trump in 2020 re-election campaign |
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Trump-Putin G20 Chat Had No US Oversight |
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In an interview on Fox Business Trump’s hyper-militaristic National Security Adviser John Bolton admitted the US-led coup in Venezuela is motivated by oil and corporate interests |
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Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J Trump |
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“Empire” Actor Hospitalized After Hate Attack By Trump Supporters Who Yelled “This Is MAGA Country!” |
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Trump’s 2020 budget delayed by shutdown |
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Tomlinson: Ineffective Trump tax cuts have piled on debt |
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Trump szövetségese nem vallotta magát bűnösnek a bíróságon az orosz kampánybeavatkozással kapcsolatban |
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Donald Trump da respaldo total a Juan Guaidó |
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10 Tweets of Trump Criticizing Obama From The Exact Things He Is Doing Himself |
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The Migrant Caravan: A Challenge to Donald Trump |
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Trump Blocks China from buying Semi-Conductor company Lattice |
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Trump says relationship with North Korea is ‘best it has ever been’ |
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Stacey Abrams to Deliver Democratic Response to Trump’s SOTU Address |
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Donald J Trump’s Border Wall Construction Hoodie |
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Trump Prepping National Emergency Declaration: CNN |
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Watch: Fake Trump video on Kaaba goes viral |
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Maduro šokuje: Trump rozkázal kolumbijské vládě aby mě zavraždila chtějí ukrást naší ropu! |
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Presidente Trump: “Guaidó está siendo amenazado por el TSJ” |
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President Trump: ‘Less Than 50-50’ Odds Congress |
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Trump Jokes Global Warming Better Come Back Fast to Save Midwest from Record Cold |
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Trump arremete contra medios por el caso de los explosivos |
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Tell Trump to Resign |
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Trumpy Bear Donald Trump Bear |
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Trump acude a una fiesta de héroes y villanos disfrazado de sí mismo |
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Of All People: The DEA Demolishes One of Trump’s Main Claims About the Border Wall |
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Trump World |
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Trump Declares Jerusalem the Capital of Israel |
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Idiot: se fai una ricerca Google esce Trump Algoritmo di ricerca ingannato |
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Play of the Day: Weather Climate and the President Donald Trump tweeted about climate and had another typo issue |
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Trump’s Suspicious Behavior in Syria Pul |
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Hemp a form of cannabis to become legal with Trump’s signature on Farm Bill |
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Maduro: Trump öldürülmem için mafyaya emir verdi |
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Trump Signs Temporary Spending Bill To Fund Three Weeks of Federal Government |
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No Trump Didn’t Cave to Anything |
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Markets Tank on Wednesday President Trump Blames the Fed |
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Trump One-Pager T-Shirt |
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Spy chief contradicts Trump’s claims of progress with North Korea |
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Renowned Psychologist : Like Hitler Trump suffers from Sadism Malignant Narcissism amp Paranoia |
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Trump’s Government Shutdown Cost US Economy at Least 6bn |
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Washington – President Trump Dismisses Tell-all Book As ‘Made Up Stories’ |
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8 Chính quyền Trump gây áp lực để đồng minh tẩy chay Huawei trong cuộc chiến 5G 0 |
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On Trump’s Criminals |
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Eric Trump: My Father Should Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall |
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¿Qué le interesa a Trump de Venezuela manejar su |
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Abrams Becerra to Give Responses to Trump SOTU |
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Eric Trump blasts Democrat agenda: Almost anti-American |
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Trump llama a Guaidó |
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Watch the full on-camera shouting match between Trump NancyPelosi and ChuckSchumer |
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An open Letter to President Trump ! |
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SAVAGE: Trump Just Exposed Pelosi for the Phony That She Is |
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Donald Trump: Samtalen i Afghanistan går bra |
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Shutdown : la grosse boulette du secrétaire au commerce de Trump |
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Maduro dice estar dispuesto a discutir personalmente con Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Order Denying Immigrants Asylum Will Not Be Restored By US Court |
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Chris Christie: He would have been a better president than Trump 10:46 AM ET USA Today – Washington |
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Ivanka Trump creates new World Bank initiative to foster Entrepreneurship among Women |
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Trump el muro encuesta y Freud |
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Trump: Border security committee ‘wasting their time’ if not discussing a wall |
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“Dreamers” ven con pesimismo nueva propuesta de Trump |
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Let Trump’s rich pals pay for the wall |
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Trump’tan flaş açıklama : Kürtler için güvenli bölge kuracağız |
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Trump signs ‘Forever GI Bill’ boosting aid to student vets |
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Trump Administration Announces ‘Extreme Vetting’ Plans |
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Trump signs Right to Try drug bill |
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Trump golpeado por el muro en la frontera |
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Roger Stone: Trump ally arrested on seven Mueller probe charges |
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New Senate Bill Blocks Trump From Hiding Mueller Report |
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Trump ‘Gofer’ Cliff Sims Responds To Donald’s Lawsuit On Twitter |
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Trump to hold state of the nation speech… |
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Acosta Makes Trump’s Case for a Border Barrier |
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¡Candidata! Ivanka Trump para dirigir el Banco Mundial |
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Twitter festeja al mariachi las nominaciones al Oscar y reacciona ante Venezuela piden a Trump sacar a Maduro le prometen construir muro con México |
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Opposite Day: Intelligence Chiefs Testify Trump Is Wrong On Everything |
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Latest Trump fibs scientists consider correcting the record |
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Donald Trump quiere más que un muro |
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El nuevo presidente de México Andrés Manuel López Obrador AMLO cree que Donald Trump es un racista Así me lo dijo en una entrevista en el 2017 Eso quiere |
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Bobard « ogre » : Trump fait enfermer des enfants immigrés dans des cages |
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Top Ten Reasons Why Trump Should Dump The Paris Agreement |
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Donald Trump en el país de las matemáticas |
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Digital Demagogue Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter |
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Many NFL Players Protest During National Anthem After Trump Attacks |
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Nancy Pelosi will permit Donald Trump to deliver the State of the Union — on her own terms |
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US Subpoenas Icahn Over Biofuel Policy Renewable Fuel Standard While Trump Adviser |
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Traité commercial transpacifique Trump compte y retirer les USA dès son investiture |
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Trump Racism Goes To NEW HEIGHTS! |
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Kushner yerno de Trump evadió impuestos por años |
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EEUU tiene derecho a robar el petróleo afirma Trump |
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Trump’s Takedowns of 2020 Dems |
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See Don Lemon’s reaction to Trump’s climate change tweet |
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72-Year Old Job Approval Poll Records Broken By Trump Admin |
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Trump’s new immigration policy makes it virtually impossible to claim asylum in the United States |
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Federal judge reinstates CNN reporter’s press pass after Trump revoked it for critical coverage |
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US spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to US – Reuters |
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News Related Videos On: Trump slams US intelligence chiefs as naive and wrong |
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Maduro respondió por las sanciones de Trump en inglés |
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Trump’s imaginary friends: Are Democrats for a wall any more real than Jim in Paris |
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Trump le hace un desplante a Macri y lo deja solo en el escenario |
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La inteligencia de mi país es muy ingenua sobre los peligros que representa Irán: Trump |
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A Design Proposal that Out-Trumps Trump |
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Trump Associate Roger Stone Indicted in Mueller Probe Did FBI Tip Off The Media |
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Lãnh đạo tình báo Mỹ khai chứng mâu thuẫn với tuyên bố của Trump |
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Venezolanos construirían muro a Trump si derroca a Maduro |
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Alerta! Trump esquiva la pregunta sobre si ha trabajado para Rusia News destacadas |
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Vår anmelder om som langt verre enn Trump |
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Cristina Balan la Casa Albă Donald Trump i-a urat succes |
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Donald Trump Reportedly Tells WH Visitors: Obama ‘Watched Basketball All Day’ |
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Trump cede a reabrir la Administración de EEUU sin dinero… |
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Trump Signs Korean Trade Deal |
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Trump noče slišati kar mu govorita CIA in FBI |
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Donald Trump Gave Chris Christie Fashion Tips To Look Thinner |
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Latino Trump Coalition Co-Founder Asks Gov Abbott Why He Hasn’t Voiced More Support for Trump |
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US intel chiefs: Trump is wrong on just about everything he says |
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President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President |
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Senate Hearing Intelligence Chiefs Correct Trump’s Falsehoods |
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Trump reitera “fuerte apoyo” a Guaidó |
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Brian Weeden Quoted by The Verge on Feasibility of Trump’s Call For Space-Based Missile Defense |
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Trump signs sweeping two-year budget deal – MILITARY FUNDED |
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MSNBC: More voters trust Pelosi over Trump polling shows |
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Intelligence Chiefs Diverge From Trump On Main Threats to US The things that worry America’s intelligence community can’t be stopped by |
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Trump Obama’yı telefonlarını dinlemekle suçladı |
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US Intelligence Chiefs Contradict Trump On Iran And |
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ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory – due to Trump admin |
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Trump: Border Security Dealmakers Are “Wasting Their Time” If They Aren’t Considering A Wall |
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Trump parabeniza Guaidó por ‘histórica chegada à presidência’ da Venezuela fiscais |
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Trump Goes On Racist Obama Rant Complete With Black Stereotyping |
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Bob Woodward Versus Donald Trump |
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¡TODO POR VENEZUELA! Vea cómo Guaidó ayudó a que Alicia Machado y Trump se reconciliaran foto |
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Jussie Smollett’s Trump Derangement Syndrome |
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Trump Again Wrongly Suggests That Cold Weather Disproves Climate Change |
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It’s on again: Trump accepts Pelosi’s newest invitation to deliver State of the Union |
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Trump’s radical immigration stance is a barrier to serious solutions |
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Trump: “İran ekonomisi çöküyor” |
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Trump: Situación en Venezuela es una desgracia para la humanidad haremos |
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The US Presidency 2016 – NEW GOAL Adviser to TRUMP |
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Watch Donald Trump Defend Israel After A ‘Nasty’ Zionist Question |
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We Should Hope Trump is a Russian Agent |
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Trump y su festín de comida rápida |
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Trump Offers Assistance To Mexico |
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Analistët pengesa të shumta në negociatat për paqe në Trump përballet me sfida para fjalimit për gjendjen e vendit |
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President Trump Says Bible Literacy Classes in School Are a Great Idea: He’s Right and Here’s Why |
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Maduro: Trump dio la orden al gobierno de Colombia y… |
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‘Trump told Colombian government and mafia to kill me’: Maduro claims US president wanted him DEAD |
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How Trump and our Government Have No Power! By Abraham Hicks! |
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Donald Trump has reportedly lost hundreds of millions this year |
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Trump adresse de Davos « ses sentiments chaleureux » aux Africains |
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Trump Fires Comey |
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Texas Republicans fear Trump could lose the state in 2020 |
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US Intelligence Chiefs Contradict Trump On Iran And North Korea Make Him Look Like A Fool |
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Trump spottet über Klimawandel |
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Life During Trump: Progress on Climate Change Will Come From the Bottom Up |
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George Kush Da Button: Don’t Pass Trump The Blunt |
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Bréking nyúz – Donald Trump aláírta! |
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Trump a produs pagube de 11 miliarde de dolari incercand sa obtina 5 miliarde pentru zidul sau |
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Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern Europe against Russia |
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El asesor de seguridad de Trump revela ‘por descuido’ que EEUU enviará 5000 soldados a Colombia |
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Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools – Stats |
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Un cliché de Ivanka Trump assise dans le fauteuil présidentiel agite la Toile |
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President Trump Really May Go to Jail—For the Rest of His Life |
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Das Donald Trump Dilemma |
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JSL – President Trump: Less Than 50/50 Chance of Deal |
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Donald Trump i zhgënjyer me spiunët u kërkon t’iu kthehen shkollës edhe nj – Presidenti i Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës Donald Trump ka thënë se agjencitë amerikane të spiu |
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Venezuela Trump y la pandilla de Mike amp Mike |
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Nachthimmel on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen ausgesetzt |
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Meghan McCain says she no longer calls herself a Republican because of Trump |
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UGH: Trump is now calling out his own intelligence officials! |
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Attention: American voters! Which Democrat would you want leading your party against Donald Trump in 2020 |
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Ex asesor de Trump niega colusión con Rusia |
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Trump Backs Golpe Against Maduro of Venezuela as Upstart Guaido Proclaims Himself President Attitude of Army There Will Be Decisive Congress Must Stop Trump from More Wag the Dog Military Adventures! |
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Trump administration warns Americans to avoid Venezuela |
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President TRUMP Smashes Congressional Pay |
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Trump Announces Troop Removal From Syria |
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Good times for American movies — thanks to Donald Trump |
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Venezuela’s Maduro ‘accuses Trump of ordering his murder’ |
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In a move that is sure to disgust liberals President Trump has kept another campaign promise because NATO has agreed to step up on the defense cost burden to the tune of 100 billion |
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Trump 16 Sweater |
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Russland Nord-Korea IS Iran Mexico USAs etterretningssjefer motsier Trump på alle punkter |
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Treason by Trump! What Did I Miss! |
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Un accord a été trouvéTrump arrête le shutdown du gouvernement |
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‘Don’t help elect Trump ahole!’ Independent Howard Schultz heckled at bookstore event — RT |
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Trump’s sudden Syria pullout reveals his administration’s chaos – and misguided priorities |
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Guest Marcy Wheeler on the Trump crime syndicate |
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Is Trump Our Cyrus The Old Testament Case for Yes and No |
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Undocumented former Trump workers ask Congress for protection » |
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Trump Congress put the brakes on shutdown with 3-week CR |
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History of Government Shutdowns: Trump Gives Democrats RUDE Electoral System Turns Voting Into Popularity Contest |
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FEATURED White House is going behind Trump’s back and CAVING to Democrats on judges for the Ninth Circuit!! |
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Trump doa US 100000 do seu salário para combater alcoolismo |
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Trump reconhece Guaidó como presidente legítimo da Venezuela |
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Los desafíos de Trump en 2018 |
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Newsweek: GOP senator who cast the 50th vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh not prepared to endorse Trump yet for 2020 |
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Trump chỉ trích Cộng đồng Tình báo Hoa Kỳ về Đánh giá Mối đe dọa Hạt nhân Iran |
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WH Makes Trump Doctor Visit Announcement – Americans Cross Fingers |
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Stacey Abrams to give Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union |
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Trump’s Inauguration by the Numbers |
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Məşhur model Gigi Hadid Donald Trumpın yoldaşına etdiyi təqlid üçün üzr istəyib |
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Open letter to President Trump |
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Trump campaign chief: We’re going to sue obscure staffer for violating NDA in his tell-all memoir of “made up stories” or something |
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Mèo Trump |
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TRUMP : empereur au-dessus des lois |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Venezuela İçin Seyahat Uyarısı |
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Ohio Man Fired for Frowning During Workplace Discussion About Trump |
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Az amerikai hírszerzés vezetői ellentmondanak Donald Trump észak-koreai és iráni mérgezéssel került kórházba egy háromgyermekes család ünnepére készülődtek a salánki óvodások |
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Trump says US intelligence services ‘naive’ ‘wrong’ on Iran — RT USA News |
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Venezuelan crisis could help solve Trump’s border wall problem |
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Futures and Dollar Rise as Trump Narrows Down Pool for Next Fed Chair |
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Trump vuole la guerra al Venezuela |
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Trump’s State of the Union Address falls on same day as Chinese Lunar New Year of the Pig foreshadow of the 116th Congress perhaps |
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Venezuela Gobierno genocida de Trump busca una invasión militar |
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Trump jokes about people who will die in massive winter storm to |
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Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump MSM Completely Ignores |
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Asesor de Trump reconoce interés de EEUU en el petróleo venezolano |
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VA fires more than 500 feds under Trump even before new accountability law |
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UN Judge Abruptly Resigns Over Political Threats From Trump Administration |
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Donald Trump se enfrenta a los Illuminati y a George Soros |
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Sin fondos para el muro Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con |
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Mueller investigation and Trump’s turbulent new year |
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Donald Trump nemesis and MeToo crusader Eric Schneiderman used 340000 in campaign cash to foot his legal bills after he was accused of slapping and choking women |
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Don Lemon Mocks Trump’s ‘Global Warming’ Tweet: ‘I Don’t Think He Understands It’ |
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Donald Trump på väg att kapitulera för talibanerna |
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Disposición a negociar de Maduro es gracias a las sanciones de EU: Trump |
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Trump campaign Web site contradicts new claim that Mexico will not directly pay for the wall |
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Venezolanos ofrecen hacer el muro si Trump saca a Maduro |
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tRump is so interested and supportive of Putin |
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Three ways Trump could disrupt health care for the better |
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Trump Blew Up With Jealousy As Obama Was Honored With Same Award As John McCain |
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Donald Trump Jr Says His Father Is a Regifter |
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Donald Trump îi avertizează pe cetăţenii americani să nu călătorească în Venezuela |
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Elizabeth Warren talks Trump in Iowa: ‘I can’t stop him from hurling racial insults’ |
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Wed 8:57 am: Trump Organization to use E-Verify for worker status checks |
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La coincidencia con Trump |
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The Trump presidency is approaching mid-term elections |
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Sources: Trump EPA Won’t Set Drinking Water Limit for PFAS Chemicals |
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Donald Trump Quotes on India China |
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Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord |
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N’en déplaise à Trump le réchauffement climatique n’est pas étranger à la vague de froid polaire |
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Sen Susan Collins declines to say whether she will endorse Trump for reelection |
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Steve Bannon Lashes Out At Trump Exposes What |
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Trump Congress agree to end longest government shutdown |
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Donald Trump llamó a Juan Guaidó y le reiteró su completo respaldo |
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Trump Says US Intelligence Services ‘Naive’ ‘Wrong’ on Iran |
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Ông Trump chọn được ngày đọc Thông điệp Liên bang |
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In wake of UN speech Kim calls Trump a ‘dotard’ Trump fires back at ‘madman’ |
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Donald Trump nominee bites the dust in surreal fashion |
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Trump có thể hiểu lầm tuyên bố ngừng thử hạt nhận của Kim Jong-un |
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Trump acusa a Honduras Guatemala y El Salvador de “animar” las caravanas |
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Actor Alec Baldwin Call Donald Trump Punishment for American Sin |
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Trump acusa a Google de manipular las búsquedas y ofrecer noticias falsas |
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Rick Wilson: Trump Depends on ‘Scam’ to Protect Secrets About His ‘Roving Penis Shady-Ass Business Practices’ |
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Donald Trump and the White Vote |
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Guaidó habló con Trump y envió un mensaje a Washington: El momento es ahora |
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Trump says his intel chiefs ‘should go back to school’ after they contradict him |
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Rookie Dem Attacks Trump Over ‘Muslim Ban’ Proves She’s More Clueless Than We All Thought |
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President Trump Says the Berlin Wall Should Never Have Been Torn Down |
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Ministère de la Culture : prochainement un institut national des beaux-arts à Nancy Pelosi invite Trump à tenir un discours le 5 février |
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Las campañas pro Trump de Rusia también fueron difundidas por Google |
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Trump Golf Count: 154 |
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Las polémicas frases de James Mattis secretario de Defensa de Trump |
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With sanctions lifted Trump transition member gets board position on Russian oligarch’s company |
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Entre Más Fama Alcanza el Libro “Equipo de Víboras” Más Grande es la Rabia de Trump Con su Ex Ayudante |
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Government Reopens: Who wins… Trump or Pelosi |
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Last updated: Today 09:53 AM Washington – Trump Disputes ‘Naive’ Intel Chiefs On North Korea Iran |
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Trump llama a Guaidó para que Maduro reciba el mensaje |
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Trump rebate críticas de chefe de inteligência sobre Coreia do Norte e Estado Islâmico |
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NK Foreign Minister to UN: Trump’s ‘Insults’ Make Attack ‘Inevitable’ |
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Democrats vs Trump |
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Why Did Ex-Churchgoers Flock to Donald Trump |
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Could the New York Times be in trouble for publishing Trump’s tax returns |
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mujer alega aventura con Trump y trama para ocultarla |
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With Korean Talks Of Peace Trump’s Deserves Nobel Peace Prize |
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ເອກະສານສານເຜີຍ Facebook ເຄີຍໃຊ້ເກມເຈາະກຸ່ມເດັກ ແລະ ຈົດສິດທິບັດ ເອົາຮູກ້ອງໜ້າມາເປັນໄອຄອນ ຍົກເລີກໃຊ້ Huawei ຫຼັງ Donald Trump ເຄາະຕາລາງອັບເດດ Android Pie ສຳລັບສະມາດໂຟນ Nokia ເຮືອທົງ Nokia 9 PureView ຈະເປີດໂຕ 24 ກຸມພາ ນີ້ |
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Ron Paul on Trump’s Venezuela Fiasco |
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Trump Team Hired Israeli Spy Firm Used by Harvey Weinstein to Attack Obama Officials on Iran Deal |
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Impediamo a Trump di distruggere la natura |
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TRUMP Declares World Wide New Monetary System that is Fare for ALL |
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Trump Bullies Asian Countries Into Accepting Deported Refugees Who Fled After Vietnam War |
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‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ tonight – Michael Moore on Trump |
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Trump traite les chefs du renseignement américain de naïfs |
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Michael Carpenter: Trump’s Worldview Puts Private Gain Above all and Inequality: Sharing Wealth One of Society’s Greatest Challenges |
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Trump agrees to end government shutdown without border wall money |
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Donald Trump se LAUDĂ din nou pe Twitter și îşi acuză propriile servicii de informaţii de ‘naivitate’ şi ‘pasivitate’ Poate că serviciile ar trebuie să se ducă înapoi la școală |
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Trump says US intelligence services ‘naive’ ‘wrong’ on Iran |
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Guaidó dice que recibió una llamada de Trump donde le reiteró completo respaldo |
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Donald Trump decretará la guerra por twitter Solo espera que Maduro se resbale |
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Bush Acaba de Darle a Trump una Lección Sobre Valores Americanos Y en Vivo |
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How to Be a Citizen in President Trump’s America |
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Graham says Trump floated using military force in Venez… |
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Trump suffers ‘big black eye’ in Alabama |
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I want him to declare an emergency: Eric Trump urges his father to use executive power to build a border wall |
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NFL Anthem Protest Grows After Trump Criticism 2017 |
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Nước cờ của Tổng thống Trump |
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Christie: Trump ‘blew it’ with the shutdown |
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Stung by claims of illegal workers Trump Organization turns to E-Verify |
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Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months |
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US intelligence chiefs reveal gulf with Trump on North Korea Iran |
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Visita Trump la frontera sur con México |
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Trump Reportedly Likes To Tell Visitors Obama ‘Watched Basketball All Day’ During His Presidency |
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Susan Collins: ‘I’m Not Prepared’ to Endorse Trump’s Re-Election Yet |
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Trump insider got board spot after US lifted sanctions on Russian company – Quartz |
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Trump Friend Stone Pleads Not Guilty in Russia Probe Aguilera to Launch Las Vegas Residency in May |
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WOW: Kamala Harris Calls Trump’s Wall A ‘Vanity Project’ But Look What She Surrounded Herself With |
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Trump is Wrong to Abuse Government Power and Eminent Domain for His Wall |
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Democrats Boycott Lunch with Trump |
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Hate Hoax Lefty Actor Claims Trump-Supporting Homophobic Bigots Carrying Bleach and Rope Beat His Ass at 2 AM in Chicago |
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Fake News: The Trump Phenomenon 3 Replies |
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Trump Buys hecka McDonald’s Wendy’s for Clemson Tigers |
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The Donald Tromper – The Trump Male Romper |
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Trump anuncia acuerdo que pone fin a cierre de Gobierno |
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Trump advisers lied over and over again Mueller says The question is why |
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Donald Trump Wins 2016 US Presidential Election |
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Trump Strategist Steve Bannon Tried to Get a Lobbying Job at Juul Labs |
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‘I want him to declare an emergency’: Eric Trump urges his father to use executive |
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Trump đề nghị giám đốc tình báo Hoa Kỳ nên ‘quay lại trường học’ vì ông biết nhiều hơn về Iran |
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Lord Rothschild has warned that President Donald Trump threatens to destroy the New World Order and “must be stopped at all costs” Rothschild family-owned magazine The Economist branded Trump a “present danger” to the “New World Order” and admitted that the globalist elitists that formed it are “spinning in their graves” |
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Trump: Beziehung zu Nordkorea gut wie nie |
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If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress the government will either shutdown on Feb 15 again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency Trump said |
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Do You Guys Think That Donald Trump Has Something To Do With Cryptocurrency |
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Project Fear Comes To DC: Coats Contradicts Trump Says ISIS ‘Very Likely’ To Attack US |
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¡LO ÚLTIMO! Donald Trump reitera su respaldo a Juan Guaidó a través de una llamada Nico es un cero a la izquierda |
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White House aide’s husband insults Trump in tweet |
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Se intensifica la Guerra de Trump contra los inmigrantes |
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US still push Trump on Rusal sanctions deal |
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Donald Trump: Captain Chaos |
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Chairman Raja Supports President Trump on Paris Accord |
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Donald Trump US President |
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Maduro: Trump deu ordem para me assassinarem |
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Deportation orders up 31 nationwide under Trump |
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As Russia probe turns to fake Facebook ads Trump follows with a tweet |
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Putin Wants Everything Trump Is Giving Him — DonTheCon for RussiaFirst |
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Profeta amiga de Donald Trump vende la “Vida Eterna” por 1144 Dólares |
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President Donald Trump Says He Will Sign An Executive Order Enabling Americans To Purchase Health Insurance Across State Lines |
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Kim Jong-un expressa ‘grande satisfação’ com carta de Trump |
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Trump Latched onto Something Millions of Souls Needed |
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Ben and Jerry’s Announces New Trump-Inspired Ice Cream Flavor |
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Donald J Trump reconoce a Juan Guaidó Presidente Interino de Venezuela |
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Bernie and the Dems Flunk Trump’s Test on Venezuela’s Coup |
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Donald Trump kêu gọi nhà lãnh đạo Venezuela Juan Guaido chúc mừng việc tiếp quản vị trí tổng thống |
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Trump kicks off his ‘Remain In Mexico’ policy sending the first Central American asylum seeker back across the border under new rules |
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Trump yönetimi çekilme ve yeni müdahale sinyallerini aynı anda veriyor Suriye ve Afganistan’dan çekilme gündemde Suriye’nin kuzeyindeki çekilmenin aylara yayıldığını biliyoruz Doha’da görüşen ABD ve Taliban yetkililerinin geçici bir anlaşmaya vardığı bilgisi ajanslara düştü Taliban ile anlaşmaya varılırsa Amerikan askerleri 18 ay içinde Afganistan’dan çekilecekmiş Bu çekilmelerin nasıl gerçekleşeceği hala muğlak ise de ekibi Başkan Trump’ın hem Suriye hem de Afganistan’dan çekilme kararının kesin olduğunu söylüyor Bir yandan çekilmeleri konuşulan ABD’nin öte yandan yeni müdahalelerin planlama ve uygulama aşamasına geçtiği görülüyor Washington Venezuela’da rejim değişikliği konusunda ısrarcı AB’nin ve Latin Amerika ülkelerinin çoğunluğunun desteğini alan ABD müdahaleci yüzünün yeni bir örneğini sergiliyor Bu müdahale kendine has diplomatik ve ekonomik yaptırımlar içeriyor Washington en son Venezuela muhalefet lideri Guaido tarafından ABD temsilciliğine atanan CA Vecchio’yu kabul ederek Devlet Başkanı Maduro’yu fiilen de muhataplıktan düşürdü Gelirinin çok büyük kısmını ABD ile petrol ticaretinden elde eden Maduro yönetimi için bu karar ekonomik baskının çok ağırlaşacağı anlamına geliyor Trump yönetimi yaptırımlar ve zorlayıcı diplomasi ile yetinmeme işaretleri veriyor Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Bolton ABD’nin diplomatik personeline ve Guaido’ya karşı yapılacak herhangi bir şiddet eylemine sert bir şekilde karşılık verileceği tehdidinde bulundu Bu tehditler uluslararası aktörlerle işbirliği içinde olduğunu saklamayan Guaido’nun cesaretini artırıyor Hem geliri hem de diplomatik muhataplığı devr alan Guaido yaygın protestolarla Maduro’yu devirmeye çalışıyor Guaido Maduro yanlısı fakir kesimleri de gösterilere katması durumunda ordunun da Maduro’yu zorla indirmeye razı olacağını hesaplıyor Batı başkentleri de Latin Amerika başkentleri de bu senaryonun arkasında Başarırlarsa Batı destekli bir demokratik devrim hikayesi yazılacak Başaramazlarsa iç savaş kapıda Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Macron’un tantanalı Kahire seyahatinden anlaşılacağı üzere Maduro’ya süre verenler için tutarlılık da dert değil Seçilmiş Cumhurbaşkanı Mursi’yi deviren Sisi’yi meşrulaştırmak için de demokratik bir görüntü hazırlanmıştı Bu görüntü Venezuela’da yeterince hazır zaten Venezuela’da büyük ekonomik yatırımları olan Çin ve Rusya’nın rejim değişikliğine etkili şekilde cevap vermesi mümkün değil Çin zaten Guaido yönetimi ile de çalışabileceğinin işaretini verdi Bugün Venezuela krizini konuşuyoruz ancak 2019’un en yoğun gündemi İran olacak ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Pompeo Varşova toplantısı ile İran’ı sınırlandırma konusunda uluslararası destek arıyor Ekonomik yaptırımların etkisi ekonomisini çökerttikçe İran nihai karara zorlanacak İran bölgesel krizleri genişleterek cevap verebilir Suriye’deki İsrail ve İran gerginliği patlamaya hazır bir konu İran ile ekonomik işbirliği anlaşması imzalayan Şam’ın ve Hizbullah’ın Tel Aviv’i dolaylı da olsa tehdit noktasına gelmesi işlerin ne kadar kızışabileceğini gösteriyor Çekilmeler ve yeni müdahalelerle Trump yönetimi ABD grand stratejisine yeni bir renk veriyor Ekonomik yaptırımların daha çok kullanıldığı seçmece müdahalecilik dönemindeyiz |
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US intelligence chiefs’ de facto message to allies around the world: You’re right Trump is wrong |
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Supreme Court Declines Transgender Military Ban Cases Allows Trump Admin To Continue Tossing |
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Si algo me pasa Trump y Duque serán responsables: … |
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Video Black Conservative Patriot — John Bolton and Trump Troll the World with the Columbia Leak |
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Trump acuză serviciile de informaţii: ”Naivitate și pasivitate” |
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Trump intentó matarme a través del gobierno colombiano: Maduro |
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Donald Trump en la fiesta del millonario Mercer |
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Trump plaide pour la réintégration de la Russie au |
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Our Man from Boeing: Has the Arms Industry Captured Trump’s Pentagon |
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De Franco à Trump : la saga thermonucléaire |
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Obama hits back at ‘whacky’ Trump |
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« Pays de merde »: le président ougandais salue la « franchise » de Trump |
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Does White Supremacism Motivate Trump Against China |
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Senators ask Trump administration how badly shutdown hurt federal cybersecurity |
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Trump and the Multipolar Moment |
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Trump’s Coup in Venezuela |
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Comey v Trump – The Comedy of the 302’s |
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Pelosi Wore KNEE PADS: BEGGED Trump to Open the Government |
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Lena on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen on 30 Jan in: Donald Trump: ”Shutdown” für 3 Wochen ausgesetzt |
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Adele bittet Fans nicht für Trump zu stimmen |
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US Agencies Reopen as Trump Signs Order End Shutdown |
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Trump: More Democrats threaten to boycott inauguration |
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Trump reitera su compromiso con los venezolanos |
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Trump busca un cambio de régimen – Nosotros decimos: ¡fuera las manos de Venezuela! |
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Trump says US intelligence ‘naive should go back to school’ after contradicting his claims |
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Trump Broke It So He Owns It |
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Manufacturing Employment Increased Under Trump Lags Prerecession Levels |
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Trump oferece reforma imigratória parcial em troca |
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Trump’s Transgender military ban: How reducing minorities limits team success |
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The 2 Trump-State Senate Dems |
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Trump reitera su “completo respaldo” a Guaidó en una llamada y volcadura en el Río Santiago FOTOGALERÍA |
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What’s Cooking for December 10 or so in Trump clan |
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Haaretz – Admit It: Donald Trump Is a Di |
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Trump und die NFL – eine schwierige Beziehung |
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សំណង់ផ្ទះ ០៨នាក់ ទៅតុលាការ បានស្លាប់ Trump ស្តីពីបញ្ហាកូរ៉េខាងជើង ក្រុម IS Guaido ៖ Trump |
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Will Trump do it Get rid of unconstitutional income tax! |
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Pro Wrestling Boss Vince McMahon of WWE Was Trump Foundation’s Biggest Donor |
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Trump achaca disposición a “negociar” de Maduro a “sanciones” de EEUU |
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Fake News: The Trump Phenomenon |
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Why Trump Was Right to Ditch the INF Treaty |
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Trump Says the Economy Is Unstoppable Most Economists Say Otherwise |
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Gran marcha migrante marchará a la casa Blanca TRUMP |
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Time to gloat over forcing Trump to shut down himself says Martin Schram |
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McConnell critica tácticas de seguridad fronteriza de Trump |
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Trump insiste en declarar emergencia en la frontera |
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Donald Trump: “Se espera una protesta masiva hoy en Venezuela” El presidente estadounidense aconsejó a sus compatriotas que no viajen al país caribeño |
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Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End |
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Trump ‘MAGA’ Hats To Be Banned At Superbowl By Stadium Security |
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Donald Trump Loses His Sht After Senator Confirms |
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លោក Maduro បានអះអាងថាលោក Trump… |
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Ông Trump: “Chính phủ Mỹ có thể lại |
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Các cổ phiếu cần sa có vẻ sẽ phát triển mạnh nhờ Dự luật trang trại năm 2018 của Trump |
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Letters to the editor: Gun-sale loophole believe in Trump Roe v Wade border security will Democrats compromise |
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Donald Trump and the Rage Against Robots |
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Guaidó: He dialogado con Trump sobre crisis general anunció medidas cautelares contra Juan Guaidó |
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Trump Bolton y la confusión siria |
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Gay Trump Supporter on Kathy Griffin Show Incident: ‘I Don’t Feel I Did Anything Wrong’ |
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Maduro: Trump ölüm emrimi verdi! |
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Photos: 4 years later Trump Island is still selling for 875 million |
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Donald Trump 50 Percent Thanos 5 7 Billion for Wall Illuminati Freemason Symbolism TheGroxt |
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Leading Newspaper in Blue State New Mexico Calls on Dems to Compromise With Trump and Support Border Wall |
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Top 5 Solar Energy Trends That Are Reshaping the Global May be Affected by Trump Presidency |
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Trump Says ‘Wall’ Must Be Part of Lawmakers’ Border Deal |
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Stephen Miller Doesn’t Get Enough Credit for Supplying Trump’s Cruelest Ideas |
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Trump Administration Streamlines Veteran Medical Records |
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Trump Suriye’den Kürt heyetle Washington’da görüştü |
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Trump ha dado la orden a Colombia de matarme: Maduro |
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EU Google decision delayed to next week source says as Trump visits |
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Trump anuncia un acuerdo provisional para reabrir el Gobierno de EE UU |
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Trump is Right again |
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US President Donald Trump strikes deal to end government shutdown |
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Trump Loves to Give White House Tours |
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Actualidad Maduro dispuesto a diálogo con Trump y con opositores venezolanos adelantaría elecciones parlamentarias |
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Trump llama a Guaidó para reiterarle su apoyo ante crisis de Venezuela |
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