Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week |
51 |
S Korean leader to meet with Trump in US on nuke diplomacy |
47 |
AP FACT CHECK: Trump misleads on health care Russia probe |
35 |
The Latest: Trump administration opposes health plan ruling |
29 |
Judge blocks Trump’s small-business health insurance plan |
27 |
Trump bowing to pressure backs off budget request for Special Olympics cuts |
24 |
Trump pushes the angle of ‘no collusion’ in Russia report |
23 |
Trump blasts Russia probe calls 2020 Democrats ‘radical’ |
20 |
Trump’s small-business health insurance plan struck down |
18 |
Egyptian leader to meet with Trump next month at White House |
17 |
Trump supporters revel in Russia probe’s conclusion |
15 |
Trump backs off proposal to cut Special Olympics funds |
13 |
Facing protests Trump backs off Special Olympics cuts |
13 |
Trump says Special Olympics funding to be restored not cut |
13 |
Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
11 |
Cuomo and Lemon rip Trump’s ‘fear mongering’ at rallies |
9 |
Trump revels in retelling early results of Mueller probe |
9 |
Trump arremete contra México y Centroamérica por migrantes |
8 |
John Bolton consejero de Donald Trump valora reunión con líderes del Caribe como muestra de compromiso con crecimiento económico regional |
8 |
Gobierno de Trump pedirá autorización para deportar a menores no acompañados |
8 |
The Latest: Trump backs off Special Olympics funding cut |
8 |
The Latest: Trump tells supporters ‘Russia hoax is dead’ |
8 |
Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México la próxima semana |
8 |
Man who set up 2016 Trump Tower meeting explains regrets |
8 |
Trump overrides advisers backs funding for Special Olympics after uproar |
7 |
Fired-up Trump pushes ‘no collusion’ angle in Russia report |
7 |
The Latest: Trump tells supporters ‘Russia hoax is dead’ |
7 |
Trump’s Small Business Health Insurance Plan Canceled |
7 |
Danilo Medina resalta interés de Donald Trump en cooperar con el Caribe destaca cordialidad y respeto gobierno estadounidense |
7 |
Melania Trump recibe a la esposa de Juan Guaidó en Miami |
7 |
ND Delegation Comments on President Trump’s E-15 Decision |
7 |
Iran to ‘resist’ Trump decision on Israel’s hold over Golan |
7 |
Melania Trump’s Mail Suit Suggests Desire To Monetise First Lady Role |
7 |
Trump surprises his aides and allies with abrupt decrees |
6 |
Trump administration riding high after Muller report |
6 |
Trump Dealt His Second Health-Care Blow Of The Week |
6 |
Court blocks another Trump attempt to undermine Obamacare |
6 |
Trump extends humanitarian program for Liberian immigrants |
6 |
Trump’s Fed pick worries economists rallies conservatives |
6 |
Judge blocks Trump’s small-business health insurance plan |
6 |
Puerto Rico governor to Trump: Come to Puerto Rico see the pain |
6 |
Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating Trump Then Apologizes |
6 |
Fired-Up Trump Pushes ‘No Collusion’ Angle In Russia Report |
6 |
Chris Evans says he ‘might have to cut ties’ with Tom Brady hopes ‘he’s not a Trump supporter’ |
5 |
Una orientación socialista: el colapso del engaño Trump-Rusia y la necesidad de un movimiento independiente |
5 |
South Korea’s Moon Will Visit Trump At White House In April |
5 |
Trump turns Mueller probe’s findings into political weapon |
5 |
Google Angkat Bicara Soal Ketik Kata ‘Idiot’ Muncul Foto Donald Trump |
5 |
Mary Katharine Ham: Shouldn’t we be treating it as good news for America that Trump didn’t collude with Russia |
5 |
‘Total exoneration Complete vindication’ Trump tells enthusiastic Michigan crowd |
5 |
Donald Trump threatens to shut US-Mexico border again |
5 |
Gobernador aclara expresiones sobre Trump |
5 |
Again Trump Threatens To Shut Mexico Border |
5 |
“Alov qüllələrini İlham Əliyevə təqdim etdim Trump Tower isə bağlı qaldı”– Məşhur memar EKSKLÜZİV |
5 |
Trump’s Jerusalem Decision and His Pro-Israel Lobbyist Financiers |
5 |
Donald Trump è di destra anzi di sinistra |
4 |
UNCHAINED: Trump Comes Out Swinging In Post-Mueller Campaign Rally |
4 |
AMLO y Trump tienen primer desencuentro |
4 |
Donald Trump exonerat Acuzele de legături cu Rusia au fost dovedite totalmente false Hoții KGB-iști strigau hoții GreatAgainRo publică DOCUMENTUL Procurorului General al SUA |
4 |
Trump freaks out after oil prices rise due to his sanctions |
4 |
Senate confirms Trump nominee William Barr to be next attorney general |
4 |
El primer desencuentro AMLO – Trump: México pidió respeto luego de la amenaza de cerrar la frontera |
4 |
Trump adviser warns Russia on military presence in Venezuela |
4 |
Trump says no Special Olympics cuts |
4 |
Twitter Liberals Threaten to Baby-Sit Controversial Trump Tweets |
4 |
Overriding experts Trump admin approves plan to sell secret nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia |
4 |
Trump: I Plan To Declassify And Release All FISA Docs |
4 |
Trump fton Kongresin për pranimin e Maqedonisë Verore në NATO Zaev: Gati jemi! |
4 |
Điểm tin thế giới 29/3: Tổng thống Trump bất ngờ gia hạn cho người nhập cư Mỹ cảnh báo ‘chiến lược quốc phòng’ của Trung Quốc |
4 |
MASSIVE: How trump Modi worked together to release wing commander from Pakistan |
4 |
Trump weighs in on Smollett case as Chicago demands reimbursement |
4 |
Save 50 On The Trump 2020 Campaign Hat When You Buy Any T-Shirt! |
4 |
Trump Renews Threat to Close Southern Border With Mexico |
4 |
ELECTION 2020: Trump Roars “Collusion Delusion Is Over” To Supporters At Michigan Rally |
4 |
Moon Trump to hold summit on April 11 in Washington |
4 |
Trump makes veiled attack on McCain health care vote |
4 |
Trump dice que “Rusia tiene que salir” de Venezuela y que “todas las opciones” están abiertas para conseguirlo |
4 |
Videocharla astillada Trump amenaza con cerrar la “maldita frontera” con México |
4 |
Funding bill includes new limits on Trump’s immigration crackdown |
4 |
New Mueller probe revelations explain Trump’s rage |
4 |
Trump pushes the angle of ‘no collusion’ in Russia report |
4 |
Remarks by President Trump in a Photo Opportunity with the 2018 Stanley Cup Champions Washington Capitals |
4 |
Wie Präsident Trump die Pädophilie-Industrie und ihre Hauptakteure besiegt |
4 |
Trump amenaza nuevamente cerrar frontera con México y arremete contra Honduras Guatemala y El Salvador |
4 |
As letras pequenas no relatório Mueller ainda incomodam Trump |
4 |
Trump says FBI and Justice Department will look into Jussie Smollett case |
4 |
Pentagon moves ahead on border wall as House can’t override Trump veto |
4 |
Donald Trump: ABD halkının iradesini sabote etmeye çalıştılar |
4 |
President Trump backs off Special Olympics funding cut |
4 |
The Latest: Melania Trump meets wife of Venezuela’s Guaido |
4 |
VIDEO: Eugen Tomac pentru Basarabia de acasă de la Donald Trump președintele SUA la reședința de la Mar-a-Lago din Florida: Make Romania Great Again |
4 |
How to Find Hope in the Age of Trump |
3 |
Omar Claims Crisis At Border Is ‘White Nationalism’ Trump Utterly Destroys Her |
3 |
La femme de Donald Trump copie le discours de Michelle Obama!!! |
3 |
Trump : Olimpiade Khusus Akan Didanai |
3 |
Trump cerrará la frontera la próxima semana si México no detiene a migrantes |
3 |
Trump recibirá al presidente de Egipto en la Casa Blanca |
3 |
Jussie Smollett’s Case: An Embarrassment To The Nation- Trump |
3 |
Trump Claims He’s ‘Taken Better Care of Puerto Rico Than Any Man Ever’ but Puerto Ricans Disagree |
3 |
Trump Tweets That FBI And Department Of |
3 |
Trump asks federal authorities to review Smollett case |
3 |
President Trump Taking Victory Lap |
3 |
Trump retrouve le Michigan la campagne et des accents de 2016 |
3 |
Hannity Draws Huge Ratings Wednesday With Trump Interview Maddow Rebounds |
3 |
Take that America! Huawei flips Trump amp Co the bird after reporting double-digit rise in sales and profit |
3 |
Trump names Jessie Liu to the No 3 Post at DOJ |
3 |
Hope Lost: Even Maxine Waters Now Says Impeaching Trump Is Off The Table |
3 |
Chris Evans hopes Tom Brady has ‘woken up’ and doesn’t support Donald Trump anymore |
3 |
Ocasio-Cortez Tweets About Border Crisis Critics: You Just Made Trump’s Case |
3 |
Trump to pick Fox News contributor for new State Dept spokeswoman |
3 |
Trump’s Golan Move Aimed at Covering Up Israel Crimes: Iran |
3 |
Trump asks OPEC to pump more oil because prices are too high |
3 |
Emir To Meet US President Trump In Washington Today |
3 |
Joe Sanberg Dares Trump to Call Him a Socialist |
3 |
Trump-Appointed Board Proposes Major Blow to Air and Rail Unions |
3 |
Oposición plantea RD debe pedir más apoyo de EEUU para Haití en reunión con Trump |
3 |
Donald Trump amenaza al gobierno de AMLO con ‘cerrar la maldita frontera’ |
3 |
No me voy a enganchar responde AMLO a advertencia de Trump |
3 |
Pentagon authorizes USD 1 bn for Trump’s border Abraham to feature in and produce biker film |
3 |
“¡No debemos recibirlos!”: Europa se resiste al retorno de más de 800 miembros del EI capturados como demanda Trump |
3 |
WATCH: President Trump Fires Them Up in Michigan and Across the Nation |
3 |
Nếu ông Trump chùn tay chỉ 1 năm nữa tiền và vũ khí của Nga sẽ ngập tràn Venezuela |
3 |
Ivanka Trump: More good news for American workers |
3 |
Trump Takes A Post-Mueller Victory Lap At Michigan Rally |
3 |
Trump’s Iran Policy Is ‘Untethered to History’ |
3 |
As Big As A Super Bowl: Trump Victory Lap In Michigan Has Crowd Chanting ‘Lock Them Up’ |
3 |
Trump cerrará la frontera la semana que viene si México no bloquea por completo el flujo de la inmigración ilegal |
3 |
Could the Path of a GOP Revolt against Trump Run Through East Los Angeles |
3 |
Podría cerrar la frontera con México la próxima semana: Trump |
3 |
Trump: Jussie Smollett Case Will Be Reviewed by FBI Department of Justice |
3 |
Trump Pushes Back Against the Now Concluded Russia Investigation |
3 |
The Latest: Trump admires May ‘in there fighting’ on Brexit |
3 |
Quốc tế nổi bật: Ông Trump dọa đóng cửa biên giới phía Nam |
3 |
Trump Didn’t Record Comey White House Tells House Intel Panel |
3 |
Trump ile Sisi bir araya gelecek |
3 |
US House passes bill rejecting Donald Trump’s border wall emergency |
3 |
Trump Blames GM Plant Closure on Union Dues |
3 |
Fired-up Trump pushes ‘no collusion’ angle in Russia report |
3 |
Trump To Meet With South Korea’s President In April |
3 |
House Votes to Rebuke Trump’s Trans Military Ban |
3 |
Google Dedicated to US Army- Donald Trump: गूगल अमेरिकी सेना को समर्पित-डोनाल्ड ट्रंप |
3 |
Militaires russes au Venezuela: le Kremlin demande à Trump de se mêler de ses affaires |
3 |
President Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week |
3 |
Donald Trump Once Bought A 200M Yacht from Jamal Khashoggi’s Famed Arms Dealer Uncle exclusive |
3 |
Was Mueller’s punt on obstruction payback for getting strung along on Trump interview |
3 |
The 43 most ‘well that happened’ lines from Donald Trump’s Michigan rally |
3 |
El fracaso de Trump en Venezuela |
3 |
Miles de inmigrantes se creían a salvo Ahora ICE los va a capturar por un cambio de Trump |
3 |
Trump’ın kararı uluslararası hukuku hepten katletmiştir |
3 |
Ivanka Trump tours Toyota plant as part of Pledge to America’s Worker agreement |
3 |
Donald Trump Jr Tears Into Ocasio-Cortez And She Does Not Like It |
3 |
Amenaza Trump con cerrar ‘la maldita frontera’ |
3 |
Abascal hace un Trump: plantea que Marruecos pague el muro que Vox pide en Ceuta y Melilla |
3 |
Nach Ende der Russland-Untersuchungen: Trump will verstärkt „Sumpf in Washington trocken legen“ |
3 |
Donald Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con México en días |
3 |
Trump USA Flag Nomad Shoes |
3 |
Abrams a Maduro: “No pongas a prueba” a Trump “no estamos jugando” |
3 |
Triều Tiên chào đón du khách Việt Nam sau Thượng đỉnh Trump – Kim |
3 |
Trump Vows To Have FBI DOJ Probe ‘Outrageous’ Smollett Race Hate Hoax |
3 |
Dissecting Trump’s recent financial disclosure |
3 |
A socialist orientation: The collapse of the Trump-Russia hoax and the need for an independent movement |
3 |
Et à la fin c’est encore Donald Trump qui gagne |
3 |
Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera la próxima semana |
3 |
Trump Schedule |
3 |
Is the timing of Jussie Smollett’s release a political maneuver designed to take attention away from the Mueller report which exonerates Trump |
3 |
District: Teacher made mistake with essay criticizing Trump |
3 |
Pennsylvania GOP and independent voters tell CNN they are done with Trump |
3 |
Trump truer med at lukke grænsen til Mexico |
3 |
These are Trump’s Fox News hires 2018 |
2 |
Behind Donald Trump There Is Melania |
2 |
Trump offers Arabs handshakes to steal their lands: Iran |
2 |
George Conway: ‘People Go to Prison’ for What WaPo Says Trump Did with Financial Statements |
2 |
Trump slams central american states for doing nothing on illegal immigrants despite |
2 |
Trump vuelve a arremeter contra México y amenaza con cerrar la frontera |
2 |
President Trump mocks Adam Schiff with new nickname at Michigan rally and CNN is very upset over it |
2 |
Telling Truth While Talking Trump |
2 |
O’Rourke reprende a Trump por las separaciones familiares |
2 |
Trump defiende relación con Puerto Rico y dice que es quien más ha dado recursos |
2 |
Trump Just Restored Special Olympics Funding Overrides DeVos In Major Announcement |
2 |
US Foreign Policy and Religious Exceptionalism in the Trump Era |
2 |
Houston-area school district receives angry calls over Trump-related assignment |
2 |
Trump signs Proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights |
2 |
Trump Prepares Offensive Against the Press Following Exoneration |
2 |
Produtores Americanos de soja insatisfeitos com comentários do presidente Trump sobre |
2 |
CNN: Moderate Democrats who voted for Trump are really put off by AOC |
2 |
I set up the Trump Tower meeting I had no idea what it would |
2 |
Trump Calls Jussie Smollett Decision Outrageous Wants FBI amp DOJ to Investigate |
2 |
Trump Rampages Through Grand Rapids Calls Adam Schiff A ‘Pencil Neck’ In Profanity-Laced MAGA Rally |
2 |
Trump Threatens To SHUT DOWN The Border After What Was Just Discovered |
2 |
Trump overrules DeVos says he’ll keep Special Olympics funding |
2 |
Moon Jae-in se reunirá el 11 de abril con Donald Trump en Washington |
2 |
Presidente Trump a élites liberales: “¡Soy más inteligente que ellos tengo mejores apartamentos que ellos!” |
2 |
Trump asegura cuidar a Puerto Rico como nadie gobernador responde con golpearlo |
2 |
PTV News – 280319 – Israele occupa Trump appone i sigilli |
2 |
Trump – Dems “Defrauding the Public With Ridiculous Bullsh–“ |
2 |
Twitter may tag rule-breaking Trump tweets |
2 |
29 de marzo de 2019 Nuestro eje Trump |
2 |
Trump Issues Memo To Initiate Reforms On Housing As… |
2 |
Trump 2020: rumblings of a Republican primary challenge |
2 |
No encontraron evidencia de colusión de Donald Trump con Rusia |
2 |
Trump Bets On Obamacare Battle to Win Reelection |
2 |
¡Vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera! reitera Trump |
2 |
L’última proposta d’Abascal s’inspira en el populisme racista de Donald Trump |
2 |
By striking at ACA Trump could unravel his own drug pricing proposal |
2 |
Senado de EEUU bloquea declaración de emergencia de Trump en la… |
2 |
Trump threatens to close southern border amid ‘breaking point’ warning |
2 |
Wojna z Rosją Trump mówi że rosyjskie oddziały muszą „opuścić” Wenezuelę |
2 |
Donald Trump’s opponents are aping his apocalyptic style |
2 |
Donald Trump se reunió con Fabiana Rosales en la Casa Blanca |
2 |
Trump ¿Impulsa la independencia para Puerto Rico |
2 |
The Truth About Donald Trump’s 5 Kids |
2 |
Chicago Mayor to Trump over Jussie Smollett case: ‘Sit this one out’ |
2 |
Trump Reportedly Obsessed With News Coverage Of Him Trashing His Own Cabinet Members |
2 |
Has Trump Pushed Me to Fleece |
2 |
‘I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be says Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump Dropkicks Occasional-Cortex’s ‘Green New Deal’ Into Next Week |
2 |
Crackpot Celebrities React to Robert Mueller’s “No Collusion” Report on Trump |
2 |
Does Trump understand how the federal budget process works |
2 |
Trump se queja por caravanas migrantes |
2 |
Trump changes mind and extends Liberians’ immigration protections in US |
2 |
Trump Presidente: delusione o ultimo katechon Intanto grazie agli americani per non aver creduto alla propaganda |
2 |
Liệu Donald Trump có bị luận tội |
2 |
President Trump Re-Signs 1952 Law Making Muslamic Law Illegal Again |
2 |
Donald Trump – 45th President of U |
2 |
Nicolas Maduro Trump Yönetimini Hedef Aldı |
2 |
Poll: Nearly 75 of GOP voters favor Trump over Hogan in hypothetical matchup |
2 |
Trump: Những người hậu thuẫn cuộc điều tra Nga đã cố đánh cắp quyền lực phi pháp |
2 |
Ivana Trump |
2 |
Protégez-vous contre les guerres de Donald Trump |
2 |
Juan Dalmau agita pelea Rosselló vs Trump: Los puños no se prometen se dan |
2 |
WATCH: Trump Rally Chants ‘AOC SUCKS!’ – New Poll Says MOST |
2 |
Trump fires up base in Michigan: “The collusion delusion is over” |
2 |
La vittoria di Trump e i piani della setta per il completamento dell’agenda del “papa di nuova generazione” Le profezie di San Francesco |
2 |
Swamp monsters including the ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon’ protest Trump’s interior secretary pick |
2 |
‘The collusion delusion is over’: Trump blasts Democrats about Mueller report at rally |
2 |
Planned Parenthood claims federal family planning funding is tainted by Trump-Pence gag rule |
2 |
UN Security Council to Meet Over US Golan Heights Ploy: Trump Deception |
2 |
Trump reportedly talked about using the ‘nuclear football’ on North Korea in 2017 |
2 |
Trump has ‘overridden’ his administration to fund the Special Olympics |
2 |
House sustains Trump’s veto of bill to terminate emergency declaration |
2 |
Trump lanza nueva amenaza a México: “vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera” |
2 |
Only Idiots in Flyover Country Support Trump |
2 |
Trump Calls for Adam Schiff’s Forced Resignation |
2 |
Trump aux militaires vénézuéliens: «Vous perdrez tout» |
2 |
McConnell moves toward ‘nuclear option’ for confirmation of Trump nominees |
2 |
Trump freaks out after oil prices rise due to his sanctions on Iran and Venezuela |
2 |
Si México no detiene la migración cerraremos la frontera la próxima semana: Donald Trump |
2 |
Melania Trump ratifica apoyo a lucha democrática de Venezuela al reunirse con esposa de Guaidó |
2 |
Mississippi man pleads guilty in ‘Vote Trump’ church arson |
2 |
Mississippi man pleads guilty in ‘Vote Trump’ church arson |
2 |
Trump UNLOADS: Rubs Mueller Report In Media’s Faces Calls For Resignation |
2 |
Trump to host Egypt’s Sisi on April 9 |
2 |
Vegas Mexican Restaurant That Supported Trump Goes Out of Business |
2 |
On Thursday the US Court of International of Trade ordered the Trump administration to ban seafood imports from Mexico caught with gillnets that kill the critically endangered vaquita porpoise |
2 |
DID OBAMA’S GET TO HIM Mayor Rahm Emanuel Shifts Gears…Blames TRUMP For Smollett Faking Hate Crime |
2 |
Presidente de Brasil ora en la Casa Blanca con Trump y… |
2 |
Russia hoax is ridiculous bullshit finally dead Trump tells Michigan rally |
2 |
Trump recevra son homologue égyptien Sissi le 9 avril |
2 |
At Michigan rally Trump accuses Dems of ’poisoning’ country with Mueller probe |
2 |
Sarah Sanders Is Asked How Christians Can Support Trump Gives Best Answer We’ve Ever Heard |
2 |
Correction: Trump-Russia Probe-Papadopoulos story |
2 |
Trump asegura que la construcción del muro con México sería “un acto de amor” |
2 |
Exclusive: Key Trump health official spends millions on GOP-connected consultants |
2 |
11 Vợ Tổng thống tự phong Guaido gấp rút gặp Trump vì lính Nga tới Venezuela |
2 |
Trump uderza w ropę naftową Ropa już po 58 dolarów! |
2 |
Pide Trump a China quitar aranceles |
2 |
Seimo konservatoriai ragina vyriausybę finansiškai remti „Fort Trump“ projektą Lenkijoje |
2 |
Trump adelanta a 2024 el regreso de astronautas estadounidenses a la Luna |
2 |
La luz verde de Trump a Israel: primero los Altos del Golán ¿luego Cisjordania |
2 |
Trump wins the waiting game for now |
2 |
READ: Joe Scarborough Tweets at Donald Trump: ‘More People STILL Watch Morning Joe Than Attended Your Inauguration’ |
2 |
Trump’s small-business health insurance plan struck down |
2 |
Trump Train |
2 |
Trump: Criador de Muros |
2 |
President Trump Names Neomi Rao To Succeed Kavanaugh In DC Circuit |
2 |
“Los soldados rusos deben abandonar Venezuela”: Trump |
2 |
Trump says there’s ‘no very great rush’ to craft Republican health care alternative as issue drags on in court |
2 |
Ratificación del T-MEC está en la lista de altas prioridades de Trump |
2 |
Trump: „Rusija se mora povući iz Venecuele sve opcije su otvorene“ |
2 |
Trump calls Mueller probe ‘the greatest hoax in the history of our country’ |
2 |
Donald Trump the Golan and the Return of the Old World Disorder |
2 |
The Auto Industry Unites to Fight Trump’s Proposed Car Tariffs |
2 |
Donald Trump MAGA Rally in Grand Rapids Addressed ‘Russia Probe’ Lies of Radical Democrats |
2 |
South Korea’s Moon to meet Trump over stalled North Korea talks |
2 |
Trump says he ‘may close the Southern Border’ to stop flow of illegal immigrants |
2 |
Trump Wants The FBI amp The DOJ To Go After Jussie |
2 |
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is positively gleeful over the idea of Trump ‘with his boot on the chest of the vanquished’ |
2 |
Chicago Mayor Tells President Trump to Butt Out of Jussie Smollett Case |
2 |
Trump ataca de nuevo ¿Y el gobierno mexicano |
2 |
Israeli FM Says Trump Will Sign Executive Order To Recognize Golan |
2 |
Trump c’era già nell’Atene classica post-Pericle e si chiamava Cleone |
2 |
President Trump Thrills Michiganders at Grand Rapids MAGA Rally Event |
2 |
Brasileira pode ser deportada dos EUA após confrontar apoiador de Trump |
2 |
If 54 of Americans Say They Will Vote for President Trump During the Witch Hunt… |
2 |
Trump Rips Into AOC’s Green New Deal “No Cows No Planes One Car” |
2 |
Marc Thiessen: The Trump-Russia collusion hall of shame |
2 |
Top Trump Health Official Spent Millions on GOP Communications Consultants |
2 |
High-Wire Act Ahead for Trump’s New Women’s Rights Envoy |
2 |
Trump calls Pichai Google President… |
2 |
At Michigan rally Trump blasts ‘major losers’ who criticized him |
2 |
Puerto Rico’s Governor Threatens To Physically Attack Trump CNN’s Acosta Smiles |
2 |
Home Depot Founder Vies to Become Official Sponsor of Mexico-America Wall Endorses Trump |
2 |
«Ich würde mich gerne einmal mit Donald Trump austauschen» |
2 |
El primer desencuentro AMLO – Trump: México pidió respeto luego de |
2 |
Rahm Emanuel Blames Trump For Smollett Alleged Crime |
2 |
Trump siloitti Netanjahun tien kohti vaalivoittoa – Israelin pääministerin niskassa kuitenkin korruptio-oikeudenkäynnin uhka |
2 |
CNN: Ông Trump từng nói về việc dùng vali hạt nhân với Triều Tiên |
2 |
Trump Rusya’yı uyardı: Venezüella’dan çık |
2 |
Open Letter to President Trump – American Firearms Coalition |
2 |
Bob Kerrey: How did Department of Justice get the Trump-Russia investigation so wrong |
2 |
En fotos: El encuentro entre Fabiana Rosales y Melania Trump |
2 |
Moscú le aclara a Trump que Rusia y Venezuela no son provincias de EEUU |
2 |
Trump and Obstruction of Justice: An Explainer |
2 |
México se inclina ante el presidente Trump en la ‘contención’ de extranjeros ilegales |
2 |
It’s Been This Weird Crystal Ball: ‘Veep’ Stars and Creatives Talk Trump Chaos and the Series Finale in Dishy Oral History |
2 |
Abascal como Trump quiere que Marruecos pague el muro que Vox reclama en Ceuta y Melilla |
2 |
Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Small-Business Health Insurance Plan |
2 |
Melania Trump tras reunión con Fabiana Rosales: Nuestro país se mantiene fuerte con el pueblo venezolano |
2 |
Trump acusa a México de no hacer nada para frenar a los migrantes |
2 |
Trump Mocks Asylum Seekers Who Claim They Fear For Their Lives: ‘A Big Fat Con Job’ |
2 |
Pope Francis out-of-bounds in saying Trump is not a good Christian |
2 |
White House Economic Adviser Touts Trump’s Help for ‘the Hopeless’ |
2 |
Gobernador de Puerto Rico sobre Trump: “Golpearé al hostigador en la boca” |
2 |
Trump advierte que próxima semana podría cerrar frontera |
2 |
Is de beurs in gevaar na beschuldigingen aan het adres van Trump |
2 |
Watch Adam Schiff Destroy The House GOP and Trump VIDEO |
2 |
Arab Summit will tone down opposition to Trump’s pro-Israel Golan declaration |
2 |
The Many Holes In Trump’s Wall Plans |
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Trump Declaration: US Officially Recognizes Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights |
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🇺🇸 Trump calls Democrats ‘sick’ at first rally since Mueller report |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la ‘maldita frontera’ con México |
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México no hace nada para detener el flujo migrante acusa Trump |
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Russiagate Implodes Pleasing Trump But Leaving the Left in the Cold |
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Trump threatens to close border ‘next week’ if Mexico doesn’t ‘immediately stop’ flood of illegal immigrants |
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L’ambassadeur Mike HAMMER confirme la volonté de TRUMP de voir les entreprises américaines investir en RDC |
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New Poll: Majority of Americans Open to Voting for Trump in 2020 |
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Trump conferma: “Domani divulgherò i file segreti su JFK” |
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El gobierno de Trump corta la financiación al lobby global abortista: la OEA es la primera afectada |
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Trump Versus the Venezuelan Revolution |
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Melania Trump recibe a la esposa de Juan Guaidó en advierte que presencia militar rusa en Venezuela es amenaza internacional |
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President Trump Declares “Billie Sol Estes Fraud Day� A National Holiday |
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Katarina von Bredow: Trump struntar i kärnvapenavtalet – spelar mitt eko-köp någon roll |
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Ohio Democrat Mocks Barron Trump Says He ‘May Need’ the Special Olympics Someday |
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Washington Post: Trump zawyżał wartość swojego majątku by robić lepsze wrażenie |
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Trump criticizes Central American nations Mexico over monetary aid |
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President Trump Rally LIVE in Grand Rap |
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Republicans To Use “Nuclear Option” To Help President Trump |
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‘Ridiculous bulls–t’ and other colorful moments from Trump’s Michigan rally |
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The Demoralizing Impact of Trump But Hope Has Arrived |
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Did social media elect Donald Trump |
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Experte warnt Anleger: Trump hat es auf Deutschland abgesehen |
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RNC Pro-Trump Super PAC Planning Ads Targeting Journalists Who Reported on Russia Probe |
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Democrats fail to overturn Trump’s emergency |
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Thank You President Trump for the Golan Heights – From Jerusalem With Love audio 🎧 |
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Netanyahu compara a Trump con el Rey Ciro luego de reconocer |
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2 MAJOR newspapers must return their anti-Trump Pulitzers! |
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Un Trump crecido lanza una nueva ofensiva contra la reforma sanitaria de Obama |
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Trump: Russia investigation ‘an elaborate hoax’ |
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BREAKING: President Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border Next Week as ‘Mother of all Caravans’ Pushes North |
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Donne Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Turns Peaceful Gun Owners Into Felons by Fiat |
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Nancy Calls Trump amp Republicans Telling Schiff To Resign ‘Scaredy-Cats’ Regrets It |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar la frontera |
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Gazette editorial: Having learned nothing Trump goes after Obamacare again |
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Khazarische Mafia spielt Trump-Erpressungskarte um ihren Sturz zu verhindern |
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Trump: FBI and DOJ to Review Smollett Case |
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Trump inicia su campaña |
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México responde a Trump y defiende su postura distinta sobre inmigración |
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Trump Can’t Help Being Hideously Racist at His Mueller Celebration |
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Trump Administration Releases Proposed FY 2020 Budget: Blueprint for Congress |
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Trump se defiende y asegura ha cuidado a Puerto Rico mejor “que a cualquier ser humano vivo” |
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House votes to condemn Trump’s transgender military ban |
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Trump Threatens To Shut Mexico Border Again |
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El Capitán América le pide a Tom Brady que ya no apoye a Donald Trump |
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Melania Trump y Fabiana Rosales en la residencia de Trump 28Marzo |
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The Key Elements for Trump Tax Plan |
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La vittoria di Trump e i piani della setta per il completamento dell’agenda del papa di nuova generazione Le profezie di San Francesco |
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Trump: I Plan To Declassify and Release All FISA Documents |
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esposa de juan guaid se reuni con donald trump |
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Trump labeled ‘obese’ and ‘repulsive physically’ in insanely brutal Morning Joe segment |
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‘The party of healthcare’: How Donald Trump is reshaping his strategy post-Mueller |
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Trump calls for Rep Adam Schiff’s resignation |
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Trump Reportedly Continuing Tradition of Putting Fox News People in Key Jobs |
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What It’s Like to Live in the Immigration Limbo of Trump’s America |
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Trump Is Struggling To Stay Calm On Russia One Morning Call At A Time |
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Trump sobre la frontera con México: “Construiremos un muro humano si es necesario” |
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The RNC is reportedly ready to attack reporters who criticize Trump ahead of 2020 |
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Tensión: Demócrata acusa a líder Mitch McConnell de colusión con Trump |
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Trump-May Special Relationship Gets Special Treatment In The Streets of London |
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President Trump entuziast lidhur me përfundimet e raportit të Prokurorit Mueller |
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Poll: Only 36 percent say Mueller report clears Trump of any wrongdoing |
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President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address |
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Abascal propone un muro a lo Trump para Ceuta y Melilla |
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Trump calls for resignation of House Intelligence Committee chair |
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POLL: Emerson Poll Shows 55 of Pennsylvania Voters Plan to Vote Against Donald Trump Both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden Hold Double Digit Leads |
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Children all fixed: Thanks to Trump |
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Has the Trump 2020 Collusion Investigation Started Yet |
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US lawmakers rebuke Trump over transgender military ban |
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Why President Trump’s tweet on The Golan Heights is important |
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Editorial do Estadão: Trump e as Colinas de Golan |
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US military officer criticizes Trump for |
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Trump lässt sich feiern: «Ich bin Präsident und sie nicht» |
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Resolution to Fight Trump’s Transgender Military Purge Put Forward |
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McConnell to Trump: Health care’s all yours |
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Contradiction in US Economic Policy that Trump would need to address |
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Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border Next Week |
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Ora Trump più che fare il gradasso vuole incassare il conto della Nato |
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Tiết lộ: Ông Kim gửi thư cho ông Trump trước thềm Thượng đỉnh ở Hà Nội |
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Dziewczyny z: Meksyku Wenezueli i Dominkany Po co Trump chce budować mur! |
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The Trump Administration’s Ableist Cuts to the Special Olympics |
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Is Rachel Maddow’s anti-Trump grift finally over now that Mueller debunked the Russia collusion claim |
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Melania Trump se reunió con Fabiana Rosales y reafirmó el compromiso de la Casa Blanca con el pueblo venezolano |
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House Passes Resolution Opposing Trump’s Transgender Military Ban |
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Rússia critica intenção de Trump reconhecer soberania de Israel sobre Golã » |
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The Trump run NLRB is sending union-work to non-union contractors |
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Trump truer med at lukke grænse |
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Trump holds raucous first rally since Mueller investigation ended |
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Trump says he won’t cut Special Olympics |
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GOP Rep Matt Gaetz admits his sole job in Congress is protecting Trump |
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Ted Cruz wants El Chapo to pay for Trump’s border wall by reallocating all his forfeited assets |
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Emulate Foggy Bottom to Enact President Trump’s Order to Hire More Military Spouses |
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Nancy Demands Audience ‘Clap’ For Bill To Protect Obamacare Trump Gives Smackdown |
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Ex-conejita de Playboy dice que tuvo relación con Donald Trump |
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Trump: ‘The Special Olympics will be funded’ |
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The View’s Abby Huntsman Excoriates Trump: ‘What a Dumb Move’ to Push for Obamacare Repeal |
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Donald Trump asegura en un mitin que conoce mucho sobre la energía eólica |
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‘Avengers’ Chris Evans: I’m Willing To Alienate Fans To Trash Trump Gets Destroyed |
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Trump Moon to meet in Washington in April: Seoul |
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Donald Trump Firma Orden Para Garantizar Libertad Religiosa en EEUU |
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Sisi Trump to Meet in April: Bassam Rady |
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Trump Says The Government Will Continue To Fund The Special Olympics |
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Actor Chris Evans Says He’s Cutting His Friendship With Tom Brady Over Trump |
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AMLO contradice a Trump y dice que si trabajan para frenar flujo migratorio |
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Rahm Emanuel is Now Blaming Jussie Smollett onDonald Trump |
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Jair Trump Xi Jinping quem melhor risos por Rui Daher |
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Trump Claims “I’ve Taken Better Care of Puerto Rico Than Any Man Ever” |
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Trump urged to delay decision on terminating India from GSP Programme |
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We Still Need To Investigate Trump-Russia Collusion |
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Trump administration suffers another Obamacare blow in court |
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FBI Tried to Take Out Trump |
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Rússia critica fala de Trump sobre possível aliança do Brasil com a Otan » |
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Trump retoma el tono electoral y reitera amenaza de cerrar la frontera con México |
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Wife of Obama DOJ Operative Bruce Ohr Worked for Major Anti-Donald Trump Group |
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Trump Taps Fox News Contributor as New State Department Spox |
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Melania Trump y Fabiana Rosales analizaron la situación de los niños en Venezuela |
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Melania Trump reitera a Fabiana Rosales el apoyo de EEUU a Guaidó |
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Trump unleashes on critics in fiery glimpse of 2020 campaign |
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Trump’s proposed 2020 budget would significantly decrease INL funding |
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Letter: Trump-McCain cartoon ‘on the mark’ |
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Trump proposes 500 million cut to NASA as agency aims for the |
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Cosa accadrà adesso con Trump allo Studio Ovale se ci arriverà |
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The Rise of Authoritarianism under the Presidency of Trump |
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Ivanka Trump tours Toyota |
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Trump: “He cuidado de Puerto Rico mejor que ningún otro ser humano vivo” |
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Schiff Fundraises Off Calls for His Resignation From Trump Republicans |
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Consent and Coercion in Trump’s Trade Policy |
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Does Trump Really Want “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” What Does That Mean |
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Dinheiro de muro de Trump é autorizado pelo pentágono |
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Trump tiene una visión que respeto y es legítima: AMLO |
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Trump renews threat to close US-Mexico border |
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Maxime Prévot Donald Trump et «Mon Ket»: ils sont dans le «Presse-Citron» de la semaine |
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How the angry anti-gun control fanatics paved the way for Trump |
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México es gobernado por un presidente “populista”: Steve Bannon exjefe de asesores de Trump |
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Tiffany Trump |
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Maxine Waters Says Trump is Still Suspect Despite Mueller’s Report |
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Trump hails Google’s ‘total commitment’ to US military not Chinese military! |
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Donald Trump says FBI amp DOJ will review the ‘outrageous’ Jussie Smollett case after all charges against him were dropped |
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Trump Tweet Puts Obama On Notice: Obama Admin Must Account for ‘Abuse of Surveillance Powers’ |
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Jussie Smollet case an embarrassment to our nation- Donald Trump |
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Roselló es colonizado por Yulín para enfrentarse con Trump |
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Trump svojim pristašama: ‘Obmana o dosluhu s Rusijom napokon je mrtva’ |
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Trump advisor warns Russia on military presence in Venezuela |
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How Mueller Crushed the GOP’s ‘Dump Trump’ Crowd |
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Trump claims ‘the Russia hoax is dead’ |
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Ebba Busch Thor kopierar Trump |
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Cho rằng giá dầu quá cao ông Trump kêu gọi OPEC tăng sản lượng |
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The Making of Donald Trump |
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Letter to the editor: Should continuity trump achievement |
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Trump: No rush to get health care plan |
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Trump Must Fire Bolton – To Save the Peace of the World |
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Rahm Emanuel Flips Says Smollett A Victim of Trump |
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How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump |
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Trump Usahakan Laporan Mueller jadi Stimulus Politik Pemilu 2020 |
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“México no hace nada para frenar migrantes”: Trump |
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Revealed: Trump-Linked US Christian ‘Fundamentalists’ Pour Millions of ‘Dark Money’ into Europe Boosting the Far Right |
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Impeach Donald Trump |
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Senador pide a Trump que anule aranceles si quiere que el Congreso vote T-MEC |
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ABC’s Jonathan Karl writing book on covering Trump |
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Come Trump politico ticinese spera in un muro tra Como e la Svizzera contro i frontalieri |
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‘RUSSIA HOAX IS DEAD’: Trump takes victory lap in Michigan after Mueller probe ends |
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What happens to rural and small-town Trump voters after Trump is gone |
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Las Claves para Hacerse Rico segun Donald Trump – Educación Financiera – |
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Oil Price Too High Trump Seeks OPEC to Boost Production |
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Trump Sends US Officials To Investigate Land Expropriation in South Africa |
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Trump Tells Russia To ‘Get Out Of Venezuela!’ |
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Iraq War Hero Makes The Ultimate Sacrifice – Trump’s Reaction Stuns The World! |
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México se inclina ante el presidente Trump en la |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar su frontera con México por flujo de migrantes |
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Supreme Court won’t stop Trump administration’s enforcement of bump stock ban |
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At rally Trump says Russia probe backers tried to steal power illegally |
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Tom Ewing: The Connection Between Jamal Khashoggi and Donald Trump |
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La Fed passe aux mains de Donald Trump |
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Poll Finds 61 Want End to Investigations Into Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump numește raportul lui Mueller drept ‘cea mai mare farsă din istoria politicii’ |
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Inslee announces release of tax returns calls on Trump to do same |
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Những lời xin lỗi dành cho Tổng thống Donald Trump |
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Trump is ready to see some accountability and so are we |
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Trump Shouts Out His Favorite Fox News Stars at Rally Mocks CNN/MSNBC’s Ratings |
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Eye Opener: Trump takes victory lap |
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Trump Extends Deportation Protection For Liberians In The US |
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Ivanka Trump at TMMK today |
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Trump loyalist Cramer wants energy ‘grand bargaining’ |
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Trump Get Out! |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con México en días |
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Unlike other ports Virginia got no money in Trump’s budget for harbor deepening — but options remain |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar la maldita frontera si no detienen a migrantes |
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Donald Trump Threatens to Sue The Times Over Article on Unwanted Advances |
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Ruhani’den Trump yönetimine Golan tepkisi |
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Trump financiará las Olimpiadas Especiales |
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Trump says ‘Russia hoax is finally dead’ |
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Trump blanchi Loiseau ne vole pas haut révélations de Villiers sur l’UE crise en Algérie… |
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Trump recebe mulher de Guaidó e pede que russos deixem a Venezuela |
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Ethiopia – People of Addis Ababa about Donald Trump |
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Trump tweets that he wants 5G and 6G networks in the US ‘as soon as possible’ |
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Top Economists Blast Trump’s Fed Pick Stephen Moore as ‘Merely a Propagandist’ |
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TRD talks Trump Tower Chicago’s empty retail on WGN |
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A defiant Russia ignores Trump’s calls to ‘get out’ of Venezuela |
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Help Wanted: Trump administration riddled with vacancies |
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Donald Trump’s favorite pollsters |
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Trump contradicts his own budget proposal tells rally crowd he’ll give more money for Great Lakes |
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Trump inauguration ritual generated greater division within each political group |
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Trump – McCain Discourse |
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Should Moral Theologians Speak at Anti-Trump Public Protests |
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Why Trump must get ready for |
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Donald Trump Make Liberals Cry Again 2020 |
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Trump Tests Post-Mueller Vengeance Campaign |
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Iranian Protesters Love Donald Trump And Hate Justin Trudeau! |
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Cerraré la frontera con México: Donald Trump |
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‘Russian hoax is finally dead’ Trump tells Michigan rally |
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Trump claims he’d win 98 of vote if he ran in Israeli elections Report |
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Donald Trump acaba con una tradición en el Opening Day |
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Newsweek Just Caught Ivanka Trump Using Personal Email For Federal Business |
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NC sheriffs stand tall in opposition to Trump’s immigration policies |
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Ya se enojó Trump: “cerraremos ‘la maldita’ frontera si México no |
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Trump vows to release FISA docs now that Mueller probe is concluded slams ‘TREASONOUS’ FBI |
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Roe Conn Full Show 3/28/19: Rep Raja weighs in on the Trump/Schiff feud the Top Five5 feats Kim Foxx on Jussie Smollett and more… |
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Trump se libra: 7 claves en informe fiscal sobre la conspiración con Rusia |
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RampA has decided Trump Turnberry won |
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Making a massive hashtag of it – from Brexit backers to Trump |
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Barbara Bush said ‘angst’ over Trump caused her heart problems according to new book – The Boston Globe |
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Trump-Kim summit in Vietnam updates |
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WATCH: Trump Blasts ‘The Greatest Hoax in History’ at First Rally Since The Mueller Report |
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Gobernador de Puerto Rico sobre Trump: “Golpearé al hostigador en la… |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar la frontera la próxima semana |
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Donald Trump Uli Hoeneß oder Markus Söder – Haben Sie auch so einen Machtmenschen im Büro |
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Trump blanchi sur l’affaire russe |
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Shocking Report: Donald Trump Allegedly |
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President Trump’s Approval Rating Jumps Five Points! |
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Discurso completo de Emma González contra las armas los políticos ARN y Trump en Estados Unidos: llamamos BS |
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‘I know a lot about wind’ Trump says A government FAQ proves he doesn’t |
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La influencia de Trump en la legislación salvadoreña: el decreto 717/2017 |
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Survivor’s Guilt: Black Expats in the Trump Era |
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Presidente de Brasil ora en la Casa Blanca con Trump y |
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Trump Isn’t Cyrus Yet |
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Le président Donald Trump demande l’arrêt des vols des Boeing 737 |
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Republican senators working on ACA replacement Trump says |
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Republicans turn their backs on troops to support Trump’s bigoted ban |
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Trump administration calls for complete invalidation of Affordable Care Act |
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Sundar Pichai met with President Trump about Google’s ‘commitment to working with the US government’ |
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Rahm Emanuel: Smollett Thought He Could Get Away With ‘Hoax’ Because of ‘Toxic Environment’ Created by Trump |
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Citizens United for the Trump AgendaTax Reform Now |
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The Incredible Trump Deception Guns And Butter Audio |
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Trump goes to court to block people who criticize him on |
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Trump’s Score on the Psychopathy Scale – Compared to the Average Accenture Director |
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Judge blocks Trump’s rule to expand insurance plans that don’t meet ACA requirements |
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AMLO responde a Trump: México sí está atendiendo el tema migratorio |
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Fox Newser Greg Gutfled Lashes John Kerry Over Trump Slam |
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Trump firma decreto para proteger a EEUU de ataques de pulsos Protesta cultural en Plaza de Mayo denunciando la pobreza |
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Supreme Court rejects effort to stop Trump’s ban on rapid-fire bump stocks |
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Donald Trump Calls For FBI Review of Jussie Smollett Case |
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Father of local Special Olympics athlete among those who decried proposed cuts which Trump says are no longer being considered |
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Trump obtiene 1000 millones de dólares |
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A senseless murder of two African-Americans at a grocery store in Kentucky fueled by white supremacy and a fear of the “other” A series of bombs mailed to political and media figures A mass shooting in the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh that claimed 11 lives in what the Anti-Defamation League called “the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the United States” These horrific events—carried out over the course of only days—fit the terrifying and vicious political atmosphere presided over by President Trump an atmosphere in which organized hate has become the norm an atmosphere in which rabid nationalism anti-immigrant sentiments and patriarchy have become the dominant political rhetoric Make no mistake about it: this is an alarming attempt to keep outsiders at bay and aid the rise of white supremacy These attacks are frightening and come at a time when hate crimes went up for the fourth year in a row a rise fueled by a fear of the “other”—mainly people of color religious minorities and immigrants The irrational fear that the “other” will take this country away is not new We saw it in 2015 when this “fear” led to the murder of nine African Americans at Charleston’s Mother Emanuel Church We saw it in 2012 when six Muslims were killed in Wisconsin And we have seen it throughout history through authoritarianism genocide and the surveillance of “subversive” domestic organizations and individuals including Martin Luther King Jr The Hyams Foundation extends its deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those who were killed and injured as a result of these hateful actions We stand with you and will continue to work towards a just equal and hate-free world |
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Trump approval rating holds steady in post-Mueller poll |
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The role of Goldman Sachs in the Trump Network |
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Trump Takes a Victory Lap: ‘The Russia Hoax Is Finally Dead’ |
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President Trump Agrees to Temporarily Bypass Government Shutdown |
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Trump ameaça fechar fronteira com o México na semana que vem |
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Trump’s Golan policy change is ‘illegal and unacceptable’ |
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Supreme Court rejects effort to stop Trump’s ban on rapid-fire bump stocks |
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PM: Caricom never met with Trump |
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Viva Trump! Tanto hanno fatto che ora ce l’hanno reso davvero simpatico E sugli infaticabili Mentana Soro e compagnia a proposito del patetico caso Facebook! |
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Donald Trump Jr points father’s followers to new villain new rallying cry |
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Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press по-русски |
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Kid Rock Golfs With Trump Wearing Awesome Patriotic Pants! |
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Facebook incluye nacionalismo blanco como discurso de de la historia demócratas rechazan intento de destituir a Trump |
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CNBC’s Hardwood Schools Trump Trump Jr After Revised Jobs Numbers Puts Dent In Main Economic Talking Points – Hill Reporter |
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Trump Connects Passover Easter And Freedom |
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Prosecutor Kim Foxx Says Jussie Received Same Deal as a Non-Celebrity Trump Weighs in James Clyburn Says Reparations to Black America ‘Not Gonna Happen’ WATCH |
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Therefore we are speaking up for a Trump Pence agenda |
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Ambassador Jaafari Crushes Trump’s Tweet on Syria’s Golan Flagrant Violation Contempt for International Law |
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Trump’s Next Move Will Destroy Bill Clinton’s |
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Trump: Smollett Case ‘Outrageous’ FBI And DOJ |
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Trump Makes it Official: Calls For Investigation of the ‘Treasonous’ Left |
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WATCH: Donald Trump Says The Great Lakes Have ‘Record Deepness’ Lake Superior Corrects Him on Twitter |
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South Korean Leader to Meet with Trump in US on Nuke Diplomacy |
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Trump Lied on His Financial Statements |
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Trump’s artificial intelligence executive order will ensure America doesn’t lose the AI race to China |
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Trump’s Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital And The… |
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Trump On liberal Elites: ‘I’m Smarter Than They Are’ |
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Frank Cali murder: Alleged killer was influenced by pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory lawyer sugges |
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Trump officially recognizes Israeli control over Golan |
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Betekent “president Trump” een nieuw Amerika |
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Enough already: Federal judge says FBI MUST hand over memos of Comey’s ‘meetings’ with POTUS Trump |
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Donald Trump to meet South Korean President Moon next month |
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Biggest Foreign Policy Blunder of Trump’s Term Will Seriously Hurt Re-election Prospects |
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Democrat Elijah Cummings Seeks 10 Years of Trump’s Financial Records |
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La guerra comercial de Trump |
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Sheriff investigates bus aide who snatched student’s Trump hat |
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Trump’s Small-Business Health Insurance Plan Struck Down |
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Moscú a Trump: Rusia y Venezuela no son provincia |
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How Trump used unusual documents to exaggerate his wealth |
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Trump collaborations brewed by O Street |
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Corée du Nord : Kim Jong-Un dribble Donald Trump |
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Ivanka Battles Donald Trump Jr Over Run for President |
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The Democrats just wrote Trump’s 2020 ads for him |
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Trump Says Schiff Should Be Forced To Resign |
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How Did Donald Trump Earn His Money |
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nuclear technology Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry gave 6 secret authorizations to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia Xeni Jardin |
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Rashida Tlaib is about to pick one fight with Donald Trump that she will live to regret |
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US Troops Remain In Syria Despite Trump’s Request To Bring Soldiers Home |
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Bold amp hollow: Trump’s vow to return US to moon |
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Trump brings up ‘pervert Anthony Weiner’ as race tightens |
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AFP says Iran’s economy is weighed down by much more than Trump |
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FAKE NEWS NBC Uses Gaza Flotilla Org As “Gun Trafficking Experts” For Trump Hit Piece |
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Top Ten Reasons Why Trump Should Dump The Paris Agreement |
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Melania Trump reitera a Fabiana Rosales el apoyo de EEUU a |
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Melania Trump în rochia de mii de dolari care a devenit SOLD OUT instantaneu |
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Trump and Pelosi agree on one thing but for different reasons |
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Trump Phenomenon Radio! 9-10PM EST M-F |
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Trump says Mueller investigation reached beautiful conclusion |
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Al Gore Is Back In Theaters With A Powerful New Lie Anti-Trump Message On Climate Change |
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Nueva amenaza de Trump: ‘Cerraré la frontera’ |
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Tucker: There’s a real collusion story it doesn’t involve Trump |
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Buzz Aldrin says not punching Trump is his greatest achievement |
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Carrying water for Trump |
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Early Headlines: Asia Stocks Dollar And Oil Up Gold Down Trump On Offense Mueller Report Release Questions Special Olympics SNAFU May Hangs On Turkey Lira Plunges Russia In Venezuela And More |
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Anti Trump Protest Turns Deadly |
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Trump Airbnb Apple: el poder de un buen logo o sobre cómo evitar el ridículo |
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Trump foresees meeting with Pakistan leaders |
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Federal Judge Blocks Another Trump Effort To Undermine Obamacare |
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Trump Signs Proclamation Recognizing Israel’s Control Over the Golan Heights |
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Donald Trump quiere más que un muro |
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El nuevo presidente de México Andrés Manuel López Obrador AMLO cree que Donald Trump es un racista Así me lo dijo en una entrevista en el 2017 Eso quiere |
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The Last Trump Of The Rapture Explained |
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Chris Siennick Forms the Resistance Anticipating a Visit from ‘Bikers for Trump’ |
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Xi and Trump miss a chance to expand markets |
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Trump Overrides Advisers Backs Funding for Special Olympics After Uproar |
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Se reunirá presidente de Corea del Sur con Trump |
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Obama ‘Proud’ of Anti-Semitic Trump-Cursing Freshman House Dems |
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Jealous Obama Desperately Slanders Trump Quickly Realizes He Has Made A Terrible Mistake – Here’s What He’s Hiding |
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Donald Trump: |
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After years of Trump’s dire warnings a ‘crisis’ has hit the border but generates little urgency |
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VIDEO: Pelosi Claims Trump GOP Are ‘Afraid’ Of ‘Professional Patriotic’ Adam Schiff |
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Fala de Trump sobre aliança do Brasil com Otan é criticada |
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US Refugee Resettlement Goals Are At Historic Lows — Trump Still Won’t Meet Them |
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Rusia responde amenaza de Trump sobre Venezuela: EEUU debe salir de Siria |
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Trump tweets that OPEC should boost oil production as gas prices rise in US |
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In wake of UN speech Kim calls Trump a ‘dotard’ Trump fires back at ‘madman’ |
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Trump says FBI DOJ will review ‘outrageous’ Jussie Smollett case |
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Court blocks another Trump attempt to undermine Obamacare – Stats |
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A Federal Appeals Court Just Said Trump’s Tweets Show He’s An Anti-Muslim Bigot |
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Donald Trump “Gives” the Golan Heights to Israel |
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Nunes Making Good on Promise: To Begin Submitting Criminal Referrals Over Conspiracy to Conduct Illegal Surveillance on Trump |
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Trump team is jailing parents who just want to get their kids back |
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Trump Stormed Out Of BBC Interview After Being |
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Trump reconhece Colinas do Golan como parte de Israel |
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BREAKING: Bill O’Reilly Issues Urgent Warning to Trump It’s War |
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Trump’s War on the Fed |
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Trump se reunirá con el presidente de Corea del Sur en |
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Sam Trump – Brother ft Add-2 prod by Calvin Valentine |
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Advisor Ambassador John Bolton on the the Trump administration’s new Africa strategy |
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Trump has made racism respectable in modern America |
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Stranger El desafío de un inmigrante latino en la era de Trump |
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Trump pide a Rusia a sacar a sus militares de Venezuela |
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We Love Trump |
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Donald Trump reveals why he’s backing Boris for next Prime Minister – ‘I like him a lot!’ |
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Trump expected to sign order expediting pipeline projects |
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Trump Rises Above All US Presidents in Support of Israel |
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Trump careth not |
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Etats-Unis: Trump repart en campagne galvanisé par la fin de l’enquête russe |
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US: President Trump holds first rally since Mueller report |
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Le pétrole recule Trump reprend sa critique de l’Opep |
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Key Trump health official spends millions on GOP-connected consultants |
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Trump says there’s ‘no very great rush’ to craft Republican health care alternative as issue drags on in court |
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Trump Towers Delhi NCR |
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At Rally Trump Says Russia Probe Backers Tried to Steal Power Illegally |
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Trump has Plans to Declassify and Release the FISA Applications – March 29 2019 |
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Island Paradise in Iran Gets a Huge Boost From Trump Sanctions |
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The Trump Campaign’s Memo To TV Producers |
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CNN: Ông Trump từng đề cập sử dụng vali hạt nhân với Triều Tiên |
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Trump backs off Special Olympics funding cut |
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Political Post Affects Donald Trump’s Opinion on Taylor Swift |
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Five Recommendations for Corporate Responsibility Programs in the Trump Era |
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Author of Op-Ed is the Idiot not Trump |
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Trump Reportedly Loves News Coverage That Shows Him Undermining Cabinet Members |
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Trump Assembles A Confederacy Of Dummies To Stymie Climate Science |
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Si México no detiene a los migrantes cerraremos la maldita frontera: Trump |
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Presidente Donald Trump Reconhece Jerusalém como a Capital de Israel |
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Trump’s Fed pick worries economists rallies rises in Argentina’s capital amid crisis |
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Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel found “No Collusion” but CNN try to Deny Trump’s Exoneration |
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Iran to ‘resist’ Trump decision on Israel’s hold over with us |
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Secretary Pompeo hopes for a third Trump-Kim meeting “before too long” |
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Trump Stormed Out Of BBC Interview After Being Busted For Lying About Connection To Russian Mobster |
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Trump’s Playing a Brazen Shell Game to Move Money for His Wall |
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Florida Republican admits he’s just in Congress to protect Trump |
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Zemmour : « Jamais la bourgeoisie de gauche américaine et française ne pardonnera à Trump d’avoir défendu et séduit les petits blancs qu’elle méprise et déteste » |
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Jim Acosta de CNN: “El lenguaje de Trump es parecido al del tirador de Nueva Zelanda” |
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News Related Videos On: Republican lawmakers question Trump鈥檚 decision to focus on health care |
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Puerto Rico contra Trump: Daremos un puñetazo al matón si se acerca |
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Yeni Zelandalı Caniden Donald Trump’a Övgü |
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Here are some other tips on using social media in your marketing that I media is a great tool to get your word out Like it or not President Trump is a master of using social media to communicate with his base You can do the same thing with your business or practice but avoid the common myths to be successful and see your income grow |
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Golan: The Secret Truth Behind Trump’s R |
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Trump Takes on the Fed |
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Ex-CIA Dir John Brennan accused of “rigging intelligence reports against President Donald Trump” |
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Trump says Special Olympics funding will not be cut |
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Donald Trump slams Mueller probe as “an attempted government takeover during Hannity interview |
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Ilhan Omar Just Gave Donald Trump a Victory He Wasn’t Expecting |
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EU cancela premio a una periodista finlandesa por criticar a Trump |
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Trump Team Hired Israeli Spy Firm Used by Harvey Weinstein to Attack Obama Officials on Iran Deal |
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Trump culpa a México por no detener flujo de migrantes ilegales |
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Trump rage-Google’s himself rants about conspiracy to silence Conservative voices |
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Trump Threatens to Close Border Next Week ‘If Mexico Doesn’t Immediately Stop All Illegal Immigration’ |
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Trump Claims That He’s ‘Taken Care of Puerto Rico Better Than Any Man Ever’ |
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Trump says GOP senators are working on an Obamacare replacement and it will be ‘spectacular’ |
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Trump Jr prompts crude chant against Ocasio-Cortez |
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Trump is the strongest president we’ve ever had on illegal |
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Maxine Waters Says Trump Is Still A Suspect Despite Mueller’s Report |
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Trump turns Mueller probe’s findings into political weapon Friday March 29th 2019 |
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In Trump’s version of America I’m happy to be called an ‘Enemy of the People’ |
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A tribulação começou: Trump e Bolsonaro são eleitos de Adonai Tzabaoth! |
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AP FACT CHECK: Little truth in Trump’s auto industry refrain |
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Want To Resist Donald Trump Don’t Rely on Democrats Do This Instead … |
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Make It Work – An HR Professional’s Guide to US Work Visas Under the Trump Administration and the Impact of Recent Executive Actions on Immigration |
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Nellie Ohr Met Steele the Day Before FBI Began Probing Trump Campaign |
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Mueller KNEW Trump was innocent Prior to the 2018 mid-term |
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WATCH: Obama AG Eric Holder Slams Trump Supporters Implies America Was NEVER Great |
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Trade dispute will go the US’ way Han’s HK visit reveals KMT’s true intentions LETTER As Amazon leads cashless charge states and cities push back US’ Green New Deal inflames debate across the aisle EDITORIAL: Voting choices key for independence Critiquing Haass’ take on ‘crisis’ Formalizing assistance for refugees Politicians are hiding their heads in the sand Trump push for China trade reform draws wide support at home and abroad Fears Afghanistan could fall apart amid drought and despair EDITORIAL: China is playing the long game US issues warning on Hong Kong High time for a Trump-Tsai talk ‘Magnitsky act’ should be enacted in Taiwan China could be winning the battle for silence over the Uighurs Australia’s coal export bonanza under threat |
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As NM Prepares For Wildfire Season Udall Heinrich amp Colleagues Urge Trump Administration To Reverse Proposed Cuts To Prevention Firefighting Budget |
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Trump threatens political violence |
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WATCH: President Trump’s Full Speech At His Thursday Night Rally |
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Consent and Coercion in Trump’s |
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Women Writers Against Trump |
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Rashida Tlaib claims President Trump is unfit to be President calls for impeachment |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera |
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Re Elect Donald Trump 2020 USA Keep America Great T-Shirt |
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IL GOP Chairman Schneider: I support President Trump |
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Trump gives Golan to Israel and gets his pardon from Mueller! |
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Special Olympics funding: Trump reverses proposal to cut federal funding for Special Olympics – CBS News |
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Democrats Introduce Resolution To Impeach Trump With Reasons To Be Filled In Later |
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Nach Mueller-Bericht : Trump lässt sich feiern: „Ich bin Präsident und sie nicht“ |
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Trump fyen rëndë aktorin e njohur: Është turp për kombin |
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Ex-Trump campaign aide Papadopoulos disavows Mueller plea deal |
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President Trump Presents Posthumous Medal of Honor to Son of Army Staff Sergeant Who Died Protecting His Soldiers: He did not hesitate He laid down his life for his fellow soldiers |
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Trump calls for Schiff to resign as Democrats demand full Mueller Cyrus Truly Gets The Best Of Both Worlds In Ultimate Throwback Hairstyle! |
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Eric Zuesse: “Trump Threatens Nuclear War If Russia Pr |
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Was Mueller’s punt on obstruction payback for getting strung along on Trump interview |
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Trump at rally slams Democrats and Mueller report |
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El Paso Mayor Unafraid to Rebut President Trump Over Border Wall Lies |
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Trump- Chosen by God |
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Illuminati: Where Does Donald Trump Fit In |
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Latinoamérica no detiene a los migrantes y solo toma dinero de EU según Trump |
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Worked Up About Trump Make Time for Art amp Music |
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Emboldened by Trump’s Golan move Israel attacks Aleppo |
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Trump dará un trato prioritario a países fueron a cita en Florida |
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NK Foreign Minister to UN: Trump’s ‘Insults’ Make Attack ‘Inevitable’ |
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Trump-an Venezuela-a a sipaite lachhuak turin Russia hrilh |
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La cumbre entre Trump y Moon tendrá lugar entre los días 10 y 11 de abril en Washington |
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Trump Obama’yı geri istiyor! |
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Trump – Russia Red Lines |
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Trump finds a new way to accuse his opponents of treason |
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Meryl Streep Attacks Donald Trump In Her Golden Globe Speech |
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Cumple Trump su amenaza y declara ‘emergencia nacional’ para financiar el muro en la frontera |
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Trump’s tariffs cost Americans 19 billion in 2018 |
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Trump más vale tarde que nunca |
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Tổng hợp những hình ảnh amp các phim đoạn và tin tức về chuyến đi Vệt Nam – Hà Nội họp Thượng đỉnh của Tổng Thống Hoa-kỳ Donald Trump với Lãnh Tụ Bắc Hàn Kim Jong Un… |
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Top Trump pushes the angle of ‘no collusion’ in Russia report |
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”Ni Rusia ni Venezuela son provincias de EEUU”: Kremlin requiere a Trump los fundamentos jurídicos en los que se basa para amenazar a Moscú |
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Democrats to take on Trump in 2020 election |
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Hoan Hô: Trump lên kế hoạch xóa sổ các đảo nhân tạo của Trung Quốc giúp Việt Nam |
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Sau cuộc họp Trump amp Kim: ” Cha mẹ anh Otto Warmbier: “Bắc Hàn phải chịu trách nhiệm về cái chết” |
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Most 2020 Democratic hopefuls have had little success in Trump country |
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Trump saves funding for Special Olympics |
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Trump Says Special Olympics Funding To Be Restored Not Cut |
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Trump Says He’ll Close The Border ‘Next Week’ Blames Democrats Thieving Mexicans |
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Trump Administration Requests 12 Percent Cut to NSF Budget |
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Republican lawmakers question Trump鈥檚 decision to focus on health care |
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Trump’s Presidency: A Dangerous Deception |
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CNN’s Trump Hatred Results in Double-Digit Rating Collapse!!! |
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Shell to Trump administration: Regulate us already |
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Trump threatens to close Mexican border next week click to see stats |
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Trump threatens to close the border next week if Mexico does not immediately stop the flood of illegal immigrants |
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Trump to host Egypt’s Sisi on April 9: White House |
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AMLO responde a críticas de Trump por migrantes |
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Russell Moore vs Conservatives: This isn’t just about Trump |
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Rudy Giuliani goes off script and reveals on CNN that the Mueller report hardly vindicates Trump |
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Newsmaxcom Urgent: Do you approve of Pres Trump Vote Here in Poll |
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Trump’s Group Health Plan Struck Down as Obamacare ‘End-Run’ |
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‘Russia hoax is dead’: Trump takes victory lap in Michigan after Mueller probe ends |
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White House Watch: Biden Bests Trump in Early Matchup |
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Donald Trump feiert sich: Ich bin Präsident und sie nicht |
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Tehran – Iran To ‘resist’ Trump Decision On Israel’s Hold Over Golan |
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GM announces jobs electric vehicle after Trump criticism |
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Lest We Forget– ‘The Collusion case against Trump just got a lot stronger’ |
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Snoop Dogg ‘Assassinates’ Trump |
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En roue libre Donald Trump moque les conneries ridicules des démocrates |
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Administração Trump se move para acabar com permissão de trabalho para cônjuges de portadores de H1B |
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Tricky Don: Trump’s Nixon-like Power Grab During Mueller Probe |
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Trump’s attacks on McCain show lack of character |
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Donald Trump Endorsed Transgender Models In “Miss” Universe Pageant |
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Gaza Rockets Target Trump amp Netanyahu’s Calculation Before Election Put Beleaguered PM in a Tight Spot |
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Jim Jordan: Trump’s Capitol Hill hitman |
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Did Mueller Leave A Trap For Trump |
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ALERT: Russian Leader Drops Trump Bombshell Media Humiliated |
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Woman gives birth to twins nearly one month after delivering her first Trump threatens to close southern border if Mexico doesn’t halt illegal immigration |
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ACT NOW! Thank President Trump for Declaring Golan Heights Part of Israel! |
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Trump ile Sisi görüşecek |
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Opinion: Can you Trump my view |
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Trump Orders To Prepare For Possible EMP Attacks On Critical |
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WATCH: Joy Behar and Meghan McCain Snipe in Icy Debate on Trump’s Special Olympics Fiasco |
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7 Things: Trump takes victory lap as poll shows Americans agree with Mueller report Alabama Pro-Life Coalition wants total ban on abortion Mike Rogers wants action on the border now and more … |
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Trump Threatens to Close Border If Mexico Doesn’t Stop Illegal Entries – Stats |
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Trump në bisedime me Rusinë për ta krijuar një grup të |
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The Real Trump-Russia Quid Pro Quo |
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Donald Trump says hopefully India Pakistan conflict coming to an end |
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Trump threatens to close the US-Mexico border next week |
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Donald Trump Jr points his father’s followers to a new villain in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘AOC sucks!’ – The Washington Post |
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Here’s Why Trump’s Supporters Always Seem to Give Him a Political Pass |
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BREAKING: Trump Just Asked 1 Question That Made Congress’ Blood Run Cold |
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Obama Was Not At the Same Level as Trump |
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Wallace says it’s not too early for Trump to take victory lap on Russia probe |
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Sul neocolonialismo cinese e i dazi di Trump |
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Trump’s Trade Deal at Risk of Stalling In Congress |
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Trump and Democrats can’t move on from ‘collusion delusion’ |
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Trump rallies in west Michigan |
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Trump kvůli migrantům pohrozil Mexiku uzavřením hranic |
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President Trump Signs Bill Legalizing Hemp Throughout The US |
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The blue state Trump thinks he can flip in 2020 |
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As Russia probe turns to fake Facebook ads Trump follows with a tweet |
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Ganadora del Princesa de Asturias dice que sin Trump no existiría Bolsonaro |
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Twitter wants to label tweets from public figures that break its rules — and even Trump could be named and shamed |
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Potential Trump Challenger Explains Why He Thinks He’d Offer a Real ‘Economic Conservative’ Option in 2020 |
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How the New Trump Rule Would Harm San Francisco Bay |
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Smollett Case: Trump Vows “FBI amp DOJ” Investigation As Leaked Email Reveals Scramble To Cover Tracks |
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The Media that cried Trump blocked by YouTube again |
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Trump’s Fed pick worries economists rallies conservatives |
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Trump Moves to Turn Virginia Red |
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Junto a su “amigo” Netanyahu Trump reconoce soberanía israelí sobre el Golán |
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Donald Trump va-t-il garder sa majorité à la Chambre des représentants |
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Trump Ends AOC’s Reign Of Terror With Blistering Rebuke |
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Las Vegas Valley makes Narcan available in vending Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week |
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In her campaign kick-off speech in front of a Trump building Kirsten Gillibrand called President Donald Trump a “coward” It was a peculiar attack coming only hours after the Mueller Report cleared the president of Russian Collusion Donald Trump courageously weathered two years of relentless attacks from liberals in a manner that Gill could not hope to survive in the unlikely event she becomes president |
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The traitors went after Melania Trump too! |
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Trump Allegedly Lobbied Japan to Accept GOP Megadonor’s Casino Bid – Reports |
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President Trump and VP Pence Honors Downs Syndrome Victims at White House |
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Actors Trump Hate |
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President Trump Behind The Shutdown of Facebook and Instagram For National Security Reasons!!! |
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Trump’s Wall to be Made Out of Thoughts and Prayers |
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Oil edges lower as Trump urges OPEC to pump |
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Trump ostrzega Putina ze Rosjanie musza opuscic Wenezuele |
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Interdiction de la masturbation: La gouverneur de l’Oregon fait comme pour Trump et Moustic renie son fils Florian Philippot: « Un con » |
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Has a “Killer App” For Blockchain Arrived How Gaming Can Trump |
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20 Sports Figures Who Endorsed Donald Trump |
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Theories Trends Trifles and Trump’s Election |
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Donald Trump quiere que la Biblia regrese a las Escuelas Públicas |
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China aims to boost economic ties with Germany in Trump era |
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GOP Lawmakers to Trump: You Go First on Obamacare Reform |
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Trump at last makes 2019 federal pay raise official |
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Trump puts 86 billion wall funding in new budget Dems say bill is DOA |
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EU trade with Trump would undermine international climate commitments |
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Flynn says Trump ‘absolutely right’ in saying generals reduced to rubble |
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Rusya’dan Trump’a sert cevap |
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Trump talks Mueller report fallout in ‘Hannity’ exclusive |
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Trump Approval Tracker |
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The New Trump Doral: By the Numbers |
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“I am Trump” |
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Trump announces faith initiative on NDOP |
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Siyonist Trump Güney Kore Devlet Başkanı Moon İle Görüşecek |
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ISDP Korea Resources: Second Trump-Kim Summit – What Was and What Happens Next |
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The Roast of Donald Trump Clips |
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Mexico’s President Pushes Back Against Trump Criticism |
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Anti-Trump pilgrimage by WWII internment camp survivors from SF |
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Trump pick withdraws from No 3 spot at DOJ over role with pro-abortion group – Washington Examiner |
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Ainsworth: ‘President Trump is negotiating commonsense deals that keep American jobs here in the USA’ |
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Barbara Bush blamed Donald Trump for her heart attack |
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Grand Rapids MI – At Rally Trump Says Russia Probe Backers Tried To Illegally Steal Power |
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Trump Bolsonaro : le retour à l’ordre |
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What the Election and a Trump Presidency Mean for Early Retirement |
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Arap Birliği Trump’ın Golan Kararına Karşı Tek Ses |
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The 43 most ‘well that happened’ lines from Donald Trump’s Michigan rally 12:02 PM ET CNN politics |
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Un nou video cu Donald și Melania Trump face valuri pe internet iar motivul este bineîntemeiat |
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Trump Forced To Apologize To Nancy Pelosi After |
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Why One Shouldn’t Be Deluded by Trump’s Pro-Russian Remarks |
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Trump’s DOJ Pick Reportedly Withdrew from Job After ‘Shouting Match’ Over Whether She’s Conservative Enough |
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México está entre la cerrazón comercial de Trump y las inversiones chinas ya que el gobierno federal ve con buenos ojos que el gigante chino expanda |
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Photos: Scenes from the Trump rally |
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F WILLIAM ENGDAHL: Are the French Protests a US Color Revolution amp is Trump the Real Deal |
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Nach Mueller-Bericht: Trump hat statt wird eingelocht Die Woche 12/2019 |
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Tình hình Venezuela ngày 29/3: Guaido bị cấm tham gia chính quyền 15 năm vợ Guaido gặp Melania Trump |
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Do You Guys Think That Donald Trump Has Something To Do With Cryptocurrency |
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What the Trump Administration’s Latest Attack on Immigrants Means for Kids |
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Finalement Donald nous aura Trumpé… énormément ! |
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Reality check: The truth about Trump’s border crisis |
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Is Donald Trump responsible for jussie smollett |
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Donald Trump still sees conspiracy in Mueller probe |
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US: Trump Slams Fed-Created ‘Stock-Bubble’ Zerohedge |
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Thượng đỉnh Trump-Kim đổ vỡ |
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Trump Needs to Love WTO |
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Trump se reúne con esposa de Guaidó en la Casa Blanca |
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Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week 24 minutes ago |
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Trump’s very existence in my country offends me He is an unparalleled melding of |
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Trump blasts ongoing Dem investigations: ‘Ridiculous bulls—‘ |
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Chuck Rosenberg Floats Possible Reason Trump Escaped Mueller Interview |
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James Comey’s Testimony Proves Trump is a Thuggish Fixer |
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Ažubalis ir Kasčiūnas siūlo prisidėti prie Fort Trump finansavimo Lenkijoje |
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Trump buys all possible numbers for 16 billion Mega Millions jackpot |
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President Trump’s America First Foreign Policy Is Moral Realism |
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Impeach Trump |
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Flotillas That Trump The Competition |
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Mueller Report Finds Trump Innocent |
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Donald Trump Meets Colombia President to Discuss Future of Venezuela |
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TRUMP: No hay mas presión ya sobre VENEZUELA que la presión MILITAR |
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Quando Bolsonaro encontrar Trump não esqueça de sua ligação com o que há de pior no crime organizado no Brasil |
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Trump Wants Credit for Cleaning Up His Own Messes |
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Media Roots Radio: Is Trump Really Curtailing US Empire |
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Trump: “Democrats must decide if they will continue defrauding the public with ridiculous Bull St” |
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Ivanka Trump Has The Dumbest Idea Ever To Solve Student Loan Debt Problem |
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Trump-Moon summit ‘Day after’ in Syria B-1s |
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Republicans would love to ignore health care Trump won’t let them |
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Trump administration to ask Congress for sweeping authority to deport unaccompanied migrant children |
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Trump Moon to convene for summit in Washington |
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Trump: Smollett case ‘outrageous’ FBI and DOJ to review Chicago seeing 130K |
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Mike Pompeo: It’s Very Possible President Trump Is On A Mission From God! |
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Trump moving US into direct collision with many of its allies: Analyst |
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Trump dice que Guatemala El Salvador y Honduras han tomado el dinero de EE UU y no han hecho nada por detener migración |
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Trump-related school assignmen |
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Trump chce zniszczyć Niemcy |
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Updated Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week |
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Trump Administration Wades Into Local Zoning Dispute Backing a Church Over a Village Christian Fellowship Centers of New York claims the |
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President-Elect Donald Trump — as Foretold in a 1990 Heavy Metal Story! |
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Bolsonaro gruda-se aos sapatos de Trump ouve o guru Olavo dizer-lhe em quem confiar – nunca em Mourão – e inventam com Steve Bannon a Desquartelada Ou Olavada |
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Petróleo: Trump y pide a la OPEP más producción |
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Swamp Monsters Emerge On Camera During Trump Nominee’s Confirmation Hearing |
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‘The Russian Hoax Is Finally Dead’ Trump Tells Michigan Rally |
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President Trump Participates in the 2019 White House Business Session with Nation’s Governors |
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Trump hat sich gegen TPP ausgesprochen Chance auf Ende von TTIP |
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Melania Trump y Fabiana Rosales se reúnen en Florida |
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Matt Gaetz Has Been Trump’s Biggest Defender Against Impeachment So Now What |
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Donald Trump Is Resetting His 2020 Message To Keep The Rust Belt |
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Patrick Reed Holds on to Win at Trump Na |
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History Will Remember Trump as the First President who was Cucked by Michael Bolton and Other News |
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Neo-Con Max Boot– ‘Russia or no Russia Trump is still a lousy president’ |
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Tổng bí thư Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Phú Trọng tiếp Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump |
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Utah still waiting for first Medicaid waiver from Trump administration ahead of April 1 deadline |
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Trump’s National Emergency – Campaign Stunt comments |
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López Obrador responde ante amenaza de Trump de cerrar la frontera |
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Beto Runs Trump’s Budget Sucks and Explaining Right to Work |
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BBC phải bồi thường vì đăng tin Tổng thống Ukraine trả tiền để gặp Trump – VnExpressThu 28 Mar 2019 15:09:29 GMT |
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Las fotos del encuentro entre Melania Trump y Fabiana Rosales en Florida |
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Hakeem Jeffries says Trump might be illegitimate a Russian asset or “useful idiot” |
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The next time you hear that Senator Susan Collins is disappointed with something the GOP has done keep in mind that she has voted with Donald Trump 926 of the time |
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Mueller finds no Trump-Russia conspiracy but some questions left unresolved |
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Arab Center Washington DC Trump’s GolanHeights proclamation will have serious implications for international law US role in Syria and fu… https://tco/L28aNUrIvn http://twittercom/ |
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GdL on 29 Mrz in: Es beginnt: Entschuldigungen an Präsident Trump |
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Chris Evans says he might stop supporting the New England Patriots because of Tom Brady’s links to Trump – Business Insider |
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URGENT 🔴 President Trump EXPLOSIVE Rally in Grand Rapids Michigan |
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Trump shamed into ‘overriding’ his own decision to gut Special Olympics |
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John Oliver amp Keegan-Michael Keyon Cryptocurrency: EOS and Will Bring ‘True Freedom” Says Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon |
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Petróleo fecha em leve baixa após Trump pedir que Opep aumente oferta – Estadão Conteúdo |
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Why Ronald Reagan’s daughter isn’t happy with Trump’s ‘MAGA’ slogan her father coined |
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CEO Statement on Trump Administration |
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Why God’s Selecting Trump for President is Terrible News — for Trump |
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President Trump Discusses WILL Lawsuit at White House |
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Facebook disappointed by Trump administration’s lawsuit against them |
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Amerikaanse auto-industrie protesteert tegen Trump-tarieven |
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Trump’s Inaccurate Claims on Mueller Health Care and the Great Lakes |
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Trump hindi tatangalin ang pagpondo ng kanilang Special film director Agnes Varda pumanaw na 90 |
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The Trump administration’s health policy moves are facing a House controlled by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats Now is the time to try Inside Health Policy |
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Here’s how one expert says Trump’s tax plan prevented a dreaded |
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This moment in politics: aldermanic prerogative patronage and Trump |
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006 Trump-Cotton op-ed |
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Ivanka Trump ‘Gets Goosebumps’ Walking Into The White House |
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Is The Washington Post Comparing Trump To Kennedy |
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Trump recibe por sorpresa a la mujer de Guaidó en la Casa Blanca |
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Ông Trump trao quà mơ ước cho Israel chọc giận cả thế giới |
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5 Companies Set To Profit Astronomically From Trump’s Space Force |
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The Trump administration is eyeing a slew of new trade deals in 2019 while hoping to push the new USMCA through a new Congress |
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Iran president hits at Trump for recognising Golan Heights as Israeli |
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Reaction to Trump’s “free speech” order reveals bias |
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82 Prozent der Deutschen dachten Clinton würde die Wahl gegen Trump gewinnen – Wie ist das zu erklären |
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Rush: The Never Trumpers Will Never Stop Hating Trump |
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Trump Caving on Syria Troop Pullout |
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España Francia Inglaterra y Alemania con Trump |
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Mueller Report Summary Released! NO TRUMP RUSSIA COLLUSION! |
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Trump går etter Facebook |
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Trump says ‘Russia has to get out’ of Venezuela After Military Aid |
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Donald Trump to meet South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in on April 11 at Wh |
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9 Präsident Trump hat kein Geheimnis daraus gemacht wann er dies wollte Ist hier ein Artikel den ich vorher bekannt gegeben habe aber es ist nett ihn im Druck in den MSMedien zu sehen Es ist schön etwas zu lesen das dich wissen lässt dass wir nicht verrückt sind |
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Trump Opens His Mouth Shoots Himself in the Foot |
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As aulas de Trump para quem quer tornar-se rico |
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To Barbara Bush Donald Trump represented ‘greed Group |
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Trump’s Postal Reform Proposals Met With Criticism From Lawmakers USPS Management |
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Ex-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos formally asks for presidential pardon would ‘be honored to accept’ |
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FEMEN Activists “Welcomed” the Cortège of Donald Trump Twice on His Way to Arc de Triumph |
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Why President Trump May be Reelected in 2020 |
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El gobierno estadounidense de Trump pretende subir el precio de un medicamento contra el VIH |
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Donald Trump Jr Says He’s Thinking About Running for Office |
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Trump y su gabinete terrorista imponen la doctrina Monroe |
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Trump Completely Unravels During Speech Curses Out Democrats On Live Television |
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Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week9:44 AM |
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The dangers of playing to Trump’s neediness – The Washington Post |
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How to moonwalk via of the Trump Dossier scandal via … |
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AP Fact Check: Trump Misleads on Health Care Russia Probe |
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We the undersigned will continue to resist Trump But resistance is not enough |
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ed note–the same Max Boot who now–in the aftermath of the Mueller report’s findings being made public–is now saying that ‘Russian Collusion’ was never an issue and that Mueller should never have ‘gone there’ is on record having previously said the exact opposite back when he thought that ‘Russian Collusion’ could be the ticket in seeing Trump removed |
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Empire Files: Trump’s Syria Deception |
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Trump says barbed wire ‘can be a beautiful sight’ Many border communities disagree |
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Dems are ‘anti-Jewish’ and ‘wasting everybody’s time’ with investigations Trump says |
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Alles Schall und Rauch: Trump droht Russland – verschwindet aus Venezuela |
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Trump just gave a huge gift to an alleged billion dollar Medicare fraudster |
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“¡Puedo cerrar la frontera sur!”: Trump sobre inmigración mexicanaInternacional |
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Trump sigue con ataques verbales contra medios de mas leidas |
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Praise Trump And Buy My Jet Fuel! |
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Senators Say ‘Politcal Fealty’ to Trump Basis for Award |
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The Real Truth About Googling ‘idiot’ brings up Trump photos |
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DeSantis’ Continuing Wave of Popularity Is Lifting Trump in Florida Says FAU Poll |
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Whitney Cummings Roast of donald Trump 0 |
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Trump Economy Sparks Detroit Comeback |
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SIGNATURE NEEDED: Trump’s budget hurts moms amp Are Powerful |
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Donald Trump Jr reveals he may one day follow his father’s footsteps into politics |
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Venezuela is becoming Trump’s version of Obama’s Syria – Washington Examiner |
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Trump bedauert die Solarpanel-Plage in Deutschland |
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Donald Trump a suggéré à Emmanuel Macron que «la France devrait quitter l’UE» |
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Trump recibe a líderes del Caribe en su mansión en Florida |
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Trump Owns the Economy Now for Better or Worse |
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Trump Commends May on Brexit Fight |
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Trump signs decree recognizing Israeli sovereignty of Golan Heights |
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Trump Gets Failing Grade in Associated Press Fact Check |
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Friday News Dump: How Trump Campaign Plans To Target Reporters And Other News |
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President Trump Maintains a Politics of Grievance in the Aftermath of the Mueller Report |
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Trump wins US Presidency! Climate Skeptics Rejoice! Set to dismantle amp Defund UN/EPA climate agenda! |
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43 Hottest Melania Trump Big Butt Pictures Explore Her Fantastic Booty |
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The Trump Show: Terrorism and Total Mediation |
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Lawyers may free Nemazee under new Trump statute |
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President Trump Just Did A Pretty Cool Thing For These West Virginia Women |
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Toilet Timer Donald Trump1499 |
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Leftists Plan to Reserve All of Trump Rally Tickets |
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Trump is Racist: The Imagined “Border Crisis” and Controlling the Discourse |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks to Troops |
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West Shore Teacher Assaulted Diner Patron Wearing Trump T-Shirt |
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President Trump Says He Will Close Border Next Week – Stats |
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Trump says ISIS is defeated — but in West Africa there are fears extremism will get worse – The Washington Post |
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Trump Începutul schimbării Sau al sfârșitului |
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Triple-amputee veteran’s GoFundMe to pay for Trump’s border wall has raised over 5 million |
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At Michigan rally Trump turns Mueller probe’s findings into political weapon |
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Why Trump Wants to Go to the Moon So Badly |
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Trump Team Hits Democrats Over Crushed Russian Collusion Claims |
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Rush Limbaugh is terrified Trump’s war on health care will doom |
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Trump wants talks with Putin Xi to end ’uncontrollable arms race’ |
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Sign the petition to have President Trump grant clemency for Larry Hoover serving 6 life sentences for non-violent drug related offenses |
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Trump-besluit oor Golan-hoogtes ’n fout – Jaco Kleynhans |
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Trump’s tough student and work visa policies are pushing legal immigrants to Canada |
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New Trump Policy Makes Integrated Health Records a Reality |
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NBC News: Trump to pick Fox News contributor for new State Dept spokeswoman |
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Gus Kenworthy Has ‘No Patience’ For Trump Pence And Other Anti-LGBTQ Lawmakers |
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LILLEY UNLEASHED — Tale of 2 scandals: Trump ‘cleared’ PM |
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2 hrs · The Mueller report was a bust Democrats expected indictments at the highest level in the White House But Democrats got no indictments at all Trump and his people are braying like donkeys They won We lost But there is no need to analyze this failure It was a good bet just not a sure thing The right thing to do no is to gather the troops together and have a sit-down discussion with the fifteen major candidates asking What Now Is it worth it for the House to pass legi slation that we know will not get past the Senate Is there even a tiny bit of common ground with Republican leaders The 2020 race is the time to make proposals — the Green New Deal is a valuable beginning You float out these ideas and you build an image then a working program of what American life will be like after Trump loses and goes home Right now I give Trump a 50-50 chance of winning a second term And right now I’m listening to that young mayor from South Bend Indiana 11 7 Comments LikeShow more reactions Comment Share |
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Trump Undermines Betsy DeVos’ Special Olympics Cut: ‘I’ve Overridden My People’ |
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Trump pushes angle of ‘no collusion’ in Russia report at Grand Rapids rally |
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Emboldened by Trump Brazil’s Bolsonaro orders military to celebrate 1964 coup |
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La idea de que los judíos cabalistas y masones están preparando un holocausto para los gentiles parece absurdo hasta que consideres la evidencia Por Henry Makow PhD Leonard Cohen era un conocedor Illuminati En respuesta a un artículo reciente su ex novia Ann Diamond recordó que en 1990 la instó a convertirse al judaísmo porque en el futuro habrá “un holocausto para los gentiles” Publiqué el comentario pero me pareció absurdo Sin embargo un lector DP escribió y dijo: “He tenido judíos que me han admitido en algunas ocasiones que habrá un holocausto de gentiles Me río de ellos por ser tontos y les pregunto si creen que hay honor entre ellos Ladrones Tan inocentes y tontas son estas personas a pesar de su arrogancia “ Otro lector Bill me envió la letra de la canción de Cohen “El futuro” Extraigo y resalto los puntos pertinentes que describen el derrocamiento de la civilización occidental Devuélveme mi noche rota mi habitación de espejo mi vida secreta es solitario aquí no hay nadie a quien torturar Dame control absoluto sobre cada alma viviente … Las cosas van a deslizarse deslizarse en todas direcciones No será nada Nada que puedas medir ya La ventisca la ventisca del mundo Ha cruzado el umbral y se ha volcado el orden del alma … No me conoces del viento nunca lo harás nunca lo hiciste Soy el pequeño judío quien escribió la Biblia He visto a las naciones subir y bajar He escuchado sus historias las he escuchado todas Pero el amor es el único motor de supervivencia Su siervo aquí le han dicho Para decirlo con claridad para decirlo en frío: Se acabó no se va más lejos Y ahora las ruedas del cielo se detienen sientes la fusta del diablo Prepárate para el futuro: es asesinato Las cosas se van a deslizar … Habrá la ruptura de lo antiguo código occidental Tu vida privada explotará de repente Habrá fantasmas Habrá incendios en la carretera y el hombre blanco bailando Verás una mujer colgando boca abajo sus rasgos cubiertos por su vestido caído … y el hombre blanco bailando Las cosas se van a deslizar …Cuando dijeron que se arrepienten se arrepienten … Ahora voy a enumerar sin orden particular la evidencia anecdótica de que los cabalistas planean exterminar a los goyim 1 El partido demócrata controlado por judíos está tratando de quitarle las armas a los goyim y está organizando falsas banderas para justificarlo Los demócratas son el partido del genocidio blanco Los rinos son colaboradores 2 La invasión migratoria de Europa patrocinada por la judería organizada Los migrantes son en su mayoría hombres de edad militar financiados por George Soros Los masones son instrumentos de la judería organizada Han permitido que 125 millones de migrantes lleguen a un país de solo 10 millones en solo diez años El genocidio cultural y político precede al genocidio real 3 Luego está el genocidio ucraniano llevado a cabo por judíos comunistas que se describe en la imagen de arriba 4 Las dos guerras mundiales fueron instigadas por los banqueros centrales cabalistas La muerte de unos 75 millones de goyim en estas guerras es el verdadero holocausto Los judíos asimilados que murieron fueron sacrificados para justificar el Estado de Israel Todas las guerras son guerras bancarias contra los goyim y la humanidad en general La segunda guerra mundial fue también una farsa 5 El historiador Wolgang Eggert dice que la secta Cabbalista Chabad que rodea a Donald Trump cree que es necesaria una catástrofe nuclear para recuperar al Mesías y consagrar el gobierno judío Esto es consistente con la prescripción de Albert Pike para WW3 6 El ataque al matrimonio y la familia es en sí mismo genocida El esfuerzo por integrar la homosexualidad y convertir la heterosexualidad en patología es genocida 7 El empoderamiento de las minorías de toda descripción con exclusión de la mayoría de los descendientes de europeos es el genocidio cultural Como dije el genocidio cultural precede al genocidio físico 8 La plétora de propaganda mediática de “culpa blanca” y “privilegio blanco” y cursos en la escuela secundaria y la universidad diseñados para hacer que los europeos acepten su despojo Bajo la dispensación masónica judía comunista iluminista nadie es el amo en su propia casa Al mismo tiempo a las minorías se les da un sentimiento colectivo de queja y derecho incluso si no han sufrido personalmente o son responsables de su propia situación A las personas que se han ganado sus “privilegios” se les dice que las abandonen por las personas que no lo han hecho Los banqueros cabalistas han estado librando una guerra contra los no judíos durante siglos No hay preparación de un genocidio Lo están llevando a cabo |
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The Case for Trump |
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Kế hoạch bảo hiểm y tế cho doanh nghiệp nhỏ của Trump bị đánh sập 1 |
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Trump: “¡Invadiré Venezuela por las buenas o por las malas!” – febrero 18 2019 |
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Twitter Wants to Add ‘Context’ to Trump Tweets It Deems Offensive |
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President Trump Calls For 27 Trillon In Spending Cuts With New Budget Proposal |
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BREAKING: Iran Issues Jaw-Dropping Threat to Trump |
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Trump evalúa “todas las opciones” en Venezuela: “Es una vergüenza lo que está pasando en el país” |
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Trump V Sessions – John McCain’s Legacy and More The Chris Hahn Radio Show 8-30-2018 |
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My column in the Daily Beast: “Not Much Passes the 100-Year Test Will Trump” |
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Trump Picks Longtime Disciple of Gothard Cult Sonny Perdue for Cabinet Position |
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Trump-Barr Justice Department Correct to Argue that Obamacare Unconstitutional Must Be Struck Down Entirely |
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You can’t ask Trump not to use Twitter |
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Trump Has A Weird Scapegoat When Manufacturing Jobs Vanish: Union Dues |
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Trump Reverses Latest North Korea Sanctions Because He ‘Likes Kim’ : LIVE |
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Over 250 prominent women leaders call on President Trump and Chairman Kim to end the Korean War |
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Muller Magic Implodes President Trump Wants to Put Women on Mars |
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Creature From The Black Lagoon Beautifully Photobombs Trump Appointee |
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Why They Can’t Stop Trump |
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Donald Trump Jr won’t rule out running for office |
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Sheriff Brad Cole Supports President Trump’s Border Security Christian County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome |
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FBI to Hand Comey Memos on Trump Over to Judge Weighing Release |
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President Trump held rally in Grand Rapids |
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Brian Klaas: Stop giving Trump a pass on his ignorance |
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Not So Fast! Trump’s DOJ to Challenge Obama’s Chicago Influence Machine Announces Review of Jussie Smollett Charges Dismissal |
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Michael Cohen ‘To Accuse Trump Of Racism And Lies’ |
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‘The Russia hoax is finally dead’: At Michigan rally Trump declares victory in Mueller investigation |
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The Back Story on Syria False Flags Trump and His Ties to the Mob and the CIA |
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Teflon Trump’s rise in the polls makes second term more likely |
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Trump and the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights |
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Dallas: 5 consejos para disminuir la ansiedad antes del regreso a clases según experta de Children’s Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con México en días |
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Gobierno de Trump pedirá autorización para deportar a menores no las últimas noticias en tu email! |
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BREAKING: Trump issues REVERSAL on Special Olympics! |
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Trump reverses decision to cut Special Olympics funds |
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Fighting for Justice in the Trump Era |
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Media Roots Radio: Trump’s Venezuela Coup Democrats Running in 2020 MAGA Gaslighting |
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Schiff recites long list of Trump’s Russia contacts after Republicans call for his resignation |
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Look Out Dems Trump is About to Go “Full Animal” According to WH Advisor Steve Bannon |
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So Trump Didn’t Collude — He’s Still the Most Dangerous President in US History |
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Trump calls on media to blackball Democrat enemies |
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Trump soutient une action en justice visant à mettre fin à l’assurance maladie de 25 millions de personnes |
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Trump në tubimin e parë pas raportit Mueller: Mashtrimi i madh rus ka vdekur |
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Silicon Valley estrella Kumail Nanjiani fue acosado por los partidarios de Trump y no está bien |
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Trump tweets feds will review Jussie Smollett case |
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Media amp DemocRATS Going Crazy As Trump Russia Possible Collusion Theory Totally Collapses |
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An Open Letter From Technology Sector Leaders on Donald Trump |
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North Korea Opposes Trump And Rebuilds Nuclear Armory |
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Reader’s view: A law that should trump all the others |
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México sí atiende tema migratorio responde AMLO a Trump tras su |
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President Donald Trump’s First Step Act for Prison Reform |
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Trump Sucks FB page tops 795000 fans |
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Trump takes victory lap parties start to pivot past Russia |
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Gaza Rockets Target Trump amp Netanyahu’s Calculation |
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UN Compares Trump to ISIS |
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Los planes de Trump para terminar con Nicolás Maduro |
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Hình ảnh amp Video: Trực tiếp : Lễ đón tiếp TT Donald Trump tại Phủ Chủ tịch và Thủ tướng Thượng đỉnh Mỹ Triều: Cuộc gặp riêng đầu tiên của Trump Kim HàNội |
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A Heartbroken Trump |
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House Judiciary Committee Releases Names Of Trump Associates |
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Elder: Has the Trump 2020 collusion investigation started yet |
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Papadopoulos: ‘I don’t have an expectation for a pardon’ from Trump |
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Trump to Double Efforts to Fight Obamacare Asking Court to Overturn the Law |
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5G and Trump’s Tweets – Ignorance Greed or Insanity |
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… Trump Nominates Jeffrey Rosen to Replace Dep AG Rod Rosenstein |
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Dow Surges After Uncensored Trump Blasts Democrat ‘Bullsht’ |
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Moore on Trump |
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La mafia contre Trump |
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Nếu một cuộc suy thoái thực sự đang đến đây là những gì Powell và Trump có thể làm để ngăn chặn nó |
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‘Swamp monster’ photobombs Trump nominee hearing VIDEO |
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Christians for Trump |
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Special Counsel Report Sent To Attorney General Could Spell Doom For Trump |
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Donald Trump rails against ‘greatest hoax’ at first rally since Mueller report |
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Evangelical Pastor Defends Trump’s Border Plan: ‘Heaven Itself Is Gonna Have |
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Às vésperas de anúncio de Trump Reino Unido faz apelo por |
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White House Bans Four Journalists From Covering Trump-Kim Dinner |
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Late for a dinner with Trump Man arrested for driving 130 MPH — with a gun and 300 rounds of ammo — |
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Bất ngờ với lá thư ông Kim gửi Tổng thống Trump ngay trước thượng đỉnh Hà Nội |
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Trump’s NATO Dilemma |
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El presidente Trump advirtió que cerrará la frontera si México no detiene de forma inmediata toda la inmigración ilegal |
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Trump Lashes Out At Central America Court Won’t Stop Enforcement of Bump |
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Declara Donald Trump estado de emergencia |
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Pennsylvania 2020: Biden leads Democratic Field Biden and Sanders lead Trump by 10 Points in General Election |
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Body Language Expert Judi James Says Trump’s Marriage Is Crumbling |
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Donald Trump es el ‘Héroe Cristiano’ que nunca esperamos afirman en Israel |
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Michael Jordan Responds to Donald Trump’s Tweet about Lebron James |
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Trump official spent millions in tax dollars to make herself look |
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Pro-Trump Trolls Are Using Digital Blackface To Impersonate Black People On Twitter |
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The Junta: Trump’s Fraud Squad |
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Trump y Moon se reúnen en abril para tratar estancamiento diplomático con Corea del Norte |
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Trump has a secret |
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In reversal Trump says Special Olympics will be funded |
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Here Comes “Trump-Hate 30” |
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Naujienų konservatoriai ragina vyriausybę finansiškai remti „Fort Trump“ projektą Lenkijoje |
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Three Greek-Americans Honored by President Trump Talk to TNH |
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Cornell Republicans Invite Trump Campaign Advisor Stephen Moore to Ithaca |
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Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability in the Trump Administration |
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USA: Trump oo ugu danbeyn danbi lagu waayay |
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Russian hoax is finally dead: Trump tells a rally |
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Does Trump deserve the Nobel Peace Prize |
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La nueva amenaza de Donald Trump: “Rusia tiene que salir de Arreaza: Los pueblos de África apoyan la Constitución Bolivariana de Venezuela |
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Hanoi Redux: the Senate the Supremes amp Pompeo also Trump! on the Iran deal |
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Days After Mueller Report Drops Trump’s Approval Rating Takes A Sharp Turn |
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WATCH: Devastating video shows the ugly media’s obsession with Trump collusion… |
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Trump isoliert |
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Trump: defensores de inquérito sobre Rússia tentaram tomar poder |
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Nordcorea incontro tra Moon e Trump l’11 aprile a Washington |
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Trump acknowledges ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy ‘hurts people’ |
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GCC Slams Trump’s Call to Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Heights |
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Trump Says He Might Close the Border He Absolutely Should |
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TRUMP RESPONDS: “Complete and Total Vindication!” |
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Trump Hotel Panama |
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Comey: Mueller findings show Trump lied about FBI his attempt to destroy the agency failed Submitted By Sheila Samples 1 |
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Trump takes a victory lap: ‘The Russia hoax is finally dead’ |
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Di Maio incontra Bolton Ecco cosa ha garantito a Trump |
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Trump Medicaid Chief Spent Taxpayer Money To ‘Brand’ Herself |
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Tethered Fan Theory Connects Us to Halloween with Michael Myers Doesn’t Mind Captain America Actor Bashing Trump on Twitter |
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Eating habits of world leaders Trump Loves Fast Food Photos |
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Llegó el Peor Día Para Donald Trump |
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This Is What the Line Waiting To See Trump In Michigan Looks Like |
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Put in simpler language folks–Trump has put into motion certain chess pieces–Jerusalem the Golan etc that he hopes will lubricate the gears of the ‘peace deal’ machinery that he intends to put into motion in just a few weeks and those powerful Jews–INCLUDING NETANYAHU–know all of this which is why despite all the superficial appearances of Trump pandering to Israel with Jew-roo-salem the relocation of the US Embassy and the Golan–they still after ALL OF THIS continue chewing away at his presidency knowing that he–having given them the aforementioned which no other president has done that in return he is going to demand much more of them than they are willing to give back–coming to terms with the peace deal he has constructed Read the rest of this entry » |
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Post-Mueller time part one: Trump’s worst actions don’t require foreign collusion |
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Trump’s Golan Heights Move Was a Political Gift to Netanyahu before the Election- Critics |
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TT Trump không thể ngăn chận những người dùng Twitter không thích ông |
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Chia Donald Trump |
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Trump Saves the Special Olympics |
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Donald Trump: Illegal Immigrants Met by Democrat Lawyers at the |
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Meghan McCain: ‘Trump Wants to Repeal Obamacare Because of My Dad John McCain Have I Mentioned Him Before’ |
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Trump’s Michigan rally victory lap |
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Dems replace POW/MIA flags with transgender pride flags to protest Trump military ban – Stats |
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President Trump Rallies in Michigan |
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Barbara Bush blamed Donald Trump for her ‘heart attack’ |
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VIDEO Patriots Owner Robert Kraft: Trump Working Hard to ‘Serve the Best Interests of |
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Trump Declares the US recognises Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights |
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Shhhhh…Trump has a secret |
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Trump explota contra México: “no hace nada para frenar migrantes amenaza con cerrar la pública: resolución gratuita de conflictos |
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What God will now do with Donald Trump |
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Label Trump’s tweets for abuse: Twitter |
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Estas promesas económicas de Donald Trump afectarían al mundo |
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US Presidents 8 Inch Action Figures Series: Donald Trump Blue Suit |
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‘AOC sucks!’ Donald Trump Jr prompts new chant as he criticizes Ocasio-Cortez’s policies – AOL |
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Trump presents posthumous Medal of Honor to Army staff sergeant who died saving 3 fellow soldiers – Washington Examiner |
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Trump causa furor em progressistas ao proibir palavra ‘transgênero’ no Departamento de Saúde dos EUA |
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Cinco escritores pouco Ntshingila: “Trump foi eleito por dizer em voz alta o que maioria acreditava secretamente” |
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Trump Won’t Save You |
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Trump’tan Huawei sistemleri kullanan ülkelere baskı |
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Jacobin – Wie ein sozialistisches US-Magazin Donald Trump los werden – hat das Rezept gegen Rechtspopulisten gefunden |
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Trump Develops Brilliant Plan To Pull Rug Out From Under Asylum Seekers at Border |
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‘México no hace nada para detener migrantes’ reprocha Trump |
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TT Trump dọa đóng cửa biên giới phía Nam đang ở “giới hạn chịu đựng” |
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In Michigan Trump backs Great Lakes restoration attacks Democrats |
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Mueller probe witness calls on Trump to pardon Roger Stone |
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JFK files released by Donald Trump |
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Here’s What Vietnamese People Think about Hanoi’s Donald Trump/Kim Jong-un Summit |
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Understanding Trump’s 2020 Budget Requests for Cyber IT |
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Trump’s association health plan rule struck down |
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Rich Manieri: The media is making Trump’s case for him |
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Trump se acerca al Caribe para impulsar la transición “pacífica” en Venezuela |
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Jair Bolsonaro: the Brazilian Trump-Duterte mashup |
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México sí atiende tema migratorio responde AMLO a Trump tras su amenaza de cerrar frontera |
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Trump Freakout 1 day ago |
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Si México no detiene la inmigración ilegal cerraré la frontera: Trump |
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Trump minaccia chiudere confine Messico |
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Adam Schiff tells Trump and his toadies to take a hike |
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Companies Battle over Distribution Rights of Racy Melania Trump Photos |
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Verso Usa 2020 Trump lancia la sua campagna |
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Trump’s Immigration Crackdown |
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jeromebagot répondu au sujet: Trump ouvre les dossiers |
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Administraţia Trump dă în judecată Facebook |
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Washington – Trump Surprises His Aides And Allies With Abrupt Decrees |
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Trump said investigating his finances would be a ‘red line’ New York prosecutors are about to cross it |
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Poll: Just 36 percent say Mueller report clears Trump |
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Foc si furie In interiorul admi Foc si furie In interiorul administratiei Trump Michael Wolff |
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tedpikebwjpg Izquierda Ted no tiene relación con Albert Pike Solo los judíos “religiosos” están conscientes de esta agenda pero tienen mucho control de Occidente a través de su control del sistema bancario y la masonería El hecho de que Trump esté rodeado de estos judíos y haga constantemente señales de mano masónicas sugiere que su oposición al globalismo es una distracción de su verdadera misión desatando al Armagedón en los goyim Por supuesto todos esperamos que esto no sea así Pocas personas se toman el tiempo para leer la cábala Ted Pike lo hizo y resumió sus hallazgos en el Capítulo 12 La conspiración de la Cábala “ 110-123 La Cábala es “un intento de los fariseos y sus descendientes para arrebatar a Dios el control de este mundo y entregárselo a ellos mismos” Esta es la definición de satanismo – suplantando a Dios El judaísmo en su corazón cabalista es el satanismo Es por eso que no tienes que creer en Dios para seguir el judaísmo GOYIM HATRED Según la Cábala los gentiles por su propia existencia son un impedimento para el gobierno judío y el Cielo en la Tierra “Los cabalistas vieron el exterminio de los gentiles como un proceso necesario para restablecer el orden en el universo Los gentiles son una forma de demonio … el mismo Satanás” Pike cita a Cabala: “Cuando Dios se revele serán borrados de la faz de la tierra” I Ber 25b Hasta ese día bendito los judíos continuarán languideciendo y se sentirán oprimidos por los goyim “Hombre” en el Antiguo Testamento se refiere solo a los judíos ¿Cómo conquistará el hombre el mundo |
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Trump Defends Kim Over Otto Warmbier |
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Trump threatens to close Mexican border next week |
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Sisi Trump to Meet Next Month at White House |
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Graham to Jeffries media: Stop using my friendship with McCain to hate on Trump |
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Pelosi Slams ‘Scaredy-Cat’ Trump Republicans Attacking Schiff for Being Afraid… |
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Kim Kardashian West tweets thank you note to President Trump |
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7 Inspiring Quotes From Donald Trump That’ll Make You Proud To Be American |
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Teacher didn’t expect shots on drive home — A2Chicago seeks 130K from Smollett for investigation — A2Trump backs off proposal to cut Special Olympics funds — A5Dems demand full 300 pages mock the ‘scaredy-cat’ GOP — A5Bump stocks turned in or destroyed — A5Senate panel approves GOP budget plan — A5Trump lashes out at Central America Mexico — A5Postal Service sets passport fair Saturday — A6Justice critcizes death penalty system — A7Man pleads guilty in ‘Vote Trump’ church arson — A7JPD investigating violent threat — A7Government bars Guaido from public office — A8Rescued migrants safe after hijacking oil tanker — A8May rolling dice on Brexit deal — A8Action demanded about dead dolphins — A8UN Yemen envoy: Redeployment in Hodeida slow — A8Governor to stick with Medicaid expansion — A9Bills would let state prisons jam cellphone signals — A9Blackout on I-30 blamed on rats — A9Climate-change fight includes research — A11Red Wolves Sears look to impress NFL scouts — B1Brewers beat Cardinals 5-4 — B1Gonzaga beats Fla State to advance — B1A-State takes on 10th-ranked Coastal — B3Bond yields rise stocks end higher — B4State sues billionaire family behind OxyContin — B4Travelers stranded after airline collapses — B4Burns hits road to promote ‘Country Music’ doc — B6 |
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Un Trump crecido lanza una nueva ofensiva contra la reforma sanitaria |
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Hating Trump The Biggest Money Maker of all Time |
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Trump Officially Recognizes Golan Elevations As An Israel Territory |
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Stepping into Trump country |
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Donald Trump Says The Great Lakes Have ‘Record Deepness’ Lake Superior Corrects Him on Twitter |
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First Lady Melania Trump: Lord’s Prayer |
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Trump em 2017: “Por que não estamos em guerra com a Venezuela Eles têm todo esse petróleo…” |
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Buttigieg Says Trump Is Radicalizing Americans |
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BREAKING: Mueller Investigation Is DONE No Trump Indictments! It’s Over! |
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Trump le da el visto bueno a Boris Johnson para suceder a Theresa May |
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Trump’s return to west Michigan comes amid Democratic Tea tickets on sale next week for May 4 event |
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Trump 100 Dollar Banknote Fake Money 10pcs |
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Trump it |
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Trump Pick Deemed ‘Not Conservative Enough’ Withdraws |
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Steve Bannon predicts Harris-Beto ticket has ‘best shot’ at beating Trump |
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Trump vs Bernie – Unisex Tee |
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US amp Silk Road Korea Las Vegas Trump NWO Cashless Society |
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Skyscraper fire toll rises to 25 in Bangladesh FEATURE: Tasmanian devils show swift disease adaptation Saudi Arabia releases three activists Comedian leading polls ahead of Ukraine election Study shows air pollution link to psychotic events Conmen make US9m impersonating minister Eighty-year-old ‘DJ Wika’ still partying in Poland Norwegian justice minister resigns over fake threats Maduro declares ban on rival Guaido Extreme weather hit 62 million people last year: UN US performs first transplant from living HIV donor Why US actor’s case has not made it to trial Crowd cheers on swearing boasting joking Trump US man sentenced over teen’s rape dismemberment Chinese security ministry facing corruption probe Censorship paying off for Peoplecn Beijing launches nationwide safety campaign after deadly chemical blast |
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Trump Mocks ‘Ridiculous Bullshit’ at Post-Mueller Report Grand Rapids Rally – The Daily Beast |
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Former top Army commander: Trump trashing allies is a ‘gift’ to Putin |
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President Trump: FBI DOJ Will Review Outrageous Jussie Smollett Decision |
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Disney Bans Veteran After Holding Up Trump 2020 Sign on Water Ride |
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Japan PM nominated Trump for Nobel after US request: report |
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Donald Trump Childhood Story Plus Untold Biography Facts |
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Er Donald Trump vår tids svar på Kyros den store |
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Here’s A List Of Hoax ‘Hate Crimes’ In The Trump Era |
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Trump cerrará frontera sur la próxima semana si México no detiene la inmigración ilegal |
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Trump pardons Cosby |
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Twitter May Label Trump Tweets That Violate Its Rules |
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‘Better’ ‘Smarter’ Trump Rages Against the Losers |
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Donald Trump Vintage USA Flag T-Shirt |
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Trump campaign manager on how Mueller’s report plays into 2020 |
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Man Detained For Alleged Threat To Murder Trump Blow Up Pentagon Report Says |
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Trump Troll’s Trademark Application Rejected in UK |
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Migrant Crisis amp Crime March 28 2019 Edition: Salvini calls for castration “for the molesting worms who raped a tourist in Catania” – Germany arrest two ISIS terrorists who attempted to derail trains in Berlin and Bavaria – Tanker Hijacked By Migrant “Pirates” Seized By Special Forces In Mediterranean – As Another Migrant Caravan Approaches Trump Revives Threat To Close Southern Border – German courts are so scared of Arab clans they are literally canceling hearings and letting repeat violent criminals go on probation – Greens leader Richard Di Natale wants ISIS fighters let in Australia – Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better Child Services Send a SWAT Team – Man armed with sword fatally shot at Scientology church near Los Angeles – Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning |
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Do you think Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been fair and impartial |
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President Trump Awards Medal of Honor |
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Trump supports legislation easing US ban on pot |
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“Destrucción de la OTAN”: Trump evaluaría abandonar la Alianza pero ¿quién se beneficiará de esto |
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Tell us what you thought about President Trump’s State of the Union address |
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A Mueller mystery: How Trump dodged a special counsel interview — and a subpoena fight – The Washington Post |
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Trump Says Special Olympics Will Not Lose Funding DeVos Reverses Earlier Statements |
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Cerraría Trump frontera la próxima semana |
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No Trump CollusionBut No Media Culpa |
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Nicolas Maduro Trump |
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Trump Admin Congress Slam Airbnb Boycott of Israel as ‘Anti-Semitic’ |
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‘Time to recognise’ Israel sovereignty over Golan Heights Trump says |
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Shithole Countries What I Learned In The Peace Corps In Africa: Trump Is Right |
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Kiểm tra thực tế cuộc biểu tình Michigan của Trump 6 |
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Abascal copia a Trump y plantea que Marruecos pague un muro en Ceuta y Melilla |
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Editorial: Trump’s impulsiveness on North Korea sows chaos confusion and danger |
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Trump reconoce la soberanía israelí en el Golán |
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Commentary: No Trump fingerprints doesn’t mean no crime |
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REPORT: Trump attorney general had ‘shouting match’ with GOP senator over withdrawn Justice nominee Liu |
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Lindsey Graham Says Trump Wants Full Mueller Report Made Public |
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Aderarea Braziliei la NATO – declaraţie Donald Trump |
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The View’s Abby Huntsman Excoriates Trump: ‘What a Dumb Move’… |
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Game Trump |
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Ex-Starbucks CEO considering handing election to Trump and spending rest of life as a pariah |
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Inslee on ‘Fox and Friends’ announces release of tax returns calls on Trump do so the same |
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Western Caucus Encourages Trump to Think Big and Act Big-League in Monuments Review |
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Democrats’ civil war between progressives and moderates will bring 2020 Trump victory |
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AT Monitoring Desk KABUL: As President Donald Trump tries to wind down America’s 18-year-old troop c… |
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Rahm Emanuel Blames ‘Toxic’ Trump for Smollett Hate Hoax – Stats |
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Trump Daughter using private email server but what does that mean |
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Trump quebra respeito à independência do FED |
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President Trump Skewers Democrats for Their “Ridiculous Bullst” VIDEO |
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Zwei Jahre Verschwörungstheorien und Lügen über Trump |
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Will Congress Legalize Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement |
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Donald Trump feiert sich selbst: Ich bin Präsident und sie nicht |
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Trump backs off proposal to cut Special Olym |
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South Korean leader to meet with Trump on N- |
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President Trump’s Envoy Takes Care of Business in Beijing |
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Trump says Special Olympics will be funded amid outrage over budget cuts proposed by Betsy DeVos |
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Russiagate: “Massive Gift for Trump” |
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Trump vraagt FBI-onderzoek naar zaak van acteur die homofobe aanval in scène gezet zou hebben |
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“Rusia tiene que salir” de Venezuela dice Trump al recibir a la esposa de Juan Guaidó |
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Yeah I Voted Trump |
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A First of its Kind Visit from First Lady Melania Trump |
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L’histoire récente comme l’actualité poussent les citoyens à questionner de plus en plus ouvertement les mécanismes démocratiques La victoire de G-W Bush sur A Gore en 2000 l’élimination de L Jospin au premier tour au profit de J-M Le Pen en 2002 D Trump face à H Clinton au terme d’une campagne ayant démontré l’intérêt de la population |
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President candidate Kirsten Gillibrand recently called Donald Trump a “coward” for not bowing to her liberal-socialist views While condemning parent-child separations among illegal immigrants forcing their way over our borders she did nothing to investigate parent alienation and wrongful parent-child separations among her own constituents residing legally here |
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President Trump’s Budget Targets Seniors |
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Mueller’s Report On President Trump Finds No Collusion No Obstruction Of Justice |
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The Trump “Resistance” is Slipping Through Our Fingers |
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Kathy Griffin Poses With Donald Trump’s Severed “Head” Which Is a Bad Idea on Several Level |
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Here’s why Trump wouldn’t have won without Russia |
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Ruhani’den Trump’a Golan tepkisi |
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Supreme Court Will Not Block Trump’s Bump Stock Ban |
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Singer John Legend Blames Trump for “Inspiring” New Zealand Massacre |
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La nueva amenaza de Donald Trump: “Rusia tiene que salir de Venezuela” |
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Trump Resmi Akui Kedaulatan Israel atas Jong-un Berencana Kunjungi Rusia Tahun Ini |
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MALDEF Responds to Rebuke of Trump’s Emergency Border Declaration |
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Catholics 4 Trump |
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Trump The Mueller Report and Democracy |
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Donald Trump Mother’s Day Coffee Mug |
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Who Will “Trump” the Redesig |
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Jeanine Support Trump |
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Empresas agrícolas advierten a la administración de Trump… |
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Snoop Dogg at the Roast of Donald Trump 0 |
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USA: Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela |
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El Congreso de EU cerca a Trump: indagará a su familia y empresas por obstrucción de la justicia |
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The United Latinos of the UFCW Condemns the Trump Administration’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy that Rips Apart Families |
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Mass Media’s Idiots Spent 2 Years Hyping Fake Story on Trump |
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Trump’s disingenuous crusade for free speech |
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Trump calls birthright citizenship ‘ridiculous’ plans to end it with executive order |
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Lou Dobbs interviews Rep Louie Gohmert on Trump’s Declassification news |
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Trump trying to reverse ‘pink tide’ in Latin America: Analyst |
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How Trump Turned The White House Into A Ghetto Nightclub |
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Trump’s Treachery Goes Way Beyond Russia |
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Donald Trump und der Russiagate-Hoax |
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SerialBrain2: Trump Taking Down the Cab |
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Trump can take a victory lap but it’s a partial one |
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Celebrities Ivanka Trump rescata el vestido más instagrameado de Zara de la temporada pasada |
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Man kills mother and sister in France knife attack as Islamic State claims Tyler demands Trump stops playing Aerosmith songs at rallies |
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This time the Trump joke’s on us |
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Donald Trump: Did His Second Wife Cheat On Him With Michael |
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President Trump’s Federal Reserve pick owes unpaid taxes – AOL |
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Pide Trump a la OPEP para bajar petroprecios |
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It’s not just George and Kellyanne Conway— 39 of Americans in relationships said the Trump administration is a source of stress in their partnership |
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After Trump-Kim summit South Korea leader Moon Jae-in to visit White House for talks on North Korea nukes |
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Karl Rove jumps into wireless battle that is dividing Trump world |
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Trump’s pick for No 3 Justice Department job Jessie Liu withdraws name |
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Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday outlined the Trump administration’s plan to return US astronauts to the moon and |
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Who will be in Bob Trump’s cabinet |
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Democratic Rep Jim Himes defends Schiff and blasts Trump’s ‘unpatriotic activities’ |
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Le président Donald Trump demande l’arrêt des vols des Boeing 737 MAX |
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“¡Vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera!” asegura Trump durante mitin |
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Trump on the problems with wind power: The wind ‘only blows sometimes’ |
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La demagogia de Trump se descarrilla |
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💰 Trump |
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SELC Responds to the Trump Administration |
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Trump just hired a man famous for covering up sexual abuse to a top White House job |
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Kim and Trump flip-flop as both sides wonder ‘what happens next’ |
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Minyak Merosot Lalu Kembali Naik Setelah Tweet Trump |
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Hot Sale! Make America Great Again Hat Donald Trump Cap |
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Swearing boasting joking Trump gets back to being Trump at rally |
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Meghan McCain Gets Testy During Trump Admin Discussion: I Am Better Than They Are! |
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‘Bolton rolls out Trump’s Africa policy to grim reception but I’m reserving judgment’ |
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Trump tells Russia to ‘get out’ of Venezuela |
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President Trump’s Approval Rating Up 5 Points After Mueller Investigation |
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Trump at rally: Those behind Russia probe will ‘be held accountable’ |
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Under Obama “Global Aid” Was All About Funding Abortions Donald Trump |
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Rand Paul: “Source” Says Obama Admin Sent Spies to “Entrap Trump Officials” |
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Trump durante encuentro con Fabiana Rosales: “Rusia debe salir de Marrero queda privado de libertad y su chófer es liberado bajo régimen de presentación |
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Trump Cards – The Wackiest Card Game Ever |
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Black Melodies – Sam Trump |
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Trump threatens to close southern border over migrant surge |
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Watch: Fake Trump video on Kaaba goes viral |
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An open Letter to President Trump ! |
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Trump dice que Rusia “tiene que salir” de Venezuela |
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India welcomed Donald Trump’s tough stand on Pakistan |
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Minimum Wage Victories in 2016 Show We Can Beat Trump’s Agenda |
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Corden: Barbara Bush really really didn’t like Trump |
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AMLO agacha la cabeza ante Trump y no defiende a México |
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Trump se enojó ahora con México y Centroamérica |
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Trump Güney Kore Devlet Başkanı Moon ile görüşecek |
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ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: With no crimes alleged Mueller and Barr hand Trump |
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FORMULE CLUB / Xi Jinping en France • Rapport Mueller : Trump hors de cause • La réforme de la fonction publique • La lutte contre l’alcoolisme |
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Efeito Trump: Expansão da economia e corte de impostos contribui para geração de 878 mil novos milionários |
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Donald Trump Jr Mocks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as Rally Crowd Chants ‘AOC Sucks!’ |
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OPEC-Russia Set Aside Trump Pressure Agree To Cut Oil Output |
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WORLD: Donald Trump Speaks Tough On Ending ISIS Today |
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Russia accuses US media of conspiracy against Trump and celebrates Barr |
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Trump complains to senators that Puerto Rico is getting too much hurricane relief funding |
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America’s Roundup: Dollar strengthens as economic worries persist Gold breaks below key 1300 support Wall Street ends up Oil near flat shrugs off Trump calls for OPEC to boost output-March 29th 2019 |
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Trump Threatens to Close US Border With Mexico Next Week |
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Vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera reitera Trump a México |
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KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16 quarterfinal: Aces trump Lady Cards |
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Twitter Will Begin Labeling Trump Tweets That Violate Their Policies |
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Melania Trump y Fabiana Rosales hablaron sobre Venezuela ¡Véalo! |
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S Korean Leader to Meet With Trump in US on Nuke Diplomacy |
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Brady’s Super Bowl Win Tainted by Support for Trump |
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Walhi soal Sawit RI Ancam Uni Eropa: Luhut Sama dengan Trump |
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March 29th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 799 |
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Trump touts his rabid supporters as the real ‘elite’ during bonkers |
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Tell Trump to Resign |
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IPA calls on President Trump Congress to end Government Shutdown |
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The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Trump And Netanyahu Take On The Globalist Cabal |
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Trump Oversees Another Scary Rally |
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Woodward Book Critiquing Trump Misses Secret Military Plan to Dismantle Deep State |
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Lessons From Trump’s Victory |
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If a Recession Really Is Coming Here’s What Powell and Trump Can Do |
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Make America Great Again TRUMP 2016 |
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‘How Dare He!’ Dem Rep Blasts Trump for Calling Omarosa a ‘Dog’ |
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Trump Claims That He’s ‘Taken Care of Puerto Rico Better… |
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Trump said investigating his finances would be a ‘red line’ New York prosecutors are about to cross it – Business Insider |
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It Isn’t Complicated: Trump Encourages Violence |
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WATCH: Trump Rally Chants ‘AOC SUCKS!’ – New Poll Says MOST Americans Agree! |
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Donald le désespéré ou Trump le fier-à-bras |
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Did Trump Really Do All That |
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EU: La era Trump |
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Trump : Olimpiade Khusus akan Didanai |
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Trump’ın Yardımı ve Mısır’ın Seçim Maskaralığı |
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Trump’s critics walked into their own trap |
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Rep Nunes: Trump was investigated for what the Clinton campaign did |
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Trump won’t let McCain feud rest in peace |
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Kurz und Trump |
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Trump slams George Conway as ‘stone cold LOSER’ and ‘husband from hell’ |
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Tiffany Trump’s Serbian vacation cost taxpayers at least 23000 |
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2019 Trump Budget Would Penalize You For Vaping |
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Trump casts himself as the best friend Puerto Rico’s ever had as feud with its leaders escalates |
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Trump Campaign Memo To TV Producers Warning About ‘Credibility’ Of Six |
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Jerusalem Post Shocker: Trump Isn’t Cyrus Yet But That Will Happen When He Calls for The Building of The Third Temple! |
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Trump aprueba que el horario de verano sea permanente |
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Beto says Count Me In and Trump’s Budget is a Disaster |
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Maybe in fact Trump is the genius he claims to be possessed — as he likes to boast — of a ‘very good brain’ |
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Dem Presidential Hopeful Jay Inslee Goes On Fox amp Friends to Directly Challenge Trump to Release Tax Returns |
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Google quiere mejorar internet en Cuba en tiempos de Trump |
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Trump Says Google CEO Totally Committed To The US Military |
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In Response to Trump Wall Emergency Declaration Pelosi Makes National Gun Grab Threat |
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LeBron James Just Torched Trump Over His Attacks On Black NFL Players |
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Trump threatens to close ‘large sections’ of US-Mexico border next week over illegal immigration – CNBC |
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Trump vuelve a cargar contra los recortes de la OPEP |
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Trump Rips ‘Mainstream Media’: ‘They Truly Are the Enemy of the People’ |
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The Literary Agency That’s Made A Business Out Of Trump Administration Tell-All Memoirs |
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WATCH: Donald Trump Speak at AIPAC Policy Conference 2016 |
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More Trump F—ery |
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Top economists give Trump’s Fed pick Moore a rocky reception |
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McConnell signals he won’t play a leading role in crafting the health-care bill Trump wants |
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Trump to host South Korean leader at White House summit on nuclear diplomacy |
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Amenaza Rosselló con golpear a Trump |
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The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso March 28 2019 |
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Will President Donald Trump’s call for unity be successful |
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Kim la battaglia per il nucleare e la rivincita di Trump Un altro colpo per i giornalisti liberal e pasdaran italiani non ne imbroccano una! Sulla vendita dell’archivio de “L’unità” |
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Trump recibió a esposa de Carlos viene con su “Amor sin límites” |
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Donald Trump Jr 2024 |
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Twitter Is Working To Censor President Trump |
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Zionist America Stands By ZIONIST Israel Pres Trump is a Zionist Same as Netanyahu |
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The Mountain Epic Donald Trump President Make America Great Again Election Shirt |
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Trump to Sign Order Recognising Israel’s Rule Over Golan on Monday – Reports |
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Fox News anchor: Trump calling Schiff ‘pencil-neck’ is OK because it’s funny |
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Senators decry Trump administration’s ‘lack of urgency’ on PFAS like GenX |
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The auto industry joins to fight Trump’s proposed car tariffs |
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Sulle follie cinesi di Donald Trump |
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Court blocks another Trump attempt to undermine Obamacare click to see stats |
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President Trump’s Regulatory Rollbacks Are an Attack on Americans’ Wallets |
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Trump to Host Egypt’s Sisi on April 9: White House |
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Trump receberá o presidente do Egito |
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Nadler: ‘President Trump is wrong to claim exoneration’ |
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Time to focus on Trump’s policies |
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After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli” |
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Thẩm phán ra lệnh FBI Bộ Tư pháp lật lại Trump Memos |
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I Designed for Donald Trump I Wouldn’t Do It Again |
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Trump Campaign Spokesman Slams ‘Democrats Who See Abortion As The Cure For Down Syndrome’ |
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Trump arremete de nuevo contra Guatemala y reclama uso de ayudas |
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Anti-Trump Baltimore Protest Out of Hand |
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Trump atacă din nou raportul procurorului special Robert Mueller |
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Trump ätzt gegen Kritiker |
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The Latest: Trump Jr thanks rally crowd for support |
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Trump says FBI agents who investigated him committed treason |
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Has Mueller Helped Trump Win His Re-Election Race Next Year |
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If The Brits Bar Trump It Could Be Very |
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wolfwal on 29 Mrz in: Es beginnt: Entschuldigungen an Präsident Trump |
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Trump’s Latest Attack on Immigrants |
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Kim and Trump flip-flop as both sides wonder: what happens next |
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China buckles to Trump with vow to buy up to 300k |
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Trump Sanders: Two Sides of an Anti-Establishment Coin |
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How They Do It– ‘Let’s not lose sight of the real scandal: Trump was elected with Russia’s help’ |
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Venezuela: Keep Trump Out |
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Trump-Kim’s Hanoi Summit was a disappointment but all is not KINGDOM |
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Trump Administration Suspends EEO-1 Equal Pay Reporting Requirements |
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The world is still run by swamp creatures swarmed latest Trump stooge’s confirmation hearing |
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¿Cómo afectarían las tarifas de Trump a autos europeos |
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Trump recibe en la Casa Blanca a Fabiana |
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Trump boicotea su futuro plan de paz con sus “regalos” a Israel |
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Saudi FM Rejects Trump’s Move over Golan Heights |
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Trump Shares Purim Story |
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Forget Trump’s “War On Women” Or North Korea – If We Lose This War It’s All Over |
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Incroyable : le rapport Mueller met en avant une ingérence des USA dans l’élection de Trump |
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Rusia le responde a Trump: Militares permanecerán en Venezuela el tiempo que sea necesario |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México: “La próxima semana” |
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News Related Videos On: Highlights from US President Donald Trump’s 2020 rally in Michigan |
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Democrats question Donald Trump’s commitment to Lake O ahead of visit |
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Trump mime les attentats du 13 novembre et crée la polémique |
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Conférence de Munich : Merkel l’anti-Trump |
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Trump’s 2020 Budget is a Bust for Black Women |
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Aprosoja cobra ampla discussão sobre impactos do uso de Americanos de soja insatisfeitos com comentários do presidente Trump sobre manter as tarifas |
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KellyAnne Conway on Trump Presidency and North Korea |
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President Trump Threatens to Close US Southern Border – Crisis Worsening More Than 12000 Apprehensions This Week… |
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Breaking News: President Trump Restores Funding For Special Olympics in Budget |
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Hilarious Protesters in Swamp Creature Masks Protested New Trump Interior Secretary’s Senate Confirmation Hearing |
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Deutschland erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen Trump |
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The Costs of Trump’s Import Tariffs Have Landed Entirely on US Citizens |
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President Trump updates trade preference program eligibility for Rwanda |
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Judge Strikes Down Trump Administration’s Health Care Plan |
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Trump reconoce formalmente la soberanía de Israel sobre los Altos del |
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Kế hoạch kinh doanh nhỏ của Trump ‘rõ ràng là kết thúc’ xung quanh các biện pháp bảo vệ Obamacare các quy tắc của thẩm phán |
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The Watergate Crisis: A Re-examination of the Past in the Age of Donald Trump |
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Trump Loses Second Obamacare Court Battle This Week |
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How Trump has Fielded Concerns About White Nationalism Over Time |
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Gabriel Sedano y Margarita Cruz aseguran que trabajaron por años sin papeles en un club de golf del presidente Trump Ellos creen que el presidente y sus allegados conocían |
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Trump appoints controversial cabinet |
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Die Lage spitzt sich zu in Venezuela! Trump: Russland muss Venezuela verlassen – alle Optionen offen |
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Kamala Harris Is Wrong Trump Isn’t ‘Raiding Money’ From Military Pensions |
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Trump insta a Rusia a “salir”de Venezuela |
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Las sanciones de Trump a Irán golpean duramente a los… |
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Ivanka Trump: Sexual harassment should never be tolerated |
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Hydropower May be Affected by Trump Presidency |
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Trump möter Egyptens al-Sisi i april |
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Le pétrole finit près de l’équilibre ignorant Donald Trump |
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Trump: la impotencia y la furia |
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Donald Trump breaks his silence on the Jussie Smollett case |
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George Conway flattens ‘Narcissist-in-chief’ Trump for disgustingly mocking asylum seekers |
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Americans Should Be Demanding Trump’s Resignation |
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11 Amazing Facts About Donald Trump You Don’t Know |
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Donald Trump ‘The Sequel’ được phát trực tiếp tại Grand Rapids Mich |
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Trump is putting the world at risk |
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Trump turns Mueller probe’s findings into political weapon |
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Kim Jong Un Arrives In Vietnam For Summit With Trump |
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What’s Behind Trump’s Position on the Special Olympics |
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Which Companies Will President Trump Target Next Learn More |
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El gobernador de Puerto Rico amenaza con golpear a Trump ante conflicto por ayuda |
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Perception Pushing Trump’s 3 Goal But Economy is Not Out Of The |
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Mueller’s report on Russia and Trump is more than 300 pages long |
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Is Trump Right Do Americans need to murder all “Children of Color” to save Whites |
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Trump Says FBI amp DOJ Will Review The “OUTRAGEOUS” Jussie Smollet Decision |
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Pentagon Authorizes 1 Billion For Trump’s |
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Donald Trump To Visit Proposed Wall Site |
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Knight Institute Lawsuit Challenges President Trump’s Blocking of Critics on Twitter |
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Donald Trump to meet with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un on June 12 |
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Trump celebrates in Michigan once again the results of the Mueller report view |
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Stacey Abrams’ ClapTrap On ‘The View’ Contradicts Her Donald Trump Diatribe |
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Caravana migrante: Trump presiona a países centroamericanos y amenaza con cerrar la frontera |
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Trump reverses plan to cut all Special Olympics funding |
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Doña Fabiana Rosales no se conmovió cuando Trump confundió a Venezuela con una empresa |
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Rep Devin Nunes: “Trump was investigated for what the Clinton campaign did” |
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Mueller report conclusion raises question of Trump pardons |
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Michelle Obama Book Vies With Trump Exposé At Book Awards |
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Der Mueller-Bericht scheint überstanden – doch hier droht 10 Mal grosser Ärger für Trump |
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Reports just revealed the first concrete link between Trump campaign and Russian military intelligence |
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Más de la mitad de los presidentes eran masones Estos incluyen Washington Madison Adams Jefferson Monroe Jackson Van Buren Tyler Polk Taylor Pierce Buchanan Johnson Garfield McKinley TR Taft Harding FDR Truman LBJ Ford Reagan Clinton Bush I y II Obama y Trump |
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Liberal Twitter is thinking about labeling President Trump’s tweets |
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Trump Goes On The Offensive With Hoax Pusher |
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Trump reviews meeting with Buhari says ” I don’t want to meet a lifeless person like him again |
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Trump ‘s small-business health insurance plan struck down |
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Russia or no Russia Trump is still a lousy president – The Washington Post |
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Video ‘shows Trump spurs violence against media’ |
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Adviser and allies warning Trump against issuing — Dawson |
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Media democratization and the rise of Trump |
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Trump llama a la justicia federal de EEUU a revisar caso del actor Smollet |
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من هو دونالد ترامب donald trump |
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Trump is once again leading his party over cliff on health care |
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Trump’s Next Hurdle: Republican Civil War May be Brewing – Freedom Caucus Vs Republican Decepticons |
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Der er så meget Trump ikke forstår |
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Trump disavows Special Olympics cuts after DeVos spends a third day defending them |
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Trump Güney Kore Devlet Başkanıyla görüşecek |
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What effect will Trump’s victory have on Indian IP law and policy |
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Trump has Plans to Declassify and Release the FISA Applications |
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China’s Xi urges Donald Trump to be cautious over North Korea |
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Trump Signs Order Protecting US From EMP Attack |
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Matar a Assad y Atacar a Norcorea el Deseo de Donald Trump: Woodward |
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Trump Zeus i urodziny Mózgu Co wydarzy się w Bydgoszczy w nadchodzącym tygodniu |
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Breaking: Trump Finally Moves Issues Massive Smollett Announcement |
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After AG Delivers Mueller Judgment – Trump Drops Washington Smollett Police Report Released Gag Order Issued Immediately Afterward |
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House will have to vote on impeaching Trump regardless of Pelosi’s opposition |
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump misleads on health care and Mueller’s Russia probe |
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Trump cerrará la frontera si México no bloquea por completo el flujo de la inmigración ilegal |
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President Trump Implores Supporters to “READ SIEGE!” |
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Do you have your Trump candle food diet: why you should never eat these foods raw |
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“Ha nem az apám lenne lefújtam volna gázsprével” – mondta Trump lánya |
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Declaración de emergencia de Trump sobrevive en Congreso |
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Trump contro tutti: “Disonesti volevano dividere il Paese” |
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Saudi Arabia will ignore Trump’s ‘tolerance threshold’ for oil prices analyst says |
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OpEd: Conservative support for Trump wall soars to new high |
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Top US Official: Energy Independence Enables Trump to Take Stronger Pro-Israel Positions |
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Washington state leads challenge to Trump’s abortion policy |
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Trump Grants Thousands of Liberians Due for Deportation Another Year to Leave the US |
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President Trump Treats NCAA Football Champions to Wendys McDonald’s Burger King and Dominoes — |
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A questo Giro di Poker Il Pollo è Donald Trump |
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Somebody Said Yes! Jackie Evancho Will Sing At Donald Trump’s Inauguration |
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Trump Schedule |
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Trump Warned Us He Would Be a Terrible President |
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Trump’ın ‘süngüsü düşüyor’ |
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Donald Trump Orders Jussie Smollett Case Review from FBI |
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Trump and Fox News’ Strategic Obsession With Jussie Smollett |
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Le mythe du complot… Trump : 1 Médias : 0 |
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Investigatiôns Christina la petite fille qui demande de l’aide à Donald Trump |
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After Trump again seeks to defund PBS network’s chief insists network provides ‘high value’ |
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White House officials defend Trump say athletes ‘can do free speech on their own time’ |
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Trump apoya a los Evangélicos en el día nacional de la oración y bendice la Iglesia |
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DACA is a Bold Welcome Step by President Trump |
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Fuck Trump Stickers |
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Rusia responde amenaza de Trump sobre Venezuela: EEUU debe |
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Welcome to Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles |
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At rally Trump accuses Democrats of ‘defrauding the public with ridiculous bullst’ video |
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EU bucks Trump pressure giving Huawei an opening in Europe |
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Michelle Obama: ‘I’ll Never Forgive Trump…’ Trump Fires Back |
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ed note–and once again ladies and Gentile-men coming from no less than Max Boot one of those irrelevant and unimportant NEOCONS who want unbridled unrestrained war in the Middle East with America doing all the wet work the same NEOCONS who brought about the destruction of Iraq Afghanistan Libya Syria and who want Iran and Russia destroyed and who–rather than greasing the skids for Trump are instead moving heaven hell and everything in between in trying to see him removed and replaced with a Christian Zionist rubber stamp for the Jewish state and yet no one is bothering to ask the relevant question WHY Read the rest of this entry » |
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Trump amp Putin: Es liegt nur bei den VS Mär vom 24-Vertrag als Friedensvertrag |
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Trump defends wife for wearing high heels |
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Trump Putin and The Mueller Report! |
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But That’s Exactly What Trump Did |
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La sintesi del rapporto su Russiagate: Barr scagiona Trump |
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Két debrecenit is méltatott Donald Trump az amerikai kongresszus előtt – kevesebb álláskereső van Debrecenben |
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Toobin: Total vindication of Trump on collusion |
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Los republicanos exigen la dimisión de Adam Schiff líder de los demócratas en el Comité Judicial por alentar la conspiración contra Trump comienzan a publicarse los testimonios que lo prueban |
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Trump’s Recognition of Golan Violates International Law |
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Gobernador de Puerto Rico se rebela a Trump: “Si se me acerca lo voy a golpear en la cara” |
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Trump Warns European Leaders to “Watch Themselves” |
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Venezuela crisis: Tensions growing as Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of air defence missile was fired shortly before the Mi17 V5 helicopter crash: report |
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Trump says FBI Justice Department to review Smollett case Thursday March 28th 2019 |
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Poll: Trump Must Do More to Denounce White Nationalism |
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Jacinda of New Zealand vs Trump |
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Trump Birleşmiş Milletler’e rağmen kararı imzaladı |
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Trump Scores A Win But The Obstruction War Is Still In Motion |
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Trump: Google totally committed to the US military |
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Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff |
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Trump On Fire! At Michigan Rally: “Democrats Have To Decide Whether They Will Continue To Defraud The Public With Ridiculous Bullshit” |
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Sayyed Nasrallah risponderà all’ “arroganza” di Pompeo e al “regalo” di Trump a Netanyahu |
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Workplace Surveillance Is Central to Capitalist Michigan Rally Trump Mocks Asylum Seekers Fleeing Violence |
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Robert Mueller’s Report Does Not Find Trump’s Campaign Colluded With Russia |
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Rep Nunes Drops Bombshell on Trump Witchhunters |
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Trump se reúne con CEO de Google para hablar de temas |
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14 Times Adam Schiff Said Trump Colluded with Russia Without woman boyfriend attacked by throng of motorcycle ATV riders |
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Iran to ‘resist’ Trump decision on Israel’s hold over Golan – Fox News |
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Trump showdown with Democrats escalates over Russia probe |
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VIDEO: Trump urges repeal of Common Core: ‘A total disaster’ |
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Can Trump Win Again in 2020 |
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“Not Good Enough” – Trump threatens to withdraw US from World |
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Mueller finds no evidence for Trump Russia Collusion |
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Trump promises full Great Lakes funding after proposed 90 percent cut at Michigan rally |
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Abascal copia a Trump en su última barbaridad y plantea que Marruecos pague un muro en Ceuta y Melilla |
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WATCH: Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar says ‘Obama is human Trump is not’ just months after accusing Trump of using racist dehumanizing language |
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Trump Campaign Fighting Back: ‘Now It’s Time to Investigate Democrats’ |
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The New Way Forward After Trump |
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President Donald J Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address: Full Text and Video |
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Trump Türkiye’de fuhuş operasyonunda yakalandı |
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Aretha Franklin:Antidote to Trump’s NFL Tirade |
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Governo de Trump promete ajudar Angola a recuperar |
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Moon Trump to meet for Washington DC summit on April 11 |
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Gerrymander Gazette – SCOTUS at last Trump amp Michael Cohen Added to Stormy Daniels Complaint |
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Trump Approval Jumps 5 Points After Mueller Investigation |
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Rand Paul Pushes for Release of Obama’s Communications Concerning Decision to Investigate Trump Campaign |
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Moon Trump to hold summit on April 11 in Washington Friday March 29th 2019 |
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¿Qué opina sobre las fuertes expresiones del gobernador Ricardo Rosselló contra el presidente Donald Trump por su trato a Puerto Rico |
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Former CIA Director John Brennan lies at the heart of the intelligence community decision to weaponize against Donald Trump In this outline I will make the case for a possible criminal referral by Devin Nunes |
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Trump recebe Bolsonaro na Casa Branca |
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How Trump Should Counter Putin in Ukraine and Venezuela |
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Trump’s pick for No 3 Justice Department post withdraws after Republican objects |
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Covfefe Est 2017 Donald Trump Tweet Joke Poster |
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Trump in fiery first rally since Mueller vindication calls on Dems to stop ‘ridiculous bullsh–‘ |
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President Trump says FBI DOJ will review Empire… |
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Trump visit to Lake Okeechobee to stress environmental partnerships |
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Pelosi Slams ‘Scaredy-Cat’ Trump Republicans Attacking Schiff for Being Afraid of ‘Truth’ |
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BREAKING: President Trump Announced The Closing of The Border Next Week! |
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Trump felicita reformas e combate à corrupção em Angola |
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Presidente da Coreia do Sul reúne-se com Donald Trump em… |
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Trump’s Green Light to Israel: First the Golan Then the West Bank By Jonathan Cook 1 |
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Trump holds first rally since Mueller report submitted |
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WARNING: All WHITE TRUMP SUPPORTERS Prepare To Be BANNED From Facebook Starting Monday! |
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Donald Trump nói Adam Schiff nên từ chức sau phát hiện của Mueller Schiff nói không 2 |
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Trump Brexit and Leftist Delusions – A Taste of Things to Come |
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“Trump Urinal” Bulls Eye Target |
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Grid Site-In Trump |
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Trump ameaça fechar fronteira dos EUA com México na próxima semana |
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Trump’s pick for Federal Reserve had hand in creation of Brownback tax have tax blues as filing deadline says Appalachia ‘close to my heart’ to tour coal mine |
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Melania Trump reitera a la esposa de Guaidó el apoyo de EEUU a Venezuela |
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Trump debe estar en guardia Los Rothschild Tienen la costumbre de asesinar a los presidentes que no siguen sus órdenes |
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Impassioned ‘AOC sucks!’ chant breaks out at Trump rally |
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Watch: Sean Hannity’s Full Interview With President Trump |
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Trump pledged to end the HIV epidemic San Francisco could get there first – Los Angeles Times |
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5 things to know for March 29: Boeing crash Trump rally Brexit Venezuela Facebook – CNN |
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A Trump administration gag order just proposed cutting millions from Planned Parenthood |
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El presidente Danilo Medina pidió a Trump eliminar alertas sobre viajes |
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Trump drops new hotels |
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Trump didn’t coordinate with Russia in 2016 report declares Monday March 25th 2019 |
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Trump’s Approval Rating Is Incredibly Steady Is That Weird Or The New Normal |
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Amish Join Rally With THIS Message to Support Trump |
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Wondering Why Mueller Never Interviewed Trump |
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Trump’s Last recente berichten |
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Baada ya Jerusalem Trump ataka Irsael itwae mlima Golan Syria |
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Trump et la haine du Diable 28/03/2019 |
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Maxime Prévot Donald Trump et «Mon Ket»: ils sont dans le |
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Insane America…Pompeo: God Sent Trump to Invade Iran |
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Are Trump’s legal woes over or just beginning |
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Trump’s New Position In The Courts Could Spell DOOM For Obamacare! |
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Trump Shouldn’t Visit Florida |
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009 Trump executive orders on immigration |
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Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act- Groundhog Day Stew with a Dash of Trump |
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LGBT employees are quitting the DOJ because it’s so toxic under Trump |
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Tallahassee Florida Chemtrailed Like Never Before Prior To Donald Trump’s Visit |
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Senado de EEUU bloquea declaración de emergencia de Trump en la frontera |
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Court Blocks Another Trump Attempt to Undermine Obamacare |
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Nellie Ohr Admits She Wanted Trump to Lose the 2016 Presidential Election “I Favored Hillary Clinton” |
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Trump entra de lleno en la campaña electoral de Israel |
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Lợi ích từ Thượng đỉnh Trump-Kim theo Ông Mai Tiến Dũng |
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A Trumpian Tale – A List Of President Trump’s Accomplishments So Far |
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Trump tax break aims to turn distressed areas into ‘opportunity zones’ |
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No se deje engañar por las mentiras de Trump sobre Venezuela |
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Pentagon Sends First 1 Billion to the Wall as Trump Presidency Restarts |
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Trump administration budget eliminates funding for tribal college Pays: How Actively Managed Payment Plans Support Student Success |
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Trump’s self-centered politics unravels |
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Trump calls Democrats ‘sick’ at first rally since Mueller report |
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Hedge fund managers on President Trump’s economic policies |
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Manfred Weber CSU will EU-kritischen Parteien die Gelder hetzten zwei Jahre lang wegen angeblicher Russland-Connection gegen Trump War alles nur Sie unabhängigen Journalismus! Spenden Sie jetzt für die Freie Welt |
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The Disappointing Trump Novel |
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Hillary Clinton in white pantsuit for Trump inauguration |
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6 Señales Contundentes de que Donald Trump es Usado por Dios |
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Trump’s Criticism of GM Pays Off Company Announces 300M Investment in Michigan Plant |
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‘Unhinged’ Trump Taken To The Woodshed Over Profanity-Laced Insult Rally |
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Supreme Court Turns Down Bids to Stop Trump’s Bump Stock Ban |
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CATHOLIC CHURCH SCANDAL – The Marc Scaringi Show – Trump Endorsed Delegate Constitutional Lawyer Live From Harrisburg PA |
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‘Trump’s Africa surprise’ |
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Focaldata pense avoir des réponses pour les militants à l’ère de Trump et du Brexit – TechCrunch |
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How Trump’s Capitol Hill hitman is trying to shut down House inquiries — and waging a nonstop war of obstruction |
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Trump’s Golan Declaration Another Own Goal |
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Mueller Doesn’t Find Trump Campaign Conspired With Russia |
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No One Speaks for Trump |
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Trump thirrje për njohje të ndërsjellë Kosovë – Serbi |
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Trump is mocked for thanking Vietnam veterans despite ‘bone spur’ draft dodge |
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Revisiting the Trump server communications with Russia’s Alpha Bank |
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Mexico’s President Responds To Trump’s Threat To Shut Down The Southern Border |
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Trump’s Fed pick admits he has no clue what his new |
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Obama Gave Trump These 4 Pieces Of Advice In His Inauguration Letter |
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Puerto Rico’s Governor Threatens to Physically Attack Trump |
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Open Letter to President Trump |
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TRUMP ON FIRE at Michigan Rally Asks If Democrats Will ‘Continue to Defraud the Public with Ridiculous Bullsht’ |
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‘Cuộc điều tra cáo buộc ông Trump thông đồng với Nga vẫn chưa chấm dứt’ – BBC Tiếng ViệtFri 29 Mar 2019 05:11:31 GMT |
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President Elect Trump Needs a Safe Space |
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‘Lock them up’ Trump’s attention turns to his enemies list |
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San Antonio’s Great Wall A Trump Mystery Post |
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The Trump Foundation is shutting down but the president and his family still could face liability |
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Mayor Rahm Emanuel says city will try to recoup costs from Jussie Smollett calls on President Trump to ‘sit this one out’ |
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Trump Compares Poorly |
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Chris Evans: Ο Donald Trump ο ρόλος του Captain America και η ζωή του ως εργένης |
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Donald Trump presses OPEC to boost output to bring down oil prices |
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Trump Tells Supporters ‘Russia Hoax Is Dead’ |
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Neuestes ZDF-Propaganda-Machwerk: „Trump amp Putin: Komplott gegen Amerika“ |
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Twitter podría “castigar” a Donald Trump si publica más tuits ofensivos |
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Troubling Tropes of Anti-Trump Tirades |
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President Trump Turns Mueller Probe Findings Into Political Weapon at Michigan Rally |
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Trump Administration Asking Congress To Make It Easier To Deport Migrant Children |
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Betsy Devos Feels The Heat During Congressional Testimony Throws Trump Under The Bus Over Special Olympics Cuts |
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Three more endorsements pile on for Jane Trump approval creeps up in latest survey |
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Backroom Buzz has the latest Conservative Political News for Trump and MAGA Loving Americans |
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Yahoo News Columnist: ‘Does the Media Owe Trump An News Columnist: ‘Does the Media Owe Trump An Apology’ |
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Kanye Trump |
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How They Do It– ‘Trump just made a huge mistake in the Middle East’ |
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The Trump Phenomenon |
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JAVANKA CONSPIRACY: The Stealthy Liberal Subversion of Trump’s Presidency |
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Trump amenaza de nuevo con cerrar la frontera con destacado |
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Trump Education Reforms Applauded by Black Activists |
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Famous Rapper Takes A Break From Beating Women To Send Trump A Nasty Message |
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What NYT columnist David Brooks blames fake news media’s nonstop coverage of the Russian collusion hoax on…POTUS Trump and Sean Hannity |
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Donald Trump calls BEE an economic segregation policy |
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Watch LIVE President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Grand Rapids 32719 |
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Brzezinski’s Ghost: The Geopolitics of the Trump Administration |
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Can President Trump Turn Blue State Virginia Republican Red |
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Trump to host Egypt’s El-Sisi on April 9: White House |
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Marcus Montgomery: Congress must convince Trump to break up with Saudi Arabia Here’s how |
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Trump Wants to Turn the Tables on Dems Upon End of Mueller Investigation |
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Trump To Sean Hannity: Wind Energy Won’t Work Because Wind ‘Only Blows Sometimes’ |
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Mundo Vs EEUU condena anexión de altos del Golán a Israel Trump |
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Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff ebook Free Download |
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WATCH: Donald Trump Jr SLAMS Michael Avenatti During his Speech in Grand Rapids |
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Putin e Trump prontos para uma Coalizão Planetária contra a ameaça espacial |
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Trump says Great Lakes have ‘record deepness’ click to see stats |
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Trump’s border emergency declaration stands after House vote falls short |
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Las veces que Trump ha ofendido a México sin que López le exija disculpas |
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VIDEO ”Would You Boycott Jim Carrey’s Movies After His HEINOUS Comments About Trump |
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Así son las increíbles propiedades de Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Facebook ads focus on Schumer Pelosi and the border wall as Democrats play catch-up |
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Trump baraja nuevo asesor de seguridad nacional |
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Trump Arrives in Hanoi As Kim Jong Un Forces White House Press Out of |
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Now for those too dense to read between the lines on all this the obvious question that must be asked but unfortunately is not is WHY this gaggle of NeoCons are NOT celebrating Trump’s recent ‘Golan’ declaration if in fact there were not secondary items attached to it that they as well as Netanyahu for whom they work consider problematic for Israel |
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Russian hoax is finally dead: Donald Trump tells NEWS |
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Rahm Emanuel says Chicago will try to recoup costs from Smollett calls on Trump to ‘sit this one out’ |
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PROJECTION: Substitute ‘Donald’ for ‘Hillary’ in Trump’s Tweets and It All Makes Sense |
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Sør-Koreas president skal møte Trump |
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Beating hate with love: Cory Booker’s unorthodox approach to defeating Trump in 2020 |
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Summary of Mueller Report States No Trump-Russia Collusion Found |
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Que pretende Trump ao reconhecer Guaidó como presidente venezuelano » |
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Tips to Select a Good Solar Generator amp Understanding How It All May be Affected by Trump Presidency |
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Trump: Smollett case ‘outrageous’ FBI and DOJ to review |
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The Golan Heights: What’s at stake with Trump’s recognition |
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Donald Trump: jeśli Meksyk nie zatrzyma imigracji to zamknę granicę |
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‘They’ve Got Big Problems’: Trump Vows To Hold Officials Behind Collusion ‘Hoax’ Accountable |
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Help Wanted: Trump administration is riddled with vacancies |
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President Trump schedules meeting with South Korean leader… |
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Trump – the peachy cool arrow |
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Trump: ‘The only problem our economy has is the Fed’ |
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Rush Exposed Michelle’s Perverted Past After She Trashed Trump |
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Matthew Charles President Trump’s State of the Union guest advocates for criminal justice reform in pushes for more screening treatment of postpartum depression |
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Twitter to label Trump’s tweets that violate its rules |
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We need to understand what Exonerated really means and not get frustrated that Trump is not going to jail at least right away |
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‘Still better than 1/1024!’ New poll shows that Trump is right about Elizabeth Warren’s sinking campaign |
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump misleads on health care Russia King Responds to Major Change in ‘Pet Sematary’ Film |
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Venezuela: Donald Trump Alerta Rússia |
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Juez federal rechaza una regla de Trump que permite planes de seguro “escasos” |
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Fact-checking Trump’s Michigan with us |
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Trump’s health care agenda is a legal disaster |
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Twitter Users Accuse Trump Of Victim Blaming After Florida Shooting |
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OpDis News — Convicted Felon Set to Testify Before Congress Dark to Light Top Brass Insider Scripted Plan to Impeach Trump |
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Adam Schiff responds to Trump’s calls to resign with a blistering 5-minute speech on the president and Russia |
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Trump Hits CPAC Like A Ton Of Bricks after Returning From Vietnam |
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Trump Rally Crowd Chants ‘AOC Sucks’ Don Jr Admits He’s Scared Of Her |
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President Trump’s Proposed Budget Cuts Funding for Minnesota’s Working Poor |
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Fact-checking Trump’s Michigan rally |
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Late Sen John McCain Part of Democratic Party Anti-Trump Conspiracy: Federal Court |
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Trump on Sunday night: ‘America is the greatest place on earth’ |
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Trump and China Are on the Same Wrong Side |
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Trump to welcome Egypt’s al-Sisi to the White House |
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After border agent is killed and partner injured in Texas Trump renews call for wall |
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The Intentional Cruelty Of The Trump Regime |
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Trump Absurdly Claims He Has ‘Taken Better Care Of Puerto Rico Than Any Man Ever’ |
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GOP senator: Hush money payments Trump made to Stormy Daniels were because ‘he cares about his family’ |
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Garrett Graff: Trump Mueller and Russia |
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The timing could not be better With the costly two-year Mueller investigation over and no indictments of the president Donald Trump would now welcome US parents marching for fair treatment in our domestic courts We are asking Congress to pay more attention to our own parents legally residing here who are wrongfully separated from their children with federal money instead of the illegal ones at our borders |
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Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel After Bilateral Meeting |
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Militaires russes au Venezuela : le Kremlin demande à Trump de se mêler de ses affaires |
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Comandante do Exército brasileiro participa em evento que rememora golpe Trump diz que FBI vai rever decisão de caso Smollett |
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A Pathway to Further Inequality and Injustice: The Trump Student Loan Plan |
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CNN’s JEFF ZUCKER Gets Destroyed Over EMBARRASSING Explanation For Non-Stop Trump-Russian Collusion Fake News |
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Trump Portrays Himself As Vindicated amp Vindictive At Michigan Rally After Mueller Report |
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“POTUS Wants to Know Everything” — What DID Obama Know about Trump Targeting |
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Guilty By Association: Trump Turns Neo-Nazi For Noticing White Genocide |
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Ivanka Trump Georgetown Toyota Plant – March 28 2019 |
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Donald Trump introduces the Post-Mueller strategy: a new fight in health care |
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‘Ridiculous Bullshit’ as ‘Better’ ‘Smarter’ Trump Rages Against the Losers |
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Donald Trump explains why wind energy won’t work |
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What Liberals Don’t Understand about Donald Trump |
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They Asked Sarah Sanders How Christians Can Support President Trump Her Response Was Perfect |
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President Trump to visit Florida’s Lake Okeechobee to talk infrastructure |
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How are the Capitol Steps like the Trump Administration |
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¿Se cerró el capítulo de Rusia para Trump |
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Political risk in the age of Brexit and Trump: how to tackle it |
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Donald Trump’s Tweet About Golf Is |
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Trump Moon to hold summit on April 11 in Notorious house breaking offender held 620 grams gold seized |
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President Evil Donald Trump Resident Evil Spoof T-Shirt adult and kids inspired spoof tee top |
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Τι έπαθε ξαφνικά ο Trump |
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Trump recibió a Bolsonaro en la Casa Blanca y volvió a amenazar a Venezuela |
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Washington – The Trump Team’s Middle East Peace Plan: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like One State Today 12:01 PM Washington – Trump administration officials have been silent and notably leak-free about what exactly is in the Middle East peace plan that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is shaping — until now This week in speeches to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee it became clear that |
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Trump on the Smollett Case: ‘An Absolute Embarrassment to Our Country’ |
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Waco immigrants brace for unknowns with new Trump administration |
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BP Lobbied Trump Administration to Roll Back Key US Climate Rules |
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Dana Milbank: Holy Moses Mike Pompeo thinks Trump is Queen Esther |
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Trump dice que cerrará la frontera la próxima semana si México no toma medidas |
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Iran kêu gọi người dân Palestine chống lại các động thái ủng hộ Israel của Trump |
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Trump-Kim Summit Breaks Down Over Sanctions |
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Trump ist der erste zionistische US-Präsident |
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Germany had 159 country trade surpluses in 2017 EU biggest global exporter — Trump in 2017 wondered if the US had trade surpluses with any country! |
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Trump Says He’s Been Exonerated – The Public Disagrees |
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12 ga Trump POTUS Limited Edition 00 Buckshot round |
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Trump To Roll Back Obama-Era Lighbulb Standards Will Pollute More And Cost Consumers 12 Billion |
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Trump Lashes Out At Central America Mexico On Border |
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Trump Defenders ‘Fail to Accept Mueller Reality’ |
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In Divided White House Trump Sided With Mulvaney in Push to Nullify Health Law |
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The Trump Network |
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How Trump Just Gave Alabama to Iraq by Giving Syrian Golan to Israel By Juan Cole 1 |
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Trump says Great Lakes have ‘record deepness’ |
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Trump’s Michigan Rager |
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Professors Talk Trump and the “Post-Truth” Era |
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When Trump Hears Who Is Golfing At His Florida Resort – Immediately Kicked Him |
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Reunión entre yerno de Trump y López Obrador podría |
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Kid Rock Goes Golfing With Donald Trump Decked Out in Red White and Blue |
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Donald Trump recriminó a México: “No están haciendo nada para ayudar a detener a los inmigrantes ilegales” |
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Trump blames China for stalled North Korea talks and threatens to relaunch South Korea |
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Donald Trump – Một lời xin lỗi |
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Watching Trump |
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Boom! Trump: “They defrauded the public with ridiculous BULLST!” |
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Trump had ‘Infrastructure Week’ Amy Klobuchar does him one better |
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Trump Mines Grievances of Whites… |
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Amenaza Trump con cerrar la frontera con México |
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L’Europa nazista perpetua il martirio del popolo palestinese ma il compagno Trump interviene in loro soccorso |
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US Rep Maxine Waters: On Second Thought We Were Never Really Going To Impeach Trump |
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Ebullient Trump hits out at Democrats’ ‘ridiculous bullst’ |
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WATCH: Jim Acosta DISGUSTINGLY Smirks After Puerto Rico’s Gov Threatens To Physically Attack Trump |
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L’info du 290319 en continu Venezuela Trump menace la Russie Un Brexit sans accord se profile Libération financé par une dictature françafricaine Manifestante blessée à Nice: Macron et le procureur contredits par des policiers |
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Leseliste 24 März 2019 – andere Medien andere ThemenGoogle Games Trump und die Deutsche Bank Gefangen in Goa und ein arabischer Frisör |
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Rush Limbaugh: Democrats desperate to get ‘Donald Trump out of office’ |
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Trump reiteró este jueves su amenaza de cerrar la frontera de México |
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Trump gives a greenlight to major Medicaid changes |
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Ministros Israelíes Felicitan a Donald Trump Presidente Electo de Estados Unidos |
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Congress is losing confidence in Trump amp Treasury on North Korea sanctions |
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No Trump slump: Canadians still booking vacations to the US |
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Vince TRUMP: dovremmo piace: |
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Did the Trump Administration House make undocumented immigrants under a bridge in El Paso |
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Esteri Giornalismo dem rincoglionito La rielezione di Trump è garantita… |
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Trump blasts intelligence community as disgraceful will not divest business AG nominee Jeff Sessions draws fire Snowden asks Obama to pardon Manning |
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🔴HACE 5 MINUTO Rusia le responde a Donald Trump Alemania se pronuncia en apoyo a Guaidó |
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12494 Tuần trăng mật của Trump amp Bàn cờ Mỹ-Trung |
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‘FBI and DOJ will review the outrageous Jussie Smollett case’- Donald Trump says following prosecutors dropping of charges which caused outcry |
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Trump Runs Victory Lap on Michigan Stage |
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Supreme Court refuses to block Trump administration’s bump stock ban |
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280 explicit BoneQuest 624 00:00:35 / 2017-01-10 02:00 tinypeepee in 2014 grilldos welcome to trump’s america |
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Trump Twitter Feed |
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What I learned about Trump |
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Lời kêu gọi của Trump lại đẩy giá dầu giảm |
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Most Americans think Trump is probably a criminal |
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Trump: Taxa de protecție va crește” |
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Russian hoax is finally dead: Trump tells rally |
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BBC phải bồi thường vì đăng tin Tổng thống Ukraine trả tiền để gặp Trump |
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Trump llama a Rusia a irse de Venezuela |
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¿Regalará Trump a Israel la soberanía sobre Cisjordania |
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Obama is red with rage at Trump after these huge poll results came in |
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Empire Files: Trump is Expanding the US Empire |
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Trump Organisation Records Subpoenaed By Mueller |
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Recap amp Release – Trump Unveils Plan To End Govt Control Of Fannie Freddie |
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VIDEO: ‘AOC Sucks!’ Chant Breaks Out At Trump’s Michigan Rally |
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Csizmazia Gábor: Nem talált az FBI elegendő bizonyítékot Trump ellen |
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Trump says FBI said Flynn didn’t lie to them That’s untrue |
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Exonerados Trump y sus asociados de conspirar con los rusos |
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Rakyat Palestina rayakan Hari Bumi tolak pengumuman Trump |
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Trump arremete contra México y Triángulo Norte por no frenar migración |
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Fox News Poll: 74 Want Trump To Release His Tax Returns |
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Trump is flush with cash and choosing his targets on Facebook |
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President Trump’s Second State of the Union Address |
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‘High-Level Source’: John Brennan Pushed Trump Dossier |
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Don King Talk President Trump and Kim Jong Un Nuclear Conference |
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Trump orders agencies to prepare for potential electromagnetic pulse attacks |
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Trump Administration Finalizes Protect Life Rule |
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Trump Golan için imzayı atıyor |
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Trump: The Russia hoax is finally dead |
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Trump Takes Victory Lap in Michigan |
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Oil Declines as Trump Pushes OPEC to Boost Production |
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La lunga attesa per la pubblicazione dei file su JFK terminerà domani Donald Trump via Twitter co… |
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Both At Home And Abroad This Was A Historic Weekend For Trump’s Administration |
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Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Conspiracy but Stops Short of Exonerating President on Obstruction |
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Donald Trump 60 minutos entrevista esta noche será una necesidad de ver por algunas razones |
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DeVos Reverses Course On Special Olympics Cuts After Trump Orders Funding |
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Trump ItChubby Wrong Un Shootin Puttin shortfill E-Liquids 50ml |
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Ivanka Trump visits Toyota plant in Georgetown Ky |
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Freshman Rep Rashida Tlaib introduces resolution urging Trump impeachment click to see stats |
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President Trump |
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Trump comes out fighting over campaign cash claim |
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Trump Says Russians Must Leave Venezuela |
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Trump Regrets Going After ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Too Early: “And Now She’s Finished” VIDEO |
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Trump’s return |
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Trump and Netanyahu Stand ‘United in a Shared Agenda’ Against Iran |
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Arnie Beyoncé Trump und Co: Sie glauben niemals was diese Promis mit Tieren teilen |
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Industry Buzz: Patagonia beer Colorado’s new logo MiiR custom Chacos Osprey a guide to Trump’s Interior nominee and more |
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President Trump supporters line up hours before campaign rally in Michigan |
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Trump holds 2020 campaign rally in El Paso Texas |
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Friday Top of the Scroll: Trump administration sues California to block water plan for fish |
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Russian Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab has been removed from approved list of software vendors by the Trump government |
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Trump Completely Unravels During Speech Curses Out Democrats |
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Người Việt đi Triều Tiên tăng đột biến sau thượng đỉnh Trump – Kim |
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‘We Need A Plan’: GOP Shaken by Trump’s Health Care Demands |
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Trump calls GM’s CEO in push to reopen Ohio auto plant |
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Trump et la haine du Diable jeudi 28 mars 2019 |
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Trump Comey clash over Mueller probe outcome |
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Chicago mayor joins Trump in promising review of Smollett case |
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Solutions to Social Chaos in Trump Era |
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Trump dará estatus prioritario a República Dominicana y otros cuatro países |
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Trump amaga con cerrar frontera Sur si México no detiene a migrantes |
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2048 Trump |
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Twitter is considering labeling Trump tweets that violate its rules – CNN |
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Trump Says Russian Military Must Leave Venezuela |
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Snoop Dogg Trolls President Trump By Smoking Joint Outside White House |
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Donald Trump: Illegal Immigrants Met by Democrat Lawyers at |
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BREAKING: Trump Just Threatened to Close the Southern Border |
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Trump’s latest Make America Great Again rally is in state he won by slimmest margin |
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Gelecek Vadeden Kıta: ‘Trump Kararını Değiştirebilir’ – Prof Dr İlter TURAN |
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Republicans In Disarray After Trump Supports Killing Affordable Care Act |
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House Asks Why Russia-Linked Austrian Bank Funded Trump |
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Trump Recognized Golan as Israeli by Decree Israel’s Never Had a Better Friend |
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After Selling Out Riverbend Last Year Trump Golfing Partner Kid Rock to Return to Cincinnati For September Concert |
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Poll: Majority say they’re open to re-electing Trump |
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Top 3 3: Jussie Smollett Trump WON’T cut Special Olympics funding Oakland toddler on life support |
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Jussie Smollett’s Lawyer Now Says His Attackers Were in Whiteface Trump is Tweeting The DOJ Needs to Get Involved amp Feds Are Looking Into It Video |
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Donald Trump a anunţat că toate avioanele Boeing 737 MAX 8… |
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Donald Trump – 45th President of US |
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Mike Pompeo: It’s Possible President Trump Is On A Mission From God! |
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Trump hints at payback for ‘evil’ enemies over Mueller report |
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Trump renews threat to close southern border with Mexico |
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TRUMP Calls To ELIMINATE Obama’s LEGACY: OBAMACARE – Golden GOOSE EGG In The Crosshairs! |
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TT Trump bác ý kiến của cố vấn ủng hộ ngân sách cho Thế vận hội Đặc biệt |
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TT Trump cáo buộc phe ủng hộ điều tra Nga tìm cách tiếm quyền |
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ACPM Statement on the Trump Administration’s 2020 Budget Proposal |
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Trump’s Reality Show Has Peaked |
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Federal Judge Vacates Key Parts Of Trump’s Association Health Plan Rule |
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Donald Trump recibió a la esposa de Juan Guaidó en la Casa Blanca: Estamos con ustedes al 100 |
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Donald Trump changes mind and extends Liberians’ immigration protections in US |
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Donald Trump Is an Animal |
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Trump-Russia Made for Gripping Fiction |
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Grey Trump 45 Baseball Jersey |
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Blue Trump 45 Baseball Jersey |
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CNN amp Co Die Liste der falschen Trump-Enthüllungen |
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President Trump Attends the Governors’ Ball |
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Donald Trump ‘The Sequel’ goes live in Grand Rapids Mich rally |
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OPEP 2019 – Donald Trump: “Incrementen la producción precios de petróleo están muy altos” |
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Melania Trump expresa a Fabiana Rosales “preocupación” por el sufrimiento de los venezolanos |
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Moon Trump to Meet in US Discuss North Korea |
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Secret Revelations about Trump in Mueller Report |
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Sundar Pichai: el nuevo mejor amigo de Trump |
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Trump abruptly reverses on cutting the Special Olympics after backlash — and tries to blame it on hi |
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Ausland Kundgebung in Michigan Trump feiert sich und seine „Klugheit“ |
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Trump Warns Russia to Pull Its Troops from Venezuela |
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This Donald Trump’s Step Is Massive For Bitcoin! Daily 1 Signal to make 40 profit on Crypto Trading! Trading • free crypto signal donald trump bitcoin bot • • cryptofxhunk |
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Trump at Michigan rally: ‘Total exoneration complete vindication’ |
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Ivanka Trump and Matt Bevin tour Georgetown Toyota plant and try out the exoskeletons |
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Lawmakers move on offshore drilling opposition as Trump Interior nominee comes under fire |
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Candidate Karnan Wants To Be Hon’ble MP Representing Chennai Central Again or Citizen Trump |
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Download our guide and mail a letter to President Trump to formally request clemency for Larry Hoover |
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States of Exception Political Conflict Culture amp Populism in the Trump Era |
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Trump ve “Yeni İngiltere” söylemleri |
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Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Plot to Take Down Trump Video |
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Maradona se burló de Trump y le negaron el ingreso a Estados Unidos |
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Republicans Think Trump has a Chance to Gain Black Votes |
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Trump Can Now Ride the Mueller Report Straight to Reelection |
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Trump remains one of the best things that has ever happened to America and the world – FFK |
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INM: Trump hizo visible y problemático tema de el celular de madre secuestrada |
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Differences in Trump Approval Mostly Party-Based |
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BREAKING NEWS: Trump Calls on the DOJ and FBI to Review “Outrageous” Jussie Smollett Case! |
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President Trump Has a Rally Tonight In Michigan and The Lines Are Already HUGE! |
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AMLO responde al reclamo de Trump por la inmigración |
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‘Trump Sisi’yi ağırlayacak’ |
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Under President Donald Trump US–Russian relations have entered a new phase |
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Emir Embarks On His US Trip Will Hold A Meeting With Trump On April 10 |
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CityWatch Today: Forget Mueller Lies Impeachment A Million People Should Surround the White House Demand Trump Resign |
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Under Obama “Global Aid” Was All About Funding Abortions Donald Trump… |
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Department of Justice confirms that if indicted Trump will be tried |
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FACT CHECK: Did the Trump Administration House Undocumented Immigrants Under a Bridge in El Paso – Snopescom |
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Trump is in awe of Israel’s border wall which has cut illegal migration to |
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WEEK 11: Trump Acceptance Of Israeli Control of Golan Sparks Protests |
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Trump’ın ‘nükleer kumarı’ ters tepebilir |
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Jair Bolsonaro amp Donald Trump Terão Encontro Privado Hoje |
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Sau cơn giông bão ông Trump phản đòn “những kẻ bệnh hoạn” |
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Mary Katharine Ham Only Person on CNN Panel Glad Trump Didn’t Commit Treason |
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La confiance Pasteur qui prie avec Trump |
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Bulwark Report: When All You Have Is an Anti-Trump Hammer… |
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Trump demands accountability for Russia Hoax |
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El G-20 en la era Trump El nacimiento de una |
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Tell Congress: Block Trump from Using Nuclear Weapons |
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Change My Mind / Trump is Not a Fascist Tee |
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“Nosotros le hacemos el muro con México y también se lo pintamos”: Venezolanos sobre cómo le agradecerían a Trump por sacar al Presidente Nicolás Maduro Video |
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The Muller Investigation Shows Trump Isn’t Working for Moscow He’s Working for Any Dictator Who Flatters Him |
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Rossi: Good Day for Trump America Bad for Dems “Fake News” |
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Trump to tout Lake Okeechobee dike project after proposing Everglades funding cuts |
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How President Trump Impacts Loans and Lending |
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Rahm Emanuel Blames ‘Toxic’ Trump for Smollett Hate Hoax click to see stats |
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Roma pushtohet nga Trump shpall “emergjencë kombëtare” |
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The memos in question include notes he took after one-on-one meetings with President Trump |
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The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Trump raises stakes with threat to close Mexican border |
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Trump heads to Florida after first post-Mueller report rally |
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Esposa de Juan Guaidó se reunió con Donald Trump y Mike |
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ICYMI: Trump Presidential Library Hall of Memes |
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Trump: Smollett Case ‘Outrageous’ FBI And |
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Donald Trump’s presidency enters new era of concentrated efforts to fight |
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Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel After Bilateral by President Trump in a Photo Opportunity with the 2018 Stanley Cup Champions Washington Capitals |
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Sorprende Trump con anuncio de que retirará sanciones a Corea del Norte funcionarios corrigen la plana |
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President Trump arrives in Florida to visit Lake Okeechobee and Herbert |
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LA BEBEMOS o la DERRAMAMOS : TRUMP CERRARA la MALDITA FRONTERA SI MEXICO NO ACTUA y ACTUA RAPIDO en TEMA MIGRANTEasi pagaremos el resto la falta de oficio del me canso ganso |
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Trump’s budget request hurts hardworking families |
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Trump firma decreto para proteger a EEUU de ataques de pulsos electromagnéticos |
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Whoopi Says Trump Should Pay For Wall amp Americans Don’t Want It — Instantly Regrets It |
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Aljazeera VS Donald Trump |
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Trump Overrides DeVos Restores Special Olympics Funding In New Announcement |
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S Korean leader to meet with Trump in US on nuke Rights: UAE Announces US15 Million Voluntary Contribution To United Nations |
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Esposa de Roberto Marrero solicita al gobierno de Trump que los ayude a la liberar a los presos políticos |
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Trump vence guerra judicial contra os democratas |
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Trump Backs Off Proposal to Cut Special Olympics |
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The 50 Most Hilarious Donald Trump Photoshops on the Internet |
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EPA Fast-Tracked Ethanol Plan After Trump Pledge — 28 March 2019 |
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Trump blokuje wpisy na Twitterze Sąd decyduje czy łamie wolność słowa |
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Guest Voz: Did Trump administration get it right blaming court ruling for increase in families arriving at the Southwest Border |
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How Congress can legislate maximum pressure over Donald Trump’s veto |
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Iran urges Palestinians to resist Trump’s pro-Israel moves |
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Trump-effekten – ånden fra Paris er svekket |
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8 maneras en que el presupuesto de Trump Administration 2020 podría afectarl |
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Media Roots Radio: Deadly Wildfires Midterm Wash Trump Fans Flames of Civil War |
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Hot Sale US President Donald Trump Inaugural Golden EAGLE Commemorative Coin |
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“Golpearé al hostigador en la boca” la advertencia del gobernador de Puerto Rico a Trump |
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Trump Jr Gives Heartfelt Thanks to ‘Incredible Hard-Working’ Americans Who Stood by POTUS in Mueller Probe |
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Trump Screams During Psychotic Rally: Dems ‘Defrauding The Public With Ridiculous Bullsht’’ |
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Donald Trump Pengusaha Sukses Real Estate Amerika |
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Start Here: Trump rails against Mueller report at… |
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News Analysis: A Cloud Over Trump’s Presidency Is Lifted |
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Bounce Two polls show Trump’s job approval rising after Mueller’s findings were revealed |
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Trump is a Project – TradCatKnight Radio Interview with Eric Gajewski |
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Trump Suggests Florida Students Could Have Done More To Prevent Deadly Shooting |
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On Trump ‘Saturday Night Live’ and free speech |
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Bill Catalucci: Five reasons why Trump will easily win re-election |
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Trump adviser Jared Kushner meets Senate intelligence panel for second time: sources |
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Report: Trump didn’t coordinate with Russia |
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Le slip de Trump |
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Trump Crimes |
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Petition Stop Trump’s Power Grab |
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Christians for Trump is a growing group of Christian patriots who love God and love America |
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Fact check: Trump’s fabrications on autos health care |
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Trump Steps Up Attacks On Pelosi For Opposing Border Wall Funds |
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CNN amp Co Die Liste der falschen Trump-Enthüllungen ´ |
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President Trump Still Determined To Kill Obamacare |
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Politico Exclusive: Key Trump health official spends millions on GOP-connected consultants |
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Trump used unusual financial documents to exaggerate wealth hide debts |
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Back Off Trade Wars or Lose in 2020 Republican Senators Warn Trump |
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Crowd Chants ‘AOC Sucks’ At Trump Rally While President’s Son Takes It All In |
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Hannity Announces Judge Jeanine’s Fate To President Trump VIDEO |
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Fred Trump: 5 Things To Know About Donald’s Dad Who Gave Him A Billion Dollars Possibly Fraudulently |
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Trump se niega a recibir a JOH y reclama que este “no hace nada por frenar migrantes” |
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Morning Joe on Special Olympics Cuts: If Trump Administration Members ‘Were Nazis They’d Be the Ones From Hogan’s Heroes’ |
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Melania Trump se reúne con Fabiana Rosales en Florida |
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Trump hotar att stänga gränsen nästa vecka |
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GOP-controlled Senate rebukes Trump with vote to rescind his border emergency declaration |
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Abascal ‘a lo Trump’: qué Marruecos pague el muro que quiere construir en Ceuta y Melilla |
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On the Trump Administration’s Reckless Decision to Halt Cleaner Car Talks |
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Trump Nominates Attorney General and UN Ambassador |
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Trump Tweets That FBI And Department Of Justice Will Look Into… |
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Este gobernador le ofrece un puño en la boca a Donald Trump |
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Trump reverses course tells crowd in Michigan he’ll fund Great Lakes clean-up efforts |
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On the Hill: Congress Reviews Trump’s Medicare Medicaid Proposals |
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Điều gì sẽ xảy ra sau kết quả điều tra chấn động về ông Trump |
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Trump dispuesto a no dar más vueltas: “América Central no hizo nada” |
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Must Read From Don Trump Jr: All Important Fight Underway Now! |
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Fuck Trump Necktie Make Red Ties Great Again |
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Trump extends humanitarian program for Liberians in US |
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The Trump vs Clinton race goes on: 2016 presidential race not yet settled after first debate |
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Trump y Bolsonaro podrían unir fuerzas contra Maduro |
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Trump Suffers Another Obamacare Setback In Court |
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Trump Stands Up for College Students’ Free Speech with Executive Order |
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Donald Trump names Judge Neil Gorsuch a 49-year-old conservative to the US Supreme Court |
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A Opinião do Estadão: Trump e as Colinas de Golan |
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La clara respuesta de Moscú a Trump sobre presencia de rusos en Venezuela |
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Trump: Aion sulkea Meksikon vastaisen rajan ensi viikolla jos Meksiko ei lopeta laitonta maahantuloa |
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Bolsonaro e Trump encontram-se dia 19 diz Casa Branca |
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BENJAMIN FULFORD: La mafia Khazariana gioca con Trump la carta del ricatto nel tentativo finale di evitare lo sterminio |
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The Reelection of Donald Trump |
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Trump Threatens To Close Southern |
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Se pone los guantes con Trump |
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Trump To Pick Fox News Contributor For State Dept Spokeswoman |
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The Obama and the Trump Doctrines |
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Trump Makes The Announcement We Have All Been Waiting For: FISA Release 302’s amp Hidden Email Chains |
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Trump vuelve a amenazar a México: ¡Vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera! |
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Reacción a Trump empujó a las mujeres a la política |
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George Lopez Under Fire For Prank Pretending To Pee On Donald Trump’s Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame |
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Transcript of President Trump Extensive Interview on Mueller Investigation… |
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Trump İsrail’in Golan Tepeleri’ni ilhakını tanıdı: Küresel savaşa yeşil ışık |
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TRUMP 2016 |
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Trump Looking At Pardoning His Witches |
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Column: Trump’s executive order on college free speech is unconstitutional |
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Trump Finally Has Enough Bans Jim Acosta From The White House Secret Service Force Acosta To Turn In His Pass |
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Trump’s Great Budget Con Is Underway |
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President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal would cut 845 billion from Medicare 26 billion from Social Security and 15 trillion from Medicaid This is a cruel plan that will hurt retirees and Congress needs to stop it Send a message to your Representative telling them to reject this destructive proposal |
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President Donald Trump Swings Wildly In State Where His Poll Numbers Lag |
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Donald Trump Shocks World with Grammatically Coherent Book Satire |
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SONDEO: ¿Favorece expresiones de Rosselló de dar un puño al bully en referencia al presidente Trump |
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EEUU: Melania Trump recibe a Fabiana Rosales en Mar-a-Lago |
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Trump: Yes I Paid Cohen For Stormy Daniels NDA So What |
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Kimmel: Trump feels “exuberant” after Mueller report |
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President Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Michigan |
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Trump’s Russia Investigation Repeats |
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Trump administration authorized nuclear energy companies to share technological information with Saudi Arabia – The Washington Post |
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4 Ways Sales Can Help Your Company Offset Losses From Trump’s Trade Wars 0 |
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How Many People Attended Trump’s Grand Rapids Michigan Rally CROWD PHOTOS |
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Rep Tlaib and activists discuss the need to impeach Trump |
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Las ocho ocasiones en que Donald Trump ha ofendido o criticado a El Salvador |
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President Trump and The Prime Minister of Israel Make Remarks |
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President Trump Says He Will Close Border Next Week click to see stats |
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Khalil Jahshan comments on Trump’s tweet regarding the Golan Heights |
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Trump dice que no le molestaría que se publicara el informe de trama rusa |
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QOTD: The Charge Trump’s Guilty Of |
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On Dealing with Terrorism President Trump Could Learn From New Zealand |
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Trump Tweets -Actually Fake News |
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Trump threatens to close US border with Mexico next week |
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Oil falls as Trump pressures OPEC |
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Trump Supporters Chant ‘AOC Sucks!’ at Michigan Rally |
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Trump: cucan al Presidente |
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Left-wing “Indivisible” Non-Profit Group Fueling Townhall Resistance to Trump |
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Donald Trump echoes back to Six Day War memories |
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House fails to override Trump’s border emergency resolution |
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Trump temporarily extends DED protections for Liberian immigrants |
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About Chris Trump |
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115-asis Vilniaus tarptautinis trumpųjų filmų festivalis kviečia lietuvių kūrėjus teikti filmus |
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Trumpův vychytralý plán: Budeme vybírat výpalné! Prachy za 700 základen a polovinu navrch Jižní Korea Německo a další předmětem vydírání Kampaň a velký byznys Nekonečné vyhrožování Ruskem |
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Trump urged to delay decision on terminating India from GSP |
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Dầu giảm nhẹ khi ông Trump kêu gọi OPEC nâng sản |
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Nice Try But No: Ex-Trump Camp |
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Trump y el auge mundial del |
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Trump again swipes at Puerto Rico in closed door lunch with Republicans – CNN |
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Climate skeptic advisor says Trump could pull out of Paris climate agreement in days |
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Trump team is jailing parents who just want to get their |
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Många kristna döda i strid om mark och religion i friade Trump från hårda anklagelser |
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Trump Orders The FBI and the DOJ to review Jussie Smollett case |
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Trump’s Golan Heights Declaration: The Message to Azerbaijan |
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9 Donald Trump Memes – Best Funniest Collections on Internet Ever |
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Expulsos dos EUA: Trump promete deportar 3 milhões |
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Trump vuelve a amenazar con cerrar frontera y arremete contra México |
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La paradoja tejana de Trump: Make America trimestral |
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The Absolutely Irrelevant Trump Investigation Results The Next Year-And-A-Half And Up To 2024 And Beyond |
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President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure |
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A Michigan family highlights divide over Mueller report ahead of Trump visit |
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Pelosi Taunts Trump: ‘Scaredy Cat Is Afraid Of The Truth’ |
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Barron Trump and Violent Homeschoolers |
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Yes Trump Can Deny Migrants Due Process Here’s Why… |
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Trump the creative disrupter |
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Tax Planning: 2018 Trump Free Money! |
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Donald Trump’s children are in jeopardy: Meryl Streep |
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Trump Moon to meet in April amid… |
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The Powerful Friends of Donald Trump We Should Know About |
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Trump reconoce la soberanía de Israel |
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Trump runs victory lap on Michigan stage |
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South Korean President to Meet Trump Over Stalled Talks With North Korea |
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Binciken Mueller Akan Yiwuwar Katsalandan Rasha Bai Wanke Trump Ba |
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Clinton arrasa con Trump entre latinos en 12 estados clave |
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On Dealing with Terrorism President Trump Could Learn From New Zealand Prime Minister |
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Trump Orders Colleges to Back Free Speech or Lose Funding |
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Donald Trump Uyarıldı |
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Glenn Greenwald Savaging Other Liberals Over The Trump Colluded with Russia Lie is Just the Best |
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Ep 6: The Man Who Defended Trump |
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Se første «Trump-rally» etter Mueller-frikjennelsen her |
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New Zealand Goes Full Authoritarian Trump Goes After College Campuses and More |
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Trump Backed Off His Plan To Slash Funding For The Special Olympics After Facing Backlash |
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Supreme Court Justice Thomas Echoes Trump’s Call for Change in Media Accountability |
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Decoding the ‘Golan Heights” Trump Tweet |
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Kondo vs Trump Make Cleaning Great Again! |
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Iran and North Korea Highlight Pitfalls of Trump’s “Maximum Pressure” Strategy |
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Trump boasts he’s taken better care of Puerto Rico than ‘any living human being’ |
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Why Trump |
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How Could Trump Become President of the United States |
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Brechen wir die Einflussnahmen der Ureliten etwas weiter herunter so landen wir bei Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin Donald Trump |
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Trump gặp vợ Guaido yêu cầu Nga phải rút binh sĩ khỏi Venezuela |
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Para Trump el odio es el meollo del asunto |
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Other View: Trump’s Impulsiveness on North Korea Sows Chaos Confusion and Danger |
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Donald Trump on Jussie Smollett dropped charges: It’s an embarrassment to America |
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Trump pedirá autorización al Congreso para deportar a los menores no acompañados |
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Trump Claims “Complete And Total Exoneration” |
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Trump Attacks Democrats Fake News and Deep State for ‘Bulls’ Investigation in Rally Speech |
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Trump Tells Hannity He Plans to Release FISA Application the 302’s Previously Hidden Email Chains and Why He Waited to Do So |
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Trump acusa a México de inacción y vuelve a pedir cierre de frontera Parlamento británico rechaza por tercera vez acuerdo de May |
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Our new president elect Donald Trump |
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INM: Trump hizo visible y problemático tema de Federer avanza a las semis de Miami ante Shapovalov |
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Limbaugh: If POTUS Trump shuts down the border builds the wall ‘no Dem can beat him in 2020’ |
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Wall Street sees hurdles for Trump’s vague’ Fannie plan |
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Tulsi Gabbard: Trump Must Act Now to Save Syrian Lives |
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The Scrambled Logic of Trump’s New Attempt to Kill Obamacare |
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WATCH: Trump BLASTS Democrats ‘Ridiculous Bullst’ During Electric Live Rally |
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Matt Gaetz Thinks His Purpose in Congress is to Protect Trump |
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Trump Threatens to Close Border Next Week ‘If Mexico Doesn’t Immediately Stop All Illegal |
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Arab Center Washington DC Numerous Trump Administration officials have served as willing IsraElex19 campaign props for Bibi Netanyahu https://tco/A2BUyBp83T http://twittercom/ |
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Trump gets mocked for paying tribute to Vietnam vets: ‘You dodged |
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Twitter is Considering Adding Note to Trump Tweets that Violate Rules But Won’t Delete Them Because They’re |
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Judge blocks Trump’s association health plan rule: 5 things to know |
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Trump’s son-in-law called Walmart to get job for first woman freed by FIRST STEP Act |
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Impeachment Odds Implode As Mueller Report Clears Trump Of Collusion |
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Jo vetëm Rama…Trump për “kazanët” mediatik amerikan: Gjobvënse të përbuzura si të korruptuara dhe të rreme… |
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Trump’s Tweets Keep Landing Him In Legal Trouble |
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VIDEO: Όταν ο Donald Trump έπαιζε στην ταινία Home Alone Μόνος στο σπίτι |
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BREAKING NEWS RED ALERT: STOP TRUMP – up to 1500/week – Craigslist |
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Donald Trump Net Worth Age Twitter News Wiki In 2018 |
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Bump Stocks The NRA And President Trump |
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Trump and Kavanaugh nemesis Michael Avenatti arrested on wire fraud and bank fraud charges |
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Stop Trump Proposal to Delist Wolves |
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Fired-up Trump pushes ‘no collusion’ angle in report8:49 AM |
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Trump Knocks Mueller Out of the Ring |
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Trump vs fake news 1:0 |
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President Trump could cut rates and restart QE to fight against secular stagnation |
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Judge strikes down Trump’s health care plan to go around Obamacare – The Washington Post |
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Avant sa mort Barbara Bush comptait les heures restantes du mandat de Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump Hannah Arendt – Debating The Wall Fictive Questions |
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News Related Videos On: Trump Portrays Himself As Vindicated amp Vindictive At Michigan Rally After Mueller Report |
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Trump Issues Executive Order to Protect Campus Free Speech |
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Trump denies wrongdoing and accuses lawyer of ‘making up stories’ |
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De acuerdo con Trump Venezuela es una compañía que podría reportarle muchos beneficios si dejan que él y sus empresas se encarguen |
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Trump Medien Geopolitik |
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President Trump 10 Plush Figure |
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UPDATED: Trump administration proposal to cut Special Olympics funding may be unpopular but it’s right |
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Trump won’t let Americans outside of the next globalization chapter |
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Chabad Jewish Messiah the Trump/Putin C |
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Judge Blocks Trump’s Expansion Of Small-Business Health Plans |
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Donald Trump live |
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Cablevisión participó del Punta Show Summit públicos de la Administración Central podrán acceder a emotivo agradecimiento de Manu derrotó a Urunday y se puso le ganó a Defensor Sporting de Puerto Rico se rebela a Trump: Si se me acerca lo voy a golpear en lakeyboardarrowright |
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Hawaii federal judge blocks Donald Trump’s travel ban |
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Unchained Trump Rages In First Rally After Mueller Report Drops: ‘These People Are Sick’ |
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Trump Has Now Shifted Shs48bn Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business |
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Trump Confirms FBI DOJ Will Probe ‘Outrageous’ Jussie Smollett Case |
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Donald Trump reclama nuevamente a El Salvador por “tomar su dinero por años y no hacer nada” para frenar la migración |
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Fireworks On Capitol Hill: Republicans RIP Schiff’s Trump Lies At Hearing |
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Poll: Romney tops Trump in Utah |
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NOTICIAS FALSAS: Trump El Chapo y dinero para el muro – Parte 2 |
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Trump ataca a México por migrantes y AMLO le responde |
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Nadler: ‘President Trump is wrong to claim Hamlin avoids carnage to win his 2nd Daytona 500 in the longest race in nearly a decade |
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Trump trên Cao nguyên Golan của Israel 1 |
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Trump soutient une action en justice visant à mettre fin à l’assurance maladie de 25 millions de personnes WSWS |
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In reversal Trump now says Special Olympics will be funded |
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CR: But let us look at the problem I never for a second thought we would get Trump or his cronies on collusion They are corrupt not stupid What we have forgotten is that in fact Russia hacked our elections in various ways What are those ways how can we prevent this from happening again 2 Hide or report this Like Show more reactions · Reply · 1h Alan Archibald As long as Republicans control the Senate I will remain opposed to impeachment “Thank God Mueller‘s report did not tempt Democrats to go down this road”More importantly the big news today is Trump’s initiative to declare Obamacare unconstitutional and to replace it with TrumpcareHere’s “the deal” American conservatives are enamored of zero sum economicsThis simple-minded belief that every tax dollar spent is a tax dollar wasted contradicts to cite just one example the actual history of Eisenhower’s Interstate Highway System which contributed mightily to the YUGE economic expansion of the 1950sSimilarly it is as clear to economists across the political spectrum as it is to children that “candy tastes good” that EVERY dollar spent on infrastructure improvement generates at least two dollars in overall economic return – and frequently three dollarsThis return on investment is such a foundational rubric that those who wish to dispute the stone-cold facts have in effect taken leave of their sensesHere’s how real economics economic boom of infrastructural investment also applies to green technologiesAlready the cost of solar energy is significantly below the cost of coal fired energy Ponder thatFurthermore the cost of solar energy will continue to descend just as the cost of coal production will continue to rise – and that’s without taking into account the catastrophic effects of global warming on economics and demographics not to mention interlocking elements of social and political turmoilFor over 10 years US military brass has accepted as central dogma that global warming will be a central threat if not the central threat to global stability and American securityBlessedly Trump knows more than the generals even though his dazzling dimwittedness — aided and abetted by his ignore-ant Base — forces him to make the completely incredible claim that coal will make a comebackAnd pigs flyAt the moment the “green new deal” is a policy orientation – not a set of specific legislative initiatives that Democrats will bring to the floor of CongressAs a policy orientation a “green new deal” will be as beneficial to America as Roosevelt‘s New Deal – no matter how energetically American “conservatives” try to oppose bothIt also bears mention that expanded investment in American healthcare will redound to America’s cross-the-board benefit including economic benefitLest we forget Trump promised during his 2016 presidential campaign that he would provide better health care for every single American and that government would be “payer of last resort”Of course Trump “says everything” enabling his dimwitted followers to choose whatever menu items” they like then America’s intellectually indolent dimwits blithely forget everything else their messiah saysSo it is time for Democrats to emphasize the fact that Obamacare’s deficiencies are attributable to Obama’s unrelenting determination to use the conservative Heritage Foundation‘s template for Romneycare in Massachusetts as the point of departure for trying to enlist bipartisan support for universal healthcareNot surprisingly in pursuit of this goal Obama had to make concessions to conservative lawmakers which in turn lead to the Affordable Care Act being riddled with crappy policy componentsNow is the time for Democrats to remind Trump of his 2016 healthcare campaign promises simultaneously taking the legislative lead in building on the ACA template even if it means scrapping Obamacare altogether in order to get a healthcare system in which everyone is covered Furthermore those who cannot afford coverage will be recipients of full payment government subsidies as Trump advocated — repeatedly — in 2016As a final reminder to my fellow American “zero sum game players” every dollar spent on American healthcare is a dollar spent inside the United States not only resulting in 2 to 3 additional dollars redounding directly to American workers but to the domestic economy as wellAlthough the right wing’s secular religion prevents heretical belief in any of this it is a matter of fact that Americans would be healthier wealthier and wiser if we followed the lead of western Europe Australia Israel Japan and Canada creating a healthcare system in which the government’s decisive-and-final role as guarantor of healthcare for every single citizen is the cornerstone of new healthcare policyBut don’t take my word for it Listen to what Trump himself said during his presidential campaign: always I await conservative readers’ critique of Trump’s own words – along with criticism of the arguments I make by way of embedding his verbatim statement on universal healthcare with the federal government as payer of last resortAnd if no critique is forthcoming I will mention the age old legal principle that “silence is consent“ Go ahead Speak up Edit or delete this CFRORG The State of US Infrastructure The State of US Infrastructure Like Show more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 29m |
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Live: President Trump Rally in Grand rapids Michigan |
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Guatemala El Salvador y Honduras no han hecho nada por detener migración según Trump |
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Trump’tan dikkat çeken görüşme! |
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Overwhelming Majority of Israeli Jews View Trump’s Recognition of Golan Heights Sovereignty as ‘Helpful’ |
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Former top Army commander: Trump trashing allies is a ‘gift’ to |
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2020 hopeful Gov Jay Inslee challenges President Trump to release tax returns |
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Will Chris Evans Cut Ties With Tom Brady Over Trump |
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Donald Trump: “L’Ue è un nostro nemico” Strano No è così dal 1992 |
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Trump Suddenly Remembers Healthcare Is A Thing |
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Eric Trump Makes Disturbing Claim About Threats To First Family |
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OPEN LETTER TO THE MEDIA: In the Name of Decency Stop Tipping the Scale for Trump |
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Psychic Hypnagogia Paleolithic DreamWalkers and Donald Trump: Welcome to PsiberDreaming 2017 |
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Trump Lies To Crowd That GOP ‘Will Always Protect Preexisting Conditions’ |
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Donald Trump’s Next Step to Curb Illegals |
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Több iszlám ország is elítélte Trump döntését |
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Turkish lira slightly firmer after Trump vows ‘no concessions’ |
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Majority of US Won’t Vote for Trump in 2020: New Poll |
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“Ni Rusia ni Venezuela son provincias de Estados Unidos”: Moscú responde a Trump por llegada de militares a Caracas |
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Para hacer su “dichoso” muro Trump declarará emergencia a la nueva forma de participar en la política |
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Donald Trump’s new H-1B system is out favours foreigners in US colleges |
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South Korea’s Moon Will Visit Trump At White House In April |
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Mbunge Adam Schiff adai Trump amefanya makosa |
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Chris Kelly Opinion Blog – Trump to Special Olympians: Drop dead losers! |
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AUDIO: Trump’s Latest Outrage My Radio Show 6-27-2017 |
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Trump Lý thuyết trò chơi và tại sao vàng có thể vọt lên 1500 trong nháy mắt – Frank Holmes |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a Golan Tepeleri tepkisi |
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Is Trump really about to attack Venezuela |
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Trump Campaign Manager: If Women Were Stronger Rape Wouldn’t Exist |
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Fire and Fury Inside the Trump White House |
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Cablevisión participó del Punta Show Summit públicos de la Administración Central podrán acceder a emotivo agradecimiento de Manu derrotó a Urunday y se puso le ganó a Defensor Sporting de Puerto Rico se rebela a Trump: Si se me acerca lo voy a golpear en públicos de la Administración Central podrán acceder a tecnicaturas virtuales en Gestión Pública |
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Heeft Trump in Venezuela zijn hand overspeeld |
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You Know This Is Nothing More Than False Bravado For The Cameras…What Is America Going To Do To Russia Absolutely Nothing: All Options On Table When It Comes to Getting Russia Out of Venezuela – Trump |
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Americans Still Believe Trump Colluded with Russia Even After Mueller’s Report – Poll |
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US Presidents 8 Inch Action Figures Series: Donald Trump Black Suit Variant |
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‘AOC Sucks! AOC Sucks!’ Chant Breaks Out At Trump’s ELECTRIC Michigan Rally VIDEO |
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Trump blasts liberal elites: I’m smarter than they are |
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Angry Joe’s reaction to Donald Trump winning the presidency |
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Trump showdown with Democrats escalates over Russia probe: Resign! |
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Howard Dean: Trump Is ‘Running A Criminal Enterprise Out Of The White House’ ‘Shaking Down Foreign Governments’ To Hold Their Events In His Hotels |
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Donald Trump Says USA Helping India and Pakistan Strike a |
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Public Pulse: Center Street safety Law Center troubles Presidential insanity Out to destroy Trump |
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Focaldata nghĩ rằng nó có một số câu trả lời cho các nhà vận động trong thời đại của Trump và Brexit |
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Is Trump truly delivering on his campaign against unemployment |
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Top economists give Trump’s Fed pick Moore a rocky reception |
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Top Economists Blast Trump’s Fed Pick Stephen Moore as ‘Merely a Propagandist’ |
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Donald Trump Jr points his father’s followers to a new |
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Trump: OPEC Disperse to hell |
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Donald Trump avgår som president med ett års mandatperiod kvar |
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Harris says Mueller Report exonerates Trump |
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Başkan Trump ve Savaş Kokan Devasa Ulusal Savunma Yetki Yasası |
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Meghan McCain Responds To Reports Trump Made Fun Of Her Father’s Physicality |
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The Trump Administration Asked To Restart Nearly 20000 Suspended Immigration Cases — As It Faces An Existing Backlog |
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EEUU: Trump veta al Congreso para construir muro fronterizo con México |
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Highlights from US President Donald Trump’s 2020 rally in Michigan |
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The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Trump raises stakes with threat to close |
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Trump warns House Dems: ‘Foolish wars politics or ridiculous partisan investigations’ threat to America’s ‘economic miracle’ under his presidency |
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Tell the House of Representatives: Start an impeachment investigation into the Trump administration now |
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Tomgram: Engelhardt Donald Trump Naked as a Jaybird By Tom Engelhardt |
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Trump Vetos Betsy DeVos Move To Slash Special Olympics Funding In HUGE Announcement |
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House Blocks Trump’s Border Wall National Emergency |
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How would you rate the presidency of Donald Trump thus far |
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Ecuador no comparte decisión de Trump sobre los Altos del Golán |
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GQ Gave Donald Trump A Makeover And The Transformation Is Striking |
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Stormy Daniels’ tell-all book on Trump: salacious detail and claims of cheating |
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Trump Tells Russia To ‘Get Out Of… |
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Why Trump What Now with Michael Sandel – March 22 2017 |
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Why Did Trump Recognize Golan Heights Annexation |
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At rally Trump says Russia probe backers tried to illegally steal power |
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FIRED UP! Trump drops “B-Bomb” at fiery rally wow |
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iHaveNetcom – Trump Recipes Tech Health Travel Home amp more |
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Has the Mueller report completely vindicated Trump |
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Trump threatens to close border |
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Trump Was Just Slapped With A Criminal Ethics Complaint Over His Attacks On Black Athletes |
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Federal judge strikes down Trump’s AHP rule |
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Trump Pushes the Angle of ‘No Collusion’ in Russia Report |
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Ryan Zinke Trump’s Cowboy Enforcer Is Ready for His Closeup |
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Trump Electors Being Harassed – THREATENED in Michigan and Idaho Stop harassing Georgia electors |
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The Post-Trump American in Paris: the newly registered sex offender |
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Trump y Moon se reúnen en abril por temas diplomáticos con |
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Trump Doctor |
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Donald Trump GOP move to hold Democrats media accountable for Russia collusion ‘hoax’ – Washington Times |
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Gun-Toting Liberal With Explosives Arrested For Alleged Threat to Murder Trump |
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RW Norway oo cambaareysay weerarkii masaajidada iyo Donald Trump oo wali |
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How Trump Could Easily Get Private Land for His Border Wall |
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Abascal Vox también quiere un muro como Trump y que lo pague Marruecos |
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Federal judge strikes down Trump rule on group health plans |
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Budapestre jöhet Donald Trump |
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All Videos amp Pix about: President Donald Trump in Hà Nội Việt Nam |
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Mueller debunked claims of conspiracy with Russia but the indictments and convictions resulting from his investigation should spur both Democrats and the media to focus on the full scope of Trump’s misrule |
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Trump Card: Is America Leaving the UNFCCC |
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Vuelve a la carga Trump en contra de México |
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Trump’s Israel Peace Plan Well Meant But Wrong Headed Say Religious Jews |
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If All Trump’s Going to Do is Tweet Fox News Clips Why Doesn’t He Just Give Them Control of His Twitter |
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Twitter May Label Trump’s Offensive Tweets If It Breaks Rules |
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Trump’s gambit to kill Obamacare risks lives and opportunity |
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Trump Speaks to the American People at Rally in Speaks to the American People at Rally in Michigan |
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Kennzeichen für anstössige Trump-Tweets |
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Trump rips into ‘pencil-necked’ Schiff ‘sick sick’ Democrats |
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WATCH LIVE! Trump Rally in Grand Rapids Michigan VIDEO |
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The Trump of the Tropics is in Washington DC |
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How the Mueller report can still threaten Trump’s legitimacy |
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Trump Threatens To Shut Down US-Mexico Border |
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Mueller Serving Trump |
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Trump ROARS Into Michigan: Democrats ‘defrauding the public with ridiculous bullst …’ VIDEO |
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Donald Trump on SNL |
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Trump Vows to Release FISA Docs…Slams ‘Treasonous’ FBI |
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Rep John Katko breaks with GOP opposes Trump on transgender military ban |
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New Quinnipiac Poll on Dem Horde Clamoring for a Shot at Losing to Trump |
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Puerto Rico’s Governor Officially Sick of Trump’s Shit |
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Here’s what we still don’t know about Donald Trump’s links to Russia: Virtually everything |
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Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter and the Justice Department says he has a legal right to do it |
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• Câmara não consegue reverter veto de Trump e mantém emergência para muro na rural fatura R 158 milhões e distribui R 600 mil com agricultores |
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Trump Declassification News |
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Is Trump Preparing to Announce Support for Building of The Third Temple |
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Trump Signs Executive Order on Hiring Military Spouses |
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Surviving Donald Trump: Israel’s Strategic Options |
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Trump’s Admin Is Handing Dems Tools to Oust Him the Usual Way |
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Adam Schiff delivers massive smackdown: Trump is immoral unpatriotic and corrupt |
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Több iszlám ország is elítélte Trump elismerte Izrael fennhatóságát a Golán-fennsík felett- a nemzetközi közvélemény ellenzi a megszállást |
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REPORT: James Comey Distressed Over Collapse Of Trump-Russia Hoax |
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Forget Trump’s “War On Women” Or North Korea – If We Lose This War |
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Melania Trump vola dai bambini messicani… e il marito li fa ricongiungere ai genitori |
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Dubaï teste pour la première fois un taxi-volant sans téléphonique Poutine-Trump: Un “pas important” |
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Trump’s Troop Drawdown |
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An Open Letter to President Elect Trump on Global Warming |
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Trump to host Egypt’s Sisi for talks on April 9 |
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President Donald Trump on Immigration: ‘I Don’t Want to Have Anyone Coming in That’s on Welfare’ |
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CBS News correspondent to speak at KU about Trump’s presidency |
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O tio de Trump disse a ele sobre a falta de documentos Tesla e discos voadores |
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Judd Trump v Robbie Williams – 02-04-2019 Free Fixed Odds Tip amp Snooker Betting Prediction |
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Trump Is On Track For a Landslide Victory in 2020! |
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Donald Trump calls these countries “shithole are the Queen’s Christmas gifts to the royal staff |
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Đối thoại ngắn với ông Trump về những sự kiện “NÓNG” tuần Pageviews |
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NO MORE GAMES: Trump May Close Southern Border After Rumors of Another 20000 Migrants |
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‘Arrogant’ Russia Tells Trump Troops To Remain in Venezuela as Long as Needed |
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México no hace nada para detener migrantes: Trump |
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Trump Reportedly Obsessed With News Coverage Of Him |
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ORP statement on President Trump’s visit to the southern border |
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“Rusia tiene que irse” Trump ordena que los aviones rusos abandonen |
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Gary Abernathy: Trump Country’s Reaction To The |
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Reuters: Turkey: air defense purchase from Russia ‘a done deal’ – Trump Dismantling Naughty NATO! |
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Trump Fires Comey |
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President Trump extends humanitarian program for Liberian immigrants |
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Trump promises Great Lakes cleanup funding making MI priority in 2020 |
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Donald Trump calls on FBI DOJ to review ‘outrageous’ Jussie Smollett case |
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Crowd At Trump Rally Chants “AOC Sucks!” |
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Media Roots Radio: Rand Trump Bromance Neocon Update The Wall Already Exists |
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Polarity Therapy – Found to Trump Ch… |
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El ex jefe de campaña de Donald Trump condenado a más |
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Donald Trump pidió al Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobar Leyes Anti-Aborto |
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Sheriff Clarke Sides With Trump On John McCain: Liberal Backlash Forces Him To Apologize For His Stance |
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Trump’s Budget Seeks to Reduce Funding for Tribal Housing |
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An Open Letter to President Elect Donald Trump |
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Trump Boasts ‘Total Exoneration’ Says Dems Are ‘Defrauding the Public With Ridiculous Bullst’ |
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Trump rally crowd hits Ocasio-Cortez with ‘AOC sucks’ chant in Michigan |
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Netanyahu compara a Trump con el Rey Ciro luego de reconocer a los Altos |
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Trump threatens to close border saying Mexico ‘all talk and no action’ on immigration |
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Trump droht mit Grenzschließung zu Mexiko nächste Woche |
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Trump Just Made Bizarre Collusion Accusations In This Morning’s Twitter Rant |
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Pete Buttigieg: Donald Trump’s Administration Is Radicalizing Americans |
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Billionaire Entrepreneur Trump and the US Economy |
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Fri 8:51 am: Trump says Special Olympics funding to be restored |
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Los Altos del Golán la última aventura de Trump y el comodín electoral de Netanyahu |
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Korean Natural Farming has opened my eyes to a new better way of tending to soil and plants I am a better gardener because of Chris Trump |
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Democrats Investigate Trump Corruption: US Politics in 60 Seconds |
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Old machines show why Trump tax breaks may not spark new company spending |
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AP: DOJ: Trump campaign did not coordinate with Russia in 2016 |
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Lawyers Went To ‘Extraordinary Lengths’ To Block Trump-Mueller Talk |
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Woody Guthrie vs Donald Trump’s Daddy |
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Steve Bannon Says Trump Won’t Go Down Without A Fight and Will Win 2020 Election |
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Another reminder not to take Trump for a fool |
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Trump Administration Wades Into Local Zoning Dispute Backing a Church Over a Village |
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Trump Rejoices at Rally: “The Collusion Delusion is Over!” |
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Trump amenaça en tancar la frontera de Mèxic |
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South Korean President to meet Trump… |
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Top Republican Leaders Call for Adam Schiff’s Ouster From Intel Committee – Trump Calls for Schiff’s Resignation |
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Trump Sonrası İran Nükleer Anlaşması’nın Transatlantik Yansımaları |
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Trump Administration Launches New Attack on Reproductive Health Care Press Release |
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Digital Demagogue Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter |
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Donald Trump 62 984 825 461 Hillary Cinton 65 853 516 482 |
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BREAKING: Donald Trump Jr Confirms Political Future |
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CNBC’s Hardwood Schools Trump Trump Jr After Revised Jobs Numbers Puts Dent In Main Economic Talking Points |
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Trump tests post-Mueller vengeance campaign |
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Trump delighted with his justification in content |
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Trump Shouts Out His Favorite Fox News Stars at Rally… |
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Tribute To Slain Biafrans During President Trump’s Inauguration Rally In Port Harcourt |
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Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible |
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El gobernador de Puerto Rico le ofrece puñetazo a Trump |
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México está entre la cerrazón comercial de Trump y las inversiones chinas |
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Trump innocent : des contrecoups pour les démocrates |
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Trump erkänner Israels suveränitet över Golan |
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Trump is No John McCain |
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Trump’s 2015 Candidacy Speech Was a Warning of What Would Come |
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Trump Tourism: How Charlottesville enabled Cindy Yang to market Mar-a-Lago in China |
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Trump’s pick for Justice Department’s No 3 job withdraws |
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Joe Scarborough Blasts GOP Call for Schiff Resignation: ‘Hiding Behind Trump’s Own Roy Cohn William Barr’ |
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En roue libre Donald Trump moque les « conneries ridicules » des démocrates |
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Even With Trump Minerals Order US Miners Face Uphill Battle With… |
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NK official arrives in Hanoi to prepare for 2nd Trump-Kim summit |
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Trump 2020 Goat Rodeo Strategy: Divide and Conquer |
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Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if Saudi Arabia is behind killing of WaPo journalist Khashoggi |
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Twitter considers tagging rule-breaking Trump tweets |
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Derrota a Trump rechaza el Senado su “emergencia” |
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BREAKING: Trump Just Threatened to Close the Southern Border click to see stats |
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Donald Trump Mungkin Saja Menyerang Venezuela |
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North Korea long-range rocket test site Sohae almost completely rebuilt month after Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un summit South says – CBS News |
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Trump official spent millions in tax dollars to make herself look good |
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Trump on Twitter Sept 17 – Tariffs Steel Industry Michigan |
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The Sick Dehumanization of Trump Supporters |
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Trump and Kim arrive for Vietnam summit |
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WATCH: Mary Katherine Ham lays the SMACK DOWN on Trump critics refusing to accept Mueller report…on CNN! |
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Trump says GOP will have replacement if health care law is struck down but no plan is in sight |
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Huge Line in Grand Rapids Michigan hours ahead of Trump rally tonight |
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South Korean leader to meet with Trump on N-diplomacy |
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Trump: A Bleachbit szoftver rettenetesen drága! Bleachbit fejlesztők: De hát ingyen van |
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Census citizenship question trial over the Trump administration |
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“¡Vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera”!: La amenaza de Trump ante nueva caravana migrante |
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Off-Again/On-Again Trump-Kim Summit Cannot Derail Peace – Over 1000 women cross the DMZ: News Release |
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5 CNN: Ông Trump từng đề cập sử dụng vali hạt nhân với Triều Tiên |
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A new kind of news operation for the Trump era |
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Trump: „Nem lövünk migránsokra bár az elég hatásos lenne” |
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Bolsonaro y Trump |
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Trump’s Fabrications on Autos Health Care |
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Trump will serve out this term and maybe another |
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Mexico phản pháo Trump về vấn đề di dân |
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An Open Letter to Donald Trump |
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AMLO responde a Trump por el cierre de ‘la maldita frontera’ |
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Trump quiere sustituir el programa Obamacare |
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Ocasio-Cortez thay thế bà Clinton trở thành nhân vật phản diện trong một cuộc biểu tình của Trump 1 |
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Poll: Biden Sanders hold double-digit lead on Trump in Pennsylvania |
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Trump Administration Wants To Pull The Plug On Sick People |
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To trump Donald mobilly please use Safari |
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QAnon conspiracy theorists turned out in force at Trump’s Michigan rally as he hailed victory over ‘deep state’ |
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Əli HƏSƏNOV: Bob Woodwardın “Fear: Trump in the white House” kitabında yayılan məlumat yalan və sığorta haqqında” “Əlilliyi olan şəxslərin hüquqları haqqında” və “Məşğulluq haqqında” Azərbaycan Respublikasının qanunlarında dəyişiklik edilməsi barədə Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qanunu |
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Barbara Bush blamed Trump for ‘heart attack’: book |
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Trump mused about granting pardons at times during special counsel |
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Rush Limbaugh is terrified Trump’s war on health care will doom GOP |
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Trump is just a symptom of a greater malaise in America |
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Trump trifft Südkoreas Staatschef zu Gesprächen über Nordkorea |
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Los tuits de Trump |
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The Latest: Trump administration opposes health plan ruling Source: AP |
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Liberal Loony Toon Twitter Train Derails Over Trump Being Vindicated |
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Journalist notes media silence on president’s vindication What Trump said 22 months ago |
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Trump Hails Apple Plans for New Texas Campus |
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Melania Trump ratifica apoyo a lucha democrática de Venezuela al reunirse con esposa de puertorriqueña de 14 años la persona más joven en la historia de la Escuela de Medic |
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AristeguiEnVivo 29/03/19: México responde a Trump consulta en el Istmo estudiantes retenidos en Israel MesaDeAnálisis y más… |
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The Trump administration’s Africa strategy: Primacy or partnership |
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Sam Trump |
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World News March 28 2019 Edition: “As Many As A Million Calves Lost In Nebraska”: Beef Prices To Escalate Dramatically In Coming Months – Dianne Feinstein: Confiscating Citizens’ Guns is Solution for Mass Shootings – Supreme Court Refuses To Block Bump-Stock Ban – Eurozone Emerging Markets Will Be Crushed In Next Crisis IMF amp BIS Warn – Michael Avenatti Pedophilia And A Fainting Heiress: NXIVM Sex-Cult Trial Gets Surreal – Adam Schiff Furious After GOP Calls For His Immediate Resignation In “Explosive” Hearing – Venezuela Strips Guaido Of Public Office For 15 Years – Road Kill Now Legal To Eat In 27 States – Nebraska Gov: Worst flooding damage in our state’s history – Worst Start To A Year For Jobless In A Decade – Guaido To Launch Venezuela-wide “Tactical Action” To Topple Maduro – Trump: I Plan To Declassify And Release All FISA Docs – Smollett Case: Trump Vows “FBI amp DOJ” Investgation As Leaked Email Reveals Scramble To Cover Tracks – European Cars Will Soon Slow Down Automatically If You’re Speeding – US approved secret nuclear power work for Saudi Arabia |
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Full Show – TRUMP UNLEASHED! 45 Announces Plans To Stop Big Tech Censorship Prosecute Deep State amp Win Big In 2020 – 03/28/2019 |
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Palestinians May Be Open to Trump Peace Plan Official Says |
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Trump amp Bolsonaro: Call to Defeat Prison Hunger Strike Spreads to Limestone Correctional Facility |
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Trump slams central american states for doing nothing… |
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Trump-Moon summit ‘Day after’ in Syria B-1s grounded DOD buying fewer UAVs Afghanistan’s high-risk list And a bit more |
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How Barr found no obstruction by Trump when Mueller wouldn’t |
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If Trump wins the majority of the 2020 African-American vote will we see a new age of enlightenment |
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Trump-Kim Summit: The Art of Walking Away |
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President Trump Treats NCAA Football Champions to Wendys McDonald’s Burger King and Dominoes — On His Own Dime VIDEO |
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The Zionist ‘Jews’ Controlling Trump Are Having Him Start WW3 With Russia Via Venezuela-ACTION Call Congress 202-224-3121 202-456-1414 President: No WW3! |
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Breaking: Judge Throws Out Travel Ban Lawsuit Against Trump |
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México atenderá con empleo a migrantes: AMLO a Trump |
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Women Investors’ Best Advice For Startup Success In The Uncertain Trump Era |
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«Verden trenger ikke Trump Trump trenger verden!» |
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Sự vô can của Donald Trump trong nghi án “thông đồng với Nga” có mở ra triển vọng cải thiện quan hệ Mỹ-Nga |
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Trump Lashes Out At Central America Mexico |
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Sources: Trump focused on N Korea feud in Puerto Rico |
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Người dân tràn xuống đường đón đoàn xe ông Trump ông Kim |
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Here’s How Trump Tariffs Could Boost Auto Repair Costs Insurance Rates And Even Car Thefts |
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Mueller findings say more about us than Trump |
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Last Night In Vegas Obama Got On Stage amp Showed America Who He Really Is A Judas Goat Devoid of All Class: Compares President Trump to “Tin-pot Dictatorship” While Campaigning for Midterms |
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‘RUSSIA HOAX IS DEAD’: Trump takes victory lap in Michigan |
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Puerto Rico’s Governor Threatens Violence on President Trump |
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Live: Trump Holds ‘MAGA’ Rally in Grand Rapids Michigan |
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Digital book The Zen of Trump: A Stress-Relieving Adult Coloring Book -gt Patrick Sherriff Free |
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Trump le hace un desplante a Macri y lo deja solo en el escenario |
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Musings on Trump Russia ‘The Wall’ Twins and Timberwolves: The return of ‘Nobody asked me’ |
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Trump dispuesto a no dar más vueltas: América Central no hizo nada |
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House Judiciary Committee Releases Names Of Trump Associates Under Investigation POTUS Is Going To Lose It |
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Donald Trump: piiril immigrantide tulistamine oleks väga efektiivne |
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Esposa de Guaidó se reunió con Donald Trump y Mike Pence en la Casa Blanca |
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RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11 Episode 4 Recap: Trump: The Rusical |
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JUST IN: Trump warns he may CLOSE the southern border after CPB announces they’ve reached a “breaking point”! |
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Visos Lietuvos vardu A Ažubalis ir L Kasčiūnas ragina Vyriausybę apsvarstyti galimybę finansiškai remti JAV karinį „Fort Trump“ projektą Lenkijoje |
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Donald Trump VS Human Rights |
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Tell your Senators to stand with working families and block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee |
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FBI ordered to hand Comey memos on Trump over to judge weighing their release |
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McConnell to Trump: Health care’s all yours |
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Trump’s lawyers ask US appeals court to end emoluments lawsuit |
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‘Impeach Donald Trump Now’ Billboard Goes Up a Mile from Mar-a-Lago |
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Green swamp creatures swarmed latest Trump stooge’s confirmation hearing |
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Ted Rall: Trump’s Handling of Asylum Seekers Is Awful And Democrats Made It Worse |
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Trump declares ‘Russia hoax’ dead at Grand Rapids Michigan rally |
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Can Trump Win the Global Swing States |
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Video: Trump Supporter Kicked Out Of NYC Bar For Wearing MAGA Hat |
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FACT CHECK: Trump tells rally he’s exonerated That’s not true and neither were some other claims |
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The World vs Donald J Trump |
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Fact Check: Did President Trump call for Ilhan Omar to resign from Congress |
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Trump vows FBI Justice Department will review the Jussie Smollett case |
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Imad K Harb: From Hanoi to the Middle East: Trump’s failed foreign policy |
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The Gemstone Files Union Populaire Republicaine France The Daily Croak The FlannagunNORDFRONT Political Views and Aims Bilderberg IrelandVideosHAARPHollie Greig Agenda 21/2030 About Donald Trump |
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Ông Trump và ông Kim đi dạo trong |
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Trump Political Categories and Us |
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Police: Armed man was driving 130mph to White House for ‘special hearing’ with Trump |
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Donald Trump presidente de Estados Unidos |
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Rússia e Donald Trump: Não houve conluio |
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Trump recibe a esposa de Guaidó y amenaza: Rusia |
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Twitter pourrait “contextualiser” les tweets agressifs dont ceux de Donald Trump |
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Mueller Report Clears Trump But Media Defend Two Years of Fake News |
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Donald Trump Wants to Build a Wall Aroun |
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Vừa họp xong với Donald Trump đoàn Triều Tiên kéo sang Trung-Quốc! |
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President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents’ Dinner! 0 |
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Trump attorney general had ‘shouting match’ with GOP senator over withdrawn Justice nominee Liu: report |
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Trump exaggerated height of skyscraper size of vineyard in peculiar financial statements that could be illegal |
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The BBC admitted botching a report that claimed Michael Cohen was selling access to Trump for 400000 in Ukraine – Business Insider |
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Ebrard le responde a Trump: “México actúa con responsabilidad y dignidad” |
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221 – Trump’s UNGA Bungle |
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Steve Bannon: There Is No Democrat Capable Of Beating Trump In 2020 VIDEO |
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South Korea’s Moon to Meet Trump Over Stalled North Korea Talks |
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Trump Forced To Apologize To Nancy Pelosi After Cursing Uncontrollably In Meeting |
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How to Handle the Anxiety of a Donald Trump Presidency |
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Trump Aims to Slash Orca Could Be a New Species |
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President Trump Says He Will Close Border Next Week |
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Son ya ocho detenidos seis menores por dos agresiones a una menor en hace un Trump: plantea que Marruecos pague el muro que Vox pide en Ceuta y Melilla |
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Gillibrand tax returns show ‘significant savings’ from Trump tax cuts 136 tax rate |
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Features Anti-Gay Slurs and Donald Trump Disses |
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Red Trump 45 Baseball Jersey |
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Trump amenaza otra vez con cerrar la frontera |
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Trump’s Neo-Nationalism and Nativism are the Source of the Anti-Semitic Wave |
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Presidenziali Usa 2020 Trump lancia la propria campagna elettorale |
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Trump Threatens to Close Border If Mexico Doesn’t Stop Illegal Entries click to see stats |
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VIDEO: Second 2020 Dem candidate releases tax returns challenges Trump |
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Donald Trump denies wrongdoing over hush money as he accuses lawyer |
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Devin Nunes: Trump Tower Meeting ‘Set Up By Clinton Campaign… |
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Sebastián Guzmán consigue récord del mundo en advierte a Trump: “Ni Rusia ni Venezuela son provincias de EEUU” |
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Trump tentou proteger a Qualcomm Agora o seu comércio a guerra pode ser magoá-los – New York Times |
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Puerto Rico Gov Ricardo Rossello would have a very bad time if he punched Trump – Washington Examiner |
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Trump’s weakening of North Korea sanctions is even worse than it seems – Washington Examiner |
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Lindberg và Trump trong tiểu thuyết The Plot Against America |
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Has the Trump collusion 2020 investigation started yet |
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Trump Supporters Make Their Thoughts on AOC Crystal Clear with a New Chant at POTUS’ Michigan Rally |
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Trump donates BIG part of his salary to Homeland Security |
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REPLAY: Trump holds MAGA rally in Michigan |
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Poll Shows Trump Trailing In Pennsylvania |
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The Indian teen who took on Donald Trump |
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President Trump awards Drum soldier with Medal of Honor VIDEO |
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Trump’s Golan Move ‘Against Whole World’ Syria to Retaliate When Ready – War Trump and Barr Won’t Give the Clintons a Pass Now – Analyst |
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The Ecological Impacts of Trump’s Border Wall Explained |
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Video: Ilhan Omar says it’s silly to compare President Trump to Obama “One is human The other is really not” |
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Trump’s Group Health Plan Struck Down as Obamacare ‘End-Run’ |
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President Trump delivers remarks at Mar-a-Lago shortly after Mueller Report delivered |
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As DeVos defends plan to cut Special Olympics budget Trump campaign spokesman slams ‘Democrats who see abortion as the cure for Down syndrome’ |
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Tak Terpengaruh Kritik Trump Harga Minyak Dunia Terus Menanjak |
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WATCH! President Trump Says Enough of Democrats ‘Ridiculous BULLSHT’ VIDEO |
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Drake: Will Barrasso Enzi ever end blind loyalty to Trump |
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Trump Signs Executive Order to Protect US from EMP attacks |
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Mocsári szörnyek tüntettek Trump meghallgatásán |
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Arab Center Washington DC Will Congress make Trump’s GolanHeights proclamation into law https://tco/awzrBTZbuh http://twittercom/ |
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Trump Approval at 50 Percent |
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Burford vs YPF: Las gestiones de Macri para lograr el apoyo de Trump |
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That’s What I Think: We Can Trick Trump |
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Nema tko se nije okrenuo za prelijepom mamom na skejtu u minijaturnom Grabar-Kitarović ponovo u izdanju kojeg se ne bi posramila ni Melania Trump |
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Obama’s AG Eric Holder Attacks Trump Supporters: ‘Exactly When Did You Think America Was Great’ |
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Trump’s recognition of Israel’s Golan Heights claims undermines int’l order |
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Trump’s Immigration Roundtable Includes Smuggled Guns Drugs Money |
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In another blow federal judge strikes down Trump’s health care plan to skirt Obamacare |
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Michael Jordan Just Gave A Powerful Response To Trump’s Attacks On Black Athletes |
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Trump promete un sistema de salud mejor que el de Obama |
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President Trump Warns: ‘If Russia Doesn’t Leave Venezuela All Options Are On The Table’ |
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Angela Merkel: il faut serrer les coudes pour éviter la guerre commerciale Europe-Trump |
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Trump’s transgender ban on the military gets full legal blessing |
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TRUMP FEARS BETO Women’s Slim Fit T-Shirt |
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Pittsburgh: Thousands Confront Trump amp Fascism — It’s Going Down |
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Tucker: There’s a real collusion story it doesn’t involve Trump |
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Maduro: “Trump ha ordinato di arrivo 11 milioni per gli istituti siciliani |
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Trump schmeißt Mattis aus dem Pentagon – ersetzt ihn mit führendem Nazi-UFO-Experten |
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Student faces assault charge for swatting MAGA hat off classmate trashing Trump banner |
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“Jaulas” para 20 niños: así separa los EEUU de Trump a los menores migrantes de sus familias |
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Espía Israelí Informa a Trump Sobre el Estatus del Medio Oriente |
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Ivanka Trump Busca Sinagoga Judía para Congregarse |
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As Trump goes soft on North Korea the Democrats are outflanking him |
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CEO de Google explica a Congreso de los EEUU por qué la palabra idiota idiot expone fotografías de Trump |
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Demandan por 230 millones de euros al Washington Post por hacer “bullying” a un adolescente blanco católico y pro-Trump |
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Trump Says Shooting Immigrants At Border Is ‘Very Effective’ But ‘We Can’t Do It’ |
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Von Trump bis Brexit von Organspende bis zum Brexit vermeiden |
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Trump is Doing Far Better Than Obama |
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Media Misinterprets Manifesto to Blame Trump for New Zealand Massacre |
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Trump calls Pichai G… |
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Diálogos secretos entre países y el papel de Trump: Revelan cómo se creó la coalición anti-Maduro |
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UN Security Council condemns Trump’s Golan Heights decision |
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Golf Cheating And Trump |
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Comey: When Trump fired me ‘I thought that’s potentially obstruction of justice’ |
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Donald Trump’s presidency enters new era of concentrated efforts to fight communism led by China |
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‘RUSSIA HOAX IS DEAD’: Trump takes Mueller probe victory lap |
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Donald Trump Detractors Demonstrate in New York City |
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Amaga Trump cerrar la ‘maldita frontera’ |
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Trump reverses course on Special Olympics funding cut after Betsy DeVos comes under fire |
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Trump Calls for Investigation into Smollett Case |
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Plurality Of Voters Say Trump Supports White Nationalists |
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TOP NEWS! HELLSTORM Unleashed on Adam Schiff! Trump DEMANDS Resignation! GOP Drops the Hammer! |
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Trump tosses his education secretary under the bus: ‘We’re funding the |
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Ratificación del T-MEC está en la lista de altas prioridades de Trump sobre todo porque ya se acerca el periodo de su reelección y esto sería un gran |
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‘Get out of Syria First’: Moscow Reacts to Trump’s Demand to Leave Venezuela |
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Donald Trump Jr Gives Interview to Conspiracy Network Dedicated to End of World Coverage |
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How Donald Trump John Cornyn and Ted Cruz are reshaping the federal courts in Texas |
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WATCH: US President ‘Troll-Master’ Trump shares hilarious video mocking heartbroken Democrats |
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Trump’s Score on the Psychopathy Scale – Compared to the Average Accenture Director |
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Defending President Trump |
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Cerraré ‘maldita frontera’: Trump |
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Misogyny is the Biggest Indicator of Trump Support |
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Trump hurts the US economy by keeping tariffs in place |
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Russiagate Trump contro tutti’Così volevano dividere gli Usa’ |
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Republican Party reportedly says it will target reporters critical of Trump |
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– President Trump |
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President Trump Just Signed Another Executive Order |
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Analyse de la relation USA-Afrique sous l’administration Trump |
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RNC Pro-Trump Super PAC Planning Ads Targeting Journalists Who Reported… |
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Opinion: Trump’s Recognition Of Israel’s Claim To Golan Only Creates New Problems – NPR |
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José Luis León Manríquez: “Trump y Kim seguirán con las amenazas mutuas pero negociarán por debajo” |
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Timeline: How the Trump Admin is Rolling Back Protections for Children |
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President Trump Destroys AOC’s Green New Deal: Her Pouty Response Was Full Of Inaccuracies VIDEO |
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Trump May and the necessary art of brinkmanship |
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Moralens vogter: Mediemisbruget af i Trump-æraen |
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“Trump of the Tropics” President of Brazil says: “Christian values help move society in the right direction” |
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Gay is the Newest Race in Trump’s America |
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Esperando a Godot ONU-Trump |
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Donald Trump demande à l’OPEP de baisser ses prix |
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Sanctions OPEC Cuts and Trump Tweets Show Oil Price Volatility Is Not Dead |
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Trump pretende ahora deportar a menores no acompañados |
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Are you ready to join the national movement of NARAL members organizing your communities to resist the Trump administration’s attacks on reproductive healthcare access |
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Trump Keeps Making History |
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Así negocian China y el gobierno de Donald Trump |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference |
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Trump’s pick for Justice Dept’s No 3 post withdraws amid Republican opposition |
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If this whole Trump ordeal was a scripted television show and the most recent episode |
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Donald Trump’s pick for No 3 Justice Department post Jessie Liu |
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Trump again calls for ditching Obamacare without a viable alternative |
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SANHEDRIN: Prepare to Build Third Temple — Donald ‘Cyrus’ Trump to Announce Construction of 3rd Temple |
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Trump’s defense budget — too big too little scrutiny |
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Donald J Trump sworn in as 45th President issues strong inaugural address |
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Trump: jeśli Meksyk nie zatrzyma imigracji to zamknę Powiatowa spółka od 1 kwietnia poprowadzi szpital w Opatowie |
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US Cancels Journalist’s Award Over Her Criticism of Trump |
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Trump Administration Forced To Release Report That Confirms Humans Are Causing Climate Change |
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Will Trump Fade From Collective Memory Researchers Examine Which Presidents Leave Lasting Impressions |
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Trump says theres no very great rush to… |
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Trump awards posthumous Medal of Honor to Staff Sgt Travis Atkins |
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Ivanka Trump |
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Trump recibirá al presidente de Egipto en la Casa Blanca el 9 de abril |
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Cowardly Republicans Balk at Trump’s Efforts to Repeal Obamacare |
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Peruano que vive en USA señala que votará por Trump porque le recuerda a Keiko – septiembre 28 2016 |
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Israeli Palestinian environmentalists aren’t waiting on Trump peace plan |
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Russia says it sent “specialists” to Venezuela rebuffs Trump |
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Rencontre Trump-Al Sissi bientôt à Washington |
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Beto O’Rourke meilleur atout des Démocrates contre Trump en 2020 |
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Maduro blames ‘extremist’ Trump for chaos in Venezuel |
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Bolsonaro o Trump daqui e as cumulus nimbus |
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The Trump team’s plan: It’s beginning to look a lot like one state |
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What Progressives Should Know About Trump Voters |
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Trump Fears Beto |
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Trump International Hotel Washington Dc |
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Watch AOC Use the Opioid Crisis to Completely Dismantle the Trump Administration’s Fake Border Emergency |
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Democratic candidates: ‘It’s Trump stupid!’ |
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Trump OBLITERATES AOC During Interview She Responds By Pouting And Using A Pathetic Excuse |
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Is Donald Trump the Beast |
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Hell just froze over Super MAGA aquaintance will never vote for Trump again or Republican |
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Christians for Trump is funded by the PAC: LibertyTus |
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Usa 2020 Trump lancia la sua campagna |
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Donald Trump Defenders Are Failing to Accept Reality Over Mueller’s Report John Brennan’s Spokesman Says – Newsweek |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la próxima semana frontera con México |
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Nicolas Cage kërkon anulimin e martesës debat me gruan vetëm pas 4 orësh meksikan i përgjigjet Trump-it: Mos na shiko ne migrantët s’janë problemi ynë! |
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Respeto visión de Trump pero nosotros pensamos que la mejor forma de enfrentar el problema migratorio es con empleo y desarrollo: AMLO |
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Trump rally: Best lines of the night |
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Citizens United for the Trump Agenda |
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Trump says Russia would rather |
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‘Breaking Wind News’: CNN’s New Day Mocks Trump’s Over the Top Rally Speech |
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Ivanka Trump Visits Kentucky Toyota Plant Touts Training |
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Poll Shows Trump At 50 Percent Approval And Dems Go Insane |
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Trump: “Podemos cerrar la frontera sur” |
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‘Halloween’ Producer Booed Off Stage at Israel Film Festival for Attacking President Trump in Speech |
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Trump ante Bolsonaro en Washington: “El crepúsculo del socialismo |
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Trump’s Treachery Goes Way Beyond Russia – Slate |
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Kandinsky Shows Trump Effect is in Effect |
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Gary Abernathy: Trump Country’s Reaction To The Mueller Report: ‘So What’ |
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Trump évoque l’usage “efficace” des mitraillettes contre les migrants mais ne veut pas en arriver là |
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Trump’tan Orta Amerika ülkelerine tepki: Hepsi konuşuyor |
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Trump Giving india More Defending Tech to dominate pakistan |
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People Are Angry After Young Woman Has Job Interview Cancelled For Asking One Woman Spent Over 60000 On Surgery To Look Like Ivanka Trump And So Are Many Others |
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Breaking! France Passes Historic Bill Ordering Cameras In All News: Trump Legalizes Killing Hibernating Wolves Bears And Their Cubs |
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Puerto Rico governor to Trump admin: ‘If the bully gets close I’ll punch the bully’ |
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Ivanka Trump Net Worth: 300 Million |
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Trump Russia Hoax Over MSM Damaged Beyond Repair Yield Inversion Trouble |
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Donald Trump: The Populist Political Superhero |
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Trump Speaks to the American People at Rally in Michigan |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar frontera con México la semana próxima |
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A resposta de Stacey Abrams a Trump |
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Resist Donald Trump! |
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Trump calls out Twitter amp Social Media Giants Colluding to Silence Right Wing Voices |
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TRUMP é Capaz de Aprender |
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Dear Trump Gloaters: Victory Laps and Circling the Bowl Can Look an Awful Lot Alike |
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“I’ve Taken Better Care of Puerto Rico Than Any Man Ever” Trump Claims |
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The Barr Letter Might Exonerate Trump But We Know the Mueller Report Doesn’t |
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Ivanka Trump skor |
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Donald Trump ha ganado la presidencia |
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Democrats see opening in Trump’s push to quash Recent Videos |
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Que répondra Sayyed Nasrallah à “l’arrogance” de Pompeo et au “cadeau” de Trump à Netanyahou |
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Explore Trump National |
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Russian hoax is finally dead says Trump |
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Trump oversells wall as a solution to drugs |
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Bolsonaro visitará Trump na Casa Branca no dia 19 de Março |
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Đội vệ sĩ của Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump “bá đạo” đến mức nào |
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Trump Sues to Cancel Obamacare: Is GOP Now Ok with Legislation from Bench |
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Die Lügen von Medien über Trump und die gebrochenen Versprechen der Regierung und Merkel |
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Tracking Trump’s Conflicts of Interest |
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Trump Celebrates End of ‘Russia Hoax’ Challenges Dems to Drop ‘Bullst’ Probes and Get to Work |
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How Donald Trump used unusual financial documents to exaggerate his wealth and hide some of his debts – Washington Post |
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WATCH: Trump Brutally SAVAGES ‘Pencil-Neck’ Adam Schiff And His Obsession With ‘Collusion’ |
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The Trump Bracket |
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Ả Rập Saudi sẽ bỏ qua ‘ngưỡng chịu đựng’ của Trump đối với giá dầu nhà phân tích nói |
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Trump recibirá a Netanyahu el 25 de marzo antes de las elecciones en Israel |
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Judge Jeanine Pirro Predict- Trump Easily Again Win 2020 |
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Trump Jr AGAIN Says He May Run For Office In The Future |
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News Analysis: Trump Owns the Economy Now for Better or Worse |
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Trump Sided With Mulvaney in Push to Nullify Health Law |
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Trump: You’d better believe I’m gonna release the FISA warrant |
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White House Says Trump Is ‘Being Harassed By Democrats’ |
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Fotos mostram realidade paralela onde as gravatas do Trump são ridiculamente grandes |
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US lawmakers urge Trump to delay ending trade benefits to India |
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El sector del automóvil sale satisfecho de su reunión con Trump |
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Donald Trump Routinely Exaggerated His Worth: Report |
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The Curious Trump Tower Visit By a Russian Attorney OPINION |
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Trump: Decertify Your Railroad Union |
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PA Senators Flip Toomey R votes against Trump wall Casey D votes against abortion |
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‘Id-diskors dwar ir-Russja issa magħluq’ – Donald Trump |
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Moscou para Trump: “saiam da Síria antes de dar opinião” – Jornal das 3 – nº101- 28/3/19 |
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Donald Trump Jr |
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Trump Accomplishments in Year One – Significant Major Conservative Policy Achieved! |
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Mueller Magic Implodes President Trump Wants to Put Women on Mars |
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Trump advierte a México: Vamos a cerrar la maldita frontera |
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Trump threatens to close ‘large sections’ of US-Mexico border next week over illegal immigration |
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Trump Bullies The “Free Market” Like His Party Thought Obama Was Doing |
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Donald Trump and the Press: Somewhere Old Bolsheviks are Smiling |
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Trump and Jerusalem: Why now |
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Highlighted Keywordsgtgt Cloudy Seagail Miles Kwok Guo Wengui China Donald Trump Xi Jinping Human Rights CCP Huawei Fan Bingbing Steven Bannon HNA Wang Jian Wang Qishan Jho Low Rule of Law Jack Ma trade war Tibet Anti-corruption Taiwan |
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Trump threatens to close Mexican border next week – Stats |
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Trump sfidon kryetaren e Dhomës: Shtyje e madeve nga PD biznesi i PPP-ve drejt falimentit |
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Pres Trump slams move to ban hate-speech mongerers like Alex Jones |
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Arab Center Washington DC RT macaronjoe: My latest: a reminder of what’s driving Trump thinking on the MiddleEast It’s certainly not geopolitics https://tco/YM… http://twittercom/ |
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Imad K Harb: Trump’s shutdown aims to weaken the American political system |
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Watch live: Trump holds first rally since Mueller report release |
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President Donald Trump says he is backing off his budget request to eliminate funding for the Special Olympics reversing course on a proposal that was unlikely to be approved by Congress after days of bipartisan criticism |
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Adam Schiff Slams GOP for Being Ok With Trump-Russia Ties — Fact: Don Jr said he’d love the help of the Russians — and Adam Schiff is astonished that Republicans are fine with it |
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Trump una amenaza para los aspirantes de ambos partidos |
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White House Communications Director Hope Hicks admitted she sometimes tells lies for President Trump |
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Exclusive: Key Trump health official spends millions on GOP-connected consultants – POLITICO |
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Barbara Bush Blamed Donald Trump for her “Heart Attack” |
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Quando i comici irridevano Donald Trump E lui lo accettava a denti stretti – VIDEO |
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Donald Trump canta victoria con Robert Mueller: “las noticias falsas nunca ganan” |
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EEUU: Asesor de Trump dice que las vacunas causan depresión en adolescentes |
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Does the Trump Regime Intend War on Iran |
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Twitter Offers To Give Trump’s Campaign A Major Gift To Help Him Win The 2020 Election |
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Trump Fears Beto Hat |
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Peace talks Trump and Kim still have value |
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Trump Tweets |
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Watch: Trump supporters first pepper spray then yell “nr lover” to 15-year-old protester in Paul Ryan’s |
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No me voy a enganchar dice AMLO a Trump |
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Trump’s HUD wants to expand flawed program that is ‘privatizing public housing’ |
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Trump recibe en la Casa Blanca a Fabiana Rosales |
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White Trump 45 Baseball Jersey |
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8 Ways Trump Argues With People |
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President Trump addresses the rally in Michigan to standing room only packed event |
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Trump v Ocasio-Cortez: Reform or Revolution |
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The Ivanka Trump scandal and the vacuum cleaner |
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Video: Student assaulted for supporting President Trump |
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Chiến dịch của ông Trump không ‘âm mưu và phối hợp’ với Nga |
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Monstruo del Pantano va a protestar al Senado contra Trump |
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Judge blocks Trump’s small-business health plan |
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Trump amenaza con cerrar la ‘maldita frontera’ con México |
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Trump et la haine du Diable |
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Kiongozi wa Korea Kusini kukutana na Trump nchini Marekani |
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William Engdahl What is Trump’s True Agenda Jay Taylor Media |
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Departamento de Justiça dos EUA conclui que não houve conspiração da campanha de Trump com |
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How Trump used unusual financial documents to exaggerate his wealth hide some of his debts |
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Trump administration sues California to block water plan for fish |
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Trump: I’ve overriden my people on Special Olympics |
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Trump hits obstacles in effort to reshape Medicaid |
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Trump raser etter frafalt siktelse: |
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Improving the human environment Trump’s climate panel Amazon’s “shipment zero” sham |
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Trump’s Epic Failure at the Border: They are Failing they are Cynically Exploiting Their Failure and Now They Want More Money and Authority to Keep Failing |
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ABC’s The View quotes Kimberly’s article on The Trump Bedroom Backlash |
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Video: Rashida Tlaib “President Trump has met his match” |
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Trump administration wants to kill ObamaCare What happens if it does |
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Mocsári szörnyek tűntek fel Trump jelöltje körül |
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Swamp creatures silently protest at confirmation hearing of Trump Interior pick |
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Why Donald Trump Won |
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Trump tổ chức cuộc biểu tình MAGA ở Michigan – cập nhật trực tiếp |
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Trump’s pick for Federal Reserve owes more than 75000 in taxes court record shows |
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Dealing Another Blow to Trump Federal Judge Strikes Down Rule Skirting Requirements of Health Act |
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A Trump presidency is a direct threatto our safety and well-being |
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Trump will travel to Texas on Tuesday to survey Hurricane Harvey damage |
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Trump: Smollett Case ‘Outrageous’ FBI And DOJ To Review |
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Top Trump adviser warns Russia on military presence in Venezuela – USA considers Operation to be “Direct threat” |
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Ivre de pouvoir Trump est en train de détruire le Moyen-Orient |
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Trump Hammers Democrats For Defrauding America With ‘Ridiculous Bull…’ |
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Trump amenaza de nuevo con cerrar l… |
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Is Donald Trump going to build a wall |
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Trump schwärmt von sich selbst |
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Fox’s Judge Napolitano: Schiff ‘Is Correct’ That Mueller Report Will Show Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion |
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Senate Passes Resolution to Overturn Trump’s National Emergency |
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Cooperative Federalism and Federal Takings After the Trump Administration’s Border Wall Executive Order |
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Trump Michigan Speech: Trump seizes the Great Lakes |
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“Trump Filistin devletçiği ol » |
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La razón por la que Melania Trump ha incluido en su maleta dos vestidos iguales |
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President Trump’s Africa strategy advances prosperity security and stability incl Factsheet |
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Fil-Am who mailed explosives to political officials Trump critics pleads likens PH to ‘wild wild west’ |
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Even With Trump Minerals Order US Miners Face Uphill Battle With |
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President Trump champion of the “Forgotten Man” |
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Donald Moskowitz: How can Trump disparage hero McCain |
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Donald Trump says ‘Russia hoax is finally dead at boisterous Michigan rally |
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Trump threatens to shut Mexico border again |
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Las sanciones de Trump a Irán golpean duramente a los terroristas |
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Askerlerini çek diyen Trump’a Kremlin’den İlişkilerimize karışamazsın uyarısı |
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Atifete Jahjaga takon Ivanka Trump vëmendjen e merr veshja e saj |
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No hay pruebas que incriminen a Trump |
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Trump’s New Wall |
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EEUU: Trump y Moon se reúnen en abril para tratar sobre Corea del Norte |
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What is Donald Trump |
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Satmar and Muslim Media Upset That Trump Will Recognize Israel’s Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights |
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New Zealand Goes Authoritarian Trump Goes After College Campuses |
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Trump directs FBI to investigate Jussie Smollett case |
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Trump busca usar pesquisa de Mueller como arma política |
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Will Kavanaugh Make Trump a Monarch |
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Trump Michigan speech: Trump makes up stuff about the Great Lakes – Voxcom |
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Trump Administration Has Charged Facebook With Housing Discrimination In Their Ads |
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Sayyed Nasrallah is expected to respond to Pompeo’s “arrogance” and to Trump’s “gift” to Netanyahu |
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Após fala de Trump Israel dispara mísseis contra a Síria – |
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Thanks Obama you got us Trump and he got us jobs and got rid of ISIS too ! |
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El loquísimo ‘photobomb’ al polémico candidato a secretario de interior de Trump |
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After the Left’s terrible horrible no-good very bad week Trump just rubbed salt in their wound and the meltdown is GLORIOUS |
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TIEMBLA TRUMP: Recauda Sanders más de 1 mdd tras anunciar que buscará candidatura a la presidencia |
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Merkel Is Destroying NATO Not Trump |
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Tragedy in San Antonio is “Predictable Outcome” of Trump’s Immigration Crackdown |
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Let’s Rate Trump: 1 year 9 promises |
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After Congress Tries To Bulldoze Trump’s Wall – Donald Stops Them In Their Tracks |
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“Why Trump probably won’t get in trouble for campaign finance and the Oral Arguments |
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World Burns: Trump |
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