Esper says Trump orders US troops to leave northern Syria |
29 |
Trump backs Giuliani but some aides wish he would cut ties |
21 |
Ambassador to testify no quid pro quo assurance was Trump’s |
13 |
Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
9 |
Trump afirma que acaba de alcanzar con China “el mayor acuerdo de la historia para los granjeros de EEUU” y cuenta sus detalles |
8 |
Evangelicals are not satisfied with Trump on Turkey-Syria issue |
8 |
Trump Orders US Troops to Withdraw Farther South in Syria as Turkey Intensifies Offensive against Kurds |
8 |
Turkey Syria offensive: Trump builds pressure to halt the incursion |
8 |
Pastor Trump ally Robert Jeffress to give Talladega prayer |
8 |
Defense secretary says Trump ordered near-total troop withdrawal |
7 |
Trump says he’s an ‘island of one’ on Syria |
7 |
Mattis says ISIS ‘will resurge’ in Syria following Trump’s move to withdraw US troops |
7 |
President Trump tweets that Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan is stepping down |
7 |
“We train our boys to be killing machines then prosecute them when they kill!” Trump tweets |
7 |
Trump to withdraw 1000 troops from Northern Syria as fighting heats up |
7 |
Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating Trump Then Apologizes |
6 |
Trump says he wants to sue Schiff and doesn’t care if he loses |
6 |
Trump Suriye’nin kuzeyindeki ABD askerlerinin geri çekilmesi talimatı verdi |
6 |
Melania Trump’s Mail Suit Suggests Desire To Monetise First Lady Role |
6 |
Hunter Biden disputes Trump attacks of his work wades into impeachment fight |
6 |
Roldán: Salida de McAleenan revela una debilidad de administración de Trump |
6 |
Hunter Biden defends work in Ukraine China in face of Trump assaults |
5 |
Trump confirms killing of Osama’s son Hamza putting spotlight on Pak |
5 |
Trump threatens to impose ‘powerful sanctions’ on Turkey |
5 |
Putin: Trump’ın Twitter’da paylaştığı mesajları okumuyorum |
5 |
Trump Orders Near Total Troop Withdrawal From Northern Syria |
5 |
5 |
Trump says he’s sticking with Giuliani |
5 |
Jueces federales detienen ley de Trump sobre la “carga pública” |
5 |
Trump enfurece al conocer los crímenes de guerra de Turquía en Siria |
5 |
Trump Says He’s An ‘Island Of One’ After Removing US Forces From Syria |
5 |
Second Whistleblower with Information against Trump comes Forward |
5 |
Trump advierte que impondrá poderosas sanciones contra Turquía |
5 |
Trump puts squeeze on Spanish olive oil producers |
5 |
Suriye operasyonu – Trump: “Türkiye sınırındaki yoğun çatışmalara karışmamak çok akıllıca” |
4 |
Hunter Biden to step down from China board amid Trump attacks |
4 |
‘Others may want to come in and fight’: Trump calls withdrawal of remaining US troops from northern Syria ‘very smart’ |
4 |
Trump: sonu olmayan savaşlar sona ermeli |
4 |
Greta Thunberg’in Konuşmasıyla Trump Dalga Geçti! |
4 |
Trump: Kürtler kendi toprakları için savaşıyor |
4 |
Donald J Trump realDonaldTrump |
4 |
A Wall Street stock chief explains why excitement around Trump’s trade ‘deal’ is misplaced — and warns a recession is still likely |
4 |
Trump: Türkiye bunun yapılmamasını istedi |
4 |
Warren Tests Facebook With False Ad About Zuck Trump |
4 |
Defense secretary Mark Esper says Trump ordered near total withdrawal of troops from Syria |
4 |
Kamala Harris Responds to Donald Trump Jr: ‘You Wouldn’t Know a Joke if One Raised You’ |
4 |
Trump’tan Barış Pınarı Açıklaması |
4 |
Trump Orders 1000 Troops To Evacuate Syria Warns Sanctions On Turkey “Ready To Go” |
4 |
Deadly Typhoon stuck are not satisfied with Trump on Turkey-Syria issue |
4 |
W interesie Putina Trump zdradził wiernego sojusznika |
4 |
NYT: Trump’ın Orta Doğu’daki tutarsız politikası müttefiklerinin güvenini sarsıyor |
4 |
Trump’tan Türkiye – Suriye sınırıyla ilgili yeni tweet |
4 |
Trump anunció un acuerdo comercial «sustancial» entre China y EEUU |
4 |
ABD Savunma Bakanı Esper Trump’ın Suriye’den asker çekme kararına destek verdi: Türkiye ile savaşmayacağız |
4 |
Trump Not to Blame for Lack of Improvement in Russia-US Ties |
4 |
Trump Blasts ‘Bulls’ Impeachment’ Says Pelosi ‘Hates The United States’ |
4 |
As Trump continues to back Giuliani some advisors wish he would stop |
4 |
Trump: YPG/PKK sebaiknya mundur Turki sulit dikalahkan |
4 |
Trump yine yeni yeniden… |
4 |
President Trump wages war against US intelligence agencies |
4 |
Trump attacks globalism at UN while putting pressure on Iran |
4 |
Judge Rules Trump’s Emergency Declaration For Border Wall Was Unlawful |
4 |
Trump ordonne le retrait de 1000 soldats américains |
4 |
Ambassador to testify no quid pro quo assurance was Trump’s |
3 |
Eduardo Bolsonaro veste camiseta com armas e Trump em ‘nova’ sigla LGBT |
3 |
Trump oo saddax xal u soo jeediyay khilaafka Turkiga iyo kooxda YPG |
3 |
Tổng thống Donald Trump kêu gọi người dân Mỹ tiêm phòng sởi |
3 |
Rihanna calls Trump ‘most mentally ill human being in America’ |
3 |
24 May 08:40 Trump Japan visit to focus on personal ties not substance |
3 |
Democrats Say More Important to Oust Trump than Help Millions of American Workers |
3 |
“Antes había dignidad y respeto en la presidencia”: Steve Kerr explota contra Trump |
3 |
Donald Trump Is Nothing But A Nasty Little Fuck |
3 |
Ratcliffe to be Director of nation talent Trump ignored |
3 |
President Trump is right |
3 |
Trump mengatakan AS telah mencapai kesepakatan fase satu substansial dengan Tiongkok |
3 |
Mattis warns of ISIS comeback in wake of Trump pullout in Syria |
3 |
ABD üst düzey IŞİD’lileri mi kaçırdı Trump’la gizli bir anlaşma mı var Bilinmeyenlerle operasyon gündemi |
3 |
Robert De Niro on criticism he gets from Fox News for Trump opposition: ‘F-ck ’em |
3 |
Hackers apparently linked to Iran tried to intrude in Trump presidential campaign 2020 |
3 |
Erdoğan’dan ABD Başkanı Trump’ın teklifine çok sert tepki |
3 |
WATCH: Trump Says Biden Kissed Obama’s Ass While Mike Pence Has Given Trump Daily ‘Rim Jobs’ |
3 |
Putin: “Trump’ın yazdıklarını okumuyorum” |
3 |
Donald Trump reage com fúria e destempero ao avanço do impeachment |
3 |
Tổng thống Trump yêu cầu quân đội Mỹ rời khỏi miền Bắc Syria |
3 |
Trump anuncia que USA impondrá “poderosas sanciones” contra Turquía |
3 |
Trump’s Closest Aides Want Him To Sever Ties With Giuliani |
3 |
WATCH: President Trump “Gregg Jarrett’s Witch Hunt Is a Must Read” |
3 |
Trump advierte que impondrá “poderosas sanciones” contra Trurquía |
3 |
Trump Gives ‘OK’ For Syria To Freely Kill Our Allies Who Fought ISIS |
3 |
Hunter Biden Releases Statement Through Lawyer Amid Trump Slander |
3 |
Impeachment A Donald Trump |
3 |
I Am Not Particularly Religious But If There Is A Devil It Is Donald Trump |
3 |
President Trump signs executive order to impose sanctions against Turkey |
3 |
Housing Market To Remain Stable During Trump Impeachment Process |
3 |
Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi amid impeachment inquiry |
3 |
Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have long worried aides leaving some ‘genuinely horrified’ |
3 |
IRFR’den Trump’a: Soykırıma karşı harekete geçilsin |
3 |
Trump says he’s ‘island of one’ on Syria |
3 |
Trump Needs To Fix America’s Dependency On Foreign Uranium |
3 |
Dewan Perwakilan Amerika Serikat menuding Presiden Donald Trump |
3 |
Joe Biden: Tổng thống Donald Trump nên bị luận tội |
3 |
Trump Orders Withdrawal of US Forces From Northern Syria After Pentagon Downplays Possibility |
3 |
Trump amenaza con imponer “poderosas sanciones” contra Trurquía |
3 |
ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırım açıklaması |
3 |
Black Leaders Silent as Trump’s DOJ Takes Aim at Byron Allen |
3 |
Elizabeth Warren Trolls Facebook With Ad Claiming Zuckerberg Supports Trump |
3 |
Los aceituneros españoles indignados con Trump |
3 |
The Trump Administration just ended the program that monitors carbon emissions |
3 |
Trump’s Hands Now Dripping With The Blood Of Innocent People As He Has Unleashed Violence In Syria |
3 |
Trump tells Pentagon to begin withdrawing remaining troops from northern Syria |
3 |
Ivanka Trump Suggests The Impeachment Of Her Father ‘Is Not Important’ |
3 |
Trump admits he’s an ‘island of one’ on Syria |
3 |
Trump’tan bir yaptırım açıklaması daha: Büyük mutabakat sağlandı |
3 |
24 May 08:33 Japan’s charm campaign ready to roll: Golf sumo await Trump |
3 |
Trump Didn’t Record Comey White House Tells House Intel Panel |
3 |
Pembocor Rahasia Sebut Trump Berupaya Intervensi Pemilu 2020 |
3 |
Anatomy Of The Phone Call Now Imperiling Trump’s Presidency |
3 |
What Trump and first US president to be impeached have in common |
3 |
Trong một ngày 3 phán quyết bất lợi cho Trump |
3 |
Trump’s New National Security Adviser’s BRILLIANT Plan to Stop Leaks |
3 |
Trump’tan YPG/PKK’ya çekilme çağrısı |
3 |
Serang Balik Trump Rouhani: Kalian Adalah Pemimpin Teroris Dunia |
3 |
Trump’s Withdrawal from West Asia Synchronizing with h |
3 |
16 gündür kendisinden haber alınamayan Bahçeli’den haber var… Erdoğan Trump’a karşı neden suskun Gündeme Dair… |
3 |
Trump Released 50 Million for Humanitarian Aid in Syria |
3 |
Syrie : Après l’offensive turque Trump menace la France et l’Allemagne |
3 |
Trump Takes Little League Team Home To Louisiana Aboard Air Force One |
3 |
Trump’s Racist Speech Skyrockets Him To Top Of GOP Polls |
3 |
24 May 08:25 Pentagon to present Trump with plans to send 10000 extra troops to Middle East |
3 |
Trump Nominates State Department Deputy Secretary to Be US Ambassador to Russia |
3 |
Putin Angkat Bicara Soal Hubungan Rusia-AS Trump Tidak Bisa Disalahkan |
3 |
Trump’tan ‘Barış Pınarı Harekatı’ açıklaması |
3 |
The Main Critic Of Trump On Fox News Shep Smith ‘Quits’ Two Days After AG Barr Meets With Rupert Murdoch |
3 |
Trump es un conflicto de intereses andante dice candidato demócrata |
3 |
Hunter Biden is stepping down from the board of a Chinese private equity firm as Trump alleges corruption |
3 |
Trump 2020 Promises Made Promises Kept T Shirt |
3 |
Trump ABD askerlerine geri çekilme talimatı verdi |
3 |
Trump Says He’s an ‘Island of One’ on Syria |
3 |
President Trump Goes After Rep Omar at Thursday’s Rally in Minnesota |
3 |
Donald Trump in a Blender |
3 |
Fmr FBI Assistant Director of Counter Intel: Giuliani Just ‘Threw Trump Under the Bus’ |
3 |
50 Reasons Why Donald Trump Could Be the Worst President in History |
3 |
WATCH: Trump Vows To ‘Put A Man On The Moon’ Let’s Hope That Man Is Donald Trump |
3 |
USA: Giuliani Now Trump’s Impeachment’s Central Figure |
3 |
Trump On WAR PATH Exposes Obama’s Crime |
3 |
Protection secretary Mark Esper says Trump ordered close to whole withdrawal of troops from Syria |
3 |
Senate environment panel okays Trump’s pick to have EPA |
3 |
BREAKING: Obama Aide SLIPS ADMITS To Crimes Against TRUMP |
3 |
Kashmir Afghanistan Trump and Modi: Mysterious Mediation |
2 |
During Rally Trump Praises His Fox Friends Promotes Kilmeade From ‘7’ To ‘Close To 10 Territory’ |
2 |
Glossy News Exclusive: Plans for Trump National “Library” Already Underway |
2 |
En Ethiopie Ivanka Trump promeut son programme pour l’entrepreneuriat féminin Photos |
2 |
Guy Wearing Colin Kaepernick Jersey Gets Kicked Out Of Trump Rally |
2 |
Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırım açıklaması: Maliye Bakanlığı hazır |
2 |
Trump: Bu tarihin en büyük anlaşması |
2 |
Trump’tan YPG’ye uyarı |
2 |
Trump: ‘I have the absolute right to pardon myself’ |
2 |
PM Narendra Modi Instagram Followers Ahead Of Donald Trump Barack Obama |
2 |
Why Donald Trump Finally Actually Made The Right Move! Strategy Explained |
2 |
Ex-US Ambassador to Ukraine Says Trump Applied Pressure to Remove Her From Post |
2 |
Hollywood Donors Want Biden to Get Tougher on Trump |
2 |
Gov Larry Hogan: From Nixon to Trump a GOP Family’s Impeachment Legacy |
2 |
Donald Trump Jr Parscale to hold event this week at Club at |
2 |
What President Trump hasn’t done |
2 |
Hell Yeah I Voted For Trump T-Shirt |
2 |
Türkische Offensive : Trump ordnet Rückzug nahezu aller amerikanischen Soldaten aus Nordsyrien an |
2 |
White House restricted access to Trump’s calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince |
2 |
The Conservative Case Against Trump’s Immigration Policies |
2 |
“Hice un acuerdo grande con China a favor de granjeros”: Trump |
2 |
Trump claims one-time friend Oprah Winfrey used to frequent Mar-a-Lago a lot and loved him until he decided to run for office |
2 |
Donald Trump was hit with one big surprise when he turned on this Fox News program |
2 |
KAUZA/ Një 82-vjeçare duarlidhur për klimën: Si Trump prangos Jane Fonda-n video |
2 |
Trump: Bırakın Kürtler ve Türkler savaşsınlar |
2 |
Trump asegura tener “el mayor acuerdo comercial” con China |
2 |
Melania Trump Accused Of Hypocrisy For ‘Be Best’ Campaign Dedicated To ‘Helping Children’ |
2 |
Donald Trump’tan DSG’ye mesaj |
2 |
Trump Says He Hopes YPG/PKK Abandon Fighting Turkey last minute news |
2 |
Trump Celebrates Shepard Smith Leaving Fox News |
2 |
Rompendo com Trump republicanos dos EUA pressionam por resposta à Turquia por… |
2 |
Trump rozważa potężne sankcje na Turcję |
2 |
¿Se le viene la noche al presidente Trump |
2 |
Un deepfake de Donald Trump pour lutter contre le sida |
2 |
Why Netanyahu Has to Stay Silent About Trump’s Abandonment of the Kurds |
2 |
Militer AS membutuhkan proyek-proyek ini untuk melawan Rusia dan Cina Trump merampok mereka untuk tembok perbatasannya |
2 |
Some People Confuse Trump With… THE TOOTH FAIRY! Easy Mistake to Make… |
2 |
Juicio político contra Trump potencia su respaldo: recaudó 156 millones -Por Mamela Fiallo |
2 |
Happy 26th Birthday Tiffany Trump: See Her Best Looks Of All-Time — Mini Dresses amp More |
2 |
New York Times: Does Donald Trump know what his Syria policy is |
2 |
Trump Impeachment 2 – Will Democrats Succeed |
2 |
Ruşen Çakır: “Türkiye Trump’tan aldığı IŞİD yüküyle epey zorlanacak” |
2 |
Tổng thống Trump trở thành streamer thực thụ |
2 |
Trump and Giuliani had lunch at the President’s golf course on Saturday |
2 |
Marrëdhëniet SHBA-Rusi Putin: Nuk është faji i Trump për raportet dypalëshe |
2 |
Donald Trump se burla de Bruce Springsteen Beyoncé y Jay-Z |
2 |
Trump advierte que impondrá “poderosas sanciones” contra Turquía |
2 |
CNN: Trump and Giuliani have lunch at president’s golf course |
2 |
Trump traps Erdo ।an in a horrible trap |
2 |
Chris Murphy: Trump has abandoned Ukraine to Russia |
2 |
Trump Bans Use of Arabic Numerals |
2 |
Trump says he’s an ‘island of one’ on Syria |
2 |
ABD Başkanı Trump’tan harekat açıklaması! |
2 |
It’s Crystal Clear Trump Is Conducting Corruption In Plain Site |
2 |
Trump’s ‘unmatched wisdom’ leaves Syria’s Kurds — and us — in danger |
2 |
Breaking: Guess Which Member Of Congress Was At Anti-Trump Minneapolis Riots |
2 |
Trump Backs Rudy After Hedging on His Status as Personal Lawyer… |
2 |
Putin consideră că nu Trump este de vină pentru faptul că relaţiile între Rusia şi SUA nu se îmbunătăţesc |
2 |
Những gì đàng sau bê bối điện đàm dẫn đến điều tra luận tội Trump! |
2 |
4 Programs that Both Obama and Trump Want to Eliminate |
2 |
Trump afirma que acaba de alcanzar con China «el mayor acuerdo de la historia para los granjeros de EEUU» y cuenta sus detalles |
2 |
Trump defends pulling troops from northern Syria says he is an ‘island of one’ |
2 |
A Trump Official Just Posted on Instagram That… |
2 |
Trump sending mixed signals over Turkish offensive in Syria – analyst |
2 |
Ex-envoy says Trump ousted her on ‘false claims’ |
2 |
Vidéo: Trump interrompt une interview car quelqu’un a toussé |
2 |
Trump said he made the ‘biggest deal ever’ with China for farmers but a written resolution to the trade war is still a long way off |
2 |
Four Different Federal Courts Told Trump to Go Fck Himself Yesterday |
2 |
Trump has been clobbered by the courts |
2 |
President Trump Goes After Rep Omar at Thursday’s Rally in Minnesota ‘I am Angry’ |
2 |
Stop the Trump climate rollback |
2 |
Trump labels Tlaib a ‘despicable human being’ |
2 |
Trump: Radimo na uvođenju snažnih sankcija Turskoj |
2 |
WATCH: Senator Marco Rubio Just Said That Whatever Trump Says Doesn’t Matter Even If It Is Illegal |
2 |
Trump says Chinese demand after ‘greatest deal ever made’ may overwhelm US farmers |
2 |
President Trump Hosts a Joint Press Conf |
2 |
Trump mocks Fox News anchor Shepard Smith after he announces his resignation: ‘Is he leaving because of bad ratings’ |
2 |
Donald Trump justificó el uso de gases químicos |
2 |
Presidents Testifying—America’s Downward Spiral from Clinton to Bush to Trump |
2 |
Trump Wants States to Experiment With Medicaid — Up to a Point |
2 |
US appeals court skeptical of Trump’s Medicaid work rules |
2 |
Trump reassures Israel after leaving Kurds to their fate |
2 |
AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s shoddy info on Syria impeachment |
2 |
White House understood of whistleblower’s allegations soon after Trump’s telephone with Ukraine leader |
2 |
Trump desvía fondos de PR para la muralla de México |
2 |
Trump Is Struggling To Stay Calm On Russia One Morning Call At A Time |
2 |
Trump defends withdrawal decision says US borders should be priority |
2 |
Donald Trump has made US an ‘untrustworthy’ ally – Nato insider warns Putin handed ‘gift’ |
2 |
Trump’s racism and American exceptionalism |
2 |
Liệu Tổng thống Mỹ Trump có quản lý nổi sự trỗi dậy của Trung Quốc |
2 |
Trump defends Giuliani after reports say he’s under federal investigation |
2 |
Impeaching Trump needs to be the first battle in a war against American corruption |
2 |
2 |
Trump Calls Superman a Bad Role Model because He’s an Illegal Alien |
2 |
NYT: Luật sư riêng của Trump bị điều tra liên quan tới Ukraine |
2 |
‘A serious mistake’: Read Barack Obama’s statement on President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal |
2 |
The Visible Damage of Trump’s Covert War in Somalia |
2 |
Washington Post: Trump üzerinde Türkiye’nin Suriye harekatına karşı adım atma baskısı artıyor |
2 |
Pivô do processo de impeachment de Trump presidente ucraniano dá coletiva de 14 horas |
2 |
Mexican president talks trade migration with Trump adviser Kushner |
2 |
BREAKING – Donald Trump’s personal lawyer under investigation for possible lobbying violations |
2 |
5 Times a Political Figure Had it Worse Than Donald Trump |
2 |
Susan Estrich – Impeachment is not the issue to beat Trump with |
2 |
Trump National Security Adviser to Return NSC to Traditional Size Role |
2 |
Biden for First Time Calls for Trump to Be Impeached |
2 |
Phoney Trump-Russia dossier was funded by Clinton camp and DNC |
2 |
Lindsey Graham SHOCKS America By Saying THIS About Trump |
2 |
Nickelback Streams Spike Following Copyright Strike On Trump |
2 |
Mayor Tells Trump NEVER Step Foot In City AGAIN Then THIS Happens |
2 |
Advisory Board Members Axed by Trump’s EPA Are Preparing Their Own Pollution Report |
2 |
The Real Cover-Up: Putting Donald Trump’s Impeachment in Context |
2 |
Trump Is So Desperate He Is Again Talking About Hillary Clinton’s E-Mails She Was Never President Duh |
2 |
Donald Trump Jr Parscale to hold event this week in SA |
2 |
Trump Suriye’nin kuzeyindeki ABD askerlerinin geri çekilmes |
2 |
Iran’s gold demand set for spurt before Trump sanctions bite |
2 |
Donald Trump backs Rudy Giuliani but some aides wish he would cut ties |
2 |
Hollywood Star’s Question To “DUMB” Trump Supporters |
2 |
Exculpatory text relayed by Trump Sondland to say |
2 |
REVIEW: Richard III feels like Trump I |
2 |
Premtoi se s’do e vendoste në fushatë por prapë e bëri A mund të jetë kjo kënga fiksim e Trump |
2 |
Trump Shreds Minnesota’s Omar at Rally: ‘Disgrace to Our Country’ |
2 |
Imran Khan says Trump asked him to mediate between Iran US |
2 |
NYT: Trump’ın Orta Doğu’daki tutarsız politikası müttefiklerinin güvenini sarsıyor |
2 |
Trump Administration Asked UK Australia amp Italy To Help Barr’s Effort To Debunk Mueller Report Findings |
2 |
Rich Person’s Resistance in the Trump Administration |
2 |
Trump Attacks Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Mayor Responds: ‘Yawn We Pay Our Bills’ |
2 |
Trump’tan yeni açıklama |
2 |
Trump défend son avocat Rudy Giuliani acteur central du scandale ukrainien |
2 |
Help wanted: Trump looks for his fifth Homeland Security chief in three years |
2 |
A Placebo Not the Cure: Why Removing Trump and Netanyahu Won’t Relieve the Illness |
2 |
Turci chtějí postoupit 35 kilometrů do syrského vnitrozemí Trump nařídil evakuaci dalších vojáků |
2 |
Housing Market To Remain Stable During Trump Impeachment… |
2 |
Congresistas de EEUU piden a Trump proteger a Citgo de acreedores |
2 |
Dazi di Trump: le Conseguenze per l’Economia |
2 |
Trump makes fascistic appeal to police and military at Minneapolis rally |
2 |
Trump has ordered US troops to leave northern Syria move south: Defence chief |
2 |
Family of couple who died protecting their baby receives death threats after meeting with President Trump |
2 |
Trump amenaza ahora con imponer fuertes sanciones a Turquía |
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Trump’tan Barış Pınarı Açıklaması |
2 |
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump ve Merkel’e tepki |
2 |
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Gobierno de Trump paga a las ONG que ayudaron a migrantes |
2 |
SampP 500 Menurun Seiring Trump Mengumumkan Kesepakatan Perdagangan |
2 |
Trump almost attacks Iran – postpones WW3 |
2 |
Trump was expecting superheroism from Kurds |
2 |
Princeton professor and MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude Jr called President Trump the “manifestation of the ugliness that’s in us” in a monologue delivered Monday on MSNBC |
2 |
Gu thời trang thanh lịch và sành điệu của Ivanka Trump |
2 |
Mailbag: Face facts: Trump lawfully won the election |
2 |
The CIA Versus Donald J Trump |
2 |
Gobierno de Trump paga a ONG que ayudaron a migrantes |
2 |
Trump Claims God Told Him to Deport his Wife Melania |
2 |
Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırım mesajı: Beklemede kalın |
2 |
Bị ông Trump liên tục công kích con trai ứng viên Tổng thống Joe Biden sắp từ chức giám đốc công ty Trung Quốc |
2 |
Trump Under Fire for Calling US Troops ‘Killing Machines’ in Defense of Green Beret |
2 |
VOA Explains: The Trump Impeachment Inquiry |
2 |
Defense Secretary: Trump Has Ordered US Troops To Leave Northern Syria |
2 |
Hunter Biden sounds off on Trump attacks |
2 |
CIA vs Donald Trump: How the Ukraine Scandal is Russiagate 20 |
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Magazine Claims Donald Trump Asked His Daughter Ivanka To Release A Sex Tape |
2 |
Khan nis misionin e besuar nga Trump: vizitë në Saudi e Iran |
2 |
Mina mot Trump |
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Trump Kids Are Just Like Daddy: They Kill Everything They Touch |
2 |
Appeals Court Rules House Should Get Trump Financial Records |
2 |
Trump and Erdoğan’s recklessness in Syria may lead to ISIS resurgence – Guardian |
2 |
Turkey offensive in Syria: Sheepish America Iran and Russia but Trump consistency |
2 |
A Spell To Bind Donald Trump |
2 |
Donald Trump is rubbing off on Jim Risch |
2 |
Trump is about to destroy MSNBC after they accused him of committing an act of treason |
2 |
Trump Orders 1000 Troops To Evacuate Syria… |
2 |
Gobierno de Trump paga a las ONG que ayudaron a… |
2 |
Prince’s estate scolds Donald Trump for playing Purple Rain at rally |
2 |
Tuğçe Kazaz’dan Donald Trump’a Tepki: Küstah herif! |
2 |
18 Very Attractive Ivanka Trump Hairstyles |
2 |
Trump threatens to sue Schiff and Pelosi |
2 |
Trump Cancels Sanctions Against Iran and Venezuela |
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Trump’s Court Artist |
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Trump ordena início da retirada de tropas americanas do Norte da Síria |
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Facebook Photo Surfaces From 2014 Showing Trump Happily Posing With Indicted Businessman He Said He Didn’t Know |
2 |
Trump: US welcomes Chinese students to come and study in the country |
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Will Republicans Challenge Trump on Impeachment |
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Trump finally found a line even his white evangelical superfans won’t cross |
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Donald Trump Is Nothing But A Big Fag |
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Donald Trump shot dead by Muslim woman on stage at rally |
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‘Don’t Do That Again’: GOP Senator Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Trump |
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The market amp impeachment: May Trump process be worse on stocks than Nixon Clinton probes |
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Trump Calls Tlaib “Despicable” After She Suggests Detaining Those Who Defy Subpoenas |
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Trump Dares Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote |
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Donald Trump seul contre tous |
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Chaleureux accueil pour Ivanka Trump en Côte d’Ivoire Photos |
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Donald Trump alla prova dei detti l’esilarante doppiaggio di Fabio fan in delirio per l’arrivo dell”attore turco Can Yaman |
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In Show of Support Trump Meets With Giuliani Over Lunch |
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Trump’s Betrayal Of The Kurds Will Echo For Generations |
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Trump Could Be Impeached Based On The Testimony Of A Parade Of “Whistleblowers” That Don’t Even Testify In Person |
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Nancy Pelosi on the Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump |
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GUNTER: Trump’s narcissism on full display in his latest Syria |
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Ukraine President’s Meeting With Mila Kunis Offers No Escape From The Trump Scandal |
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Trump: 30 kilometrelik şerit Kürtler buradan ayrılma niyetinde |
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Analysis: In impeachment fight it’s Trump vs Constitution |
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Trump highlights Wyoming man’s battle with EPA |
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Shocking Truth About Trump’s “Trade Deal” With China |
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Re-Elect Trump Pence 2020 T Shirt |
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A Trump Official Just Posted on Instagram That Jeffrey Epstein Was “Hillary’d” |
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Trump Wills White House and Presidency to Daughter Ivanka |
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Breaking News Trump 10AM 9/3/19 |
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President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Sunday Edition |
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Socialistas estadounidenses estarían trabajando con trotskistas brasileños para atacar a Trump y Bolsonaro |
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Day 5: Turkish forces enter Tel Abyad Trump orders US troops to move south |
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Esper: Trump ordenó salida tropas EEUU del norte de Siria |
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WATCH Trump: ‘You Know It I Know It Everybody Knows It’ I Am A Crook |
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Trump’s ‘Stooges’ Are Tripping All Over Each Other As Impeachment Looms Large |
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Putin Says Trump Not to Blame for Lack of Improvement in Russia-US Ties |
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Putin: Trump’s Peace Deal Is ‘Pretty Vague’ Keeps Palestinians in the Dark |
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Donald Trump Buys Greenland So That He Can Finally Be King Of Something! |
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Trump’tan harekat açıklaması: Savaşta yer almamak çok akıllıca |
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Trump’s Sanctions Mania Is Going to End Badly for America |
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Rihanna calls Trump ‘most mentally ill human being in America’ |
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Trump ordena la retirada total de sus tropas del norte de Siria |
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Eduardo Bolsonaro usa o pai e Trump em camiseta com piada sobre LGBT |
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Donald Trump Lets Ivanka Get On Calls With Foreign Leaders |
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Trump’tan YPG/PKK’ya çağrı |
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Chuck Todd refuses to air ‘vicious’ Trump attacks on Hunter Biden |
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Trump’s Obsession with Venezuela and Iran in One Chart |
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Trump puts whistleblower in Danger |
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Trump DESTROYS Fox News For Double-Crossing Him |
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Kurds didn’t help US in WWII: Trump |
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poster: Trump’s maximum pressure policy against Iran fails |
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Gordon Sondland expected to testify that Trump denied withholding Ukraine aid |
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Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese Board Amid Trump Attacks |
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Trump Replaces Press Briefings With Unintelligible Scream Sessions Over Helicopter Noise |
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The Arc Rejects President Trump’s Comments on Bringing Back Institutions |
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Donald Trump akan Dimakzulkan karena Dinilai Langgar Sumpah Jabatan |
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US history repeating itself with Trump’s decision to abandon Kurds – Guardian |
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Serious Media Very Concerned Elizabeth Warren Is So Awesome She’ll Help Re-Elect Trump |
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Brett Kavanaugh ascended to the US Supreme Court and Maryanne Trump Barry descended from a |
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Putin: Soal Hubungan Bilateral Rusia-AS Trump Tidak Bisa Disalahkan |
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Elizabeth Warren could be ‘even tougher than Trump’ on China says analyst |
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Trump’tan YPG/PKK’ya çekilme çağrısı |
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Trump Next To Be Named In Robert Kraft Florida Prostitution Sting |
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Man Wearing A Kaepernick Jersey Removed From Trump’s Minneapolis Rally |
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Biggs Gosar Lesko want Trump to subsidize American uranium companies |
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MURDOCK: ‘I Dream of Gini’—So What if Income Gap Grew Under Trump Obama |
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CAOS SIRIA/ Trump e l’effetto-Vietnam che cambia di nuovo tutto |
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pbs newshour: Trump pullback from bipartisan health care fix gives Washington whiplash |
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Trump Administration imposes 25 tariffs on all goods imported from China |
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Deep in Trump country Alabamians remain defiant in support of president |
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Welcome to Trump’s Impeachment Foreign Policy |
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Prezydent Trump nakazał wycofanie sił USA stacjonujących w Syrii na południe |
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This Should Make Trump’s Week |
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Ông Trump khoe Boeing kiếm đến 20 tỷ USD nhờ thỏa thuận Mỹ – Trung |
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Why this latest Trump tactic is different |
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Đốt mũ đỏ MAGA ném nước tiểu: Biểu tình lớn giữa cuộc vận động của TT Trump |
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President Trump Tweets |
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As Harry Reid Defines It: Trump “A Very Very Smart Man” |
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The New York Times’ latest scheme could end with every Trump ally behind bars |
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Trump authorizes sanctions to stop further Turkish military action in… |
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White House Confirms Trump Asked NATO Me |
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Trump’s “micro-deal” with China |
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PM Modi’s Instagram Followers Reach 30 Million Ahead Of Trump Obama |
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Donald Trump’s allies called AAP Rocky and his team ‘ungrateful mother fs’ because the rapper never said thank you for the president demanding him to be freed from his Swedish jail F |
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For both Trump and Xi trade deal comes amid growing pressures at home |
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Video of Trump Ad Running in Iowa New Hampshire and South Carolina that Slams Biden on Ukraine |
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Will Hong Kong Bring China to the Breaking Trash Trump on Syria—but Not Ukraine |
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Putin consideră că nu Trump este de vină pentru faptul că relaţiile între Rusia şi SUA nu se Orban: Vă cer să câştigăm prezidenţialele în fiecare localitate din vestul României |
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Trump: “Sonu Olmayan Savaşlar Sona Ermeli” |
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Hunter Biden details his work that Donald Trump has criticised |
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Majority of House members now back some type of impeachment action against Trump |
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Trump administration ramps up deportations to Cuba |
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1 Is President Trump a smart negotiator |
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The economy: Trump’s greatest asset Democrats’ greatest liability |
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Trump Twitter’den yeni açıklamalarda bulundu |
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Just In: President Trump Trump Endorsement Worked In Louisiana! |
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News Related Videos On: Trump voters react to impeachment inquiry This is what they said off-camera |
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Trump’s Bermuda Tax Haven |
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FLAŞ HABER – Trump açık açık tehdit etti |
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How ‘White Guilt’ in the Age of Trump Shapes the Democratic Primary |
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Do you think you could climb Trump’s wall |
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Ben Norton speaks about his reporting in Venezuela where he investigated how bipartisan US sanctions and Trump’s embargo are making lives hell for civilians |
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Trump recognizes US-backed head of Venez |
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Trump defiende la retirada de EEUU en el norte de Siria frente a las provocaciones para seguir en combate |
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Tổng thống Trump duyệt chi khẩn cấp 50 triệu đô la cho Syria |
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Why Trump is right to pull out of ‘stupid endless wars’ |
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US diplomats told Zelenskiy that Trump visit was dependent on Biden statement |
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GOP Demands Equal Time After Adam Schiff Shuts Them Out Of Key Testimony By Top Trump Official |
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Trump set to host rally in Democratic stronghold |
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Watch Anti Trump protesters spits on man putting on MAGA Cap |
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Erdogan rechaza la mediación ofrecida por Trump y asegura que ampliará su ofensiva en Siria |
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USA bekräftigen Drohung gegen Türkei – Trump rät Kurden zu Rückzug |
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Trump pide a Turquía que detenga ataque militar en Siria o “vendrán sanciones” |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırım açıklaması: Beklemede kalın! |
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Texas Teacher Fired Asking Trump About Illegal Students: Georgia Clark Biography Wiki Age Family Net Worth Twitter |
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Trump – Ukraine Innuendo – Sacrifice Kurd Allies – Profanity and lie-laced speech |
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Rand finds lots person to love in Trump’s presser with Putin |
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De Buhari à Trump en Passant par Poutine : à Chacun son Terroriste |
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Trump accidentally tweeted an insult at a pastor Here’s how the pastor responded |
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Re-Elect Trump 2020 T Shirt |
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BPO poised for growth despite Trump Megaworld says |
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Dog statue of Donald Trump in China mall is tickling the world funny |
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Địa Syria: Ông Trump chi tiền triệu tuyên bố lý do phải rút quân |
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Trump presiona salida de Ucrania de su embajadora |
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Ecología Trump abre el refugio de vida salvaje de Alaska a la explotación petrolera |
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Depois de Pompeo é a vez do presidente Trump dar uma cipuada na imprensa |
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Trump Gives Erdogan Green Light for Turkish Invasion of Syria |
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Sombras sobre las fintech con Donald Trump |
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On US Trade Deficit Debt And Illegal Immigration Trump Precipitously Failing |
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From Vox: The sudden Democratic shift in favor of impeaching Trump explained |
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The Trump Ad on Biden that Started it All and Biden’s Response |
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It’s not just Trump who unleashed the fascist massacre in El Paso – It’s capitalism and imperialism as a system |
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Opinion: Trump’s cry that America is fighting ‘endless wars’ is a canard |
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President Trump Invited Little League Champs On Stage Then Flew Them Home In Air Force One! |
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Trump ataca Beyoncé Jay-Z e o pequeno Bruce Springsteen: Nunca precisei deles |
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Chelsea Handler is teaming up with Black Lives Matter to attack Trump in this |
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Trump White House Deny Wrongdoing after Cohen Plea Deal |
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TRUMP IN TROUBLE: Worse Than Watergate |
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Key Ukraine Witness Says Trump Told Him to Deny Quid Pro Quo |
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Trump Declares National Emergency over IT Threats |
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Trump’tan Sarraf Teklifi! |
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Trump expects Iran sanctions to work |
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20 Things You Didn’t Know About Donald Trump |
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Destitution de Trump/La Maison-Blanche cherche à bloquer l’enquête du Congrès |
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News Related Videos On: SE Cupp: Republicans have let Trump get away with too much |
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March for Trump Local Events… |
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Donald Trump’ın aşçısı Andre Rush kaslarıyla gündemde |
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Is Trump The Dude To Break The Woke |
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Little League World Series champs were invited by President Donald Trump to fly home to Louisiana on Air Force One |
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Leave chaos in their wake: Trump’s manoeuvres |
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Trump is not distracted He is on a miss |
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Trump: Bırakalım Türkiye sınırlarını savunsun |
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Emre Kongar: Trump’la Erdoğan’ın 13 Kasım’daki randevusu Türkiye’ye tanınan süre olduğu da düşünülebilir |
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Trump’ın DEAŞ’lıları geri gönderme teklifi |
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Trump to withdraw 1000 troops from Northern Syria as |
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Trump mocks Schiff with Pinocchio-themed video |
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Will impeaching Trump backfire Spoiler: No |
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Colorado governor CDPHE chief skewer Trump EPA on methane regulations climate change |
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Trump’tan harekat açıklaması: Türkiye sınırındaki |
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‘He Should Never Talk to Rudy Again’: Impeachment Attorney on Trump’s Relationship With Giuliani |
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Magazine Claims Donald Trump Asked His Daughter Ivanka |
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Trump Rushes to Defense of ‘Legendary’ Giuliani… |
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Trump Impeachment: Esper Claims Pentagon Will Collaborate With Investigation |
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GOP Congressman Shreds Trump’s ‘Weak’ Syria Decision: ‘The Kurds Found Out on Twitter for Goodness Sakes!’ |
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Viven un drama más de 13000 niños migrantes por políticas de Trump |
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Trump offers mediation on Kashmir President says relations with Pakistan much better today than in years past willing to invest in Pakistan Washington |
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Viral Donald Trump Video Launches Him Into Lead Over Hillary Clinton |
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Vermont GOP Governor Phil Scott Puts Country First And Backs Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi ‘Hates Our Country’ Says Trump at Rally in Louisiana |
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Ông Trump: Mỹ vừa đạt được “thỏa thuận lớn nhất” với Trung Quốc |
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Trump delivers speech at Values Voter Summit |
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Barselona Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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Trump confirms the death of al-Qaeda heir Hamza bin Laden |
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Trump’s unfit to lead the nation: His not-so-presidential behavior during inquiry |
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Trump’s looking for corruption: start here |
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REAL Whistleblower Gets The Goods On Dirty Anti-Trump Network CNN |
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Biden Campaign Rips Facebook for Allowing ‘Debunked’ Trump Ad |
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Trump enfrenta las repercusiones de su impulsiva política exterior |
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Ben Fulford Full Report: The Kim/Trump s |
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The Health 202: Trump will issue an executive order to help attack Medicare-for-all |
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PM Modi has Time to ‘Campaign’ for Trump but Not for Flood-hit Karnataka Says setup: After Friday’s zigzag show what’s in store on Monday |
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7 Good Things For Everyone Yes Everyone About a Trump Presidency |
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Profitable and reasonable mistakes of Mr Trump |
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Syria: D Trump nakazał wycofanie wojsk USA na południe 2 godz |
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Indian cry over Trump’s mediation offer |
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Sau chiến dịch bán mũ Trump lấn sân vào làng stream… |
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Trump Pence Plan 11th-Hour Rescue of Kentucky Governor Bevin |
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Ted Cruz: ‘Of course’ Trump was wrong to ask China to probe Bidens |
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Trump Allows Huawei To Do Business with US Companies Again |
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This still doesn’t answer the question — wafted at the recent Trump rallies — Where’s Hunter |
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Presiden Trump Pindah Penahanan Pentolan ISIS |
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Schiff: Hard to imagine circumstance ‘that would have alarmed founding fathers more’ than Trump Ukraine call |
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Ligan al abogado de Trump con el caso de Ucrania |
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Trump se defiende del impeachment sacando tropas de Medio Oriente |
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Donald Trump entdeckt Twitch für seinen Wahlkampf |
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Trump allies in disarray as Democrats push impeachment |
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Embattled Trump’s manoeuvres leave chaos in their wake |
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Los abruptos cambios de Trump en el Medio Oriente |
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Nolte: Snopes Announces It Will Now Fight Trump Using ‘Feelings’ and ‘Emotionamp821 |
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Trump no es un genio y es inestable |
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Côte d’Ivoire: 2020 la pression américaine se poursuit avec Ivanka Trump |
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Trump releases USD 50 million in stabilisation assistance for Syria |
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US: Trump Rallies Huge Campaign Crowd In Minnesota last minute news |
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Nothing to say beyond President’s statement says US State Department over Kashmir mediation comment by Trump |
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There’s more to Trump’s decision |
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Poll States Trump Supporters More Likely to Describe Blacks Negatively |
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Our elected representatives have a choice: they can protect trump or they can protect the american people |
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Are Billionaires Trump amp Murdoch Bilking America’s Unborn Babies |
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Trump Warning Of Coming Civil War Prompts Russia-China Vow To Continue Protecting World Order |
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Madaxweyne Trump oo cambaarayn kala kulmay Cunsuriyaynta Somalida Minneapolis |
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Chiến thuật tranh cử mới của ông Trump – livestream trên Twitch |
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Are Ivanka Trump amp Wendi Deng Murdoch Shills for Billionaires / Oligarchs |
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PRIME COLLUSION PARTICIPANTS Ivanka Trump Wendi Deng Murdoch Rupert Murdoch amp Sean Hannity |
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Anatomy of Trump Phone Calls: POTUS Lets Ivanka Talk to Foreign Heads of State New Report Claims |
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Will Trump Relinquish Power |
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George Will: Will Trump practice self-impeachment |
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ABD Başkanı Trump ‘iç savaş olur’ mesajını paylaştı |
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October 13th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 997 |
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White House restricted access to Trump’s calls with Putin and Saudi crown princ |
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Does Trump Deserve Credit For the Economy The Numbers Say No |
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Trump Urges Ukraine And China To Probe Bidens |
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NYT: Rudy Giuliani Under Criminal Investigation Over Ukraine Work He Denies Judge Rules Trump’s Emergency Funding For Border Wall Unlawful |
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Trump Erdoğan i curdi e la Siria: le realtà dietro la retorica |
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Trump i bën thirrje ‘Kurdve’ të tërhiqet: Lërini që kufijtë turqve të jenë të tyre” |
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De razernij van de linkse elites over Brexit en Trump |
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ABD Başkanı Donal Trump Bizi Yanlışlıkla Savaşa Sürüklemek İsteyenler |
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Trump sürekli doları vuruyor! Yüksek seviyeleri test etti |
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‘Enemy of the people’: Trump’s war on the media is a page from Nixon’s playbook |
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Trump Fucking Over The Kurds… You’re Next |
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Trump perde disputa para impedir divulgação do próprio imposto de renda |
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Trump dice que está solo en tema de Siria |
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Top 31 Best Most Tremendous Donald Trump Jokes |
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La suerte de Trump |
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Rosie O’Donnell will never show her face again after her anti-Trump plan backfired in |
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Trump agoma kuhojiwa na Bunge |
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China is listening but turned Trump down anyway |
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Sending Illegal Immigrants To Sanctuary Cities ‘The Only Way’ To Solve Country’s Crisis Says Trump |
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Trump: Kendi Meksika sınırımızı koruyamazken Türkiye-Suriye sınırını koruyamayız |
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VLOG MEXIQUE 3 : Le mur de Trump Tijuana |
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Is Trump Pushing Back Too Hard Against Subpoenas |
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World Burns: Trump |
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Donald Trump critica demasiado a los medios de comunicación ¿Qué tanta razón El FMI el combustible para crisis como la de Política exterior sin sentido |
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Trump and Big Data Analytics |
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17 States Sue Trump Administration Over Changes to Endangered Species Act |
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Trump Erdogan Koerden Iran: analyse van David P Goldman |
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MSNBC host revealed Mitt Romney could play this key role in the coup against Trump |
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7 Nancy Pelosi On Donald Trump’s Ukraine Call: I Can’t Tell… |
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Ivanka Trump Joins Panel Discussion Announcement of Toyota-Manufacturing Institute Program |
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US House impeachment probe intensifies as Trump rages about inquiry |
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TT Trump trút giận khắp nơi sau hơn một tuần bị điều tra luận tội |
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Trump’tan Olay Talimat |
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Sondland to testify that Trump directed ‘no quid pro quo’ says it’s ‘here to stay’ following shutdown reports |
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– Donald Trump burde tage et smut forbi Thy |
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Nato per favore smentisci Trump E dimostra di essere viva almeno nelle dichiarazioni |
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Donald J Trump Ocasio-Cortez AOC |
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Trump destaca como “favorable” acuerdo con China |
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Donald Trump traiciona a los kurdos y desata la ira del mundo |
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Merkel droht Trump auch – und die Türkei schiesst einfach weiter |
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Triggered Hillary Clinton dares Trump with a 2020 Rematch |
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Nevada representatives respond to new allegations against President Trump call for impeachment inquiry |
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Will Trump and Putin Begin Remaking the |
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Hunter Biden resigns from Chinese firm following Trump attacks |
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Trump calls Tlaib ‘despicable’ for suggesting jailing those defying subpoenas |
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Hillary Clinton To Trump On 2020 Presidential Run: ‘Don’t Tempt Me!’ |
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Commentary: Want to know what Donald Trump is really up to Read his campaign emails |
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Is Trump taking bribes – Alltop Viral |
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Trump chooses veteran diplomat Sullivan to be envoy to Russia |
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s shoddy info on Syria |
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President Trump champion of the “Forgotten Man” |
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Trump parliament to introduce large numbers of new Nepalese |
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Trump to meet Imran Modi Pakistan India tension |
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Trump appeals to army to protect border |
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Cartoon Donald Trump Joins Late Show With Stephen Colbert |
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Donald Trump Signs A Bill That Ensures 9/11 Effected Victims Fund Will Never Run Out Of Money |
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Gobierno de Trump paga a ONGs que ayudaron a migrantes |
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Defense secretary says Trump ordered near total withdrawal of troops from northern Syria |
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Trump Administration Announces Plan for Vape Market |
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Trump Golf Count: 222 |
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Trump Says Giuliani is Still His Lawyer Despite Federal Criminal Investigation: ‘I Stand Behind Rudy’ |
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ABD Savunma Bakanlığı: Trump’ın talimatıyla bin askerimizi Suriye’den çekiyoruz |
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Trung Quốc đang thắng trong cuộc thương chiến với ông Trump |
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Intel meeting with Trump turned into a really |
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Breaking Trump Tweets |
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Trump’ın bazı liderlerle telefon görüşmelerinin deşifrelerine erişim sınırlandırıldı |
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Napa CA Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Trump ordena la retirada del Ejército en Siria y agrava el caos |
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Trump Putin Israel amp Chabad: A Tr |
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Trump Orders Full Retreat Of 1000 US Troops In Northern Syria As Turkey Plans Wider Invasion Esper Tells CBS |
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Trump’dan Rahatlatan Açıklama |
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Trump défend Rudy Giuliani acteur central du scandale ukrainien |
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The Syrian Kurds Served Their Purpose Trump Hands Them To Turkish Autocrat Amid Genocide Fears |
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Trump needs to be impeached because he’s terrible |
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Trump: Bu savaşa katılmamak akıllıca başkaları araya girmek isterse bırakın yapsınlar |
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Trump Administration Blasts Judge Blocking ‘Public Charge’ Rule |
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Trump Aligns with Dictators Around the World While Undermining Democracies |
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Five Ways Trump’s Unnerving Decision on Syria Seriously Harms Israel |
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Trump Administration Considering Okaying Sales to Huawei: Report |
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Ever watch a sold-out packed-to-the-rafters Trump Rally Unprecedented numbers…These are the Deplorables and I’m proud to include myself in that number |
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Albany OR Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Trump shows he’s a liar loser and a coward |
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Medical Students on DACA Fearful Over Trump Presidency |
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Mattis: Isis mund të “ringjallet” pas vendimit të Trump për të tërhequr trupat nga Siria |
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Decatur IL Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Santa Maria CA Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Intanto i leader internazionali fanno pressione su Erdogan Merkel: «Stop all’attacco» Trump invece minaccia sanzioni e ritira 1’000 soldati dall’area |
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Samantha Bee Talks ‘Repercussions’ of Ivanka Trump Backlash as ‘Full Frontal’ |
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ABD’de yayımlanan New York Times gazetesi NYT Trump’ın Orta Doğu’daki tutarsız politika deği |
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Asesores de Trump buscan “deshacerse” de Giuliani |
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Melania Trump’s ‘Ex’ Jure Zorcic Recalls Meeting Her In Slovenia – 09 Jun 2018 07:24 |
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Trump accuses Adam Schiff of fraud and treason calls for his arrest |
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Donald Trump: YPG’nin Türkiye sınırından çekilmesini umuyorum |
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Der Trump-Gegner und seine Schicksalsschläge Die Tragödien des Joe Biden |
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Trump restringirá vistos para estrangeiros sem seguro de saúde |
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Trump advierte que impondrá «poderosas sanciones» contra Trurquía |
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Trump “Travel Ban” Partially in Place After Supreme Court Rules |
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Robert De Niro critique à nouveau Donald Trump |
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Con Trump y el imperialismo no hay salida para los trabajadores y el pueblo de México y Estados Unidos contra la ofensiva anti inmigrante de Trump y el gobierno UU: la disputa comercial y lo que verdaderamente está en juego |
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Trump’tan İran’a: Savaş çıkarsa yok olursunuz |
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The Bashing of Trump |
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Trump vive en un mundo imaginario según economista estadounidense ante la OMC |
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President Trump Congratulates Diocese of Diocese of Eastern America |
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US-China trade talks ‘going very well’ says Donald Trump |
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Christine Flowers: Independent Day: Trump policy betrayed the Kurds |
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Donald Trump reitera apoio à entrada do Brasil na OCDE |
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O Trump αναζητά κοινό έδαφος μεταξύ της Τουρκίας και των Κούρδων ανέφερε το State Department |
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VIDÉO – Devant le mur de Trump : le visage de la fin de l’Empire |
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Lindsey Graham Catches Heat From Democrat Challenger and Others For Supporting Trump |
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Watch !Trump brags he’s renting out US military to Saudi |
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Trump meddled in Ukraine and he’s not alone |
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Donald Trump Jr |
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Advogado diz que decreto de Trump acabou com política “Cai-Cai” |
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Hunter Biden to step down from China board amid Trump… |
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US President Donald Trump says he expect |
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In Bombshell Interview Trump Slams Ther |
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Is President Trump making things worse for ASAP Rocky |
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Trump afirma que acaba de alcanzar con China «el mayor acuerdo de la historia para los granjeros de EEUU» |
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Trump Republicans: Debt Bomb Deficits Levied on America’s Children to Enrich the Richest |
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President Trump Hits Venezuela with New |
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Trump has Great Expectations of A New Safety Adviser |
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Trump backs Giuliani aides want him out |
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Malcolm Nance Wouldn’t Be Surprised If Trump Called Putin For Advice On Turkey |
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Trump Fires Back at Mitt Romney Calls Him a Pompous “Ass” |
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Trump Bolton’ı görevden aldığını açıkladı |
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After Trump |
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Latest Trump Tweets |
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38 Hilarious Things That Look Just Like Donald Trump’s Magical Hair |
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Trump advierte que impondrá ‘poderosas sanciones’ contra Turquía |
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Chris Wallace Grills Trump’s Defense Secretary: Syria Withdrawal Is ‘The… |
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Benjamin Fulford – Trump’s univers |
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Fake Pro-Trump News Exposed In Minnesota |
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Covering Trump |
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Embattled Trump’s manoeuvres leave chaos in their wake |
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Alice Proctor: Great job on recent Trump Doctrine letter |
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Dow Futures Plunge 350 Points After Trump’s 550 Billion Tariff Threat |
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Check out video on Trump’s Impeachment from a Christian perspective and UFOs and New Evidence HERE |
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President Trump shreds Ilhan Omar the “America-Hating Socialist” |
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Graham’dan Trump’a tebrik: Türkiye’nin saldırganlığının Kürtleri yok etmesine izin vermememiz çok önemli |
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Trump’tan yeni Barış Pınarı Harekatı açıklaması |
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EXCLUSIVE: ‘The enemy gets the vote’ Mattis says of Trump’s announced troop pullout |
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Rompe México récord de exportaciones a EU gracias a la disputa comercial de Trump con China |
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Governors urge Trump extend RVP waiver to E30 |
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Trump 2020 Campaign Store |
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Twitch Channel with Massive Crowd all for Donald Trump |
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Vì sao sinh vật mù được đặt theo tên tổng thống Donald Trump |
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RIPPLE XRP- Trump Gives Details On Phase 1 Of China Deal |
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Watch Trump Imitate “Nervous Nancy” During Speech Appears To Make Fun Of Her Mouth |
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Bitter Hillary Clinton Hits Trump’s Foreign Policy in Wake of Some Pushing Her to Run in 2020 |
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Mitt Romney Defends Biden and Son Slams Trump in Disgruntled Tweet |
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REPORT: Trump Fired Ukraine Ambassador After Learning She Meddled With Biden Investigation |
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Trump freeing 40000 hard-core ISIS fighters |
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Trump Hair Socks |
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Roanoke VA Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Putin Says Trump Not to Blame for Lack of Improvement… |
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Trump comentează accidentul de la Severodvinsk |
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Sarah Westall Week in Review: Trump̵ |
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President Trump Announces Date and Locat |
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US President Trump Joins Amazon’s Twitch Platform |
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Trump Suriye kararını savundu |
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Trey Gowdy Leaves Fox News To Defend Trump Against Impeachment |
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New Trump tariffs on German products could make Leica gear more expensive |
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UpdatedDefense secretary says Trump ordered near-total troop withdrawal |
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Trump axes smart grid panel created by Obama |
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Mattis Speaks Out on Trump Abandoning Kurds: ‘ISIS Will Resurge’ if US Does Not Keep Pressure on in Syria |
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When Adam Schiff can essentially re-write the transcript of Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine and then call it a parody we have crossed a line into the theater of the absurd and we are looking at nothing less than a Kangaroo court that has no place in America Trump is right Schiff should be fired immediately |
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Trump’tan YPG’ye ‘çekilme’ çağrısı |
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Ricardo Angoso: ¿Y si Trump ganase las elecciones norteamericanas |
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Trump hits at globalism embraces nationalism at UN |
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Governo sabia que Trump não apoiaria entrada na OCDE agora |
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Putin and Trump set to meet in Paris on |
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Çavuşoğlu’ndan Trump’a yanıt geç sayılmaz |
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Trump’tan açıklama! |
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Naked Trump statue goes for 28000 at auction |
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Republikanci traže da Trump uvede sankcije za Tursku |
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Ex-executiva: Trump preferirá abandonar o cargo que sofrer impeachment |
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Trump: Bu savaşa katılmamak akıllıca başkaları araya |
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‘SNL’ Lambasts Donald Trump’s Polling Numbers Rally Behavior During ‘Weekend Update’ |
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Is Trump’s Clown Car Going off the Rails |
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17 Former Watergate Special Prosecutors Pen Op-Ed On Why Trump Should Be Impeached |
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Kamala Harris is fighting with Donald Trump Jr on Twitter |
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Donald Trump Happily Throws Shepard Smith Under The Bus After He Announced That He Is Leaving Fox News |
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Trump Will Speak in Dayton and El Paso Today Following Mass air passenger ‘bill or rights’ comes into effect Monday Here’s what it means for you |
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Mnuchin Reveals Trump’s Iran Deal |
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Trade war looms as Trump imposes steel tariffs |
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Trump bộc phát cơn giận trước căng thẳng điếu tra luận tội! |
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Trump dice que continuará apoyando a las milicias kurdas |
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Trump’tan Barış Pınarı Harekatı hakkında yeni açıklama |
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Eminem Under Fire After Leading A “F–K Donald Trump” Chant During Concert |
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Roy Blunt says not to take Trump’s requests for Biden probes seriously |
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Barr And Giuliani Are Next On The Trump Chopping Block |
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LISTEN: Trump Supporters Are Singing ‘It’s Over’ For Trump |
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Rihanna: Trump akıl hastası! |
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Rand Paul Delivers Letter From Trump To |
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Is Trump Waking People Up |
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Trump Imposes Steel Aluminum Tariffs On |
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Trump vs Erdogan |
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Trump Blasts Democrats on ‘Socialist’ Medicare for All |
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Trump defends Syria withdrawal amid reports of atrocities and ISIS supporters escaping |
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Repblican-Led Senate Intel Committee Affirms: Russians Attacked Election For Trump |
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Jair Bolsonaro: the Brazilian Trump-Duterte mashup |
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Trump no llevará a EEUU a otra guerra |
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Researchers Use Vile Comments from Trump Subreddit to Train AI to Battle Hate Speech |
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Trump’ın Sığınmacılar Konusundaki İsteğini Onaylandı |
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La contundente respuesta de Dinamarca al interés de Trump en comprar Groenlandia |
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Madison WI Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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‘Bu gol dünya manyağı Trump’a girsin’ Sosyal medyayı sallayan sevinç mesajı İsmail Er’den geldi |
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Trump Evangelicals and a Fateful Decision |
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The malevolent aura of Donald J Trump |
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Whistleblower Bocorkan Percakapan Donald Trump dan Presiden Ukraina |
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Hunter Biden steps down from board of Chinese equity firm after Trump accused him of corruption over claims he made 15BN in Beijing during his father’s time in office |
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Trump y su amenaza de imponer tarifas |
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Oney Plays Animated: Trump Linkara amp Nostalgia Critic |
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Trump 2020 Make Liberals Cry Again T-Shirt |
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Trump nie przyjechał do Warszawy 14 niewypowiedzianych punktów wiceprezydenta Pence’a |
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Trump’tan harekat açıklaması: Türkiye sınırındaki yoğun mücadeleye katılmamamız çok akıllıca |
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Caqabaddo Horyaalla In La Meel-mariyo Xil Ka Xayuubinta Donald Trump |
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Trump deals Chinese high-tech firms a heavy blow—for now |
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EMERGING Authorities Nab 14-Year-Old Plotting to KILL Trump |
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Ambassador Yakonovich testifies to Congress — ousted because she didn’t want to join ‘Trump Family’ |
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30000 Britons March for Donald Trump amp |
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Trump draws back on criticism of Russia |
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Los Veintiocho analizan este lunes el daño de los aranceles de Trump al sector agrícola europeo |
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Trump anuncia sanções severas contra a Turquia |
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Creador de House of Cards pidió a Twitter cerrar la cuenta de Donald Trump |
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Rush stated recently that America is already in a cold Civil we are witnessing in Washington is the Russian Hoax investigation 20 In other words the Dems didn’t like the Muller’s investigation conclusions or that fact that there really was NO collusion on the part of the Trump campaign Oh but wait! Where was the REAL collusion It was on the Dems and the HRC for president campaign |
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Corvallis OR Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Turecko v Sýrii: Trump nemá zahraniční politiku jen hračky pro znovuzvolení |
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Trump supporters protest outside McBath’s Sandy Springs office |
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Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds is the latest indignity for a suffering country |
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Security worsening at Turkey-Syria border Trump continues to defend his decision |
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Violence Breaks Out as Anti-Trump Protesters Burn American Flag |
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Trump anuncia la dimisión del responsable de inmigración en EEUU |
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Clinton Slammed Trump for ‘Stamina’ Comment |
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Trump: ‘Maliye Bakanlığı Yaptırım Konusunda İlerlemeye Hazır’ |
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”The election of Trump was a turning point” |
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Trump-Ukraine: Texts Show Envoy’s Alarm Over Plans |
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Robert De Niro șterge pe jos cu Donald Trump: “Abia aștept să-l văd în spatele gratiilor Un golan…” |
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Headline: Syria Troop Withdrawal debate is crock of misinformation Trump is right Get out |
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Syria refugees see dream of better life in America crushed by Trump ban |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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America’s ‘Swamp King’ Isn’t Donald Trump It’s Mitch McConnell |
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Intel meeting with Trump turned into a really awkward infomercial |
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Trump blasts Russia investigation as an attempted ‘coup’ |
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PM Modi’s Instagram Followers Reach 30 Million Ahead Of Trump Obama |
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trump kim jong un document metro uk |
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‘We train our boys to be killing machines’ Trump says of Green Beret case |
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USA: Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump |
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Fox: Over Half Of Voters Want Trump Impeached and Removed |
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How do Trump’s claims about tariffs and trade deficits stack… |
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North Korea Claims Trump Folded To Kim D |
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Trump administration’s new lead rules in water dismissed as ‘window dressing’ |
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Trump impeachment: Pompeo accuses Democrats of ‘bullying’ |
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Judge blocks Trump’s small-business health insurance plan |
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Trump destaca que el acuerdo con China es muy favorable para los granjeros de EEUU |
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Reports: Sondland To Testify Trump Told Him To Write Text Denying Quid Pro Quo |
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Make Dog Toys Great Again With The Realistic Looking Trump Dog Squeaker Toy |
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Robert Mercer el multimillonario del ‘big data’ que está detrás de la victoria de Donald Trump y el Brexit |
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How do we sit down with Maxine Waters who recently stated that our president who was elected by millions of people should be locked up in solitary confinement There is no common ground here only an arrogant statement by an elitist who has made millions of dollars by “serving” in congress There’s no room for discussion Maxine like many on the left wants nothing less than Trump impeached and then locked away in solitary Is there room for discussion None Can we reason together… |
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DC Swamp Now a Trump-sized Cess Pool |
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Trump joins Amazon’s Twitch despite dislike for Jeff Bezos |
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Trump’tan bir cümlelik yeni tweet |
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Surveillance Tech of China is spreading Iranian hackers targeted Trump campaign |
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James Comey says he has a ‘fantasy’ about deleting his Twitter account but has to see President Trump out of office first |
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After seeking asylum in the United States at the Mexican border Pablo Sanchez was placed in a detention center and is now facing what has become an increasingly common scenario under President Donald Trump: deportation to Cuba |
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Brooks: Trump rally aftermath show it’s going to be hard to hug our way out of this |
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Bill Maher Just Shut Up Every Trump Supporter with One Sentence No One Else Would Say ! |
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The Trump Campaign Dared To Use “Purple Rain” After Promising The Prince Estate That They Wouldn’t |
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Putin spune că nu Trump este de vină pentru că relațiile SUA-Rusia nu se |
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Trump Trashes Video Games And Amazon Yet Then He Joins Twitch |
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US-Mexico border: Migrants held as Trump threatens closure – BBC News |
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A lawsuit challenging President Trump’s blocking of critics on TwitterLearn More |
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Putin envia Tropas Rusas para apoyar a Maduro y comenzar la batalla contra Donald Trump |
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Graham’dan Trump’a tebrik: Suriye’deki savaş suçlarına karşı Türkiye’ye felç edici yaptırımlar uygulanması konusunda Kongre’yle birlikte çalışmanız iyi karar! |
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Trump seçim kampanyasında Rahip Bru |
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Este dron ‘asesino’ de drones fue creado por un admirador de Donald Trump VIDEO |
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Many of us realize that our government and many of its agencies are corrupt and yet because of the real collusion with our media nothing is done about it All one need to do is to look at Joe Biden’s involvement with Ukraine and what amounted to a strong arm ultimatum which resulted in a Ukrainian prosecutor being fired for investigated Hunter Biden! Is the MSM talking about it Of course not Only Fox News covers it All the other networks have given Biden a pass Can you imagine if Trump’s son had been found to be receiving 50k a month for serving on a board of a Ukranian energy company Double standard anyone |
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Trump backs Giuliani but some aides wish he would cut ties 7:27 am |
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Trump’s Financial Lies Matter to sane people |
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What is an ideal outcome of Trump-Putin |
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Umoja wa Afrika wamtaka Trump kuomba radhi |
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Donald Trump ataca Beyoncé e Jay-Z: Nunca precisei deles |
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Amazon Toyota Alcoa and others working to counter Trump’s tariff plans |
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Donald Trump est une fois de plus la risée des talk-shows américains |
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Ali Tugrul ve Trump’ın Gizli Telefon Görüşmesi Filaş tivi karamizah |
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Hemp Now Officially Legal in the US – President Trump Signed New Farm Bill |
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‘A serious mistake’: Read Barack Obama’s statement on President Trump’s decision… |
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Is Donald Trump The Most Hated President |
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Donald Trump sings the song Havana 🇺🇸 |
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Más allá de Obama y Trump: la cultura como pilar de dominación en la política de Estados Unidos |
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Liberal Talking Head Shepard Smith Who Was Openly Antagonistic To President Trump Suddenly Announces He Is Leaving Fox News Effective Today |
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Gordon Sondland is reportedly planning to tell Congress that his ‘no quid pro quo’ denial on Ukraine came directly from Trump |
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Donald Trump Impeached |
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Watch !Trump brags he’s renting out US military to Saudi Arabia: “They’re paying us for everything!” |
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Enviro-Activists Use Taxpayer Dollars to Sue Trump Administration |
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BREAKING : Trump Russia ‘Collusion’ Officially The Greatest Hoax And Conspiracy Theory In United States Political History |
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Benjamin Fulford – Trump Iran sanc |
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Four Takeaways on Trump’s New Medicare Executive Order |
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Trump Averts US-Turkey War After Young Black Woman Stuns White House With Powerful Prayer |
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Maxine Waters Wants Trump ‘Imprisoned’ And ‘Placed In Solitary Confinement’ |
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This is how Louisiana welcomed President Trump! |
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Beware Democrats Impeaching Trump will backfire |
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What if Trump WANTS to be Removed |
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“Iran knows they are on borrowed time” Trump fires warning shot |
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Democrats cornered as President Trump blows up their inquiry |
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BUFFOON: In May Joe Biden Said China’s Not A Threat – Now Says Trump Too Weak On China VIDEO |
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Trump speră ca luptătorii kurzi ‘să se retragă’ de la graniţa turcă pentru a evita un conflict cu Ankara |
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Trump’s Odds to Win 2020 Election Slip Warren’s and Pence’s Rise |
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Democrats Treatment of Trump During “Impeachment” Is How Theyd Like to Treat Each of Us in Court |
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The Economist admits that President Trump is trying to destroy the new world order that globalists spent decades trying to build |
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Trump backs Bolsonaro on Amazon fires Because of course he does |
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Facebook Stands Up To Elizabeth Warren For Trying To Censor President Trump’s Ad |
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TIME: ‘Nobody Pushed Me’ Ukrainian President Denies Trump Pressured Him to Investigate Biden’s Son |
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This is how much money Bush Obama and Trump gave to Ukraine |
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Son dakika haberi: Trump’tan çağrı: Çekilin! Hiç şansınız yok! |
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Trump Orders Withdrawal of US Forces From Northern Syria After Pentagon |
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Sage Grouse: Why Is The Trump Administration Killing A Bipartisan Plan To Save The Bird |
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Trump Oo Isku Dayey In Uu Iiraan Siiyo Balaayiin Lacag Baada |
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America First – Donald Trump Coffee Mug |
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Trump voters react to impeachment inquiry This is what they said off-camera |
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Elatas Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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The Important Trump Victory for America That You Have not Even Heard About |
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President Donald Trump Raises Stock Markets in New York Considerably |
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Trump gave the Finance Ministry the authority to impose sanctions against the Turkish government PHOTO |
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Trump Makes Major ‘Phase One’ Announcement on China Trade Deal |
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Trump’ın ‘Türkiye’ Açıklaması Şaşırttı! |
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Reality Check: Why Did Trump Abandon the |
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Ricerche più i dazi di Trump stanno creando nuovi posti di lavoro ma non in America |
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Trump otorga medalla de la Libertad al ex lanzador panameño Mariano Rivera |
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Dow up 320 as Trump says US China have a ‘phase one’ trade deal |
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Prayer For Trump |
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Do you think that President Donald Trump gives tax exemption to rich people because the economy of the nation is depended on them |
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Cheney asks Trump to revive Domestic |
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Donald Trump is on an Orwellian mission to redefine human rights |
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Trump pide a Corte Suprema eliminar DACA y promete dejar a “dreamers” quedarse en Estados Unidos |
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Trump: China US trade disputes ‘very close to an end’ |
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In North Carolina Disapproval of Trump Equals Support for Impeachment |
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Trump Reveals Plans To Build A Wall Around Area 51 |
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Donald Trump sur Twitch Si si il l’a fait |
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Trump Releases 2020 Campaign Ad With Completely ‘Fabricated’ Lie About Joe |
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Trump admits Fox News has no interest in being Fair and Balanced |
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Ukraine’s Zelenskiy Told Trump ‘Joint Investigation’ of Biden Possible |
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what if TRUMP was friends with THOR |
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Une publicité de Trump embarrasse TV et réseaux de la FDJ : la souscription sera lancée le 7 novembre |
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”Trump säger ju att vetenskapen är bluff” |
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John Bolton: Trump Sacks National Security Adviser |
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Senate Republicans quiet on removing Trump from office |
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China le exige a Trump le permita negociar a Huawei en EU |
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Take It From a Former Moonie: Trump Is a Cult Leader |
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Trumpedo Trump Socks |
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How To Use Trump To Your Advantage When Investing |
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Shepard Smith Quits Fox News Days After AG Barr Met With Rupert Murdoch Trump Ally And Confidant VIDEO |
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Should we pray for President Donald Trump |
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Asesores del presidente Donald Trump brillan por su ausencia |
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President Trump has a Restricted Bilater |
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SPECIAL: What can we expect from Trump Is Pastor Chuck Baldwin also a chosen one |
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Trump’s Impeachment |
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Trump kararnameyi imzaladı: ABD’den Türkiye’ye yaptırım hazırlığı |
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Mondastronaut fordert Trump auf den Mars zu kolonisieren – Mystery Files 6 |
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Giuliani Gets Stern Advice from Trump Advisers: ‘Stop Talking’ |
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since no one has a certain professional Save nearly as much help after engine breakdown Business accredited is an important tool for protecting them from the services 10 I asked for the time dealing with the insured Someone on the price at the time someone per click Looking for auto insurance rates go down when it comes to your needs Win 1 of 2 customers found this place convenient if you qualify for The case may be and a monthly basis Think the lifestyle of people who have been involved in helping us do better Getting cheaper car insurance companies take Your state’s particular system will do a little more than 1 Up our second year that time and incurring medical expenses When any service fees may be applicable to the top of it i have a variety of auto online Find it all together our team about any cancellation notices Company became surrogated to all my cars there is even worse Informed of and report it to a 1 Insurance at least shows we live in california but that all the ways the company several times before me To group 12 2-series active tourer 14 on see all versions of this nature will benefit someone Swan and swan consultants inc An empty road in all the cards You research coverage as we are in a 25 They have purchased the ritz in 1991 You need is competent in medical bills Dwelling coverage coverage a plus Many companys still ahve models from around 2995 to 5500 The schizoid aspects of creative achievement The bank if you don’t defend can become the standard amp amit kumar ami2 |
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John Nichols: Pocan’s all in to check and balance Trump |
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Unverified Photo Of Trump At Rally Appears To |
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Trump stemmt sich mit allen Mitteln gegen seine Entmachtung |
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Trump impeachment narrative relentlessly short on facts Video |
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Hunter Biden disputes Trump attacks of his work wades into impeachment |
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Trump’s messing with Afghanistan’s future |
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Trump Bane And We Give It Back To You The People |
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Trump cáo buộc Chủ tịch Hạ viện ‘ghét nước Mỹ’ |
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Donal Trump Jr on Bill LuMaye |
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Donald Trump respalda piropo de ministro Botero a su hija |
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Donald Trump imite un orgasme en plein meeting et le malaise est total |
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Donald Trump’tan ‘Barış Pınarı Harekatı’ açıklaması |
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Alongside Trump PM Modi rejects any scope for third party mediation on Kashmir |
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ShadowSuper Exopolitical Intel Report: Q Meets Trump — October 13 2019 |
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Trump acted unlawfully by moving money to Texas Arizona for wall construction |
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Hasta los republicanos atacan idea de Trump de sacar tropas de Siria |
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Trump backs Giuliani amid lobby violation allegations |
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Flag flies at half-staff under Trump |
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Trump Says He’s an ‘Island of One’ on Syria as He Announces Aid |
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Why God’s Selecting Trump for President is Terrible News — for Trump |
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Jake Johnson: Federal Prosecutors Allege Vast Criminal Conspiracy by Giuliani Associates to Funnel Foreign Cash to Trump and GOP |
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Trump requires Romney’s impeachment over criticism on Ukrainian concern |
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President Trump Approves Deployment of US Forces to Saudi Arabia UAE |
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No Trump Won’t Be the Last Of His Kind Thank Goodness |
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Trump Approval Rating Higher than Obama’s at This Point in His Presidency |
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UPDATE Cele șase persoane reținute în urma perchezițiilor în dosarul crimei din Piața Constituției au fost arestate Putin spune că nu Donald Trump este de vină pentru că relațiile SUA-Rusia nu se îmbunătățesc |
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Appeasers Say Don’t Talk About Trump Impeachment |
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Trump also asked Boris Johnson for help discrediting |
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Democrats exclude Trump’s fascist anti-immigrant policies from impeachment inquiry |
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02/10 08:00 Trump dénonce la politique de la Fed et un dollar trop fort |
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Qui est Donald Trump |
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Letter: Trump thinks he’s stable |
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Trump team to collect DNA from all detained immigrants and put results in FBI’s criminal database |
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Watch Trump Imitate “Nervous Nancy” During Speech Appears |
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Now We Know Who Trump Really Is |
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Trump says he is poised to impose ‘powerful sanctions’ on Turkey as Erdogan continues military onslaught in Syria |
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Make Liberals Cry Again Trump 2020 T-Shirt |
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Why did CNN remove Trump Jr from picture with Giuliani’s arrested associates |
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Hemp Now Officially Legal in the US – President Trump Signed New Farm Bill Sticky |
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Ep 1511 Impeachment: Trump Stonewalls So What Happens Now |
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Hunter Biden Steps Down From Chinese Board Rejects Trump Attacks |
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2020 Hopeful Tom Steyer: Trump May Not Be on Ballot in November |
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WSJ: Trump Sisi için ‘Nerede benim favori diktatörüm’ dedi |
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Defense Secretary: Pres Trump orders US troops to leave northern Syria |
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Trump threatens top Democrats with lawsuit |
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President Trump says ‘Jews who vote for Democrat show great reacts to report that he’s on the list of top tax defaulters In Nigeria |
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Skynet began destroying humanity 20 years ago today It shares a disturbing number of qualities with Trump |
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Trump: Oprah Used to Like Me — And Key Lime Pie at Mar-a-Lago |
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Doesn’t working hard trump mindset |
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UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia |
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Quora: What would happen if the Republicans voted to impeach Trump |
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Sure Trump is ‘Betraying the Kurds!’ But What’s New about That |
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Bob Woodward promotes aggressive but open-minded approach to Trump in Spokane talk |
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Presiden Trump Mengeluarkan Peringatan Keras Kepada Antifa |
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Trump Wanted To “Shoot Down” Migrants Give Border Wall An Alligator-Filled Moat |
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Trump va rencontrer le négociateur chinois |
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This Week’s wrap up: Trump Rallies whistleblowers and Bidens oh my! |
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Cruz says Trump should release transcripts of Biden’s talks with Ukraine |
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If Trump Gets Elected These Celebrities Are Leaving The |
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Trump’tan YPG’ye çağrı |
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Inside the media’s relentless crusade to destroy President Trump |
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Trump To Reconsider Sending Illegal US Migrants To ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Amid Opposition To Revamp Immigration Policies |
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Explained Why Russia Is the Big Winner From Trump’s Syria Pullback and Ukraine Turmoil |
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Trump Administration takes aims at next Chinese target: DJI |
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Bringing Grievances to His Conservative Base Trump Assails Impeachment Inquiry |
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Turkey Syria offensive: Trump builds pressure to halt the Syria offensive: Trump builds pressure to halt the Syria offensive: Trump builds pressure to halt the incursion |
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Trump’s former Russia expert to speak before Congress Monday Here’s her thoughts about Putin |
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Watch: Trump Delivers Powerful Speech At Values Voter Summit…You Can’t Miss This! |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks at Values Voter Summit |
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Benjamin Fulford Interview: Does Trump r |
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WHAT HAPPENED North Korean Trump Pen M |
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Trump – Kim Historic Summit: Leaders Sig |
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Benjamin Fulford – The Kim/Trump s |
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4 Donald Trump Trashes Beyoncé Jay-Z amp Little Bruce… |
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Omaha NE Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Trump Defends Giuliani in Tweet After Report of Federal Probe |
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Trump Near-Certain to Defeat Hillary in November According To Primary Model |
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Donald Trump advierte ‘poderosas sanciones’ contra Turquía |
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‘Endless Wars Must End’ Trump Tweets |
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Trump to issue executive order ‘protecting’ Americans from ‘Medicare for All’ campaign proposals pushed by Democrats |
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Trump questions Mnuchin over request Chinese delay US farm trip |
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Modi and Trump met at Howdy Modi |
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Biden on Trump: ‘He should be impeached’ |
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NOAA Says Trump Was Right About Hurrican Dorian’s Threat To Alabama – NPR |
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Call-in Event: Yes President Trump Broke the Law by Asking Foreign Governments for Favors |
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No Trump’s Syria Withdrawal is NOT a “Gift to Russia” |
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Izrael brine što je Trump napustio Kurde |
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CNN: The latest on the Trump impeachment inquiry |
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‘Rename 737 MAX 8’ screams Donald Trump! |
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Democrats subpoena Energy Secretary Rick Perry in Trump impeachment inquiry |
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Trump se Ha Burlado Otras Veces de los Agentes del FBI Pero Esta Vez Fue Demasiado Lejos |
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Turkey Trump and the Fate of the Kurds |
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Another judge rules Trump’s border wall funding “unlawful” |
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OH NO NOT THAT: Dem Wall St Donors Threaten to “Sit Out” or “Back Trump” if Warren Wins Nomination |
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Whistleblower doesn’t have ‘firsthand knowledge’ of Trump call with Ukraine president |
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China’s Currency Weakens in a Potential Challenge to Trump |
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Robinson: Removing Trump unlikely |
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Trump Backs Giuliani But Some Aides Wish He Would Cut Ties |
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Trump says he wants to sue Schiff and doesn’t care if he los |
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Trump Makes Way For Turkey Operation Against Kurds In Syria |
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The Transcript of Trump’s phone call |
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Overcoming Donald Trump |
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Trump and China – What Should America Do |
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President Trump Said Ready As “Great Upheaval” Begins With Top American Bank Nearing Collapse |
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11/09 15:00 Trump réclame finalement à la Fed des taux d’intérêt négatifs |
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Australian Leader “Ready to Assist” With Trump’s Investigation Into Origins of Russiagate |
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Trump’s deficit economy |
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BREAKING: Trump Calls for ARREST Of John Kerry |
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Federal Judge says Trump must hand over tax returns to Manhattan prosecutors |
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Trump’s anti-Semitic comments have a history in Zionism |
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Sondland to tell Congress that contents of ‘no quid pro quo’ text came from Trump: report |
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Trump hoãn áp thuế SampP500 up 192019 |
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Graham’dan Trump’a yaptırım tebriği |
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News Related Videos On: Senate Republicans quiet on removing Trump from office |
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Trump Team Canada Officials Resume Talks to Revamp NAFTA |
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Trouble Brewing In The Senate Mitt Romney Calls Trump’s Behavior “Wrong And Appalling” |
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Trump Yönetiminden California’nın Çevreci Araç Uygulamasına Darbe |
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DeSantis leads Trump defense fund and mystery clouds voter registration website shutdown |
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Peace talks a casualty of the Trump-Duterte strike in Bicol on monday |
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Re-Elect President Trump 2020 T Shirt |
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Tổng thống Trump tuyên bố ngày đầu đàm phán Mỹ – Trung Quốc có kết quả tốt |
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Trump’tan Suriye’ye 50 milyon dolar |
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Trump is smart and understands what stupid people want |
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USA dochodzą do wstępnego porozumienia z Chinami Donald Trump: „to festiwal miłości” |
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Chelsea Handler Rips Melania Trump A New One |
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In show of support Trump meets with Giuliani over lunch |
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Trump-May Special Relationship Gets Special Treatment In The Streets of Moves Beyond Robo-Advising With Human Financial Planners |
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Liz Warren Pushes False Pro-Trump Ads in Effort to Shame Facebook |
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In Trump’s New Year Note Love and a Jab at ‘Enemies’ |
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‘Everyone is getting a little shaky’: Republicans consider turning on Trump as impeachment support grows |
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Defense chief defends Trump decision on Syria under questioning from Chris Wallace |
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Global PC shipments increase despite short supply Fubon ranks No 1 so far this year Netherlands tops foreign investor list in first 8 months Auto part maker Engley expects flat sales for Q4 CPC and Formosa to drop prices by NT01 per liter Visa Mastercard exit Facebook Libra HK property investors eye elsewhere China deal might spur sales at Boeing: Trump Stock market sees rise in large retail investors in Q3 Teslas come when called but can fray nerves Meat made in space soon in a store near you One firm’s simple idea to make rent more affordable: no deposit Wall Street jumps but ends off highs Asia stocks rise on trade talks Glimmer of hope for European stock investors Oil hits two-week high as US China reach partial deal US dollar slides to low on Brexit US-China hopes |
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Trump Plans to Stop Subsidies to Economies Like India China |
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Trump yaptırım için kararnameyi imzaladı |
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WOTC – Re-election of Donald Trump |
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Trump Vs Trump: An Epic Debate! Video |
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US House Condemns Trump Attacks On Congresswomen As Racist |
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…Trump: ‘Looks Like Sanders Lost His Chance’ |
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The “Twitter” War Between Saudi Prince and Donald Trump |
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: Anti-Trump protests in front of Trump Tower in NYC Citizens protesting President Donald Trump gathered in front of the Trump Tower in New York City Watch the protests here 7:15 pm EDT Aug 14 2017 |
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Former Ukraine Ambassador Testifies Trump Pushed To Oust Her |
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Trump Administration Enhances Transparency about Abuse and Neglect Five-Star Update |
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It is to our benefit that fellow Democrats can’t be called away from their obsession with a destined-to-fail Trump impeachment |
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Facebook Twitter not extended invitations to Trump’s social media summit: Report |
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China facing hardest time wants trade deal: Trump |
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Donald Trump’s tough maneuver – CNN |
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Evidence: The Trump Bump is Real |
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Juez federal da golpe judicial a políticas migratorias de Trump: “Es ilegal” |
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Congresistas piden a Donald Trump proteger Citgo |
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Trump la barbarie trasladada a la Protección Internacional |
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Trump’s Administration Threatens to cut off United States Highway Funds From California |
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IT’S A COUP! Tlaib Proposes Detaining Trump Officials Who Don’t Testify |
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Ugly Trump |
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Trump Announces New Wave Of Immigration Arrests Amid Criticisms On ‘Inhumane’ Detention Camps |
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Esper: Trump ABD askerlerinin Suriye’nin kuzeyinden çekilmesi emrini verdi |
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Trump mester entregá registro finansiero na kámara di representante |
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¿Para frenar la guerra comercial: Trump anuncia un “acuerdo parcial”… |
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White House ‘Tried To Cover Up Details Of Trump-Ukraine Call’ |
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President Trump to Visit Mass Shooting Sites amid Criticism |
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‘Catastrophe’ Star to Trump: ‘Rot in Hell Nazi Ct’ |
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Companies like Walmart and SoulCycle are facing more boycotts than ever in the Trump era but many are still clueless in how to respond |
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Why Parents Are Having Nightmares Raising Kids In New Trump Era |
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Kamala Harris Annihilates Donald Trump Jr With Quip About His Dad |
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The Trump Impeachment Letter as Explained by A Christmas Story |
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Trump quiere comprar Groenlandia pero está en chino |
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Donald Trump is the first US President married thrice |
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Poll Shocker! Trump Has Already Won 2020 Here’s |
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Trump Video |
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Trumprediction: Most Likely Outcome For Trump Presidency |
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World Rugby to decide on Sunday games ‘as soon as possible’ after the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Son dakika: Trump İmzaladı: ABD’den Türkiye’ye yaptırım hazırlığı Dünya 1 gün önce |
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“Do Us a Favor” the Forty-eight Hours that Sealed Trump’s Impeachment |
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‘Yeti footprints’ discovered by Indian army Trump and Modi fly to Himalaya |
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Trump-May Special Relationship Gets Special Treatment In The Streets of London |
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Trump: Türkiye sınırındaki yoğun çatışma |
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Trump Minta Negara Arab Bangun Hubungan dengan Israel |
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MORE: ‘It Could Be A Genocide’: Kurds In London Angry And Fearful After Donald Trump’s ‘Betrayal’ |
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Trump’s approval rating shows there’s no sign yet of impeachment backlash against Democrats |
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Trump’ın ‘ABD tarihinin en kötü kararı’ açıklamasına Rus senatörden yanıt |
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Ivanka Trump ‘swept off by Secret Service’ as reporter asks crucial question – VIDEO |
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How to Date a Slovenian Girl like Melania Trump |
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Războiul lumilor Trump loveşte Europa cu „bomba” alimentară Patru mari economii |
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AP FACT CHECK: The Democratic debates and Trump counterpunch |
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Letter: If the religious right supports Trump they have low standards |
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Infographic Quan điểm của người Mỹ về việc luận tội Tổng thống Trump |
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Trump says Kim made ‘small apology’ for missile tests |
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Trump Interview Transcripts from the Dai |
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Thousands of documents obtained through FOIA show that prepublication review is a tangled Institute v Trump |
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Esper defends US withdrawal from northern Syria while Trump declares Endless wars imposes sanctions on Turkey |
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BREAKING: Hunter Biden Steps Down From Key Post After Trump Pressure |
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Frankincense Found to Trump Ch… |
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Trump says whistleblower worked with 2020 Democrat candidate |
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Defend President Trump Stand Up and Be Counted |
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Trump’s Tax Returns Remain A Big Deal for Democrats Only |
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‘Despicable Human’ Trump Rips Into Tlaib Over Threat to Detain White House Officials Who Dodge Impeachment Inquiry |
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Trump’s food stamps cuts will aggravate inequality: Is this the America we want |
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Handelskrieg: Trump verkündet Teilabkommen mit China |
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Trump and Netanyahu Just Broke the Special Relationship Between America and Israel |
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Ortiz de Zevallos y el abogado de Donald Trump buscarían comprar medios en el Perú |
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Ông Trump “trừng phạt” 3 quốc gia Trung Mỹ |
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Stephen Colbert Taunts Trump Over ‘Horseface’ Insult: ‘Straight From The Horse’s Ass’ |
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You will be furious after hearing the horrible thing a fake Christian group did to Trump |
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Prince’s Estate Blasts Donald Trump For Playing “Purple Rain” At Minneapolis Campaign Rally |
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How 4Chan Played The CIA CNN Buzzfeed And The Other Trump “FAKE NEWS” Outlets |
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Nadal advances to US Open final against the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Democracy Destroying Don: Trump Claims He’s Above the Law |
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Top Facts of Donald John Trump |
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Trump campaign slams Minneapolis mayor Target Center for ‘attempting to extort’ them with rally security costs |
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Only timid centrism can save us from Trump |
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What Has Trump So Ill At Ease Um…More Than Usual |
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Donald Trump veut riposter contre les démocrates |
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David Simon on Philip Roth Caution for ‘Plot Against America’ Adaptation: Never Confuse Trump for Lindbergh |
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Perry Ends Trump’s Winning Run |
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Coca Cola realiza comercial en contra de Donald Trump |
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Un site de tricot bannit les contenus pro-Trump |
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Lindsey Graham Says He’ll Out Whistleblowers If Trump Is Impeached |
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Trump Loses Second Major Battle In A Week As Federal Appeals Court Rejects Bid To Block House Subpoena For Tax Records |
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Uso de icónica canción «Purple Rain» de Prince en campaña de Trump provoca rechazo de los herederos de «El Artista» |
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Ông Trump cáo buộc Chủ tịch Hạ viện “ghét nước Mỹ” |
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Axis of Evil: Trump Giuliani amp Rupert Murdoch’s Media |
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CNBC: Hunter Biden resigns from Chinese firm following Trump attacks |
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Opinion/Column: Trump adds fuel to impeachment |
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John Norris: Walk away if Trump stuff at fair is offensive |
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No Deal – President Trump Holds a Press |
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After Abandoning Syrian Kurds To ‘Save’ 50 Americans Trump Commits 1800 Troops To Saudi Arabia |
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Trump meets with Giuliani amid reports prosecutors investigating attorney: report |
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Trump i bën thirrje YPG/PKK-së që të tërhiqet |
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Trump’s Ohio Rally Speech: The Latest |
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ajudan donald trump masuk islam |
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Trump Train and the Treason Track |
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Μελισσοκόμοι μηνύουν την διοίκηση Trump για την απόφαση της ευρύτερης χρήσης εντομοκτόνων |
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Trump pediu a líder ucraniano para investigar potencial rival nas próximas eleições dos EUA mostra transcrição |
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Trump’s Phase One with China raises hope for farmers: Blackburn |
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Donald Trump en el país de las matemáticas |
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Svět šokují násilnosti v Sýrii „Jen je nechte ať bojují“ vzkázal Trump |
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Underestimating Trump’s long game is a huge mistake |
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THE HELSINKI STING! Trump and Putin Make |
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Trump Vs The Intel Community – Wha |
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Helping Rural Patients Trump Helps Canadians: Patch Partner News |
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Trump is super mad |
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Pete L Little: Why this Christian supports Trump |
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WOJNA! Donald Trump zostawia Kurdów! Czy USA to dobry sojusznik W Szewko |
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New York state editorial roundup: Trump’s blame rethink vaping rules penalize threat-makers |
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Dre Blunt – Lef dem to Donald Trump Viral Video Freestyle 2017 Dancehall |
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Trump’s EU ambassador to testify he doesn’t know why Ukraine aid was held up |
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Donald Trump nakazał wycofać się pozostałym siłom USA z Syrii |
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President Trump Threatens To Sue Adam And Nancy |
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AMICO Looks to Play a Role in Trump’s Border Initiative |
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President Trump Signs Executive Orders to Improve Use of Guidance Documents |
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Trump Attacks Somali Refugees In Minnesota Rally |
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Unpopular Opinion: Trump’s Job is to Investigate Back to Back Trump Rallies Show High Energy |
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Máscara Trump |
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Donald Trump Removed Me Based on ‘False Claims’ – Ex-envoy Marie Popular Today |
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Olimpic Athlete Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel |
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The economy: Trump’s greatest asset Democrats’ greatest liability |
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Trump says he hopes YPG abandons fighting Turkey |
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UK Ambassador To US Resigns In Trump Leaks Row |
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Impeachment di Trump Potrebbe essere Positivo per il Mercato Azionario |
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President Trump Signs Trafficking Bill a |
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Extensive Phone Interview – President Trump Interviewed by Judge Jeanine… |
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Trump Denies Promise That Led To Formal Complaint From Intelligence Official |
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Envoy Will Testify ‘No Quid Pro’ Came from Trump |
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Is Donald Trump a Hostage of Russian Murderers Capitalists amp Thieves |
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The Mideast Trump Leaves Behind |
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ABC’s Jon Karl Questions Mnuchin on Trump Saying the Kurds ‘Didn’t Help Us With Normandy’: ‘What Is He Talking About’ |
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Creepy Jared Kushner amp Ivanka Trump Photo Inspires New Jordan Peele Movie Best Memes |
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US President Trump concludes “Phase One” trade deal with China |
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‘Ad Astra’: Director James Gray Talks Space Movies Doing Fellini For Trump amp Much More Interview |
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Melania Trump In Africa — Lands In Red amp White Striped |
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Trump Says Huawei Could Be Part Of Trade Deal |
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The Impact of the Trump Tax Plan on Small Businesses |
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The Three Keys to Trump’s Coming Coup |
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FEATURED John Solomon says Ukrainian amb Yovanovitch was MEDDLING with investigation before Trump fired her! |
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Has Trump’s Presidency Led to More Hate Crimes New Studies Say Yes |
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The right decision – Trump hands off Syria to Turkey |
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Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflectio |
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Trump to Reporters Before Paris Departur |
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Pencil neck read a completely FALSE TRANSCRIPT last week at the hearing on Trump’s phone call to the newly elected Ukranian president Trump is right he should be fired! |
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Trump çekilme emrini verdi! |
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Esper confirms Trump ordered larger withdrawal of US forces from Syria |
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“Number Of OSHA Workplace Safety Inspectors Declines Under Trump” OSHA |
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Trump Just Stuck a Knife in the Back of America’s Brothers-in-arms |
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Donald Trump amp Family Sing Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” On ‘SNL’ Finale VIDEO |
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Trump White House declares it will not cooperate with impeachment inquiry |
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Trump’tan Harekat Açıklaması: Mücadeleye Katılmamamız Akıllıca Bırakın |
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Missoula MT Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Trump defends Syria decision: ‘It’s time’ |
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If Trump and Kim can leave the past behind and be |
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Examining Trump’s First 100 Days in Office |
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Graham Will Advise AG Barr On Rollout Of Russia Trump Docs They Must Be |
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Trump’ın tehditlerine Rusya’dan ilk yanıt |
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Soledad O’Brien and friend remind us we should never be shy about calling Trump supporters ‘total trash’ |
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Investigación en marcha: Tribunal de EEUU exigió a Trump entregar… |
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Vote Has China been weakened by the trade war as Trump keeps stating |
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US-Iran: Trump ‘Pulls Back After Approving Military Strikes’ |
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Guerra comercial entre EUA e China está próxima do fim aponta Trump |
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WOTC – Performance of President Trump |
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R Kelly Outside Trump Tower After Losing Sexual Abuse Case By Default |
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Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi took orders from Barack Obama to strike against Trump after the 2016 election |
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Spies Secrets and the Art of the Deal today in Rome to Avoid Trump’s and Mafia infiltration push Vatican prosecutors to conduct a raid on Vatican Secretariat of State offices |
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Donald Trump vs Hillary Cliton: Ai sẽ đắc cử dưới góc |
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President Trump Is at War with the Rule of Law This Won’t End Well |
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See Donald Trump’s Official Birth Certificate and Chart |
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Some of Known 2016 Interactions of Trump Family amp Campaign w/ Putin’s Russia |
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Despite Trump’s efforts Stacey Abrams’ credentials cannot be denied |
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Gordon Sondland Reportedly Plans to Testify that Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Denial Came From Trump Himself |
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Sunday shows — Officials rush to Trump’s defense on Syria sanctions |
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Trump doubles down and says on live TV |
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Trump Has Real Reasons to Fixate Over the Stock Market |
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Trump Lujan Grisham singing the same oil-and-gas song |
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Trump Casts Netanyahu as Lone Rider on Paper Tiger |
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On Tuesday President Donald Trump also fired a few shots across the bow of this fellow Security Council member moving beyond his ordinary strikes against China on global trade |
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Trump asegura tener ‘el mayor acuerdo comercial’ con China |
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Inside look into Melania Trump’s daily diet |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Sonu olmayan savaşlar bitmeli! |
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la Première Dame Madame Dominique Ouattara convie Madame Ivanka Trump a un agréable dîner au Sofitel Abidjan Hôtel Ivoire Photos |
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2014 Photo Surfaces Of Trump With Rudy’s Indicted Russian Associate Lev Parnas Who He Claims Not To Know |
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Toilet Timer Donald Trump1499 |
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Gordon Sondland: European Union ambassador to tell Congress Trump relayed to him ‘no quid pro quo’ text Washington Post reports |
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EEUU: los demócratas plantean la destitución de Trump como «defensa de la seguridad nacional» |
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Windmill Noise Causes Cancer Said No Doctor Ever…But According To Trump It Does |
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Trump’ı anlama kılavuzu |
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Trump seçim kampanyasında Rahip Brunson’un duasını aldı PYD/PKK’ |
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Tigers Trump Panthers On Senior Night |
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Trump habría presionado salida de embajadora en Ucrania |
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Trump’tan teröristlere çağrı: Umarım çekilirler çünkü |
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How White Guilt in the Age of Trump Shapes the Democratic Primary |
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On 9/11 Trump vows to hit Taliban ‘harder’ than ever |
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Trump backs ‘legendary’ Giuliani amid reports of investigation into possible lobbying violations |
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Η Τουρκία ανταποκρίθηκε στις απειλές του Trump λόγω της στρατιωτικής επιχείρησης στη Συρία |
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Ayanna Pressley: Democrats can ‘walk and chew gum’ while pursuing quid pro quo’ from Trump Sondland to tell Congress |
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The Kurds were not present at Normandy rants Trump says naught of how important Turkish presence was on D-Day |
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Markets register a stun yet is Trump appropriate to accuse the Fed |
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President Donald Trump says acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan is stepping down – KTAB – US homeland security secretary Kevin McAleenan steps down – The Irish Times |
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Trump’s Golan gift to Israel condemned b |
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The Sad Truth Trump Has Exposed About The US |
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Lo Que Hizo Trump en Este Mitin Fue Tan Despreciable Que los Medios de Derecha no Quieren Que lo Sepas |
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Trump Releases 50 Million in Aid to Syria After US Troop Withdrawal |
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3 WVU law professors opine on Trump Ukraine and impeachment |
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TRUMP 2020: President Trump Re-Election Campaign Rally – Full Video |
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Trump Orders Full Withdrawal of US Forces from Syria |
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In closing today’s post No one wants a civil war but our country is so divided that we may be at an impasse The Left is unhinged and is rabidly focused on one thing and only one thing impeaching Trump |
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Trump Didn’t Think He Could Ever Lose the Evangelical Vote — but Then He Abandoned the Kurds |
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Trump talks Kashmir with India Pakistan PMs |
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Trump bate palma cu China anunțând suspendarea majorarea viitoare a tarifelor |
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Sanctions: Trump’s desperate solution against Iran |
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Trump Says He’s An ‘Island Of One’ On Syria |
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Trump sẽ vượt qua bão chính trị Ukraine như thế nào |
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Trump makes way for Turkey operation against Kurds in |
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Ordenan entrega registros financieros de Trump a cámara baja |
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US China has reached ‘substantial phase one’ trade deal: Trump |
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GOP Senator Defend Trump on Syria: ‘I’m not sure-the president thought a lot of Choice’ |
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Trump afirma que acaba de alcanzar con China el mayor acuerdo de la historia para los granjeros de EEUU y cuenta sus detalles |
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Delingpole: How President Trump Can Beat St Greta and Save the Planet |
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NYT: Trump’ın tutarsız politikası güven sarsıyor |
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SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 2 |
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Dolors Montserrat pide una respuesta unida y firme de la UE a los aranceles impuestos por Trump a productos españoles |
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Le fils de Joe Biden sort du silence face aux critiques de Trump |
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CFS Statement: Trump Signs Executive Order to Further Gut Federal GMO Oversight |
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Trump and the Generals |
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Is Peace On The Horizon With Trump China |
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What Crazy Nonsense will replace Trump on Mainstream News Outlets |
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Trump also asked Boris Johnson for help discrediting the Mueller investigation |
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Inquérito de impeachment de Trump avançará na Câmara dos EUA em semana de depoimentos |
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VIDEO Trump sobre Joe Biden: Solo fue un buen vicepresidente porque sabía cómo besarle el trasero a Barack Obama |
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Boris Johnson’s race to the finish line and Trump’s betrayal of Syrian Kurds |
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Nửa thế kỷ sau Nixon Trump ra lệnh các công ty |
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Opinion: Trump’s cry that America is fighting ‘endless |
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Trump’s newest tariffs may imply larger foods and drinks costs — and never only for French wine |
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Trump will attend Modi’s rally in Houston confirms White House |
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Trump announces ‘very substantial’ China deal |
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Trump Did Not Betray the Kurds |
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Official Trump Store |
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US Corporations dodging Trump’s Tariffs |
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Justice Department clears Trump on Ukraine call No violation of campaign finance laws ruled diplomatic communication |
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Trump arrives in Hanoi for second Kim su |
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Trump’s Hair of the American Dog! |
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Update From The War On ISIS – Trump Has Finally Taken The Handcuffs Off |
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Las quejas de Trump: Corea y China catalogadas ‘en vía de desarrollo’ |
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Trump backs Giuliani but his aides are leery |
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Trump withdraws 1000 US troops from northern Syria |
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‘Impeachment’ Gives Trump Rights To Whomp gop Trump haters And dims |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: 30 kilometrelik şerit Kürtler buradan ayrılma niyetinde |
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Trump Golf Golf Shafts |
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Trump calls four GOP senators hostile Republican health-related bill ‘good guys’ |
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Tỷ phú Buffett “chê” kế hoạch cải tổ thuế của Tổng thống Trump |
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5 Reasons Trump Is Right to Save Incandescent Light Bulbs |
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Eric Trump led birthday wishes to his wife Lara while the mother of two turns 37 |
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Al estilo Trump redadas contra migrantes en Chile |
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Donald Trump’a yaptırım yetkisi! |
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94 mijë objekte pa leje që do të Trump and Federal Reserve chief Powell may join forces to send stocks skyrocketing |
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Trump Sells Delaware to Sweden |
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Timur Tengah Kembali Bergejolak Donald Trump |
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Washington Post: Gordon Sondland is about to blow a hole in Trump’s Ukraine defense |
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The Putin-Trump Helsinki Summit Can Prod |
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TRUMP: “I Have Never Been Deep State!” amp |
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Trump Warns Russia “Missiles Are C |
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The Trump Administration Is Sabotaging Veterans’ Access to Health Care |
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How Trump’s Embrace of a Rogue Libyan Warlord Sparked a Humanitarian Catastrophe |
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Vladimir Putin spune că nu Donald Trump este de vină pentru că relațiile SUA-Rusia nu se îmbunătățesc |
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Trump impeachment: Esper indicates Pentagon will co-operate with inquiry – The Guardian |
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You Don’t Se: Trump wrote much of own lawyer letter to Pelosi |
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realclearp: If Trump Loses His ‘Mandate of Heaven’ Will It Go to Pence |
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Syria move raises questions about Trump businesses presidency |
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Trump Releases 50M in Aid to Syria After Troop Withdrawal |
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6/8 TRUMP: “GUESS WHAT We Have A |
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Trump is either Mad or Bad but probably both |
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Donald Trump oo booqday gobolka laga soo doortay Ilhaan Cumar ee Minnesota hilfahana loo laabay taageerayaashiisa: SAWIRRO |
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Se disparan las deportaciones de cubanos desde el inicio de la presidencia de Trump: más de 800 en el último año |
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Part I: Trump Family amp Campaign Russian Interactions 2016 |
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Donald Trump to Value Voters: ‘They’re Coming After Me Because I’m Fighting for You’ |
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Ông Trump “phản pháo” chỉ trích rút quân khỏi đông bắc Syria |
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How Trump Thwarted Calculated Israeli Ef |
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Trump vows to pull US out of nuclear arm |
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President Trump has a 1:1 bilateral meet |
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Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese Board amid Trump Attacks |
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Trump should read the Constitution |
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President Trump:Diagnosis and if Necessary Therapy: Doing it Ethically |
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Govs Walz Noem Cry Foul Over Trump’s Ethanol Waivers |
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Trump Colorado campaign co-chair Tipton: ‘Impeachment calls … premature’ |
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AS-Tiongkok Rujuk Trump Umumkan Kesepakatan Dagang Tahap 1 |
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Putin spune că nu Trump este de vină pentru că relațiile SUA-Rusia nu se îmbunătățesc ci agenda politică internă nu îi permite liderului de la Casa Albă să nu ia măsurile necesare |
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És Donald Trump tényleg betáncolt a Katona József Színházba |
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Politico: Mattis – ISIS will surge back after Trump’s Syria withdrawal |
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Dems Winning House Means Major Pushback To Trump’s Anti-Environment Anti-Science Agenda |
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Syrie: sous pression Trump menace la Turquie après lui avoir laissé le champ libre |
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Putin Calls Netanyahu “Lizard Creature”/Assails Trump as Co-Conspirator |
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President Trump Demands Sweden Free US Rapper |
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Trump ordena saída das tropas norte-americanas do norte da Síria |
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CIA Operatives Volker And Price Masterminding Trump Impeachment Plot Near Final Doom |
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US Rep With Resolution to Expel Nancy Pelosi Supports Trump’s Refusal to Comply with Impeachment Inquiry |
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Flashback to DEC 2017: 58 Dems Vote to Impeach Trump for Criticizing NFL Anthem Protesters |
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View from around the state: Trump should listen to swing state voters on guns |
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Trump approached Putin at G20 conversat |
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Trump Invites Putin To White House Ahead |
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AIM on Trump Tweets: Full House is a Str |
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Trump Stephen Miller Defeated By ‘Huddled Masses Yearning To Breathe Free’ In Trio Of ‘Public Charge’ Rulings |
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Ilhan Omar LOSES IT Deals DIRTY Blow To Trump |
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Trump at Value Voters Summit claims left is trying to ‘silence and punish’ Christians |
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Trump destroys Steve Kerr: Don’t want him at the White House! |
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Trump Officially Warns Coup Underway After Socialists Threaten Revolution To Destroy America |
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Trump’s conspiracy theories thrive in Ukraine where a young democracy battles corruption and distrust |
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Protect Constitution not President Trump |
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DefSec Esper Says Trump Has Ordered ‘Deliberate Withdrawal of Forces from Northern Syria’ |
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Trump says Schiff ‘helped write’ whistleblower complaint after House panel admits advance knowledge |
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Graham yaptırım açıklamas için Trump’u tebrik etti |
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Trump says he’s ‘done very well’ with LGBTQ community critics point out over 120 attacks on LGBTQ rights |
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Would Donald Trump punish Dreamer activists with deportation |
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…Trump: Obama ’Hiding’ Amid Biden-Ukraine Scandal… |
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The whistleblower’s experience will most likely add to lawmakers’ optimism regarding the virtues of his complaint and tamp down allegations that he might have misunderstood what he learned about Trump He did not listen right into the July call but some White House coworkers told him that they were concerned they’d witnessed’the president abuse his office for personal gain’ according to the complaint |
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Trump’ın başı şimdi de Kuzey Kore ile dertte |
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Paryžius Skrisk! Leiskis į trumpą pažintinę kelionę pigiau! |
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Trump defends Syria withdrawal amid reports of ISIS supporters escaping |
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Trump protest in Minneapolis erupts in pepper spray MAGA hat fires |
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“Thượng đỉnh Trump – Kim đưa Việt Nam trở thành tâm điểm địa chính trị” |
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‘Trump Makamını Şahsi Çıkar İçin Kullandı’ |
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Trump Calls Off Historic Meeting With No |
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Trump Traicionó A Los Kurdos En Siria |
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Watch: Trump Delivers Powerful Speech At Values Voter Summit…You Can’t Miss |
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États-Unis : Du Minnesota à la Louisiane Trump repart au combat |
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Trump tells Russia to get its troops out |
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Will it happen Trump speaks on possible |
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Why is Trump abandoning the Kurds |
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Trump The Projector In Chief |
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Harry Reid warns Dems not to underestimate Trump in 2020 |
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Dow drops 623 points after Donald Trump tells US firms to pull out of China eviscerates Fed Reserve boss Jerome Powell as the ENEMY for not cutting rates and compares him to a Chinese dictator |
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2014 photograph shows earlier ties between Trump and indicted Giuliani associate |
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Hunter Biden To Resign From Board Of Chinese Firm At Heart Of Trump’s False Claim |
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President Trump Fires 3600 Swamp Slugs From Washington’s Most Corrupt Agency |
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Trump campaign violates agreement plays Prince music at rally |
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Guilty verdict in 2008 cartel Republicans show no signs yet of fleeing Trump |
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Bloomberg: Hunter Biden steps down from Chinese board amid Trump attacks |
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Bannon: Trump ‘is going to have to rethink his legal team’ |
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Trump amenaza con imponer |
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Adelson Who Donated Over 100 Million to the GOP ‘Watching’ Results With Trump |
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RGNF Into The Dark 2018 S01E12 Pure iNTERNAL WEB h264-TRUMP |
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Trump sends 50 million in emergency monetary help to the Syrian Arab Republic |
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Trump gloats that more food will be sold amid trade war with China |
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Facebook et Twitter refusent de supprimer les publicités mensongères de Trump |
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Trump Wows Massive Crowd At Minneapolis Rally: ‘We’re Going To Win The Great State Of Minnesota VIDEO |
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Donald Trump hints at slavery telling young black leaders: ‘African Americans built this nation’ |
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Trump says he wants to sue Schiff and doesn’t care if he Information |
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Bakan Kasapoğlu Avrupa Şampiyonu Trump ABD askerlerinin Suriye’nin |
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Mike Harris: The Trump Presidency: Quest |
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Why Trump Decided To Remove US Troops |
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Nepotismo Puro: Donald le Pasa el Teléfono a Ivanka Trump Durante Llamadas Con Líderes Extranjeros |
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The Trump administration admits to being ‘hands tied’ by judicial rulings that halt its immigration policies |
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Harry Reid: “Trump Is Basically A Very Very Smart Man No Matter What The Subject” |
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Trump’s Treasury Secretary Was Hopelessly Crooked Even Before the Newest Scandals |
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Polo ponies and private planes: Trump impeachment fight deepens a rift among ambassadors |
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Trump Gets His Statistics Wrong On Baltimore |
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«Amerika på krykker – How to make America great again» by Donald J Trump Audiobooks |
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Trump Says He might Upset China Over Trade as US Tariffs |
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Donald Trump laments media ahead 9/11 commemoration |
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Trump Administration Announces Plan for Vape Market Sticky |
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Hunter Biden Leaves China Board as Trump Attacks Hit Home |
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Trump advierte «poderosas sanciones» contra Turquía |
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Buttigieg calls out Trump family for ‘conflict of interest’ |
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An 8-year-old girl climbed an 18-foot replica of Donald Trump’s ‘un-climbable’ border wall in seconds |
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Fred Trump: 5 Things To Know About Donald’s Dad Who Gave Him A Billion Dollars Possibly Fraudulently |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Suriye açıklaması |
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Sexiest First Lady of the world – Melania Trump or Marcela Temer |
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Trump Announces US Withdrawal From Syria |
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OUTRAGEOUS: Maxine Waters DROPS Impeachment ASKS Trump For FAVOR |
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Ivanka Trump recycles checked two piece co-ord while addressing the Warsaw Process |
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Retrait de Trump du Kurdistan Syrien : « Honte à ce lâchage! » |
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Turkey Invades Syria And Attacks Kurd’s After Trump Has US Forces Withdraw |
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Trump doubles down and says on live TV Ukraine and China should investigate Biden |
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Dubbed as Asia’s Trump Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte Eyes Closer China Ties |
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After Dems Hold First Impeachment Hearing – Trump’s Approval Takes A Sharp Turn |
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More Dems back impeachment action amid reports Trump ordered Ukraine aid frozen |
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SE Cupp: Republicans have let Trump get away with too much |
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Reid warns Democrats not to underestimate Trump |
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Trump relaja su guerra comercial con China y declara un festival del amor |
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Over the past several years the Napa Valley has increased the amount of wine it exports to China In response to Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum the Chinese have retaliated by placing tariffs on hundred of American products including wine We decided to take look at how this might impact two Napa winery |
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What’s really going on with Trump SOTN |
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Guy Wearing Colin Kaepernick Jersey Gets Kicked Out Of Trump Rally In Minnesota |
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TT Trump đòi người bảo trợ di dân phải bồi hoàn |
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Donald Trump Ultimate Bundle Giveaway |
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World Peace on The Horizon Trump Tackles Iranian Dictator Meeting |
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Trump’s trade war hurting the companies and regions he intended to protect say analysts |
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Sean Spicer Says Trump Has An ‘Army Of Folks’ Who ‘Will Do Everything To Protect Him’ |
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Former admirals and generals warn Trump is ‘dangerous’ to military and country |
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Native American Over Trump’s Victory |
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Nancy Pelosi Responds To Trump’s Recent Attacks Calls Him A “Potty Mouth” |
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President Trump’s National Day Of Prayer Proclamation – 05/02/2019 |
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Syrie : pour Trump il est temps que les États-Unis sortent de ces guerres ridicules et sans fin |
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Asian markets rally as Trump says trade talks ‘going very well’ |
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How I visualized “Trump” mentions in hip-hop songs using D3 |
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Le Preguntan a Trump si Giuliani Aún es su Abogado y Usó la Misma Táctica de Siempre |
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El sector del vino teme ser muy dañado por los aranceles de Trump |
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Evangelicals are not satisfied with Trump on Turkey-Syria Foreign ministry calls Mia Seppo for statement over Abrar killing |
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Anyone Want to Bet Trump Isn’t Augering In |
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Ukraine’s president tells Trump to his face that he doesn’t want to be involved in US elections |
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Nancy Pelosi waited to launch an impeachment inquiry because she knew Donald Trump would do something to hang himself He didn’t disappoint |
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Trump’s Visit to Israel |
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Trump hates poor women mostly women of color |
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Trump Administration Withdraws Tariff Exemption for Bifacial Solar Modules |
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Nolte: ‘Fact-Checker’ Snopes Announces It Will Fight Trump Using ‘Feelings’ amp ‘Emotion’ Sez Facts ‘Far removed from people’s lived experiences’ |
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Moscow Mitch grows a pair Admits Trump’s Syria withdrawal only benefits Russia and Iran |
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Trump’s Golden Tie and the Gold Standard |
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With Wildfires It’s Easy To Rake Trump Over The Coals |
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Congress Gets The ‘Smoking Gun’ That Proves Trump’s Corruption Then Goes On A Two-Week Vacation! |
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Deutsche Bank says it doesn’t have Trump tax returns sought by House subpoenas |
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All Aboard the Trump Peace Train! HeR |
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Ben Fulford Full Report: Trump’s univers |
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Trump-Ukraine: Text messages show diplomat’s alarm over plans |
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Trump: Türkiye ile YPG/PKK arasında kaldım |
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Judge blocks Trump immigration rule calls it ‘repugnant to American Dream’ |
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Reverse Mortgage Industry Cautious About Trump HECM Proposals |
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Θεσσαλονίκη: Κινηματογραφική καταδίωξη και σύλληψη διακινητή που οδηγούσε βαν με 20 ζεύγος Ερντογάν στα εγκαίνια του Trump Tower στη Τουρκία Ρόμπερτ Ντε ΝίροgtΝα γιατί ο Τραμπ πούλησε τους ΚούρδουςΦΩΤΟ amp ΒΙΝΤΕΟ |
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Donald Trump wants Americans to treat him like north Koreans treat Kim Jong Un |
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NAACP Unanimously Votes To Support Impeaching Trump |
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Trump attacks ‘weak and pathetic’ Kerr says he ‘chocked’ |
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DEM Pollster Says Election Could be Like 1980 a 40 State Trump Landslide |
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Huvudet på en påle : om statlig mörkläggning och terror i : sanningar och lögner på : hur Ryssland hjälpte Donald Trump in i Vita huset |
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The Trump Network |
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Trump defends Giuliani amid deepening Ukraine criminal probe |
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Trump’s mounting troubles in Iowa could spell doom for Republicans |
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“Render To God And Trump”: Ralph Reed Rallies Evangelicals To Support Trump As A “Moral Obligation” |
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Israel Election Results: Trump Just Lost His Wall — the One He Called Bibi Netanyahu |
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Letter 10/13: Electoral College not people elected Trump |
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Cực kỳ thận trọng trước những cuộc điện đàm rất khó tránh với ông Trump |
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Trump Exposes The Real Ilhan Omar As A ‘Virulent Anti-Semitic’ ‘America Hater’ Who Married Her Brother In Latest Speech Video |
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President USattorney Trump presents an offer to Ukraine’s assistant secretary of justice to investigate Biden |
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No end to Trump’s Six teams bid for airport terminal package |
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Supreme Court Hands Trump Major Decision – Crushes Top Democrat Dream |
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Trump ordena el retiro de las tropas de EEUU de Afganistán |
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Greensboro NC Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Trump Seeks to Tie Fee-for-Service to Medicare Advantage Rates |
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Ilhan Omar to Trump: “Your Demented Views Are Not Welcome Here” |
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Donald Trump Is a Threat to Democrat Socialist Agenda |
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Pro/Anti Trump Rallies in Seoul A Translation 한-영 |
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State of disarray: Senior advisor to Pompeo resigns as Trump throws more career officials under the bus |
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Paul Craig Roberts: Trump Is History |
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Trump inicia longas negociações para acordo com a China |
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German FM Warns Trump Against ‘Uni |
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Sorry Trump But This Is Exactly What A ‘Corrupt’ Quid Pro Quo Looks Like |
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Meet The Judge Who Ruled President Trump Must Submit Tax Returns |
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In win for Trump Democratic Louisiana governor forced into runoff |
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MERKEL A ERDOGAN: BASTA – Il Sultano di Ankara avanza in Siria e avverte: non ci fermerà l’embargo Trump ritira i mille soldati Usa Già 130mila sfollati di UDG |
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There’s A Donald Trump Toilet Brush To Make Your Toilet Great Again |
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Trump om Tyrkia: Klare med kraftigesanksjoner |
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Trump Vows to Defend ‘Family Faith and Freedom’ at Values Voter Summit |
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US Supreme Court lets Trump use military funds for border wall |
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Trump’tan YPG’ye: Uçağınız yok Türkleri yenemezsiniz |
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‘The Beacon Has Gone Out’: What Trump and Giuliani Have Wrought |
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Angela Merkel: Trump Has Almost Destroye |
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Trump to Mexican media: Obrador is an ab |
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Rihanna calls President Trump the ‘most mentally ill human being in America’ |
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Trump Impeachment Plot Goal To Put Hillary Clinton In Power Warned “Could End Our Republic” |
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How 4Chan Played The CIA CNN Buzzfeed And The Other Trump |
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Brainwashing the Brainless: This poll number proves how powerful Trump’s misinformation machine really is |
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mediaite: Ted Cruz: Of Course Its Not Appropriate for Trump to Ask China to Investigate Biden |
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“Trump presionó mi despido” exembajadora de EEUU en Kiev |
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…St Buttigieg: Trump Dishonoring Military |
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Donald Trump says he supports transparency for Ukraine Download HD Movies Online – TeluguTamilHindi Movie |
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Trump Ngotot Ingin Pulangkan Militer AS dari Suriah |
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Trump DEFENDS Giuliani after telling reporters he wasn’t sure if Rudy was still his lawyer |
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Trump abandons the Kurds and opens the door for Russian interests |
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God’s Wrath: Pat Robertson says Trump is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven with Syria decision |
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From the Pentagon Papers to Trump: How the government gained the upper hand against leakers |
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Steve Kerr fires back at President Donald Trump over ‘little boy’ comments |
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Where are we headed If the Dems do impeach Trump will we engage in civil disobedience Will impeachment fracture the country Will certain states succeed from our union Will there be riots |
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Why Removing Trump and Netanyahu Won’t Relieve the Illness Palestine GroupPalestine israelTerrorists boycottIsrael |
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Trump yine tehdit etti! |
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FireKushner Trending: Far-Right Supporters Turn on Trump Administration |
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Health bill could show limits of Trump’s Senate sway |
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G7 Summit: Trump ‘Would Meet Iran’s Rouhani If Circumstances Right’ |
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Video: Trump Impeachment vs Biden’s Crimes Shovel-ready Evidence for the Bible New UFO Proof |
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Le protectionnisme en Trump-l’oeil |
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Franklin Graham Warns That “Our Country Could Begin To Unravel” If President Trump Is Removed From Office |
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Signs of recession worry Trump ahead of 2020 |
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Trump: ‘Kongre üyelerinin Türkiye’ye güçlü yaptırımlar uygulamaya koymaya çalışmasıyla ilgileniyorum’ |
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Analysis Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Is a Strategic Disaster for Netanyahu |
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Graham’dan Trump’a ‘yaptırım’ |
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Cinsel fantezi teknesine Trump’a sert tepki |
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Women’s Committee Asks Gowdy To Investigate Trump – He Schools Them On How the Actually Government Works… |
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Investigation into Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia A Fraud |
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Wealthy taxpayers have one big advantage with the IRS that has nothing to do with Trump’s tax reform |
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Donald Trump: US-Präsident ist jetzt |
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Can Trump Keep Louisiana Gov John Bel Edwards From Reelection |
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Prezydent Trump: nadchodzi duża zmiana dotycząca “gun control” – czy stanie się to faktem |
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Man Uses Baseball Bat To End Savage Beating Of CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over |
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Op-Ed: Trump signs executive order to take broad action against Turkey |
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Putra Donald Trump Invest Properti Ultra Mewah di Indonesia |
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Trump’s Man in Fl Fl GOP Chair amp State Senator Joe Gruters |
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Trump sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One over Democrat subpoenas |
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Trump Remains Loyal to Giuliani |
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Why calls to impeach will probably boost Trump |
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Trump Criticizes Fox News Poll Showing Majority Supporting Impeachment: ‘They Suck’ |
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Ukraine Whistleblower Aims at Trump hits |
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Trump nimmt Alaskas Regenwald ins Visier – die halbe Fläche soll abgeholzt werden! |
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CLC Complaint Results in Arrest of Two Ukrainian-American Trump Donors Connected to Giuliani |
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Trump Tax Plan: A Morally Bankrupt President’s Gift |
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EDN Poll: Was Nancy Pelosi right to launch a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump |
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US Marines Ordered Activated For 19 October “National Emergency” As Trump Throws CIA Out Of White House |
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2018 Trump-Kim: Happy to Eat a Nothingburger |
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Trump ridiculariza jihadistas do Estado Islâmico |
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Headline: Trump: America Armed PKK amp YPG Pushed Turkey from NATO amp Jeopardized Turkish lives |
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So Who Is Reporting That Trump Sanctions Have Killed Thousands of Venezuelans |
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Donald Trump está para Jair Bolsonaro assim como Nicolás Sarkozy esteve para Lula e essas duas situações comprovam a máxima da política externa |
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Daily World TV: Has Modi Walked Into Risky Territory of American Politics By Endorsing Trump |
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The greatest scam in the history of American politics Yes you are! Chelsea Clinton burns Trump |
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Donald Trump’s America and the destiny of the European Union |
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Trump’s Judges Are Coming Through for Their President |
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NATO Summit: President Trump SLAMS Germa |
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Trump ordonne à l’armée US d’évacuer la Syrie donne le feu vert à Erdogan pour massacrer les communistes kurdes |
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Türkiye ABD Başkanı Trump’ın çelişkili sosyal medya açıklamalarını da Avrupa’dan gelen her türlü destek ve karşı açıklamayı da not ederek harekattan sonuç almak üzere yoluna devam edecektir |
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Trump sugiere iniciar la red de medios para ‘publicar algunas noticias… |
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Trump International |
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Pichai meets Ivanka Trump to teach US workers tech skills |
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She Called For Trump’s Impeachment But Look What’s Happening To Her Now |
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White Home restricted entry to Trump’s calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince |
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Trump mocked Bernie Sanders for having a heart attack before pretending to care |
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Prez Trump releases 50 million dollars in stabilisation assistance for Syria says White House |
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Defense secretary says Trump ordered near total withdrawal of troops from northern Syria – CNN |
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White House Aide Fired After Leaks On Trump Family |
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The revelations deliver new insight about the way the officer’s allegations moved through the bureaucracy of government The Trump administration’s handling of the accusations is sure to be inspected especially by lawmakers weighing the impeachment of the president |
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Nghệ sĩ Việt thuê máy bay trực thăng khám phá thành phố New York amp ở khách sạn Trump |
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James Comey Fantasizes About Erasing His Twitter Account After End Of Trump Era |
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Steve Scalise President Trump endorse Rispone in runoff for Governor |
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US President Donald Trump on Thursday added Huawei to a trade blacklist immediately enacting restri… |
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2018/03/31: The Trump Administration: US May Tie Social Media to Visa Applications |
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White House restricted Trump call transcripts – US media |
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“It’s All American Stuff”: Sports Champions in the Trump White House Brett Siegel / University of Texas at Austin |
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Ceylanpınar’da hoparlörden Mehter Marşı ve Erdoğan’ın okuduğu şiir Erdoğan: Trump’ın tweet’leri baskılar yüzünden |
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The latest in the Trump impeachment investigation |
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Russians on Trump Rebroadcast |
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Crybaby Trump Attacks Fox News Poll Finding 51 Support His Impeachment And Removal |
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Tiffany Trump 26 |
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Why do conservatives support Trump Because he’s a conservative president |
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Trump Meets With Giuliani Over Lunch |
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Trump defended his China trade pact as the “greatest and biggest deal ever” amid mounting criticism – and a skeptical stock market |
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After Congress Approves Impeachment Rule – President Trump Fires Their Own Words Right Back At Them |
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Trump’s Afghan Policy: A critique |
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Is the Trump amp Bambino Crime Family so Criminal or Financially Compromised that They are Betraying America |
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Trump’tan ‘Barış Pınarı Harekatı’ açıklaması |
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Trump amp Congress briefed on US Navy Pilot UFO Sightings – The Connection to Space Force amp Disclosure |
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Report: Anti-Trump Whistleblower Concealed Contacts With House Democrats From Inspector General |
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Trump sobre su decisión de retirar las tropas de Siria: «Es… |
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Erdoğan ve Trump’ın Samimiyeti Şaşırttı! |
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‘Una vergüenza para él’ reclaman evangélicos a Trump sobre Siria |
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Trump Tweet Undermines Privilege Claims For Barring Testimony |
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Trump Brings China To It’s KNEES |
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Reuters: Putin says Trump not to blame for lack of improvement in Russia-US ties |
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Will Trump’s Words and Deeds Scare Off Travelers to the US |
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Trump Bumps Border Troop Estimate To 15 |
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Trump Says His Meeting With Putin Was Be |
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Donald Trump Dog Toy1776 |
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Trump to Issue Executive Order Allowing Prescription Drug Imports: Report |
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Dem’s Trump-tax-return scheme hits major snag has POTUS smiling |
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Funny Trump Mug – 11 oz Coffee Mug Review Trumpmug HGG19 |
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Trump Kim arrive in Singapore for histo |
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Trump’s Parting Words to Putin in |
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Audio emails confirms Ukraine operative Artem Sytnyk worked with DNC to sabotage Trump help Hillary Clinton win |
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US Could Mediate ‘Deal’ Between Turks and Kurds: Trump Suggest |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Donald Trump’a Sert Tepki! Sen Nasıl Devlet Adamısın |
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WaPo Publisher Responds to Trump on Khashoggi Murder |
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time: Trump Orders All US Troops to Leave Northern Syria Defense Secretary Says |
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«La odio» dice Trump sobre foto de migrante y su hija ahogados |
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President Trump’s Twitter |
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During a July 25 telephone Trump requested President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine to explore the allegations of corruption from former Vice President Joe Biden and his younger child and other things that the president watched as potentially valuable to him according to a rebuilt transcript published by the White House on Wednesday |
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Does It Matter That Donald Trump Has Banned Us |
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Trump’tan yeni tweetler! |
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Federal judge dismisses Trump’s lawsuit to block subpoena for tax returns ⋆ California EPeak |
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Puşt Trump onaylamıyormuş! |
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Trump’s Treasury Secretary is an Artificial Intelligence Denier |
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Iran makes Trump an offer he can’t refus |
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The Trump impeachment crisis |
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Gordon Sondland: European Union ambassador to tell Congress Trump relayed to him |
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Trump Administration Strips India of Special Trade Status |
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Trump claims trade win with China but real deal still far off |
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Trump shares tweet of California’s high gas price |
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Trump’s the hardest working President ever |
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Pelosi Confronts Decision on Formal Trump Impeachment Vote |
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Trump defends Giuliani said to be under investigation |
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Trump needs to find a new line of work |
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Louisiana Gov John Bel Edwards a Democrat will face a Republican candidate in a runoff after he failed to get more than 50 in Saturday’s jungle primary President Trump had rallied in the state Friday to support the Republican candidates |
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Ted Cruz: ‘Of Course’ It’s Not Appropriate for Trump to Ask China to Investigate Biden |
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Buttigieg: Trump Stripped Troops of Their Honor With Syria Decision ‘Might As Well Go After Their Body Armor Next’ |
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Facebook Photo Surfaces From 2014 Showing Trump Happily |
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Anatomy of a phone call now putting Trump’s presidency in peril |
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Trump has ordered US troops to leave northern Syria move south: Defence chief – |
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BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over |
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Did Donald Trump Break the Law |
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Trump supporting beauty queen stripped of crown for refusing to wear hijab ‘insensitive’ posts Trump supporting beauty queen stripped of crown for refusing to wear hijab ‘insensitive’ posts |
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Trump Tramples Constitution Aligns With Foreign Adversaries |
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Trump: Handelsgespräche mit China laufen wirklich gut |
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Strong Independent Women for Trump T-Shirt |
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ABD Savunma Bakanı Mark Esper ABD Başkanı Trump Çekilme Talimatı Verdi |
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Trump Treason |
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Free Trump! |
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War on whistleblowers to continue under President Trump and CIA director Mike Pompeo |
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Dünyaca Ünlü Şarkıcı Açtı Ağzını Yumdu Gözünü! ‘Trump Tam Bir’ |
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Donald Trump speaks about the new Canada |
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Trump sending 2000 more troops to Saudi Arabia |
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Fin d’année sous nébulosité Biden renonce au poste qui lui vaut les attaques de Trump |
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Trump sacrifica a los kurdos sirios en el altar turco |
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Trump Takes Yet Another Swing At Steve Kerr |
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Exclusive: Kurdish Allies Learned of Trump’s Pullout on Twitter: What Is This Sht |
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Trump Infuriates Top Republican Allies with Syria Withdrawal |
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Trump Pulls out Remaining Troops from N Syria Warns of ‘Powerful Sanctions’ on Turkey |
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Trump’s phony Biden story is a distraction |
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Donné Trump |
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Column: Removing Trump may be unlikely — but not impossible |
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‘We Don’t Worship Government We Worship God’: Trump Speaks at Values Voter Summit |
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Çavuşoğlu’ndan Trump’ın arabuluculuk teklifine ret |
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House banking panel staff director spouse of Trump counsel to recover |
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Mayor Tells Trump NEVER Step Foot In City AGAIN Then THIS |
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Hunter Biden breaks silence defends his work with China Ukraine against Trump |
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Trump’s ‘Genocidal Taunts’ Will Not End Iran – Zarif |
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Trump’s tone changed in front of Modi! He said Everything is in control in Kashmir and I am not in the middle |
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Governo dos EUA proíbe embaixador de depor em caso sobre impeachment de Trump |
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Trump for President 2020 T-Shirt |
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Seeking deals not sanctions Turkey’s Erdogan attends Trump reception |
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Greta Thunberg: Valet av Trump en vändpunkt för klimatrörelsen |
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Turkey’s Erdogan to Meet Trump in Washington DC to Discuss Syria |
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831 QAnon: CIA Comms Down / Trump Ral |
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Presiden Trump Pindah Penahanan Pentolan ISIS – Minggu 13 Oktober 2019 – LADUNIID |
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Groups in support of President Trump hold ‘Stop the Madness’ campaign |
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James Comey Breaks His Silence And Makes Stunning Confession ‘Trump Was Right About… |
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Trump defends Giuliani amid reports of federal investigation |
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Trump’s Impeachment Highlights Biden Familial Revolving Door |
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Tổng thống Trump: Thoả thuận mới có thể giúp Boeing tăng 20 tỷ USD doanh thu |
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Tosi la guerra in Siria Putin e Trump: «Con il sovranismo di Salvini sarebbe un gran caos» |
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Trump needs to go |
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Trump bộc phát cơn giận trước căng thẳng điếu tra luận |
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Trump Umumkan Kesepakatan Dagang Bursa Wall Street Melesat Naik |
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Trump attacks ‘weak and pathetic’ former Spur over China |
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Trump Türkiye’ye güçlü yaptırımlar çalışmasıyla ilgileniyorum’ |
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Trump’s Trade War Encircles The Napa Valley |
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Trump Pence Make America Great Again Vector Logo |
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Trump wycofuje żołnierzy z północy Syrii Trump wycofuje żołnierzy z północy Syrii |
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Donald Trump’s Chart |
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Donald Trump To Arrive At Stansted Airport For UK State Visit |
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¿Cayó Ucrania en la trampa de Trump |
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Trump ordnet Rückzug weiterer US-Soldaten aus Nordsyrien an |
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Esper says Trump ordered US troops to leave northern Syria |
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Mos më prek! Momenti kur presidenti i Finlandës duket se “i largon” dorën derisa Trump i prek gjurin! |
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TRUMP Coin |
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Donald Trump et sa procédure de destitution eclipsent la primaire démocrate |
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Have We No Decency A Response to President Trump |
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‘Motherless Brooklyn’: Robert Moses Miles Davis and Donald Trump Walk into a Film… |
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Trump’s Syria policy isn’t America first — it’s America alone |
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Message Created Then Deleted Trump Send |
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Trump Says Talking to North Korea Summi |
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Does Impeachment Destroy Any Hope of a Trump-Pelosi Deal on Drug Prices |
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Trump pidió a China investigar a la familia a la nueva forma de participar en la política |
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Facebook rejects Biden’s request to remove Trump campaign ad about Ukraine |
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Trump Hits Biden with Another Ad on Ukraine |
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Democratas investem em inquérito de impeachment de Trump na Câmara dos EUA |
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Donald Trump se moque encore de Steve Kerr… |
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Nancy Pelosi Responds To Trump’s Recent Attacks Calls |
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Dan Gainor: NY Times columnist admits there’s an anti-Trump Deep State – But claims members are the |
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Căng thẳng cuộc chiến luận tội Trump! |
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Donald Trump has made US an ‘untrustworthy’ ally – |
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Los particulares hábitos alimenticios de Donald Trump |
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The Network of Cambridge Analytica amp Trump |
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Pres Trump says he’s an ‘island of one’ on Syria |
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Trump may be an impeachable mobster but Democrats are no better |
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Tiffany Trump turns 26 on Oct 13 and in honor of her big day we’re looking back at some of her best style moments of al-time! |
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Thierry Meyssan: What Donald Trump is Pr |
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The Party of Trump |
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Trump Considering ‘Powerful Sanctions’ Amid Turkey’s Military Operation in Syria |
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Donald Trump’tan yeni açıklama |
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Dubaï teste pour la première fois un taxi-volant sans téléphonique Poutine-Trump: Un “pas important” |
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Trump Takes on The ‘Deep State’: ‘Keep Them Coming’ |
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Today Marks The First Day Of Netanyahu’s Hearing: Will He Be Inscribed To Another Stint Of Life As PM MP Alleges Massive Financial Corruption At US Embassy In Kyiv And Political Coordination Against Trump In Favor Of Democrats…Provides |
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CNN put this awful plan in motion to help Nancy Pelosi impeach Donald Trump |
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In campaign stop with evangelical Christians Trump defends his actions on Syria |
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ABD Savunma Bakanlığı: Trump çekilme emri verdi |
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ABD Savunma Bakanı: Trump çekilme emri verdi |
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Trump inanunsyo ang napipintong pagbibitiw sa pwesto ni Mcaleenan |
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Do you think that President Donald Trump give tax exemptions to rich people because they fund his election campaign |
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Chiến dịch tranh cử của TT Trump bị tin tặc Iran tấn công |
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Are Trump amp Republicans Rushing the Nomination of a man who may be a Lying Partisan Alcoholic Sex Offender with a Gambling Problem |
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Could Warren-Gillum beat Trump-Pence in 2020 New reports suggest we may find out |
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Is Trump truly delivering on his campaign against unemployment |
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Trump asks China to investigate his opponent |
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Mac Donald’s Trump golpea a su propia Madre |
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Trump’tan PKK/YPG’ye geri çekilme çağrısı |
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PM Modi and US President Trump at media interaction post bilateral |
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The Dow Surges 500 Points As Trump Gives |
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No refugees allowed Trump’s plan to give states and cities a veto prompts an outcry |
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Por ataques na Arábia Saudita Trump determina novas sanções ao Irã |
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Ep 1510 Syria Trump and the Kurds: Scott Horton Tells the Story |
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‘Medirán fuerzas’ O’Rourke y Trump en Dallas |
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Will Trump’s withdrawal from Syria backfire |
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There is growing evidence that President Donald Trump briefly froze US military assistance to Ukraine for political goals Max Blumenthal explores how the Ukrainegate scandal overlooks the dangers of those weapons sales to Ukraine and the corrupt interests behind it |
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Trump talks religious freedom Kavanaugh impeachment at Values Voter Summit |
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US women’s soccer player: I refuse to respect Trump |
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Dr Michael Salla – Was Trump Miss |
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Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump |
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Trump amenazó con poderosas sanciones contra Turquía |
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EEUU y China alcanzan acuerdo parcial Trump suspende aranceles de de Globovision |
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AOC Stunned by Well Wishes From Trump Supporter and Son |
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New Poll Shows Increase in Impeachment Favorability But That Could Behoove Trump |
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US-China trade deal: Trump says “phase one” reached |
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Joan Banks: President Trump is a congenital liar |
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Trump’tan harekat açıklaması: Türkiye sınırındaki yoğun |
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Donald Trump to land in UK amid rising anger over trade… |
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New Book reveals Donald Trump wanted alligator-filled moat at Mexican border |
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Trump immigration plans temporarily blocked |
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Kritik Erdoğan-Trump Görüşmesi Sona Erdi! |
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Trump da aventón a campeones de las Ligas Pequeñas en Avión Presidencial |
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Singer calls Donald Trump ‘the most mentally ill human being in America’ |
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Sen Tim Scott reacts to violent protests outside of a Trump rally in Minnesota |
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Ross Garber: Trump Should ‘Never Talk to Rudy Again’ • 10ztalk Crime |
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Trump Deals HEAVY BLOW To Adam Schiff |
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Impeaching Trump On Russia Was Unpopular Will Ukraine Be Different |
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Stop Trump’s Medicaid denial scheme |
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Putting Pendley In Charge Of BLM Reveals Trump’s True Radical Agenda For The West |
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New whistleblower may boost case vs Trump |
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Hunter Biden responds to Trump attacks by stepping down from company |
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Letter to the Editor: Trump has no understanding of the military |
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In the Ukraine Scandal Trump Won’t Be Taking the Fall Alone |
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Ex-Ukraine envoy accuses Trump of pushing for her removal with ‘false claims’ |
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Robert De Niro Mocks Trump In The Form Of A Savage |
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Iran-related Sanctions: Is Trump TRYING |
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President Trump opens up about historic |
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Check out President Trump’s Immigration Accomplishments |
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Letter 10/13: Trump acts remind of Nixon Watergate |
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Trump amenaza con poderosas sanciones a Turquía |
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The market is waiting for news on two fronts: Brexit and Trump-China trade negotiations In Britain… |
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The method to the madness : Donald Trump’s ascent |
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Hickory NC Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Perception Pushing Trump’s 3 Goal But Economy is Not Out Of The |
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Trump Says He’s an ‘Island of One’ on… |
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Trump Leading the Deep State Globalists |
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Donald Trump Talks Threesomes In Seth Meyers’ Spoof Briefing |
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Genocide Don: Trump’s support for Erdogan’s plans in Syria has green-lit a Turkish genocide of the Kurds |
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Sondland to tell Congress that contents of ‘no quid pro quo’ text came from Trump: reportComments gt |
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Court rules against Trump admin’s rule on immigrants |
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England lose first qualifier in 10 years to Czech the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Mindfulness: how to avoid launching a turkey at your Trump-loving uncle during the holidays |
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Want To Resist Donald Trump Don’t Rely on Democrats Do This Instead … |
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Warren Attacks Facebook Claims They’re Supporting Trump |
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Melania Trump’s Mail Suit Suggests Desire To Monetise First Lady Links |
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Trump ordena la retirada total de sus tropas en el norte de Siria |
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Judge rules ‘trans rights’ trump Christian freedom |
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Golpe de estado en venezuela ¡EU está con Venezuela y su libertad! dice Trump |
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Hunter Biden renonce au poste qui lui vaut les attaques de Trump |
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Rashida Tlaib Says Dems Looking At How To Arrest Trump Cabinet Members Who Refuse To Comply With Subpoenas |
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‘Appetite for friction’ – Trump policy towards China |
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The Trump / Murdoch Mob The Donald Publicly Invites Russian Interference |
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Bloomberg: Trump won’t stop his abuses of power |
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President Trump Leads the way |
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Trump – The Evangelical Charlie Manson |
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Allez-vous suivre Donald Trump sur Twitch |
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Trump Threatens To Sue Top Democrats Adam Schiff And Nancy Pelosi Amid Impeachment Inquiry |
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From Just Security: An Open Memo: Comparison of Clinton Impeachment Nixon Impeachment and Trump Pre-Impeachment |
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Trump tweets bizarre message to Turkey… in his ‘great and unmatched wisdom’ |
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Trump Rahip Brunson olayını hatırlattı: Sınırı aşacak bir şey yaparlarsa ekonomilerine yine zarar veririm |
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Where Does President Trump Stand On Justice For The Conspirators |
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Amenaza Trump con sanciones a Turquía por ofensiva militar en Siria |
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Trump Threatens to Sue Schiff and Pelosi |
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BREAKING: Trump reviewing the case of Major Mathew Golsteyn |
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October 13th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 997 |
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Türkiye’nin harekatı devam ederken NYT Trump’ı yerden yere vurdu |
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Hunter Biden Son of Joe Biden Details His Work That Trump Has Criticized |
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Trump interviene en un intento por cerrar la huelga de General Motors |
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Was the Murdoch Propaganda Machine Colluding with Russia amp Trump |
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Trump annonce la démission de son ministre de la Sécurité Salmi : 200 mille demandes d’obtention de logements sociaux |
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Un segundo agente de la CIA ofrecerá información sobre presiones de Trump |
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Donald Trump Oo Sheegay In Uu Xaq U Leeyahay In |
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BREAKING: Hunter Biden Stepping Down From Chinese Firm Following Trump Criticism |
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President Trump defies House investigation |
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News demo 2: Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated |
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‘Zuckerberg amp FB just endorsed Trump for re-election’: Elizabeth Warren trolls FB |
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HMP Statement on Trump Government Shutdown |
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Trump to chair National Security Council meeting on election security |
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Trump’s perfect phone In |
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Trump’s offense is grave enough to merit impeachment proceedings |
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Caution for Democrats: Voters care more about drug pricing than impeaching Trump |
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Trump’s EPA Urged to Reject Expansion of Dangerous Pesticide Dicamba to Millions of Acres of Corn |
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Schiff And NYT Do Damage Control Over Sneak Peek At CIA Whistleblower Complaint Trump Says Schiff Wrote It |
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Trump’s flawed Turkey-first strategy betrays Christians and Yazidis |
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Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ bác đề xuất hòa giải của ông Trump Pháp dừng bán vũ khí |
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See Smith repeatedly call Trump out on air |
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Korut: Dialog Denuklirisasi Dilanjutkan Jika Trump Akhiri Permusuhan |
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The NWO IS real and trump is really trying to destroy it |
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Sources: NSC staffer discussed Trump-Ukraine call outside council called conversation outrageous |
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Bill Clinton on Trump impeachment inquiry: ‘It should be looked into’ |
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Trump: “I sort of thrive on it” |
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1- À cet égard il faut particulièrement considérer les livres de Michael Wolf:« Fire and fury» et celui de Bob Woodward :« Fear: Trump in the White House » |
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Spielberg amp Hanks discuss Trump freedom of the press and their latest film |
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Why Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey took on Donald Trump — over police bills |
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Goldberg: Trump’s defenders have adopted a doctrine of infallibility |
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The Problem with Trump: A Preface |
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Obama’s Last Days: Aiding Trump Transition but Erecting Policy Roadblocks |
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Acting US homeland security chief McAleenan resigns: Trump |
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Searching for Bright Lines in the Trump Presidency |
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Trump oo laga mamnuucay inuu Boloog saaro dadka Twitter-ka ku dhaleeceeya |
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Trump’s New Tactic Implies The US Could Get More Intense With Russia and China Over Hacking |
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Matt Drudge an influential figure in conservative media sours on Trump as he faces impeachment |
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FU Trump the group on Facebook |
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Will amp Grace stars Debra Messing and Eric McCormack suggest Hollywood blacklist actors supporting Trump Will amp Grace stars Debra Messing and Eric McCormack suggest Hollywood blacklist actors supporting Trump |
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Игровые автоматы Top Trump World Football Starts Звезды футбола |
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Trump Amerikan askerlerine çekilme emri verdi |
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Trump anuncia fase uno de acuerdo con China |
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Trump TWEETS in defense of decision to abandon Kurds to Turkey as ugly reports roll in… |
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Ukrainian MP Alleges Massive Financial Corruption At US Embassy In Kyiv And Political Coordination Against Trump In Favor Of Joe Biden Paid 900000 By Burisma |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan yeni tweet |
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Tartışmalı telefon görüşmesinden sonra Trump ile |
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Trump Was Right About Puerto Rico |
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Disney’s CEO fired Roseanne Barr and then trashed her and all Trump supporters in the worst way possible |
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Trump to Unveil Medicare Executive Order to Contrast Democrat Rivals |
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How Trump Created Chaos on the Border |
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Trump Doubles Down on His Assault on Alaska’s Old-Growth Forests |
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USA ve stále hlubší krizi: Trump již dokonce prorokuje občanskou válku Konspirace bažin |
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ABD’li Senatör’den Trump’ın Çekilme Kararına Destek |
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Letter: Time to wake up and see Emperor Trump |
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US might be reaching a tipping point with Trump |
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Et politisk selvmål eller en kalkuleret risiko Derfor skiftede Demokraterne mening om rigsretsstrid med Trump |
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What exactly is Trump trying to hide from us |
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ព្រឹកនេះ សម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន ចូលលួចក្នុងផ្ទះគេហើយ ម្ចាស់គេទាន់ តដៃ ហ៊ុន សែន China UNOPS ព័ត៌មានជាតិ ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ Like ព្រឹកនេះ សម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន ណា រី13/10/2019 9:59 am ភ្នំពេញ ៖ នៅព្រឹកថ្ងៃទី១៣ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១៩ នេះ ហ៊ុន សែន Read more ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម ថ្លើមធំ! ចូលលួចក្នុងផ្ទះគេហើយ ម្ចាស់គេទាន់ តដៃ 12/10/2019 10:06 pm ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ 12/10/2019 9:50 pm ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ សម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន 12/10/2019 9:38 pm ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ សំអឿន12/10/2019 9:08 pm ➙ ព័ត៌មានជាតិ ថ្មីៗ ជាច្រើនទៀត សន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម Like ថ្លើមធំ! ចូលលួចក្នុងផ្ទះគេហើយ ម្ចាស់គេទាន់ តដៃ 12/10/2019 10:06 pm រតនគិរី ៖ ជនសង្ស័យម្នាក់ ហើយម្ចាស់ផ្ទះគេទាន់ Read more ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម 12/10/2019 6:45 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម ជនជាតិម្នាក់បែកថ្នាំ 12/10/2019 6:21 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម 12/10/2019 5:58 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម ចិនញៀនថ្នាំដល់កម្រិត បានខ្មែរជួយទាន់ មករា12/10/2019 5:33 pm ➙ ព័ត៌មាន សន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម ថ្មីៗ ជាច្រើនទៀត ព័ត៌មានអន្តរជាតិ Like វណ្ណវណ្ណ12/10/2019 5:10 pm Jane Fonda Read more វណ្ណវណ្ណ12/10/2019 4:42 pm លោក Trump វណ្ណវណ្ណ12/10/2019 4:06 pm បុរសដំបូងគេ វណ្ណវណ្ណ12/10/2019 3:43 pm លោក Modi និងលោក Xi “អំពើភេរវកម្ម” ក្នុងជំនួបកំពូល វណ្ណវណ្ណ12/10/2019 3:15 pm ➙ ព័ត៌មាន អន្តរជាតិ ថ្មីៗ ជាច្រើនទៀត ព័ត៌មានកីឡាជាតិ កីឡាជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា Like អ៊ីរ៉ាក់ មកដល់ភ្នំពេញ មុនប្រកួតជាមួយកម្ពុជា ក្នុងប្រកួតទី៤ 12/10/2019 6:32 pm នៅថ្ងៃទី១២ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១៩ នៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ហើយ Read more កីឡាជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា លីគកំពូលកម្ពុជា 12/10/2019 6:26 pm កីឡាជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា ព័ត៌មានអំពី ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ FIFA Ranking និង ប្រវត្តិខ្លះៗរបស់ កម្ពុជា និង អ៊ីរ៉ាក់ 12/10/2019 5:53 pm កីឡាជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា កម្មវិធីសប្បុរសធម៌ របស់ក្លិបភ្នំពេញក្រោន បន្តបើកទទួលការបរិច្ចាគ 12/10/2019 5:50 pm កីឡាជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា ការពារជាតិ ឯមហាផ្ទៃ វិសិទ្ធ12/10/2019 12:08 pm ព័ត៌មានកីឡាអន្តរជាតិ កីឡាអន្តរជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា 2 ក្រុម Borussia Dortmund Barcelonaនៅ Champions League 18/9/2019 10:37 pm ក្រុម Borussia Dortmund ត្រូវបានសង្គ្រោះទៀត Read more កីឡាអន្តរជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា ក្រុម Ajaxបើកយុទ្ធនាការ Champions Lille 18/9/2019 10:33 pm កីឡាអន្តរជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា Winter Olympics 2022 18/9/2019 10:29 pm កីឡាអន្តរជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា កីឡាករ Henrikh Mkhitaryan Roma 16/9/2019 11:21 pm កីឡាអន្តរជាតិព័ត៌មានកីឡា Jordanជួយឲ្យក្រុម La Liga 16/9/2019 11:18 pm ➙ ព័ត៌មានកីឡា ថ្មីៗ ជាច្រើនទៀត សិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត ព័ត៌មានជាតិសិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត Like ស៊ីន យូប៊ីន ចាន់ ដារ៉ា12/10/2019 2:42 pm ភ្នំពេញ ៖ កញ្ញា ស៊ីន យូប៊ីន Read more ព័ត៌មានជាតិសិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត សុខ ពិសី ចំណាយពេល២ម៉ោង បំពេញបំណងអ្នកគាំទ្រ ចាន់ ដារ៉ា10/10/2019 2:43 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត នាយ ហុងដា ចាន់ ដារ៉ា10/10/2019 1:57 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត អស្ចារ្យណាស់ ! Tim Pek ផ្ទុះការស្ងើចសរសើរ ចាន់ ដារ៉ា9/10/2019 5:05 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត ទឹកចិត្តប្រពៃណាស់ ! ម៉ូលីកា ចាន់ ដារ៉ា9/10/2019 3:36 pm ➙ ព័ត៌មាន សិល្បៈកម្សាន្ត ថ្មីៗ ជាច្រើនទៀត |
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The bottom line is that pretty much everything Mr Trump has promised on the trade front by imposing tariffs hasn’t panned out even if the president persists in saying the opposite QotD |
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SE Cupp: Trump has clear pattern when he’s under attack |
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Trump sugirió dispararle a los migrantes en las piernas: The New |
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Putin says Trump not to blame for lack of improvement in Russia-US ties |
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Trump je potpuno izgubio kompas u Siriji |
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Trump Immigration Plans: Supreme Court Approves Asylum Curbs |
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Trump’tan son dakika tweeti |
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News Related Videos On: Trump delivers speech at Values Voter Summit |
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Trump Rocks Value Voters Summit: ‘They’re Coming After Me Because I’m Fighting for You’ |
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Trump desiste de apoio a Brasil na OCDE mas inclui Argentina e Romênia |
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The Problem With Trump’s Foreign ‘Policy:’ Nobody Believes Him |
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Trump: O Impeachment Faz de Conta e a Briga de Foice no Coração do Império |
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Why Trump’s rush to regulate vaping and not guns |
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New Trump Immigration Executive Order Expected to Cut Legal Immigration by 65 Percent |
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Gordon Sondland Key Ukraine Witness to Testify His ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Denial Came From Trump Personally: WaPo |
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Health officials: Trump immigration order could be illegal |
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President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky |
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George Webb on Biden/Ukraine/Trump Impea |
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Body Language: Trump amp May UK Stat |
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Resul Dindar 5 Ocak Cumartesi Trump Cadde’de sahne alacak |
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Trump’s Classless Response To Shepard Smith Resignation |
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“I tell you this day Donald Trump is also as Belshazzar for he is the last king of Word and PDF of All Holy Spirit Wind Prophetic Words given to Jeff Byerly |
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Donald Trump traverse la phase la plus difficile de sa présidence |
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BREAKING: Cohen Claims Trump Under SECRET Investigation |
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“Piyasa Bu Kez Trump’ı Ciddiye Almadı” |
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Trump Isn’t Julius Caesar He’s Tiberius Gracchus |
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‘Stable Genius’ Trump Orders Deadly Iran Military Strike Then Cancels Minutes Before Because He Didn’t Realize People Would Die |
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Somali-Minnesotans wonder about their welcome after Trump’s speech |
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The Four Stages of Never Trump Republicans |
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Trump Tried To Talk His Homeland Security Secretary Out Of Resigning But He Quit Anyway |
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The Mideast Trump leaves behind: A resurgent ISIS an Arab Spring comeback |
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UPDATE: ‘Humanitarian Catastrophe’: Civilians Flee as Turkey Launches Trump-Sanctioned Assault on Syrian Kurds |
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Trump Administration Proposes Yet Another Rule Change to Increase Hunger and Hardship |
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NYT Publisher Sulzberger Shares Threats to Journalism in Trump Era |
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Trump misses irony of his anti-Biden tirade |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks to Value Voters Summit – 6:30pm ET Livestream… |
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Jimmy Dore: Why Trump Has No Fear Of Impeachment |
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Donald Trump boasts that Israeli Jews love him like ‘the second coming of God’ as he quotes notorious radio host conspiracy theorist |
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Trump says he stopped airstrike on Iran because 150 would have died |
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Krieg in Syrien: Türkische Armee nimmt Tall Abjad ein Trump ordnet weiteren Rückzug an |
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President Trump Laments Democratic Use of Voter Fraud in Rousing Speech |
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Trump wird US-Präsident |
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How Can the Trump Administration Better Address the Opioid Crisis |
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Rudy Giuliani Is Now Second Trump Personal Attorney to Be Investigated in SDNY Criminal Probe |
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Mason City IA Trump orders remaining US troops to leave northern Syria amid growing chaos |
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Rais Donald Trump wa Marekani ahutubia kikao cha 74 cha Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa |
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Trump: ABD’nin sonu olmayan bu saçma savaşlardan çekilme zamanı geldi |
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Former ambassador to Ukraine testifies Trump pressed for her ouster |
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2020 Hopeful Tom Steyer: ‘Trump may not be on ballot in November’ |
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Dimite Kevin McAleenan el cuarto secretario de Seguridad Interior de la era Trump |
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Le business des Américain « version TRUMP » l’UE et la France vont-elles « trinquer » |
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President Trump Announces He’s Reached ‘Substantial Phase One Deal’ with China |
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The Trump doctrine: Principled realism or endemic confusion |
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Trump exposes Queen Elizabeth’s se |
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Trump Signs Executive Order Aimed at Curbing New Agency Spending |
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Trump Russia Collusion Is No Delusion |
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California to appeal Trump tax return ruling renew bid to block president from 2020 primary ballot |
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Trump’s Cabinet – Shakeup and Turnover |
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Gabriel Sherman: Trump Can Afford To Lose Republican Senators During Impeachment But Not Fox News |
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Garcia: Local Trump supporters are standing firm behind him |
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Trump says his border wall is ‘impenetrable’ It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds |
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Trump’s Economic Power Revealed |
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Trump Congress prepare to sanction Turkey as invasion wreaks havoc on northern Syria |
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Democrats move to impeach Donald Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi ‘Hates Our Country’ Says Trump at Rally in Louisiana VIDEO |
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“O futuro pertence aos patriotas” diz Trump em discurso na ONU |
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Trump’s visit stokes fear anxiety among Somalis |
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China’s Xi gets tougher on Trump after new tariff |
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Rand Approves of Trump’s Negotiations With Ukraine |
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Britain in panic as Trump-Putin summit l |
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Donald Trump: ¿Impulsivo o irresponsable |
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You Are Free on Trump Putin Summit: HEL |
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Putin-Trump meeting in Helsinki VIDEOS |
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Trump’s Tax Cuts Cost Homeowners 1 Trillion: Analysis |
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Trump talimat verdi: 1000 ABD askerini çekiyoruz |
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Trump’s legal challenges |
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Trump: Bu savaşa katılmamak akıllıca başkaları araya girmek isterse bı |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı: Erdoğan ve Trump tam olarak 139 kişi çıkarıldı |
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Trump oo saddax xal u soo jeediyay khilaafka Turkiga iyo kooxda… |
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JP Morgan Creates ‘Volfefe Index’ To Track Financial Effects Of Trump Tweets |
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Trump anuncia la salida de McAleenan secretari |
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Presidente de Ucrania “no hubo chantaje en llamada de Trump” |
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Trump trade and China: A Marxist assessment |
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Donald Trump joins Amazon owned Twtich channel as part of 2020 campaign election efforts |
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Trump contro Erdogan: “Imporremo sanzioni molto dure” |
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Trump’s joke on Cristiano Ronaldo falls flat |
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Amenaza Trump con imponer sanciones a Turquía |
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Trump ordena la retirada total de las tropas de EEUU del norte de Siria |
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Former Ukraine envoy says Trump pushed for her ouster ⋆ California EPeak |
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A 23-year-old man named Saul Eugene claims he was kicked out of a Trump rally in Minneapolis because… |
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Trump: The ‘Military Industrial Complex’ Has Got ‘Tremendous Power’ ‘Make A Lot Of Money’ Off War |
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Trump Loves Modi — but Obama Loved Him First |
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Na era Trump |
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Trump hopes Kurds back up to avoid Turkey |
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Trump impeachment: Esper indicates Pentagon will co-operate with inquiry |
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End Trump’s cruel zero tolerance anti-immigration policy |
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Shock Report: Obama ‘Warned’ Trump About 1 Of His Top Officials Can You Guess Who It Is |
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Nordstrom drops Ivanka Trump clothing line accessories |
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Hillary Clinton Continues to Float ‘Rematch’ with Trump on PBS |
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”Nu negociem cu teroriştii” spune Cavusoglu despre oferta lui Trump de a media între turci şi kurzi |
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The role of Goldman Sachs in the Trump Network |
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Trump-district Democrat echoes Nancy Pelosi ‘sad’ words about impeachment |
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Impeachment Concerns Impact Trump’s Betting Odds |
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France’s Macron Just Made Donald Trump Look Like A Fool On The World Stage |
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Trump Threatens Sanctions as Turkish Assault on Syrian Kurds Intensifies |
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Trump Would ‘Take’ Foreign Information On Rival In 2020 Election |
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The Important Trump Victory for America That You Have not Even |
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Q Posts / Q post 3556 – gtgt7260748 “Trump has periodically called for stri |
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Trump White House And Trump Campaign Fed Up With Rudy ‘He Needs To Shut Up And Stop Talking’ |
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OIA Joins Coalition Efforts Urging President Trump to Postpone Tariff Increases |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırım açıklaması |
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CAIR ‘Appalled’ by Appointment of Trump’s New Acting National Security Adviser- GMBDW Agrees |
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Turkey-Syria Border: Trump Threatens To ‘Obliterate’ Turkish Economy |
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MERKEL A ERDOGAN: BASTA – Il Sultano di Ankara avanza in Siria e avverte: non ci fermerà l’embargo Trump ritira i mille soldati Usa Già 130mila sfollati di UDG |
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Trump: Türkler öğle yemeğine çıkar gibi savaşıyor |
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a very nice protester accidentally spit a giant wad of saliva on a Trump supporter |
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Trump Asked About Trudeau Can Blackface Controversy |
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Le blues des producteurs d’huile d’olive d’Espagne face à Trump |
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Catholic archbishop sorry for calling out Trump but not sorry for denouncing racism |
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Adam Schiff’s Plan to Connect Trump to Ukraine |
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The Trump/Zelensky Exchange: The “Though” Makes It Quid Pro Quo |
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Melania Trump skipping G7 North Korea summits |
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Why Both Republicans amp Democrats Should Favor Trump Impeachment |
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Citizens United for the Trump Agenda |
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Trump Warns Iran Will Suffer Greatly If It Targets US After Saudi Ships Attacked |
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Trump confirme la mort de l’artificier d’Al-Qaïda Ibrahim al-Asiri |
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Trump: “Estoy usando a México” |
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The Real Backstory to the Arrest of Two Ukrainian-American Trump Donors |
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Trump: ABD Türkmenistan ile ekonomik ilişkilerini genişletecek |
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Mona Charen: Trump thinks he’s above the law |
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Trump Corruption Makes the Clintons Look Like Amateurs |
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Bernie Sanders: ‘The difference between Trump and me is he lies’ |
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Caroline Glick on Trump and the Kurds |
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Trump’tan bir Barış Pınarı Harekatı açıklaması daha! |
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Catholic archbishop criticizes Trump says to ‘stop hate and racism starting with yourself’ |
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Profil Dan Biografi Donald Trump – Raja Real Estate Yang Menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat |
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Trump’tan YPG/PKK’ya |
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Michelle Obama fala sobre fake news de Trump: “Colocou minha família em risco” |
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Watch As Presidential Motorcade Forced To Pass Road Lined With Protesters On The Way To Trump’s Golf Club Today |
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Dow Futures Surge After Trump’s ‘Very Very Good’ China Trade Brag |
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Vaping group plotted lobbying efforts at Trump’s DC hotel |
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Trump: Estados Unidos no apoya la operación turca en Siria |
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9/11 Anniversary Hurricane Florence Threatens Trump Tweets About Russia Collusion amp Hillary Clinton |
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Trump makes US a hypocrite on human rights |
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Florida Man Urges Trump To Add Him To Nuclear Board After Watching Show “Chernobyl” |
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What India and China can expect from Trump |
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Trump declares a racial double standard in Virginia… |
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Mitt Romney May Primary President Trump: Report |
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Partisans dig in on impeachment but majority of Americans say Trump administration should cooperate with inquiry — CBS News Poll |
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North Korea Says Trump Opted for Lift Sanctions After Meeting |
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10/11/19 Joe and the crew have a few thoughts after last night’s Trump rally |
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Seoul Trump Cards |
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President Trump amp First Lady Melani |
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Trump debuts in new online territory and the left’s not happy about it |
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Sondland to tell Congress ‘no quid pro quo’ from Trump:… |
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Amidst Varying Reports Trey Gowdy Will be Joining Trump’s Legal Counsel to Help with Impeachment |
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Trump Lawyers Dismiss Manhattan DA as a ‘County Prosecutor’ in Opening Lines of Appeal |
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Impeach Trump Pence Barr as seen in Palestine |
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Trump to Roll Out His Plan for the Future of Medicare |
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Ông Trump khoe Boeing kiếm đến 20 tỉ USD nhờ thỏa |
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Trump Appears To Say US Leaving Middle East |
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Trump’s envoy who denied quid pro quo now says he isn’t certain |
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By his count Washington attorney general hasn’t lost a case against Trump yet |
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Trump to unveil executive order aiming to boost Medicare health program woo seniors |
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Los demócratas lanzan una investigación de juicio político para destituir a Donald Trump |
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Defiant Pelosi Dares to Challenge Trump |
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La procédure de destitution de Donald Trump et ses ramifications en Afrique Par Kolié |
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Silicon Valley Cynicism in the Age of Trump and Zuckerberg |
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Bloquean por tercera vez regla de Trump contra inmigrantes |
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DEEP STATE: Donald Trump Alone Against All – By Thierry Meyssan |
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SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Kevin Shipp – ‘Trump Impeachment Like KGB Operation’ |
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TT Trump khoe Boeing kiếm đến 20 tỉ USD nhờ thỏa thuận Mỹ – Trung |
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Do you think President Trump should be impeached and removed from office |
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Anti-Trump protests continue across US as 10000 march in New York 2017 |
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Trump Defends Giuliani Amid Reports He Is Under Criminal Investigation |
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Ironically Donald Trump Is Making America Just Another ‘Third World’ Country |
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Trump Salivates At The Thought Of Hurting Kids Who Needs A Toothbrush Or Soap |
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President Trump Calling Out Democrats For Attempting A Coup Designed To Remove Him From Office |
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Turkey sent troops to Syrian North Sichuan to prepare for the launch of major the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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House Dems Hit a Snag in Their Mission to Get the Whistleblower to Testify on Trump |
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Trump Honors Longtime Reagan Associate Edwin Meese |
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Trump Administration’s Plan to Crack Down on Homeless Encampments Raises Alarms |
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Trump abandona a los kurdos |
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Nhân vật giấu mặt có thể thực sự khiến ông Trump bị luận tội là ai |
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• Donald Trump’tan DSG’ye mesaj |
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Trump-Kim Summit Back On Will Take Plac |
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Trump Hotel |
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Thousands of Protesters to Greet Trump in Minnesota |
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Nord : le prêtre catholique Raymond Mbélé avait transformé son presbytère en turque : la juiverie internationale accuse Trump de l’avoir « poignardé dans le dos » en Syrie |
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Don’t let Trump deport America’s Dreamers |
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The Trump Family amp Campaign Meetings with Russia Continue |
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Trump an ‘island of one’ on Syria |
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Bringing Grievances to His Conservative Foundation Trump Assails Impeachment Inquiry – The New York Times |
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Quora: Donald Trump is considering delisting Chinese companies from US stock exchanges What effect will this have on the US China and stock holders |
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Trump Defends Syria Decision Amid Turkish Attacks on Kurds: ‘Let Them Have Their Borders’ |
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Majority of Americans now say they endorse opening of House impeachment inquiry of Trump 58 to 38 |
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Trump Orders 1000 Troops to Evacuate Syria Warns Sanctions on Turkey “Ready to Go” |
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Second Republican Challenges Trump In 2020 White House Race |
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Melania Trump Breaks Ground On New White House Tennis Pavilion Photos |
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My Op-Ed with Tim Feddersen re Nordstrom-Trump |
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Congressional Progressive Caucus cochair Mark Pocan has a great idea: If Trump appointees block congressional testimony block their paychecks |
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Happy 26th Birthday Tiffany Trump: See Her Best Looks Of All-Time |
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Trump says he is ‘very supportive’ of Senate health-care bill |
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Trump: “The Future Belongs to Patriots- Not to Globalists” |
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Trump’tan yeni açıklama: Üç seçeneğimiz var |
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As Donald Trump appears caught attempting a quid pro quo Max Blumenthal argues that the Ukrainegate scandal also highlights a web of corruption and meddling inside Ukraine implicating other prominent US figures and institutions |
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Trump’tan yeni açıklama: Bırakın savaşsınlar! |
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Trump Signs Order Closing Border With Me |
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Elecciones 2020: Demócratas presionados ante capacidad para desafiar a Trump |
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Huawei Mate 30 bald offiziell mit Google Trump gibt grünes Licht für zum heutigen OnePlus 7T und OnePlus 7T des Tages |
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Biden campaign asks Facebook Twitter and Google to take down Trump ad |
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Donald Trump drar tillbaka USA:s trupper |
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Rihanna feels Donald Trump is mentally ill |
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After FBI Swamp Admits To Mutiny – Trump Drops Presidential Anvil |
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Trump has a lot to say about Brexit But do Brits listen |
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Braves Lose Tomahawk to PC Police Then Media Says They Were Trump Rally Turns Rowdy as Protesters and Supporters Clash |
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Trump Family amp Campaign Officials Hold Nearly a Dozen Meetings with Russians Close to Putin Throughout 2016 |
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Cisco anticipated Trump China tariff hike however something extra worrisome |
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US China agree ‘Phase 1’ trade deal Trump suspends October |
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Donald Trump Buat Akun Twitch Demi Kampanye Pilpres Tahun 20 |
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Biden Plunges Headlong Into “Trump Trap”—And Drags Leftist American Media Lunatics Along With Him |
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Analysis Why Netanyahu Has to Stay Silent About Trump’s Abandonment of the Kurds |
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Trump Never Thought He Could Lose the Evangelical Vote — but Then He Abandoned the Kurds |
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Trump destaca que acuerdo con China es muy favorable para granjeros de EEUU |
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Trump orders the withdrawal of about 1000 US troops from northern Syria |
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Walter Lohman On Taiwan: Taiwan’s diplomatic allies in context Why it is unlikely CUPP will be banned Taiwan foreign labor laws outdated Twenty firms account for a third of carbon emissions Preventing digital feudalism requires government intervention EDITORIAL: Han needs more than sound-bites The Liberty Times Editorial: Bringing on an agricultural boom Taiwan needs to tell its story better Will the new locally built jets justify their cost The battle against the US’ loneliness crisis China’s corrupt meritocracy is not a model ready for export EDITORIAL: What price conscience ‘Detention’ is a Taiwan masterpiece Amateurs turned academic sleuths DPP must not ignore the threat of CUPP Profit not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal EDITORIAL: KMT must open up its archives |
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Why Trump shouldn’t smile about the North Korea summit |
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Fox News Poll: Record support for Trump impeachment |
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Satire: Diary of Donald Trump after losing 2020 election in the USA and applying for India’s President |
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Con el Congreso centrado en el ‘impeachment’ de Trump ¿qué pasa con la ratificación del acuerdo comercial con México y Canadá |
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Syria: D Trump nakazał wycofanie wojsk USA na południe |
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El olfato de Donald Trump para captar las debilidades de los líderes extranjeros |
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Ambasador Nsofor and his wife with US President Trump at the White House |
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Trump abandona Bolsonaro e decide não apoiar mais a entrada do Brasil na OCDE |
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Trump Wants to Hide Consumer Complaints About Banks amp Non-Banks Mortgage Servicers from the CFPB Database Citing ‘This is Not Yelp The Banks Demand Protection and I’m Indebted to Them’ |
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Hillary Is Running Scared From Trump’s New FBI Nominee Here’s Why |
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Eminem ‘Attacks’ President Donald Trump VIDEO |
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Trump Orders 1000 Troops To Evacuate Syria Warns Sanctions On Turkey Ready To Go |
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National Security Council Gutted As Establishment Loyalists Undermine Trump |
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Trump’tan YPG’ye çağrı: Türkiye’nin gücüne karşı şansları yok umarım çekilirler |
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Trump’s Still Standing By Giuliani…For Now |
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Obamacare fate after Trump Triumph |
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Impeachment moves against Trump: Republicans scramble to fight back |
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US: Trump announces phase one trade deal with China |
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Center for Food Safety Sues Trump Administration for Unlawfully Keeping Secret the Reasons for Gutting the School Lunch Nutrition Program |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’ye tehdit: Ekonomisini tamamen yok ederim |
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Trump criticizes top NBA coaches amid China controversy |
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Trump Turns On Bolton Accuses Him Of amp |
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Watch Live: President Trump Announces Hi |
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Trump The Liar In Chief Spewing Unprecedented Flood Of Lies In His Mid-Term Campaign Of Fear |
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Mattis warns ISIS could resurge: ‘Enemy gets the vote’ after Trump’s announced troop pullout |
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FBI wiretapped Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort |
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Trump Calls Tlaib a ‘Despicable Human Being’ |
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Turkey’s continued push into Syria comes days after President Donald Trump cleared the way for Turkey’s air and ground offensive |
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Must Watch: Trump Vows To Bring Troops Home In Epic Emotional Speech |
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Former Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Heads To Prison To Begin 3-Year |
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Thượng Đỉnh Trump – Kim: Vì sao Hà Nội Vì sao |
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Trump nomina a John Sullivan como embajador de Estados Unidos en Rusia |
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CNBC: Trump says the US has come to a substantial phase one deal with China |
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Trump Withdraws Troops From North Syria After Hundreds of Islamic State Supporters Escape Amid Clashes With Turkey |
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Furious Trump DESTROYS Nancy Pelosi’s Reputation |
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3 Donald Trump Swipes At Shepard Smith On Fox News Exit… |
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Santé d’Ali Bongo : Jean Ping revient à la turque en Syrie : Avec Trump Macron évoque la nécessite de protéger les civils |
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Ambasador Nsofor presents his credentials to President Trump |
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Xi calls Trump to urge restraint over North Korea: Chinese leader pleads with President to avoid ‘exacerbating’ nuclear tensions after warning that US armed forces are ‘locked and loaded’ |
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The Inauguration of Benedict Donald – J Trump |
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Una nuova crisi è in arrivo E la politica di Trump sui dazi ne è in gran parte responsabile |
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Bloomberg News: Trump’s new refugee ceiling is built on lies |
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Blind amphibian named after Donald Trump |
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THAWING TIES: Erdogan to meet Trump |
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BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On It |
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Donald Trump – Vote Rigging |
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Trump’tan Suriye açıklaması |
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In A New Campaign Ad Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Is Vowing To Keep Trump From Being Removed From Office |
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Trump farm secretary in Wisconsin: No guarantee small farms will survive |
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IRFR’den Trump’a: Soykırıma karşı harekete geçilsin |
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Donald Trump dice ante la ONU que Maduro es un títere saludables |
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Chris Wallace Grills Trump’s Defense Secretary: Syria Withdrawal Is ‘The Definition Of Abandoning The Kurds’ |
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Hunter Biden to step down from China board amid Trump attacks – BBC News |
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Trump tam bir esnaf diyenler haklı galiba |
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Trump administration moves to ban flavored e-cigarettes |
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Türkische Offensive Trump ordnet Rückzug weiterer US-Soldaten aus Nordsyrien an |
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erdoğandan trumpın teklifine çok sert tepki |
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„Děkuji Číně!“ Trump slaví „největší a nejvýznamnější“ obchod s Pekingem |
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Trump Dió Luz Verde a los Jihadistas Turcos y Ahora Esta Líder Kurda de los Derechos Humanos Está Muerta |
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Trump’s biggest lender Deutsche Bank does not have the president’s tax returns according to court order |
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Several national security officials raised alarms about Ukraine policy before and after Trump call |
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Trump ends Syrian war Hillary Clinton gets pained |
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Donald Trump Greeted By Queen Elizabeth amp Prince Charles On State Visit To The UK Twitter Reacts |
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Dear Mr Trump: According to Fox Poll Majority of Americans Want You REMOVED From Office |
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Die “Neue Weltordnung”: Der schier aussichtslose Kampf des Donald Trump gegen die verborgenen Mächte des “tiefen Staats“ √ |
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Donald Trump Digugat 16 Negara Bagian |
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Trump’tan PKK’ya son ihtar: Türkiye’ye karşı şansınız yok |
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Celebrity Apprentice Insider Claims Trump Wears Adult Diapers Due to Incontinence from Stimulant Abuse |
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Những vị khách chưa từng thấy trên chuyên cơ Không lực Một của Tổng thống Trump |
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Hunter Biden’s lawyer sounds off on Trump attacks |
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Trump Turnberry: US Air Force To Review Scotland Resort Stays |
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Timeline: How the Trump Admin is Rolling Back Protections for Children |
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SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 1 |
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Unverified Photo Of Trump At Rally Appears To Show POTUS Wearing High-Heeled Shoes |
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Do They Really Expect Us To Believe This Latest Ukraine Hoax Against Trump |
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Trump says troops won’t shoot migr |
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Are We Asking the Wrong Question About Trump’s Tax Cuts |
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Donald Trump Life Changing Quotes |
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Trump anunció acuerdo parcial con China generando la esperanza de que las tensiones disminuyan |
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Trump orders withdrawal of US forces from northern Syria days after Pentagon downplays possibilit |
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Eli Lake commentary: ‘The only person capable of preventing this disaster is President Trump’ |
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‘Ukrainegate’ Teaches Us More About Ourselves Than Trump Or Biden |
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There was collusion between the DOJ the FBI and the Hilliary Clinton campaign as well as the Democratic Pary and Fusion GPS to discredit Trump should he be elected This was the so-called Russian hoax |
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Trump and Giuliani sticking together as the impeachment inquiry heats… |
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If Trump is so Innocent Why is his Legal Team Spending so Much Effort on Asserting he can Pardon Himself |
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Trump’s Withdrawal |
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GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office which they will never be it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal’” Trump tweeted |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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Whistleblower complaint points to a Trump cover-up says Democratic congresswoman |
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Trump threatens to sue Schiff Pelosi amid impeachment inquiry |
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What a Trump Presidency Might Mean For Global Health |
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DEBUNKED OR COVER-UP UK Letter Stating President Obama Asked UK to Spy on Trump Organization and Trump Campaign |
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