The Latest: Trump says Erdogan assured him of cease-fire |
19 |
Cummings powerful congressman leading Trump probe has died |
16 |
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a yanıt |
13 |
Pelosi moves on drug prices despite falling-out with Trump |
12 |
Presiden Erdogan Buang Surat dari Presiden Trump ke Tong Sampah |
11 |
Trump says Europe now willing to take IS prisoners in Syria |
10 |
Get Caught Up: 4 Big Questions About The Trump-Ukraine Affair |
8 |
New News Donald Trump suggests shooting on immigrant legs 2019 |
7 |
Trump Inaugurates New Louis Vuitton Production Site |
7 |
Trump hails Syria cease-fire after he played role in crisis |
6 |
Trump signs bill that creates the Cybersecurity and Inf |
6 |
General Makes Very Personal Dig At Trump During Speech |
6 |
Next G-7 to be held at Trump National Doral in Miami White House announces |
6 |
Trump in Texas bashes Democrats as ‘crazy’ unpatriotic |
6 |
ABD Başkanı Trump’tan yeni açıklama |
6 |
Another minister resigns from Trump cabinet after name in Ukraine scandal |
6 |
White House acknowledges strings attached in Trump withholding Ukraine aid |
6 |
New News Trump: It’s hard to believe that Israel is spying on America 2019 |
6 |
The Latest: Trump imagines easier 2020 win by popular vote |
6 |
Jair Bolsonaro e Donald Trump: um amor não correspondido |
5 |
Mattis laughs off Trump criticism: ‘I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals’ |
5 |
Gianforte: Trump impeachment proceedings are a sham |
5 |
Trump’tan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a cevap: “Terörizmi yenilgiye uğratalım” |
5 |
Mattis Rips Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs On The Battlefield’ |
5 |
Trump says Erdogan told him he wants ceasefire to work |
5 |
James Mattis Zings Trump: ‘He called Meryl Streep Overrated I’m the Meryl Streep of Generals’ |
5 |
ABD Başkanı Trump: Türkiye’den güzel haberler var milyonlarca hayat kurtarılacak |
5 |
Trọng không đi Mỹ vì Trump đồng bóng |
5 |
5 |
Opinion: Trump’s Stonewalling of Impeachment Inquiry Is an Impeachable Offense |
5 |
Most overrated Mattis laughs off Trump barb at charity gala |
5 |
Fleischer: Mulvaney made a ‘terrible mistake’ by contradicting Trump |
5 |
Trump: I’m 100 Against The Media’s TRUE Agenda |
5 |
US picks Trump resort for G-7 critics call choice ‘brazen’ |
5 |
The Intelligence Fallout From Trump’s Withdrawal in Syria |
5 |
FOCUS: Procedura demiterii lui Donald Trump / Legături cu oligarhi… |
5 |
Waarom vallen vrouwen massaal op Donald Trump |
4 |
Cummings Trump relations soured amid House investigations |
4 |
Sean Spicer Dresses As Toy Story’s Woody For ‘DWTS’ Disney Night Trump Tweets His Support |
4 |
Disebut Orang Bodoh Erdogan Buang Surat Trump Ke Tong Sampah |
4 |
3 Ukrainian lawmakers doing Trump’s dirty work in scandal |
4 |
In the Age of Trump Language and Words Should Matter More Than Ever |
4 |
Donald Trump va-t-il être destitué 1/2 |
4 |
In oil-rich region Venezuelans fear catastrophe if Trump forces Chevron to leave |
4 |
Trump Rallies Supporters in Texas |
4 |
Impeachment: Es wird ernst für Donald Trump |
4 |
Trump alimenta la polémica sobre Siria para distraer del juicio político |
4 |
Donald Trump va-t-il être destitué 2/2 |
4 |
Syrian American group says Trump warrants Nobel Peace Prize US troops really should come residence |
4 |
Trump Administration Defends Religious Freedom in the Armed Forces |
4 |
Trump betrayals |
4 |
Marjorie Cohn: Trump Moves the World Closer to “Doomsday” |
4 |
Robert Ford: Kuzeydoğu Suriye’deki kardeşlerimiz Trump’ın bu kendi başına buyrukluğunun acısını çekiyor |
4 |
‘‘Türkiye’nin Donald Trump’a zaferi’’ |
4 |
Victory for the Birds: Judge Blocks Trump Plan to Lighten Bird Protection on Oil Fields |
4 |
Trump likens Turkish attack on Kurds to schoolyard fight |
4 |
Trump’tan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a yanıt |
4 |
US Can Take Withdrawal From World Trade Organization: Donald Trump |
4 |
Trump khó ‘kìm cương’ cuộc điều tra luận tội mình |
4 |
Full timeline of Trump’s Ukraine scandal explained from Ukraine |
4 |
Trump Seeks to Rally Supporters in Texas |
4 |
James Mattis Zings Trump: ‘He called Meryl Streep Overrated I’m the |
4 |
Trump Poised to Withdraw from Open Skies Treaty |
4 |
RDC : Le président Tshisekedi a rencontré Donald Trump à New-York |
4 |
Donald Trump: Danke Erdogan |
4 |
ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın tweetine yanıt |
4 |
Erdogan buang surat ancaman Trump ke tong sampah sebelum umumkan operasi militer ke Suriah |
4 |
What’s Up With Trump’s Tariffs on China |
3 |
Όταν ο Andretti πήγε βόλτα τον Trump video |
3 |
Peter Ticktin: I don’t know if anyone knows Donald J Trump as I know him |
3 |
Summitul G7 de anul viitor organizat la Miami pe o proprietate a lui Donald Trump Anunţul a fost făcut de Casa Alba |
3 |
O’Rourke’s proposal would hand victory to Trump |
3 |
Rep Elijah Cummings Democratic leader and regular Trump target dies at 68 |
3 |
Anna Paulina: Latino Support for Trump Growing in the United States |
3 |
Trump Administration Prosecutes Record-Breaking Number Of Immigration-Related Crimes |
3 |
Pompeo discusses Trump Syria moves with Netanyahu |
3 |
Democrat Cummings at centre of Trump impeachment inquiry dies at 68 |
3 |
Turkey Syria offensive: Trump likens conflict to playground fight |
3 |
Trump says Turkey and Kurds needed to fight ‘like two kids’ |
3 |
Ukrainegate Risks Handing Trump Another Gift |
3 |
Another Top Trump Official Is Walking Away From A White House Under Fire |
3 |
Cüneyt Özdemir baş döndüren trafiği yorumladı: Barış Pınarı – Trump’ın mektubu – Halkbank davası |
3 |
Energy Secretary Perry Tells Trump He Plans on Resigning |
3 |
Meet the new face of the Trump resistance at Fox News |
3 |
A Trump Favorite For His Hardline Anti-Immigration Stance Maryland Sheriff Now Faces Re-Election |
3 |
Trump is thinking of sending troops to Venezuela |
3 |
Trump congeló activos a tres ministros turcos por ofensiva en Siria |
3 |
Erdoğan Trump’a yanıt verdi |
3 |
I tha budalla/Erdogan nxehet keq me Donald Trump: I paedukatë do t’i kthej përgjigje shpejt |
3 |
Trump says US Energy Secretary Perry to step down at end of the year |
3 |
Factbox: What has the testimony to the impeachment inquiry on US President Trump revealed |
3 |
Staff Ed: Trump video goes too far |
3 |
Top Navy Seal who oversaw Osama bin Laden raid: ‘Our Republic is under attack’ by Trump |
3 |
I messaggi di Huawei all’Ue e a Trump |
3 |
Trump impeachment |
3 |
Trump’s Perfidious America |
3 |
Trump tries to taunt Nancy Pelosi with a photo on Twitter She made it her |
3 |
Sanctions on Turkey no longer necessary: Trump |
3 |
Highlights: President Trump’s Rally in Dallas TX 10/17/19 |
3 |
Reports Say Trump Capacity Crowd In Dallas Topped 30000 With 10000 Watching Outside! |
3 |
Russia expects Trump- Putin Phone Talk not to be Public |
3 |
Trump: Erdoğan’la görüştüm |
3 |
Trump’s Backward Stance on Climate Ignites Cities States |
3 |
La femme de Donald Trump copie le discours de Michelle Obama!!! |
3 |
« Ne faites pas l’idiot ! » : l’incroyable lettre de Trump à Erdogan |
3 |
Energy Secretary Perry tells Trump he plans on resigning |
3 |
Trump blasts ‘Crazy Nancy’ Pelosi Democrats at raucous Dallas rally |
3 |
President Donald Trump Refuses To Comply With The Impeachment Inquiry |
3 |
Exclusiva: el presidente Trump encabezará la gran cumbre evangélica |
3 |
President Trump Awards Economist Arthur Laffer the Medal of Freedom |
3 |
Mattis mocks Trump’s bone spurs during Al Smith dinner speech |
3 |
Trump’tan Erdoğan’ın paylaşımına yanıt! |
3 |
James Mattis Roasts Trump In Speech Warns Of ‘Ambitious Leader Unfetter By Conscience’ |
3 |
Trump ordered shooting migrants in legs and filling moats with alligators US Journalist Claim |
3 |
Trump yıllar önce Türkiye’yi IŞİD’in dostu olarak görüyordu |
3 |
The guardrails are off the Trump presidency |
3 |
Ngày 1000 nhiệm kỳ TT Trump cuộc họp thành màn đấu khẩu hỗn loạn |
3 |
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a yanıt: Terörizmi yendiğimizde daha fazla hayat kurtulacak |
3 |
To Trump Alliances Are Strictly Business |
3 |
Anadolu Ateşi Dans Okulu Trump AVM’de açıldı! |
3 |
Ya están aquí los aranceles de Trump: este será el coste en Andalucía |
3 |
Presiden Erdogan Lemparkan Surat Trump ke Tong Sampah |
3 |
Trump’s use of military money for wall survives Senate test Colorado senators split |
3 |
Erdoğan’dan Trump’ın skandal mektubuyla ilgili sert açıklama! |
3 |
Lynne Patton On Working For Donald Trump and HUD Dr Ben Carson |
3 |
Trump Orders 1000 Troops To Evacuate Syria Warns Sanctions On Turkey “Ready To Go” |
3 |
About that photo: Trump Pelosi clash amid impeachment |
3 |
Trump says Turkey and Kurds needed to fight ‘like two kids’ |
3 |
Victor Davis Hanson on “The Case For Trump” |
3 |
Trump Dallas Rally Open Thread |
3 |
On Day 1001 Trump Made It Clear: Being ‘Presidential’ Is Boring |
3 |
Adobe cancels all user accounts in Venezuela to comply with Trump Executive Order 13884 |
3 |
Get caught up: 4 big questions about the Trump-Ukraine affair |
3 |
Bahçeli’den Türkiye-ABD anlaşmasına ve Trump’ın mektubuna ilk yorum |
3 |
Trump’ın mektubu – Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: “Vakti saati geldiğinde bu konuyla ilgili gereğinin yapılacağını bilmenizi istiyorum” |
3 |
Trump’tan Erdoğan’a mektup – 18 Dakika 17 Ekim 2019 |
3 |
España espera que Trump suspenda los aranceles a bienes de la UE y negocie |
3 |
Trump and Arnault Meet in Rural Texas |
3 |
Mick Mulvaney: Trump Committed Ukraine Crimes It Was Awesome GET OVER IT! |
3 |
Only One Person Showed Up At Republican Trump Challenger Mark Sanford’s Kickoff Rally |
3 |
Trump shot a badass letter to Erdogan Erdogan tore it and tossed aside Then Erdogan came back to his senses |
3 |
Energy Secretary Perry resigning at end of year Trump says |
3 |
Le commerce de la répression : Militarisation des frontières enfants migrants et prisons des affaires pour les amis de Trump |
3 |
Is Trump More Concerned With Erdoğan Relationship Than With Kurdish Lives |
3 |
Howdy Modi reached Donald Trump for an hour late due to this mega event |
3 |
Great Day for Civilization: Trump hails Turkey ceasefire deal |
3 |
29723 Nigerians Overstayed their US Visas in 2018 as Trump threatens crackdown on Nigerians and 12 other African countries |
3 |
Trump To Host G-7 At His Country Club — And Reap Big Personal Profits |
3 |
Nhà Trắng thừa nhận ông Trump dùng viện trợ gây sức ép lên Ukraine |
3 |
Warren Suggests Facebook Might Help Trump Win Reelection for Profit |
2 |
Trump tényleg Mozzarella elnöknek nevezte az olasz elnököt |
2 |
Text of Trump’s letter to Turkish President Erdogan |
2 |
Rick Perry deja su puesto como secretario de Energía del gobierno de Trump |
2 |
Trump lashes out at Democrats during Texas rally |
2 |
Quand Trump tacle Macron sur le chômage en France |
2 |
2 |
Trump’tan Türkiye ve PYD açıklaması |
2 |
Trump’tan Başkan Erdoğan’a teşekkür |
2 |
Trump Nominates Sarah Sanders To A New Position — Here’s What We Know |
2 |
Key US diplomat underscores role of Trump lawyer Giuliani in Ukraine… |
2 |
Live: Trump holds a campaign rally in Dallas Texas |
2 |
US President Donald Trump Intends to Terminate India’s Beneficiary Designation Under GSP |
2 |
Trump: “Bu anlaşma 3 gün önce yapılamazdı Bunu yapabilmemiz için ‘zor aşk’ gerekliydi” |
2 |
Trump’ın mektubu Türk savcıların önünde |
2 |
Trump holds a campaign rally in Dallas |
2 |
‘Pray for Her’ Trump Blasts Pelosi As ‘Very Sick’ And ‘Third-Rate’ Politician As WH Meeting Breaks Down |
2 |
Tom Arnold Targets Trump With Tweet Making Veiled Reference To Kennedy Assassination |
2 |
President Trump Demands Sweden Free US Rapper |
2 |
Mattis Takes Swipe At Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs On The Battlefield’ |
2 |
Romney raises troubling theory about Trump and Turkey |
2 |
Beto O’Rourke holds counter protest in Grand Prairie while President Trump held event in Dallas |
2 |
Trump oznámil prímerie v Sýrii |
2 |
Trump please save Hong Kong – protesters |
2 |
Trump chose self-help Illuminati author for federal education board – Business Insider |
2 |
If the House of Representatives took a vote do you think there would be enough votes to impeach Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump is Betraying more than just the Kurds of North and East Syria |
2 |
Trump – tritt er vorzeitig zurück |
2 |
While the Senate fiddles Romney burns Trump’s Kurdish betrayal as a strategic debacle ‘blood stain’ on America |
2 |
Ketter: Trump’s dangerous war on the press |
2 |
National media outlets fail to call Trump hosting G-7 at his Doral resort the blatant corruption that it is |
2 |
Will Trump determine the fate of Medical Marijuana in Florida |
2 |
Alman Spiegel Online: Trump ve YPG kaybetti |
2 |
Top White House official indicates Trump withheld Ukraine aid |
2 |
Schiff Pressured Witness To Say Trump Pressured Ukraine To Investigate Biden Report Says |
2 |
Trump’a göre ‘okul bahçesinde iki çocuk kavga etti’ |
2 |
Pelosi Storms Out Of White House Trump Calls Her ‘3rd Rate Politican’ |
2 |
Trump Repeatedly Told Sondland There Was No Quid Pro Quo In Call Before Infamous Text |
2 |
ABD Başkanı Trump: “İnsanlar uzun yıllardır bu anlaşmayı yapmaya çalışıyordu“ |
2 |
Trump: Bazen çocukların kavgasına izin vermek gerekir |
2 |
No Elijah Cummings Did Not ‘Forgive’ Donald Trump On His… |
2 |
Does Michelle Steel Support Trump’s Plea for Election Interference from China and Ukraine |
2 |
Tom Arnold Threatens Trump ‘They Showed Up For JFK Too’ |
2 |
Unfettered by impeachment inquiry Trump energizes Dallas crowd as O’Rourke holds counter-rally |
2 |
LETTER: Perhaps we can pay Trump to leave office |
2 |
White House Rick Perry face deadline for documents in Trump impeachment inquiry |
2 |
Trump’s Nancy Pelosi ‘meltdown’ tweet was the perfect self-own Here’s why |
2 |
Trump impone aranceles a Europa por 7 mil 500 millones |
2 |
Mariano: Who cares what Jay-Z has to say about Trump! |
2 |
US-Städte wollen Trump ersetzen |
2 |
Erdogan: ‘Necessary Steps Will Be Taken’ About Trump’s Undiplomatic Letter |
2 |
Former Texas Gov Rick Perry tells Donald Trump he will resign as energy secretary |
2 |
Democrats Are Hypocrites for Condemning Trump Over Syria |
2 |
President Trump praises Texas Conservatives defends his policies at Dallas campaign rally |
2 |
Hunter Biden Steps Down From Chinese Company Due to Trump Pressure |
2 |
CAIR ‘Appalled’ by Appointment of Trump’s New Acting National Security Adviser Who Served on Board of Anti-Muslim Hate Group |
2 |
Trump agencies aren’t filing reports on environmental risks to low-income communities |
2 |
James Mattis pokes fun at Trump’s insult: ‘I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals’ |
2 |
ROJAVA Résumé d’une semaine de tricheries de Trump et de la… |
2 |
ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Erdoğan’a teşekkür |
2 |
« Ne jouez pas au dur! Ne faites pas l’idiot ! » la lettre surréaliste de Trump à Erdogan |
2 |
Hubungan Trump-Netanyahu Memburuk Pompeo Emban Misi Berat ke Israel |
2 |
From Reagan to Trump |
2 |
Tulsa rally against Trump impeachment escalates to physical confrontations with Antifa counterprotesters |
2 |
Trump: Türkler ve Kürtler iki çocuk gibi kavga ediyordu ben ayırdım |
2 |
Trump’s Middle East Meltdown |
2 |
Trump’tan ateşkes yorumu: Okul bahçesindeki iki çocuk gibi kavga edecekler sonra ayıracaksınız |
2 |
Trump Administration Cracks Down on Chinese Diplomats in US |
2 |
How Donald Trump Is Killing Twitter |
2 |
Donald Trump told Texas supporters at a rally in Dallas that next year’s election puts “the survival of American democracy itself” at stake |
2 |
Robertson kizuhant Trump két százassal is búcsúzott |
2 |
President Donald Trump Speaks At ‘Keep |
2 |
Parmigiano takes a hit as Trump’s Italian cheese tariffs kick in |
2 |
2 |
Trump insulta a Pelosi con una foto y ella la convierte en su imagen de perfil |
2 |
Republicans worried by Mulvaney’s confirmation Trump sought exchange of favors with Ukraine |
2 |
Donald Trump a des squelettes dans son placard |
2 |
Az’s Schweikert among 129 House Republicans who join rebuke of Trump on Syria |
2 |
Trump Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın mesajını paylaştı: Terörizmi yen |
2 |
NEW VIDEO: Leftists sucker punch put choke hold on man trying to hang on to his MAGA hat outside President Trump’s Minneapolis rally |
2 |
Poll: Trump Leads Warren Biden In Key Swing State |
2 |
Trump’s chief of staff does a stand-up CSI Experts A Thousand Miles Off Scene/Don’t need the Facts Ma’m/We don’t need no stinking Facts |
2 |
Senate’s effort to block Trump’s emergency wall funding just fell flat |
2 |
Turkey will respond to threatening Trump letter when time comes – Erdoğan |
2 |
Next international G-7 summit to be held at Trump-owned golf resort White House announces |
2 |
Trump admet que les États-Unis ont tué des millions de personnes dans une guerre fondée sur de mensonges |
2 |
Trump Wins Big – Outmaneuvers WarHawks With Middle East Moves |
2 |
Erdoğan ‘Esed’le ailecek görüşecek kadar yakındık’ dedi Trump’ın mektubuna yanıt verdi |
2 |
“SHBA-Itali kanë marrëdhënie që nga Roma e lashtë” përkthyesja e Trump bën reagimin epik |
2 |
When Trump was told NO on his face |
2 |
Trump confirms Rick Perry to step down as Energy secretary |
2 |
España espera que Trump suspenda los aranceles a bienes de la |
2 |
Why Trump’s 227 Policies Didn’t Work |
2 |
Trump amp Holness to meet at Mar-a-Lago Florida |
2 |
Weekend Open Thread: How Trump Normalizes Cannabilism |
2 |
Trump Türkiye ve YPG’yi ‘Bahçede Kavga Eden Çocuklara’ Benzetti |
2 |
Retail sales up 45 in September from a year ago Trump tariffs creating concern |
2 |
Brad Pitt: “Trump is a danger in many ways” |
2 |
Trojan Name New Ultra-Thin Skin Condom after Donald Trump |
2 |
Trump Compares Turks and Kurds to ‘Two Kids’ Fighting |
2 |
2 |
Mỹ-Thổ đạt thoả thuận ngừng bắn tại Syria ông Trump lại bị tấn công Trong khi Mỹ và Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đạt thoả thuận tạm ngừng bắn trong 5 ngày ở Syria phe Dân chủ tại Washington tiếp tục tấn công Tổng thống Trump |
2 |
Accordo tra il principe Saman e Trump |
2 |
The Biggest Winners in Trump Budget: The DEA and the War on Drugs |
2 |
Mock Assassination Of Donald Trump At A Rally: Sandoval Apologizes |
2 |
A Trump le ponen los Pelosi de punta |
2 |
Following President Trump France established a space command |
2 |
The Senate Must Rein In Trump |
2 |
Trump to Meet N Korean Leader Kim By May 2018 |
2 |
House Condemns Trump on Syria |
2 |
Trump Sends His Condolences To The Family Of Congressman Elijah Cummings |
2 |
PennDOT reviewing Trump administration request for driver’s license data |
2 |
Will Trump Putin Xi and Modi End the British Century of War – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat |
2 |
Ofensiva Turciei în Siria nu a încălcat linia roşie trasată de Trump spune Casa Albă |
2 |
Did Trump call Italian President “Mozzarella” and make ‘Ancient Rome’ gaffe Fact Check |
2 |
Trump firma orden para reimponer sanciones a Irán |
2 |
‘Reduce Tension over Kashmir Bilaterally’ Trump tells Pak PM |
2 |
Ο Donald Trump είναι πεπεισμένος ότι η Renault εξακολουθεί να πωλεί αυτοκίνητα στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες |
2 |
Pelosi Schumer and Stoyer Storm Out of Meeting Into a Press Conference Because Trump Fights Back |
2 |
‘Trump mektubu’: Saygı sevgi nedeniyle gündemde tutmadık |
2 |
Watch: Antifa Riot at Trump Rally in Dallas with Alex Jones |
2 |
Trump’s UN envoy Nikki Haley quits |
2 |
Experts: Trump’s 2020 win guaranteed by THIS |
2 |
O’Keefe Strikes Again! Undercover Video Shows CNN Production Supervisor Wishing For Trump’s Death ‘Hopefully He Dies Soon’ |
2 |
Vidéo: Trump interrompt une interview car quelqu’un a toussé |
2 |
Trump’s big night in Big D: Three takeaways from ‘overthrow’ rally in Dallas |
2 |
Trump’s Syria ‘ceasefire’ could make the Middle East less safe lawmakers say |
2 |
Erdogan hits back at Trump’s ‘tough guy’ attack |
2 |
Has Trump Spent ‘2785 Years’ of Salary on Taxpayer-Funded Golf… |
2 |
‘Overrated general’ Mattis laughs off Trump barb at charity gala |
2 |
The 45th US President Trump Is History and So Is the USA |
2 |
How Trump’s border wall became the battle for Washington |
2 |
Trump Erdoğan’a teşekkür etti |
2 |
Is Trump’s tail wagging Erdogan |
2 |
Trump: Önce bırakacaksınız kavga edecekler |
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Trump’s use of military money for wall survives Senate test |
2 |
ABD Başkanı Trump: Erdoğan ile görüştüm |
2 |
Tupelo prepares for Donald Trump campaign event |
2 |
Trump again rejects presidential norms virtually guaranteeing impeachment |
2 |
White House sending mixed messages on Trump’s reaction to Mulvaney’s quid pro quo admission |
2 |
Donald Trump ile Twitter CEO’su Jack Dorsey Görüşmesi |
2 |
Flurry of Trump Falsehoods |
2 |
What President Trump’s EPA Just Did For Flint Michigan Blows Obama |
2 |
Trump will Vergeltung: Harte Strafzölle gegen Europa treten jetzt in Kraft |
2 |
Lindsey Graham Threatens To Become “Trump’s Worst Nightmare” |
2 |
Nhà Trắng bất ngờ thừa nhận Tổng thống Trump dùng viện trợ gây sức ép với Ukaine |
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LONE STAR MAGA: Trump Speaks to Energized Crowd of 30000 in Dallas Texas |
2 |
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Trump confirms Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza killed in US counterterrorism operation |
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Friendship resumed Turkey’s Erdogan promises ‘new page’ in Ankara-Washington relations through talks with Trump |
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Erdoğan Trump’ı Neyle Tehdit Etti |
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Turkey ‘cannot forget’ letter from Trump about military offensive Erdogan says |
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Bahçeli’den Türkiye-ABD anlaşmasına ve Trump’ın mektubuna net yorum |
2 |
What President Trump’s EPA Just Did For Flint Michigan Blows Obama Out Of The Water! |
2 |
VOYEZ SEATTLE DÉTRUITE le 6/14 anniversaire de la naissance d’Abord et la connexion du 8/4 d’anniversaire d’Obama à la mort de Trump – 153Newsnet – investir sur crypto |
2 |
Twitter tackles Trump |
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« Ne faites pas l’idiot! »: l’incroyable lettre de Trump à Erdogan |
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Donald J Trump realDonaldTrump |
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Web Trump |
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US Picks Trump Resort for G-7 Critics Call Choice ‘Brazen’ |
2 |
Trump Fires Top US Diplomat Rex Tillerson |
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G-7 Summit To Be Held At Trump’s Miami Golf Resort |
2 |
Trump oo amaanay xabad-joojinta Turkiga iyo Kurdiyiinta |
2 |
LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds MA |
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Yabancı basın “Sultan kazandı” dedi: Uzlaşma Erdoğan’ın işine yarıyor Kaybedenler ise Donald Trump ve YPG |
2 |
Mysterious Gunman in Body Armor Arrested Outside Dallas Trump Rally |
2 |
Trump in Texas bashes Democrats as ‘crazy’ unpatriotic |
2 |
Elton John Praises President Trump’s Humanitarian Efforts |
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US ambassador to the EU breaks with Trump testifies in front of Congress |
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PennDOT Reviewing Trump Administration Request For Driver’s License Data |
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Fmr Navy Adm: Our republic is under attack from Trump |
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Trump Amerikan Devletinin Yüz Karasıdır |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan yeni Suriye açıklaması |
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President Donald Trump Jr |
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Trump ve Erdoğan’ın sosyal medya üzerinden yazışması sosyal medyaya damga vurdu |
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Tyler Cowen: Would you bet against Trump in 2020 |
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Trump International Beach Resort |
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Trump Listens to Ron Paul on Senior Health Freedom Part |
2 |
Armed Man Wearing Body Armor Arrested At Dallas Trump Rally |
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Trump’ın Erdoğan’a yazdığı mektup ortaya çıktı! |
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Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria Reverberates From Jerusalem To Tehran |
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NFL stars kneel in defiance of Trump who said they should be FIRED |
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Trump’tan Türkiye-ABD mutabakatı açıklaması |
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Forget Trump’s “Meltdown”—Follow the Testimony |
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Donald Trump shot dead by Muslim woman on stage at rally |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a yanıt |
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Luân Lê: Lão Trump Có Tồi Tệ |
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Pa’s Casey Toomey split on Senate vote to overturn Trump power plant rule |
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Ông Trump vừa hân hoan cảm ơn ông Erdogan liền bị Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tạt gáo nước lạnh: Hiểu nhầm và mừng hụt |
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Pelosi on that photo: Trump ‘didn’t like’ her questions |
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Trump Activates Marines For Emergency Within The US |
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Limestone NAACP renews call to remove pro-Trump ad |
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Trump Pelosi Cite ‘Meltdown’ as White House Meeting Breaks Down |
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Gordon Sondland Says Trump Assigned Ukraine Policy To Giuliani In House Testimony |
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Trump To Host 2020 G7 Summit At His Own Doral Resort In Florida |
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Nancy Pelosi announce Impeachment Proceeding against Donald Trump |
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Iranian Protesters Love Donald Trump And Hate Justin Trudeau! |
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Trump Signs Off On Metal Tariffs |
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Trump: Kavga etmelerine izin vereceksiniz sonra ayıracaksınız |
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Schiff Caught In Secret Impeachment Hearing Pressing Witness To Lie About Trump |
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Erdogan says Turkey will take necessary steps against Trump’s ‘disrespectful’ letter |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a flaş mektup cevabı! |
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Trump: Kavga etmelerine izin vereceksiniz sonra da ayıracaksın |
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The latest on the Trump impeachment inquiry |
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Trump ABD’nin Suriye’den çekilmesinde ısrarcı |
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Tránh đường cấm cho hội nghị Trump – Kim bằng Google Maps |
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Trump’s tariffs on several popular Irish goods come into force today |
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Trump unhappy with Mulvaney’s press briefing in which he acknowledged quid pro quo source says |
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Trump won’t discuss climate with G-7 at his Miami resort |
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The Unraveling of Donald Trump |
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Deutliche Prognosen – Trump dürfte locker wiedergewählt werden |
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G7 Summit to Be Hosted at Trump’s Miami Resort and ‘Climate Change Will Not Be on the Agenda’ |
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Mainstream media’s anti-Trump bias has no room left to escalate |
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Selon Trump Turcs et Kurdes avaient besoin de « se bagarrer comme des gamins » |
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Etats-Unis: Selon Donald Trump l’Iran « souhaite une rencontre » |
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Turkish President Erdogan says he ‘cannot forget’ Trump’s letter |
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This Trump Appeals Court Nominee Is Under Attack From The Right And The Left |
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‘Howdy Modi!’ – Thousands plus Trump rally in Texas for India’s leader |
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Trump to hold 2020 G-7 summit of world leaders at his Miami-area resort |
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Surge of Mexican migrants is new challenge for Trump border crackdown |
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Trump’ın Mektubuna Hükümetten Cevap! |
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Alto funcionario Casa Blanca de Trump dispara que Puerto Rico es un sitio corrupto |
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BOOM: Rand Paul Blocks Senate Vote to Condemn Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Syria |
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Erdoğan Trump İle Görüştü |
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Event: The Imperial Presidency in the Age of Trump |
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Dunleavy says he’s a victim just like Trump |
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George Conway Wonders How Anyone Can Set Aside ‘Morality’ to Be a Spokesperson for Trump |
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Trump Campaign Website Left Open to Email Server Hijack |
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Trump’s budget director shocked liberals with blunt answer on climate change! |
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La Casa Blanca confirma el control de Trump mientras congela la ayuda a Ucrania |
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Trump Surati Erdogan Jangan Bodoh Erdogan Buang Surat ke Tempat Sampah |
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President Trump tops Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden in latest polling |
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Pelosi Trends on Twitter After Trump’s ‘Unhinged Meltdown’ Tweet Backfires |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a küstah mektup! Trump |
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Trump Retweets Erdogan Says ‘DEFEAT TERRORISM!’ last minute news |
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New York prosecutors agree to put request for Trump tax returns on hold |
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Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: Only Way Democrats Can Beat Trump Is to ‘Make the President Look Unworthy of the Job’ |
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Trump üst üste açıklama yaptı Kimse ne dediğini anlamadı |
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Trump’s telephone diplomacy sends the wrong message to Putin |
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Fox News en los tiempos de Donald Trump Autor: Carlos F… |
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Fox News on Trump selecting his own resort for G-7: “The master marketer at work” |
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Trump Offers Freed ISIS Fighters a Group Rate at Trump Doral Resort |
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Highlights from President Trump in the Oval Office |
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SCALISE ON HANNITY: President Trump is ‘Following Through on His Word’ with Foreign Policy |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’ın tweetine twitter’dan yanıt |
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Trump får kritikk for å holde G7-toppmøte på sin private golfklubb |
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Fox’s Geraldo Rivera: Trump Should ‘Comp Those Rooms’ at His Resort for the G7 Summit |
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Turkey’s Erdogan ‘threw Trump’s Syria… |
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Trump has foreign policy principles: Syria shows how they work Don’t say you weren’t warned |
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Republicans Abandoning Trump Over Ukraine Fiasco |
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Donald Trump Says Mugabe Was Better Than Current Zimbabwean President Mnangagwa |
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Veteran Baltimore congressman and Trump era protagonist Elijah Cummings dies at 68 |
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JLF’s Jordan Roberts discusses Trump administration health policies |
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Trump Executive Orders Dismantling Democracy |
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OMG: Tom Arnold Threatens Assassination of President Trump |
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Trump hails Syria cease-fire after playing role in crisis |
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Trump Administration announces partnership to grow outdoor recreation economy |
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‘Texas is not in play’ Trump claims at his campaign rally in Texas |
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Donald Trump justificó el uso de gases químicos |
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Pastores acreditam que decisão de Trump sobre Jerusalém é “s… |
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Trump tied Ukraine aid to US political probe: White House |
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Many American Jews Need to Atone for Their Sins against Donald Trump |
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White House admits Trump tied Ukraine aid to political effort |
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President Trump Hosts a Joint Press Conf |
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Trump impone los aranceles a Europa por valor de 7500 millones |
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Mattis Rips Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs On The Battlefield’ |
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Wall Street’s stern message to Trump |
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Stop The Donald Trump |
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Paris Milan Being Used By Trump To Get Re-Elected |
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Bitcoin Price Surges Toward 11500 as Trump Eyes USD Manipulation |
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US picks Trump resort for G-7 critics call choice ‘brazen’ |
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Trump’s lethal betrayal to Syrian Kurds is systematic deeper than reported |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’ın mektubuna ilişkin açıklama: Karşılıklı olan sevgi ve saygımız bunu gündemde tutmaya müsaade etmiyor |
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Trump’s hailing of 50 bln in Chinese farm purchases seen as ‘meaningless’ |
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Trump’tan Fransız muhabire olay cevap |
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White House says next G-7 to be held at a Trump golf resort |
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CNN sunucusu Trump’ın Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a Yazdığı Skandal Mektupla Alay Etti |
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Olimpic Athlete Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel |
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Trump responded on Border Wars Inside Trump Assault Immigration |
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Trump’ın mektubu – Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: “Vakti saati geldiğinde bu konuyla ilgili… |
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Sondaggi d’America – Nel bel mezzo dell’indagine per l’impeachment di Trump Warren continua a guadagnare terreno tra i dem Domani il quarto dibattito |
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President Trump Will Host Next G-7 Summit At His Florida Resort |
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A Brief Interview With A Novice Climber Who Comfortably Scaled A Replica Of Trump’s Border Wall |
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Peters joins senators in questioning Trump’s G-7 plans at his resort |
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Review: ‘Joker’ Is a Manic Portrait of the Trump Era |
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‘Don’t kid yourself:’ Donald Trump tells Dallas rally the fate of democracy is at stake in 2020 |
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4 saatlik zirvenin detayları: Kim ne dedi Trump’ın Erdoğan’a yazdığı mektup konuşuldu mu |
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Trump dice que algunos países europeos ahora están dispuestos a encargarse de sus milicianos de Estado Islámico |
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Entran en vigor sanciones comerciales de Estados Unidos contra Europa Trump impone aranceles |
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Trump: “Erdoğan çok zeki biri” |
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18 Very Attractive Ivanka Trump Hairstyles |
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Opinion: Adam Schiff is the congressman Trump wants you to hate |
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Must Read: Donald Trump Meets Louis Vuitton Overcoming The Makeup Slump |
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Trump: Teşekkürler Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan |
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Trump’s former personal lawyer says Rudy Giuliani has ‘gone off the rails’ has a secret Ukraine ledger |
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Anlaşma sonrası Trump’tan dikkat çeken Türkiye ve Erdoğan açıklaması |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın teröre karşı ortak hareket etme üzerine attığı paylaşıma cevap vererek “Terörizmi yenilgiye uğratalım” dedi |
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Kimmel: Trump’s Ukraine defense just went from ‘If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit’ to ‘Gimme back my glove!’ |
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Rihanna’dan Trump’a: Amerika’daki en akıl hastası insan |
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Trump veta la resolución para poner fin a la emergencia nacional… |
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Trump’tan Türkiye ve YPG ile ilgili açıklama: ‘Okul bahçesindeki iki çocuk gibi kavga etmelerine izin vereceksiniz sonra da ayıracaksınız’ dedim! |
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Reimagining Donald Trump As A Half-Naked Fakir amp The Proliferation Of Pop Symbolism |
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Quid pro nothing: Trump accusers don’t care about the facts |
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Will Federal Reserve Make President Trump A New Herbert Hoover |
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”America first” har blivit ”Trump first” |
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Pelosi Uses Trump’s Tweeted Photo as Badge of Honor |
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Paul Ryan: ‘FBI Did Nothing Wrong’ Spying on Trump Campaign |
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Trump’tan yeni açıklama: Başkan Erdoğan’la görüştüm |
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Trump’tan anlaşma açıklaması |
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Trump’s dangerous war on the press |
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Trump: Madaxweyne Erdogan waa nin fariid ah |
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Issues Voters See the Race Differently From Those Who Prioritize Beating Trump |
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Trump avait lié une aide à l’Ukraine à la politique américaine admet la Maison Blanche |
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Watch: Trump defends Turkey says Kurds had to be “cleaned out” |
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Trump appoints Illuminati attorney |
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Trump et le président «Mozzarella» une blague si crédible |
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National security expert details ongoing civil war inside US intelligence community over Trump: ‘There are questions of allegiance’ to our country – The National Sentinel |
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Offensive Athletic Company Billboard in Times Square Shows Trump Hogtied in Front of White House By Woman to Protest Abortion “Gag Rule” |
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Trump Administration To Expand Logging In Nation’s Largest National Forest |
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Trump on Offense |
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‘Overrated’ General Jim Mattis: ‘I Earned My Spurs on the Battlefield Donald Trump Earned His Spurs in a Letter From a Doctor’ |
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THIS IS IT! Trump Just Fired 800 Obama Holdovers After They Were Caught |
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Trump’s Syria Retreat Is Another Step In The US Empire’s Collapse |
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Donald Trump Toupee: Rumors Have Been All Around! |
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Can Trump Be Beaten Regardless |
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Trump’s deal with Turkey fails to convince US senators |
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TRUMP amp PUTIN SAVED SYRIA – Anti-New York Times – Mike King |
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Democrat Sen Pat Leahy Praises Anti-Semitic Cleric Just To Spite Trump |
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Donald Trump Visits Louis Vuitton Factory Meets Bernard Arnault |
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False narrative connecting Giuliani Ukrainian-American associates and Trump Video |
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‘Trump is flailing’: Pelosi and Schumer demand ‘sane leadership’ from the White House |
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Trump’s Failed Yemen Raid No Surprise… |
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«Trump tut als Bösewicht allen Volkswirtschaften einen Gefallen» |
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Donald Trump’s Doral resort to host 2020 G7 Summit |
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TT Trump sẽ dễ dàng thắng cử 2020 theo mô hình dự đoán của Moody’s |
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Trump hails Erdoğan for pausing Syria operation |
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Trump pushed for Ukraine probe of firm linked to Biden’s son: Diplomat |
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Trump has awarded next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders to his Miami-area resort the White House said – Stats |
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Trumpocalypse Now Ranking the Republicans Who Could Replace Trump on the 2020 Ticket |
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White House acknowledges Trump’s withholding of Ukraine military aid came with strings attached |
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Trump signs bill that creates the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Teşekkürler Erdoğan milyonlarca hayat kurtulacak |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a Twitter’dan yanıt |
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Republican Voters Are Largely Backing Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria |
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Trump says ‘tough love’ got Turkey to agree to 5-day ceasefire with Kurds |
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Trump’s got a ‘good feeling’ about Iran Netanyahu should be nervous |
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Trump Winery |
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Insolite Les deux bouteilles de vin de Côte-d’Or ont été envoyées à Donald Trump |
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President Donald Trump is a Joker Understudy – Says Trevor Noah |
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ABD Başkanı Trump Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı retweet’ledi: TERÖRÜ YEN! |
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Donald Trump: Okul bahçesindeki iki çocuk gibi kavga etmelerine izin verdik sonra |
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The Media Has Been Telling You Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Is A Gift To Putin It’s Not Here’s Why |
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Vu d’Italie Les droits de douane de Trump menacent le parmesan |
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Trevor Noah is gobsmacked by Mick Mulvaney’s quid pro quo confession today’s 6 other Trump scandals |
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House Votes 354-60 On Resolution To Rebuke Trump Over Syria Withdrawal |
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Donald Trump beklagt sich “Kanada behandelt uns nicht richtig” droht die globale Steuer |
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Trump’s deal no solution for Kurdish conflict – scholar |
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Madaxweynaha Turkiga:- Warqadii Uu Madaxweyne Trump Ii Soo Qoray Qashinka Ayaan Ku Daray |
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GOP rep says Trump’s Syria actions will affect US relations with allies |
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Madaxwayne Erdogan Miyuu Ka Guuleystay Donald Trump |
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Una caricatura reveló quien guía al presidente Trump y desató la ira y censura de Israel |
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Sinema breaks with Dems on effort to overturn Trump power plant rule |
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White House Admits Quid Pro Quo Between Trump and Ukraine |
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Impeachment protests and mass resistance are needed to beat Trump |
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Watergate prosecutor says the evidence against Trump is even clearer than the evidence against Nixon |
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Family of couple who died protecting their baby receives death threats after meeting with President Trump |
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OPUS 180 Trump’s China Deal |
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Warum Trump jetzt Syrien um die Ohren fliegt |
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A Million Little Things S02E04 1080p WEB h264-TRUMP |
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Donald Trump: Yaptırım yok Erdoğan zeki biri şu anda herkes mutlu |
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Trump orders companies to seek alternative markets to China |
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BREAKING: Trump’s Attempt to Hire Gowdy Falls Apart |
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Analysis: Mulvaney’s twin admissions put Trump at center of emoluments and Ukraine controversies |
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Business News Giuliani’s access to Trump blurred the line between diplomacy and business for News We regret to inform you that you can now date Colonel Sanders in KFC’s new dating sim |
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Elizabeth Warren should concern Donald Trump ‘bigly’ |
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Death Comes to Northeast Syria: The Human Cost of Trump’s Withdrawal of Forces |
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Trump reactiva pena de muerte a nivel federal en EUA comenzarán al finalizar el año |
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Energy Secretary Rick Perry tells Trump he plans to resign |
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England lose first qualifier in 10 years to Czech the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Noch einmal: Was hat Putin gegen Trump in der Hand |
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Hugh Hewitt: Trump should hit reset on fall debates |
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Trump llama ‘enferma mental’ a la líder demócrata Nancy Pelosi |
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Congress members representing Athens Co break with Trump on Syria |
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Brian A Howey: Why Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds should matter to us |
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Bloomberg/Jennifer A Dlouhy and Ben Brody: In Defending Trump Mulvaney Admits Quid Pro Quo He Later Denies |
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icons/video/playcircle Democratic Leaders Describe Trump’s Meeting ‘Meltdown’ |
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Letter: Trump is getting US back on its feet |
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A big donation of 100000 from the Presidential Salary to Homeland Security by Donald Trump |
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Trump mocked and criticized by ex-military leaders including Mattis – live |
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‘Appetite for friction’ – Trump policy towards China |
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COLUMN: Trump’s dangerous war on the press |
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Trump goes after ‘very dumb’ Beto O’Rourke at Dallas rally over policies against guns and religion |
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Ruben Carranza says Trump in trouble for inciting genocide |
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Condemning Trump on Syria It’s ‘buffet outrage’ – The Boston Globe |
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‘Overrated general’ Mattis zings Trump at New York charity gala |
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Mattis jokes about Trump’s ‘overrated general’ comment |
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Would Kennan Support Trump’s Foreign Policy |
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If It’s Trump vs Warren then what |
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Albania: 100 years Berisha plays ‘great Albania’ trump card |
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Mulvaney Openly Admits Trump Put Pressure On Ukraine For Dirt On Biden Tells People To ‘Get Over It’ |
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Trump coştu! Erdoğan benim dostum o harika bir lider |
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After Pence Meets With Turkey President – Donald Trump Makes Major Mideast Progress Secures Cease-Fire |
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Iowa Starting Line Podcast Ep123: Car Time with Rob Sand Patty Judge Talks Trump amp |
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Peringati Erdogan Terkait Serangan Turki Ke Suriah Trump: Jangan Menjadi Manusia Bodoh! |
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Look Who’s Stocking Up on Guns Now: Fear and Loathing in Donald Trump’s America |
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kelly trump scene 7 |
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Trump’s Syria Cut-and-Run Is an Act of Unimaginable Weakness |
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Il ‘dramma’ dell’interprete all’incontro Mattarella-Trump |
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El presidente Trump defiende el ataque de Turquía contra los kurdos: ‘Los kurdos no son ángeles’ |
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Trump Administration |
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Trump Claims ISIS Fighters in Syria Were Released From Prison ‘Just For Effect’ |
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Trump Tried to Protect Qualcomm Now His Trade War May Be Hurting It |
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ECONOMIEDémarchage abusif : Engie écope de 900 000 euros que nous avons un meilleur président : la petite réflexion de Trump qui vise Macron |
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Twitter tells Kamala Harris why it won’t suspend Trump’s account |
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Tiệc Sinh Nhật Bé Trump – Chủ Đề Carousel |
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Exclusive Dennis Miller: The Hollywood ‘Resistance’ Has Already Re-Elected Donald Trump |
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Bernie Sanders Wants to Undo Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut – and Much More |
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US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran has led to a breakdown in US-European relations writes Hany Ghoraba |
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Trump alimenta la polémica sobre Siria para distraer del juicio políticohace 1 hora |
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Mulvaney speaks Are GOP prepared to sacrifice remainder of their lives for Trump |
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Los aranceles de Trump suponen un incremento de 7 millones de euros en gasto exportación para 250 empresas de C-LM |
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US-China trade mini-deal being ‘papered’: Trump |
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Lasota: Rosja próbuje skłócić Turcję z USA a Trump jest w złym stanie psychicznym |
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Trump In Texas Bashes Democrats As ‘Crazy’ Unpatriotic |
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Trump autoriza sanciones contra Turquía por ofensiva militar en Siria |
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Trump Refuses to Shake Globalist Merkel’s Hand During Photo Op… |
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koze Mande chèz Avek Dionel 10/17/2019: Jovenel pat ka al Pont rouge – Pelosi longe dwèt sou trump |
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La doctrina Trump y las «guerras en las cárceles bonaerenses |
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Trump och skandalerna |
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Trump goes after ‘very dumb’ Beto O’Rourke at Dallas rally over policies against guns and religion |
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With UK elections on horizon front runners BoJo and Corbyn mirror Trump and Sanders in political and economic ideologies |
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USA : Un hôtel de luxe de Trump choisi pour abriter le Sommet du |
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Trump șochează din nou: “I-am lăsat pe turci și kurzi să… |
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Administración de Trump planteó propuesta para incrementar demanda de biocumbustible |
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Quand votre banque vous facturera votre Trump va-t-il être destitué 2/2 |
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Dan ‘McCain 20’ Crenshaw Joins Democrats to Condemn President Trump’s Troop Pullback in Syria |
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Trump misleads us on foreign policy |
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President Trump’s tax reform vs his balanced budget |
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Pelosi opens door to televised meetings with Trump |
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Ultimate Gaming in breakthrough partnership with Trump Taj Mahal |
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Trump pozastavil Ukrajine pomoc z politických dôvodov |
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Gov Jerry Brown Quietly Admits Trump Was Right Eases California Logging Rules |
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Trump Rally in Dallas has now reached capacity |
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Pres Trump says the ceasefire in the Turkey-Syria conflict will save the lives of the Turks amp Kurds |
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Mattis mocks Trump’s bone spurs during Al Smith dinner speech – Stats |
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‘Overrated general’ Mattis zings Trump at NY charity gala |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a Cevap! |
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Mattis Fires Back At President Trump After Reported Insult |
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Parents of UK teen killed in crash felt pressure from President Trump |
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Assessor dos EUA vai a Rússia para reuniões visando cúpula Putin-Trump |
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Indictment links Morrisey super PAC to Ukrainians tied to Trump impeachment probe |
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Trump’s Road to the White House |
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White House Says Next G-7 To Be Held At A Trump Golf Resort |
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CNN’s Jim Acosta Calls Trump’s America ‘Vicious’: ‘I Throw My Beer |
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Man with a gun arrested near protesters outside Trump’s Dallas rally |
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Cummings Trump relations soured amid House seeks to reassure Israel amid Syria turmoil |
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Trump’s Doral Resort To Host G-7 Summit Next Year |
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Trump ‘Ambushed’ Harry Dunn’s Grieving Parents at the White House |
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Twitter explains why they haven’t suspended President Donald Trump’s Account |
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Ο Donald Trump είναι πεπεισμένος ότι η Renault εξακολουθεί να πωλεί αυτοκίνητα |
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CNN’den Trump’ın ‘istifa’ tweetine yanıt: LOL |
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Trump Predicted His Own Investigation Throughout CampaignIn an odd way |
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Trump choisit son golf pour accueillir le G7 tollé à Washington |
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ALERT: Russian Leader Drops Trump Bombshell Media Humiliated |
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Kirstie Alley Drops Hammer On Hollywood ‘Asshats’ For Trying To Blacklist Trump Donors |
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Trump policy sparks middle-class boom |
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Iranian Refugee: Trump’s Muslim Ban Stranded My Uncle Green Card Holder In Iran |
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The Incredible Trump Deception Guns And Butter Audio |
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Legal Experts Roast ‘Torture Memos’ Author John Yoo’s Defense of Donald Trump |
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Mattis on Trump: Guess where I earned my spurs pal |
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Chiến trường Syria: Ông Trump vừa khoe chiến tích Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ lập tức phản pháo |
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The role of Goldman Sachs in the Trump Network |
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Donald Trump Willing to Host Kim-Jong at the White House if Summit Goes Well |
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“A Troll at the Bridge”: Trump Trumpism and White Identity Politics |
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La UE a Trump: No hay más alternativa que nuestros aranceles |
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Suspected Chemical Attack In Syria: Trump Aide Says No |
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AdvaMed President and CEO Writes Letter to Trump |
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Unprecedented: Trump awards next G-7 summit to his own resort |
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In case you missed Trump’s sociopathetic narcissism |
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What the Election and a Trump Presidency Mean for Early Retirement |
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Summitul G7 din iunie 2020 va avea loc într-unul dintre domeniile de golf ale lui Trump la Miami |
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Trump Messed Up Worse Than People Realise in Syria |
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Trump takes actions to become US emperor |
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Pelosi don’t care what the voters say she’s might impeach Trump anyway |
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Mattis delivers one-liners at Trump’s expense at charity gala |
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official trump 2020 t shirt |
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KnowThis: Trump ‘Meltdown’ MeToo amp More |
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Contingent Faculty in the Age of Trump |
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Trump’s Use of Military Money for Wall Survives Senate Test |
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Ông Trump nổi cơn thịnh nộ phe Dân chủ bỏ họp giữa chừng |
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Trump betegner exit fra Syrien som strategisk genialitet |
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Trump annonce le départ de son ministre de l’Energie Rick Perry |
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President Donald Trump Actions Making US Less Safe Says Napolitano |
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Biafra:Thousands Of Biafrans In Solidarity To The Inauguration Of America’s President Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Syria mess |
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Visita de Trump a Israel pode ter consequências pr… |
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All the President’s CrimesIs a Ukrainian Oligarch Helping Trump Smear Biden to Evade US Corruption Charges |
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Trump Slams ‘Crazy’ And ‘Enraged’ Democrats Who ‘Hate Our Country’ At Dallas Rally |
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Donald Trump speaks about the new Canada |
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Romney Raises Troubling Theory About Trump |
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Israël: après les Kurdes de la Syrie Benyamin Netanyahu a peur d’être lâché par Trump |
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Donald Trump Jr hits back at critics who compare him and his siblings to Hunter Biden |
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Crisis in Care: Year Two Impact of Trump’s Global Gag Rule |
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Is Arch Conservative War Hawk John Bolton Going to Bring Down President Trump |
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La oreja de este perro es IGUAL a Donald Trump y rompió Twitter |
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Tổ chức Hội nghị thượng đỉnh G7 tại nhà TT Trump bị cáo buộc trục lợi cá nhân |
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What Democratic candidate is most likely to face President Trump in the 2020 election |
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‘I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals’: Mattis laughs off Trump barb at charity gala |
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ANOTHER VIEW: Think Trump’s cruelty is unique Meet Robin Vos |
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WATCH LIVE: Trump Speaks at Rally in Dallas Amid Syria Blowback |
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Parker: The malevolent aura of Donald J Trump |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Önemli Açıklamalar: Güvenli Bölge ve Trump’ın Skandal Mektubu |
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Gerson: Trump is turning American ideology into a sham |
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James Mattis Takes Swipes At Donald Trump During Charity Dinner |
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Ecco chi è l’interprete livornese del video virale con Mattarella e Trump alla Casa Bianca |
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Trump: “Kavga etmeleri gerekiyordu sonra ayırdım” |
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Politics Open question: Why don’t liberals praise Trump for reaching a ceasefire agreement with Turkey to save the Kurds |
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How US Orthodox Jews Became Trump Supporters |
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Enhanced prospect of a Trump-Rouhani summit on UN sidelines |
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Nearly 1 Million Students Could Lose Free Lunch Under Trump Admin’s New Food Stamp Rule |
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President Trump scores huge ‘phase 1’ deal with China |
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Trump’s Withdrawal From the Open Skies Treaty Jeopardizes US National Security |
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Donald Trump discourages violent games that lead to massive killings |
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Donald Trump Makes Move to TAKE Nancy Pelosi Down … Do You Have His Back |
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Hamilton pushed for impeachment powers Trump is what he had in mind |
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Bažiny inovují: Loterijní demokracie! Voličská revoluce Trump a brexit noční můrou Soros pomůže se zavedením Výběr poslanců losem Zrušit volby znamená i formální konec demokracie Není to žert ale realita |
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Letter: Griffith misleads constituents on Trump accusations |
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It’s a disgrace to tolerate Trump |
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Mattis responds to Trump criticism: ‘I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals’ |
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Geraldo Rivera Rips Trump For Hosting G7 at His Miami Resort: ‘Flies in the Face of the Constitution’ |
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Despite Controversy Next Year’s G7 Will Be Held At Trump Doral |
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Trump’tan ‘görüşme’ paylaşımı |
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‘Most overrated general’ Mattis takes swipe at Trump |
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“Erdogan Xashiishkuu Ku Tuuray Warqadii Trump” BBC |
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‘Most overrated general’ Mattis takes swipe at Trump |
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Trump Obama’yı geri istiyor! |
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Putin-Trump meeting in Helsinki VIDEOS |
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Aux Etats-Unis l’impeachment de Trump gagne du terrain dans l’opinion |
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Trump Says ‘Impeachment Nonsense’ Hurting 401ks |
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SUA / Ministrul energiei Rick Perry va demisiona în curând anunţă preşedintele Trump |
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The North Atlantic Triangle in the Age of Trump and Brexit |
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Trump Aides in Pelosi Photo Look Like They Wish ‘Ground Would Swallow Them’ |
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How Trump’s New EU Tariff Will Impact Whisky Drinkers and Producers |
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Trump administration dropping hints that they too are interested in joining the MMT movement through the use of 100 year bonds |
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You Are Free on Trump Putin Summit: HEL |
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Don’t Let Trump Be The Only One Seen Hugging An American Flag This Fourth Of July |
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Ngày 1000 nhiệm kỳ TT Trump cuộc họp thành |
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Quotation Mark Defense Pins Trump Lies On Bad Punctuation |
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Trump’tan çirkin açıklama: Biraz kavga etmeleri gerekiyor dedim Kürtler müthişti |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a teşekkür üstüne teşekkür |
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129 republicanos de la Cámara votan para condenar el abandono de kurdos por parte de Donald Trump |
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Trump está furioso por el “desfile” de funcionarios que testifican ante el panel de juicio político |
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BREAKING: Shep Smith To Be Canned Because He Can’t Control His Hate For Donald Trump |
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Trump Bumps Border Troop Estimate To 15 |
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Trump Says His Meeting With Putin Was Be |
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The Guardrails Are Off the Trump Presidency |
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Fallece Elijah Cummings figura clave en la investigación de juicio político contra Trump |
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Erdoğan ‘Benim muhatabım Trump onlarla görüşmem’ demişti: Geri adım |
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Nancy Pelosi Treated Trump Staff With ‘Disrespect’ Called Them ‘Incompetent’ Hogan Gidley Claims |
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125 House Members Sign On To Motion To Punish Schiff For Phony Trump-Ukraine Script |
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Would a Democratic president ‘crash’ the economy like Trump predicts |
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“Madawayne Erdogan Waa Nin Fariid Ah ” Madaxwayne Trump Oo Amaanay Madaxwaynaha |
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Illinois House Republicans Democrats unite to condemn Trump yanking troops from Syria – Chicago Sun-Times |
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El día en que Trump despidió al equipo de PlayStation |
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President Trump Gives Update On Turkey Situation |
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Funny Trump Mug – 11 oz Coffee Mug Review Trumpmug HGG19 |
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Trump gela Mattarella: “I dazi non |
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Derin ABD ve medyası Trump’ı topa tuttu: Türklere teslim oldunuz! |
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Kongreyê biryara Trump rûreş kir |
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Trump “breekt” tijdens vergadering over Syrië en vraagt Erdogan “geen dwaas” te zijn |
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Trump Describes Democratic Rival Beto O’Rourke as “Wacko” For Anti-LGBTI Church |
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White House Aide Fired After Leaks On Trump Family |
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Mick Mulvaney tries to walk back admission of Trump’s quid pro |
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Başkan Trump’dan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a: Terörü yen |
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Trump White House Prepares Pardons for Two Jive-Ass Turkeys |
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Racism Boycotts Protests amp Trump by IronsideHex |
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Turkey’s Economy Is Tanking But Not Because of Donald Trump |
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Erdogan reportedly threw Trump’s letter in the bin |
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Sí condicionó Trump ayuda a Ucrania: Casa Blanca |
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Trump Picks Trey Gowdy to Help in Impeachment Fight |
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Millions are fleeing Venezuela Why won’t President Trump give refugees TPS |
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EmigrateMe: Norway reaching out to Americans looking for an alternative to Trump madness |
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Trump’s Call Declassified – Coup Attempt Exposed |
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Ejecutivos de Netflix ganarán más dinero gracias a TRUMP |
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Rick Perry speaks out after resigning as Trump’s energy secretary |
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Trump veta la resolución para poner fin a |
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Why would these women back Trump |
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China’s economy isn’t the problem says Trump’s Commerce Secretary about Apple |
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Erdoğan: Trump’ın mektubunu unutmamız mümkün değil vakti gelince gereken yapılacak |
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Burundian forces in Somalia to reap most from Trump’s allocation |
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Nancy Pelosi: Trump had a meltdown in meeting |
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Pompeo meets Netanyahu amid concerns that Trump might not be a reliable ally |
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Trump Triumphant After ‘Tough Love’ Diplomacy with Turkey |
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Trump Deep State Medien: Offener Kampf Protektionismus USA |
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Donald Trump condamnă avortarea copiilor cu Sindrom Down |
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The Party of Trump |
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SC’s Lindsey Graham proposes Turkey sanctions as feud with Trump over Syria continues |
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Trump Explains His Pillars of Policy Home and Abroad |
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Video: Most overrated Mattis laughs off Trump barb at charity gala |
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Trump’s “Great and Unmatched Wisdom” |
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Trump retweets Erdogan says ‘DEFEAT TERRORISM!’ |
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Enis Nakkaş: ABD’nin Suriye’de geleceği yok Trump Suri |
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Trump ancam akan ‘benar-benar hancurkan dan lenyapkan’ ekonomi Turki jika bertindak ‘di luar batas’ di Suriah |
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WWII lesson for Trump: Turkey was in bed with the Nazis |
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It would not matter what Trump rock you look underneath a Pandora’s Field of corruption all the time awaits |
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Saker rant: reaction to the Dems attempt to impeach Trump |
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USD: Trump không thích điều này!! |
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impeachment thehill cspan politico salon theatlantic pbs voxdotcom fox absolutely not these push pelosi the mueller investigation was “is trump a russian spy a russia cultivated doofus |
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Trump Breathes A Sigh of Relief As Nancy Pelosi Just Received Worst |
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Fashion statement: Trump inaugurates new Louis Vuitton US site |
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Trump is flouting global trade rules with China yet embracing them with the EU – here’s why it matte |
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Trump threatens more sanctions on Turkey if high-level talks fail |
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Donald Trump orders flags at half staff for late US Rep Elijah Cummings |
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Trump Paints Himself Into A Corner in Oval Office |
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Curse of the pharaohs hits Trump in the form of impeachment |
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Ambassadør tar avstand fra Trump i Nigel Farage avfeier brexitavtale vil ha ny folkeavstemning |
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CHP’li Tanal’dan ‘Trump’ hamlesi! |
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Letra e ashpër e Trump-it bën efekt Turqia pezullon ofensivën kundër kurdëve në Siri |
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Watch:Trump suggests Obama was involved in “2016 election corruption” and DNC hack was inside |
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DrAndrew Bostom: POTUS Trump Supported By Turk and Kurd Knowledgeable Middle East Christian World Council of Arameans…… |
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Vocal NeverTrumper Mark Sanford of Appalachian Trail Fame Holds First Campaign Event Against Trump – ONE PERSON SHOWS UP |
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Trump sospecha que John Bolton está tratando de destruir su presidencia con filtraciones a los |
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NATO Summit: President Trump SLAMS Germa |
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Donald Trump está para Jair Bolsonaro assim como Nicolás Sarkozy esteve para Lula e essas duas situações comprovam a máxima da política externa |
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Ivanka Trump Calls Sushma Swaraj as ‘Charismatic’ In Tweet After Their Met in UN General Assembly |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump’la Görüştü! |
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Trump International |
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Donald Trump flippt aus |
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Kosovo-Serbia: Trump invia un rappresentante speciale dagli Stati Uniti per i colloqui |
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French reporter asks Trump the recipe for low unemployment Trump gave him easy answer: Him |
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Trump ile Zelenskıy görüşmesini ABD derin devleti mi sızdırdı |
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Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Diversion Of Funds To Border Wall |
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Trump’s pledges aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on |
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Mariano: Trump’s Medicaid work requirement is only half-baked |
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Trump Pelosi und die Mauer – es geht um Alles |
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President Trump opens up about historic |
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Pakistan’s arrest of Mumbai’s terrorist attack Trump’s pressure |
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Así se saltan los estadounidenses la prohibición de Trump para hacer viajes a Cuba |
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Trump will Sanktionen gegen den Iran verhängen – Ein lächerliches Unterfangen! |
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Trump anlaşma için Erdoğan’a teşekkür etti |
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Donald Trump Serang Nancy Pelocy Dengan Foto di Twitter |
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Boris Johnson’s race to the finish line and Trump’s betrayal of |
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ROJAVA Résumé d’une semaine de tricheries de Trump et de la Turquie contre les Kurdes |
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Should Trump’s DoJ Investigate Obama’s Wire-Tapping And Slush Fund |
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Trump’s former favorite generals have had it with him — and |
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Expert: Do not dress as Donald Trump this Halloween |
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Trump the Bidens and the Monaco connection |
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In Defending Trump Mulvaney Admits Quid Pro Quo He Later Denies |
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«¡No seas tonto!»: Trump advierte a Erdogan sobre la invasión a Siria en una carta filtrada |
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Trump señala que acuerdo con China no se firmará “hasta |
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The Trump Administration and USCIS Changes Course on Previous Statements Regarding H-1B Extensions |
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Dr Michael Salla – Was Trump Miss |
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Trump administration wants to replace Social Security numbers with something less vulnerable |
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Pelosi and Schumer can’t stand the heat in Trump’s kitchen |
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Trump’s Dallas Rally Has Hit Capacity All Doors Now Closed |
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How the economic policies of Donald Trump will affect the next global economic recession |
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Trump call for budget cuts sparks new shutdown fears |
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La estrategia de Donald Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi ‘baited’ Trump and the president ‘took the bait’ in White House meeting Sen John Kennedy says |
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Trump oznámil dohodu na příměří v Sýrii Žádné příměří to není zní z Turecka |
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Trump Did the Right Thing |
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Donald Trump der Katalysator |
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Iran-related Sanctions: Is Trump TRYING |
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SE Cupp: Trump has clear pattern when he’s under Posts |
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Trump in another scandal |
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Trump’tan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a yanıt: Terörizmi yenelim |
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Turkish President Erdogan ‘Threw Trump’s Syria Letter In Bin’ |
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Donald Trump To Arrive At Stansted Airport For UK State Visit |
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Weeks After Pelosi Tries To Impeach Trump – Donald’s Approval Rating Takes A Sharp Turn Through The Roof |
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Edward Snowden On Trump Privacy And Threats To Democracy |
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Dem Leaders Pressure Trump for Gun Control in Midst of Impeachment Investigation |
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Trump cuestiona la salud mental de congresista demócrata Nancy Pelosi: “Necesita ayuda rápidamente” |
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GOP Senators Widen Divide With Trump on Syria |
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Este es el aporte de los ganadores del Nobel de economía para reducir la pobreza en el acelerar un descubre nuevo pozo logra resistir el embate de Trump |
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Rick Perry a key figure in Trump’s dealings with Ukraine will resign as energy secretary |
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Trump Slams ABC News Reporter Over Fake Syria Footage: “Very Deceptive…” VIDEO |
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ماشین کنترلی جیپ Speed Trump مدل 663 |
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Democrats Finally Prepare Subpoena For Trump’s DC Hotel Army wants to restore full air-assault power to 101st Airborne |
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Após reunião nações muçulmanas ameaçam Trump… |
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Trump’s Syria policy isn’t America first — it’s America alone |
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Trump Adviser/UCI Professor Emeritus Peter Navarro Hates China Factual Sources |
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The perfect example of the kind of headline I don’t click on anymore: The gravitational pull of Donald Trump’s downward spiral |
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Message Created Then Deleted Trump Send |
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Trump Says Talking to North Korea Summi |
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Xbox Game Pass kütüphanesine veda eden Erdoğan Trump ile görüştü |
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President Trump Attacked Beto O’Rourke at Dallas Rally |
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Thousands Trump Supporters Stood Outside Dallas Rally |
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Pentagon sends new wave of troops to Saudi Arabia even as Trump calls for ending wars |
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Black Trump Single Wall Steel Bottle 850 ML |
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FULL TRUMP RALLY: President Trump holds campaign rally in Dallas Texas Video |
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Frankincense Found to Trump Chemo in Eliminating Ovarian Cancer |
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Donald Trump: To Impeach or Not To Impeach That is the Question! |
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Elijah Cummings Democratic chairman and powerful Trump critic dies at 68 Submitted By Sheila Samples |
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Connaissez-vous les Ehon Trump de Nintendo |
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Some in the Military Are Apparently ‘Afraid’ That If They Discipline Wrongdoers Trump Will Retaliate |
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Erdoğan’dan Donald Trump’a cevap |
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Ông Trump: Chuỗi cung ứng của Trung Quốc sẽ sụp đổ nếu tôi tái đắc cử |
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Tyrkia Syria Kurdere PKK Militser Terrorister IS Assad Erdoğan Trump Putin Nato Krig Våpenhvile Forvirra |
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Democrats seeking votes in Trump country tout miners’ benefits |
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Trump’s ‘Genocidal Taunts’ Will Not End Iran – Zarif |
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Trump’s Turkey Business Connections in Spotlight |
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Mattis mocks Trump at gala dinner |
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Syria – Trump Gives A Green Light For Another Turkish Invasion |
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“VETS FOT TRUMP”/ Faqja e njohur hakerohet nga një |
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Trump Remembers as‘Highly Respected’ Leader |
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Is Trump’s tail wagging Erdogan |
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Trump’s Anti-Somali Refugee Comments at Minnesota Rally Weren’t Even a Dog Whistle |
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Favourites Trump amp O’Sullivan Fall Short |
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Trump afirma que acaba de alcanzar con China «el mayor acuerdo de la historia para los granjeros de EEUU» y cuenta sus detalles |
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A Implosão política final dos Estados Unidos da do Vaticano e escritor acusam o Papa Francisco de facilitar o abuso sexual tráfico e morte de “Terra Santa” Terra do ódio regado com muito da CIA declara que Impeachment de Trump é uma Farsa estilo operação KGB |
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831 QAnon: CIA Comms Down / Trump Ral |
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Donald Trump avait bien lié une aide à l’Ukraine à une enquête politique |
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Bangladeshi woman tells lie to Trump 0 1 |
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I Really Don’t Care Jacket Worn by Melania Trump |
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Trump’s shout-it-out-loud strategy |
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Report–George W Bush: Trump’s ‘Isolationist’ America Is ‘Dangerousamp8 |
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Trump Doubles Down on Failed Counterterror Policy |
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Trump Salahkan Obama Amerika Bersekutu Dengan Organisasi Teroris |
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WATCH: Donald Trump Jr Chimes In On The Bidens’ Swampy Behavior And It’s Spot On |
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Appeals court to hold rehearing on Trump hotel lawsuit |
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Nancy Pelosi makes Trump ‘meltdown photo’ her new Twitter cover |
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Trump Brings Down The House At Massive Dallas Rally…Here’s What Got |
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Trump: Erdoğan’a teşekkür ederim |
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ABD ile Türkiye arasında Suriye’de sağlanan anlaşma Amerikan basınında yankı uyandırdı Washington Post ve New York Times gazeteleri Türkiye’nin istediğini aldığını söyledi Erdoğan’ın Trump’a karşı zaferi diye manşet attı |
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Com Biden acuado aliados de Trump apontam Warren como rival em 2020 |
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Karamollaoğlu Trump için ‘Aygır’ dedi |
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Trump to host G7 at his Florida golf resort sparking criticism |
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Trump: US Confident American Nuclear Bombs are Secure in Turkey |
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Trump: iki küçük çocuk gibi kavga etmelerine izin verdim |
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Condenan decisión de Trump de retirar las tropas de Siria |
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Losing the Popular Vote Doesn’t Make Trump Illegitimate It’s Irrelevant |
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How Lev Parnas Became Part of the Trump Campaign’s “One Big Family” |
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Harassment is in the eye of the Trump Brexit and the Demonised Masses |
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Militer AS membutuhkan proyek-proyek ini untuk melawan Rusia dan Cina Trump merampok mereka untuk tembok perbatasannya |
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Hard Times Cafe in Minneapolis denied service to Trump supporters |
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Schumer and Pelosi not happy with Trump who said she’s a ‘third rate politician’ |
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Does Trump’s humiliating message of immoral immersion to President Erdogan reflect the current state of collapse Why do we think that throwing it in the trash was not enough Will the dispute evolve into a parallel US economic war against Turkey How will the response be |
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Pres Trump declares National Emergency triggering possibly fake Constitutional Crisis |
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Trump to chair National Security Council meeting on election security |
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• Trump’ın Erdoğan’a mektubu ABD’de tartışma yarattı: ‘Acaba Türkler Amerika ve Amerikan Başkanı hakkında ne düşünmüştür’ |
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Watch Live as Trump Emits a Stream of Bad Craziness |
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El secretario de Energía de EEUU reconoce que facilitó el contacto entre Trump y Zelenski pero no vio delito |
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Ukrainian MP Alleges Massive Financial Corruption At US Embassy In Kyiv And Political Coordination Against Trump In Favor Of Democrats…Provides |
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Trump Administration’s New Rule Will Slam Door to Fair Housing |
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Caracas: Algo extraño surcó el cielo durante concentración de rechazo a medidas de Trump |
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Trump annonce le départ de son secrétaire à l’Énergie Rick Perry |
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Trump Rages at Pelosi Mattis and Communists During ‘Meltdown’ in White House Meeting |
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President Donald Trump Sent A Threatening Letter to Turkey |
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How These Online Ads Predicted Trump’s Victory |
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Donald Trump: Türkiye’den güzel haberler |
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Offener Brief an US-Präsident Donald Trump: Verteidigen Sie Kolumbus! |
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James Mattis “laughs off” Trump remark |
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For those of you keeping score at home today Trump and his administration have openly admitted to: |
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41 trump’ın italya cbaşkanı’na mozarella demesi |
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Undercover Video: CNN Staff Gossips About Trump Assassination Plot |
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Los demócratas ven la denuncia de denunciante «profundamente inquietante» sobre Trump |
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Trump: Κλείσαμε μία εξαιρετική συμφωνία με την Τουρκία – Έπρεπε να είχε γίνει χρόνια πριν |
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Globalist W Bush- wants more US intervention wishes he passed amnesty criticizes Trump |
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‘This Is Not Ceasefire’: Turkey Quickly Shuts Down Trump’s Claim That He Fixed The Mess He Created In Syria |
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Trump: China US Trade Disputes ‘Very Close To An End’ |
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Elijah Cummings influential Democrat and Trump foil dies at 68 |
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HomeUSA News A warning to Trump Twitter reminds ‘world leaders’ aren’t immune to deplatforming |
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‘Constitutional issues’ with subpoena of Trump’s financial records: DOJ |
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Detrás de la Razón: Trump a los pies de Putin Helsinki… |
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Trump’s Pullback Of US Troops Reshape Syrian War |
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Ciclón tropical potencial 17-E se forma en el congresista demócrata clave en juicio a Trump |
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Elijah Cummings Used Oversight to Defend Obama Pursue Trump |
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Trump’s America – Episode 141 – Ball amp Chain |
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Rosenstein Just Betrayed Trump So Trump Destroyed Him With These TWO WORDS |
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Joan Beaz’den Trump’a: ‘Pis Adam’ |
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Prince’s Estate Slams Trump Campaign For Breaking Promise To Not Play Singer’s Music At Rallies |
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Senate Fails to Override Trump Veto of Bill to Block Emergency Border Security Funding |
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President Trump Outdoor Standee |
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Trump: Teşekkürler Recep Tayyip Erdoğan milyonlarca hayat kurtarıldı |
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Could Trump’s Impeachment Trial End Warren’s Candidacy |
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No ‘despierta’ Culiacán tras presidente de Turquía que no olvidará carta ‘endemoniada’ de Trump |
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De Moix à Trump : ces amis qui ne nous veulent pas du bien |
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Iran makes Trump an offer he can’t refus |
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USA : Trump sanctionne finalement l’Union européenne |
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UPDATE – Trump retweets Erdogan says ‘DEFEAT TERRORISM!’ |
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Trump’a Kızdı İntihar Etmek İstedi |
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Like Him or Not Trump is Uniquely Suited for Such a Time as This |
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Demand for Porsche Taycan prompts automaker to add 500 more jobs – Night Live’ Returns With Trump Calling Ray Donovan To Fix Impeachment Saga – Deadline |
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Trump: Teşekkürler Erdoğan Türkiye’den çok iyi haberler geliyor Gündem 22 saat önce |
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VOYEZ SEATTLE DÉTRUITE le 6/14 anniversaire de la naissance d’Abord et la connexion du 8/4 d’anniversaire d’Obama à la mort de Trump – 153Newsnet – Bitcoin investissement |
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Tổng thống Mỹ Trump dọa gia tăng trừng phạt Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ |
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Ambassador says Trump directed diplomats to work with Giuliani on Ukraine |
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La carica delle camioniste nell’America di Trump |
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Trump aide admits Ukraine quid pro quo |
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Trump administration made it 2 billion cheaper in 2018 for polluters to pollute |
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Reed votes against Trump-Syria rebuke: Fellow Republican Katko votes in favor of resolution regarding pullout of US troops |
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Cimeira do G7 vai realizar-se em resort de Trump |
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Top Trump Official Submits Letter Of Resignation |
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Erdoğan Ile Trump Telefonda Görüştü |
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Die Kurden Trump Erdogan und Assad: Was du über die Kriegswirren in Rojava wissen musst |
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BREAKING: CNN Supervisor Says He Hopes Trump Dies Soon |
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I Just Don’t Want a Poor Person -Trump Defends Appointing Only Rich People in His Cabinet |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a küstah mektup! Trump mektupta ne |
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Joe Biden and Trump keep threatening to ‘beat the hell’ out of each other |
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Mainstream media are portraying Trump’s Syria deal as a cease-fire while Fox News praises it as a win but experts say it’s neither |
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Trump touts Turkey cease-fire: ‘Sometimes you have to let them fight’ |
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Abd Başkanı Donald Trump: Erdoğan Ile Görüştüm |
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Taliban negotiators arrive in Moscow days after Trump declares Afghan peace talks ‘dead’ – Fox News |
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Judge blocks Trump from easing energy rules in US West |
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A fatal week for Donald Trump |
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Erdogan Slams ‘Lack of Respect’ From Trump’s Letter: ‘Necessary Steps Will Be Taken’ |
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Check out President Trump’s Immigration Accomplishments |
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Opinion: If the Democrats keep saying crazy things about the economy Trump will win again |
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Trump Facing Major Lawsuits Over Border Separation Policy |
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Donald Trump shares pic to shame Nancy Pelosi but it backfires and PelosiOwnsTrump trends |
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President Donald Trump’s suggestion that his Miami golf resort host next year’s Group of Seven summit became a reality Thursday sparking an outcry from critics who called it the most blatant example yet of him using the power of his office to boost his business empire |
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Trump lashes out at ‘crazy’ Nancy Pelosi and Democrats defends Syria pullout |
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‘Trump can say whatever he wants!’ Live Wire buckles up as Young backs Maduro in Venezuela crisis |
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‘You’re right Obama was TERRIBLE’: SE Cupp’s melodramatic dig at Trump goes OH so very wrong |
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Trump’s New Comment Has Romney Walking On Eggshells |
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Susan J Demas: Trump is an existential threat to journalism |
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Trump’ın Erdoğan’a mektubu bomba etkisi yarattı |
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Trump’tan anlaşma üzerine küstah açıklama |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan net konuştu: Trump’a ve diğerlerine söyledim |
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Trump suma otra victoria: EE UU y Turquía pactan alto el fuego en Siria |
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Error in speech trump shamed him in front of the mods |
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Boxed in by Neocons and the Media Will Trump |
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This Week: Mulvaney Keeps Straight Face While Announcing Trump’s Resort Will Host G-7 |
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Donald J Trump Presidential Scholarship for African Students 2020 – Fully Sponsored |
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Trump gela Mattarella: “I dazi non sono ritorsioni Adesso pari siamo” |
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Many of us realize that our government and many of its agencies are corrupt and yet because of the real collusion with our media nothing is done about it All one need to do is to look at Joe Biden’s involvement with Ukraine and what amounted to a strong arm ultimatum which resulted in a Ukrainian prosecutor being fired for investigated Hunter Biden! Is the MSM talking about it Of course not Only Fox News covers it All the other networks have given Biden a pass Can you imagine if Trump’s son had been found to be receiving 50k a month for serving on a board of a Ukranian energy company Double standard anyone |
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Movimentos sociais realizam protesto contra política migratória de Trump |
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Bitcoin Price Surges Toward 11500 as Trump |
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Trump’ın skandal mektubu Türk savcıların önünde |
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Margaret Sullivan: If Trump doesn’t condone violence against journalists he should stop inspiring it |
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Democratic Candidates Back Trump Impeachment Proceedings During Debate |
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YOURS: Stand for Trump or step aside |
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US amp Silk Road Korea Las Vegas Trump NWO Cashless Society |
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Trump accuses Biden of ‘quid pro quo’ hours after Mulvaney remarks |
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Glanton: Get ready for a nasty fight Impeachment is a battle Donald Trump can’t afford to lose |
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Trump Ortadoğu’nun velisi mi |
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Democrats Claiming Beto Is Helping Trump Get Re-Elected |
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ZANU PF petitions Donald Trump |
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From Syria to impeachment Trump is on a war footing |
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Donald Trump abre su propio canal oficial de Twitch |
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Who do you think will win the Iron Impeachment charges against Trump are ‘nonsense’ |
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Progressive Foreign Policy In a Post-Trump World – LobeLog: |
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Première rencontre entre Donald Trump et Vladimir Poutine |
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The Trump Era |
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É quase uma centena de categorias de produtos que os portugueses exportam para os Estados Unidos e que vão passar a estar sujeitos a uma taxa adicional imposta pela Administração Trump A partir desta sexta-feira produtos como laranjas queijos porco e derivados vão ser taxados em mais 25 quando entrarem em território norte-americano |
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Trump assure qu’Erdogan lui a dit sa volonté d’appliquer le cessez-le-feu |
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Trump inviterer til G7-toppmøte på sin private golfklubb |
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Lefsetz: The Time is Now to Dump Trump |
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China threatens ‘strong countermeasures’ if Trump signs bill supporting Hong Kong rights |
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Featured Story / October 18 2019 Trump Gives Putin A Winning Ticket |
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FACT CHECK: Do Only 25 Of Americans Support Impeachment As Trump Claims |
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España espera que Trump suspenda los aranceles a los bienes de la UE y |
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Trump’s Undeclared State of Emergency |
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Aranceles para el vino la guerra sucia de Trump salpica al sector vitivinícola |
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Democrats’ Attempt To Trick Progressives When Drafting Obamacare May Help Trump Ruin Law |
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Trump Congress and Turkey |
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Donald Trump’s Visit to the New Texas Louis Vuitton Factory Gets the Meme Treatment |
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El intento de Donald Trump de humillar a Nancy Pelosi con una foto fracasó espectacularmente |
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Is Trump Waking People Up |
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Trump Imposes Steel Aluminum Tariffs On |
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Trump anunció la salida del secretario de Energía de EEUU |
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JP Morgan made a ‘Volfefe’ index to track how Trump tweets move the bond market — here’s what it shows |
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GOA Not Happy That Trump Is Supporting Red Flag Laws |
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La Unió pide aranceles para los productos de EEUU en contrapartida a los impuestos por Trump |
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Response to Trump’s speech fails to acknowledge police brutality |
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Perry denies Ukraine connection in telling Trump he will resign |
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Trump Endorses Ethnic Cleansing of the Kurds And It Should Be No Surprise As for the Men in This Photo Trump Gave Them What They Wanted in Syria Especially Putin as a “Favor” Click and Read on… |
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Jair Bolsonaro: the Brazilian Trump-Duterte mashup |
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La UE a Trump: No hay más alternativa que nuestros propios aranceles |
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O que significa Donald Trump |
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Gordon Sondland’s Statement Protects Does Not Break with Trump |
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2:04 PM – EEUU celebrará el próximo G7 en un club de golf de Trump pese a la polémica |
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”Världens mest överskattade” slår tillbaka mot Trump |
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A Brief Quasi-Socratic Guide to Keeping Track of the Trump-Ukraine Scandal |
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Trump warns Iran of grave consequences in case of any misadventure |
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Desarrolladores de GitHub cuestionan el contrato de Microsoft con ICE por la política de inmigración de Trump |
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Trump Insists ‘Ceasefire’ in Syria is Working Amidst Reports of Fighting: ‘Big Progress Being Made!!!!’ |
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Donald Trump Offered Me 500000 To Help Get Him Black Votes — 50 Cent Reveals |
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Rush Limbaugh praises Trump’s decision to hold the G-7 at his own resort: “Trump is offering it” |
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Nhà Trắng thừa nhận Tổng thống Trump dùng viện trợ gây áp lực lên Ukraine |
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Donald Trump respalda piropo de ministro Botero a su hija |
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How Trump’s border wall became the battle for Hernando Torres Umba: “I didn’t realise the extent of the |
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Trump to Erdogan: ‘Don’t be a tough guy Don’t be a fool! Let’s work |
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Is Trump Backpedaling on 5G No Federal Spending for RampD Are All The Warnings Finally Sinking In |
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Not only Ukraine Trump accused of also coercing Italy Australia amp China to probe rivals |
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Feminists Attack Trump’s Labor Pick Cry “Sexism!” |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Az önce Başkan Erdoğan’la görüştük |
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Audio: Missouri agriculture group representative reacts to Trump’s biofuels plan |
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How rich is Donald Trump |
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If It’s Trump vs Warren Then What |
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President Trump Participates in Grand Opening of Louis Vuitton Factory – Alvorado Texas – 5:30pm Livestream… |
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Donald Trump — an unwanted friend of free trade critics |
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Trump was all over the place |
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The Trump Tax Reform – what does this mean for US Return: |
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Trump: Teşekkürler Erdoğan Türkiye’den çok iyi haberler geliyor |
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SON DAKİKA! Son Dakika! Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Trump’a ne dedi |
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Rick Perry To Resign As Trump’s Energy Secretary |
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James Mattis Jokes Off Trump Attacks During Gala Last Night |
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Trump Excludes Brotherhood-Tied Groups From Iftar Dinner |
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President Trump To ABC Reporter: “I Think ABC Owes An Apology” Over Fake Syria Video |
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Tim Mullaney: If the Democrats keep saying crazy things about the economy Trump will win again |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile ABD Başkanı Trump telefonda görüştü |
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Trump: Türkiye’den iyi haberler var Erdoğan’a teşekkürler |
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Trump cumple su deseo: la próxima cumbre del G7 será en uno de sus hoteles de Miami |
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Prashna Jyotish or Trump issues first veto after a rebuke from congress |
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Putin and Trump set to meet in Paris on |
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Trump’s Outreach to Racial Minorities Ignored by the Media |
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Kurds Lost Trump — but Are Winning Something Else |
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Alcohol Addiction Fact Check: Trump Repeats Unfounded Arguments in New Appeal for a Border Wall |
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Trump Erdoğan’ı retweet’ledi: TERÖRÜ YEN! |
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Trump Epstein Suicide Israel And The Pedophilia Ring |
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Ignorância de Trump sobre os curdos espantou o mundo por Sergio da Motta e Albuquerque |
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Trump bashes Democrats as ‘crazy’ unpatriotic at Texas rally |
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Chris Cillizza’s metaphor of Trump as a nuclear reactor sort of melts down when he gets into cooling rods |
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Trump baselessly accuses drug industry of fueling impeachment push |
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Trump-Ukraine: Texts Show Envoy’s Alarm Over Plans |
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Đạt thỏa thuận ngừng bắn ở Syria ông Trump và ông Erdogan nói gì |
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Trump – Amerikas Geschichte geht Tausende Jahre zurück |
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Senate Republicans to Hold “Save the Senate” Retreat at Trump Hotel |
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Trump Confirms Death of Al-Qaeda Toner Bomb-Maker in Yemen |
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Trump’s Fake War on Corruption |
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North Korea Claims Trump Folded To Kim D |
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Lindsey Graham demands GOPers sign Trump loyalty oath because impeachment ‘is about to destroy this nation’ |
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Trump says he’ll put 10 tariffs on remaining China imports |
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Rick Perry informs Trump of his plans to resign later this year as scrutiny over Ukraine heats up |
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Sondland to testify that Trump directed Giuliani to push Ukraine scheme |
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Los aranceles de Trump a Europa por 7500 millones son ya una realidad |
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Spiegel Online: Trump ve YPG kaybetti |
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Supreme Court Rules For Enforcement Of Trump Asylum Rule |
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Hedge Fund’s Red Hot Vaping Bet Runs Into Trump’s Surprise Ban |
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“Đối thủ chính trị” Mark Sanford của Tổng thống Trump khởi động tranh cử chỉ với 1 khán giả |
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Larraín sobre reunión entre senadores RN y de oposición por Reforma Tributario: No hay negociaciones son que Trump impuso a la Unión Europea por más de US 7500 millones comienzan a regir desde hoy |
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Under pressure Trump orders FBI Kavanaugh probe causing week delay |
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How do we sit down with Maxine Waters who recently stated that our president who was elected by millions of people should be locked up in solitary confinement There is no common ground here only an arrogant statement by an elitist who has made millions of dollars by “serving” in congress There’s no room for discussion Maxine like many on the left wants nothing less than Trump impeached and then locked away in solitary Is there room for discussion None Can we reason together… |
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White House releases a copy of President Trump letter to President of Turkey |
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House condemns President Trump’s Syria troop withdrawal |
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Trump veta la resolución para poner fin a la emergencia nacional en la frontera sur Xinhua |
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Sondland Testifies: No Quid Pro Quo in Ukraine Call Trump Policy |
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Nancy Pelosi Says She Prays for Trump’s Mental Health No One Believes Her |
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Trump supporters cry bitter tears after bus company they never bothered paying leaves them stranded click to see stats |
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Mattis Takes Swipe At Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs On The Battlefield’ – Stats |
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‘Textbook Definition Of An Impeachable Offense’: Obama Attorney Reveals How Mulvaney Threw Trump Under The Bus |
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TRUMP acuzat că a folosit ilegal coloana sonoră a unui film din Batman în |
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Kurdish leader says Trump promised he would protect the Kurds |
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Trump’s Diplomatic Recklessness Knows No Bounds |
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Trump says Las Vegas shooting an ‘act of pure evil’ – October 3 2017 |
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Etats Unis : Trump dit n’avoir aucune rencontre prévue avec son homologue… |
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The Trump-Republican Tax Law Has Cost Home Owners 1 Trillion |
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Donald Trump sings the song Havana 🇺🇸 |
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Study: Majority of Colorado voters support Trump impeachment inquiry |
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Donald Trump Invites Goodluck Jonathan Shuns Buhari |
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Michael Cohen: Trump’s Fixer…or His Handler |
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Trump’ın skandal mektubuna ilk tepki Rusya’dan geldi |
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Joe Scarborough critica a los ‘ignorantes’ seguidores de Donald Trump por ‘tragarse todas sus mentiras’ |
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Benjamin Fulford – Trump Iran sanc |
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CHP’den mektup tepkisi: Trump nasıl olur da Cumhurbaşkanına ‘salak olma’ diyebilir Gündem 1 gün önce |
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Bị Trump bảo « đừng ngu » Erdogan quẳng thư tổng thống Mỹ vào sọt rác |
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Four Takeaways on Trump’s New Medicare Executive Order |
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Using lobbying the revolving door and “dark pattern” customer tricks Intuit fended off the government’s attempts to make tax filing free and easy and created its multi-billion-dollar Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies |
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by Julián Aguilar and Acacia Trump is holding a rally in Dallas tonight Here’s everything you need to know |
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Reflections on Donald J Trump |
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Trump’s G-7 Self-Deal Should End His Presidency |
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Trump Says Stock Market Would “Crash” If He Is Impeached |
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US envoy to EU testifies in Trump impeachment inquiry |
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Ivanka Trump: Phong cách trang sức của nữ tỷ phú trẻ đầy tài năng |
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Trump’a baş kaldırdılar! Erdoğan’a her şeyi verdin |
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Trump albergará la cumbre del G7 en un complejo turístico de su propiedad |
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Presidente de Turquía arrojó a la basura la carta que recibió de Donald Trump |
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Donald Jr and Eric Trump Catching Full Day of UFC Fights |
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Watch: Hosting G7 at Trump Doral violates the Constitution – Napolitano |
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The Latest: Trump says Erdogan assured him of cease-fire9:22 AM |
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Reliance Industries created history became the first company in the country to have a market cap of Rs 9 lakh minister resigns from Trump cabinet after name in Ukraine scandal |
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Mulvaney backtracks after saying Trump held up Ukraine aid for political reasons |
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Trump ordenó a diplomáticos trabajar con su abogado sobre Ucrania |
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Ambassador to EU Testifies That Trump Delegated Ukraine Policy to Giuliani Save Article |
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Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria Reverberates From Jerusalem… |
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Trump will win again in 2020 |
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5 reasons why Trump’s Venezuela embargo won’t end the Maduro regime |
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The president is bringing the G7 to the struggling Trump Doral resort |
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White House confirms strings attached in Trump withholding Ukraine aid |
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Trump Jr EXPOSES Adam Schiff For What He Really Is |
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President Trump in Minnesota: “Ilhan Omar Is Helping Us Win in Minnesota”…… |
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The 23 Best great trump For 2019 |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Hit Fever Pitch of Desperation |
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Trump vrea să distrugă Europa! Impune Uniunii Europene taxe vamale taxe de miliarde |
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Yılmaz Özdil’den çarpıcı ‘mektup’ yorumu: Trump’a dengesiz hıyar filan diyerek kendi kendimizi mutlu edebiliriz ama… |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Türkiye’den güzel hab |
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Peut-être que nous avons un meilleur président : le tacle de Trump à Macron |
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Trump’s favourite hate-monger bites the dust |
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Great View of Trump rally in Dallas |
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“Cold Hearted” Donald Trump |
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Live Updates Trump: ‘Good Will on Both Sides’ Kurds Say Turkey Violates Cease-fire |
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Carolina Journal Radio No 851: Trump stumps in NC ahead of special congressional elections |
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Trump Türkiye’nin ateşkes için yaptırımlarını kaldırdığı için çarptı |
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This photo of Nancy Pelosi and Trump will be remembered for centuries to come |
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Donald Trump Buka Puasa Bersama di Gedung Putih |
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Cumhurbaşkanlığı kaynakları: Trump’ın mektubu çöpe atıldı |
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Trump celebrates win against Net Neutrality and it’s anything but a victory for Open Internet |
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El PP avisa de que los aranceles Trump pueden destruir miles de empleos |
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Lefsetz: Bernie’s Back But Trump Trumps on Debate Night |
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Trump Targets His 1 Traitor — Reveals Hidden Sabotage |
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Trump Supporters Left Stranded After Rally Organizers Fail To Pay Bus Company: ‘The Credit Card Declined’ |
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Trump Gives Putin A Winning Ticket |
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For Black Republicans An Election Complicated by Trump |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a saygısız mektup: Aptallık etme gel anlaşalım seni sonra arayacağım” |
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Trump y su amenaza de imponer tarifas |
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Trump campaign rally in Dallas Texas |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’ye Yaptırım Açıklaması |
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Perry denies Ukraine connection in telling Trump he will resign8:41 AM |
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Stephen Colbert Reveals Just How Uncomfortably Close Trump Is To Putin |
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Trump Tears Into Beto O’Rourke |
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Donald Trump está utilizando el tema de China |
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PRESIDENT TRUMP CUTS RIBBON AT Louis Vuitton workshop in Texas – WATCH LIVE gt |
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Trump’s Doral G-7 Self-Deal Is Worthy of Impeachment All on Its Own |
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‘Sometimes You Have to Let Them Fight’ Trump Says Turkey and the Kurds Had to Fight |
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30000 Britons March for Donald Trump amp |
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Trump draws back on criticism of Russia |
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Le prochain sommet du G7 aura lieu dans un club de golf de Trump |
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Trump tweet attı Erdoğan cevap verdi |
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Trump to host G7 summit at his Florida golf resort sparking criticism |
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Frank Capra could cast Jimmy Stewart as Trump |
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Poll Commissioned By Democrats Shows Half Of Voters Back Trump’s Impeachment |
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Hours Before Trump’s Texas Rally – Images Of Rally Line Slips Out And Democrat Chances To Flip Texas Plummet |
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Trump directed diplomats to work with Giuliani on Ukraine |
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Civil Rights leader Rep Elijah Cummings dies amid fallout with President Trump Cummings the son of a sharecropper and chair of the House oversight committee whose oversight drew the president’s wraft |
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CHP’li Tanal’dan Trump hakkında suç duyurusu: Sözleri sığır çobanı olarak bilinen kovboyların üslubunu akıllara getirdi |
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Shrugging off allegations of self-dealing Trump picks his Doral resort for G7 summit |
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İstanbul depremi sonrası kritik 7 dakika: Tsunamide neler Trump’ın mektubuna ilişkin açıklama |
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Ancient Rome was in place long before America was even founded Another Trump Lie of |
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Rush stated recently that America is already in a cold Civil we are witnessing in Washington is the Russian Hoax investigation 20 In other words the Dems didn’t like the Muller’s investigation conclusions or that fact that there really was NO collusion on the part of the Trump campaign Oh but wait! Where was the REAL collusion It was on the Dems and the HRC for president campaign |
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Donald Trump informó la salida de su secretario de energía |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a ‘teşekkür’ |
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Meet the new face of the Trump resistance at Fox News9:01 AM |
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Diplomat won’t return to UK after crash which killed teen says Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Chief Of Staff Says Media ‘Misconstrued’ His Admission Of Quid Pro Quo Despite Video Evidence click to see stats |
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Trump’ın gelininden Barış Pınarı Harekâtı |
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Trump’tan Skandal Bir Açıklama Daha |
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John Bolton: Trump Sacks National Security Adviser |
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Trump Calls Media and Hollywood Elites ‘Stupid People’ Says He’ll ‘Stand Strong for Family Faith God and Country’ |
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Trump Confirms Rick Perry to Step Down |
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Pelosi Trolls Trump With FBN Video Blasting Choice of Trump Resort For 2020 G7 |
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President Trump praises Erdogan for ceasefire calling him a “hell of a leader” VIDEO |
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Trump nói rằng ông Vladimir Johnson – Ngoại trưởng Anh sẽ là ‘thủ tướng tiếp theo’ xuất sắc |
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Trump’s Massive Tariffs on European Food and Wine Bring Uncertainty to the Dallas Food Scene |
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Trump convirtió EEUU en el país del odio: crímenes contra latinos crecieron 80 sólo en Y CULTURA |
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Trump Bela Penarikan Pasukan AS dari Suriah |
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Ukrainian MP Alleges Massive Financial Corruption At US Embassy In Kyiv And Political Coordination Against Trump In Favor Of Joe Biden Paid 900000 By Burisma |
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Trump’tan PKK paylaşımı! |
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Trump pick for education board writes Illuminati self-help books |
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Trump and Erdogan have Much in Common – and the Kurds will be the Tragic Victims of Their Idiocy |
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Democrats keep changing the rules to get Trump |
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ABD’den Ankara’ya gönderilen heyetlerle ilgili soruya “Muhatabım Trump Pence ve Pompeo’yu kabul etmeyeceğim” diyen AKP’li Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan geri adım attı Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Başkanı Fahr |
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Erdoğan’a Teşekkür Eden Donald Trump’tan Bir Açıklama Daha Geldi! |
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Clapper: Trump administration drowning in sea of lies |
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Today’s idiom: “To Play Your Trump Card” |
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Untrusted Trump Cards |
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“ US President Donald Trump said he discussed the issue of Kashmir with the leaders of India and Pakistan during his meetings with them and offered to … Thursday September 26 2019 |
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President Trump losing blue collar and farmer base following latest EPA move |
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“Trump Style” diplomasiye güven olmaz! |
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Episode 565: President Trump smashes another rally record – in |
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Trump cuts deal with himself near-on guaranteeing thought we’d never have to protest again How wrong I was |
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Trump sẽ chủ trì thượng đỉnh G7 năm sau tại Florida |
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Trump leads latest Meredith Poll with voters wanting other options |
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Hillary Clinton: Trump Should Be Impeached on National Security Grounds |
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French Reporter To President Trump: What’s The ‘Recipe’ For The US Low Unemployment |
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Donald Trump… |
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Leonardo DiCaprio: Publicly criticized Trump – Gambling with our future |
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What is an ideal outcome of Trump-Putin |
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Tổng thống Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ Erdogan ném thư của Donald Trump vào sọt rác |
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Trump’s Texas Rally |
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Smear Trump/Trump Smears |
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Sacramento Bee: Becerra is “a chief antagonist of Donald Trump” |
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Hah-Hah! Trump DESTROYS Pelosi and Schumer in WH Meeting: Communists Are Involved in Syria “You Might like That” Oversight replacement ‘suffered medical episode’ 10 days ago |
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Tlaib Reveals House Dems Talked About Jailing Trump Allies For Not Complying With House Subpoenas…Where In Gulags |
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Times Square Billboard Shows Trump Tied Up Stepped On |
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To Pressure Turkey Trump Had Option to Recognize Armenian Genocide |
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kelly trump Double Gang Bang scene 1 |
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Portability – the main trump card cloud strategy Red Hat |
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Overtsock CEO Says Comey Ordered Him To Help Spy On Trump Clinton |
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WATCH: General Mattis ROASTS Trump about his ‘bone spurs’ |
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Ông Trump tuyên bố “sốc” về chiến sự ở Syria: “Cứ để chúng đánh lộn sau đó mới kéo chúng ra” |
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Democrats cornered as President Trump blows up their inquiry |
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Neo-Con John Bolton Fired As National Security Advisor By President Trump |
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Trump: Hvala predsjedniku Erdoganu spašeni su milioni života |
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Herencia de Prince prohíbe a Donald Trump usar su música |
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Trump threatens to impose ‘powerful sanctions’ on Turkey |
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All New Zealand Asked Trump For Was ‘Love’ |
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Donald Trump napisał koszmarny list do prezydenta Turcji w sprawie Kurdów Amerykanie próbowali zaś zorganizować zawieszenie broni |
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White House announces G-7 summit in 2020 will be held at Trump Doral resort |
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Trump and Obama congratulate- US golf legend Tiger Woods |
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Donald Trump Jr campaigns for Governor Justice |
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Trump GOP Primary Challenger Officially Launches Campaign But Only ONE Person Showed Up |
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Profit or not – it is illegal to give trump a government contract |
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Trump totalhånas efter det här nya uttalandet |
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Trump says he’s ‘seriously’ looking to end US birthright actress Rinabeth Apostol brings life to ‘The Chinese Lady’ |
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China e EUA estão perto de acordo comercial e Trump e Xi devem se encontrar |
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The Back Story on Syria False Flags Trump and His Ties to the Mob and the CIA |
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Jonah Goldberg: With Kurds Trump was winging it — again |
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Trump’ın mektubu ABD basınını da şoka uğrattı: Şaka zannettik! |
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Donald Trump : Mehr ein Showmaster-in-Chief |
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Trump hails ‘great news’ after Pence-Erdogan |
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Trump Will Do THIS to Avoid Impeachment Says Former Trump Exec |
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Why Trump can’t change his behavior |
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‘I’m the Meryl Streep of generals’ — Mattis hits back at Trump for calling him the ‘world’s most overrated general’ |
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Emolumental: Mulvaney and Trump like Doral for a G-7 quid pro quo |
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Erdogan Buang Surat Trump ke Tempat Sampah October 18 2019 |
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Trump hails north Syria ceasefire |
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US Ambassador: Trump Will Not Evict Jews From Judea and Samaria |
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Megyn Kelly Is Coming After Trump In A Major Way Photos |
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Trump Will Host Next G7 at His Doral Resort Save Article |
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Trump says US Energy Secretary Perry to step down at end |
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Official: Trump’s Chief Of Staff Announces Next Year’s G7 Meeting Will Be Held At Trump’s Doral Golf Club |
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Why did Trump praise Nokia if it is outsourcing American jobs |
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How will Trump’s lax emissions standards save money and lives By assuming Americans will simply drive drug war revealed |
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Trump nói đảng Dân chủ muốn luận tội vì ‘tuyệt vọng’ |
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Trump On The Kurds: 2019 Versus 2018 |
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Trump to Nominate Chris Christie to Supreme Food Court |
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Judge LAUGHS At Trump |
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Understanding Donald Trump |
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Fox News Chris Wallace Reveals True Colors Says “No Question” Trump is “Stoking Racial Division” |
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Trump: “Sonu olmayan savaşı bitirmeye çalışıyorum” |
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Trump Orders 1000 Troops To Evacuate Syria Warns Sanctions On Turkey “Ready To Burisma Paid Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko 100mm To Suppress Hunter Biden Investigation in 2017 Bribed FBI agents Ignored Evidence |
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Στo χρυσοποίκιλτο ανάκτορο του Donald Trump |
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President Trump MASSIVE MAGA Rally – Dallas Texas – 8:00pm EDT Livestream… |
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La Casa Blanca admite que Donald Trump retuvo la ayuda a Ucrania a cambio de una investigación |
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Reality Check: Why Did Trump Abandon the |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Trump Suriye’yi görüştü |
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John Solomon: Ex-ambassador Yovanovitch blocked Ukraine investigation before being ousted by Trump |
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Editorial: Trump’s Syria decision was morally and militarily foolish |
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Trump lässt Streit mit Kalifornien Taycan |
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Analysis: Trump Cease-Fire Deal Cements Turkey’s Gains in Syria |
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We need 67Senators to remove Donald Trump from office |
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Trump’s atrocities |
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Trump’tan Türkiye – YPG Açıklaması: Biraz Kavga Etmeleri Gerekiyordu Sonra Ayırdım |
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US energy secretary Rick Perry to step down Trump says |
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What do you think about the impeachment inquiry of President Trump |
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Video: Armed Man Wearing Helmet Vest Arrested Outside Trump’s Texas Rally |
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Syrien – Türkei: Trump wendet Methoden der klassischen Diplomatie an |
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Trump’s hypocrisy in criticizing Biden |
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President Trump hosting ‘Keep America Great’ rally first campaign event since impeachment inquiry |
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Will Trump Relinquish Power |
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Scattano i dazi di Trump: anche su parmigiano e pecorino |
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Twitch brings Trump rallies mass violence to live-stream age |
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Trump: “Enerji Bakanı Perry görevinden ayrılacak” |
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“Mos bëj të fortin mos u bëj budalla” zbulohet letra që Trump i dërgoi Erdogan për Sirinë |
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Over drinks Rod Schoonover a former intelligence analyst talks about his experience as a climate-change expert in the Trump administration |
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Afghan peace talks: Trump tweets Taliban fights |
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After Pelosi Loses It In Trump’s White House – Donald Begs The Democrats To ‘Help’ Her And Pray For Her |
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Trump´tan Fransız gazetecinin sorusuna güldüren yanıt |
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What to do with DONALD TRUMP |
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Trump To Erdogan: ‘Don’t be a tough guy’ |
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Trump vergleicht Konflikt mit Kinderstreit |
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Trump reacted to NASA’s project to the Moon |
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US President Donald Trump says he expect |
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In Bombshell Interview Trump Slams Ther |
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Support Rojava Against the Erdogan-Trump Unholy Alliance to Crush the Kurds! |
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Frank Sharry on Veto of “Emergency” Declaration Resolution: “Trump Thinks He’s Above the Law and Can Rule as a Monarch” |
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Eric Trump: The American Dream is alive and well |
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Watergate prosecutor says the evidence against Trump is… |
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The “Opportunity Cost” of Trump’s Underwhelming Trade Deal with China |
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CDA Crony Capitalism Development Foxconn Government Spending State Capitalism That Which Paved the Way Trump WEDC Wisconsin |
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Trump supporters mostly met with support at local rally |
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Advogado diz que decreto de Trump acabou com política “Cai-Cai” |
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1 9 ekim 2019 donald trump’ın rte’ye mektubu |
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Trump’s cruel immigration policy ignited more students to study Immigration Law |
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Canlı yayında Trump’ın mektubuyla ilgili Hande Fırat’ı şaşkına çeviren sözler: Mektup |
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Here’s the video of Trump hitting O’Rourke: |
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President Trump Orders Radical Islamic Groups Out of America! |
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Ukraine corruption claims: Trump told Perry to call Giuliani — WSJ – Axios |
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“Donald Trump a fait de moi un étranger” déplore l’athlète britannico-somalien Mo Farah |
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Turquía: Presidente de arrojó a la basura carta con las amenazas de Donald Trump |
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AM Roundup: Cuomo signs law designed to weaken Trump’s |
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President Trump joins Prime Minister Modi at “profoundly historic event” in Texas |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Fransa Cumhurbaşka |
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Officials Experts: Turks Were Ready to Invade Syria Before Phone Call with Trump |
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Ten Senate RINOs Vote to End Trump Border Emergency and Prevent Funds to Be Diverted to Trump Border Wall — BUT THE VOTE FAILED! |
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Super Trump |
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Trump National Doral |
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Trump’s Ukranian Mess |
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REP ELIJAH CUMMINGS DEATH amp LIFE LEGACY Trump Turkey and how the media hypocrisy strikes again |
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Donald Trump Außenhandelsbilanzen und die „Agenda 2010“ |
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Inquiry Shows Trump At Center of Ukraine Scandal |
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President Trump Set To Fill American Airlines Center In Dallas As Thousands Line Up Over 24 Hrs Early |
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Impeach Donald J Trump and Remove him now! |
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Rritet rreziku në Lindjen e Afërt Donald Trump përgatit sanks… |
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ATTENTION AFRICAINS: Le Discours de Donald Trump un éveil de conscience pour l’Afrique |
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Trump Executive Order will drive up people’s Medicare costs |
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It’s Time For LOVE To Trump Hate Before It’s Too Late! |
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20 Trump Birthday Card Graphic Design Templates |
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President Trump Hits Venezuela with New |
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Trump Prevails at Democrat Debate: Mike Gallagher Monologue |
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Voters Still Suspect High-Level Crimes Against Trump But Doubt Anyone Will Pay |
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Trump tries to taunt Nancy Pelosi with a photo on |
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Mulvaney to Those Upset Over Trump’s Foreign Policy – Get Over It |
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‘The wall is going up very fast despite total obstruction by Democrats in Congress – President Trump shares video |
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ស្ថានទូតជប៉ុន សម្រេចជ្រើសរើស យុវជនខ្មែរ៦ក្រុម ពិន័យ Manchester City និង Liverpool ៖ កម្ពុជា ៖ និងព័ត៌មានក្លែងក្លាយ ហ៊ីង ប៊ុនហៀង ពេជ្រ ប៊ុនធិន ដែលត្រៀមបើកហាងម៉ាស្សា ស្ទីម-សូណា Juncker និងលោក Johnson បញ្ជាក់ថា ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេស Brexit Trump ខណៈលោកស្រី Lam កីឡា |
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Bloomberg: Chris Wallace is Fox News’ ‘Face of the Trump Resistance’ click to see stats |
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Economía colapsará si demócratas ganan en 2020 Trump |
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Donald Trump / Turcii şi kurzii aveau nevoie să se încaiere ca nişte băieţandri |
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Trump y Murphy |
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Trump Strikes Back at China |
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Trump: Teşekkürler Erdoğan |
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Armstrong Johnson vote for resolution opposing Trump’s Syria decision |
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Trump Justifies Letting Turkey Attack Kurds |
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My Name’s Donnie Trump |
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Trump’s Flavor Ban a Big Mistake |
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The US uranium industry awaits President Trump’s Nuclear Fuel Working Group findings |
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PROTESTE VIOLENTE în SUA după discursul lui Donald Trump |
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Trump to host G7 at his own Florida resort property |
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Tổng thống Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tuyên bố không quên bức thư ‘bất lịch sự’ của ông Trump |
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Efecto Trump: ¿El Huawei P30 Pro ya no es compatible con de lavado portátil Washwow 20: ¡lavar ropa sin detergente! |
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Trump isst allein |
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Judge blocks Trump energy rules that could harm sage grouse |
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Mulvaney Sends Trump Defense on Ukraine Aid Into Disarray |
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Terrence at his first Trump rally and he’s having a blast |
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Donald Trump se convierte en el primer presidente de EU en pisar Corea del Norte |
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Trump Tegaskan Hubungan AS-Qatar dalam Kondisi yang Sangat Baik |
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Donald Trump ironise sur le bilan d’Emmanuel Macron sur la question du chômage |
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Revers de Trump face à l’Iran |
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Trump anuncia acordo parcial entre EUA e China |
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GET A LIFE! Soledad O’Brien’s tweet attacking ‘white college-educated women’ who voted for Trump BACKFIRES |
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Multitudinarias marchas de londinenses hacen retroceder a Trump |
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How to Handle the Anxiety of a Donald Trump Presidency |
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Joy Behar “Donald And Melania Trump Don’t Love Each other” |
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Donald Trump should win Nobel Peace Prize: South Korea President |
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Watch: Trump Celebrates Opening of Louis Vuitton Workshop in Texas… |
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La vraie motivation de Donald Trump pour la trêve commerciale |
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General James Mattis took a shot at Donald Trump during an October 17 speech saying that he was actually honored that the president would put him in the same ‘overrated’ category as Meryl Streep |
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Peters Stabenow support scrapping Trump power plant rule but vote fails |
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Trump: O Impeachment Faz de Conta e a Briga de Foice no Coração do Império |
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Voyage sur la Lune: le comité en charge du budget refuse une allonge de 16 milliard de dollars à Trump |
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Michael Cohen Trump’s former lawyer pleads guilty in New York court US news The Guardian |
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Ben Fulford Full Report: The Kim/Trump s |
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More Mulvaney: It turns out that the best place in America to host the next G7 is a resort owned by Trump |
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Cosa succede con Donald Trump leggi Ayn Rand |
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Cartoon — Trump to Visit Paris |
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Trump Has Fallen |
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Donald Trump has a Twitch channel and now I’ve seen everything |
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Calif Leader in Protecting LGBTQ Health Care Rights But Trump Administration Continues to Threaten Those Rights |
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Lightbulb moment: Donald Trump is the Humbug from The Phantom Tollbooth |
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Scrisoarea lui Trump către Erdogan: Nu fi prost Nu face pe durul |
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Trump’s Administration to Impose Tariffs on 75bn Worth of EU Goods Today! |
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Virgin Galactic reveals futuristic spacesuits for private Finally Prepare Subpoena For Trump’s DC Hotel Documents |
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Judge rejects Trump challenge to release of his |
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Trump impone aranceles a Europa por valor de 7500 millones |
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Trump says the Democrats want to ‘indoctrinate our… |
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Letter: GOP must rip off bandage impeach Trump |
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Presidente Donald Trump e embaixada dos EUA confirmam apoio a entrada |
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Tổng thống Erdogan ‘vứt thư của Tổng thống Trump vào sọt rác’ |
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Trump alışveriş merkezinde Atatürk sergisi |
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Trump Proposes Fracking in Western Mojave |
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Body Language: Trump amp May UK Stat |
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George Webb on Biden/Ukraine/Trump Impea |
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Even With Trump Minerals Order US Miners Face Uphill Battle With |
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But Trump it IS Collusion and LiesLots of Lies |
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What is Donald Trump |
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I hate the news right now Everyone seems to think the thing to talk about is Donald Trump which strikes me as profoundly stupid |
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Turkey’s Erdogan Says He Won’t Forget ‘Lack of Respect’ in Trump’s Letter |
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President Trump’s Iran Policy: The Specter of a Needless War |
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US ambassador testifies Trump directed diplomats |
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Trump obliga oficialmente a los líderes mundiales a usar su hotel para la próxima reunión del G-7 |
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Putin’den Trump’ın çok sert mektup tepkisi Dünya 1 gün önce |
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Trang Trí Sinh Nhật Bé Trump |
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Trump and the Senate |
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UP: Helicopter Baba’s land mafia ashram in Modi reached Donald Trump for an hour late due to this mega event |
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Mattis Mocks Trump’s Bone Spurs and Love of Fast Food |
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La Administración Trump ofrece nuevas evidencias sobre la participación saudí en el 9/11 |
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ROBAN A MÉXICO Refinería Gringa Se Esta Robando Petróleo Mexicano AMLO Denuncia a Trump |
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Brasil De rodillas junto a Trump: Bolsonaro romperá una política de 27 años y votará en la ONU por el bloqueo a Cuba |
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Opinion: Denmark should cancel Trump’s state visit |
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Will Trump and Putin Begin Remaking the |
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Trump hails Syria cease-fire after he played role in with us |
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Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert: Trump wants to clear more trees to halt fires The feds need to spend more experts say |
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Trump Lied About His Planned Iran Strike Following A Pattern |
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Trump announces great news out of Pence-Erdogan talks in Turkey saying millions of lives will be saved! |
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Abd Başkanı Trump’tan Türkiye’ye Mesaj: Terörizmi Yenelim |
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Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia My New Book |
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Trump says Turkey and Kurds need to fight ‘like two kids’ |
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Ocasio-Cortez LOSES Her Mind Deals DIRTY Blow To Trump |
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Editorial: Psychoanalysts’ 2017 warnings about Trump are proving eerily accurate |
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In Dallas Trump Unleashes Fury On Democrats As Impeachment Inquiry Finds Foothold |
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Why Trump’s Twitter account should be suspended – US presidential aspirant |
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Trump’ın skandal açıklamaları tüketilen sebzeler hastalıklardan koruyor |
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Trump suggests opening more mental institutions to deal with mass shootings |
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Le décret anti-immigration de Trump a finalement été autorisé |
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New York Vows to Fight New Trump Green Card Benefits Policy |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Yeni Açıklama: Erdoğan’la Telefonda Görüştüm |
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Trump: Battle Over Pledge of Allegiance in Minnesota is Why I Will Win State |
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These are the key players you need to know to make sense of the Trump impeachment inquiry |
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News Related Videos On: Mattis mocks Trump’s bone spurs during Al Smith dinner speech |
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Dow plummets more than 600 points after Trump orders US manufacturers to leave China |
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Trump: ‘The Bidens Got Rich While America Got Robbed’ |
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CNN’s Gangel: GOP ‘Alarmed at Trump’s ‘Demeanor’ |
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Why Trump Needs to be Our Planet X President |
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Trump Twitter photo attack backfires as Pelosi owns it |
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Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall to stop in rallies Trump supporters Downtown as first step in Democratic county |
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Trump’s Logging Proposal in the Tongass National Forest Reveals Interior Ties to Timber Industry |
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Arremete exsecretario de Defensa contra Trump en cómico discurso |
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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Sayın Trump sağ olsun heyet gönderdi |
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Benjamin Fulford – Trump’s univers |
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Trump: The Republican Party’s Biggest Albatross In History– And Joni Ernst Vaults Towards The Top Of The Most Vulnerable List |
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Invasion Literature Becomes Invasion Cinema Prefiguring Trump And Brexit |
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Trump 2020 Will Be Bogged by Obama-Clinton Policies in Haiti |
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Impeachment Out Of Mind Trump Receives Warm Welcome From Record-Breaking Crowd In Dallas |
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Spies Secrets and the Art of the Deal today in Rome to Avoid Trump’s Impeachment |
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Scattati i dazi di Trump sui prodotti europei |
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Viewpoint: Trump’s Most Shameless Act of Profiteering |
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Top Trump Health Officials Warn against Legalization |
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Trump Immigration Plans: Supreme Court Approves Asylum Curbs |
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Energy Chief Perry Tells Trump He Plans to Leave Post This Year |
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Tổng thống Trump tuyên bố đã “xác định mục tiêu |
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Ukraine-Affäre : Stabschef Mulvaney bringt Trump in Erklärungsnot |
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Letter 10/18: Trump right to pull US troops from Syria |
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In the end it’s Ukraine not Russia that threatens to bring down Trump |
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David Shulkin: I Ran the VA Under President Trump Until He Fired Me Our First |
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Mattis Mocks Trump’s Bone Spurs and Love of Fast Food – The New York Times |
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Erdoğan Trump’a Twitter’dan cevap verdi |
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The Regents UCOP and Trump |
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Rick Perry to Resign After Trump Blamed Him for Ukraine Call |
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Allahpundit has the over/under on Senate Republican votes to remove President Trump at 25 |
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Trump announces departure of Energy Secretary Rick Perry |
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Trump Urges Ukraine And China To Probe Bidens |
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Trump İtalya Cumhurbaşkanına ‘Mozarella peyniri’ deyince |
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Frantic search for Secret Service STOLEN laptop containing Trump Tower floor |
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Ep123: Car Time with Rob Sand Patty Judge Talks Trump amp EPA |
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Surprise Trump’s Country Club Doral ‘Wins’ G7 |
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Trump Administration Freezes Venezuela US Assets |
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Após reunião nações muçulmanas ameaçam Trump por conta de Jerusa… |
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Trump 2020’deki G7 zirvesini kendi otelinde düzenleyecek |
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How Trump’s New Healthcare Ban Threatens the Legal Immigration System |
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Health officials: Trump immigration order could be illegal |
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President Donald Trump Pattern Socks |
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Claim That Trump Won’t Profit Off of G-7 Is ‘Total BS’ Decision Is a ‘Worst Nightmare’ from Ethics Standpoint: Lawyers |
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How To Get Rid Of Donald Trump |
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President Trump honors Elijah Cummings by ordering flags flown at half |
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AB’den Trump’a mesaj: Dostlarınızın kıymetini bilin fazla dostunuz yok |
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Antifa Terrorist Posts Video Defending Choking Of Trump Supporter Look What |
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How US foreign policy spawned terror and Trump |
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Trump Administration Pursues the Right to Discriminate |
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Donald Trump y el racismo |
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Why Twitter Doesn’t Delete Donald Trump’s Insults |
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Republicans block Senate vote on resolution condemning Trump’s decision on Syria |
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L’interprete italiana e la reazione alle frasi di Trump: il video è virale |
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BREAKING: Trump Just Asked 1 Question That Made Congress’ Blood Run Cold |
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Mulvaney remarks enrage Trump advisers Pelosi puts no |
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Judge blocks Trump from easing energy rules in West |
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Thư của ông Trump bị ‘liệng vào thùng rác’ |
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India to experience first NBA basketball match next week: Trump at ‘Howdy Modi!’ event |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın Twitter hesabından paylaştığı mesaja aynı şekilde kendi sosyal |
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CAL THOMAS: Trump helps Democrats make his personality a central issue |
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Did girl tell President Trump he was “disgrace to the world” Fact Check |
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No Futures Traders Aren’t Making Billions Off of Trump Chaos |
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Judge blocks Trump administration plan to weaken sage grouse protections open up habitat to extraction industries |
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Loving Us Hating Them: How Trump Uses Jews to Divide a Nation |
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Hear Audio of Ukranian Anti-Corruption Bureau Head Admit That Ukraine Colluded with HILLARY NOT TRUMP ⋆ Conservative Firing Line – Dean Garrison |
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William Engdahl What is Trump’s True Agenda Jay Taylor Media |
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WATCH: Republican Group Airing BRUTAL Anti-Trump Ad Calling Out ‘Corruption’ During Fox amp Friends |
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Syrie: avec le cessez-le-feu accalmie de la fronde contre Trump au Congrès américain |
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Donald Trump Rusya Başkanı Putin’in Doğum Gününü Karıştırdı |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Birçok Yönü İle PKK DEAŞ’tan Daha Kötü Bir Terör Tehdidi |
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Begini Dahsyatnya Cuitan Twitter Donald Trump yang Sering Mengguncang Pasar Saham |
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Rachel Maddow is blaming her viewers for the Trump tax debacle – here’s why! |
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BayonTV និងព័ត៌មានក្លែងក្លាយ ហ៊ីង ប៊ុនហៀង ពេជ្រ ប៊ុនធិន Juncker និងលោក Johnson បញ្ជាក់ថា ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេស Brexit Trump ពិន័យ Manchester City និង Liverpool និងទួរគីក្ដី |
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Jim Mattis fires back at President Trump for overrated insult – Stats |
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Start to Finish: What You Need to Know About the Situation With Trump and Ukraine |
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Pourquoi Donald Trump a viré John Bolton l’un des faucons de son administration |
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‘That’s A Lot Of Emails For A Wedding’: Trump Digs At Hillary From Rally Stage |
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CJI Ranjan Gogoi recommends Justice S A Bobde as his on Turkey no longer necessary says US President Trump |
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BLOCKED: Trump’s public charge rule |
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Pelosi Had “Meltdown” Not Trump: Who Do You Believe |
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Trump slaps sanctions on Turkey over Syria invasion |
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Most overrated Ex-defense secretary has some zingers of his own for Trump |
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Bố là tỷ phú Tổng thống nước Mỹ nhưng con trai Donald Trump vẫn că’t cỏ nhặt gạch kiếm tiền |
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Trump’s Opioid Crisis Failures Mean States Must Lead the Way |
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Denmark Open: Tunggal Hanya Tommy Empat Ganda Situasi Suriah Trump Sebut Ketua DPR AS “Politisi Kelas Tiga” |
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Trump Putin Israel amp Chabad: A Tr |
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Trump exposes Queen Elizabeth’s se |
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ABD’de Bernie Sanders 2020’de de aday: ‘Trump patolojik bir yalancı’ |
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Trump hits Fox News’s Chris Wallace over Ukraine coverage |
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Breaking Trump Tweets |
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Trump Messiah Syndrome- AC036 |
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Ten Senate Republicans Vote To End Trump Border Wall Funding |
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Mueller is investigating Trump’s attacks on Attorney General |
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Muere Elijah Cummings político clave del ‘impeachment’ contra Trump |
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Anuncia Trump próxima salida de Rick Perry del gabinete de EUA |
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Floor Graphic – Wedding / Trump Hotel Washington DC |
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Trump Abandons Syria and Kurds to Putin Erdogan and Assad |
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Biz Trump’ın Atarlı Mektubunu Tartışırken Bilim Dünyasında Haftaya Damgasını Vuran Gelişmeler! |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump ile görüştü Ulusal Haber |
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When Adam Schiff can essentially re-write the transcript of Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine and then call it a parody we have crossed a line into the theater of the absurd and we are looking at nothing less than a Kangaroo court that has no place in America Trump is right Schiff should be fired immediately |
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Special Report: Slamming the door – How Trump transformed US refugee program |
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Geraldo Rages Over Trump’s Foreign Policy: Syrian Withdrawal is the ‘President at His Impetuous Worst’ |
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Más allá de Trump: cómo la privatización de la presidencia por |
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Trump Evil ASA 12 52/300 with HOT Softball |
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Rick Perry Resigns Amid Ukraine Perry Throws Trump Under The Bus After Being Implicated In The Ukraine Scandal |
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After Schiff Botches Trump’s Impeachment – 135 House Republicans Dare To Co-Sponsor Adam’s Censure |
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EPA Releases Another Empty Ethanol Deal Contradicts Trump Promises |
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Doug Jones: Trump ‘Has Got His Personal Lawyer Running a Shadow Foreign Policy’ |
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Mattis Jokes About Trump’s Criticism: ‘I Guess I’m the Meryl Streep of Generals’ |
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Latinos for Trump de la costa Oeste llegan a los estudio de The True Channel en la Costa Este The True Channel |
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Sarah Westall Week in Review: Trump̵ |
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President Trump Announces Date and Locat |
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7 Things: Democrats think they have Trump now Doug Jones is in trouble cease-fire in Syria and more … |
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23 states sue Trump to keep California’s auto emission rules |
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Bahçeli’den ‘Türkiye-ABD anlaşması ve Trump’ın mektubu’ açıklaması |
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Protesting protests and mass opposition are needed to beat Trump |
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Top economic adviser warned Trump on reelection chances ahead of China truce: report |
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Vì sao sinh vật mù được đặt theo tên tổng thống Donald Trump |
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Judge keeps Anti-Trump mayor in office despite mayor being arrested for extorting four companies |
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Trump kërcënon Turqinë: Do ta pësojë nëse “kalon limitet” në S… |
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Trump Russia Collusion Is No Delusion |
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Trump presionó para que Ucrania investigara a empresa vinculada a Biden dice diplomático EEUU |
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Trump convoca Fuzileiros Navais para atuar em “Emergência dentro dos EUA” |
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Tiffany Trump Strikes A Sultry Pose In Flowing Dress On Gorgeous |
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Trump Hails Syria Cease-Fire After Playing Role In Crisis |
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Tucker Carlson: Trump is a ‘truth elixir’ and Bill Kristol is a ‘Trotskyite’ |
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Trump Warning Of Coming Civil War Prompts Russia-China Vow To Continue Protecting World Order |
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‘Our Republic Is Under Attack’: Admiral McRaven Just Wrote Scathing Op-Ed Calling Trump The Real ‘Enemy Of The People’ |
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Jeff Sessions Came Out of Retirement to Drop This Bombshell About Impeaching Trump |
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20 Sports Figures Who Endorsed Donald Trump |
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Ranking the Presidents: Donald Trump |
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Here’s the transcript of Mick Mulvaney’s Thursday press briefing — decide for yourself whether he confirms Trump’s Ukraine phone call was an illegal quid pro quo |
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Trump on Unemployment Then vs Now Don’t Forget |
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Abd askerleri trump emri ile hasekeden çekildi |
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President Trump has shown interest in purchasing Greenland… |
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Resor Milik Trump Terpilih sebagai Lokasi KTT G-7 Tahun Depan |
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Trump Claims Victory For Saving Thanksgiving From Kurds |
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Bir Trump klasiği |
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Coons: ‘Absolutely’ Need to See Transcripts of Trump-Erdogan Calls |
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The United States of Trump |
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Fox Hosts Nervously Defend Trump’s G7 Doral Corruption |
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Woe to Donald Trump and his allies from the evil asteroid of chastisement and woe to who turn away from the Book of the non Arabs and Arabs |
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I Fucking Hate Trump By IronsideHex |
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Nothing to say beyond President’s statement says US State Department over Kashmir mediation comment by Trump |
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‘What about Doral’ Trump just awarded the 2020 G7 summit of world leaders to his own golf resort |
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DRUDGE LOSES IT! Goes Full-on Never-Trump — Loses One-Fifth of Audience 200000000 Page View |
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The Roast of Donald Trump Clips |
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Mitch McConnell Says He wants “Stronger” Condemnation of Trump |
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Trump’s Tax Laws: Shocking Impact Confused Americans |
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Çmimi i lartë i tradhtisë së Donald Trump |
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Bitterness Overwhelms As Trump And Clinton Campaign Staffers Experience Off At Harvard |
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Jimmy Kimmel Taunts ‘Greasy Little Son’ Donald Trump Jr Over ‘Goon’ Photo |
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Trump’s disastrous retreat from Syria does nothing for America But he has a lot of financial ties to Turkey |
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Pastores acreditam que decisão de Trump sobre Jerusalém é “sinal do fim” |
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In Trump rebuke Senate considers sanctions on Turkey |
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Trump’s Most Shameless Act of Profiteering |
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Fatih Portakal’dan Trump mesajı |
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Scarborough: Trump Fans Are ‘Should Be Kept Away from Blenders’ Stupid |
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Trump imagines easier 2020 win by popular vote |
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Mitt Romney Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel |
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‘Hanky-panky’ Traders pocket ‘stunning’ profits after Trump’s comments on trade talks |
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Republicans Block Senate Vote On Resolution Condemning Trump’s Decision On Syria |
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“Johnson’s UK Trump’s US and Putin’s Russia can finally destroy The imaginings of a Globalist dominated economic serfdom” |
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Trump to Meet Imran khan on Monday Modi On Tuesday |
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Trump Turnberry: US Air Force To Review Scotland Resort Stays |
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‘Morning Joe’ Overwhelmed After ‘One of the Most Significant News Days’ in Trump Presidency |
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The federal employee union accused the Trump administration of forcing managers to focus on firing employees rather than helping them succeed in their positions |
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‘Trump Impeachment Trial by Late Winter Early Spring:’ GRPAA Conference |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a yanıt |
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El populismo al estilo Trump ha venido para quedarse |
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Trump official says wild horses not climate change are “existential threat” to federal lands |
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Chọn khu nghỉ dưỡng gia đình tổ chức hội nghị G7 ông Trump hứng bão chỉ trích |
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Trump says troops won’t shoot migr |
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Donald Trump protege a la causante del accidente mortal de un motorista |
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WASHINGTON DC – Armenian National Committee of America ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian issued the following statement regarding Turkey’s offensive launched in Syria today and the US decision to pull out its troops “The ANCA continues to engage with Administration and Congressional stakeholders coalition partners and Armenian community leaders in the region regarding the profoundly dangerous impact of the Trump Administration’s ill-advised decision to abruptly withdraw forces from northeast Syria inviting a Turkish invasion that is already targeting Kurds and also Armenians and other at-risk Christian Yazidi and Muslim populations” more |
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The day after President Trump leaves office |
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SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 1 |
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Top 10 interesting facts about Donald John Trump |
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PM Imran Khan’s Meeting With Donald Trump |
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Trump Declares Public Assistance Disaster for the Oglala Lakota Nation |
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Leading Trump Impeachment Ad-Buyer Caught – It Turns Out They’re An Anti-Trump Spice Company In Wisconsin |
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Do They Really Expect Us To Believe This Latest Ukraine Hoax Against Trump |
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Letter: A lesson Trump has not learned |
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Trump a saját golfklubjában rendezi a következő G7-es találkozót |
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Trump blames Obama for messing Air Conditioning in the White House |
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“¡No sea tonto!” dice Trump a presidente turco en una carta |
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There was collusion between the DOJ the FBI and the Hilliary Clinton campaign as well as the Democratic Pary and Fusion GPS to discredit Trump should he be elected This was the so-called Russian hoax |
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Appeals court rules House should get Trump financial records |
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In Your Opinion: How can Trump supporters not see the hypocrisy |
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How would you say Trump has done so far |
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Energy Secretary Rick Perry tells Trump he plans on resigning |
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Gen Mattis Savagely Roasts Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs on the Battlefield’ Trump Got His Spurs ‘From the Doctor’ |
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The Hill pushes misinformation from Trump that it debunked earlier this month |
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NY Mag: 7 Unhinged Moments From Trump’s Dallas Rally |
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Other Opinions: President Trump and the rule of law |
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Trump is getting things done |
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Why does Trump keep empowering America’s biggest enemies |
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Live Updates: Trump Says ‘Good Will on Both Sides’ as Kurds Accuse Turkey of Violating Cease-fire |
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Trump May Lose Gun Rights Supporters’ Votes |
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TRUMP: Twitter clarifies when world leaders’ tweets could cross the line |
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Donald Trump Writes To TurkeyтАЩs President DonтАЩt Be A Tough Guy And DonтАЩt Be A Fool |
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Trump: Erdoğanla Konuştum Ateşkesin Işe Yaramasını Çok Istiyor |
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Nancy Pelosi Says She’s ‘Done With’ Trump As She Pushes Back Against Impeachment |
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Trump Wants to End the “Stupid Wars” by Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review |
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Republican senators tweak Trump for Putin call knock White House leaker |
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Pelosi to Trump: “All Roads Lead to Putin” |
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Trump Catches Flak for Awarding G7 Summit to His Own Resort |
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GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office which they will never be it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal’” Trump tweeted |
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Trump und die Ukraine-Affäre : Die Verteidigungsstrategie fällt in sich zusammen |
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Donald Trump zwingt Schäuble amp Co zum Nachdenken |
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Trump threatens to impose tough sanctions on Turkey |
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Marah Presiden Erdogan Buang Surat dari Donald Trump |
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Trump in News |
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Second Republican Challenges Trump In 2020 White House Race |
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Pres Trump declaring National Emergency isn’t a Reichstag Fire moment except we’re talking about Trump |
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Turkey ‘cannot forget’ letter from Trump about military offensive Erdogan says |
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President Trump’s Afghanistan Strategy 2017 |
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Erdoğan Trump’ın tweetini cevapladı |
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Erdogan says Turkey won’t forget Trump letter |
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In Pittsburgh Stop GOP’s Sanford Argues His Party And The Country Must Be Saved From Trump |
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Trump impune UE taxe vamale de 75 miliarde de dolari |
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kelly trump Die Rivalin |
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A következő G7-csúcsot Trump saját golfklubjában rendezik |
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Tras Huawei DJI en el punto de mira de Trump |
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Gordon Sondland: ‘It Was Apparent to All of Us’ Giuliani Was the ‘Key’ to Changing Trump’s Mind on Ukraine |
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Trump tuitea una foto para referirse a Pelosi Y ella la convierte en su foto principal para Twitter |
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Trump Signs Order Closing Border With Me |
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5G Is NOT Among Trump’s RampD Priorities For the New Year Contrary to Years Past |
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Trump on Turkish-Kurdish conflict: ‘Sometimes you have to let them fight’ |
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Trump says Turkey’s Erdogan wants Syria agreement to work |
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Trump has a lot to say about Brexit But do Brits listen |
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‘BSF man dies as BGB troops fired in offensive: Not our border says Donald Trump |
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Constructed 29000 natural flow plants in Korea nationwide the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Fox News judge: Hosting the G7 at Trump’s golf resort is a profound violation of the Constitution |
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Esta tarde el presidente Donald Trump anunció el retiro de Estados Unidos del Acuerdo de París firmado en Francia en diciembre de 2015 ante más de 190 países En él los gobernantes se comprometieron a reducir las emisiones de dióxido |
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Trump auf Twitter: „Nancy Pelosi ist eine sehr kranke Person!“ |
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‘Islamic State is going to be unhappy’ Trump says as Syria ceasefire begins |
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Republicanos preparam-se para enfrentar impeachment de Trump até ao fim do ano |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump’a cevap verdi! |
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Trump insists Turkish leader wants ceasefire |
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Mulvaney walks back claim that Trump held Ukraine aid for political gain |
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Trump’tan bir skandal açıklama daha! |
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Former Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Heads To Prison To Begin 3-Year |
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Democrats Want Bolton to be Star Witness Against Trump |
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Trump claims Electricity Secretary Perry resigning at finish of yr |
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Trump Trolls Dems With His Announcement of His Doral Resort as G-7 Summit |
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Erdoğan: Sayın Trump sağ olsun |
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President Trump |
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Donald Trump Tried To Surprise British Parents With Their Son’s Killer: ”We Were Ambushed” |
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Trump’ın Erdoğan’a gizli mektubu sızdı: Sert Adam olma aptal olma Gündem 1 gün önce |
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Republicans Hit The Panic Button After Mulvaney’s Admission Deals Big Blow To Trump’s Impeachment Defense |
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Donald Trump : grosse erreur politique peut-être sa première |
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President Trump’s Troop Withdrawal: Democrats Support the “Forever War” |
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Max Rose Split on Impeach-Trump Stumps |
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Inuyashiki “Tallet” Me Donald Trump |
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White House: Trump ‘strongly condemns’ parody video of him shooting critics and media outlets in church |
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Trump National Security Adviser Jets to Turkey in Bid to Halt Assault |
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‘Cose turche’ nel millesimo giorno di Trump alla guida del mondo |
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Vietnam’s fisheries will continue to develop and hope that the EU will lift the yellow card list of illegal the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Trump Has Turned the War on Trafficking Into a War on Immigrants |
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Trump rids major shipping port of Chinese control |
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Donald Trump’s ‘trans ban’ reverses more than 70 years of military integration |
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Kamala Harris claims President Trump “already confessed” so impeachment shouldn’t take very long |
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20 Donald Trump Birthday Card Templates FREE |
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Repeal of Trump Power Plant Rule Fails in Senate |
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The Democrats/Media’s Trump Impeachment By Video |
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James Mattis Zings Trump: ‘He called Meryl Streep Overrated I’m the Meryl Streep of |
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Trump meremehkan serangan Turki di Suriah memuji sanksi atas pertempuran |
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Trump- Mattarella la traduttrice italiana sconvolta dalle gaffe del presidente Usa: il video è virale Video Chi è |
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Thousands Attend Houston Modi-Trump Rally |
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Ep 1091 CNN Melts Down After Trump Says This |
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Watch Ethiopian Comedian Abiy Jammy Impersonating Trump 2:53 |
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Trump’tan Sarraf Teklifi! |
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Etats Unis : Trump dit n’avoir aucune rencontre prévue avec son homologue |
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Rep Max Rose in Hot Seat as Holdout on Trump Impeachment Inquiry |
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The New Face Of Trump Resistance At Fox News |
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With Bolton’s departure Trump seeks ways to deflect criticism |
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Trump Accuses Google Of Search Bias On ‘Trump News’ |
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Hay “politización” de la política exterior en el Gobierno de Trump según alto diplomático |
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Trump açık açık söyledi: PKK DEAŞ’tan daha kötü! |
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Tòa Bạch Ốc thừa nhận những mắt xích trong việc Trump giữ lại viện trợ Ukraine |
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Rick Perry tells Trump he’s resigning |
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Outrage Over Trump Parady Video Shows Leftist Hypo |
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Trust Truth and Trump |
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Biden: Trump ‘should be impeached’ |
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WATCH LIVE: President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for HR 2 the “Agriculture Improvement Act” |
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Democrats vow to push for repeal of other Trump rules… |
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Juízes bloqueiam tentativa de Trump de limitar imigração legal |
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Moscow and Washington strike deal to hold Putin-Trump summit |
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Thema des Tages: Ein Trump-Putin-Erdogan-Coup Politik Geopolitik FriedeninSyrien TrumpPutinErdogan |
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Trump: Türkiye ve YPG’nin iki çocuk gibi biraz kavga etmeleri gerekiyordu |
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Preocupación no sector do viño polo Brexit e as medidas de Trump |
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Tlaib Is Pushing To Imprison White House Officials Who Will Not Testify Against Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: Mom Will ‘Cut Trump’s Head off’ |
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Trump on Top |
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Trump – Tough Love |
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Casa Blanca: Trump organizará la cumbre del G7 del próximo año en su complejo de golf |
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Ngày 1000 nhiệm kỳ TT Trump cuộc họp thành màn đấu |
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Does Trump finally have a foreign policy doctrine |
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Harris staffer who ‘upgraded’ that Trump-Pelosi photo thinks right-wing Twitter is ‘a really sad place’ |
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Mick Mulvaney tries to walk back admission of Trump’s quid pro quo |
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Trump VS Obama – How markets performed under each administration |
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Figurë kyçe në hetimet kundër tij Trump largon Rick Perryn nga detyra |
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Trump ke Erdogan : Jangan Jadi Pria Tangguh dan Jangan Survei Median: Mayoritas Warga Bekasi dan Jakarta |
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Muere el congresista Elijah Cummings clave en la investigación del presidente Trump |
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Trump: US to Leave Syria ‘Very Soon’ to Let Others Take Care of It |
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Trump Beats Pelosi’s Impeachment Bluff – Turns Out She Probably Doesn’t Have The Votes Cancels Formal Vote |
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News Related Videos On: US ambassador to the EU breaks with Trump testifies in front of Congress |
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Trump delirmiş olmalı! |
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Trump is not distracted He is on a miss |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a: Gerekeni yapacağız! |
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Macron Merkel y Johnson se reunirán próximamente con Erdogan y se coordinarán también con Trump y Putin |
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Quel cessate il fuoco in Siriache segna la vittoria di Trump |
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Trump Set to Throw Erdoğan Under the Bus |
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Trump Administration Loses Attempt to Roll Back Sage-Grouse Habitat Protections for Special Interests |
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Planter des milliards d’arbres aurait peu d’effet sur le Mattis est fier d’avoir été insulté par Donald Trump |
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‘The First Purge’ Trailer Horrifyingly Reflects Trump’s Comments From Earlier Tonight |
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CNN’s Gerald Sisnette: “The Only Way This Will Go Away is When He Trump Dies Hopefully Soon” |
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Kongres AS Ancam Penjarakan Pejabat Pemerintah Trump yang Enggan Pamerkan Helikopter Mirip UFO |
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Trump Declares National Emergency over IT Threats |
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Lawyer Who Stopped Trump Travel Ban Connected To Osama Bin Laden! |
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Trump’tan Türkiye ile alakalı bir skandal açıklama daha |
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Russiagate Trump potrebbe svelare il rapporto Barr |
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Trump will host G7 summit next year at one of his own properties |
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At Dallas rally embattled Trump calls 2020 a fight for ‘survival of American democracy’ |
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Trump promotes private Medicare coverage drawing contrast with Democrats’ health care plans |
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President Trump Orders Flags To Half-Staff Following Death Of Elijah E Cummings |
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Judge rules Trump violated the law on wall funding with national |
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Trump escapes impeachment onslaught to give Texas Republicans a boost |
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Jim Mattis fires back at President Trump for overrated insult click to see stats |
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Pelosi Treated Trump Staff With ‘Disrespect’ After Storming Out Of Meeting According To WH Deputy Press Sec |
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‘Trump’ın nezaketle bağdaşmayan mektubunu unutmadık’ |
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Chủ tịch ủy ban dẫn đầu luận tội ông Trump đột ngột qua đời |
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Trump Sends Troops Into 194 Countries To Find Dirt On Biden |
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The Subtle Insult Of Trump’s Time Cover |
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Rand Paul Stands The Gap – Senator Paul Blocks Senate vote on House Resolution Condemning Trump Syria Withdrawal… |
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Former Defense Secretary Gen James Mattis roasts Donald Trump |
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Müttefiki ABD Dostu ise Trump Olanın Vay Cevap |
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Donald Trump Çin ile anlaşma yapılabileceğini belirtti! |
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Napolitano: Trump hosting the G7 at his own resort is a gross violation of the Emoluments Clause |
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Donald Trump impone los aranceles a Europa por valor de 6700 millones de euros |
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Trump rompe el acuerdo con Irán y declara la guerra económica |
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2:15 PM – Trump se prepara para los aranceles a Europa por valor de 7500 millones de dólares |
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Trump se desmarca del ataque de Turquía en Siria: No es nuestro problema |
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Operasyon devam ederken Trump talimat verip Türkiye’yi tehdit etti |
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Trump: Önce bırakacaksınız kavga edecekler sonra gidip ayıracaksınız |
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Trump choisitun club de golf Trump pour accueillir le G7 |
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‘Most Overrated General’ Mattis Takes Swipes at Trump |
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Episode 570: Elijah Cummings has passed Trump Brokers a Cease |
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White House Chief of Staff Openly Admits ‘Quid Pro Quo’ During Trump Ukraine Call Took Place |
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Democracy Now!: Trump must stop his attacks on the press |
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Trump Administration Announces Ban on Flavored Vape Juice |
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Giuliani Under Probe Public Servants Defy President Trump |
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Trump Sends Turkey A Bizarre Letter Erdogan Throws It In The Trash |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Türkiye’den güzel haberler var |
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Melania Trump confession: How First Lady ‘let slip that |
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Trump to host 2020 G7 summit at his own resort |
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Comprendre Trump Erdogan détient 50 armes nucléaires américaines « en otage » |
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Fatih Portakal’dan dikkat çeken Trump mesajı ! |
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Despite a clear ethics violation Trump will hold upcoming G7 Summit at his own personal Florida golf course |
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The Roast of Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump kimdir-Biyografisi nasıldır |
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Die Neue Weltordnung 30 – Beginnt mit Trump eine neue Ära |
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The White House turns red as Trump channels another back-stabber |
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“Los políticos que tienen éxito son los que apelan a las emociones Trump es un fenómeno en ese aspecto”: ALAN RUSBRIDGER |
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Former US Diplomat Weighs In on Trump’s Controversial Syrian Decision |
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Heyetler anlaştı! Trump: Teşekkürler Erdoğan! |
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Ông Trump gây tranh cãi khi coi sắc lệnh 150 tuổi của Mỹ là lố bịch |
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Biden in Palo Alto says he doesn’t ‘listen much’ to what Trump says |
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Trump Admin Hits Turkey With Sanctions |
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How Progressives Should Respond to Trump |
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Famous Rapper Takes A Break From Beating Women To Send Trump A Nasty Message |
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British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read – Stats |
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Rouhani Ogah Angkat Telepon Trump |
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If Turkey does something wrong in Syria it will destroy its economy: Trump |
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Just An Enjoyable Note to Trump Swallowe |
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Terkait Ancaman Impeachment Donald Trump Dengan Marah Menyerang Demokrat |
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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Put Donald Trump’s Letter on Syria into Dustbin: Reports |
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Did Donald Trump Just Say He Was Going To End The Wars In The Middle East |
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Twitter Announces They Will Start Going After Trump’s Tweets To Silence Him |
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Trump afirma que acaba de alcanzar con China “el mayor acuerdo de la historia para los granjeros de EEUU” y cuenta sus detalles |
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Main joins majority in voting to condemn Trump’s Syria-Kurdish policy |
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Stocks Finish Down as Investors React to Trump Whistleblower Complaint |
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Trump Rally Frozen Shoulders amp Smartphone Detox |
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Refugee Admissions to Hit 40-Year Low Under Trump |
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Brzezinski’s Ghost: The Geopolitics of the Trump Administration |
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Breaking News: Trump Inflicts 30 Solar Tariff—Risk 23000 Solar Jobs |
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Trump-Erdogan un accordo tra sconfitti |
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A new target for Trump’s Twitter trash-talk |
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Trump May Become A Socialist in Order to Beat One |
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On US Trade Deficit Debt And Illegal Immigration Trump Precipitously Failing |
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Trump e o problema no suporte MN28 |
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Why does Trump’s letter to Erdogan seem so odd |
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Trump’s Generals Are Playing Russian Roulette Too |
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Trump Thinks He Bought America |
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BREAKING: Turkey Caves And Has Reached A Deal With Trump Administration |
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Critics pan ‘brazen’ choice of Trump resort for G-7 |
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Beto Plans a Counter Rally to Trump’s Visit Next Week |
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Trump’ın mektubuna gereği yapılacak |
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Whether Trump is impeached or leaves office what comes Connect |
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Trump reiterates offer to mediate Kashmir dispute |
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Trump to Erdogan: ‘Don’t Be a Tough Guy’ |
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Trump shaping new ‘liberal’ to block Russia China Iran says Pompeo |
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Trump Rock USSSA 12 Classic M 40/325 Softball X-ROCK-CLAS-Y-2 |
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Rebecca Gordon: The True High Crimes and Misdemeanors of Donald J Trump |
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Karma For Republicans: Clinton Rules Apply To Trump Impeachment |
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Nolte: Congress Abandons Kurds with Vote to Condemn Trump |
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Trump Clan Final Resting Place Is a Mismanaged Mess State AG Alleges |
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On Trump’s Latin America team: Kevin McAleenan steps down as acting Secretary of Homeland Security |
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Trump The Liar In Chief Spewing Unprecedented Flood Of Lies In His Mid-Term Campaign Of Fear |
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Trump Turkey and the Kurds |
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Trump Turns On Bolton Accuses Him Of amp |
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Watch Live: President Trump Announces Hi |
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Trump Trudeau discuss trade economic issues over phone call |
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Trump is flouting global trade rules with China yet embracing them with the EU – here’s why it matters |
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Trump’s cancelled Denmark visit cost more than previously reported |
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Ông Trump ví Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ và người Kurd đánh nhau như con nít |
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Here’s a peek inside Beto O’Rourke’s Rally Against Fear and President Trump’s rally too |
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İnce’den Trump’a: “Haddinizi Bilin” |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a cevap! |
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Donald Trump amerikai elnök Twitter-üzenetben üdvözölte a bejelentést Azt írta nagyszerű hírek érkeztek Törökországból Köszönöm Erdogan! Életek millióit sikerült megmenteni! – fűzte hozzá az amerikai elnök |
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Trump Ordered to Turn Over Tax Returns |
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President Trump Goes After the Bidens Plays a Familiar Tune in Dallas |
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Trump Rally Scheduled Today |
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– President Trump |
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Trump-Kim Summit Back On Will Take Plac |
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Bekir Ağırdır: Trump’ın Erdoğan’a mektubu lümpen popülist bir siyasi anlayışın zirvesi |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a mektup |
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Trump Sends Condolences After Death Of Elijah Cummings |
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Donald Trump and the Ukraine scandal- the road to the sugar code: the secret language cells use |
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Impeachment protests and mass protests are necessary to defeat Trump |
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House Democrats: It’s time to include Trump’s shady Syria/Turkey deal in impeachment inquiry |
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Twitter Paves Way For Trump Ban With New Content Rules For World Leaders |
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Trump Declares Anyone Who Questions Him As Treasonous |
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Surge of Mexican migrants is new challenge for Trump border |
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Putin might swallow neophyte Trump in a glance |
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Ο Donald Trump είναι πεπεισμένος ότι η Renault… |
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Pentagon Generals ‘Alarmed’ By Trump’s Demeanor During Meeting: ‘He’s Not In Control of Himself’ |
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The Morning Briefing: Trump Rallies Bigly and Stress-Free in Dallas |
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Trump confirma indicação de novo embaixador dos EUA no Brasil |
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Could Trump Tower soon have a surprising new address – CNN Video |
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Trump absent G7 meeting |
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Quiere unir Tierra del Fuego con Alaska a pie y quedó frenado por el muro de Donald Trump |
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Trump hará el muro¿Y |
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Breaking: BBC Just Blatantly Compared Trump To Watergate |
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Lefsetz: Today’s Trump |
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Did President Trump Just Rip GOP’s Paul Ryan As Deep State Tool |
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Media coverage of Trump’s attacks on Somali refugees shows that his racist incitement has become normalized |
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Trump’s New Dietary Guidelines Favor the Meat Industry |
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President Trump Weatherman: Dorian Updates and at Least 122 Tweets |
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‘Don’t Let Them Take Me Away Again’ Mothers and Children Sue Trump for Harm Inflicted by Zero Tolerance Policy |
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Why Both Republicans amp Democrats Should Favor Trump Impeachment |
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Trump Administration Slaps New Tariffs On British Suits And Sweaters |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’ye tehdit |
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Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call Says ‘Get Over It’ |
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Donald TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great MAGA Flashing Pin |
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President Trump Wins In Turkey As Ceasefire Reached Trump Says “Millions of lives will be saved!” |
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US Senators Manchin Jones King McSally Sullivan urge President Trump to reconsider abandoning Kurds |
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Tell the Republicans Enough is Enough Trump Must Go! |
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The Real Backstory to the Arrest of Two Ukrainian-American Trump Donors |
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Trump says energy secretary to step down at end of the year |
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Trump: We broke the record tonight |
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Pelosi claims Trump had meltdown and says ‘I pray for the president all the time’ |
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Erdogan kämpft Trump zieht ab |
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Trump letter to Erdogan: ‘Don’t be a fool’ |
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Democrats Are Wasting No Time On Trump Impeachment Inquiry |
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DEBUNKED: Spike Lee’s Anti-Trump Slavery Lies! |
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Texas: Trump inaugure un atelier Louis Vuitton |
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Trump Listens to Ron Paul on Senior Health Freedom Part Two10/10/19 – By Norm Singleton |
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¡Otro que se seca!: Donald Trump despide a John Bolton su asesor de Seguridad Nacional |
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Trump Considering Lawsuit Against CNN |
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Trump On Turks And Kurds: ‘Like Two Kids In A Lot You’ve Got To |
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Roast of Donald Trump |
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Hot take: Maybe Trump’s Twitter attacks on Rep Elijah Cummings contributed to his death |
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Photo of Pelosi meeting with Trump becomes new symbol of their power struggle |
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Hercai dizisi yeni bölüm fragmanı: 17 bölümde Reyyan beklediği açıklamayı Trump yaptı! Müzakere başlayacak |
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gtgt Trump’s Impeachment Odds Go from 210 to 110 on Average Bovada Favors Impeachment at -125 |
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‘They’re Not Ted Cruz Believe Me’: Trump Mocks Democratic Primary Debates |
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White House says next G-7 to be held at Trump’s Miami golf resort |
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What Can Trump-Shaped MDMA Teach Us About How Our Drugs Are Made |
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Trump engages in self-dealing for all the world to see |
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Trump’tan yaptırım açıklaması |
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How President Trump Has Used Mar-a-Lago to Boost His Personal Business |
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Müttefiki ABD Dostu ise Trump Olanın Vay Haline! |
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— Tougher Congressional Sanctions Needed to Strengthen First Steps Taken by Trump Administration Take Action at ancaorg/StopErdogan WASHINGTON DC – The ANCA in welcoming a first wave of Executive and Legislative branch sanctions over Turkey’s atrocities in Syria underscored that Ankara will neither respect the depth of American resolve nor respond to US calls for restraint as long as the President and Congress continue to enforce Ankara’s high-profile gag-rule against honest American condemnation and commemoration of Turkey’s WWI-era genocide of Armenians and other Christian nations “We are imposing US sanctions on Turkish leaders in Ankara at the more |
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The Trump Network |
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AOC – Ivanka Trump is not a ‘qualified diplomat’ |
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The Untold Story of the Trump-Ukraine Scandal: The Routine Corruption of US Foreign Policy |
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Reed votes against Trump-Syria withdrawal |
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Risky Business 558 — Trump targets Crowdstrike Apple jailbreakers rejoice |
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World Leaders Set To Speak At UN With Trump In Focus |
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Donald Trump 1800’lerden Günümüze Gelen Bir Zaman Yolcusu Olabilir mi |
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Trump e o problema no suporte trabalhar com equipes de forma remota |
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Your technical analysis is no match for Trump Tweets! |
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RSN: The CIA Is Worse Than Trump |
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Auf Käse Wein und Olivenöl: Trump hat EU-Zölle erhöht |
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‘India Pakistan Two Nuclear Countries at Serious Odds Got to Work It Out’: Trump Plays Peacemaker Again |
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Trump se une a Twitch |
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Trump says US locked and loaded in response to drone attack |
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Hollow Coves Wir verstehen den Impuls Trump zu wählen |
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Prince Charles Makes Case For Fighting Climate Change to Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump and Syria: A Tough Lesson About Power |
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Powerful House Lawmaker Vocal Trump Critic Elijah Cummings Dead At 68 |
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Do you support President Donald Trump’s decision to abandon Kurdish fighters and pull US troops off the northern border of Syria in advance of a military attack by Turkey |
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Smith: Violent Trump meme video must be denounced |
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Schiff’s Challenger Pulls Back The Curtain – He Just Filed An A Ethics Complaint For Trying To Accept Trump Dirt |
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Mattis Roasts Trump By Invoking Bone Spurs Meryl Streep |
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លោក Juncker និងលោក Johnson បញ្ជាក់ថា ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេស Brexit Trump និងព័ត៌មានក្លែងក្លាយ ហ៊ីង ប៊ុនហៀង ពេជ្រ ប៊ុនធិន ដែលត្រៀមបើកហាងម៉ាស្សា ស្ទីម-សូណា បដិសេធថា ញឹក ប៊ុនឆៃ ទេ |
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Trump Ipsum |
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Trump: Dostum Erdoğan’a teşekkür etmek istiyorum Şu anda Türkler mutlu Kürtler mutlu ABD mutlu |
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Noticias Cristianas – La poderosa oración de Paula White por Donald Trump |
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Türkische Lira der Gewinner – Erdogan gewinnt Trump darf sein Gesicht wahren |
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Buying ‘Trump being Trump’ means owning ‘Rudy being Rudy’ too |
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Republican TRAITOR Throws Trump Under The Bus |
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Siria: accordo Usa-Turchia tregua di 120 ore Trump: «Grazie Erdogan» |
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Ekspert om Trump-brev: Vi skal vænne os til en ny type diplomati |
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As Harry Reid Defines It: Trump “A Very Very Smart Man” |
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HANNITY: President Trump Calls-Out ‘Third Rate Politician’ Nancy Pelosi During White House Meeting |
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Israel Continues to Be One of President Trump’s Most Critical Election Issues for 2020 |
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Trump The Projector In Chief |
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Trump tells Russia to get its troops out |
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Donald Trump is still pretending to be a person that he’s not |
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HDP’li Paylan’dan Trump’a: Hepimizle dalga geçiyor utanç verici! |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 10-02-19 El presidente Donald Trump atacó rudamente a sus opositores |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Türkiye’den güzel haberler var milyonlar |
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Flashback: Obama Administration Media Ignored These Heinous Crimes ISIS Committed…And Now They’re Slamming Trump! |
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Trump’tan Barış Pınarı Harekatı açıklaması: Benim sorunum de |
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A Message from Rabbi Davidson on President Trump’s Recent Remarks |
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Hodili jsme to do koše: Trumpův dopis Erdoganovi se dočkal nepřátelského přijetí |
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Donald Trump: “ABD petrolü güvenceye aldı ve Kürtler ve Türkiye IŞİD savaşçılarının güvenliğini sağlayacak” |
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Former SC Rep Trey Gowdy joins Trump legal teamFree Access |
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Lara Trump responds to violent parody video backlash over US troop withdrawal from Northern Syria |
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Sen Mitt Romney raises a troubling theory about Trump and Turkey |
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White House Confirms Trump Asked NATO Me |
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Trump supporters gather for anti-impeachment rally |
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Trump augmente les droits de douane l’UE réagit |
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New Colorado poll finds support for Trump impeachment probe ‘headwinds’ for Cory Gardner |
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Donald Trump sème la panique chez Huawei |
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En çok abartılan ABD’li eski savunma şefi Mattis sadaka galasındaki Trump hakaretinden gülüyor Ulusal Haber |
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Trump On Frequent Foe Cummings: ‘Very Hard If Not Impossible To Replace’ |
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JUST IN: Mulvaney Walks Back His Admission of Quid Pro Quo Between Trump and Ukraine |
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‘It was poor judgement on my part’ — Hunter Biden breaks silence on Trump controversy |
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Trump Offers Freed ISIS Fighters a Group Rate at Trump Doral Resort click to see stats |
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Trump sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One over Democrat subpoenas |
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Tom Arnold Taunts Trump With JFK Assassination Tweet |
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WOW: Stormy Offers to Return 130000 to Speak Freely About Alleged Donald Trump Affair |
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kelly trump Lolita Adoloscenza Perversa 5 |
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Trump Doesn’t Believe Israeli Surveillance Report |
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Trump’tan ilk açıklama! |
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Newsom’s First Rodeo: In Year One Governor Bucks Both Trump and Brown |
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Tercer asociado de Rudy Giuliani es arrestado por contribuciones ilegales a comité que apoya a Trump |
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On Homelessness Trump And Dems Both Look To Police |
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Murió uno de los principales impulsores del juicio político a Donald Trump |
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Trump in Ukraine Syria and Doral – Meanwhile in America |
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White House announces President Trump will host next year’s G7 summit at his Miami golf resort |
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CLC Complaint Results in Arrest of Two Ukrainian-American Trump Donors Connected to Giuliani |
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Romney slams ceasefire deal calls Trump’s Syria move ‘a bloodstain’ in US history |
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Democratic Debate no 4 Disney Madness AOC’s Haircut Criticized Fortnite Makes Itself Unplayable Too Much Trump News New Las Vegas Parking Ticket Law |
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CHP’den Trump hakkında suç duyurusu |
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Donald Trump on Day 1000 of his presidency – The Washington Post |
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Trump’tan Hindistan ve Pakistan’a arabuluculuk |
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Former Trump lawyer admits that he paid two women for his |
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Trump Chief of Staff Admits Quid Pro Quo |
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Retired admiral who commanded bin Laden raid hammers Trump: ‘Republic is under attack’ click to see stats |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a Twitter’den cevap |
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Women’s March Calls For “Jihad” Against Trump |
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Anderson Cooper flabbergasted by decision to hold G7 summit at Trump resort |
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Tổng thống Trump kêu gọi cáo buộc Chủ tịch Hạ viện Pelosi tội phản quốc |
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Could Trump’s Impeachment Trial End Warren’s Candidacy |
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Trump impeachment inquiry: Highlights of the testimony so far |
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Trump’s Shout-It-Out-Loud Strategy |
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Entran en vigor los aranceles de Trump a la Unión Europea |
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Energy Secretary Perry Resigning at End of Year Trump Says |
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USA: G7 Summit 2020 to take place at Donald Trump Golf Hotel |
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Unemployment Hits Lowest Point in 50 Years Read more at MIDDLE CLASS IS GETTING RICHER UNDER TRUMP |
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‘Hanky-panky’ Traders pocket ‘stunning’ profits after Trump’s comments on trade talks goose the sto |
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Republican Ground Shifts Beneath Trump’s Feet |
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From the Pentagon Papers to Trump: How the government gained the upper hand against leakers |
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Mad Dog Mattis Roasted Trump |
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Trump ADMITS What Will Happen If He’s IMPEACHED |
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Donald Trump meets Kim Jong Un in DMZ steps onto North Korean soil |
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What’s really going on with Trump SOTN |
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Mỹ có thể không ký thoả thuận trước cuộc gặp Trump – Tập |
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Opposition empört Trump plant G7-Gipfel im eigenen Golfhotel |
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Digital Demagogue Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and new Artistic Director – deadline: 06/01/19 |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’tan Cumhurbaşkanı’na cevap! |
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David Shulkin: I Ran the VA Under President Trump Until He Fired Me Our First Trump Tower Meeting Was a Job Interview Unlike Any Other |
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Trump Admin to Meet With Family of Teen Killed by Diplomat’s Wife |
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Mattis Laughs Off Trump’s ‘World’s Most Overrated General’ Comment |
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Trump vuelve a vetar una medida del Congreso contra desvío de |
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‘Has CNN doxxed the people responsible’ New Times Square billboard ads depict Donald Trump being tied up and humiliated pics video |
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What President Trump Just Told German Chancellor Has Obama Running Scared! |
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Erdogan: Nuk mund “të fal” letrën e Trump do të marrim masa kur të vij koha |
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‘Ditolak’ Desainer Melania Trump Berpaling ke John Galliano |
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Trump: Entre Fox EPN y Hitler ¿qué pasará en realidad ¿Qué se puede hacer |
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Trump-Kim summit calls for real progress : analysts |
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Trump adalah Sang Mesias atau kah sebagai pembuka jalan untuk Sang Mesias |
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Két legyet üt egy csapásra Trump az Európát sújtó büntetővámokkal |
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World Leaders Praise Trump’s Decision To Give Turkey Open Season On Kurds |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump Ile Görüştü |
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Trump Goes Trolling: Picks Doral for G-7… |
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Hylles av Trump etter romvandring |
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American And British Exceptionalism In The Age Of Trump And Brexit |
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Trump Tweetstorms Amid Mounting Syria Criticism: Anyone Helping Protect Kurds Good With Me Whether It’s ‘Russia China or Napoleon’ |
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President Trump Shares InfoWars Videos After Facebook Bans Them |
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Lone Minority GOP Congresswoman Explains Why She Is Open To Supporting Trump In 2020 |
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Former Defense Secretary Gen James Mattis roasts Donald Trump: ‘I earned my spurs on the battlefield’ |
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İYİ Partili Aytun Çıray’dan Trump’ın skandal mektubunun gizlenmesine tepki Gündem 1 gün önce |
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VS tellen 618000 Trump in 2020 herverkozen |
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No to Trump’s Netanyahu’s Bin Salman’s Imperialist War Drive Against Iran! |
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Donald Trump’s Argument for |
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Donald J Trump for President Inc |
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Trump to Meet Xi Amid Escalating Trade Tension |
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Trump relaja su guerra comercial con China y declara un festival del amor |
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US Congress approves 13-trillion spending bill sends to Donald Trump |
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Trump Averts US-Turkey War After Young Black Woman Stuns White House With Powerful Prayer |
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Cựu bộ trưởng quốc phòng Mỹ châm chọc Trump – Tìm Việc Làm 365 |
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5G Mattarella rassicura Trump: “Italia molto attenta a ultralarga in Italia sorpasso storico Ftth a oltre 1 milione di accessi |
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Shame On Pastor Paula White For Endorsing Donald Trump While Leading A Predominantly Black Congregation |
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Turkey ‘cannot forget’ letter from Trump about military offensive Erdogan says – National |
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Republicans were ‘shell-shocked’ and ‘shaken’ by Trump’s behavior in Pelosi meeting |
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Leftists Throw An ‘Impeach Trump’ Event No One Shows Up |
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SHBA- Trump: Turqit e kurdët kishin nevojë të grindeshin si fëmijë |
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Video: Armed Man Wearing Helmet Vest Arrested Outside Trump’s Texas Rally |
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REPORT: Erdogan did NOT like Trump’s letter |
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Conservatism in the Era of Trump |
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The Trump Train 2020 Song by Lloyd Marcus |
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Trump Administration Offers Contradicting Message on Whether Hurricane Dorian Survivors Are Welcome in the US |
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Detuvieron a Jane Fonda en una manifestación contra Trump |
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All Aboard the Trump Peace Train! HeR |
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Ben Fulford Full Report: Trump’s univers |
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Is The Trump/Ukraine Story A Trap for Dems |
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« Ne faites pas l’idiot » l’incroyable lettre de Trump à Erdogan sur |
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Trump Syria and Counter-Revolution |
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James Mattis mocks Donald Trump at gala dinner |
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Several hundred Trump supporters rally for embattled president |
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New York : ‘India Pakistan Two Nuclear Countries at Serious Odds Got to Work It Out’: Trump Plays Peacemaker Again |
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Donald Trump is correct to raise the larger question |
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Trump says Texas requested 10 billion for a ‘dam… |
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Eduardo Bolsonaro usa o pai Trump e arma em camiseta com piada homofóbica |
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Ivanka Trump ve Burcu Esmersoy 12 bin TL’lik etekleriyle pişti oldu |
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Ông Trump bị mất điểm vì không biết sử dụng ô che đầu |
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Yes Trump Is Right to Withdraw from Syria and Let Turkey Deal With the PKK |
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Trump inaugurates new Louis Vuitton workshop in Texas |
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Rand Paul Delivers Letter From Trump To |
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Saudi Ambassador Calls Donald Trump A “Tweet Monster” Amid Signs Of Fading Trust With The White House: |
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Andretti il ‘piedone’ delle corse che Trump ‘stima moltissimo’ |
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Trump gets nickname for betraying an ally |
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Trump’s Texas Border Wall Could Endanger American Citizens |
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Dreaming of an America Where Solutions Trump Ideology |
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IndivisibleTeam RT esindivisible: In the wake of yesterday’s city council vote we stand with VOCALNewYork calling on NYCMayor to fulfill his promise Have you heard the news ezralevin and Leahgreenb are going on a book tour! We can’t wait to see you on the road! RT MarchForTruthLV: Thank you for supporting the ImpeachmentInquiry SenCortezMasto your constituents respect the constitution and are RT indivisibletx24: RallyAgainstFear BetoForAmerica FlipTX24 IndivisibleTeam AreaGrapevine CloseTheCamps RT ycindivisible: IndivisibleTeam IndivisibleofAZ SenatorSinema SenMcSallyAZ RepGosar RepRaulGrijalva CharleneforAZ YC Support a fair and open trial in the Senate Support impeachment And declare once and for all nobody is above the… The only question now is will you stand with Trump or with the majority of Colorado voters SenCoryGardner let’s review the facts: Trump pushed Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 elections He used US… “I believe in human rights and civil rights and I will put my life on the line to protect those rights I just want… We’ve hit double digit episodes! Between more letters and press conference ImportantMeagan had a lot to get throug… RT PeterAlexander: NEW: Mulvaney walks back today’s press briefing: “There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the Never forget Bye The first offices are starting to close – get in those last-minute calls If you don’t live on the east coast keep… RT SarahDohl: We’ll see final articles of impeachment that include Emoluments The only question now is when is the vote RT NydiaVelazquez: Today Mick Mulvaney compared Puerto Rico to Ukraine suggesting they are both foreign entities Since this White RT TrinityResists: Today is IndivisibleTeam National Call-In Day to demand impeachment Your Senators need to hear from you Now DC offices will start closing up around 5! Keep on calling until they stop picking up! Here’s our call-in script:… RT IndivisibleofAZ: Call NOW: 1-855-980-2355 Have a “moderate” republican MoC who loves to talk about rule of law but has still not spoken out about Trump break… No one is above the law ImpeachNow https://tco/xRxHt4Rzg9 RT nezlysilva: “Detained immigrants who speak an Indigenous language are less likely to receive medical care” This language barrier can WendyBredhold SenToddYoung SenatorBraun RepLarryBucshon RT WendyBredhold: I called SenToddYoung SenatorBraun and RepLarryBucshon All of their DC numbers are on their Facebook pages Young RT Getorgbk: You can also remind them that the G7 should absolutely NOT be held at a Trump property next year and that they can raise Indivisibles have helped push 228 Democrats and Independents to support impeachment inquiry We can get more though… Indivisibles have made 100k calls in to key states to voters encouraging them to call their Senators to ImpeachNow… Indivisibles have held over 270 ImpeachNow events Your calls today help support that work That’s why we need your help now These calls support the work of Indivisibles on the ground in key states What ki… Calling your Senator can feel like arguing to a wall if you live in a deep red state but it matters In 2017 every… Why are calls so important Indivisibles across the country have been applying the pressure to their MoC’s over imp… RT IndivisibleVent: 3: Reach out to other voters to make this impeachment happen Indivisible Natl has a plan to improve our importantmeagan is gonna have A LOT to talk about in tonight’s The Impeachment Daily Go ahead and get caught up… Feel this way and want to do something about it We’re having a call in day! Call your Senators NOW and demand th… RT jonfavs: We have a President who makes decisions based on what makes him richer and keeps him in power not on what’s good for the This is people power This is making your voice heard Thank you robinstone12 ChuckGrassley and other Members… Getorgbk bkindivisible Hey did some troubleshooting and it should be working now Try it again and let us know On a lunch break Now is the perfect time to make a quick call to one of your Members of Congress to demand they st… Getorgbk bkindivisible thanks for the heads RT SarahDohl: No matter what crazy news happens today there are three things that you need to know: Trump pushed Ukraine to importantmeagan Updated the link! https://tco/8F57OdN4oR Democracy isn’t something we have it’s something we do Congressional offices are open — have you called your Sen… RT AyannaPressley: Our Chairman leaves behind a beautiful and powerful legacy I am already feeling the impact of a little less grace in RT AOC: A devastating loss for our country Chairman Cummings was a giant: a universally respected leader who brought profound insight A beautiful tribute Rep Cummings’ moral clarity vision and voice will be missed greatly You might feel desensitized to the swelling student-debt figures but guess who’s not Graduates—who are paying an… We’re back with episode 9 ImportantMeagan goes into what happened at the debates and in DC these past 24 hours C… RT kylegriffin1: Pelosi on Trump and the resolution condemning Trump’s decision: The size of the vote more than 2 to 1 of the RT Leahgreenb: I don’t know how to process the sense of horror that comes with knowing that people are dying because of this malevolent Though many candidates have expressed support for immigrant communities and their disgust at the separation of fami… RT Leahgreenb: WE ARE GOING ON BOOK TOUR COME SEE US IT’S GONNA BE FUN Agreeing to hold the trial in the first place is a good first step but senatemajldr needs to commit to rules that… RT WorkingFamilies: The PRO Act has 214 cosponsors in the House and with your help we can push that to a 218 majority If you agree We know grassroots power comes from showing up and being heard Sitting the primary out leaves more space and airti… When we sit out other people make the decision for us Yes we’re excited AOC and Ilhan are getting in this rac… We will make an impact That’s what movements are about! What better way to make an impact than by pushing all th… Some candidates are better than others That’s just a fact We can’t stay on the sidelines when we have the oppo… Political power has an expiration date! We have influence respect and people power right now but that’s all co… If we like a candidate we should let them–and the world–know! Our voice and power means something for a lot o… We know we know: endorsements are a big deal! It’s hard to decide when and where to use your political power and… The Congresswomen — and other folks like WorkingFamilies who endorsed ewarren a few weeks ago — are setting an ex… Have you heard BernieSanders is being endorsed this week by AOC and IlhanOmar! Big congratulations to Bernie an… You did this You made this happen Now let’s keep going Sign up for a hub dialer shift now… RT AndersonsBkshp: We are really looking forward to this one! Details here: https://tco/hnk7F25kXL RT IndivisibleChi: The press is reporting that Trump will be in Chicago on Oct 28 for a fundraiser We don’t want him in the White And if your city/town/village is not on this list don’t worry! We’re going to be holding virtual book clubs later… Finally on Friday Nov 15 we’re headed to Harvard with a really exciting discussion about the book with Marshall… It also seems worth re-upping the time Rep Jayapal wished Indivisible happy birthday because it’s just one of our… On Sunday November 10 at 5:00PM Leah and Ezra are stopping in Seattle to talk We Are Indivisible with !!!!… Friday November 8 at 6:00PM Leah and Ezra are stopping in San Francisco for an event at BookPassage’s Ferry Buil… On Thursday November 7 we’re heading to Naperville IL for an event at one of the most famous bookstores in the c… She’s ALSO got a book out next year — and you REALLY should preorder that one too we did! We are SO excited to do this event with Charlotte who is one of the most incredible writers that’s covered this mov… On Tuesday November 5 Leah and Ezra head on up to Brooklyn for an event at greenlightbklyn at 7:30PM with time’… You should really also buy ryangrim’s book We’ve Got People We’ve read it and it’s incredible Book week kicks off Monday November 4 in DC at SolidStateDC at 7:00PM with theintercept’s ryangrim having a co… When you order make sure to snap a screenshot or picture of your receipt/order post it on Twitter amp tag… First if you haven’t pre-ordered your copy we need you to Seriously So head on over to IndieBound and get you… Our love letter to the movement– We Are Indivisible: A Blueprint for Democracy After Trump– comes out in 20 days… “I do feel an immense amount of urgency to do whatever I can as soon as I can to make sure that people are okay Th… GOPLeader this is a lie Trump himself has admitted on national television that he pressured Ukraine and other f… RT democracynow: Immigrant rights advocate MarielenaNILC says the lack of immigration questions at the DemDebate was a huge oversight Couldn’t make it to any ImpeachNow events over the fall recess Don’t worry you can still make your voice heard! S… RT LaurenBoc: I disagree with this wholeheartedly but I think this argument requires a nuanced response So a thread! 1/x RT PramilaJayapal: I hope the next DemDebate will include a robust and meaningful conversation on immigration Every day kids are RT JayInslee: Not one single question about the climate crisis Not one single question about the climate crisis Not one single RT JulianCastro: Three hours and no questions tonight about climate housing or immigration Climate change is an existential threat RT AllyBoguhn: Speaking of here is importantmeagan on court reform and why it matters: RT UltraViolet: Did JoeBiden just try to take credit for the Federal Agency ewarren proposed What kind of uncomfortable inexplicable RT Leahgreenb: that visible pause on stage was Elizabeth Warren summoning every fiber of self-control in her body to avoid calling out We sent a letter to CNN with our partners at WeDemandJustice amp TakeBacktheCt urging them to ask a question abou… Step 1: Eliminate the filibuster Step 2: Pass all the cool progressive stuff we want to do Step 3: Fix the courts s… Hello Quick reminder that safe legal and rare is out dated and damaging messaging We shouldn’t say that Follo… RT UWDAction: Roe V Wade is ALREADY the law of the land These bans are laws crafted to circumvent the already existing law RT marisapk: Use gender inclusive language when you talk about abortion DemocraticDebate RT UltraViolet: Seriously – how many more accusations against realDonaldTrump do there need to be before the DemDebate moderators RT UWDAction: RT jamalraad: Questions about the health of the planet gt questions about the health of Bernie RT bkindivisible: Inbk communications working meeting/ DemDebate watch party If we could give comms advice to all the candidates we’d RT SarahDohl: I quit working in Congress SIX YEARS AGO when Congress failed to get anything done in the wake of SandyHook after a bunch JulianCastro is leading on this issue He was the first candidate to call for eliminating qualified immunity wh… It’s time to abolish the filibuster! DemDebate RT esindivisible: In the wake of yesterday’s city council vote we stand with VOCALNewYork calling on NYCMayor to fulfill his promise Have you heard the news ezralevin and Leahgreenb are going on a book tour! We can’t wait to see you on the road! RT MarchForTruthLV: Thank you for supporting the ImpeachmentInquiry SenCortezMasto your constituents respect the constitution and are RT indivisibletx24: RallyAgainstFear BetoForAmerica FlipTX24 IndivisibleTeam AreaGrapevine CloseTheCamps RT ycindivisible: IndivisibleTeam IndivisibleofAZ SenatorSinema SenMcSallyAZ RepGosar RepRaulGrijalva CharleneforAZ YC Support a fair and open trial in the Senate Support impeachment And declare once and for all nobody is above the… The only question now is will you stand with Trump or with the majority of Colorado voters SenCoryGardner let’s review the facts: Trump pushed Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 elections He used US… “I believe in human rights and civil rights and I will put my life on the line to protect those rights I just want… We’ve hit double digit episodes! Between more letters and press conference ImportantMeagan had a lot to get throug… RT PeterAlexander: NEW: Mulvaney walks back today’s press briefing: “There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the Never forget Bye The first offices are starting to close – get in those last-minute calls If you don’t live on the east coast keep… RT SarahDohl: We’ll see final articles of impeachment that include Emoluments The only question now is when is the vote RT NydiaVelazquez: Today Mick Mulvaney compared Puerto Rico to Ukraine suggesting they are both foreign entities Since this White RT TrinityResists: Today is IndivisibleTeam National Call-In Day to demand impeachment Your Senators need to hear from you Now DC offices will start closing up around 5! Keep on calling until they stop picking up! Here’s our call-in script:… RT IndivisibleofAZ: Call NOW: 1-855-980-2355 Have a “moderate” republican MoC who loves to talk about rule of law but has still not spoken out about Trump break… No one is above the law ImpeachNow https://tco/xRxHt4Rzg9 RT nezlysilva: “Detained immigrants who speak an Indigenous language are less likely to receive medical care” This language barrier can WendyBredhold SenToddYoung SenatorBraun RepLarryBucshon RT WendyBredhold: I called SenToddYoung SenatorBraun and RepLarryBucshon All of their DC numbers are on their Facebook pages Young RT Getorgbk: You can also remind them that the G7 should absolutely NOT be held at a Trump property next year and that they can raise Indivisibles have helped push 228 Democrats and Independents to support impeachment inquiry We can get more though… Indivisibles have made 100k calls in to key states to voters encouraging them to call their Senators to ImpeachNow… Indivisibles have held over 270 ImpeachNow events Your calls today help support that work That’s why we need your help now These calls support the work of Indivisibles on the ground in key states What ki… Calling your Senator can feel like arguing to a wall if you live in a deep red state but it matters In 2017 every… Why are calls so important Indivisibles across the country have been applying the pressure to their MoC’s over imp… RT IndivisibleVent: 3: Reach out to other voters to make this impeachment happen Indivisible Natl has a plan to improve our importantmeagan is gonna have A LOT to talk about in tonight’s The Impeachment Daily Go ahead and get caught up… Feel this way and want to do something about it We’re having a call in day! Call your Senators NOW and demand th… RT jonfavs: We have a President who makes decisions based on what makes him richer and keeps him in power not on what’s good for the This is people power This is making your voice heard Thank you robinstone12 ChuckGrassley and other Members… Getorgbk bkindivisible Hey did some troubleshooting and it should be working now Try it again and let us know On a lunch break Now is the perfect time to make a quick call to one of your Members of Congress to demand they st… Getorgbk bkindivisible thanks for the heads RT SarahDohl: No matter what crazy news happens today there are three things that you need to know: Trump pushed Ukraine to importantmeagan Updated the link! https://tco/8F57OdN4oR Democracy isn’t something we have it’s something we do Congressional offices are open — have you called your Sen… RT AyannaPressley: Our Chairman leaves behind a beautiful and powerful legacy I am already feeling the impact of a little less grace in RT AOC: A devastating loss for our country Chairman Cummings was a giant: a universally respected leader who brought profound insight A beautiful tribute Rep Cummings’ moral clarity vision and voice will be missed greatly You might feel desensitized to the swelling student-debt figures but guess who’s not Graduates—who are paying an… We’re back with episode 9 ImportantMeagan goes into what happened at the debates and in DC these past 24 hours C… RT kylegriffin1: Pelosi on Trump and the resolution condemning Trump’s decision: The size of the vote more than 2 to 1 of the RT Leahgreenb: I don’t know how to process the sense of horror that comes with knowing that people are dying because of this malevolent Though many candidates have expressed support for immigrant communities and their disgust at the separation of fami… RT Leahgreenb: WE ARE GOING ON BOOK TOUR COME SEE US IT’S GONNA BE FUN Agreeing to hold the trial in the first place is a good first step but senatemajldr needs to commit to rules that… RT WorkingFamilies: The PRO Act has 214 cosponsors in the House and with your help we can push that to a 218 majority If you agree We know grassroots power comes from showing up and being heard Sitting the primary out leaves more space and airti… When we sit out other people make the decision for us Yes we’re excited AOC and Ilhan are getting in this rac… We will make an impact That’s what movements are about! What better way to make an impact than by pushing all th… Some candidates are better than others That’s just a fact We can’t stay on the sidelines when we have the oppo… Political power has an expiration date! We have influence respect and people power right now but that’s all co… If we like a candidate we should let them–and the world–know! Our voice and power means something for a lot o… We know we know: endorsements are a big deal! It’s hard to decide when and where to use your political power and… The Congresswomen — and other folks like WorkingFamilies who endorsed ewarren a few weeks ago — are setting an ex… Have you heard BernieSanders is being endorsed this week by AOC and IlhanOmar! Big congratulations to Bernie an… You did this You made this happen Now let’s keep going Sign up for a hub dialer shift now… RT AndersonsBkshp: We are really looking forward to this one! Details here: https://tco/hnk7F25kXL RT IndivisibleChi: The press is reporting that Trump will be in Chicago on Oct 28 for a fundraiser We don’t want him in the White And if your city/town/village is not on this list don’t worry! We’re going to be holding virtual book clubs later… Finally on Friday Nov 15 we’re headed to Harvard with a really exciting discussion about the book with Marshall… It also seems worth re-upping the time Rep Jayapal wished Indivisible happy birthday because it’s just one of our… On Sunday November 10 at 5:00PM Leah and Ezra are stopping in Seattle to talk We Are Indivisible with !!!!… Friday November 8 at 6:00PM Leah and Ezra are stopping in San Francisco for an event at BookPassage’s Ferry Buil… On Thursday November 7 we’re heading to Naperville IL for an event at one of the most famous bookstores in the c… She’s ALSO got a book out next year — and you REALLY should preorder that one too we did! We are SO excited to do this event with Charlotte who is one of the most incredible writers that’s covered this mov… On Tuesday November 5 Leah and Ezra head on up to Brooklyn for an event at greenlightbklyn at 7:30PM with time’… You should really also buy ryangrim’s book We’ve Got People We’ve read it and it’s incredible Book week kicks off Monday November 4 in DC at SolidStateDC at 7:00PM with theintercept’s ryangrim having a co… When you order make sure to snap a screenshot or picture of your receipt/order post it on Twitter amp tag… First if you haven’t pre-ordered your copy we need you to Seriously So head on over to IndieBound and get you… Our love letter to the movement– We Are Indivisible: A Blueprint for Democracy After Trump– comes out in 20 days… “I do feel an immense amount of urgency to do whatever I can as soon as I can to make sure that people are okay Th… GOPLeader this is a lie Trump himself has admitted on national television that he pressured Ukraine and other f… RT democracynow: Immigrant rights advocate MarielenaNILC says the lack of immigration questions at the DemDebate was a huge oversight Couldn’t make it to any ImpeachNow events over the fall recess Don’t worry you can still make your voice heard! S… RT LaurenBoc: I disagree with this wholeheartedly but I think this argument requires a nuanced response So a thread! 1/x RT PramilaJayapal: I hope the next DemDebate will include a robust and meaningful conversation on immigration Every day kids are RT JayInslee: Not one single question about the climate crisis Not one single question about the climate crisis Not one single RT JulianCastro: Three hours and no questions tonight about climate housing or immigration Climate change is an existential threat RT AllyBoguhn: Speaking of here is importantmeagan on court reform and why it matters: RT UltraViolet: Did JoeBiden just try to take credit for the Federal Agency ewarren proposed What kind of uncomfortable inexplicable RT Leahgreenb: that visible pause on stage was Elizabeth Warren summoning every fiber of self-control in her body to avoid calling out We sent a letter to CNN with our partners at WeDemandJustice amp TakeBacktheCt urging them to ask a question abou… Step 1: Eliminate the filibuster Step 2: Pass all the cool progressive stuff we want to do Step 3: Fix the courts s… Hello Quick reminder that safe legal and rare is out dated and damaging messaging We shouldn’t say that Follo… RT UWDAction: Roe V Wade is ALREADY the law of the land These bans are laws crafted to circumvent the already existing law RT marisapk: Use gender inclusive language when you talk about abortion DemocraticDebate RT UltraViolet: Seriously – how many more accusations against realDonaldTrump do there need to be before the DemDebate moderators RT UWDAction: RT jamalraad: Questions about the health of the planet gt questions about the health of Bernie RT bkindivisible: Inbk communications working meeting/ DemDebate watch party If we could give comms advice to all the candidates we’d RT SarahDohl: I quit working in Congress SIX YEARS AGO when Congress failed to get anything done in the wake of SandyHook after a bunch JulianCastro is leading on this issue He was the first candidate to call for eliminating qualified immunity wh… It’s time to abolish the filibuster! DemDebate |
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Abby Huntsman: Trump So Embarrassing Doesn’t Understand His Supporters |
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WKI President: We call upon President Trump to reverse his decision |
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Trump’s Ties to Russia Are Worrying Dangerous to Our Democracy |
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The Party of Trump: The Case for Principled Partisanship |
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Mattis responds to Trump calling him ‘overrated’ |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Türkiye’den güzel haberler var mily |
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Trump Says There Is Great News After Negotiations Between Pence amp Erdogan |
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Trump: Türkiye ve YPG’nin biraz kavga etmeleri gerekiyordu Sonra ayırdım Gündem 8 saat önce |
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Trump Announces US Withdrawal From Syria |
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Kolom MU Ginting: BEREDARNYA SURAT TRUMP KE ERDOGAN DI MEDIA — Doa Pastor Brunson Gara-garanya |
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Donald Trump takes aim at NFL’s concussion protocolThe Sports Daily |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’nin harekatı hakkında yeni tweet: Biraz kavga etmeleri gerekiyordu! |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 10-08-19 la administración no cooperará con el proceso de juicio político al presidente Trump |
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Trump Brings Down The House At Massive Dallas Rally…Here’s What Got The Most Applause |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Sergio Mattarella speră să evite impunerea de tarife de retorsiune după o întâlnire cu Donald Trump |
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Bob Cesca: Donald Trump is the weakest incumbent president in decades… If Democrats don’t screw this up |
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Bipartisan Support For Turkey Sanctions – A ‘Victory’ For Trump |
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As Trump goes back on commitments nations wonder if US is still a reliable ally |
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Trump’tan yeni tweet’ler: Her iki taraf da ateşkesi istiyordu çifte güvenlik sağladık |
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G7 Summit: Trump ‘Would Meet Iran’s Rouhani If Circumstances Right’ |
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Trump to host Uhuru at White House discuss trade and security |
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Woe to Donald Trump and his allies from the evil asteroid of chastisement and woe to who turn away from the Book of the non Arabs and |
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After withdrawal Trump prepares sanctions against Turkey over Syria attacks |
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Trump to Send Americans to the Moon amp Mars |
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Jackass Steve-O: Satanism Led to Trump Delivers Remarks at Values Voter Summit |
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Bahas Situasi Suriah Trump Sebut Ketua DPR AS “Politisi Kelas Tiga” |
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President Trump Wants Senate Republicans to Pass a ‘Generous’ Obamacare Replacement |
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US House begins Trump impeachment inquiry over call to Ukraine leader |
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Trump: Turqit e kurdët kishin nevojë të grindeshin si fëmijë |
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Energy secretary Rick ‘Freedom Gas’ Perry leaving Trump cabinet |
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Trump Names Four Picks to Fill Federal Court Vacancies |
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‘Tough love’ with Turkey got Syria ceasefire done – Trump |
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Dallas Reporter Compares Trump Crowd To Beto’s Counter-Rally — It’s Not Even Close |
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Trump Responds to Elijah Cummings’ Death |
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Trump’s Retreat from Syria Puts the French-US Alliance to the Test |
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Three Missouri GOP members support US House resolution condemning Trump for Syrian troop withdrawal |
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Il presidente Donald Trump visita la nuova fabbrica Louis Vuitton ad Alvarado |
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Trump Seeks To Enrich Himself By Scheduling G-7 Summit At Trump Property |
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Where are we headed If the Dems do impeach Trump will we engage in civil disobedience Will impeachment fracture the country Will certain states succeed from our union Will there be riots |
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Entran en vigor los aranceles de Trump a productos agroalimentarios españoles |
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With China Trade Talks Restarting Trump Hawks Want More Pressure Imposed |
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Trump debe estar en guardia Los Rothschild Tienen la costumbre de asesinar a los presidentes que no siguen sus órdenes |
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Trump Iran und Netanjahu – Es geht nicht um den Atom-Deal sondern um den Petrodollar |
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Silicon Valley suspira por el talento tecnológico mexicano mientras Trump sueña con muros |
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Trump’s Behavior Could Worsen Under Impeachment |
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Donald John Trump Jr: Get All About The Powerful Body Donald Trump’s Eldest Son |
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Sarah Sanders Slams Hypocritical Dems: ‘Trump Should Be Celebrated Not Impeached’ |
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Trump supporters rally downtown |
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Trump ‘Compromised’ Efforts to End China’s Human Rights Abuses |
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Our nation’s future is at stake: Impeach Donald Trump |
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Detienen a hombre armado afuera del mitin de Trump |
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Trump impeachment inquiry: Highlights of the testimony so far – National |
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Trump: Anlaşma için “sert” sevgi göstermek gerekti |
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Donald Trump Smirk Pumpkin Carving Stencil |
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Multiple Outlets Highlight Trump In Elijah Cummings Obituary |
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Exclusive – Sec Ryan Zinke Backs Trump: Years of Mismanagement Led to California Fires |
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Elijah Cummings ‘signed subpoenas from his hospital bed’ for Trump impeachment before his death – Stats |
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Analysis: Mulvaney’s twin admissions double trouble for Trump |
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Trump prepara prohibición nacional de saborizantes en cigarrillos electrónicos |
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Suriye’de sıcak gelişme Ateşkes sona mı erdi Erdoğan-Trump görüşmesi |
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Η δήλωση αυτή ανήκει στον πρώην υπουργό Εθνικής Άμυνας Ευάγγελο Αποστολάκη Λίγο πριν τις εθνικές εκλογές του Ιουλίου ο τότε υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Ευάγγελος Αποστολάκης είχε κάνει μια δήλωση που είχε προκαλέσει αίσθηση… Ήταν η περίοδος όπου η Τουρκία είχε κλιμακώσει την προκλητικότητα και την επιθετική ρητορική της τόσο κατά της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου όσο και κατά της ΕΕ Και η αλήθεια είναι ότι εκ τότε δεν έχει αλλάξει κάτι… Το αντίθετο μάλιστα… Ο Erdogan με αφορμή την επίθεση στη Συρία απείλησε την ΕΕ ότι θα ανοίξει τα σύνορα και θα στείλει 36 εκατ πρόσφυγες ενώ έχει θέσει τουρκικής μειονότητας και ! στα Δωδεκάνησα Σε ερώτηση λοιπόν εάν η Ελλάδα έχει λάβει διαβεβαιώσεις είτε από τους Αμερικανούς είτε από τους Ευρωπαίους ότι στην περίπτωση ενός θερμού επεισοδίου θα έχει και έμπρακτη στήριξη ο Ευάγγελος Αποστολάκης είχε απαντήσει ότι «δεν υπάρχει τέτοια υπόσχεση ούτε τέτοια υπόθεση προς το παρόν αλλά εγώ έχω ξαναπεί ότι όταν θα χρειαστεί να κάνουμε κάτι ας υπολογίζουμε κατ’ αρχήν ότι θα είμαστε μόνοι μας» Για την ιστορία να σημειώσουμε ότι εκ τότε οι ΗΠΑ άναψαν το πράσινο φως για την τουρκική επίθεση στην Τουρκία παρ’ όλο που -τώρα τελευταία- ο Trump το αρνείται και -καμιά φορά- απειλεί την Τουρκία ότι θα της επιβάλει κυρώσεις και ότι θα της καταστρέψει την οικονομία Βέβαια ο Erdogan συνεχίζει ακάθεκτος απτόητος ασταμάτητος Άλλωστε δεν έχει δείξει και ποτέ ότι το αυτί του ιδρώνει από τις απειλές… Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από την άλλη Απλός παρατηρητής Πέραν από κάτι δηλώσεις και συμφωνίες που καταδικάζουν την τουρκική επίθεση δεν έχει υπάρξει ουσιαστική αντίδραση… Το ΝΑΤΟ Στηρίζει ανοιχτά και απροκάλυπτα τον Erdogan… Τουλάχιστον δύο φορές ο γγ του ΝΑΤΟ Jens Stoltenberg έκανε δηλώσεις που κάποιος κακεντρεχής θα μπορούσε να πει ότι στηρίζουν τη στάση της Τουρκίας «Κανένα άλλο μέλος του ΝΑΤΟ δεν έχει υποφέρει τόσο πολύ από τρομοκρατικές επιθέσεις δεν είναι τόσο πολύ εκτεθειμένο στην αστάθεια στη βία στην αναταραχή από τη Μέση Ανατολή δεν φιλοξενεί τόσο πολλούς πρόσφυγες όσο η Τουρκία» δήλωσε μεταξύ άλλων Και μπορεί κάποιος να πει ότι όλα αυτά ισχύουν για την περίπτωση της Συρίας που δεν είναι μέλος ούτε της ΕΕ ούτε του ΝΑΤΟ είναι όμως σίγουρος ότι δεν υπάρχει κίνδυνος να δικαιωθεί ο κ Αποστολάκης τού Survivor σε φωτογράφηση σκάνδαλο – Τα βγάζει όλα στη φόρα! ΦΩΤΟ |
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US Marines Ordered Activated For 19 October “National Emergency” As Trump Throws CIA Out Of White House |
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Fox News’ Napolitano: Trump Just Committed a ‘Direct And Profound Violation of The Constitution’ |
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Bolton of Lightning Strikes Trump |
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Trump Trolls French Reporter Who Asks About The Unemployment Rate: ‘Maybe We Have A Better President’ |
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Mark Sanford Just Kicked Off His Trump Primary Challenge — Only One Person Showed Up |
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Trump a făcut un anunţ cumplit: Voi distruge economia Turciei |
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Twitter vs Donald Trump Jak se sociální síť staví k blokování účtů politiků |
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Trump: Bizim Problemimiz Değil |
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Trump: Biraz kavga etmeleri gerekiyordu sonra ayırdım |
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Gender Studies Professor Suggests Trump Is Responsible For Black Female Obesity |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a teşekkür |
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Mike Harris: The Trump Presidency: Quest |
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Why Trump Decided To Remove US Troops |
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7 Things: New York and DC liberals love Doug Jones Brooks wants impeachment info in the open Trump and Pelosi both look terrible and more … |
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Freedom Rider: Trump Obama and Syria |
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La represión como negocio: Militarización fronteriza niños migrantes y cárceles caja para los amigos de Trump |
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Featured Story: Uber’s Emil Michael was apparently too awful even for Donald Trump |
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Başkan Erdoğan’dan Trump’ın nezaketsiz mektubuna yanıt: Unutmayız |
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PHOTOS: National March for Trump Day brings out demonstrators in Streator |
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Siria Trump annuncia la tregua: fascia di sicurezza e ritiro delle forze curde |
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Elijah Cummings ‘signed subpoenas from his hospital bed’ for Trump impeachment before his death |
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US speaker launches impeachment inquiry into Trump |
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En ny verdensorden Trump Brexit og resten af verdenshistorien |
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Abd Başkanı Trump’tan Yeni Açıklama! |
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Đệ nhất phu nhân nước Mỹ Melania Trump không quan tâm tới thị phi |
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Chomsky Trump and Challenging Bigotry |
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Pelosi: Trump had ‘meltdown’ over my questions |
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Trump tells Tucker Carlson when he’ll release evidence of Obama’s ‘wiretapping’! |
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Trump Impeachment Plot Goal To Put Hillary Clinton In Power Warned “Could End Our Republic” |
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Tremendous Trump Political T-Shirt |
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Biden Accuses Sanders and Warren of “Playing Trump’s Game” With Medicare for All |
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HUD’s Lynne Patton Violated Hatch Act with Trump Kanye West Twitter ‘Likes’ |
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SCALISE: Democrats Using ‘Soviet Style’ Tactics to Silence Republicans Take-Down Donald Trump |
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Top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is ‘under attack’ from president Trump |
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Donald Trump Biography Politician |
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Angela Merkel: Trump Has Almost Destroye |
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Trump to Mexican media: Obrador is an ab |
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WH admits strings attached in Trump withholding Ukraine aid |
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KTT G7 di Resor Golf Presiden Donald Trump |
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City gathers millions of cigarettes Student gets jail time for protesting university policy Minister: Better tracking needed after device recall Airport project to be simplified to attract contractors Shen downplays effect of ending ECFA Chinese socks being sold as Taiwan-made: minister Trump defeat will not change US policy: forum Chinese tourist numbers declined 68 last month Journalist ex-lawmaker countersue Han Kuo-yu DPP lawmakers hail US approval of guava exports Special admissions get teen experts in Doctor warns about danger of lifestyle and blood clots Art by disadvantaged children shown in MRT station Taiwan News Quick Take Shilin Night Market hit by another rip-off complaint NARL cloud platform starts After long negotiations US to import guavas |
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Rick Perry tells Trump he’s resigning as energy secretary |
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President Trump was headlining a campaign rally on friendly turf in Dallas Texas on Thursday just hours after Energy Secretary and former Texas Gov Rick Perry announced he would soon step aside amid scrutiny from House Democrats conducting an impeachment i… |
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Senate Vote To Override Trump Emergency Declaration Veto Fails |
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Talking Turkey With Trump |
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Trump se prepara para los aranceles a Europa por valor de 7500 millones de dólares |
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My Conservative Journey Part 1: The Years Before Donald Trump By Peter Moon |
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Economía colapsará si en 2020 ganan demócratas: Trump |
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The Trump letter that probably shook Turkish President Erdogan |
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President Trump imagines easier 2020 win by popular vote |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a y |
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Mỹ: Đảng Dân chủ tạo mặt trận chung đòi điều tra luận tội Tổng thống Trump |
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Trump Is Fundamentally Changing America for the Good |
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Perché anche il segretario all’Energia Usa Perry lascia l’amministrazione Trump |
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Trump is failing as commander in chief retired Special Ops chief says |
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Exembajadora en Ucrania dice que Trump presionó para echarla |
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There is No Way Trump Should Survive This Scandal |
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2020 G-7 Summit Awarded to Trump Doral |
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ART OF THE DEAL: President Trump Makes Huge Deal With Turkey Silences Liberal Media |
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Der Hass auf Trump verhindert rationales Denken |
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Facebook accusé de soutenir Donald Trump à la présidentielle américaine |
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Europeisk Ungdom-leiaren: – Trump Putin og Erdogan køyrer verda i grøfta |
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Trump credits ‘tough love’ for cease-fire deal |
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Trump’s Gracious Tweet for Elijah Cummings Draws Huge… |
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16mins Trump hails north Syria ceasefire |
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Tolerant Liberals Plaster Advertisement in Times Square of President Trump Being Kidnapped Hogtied and Physically Abused |
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Trump is a Project – TradCatKnight Radio Interview with Eric Gajewski |
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Who wrote the anti-Trump New York Times op-ed Using tidytext to find document similarity September 06 2018 |
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Mariano: President Trump is right |
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This Is What The President Donald Trump Eats |
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BREAKING: Iran Issues Jaw-Dropping Threat to Trump |
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Energy Chief Perry Tells Trump He Plans to Leave Post This Year – Bloomberg |
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Living Faith: Trump presidency brings many faithful hope |
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Trump’s Embracement of Security Dilemma to Israel |
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Trump y Bolsonaro atacan a Cuba y Venezuela en la ONU |
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US diplomat: Trump pushed for Ukraine probe of firm linked to Biden |
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Windmill Noise Causes Cancer Said No Doctor Ever…But According To Trump It Does |
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Trump Forgot to Corrupt the Inspectors General |
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Kuriddu Ma Aha Malaa’ig PKK-na Waa Urur Argagixiso Oo Ka Xun ISIS”Trump Oo Taageeray Turkiga |
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi Officailly Calls for ” I” word against Mr Trump! |
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Lindsey Graham pierde los papeles por las últimas declaraciones del presidente Trump sobre Siria |
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Donald Trump wheres hunter shirt |
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Trump Loses Syria America Wins |
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Donald Trump: Brief an Erdogan schockiert das Netz |
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Jim Mattis notes Trump’s war record at Al Smith’s dinner |
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American Independence Day mistake by Trump |
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Perry won’t to say whether he’ll comply with deadline on subpoenaed documents in Trump impeachment |
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US envoy testifies Trump directed diplomats to work with his lawyer on Ukraine |
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We Need Trump to Stay on Twitter |
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Lawmakers urge Trump to delay GSP decisi |
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Warren slams Zuckerberg’s speech saying Facebook’s political ad policy could help Trump win again |
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What Trump has just done to the Kurds could be one of the greatest |
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The Trump Impeachment Inquiry: What Happened Today |
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Trump budget cut proposal has Glenn Beck declaring ‘I am so |
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CNN Whistleblower: CEO Has a “Personal Vendetta” Against Trump |
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Trump: The Art of the Insult |
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“Con suerte” Trump morirá pronto: Proyecto Veritas revela la obsesión del director de CNN con destruir al presidente de EE UU |
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Trump – seltsamer Kampf gegen das Wo bleibt die Korrektur |
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French luxury groups Tod’s Trump Hotels and Guerlain – News briefs |
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Bill Clinton lied George W Bush lied and Donald Trump lied What in your opinion is the difference |
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Cámara Baja de EEUU rechaza decisión de Trump sobre Siria |
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More powerful than Rush Limbaugh Smarter than Mark Levin Better looking than Sean Hannity Not as big as Donald Trump but NRO’s National Review Online Bill Whittle says that it is mindbogglingly brilliant and the idea has been banned on TED and both Facebook and Yahoo’s advertising platforms for being too effective at supporting conservatism We’re serious about that last part Republican patriots like Ted Cruz Mike Pence Donald Trump and Trey Gowdy would be immensely aided in their fight for capitalism liberty and freedom national loyalty and family values if it was known throughout the nation But for that we need your help This is the new idea sweeping behind the scenes in Political Science and being discussed in hushed tones by professors throughout Leftist academia It asserts that Liberalism is a programmed psychology designed to exploit resource excess within our populations It is based upon the foundational concept in the study of reproductive strategies called r/K Selection Theory and no political junkie who reads it can help but be awed In r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology if you provide a population with free resources those who will come to dominate the population will exhibit five basic traits called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy These traits are all designed to best exploit the free resource availability In nature the r-selected strategy is best seen in the rabbit which lives in fields of grass it will never fully consume The five traits are competition and risk avoidance promiscuity low-investment single parenting earlier age of sexualization of young and no loyalty to in-group These traits are ultimately designed to maximize the numbers of offspring produced Each of these offspring though of lesser fitness will be able to survive and reproduce freely themselves due to the free resource availability In r/K Theory there is also a strategy exactly opposite to the rabbit’s which emerges under conditions of resource scarcity It is called the K-selected Reproductive Strategy There where resources are scarce competition for resources is everywhere and some individuals will die due to failure in competition and the resultant resource denial that this produces This produces the K-strategy which is best seen in the wolf This strategy also has five psychological traits – mate monopolization/monogamy high-investment two-parent child-rearing later age of sexualization of young and high loyalty to in-group This psychology is designed to form highly fit and competitive groups that succeed in group competition all while capturing and monopolizing the fittest mate possible as a means of making their offspring genetically fitter than those of competitors Here the goal is not to simply consume as much as possible yourself and produce as many baby-making machines as you can with little regard to their fitness Here the goal is to help your group succeed in its competition for the scarce resources and then produce offspring of as high a fitness as possible so they may carry your genes forward by succeeding in competition themselves The premise of this highly substantiated scientific work is that all of politics is really a battle between the K-strategist wolves within our society designed to battle in a world of scarce resources and fierce competition and the r-strategist rabbits designed to freely graze the bounty of a sudden resource glut and rapidly explode in numbers to exploit such a glut The implications of such a work on our perceptions of each ideology’s morals and propriety are mind boggling Get the book for free and see for yourself! |
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Trump-ın Ukrayna qalmaqalında adı hallanan enerji naziri istefaya gedəcək |
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O dia em que o Sol “parou”: dia maior em Israel noite maior nas sionistas pedem uma ditadura mundial pelo Sinédrio com sede em de Guerra Civil nos EUA aumenta consideravelmente com tentativa de remover Trump |
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Madaxweyne Trump oo amaanay xabad-joojinta Turkiga iyo Kurdiyiinta |
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How Trump Thwarted Calculated Israeli Ef |
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Trump vows to pull US out of nuclear arm |
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President Trump has a 1:1 bilateral meet |
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McConnell’dan Trump’a çekilme arabuluculuğa iadesiyle ilgili ABD basınında yeni iddia |
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China lets currency sink to 11-year low after Trump threats |
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Trump tvrdí že vyhrál válku „Vždyť ji sám vyvolal“ kritizuje Pelosiová |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a cevap: ‘Terörizmi yendiğimizde daha birçok can kurtarılacak’ |
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President Trump hosts St Louis Blues ice hockey team at the White House – 10/15/2019 |
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Trump to Lift Logging Restriction on America’s Amazon |
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Ivanka Trump: America’s Real First Lady |
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What Comes After Trump Might be Worse |
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Is Fox News Trying To Turn President Trump’s Base Against Him |
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Some in the Military Are Apparently ‘Afraid’ That If They Discipline Wrongdoers Trump Will Retaliate |
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Trump Tells Bankrupt UN to Find Money Elsewhere The New American – Alex Newman |
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Will President Donald Trump be impeached |
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5 Reasons Trump Is Right to Save Incandescent Light Bulbs |
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Mick Mulvaney Walks Back Admission Of Quid Pro Quo In Trump’s Ukraine Call |
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In cave-in Trump ceasefire cements Turkey’s gains in Syria |
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She walked out of the meeting but claims Trump was the one having a meltdown |
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Trump calls four GOP senators hostile Republican health-related bill ‘good guys’ |
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Despite Leadership Concerns Trump Still Seen As Most Positive Candidate for Business In CEO |
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Seeing past Trump and Clinton to find what we’re about |
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Trump recognizes US-backed head of Venez |
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Sen Mitt Romney Attacks Trump Calls For Senate Hearings On Syria ‘Deal’ |
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Donald Trump annule une réunion avec les |
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Mark Sanford’s Campaign Kick-Off to Challenge Trump Attracts One Person |
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Kanye West Performing At Donald Trump’s Inauguration Organizer Speaks Out |
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Trump says US troops ‘largely out’ of Syria region |
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National Security Official: Spineless Trump Gets Rolled by Turkey |
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Trump Engineers Temporary Ceasefire Betw |
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The Putin-Trump Helsinki Summit Can Prod |
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TRUMP: “I Have Never Been Deep State!” amp |
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Trump Warns Russia “Missiles Are C |
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Will Trump Take Neocon Bait and Attack Iran Over Saudi Strike |
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50 Reasons Why Donald Trump Could Be the Worst President in for Charity and Helping Others: Ideas for Schools |
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All NYS elected officials need to fight the Trump tax plan |
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Trump propuso disparar en las piernas a los inmigrantes e instalar una trinchera con serpientes o caimanes en el muro fronterizo |
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Kristen Stewart es super gay y quiere que Donald Trump lo sepa |
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Trump rally in Dallas marked by enthusiasm in sharp contrast to chaos in Minneapolis |
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Donald Trump: Ich werde Adam Schiff und Nancy Pelosi verklagen – Tagesereignis |
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Mit seiner klaren Ansage rettet Donald Trump Migranten das Leben |
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Trump blasts Mattis as ‘the world’s most overrated general’ |
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Trump pięknie zakpił z Macrona |
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Die Wallstreet hat Erdogan Putin dem Iran und Donald Trump den Krieg erklärt |
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Trump’s economic trap of his own making |
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In Texas Trump Bashes Democrats as ‘Crazy’ Unpatriotic |
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Erdogan mandou para o lixo carta de Trump |
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Madonna Leaves US Moves to Socialist Portugal to ‘Protest Trump’ |
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Trump Fires Back at ABC Reporter for ‘Deceptive’ Question |
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Trump’s Acting Chief Of Staff Acknowledged That The White House Withheld Ukrainian Aid So The Country Would Help Investigate Democrats |
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Donald Trump amp Family Sing Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” On ‘SNL’ Finale VIDEO |
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Erdogan says can no longer ‘keep track’ of Trump’s… |
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Trump Impeachment Fueled By Grievances Of A National Security State Committed To New Cold War |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks on Turkey-Syria-Kurds Ceasefire and Agreement: “Great Day for Civilization”… |
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So schimpft Bernie Sanders über Donald Trump |
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Podcast Episode Donald Trump Skewers the Pax Americana |
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Worcester Sun Feb 17-24: Mariano on Jay-Z vs Trump The Big Picture pinpoints a crucial economic driver Hitch on pot Meet the Sun more |
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Donald Trump: Danke Türkei gibt USA Gelegenheit Vereinbarung vom vergangenem Jahr umzusetzen |
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Trump Rallies Are Jam-Packed With Political Sideshow Freaks |
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Trump’s One Word Assessment Of Democratic Debate “BORING!” Here’s What Some Of You Said |
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Rep Jackson Lee: ‘America Is Ready’ for Reparations Because of Trump’s ‘Attitude’ |
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Donald J Trump has a Voyeur Life |
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Mulvaney blows deal with Trump over Ukra |
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Mitsotakis meeting Trump |
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“Duullaanka Turkigu Ku Qaaday Suuriya Ma Aha Mid Ka Dhan Ah Mareykanka” Madaxwaynaha Maraykanka Donald Trump |
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Beto ☘️ Hosts Another Counter-Rally to Trump in Texas |
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Donald Trump e il ‘muslim ban’ |
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Trump o mektubu kaale alınmasın diye mi yazdı |
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TRUMP SE ZAHVALIO ERDOGANU: Imamo lijepe vijesti iz Turske |
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US Corporations dodging Trump’s Tariffs |
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Daawo: Madaxwayne Trump oo Qiray Awooda Turkiga Siro badanna Fashiliyay |
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Trump arrives in Hanoi for second Kim su |
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İran’dan Trump’ın iddiasına yalanlama |
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Impeaching Trump and Faith in the Status Quo |
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‘Idol’ contestant besieged by pro-Trump Twitter users because of his name |
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Trump aumenta la polémica sobre Siria para distraer el juicio político en su contra |
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Ilhan Omar ni inde Umugore wavukiye i Mogadishu ’uteye ubwoba’ Trump! |
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Rick Perry reportedly formally resigning as Donald Trump’s energy secretary |
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EU ambassador throws Trump and Giuliani under the bus in testimony to impeachment investigators |
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Trump pisca novamente enquanto a economia mundial gagueja |
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Trump has awarded next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders to his Miami-area resort |
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Donald Trump has ‘very serious meltdown’ during White House meeting with Democrats |
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Turkish President Erdogan says he ‘cannot forget’ Trump’s letter |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump’a Twitter’dan cevap verdi |
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Trump Says Huawei Could Be Part Of Trade Deal |
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Elizabeth Warren: ‘Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Just Endorsed Donald Trump’ |
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Cartes se reunió con Trump en recepción ofrecida para mandatarios |
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Trump Akan Buka Dokumen Rahasia Pembunuhan John F Kennedy |
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Analyser: Erdogan lyckades utmanövrera Trump i Syrien |
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Democrats walk out of White House meeting on Syria claim Trump |
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Pelosi Gives Her Side of the Story From ‘Meltdown’ Meeting With Trump |
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Trump perdería reelección frente a demócratas según sondeo de NBC News y Wall Street Journal |
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Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Approval of Bee-killing Pesticide GE Crop Uses on National Wildlife Refuges |
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Trump Sent Attorney General Barr to Rome in Search of a Deep State Plot Italian Intelligence Says There’s Nothing There |
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Nhà Trắng thừa nhận TT Trump hoãn viện trợ Ukraine vì lý do không ngờ |
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Iran is winning Trump’s foreign policy gamble |
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Iraqi Interpreters Who Risked Their Lives Working With US Military Shut Out by Trump Administration |
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October 18th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 1002 |
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Trump Twitter Photo Attack Backfires As Pelosi Owns It |
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Only 1 Person Showed Up to Trump Challenger Mark Sanford’s Rally |
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Republicano dice que el quid pro quo de Trump con Ucrania fue sobre los correos electrónicos de Hillary |
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Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflectio |
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Trump to Reporters Before Paris Departur |
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Rothschild ailesi: Erdoğan Trump’ı yıktı |
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Adam Schiff is the congressman Trump wants you to hate |
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Emeklinin gözü Meclis’te sevindirecek düzenlemeler Türkiye-ABD anlaşmasına ve Trump’ın mektubuna net yorum |
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Get a FREE Trump Christmas Coin |
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Nickelback Trump T Shirt |
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“Ha nem az apám lenne lefújtam volna gázsprével” – mondta Trump lánya |
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Pencil neck read a completely FALSE TRANSCRIPT last week at the hearing on Trump’s phone call to the newly elected Ukranian president Trump is right he should be fired! |
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CNN Insider packt aus über Netzwerk Chef Jeff Zucker’s Vendetta gegen Trump – Project Veritas |
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Trump Nominates Sarah Sanders To Brand New Position |
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Cựu bộ trưởng quốc phòng Mỹ châm chọc Trump |
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Watch: President Trump welcomes 2019 Blues to the White House |
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General Mattis Rails On Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs On Battlefield’ |
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DC March for Trump Preview on October 17th |
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The Latest: Trump swipes at O’Rourke as both rally in Texas |
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President Donald Trump Says Nancy Pelosi Is “Stupid” “Lost It” Or “Certain Dishonesty” In Impeachment Inquiry |
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Trump approves Turkish incursion into northern Syria |
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Donald Trump y Bernard Arnault inauguran los nuevos talleres de Louis Vuitton en Texas |
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‘What about Doral’ Trump just awarded the 2020 G7 summit of world leaders to his |
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‘Don’t be a fool’: Trump in a letter to Erdogan against Syria offensive |
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Dr Zakir Naik Kemenangan Donald Trump Bisa Jadi Sinyal Kebangkitan ISLAM |
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Creepy Jared Kushner amp Ivanka Trump Photo Inspires New Jordan Peele Movie Best Memes |
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Trump Has ‘Meltdown’ As Giuliani Faces Criminal Probe |
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Rep Cedric Richmond on Joe Biden 2020 Elections Trump amp Impeachment |
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WATCH: Morning Joe Trolls Trump with 18 Mentions of ‘Bedbugs’ at Doral Resort |
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L’export italiano negli Usa è aumentato sotto la presidenza Trump |
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Trump has real reasons to fixate over the stock market |
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How two Soviet-born emigres made it into elite Trump circles — and the center of |
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President Trump Signs Executive Orders to Improve Use of Guidance Documents |
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Trump’ın çaresizliği Erdoğan’ın sonu! |
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Key US diplomat underscores role of Trump lawyer Giuliani in Ukraine |
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Trump opens door to restitution claims on art seized by Cuba UPDATED |
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Trump’s Syria policy and behavior in meeting alarm Republicans |
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Trump got rolled again claims saying “yes” is a world-historic accomplishment |
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Trump Defends Syria Withdrawal as House Votes 354 to 60 to Condemn His Actions |
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Más de la mitad de los presidentes eran masones Estos incluyen Washington Madison Adams Jefferson Monroe Jackson Van Buren Tyler Polk Taylor Pierce Buchanan Johnson Garfield McKinley TR Taft Harding FDR Truman LBJ Ford Reagan Clinton Bush I y II Obama y Trump |
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Welcome G-7 Leaders To Trump Miami Trash Palace Ass-Grabs And Bedbugs For Free! |
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Featured Story News Roundup The Latest News / October 12 2019 The Trump-Republican Tax Law Has Cost Home Owners 1 Trillion |
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President Trump fires back at Nancy Pelosi calls her a ‘very sick person’ over ‘meltdown’ at White House meeting |
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Trump is flouting global trade rules with China yet embracing them with the EU – here’s why it matters |
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Poll: Majority of Republicans support Trump’s Syrian policy |
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Trump Shreds ‘Crazy Nancy Pelosi’ At Raucous Dallas Rally |
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Trump reviews meeting with Buhari says ” I don’t want to meet a lifeless person like him again |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan yeni açıklama! |
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As maiores árvores da Amazônia estão ficando 50 mais altas e os cientistas não sabem guerra de Trump é com o Estado Deep State profundo não com o Irã |
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And the Award for Best Trump Defender Goes to … Devin Nunes |
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President Trump Signs Trafficking Bill a |
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Trump O’Rourke Hold Competing Rallies in Dallas |
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Trump: ‘İran’ı tekrardan zengin yapmak istiyoruz’ |
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Trump Listens to Ron Paul on Senior Health Freedom Part Two |
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Video: Man With Gun Wearing Helmet Vest Arrested Outside Trump Rally |
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Journalists agree…Don’t ask Democrats questions that might hurt their chance to beat Trump |
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Hollywood Actress Calls Ivanka Trump A Nazi For Getting White Dog |
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Turkish President Trashes Trump’s Letter Read Full Details |
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Trump tweets on news that Turkey has agreed to ceasefire |
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Tổng thống Trump tiết lộ về những vấn đề ông đang |
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Syrian American group says Trump warrants Nobel Peace Prize US troops really should come Gaga falls off Las Vegas concert phase |
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US-Iran: Trump ‘Pulls Back After Approving Military Strikes’ |
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CNN Production Supervisor Caught on Tape Hoping Trump Dies Soon |
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Elijah Cummings Powerful Democrat Who Investigated Trump Dies at 68 Save Article |
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Ivanka Trump Frauen Emalyn Offener Zeh Leger Leder Knoechel Riemen Sandalen schwarz |
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Demokraterna slår tillbaka mot Trump |
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When Democracy Becomes the Problem: Why So Many Millions Still Support Donald Trump |
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Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital |
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Tom Arnold Aims JFK Assassination Tweet at Trump |
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Biden Ignores The Money He Charged Secret Service As He Slams Trump for Self-Dealing |
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Will Trump Take Neocon Bait and Attack Iran Over |
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Donald Trump y La Sombra |
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What We Learned From The Testimonies This Week On Trump’s Ukraine Scheme |
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Trump’s Letter to Erdogan Confirmed Real: “History will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don’t happen” |
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Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi took orders from Barack Obama to strike against Trump after the 2016 election |
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The Kurds The Most Frequently Betrayed Group Experience Trump’s Betrayal |
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Trump transmite italienilor: Scăpaţi de „povara UE“ şi vă voi oferi discount la tarife |
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How the Trump Tax Cuts are Helping Texas |
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Turkey’s Victory Over Donald Trump |
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US Green Economy Growth Might Be Pedaling Backwards With Trump Policy |
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Trump açıkladı: “İnsanlar |
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Turkey’s Ambassador to US Trashes Trump’s Letter to Erdogan: ‘Frankly Speaking I Hope History Will Not Record’ It |
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Harf e Raz Trump’s Letter to Erdogan – 17th October 2019 |
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CNN CEK FAKTA :Cerita Trump Soal Kisah Host CNN Van Jones Yang Minta Maaf Padanya |
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Believe It or Not: 10 Weirdest Things Said By American President Donald Trump |
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How Much Of A Success Was Trump’s G7 Summit |
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Trump Administration prompting rule change that will allow immigrant families to be held indefinitely |
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Trump’s inconsistency and subterfuge ill for region By Lt Gen PC Katoch retd |
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Romney speculates Turkey called Trump’s bluff: ‘Are we so weak and inept’ click to see stats |
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Guerra entre Trump x Deep State chegou às gigantes de TI e Internet |
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Trump’s Lawyers Offered The Dumbest Argument In Court This Week |
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Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump gọi thỏa thuận Mỹ-Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ là ‘kết quả đáng kinh ngạc’ |
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Mesmo com críticas Trump fará cúpula do G-7 em seu hotel |
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WATCH: CNN Employee Appears To Say He Wants Trump To Die ‘Hopefully Soon’ |
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Pimping USA: Tulsi Whacks Trump for Indicating War with Iran |
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Trump and his White Nationalist Dilemma |
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‘There’s More Of Us Than Landlords’: Tenant Organizing In The Trump Era |
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Donald Trump Net Worth Biography quotes |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a küstah mektup! Trump mektupta |
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Trump’s Golan gift to Israel condemned b |
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Trump’s End |
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Oath Keepers Plan to ‘Do What Police Will Not Do’ and Protect Trump Supporters From ‘Antifa’ |
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House condemns Trump’s Syria policy |
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The Trump Card of Rouhani |
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Mattis responds to Trump insults: ‘I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of continues in Syria after US-Turkey cease-fire deal |
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You cannot trump the Constitution |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’ın Küstah Mektubuna Tepki |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan İle Trump Japonya’da Bir Araya Gelecek |
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Judge blocks Trump from easing energy rules in western US citing sage grouse |
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Trump bans transgenders from US military service |
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18:45 Trump: Κλείσαμε μία εξαιρετική συμφωνία με την Τουρκία – Έπρεπε να είχε γίνει χρόνια πριν |
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In closing today’s post No one wants a civil war but our country is so divided that we may be at an impasse The Left is unhinged and is rabidly focused on one thing and only one thing impeaching Trump |
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Du học Mỹ: Nên hay không khi ông Trump lên làm Tổng thống |
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Turquía avanza más en Siria después de las sanciones de Trump |
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Is Donald Trump interested in Affiliate Earnings |
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House Democrats call five more Trump officials to testify in impeachment inquiry |
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A very chilling Executive Action on Donald Trump’s first day in office |
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Sondland to testify that Trump directed Giuliani to push Ukraine schem |
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Trump cáo buộc Obama can thiệp bầu cử tổng thống |
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Anonymous Message To US Citizens About Trump’s Impeachment |
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CFS Statement: Trump Signs Executive Order to Further Gut Federal GMO Oversight |
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LOSING IT Hillary Suggests Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘Russian Asset’ Sent to Guarantee Trump’s Re-Election |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Trump ile görüştü |
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Trump Görevden Alınabilir mi |
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White House Acknowledges Strings Attached in Trump Withholding Ukraine Aid |
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Is Peace On The Horizon With Trump China |
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Erdoğan ABD Başkanı Trump’a sosyal medyadan cevap verdi |
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SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 2 |
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President Trump: Rep Pelosi A Sick Person Had Meltdown At White House Meeting |
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Trump primary challenger launches campaign — ZERO supporters show up! |
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The Future of the War on Terror in Syria is in the hands of President Trump |
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Trump alimenta la polémica sobre Siria para distraer de |
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Madaxweynaha Turkiga oo qashinka ku riday warqad bah-dilaad ah oo uu ka helay Donald Trump |
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Trump Mengakui Biarkan Turki Bertarung di Suriah |
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Tom Arnold Tweets JFK Assassination Reference to Trump While He Was Visiting Dallas |
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Rausschmisse und Rücktritte unter US-Präsident Trump |
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Dallas Reporter Compares Trump Crowd To Beto’s Counter-Rally — It’s Not Even Close |
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Trump Nominates Sarah Sanders for a Position on the Fulbright Scholarship Board |
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At local GOP’s Fall Dinner tonight Trump should be the main course |
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Ông Trump nổi giận cuộc họp về Syria thành màn đấu khẩu” |
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Trump’s About-face in Syria Forces Israel to Rethink Its Mideast Strategy |
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Trump to Spanish monarchs at the White House: “I will visit Spain” |
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Elijah Cummings powerful congressman leading Trump probe dies |
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Haley poses a potential threat to Trump even if she doesn’t run in 2020 |
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Trump’s Election Caused My Divorce |
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Washington Post: We investigated the Watergate scandal We believe Trump should be impeached |
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Trump Officially Warns Coup Underway After Socialists Threaten Revolution To Destroy America |
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COULTER: The Best Way To Ensure Trump’s Reelection Keep Letting 2020 Democrats Out In Public |
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BREAKING: Top Impeachment Democrat Elijah Cummings Just Passed Away- Trump Immediately Responds |
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Roundup: Patrick Mahomes’ Injury Unalaska Airport Donald Trump El Camino Viewers |
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‘The View’s’ Joy Behar boasts about bullying Trump supporters while she vacations calls for ‘President Nancy’ |
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El Paso Shooting Suspect’s Manifesto Echoes Trump’s Language |
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Staunch LGBT ally and fierce adversary of Trump Elijah Cummings has passed away |
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Immigration “Restrictionists” Hitting Their Stride Under Trump But We Can Stop Them |
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Trump Tries To Crush Nancy Pelosi With Photo But She Turns It Into Online Banner |
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Mick the Knife Stabs Trump in the Back |
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“Disrespected” Erdogan Refuses To Meet With VP Will “Only Talk To Trump Video |
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Trump’s Louis Vuitton Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Causes Hollywood Backlash |
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Trump approached Putin at G20 conversat |
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Trump Invites Putin To White House Ahead |
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AIM on Trump Tweets: Full House is a Str |
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Trump: Left Wants Justices Who Will ‘Shred the Group Campaigning to Nominate Trump For Nobel Peace Prize |
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Poll: WA Feels Good about the Economy Bad about Trump’s Tariffs |
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ITCCS WEEK OF ACTION AGAINST THE CRIMINAL VATICAN COMMENCES WITH A BANG! Tune in this Sunday for a full report April 21 6 pm eastern at POLL: Majority of Americans Side With Trump on Mueller |
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Próxima cumbre del G7 será en club de golf de Trump y no hablará de Cambio Climático |
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Second Whistleblower with Information against Trump comes Forward |
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Trump Regime Middle East Saber Rattling |
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Intel Agencies Continue Spying on President Trump |
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Trump: ‘We are going to be guarding our border with our military’ |
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Mulvaney confirms White House held up Ukraine aid because Trump wanted probe into DNC hacking |
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Trump oo amaan fara badan huwiyey dhigiisa Turkiga iyo sababta keentay |
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Donald Trump menace la Turquie de sanctions « dévastatrices » |
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Trump destaca medidas migratorias de México |
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Trump National Doral resort will host 2020 G7 summit |
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Donald Trump memes of the day 16072019 |
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The making of Trump’s American Holocaust |
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Öcalan’ın barış mektubu Trump’ın hakaret mektubu-Kenan Kırkaya |
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Here Is The Letter President Trump Reportedly Sent To Turkish President Erdogan After Pulling Troops From Syria |
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3 Michigan reps don’t vote to condemn Trump’s Syrian troop withdrawal |
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6 Conspiracy Theories Trump Peddled About Political Opponents Show What to |
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Pastores acreditam que decisão de Trump sobre Jerusalém é “sinal … |
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Donald Trump Is Like Rock Snot |
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Matt Taibii: hating Trump but hating what the Deep State is doing to Trump more |
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WILLFUL IGNORANCE: Trump amp The Dirty 30 by Ironside Hex |
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Donald Trump ataca a su ‘amigo’ Lindsey Graham para justificar el ataque de Turquía contra los kurdos |
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Nancy Pelosi Links President Trump To Putin Again |
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Benjamin Fulford Interview: Does Trump r |
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WHAT HAPPENED North Korean Trump Pen M |
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Trump – Kim Historic Summit: Leaders Sig |
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Benjamin Fulford – The Kim/Trump s |
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“Boşanmalar evliliğin ilk beş yılına kadar Erdoğan ile Trump Suriye’yi görüştü |
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Futhi Ntshingila: “Trump foi eleito por dizer em voz alta o que maioria acreditava secretamente” |
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Twenty questions for the Trump Team on nationalizing 5G wireless |
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El rostro de la traductora cuando Trump afirmó “Italia y EEUU son aliados desde la antigua Roma” |
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Trump’ın mektubu sonrası ABD Başkanı Roosevelt’in Atatürk’e mektubu tekrar gündemde! İşte o mektup |
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Trump says he discussed Biden in call with Ukrainian president |
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Activists say “Impeach Trump!!!” |
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Democrats: Beware of Trump Be Very Aware |
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Might even ‘Trump’s Court Artist’ per The Atlantic have a sense of humor |
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Polémica en EEUU: Trump organizará la próxima cumbre del G7 en uno de sus clubes de golf en Florida |
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Latest Trump News |
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Twitter aplicará reglas especiales a Trump y otros líderes manuales |
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Why Trump Will Win: ‘The Evidence of Things Unseen’ |
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Trump Fires John Bolton As National Security Adviser |
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Trump calls Cummings ‘highly respected political leader’ after congressman’s death |
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Trump impeachment inquiry: Live updates and the latest news |
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Washington Post: Hillary Clinton suggests Putin has kompromat on Trump |
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Modi and Trump met at Howdy Modi |
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Trump reacts on cease fire agreement between US and Turkey |
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Trump’s America – Episode 142 – China: Get Out Of Brooklyn |
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The beloved senior leader Kim Jong- un guided local construction of Jungpyeongnam Greenhouse Farm and Nursery Farm in the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Tillerson: Trump Was ‘Played’ by Netanyahu |
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How other countries see Donald Trump in a single image |
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Trump et Poutine L’inconstant et l’incontournable René Seror |
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Donald Trump: Turcii şi kurzii aveau nevoie „să se ciondănească ca nişte copii” |
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It’s Not Just Trump |
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Trump Interview Transcripts from the Dai |
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Tom Brady walks out of presser after Donald Trump question VIDEOThe Sports Daily |
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Shop Trump 2020 no more bullshit T-shirt New Trump |
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Bolton launches attack on Trump’s North Korea policy slamming friendly notes and photo ops |
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One Person Showed Up at Mark Sanford’s Campaign Launch Against Trump |
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Trump: Turqit e kurdët kishin nevojë të grindeshin si fëmijë |
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Hosting The G7 At His Doral Resort Gives Trump The Home-Field Advantage |
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70 Trump Wall predicted before 1990 source |
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India China not developing nations they are ripping us off: Trump |
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39Most overrated general39 Mattis takes swipe at Trump |
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N Korea conducts new missile tests as Trump backs Kim on war games |
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Trump didn’t create this wave of racism |
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Should Moral Theologians Speak at Anti-Trump Public Protests |
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ABD’nin kafası Trump’a sert tepki |
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Trump Legacy Film |
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Trump: A törökországi kurdok az Iszlám Államnál is veszélyesebb terroristák |
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Trade wars economic ideology and why Trump has a point |
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Trump chose self-help Illuminati author for federal |
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US House Condemns Trump Attacks On Congresswomen As Racist |
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Slowdowns and Slumps: What Economists Are Saying About the Impact of Trump’s Tariffs |
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Trump Ingin Peningkatan Senjata Nuklir Milik AS 10 Kali Lipat |
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Romney Attacks Trump’s Turkey Ceasefire “Insult To Dishonor” |
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Equipo de Trump toma medidas de seguridad para la Apec en Chile |
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Trump’s America – Episode 143 – Why Do We Need Billionaires |
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Most Americans Now Back Trump Impeachment Probe Young Voters Lead the Way: Poll |
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Mattis Rips Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs On The Roads Lead To Putin’: Pelosi Blames Russia For Ukraine Fracas Again |
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WSJ Columnist: This Is When The Deep State Felt They Got The Green Light To Defy Trump |
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Late Netherlands blitz sinks Northern the nuclear deadlock Trump is willing to talk with the Iranian president |
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Biden finalmente responde a Trump por atacar a su hijo: ‘Enseña declaraciones de impuestos o cállate’ |
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Dow Will Crash 91 to Reagan-Era Mark if Trump Loses in 2020: Fed Pick |
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Vivir o morir: Impacto ambiental del Muro de Trump Tercera Parte |
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Juul halts sales of fruit dessert-flavored pods for G-7 to be held at Trump National Doral in Miami White House announces |
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Frequent CNN Contributor Wonders If Trump’s Tweets Contributed to Death of Elijah Cummings |
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Jim Mattis has fun with Trump’s ‘overrated’ dig: ‘I’m the Meryl Streep of generals’ |
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The Impeachment Process and President Trump |
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Democrat Cummings at centre of Trump inquiry dies at 68 |
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Big relief to textiles As Trump withdraw |
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Donald Trump says he ‘has a lot of confidence’ in Mick Mulvaney |
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52 of Americans want Trump impeached and removed from White House |
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Trump chooses his own Florida resort as site of G-7 gathering of world leaders |
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Trump Rock ASA 12 52/300 Softball X-ROCK-RP-ASA-Y |
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After Elijah Cummings Passes Away – Trump Upends Democrat Expectations And Honors Him On Twitter |
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Comprendre l’élection de Donald Trump en deux cartes |
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Your President Trump is a filthy rich man |
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Trump-Hating Hollywood Star Hits ROCK Bottom |
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Había orden de captura con fin de extradición dice AMLO no responde si Trump la pidió |
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For Trump Regime Change Begins at Home |
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President Trump Said Ready As “Great Upheaval” Begins With Top American Bank Nearing Collapse |
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Erdogan Turkish president ‘threw Trump̵ |
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UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia |
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Rachel Maddow is blaming her viewers for the Trump tax debacle |
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The Latest: Appeals court blocks Trump tax return |
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Trump på vei mot nederlag i Syria |
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Un regalo para Trump por su política sobre cambio climático |
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Don Lemon seriously asked Klobuchar about Trump voters who prioritize economy over bigotry Don Lemon seriously asked Klobuchar about Trump voters who prioritize economy over bigotry |
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If The Republicans do not act and Impeach and Remove Donald J Trump |
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Trump Huawei’nin Ulusal Güvenliği Tehdit Ettiğini Yineledi |
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Trump’s reality TV approach to the Dunns |
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The Trump-Putin summit: What can the US hope to gain |
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NBA attacco di Trump a Kerr e Popovich |
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La Casa Blanca admite que hizo depender la ayuda a Ucrania de que investigara a los rivales de Trump |
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The US economy continues to display worrying signs of ossification as growth diminishes and wealth inequality worsens President Trump’s tax reforms have only exacerbated matters |
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Supreme Court allows military to implement Trump administration’s transgender restrictions |
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Fox News en los tiempos de Donald Trump |
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BREAKING: Bill O’Reilly Issues Urgent Warning to Trump It’s War |
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In Syria Trump Makes the Best of the Situation |
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Abd medyasının Trump tepkisi |
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Donald Trump – Keep America Great Commemorative Coin 699 |
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Trump Steps Into a Turkish-Kurdish Minefield |
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Conheça o pastor evangélico por trás do encontro entre Donald Trump e Kim Jong Un |
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Hannity Attacks ‘Dumb’ Mick Mulvaney For Saying Trump Engaged In Ukraine Quid Pro Quo |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a alçakça mektup |
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Who Stands To Benefit The Most From Trump’s Abrupt US Withdrawal From Syria Why Russia Of Course! |
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US Stocks Rally As Trump Announces ‘Phase One’ Of US-China Trade Deal |
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‘Toxic Subversive’ Culture In Trump’s Washington |
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In a Strange Turn of the Screw Trump Calls for His Own Impeachment |
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Trump exec orders will affect guidances from FDA and FTC expert says |
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Mulvaney Defends President Trump From Media Attacks |
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Protect Free Speech: Tell Trump We Are Not Terrorists |
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White House: Climate change won’t be on agenda when Trump hosts G-7 |
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Trump stuns translator |
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Trump to Press China on Trade During G20 Summit |
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Richard Painter Goes Off on Trump Officials’ Gov’t Spending: ‘A Great Big Middle Finger Up to the American People’ |
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Trump znowu kpi Macrona: Może mamy lepszego prezydenta A to dobre! Trump sprytnie kpi z Macrona Skąd tak niskie bezrobocie w USA Może mamy lepszego prezydenta niż wy |
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Survey of Business Journalists Details Impact of President Trump Anonymous Sources |
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Letter: Country crumbles under Trump presidency |
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Un gran día para la civilización» dice Trump sobre acuerdo con Turquía |
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Photo: Trump Tied Up by Marine Vet in Times Square Billboard |
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Melanie Trump is the sexiest wife of the president |
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Ateşkes anlaşması sonrası Trump’tan yaptırım açıklaması: Türkiye’ye yönelik yaptırımlara gerek olmayacak |
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James Mattis jokes about President Trump’s bone spurs at the Al Smith dinner |
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China hits back at Trump slaps new tariffs on US goods worth up to 3 billion |
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After McCain Bashed Trump His Own Steamy Sex Scandal Just Leaked – This Is Going To Kill Him! |
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Elijah Cummings chair of the powerful House Oversight Committee investigating Trump dies at 68 |
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Trump: Sẽ không ký thỏa thuận thương mại với TQ trước khi gặp Tập Cận Bình |
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State of the Union Trump and the Democrats Should Pledge to Work Together |
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Sondaggi d’America – Nel bel mezzo dell’indagine per l’impeachment di Trump Warren continua a guadagnare terreno tra i dem Domani il quarto Recenti |
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Pelosi dice que tuvo que detener reunión porque Trump estaba demasiado conmocionado por críticas |
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Stock Market Spikes Up On Trump Tweets |
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Trump’s national security strategy is a farce |
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Turkish officials: We threw Trump’s threatening letter in the trash Update: Turkey to cease fire in return for end to sanctions and Kurdish retreat |
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Ông Trump nói về Thổ-Syria: Cứ để hai đứa trẻ đánh nhau rồi chúng ta vào can – Tuổi Trẻ OnlineFri 18 Oct 2019 07:38:00 GMT |
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Donald Trump Jr to raise money for Mississippi GOP governor nominee |
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Trump: Her iki tarafta da iyi bir irade var |
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Trump perde un altro pezzo si dimette segretario energia Perry |
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Trump supporter holds sign: I might be gay but I’m not stupid |
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Video depicting fake Trump attacking political enemies shown at Trump resort |
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How will Trump’s trade war affect the gl |
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F WILLIAM ENGDAHL: Are the French Protests a US Color Revolution amp is Trump the Real Deal |
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Project Veritas starts dropping massive CNN exposé claiming ‘anti-Trump CRUSADE’ Video |
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Túnel acústico tem teto destruído e caos toma conta da NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR: Trump/Bolsonaro: um amor não correspondido |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’ın Paylaşımına Yanıt: Terörizmi Yenelim! |
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Trump to Host Next Year’s G7 Summit at His Florida Golf Resort White House Says |
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JFK Jr To Be Announced at Dallas Rally Oct 17 as Pres Trump’s 2020 Running Mate |
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No Deal – President Trump Holds a Press |
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Trump otorga medalla de la Libertad al ex lanzador panameño Mariano Rivera |
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Erdogan Put Trump’s Controversial Letter on Syria Offensive ‘In the Bin’ |
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Trump slams ‘very dumb’ O’Rourke for proposals on guns tax exempt status for churches |
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Os curdos Trump e a traição ocidental /premium |
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Trump gegen Pelosi : Da oben ist was nicht in Ordnung |
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President Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols Practices In The White House! …Do You Support This |
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Mattis Mocks Trump’s Bone Spurs and Love of Fast Food click to see stats |
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White House ‘Tried To Cover Up Details Of Trump-Ukraine Call’ |
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President Trump to Visit Mass Shooting Sites amid Criticism |
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The Closer with Keith Olbermann – Why Trump’s Russian Connection is a Big Problem |
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Trump: British IS fighters taken into US custody – BBC News |
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Mexico Trump’s new Enemy |
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The World Through Tweets of Donald Trump |
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Wait What MAGAs Sing Gay Anthem To Welcome Trump To Dallas |
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Mille giorni di Trump nervi tesi alla Casa Bianca |
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Fed finanziert Trump Marktgeflüster Video |
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‘Absurd’ to say Trump unreliable trade negotiator with China: White House |
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News Related Videos On: Anderson Cooper flabbergasted by decision to hold G7 summit at Trump resort |
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Admiral McRaven in NYT: Remove Trump from Office ‘The Sooner the Better’ |
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Trump i brev til Erdogan: Gør nu ikke noget dumt |
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Il Trump National Doral Golf Club di Miami |
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Son dakika haberi: Trump’tan yeni açıklama! |
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Trump arremete contra medios por el caso de los en nuestras Redes |
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Rus basınında Türkiye ve ABD arasında yürütülen Barış Pınarı Harekatı’na ilişkin Erdoğan’dan Trump’a: Gerekeni yapacağız! |
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Trump quiere comprar Groenlandia pero está en chino |
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Trump asegura que EEUU “no puede perder” en una guerra comercial con Europa |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 09-30-19 Joe Biden: “El Presidente Trump se cree por encima de la ley” |
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Conservative group tags Romney as anti-Trump pro-impeachment in ad |
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Trump reconoce a México las medidas para detener la migración |
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Trump’tan Barış Pınarı Harekatı açıklaması: Benim sorunum değil |
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Mitt Romney Could Main President Trump: Report |
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What do you make of the Trump/Pelosi photo |
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George Mentz of Colorado Springs Named to Commission on Presidential Scholars by President Trump |
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Deniz Zeyrek: Amerikan medyası Trump’ın Erdoğan’a yazdığı mektupla dalga geçiyor |
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President Trump has a Restricted Bilater |
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Nhà Trắng thừa nhận TT Trump hoãn viện trợ Ukraine vì lý do chính trị |
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Prof Refet Gürkaynak: Trump FED ve Avrupa Merkez Bankası |
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Wie hängt der Facebook-“Skandal“ zusammen mit Trump und dem Brexit |
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ABD Başkanı Trump Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı retweet’ledi: TERÖRÜ Sivasspor karşısında 3 puan peşinde |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Ile Trump Telefonda Görüştü |
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Trump Says Turkey and Kurds Needed to Fight ‘Like Two Kids’ |
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Alongside Trump PM Modi rejects any scope for third party mediation on Kashmir |
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Cek Fakta : Trump Melebih-lebihkan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Harga Obat Saat Kampanye di Crown ExpoNC |
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John Legend Slams Donald Trump as ‘Racist Piece of Sht’ After President’s Baltimore Rant |
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Recent Trump’s court nominee ‘could eviscerate women’s freedoms for generations’ |
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Top 70 Donald Trump Quotes And Sayings |
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Trump’s Support May Be Dwindling but His Assault on Regulations Continues |
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What a Trump Presidency Means for Healthcare and Biotech |
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Even With Trump Minerals Order US Miners Face Uphill Battle With… |
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Hubungan Trump-Netanyahu Memburuk Pompeo Emban Misi Berat ke Israel – Jumat 18 Oktober 2019 – LIPUTANISLAMCOM |
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James Comey: My Existence Depends on Trump |
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Ouch! This Had to Hurt!… Lou Dobbs UNLOADS on House Minority Whip Steve Scalise for VOTING AGAINST TRUMP on Syria VIDEO |
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The Heat are somehow linked to Trump’s impeachment inquiry and other news of the week |
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Trump tactics: victimising rhetorics and a call to action |
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Donald Trump: Ne legyél kemény fickó! Ne legyél ostoba! |
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Trump orders troops and weapons to Saudi Arabia in message of deterrence to Iran |
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“La destitución ya no es opcional”: columnista advierte que Donald Trump está fuera de control |
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Erdoğan’dan Trump’a mektup yanıtı: Unutmamız doğru değil zamanı geldiğinde gereken yapılacak |
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The Joseph Maguire Testimony: A Trump Official Under the Spotlight |
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Destitution de Trump: les démocrates veulent «avancer vite» |
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Trump diz que apoia Bolsonaro e a entrada do Brasil na |
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Donald Trump was chosen for such a time as this when unusual courage and energy are critically necessary to persevere with the priorities to save the nation from self-destruction |
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La próxima cumbre del G7 se realizará en un club de golf de Trump en Florida |
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Shock poll: 1/3 of black males back Trump against Dem candidate |
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Why is Trump about to have a huge headache |
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Trump nie przyjechał do Warszawy 14 niewypowiedzianych punktów wiceprezydenta Pence’a |
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Trump Doral decision revives Blumenthal’s emoluments fight |
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Senate gets FBI Kavanaugh report Trump rejects Democratic criticism |
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Commentary: Trump puts housing crash foxes in henhouse |
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How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump |
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Fox’s Geraldo Rivera proposes a “solution”: Trump should “comp those rooms” at his Doral club for G-7 summit |
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Trump impeachment trial could take Bennet off the campaign trail |
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Donald Trump Jerusalem und die Zweistaatenlösung |
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Trump: Texas made a ‘fortune’ after Hurricane Harvey |
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Mulvaney says then denies Trump held back Ukraine aid as quid pro quo |
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Why Fox News is getting trounced in the public opinion battle over Trump impeachment By Eric Boehlert |
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Trump Selenski Biden – der Skandal heißt Obama |
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China’s Currency Weakens in a Potential Challenge to Trump |
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The Hill’s Morning Report — Trump’s impeachment jeopardy deepens |
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Watch: CNN Employee Appears To Say He Wants Trump To Die ‘Hopefully Soon’ |
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Trump job approval slips 2 points in Gallup poll |
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Will Trump Policies Lead to Higher US Dividends |
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Cek Fakta : Soal Pemikiran Trump Tentang Bantuan Ukraina yang Akhirnya meng-Impeachment Dirinya |
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‘Howdy Modi’ How will it help Trump and Modi to turn the tables |
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Analysis: Romney raises troubling theory about Trump and Turkey |
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Trump has awarded next year’s G-7 summit to his Doral resort – The Washington Post |
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Ve Ateşkes Trump: Sert Bir Aşk Gerekliydi |
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Here’s How Pelosi Treated Trump’s Team Before Storming Out Of Meeting |
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Mysterious traders may have made 35 billion off stock bets timed to Trump’s trade-war comments Vanity Fair finds |
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This Trump rule change will mean lower wages for farmworkers |
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Beverage Giant Pepsi Launches PepCoin – Not Based on Crypto Bitcoin or Blockchain Trump’s Turkey Letter Ton’s of Fun and the Tie: eToro Market Update |
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Advisers Warned Trump on Tariffs |
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Doyle McManus: One-sided loyalty defines the Trump doctrine |
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Prediction Market Augur’s Latest Trending Bet Is On President Trump’s 2019 |
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Pelosi acusa a Trump de beneficiar a Rusia con sus decisiones en Siria |
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Will Trump do it Get rid of unconstitutional income tax! |
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Which Military Construction Projects Are Losing Funds to Build Trump’s Wall |
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Trump Wins Presidency But Climate Keeps The Mandate |
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BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2019 winners include this song about Donald Trump |
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How good are you at identifying a Trump or Hillary Supporter |
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Trump confirma intención de firmar en Chile acuerdo comercial con China |
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‘Rename 737 MAX 8’ screams Donald Trump! |
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The Latest: Appeals court blocks Trump tax return release |
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Florida columnist slams Marco Rubio for being a Trump apologist: Grow a spine or find a conscience |
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President Trump’s attempt to humiliate Speaker Pelosi with this photo backfired spectacularly |
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Donald Trump and the Isolation of Atlantis: The World Reacts |
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The majority of the House is committed to do their duty to impeach Donald Trump How many senators are committed to do theirs by removing him from office |
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Im Iran-Konflikt steckt Trump in einem echten Dilemma – Die Falken setzen ihm zu |
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New poll reveals 54 of Americans now approve of impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump |
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House Democrats Now Have Enough Votes To Impeach Donald Trump |
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GOP Sen John Kennedy to Trump: Don’t Deal With Nancy Pelosi She’s a ‘Fool’ |
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Trump und Kim – Die Dominanzklasse redet ein historisches Ereignis klein |
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He is ONE sick PUPPY –gt Tom Arnold’s veiled threat against Trump so malicious and vile Twitter yanked it |
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Trump Makes Way For Turkey Operation Against Kurds In Syria |
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Trump blasts ‘crazy’ Nancy Pelosi and Democrats defends Syria pullout |
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Ο Donald Trump είναι πεπεισμένος ότι η Renault εξακολουθεί να πωλεί αυτοκίνητα στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες vid |
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House votes to condemn President Trump’s racist tweets |
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Trump in Texas: Left Wants to Install Justices Who Will ‘Shred the Constitution’… |
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…Crowd Chants ‘Bring Them Home’ in Support of Trump’s Foreign Policy |
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Trump impeachment farce appears to be desperate act by Democrats to protect Biden Schiff and even Pelosi from their own Ukraine dealings |
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TRUMP Declares World Wide New Monetary System that is Fare for ALL |
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Trump Bullies Asian Countries Into Accepting Deported Refugees Who Fled After Vietnam War |
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Fresh Off Denouncing Bidens’ ‘Corruption’ Trump Chooses Own Resort to Host Government Meeting of Global Leaders |
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Trump expects Iran sanctions to work |
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Share markets are coming up Trump’s way |
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Diplomático de EE UU dice que Trump le pidió colaborar con Giuliani |
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Trump Dunks On Obama In Texas After Turkey Ceasefire |
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Nancy Pelosi Comes Out The Victor In Pelosi-Trump Twitter Matchup |
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G7 2020 Summit to Be Held at Trump Resort in Doral |
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Why One Shouldn’t Be Deluded by Trump’s Pro-Russian Remarks |
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EJ DIONNE JR: Trump represents culmination of all that has gone wrong in our politics |
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TT Trump: Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ và người Kurd cần đánh nhau ‘như hai đứa trẻ’ |
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President Trump’s Fake Chinese Trade Deal Bamboozles Wall Street into a 500 Point Rally |
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TIDI: Komunikasi Trump-Erdogan yang Cair Membuahkan Agenda Bersama di Suriah |
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In Trump We Trust |
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corruption Trump to host G7 summit at own failing Miami hotel Rob Beschizza |
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Jonah Goldberg: In betrayal of Kurds Trump was winging it – again |
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Fox’s Chris Wallace Systematically Picks Apart Trump’s Syria Gambit: Is This a Ceasefire or a Surrender |
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Rep prophet author key figure in Trump investigations dies at 68 |
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I tha se do të shkatërronte ekonominë e Turqisë Erdogan hedh në kosh “kërcënimin” e Trump |
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Trump’s Tax Fraud Nightmare Uncovered by ProPublica |
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Donald Trump In 2005: “I Did Try And F Her But She Was Married” |
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Trump vs Trump: Kurds Edition |
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Ari Fleischer Pushes Back on Kilmeade Saying Ukraine Action Was ‘Normal’: Trump Call Went ‘Beyond Corruption’ |
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FATAH: Trump betrays Kurds Canada’s Liberals and NDP stay silent |
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A Maldição de Canaã e outros de Reator de Fusão nuclear da Marinha dos EUA e a criação de grandes naves sempre encobriu e manipulou a história desde o mundo a hora de Trump acabar com a ilegalidade a insurreição e a rebelião |
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Donald Trump steuert in die richtige Richtung |
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¿Se reaviva la amenaza terrorista en Europa por la política de Trump |
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Mainstream media are portraying Trump’s Syria deal as a cease-fire while Fox praises it as a win Experts say it’s neither |
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Procurilo pismo koje je Trump poslao Erdoganu: Nemoj biti blesav… |
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‘We Are Witnesses to a Coup’: Trump Supporters Rally Against Impeachment in DC |
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Retired top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is ‘under attack’ from Trump |
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White House picks Trump resort in Florida for G-7 summit |
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Trump’s former favorite generals have had it with him — and they’re not being shy about it |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a cevap: ‘Terörizmi yendiğimizde daha birçok can kurtarılacak’ |
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Biden Plunges Headlong Into “Trump Trap”—And Drags Leftist American Media Lunatics Along With Him |
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Inside Trump’s War on Climate Science |
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Trump derangement syndrome |
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Trump Administration Provides New Evidence for a Saudi Connection to 9/11 |
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Denuncian a un representante demócrata por intentar ‘ensuciar’ a Trump |
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Lefsetz: End is Near for Trump |
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Climate crisis will not be discussed at G7 next year says Trump official |
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Trump Orders 1000 Troops To Evacuate Syria… |
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Trump Said He Wants To Mediate Between Turkey And The Kurds |
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Chefe de gabinete de Trump admite troca de favores com a Ucrânia – mas depois recua e culpa os jornalistas |
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Caroline Glick: Trump did not betray the Kurds…… |
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Grande reforma migratória de Trump enfrenta um Congresso reticente |
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Kamala Harris’ call to suspend Trump’s Twitter account explained |
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Donald Trump pourrait être contraint de dévoiler ses déclarations d’impôts |
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NYT: Trump Kürtlere ihanet ederek Erdoğan’a beklenmedik bir hediye verdi |
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Trump’s Impossible Biofuel Dilemma |
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Trump Defends His Decision on Syria After Rebuke by Own Party Members |
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Mick Mulvaney: Trump’s latest fall guy |
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Los kurdos acusan a Turquía de violar el alto el fuego de Donald Trump |
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Robert De Niro Mocks Trump In The Form Of A Savage |
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White House Rick Perry face deadline for documents in Trump |
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Gen Mattis Savagely Roasts Trump: ‘I Earned My Spurs on the Battlefield’ Trump Got His Spurs ‘From the Doctor’ |
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Trump says DACA deal off |
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Trump Mocks California For Offering Free Healthcare And Education: ‘I May Even Move There’ |
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Joe Biden Serukan Pemakzulan Presiden Trump Akankah Didukung Kami |
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Edelweiss Financial rises 3 pc as CCI clears Edelweiss-Kora Giuliani associate seen as top Trump supporter in Florida – |
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Muere el congresista que impulso juicio político contra Trump |
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Cuộc quyết đấu giữa Trump và ứng viên Dân chủ đã rõ ràng hơn |
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Former Defense Secretary Gen James Mattis roasts Donald Trump: ‘I earned my spurs on the battlefield’ click to see stats |
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Crece la división entre evangélicos estadounidenses por Trump |
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Trump’s letter to Erdogan would be fine — if he had a real strategy |
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Nüfuzlu amerikalı senator Trump-ı tənqid edir |
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Gunman Wearing Body Armor Arrested Outside Trump Dallas Rally… |
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Trump announces the military will establish a space force |
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Kremlin calls Trump’s letter to Erdogan ‘unusual’ |
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Trump responde y vuelve a vetar medida del Congreso contra desvío de fondos al muro |
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UniteBlue is uniting progressive activists and organizations with Democratic politics online to defeat Trump and GOP extremists and build a just democratic and equitable America! |
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Thierry Meyssan: What Donald Trump is Pr |
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Trump ready to assist India Pakistan over Kashmir issue |
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Trump Signs 25 Steel and 10 Aluminum Tariffs—Racking and PV Mounting Price Increase Next |
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Cummings Trump relations appeared to sour due to oversight |
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Trump accuses Pelosi of ‘treason’ and requires her to be ‘instantly impeached’ |
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Piyasada Trump hareketliliği |
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Pelajaran dari Trade War “Huawei” Donald Trump |
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Όταν ο Donald Trump χρησιμοποιεί μουσική χωρίς την άδεια των καλλιτεχνών |
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Trump’s Withdrawal from Syria Is a Disaster |
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‘Appreciate What They’ve Done’: Trump Hails Ceasefire Agreement With Turkey In |
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Mos më prek! Momenti kur presidenti i Finlandës duket se “i largon” dorën derisa Trump i prek gjurin! |
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Erdogan arroja a la basura carta con amenazas de Trump |
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États-Unis : Donald Trump est-il fou – VIDEO |
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Trump Impeachment Betting Odds Pointing Towards an Early Exist |
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Trump: turcos e curdos precisavam ‘lutar como crianças’ |
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Rick Perry: Mick Mulvaney Was ‘Straight Up With What He Said’ on Trump-Ukraine |
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Pelosi Schumer hit ‘flailing’ Trump over ‘sham ceasefire’ deal |
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Bantah tuduhan Trump Pakistan : “Si Trump sedang frustasi karena gagal di Afghanistan” |
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Ông Trump phản ứng gì nếu bị đảng Dân chủ điều tra sau bầu cử giữa kỳ |
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Trump to Turkish president Erdogan: ‘Don’t be a fool’ |
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Mnuchin Reveals Trump’s Iran Deal |
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Detrás de la Razón: Trump a los pies de Putin Helsinki |
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Trump Plans to Host G7 At His Miami Resort |
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Donald Trump Larang Tujuh Negara Mayoritas Muslim Masuk Amerika Serikat |
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Newsom’s first rodeo: In year one the governor bucks both Trump and Brown |
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Donald Trump Is Winning His War To Lower Immigrant Numbers And… |
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Steve King Stands By Trump In Abandoning American Allies |
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Tulitauko Pohjois-Syyriassa rakoilee – tarkkailijan mukaan 14 siviiliä kuollut Turkin iskuissa Trump vakuuttaa uskoaan taukoon |
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Jay Ambrose: Trump still not as bad as the Democrats |
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Bruselas responde a Trump: No nos deja otra alternativa que responder con aranceles |
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The CIA Is Worse Than Trump |
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Man with a gun arrested near protesters outside Trump’s Dallas rally |
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Trump defends Middle East policy says Islamic State is under control |
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Trump helping Putin and Syria |
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Trump y Pelosi entablan una guerra de ataques verbales tras una reunión sobre Siria |
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Este viernes 18 se publica el Informe FISA espionaje del FBI a Trump para derrocarle: |
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Scenes From Trump Rally! It’s Yuge! |
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Donald Trump 2020 Border Wall Security Commemorative Gold Coin |
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Trump Tweets He Will Have Rep Adam Schiff “Investigated” For Mendacity To Congress About Ukraine Name |
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Democrats Finally Prepare Subpoena For Trump’s DC Hotel Documents |
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Trump: Turkey-Syria-Kurds face-off isn’t America’s fight |
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Mỹ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đạt được lệnh ngừng bắn vĩnh viễn tại Syria dù trước đó TT Erdogan ném thư từ TT Trump vào thùng rác |
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Trump targets hateful Democrats leading impeachment inquiry and Beto O’Rourke at Dallas rally |
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Trump’tan Fransız muhabire işsizlik yanıtı: “Bizim sizden daha iyi başkanımız var” |
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Trump freaks out abandoned |
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Lara Trump: Impeachment ‘hysteria’ will die down |
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”Trump ger Erdogan allt han ville ha” |
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Trump håller nästa G7-möte på egna hotellet |
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So Much News So Little Time: Trump Scandal Lightning Round |
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President Trump doesn’t like ESPN’s decision to go back to not showing the national anthem |
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SUA la 10 minute de război cu Iranul Trump confirmă că erau plănuite mai multe atacuri |
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Trump: Teşekkürler Erdoğan Milyonlarca Hayat Kurtulacak |
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Trump inaugurates Louis Vuitton production site in Texas |
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Trump front and centre as talk of trade jobs emerges on campaign trail |
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Gen James Mattis Fires Back At Trump For ‘Overrated’ Remark |
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President Trump defends decision to pull US troops out of Syria |
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WATCH: Grieving Family Reveals Trump ‘Henchmen’ Were ‘Snarling’ to Pressure Them Into Meeting Son’s Killer |
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Rick Perry Pete Sessions drawn into Trump’s Ukraine dealings |
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Trump’s Doral resort to host G-7 summit next year |
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Trump Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney Admits Quid Pro Quo: ‘We Do That All the Time’ |
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Trump says US has really good relationship with North Korea – Reuters |
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Trump Executive Orders Curtail Union Business on the Taxpayer Dime |
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Trump is making Russia great again |
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Alman Spiegel Online: Erdoğan geri adım atmadı Trump ve YPG kaybetti |
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Robert B Reich: Trump’s foreign policy serves only Trump |
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Keep Up the Heat on Republican Senators and President Trump! |
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Trump Türkiye’den güzel haberler mi aldı |
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Uko Amerika ’yakuye maneko wayo ukomeye mu Burusiya’ kubera ikosa ryakozwe na Trump |
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Gone-ald Trump: Has Trump’s time come to an end |
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Trump: “ABD adına Türkiye’ye teşekkür etmek istiyorum” |
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“Impeachment Is The Story”: CNN Insider Records Zucker Pushing Trump Hate |
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Trump anuncia que Guatemala El Salvador y Honduras recibirán asistencia específica |
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OAN Trump Videos |
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Trump vs Iran: What’s the Point |
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Trump sobre su decisión de retirar las tropas de Siria: «Es… |
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‘ABD-Türkiye görüşmesinde Trump’un mektubu gündeme gelmedi’ |
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Trump’s Art of Negative Branding |
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Trump’s Parting Words to Putin in |
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Trump Kim arrive in Singapore for histo |
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La Era Trump 10-15-19 |
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Court Blocks Trump’s Plan to Ease Bird Protections on Oil Lands |
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Democrats Trump administration getting closer on USMCA |
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George W Bush Slams Trump For Syrian Withdrawal Lou Dobbs Smacks Him Back To |
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‘MHP ABD ile varılan uzlaşmayı değerli Erdoğan’dan Trump’a yanıt |
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ETATS UNIS : Juul leader du marché suspend la vente des e-cigarettes aromatisées Le leader américain des cigarettes électroniques Juul Labs a annoncé jeudi la suspension des ventes de recharges aromatisées non-mentholées aux Etats-Unis alors que le gouvernement de Donald Trump |
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Erdogan thotë se do marrë hapat e duhur për letrën “fyese” të Trump |
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Ever watch a sold-out packed-to-the-rafters Trump Rally Unprecedented numbers…These are the Deplorables and I’m proud to include myself in that number |
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The Famously Secluded Amish Are the Target of a Republican Campaign to Drum Up Pennsylvania Votes for Trump |
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Donald Trump en campagne inaugure la troisième usine Louis Vuitton aux États-Unis |
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Over 1m People Sign Petition Calling On The UK Government Not To Host Donald Trump On A State Visit |
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Trump Johnson amp Co : In the Age of Court Fools |
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Judge blocks Trump from easing energy rules in 7 western states citing risk to sage grouse |
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Trump – Not our border |
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Mehr als 130 brasilianische Strände mit Öl einmal: Was hat Putin gegen Trump in der Hand |
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G7 Trump’ın otelinde |
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Prince Estate Blasts Trump For Playing ‘Purple Rain’ Again During Campaign Event |
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Trump on Turkey and Kurds: ‘Sometimes you have to… |
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Trump Leading the Deep State Globalists |
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Trump said Texas is not in play in 2020 But his campaign’s activity here this week fuels talk to the contrary |
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Trump’s Syria ‘ceasefire’ could make the Middle East less… |
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Donald Trump amp Prince William in Modi s DeathClamp |
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Daily World TV: Has Modi Walked Into Risky Territory of American Politics By Endorsing Trump |
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Vimal’s View: Why Trump is on the road to success |
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Robert Reich: Trump is the child caught with his hand in the cookie jar |
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Donald Trump Greeted By Queen Elizabeth amp Prince Charles On State Visit To The UK Twitter Reacts |
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Trump utiliza el Censo para identificar a migrantes por sus licencias de manejar y averiguar si reciben ayudas públicas |
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Questions for Trump on the Saudis |
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What if Justice Roberts gave criminal defendants do-overs like he did for the Trump administration |
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Trump in a landslide This historically accurate model predicts exactly that |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Önemli Açıklamalar: Güvenli Bölge Ve Trump’ın |
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Donald Trump annonce la fin du sida dans un deepfake |
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Dan Abrams Warns: Trump’s Impeachment Jurors Will Be GOP Senators He’s Angering Now |
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Trump has Great Expectations of A New Safety Adviser |
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FEATURE-In oil-rich region Venezuelans fear catastrophe if Trump forces Chevron to leave |
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Trump’s Administration Cancels Soccer School and Legal Assistance for Migrant Children Staying in Shelters |
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Media blackout: Trump’s 60-point accomplishment list of ‘American Greatness’ |
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White House says next G-7 to be held at a Trump |
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Fallece el legislador Cummings figura clave en la investigación a Trump |
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Pelosi describes Trump ‘meltdown’: He was ‘unhappy’ with questions |
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The guardrails are off the Trump presidency click to see stats |
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CIA Operatives Volker And Price Masterminding Trump Impeachment Plot Near Final Doom |
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Trump’s Letter To Turkish President Edorgan Sparks Diplomatic Row |
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Limuzyny à la Donald Trump – przegląd polskiego rynku |
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Erdogan Buang Surat Donald Trump ke Tempat Sampah |
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Turkey Insulted By Trump’s Letter: Erdogan ‘Won’t Forget’ |
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Trump – Rache an Deutschland wegen Huawei |
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G-7 Summit To Be Held At Trump’s Miami Golf Resort |
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Trump’s impeachment inquiry: History suggests stock investors shouldn’t worry too much |
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Middle East Chaos in Wake of Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem |
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Trump monitorea a senadores republicanos mientras se avecina amenaza de juicio político |
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Tribulation Trump Approves Of Chemtrails |
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Will it happen Trump speaks on possible |
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Trump Calls Off Historic Meeting With No |
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Donald Trump To Meet South Sudan’s Salva Kiir |
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Syria: Criticism of President Trump intensifies – BBC News |
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Trump’s “absurd” offer recalls another Danish-US sale … 52 years after initial bid |
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Trump’s US tariffs on EU imports could increase prices on cheese wine |
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President Trump fires back at ABC reporter for their deceptive “Syria bombing” tape |
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President Trump Addresses Farmers Through NAFB |
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Trump: The Greatest Non- Ukrainian Jobs President Ever! |
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Evolving Crisis between the United States and Iran in the Trump Era and Possible Options |
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Fransız gazetecinin sorusu Trump’ı mest etti |
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Kim Jong Un is waiting for a fresh meeting with Donald Trump |
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Elijah Cummings head of US House oversight panel probing Trump dies… |
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Trump Appoints Illuminati Mind Power Warrior Magic Expert To Education Board |
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Aptal olma tarihe şeytan olarak geçme: Trump’ın Erdoğan’a gönderdiği “tehdit ve hakaret” içeren mektubu ortaya ‘dünyanın 8 itibarlı’ ülkesi: Türkiye ‘itibarda’ da sıfırlandı 55 ülke arasında 44 sırada! |
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Analysis Trump Is Losing the Battle to End ‘Endless Wars’ in Middle East |
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Putra Donald Trump Invest Properti Ultra Mewah di Indonesia |
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Elijah Cummings foe of Trump has passed away Pelosi responds |
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Trump hails Syria ceasefire although fighting continued |
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Mattis se ríe ante las descalificaciones de Trump: Soy la Meryl Streep de los generales |
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Son dakika… Görüşme sonrası ilk açıklama Trump’tan geldi |
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Trump’s Legal Immunity Has a Countdown Clock |
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Book Review- Unpresidented: A Biography of Donald Trump |
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Ex-Trump Attorney Says Giuliani Carries A Secret ‘Log’ Of His Ukraine Contacts: ‘I’ve Seen The Book’ |
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Trump Tweets Photo Of New Proposed Border Wall Internet Explodes |
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Trump șochează din nou: “I-am lăsat pe turci și kurzi să |
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Donald Trump razgovarao s Erdoganom o Siriji: Jako želi primirje Dobra volja postoji s obje strane” |
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Hillary Clinton says Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘Russian asset’ groomed to ensure Trump reelection |
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Trump’tan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a teşekkür |
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Trump Pelosi Accuse Each Other of Having Meltdowns Request Prayers For One Another |
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Trump BREAKS The Internet With Latest Attack On Democrats |
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Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke testified at a hearing on the Trump administration’s fiscal year 2019 Interior Department budget request |
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German FM Warns Trump Against ‘Uni |
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Arestarea fiicei fondatorului Huawei Meng Wanzhou Donald Trump nu ştia de cererea de extrădare înainte de întâlnirea cu Xi Jinping |
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White House official admits Trump linked Ukraine aid to corruption probes |
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Historically Accurate Election Model Predicts Trump Victory |
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Mick Mulvaney undercuts Trump defense admits Ukraine aid was blocked to force investigation |
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Turkish president thoroughly rejected Trump’s tough guy letter threw it in trash |
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President Trump Blasts Traitors McCabe and Rosenstein |
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Trump’s Wild Wednesday |
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Trump Administration Considers Lowering the Refugee Cap to Zero |
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La influencia de Trump en la legislación salvadoreña: el decreto 717/2017 |
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Stephen King: Donald Trump’ın başkanlık dönemi romanlarımdan daha korkunç! |
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Trump ve Boris neyin semptomu |
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‘The excitement is palpable’: Looks like Beto O’Rourke’s really upping his anti-Trump game with his ‘Rally Against Fear’ photo |
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Trump Made American Army Great Again: His Budget Increases Defense Spending |
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Erdoğan Trump ile telefonda görüştü! |
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Le prochain sommet G7 aura lieu dans un club de golf de Trump |
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Trump Shuts Down Dem Witch Hunt Impeachment Is Dead |
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Can Trump Save NATO |
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Trump warned Erdogan not to wage his war before US pulled out…… |
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Rep Cedric Richmond on Joe Biden 2020 Elections Trump amp Impeach |
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The Sad Truth Trump Has Exposed About The US |
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Donald Trump Visits Louis Vuitton Factory in Texas |
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TRUMP TOWERS Kuştepe Mah Mecidiyeköy Yolu Caddesi No:12 Kule:2 Kat:18 |
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Trump à une journaliste française : «Peut-être que nous avons un meilleur président que vous» |
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We get one shot and only one shot to make sure Donald Trump is a one-term president |
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James Mattis est fier d’avoir été insulté par Donald Trump |
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Trump TV Nervously Defends Doral G-7 Corruption: ‘Trump Is The Exception’ |
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CNN Ignores “Hammer” Calls Trump Accusation Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower And Epstein ClintonBodyCount Retweet Insane Conspiracy Theories |
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Trump tax reform may boost private jet sales details |
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Der Präsident Trump den die Europäer nicht kennen |
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İklim değişikliğine Trump heykeliyle farkındalık! |
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US Democrats subpoena Pentagon documents in Trump impeachment inquiry |
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Trump Administration Rolls out Plan to Prevent Suicide Among Veterans |
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Trump: Erdoğan zeki bir lider Türkiye’ye |
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Don’t Believe Vanity Fair’s Story About Futures Traders Making Billions Off of Trump Chaos |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Trump’a Twitter’dan teşekkür yanıtı |
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Between Trump And Malik |
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Trump Slams Dems for Secret Meetings With Former Admin Members |
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Turkey-Syria Border: Trump Threatens To ‘Obliterate’ Turkish Economy |
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Trump Would ‘Take’ Foreign Information On Rival In 2020 Election |
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Canadian Elections: Three Jokers and a Trump! |
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Casa Bianca il faccia a faccia tra Conte e Trump: un… |
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Donald Trump’s Letter To Turkey The Audiobook |
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La economía de Trump no ha beneficiado a muchos de |
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Why Trump Talked Kashmir In His Kabul Talk |
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‘Hanky-panky’ Traders pocket ‘stunning’ profits after Trump’s comments on trade talks goose the stock market |
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Trump’tan yeni açıklama: Erdoğan’la görüştüm |
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Trump ofendió a Pelosi con una foto en Twitter y ella respondió |
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Trump and Cipollone’s Made-Up Defense of Stonewalling Is a Fraud |
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Almirante de operaciones especiales retirado McRaven: ‘EEUU está bajo ataque de Trump’ |
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Trump Chief of Staff Stuns Media With Defiant Admission of Ukraine Quid Pro Quo |
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Britain in panic as Trump-Putin summit l |
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Trump Defends Abandoning Syria’s Kurds: “They’re not angels” |
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La Casa Blanca envía carta al congreso y dice que Trump no cooperará en juicio político |
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As Our Climate Emergency Deepens Trump says it won’t be on agenda at G7 next year held at his golf course |
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Is Present day Google Doodle A Poke In the Trump Administration |
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5G Mattarella rassicura Trump Banda ultralarga in Italia sorpasso storico Web Tax accordo globale alle porte Rossi verso la presidenza Tim |
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Trump’s Tragicomedy |
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Paying the Price: Why American Farmers Have Become Trump’s Trade War the NP Archives |
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Trump anuncia salida del secretario de energía Rick Perry |
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Turkish operation in Syria: Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered Trump’s message on Syria in the trash |
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Trump says US Energy Secretary Perry to step down at end… |
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Trump assure qu’Erdogan est déterminé à appliquer la trêve en Syrie |
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It’s getting REAL: John Durham has Blackberrys used by Mifsud prof who launched FBI Russia-Trump probe and HOO-boy |
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CUBA: Donald Trump presentó su nuevo plan migratorio basado en el mérito |
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Trump va con “bajas expectativas” a reunión con Putin |
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Romney blasts Trump’s failed cease-fire with Turkey as ‘far from a victory’ |
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How the Trump administration ‘capitulated’ to Turkey |
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Trump’tan yine skandal sözler: Bazen |
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Trump Denies Promise That Led To Formal Complaint From Intelligence Official |
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UK Ambassador To US Resigns In Trump Leaks Row |
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2019 Trump Budget Would Penalize You For Vaping |
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President Trump to Host G7 at his Own Florida Resort Property |
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Trump Listens to Ron Paul and Gives Seniors Health Freedom10/9/19 – By Norm Singleton |
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What Has Trump So Ill At Ease Um…More Than Usual |
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GREAT DAY FOR CIVILIZATION! President Trump Updates Turkey – Kurds Situation Ahead of Texas Rally – WATCH gt |
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Los intentos de obstrucción de Trump fracasan sus asistentes se alinean para testificar en investigación |
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McCarthy dice que Trump ‘no estaba investigando’ a Joe Biden después de que Trump dijera que sí |
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Trump Vs The Intel Community – Wha |
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THE HELSINKI STING! Trump and Putin Make |
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Hjernen bag bin Laden-drabet: USA er under angreb fra Trump |
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Trump says Energy Secretary Perry resigning at end of year |
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What Donald Trump Can Learn From Colin Kaepernick |
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Tommy Tuberville sides with Mo Brooks Bradley Byrne in opposition to Congress’ anti-Trump-Northern Syria resolution |
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Antifa Terrorist Posts Video Defending Choking Of Trump Supporter Look What Happens When Video |
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Trump Wants States to Experiment With Medicaid — Up to a Point |
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Trump: I-am lăsat pe turci și kurzi „să se încaiere puțin ca niște băiețandri” |
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President Trump’s Speech To The United Nations September 24 2019 |
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Engaging the Trump administration: A US business perspective |
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Warren riattacca Zuckerberg: “Ads politiche a favore di Trump” |
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Trump’s immigrant roundups increasingly net noncriminals |
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6/8 TRUMP: “GUESS WHAT We Have A |
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Hubungan Trump-Netanyahu Memburuk |
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Trump: US Treasury ready to push for sanctions on Turkey |
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Trump is unhappy with Mulvaney quid pro |
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Trump on Turkey and Kurds: ‘sometimes you have to… |
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Republicans Rally Around Trump Amidst The Ukrainian Aid Scandal |
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SIRIA INTESA TURCHIA-USA/ Trump e Putin si dividono Erdogan e Assad |
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Trump Defends Controversial Syria Move |
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Syrian American group says Trump warrants Nobel Peace Prize US troops |
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Donald Trump Impeachment Talk Has Unexpectedly Made This Person A ‘Punchline’ Again |
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Trump won’t profit from G-7 |
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Barack Obama sort de son silence suite au décret anti-immigration de Donald Trump |
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Trump Offers Freed ISIS Fighters a Group Rate at Trump Doral Resort – Stats |
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El periodismo buchón el impeachment a Trump y la CONADEP de la prensa |
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New Report Finds Evidence Of Fraud In Trump’s Property Taxes |
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Jimmy Carter asegura que Rusia ayudó a Trump llegar a la Casa Blanca |
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Pastores acreditam que decisão de Trump sobre… |
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Marsha Mercer column: Can Democrats stop Trump cakewalk in 2020 |
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La conspiración del ‘Deep State’ contra Donald Trump |
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Eminem Murdered Trump On His Own Shit by Ironside Hex |
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Erdogan Turkish president ‘threw Trump’s Syria letter in bin’ |
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President Trump amp First Lady Melani |
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Eski ABD Savunma Bakanı’ndan Trump’a ‘abartılmış’ cevabı: Ben generallerin Meryl Streep’iyim |
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Whoopi Goldberg Slams Trump’s Reaction To Syria Criticism: ‘Grow A Pair Man’ |
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Ex-Ethics Chiefs Tear Apart Decision To Host G-7 At Donald Trump’s Own Resort |
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2020 G-7 Will Be Held At Miami Trump Resort |
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Trump’tan Fransız muhabire İşsizlik için olay cevap |
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George W Bush Slams Trump For Syrian Withdrawal Lou Dobbs Smacks |
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Schiff Loses It When Trump Official Won’t Tell Him What He Wants to Hear |
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Judge dismisses high-tax states’ lawsuit against Trump tax deduction limits |
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Gordon Sondland’s Statement Protects Does Not Break with Trump |
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Mattis responde con ironía a Trump y urge a defender a los aliados de EEUU |
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President Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Hugh Nathanial Halpern as GPO Director |
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Trump World |
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Trump’Tan Yeni Tweet’Ler: Her Iki Taraf Da Ateşkesi Istiyordu Çifte Güvenlik |
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Thoughts on Trump impeachment inquiry |
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Trump: Erdoğan Ateşkesi Çok Istiyor Kürtler De Istiyor |
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