Trump-Putin: The understandable story |
24 |
House approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
21 |
House approves measure to limit Trump’s military actions against Iran |
16 |
Trump seeks support in Iran crisis but Europe skeptical |
13 |
Trump Pulls Back From War With Iran |
12 |
New York Protesters Rally Against Trump’s Middle East Policy |
12 |
Trump proposes sweeping rollback of environmental oversight |
12 |
US House To Vote Against Trump’s War With Iran |
12 |
Iran Democrats and the Economy: Trump kicks off 2020 election season in Toledo |
11 |
US House votes to curb Trump war power on Iran |
9 |
US House votes to limit Trump war powers on Iran |
9 |
Democrats Send Loud Message to Trump With Passage of War Powers Resolution |
9 |
How US Newspaper Cover Trump Impeachment |
8 |
Trump boasts Iranian general’s death was ‘American justice’ |
8 |
Puzzlement in Ethiopia as Trump claims hand in Nobel prize |
8 |
Hear Trump’s prediction on Iran in 2007 |
8 |
Ohio Trump |
8 |
Trump administration aims major rollback of landmark US environmental law |
7 |
Trump Sampaikan Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun pada Kim Jong-un |
7 |
Trump’a kötü haber! Pelosi yakında Senato’ya gidecek |
6 |
Tiffany Trump Height Weight Age Biography Husband Net Worth Etc |
6 |
Trump’tan İran’a yeni yaptırım kararı! |
6 |
Democrats successfully restrict Trump warmaking powers |
6 |
Căng thẳng Mỹ – Iran kết thúc chóng vánh: Vì sao Iran ‘vỗ mặt’ nhẹ nhàng ông Trump cũng kiềm chế ‘cơn thịnh nộ’ |
6 |
US House to vote on restraining Trump’s actions against Iran |
6 |
SKorea conveys Trump’s b’day message for Kim Jong-un |
6 |
Feds: Security guard threatened Trump over Iranian’s death |
6 |
3Dünya Savaşına Engel! Trump Asla Savaş Açamayacak İşte O Karar |
6 |
Trump Menarik Diri dari Peluang Perang dengan Iran |
6 |
New Trump administration proposal would roll back environmental law to speed development |
6 |
Ông Trump: ‘Tôi muốn đợi đến sau bầu cử Tổng thống mới chốt thỏa thuận giai đoạn hai với Trung Quốc’ |
6 |
Trump Tidak Balas Serangan Rudal Iran |
5 |
‘What a beautiful name’: Ever the brand-builder Trump comes up with moniker for expanded NATO |
5 |
Trump asegura que EEUU tiene una “buena estrategia” para Venezuela |
5 |
Trump Believes Deadly Plane Crash Was Caused By Iran Missile |
5 |
Is Iran’s threat of revenge too much for Trump’s fragile presidency |
5 |
Trump felicita a Kim Jong-un por su cumpleaños |
5 |
Trump sobre ataque iraniano a bases dos EUA: “Tudo está bem” |
5 |
Trump logra gran triunfo en Tribunal sobre el muro fronterizo |
5 |
Bitcoin down trend continues after Trump dismisses Iran’s concerns |
5 |
Trump’a yönelik azil maddeleri yakında Senato’ya yollanacak |
5 |
Pembunuhan Jenderal Qassem Soleimani Dijadikan Tema Kampanye Perdana Trump |
5 |
Trump Sends Surprising Message To North Korea’s Kim |
5 |
Trump’s personal risk turns sharply after beheading |
5 |
Trump Family Faces Troubling New Allegations |
5 |
Updated : US House Votes To Curb Trump’s Military Action Against Iran |
5 |
Pelosi: Artikel Pemakzulan Trump akan Segera Dikirim |
5 |
BREAKING: Shiites Panic As Donald Trump Blows Hot Vows To Crush Iran To Pieces |
5 |
President Trump Raises Eyebrows With Suggestion To Rename NATO |
5 |
Tiffany Trump – Full Biography Of Donald Trump’s Daughter |
5 |
War: US House Of Representatives Decides On Iran Gives Trump Ultimatum |
5 |
Kans Pemakzulan Trump Menguat Karena Pembunuhan Soleimani |
5 |
Trump Ally Under Fire For Posting Altered Photo Of Nancy Pelosi |
5 |
China and US stage two negotiations pending Trump opens new front in trade |
5 |
Donald Trump and Muhammadu Buhari: Tale of two leaders |
5 |
Army general denies request by officer pardoned by Trump to have his Special Forces tab reinstated |
4 |
Trump revisa a López Obrador |
4 |
“Irani nuk do të ketë kurrë armë bërthamore” Franca mendon ndryshe nga Donald Trump:… |
4 |
Ông Trump: Tướng Iran bị giết vì lên kế hoạch “nổ tung” đại sứ quán Mỹ |
4 |
US Senate Prepares for Impeachment Trial of President Trump |
4 |
Trump’s youngest daughter Tiffany to get engaged to Lebanese man |
4 |
Facebook’s latest Trump ad takedown further exposes its laughable policies |
4 |
US House passes resolution to limit Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran |
4 |
BREAKING: Trump approves new sanctions against Iran |
4 |
Trump wants to include Mideast in NATO alliance |
4 |
Anti-War Activists Protest Against Trump’s Middle East Policy in Times Square |
4 |
Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill President Trump Over The Killing Of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani |
4 |
Media sanción para una resolución que limita el poder de acción militar de Trump |
4 |
House Democrats pass measure limiting Trump’s war powers against Iran |
4 |
Trumpın açıklamaları sonrası dolar resmen eridi! İşte son durum |
4 |
Opinion—Trump’s New Policy on Israeli Settlements Is Illegal and Anti-Nuclear Activists Speak Out: “Pentagon Has Brainwashed People” |
4 |
DPR AS Hadang Donald Trump Berperang dengan Iran |
4 |
2 GOP Senators Tear Into Trump Administration |
4 |
Asian shares climb on Trump trade deal comments |
4 |
Trump kills Iran’s chief military officer |
4 |
Trump benefits from impeachment case fourth-quarter 2019 campaign funding throws away from Democratic opponents |
4 |
Trump Boasts Iranian General’s Death Was ‘American Justice’ |
4 |
South Korea conveys Trump’s birthday message for Kim Jong-un |
4 |
ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Başkanı Pelosi: Trump’ın saldırı talimatı provokatif ve orantısız |
4 |
Why did Trump order the assassination of Suleimani |
4 |
President Trump Dealt Major Blow In Latest House Vote |
4 |
Trump envió un mensaje de cumpleaños a Kim Jong Un |
4 |
Aprueban resolución que limita a acciones militares de Trump contra Irán |
4 |
China Postponed to Washington as Trump Unilaterally Announces Signing Day |
4 |
Aqalka Wakiilada oo xadiday awoodaha dagaal ee Trump |
4 |
Putin to Trump: Hit Iran and Face Anunnaki Wrath |
4 |
Cámara baja de EEUU aprueba resolución para frenar acción militar de Trump contra Irán |
4 |
Trump ‘godet’ Serbinë: Sanksione ndaj saj për shkak të Rusisë |
4 |
Opinion: As Trump Aids and Abets Turkey’s War Crimes the UN Must Act |
4 |
House Votes to Curb Trump Power to Strike Iran Without Congress |
4 |
La Chambre vote une résolution pour brider l’action militaire de Trump contre l’Iran |
4 |
Trump dice que “todo está bien” después de ataque iraní contra bases en Irak |
3 |
Trump Has Embraced War Crimes as a Re-Election Strategy |
3 |
Trump déclare que Mark Zuckerberg l’a félicité: “Vous êtes le N°1 sur Facebook” |
3 |
Bruce Plante cartoon: President Trump and John Bolton |
3 |
Clausewitz Trump et Soleimani |
3 |
Trump dan Tengah Malam |
3 |
Trump Declares America cannot Prevail without the Glory of Almighty God |
3 |
Deputies: Florida man threatened to kill President Trump in Facebook Live video |
3 |
Meet the lawmakers who bucked their parties on vote to limit Trump’s war powers |
3 |
Trump áp thuế khiến các công ty Mỹ thiệt hại 46 tỷ đô la |
3 |
L’Iran et les États-Unis reculent devant une guerre totale donnant une victoire à Trump |
3 |
John Katko tells Trump administration food stamp rule would hurt CNY |
3 |
Trump: Iran ‘standing down’ after missile strikes – BBC News |
3 |
New Fox poll shows Trump trailing badly in several key battleground states |
3 |
House votes to limit Trump’s military action against Iran without congressional approval |
3 |
US House Approves Measure to Stop Trump from Starting War with Iran |
3 |
WATCH: President Donald Trump rallies in Toledo for first campaign stop of 2020 election |
3 |
Trump Critics Blame Him For Iran Reportedly Shooting Down Ukrainian Plane |
3 |
Trump uses campaign rally to trumpet Soleimani killing as ‘justice’ |
3 |
Americans believe Trump-ordered Soleimani killing made US ‘less safe’: poll |
3 |
Un hombre de Florida es acusado de amenazar de muerte a Trump por Soleimaní |
3 |
‘No Other President Has Had the Gall’: Environmental Groups Balk as Trump Proposes Major Rollback of Infrastructure Review Process |
3 |
Cámara Baja reivindica su autoridad ante acciones de Trump en Irán |
3 |
Trump sufre intento de Envenenamiento donaldtrump |
3 |
3 |
Eliminating Qasem Soleimani was Donald Trump’s Middle East farewell letter |
3 |
US House to vote on limiting Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran |
3 |
Cámara baja de EU aprueba limitar acciones militares de Trump contra Irán |
3 |
Sospecha Trump que avionazo en Irán no fue accidente |
3 |
House Democrats Approve War Powers Resolution Criticizing Trump’s Killing of Suleimani |
3 |
Pence: Trump pedirá a aliados que anulen pacto con Irán |
3 |
House Democrats Pass Resolution vs Trump’s War-Making Power |
3 |
Donald Trump yavuze uburyo amahanga agiye kubona ubukana bwa Amerika |
3 |
Trump intenta incendiar el mundo para ocultar su criminalidad |
3 |
Câmara dos EUA vota a favor de restrição de poderes bélicos de Trump |
3 |
Trump Tells Evangelicals: God Is ‘on Our Side’ for 2020 Election Renews the Importance of Faith and Family |
3 |
American Troops Have a Moral and Legal Responsibility to Disobey Illegal Orders From Donald Trump |
3 |
Adobe cancels all user accounts in Venezuela to comply with Trump Executive Order 13884 |
3 |
ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Başkan Donald Trump’ın savaş yetkilerini kısıtlayan tasarıyı onayladı |
3 |
As with everything else Trump is following his gut on Iran |
3 |
Cockroaches must stay out fowl business! TampT Shia Muslims condemn Trump but pledge peaceful approach |
3 |
La Cámara Baja de EEUU saca músculo ante las acciones de Trump en Irán |
3 |
Build The Wall: US Supreme Court Clears Path For Trump |
3 |
Congreso pone alto a Trump |
3 |
Qassem Soleimani Was once Nice and Donald Trump’s a Giant Loser Russian Media Say |
3 |
Democrats Disagree On Trump’s Impeachment After Mueller’s Testimony |
3 |
Trump autoriza nuevas sanciones contra Irán en medio de fuertes… |
3 |
Trump like Obama tests the limits of presidential war powers |
3 |
Trump Opens Reelection Year at Rally in Ohio |
3 |
Soleimani planeaba volar la embajada de EU y lo matamos dice Trump |
3 |
Trump will Frieden und nimmt Merkel in die Verantwortung |
3 |
Donald Trump Terang-terangan Tuduh Iran Tembak Pesawat Sipil Ukraina yang Jatuh di Teheran |
3 |
Trump Has a Book Written By a Trump Advisor About How Trump Loves the Environment Actually |
3 |
Mali : l’ancien responsable de la communication de la présidence écroué après un tweet sur Trump |
3 |
Donald Trump impeached warrior |
3 |
Bất ngờ thông điệp sinh nhật Tổng thống Trump gửi Chủ tịch Triều Tiên |
3 |
Trump ratings highest ever over economics despite impeachment proceedings |
3 |
House Passes War Powers Resolution In Effort To Restrict Trump’s Actions Against Iran |
3 |
Trump reportedly ‘furious’ some House Republicans voted to limit his ability to attack Iran |
3 |
77 Trump Administration Accomplishments that You Must Know About |
3 |
Trump nêu lý do hạ sát tướng Iran |
3 |
Needy Trump thanks Fox News host Greg Gutfeld for sucking up to him |
3 |
Congreso estadounidense pretende limitar a Trump sobre acciones militares contra Irán |
3 |
US House votes to rein in Trump’s war powers as US-Iran tensions stay high |
3 |
Chỉ chờ lệnh của TT Trump B-52 Mỹ sẽ tấn công xóa sổ các cơ sở hạt nhân Iran |
3 |
Steinko: Trump es imprevisible y ni siquiera tiene apoyo de su coalición |
3 |
Trump’tan Kim Jong Un’a doğum günü mesajı |
3 |
53 percent Americans disapproves Trump’s Iran handling |
3 |
Trump’ın İran’a müdahale yetkisi kısıtlandı |
3 |
Trump says he deserves Nobel Peace prize not Ethiopia’s Abiy |
3 |
Trump Angkat Bicara Soal Serangan Iran |
3 |
US: Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran Laws of War Prohibit Deliberate Attacks on Cultural Property |
3 |
Trump welcomes court decision on US-Mexico border wall funds |
3 |
Cámara Baja de EEUU reivindica su autoridad ante acciones de Trump en Irán |
3 |
Judge finds no deportation risk to asylum seekers under Trump rule |
3 |
Hands on Wisconsin: Donald Trump is the distractor in chief |
3 |
Environmental groups ‘blindsided’ by Trump administration’s proposed changes to environmental regulations |
3 |
Nancy Pelosi Tries to ‘Limit Trump’s Actions’ in Conflict with Iran |
3 |
Trump’tan Çok Önemli İran Açıklaması! |
3 |
US Can Take Withdrawal From World Trade Organization: Donald Trump |
3 |
Trump: ‘Birileri hata yapmış olabilir’ |
3 |
Fox replaced conservative Christian Pro-Trump host with gay Libertarian Never Trumper |
3 |
Donald Trump sends birthday greetings to North Korea’s Kim: Seoul |
3 |
Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı: Trump İran’ın nükleer anlaşmadan çıkma çağrısını kabul etmiyor |
3 |
Full text of President Trump’s speech on Iran missile strikes |
3 |
Twubatse ingufu za gisirikare ariko ntituzazikoresha turashaka ko ibintu bikemuka mu mahoro-Perezida Trump |
3 |
Judge Won’t Halt Trump Accuser’s Lawsuit |
3 |
The Courts Can Move Quickly They’re Slow-Walking Trump Cases on Purpose |
3 |
David Ortíz sobre Trump «No quieres darle la mano a un |
3 |
Iran VS US: Details of Trump’s conversation with NATO emerges |
3 |
AOC doubts Trump will take on fossil fuel firms: ‘I think he’s in their pocket’ |
3 |
Trump biður Nató að blanda sér í deiluna í Miðausturlöndum |
3 |
Ubusesenguzi: Impamvu zihishe inyuma yo kugabanya umurego kwa Trump kuri Iran |
3 |
Trump launched strikes against Iran to avenge the murder of a |
3 |
Trump responds to US military killing of Iranian commander: he should have been removed years ago |
3 |
House Democrats Pass Measure Which Limits President Trump’s War Powers Against Iran |
3 |
Is world war 3 over atleast trump amp iran’s behaviour poses so |
3 |
Sevmekten Öldü Desinler 26 Aralık’ta Trump Sahne’de |
3 |
RINO Republicans Target Evangelicals With Anti-Trump Propaganda Video |
2 |
US House passes bill to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
2 |
Flatware bill benefiting Sherrill signed by Trump Brindisi says |
2 |
2 |
Analysis: Pelosi’s delay tests public opinion on Security guard threatened Trump over Iranian’s death |
2 |
Xiisada Aargoosi Ee Iran Oo Sii Xoogeysatey “Hadalkii Trump Oo Sameyn Ku Abuurey Xasan Ruuxaani” |
2 |
Matt Gaetz Finds Spine Votes With Democrats To Curtail Trump’s War Powers |
2 |
Wall Street’s stern message to Trump |
2 |
At First Rally of Election Yr Trump Boasts About Strike on Iranian Common |
2 |
Trump Cancels Sanctions Against Iran and Venezuela |
2 |
Tevfik Arif: ‘Trump SoHo Tower was a Milestone for Bayrock Group and Modern Architecture |
2 |
Donald Trump and the 2018 Midterm Election |
2 |
Egido: Trump ataca al exitoso acuerdo nuclear que alcanzó Obama |
2 |
Man arrested for threatening to kill President Trump over the killing |
2 |
Trump asegura que general iraní planeaba “volar por los aires nuestra embajada” |
2 |
Trump administration announces new sanctions on Iran |
2 |
As Trump lies about Iran Seth Meyers issues warning about shirtless… |
2 |
Appeals Court Rules Trump Admin Can Use Defense Funds to Build Border Wall |
2 |
US House blocks Trump from starting a war with Iran without approval |
2 |
Trump boasts Iranian general’s death was ‘American justice’ |
2 |
Trump ve Ruhani’den Peş Peşe Açıklamalar |
2 |
2 |
Trump-China Bersiap Mengguncang Harga Emas Bertahan Tinggi |
2 |
US House approves resolution to limit President Trump’s powers |
2 |
Ông Trump: Tướng Iran bị giết vì lên kế hoạch ‘nổ tung’ đại sứ quán Mỹ |
2 |
Trump suggests Pelosi or Congress would have leaked plans to take out terrorist |
2 |
La barbarie de Trump |
2 |
Türkiye’de Trump’a kimler güveniyor |
2 |
Trump Claims God Told Him to Deport his Wife Melania |
2 |
Trump Süleymani’nin öldürülme sebebini söyledi |
2 |
Trump’ın İran’la savaş yetkilerini kısıtlayan tasarı kabul edildi |
2 |
Iran slaps the US in the face after the murder of Martyr Soleimani as Trump backs down |
2 |
WATCH: Trump busts on Adam Schiff HARD at Trump rally crowd loves it! |
2 |
Trump chúc mừng sinh nhật Kim Jong-un |
2 |
From Resistance to Assistance: Little Pushback to Trump’s Iran Assassination |
2 |
Revelan trama de Death Note Never Complete ¿Donald Trump aparecerá en el manga |
2 |
Facebook Dalang Kemenangan Donald Trump di Pilpres 2016 |
2 |
US House votes to curb President Trump war power on Iran |
2 |
The Right-Wing Pro-Israel Evangelical Agenda has Taken Over Trump’s Middle East Policy |
2 |
Ex-conejita de Playboy dice que tuvo relación con Donald Trump |
2 |
Col Lawrence Wilkerson on Trump’s Iran aggression: same neocon lies new target |
2 |
Avocatul lui Trump: Soros se află spatele numirii a patru ambasadori |
2 |
Puterea de decizie a lui Trump limitată de Congresul american: SUA nu poate ataca Iranul fără acordul ambelor Camere |
2 |
Dhoma e Përfaqësuesve i kufizon Trump veprimet ushtarake kundër Iranit |
2 |
Retired Colonel Urges Congress to Constrain Trump After Suleimani Assassination |
2 |
Trump: Hiçbir ABD’li ve Iraklı hayatını kaybetmedi |
2 |
US House votes to restrain Trump’s actions against Iran |
2 |
Mitt Romney Turns On President Trump – Sides With Pelosi Says He Wants To Hear New Senate Testimony |
2 |
Zelensky y el juicio político contra Trump |
2 |
El Gobierno de Trump celebra fallo judicial sobre el muro en la frontera |
2 |
US Stock Futures Rise on Reports Trump Has Agreed to Preliminary Trade Deal With China |
2 |
Trump’s Speech Confirms That Soleimani Strike Didn’t Prevent Imminent Attack or Make Americans Safer |
2 |
La Cámara de Representantes aprueba medida que limita los poderes de guerra de Trump |
2 |
Nucléaire iranien: Berlin rejette l’appel de Trump à quitter l’accord |
2 |
Melania Trump Named’Woman of Distinction’ for’Be Finest’ Function |
2 |
What the Iran Clash Taught Us About Trump |
2 |
Trump saluted Johnson on his landslide triumph |
2 |
Cardi B: „To nie Irańczycy są terrorystami tylko Trump” |
2 |
US Judge Has Delayed Sentencing of Former Trump Adviser Flynn |
2 |
Empresas estadounidenses que sufren las “tarifas Trump” |
2 |
Blog42’s ‘Things Trump Did While You Weren’t Looking’ August-December 2018 |
2 |
Trump 2020 T-Shirts: Shop Official Trump T-Shirt 2020 for Men amp Women |
2 |
France24 Donald Trump s’exprime après la… |
2 |
Iraq Veteran Supports Trump’s Position On Iran |
2 |
Orden de Trump bloqueada en un tribunal afectaría a la mayoría de inmigrantes documentados |
2 |
‘A lot of good news coming out of this Administration’: Trump says of lower cancer deaths |
2 |
Trump és Netanjahu kritikus kérdésekről tárgyalt |
2 |
Sarah Sanders: Trump is committed to America’s safety |
2 |
Trump opta por la contención militar y la presión económica contra Irán |
2 |
US House votes to rein in Trump’s war powers as US-Iran tensions stay high |
2 |
What Carl Sandburg and Wendell Berry Can Teach Us about Relating to Trump Voters |
2 |
State Judge Deals Blow to Trump in Bid to Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit in New York |
2 |
Ola de repudios para Trump y su gobierno |
2 |
Americans Don’t Know What To Think About Trump’s Iran Strategy |
2 |
Man arrested for threatening to kill President Trump over the killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani |
2 |
Debate Cámara Baja poderes de guerra de Trump |
2 |
Trump Listened to Tucker Backed Out of Iran Invasion at Last Minute |
2 |
Trump-China Bikin Rupiah Berjaya Dolar AS Takluk di Rp13740 |
2 |
US House to vote on limiting Trump war powers against Iran |
2 |
“Shuplakë fytyrës” – Donald Trump i vendos sanksione Serbisë |
2 |
Trump Declares Decide to Lead EPA Chemical Security Workplace |
2 |
Trump Administration Announces New Sanctions on Iran Following Soleimani Killing |
2 |
Trump anunció sanciones contra Irán pero no ataques militares |
2 |
Cámara baja de EU frena acción militar de Trump contra Irán |
2 |
İran’dan Trump’a ilk yanıt: İnanılmaz! |
2 |
“Trump Didn’t Get the Message!” Iran’s Military Iraqi Militia Pledge More Retaliation! |
2 |
Iran To Attack Trump Properties Top Adviser Tweets List Of President’s Real Estate Empire |
2 |
Neocons in the Age of Trump The Case of the FDD and Iran’s “Fake Opposition” |
2 |
Congresswoman Lays Blame For Ukraine Plane Crash In Iran On Donald Trump’s Shoulders |
2 |
Trump bizarrely brags that he gives up most of his presidential salary ‘to drugs’ |
2 |
Trump defends Soleimani killing as ‘American justice’ at Ohio campaign rally |
2 |
House votes to limit Trump’s Iran war powers |
2 |
Trump’tan İran-ABD Gerilimi Hakkında Açıklama Geldi |
2 |
Le président Trump élimine les principaux dirigeants militaires iraniens |
2 |
Concede Corte a Trump recursos para el muro |
2 |
Trump furious over House War Powers vote sources say |
2 |
S Korea conveys Trump’s birthday message to Kim Jong Un |
2 |
Irresponsable Trump busca llevar al mundo al borde de la guerra |
2 |
Col Lawrence Wilkerson Calls Out Trump’s Lies on Iran |
2 |
Son Dakika Trump İran Açıklaması |
2 |
2 |
Rasmussen Poll Shows Majority of Voters Favor Jail Firing for FBI Officials Who Targeted Trump |
2 |
Trump’s Obsession with Venezuela and Iran in One Chart |
2 |
Here’s what was happening inside the Situation Room as Trump decided his response to Iran |
2 |
Trump visits Asia |
2 |
Kongreska Mareykanka Oo U Codeeyay In La Xadido Awoodda Uu Trump U Leeyahay Dagaal Uu Ku Qaado Iran |
2 |
Türkler Donald Trump’ı güvenilmez buluyor! |
2 |
US trade deficit falls more than expected to hit lowest level since Trump took office – CNBC |
2 |
Twitter-Glosse : Trump heilt Krebs |
2 |
How Trump Threatens the Constitution |
2 |
Detienen a un estadounidense que amenazó con matar a Trump por el asesinato de Soleimani – VisionRDN |
2 |
Trump Run |
2 |
Mark Levin: ‘Appalling’ to watch lawmakers invoke ‘unconstitutional’ War Powers Act against Trump |
2 |
Trump reportedly admitted impeachment played a big role in his Soleimani decision |
2 |
Rich Person’s Resistance in the Trump Administration |
2 |
MURDOCK: Dems Should Can the Wealth Disparity Myth Embrace Trump Economy |
2 |
Vụ hạ sát tướng Soleimani chẳng ảnh hưởng gì đến tiền đồ của ông Trump nhưng sẽ biến Trung Đông thành mớ bòng bong |
2 |
Trump administration hits Iran with new economic sanctions |
2 |
Donald Trump “Keep America Great” rally Toledo Ohio |
2 |
Democrat blames Trump for Iran taking out passenger plane |
2 |
Trump turns to those he has scorned for help on Iran |
2 |
Trump’s’Despicable Lies’ About Obama Admin Shows His’Insecurity’: Rice |
2 |
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wants Trump to Bomb His Way Through the Middle East Without Pesky Interference of Congress |
2 |
Patel: Trump’s Handling Of Iran Deserves Praise |
2 |
Cardi B trashes Trump claims she filed for ‘Nigerian citizenship’ to move out |
2 |
SCHUMER: Trump’s ‘Erratic Reckless’ Foreign Policy ‘Making America Less Safe’ |
2 |
Dem Rep Blames Trump for Iranian Plane Crash |
2 |
Poll: World skeptical Trump will do right in global affairs |
2 |
Trump changes sex to make sure that Hillary could never be the first female President |
2 |
KT McFarland: Trump’s ‘calculated risk’ paid off |
2 |
House approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
2 |
Hạ viện Mỹ ngăn ông Trump gây chiến với Iran |
2 |
Trey Gowdy Shreds Democrats’ Impeachment Case Gives Update On Joining Trump Legal Team After Playing Golf With Trump |
2 |
US House approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
2 |
Democrats would have leaked Soleimani assault plans says Trump |
2 |
Trump Calls Democrats ‘Vicious Horrible People’ at Ohio Rally |
2 |
Trump “le baja” al discurso contra Irán y le “extiende la mano” |
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Almanya Trump’ın ‘nükleer anlaşma’ çağrısını reddetti |
2 |
Trump: Dems would have leaked Soleimani strike |
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Trump’tan İran’da kültürel öneme sahip bölgeler için açıklama |
2 |
Trump Calls Superman a Bad Role Model because He’s an Illegal Alien |
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Geraldo: ‘Appalling’ to distract Trump with ‘impeachment charade’ |
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Trump Tested for Novichok Poison |
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Artist’s Trump claims dismissed suit against Manchester officers proceeds |
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Germany rejects Trump ditching nuclear pact |
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The Energy 202: Trump sends ‘love’ to Australia His response to California’s fires was much more critical |
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FISA Scandal Exploding! Black Folks are Waking Up and Trump Keeps Winning! |
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Trump kirim ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk Kim Jong Un |
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Trump dan Gejolak Politik Paman Sam |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri Kim’e doğum günü tebriği |
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Democrats DEFEND Obama Iran deal in face of Trump jabs |
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Trudeau Grills Trump on Nibiru |
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Iran claims 80 US troops killed in missile attack Trump response cautious |
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Trump tells Toledo rally he ‘saved’ Ethiopia laments he didn’t get the Nobel Peace Prize for it |
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CNN’s Cooper Has A Theory About Stephanie Grisham Secretly Working Against Trump |
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Exclusive: Kimberly Guilfoyle Talks About Her Upbringing Breaking Into TV News And Trump Campaign |
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MSNBC laments huge number of Trump’s conservative judges |
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Trump Warns Mexico to Stop Caravan of Immigrants Headed Toward US |
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‘Nunca amenaces a la nación iraní’: Rouhani responde a Trump |
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Hugh Hewitt says he urged the Trump administration to launch all-out attack on Iran in response to attack against occupied bases in Iraq |
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US House passes resolution to limit Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran |
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In Toledo rally Donald Trump touts killing of top Iranian general |
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FTSE 100 closes a shade higher Trump says Iran appears to be ‘standing down’ after strikes |
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Tổng thống Trump nêu lý do sát hại Tướng Iran Ngoại trưởng Zarif công khai chỉ trích Mỹ |
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Trump now says climate change is ‘serious’ and not ‘a hoax’ |
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House approves resolution aimed at trimming Trump’s power on Iran |
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Iraqi PM Claims Trump Threatened False Flag Attacks on Protesters if He Didnt Accept Oil Deal |
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Official Portrait of Trump Shot on Older Camera than Obama |
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Trump says he and Xi will sign China trade deal |
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Top Sicherheitslage: Lufthansa streicht Stars benutzen verzogene Gören: Harry amp Meghan kassieren zehn Tonnen Müll: Plastikverbot am Mount Bahncards 50 und 25 werden bedeutet die merkwürdige Lichterkette am und offene Stellen: Das sind die Trendberufe Mauerbau: Trump feiert Erfolg vor Trauer um Grease-Star Edd royalem Rücktritt: Wird Meghan jetzt wieder in bekommt neues Gesicht aus dem von mehr als 100 Grad auf der Dorf sieht aus wie in Disney’s genetischer Mutation: Mann aus Indien übersät von über 1000 bei diesen WLAN überraschend reagiert Queen auf Sussex-Pläne |
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CT lawmakers vote to limit Trump’s war-making power |
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Dileme zbog kojih su se dosad ajatolasi i Trump klonili rata |
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Mit Qanon wird Donald Trump ganz offensichtlich von einer ganz besonderen Macht unterstützt mit der er bei der angesagten Trockenlegung des Schattenstaat-Sumpfes siegreich sein wird |
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Un ex-responsable de la présidence écroué après un tweet offensant pour Trump |
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President Trump rallies voters in Ohio |
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Commentary: The Risch Doctrine: What Trump says goes |
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Pompeo walks back comments that appeared to contradict Trump on embassy attacks |
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Trump pushes to secure the border reform US immigration |
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Tension escalates at home abroad as Trump lurches closer to war with Iran |
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Angela Merkel respinge solicitările lui Donald Trump privind renunţarea la Acordul nuclear cu Iranul |
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Donald Trump in the Situation Room after Iran Launches Missiles at |
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Trump Organization Sets Deadline For Buyers Interested In DC Hotel |
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Le fossé sur l’Iran s’est encore creusé entre Trump et l’Europe |
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‘You Little Pencil Neck’: Trump’s Adam Schiff Takedown Had The Crowd Rolling At Toledo Rally |
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Khudbadii Madaxweyne Trump oo Dhameystiran oon Idiin soo Turjunay amp Arimo Xasaasi ah amp Qaabkii ay u dileen Suleymaani amp Isagoo aad ugu Faanay Hubka ay haystaan oo uu sheegay inuu Caalamkaba Burburin karo |
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RAPORTI: Ja çfarë mendimi ka bota për Donald Trump |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua nghị quyết ngăn ông Trump phát động chiến tranh với Iran |
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‘Phase Two’ China trade deal may come after US election: Trump |
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Lula da Silva a Bolsonaro tras su apoyo a EEUU: «Brasil no debería arrodillarse ante Trump» |
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Trump launched strikes against Iran to avenge the murder of a Muslim-American immigrant |
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Trump: una guerra para la reelección |
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Turqia çon kufijtë deri në Kretë Donald Trump nuk i del në krah Greqisë |
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Trump Reacts As US House Limits His Military Action Against Iran |
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Poll Finds Most Countries Do Not Approve To Curb Immigration Of Trump’s Bid |
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World Perspectives Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi More Favorably Compared to Trump: Poll |
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Trump Tarik Diri dari Peluang Perang dengan Iran |
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Cámara baja aprueba limitar acciones Trump |
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Nunes presses FBI for new Trump-Russia document |
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House Of Representatives Votes To Impeach President Trump: What’s Next |
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Trump nu are dreptul să declare război Iranului |
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Trump’ın İran’la savaş yetkilerini sınırlandıran tasarı kabul edildi |
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Email shows Trump’s property not among original G-7 sites |
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US President Donald Trump proposes dramatic overhaul of environmental approval process |
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El peligro de 2020 se llama Donald Trump |
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President Trump Comments on Iran Situation |
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Deranged Democrat blames Trump for Iran shooting down Ukrainian airliner – VIDEO |
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House Passes War Powers Resolution Limiting Trump’s Military Actions Against Iran |
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Trump calls his decision to authorize Soleimani strike ‘bold and decisive’ |
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Trump jadikan pembunuhan Soleimani sebagai tema kampanye |
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Trump sugerează că Soleimani încerca să arunce în aer ambasada SUA |
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These Top Tweets made by Donald Trump Will Make You Guffaw |
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Trump: Tahran’da düşen Ukrayna uçağını İran yanlışlıkla düşürmüş olabilir |
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Trump on Soleimani: We caught a total monster |
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DPR AS hadang Trump berperang dengan Iran |
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Comedians can do better than Donald Trump |
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Trump có thể chờ sau bầu cử mới ký nốt thỏa thuận |
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After the historic vote Trump: Democrats committed political suicide |
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Trump Irak ve İran’ı tehdit ediyor |
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Ataques en Medio Oriente: Trump confirmó que no hubo bajas y que sancionará a Irán |
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Opinion: Trump’s Stonewalling of Impeachment Inquiry Is an Impeachable Offense |
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President Trump’s First Step Act Released Him from Prison After 25 |
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Cámara de Representantes de EEUU limita capacidad de Trump para emprender acciones militares contra Irán |
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Trump afirma que no hubo bajas tras el ataque de Irán |
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House limits Trump war powers against Iran |
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NIGERIA IN TROUBLE See What Donald Trump Tweeted Because He Feels Nigeria Is Supporting Iran |
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Chuck Todd Donald Trump and ‘The Lowest White Man’ |
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‘All is well’: President Trump responds to Iran missile attacks |
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House Judiciary Committee Approves Articles of Impeachment Against Trump |
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REPUBLICANS: Trump Does NOT Care About Abortion PERIOD! |
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The Trump Network |
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Debbie Dingell’s Response to Trump’s Attacks Gets the ‘Both-Sides’ Treatment |
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Man convicted of assault for hitting Trump protester |
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Trump autoriza nuevas sanciones contra Irán en medio de fuertes tensiones con Teherán |
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Homem é preso após ameaçar Donald Trump em vídeo |
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El Impeachment vs Trump |
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President Trump’s Policy Views on Global Warming |
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‘Olavism’ Dictates Brazil’s Stance on US-Iran Crisis Binding Country to Trump |
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Trump Kirim Ucapan Selamat HUT untuk Kim Jong-un |
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No American Was Harmed In Iran’s Missile Attack – Trump |
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Trump proposes sweeping rewrite of environmental regulations |
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Internal Docs Reveal That Trump Admin Will Begin Deporting Mexicans To Guatemala |
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Christians Who Hate Trump |
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Trump kann die ungeheure Macht des Schattenstaates nur dann bezwingen wenn er noch mächtiger noch wissender und noch intelligenter ist |
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Sources: Trump furious over House War Powers vote |
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Trump salue le leadership de Macky |
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Saham Mengalami Peningkatan Setelah Pidato Trump Fed dan Perdagangan Mengambil Fokus |
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Petraeus Says Trump May Have Helped ‘Reestablish Deterrence’ by Killing Suleimani |
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DAAWO: Khudbadii Madaxweyne Trump Oo Dhamaytiran Oo Laturjumay amp Arimo Xasaasi Ah Qaabkii Ay U Dilen Sulemn |
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Trump says ‘all is well’ following Iran missile strike |
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Huawei Will Still Face Some Restrictions Dealing with the US According to Trump’s Economic Advisor |
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La Chambre vote pour limiter le pouvoir militaire de Trump |
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Trump’s Impeachment Hearings: Another Big Nothingburger |
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Impeachment live updates: Senate awaits word from Pelosi on articles of impeachment against Trump |
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Trump pide que Ebrard se quede y Olga Sánchez conserva su cargo |
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Trump’a kötü haber! Azledilme süreci… |
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Trump May Wait Out US 2020 Elections Before Signing Phase 2 China Deal |
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Hạ viện Mỹ ra nghị quyết “trói tay” Tổng thống Trump ngăn gây chiến với Iran |
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Resolución de legisladores limita poderes a Donald Trump |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump Süleymaniʹnin öldürülme sebebini açıkladı |
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Trump Announces Creation of New Religion: Trumpianity |
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Cámara baja de EEUU aprobó resolución para frenar acción militar de Trump contra Irán |
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Kongresi amerikan rezolutë kundër Trump: T’i kufizohen fuqitë për ndërhyrje ndaj Iranit |
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Dólar y petróleo bajan luego del mensaje de Trump |
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Câmara dos Estados Unido limita poder de Trump no uso de força contra Irã |
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Trump touts triumphs in Toledo |
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Resolución legislativa limita a Trump para activar la guerra |
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Trump: Soleimaniho jsme zabili protože se chystal vyhodit do povětří americkou ambasádu |
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Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers are skeptical Trump had the goods on Soleimani demand ‘better lies’ |
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Trump’s Move Against Landmark Environmental Law Caps a Relentless Agenda |
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MSNBC Panel Member Elise Jordan Says Trump Is Unhinged |
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House Passes War Powers Resolution Limiting Trump’s Military Action Against Iran |
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Trump Said GOP Senators Involved in Impeachment Trial Pressured Him on Soleimani |
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Trump invited Soleimani to come and be killed |
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US House approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
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Iranian Diplomat Saeed Jalili Mocks Trump By Tweeting Iranian Flag After Attack On US Troops |
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Trump’ın Ekonomik Terörü |
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Hoppá! Trump csatát nyert épülhet a fal |
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House passes war powers resolution to restrain Trump’s military actions in Iran |
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President Trump may face impeachment: A break down of the process thus far and potential offenses |
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Trump Goes After Iran Slams New Sanctions Against The Country |
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US House votes to limit Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran |
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Army will not restore Special Forces tab of soldier pardoned by Trump |
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Trump Tak Sudi Ambil Risiko Besar Pemerintahan Jokowi Diuntungkan |
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Chomsky: «De Trump podemos esperar una catástrofe indescriptible» |
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Iranian commander dies in US air strikes against Trump |
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Rupiah Libas 3 Dolar Akibat Perdamaian AS-Iran Terima Kasih Mr Trump! |
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House passes measure to restrain Trump knowing it has no power |
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Lima Point Utama Isi Pidato Trump Pasca Serangan Iran |
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Los aranceles de Trump han costado US46000 millones a las empresas de EEUU |
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Sen Mike Lee criticizes Trump administration over ‘insulting and demeaning’ Senate Iran briefing |
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Appeals Court Allows Trump To Divert 36 Billion In Military Funds For Border Wall |
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Trump: İran saldırısında hiçbir Amerikalı hayatını kaybetmedi |
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Trump: Iran ‘Standing Down’ |
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Trump desea feliz cumpleaños al líder norcoreano Kim |
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Không ai rõ sinh nhật ông Kim Jong-un tổng thống Trump vẫn nhớ chúc mừng |
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‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump |
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Donald Trump consideră că NATO ar trebui să se extindă cuprinzând şi ţări din Orientul Mijlociu |
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Twitter’s new reply blockers could let Trump hide critics |
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Trump to Lee: Other people called it ‘best presentation they’ve ever seen’ |
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Price of Antidote for Heroin Overdose Skyrockets as Much As Testifying—America’s Downward Spiral from Clinton to Bush to Trump |
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‘UHVATILI SMO TOTALNO ČUDOVIŠTE I IZVELI GA VAN’ Trump otkrio kakav je točno napad pripremao general Sulejmani: ‘Spasili smo živote’ |
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Trump Video Slamming Obama Over Iran Hasn’t Aged Well |
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Perintahkan Bunuh Soleimani Biden Sebut Trump “Tidak Kompeten dan Berbahaya” |
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US House votes to check Trump on military action against Iran |
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Trump Draft Dodger T Shirts |
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Trump budget chief: Cutting veterans pay isn’t a big deal |
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Trump on Your Phone |
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Trump Administration Starts Deportation Proceedings Against AOC and Omar |
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Family of couple who died protecting their baby receives death threats after meeting with President Trump |
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Trump veut se retirer il est obligé de désamorcer |
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Câmara aprova resolução que freia ações militares de Trump contra o Irã |
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Trump sends North Korea’s Kim birthday greetings |
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Florida security guard threatens to kill Trump to avenge Soleimani says it was just a joke after arrest |
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Trump Bans Use of Arabic Numerals |
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Pete Buttigieg suggests Trump to blame for Iranians shooting down Ukrainian airliner |
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Missile strikes didn’t harm any US Troops: Trump |
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Trump to Sign “Phase One” of China Trade Deal in Mid-January |
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İran Dini Lideri Hamaney’in Trump’ın yüzüne kanlı tokat paylaşımı ABD’yi kızdırdı |
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Stand By Here To Watch President Trump To Address The Nation At 11AM EST |
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La Camera limita i poteri di Trump |
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Những hé lộ về đời tư của con trai cả nhà Tổng thống Trump |
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Trump’s 2020 Challengers Rip GOP Leaders for Maintaining Them Off State Ballots |
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Aprueban resolución para limitar capacidad militar de Trump contra Irán |
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House Approves Resolution Aimed at Limiting Trump’s War Powers |
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Aux États-Unis la Chambre limite les pouvoirs militaires de Trump contre l’Iran |
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‘Ashamed’ Comey weighs calling himself Canadian rips Trump border actions during Ireland visit |
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Trump loves to blame Obama for everything |
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Fact Check: President Donald Trump’s address on Iranian attack |
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Câmara dos EUA aprova resolução que busca limitar poderes de guerra de Trump contra o Irã |
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Evidence Shows Iran Shot Down Ukraine Airliner ‘Somebody Could Have Made a Mistake” Says Trump |
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Did KTLA Punish Anchor Courtney Friel for Publicly Accusing Trump of Harassment |
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Dhoma e Përfaqësuesve i kufizon Trump veprimet ushtarake… |
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Canada put ‘in a tough spot’ by Trump’s shifting rationale for Huawei ban: Heyman |
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GOP leadership ‘shocked’ when Trump loyalist Gaetz cites principles for bucking president on war powers |
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Trump despre uciderea lui Soleimani: Am prins un monstru şi l-am eliminat Am făcut asta pentru că încerca să ne arunce în aer ambasada |
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Cardi B Shows Support for Iranians Calls Trump a ‘Terrorist’ |
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Trump dice que avión ucraniano pudo haber sido derribado por error en Irán |
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Trump zbulon planet e errëta të Soleimanit |
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GRAHAM ON HANNITY: Trump’s Iran Speech On Par With Reagan’s ‘Tear Down This Wall’ |
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Mainstream news organizations repeat Trump’s evidence-free claim about Iran and US embassy |
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Trump says no US troops hurt in strikes Iran’s retaliation only a slap: Khamenei |
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Arizona lawmaker: I’ll ‘gladly’ assist Trump… |
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Trump Backs Black Colleges |
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LIVE: President Trump Homecoming Rally – Sunrise Florida |
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Trump says America doesn’t need Middle East oil It’s not that simple |
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Dearborn Heights Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi pens letter to Donald Trump about attacks in Iran |
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El Congreso de EEUU no autoriza a Trump a usar la fuerza militar |
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Assassinat du général Soleïmani – Comment Israël a piégé Trump |
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Tulsi Gabbard: Trump has gone to war with Iran |
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Trump descarta que el accidente de avión en Irán se debiera a un fallo mecánico |
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Proclaiming Trump victorious in Iran is shortsighted and premature |
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Trump: Democrats Would Have Called ‘The Fake News’ And ‘Leaked’ Plans To Kill Soleimani |
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House Votes to Approve Resolution Restricting Trump’s War Powers in Iran |
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Nixon’s Precedent for Trump: How to Get Away With It |
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Trump’tan Açıklama Geldi |
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Ohio politicians weigh in on Trump rally |
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Trump dice que “todo está bien” después de ataque iraní contra |
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Kent Ingle: Iran conflict illustrates why we have a president War Powers Resolution ties Trump’s hands |
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Tổng thống Trump giết tướng Iran vì họ ‘muốn cho nổ tung Đại sứ quán của chúng tôi’ |
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House Democrats Send Loud ‘No War With Iran’ Message to Trump |
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Iran: un ex-responsable malien écroué après un tweet offensant pour Trump |
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Trump’s telephone diplomacy sends the wrong message to Putin |
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Trump crea expectativas sobre Venezuela: “Manténganse en sintonía” |
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Trump ya no podrá ordenar ninguna acción militar en contra de Irán |
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Pedirán a Trump declarar a Puerto Rico como «zona de desastre» tras sismo |
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Ex-DHS secretary: Trump had authority to take out Soleimani |
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Equal Rights Amendment Clears First Step in Virginia as Trump Administration Declares Effort Dead |
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Trump: NATO-ja të përfshijë edhe vende nga Lindja e Mesme |
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Trump Claims Credit For Drop In Cancer Deaths No Way Says American Cancer Society |
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Pourquoi les médias arabes amp iraniens parlent de 80 morts et 200 blessés tandis que Trump affirme qu’il n’y a aucune victime |
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Things Trump Did While You Weren’t Looking 2019 |
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Trump’s Defense Secretary Finds His Voice in Iran Crisis |
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Trump rallies with 8000 in Toledo |
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Trump warns of sanctions if Iraq tries to expel |
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Boğaz Köprüsünü Silahla Kapatan Adam Tehlike Saçtı: Donald Trump’ı Protesto Ettiğini Söyledi |
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US house to vote on curbing Trump’s power about Iran conflict |
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Trump Iran und Impeachment – gibt es da einen Zusammenhang |
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Trump warns of sanctions if Iraq tries to expel US troops |
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Trump: Farmers should ‘buy larger tractors’ ahead of China trade deal |
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Trump Tells Rally Crowd He’d Do What Hunter Biden Did for ‘Millions of Dollars’ |
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Iran: il est peu probable que Trump nous mène vers une 3e guerre mondiale |
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Última Hora: Donald Trump afastado do cargo de presidente pelo Senado |
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Ông Trump chúc mừng sinh nhật ông Kim Jong-un |
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Trump claims victory over Iran but ruins efforts against ISIS |
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15 Photos From The IranProtests You Will Never See In Our Deranged Anti-Trump Media Caution: Graphic Content |
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Sara Carter Hints How Fmr Obama Officials Are About To Pay For Their ‘White Coup Attempt’ Against Trump |
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Ahli Kesehatan: Mental Trump Berbahaya dan Tidak Normal |
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‘We were ready’ Trump signals at Ohio rally that Soleimani strike will be 2020 issue |
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Donald Trump’ın İran misillemesine karşı yaptığı açıklamalar |
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Trump’a tokatlı mesaj |
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Profiles in Cowardice: Chemicals Climate and a Toxic Disregard by the Trump Administration |
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Supports President Trump’s call for increased NATO involvement |
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Scalise: Dems should back Trump like we backed Obama after Bin Laden |
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Trump Eviscerates Pelosi and Schiff Over Their Reactions to the Hit on Soleimani |
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What the Rebirth of This Old Steel Center Means for Trump |
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200 Rabinos agradecen a Trump por cumplir la “Profecía de Jeremías” |
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Nemţii pun piciorul în prag: Germania respinge apelurile lui Donald Trump privind renunţarea la Acordul atomic cu Iranul |
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Amash: Trump Abused Energy With Soleimani Strike |
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Mídia iraniana disse em 8 de janeiro que Trump foi humilhado e seus soldados “terroristas” mortos |
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Donald Trump has just blown up his goal of isolating Iran |
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14:43 Trump vyhlásil že po znovuzvolení za prezidenta USA dokáže dosiahnuť lepšiu dohodu s Čínou |
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Trump wonders if he should get credit for Ethiopian… |
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Trump is The Most Honest President in Modern History |
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Trump diz que aprovou novas sanções contra o Irã |
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Visto bueno al muro de Trump |
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Biden is Candidate Fit to Competition Trump in Foreign Policy Election |
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Donald Trump reste disponible pour le renforcement de la coopération sénégalo-américaine communiqué |
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Trump floats expanding NATO to add Middle East |
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La Cámara Baja de EEUU saca músculo ante las acciones del presidente Trump en Irán |
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Pro-Life Advocate Shares the Truth about President Trump and VP Pence |
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10/01/2020 USA: La chambre des représentants vote pour limiter l’autorité de Trump à engager la guerre avec l’Iran |
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El mundo respira aliviado luego que Trump alejara el fantasma de guerra |
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Varney: Trump’s ‘explosive economy’ could go higher |
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Trump’tan bomba ‘Kasım Süleymani’ iddiası! |
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Commentary: Economy can work if Trump tax in the Christmas Gospel |
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All is Well So farSo good – Donald Trump Says |
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Trump sends birthday message to Kim Jong-un |
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Video del Supuesto derribamiento por parte de misiles de Irán sobre avión Ucraniano y declaraciones de Trump y Trudeau |
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As Iran tensions smoulder Donald Trump immediately loves allies he berated for 3 years – NEWPAPER24 |
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Hạ viện Mỹ ra nghị quyết hạn chế quyền của Tổng thống Trump chống lại Iran |
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Câmara vota e aprova impeachment de Donald Trump |
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Yes Time to Place a Terror Status on Drug Cartels President Trump |
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Compromise In The Age of Trump: Centrists Are Handing Trump The 2020 Election |
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„Flugzeug abgeschossen“ : Warum Trump Iran keinen Vorwurf macht |
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Xiisadda Mareykanka Iyo Iiraan: Shan Arrimood Oo Laga Fahmay Khudbaddii Trump |
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Trump: İran’da 52 nokta belirledik |
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Remember The Trade Deal China RSVPs For Trump’s ‘Phase One’ Party |
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Sah Wewenang Militer Trump Dibatasi DPR AS |
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Commerce battle deal: How Donald Trump’s hopes of signing ceremony with Xi Jinping have been dashed in turbulent interval – NEWPAPER24 |
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Anti-Trump Republicans target his evangelical base with ‘MAGA Church’ campaign: ‘Beware of false prophets’ |
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Trump Wills White House and Presidency to Daughter Ivanka |
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Câmara dos EUA aprova resolução para limitar ações de Trump contra Irã |
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The Barbarism of Trump |
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2020 US elections … How does it affect Trump’s trial |
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In historic moment US House impeaches Donald Trump for abuse of power |
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Trump assure que « tout va bien » après les frappes de l’Iran contre les États-Unis |
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Trump felicita a Kim Jong-un en su cumpleaños como gesto de distensión |
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Trump promete “forte retaliação” caso Irã contra-ataque |
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4 Programs that Both Obama and Trump Want to Eliminate |
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Justice Dept winds down Clinton-related inquiry once championed by Trump It found nothing of consequence |
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Trump Moves to Limit NEPA Environmental Reviews Erase Climate Change Considerations |
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Trump heaps another 5 tariff on Chinese goods tells US firms to leave China look elsewhere |
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Donald Trump agrees he’s ‘heaven sent’ and Obama ‘kicked Jesus out’ of US |
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Boroughwide — Op-ed: Common Sense – Trump on the job |
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Trump felicita a Kim Jong-un en muestra de simpatía pese a roces |
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Trump needs to be on a short leash as impeachment trial looms |
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Terrorismo de Estado mundial: La sombra detrás de Donald Trump |
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Federal appeals court issues ruling on Trump’s border wall |
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Trump: Satellites launched by Alabama rockets saved lives in Iraq |
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Two Years Later: What Has Trump’s Tax Law Delivered |
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Iraqi Parliament Votes to Remove US Troops From Iraq Trump Threatens With “Very Big Sanctions” |
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Trump impeachment: Pelosi continues to frustrate Republicans as she puts next step on hold – live |
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Trump Süleymani’yi neden öldürdüklerini açıkladı |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua nghị quyết hạn chế quyền lực chiến tranh của TT Trump đối với Iran |
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Iran denies missile downed Ukrainian jetliner Trump slams Dem opposition to Soleimani strike |
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Intelligent Agents Will Trump Bots |
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Why Trump appears when you search for “idiot” |
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LIVE: President Trump Holds Keep America Great Rally |
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Wifi er notorisk usikkert: »Opfør dig som om du altid er på et offentligt i lækket notat: Vi var ansvarlige for Trump-sejr i 2016 |
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Philosophy Time: Why Does Hatred Trump Critical Thinking |
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Trump’tan dikkat çekici Kasım Süleymani iddiası |
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De la discriminación abierta de Donald Trump a la nuestra que no queremos ver |
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Dana Milbank: Trump to America: None of your business |
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Donald Trump se convierte en el primer presidente de EU en pisar Corea del Norte |
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Trump Perlu Kelulusan Kongres Sebelum Serang Iran |
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Sacramento Press Club Hosts ‘How to Beat Trump in 2020’ Event |
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Trump Avrupa’yı uyardı: Türkiye isterse AB’ye 4 milyon mülteci gönderir |
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Did Donald Trump Just Start a War with Iran |
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One Thing Donald Trump JFK and FDR All Have In Common |
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Trump Slams Evangelical Christianity Today Calls It Wrong Name: ‘Won’t Be Reading ET Again’ |
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‘We Need Everyone in the Streets’: More Than 180 Events Planned Across US to Protest Trump’s March to War With Iran |
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Ep 1566 The Trump Episode |
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Trump muốn tái đắc cử mới ký nốt thỏa thuận với Trung Quốc |
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Muslim man who tried to sue President Trump jailed for scamming migrants |
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Chaos and Confusion in Trump Regime Reaching New Theoretical Maximum Don Spews Tidal Wave of Provocations About Cultural Sites Compensation for Iraqi Bases and Toggles Back and Forth About Leaving Iraq Bedlam Infects Military with Letter Mistakenly Sent to Baghdad Government Announcing Departure and Accepted by Lame Duck Premier |
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Iranian Leadership Reported Stunned by Trump’s Disproportional Response to Their Rocket Attacks on US Base Trump Evidently Practicing Nixon-Kissinger Madman Theory to Intimidate Adversaries Iran Well Advised to Delay Retaliation Until After Trump’s Departure Now a Matter of Months |
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WATCH: Omar Accuses Trump of Abusing the Human Rights of Suffering Iranians |
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80 million Dollar Bounty Is Placed on President Trump – Conservative Twins |
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Pete Buttigieg Blames President Trump For Iran Shooting Down Ukraine Airliner |
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US House of Representative approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
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Is Trump more presidential after Iran attack |
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23 states sue Trump to keep California’s auto emission rules |
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Donald Trump confirms death of Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza |
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Donald Trump and how the wealthy find tax loopholes |
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The Five Strangest Things the Religious Right Believes about President Trump |
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Trump Admin ‘Refusal to Answer’ if It Can Assassinate Iran’s Leader Without AUMF Is Appalling: Legal Experts |
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Will Trump’s Iran gambit prove right or wrong |
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Trump annuncia le nuove sanzioni contro l’Iran |
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John Brennan launches angry tweet questioning intel to take out Soleimani calls Trump a ‘liar’ |
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Erdoğan Trump’la görüşmesinin detaylarını anlattı |
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Trump sospecha que Irán derribó el avión ucraniano: Alguien pudo haber cometido un error |
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Qué significan Clinton y Trump para los mercados mundiales |
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Judge Weighs Bid to Stop Trump’s Local Refugee |
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Trump ‘din savaşı’ istiyor! |
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Trump Impeachment causing trouble for Pelosi Democrats |
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Crisis EU-Irán momento oportuno para repensar poderes de guerra de Trump: experto |
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Trump’s Tax Laws: Shocking Impact Confused Americans |
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A great year for Trump |
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Ish drejtuesi ekzekutiv: Po Facebook e ndihmoi Trump të fitonte në… |
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Donald Trump salue le leadership du Président Macky Sall |
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Colombia amp South Florida Fashion amp Textile Industry Rebounds – As Trump’s Trade Tariffs Escalate Today To 250 Billion |
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Suspicion Rising After Trump and Pompeo Choose to Attack Iranian Forces in Iraq Opening Door to Backlash by Pro-Iranian Shiite Militias Now Attacking US Embassy Violation of Iraqi Sovereignty Leads to Crisis in Relations with Baghdad If Goal Was to Strike Iranian Assets Why Not Do So in Syria Where There Are No Diplomatic Ties to Ruin Answer May Lie in Kremlin Return to JCPOA End of Sanctions Urgent Trump Gang Structurally Incapable of Real Diplomacy Troika of Bibi MBS and Boy Wonder Kushner Moving Region Towards War Removal of Trump Is Prerequisite for Peace! |
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Hạ viện Mỹ bỏ phiếu ngăn Trump gây chiến với Iran |
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Full-Scale War Is Avoided And Trump Goes Right Back To Warmongering By Caitlin Johnstone 2 |
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Ieri 21:49 – Trump crede ca NATO ar trebui sa se extinda pentru a include si tari din Orientul Mijlociu |
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De Johnson a Trump: “Impeachment” y RD |
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Senator Mike Lee Calls Trump Administration Iran Briefing “Insulting And Demeaning” |
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Trump aremeza ko Iran ari yo yarashe misile indege yo muri Ukraine |
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Trump era in Middle East: Everything has to be paid for |
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Trump bag facaden : en historie om ambitioner ego penge og magt |
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Trump défend le meurtre de Soleimani en tant que «justice américaine» lors du rassemblement électoral de l’Ohio – Newstrotteur |
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How the Public Feels About Trump’s Iran Strategy by BY GIOVANNI RUSSONELLO |
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DHS is monitoring the apparent hack of a government website that displayed an image of Trump bleeding from his mouth with an Iranian Revolutionary |
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The Regents UCOP and Trump |
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Watch Trump’s Bizarre Sexist Rant About Dishwashers |
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Trump’s Current Golf Outings: 242 |
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WorldUS House votes to curb Trump war power on Iran |
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Today’s Epiphany for 2020: with at Least One Geopolitical Disaster per Month Trump Is an Existential Threat to America’s Future and Must Be Removed from Office Forthwith! |
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Trump gives a brief speech to the Navy locker room |
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American rapper Cardi B is already thinking of becoming a Nigerian after the US President Donald Trump ordered the killing of Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani |
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PILNE! Trump podjął decyzję w sprawie konfliktu z Iranem! „Nasze wojska nie cofną się przed niczym” |
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Why Trump Is The Black Voters’ Clear Choice In 2020 |
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Cardi B Slams President Trump With Really Harsh Words: “He’s A Palvin Posts A Photo With Her Boyfriend From Their ‘Magical Night’ |
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Crypto Community Puts Bitcoin BTC in 409K After Trump’s Tweet |
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Donald Trump: I Demanded Troops Go to Baghdad Embassy Immediately — ‘the Anti-Benghazi’ |
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Cardi B Calls Donald Trump a Terrorist Following Iran Airstrikes |
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But there are also differences that suggest how far Trump is willing to push his individual power |
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EP152 – SECNAV out! Michelle Obama in Trump makes in-roads with Blacks |
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Congreso frena acciones de Trump contra Irán |
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Llueven críticas al comediante George López por bromear sobre la recompensa por la “cabeza” de Trump |
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Ex-Trump aide Bolton ready to testify in impeachment trial |
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White House tries to regroup but Trump isn’t helping |
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Trump permanece públicamente en silencio sobre los terremotos de Puerto Rico pero ha firmado una declaración de emergencia |
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Trump: While we are creating jobs and killing terrorists the Washington Democrats are wasting our time |
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Trump pede à Nasa que envie novamente astronautas americanos à Lua |
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La Cámara Baja de EEUU reivindica su autoridad ante las acciones de Trump en Irán |
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Over the Edge with Donald Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi Says She Will Send Trump Impeachment Articles When She’s Good And Ready |
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Trump Issues New Sanctions After Iran Sent Missiles in General Direction of US Troops |
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Joe Biden Says Trump is ‘Incompetent’ After Iranian Scuffle McConnell Ready to Roll into Senate Trial Despite Democratic Stagnation |
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Americans re: Iran: A Reckless Trump has made us Less Safe and Congress Should Rein him in |
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The worst thing to happen to Puerto Ricans isn’t a hurricane or earthquake It’s Trump |
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Donald Trump confirma que no hubo muertos por el ataque de Irán |
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Trump Calls On Republicans to Stand Up to Pelosi |
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Ako sa Trump rozhodol zabiť generála Jastrab Pompeo ho k tomu tlačil už mesiace |
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As Congress votes to limit his war powers Trump supporters offer their full-throated support for his Iran strategy |
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Booker: Trump Impeachment Is Bad For Me |
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Trump administration to gut National Environmental Policy Act regulations |
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Commemorative Trump Playing Cards |
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Deepfaker gooit koter-Trump en mama Putin in een gemaakt amp Contact |
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NYT: Trump ignored intense opposition to withhold Ukraine aid |
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Trump: ‘Birileri hata yapmış olabilir’ |
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Aprueban Representantes de EU limitar posible ataque de Trump a Irán |
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Trump fez o contrário do que Woodrow Wilson fez na Primeira Guerra Mundial |
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Trump Asking NATO to Become More Involved With Middle East |
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Trump-District Democrat Draws Red Line At Soleimani |
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Brett Kavanaugh is Facing One Choice That Could End Trump’s Presidency |
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Rabbi links Pres Trump to King David says he is preparing |
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With 176 Dead Does Trump Understand Consequences Yet |
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Trump Uses Campaign Rally to Trumpet Soleimani Killing as ‘Justice’ |
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Trump Fails to Quash Defamation Lawsuit |
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Ivanka Trump Secures Prestigious Shabbos Goy Award from Adelson Crime Family! |
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How the Trump Tax Cuts Have Helped Ohio |
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America’s Great Divide: Obama to Trump |
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As Tensions Betwen Iran Vs USA Mounts What Will Trump Do Next |
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El presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump ini |
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Russians Think Soleimani Was Great and Trump’s a Big Loser |
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Trump’tan Erdoğan’a sürpriz teklif! ABD Meclis üyeleri çıldıracak |
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Psychiatrist Warning: Trump Is ‘Bringing Out Pathological Elements In His Supporters’ |
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At Trump’s First Campaign Rally Of 2020 He Defends Killing Of Iranian Military Leader |
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Letter 1/10: People didn’t elect Trump |
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US Japan have agreed in principle on trade deal say Trump and Abe |
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Naice Zulo Liga Para Presidente Donald Trump e Suger o JLO Para Ajudar Na Briga Contra Irã |
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Iran yalianzisha yashambulia kambi za Trump |
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DOJ Clinton Probe That Trump Desired Has Reportedly Found ‘Nothing Worth Pursuing’ |
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Trump l-a felicitat pe Kim Jong-un cu ocazia zilei de naștere cu toate că |
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IMPEACHMENT: Is Fancy Nancy Holding Articles Until Trump Is Re-Elected |
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Trump Rolls On Bernie Wins In Michigan Cruz Hangs On amp Rubio Shut Out |
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Önfeladás mesterfokon: az iráni tömeggyilkost dicsőíti a nyugati liberális média miközben Trump erővel őrizné meg a békét |
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With Donald Trump’s Inauguration Demands and Price of Gold May Rise Significantly |
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House Approves Resolution to Restrain Trump’s Military Actions Against Iran |
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Trump’tan Kuzey Kore liderine doğum günü mesajı! |
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Is it time to put the Baby Trump blimp to bed |
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My friends used to call me ‘Don’: Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Flavor Ban a Big Mistake |
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Ambassadeur du Sénégal aux États-Unis Mansour Élimane Kane reçu par Trump |
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House votes on impeachment of President Trump |
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La Cámara de Representantes de EEUU aprueba una resolución que limita las acciones militares de Trump contra Irán |
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Trump recebe prêmio de “Coragem pela Vida” ao combater o aborto nos Estados Unidos |
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İhsan Çaralan: Trump ‘Amerikan barışı’ dayatıyor |
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Trump Task Force’s Push for USPS Privatization Fuels Formation of New Anti-Privatization Coalition |
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Irán ofrece 80 millones de dólares por la cabeza de Donald Trump |
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Letter 1/10: Trump backed Iran into corner |
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Think Capone When It Comes to Trump’s Impeachment |
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Do you believe that Trump’s strike killing Iranian General Soleimani will be proven right or wrong |
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Trump ou l’Évangile la quadrature du cercle des évangéliques américains |
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Trump’s move on Iran was madness |
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Sisters Stand with LCWR Letter to President Trump |
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Irán strieľal aby netrafil A Trump to pochopil10 705 |
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Procès en destitution de Trump: la chef des démocrates fait durer l’attente |
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Democrats decry ‘broken promises’ ahead of Trump’s Toledo campaign rally |
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Sujeto amenazó con matar a Trump durante transmisión en vivo |
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Según el Gobierno de Irán hay alrededor de 80 muertos La Casa Blanca lo desmintió Se espera la respuesta de Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Approval Rating Among Terrorists Hits All-Time Low – Stats |
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Trump’s Response To Baghdad Embassy Riots Are A Re-election Strategy Video |
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Estos son los sitios culturales de Irán que peligran si Trump cumple sus amenazas |
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GOP Senator Calls White House ‘Cavalier’ About The Constitution Backs Curbs on Trump |
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Matamos a Soleimani porque planeaba volar embajada de EU en Irak: Trump |
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Appeals Court Rules Trump Can Use Nearly 4 Billion in Military Funds for Border Wall |
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Trump lobs harsh words hours after Dems act on Iran |
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Donald Trump in the Situation Room after Iran Launches Missiles at US Forces in |
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Letter: Is Trump serviing US or Israel |
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Pak PM Imran Khan set to meet Donald Trump in New York |
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Will meet PM Modi Imran soon: Trump |
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38 Hilarious Things That Look Just Like Donald Trump’s Magical Hair |
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Prediksi Alasan Trump Akhiri Konfrontasi Militer dengan Iran |
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Bolsonaro faz live assistindo ao pronunciamento de Trump pela Globo |
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Press Watch: Here’s the crucial context every article on Trump and Iran should include |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua nghị quyết giới hạn hành động của TT Trump với Iran |
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Trump: İran hiçbir zaman bir savaşı kazanmadı |
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Trump to create American AI Initiative with executive order |
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Find out if your retirement could be affected by trump’s tax laws! |
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Ivanka Trump: Executives Must Train Americans Before Immigrants |
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Trump sends birthday message to Kim via South Korea’s national security adviser |
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New Trump Proposal Could Overhaul Landmark Environmental Regulations |
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Celebra Trump aval para fondear el muro fronterizo |
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President Trump spends Christmas in Florida as impeachment trial looms |
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Trump uses campaign rally to trumpet Soleimani killing as ‘justice’ |
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Ini Dua Kesalahan yang Bikin Trump Dimakzulkan |
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Did Trump Just Give Bloomberg the Keys to the Whitehouse |
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Trump gọi chiến tranh thương mại với Trung Quốc là ‘cãi |
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Trump promises ‘more good news is coming’ for those who have ‘made a |
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L’Iran offre 80 millions de dollar pour tuer Trump selon The Mirror |
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‘Türkiye’de en az güvenilen lider Trump en çok güvenilen lider Putin’ |
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Environnement : Donald Trump dérégulateur en chef |
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Baloch Sindhi Pashto groups gather in Houston to seek help from Modi Trump |
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Secret intelligence amp ‘highly likelys’: How media created narrative around Tehran jet crash to blame Iran Russia and Trump |
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Cámara de Representantes de EEUU busca limitar acciones de Trump contra Irán |
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Trump suggests Iran downed Ukrainian airliner potentially by accident |
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What You Need to Know About Donald Trump’s Business Empire |
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Donald Trump Jr |
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Over 120 US military construction projects to be hurt by Trump’s border wall funding |
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Biden vows to defy any subpoena for Trump’s Senate impeachment trial |
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Trump : «l’Iran semble céder» après une pluie de missiles |
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Democrats promise action against Trump NEPA overhaul |
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GAG: Woman 59 Tossed Bucket Of Human Waste In Landlord’s Face Cops Jail For Dope Who Spit On Trump Supporter |
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Trump says he deserves Nobel Peace Prize not Abiy Ahmed |
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Why does the Republican Party exist Mainly to clean up Donald Trump’s messes |
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DARLING: Trump Should Keep His Promise To Leave Iraq Afghanistan |
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Two Years Ago Trump Slashed Corporate Taxes He Just Did It Again Video |
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Ông Trump tiết lộ nguyên nhân sát hại tướng Iran |
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Cardi B arremete contra Trump y lo llama “terrorista” |
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Atsargiai: už trumpą kelionę Vilniaus taksistui sumokėjo kosminę kainą 45 |
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House passes war powers resolution in effort to restrict Trump’s actions against Iran |
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Trump might stop cost-sharing reduction payments What would that mean |
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Convocado a juicio por presunto abuso sexual a su de EEUU autoriza a Trump a usar USD 3600 millones para el muro fronterizo |
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Trump mégis építhet határfalat a katonai gyújtották fel az ENSZ létesítményeit Nigerben |
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Watch live: House votes on war powers resolution limiting Trump actions in Iran |
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Trump ameaça atingir 52 alvos iranianos um para cada refém |
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Biden defends Obama despite lack of endorsement tells Trump to ‘stop blaming’ him |
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Protesters criticize Trump strike on Iranian general |
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House votes to limit Trump’s war powers in Iran |
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Trump Is In A Worse Position With North Korea Than Obama Was At The Start Of The Iran Talks |
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WATCH: Trump rally LIVE |
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Trump ska hindras från angrepp mot Iran |
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Obama’s ‘Kill List’ Compared to Trump’s Action OPINION |
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Awooda Madaxweyne Trump u leeyahay inuu weeraro Iran oo la xadiday |
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Sen Bernie Sanders slams Trump as ‘pathological liar’ – NBC News |
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Celebrities Weigh In On Impeachment Of Donald Trump |
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Trump has Europeans caught in a trap |
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John Kerry Mourns: Trump Ruined Iran DealShrugs Off Capture of US Sailors |
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Crise iranienne : le puits sans fond des sanctions économiques de Donald Trump |
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Devin Nunes: ‘Republicans have an active investigation into IG Trump to Iran: If you retaliate we will hit you ‘very fast and |
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We Posted A “Fck Trump” Embroidery Hoop And People Asked Us To Die |
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Trump returns to Washington to face a pair of |
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How to Make Real Progress Against Trump’s Incivility |
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Florida Man Accused Of Threatening President Trump On Facebook |
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Cosmo’s Dunk Team to Mediate Peace Talks Between Iran Trump |
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Nucléaire iranien: Berlin rejette l’appel de Trump à quitter manifestation nationale contre la réforme des retraites |
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Trump përshëndet vendimin e gjykatës për murin kufitar SHBA-Meksikë |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan flaş İran açıklaması |
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Stock Market Performs Better Under Trump |
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Trump’ın İran’la savaş yetkilerini sınırlandıran tasarı kabul edildi |
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Trump Tweets |
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Barack Obama Has One 2020 Ace In the Hole That Gave Trump a Sleepless Night |
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Trump dumps Russia woos China instead |
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Bloomberg and Trump Buy Super Bowl Ads at 10 Million Each |
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Trump grants clemency to 2 Army officers restores rank to Eddie Gallagher |
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Caída histórica del peso mexicano ante el triunfo de Donald Trump |
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Activist Told by Biden to ‘Vote for Trump’ Joins Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Campaign |
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Trump Makes ‘409K’ Trend After Bizarre Tweet |
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Israel Boycott Proponent Ilhan Omar Condemns Trump for Boycotting Iran |
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Chris Cuomo Rips Every Lawmaker Who Voted Against Limiting Donald Trump’s War Powers |
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President Trump and the Shalva Band at the Israeli American Council National Summit |
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Modi made aggressive remarks at the “Howdy Modi” event says Trump with Imran Khan beside |
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US House Votes To Curb Trump’s Powers To Wage War Against products |
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Trump Fails to Quash E Jean Carrolls Defamation Suit |
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Trump’s WagTheDog Operation Designed to Help His Own Sagging Political Fortunes at Cost of Ousting US and Allies from Iraq Ending of Anti-ISIS Counterinsurgency Mission and Giving Free Rein to Iran Nuclear Program |
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The Ten Reasons I Would Never Ever Vote for a Democrat — and It Has Nothing to Do With Trump Article |
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Trump 180’s Obama’s Policies to Actually Help Religious Minorities in the Middle East Announces 50M in Emergency Aid to Help Christians |
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Massive President Trump MAGA-KAG Rally Toledo OH – 7:00pm Livestream… |
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Viewpoint: In the face a gene-editing revolution President Trump should push for moratorium on human germline editing |
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Källor: Trump kände sig pressad att döda Soleimani |
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In Toledo Trump to Hold 1st Campaign Rally of 2020 |
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US Speaker announces vote to limit Trump’s war-making power against Iran |
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US officials: ‘Highly likely’ Iran downed Ukrainian of people in 33 countries outside US don’t trust President Trump Pew survey finds |
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Trump: We had to make a decision We didn’t have time to call up Nancy who is not operating with a full deck |
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Fallo judicial autoriza al presidente Trump continuar con la construcción del muro |
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EE UU: Cámara baja aprueba limitar acciones de Trump con Irán |
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President Trump’s Sanctions on Iran: What We Know So Far |
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Trump se vante d’avoir fait baisser le taux de cancer et se fait recadrer |
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Une résolution pour limiter le pouvoir de Trump contre l’Iran |
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“No fui yo que la maté” dice Franklin Fernández implicado en la muerte de Yaneisy Rodríguez de legisladores limita poderes a Donald Trump |
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How would you grade President Trump’s handling of the Iran situation |
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Judge denies Trump effort to stop columnist defamation suit |
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Trump anuncia sanciones económicas a Irán tras ataque a tropas en Irak dice que no hay fallecidos |
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Ankedomstol lar Trump |
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House’s war powers vote aimed at curbing Trump’s Iran options is non-binding |
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Trump applauds his administration for lower cancer deaths but Obama actually deserves the credit |
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‘That’s a low gutter type of response’: GOP critic of Trump Iran policy slams Graham for calling him unpatriotic |
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Trump Administration Finalizes Approval for Drilling and Fracking California Parks Schools Reservoirs and Nature Preserves |
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I have saved the country so I should get Nobel prize: US president Donald Trump |
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Dubious DOJ ‘Review’ Of Clinton That Trump Pushed Ends With A Whimper |
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Deg Deg Khasaaraha Dhabta ah ee Gaadhay Ciidanka Mareykanka ee Iran Duqeysay amp Madaxweyne Trump oo Markii Ugu Horeysey ka Hadlay |
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Trump varuje: Odveta USA za íránský útok bude asi nepřiměřená |
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House Passes War Powers Resolution to Restrain Trump Regime on Iran |
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President Trump addressed the nation today Thoughts |
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Bolton Trump’s former adviser warns of North Korea’s ‘imminent’ threat |
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House of Representatives Expected to Officially Vote Today on Trump Ubicación: |
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Donald Trump: Apple sẽ xây 3 nhà máy lớn ở Mỹ |
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Seth Meyers: Congress Votes to Limit Trump’s War Powers After His Iran Lies |
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Targeting IranHouse Votes to Stop Trump From Attacking Iran |
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Trump eviscerates Pelosi Schiff |
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Trump: “NATO Ortadoğu’ya genişlesin adı da ‘NATO-ME’ olsun” |
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Trump’s personal assistant fired after comments about Ivanka Tiffany |
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Imran rakes up Kashmir Trump offers to mediate |
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Trump House Democrats Reach Agreement on USMCA Trade Deal |
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Nicolás Maduro Contra Donald Trump |
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Cámara Baja pone freno a acciones militares de Trump |
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Irák prosí USA: Stáhněte své vojáky Trump to odmítá a chce peníze |
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Iran Puts 80m Bounty On Donald Trump’s Head And Threatens To Attack The White House |
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American man Arrested for threatening to kill Trump over the death of Iranian General |
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Duel Jaromíra SoukupaKlaus ml: Trumpův krok považuji za státní bilanceČeská národní banka loni zvýšila zisk |
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Der Sturm hat begonnen: Qanon eine geheimnisvolle Macht hinter Trump |
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Trump Goes 0-for-2 This Week in New York Defamation Lawsuits |
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Infrastrukturprojekte: Trump will Umweltschutzvorschriften weiter aufweichen |
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Ready for First Lady Trump |
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Court Allows Trump To Use 36 Billion In Military Funds To Build Border Barriers |
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Trump Boasts Iranian General’s Death Was ‘American Justice’ Pokes Fun Of Pelosi And Schiff |
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Erdoğan ve Trump’ın Samimiyeti Şaşırttı! |
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Trump’tan Kasım Süleymani iddiası |
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Cmdr of IRGC Aerospace Force: Killing Pres Trump… Wouldn’t Be Enough to Avenge Soleimani’s Blood… |
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Dodgy development deal in Georgia exposes Trump to legal risk |
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¡Trump dispuesto a volar el mundo antes de febrero! |
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Joe Walsh becomes second Republican to challenge Trump for White House |
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Trump kao Aleksandar Veliki |
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NYT Iran Bashing Following Trump’s Act of War |
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US House Votes To Limit Trump War Powers On Iran |
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10 Ways Trump’s Actions Against Iran Hurt Americans and the Region By Medea Benjamin |
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Pelosi to Push Bill Limiting Trump’s Power in Confrontation with Iran Now Over |
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Atividades que mais das turbulências externas inflação deve continuar dentro da iraniano ignora moderação de Trump e mantém promessa de vingança |
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Attorney General Daniel Cameron files paperwork to put President Trump on Kentucky ballot |
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Trump administration moves to change landmark environmental law l ABC News |
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CNN’s Acosta Makes UNFORGIVABLE Iran/Trump Comment on Live TV NOBODY Will EVER Forgive him For |
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Week in Review: Trump Threatens Iran’s Cultural |
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Trump lanza un vídeo para mostrar la violencia en los videojuegos |
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Welcome Poems Trump Hate |
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President Trump addresses nation about Iran and recent events |
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Trump pidió al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU una reunión urgente por que el joven torturado fue «entregado como ofrenda» |
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OPINION: Me “Hackearon” PRM teme PLD maniobre contra votaciones en el RICO: Gobernadora pedirá a Trump declare la isla zona de desastre |
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Trump csapássorozattal fenyegeti Iránt |
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លោកស៊ី៖ Lam Trump សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា FUGI ន |
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US House passes resolution limiting Trump’s war powers against Iran |
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Incompetency rampant in Trump’s White House |
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Trump target Africans to face more us visa restrictions |
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President Trump Declares “Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon” |
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President Trump Declares “Iran will never be allowed to have a |
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Donald Trump says no Americans harmed in attack by Iran offers peace with Tehran |
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Ra đòn bất ngờ ông Trump sẵn sàng ‘chơi tất tay’ với Trung Quốc |
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Donald Trump’s Worst Deal |
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Trump GOP have turned Ohio into a red state stronghold because Democrats have abandoned working-class Americans |
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Who’s Next Trump Crossed a Line with Soleimani’s Assassination |
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One court just handed Donald Trump the win he waited his whole Presidency for |
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Watch: Never aired Donald Trump interview from 1980 |
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Why it matters that trust in Trump is so low |
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Trump has appointed judges at a breakneck speed More are coming |
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Federal court lifts stay on Trump’s border wall funds |
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Cámara de Representantes de EEUU aprueba resolución que limita a Trump |
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Timeline of Senate Clinton Impeachment as it relates to Trump |
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House Votes To Limit Trump’s War Power On Iran |
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Left Blames President Trump For Iran’s Decision To Shoot Down A Passenger Plane |
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BREAKING: Trump Speaks Out After Court Approves 36 Billion for Wall |
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Nigdy się nie poddawaj! Receptura sukcesu Donald Trump – PRZEDSPRZEDAŻ – audiobook – Meredith McIver Donald J Trump |
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MOCK Q481- WILL BE UPLOADED ON 4TH january 2020 MOCK Q480 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following is/are the long term FPIs Foreign Portfolio Investors A Sovereign Wealth Funds OnlyB Pension Funds OnlyC Sovereign Wealth Funds Endowment Funds Insurance Funds Pension FundsD Sovereign Wealth Funds Insurance Funds Pension FundsAns CMarkets regulator the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI on 29 March 2016 decided to increase the Foreign Portfolio Investors FPI investment limit in Central Government securities This will boost inflows of foreign funds into Indian capital marketsThe limit for long term FPIs Sovereign Wealth Funds Multilateral Agencies Endowment Funds Insurance Funds Pension Funds and Foreign Central Banks in the Central Government securities will be enhanced to 50000 crore rupees from 4 April 2016 and 56000 crore rupees on 5 July 2016 Currently the existing limit is 44100 crore rupees for long term FPIs MOCK Q479 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Fertile Crescent sometimes seen in news A It is the Rajasthan’s state fertile soil that provides food amp firewood to support rural economyB It is the confluence of different biogeographical zones that is very rich in species diversityC It is a tree species found in a part of south India that can serve as a safety hedge against coastal calamitiesD It is an ancient area of fertile soil amp vital rivers in the middle eastAns DFertile Crescent : It is an ancient area of fertile soil amp vital rivers in the middle east-Initiative of UN’s Food amp Agriculture Organisation amp University of Birmingham’s school of Biosciences MOCK Q478 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following statements is/are correct with respect to the Angel Fund 1 It has been launched very recently under which the first generation entrepreneurs can get a maximum loan of 5 lakh rupees at 5 interest pa2 The loan will have a moratorium period of maximum 9 months during which no interest rates will be charged Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DIt has been launched in 2013 by Assam Chief Minister under which the first generation entrepreneurs can get a maximum loan of 5 lakh rupees at 5 interest paThe loan will have a moratorium period of maximum 10 months during which no interest rates will be charged MOCK Q477 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the Equity Index consider the following statements :1 It was launched in collaboration with the world bank which will help raise funds for products seeking to mitigate climate change2 It is the first equity Index linked with the Green BondSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CEquity Index :BNP PAIBAS on 18 sep 2014launched this indexIt was launched in collaboration with the world bank which will help raise funds for products seeking to mitigate climate changeIt is the first equity Index linked with the Green Bond MOCK Q476 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Maharaja Bonds to develop the infrastructure for the domestic capital markets has been issued by which of the following organization A World BankB Asian Development BankC World Bank GroupD Asian Infrastructure Investment BankAns AMaharaja Bonds to develop the infrastructure for the domestic capital markets has been issued by World Bank MOCK Q475 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the Minsk agreement consider the following statements :1 This agreement was based on 11 point peace plan that included the release of hostages 2 The agreement was brokered by the WTO World Trade OrganisationSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThis agreement was based on 12 point peace plan that included the release of hostages The agreement was brokered by the Organisation for security amp cooperation in Europe OSCEUkraine amp pro-Russian rebels agreed on ceasefire agreement called Minsk agreement MOCK Q474 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ A report titled scientific assessment of Ozone depletion revealed that the ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades The report has been prepared by which of the following organizations A UNEP amp WMOB Green Climate FundC UNDP amp UNEPD Global environment FacilityAns AA report titled scientific assessment of Ozone depletion revealed that the ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades The report has been prepared by UNEP United Nation Environment Programme amp WMO World Meteorological Organisation MOCK Q473 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which of the following given Inclusive Development Index ranking to the countries of the world A World Economic ForumB World Health OrganisationC UN Human Rights CouncilD UNDPAns AThe Inclusive Development Index IDI is an annual economic index introduced by the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Economic Progress in 2017 The IDI ranks countries’ economic performance in three pillars: growth and development inclusion and intergenerational equity and sustainability The IDI is a project of the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on the Future of Economic Progress which aims to inform and enable sustained and inclusive economic progress through deepened public-private cooperation through thought leadership and analysis strategic dialogue and concrete cooperation including by accelerating social impact through corporate action MOCK Q472 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ In order to join Euro currency a country must fulfill which of the following conditions 1 Government debt no higher than 70pc of GDP2 Budget deficit below 3pc of GDP3 Low Inflation amp Interest rates Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 3D 123Ans BGovernment debt no higher than 60pc of GDPBudget deficit below 3pc of GDPLow Inflation amp Interest rates MOCK Q471 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following has released a report titled “ Environmental Crime Crisis A Bombay Natural History Society B World Wildlife FundC Birdlife InternationalD UNEP United nation Environment ProgrammeAns D MOCK Q470 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following has published a report titled “Mysterious Mekong” mentioning the discoveriesof new exotic species in Greater Mekong Region A Bombay Natural History Society B World Wildlife FundC Birdlife InternationalD UNEP United nation Environment ProgrammeAns BWorld Wildlife Fund has published a report titled “Mysterious Mekong” mentioning the discoveriesof new exotic species in Greater Mekong Region MOCK Q469 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to ATOMEXPO an International Forum for nuclear power industry consider the following statements :1 It is an initiative of Russia’s state Nuclear Energy Corporation 2 First ATOMEXPO was held in 2009 to define the place amp role of nuclear generation in 21st century Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrect Ans CAtomexpo is a major communication company providing the whole spectrum of services in field of congress-exhibition management event-industry and business presentations worldwideAtomexpo LLC is in the market of communication services since 2009 The company is arranging the business events conducted by State Corporation Rosatom and the companies of the nuclear sector of the Russian industry as well as by the bodies of the RF executive authorities and international companies The company portfolio contains over 500 successfully led projects both in Russia and abroad MOCK Q468 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the GSAT 7 consider the following statements :1 Payload of the GSAT 7 is designed to provide communication capabilities to users in distant coastal regions2 Its solar arrays generate 2100 W of electric powerSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DGSAT 7:-Payload of the GSAT 7 is designed to provide communication capabilities to users in distant oceanic regions- Its solar arrays generate 2900 W of electric power MOCK Q467 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following factors is/are considered for cataloging the specimens in the bio Banks 1 Blood type2 Cornea of the eyes3 Hair cells of the human beingsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 1Ans DA biobank is a type of biorepository that stores biological samples usually human for use in research Since the late 1990s biobanks have become an important resource in medical research supporting many types of contemporary research like genomics and personalized medicineBiobanks give researchers access to data representing a large number of people Samples in biobanks and the data derived from those samples can often be used by multiple researchers for cross purpose research studies For example many diseases are associated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms and performing genome-wide association studies using large collections of samples which represent tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals can help to identify disease biomarkers Many researchers struggled to acquire sufficient samples prior to the advent of biobanksBiobanks have provoked questions on privacy research ethics and medical ethics While viewpoints on what constitutes appropriate biobank ethics diverge consensus has been reached that operating biobanks without establishing carefully considered governing principles and policies could be detrimental to communities that participate in biobank programsVirtual biobanks integrate epidemiological cohorts into a common poolVirtual biobanks allow for sample collection to meet national regulationsTissue banks harvest and store human tissues for transplantation and research As biobanks become more established it is expected that tissue banks will merge with biobanksPopulation banks store biomaterial as well as associated characteristics such as lifestyle clinical and environmental data MOCK Q466 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQWhich among the following is/are the applications of the Deep UV Laser device 1 Deep UV light can be used to sterilize bacteria amp Viruses decontaminate drinking water amp in fluorescence sensors to detect chemicals 2 Significant improvement in the ability to inspect microchips with solid state metrology3 Improved detection of airborne chemical amp biological agents Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DAll of the above are the applications of the Deep UV Laser device MOCK Q465 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Peace Arc sometimes seen in news A It is an international treaty to change the functioning of the European Union which must be ratified by atleast 3/4th member states of the European Union B It is a voluntary initiative that seeks to increase the maritime cooperation amongst navies of the littoral states of the Indian Ocean regionC It is the Chinese navy hospital ship to provide free medical services to people of BangladeshD It is a multilateral energy security cooperation treaty amongst the members of the East Asia SummitAns CThe ship was launched in 2007 with the stated intention of giving China a platform to provide a better means to providing quicker humanitarian response to disasters around the world but others contend it also allows China to extend the navy’s blue water capabilitiesOn 1 September 2010 the hospital ship embarked on a three-month Harmonious Mission 2010 to the Gulf of Aden with a total of 428 officers including 100 medical workers En route she visited and provided medical treatment to the local people of Djibouti Tanzania Kenya the Seychelles and BangladeshDuring Harmonious Mission 2011 Peace Ark visited Cuba Costa Rica Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago the first Chinese voyage to the Caribbean MOCK Q464 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term SEEDS PROJECT sometimes seen in news A It is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Environment amp Forests to conserve nature through action based research education amp public awarenessB It is a Tree Campaign launched by UNEP of planting 1 billion trees in 2007C It is a non-profit research research organization that focuses on management of water amp land resources enhancing food security amp reducing povertyD It is a project which directly captures the images of extra solar planets amp protoplanetary disks around thousands of nearby stars Ans DThe SEEDS Project• This discovery is the part of Strategic Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru SEEDS project It is a project which directly captures the images of extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks around thousands of nearby stars by making use of Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea Hawaii• SEEDS is a 5-year project which started off in the year 2009• SEEDS is led by Motohide Tamura at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan NAOJ• Imaging done under this project provides an insight into the orbit atmosphere temperature and luminosity of the planet However the planets are very faint and extremely close to their host stars which is why it is extremely difficult to capture them• The SEEDS project captures the images at near-infrared wavelengths by making use of the novel adaptive optics system of telescope and two instruments: the High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics and the InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph The combination of these enables the team to capture the direct images towards fainter planets MOCK Q463 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ H7N9 virus is sometimes mentioned in news with reference to which of the following disease A Bird fluB DengueC Swine FluD AIDSAns AH7N9 virus is referred with Bird flu MOCK Q462 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following areas have been focused under the Greenpeace campaigns 1 Oceans2 Forests3 Nuclear reactors4 Genetically modified foods5 VegetarianismSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1245B Only 12 amp 4C 1234D All are correctAns CVegetarianism has not been focused under the Greenpeace campaignsThe following areas have been focused under the Greenpeace campaigns 1 Oceans2 Forests3 Nuclear reactors4 Genetically modified foods MOCK Q461 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements :1 Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights2 Amnesty International operates in India with headquarters in Bangalore Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CAmnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rightsAmnesty International operates in India with headquarters in Bangalore MOCK Q460 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements about International Committee of Red Cross :1 ICRC was established in 19th century in GenevaSwitzerland2 International Committee of the red cross was awarded the nobel prize in 1917 1944 1963 – on the third occasion jointly with the League of Red Cross societies3 Red cross society was found to protect the human life amp health from the war hostilitiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 3D 123Ans DAll are correct Just memorize it MOCK Q459 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements:1 Human Development Index for any nation is calculated as geometric mean of life expectancy Index Education Index amp Income Index2 Life expectancy index in HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years amp a minimum value of 85 yearsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CHuman Development Index for any nation is calculated as geometric mean of life expectancy Index Education Index amp Income IndexLife expectancy index in HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years amp a minimum value of 85 years MOCK Q458 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following releases World Press Freedom Index A Institute for Economics and PeaceB Oxfam InternationalC Reporters Without BordersD World Economic ForumAns CThe 2019 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders RSF shows how hatred of journalists has degenerated into violence contributing to an increase in fear The number of countries regarded as safe where journalists can work in complete security continues to decline while authoritarian regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media MOCK Q457QWhich one of the following plants is popularly grown along the road for absorbing vehicular pollutantsA NeriumB NeemC BourgainvilleaD CallotropisAns CThe vine species grow anywhere from 1 to 12 m 3 to 40 ft tall scrambling over other plants with their spiky thorns They are evergreen where rainfall occurs all year or deciduous if there is a dry season Bougainvillea are popular ornamental plants in most areas with warm climates such as Florida and South Carolina and across The Mediterranean Basin MOCK Q456Q Which of the following statements correctly denotes Bio-fortification A Enrichment of the nutrient quality of the soil using biological agentsB Breeding crops to increase their nutritional valuesC Inrcrease of organo-metallic compounds in the organism through energy flow in an ecosystemD Adoption of genetic variable plants for breeding of high yielding plants Ans BBiofortification is the idea of breeding crops to increase their nutritional value This can be done either through conventional selective breeding or through genetic engineering Biofortification differs from ordinary fortification because it focuses on making plant foods more nutritious as the plants are growing rather than having nutrients added to the foods when they are being processedThis is an important improvement on ordinary fortification when it comes to providing nutrients for the rural poor who rarely have access to commercially fortified foods2 As such biofortification is seen as an upcoming strategy for dealing with deficiencies of micronutrients in low and middle-income countries In the case of iron WHO estimated that biofortification could help curing the 2 billion people suffering from iron deficiency-induced anemia MOCK Q455 Q4 What is a major use of Allethrin A In household insecticidesB In glass manufactureC In steel manufactureD In paints amp varnishesAnsA MOCK Q454 Q Custom duty on non-edible oils has been reduced to encourage soaps amp oleochemicals What are Oleochemicals 1 These are the chemicals derived from the Plant products2 They are analogous to petrochemicals derived from petroleumWhich among the above are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BThese are the chemicals derived from the Plant products amp animal fats MOCK Q453 Q Who among the following are not the members of the Arab League 1 Chad 2 Israel3 South Sudan4 Libya5 OmanWhich among the above is/are correct A 345B Only 1 amp 2C 125D All are the members Ans BThe Arab League was founded in Cairo in 1945 by Egypt Iraq Lebanon Saudi Arabia Syria Transjordan Jordan from 1946 and Yemen North Yemen later combined Yemen There was a continual increase in membership during the second half of the 20th century with additional 15 Arab states and 4 observers being admitted MOCK Q452 Q4 Which of the following is superimposed international boundary A USA –Mexico boundaryB India-Pakistan boundary along Jammu amp KashmirC 38th North parallel boundary between North amp south KoreaD Chile-Argentina boundary along AndesAns BA superimposed boundary is a boundary that has been imposed on an area by an outside or conquering power This boundary ignores the cultural organizations on this landscape MOCK Q451 Q Land reclamation is the subject dealt by :A Ministry of rural developmentB Ministry of agricultureC Ministry of panchayati rajD Ministry of earth sciencesAns BLand reclamation usually known as reclamation and also known as land fill not to be confused with a landfill is the process of creating new land from oceans seas riverbeds or lake beds The land reclaimed is known as reclamation ground or land fill MOCK Q450 QWho among the following founded Theosophical society A Madam Blavatsky amp Annie BesantB AO Hume amp Annie BesantC HS Alcott amp Annie BesantD Madam Blavatsky amp HS AlcottAns AThe Theosophical Society was an organization formed in the United States in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky to advance Theosophy The original organization after splits and realignments currently has several successors Following the death of Blavatsky competition within the Society between factions emerged particularly among founding members and the organisation split between the Theosophical Society Adyar Olcott-Besant and the Theosophical Society Pasadena Judge The former group headquartered in Indiais the most widespread international group holding the name Theosophical Society today MOCK Q449 Q The ‘Kurram’ of Chola period were : A Musicians B Union of villages C Royal officers D Temple artisansAns BChola political system was the only one which still maintained contact with the cultivator on a wild scale and retained characteristics of a centrally organized administration The political status Rajaraja I was certainly different from that of Amoghavarsha the Rashtrakuta ruler or Vishnuvardhana the Hoysala ruler The titles used by the Chola kings were Chakrvartigal or Chakravarti The royal household was run on an elaborate scale and royal patronage was lavish The political role of Purohita priest as known to northern Indian politics underwent a modification in the Chola system The Rajguru priest of the royal family of the Cholas became a confidant and confessor in addition to being the advisor in all matters temporal and sacred For further advice there was an assembly of officer whom the king would consultChola kingdom was divided into provinces mandalam their being generally eight or nine of these Each mandalam was divided into valanadus or districts These in turn were subdivided into groups of villages variously called kurram nadu or kottam Occasionally a very large village would be administered as a single unit and this was called Taniyur The administrative unit was the village and to that extent there was a little significant difference between Chola administration and that of the Guptas However the nature of the village administration was certainly of a very different order The degree of autonomy at village level was something quiet remarkable for the times Chola officials participated in village affairs more as advisors and observers than as administratorsThe basic assumption in the type of village autonomy emerging at this period was that each village should be administered by the villagers themselves For the purpose a village assembly was formed and authority was vested in this assemblyThe general assemblies included most of the local residents and were of three categories: the ur consisted of the tax paying residents of an ordinary village the sabha was restricted to the Brahmans of the village or else was found exclusively in villages gifted to Brahmans and finally the nagaram was found more commonly in trade centers In some villages the ur and the sabha were found together Very large villages had two urs if this was more convenient for their functioning The working of these assemblies differed according to local conditions The ur was open to all male adults of the village but in affect the older members took a more prominent part some of them forming a small executive body for routine matters The sabha had the same system and in addition had the power to constitute smaller committees of any size from among its membersMOCK Q448- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following passage :“The length of the saree in this folk dance is about 3 inches above the heelMusic in this dance is played using Tirio A bamboo flute with seven holesWomen dancers usually wear white or yellow sarees with red borders amp adorn their hair with wild flowersWhich among the following folk dance has been discussed in the above passage A Santhal danceB Karma danceC Bidesiya danceD Jhijhiya danceAns ASanthal dance – Jharkhand Karma dance – JharkhandBidesiya dance – BiharJhijhiya dance-BiharMOCK Q447- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q With reference to the Kolkali dance consider the following statements :1 It is basically a tribal dance form undertaken annually on the Karma festival although it is performed on different social occasions as well2Only male dancers can participate in this dance3 It is a highly rhythmic dance with the dancers wielding short sticksSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans CKarma dance: It is basically a tribal dance form undertaken annually on the Karma festival although it is performed on different social occasions as wellMOCK Q446- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following pairs :Community Place1Ahir Haryana2Manganiyars South India3Kambala Nayaka Tamil NaduSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 3D 123Ans CCommunity of people Manganiyars is well known for their musical tradition in North East IndiaAhir community of Gurgaon Haryana is known for th Dhamal danceMOCK Q445- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1 Lavani Gatka amp Thang-Ta folk dances are associated with the display of military skills by traditional community2 Chhau folk dance blends both dance amp martial arts employing mock combat techniques Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BGatka Thang-Ta amp Choliya folk dances are associated the display of military skills by traditional community but not Lavani danceChhau folk dance of West Bengal blends both dance amp martial arts employing mock combat techniques This dance is performed during night in an open space called Akhara or AsarMOCK Q444- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1 Caves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka amp his grandson Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika Monks2Bharhut stupa constructed under Mauryas shows influence of Greeks on Indian artSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns ABharhut stupa constructed under Shungas shows influence of Greeks on Indian artCaves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka amp his grandson Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika MonksMOCK Q443- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1Singhi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks which when bathed in sunlight look like a snow lion2 Wancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CSinghi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks which when bathed in sunlight look like a snow lionWancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal PradeshMOCK Q442- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q With reference to the Kangra Paintings consider the following statements :1Paintings were made on the walls of palaces inner chambers of forts amp havellis2 Theme of painting is mainly elements of nature3 Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order to separate one scene from another Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans DRajasthani Paintings : -Paintings were made on the walls of palaces inner chambers of forts amp havellis- Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order to separate one scene from another Kangra Paintings :Kangra painting is the pictorial art of Kangra named after Kangra Himachal Pradesh a former princely state which patronized the art It became prevalent with the fading of Basohli school of painting in mid-18th centuryand soon produced such a magnitude in paintings both in content as well as volume that the Pahari painting school came to be known as Kangra paintingsThe distinguishing features of the Kangra painting were: Soft colours including cool blues and greens Lyrical treatment of themesTheme of painting is mainly elements of natureMOCK Q441- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Madhubani Paintings 1 These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists of the Bihar2 No space is left empty in these paintings as the gaps are filled with the paintings of flower animals birds amp even geometric designs3 Three dimensional images are used in these types of paintingsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans AMadhubani PaintingMadhubani painting is one of the many famous Indian art forms As it is practiced in the Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal it is called Mithila or Madhubani art Often characterized by complex geometrical patterns these paintings are known for representing ritual content for particular occasions including festivals religious rituals etc The colors used in Madhubani paintings are usually derived from plants and other natural sources These colors are often bright and pigments like lampblack and ochre are used to create black and brown respectively Instead of contemporary brushes objects like twigs matchsticks and even fingers are used to create the paintings Kalighat Paintings : These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists in CalcuttaMOCK Q440- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Basholi style of painting 1 This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal painting2Human figures were shown with tight lips eyes half open small chin amp thin wristSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DGuler style : This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal paintingBikaner School : Human figures were shown with tight lips eyes half open small chin amp thin wristBasholi style of painting : Basohli Paintings is a fusion of Hindu mythology Mughal miniature techniques and folk art of the local hills evolved in the 17th and 18th centuries as a distinctive style of painting This style of painting derives its name from the place of its origin – hill town of Basohli about 80 Km from the centre of district Kathua in the state of Jammu amp KashmirThe most popular themes of Basohli Paintings come from Shringara literature like Rasamanjari or Bouquet of Delight a long love poem written in 15th century by Bhanudatta of Tirhut Bihar Gita Govinda and Ragamala These paintings are marked by striking blazing colors red borders bold lines and rich symbols The faces of the figures painted are characterized by the receding foreheads and large expressive eyes shaped like lotus petals The painting themselves are mostly painted in the primary colors of Red Blue and YellowThis style of painting was first introduced to the world in the annual report 1918-19 of the Archaeological Survey of India published in 1921 At that time this style was yet to be properly categorized and studied Ananda K Coomaraswamy was the first to publish them in Rajput Paintings in 1916MOCK Q439- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM-MODERN INDIA Q What was the reason for the congress to accept dominion status A It would offer a chance to keep India in the commonwealth B It would allow for some much needed continuity in the bureaucracy amp the army C It would provide the economic strength defence potential amp greater value of trade amp Investment in IndiaD All of the aboveAns BThe Congress was willing to accept Dominion Status for a while despite its being against the spirit of Lahore Congress 1929 declaration of “Purna Swaraj” because:-• Congress wanted a quick transfer of power in a peaceful manner• It was important for congress to assume authority and power to check the explosive situation due to communal tension• Dominion Status gave breathing time to the new administration as British officers and civil service officials could stay on till Indians get settled in their new positionsFor Britain Dominion Status offered a chance of keeping India in the Commonwealth even if temporarily Though Jinnah offered to bring Pakistan into the Commonwealth a greater store was laid by India’s membership of the Commonwealth as India’s economic strength and defence potential were deemed sounder and Britain had a greater value of trade and Investment thereMOCK Q438- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM-MODERN INDIA Q Which among the following is/are correct with reference to the Plan Balkan 1 It was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Mountbatten to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi2 This plan was welcomed by the Nehru amp other leaders Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D Plan Balkan was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Hastings Ismay to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi Due to this this plan was also called “Ismay Plan”• Balkan plan was an alternative plan to Cabinet mission Between March and May of 1947 Mountbatten decided that the Cabinet Mission Plan had become untenable and formulated an alternative plan This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces or to a confederation if formed before the transfer with Punjab and Bengal given the option to vote for partition of their provinces• The various units thus formed along with the princely states rendered independent by lapse of paramountcy would have the option of joining India or Pakistan or remaining separate The plan was quickly abandoned after Nehru reacted violently to itMOCK Q437- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU-CURRENT AFFAIRS Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Scheme consider the following statements :1 Under this scheme shopkeepers amp retail traders will receive a guaranteed monthly pension of Rs 3000 after they reach the age of 60 years2 To get benefit of this scheme It is mandatory to get register between the age of 45 years to 59 years3 Pension benefits to retail traders amp small shopkeepers with annual turnover less than Rs 15 crores Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans APradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Scheme :Pension benefits to retail traders amp small shopkeepers with annual turnover less than Rs 15 crores Under this scheme shopkeepers amp retail traders will receive a guaranteed monthly pension of Rs 3000 after they reach the age of 60 yearsMOCK Q436- FRAMED FROM Krishna Reddy-Indian History Q With reference to the Tutinama “Tales of Parrot” consider the following statements :1 It is an illustrated version containing 200 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th century2 It is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BTutinama “Tales of Parrot”is an illustrated version containing 250 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th centuryIt is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories -Adventure stories naraated by the parrot were : Ninght after Night For 52 successive nights are moralistic stories to persuade his owner Khojasta not to commit any adulterous act with any lover in the absence of her husbandMOCK Q435- FRAMED FROM Krishna Reddy-Indian History Q Who among the following Mughal Emperor put emphasis upon aristocracy amp secularism through the Mughal school of paintingA JahangirB AkbarC AurangzebD ShahjahanAns BMughal school of paintings originated in AD during the reign of AkbarThese paintings are based on the close observation of nature amp fine amp delicate drawing These paintings are themed upon aristocracy amp secularismMOCK Q434- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Consider the following statements :1 Under the Vote of Credit Lok Sabha authorizes the council of ministers to continue to incur expenditure out of the consolidated fund of India till next appropriation bill is adopted2In Budget 2017 Lok Sabha adopted Vote of CreditSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DVote of Credit – It is granted for meeting an unexpected demand upon the resources of India when on account of the magnitude or the indefinite character of the service the demand cannot be stated with the details ordinarily given in a budget Hence it is like a blank cheque given to the Executive by the Lok SabhaSo far it has not been adopted in IndiaUnder the Vote of Account Lok Sabha authorizes the council of ministers to continue to incur expenditure out of the consolidated fund of India till next appropriation bill is adoptedMOCK Q433- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Which among the following motions can be moved in Lok Sabha only 1 Call Attention Motion 2 Adjournment Motion3 Cut Motions4 Censure MotionSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2 amp 4B 134C 234D 1234Ans CAdjournment Motion Cut Motions Censure Motion- can be moved in Lok Sabha onlyCall attention motion in the Rajya Sabha is called Motion For Papersi Adjournment Motion:At the end of the question-hour in the Parliament motion moved by a member when it is desired to draw the attention of the Executive for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importanceii Privilege Motion:A motion moved by a member if he feels that a Minister has committed a breach of privilege of the House or of any one or more of its members by withholding the facts of a case or by giving a distorted version of facts etciii Censure Motion:A motion which seeks to censure the government for its “lapse” If the motion is passed in the Popular House the Cabinet resignsiv ‘No-Confidence’ Motion:A motion moved by a member to express lack of confidence in the government for any reason The motion if allowed be debated upon At the conclusion of such debate a vote of confidence is sought by the government and if it fails to get the required majority of votes it has to resignv Calling Attention Motion:A member may with prior permission of the Speaker call the attention of a Minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a brief Statement regarding the matter or ask for time to make a Statementvi Cut Motion:A motion that seeks reduction in the amount of a demand presented by the government is known as a cut motion Such motions are admitted at the Speaker’s discretion It is a device through which members candraw the attention of the government to a specific grievance or problem There are three types of Cut Motion:a Disapproval of Policy Cut:It means to express disapproval of the policy underlyingb Economy Cut:Asks for a reduction of the amount of the demand by a specific amountc Token Cut:Is a device to ventilate specific grievances within the sphere of the government’s responsibility The grievances have to be specified Usually the motion envisages a small reduc¬tion in the demandMOCK Q432- FRAMED FROM SHANKAR IAS Q Which among the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Climate Investment Funds 1 The operation of the Financial Mechanism is partly entrusted to the Global Environment Facility GEF2 These funds were approved by MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency in 2008 to address climate changeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThe Climate Investment Funds CIFs were designed by developed and developing countries and are implemented with the multilateral development banks MDBs to bridge the financing and learning gap between now and the next international climate change agreement CIFs are two distinct funds: the Clean Technology Fund and the Strategic Climate FundThe CIFs are additional to existing Official Development Assistance ODA and aim to enable countries to continue on their development path and achieve the Millennium Development Goals These funds will be operated in close coordination with existing bilateral and multilateral effortsThe funds were approved by the World Bank Board of Directors in July 2008 and on September 26 2008 received pledges of US65 billionThe Climate Investment Funds include the:• Clean Technology Fund• Strategic Climate Fund• Forest Investment Program• Pilot Program for Climate Resilience• Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program and• Private SectorMOCK Q431- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Which among the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Charged Expenditure 1It is that part of the appropriation bill which does not require approval of the Parliament2 If the appropriation bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha it has no impact on the charged expenditureSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CCharged Expenditure :It is that part of the appropriation bill which does not require approval of the ParliamentIf the appropriation bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha it has no impact on the charged expenditureMOCK Q430- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q With reference to the Parliamentary form of Government consider the following statements :1Members of executive amp legislature may be different hence coordination between them may be weak2Executive has a definite majority in Lok Sabha thus a check of legislature over executive is weakSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BPresidential Government : Members of executive amp legislature are different hence coordination between them may be weakParliamentary form of Government : Members of executive are appointed from the legislature the ability of executive to influence legislature is highExecutive has a definite majority in Lok Sabha thus a check of legislature over executive is weakMOCK Q429- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q With reference to the Deputy Prime Minister consider the following statements :1 It is the second highest rank in the council of Ministers who are given full powers in the absence of Prime Minister2 It is not a constitutional position3 Deputy Prime Minister also enjoys the rank of a Cabinet MinsterSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 1 amp 3C Only 3D 2 amp 3Ans DIst statement is a fabricated statementMinisters of State : They are the second highest ranking ministers who are not given independent charge of ministry or department Deputy Prime Minister is not a constitutional positionSupreme Court has held that Deputy Prime Minister also enjoys the rank of a Cabinet MinsterMOCK Q428- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Who among the following is considered as the custodian of the Constitution of India A Chief Justice of IndiaB Supreme Court of IndiaC President of IndiaD Attorney General of IndiaAns CPresident of India is considered as the custodian of the Constitution of India Supreme Court is considered as the Guardian of the Constitution of India MOCK Q427- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Consider the following statements :1 Discretionary powers of the President of India are exercised without the aid amp advice of council of ministers242nd amendment act restored the discretion of President to refer the advice back to the council of Ministers Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A44th amendment act restored the discretion of President to refer the advice back to the council of Ministers Discretionary powers of the President of India are exercised without the aid amp advice of council of ministersMOCK Q426- FRAMED FROM RAMESH SINGH-INDIAN ECONOMY Q With reference to the Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA consider the following statements :1 TFA was the first multilateral trade deal in 21 years signed in Bali in 2013 for easing cross border custom rules for faster movement of goods2TFA requires developed countries should reduce the domestic support given to agriculture in the form of Green box subsidies3 It contains provisions for technical amp financial assistance in trade facilitation Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 2 amp 3C Only 1D 1 amp 3Ans CTrade Facilitation Agreement TFA : TFA was the first multilateral trade deal in 21 years signed in Bali in 2013 for easing cross border custom rules for faster movement of goodsTFA contains provisions for technical assistance amp capacity building in trade facilitationProvision of Fourth Ministerial Meeting in Doha Qatar 2001 : TFA requires developed countries should reduce the domestic support given to agriculture in the form of Green box subsidiesMOCK Q425- FRAMED FROM RAMESH SINGH-INDIAN ECONOMY Q Which one of the following does not comes under the category of Back Office Outsourcing A Call centre servicesB Banking C Media amp Entertainment D Travel amp HospitalityAns ACall centre services : Front Office OutsourcingBack Office Business Process Outsourcing BPO ServicesAn organization’s back office management can significantly impact its success Large volumes of data accrue on a daily basis from various transactional processes such as order fulfilment applications processing transaction processing billing and collections that require effective back office solutions Invensis is a reputed leader in empowering numerous global businesses and organizations through high quality back office BPO services that promote enhanced business efficiency and improved bottom-lineback office outsourcing services extend across industries such as:• Finance• Banking• Insurance• Healthcare• Manufacturing amp Chemical• Travel amp Hospitality• Media amp Entertainment• Utilities• Logistics and Customs Brokerage• Automotive• Education• Mortgage• GovernmentMOCK Q424- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q Which of the following best describes the Blue Carbon Initiative A It is an international initiative to prevent climate change through conservation restoration of marine ecosystems by focusing on Mangroves Salt marshes amp SeagrassesB It refers to the technique of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere amp keeping it stored over a long period timeC It is an initiative to understand quantify amp manage greenhouse gas emissions so that rise in temperature by the end of century does not exceed 20 c or even 150c above pre-industrial levelsD It is an international initiative by providing technical amp financial support to targeted developing countries to integrate climate change into their development policies amp budgetsAns AIt is an international initiative to prevent climate change through conservation restoration of marine ecosystems by focusing on Mangroves Salt marshes amp SeagrassesThe Initiative is coordinated by Conservation International CI the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization IOC-UNESCO The Initiative works through two working groups: the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group and the International Blue Carbon Policy Working GroupMOCK Q423- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q Consider the following :Protected Area Network Fauna1 Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve : Saltwater crocodile2 Seshachalam hills : Sloth bear3 Cold Desert : Snow LeopardWhich of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ASeshachalam hills : Slender LorisPanna : Tiger Chittal Chinkara Sambhar amp Sloth BearMOCK Q422- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q With reference to the Hope Spots consider the following statements :1 Andaman amp Nicobar Islands amp Lakshadweep Islands have very recently been named as the new Hope Spots2 These are declared under the Wildlife protection Act 1972Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-Andaman amp Nicobar Islands amp Lakshadweep Islands have recently Not very recently been named as the new Hope Spots-List of Hope spots is prepared by the IUCN amp Mission Blue-Hope Spots are areas of an ocean that need special protection because of their wildlife amp significant underwater habitatsMOCK Q421- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q In which of the following region in India are you most likely to come across the ‘Golden Langur’ in its natural habitat A Grasslands of Western GhatsB Malabar region of KeralaC Western AssamD Sand deserts of north-west IndiaAns CGolden langur is an Old World monkey found in a small region of western Assam India and in the neighboring foothills of the Black Mountains of Bhutan It is one of the most endangered primate speciesof India The regions of its distribution are very small the main region is limited to an area approximately 60 miles square bounded on the south by the Brahmaputra River on the east by the Manas River on the west by the Sankosh River all in Assam India and on the north by the Black Mountains of BhutanMOCK Q420- FRAMED FROM Indian Express Q On account of which of the following reasons Chabahar port is relevant for India 1 Chabahar port will increase dependence of Afghanistan which is a landlocked country on Pakistan2 In October 2017 India began shipment of Rice Wheat amp Pulses to Afghanistan through the Iranian portof Chabahar3 Indian presence at Chabahar port will help in countering Chinese presence at Gwadar port of PakistanSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans A-Chabahar port will reduce dependence of Afghanistan which is a landlocked country on Pakistan- In October 2017 India began shipment of Wheat to Afghanistan through the Iranian port of Chabahar- Indian presence at Chabahar port will help in countering Chinese presence at Gwadar port of PakistanMOCK Q419- FRAMED FROM Indian Express Q With reference to the Official Development Assistance consider the following statements :1 ODA was coined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation amp Development OECD for the first time in 19592Japan is the only developed nation that signed a free trade agreement FTA with IndiaSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BODA was coined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation amp Development OECD for the first time is 1969India is the largest recipient of Japanese Official Development Assistance ODA MOCK Q418- FRAMED FROM Google Books Q With reference to the Dongria Kondh consider the following statements :1 These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups worshiping Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain 2 Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group amp linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman groupSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AKarbi tribe : Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group amp linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman groupDongria Kondh : Of Odisha These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups who worship Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain They also won legal battle against Vedanta group over Bauxite mining in the region MOCK Q417- FRAMED FROM Google Books Q Every year a community celebrates a festival Hari Jyoti for planting fruit bearing trees at the beginning of the rains amp the new sowing season Which of the following is such community/ tribe A GondsB Dongria KondhC BondaD KarbiAns AGonds : Of Madhya PradeshKorku tribe : Of Madhya PradeshKarbi tribe : Of AssamLimbo tribe : Of SikkimBonda : Of OdishaDongria Kondh : Of OdishaKorku tribe : Of Madhya PradeshMOCK Q416- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q To fulfill the Government of India’s mission amp to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country Academia Alliance Programme has been formed With whose initiative Academia Alliance Programme has been formed A Niti AyogB Confederation of Indian IndustriesC Startup IndiaD Ministry of New amp Renewable EnergyAns CTo fulfill the Governmentof India’s mission to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country Startup India launched the Startup Academia Alliance programme a unique mentorship opportunity between academic scholars and startups working in similar domains The Startup Academia Alliance aims to reduce the gap between scientific research and its industrial applications in order to increase the efficacy of these technologies and to widen their impact By creating a bridge between academia and industry the Alliance strives to create lasting connections between the stakeholders of the startup ecosystem and implement the third pillar on which the Startup India Action Plan is based – Industry Academia Partnerships and Incubation The first phase of Startup Academia Alliance was kickstarted through partnering with Regional Centre for Biotechnology The Energy and Resources Institute TERI Council on Energy Environment and Water and TERI School of Advanced Studies Renowned scholars from these institutes in fields such as renewableenergy biotechnology healthcare and life sciences were taken on board to provide mentorship and guidance to startups working in relevant arenasMOCK Q415- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM HISTORY Q Consider the following statements :1 In 1916 session Congress accepted theMuslim League demand of separate electorates 2 Communal award accepted all the muslim communal demands contained in the 14 pointsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CIn 1916 session Congress accepted the Muslim League demand of separate electorates amp the Congress amp The League presented joint demands to the governmentCommunal award accepted all the muslim communal demands contained in the 14 pointsMOCK Q414- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the South Asia Sub Regional Economic Cooperation SASEC consider the following statements :1 SASEC program set up in 2001 to promote regional prosperity by improving cross border connectivity 2 World Trade Organisation serves as the secretariat for the SAESC member CountriesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns ASASEC program set up in 2001 to promote regional prosperity by improving cross border connectivityIt brings together Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Myanmar Nepal Srilanka Manila Phillipines based Asian development Bank ADB serves as the secretariat for the SAESC member CountriesMOCK Q413- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the Permanent Court of Arbitration PCA consider the following statements :1 PCA was established by treaty at the first Hague Peace Conference at Netherlands2 The order is not binding on the countries as it can be appealed in the UN tribunal3 121 member states are the part of the PCA including IndiaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans APermanent Court of Arbitration PCA:PCA was established by treaty at the first Hague Peace Conference at Netherlands in 1899The order is binding on the countries as there is no appeal process in the UN tribunal121 member states 119 members of the United Nations as well as Kosovo amp Palestine are the part of the PCA India is a part to the PCA according to the Hague Convention on 1899 MOCK Q412- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing amp Urban Development APMCHUD consider the following statements :1 Sixth edition of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016 with the theme “ A Vision for sustainable Urbanisation in The Asia Pacific by 2020”2 It was established under the aegis amp support of UN HabitatSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are in correctAns BSixth edition of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016 with the theme “ Emerging Urban Forms –Policy Reforms amp Governance Structures in the Context of New Urban Agenda”2006 THEME : “ A Vision for sustainable Urbanisation in The Asia Pacific by 2020MOCK Q411- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the International Trade Centre consider the following statements :1 ITC is the joint technical corporation agency of the UN conference on trade amp Development UNCTAD amp World Trade Organisation WTO2 They are subordinate to the United Nations amp derive most of their financial resources other than the Union Nation BudgetsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are in correctAns AITC is the joint technical corporation agency of the UN conference on trade amp Development UNCTAD amp World Trade Organisation WTOITC’s regular programme is financed in equal parts by WTO amp UNMOCK Q410- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which among the following crops have been classified under the category of Minor Forest products 1 Tendu Patta2 Bamboo3 Pulpwood 4 SoapnutSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 124B Only 1 amp 3C 134D Only 1 amp 4Ans AThe Major Forest Products comprise Pulpwood Sandalwood Social Forestry that incudes Fuel and Timber The Minor Forest Products include the items such as tamarind curry leaf Tendu Patta gallnut Cane Soapnut tree moss and now Bamboo alsoMOCK Q409- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the news what is “INSTEX” A It is a 2000 ft long device to start clean up in the North Pacific OceanB It is a transaction channel that will allow companies to continue trading with Iran despite US sanctionsC It is a natural gas pipeline being developed with the participation of the Asian Development BankD It is the rule book that sets out how countries will provide information about their Nationally Determined Contributions Ans B• The transaction channel will allow European businesses to trade with Iran despite strict US sanctions• Though the payment channel is a project of Britain France and Germany it will receive the formal endorsement of all 28 EU members• It will support legitimate European trade with Iran focusing initially on the sectors most essential to the Iranian population such as pharmaceutical medical devices and agri-food goods• In the longer term INSTEX aims to be open to third countries wanting to trade with Iran• However INSTEX is not yet operational as it needs Iran to set up a parallel structure of its own which may take some time to complete• While it is aimed at small and medium-sized companies it is expected to send an important message to Iran about Europe’s commitment to keep the nuclear deal aliveObjective The launch of the special payment channel is a clear and practical demonstration of Europe’s commitment to continuing the nuclear dealIt however does not in any way preclude the European Union from addressing Iran’s hostile and destabilising activitiesEurope has toughened its tone on Iran’s ballistic missile programme human rights record and interference in Middle East conflictsMOCK Q408- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana consider the following statements :1 Spouse will not be entitled to receive pension in case of death2 Workers covered under the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation will not be entitled to pension3 It is 100 funded by the Union government Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 2D 1 amp 2Ans C• The unorganised sector workers with income of less than Rs 15000 per month and who belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years will be eligible for the scheme • Those workers should not be covered under New Pension Scheme NPS Employees’ State Insurance Corporation ESIC scheme or Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation EPFO• He or she should not be an income tax payerThe workers of unorganised sector can be home based workers street vendors mid-day meal workers head loaders brick kiln workers cobblers rag pickers domestic workers washer men rickshaw pullers landless labourers own account workers agricultural workers construction workers beedi workers handloom workers leather workers audio- visual workers and similar other occupationsBenefits under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan YojanaMinimum Assured Pension: Each subscriber under the scheme will receive minimum assured pension of Rs 3000 per month after attaining the age of 60 yearsIn case of death during receipt of pension: If the subscriber dies during the receipt of pension his or her spouse will be entitled to receive 50 percent of the pension as family pension This family pension is applicable only to spouseIn case of death before the age of 60 years: If a beneficiary has given regular contribution and dies before attaining the age of 60 years his or her spouse will be entitled to continue the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution or may even exit the schemeEqual contribution by the Central Government: Under the PM-SYM the prescribed age-specific contribution by the beneficiary and the matching contribution by the Central Government will be made on a ‘50:50 basis’MOCK Q407- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which of the following best describes SHREYAS scheme A It is the scheme launched by HRD Ministry to promote entrepreneurship by mentoring nurturing and facilitating startupsB It is the scheme implemented by Sector Skill Council for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and SkillsC It is the scheme launched by HRD ministry for translational and advanced research in Science to fund science projectsD It is the scheme implemented by Institution’s Innovation Council for self-actualisation providing opportunities for a life-long learningAns CSHREYAS: Scheme for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and SkillsFunctioning of the Scheme:The scheme will be operated in conjunction with National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme NAPS which provides for placing of apprentices or trainees up to 10 percent of the total work force in every industry The scheme will be implemented by the Sector Skill Councils SSCs initially in the Banking Finance Insurance Services BFSI Retail Health care Telecom Logistics Media Management services ITeS and Apparel More sectors would be added over time with emerging apprenticeship demandMOCK Q406- FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q With reference to the Sandbag Climate Campaign consider the following statements :1 It was launched as a campaign on the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme2 It addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilitiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A–Sandbag or Sandbag Climate Campaign is a Community Interest Company campaigning for changes to European climate change policy especially emissions trading The organisation was launched in 2008 by Bryony Worthington and was the first and founding member of The Guardian’s Environment NetworkSandbag was launched as a campaign on the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme allowing its members to campaign to reduce the number of permits in circulation and to purchase permits and cancel themClimate Vulnerable Forum CVF: The forum addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilitiesMOCK Q405- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana consider the following statements :1 It will provide assured income to all Institutional Land holders of Rs 6000 per year2 It is based on providing guaranteed amount of Rs 1000/- or Rs2000 per hectare in case of drought or loss of crop by the animalsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D• The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi will provide assured income to small and marginal farmers• All Small and Marginal Farmers SMF with 2 hectares of cultivable land will be provided income support of Rs 6000 per year• The amount will be transferred directly into their account in 3 equal installments• The complete expenditure of Rs 75000 crore for the scheme will borne by the Union Government in 2019-20• Over 12 crore farmer families will be benefitted under the schemeThe scheme is being implemented with effect from December 2018The following categories of beneficiaries of higher economic status shall not be eligible for benefit under the scheme A All Institutional Land holders B Farmer families in which one or more of its members belong to following categories: 1 Former and present holders of constitutional posts2 Former and present Ministers/ State Ministers and former/present Members of LokSabha/ RajyaSabha/ State Legislative Assemblies/ State Legislative Councilsformer and present Mayors of Municipal Corporations former and present Chairpersons of District Panchayats3 All serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries /Offices/Departments and its field units Central or State PSEs and Attached offices /Autonomous Institutions under Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies Excluding Multi Tasking Staff /Class IV/Group D employees4 All superannuated/retired pensioners whose monthly pension is ₹10000/-or more Excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class IV/Group D employees of above category5 All Persons who paid Income Tax in last assessment year6 Professionals like Doctors Engineers Lawyers Chartered Accountants and Architects registered with Professional bodies and carrying out profession by undertaking practicesMOCK Q404- FRAMED FROM Spectrum- Modern India Q Swadeshi Sangam was formed to ispire the local masses through magic lantern lectures Swadeshi songsWho was/were the members of the Swadeshi Sangam 1 VO Chidambaram Pillai2 Abanindranath Tagore3 Subramania SivaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans AIn Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu VO Chidambaram Pillai Subramania Siva amp Some lawyers formed the Swadeshi Sangam which inspired the local massesMOCK Q403- FRAMED FROM Spectrum- Modern India Q With reference to the Indian National Movement What was Official Secrets Act A Under this act Natu brothers were deported without trial amp Tilak imprisoned on charges of seditionB Repressive laws under IPC section 124 A were amplified with new provisions under IPC 156 AC It was the administrative measure to curb the freedom of pressD Under this act It ensured greater government control over the universitiesAns COfficial Secrets Act : 1904 It was the administrative measure to curb the freedom of press1897 : Natu brothers were deported without trial amp Tilak imprisoned on charges of sedition1898 : Repressive laws under IPC section 124 A were amplified with new provisions under IPC 156 AIndian Universities Act 1904 : greater government control over the universitiesMOCK Q402- FRAMED FROM The Hindu Q With reference to the Halogen Light Bulbs consider the following statements :1 White coating also known as Phosphor coating on the glass absorbs UV light amp protect from the UV rays2 They have the same tungsten filament as the typical incandescent light bulbs 3 Fluorescent coating is often used in these bulbs to add brightnessSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B 123C Only 2D 1 amp 2Ans CFluorescent bulbs : White coating also known as Phosphor coating on the glass absorbs UV light amp protect from the UV raysVapour lamps : Fluorescent coating is often used in these bulbs to add brightnessA halogen lamp also known as a tungsten halogen quartz-halogen or quartz iodine lamp is an incandescent lamp consisting of a tungsten filament sealed into a compact transparent envelope that is filled with a mixture of an inert gas and a small amount of a halogensuch as iodine or bromine The combination of the halogen gas and the tungsten filament produces a halogen cycle chemical reaction which redeposits evaporated tungsten to the filament increasing its life and maintaining the clarity of the envelope For this to happen a halogen lamp must be operated at a higher envelope temperature 250° C 482° F1 than a standard vacuum incandescent lamp of similar power and operating life this also produces light with higher luminous efficacy and color temperature The small size of halogen lamps permits their use in compact optical systems for projectors and illumination The small glass envelope may be enclosed in a much larger outer glass bulb for a bigger package the outer jacket will be at a much lower and safer temperature and it also protects the hot bulb from harmful contamination and makes the bulb mechanically more similar to a conventional lamp that it might replaceStandard and halogen incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than LED and compact fluorescent lamps and have been banned in many jurisdictions because of thisMOCK Q401- FRAMED FROM The Hindu Q Consider the following statements :1 Origin of Bitcoin is virtually anonymous amp is not monitored by any Central bank or Government2 Anyone with a bitcoin address can send amp receive bitcoins from anyone else with a bitcoin address Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CBitcoin is a cryptocurrency a form of electronic cash It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009 Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining They can be exchanged for other currencies products and services Research produced by the University of Cambridge estimates that in 2017 there were 29 to 58 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet most of them using bitcoin Bitcoin has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions its high electricity consumption price volatility thefts from exchanges and the possibility that bitcoin is an economic bubble Bitcoin has also been used as an investment although several regulatory agencies have issued investor alerts about bitcoinMOCK Q400- FRAMED FROM M LAXMIKANTH Q Consider the following statements :1In India Only the powers of the Federal Government are enumerated in the constitution amp the residuary powers are left to the states 2 Government of India Act 1935 provided for three fold enumeration ie Federal Provincial amp CurrentSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correct D Both are incorrectAns B-In US Only the powers of the Federal Government are enumerated in the constitution amp the residuary powers are left to the states -Power to make laws with respect to the residuary subjects which are not enumerated in any of the three list is vested in the ParliamentMOCK Q399- FRAMED FROM M LAXMIKANTH Q Which among the following statement best describes “Discretionary Grants” A It empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which are in need of financial assistance B These are the grants in lieu of export duties on Jute amp Jute products to the states of Assam BiharOrissa amp West BengalC Theses are the grants for promoting welfare of the scheduled tribes in a stateD These are the grants that empower both the centre amp states to make any grants for any public purpose even if it is not within their respective legislative competenceAns DStatutory Grants : Article 75 empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which are in need of financial assistanceOther Grants : These are the grants in lieu of export duties on Jute amp Jute products to the states of Assam Bihar Orissa amp West BengalDiscretionary Grants :These are the grants that empower both the centre amp states to make any grants for any public purpose even if it is not within their respective legislative competenceMOCK Q398- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the news what is Talanoa dialogue A It is a process designed to help countries enhance and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020B It is a process to help countries by forming the rule book to implement the Paris Climate AgreementC It gives countries a common framework for reporting and reviewing progress towards their climate targetsD It provides a global platform for the conservation of Migratory animals amp their habitatsAns A–The 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP23 was an international meeting of political leaders non-state actors and activists to discuss environmental issues It was held at UN Campus in Bonn Germany from 6–17 November 2017Although COP23 focused primarily on technical details of the Paris Agreement COP23 concluded with what was called the ‘Fiji Momentum for Implementation’ which outlined the steps that need to be taken in 2018 to make the Paris Agreement operational and launched the –Talanoa Dialogue – a process designed to help countries enhance and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020MOCK Q397 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Consider the following statements :1 Mangroves for the Future MFF has participation of Asian amp African nations only2 IUCN amp United Nation Development Programme UNDP developed MFF in 20063 MFF not only conserves Mangrove forests but includes all types of coastal ecosystems like coral reefsestuaries wetlands etcSelect the correct answer using the correct codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DMangroves for the Future MFFLocation: Member countries: Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Seychelles Sri Lanka Thailand and Viet Nam Outreach countries: Malaysia Dialogue countries: Kenya and TanzaniaDuration: Established in 2006 MFF is currently in its third phase 2015 – 2018 Project Background: The devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 laid bare the vital link between coastal ecosystems and human livelihoods It was United States President Bill Clinton’s vision that rebuilding in tsunami-hit areas should improve natural infrastructure and strengthen resilience against future natural disasters In response to this vision IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP developed Mangroves for the Future in 2006 Since then MFF has grown to include eight institutional partners plus a growing number of countries At the launch of the Tsunami Legacy report at the United Nations in New York in April 2009 Bill Clinton acclaimed MFF as one of the most positive and forward-looking developments of the post-tsunami periodMangroves for the Future MFF is a unique partner-led initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development Co-chaired by IUCN and UNDP MFF provides a platform for collaboration among the many different agencies sectors and countries which are addressingchallenges to coastal ecosystem and livelihood issues The goal is to promote an integrated ocean-wide approach to coastal management and to building the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities Mangroves are the flagship of the initiative but MFF is inclusive of all types of coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs estuaries lagoons sandy beaches seagrass and wetlandsMOCK Q396 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which one of the following best describes the term Malacca Dilemma sometimes seen in news A It refers to the demarcation line used initially by the government of republic of China B ONGC Videsh Limited signed a contract with the petro Vietnam to jointly explore petroleum resourcesC It is the Nine Dash line area that covers most of the South China sea amp overlaps exclusive economic zoneD It signifies China’s dependency for the energy needs on West AsiaAns DThe “Malacca Dilemma” is a term coined by their President Hu Jintao2003 on the over-reliance on the Malacca Straitssea-route where 80 of their energy needsoil imports pass en-route from the Middle East Angola etcshipping lanes through the Malacca Straitsbetween Malaysia and Indonesia This area is also prone to piracy sometimesConflict in the region and their effect on China’s geopolitical and energy strategies and other issues that can crop up from time to time together constitute the “Malacca Dilemma”MOCK Q395 – FRAMED FROM GCCA WEBSITE Q Global Climate Change Alliance Initiative for country’s vulnerability to climate change is managed by the :A The European CommissionB The Global Environment FacilityC UNDPD World BankAns AThe Global Climate Change Alliance Plus GCCA is a European Union flagship initiative which is helpingthe world’s most vulnerable countries to address climate change Having started with just four pilot projects in 2008 it has become a major climate initiative that has funded over 70 projects of nationalregional and worldwide scope in Africa Asia the Caribbean and the Pacific This EU initiative helps mainly Small Islands Developing States SIDS and Least Developed Countries LDCs increase their resilience to climate change The GCCA also supports these group of countries in implementing their commitments resulting from the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change COP21 in line with the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the new European Consensus on DevelopmentThe GCCA initiative is making a significant contribution towards achieving the overall target of at least 20 of the EU budget spent for climate action All GCCA projects must primarily aim at facilitating the transition to a climate-resilient low-carbon future in line with the 2°C targetGCCA funding increased from EUR 3175 million in the first phase 2007-2014 to EUR 420 million in the second phase 2014-2020 Read more on financial resourcesMOCK Q394 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which among the following topics are exempted from the courses covered under the LEAP amp ARPIT PROGRAMME for higher education faculty 1 Establishment of the National Anti-profiteering Authority2 Internet of Things3 Tools techniques and experiments in reducing Greenhouse gases emission4 Methodology of Teaching SanskritSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 4B Only 1C 1 amp 3D 124Ans CHRD Ministry launches LEAP and ARPIT programmes for higher education facultyThe courses cover a diverse range of topics such as:Indian culture and Heritage Studies Tribal and Regional languages Urdu French StudiesPedagogical Innovations amp Research Methodology Tools techniques and experiments in Earth ScienceLatest Trends in Pedagogy and Assessment Mathematics Statistics Zoology Chemistry Physics Biotechnology Development and Counselling Marine Science Calculus Real Time Power Analysis and Smart GridNeural Networks and Deep Learning amp Knowledge discovery Civil Infrastructure for Smart City DevelopmentICT in Science and Maths teaching Engineering Mechanics Design Spectrum DIY Manufacturing TechnologyInnovation and Best Practices in Educational Skills Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics Energy Systems EngineeringLeadership and Governance in Higher Education Engineering Mechanics Physics of Semiconductors and Devices Electrical EngineeringPublic Policy and Administration Bio-Medical engineering Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Sciences Chemical EngineeringEnglish Language Teaching Internet of ThingsHindi Literature amp Linguistics Astronomy and AstrophysicsMethodology of Teaching Sanskrit Aerospace Engineering Tourism and Hospitality ManagementEffective Creations and Innovative Researches in Medieval Gujarati Literature Political Science Economics Psychology Development Perspectives in AgricultureLibrary amp Information Science Ethics Human Rights and Environment Anthropology Gender/Women’s studies Law Social and Rural DevelopmentDisaster Management Climate change MOCK Q393 – FRAMED FROM NITIN SIGHANIA Q Which among the following is/are correctly matched :Community Place1 Dangasia Gujarat2 Gond Madhya Pradesh3 Mirgan OdishaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DDangasia GujaratGond Madhya PradeshMirgan Odisha MOCK Q392 – FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM HISTORY Q BR Ambedkar is associated With Which of the following 1 Bahishkrita Hitkarini Sabha2 Hindu Mahasabha3 Hindu Code billSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ALala Lajpat Rai involvement with Hindu Mahasabha leaders gathered criticism from the Naujawan Bharat Sabha as the Mahasabhas were non-secular which did not conform with the system laid out by the Indian National CongressHindu MahasabhaMOCK Q391 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q With reference to the Least Developed Countries Fund consider the following statements:1 This fund has been initiated in 2002 by the The Global Environment Facility GEF2 Adaptation amp Mitigation are one of the area of focus of this fundSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThis fund has been initiated in 2002 by the The Global Environment Facility GEFAdaptation is one of the area of focus of this fundMOCK Q390 – FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTUREGOV Q Consider the following :Sites Place1 Aalampur Temple : Telanagana2 European Tomb : Gujarat3 Khajurao Monuments : Madhya PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans D Other Important Sites :Maharaja Chhatrasal Museum Complex : Madhya PradeshMahabalipuram : Tamil NaduUparkot : GujaratKumarakom : KeralaMOCK Q389 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q389 The Climate Chain Coalition CCC to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain and related digital solutions emerged at :A 2017 United Nations Climate Change ConferenceB One Planet SummitC COP-24 Katowice D Paris Climate SummitAn BThe Climate Chain Coalition CCC was born during the One Planet Summit in December in Paris France The Coalition engages a multi-stakeholder group working on distributed ledger technology DLT to collaborate on mobilizing climate financePlz Note : The 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference was an international meeting of political leaders non-state actors and activists to discuss environmental issues It was held at UN Campus in Bonn from 6–17 November 2017 Also known as: COP23 UNFCCC CMP13 Kyoto Protocol CMA2 Paris AgreementMOCK Q388 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q “Partnership for Market Readiness” is an initiative which is managed by the :A Global Environment FacilityB World BankC United Nation Environment ProgrammeD UNDPAns BPartnership for Market Readiness ADMINISTERED BY: The World BankAREA OF FOCUS Mitigation DATE OPERATIONAL: 2011MOCK Q387 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q387 With reference to the religious practices in India Sarvastivadin belongs to which ancient school A TheravadaB MahayanismC RajagirikarsD HetuvadinsAns ASarvāstivāda were an early school of Buddhism established around the reign of Asoka third century BCEIt was particularly known as an Abhidharma tradition with a unique set of seven Abhidharma worksMOCK Q386 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q386 With reference to the Initial Coin Offerings ICO consider the following statements :1 It is like Initial Public Offer that refers to the issue of cryptocurrency in consideration of funds received from investors2 17 billion has been raised globally through ICOs between 2014 amp 2017Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A27 billion has been raised globally through ICOs between 2014 amp 2017- An initial coin offering ICO or initial currency offering is a type of funding using cryptocurrenciesMostly the process is done by crowdfunding but private ICO’s are becoming more common In an ICO a quantity of cryptocurrency is sold in the form of tokens coins to speculators or investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum The tokens sold are promoted as future functional units of currency if or when the ICO’s funding goal is met and the project launches In some cases like Ethereum the tokens are required to use the system for its purposesAn ICO can be a source of capital for startup companiesMOCK Q385 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q385 Nanotechnology can significantly increase manufacturing at far reduced costs What are the advantages of the Nanotechnology 1 Anti scratch components of the automobiles are possible using the Nanotechnology2 Bullet proof amp stain resistant clothing can be made using the Nanotechnology3 Nanotechnology offer cleaner technologies amp cleaner environmentSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 2B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ANano sized particles can acculumate in various body parts such as nasal cavities lungs amp brainDue to their minute size nano particles are able to accumulate in the environmentMOCK Q384 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the “India International Exchange” consider the following statements :1 It was opened very recently at the International Financial Services Centre IFSC in Gujarat2 With this it will be the third largest International Exchange in the world in terms of order responseSelect the correct answer using the using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-It was opened IN 2017 at the International Financial Services Centre IFSC in GujaratBUT NOT VERY RECENTLY – With this it will be the fastest International Exchange in the world in terms of order response with the trade speed of four microseconds-This is better than BSE’s domestic exchange in Mumbai which has an order response time of six microseconds- Singapore is the second fastest International exchange has the order response of 60 microsecondsMOCK Q383 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q383 In Context with the “Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS” consider the following statements :1 It is a greenhouse gas mitigation technology which produces negative carbon dioxide emissions2 BECSS works by involving the process of pyrogenic carbon capture and storage PyCCS or biocharSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A-Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS is a potential greenhouse gas mitigation technology which produces negative carbon dioxide emissions by combining bioenergy energy from biomass use with geologic carbon capture and storage1 The concept of BECCS is drawn from the integration of trees and crops which extract carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow the use of this biomass in processing industries or power plants and the application of carbon capture and storage via CO2injection into geological formations2 There are other non-BECCS forms of carbon dioxide removal and storage that include technologies such as biochar carbon dioxide air captureand biomass burial3 and enhanced weatheringAccording to a recent Biorecro report there is 550 000 tonnes CO2/year in total BECCS capacity currently operating divided between three different facilities as of January 2012In the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC BECCS was indicated as a key technology for reaching low carbon dioxide atmospheric concentration targets8 The negative emissions that can be produced by BECCS has been estimated by the Royal Society to be equivalent to a 50 to 150 ppmdecrease in global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations9 and according to the International Energy Agency the BLUE map climate change mitigation scenario calls for more than 2 gigatonnes of negative CO2 emissions per year with BECCS in 205010 According to Stanford University 10 gigatonnes is achievable by this dateAccording to the OECD Achieving lower concentration targets 450 ppm depends significantly on the use of BECCS13An alternative to BECSS is pyrogenic carbon capture and storage PyCCS or biochar14 Which are superior in order to fix carbon in a more stable way: solid C for longer times Carbon dioxide injected into geologic formations eventually leaks back into the atmosphere due to seismic activity and natural faults and problems with the seal of the ancient injection pitsFRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q382 Consider the following :Tribes Place1 Bhoksa Uttarakhand2 Misting Sikkim3 Gonds Madhya PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans AMisting tribe is in AssamFRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q381 Which of the following best describes Forward linkages with respect to the economic activity 1 These refer to the transactions with the consumers2 For food processing industry these linkages are associated with the primary processing centresSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2 C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AForward linkages :-These refer to the transactions with the consumers- These linkages are associated with the retail storesBackward linkages :-These refer to the transactions with the suppliers-For food processing industry these linkages are associated with the primary processing centresFRAMED FROM LUCENT PUBLICATIONS Q380 Consider the following :Hill Ranges Place1 Rajpipla : Gujarat2 Mahadeo : Madhya Pradesh3 Maikala range : Andhra PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans CMaikala range : Madhya Pradesh amp ChhatisgarhFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q379 Consider the following statements :1 Loktak lake the biggest fresh water lake is home to the endangered Sangai deer2 Keibul Lamjao is an integral part of the Loktak LakeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CLok tak lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India and is famous for the phumdis heterogeneous mass of vegetation soil and organic matter at various stages of decomposition floating over it The lake is located near Moirang in Manipurstate IndiaThe etymology of Loktak is Lok stream and tak the endThe largest of all the phumdis covers an area of 40 km215 sq mi and is situated on the southeastern shore of the lake Located on this phumdi Keibul Lamjao National Park is the only floating national park in the world The park is the last natural refuge of the endangered Sangai state animal Rucervus eldii eldii or Manipur brown-antlered deer Cervus eldi eldi one of three subspecies of Eld’s deerThe Keibul Lamjao National Park is a national park in the Bishnupur district of the state of Manipur in India It is 40 km2 154 sq mi in area the only floating park in the world located in North East India and an integral part of Loktak LakeThe national park is characterized by many floating decomposed plant materials locally called phumdis To preserve the natural refuge of the endangered Manipur Eld’s deer or brow-antlered deer Cervus eldi eldi or sangai also called the dancing deer listed as an endangered species by IUCN the park which was initially declared to be a sanctuary in 1966 was subsequently declared to be a national park in 1977 through a gazette notification The act has generated local support and public awarenessFRAMED FROM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTUNORG Q378 “Championing Green Growth and Climate Resilience” to promote green growth emerged at :A Global Green Growth InstituteB GreenpeaceC European Environment Agency D World Sustainable Development Summit 2011Ans AThe Global Green Growth Institute GGGI is a treaty-based international organization headquartered in Seoul South Korea The organization aims to promote green growth a growth paradigm that is characterized by a balance of economic growth and environmental sustainability GGGI provides research and stakeholder engagement for green growth plans especially in developing countries aiming to replace the more typical paradigm based on industrial developmentFounded to support green economic growth that simultaneously addresses poverty reduction job creation social inclusion and environmental sustainability GGGI works across four priority areas that are considered to be essential to transforming national economies including energy water land use and green citiesMotto Championing Green Growth and Climate ResilienceFormation 16 June 2010Headquarters Seoul Republic of KoreaMembership 30 Member countriesCouncil chair Ban Ki MoonDirector-General Frank RijsbermanBudget USD 55 million 2018Q377 The term “Climate Neutrality” sometimes mentioned in the news are related to :A World Wild life FundB UNFCCC SecretariatC Biocarbon FundD World wildlife TrustAns BThe UNFCCC secretariat launched its Climate Neutral Now initiative in 2015 The following year the secretariatlaunched a new pillar under its Momentum for Change initiative focused on Climate Neutral Nowas part of larger efforts to showcase successful climate action around the worldThe UNFCCC secretariat UN Climate Change was established in 1992 when countries adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCCWith the subsequent adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015 Parties to these three agreements have progressively reaffirmed the secretariat’s role as the United Nations entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate changeSince 1995 the secretariat is located in Bonn GermanyThe secretariat provides technical expertise and assists in the analysis and review of climate change information reported by Parties and in the implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms It also maintains the registry for Nationally Determined Contributions NDC established under the Paris Agreement a key aspect of implementation of the Paris AgreementThe secretariat organizes and supports between two and four negotiating sessions each year The largest and most important is the Conference of the Parties held annually and hosted in different locations around the globe It is the largest annual United Nations conference attended on average by around 25000 participants In addition to these major conferences the secretariat organizes annual sessions of the so-called subsidiary bodies as well as a large number of meetings and workshops throughout the yearIn recent years the secretariat also supports the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action agreed by governments to signal that successful climate action requires strong support from a wide range of actors including regions cities business investors and all parts of civil society At UN Climate Change Conferences a large number of events demonstrate how non-Party stakeholders are working with governments and the UN system to implement the Paris AgreementFRAMED FROM NDC PARTNERSHIPORG Q376 With reference to the Special Climate Change Fund consider the following statements :1 It was established in 1991 under UNFCCC to finance projects which enable the adaptation to climate change2 It is operated by United Nation Environment Programme UNEP amp World Meteorological Organisation WMOSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DIt was established in 2001 under UNFCCC to finance projects which enable the adaptation to climate changeIt is operated by Global Environment Facility GEFEXPLANATION :In 2001 Parties to the UNFCCC established the Special Climate Change Fund SCCF to support climate change activities that are complementary to the GEF’s climate change projects with a special focus on the most vulnerable countries The objective of the Special Climate Change Fund SCCF is to support adaptation and technology transfer projects and programs that: are countryFRAMED FROM IUCNORG Q375 Which among the following country is not the member of the “Mangroves for The Future” A Cambodia B MyanmarC LaosD MaldivesAns CMangroves for the Future MFFLocation: Member countries: Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Seychelles Sri Lanka Thailand and Vietnam Outreach countries: Malaysia Dialogue countries: Kenya and TanzaniaDuration: Established in 2006 MFF is currently in its third phase 2015 – 2018 Project Background: The devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 laid bare the vital link between coastal ecosystems and human livelihoods It was United States President Bill Clinton’s vision that rebuilding in tsunami-hit areas should improve natural infrastructure and strengthen resilience against future natural disasters In response to this vision IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP developed Mangrovesfor the Future in 2006 Since then MFF has grown to include eight institutional partners plus a growing number of countries At the launch of the Tsunami Legacy report at the United Nations in New York in April 2009 Bill Clinton acclaimed MFF as one of the most positive and forward-looking developments of the post-tsunami periodMangroves for the Future MFF is a unique partner-led initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development Co-chaired by IUCN and UNDP MFF provides a platform for collaboration among the many different agencies sectors and countries which are addressing challenges to coastal ecosystem and livelihood issues The goal is to promote an integrated ocean-wide approach to coastal management and to building the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities Mangroves are the flagship of the initiative but MFF is inclusive of all types of coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs estuaries lagoons sandy beaches seagrass and wetlandsFRAMED FROM The Hindu Q374 Which among the following is/are classified under the Third Generation Vaccines 1 DTP vaccine2 DNA Vaccine3 Polio VaccineSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D Only 2Ans DDTP vaccine – Second generation VaccineDNA Vaccine- Third generation VaccinePolio Vaccine- First generation VaccineDNA vaccination is a technique for protecting against disease by injection with genetically engineered DNA so cells directly produce an antigen producing a protective immunological response DNA vaccines have potential advantages over conventional vaccines including the ability to induce a wider range of immune response typesSeveral DNA vaccines are available for veterinary use Currently no DNA vaccines have been approved for human use Research is investigating the approach for viral bacterial and parasitic diseases in humans as well as for several cancersApplicationsNo DNA vaccines have been approved for human use in the United States Few experimental trials have evoked a response strong enough to protect against disease and the technique’s usefulness remains to be proven in humans A veterinary DNA vaccine to protect horses from West Nile virus has been approvedFirst-Generation Vaccines Attenuated and inactivated vaccines are identified in the first generation which use a primary method in their production Attenuated pathogens full organisms or inactivated bacterial toxin which are effectively immunogenic are used in making these vaccines2nd Generation Vaccines:-The second generation vaccines were created in order to minimize the risks of having the pathogen revert to a dangerous formThe way these vaccines work is that they do not contain the whole organism but rather subunits Subunits may consist of the toxins that the pathogen create if they are bacterial Another example of subunit vaccines are those that only contain protein sections of the pathogen such as an acellular formA great example of a 2nd generation vaccine is DTaP The vaccine contains diptheria toxoid tetanus toxoid pertussis toxoid as well as the acellular version of pertussisAs with the issues with the 1st generation of vaccines the 2nd generation vaccines can generate antibody response and T-helper response but AGAIN no T-Killer responseFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS Q373 Which among the following is/are the examples of The Near Field Communication 1 Public transport card readers2 Smart phones3 Touch payment terminalsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DNear-field communication NFC is a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm 16 in of each other1NFC devices are used in contactless payment systems similar to those used in credit cards and electronic ticket smartcards and allow mobile payment to replace or supplement these systems This is sometimes referred to as NFC/CTLS Contactless or CTLS NFC NFC is used for social networking for sharing contacts photos videos or files2 NFC-enabled devices can act as electronic identity documents and keycards3 NFC offers a low-speed connection with simple setup that can be used to bootstrap more capable wireless connectionsFRAMED FROM SHANKAR ENVIRONMENT Q372 With respect to the Global Tiger Forum GTF consider the following statements :1 It is an international symposium to save Tigers in the world with support of South Asian Countries2 Headquarter of the GTF is located in India because India has the largest tiger population in the world Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BGTF is an intergovernmental body to undertake worldwide campaign amp a common programme to save tigers in the worldInternational Symposium on Tiger held at New Delhi during February 1993 adopted a Delhi declaration on Tiger conservation Headquarter of the GTF is located in India because India has the largest tiger population in the world FRAMED FROM MAJID HUSSAIN’S INDIAN GEOGRAPHY Q371 Consider the following :1 Jai Samand Lake : Largest Artificial lake2 Pulicat lake : Has a largest number of islands within3 Vembanad lake : Largest KayalsWhich among the above is/are correctly matched A Only 2B 1 amp 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans BExplanation :1Kolleru lake has the largest number of islands within Kolleru lake is formed between deltas of Godavari amp Krishna riversKolleru Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in India located in state of Andhra Pradesh and formsthe largest shallow freshwater3 lake in Asia 15 kilometers away from the city of Eluru Kolleru is located between Krishna and Godavari deltas4 Kolleru spans into two districts – Krishna and West Godavari The lake is fed directly by water from the seasonal Budameru and Tammilerustreams and is connected to the Krishna and Godavari irrigation systems by over 67 major and minor irrigation canals This lake is a major tourist attraction Many birds migrate here in winter such as Siberian crane ibisand painted storks The lake was an important habitat for an estimated 20 million resident and migratorybirds including the grey or spot-billed pelican Pelecanus philippensis The lake was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in November 1999 under India’s Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and designated a wetland of international importance in November 2002 under the international Ramsar Convention The wildlife sanctuary covers an area of 308 km2Egrets grey herons painted storks and black-headed ibises gathering in thousands at Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh IndiaKolleru Lake under Ramsar Convention allowing local communities Here: Vaddi Community to continue their occupation of culture fish and caught fish covers 90100 hectares 222600 acres and Kolleru Lake underWildlife Sanctuary covers 166000 acres 67200 ha2Pulicat lake : Pulicat Lagoon is the second largest brackish water lagoon in India after Chilika Lake Pulicat Lagoon is considered to be the second largest brackish water body in India measuring 759 km2 The Lagoon is one the three important wetlands to attract North-East Monsoon rain clouds during October to December season to Tamil Nadu The lagoon comprises the following regions which adds up 759 km2 according to Andhra Pradesh Forest Department: 1 Pulicat Lake Tamil Nadu-TN amp Andhra Pradesh-AP 2 Marshy/WetlandLand Region AP 3 Venadu Reserve Forest AP 4 Pernadu Reserve Forest AP The lagoon was cut across in the middle the Sriharikota Link Road which divided the water body into lake and marshy land The lake encompasses the Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary The barrier island of Sriharikota separates the lake from the Bay of Bengal and is home to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre1 Major part of the lake comes under Nellore district of Andhra pradesh3 Vembanad lake:Vembanad Vembanad Kayal or Vembanad Kol is the longest lake in India1 and the largest lake in the state of Kerala Spanning several districts in the state of Kerala it is known as Vembanadu Lake in Kottayam Punnamada Lake in Kuttanad and Kochi Lake in Kochi Several groups of small islands including Vypin Mulavukad Vallarpadam Willingdon Island are located in the Kochi Lake portion Kochi Port is built around the Willingdon Island and the Vallarpadam islandThe Nehru Trophy Boat Race is conducted in a portion of the lake High levels of pollution have been noticed at certain hotspots of the Vembanad backwaters Government of India has identified the Vembanad wetland under National Wetlands Conservation Programme4 Jai Samand Lake:Dhebar Lake also known as Jaisamand Lake is India’s second-largest artificial lake after Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar1 It is located in the Udaipur District of Rajasthan State in western India It has an area of 87 km2 34 sq mi when full and was created in the 17th century when Rana Jai Singh of Udaipur built a marble dam across the Gomati River It is about 450 km 280 mi from the district headquarters of Udaipur When first built it was the largest artificial lake in the world The surrounding Jaisamand Wildlife Sanctuary around Dhebar Lake can be reached by the state highway to Banswara from Udaipur It is about 270 km 168 mi from Parsad A village on National Highway No 8 Jaisamand Wildlife Sanctuary protects about 1620 square kilometres 16200 ha mostly teakforest on the shores of Dhebar Lake The lake has three islands measuring from 10 to 40 acres 40000 to 162000 m2 each The Dhebar Lake Marble Dam is 3000 m 9843 ft long and is a part of the Heritage Monuments of India The dam also has the Hawa Mahal Palace winter Capital of the erstwhile Maharanas of MewarFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -MAY 2018 Q370 With reference to the CLOUD ACT consider the following statements :1 It has been passed by the US Congress very recently to make artificial rain by spraying clouds with substances like Silver Iodide 2 US has enacted in 2018 by passing the Consolidated Appropriations ActSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BCloud act – The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data CLOUD Act passed by the US Congress earlier this year seeks to de-monopolise control over data from US authorities The law will for the first time allow tech companies to share data directly with certain foreign governments This however requires an executive agreement between the US and the foreign country certifying that the state has robust privacy protections and respect for due process and the rule of law Before this Cloud Act an Indian officer investigating would have to raise a request for data to the US government where it is storedHow CLOUD act impacts law enforcement in India :- Timely access to electronic data for police is required to prevent mitigate or prosecute even a routine crime With the enactment of the CLOUD Act an Indian officer for the purposes of an investigation will no longer have to make a request to the US government but can approach the company directlyFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS -AUGUST 2018 Q369 Which among the following is/are the expected benefits to a country by signing the pact of Duqm port in Oman 1 Port is located near the Persian Gulf through which half of the world’s oil tanker pass2 It has a special economic zone where 25 billion investments are expected to be made by the Indian companiesWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AIt has a special economic zone where 18 billion investments are expected to be made by the Indian companiesPort is located near the Persian Gulf through which half of the world’s oil tanker passIt is also near the Chabahar port of IranFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS -AUGUST 2018 Q368 What is/are the consequence/ consequences of a country becoming the member of the ‘European Bank for Reconstruction amp Development’ 1 Membership would provide access to the technical amp financial assistance of the bank related to the development of the private sector2 Co-financing opportunities access to the international markets will be enhanced through the membershipWhich of the statements given above is/are correctA 1 onlyB 2 onlyC Both 1 amp 2D Neither 1 nor 2 Ans BMembership would provide access to the technical assistance amp sectoral knowledge of the bank related to the development of the private sectorCo-financing opportunities access to the international markets will be enhanced through the membershipExplanation:The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD is an international financial institution founded in 1991 As a multilateral developmental investment bank the EBRD uses investment as a tool to build market economies Initially focused on the countries of the former Eastern Bloc it expanded to support development in more than 30 countries from central Europe to central Asia Similar to other multilateral development banks the EBRD has members from all over the world North America Africa Asia and Australia see below with the biggest shareholder being the United States but only lends regionally in its countries of operations Headquartered in London the EBRD is owned by 69 countries and two EU institutions 69th being Indiarecently in July 2018 Despite its public sector shareholders it invests in private enterprises together with commercial partnersThe EBRD is not to be confused with the European Investment Bank EIB which is owned by EU member states and is used to support EU policy EBRD is also distinct from the Council of Europe Development Bank CEBFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS -AUGUST 2018 Q367 STARLINK refers to :A It is a research amp development project developed by Google X to provide internet access to rural amp remote areasB It is the solar powered drone launched by facebook to provide internet access to four billion people around the world C Any type of drone that can be controlled by the Microwave signals of high wavelengthD It is the planned constellation of satellites that would provide high speed global internet connectionAns DStarlink is a satellite constellation development project underway by SpaceX1 to develop a low-cost high-performance satellite bus and requisite customer ground transceivers to implement a new space-basedInternet communication system23 By 2017 SpaceX submitted regulatory filings to launch nearly 12000 satellites to orbit by the mid-2020s4SpaceX also plans to sell satellites that use a satellitebus that may be used for military5 scientific or exploratory purposes6 In November 2018 SpaceX received FCC approval to deploy 7518 broadband satellites in addition to the 4425 satellites that were approved in March 2018 Development began in 2015 and prototype test-flight satellites were launched on 22 February 2018Initial operation of the constellation could begin in 2020 with satellite deployment beginning mid 2019The SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond Washington houses the research and development operations for the satellite Internet projectFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q366 Which among the following sites have been identified for the development of Water Aerodromes 1 Wular lake2 Sabarmati river front3 Chilika lakeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans CChilika lake IN Orissa Gujarat’s Sardar Sarovar Dam Sabarmati river front have been identified for the development of Water AerodromesFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q365 Which among the following products have been classified into Minor Forest Products 1 Tamarind 2 Sandalwood3 Bamboo4 Cane5 Fuel amp TimberSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1345B 245C Only 2 amp 5D 134Ans DMajor Forest Produce and Minor Forest Products The Major Forest Products comprise Pulpwood SandalwoodSocial Forestry that incudes Fuel and Timber The Minor Forest Products include the items such as tamarind curry leaf Tendu Patta gallnut Cane Soapnut tree moss and now Bamboo alsoFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q364 Consider the following :1 Magnetic Rheological Fluid Damper2 Macro encapsulation device for treatment of Diabetes3 Smartphone based Camera SensorWhich among the above projects have been developed under the Imprint-2 Initiative A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 1Ans BMagnetic Rheological Fluid Damper Smartphone based Camera Sensor- are the projects of IMPRINT INITIATIVEFor details of the projects open the link : FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q363 Which among the following have been accorded Geographical Indication status 1 Blue pottery of Jaipur2 Tirupati ladoos3 Mahabaleshwar Strawberry4 Nagpur OrangeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 124B 2 amp 4C 234D 1234Ans DFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q362 With reference to the news what is Blockchain Bond A It is the new debt instrument issued by World Bank by using ledger technology B It is a type of bond purchased by buyers interested in earning a revenue stream from the British pound or sterlingC Republic of Seychelles has launched the Bond a novel financing initiative which taps into capital markets to fund ocean-related environmental projectsD It is the bond issued outside India but denominated in Indian Rupees rather than the local currencyAns AThe World Bank is turning to blockchain to help it raise moneyThe international lender is planning to issue what it says is the world’s first global blockchainbond a notable mainstream endorsement of the emerging technologyBlockchain is best known as the technology underpinning bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies It serves as a digital record of financial transactionsThe World Bank has hired Commonwealth Bank of Australia CBAUF to manage the bond which is expected to raise as much as 100 million Australian dollars 73 millionFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q361 Which of the following best describes the term “Mobilise Your City” sometimes seen in news A It is an initiative to support three Indian cities to reduce Green House Gas emissionsB It is a part of Swacch Bharat Mission to make Indian cities clean C It is the Heat Action Plan adopted in Climate Change Conference to keep global average temperature below 20 CD It is an initiative to support Indian cities to reduce atmospheric pollution as a part of health initiativeAns AIndia and France sign an implementation agreement on “MOBILISE YOUR CITY” MYC European Union agrees to Euro 35 million for investments and technical assistance within the Mobilise Your City MYC programme in India MYC aims at supporting three pilot cities viz Nagpur Kochi and Ahmedabad for reduction of Green House Gas GHG emissions related to urban transportFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q360 With reference to the PISA Programme For International Student Assessment consider the following statements :1 PISA test introduced in the year 2000 by UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund 2 The test is carried out once in every two yearsWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DPISA test introduced in the year 2000 by OECDThe test is carried out once in every three yearsThe Programme for International Student Assessment PISA is a worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD in member and non-member nations intended to evaluate educational systems by measuring 15-year-old school pupils’ scholastic performance on mathematics science and reading It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years Its aim is to provide comparable data with a view to enabling countries to improve their education policies and outcomes It measures problem solving and cognition The 2015 version of the test was published on 6 December 2016FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q359 With reference to O-Smart scheme consider the following statements :1 It is the Earth Ministry’s scheme to address Ocean development activities 2 The scheme covers 16 sub projects with an overall cost of Rs 1700 croresWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThe scheme covers 16 sub projects with an overall cost of Rs 1623 croresFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q358 Which among the following is/are modified Operational Guidelines for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 1 Only Perennial horticulture crops are included on pilot basis under the ambit of PMFBY 2 Farmers will be paid 11 interest by insurance companies Which of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-Farmers will be paid 12 interest by insurance companies-State Governments will have to pay 12 interest for delay in release of state share of subsidy-It includes Perennial horticulture crops on pilot basis under the ambit of PMFBY -It provides add on coverage for crop loss -Release of upfront premium subsidy FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q357 With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana consider the following statements :1 It is a life insurance scheme which includes age between 18 to 50 years2 The annual premium of Rs12 will be paid by the Union government 3 The benefit includes Rs 2 lakhs in case of death due to any causeWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans BPradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana is a accident insurance scheme which includes age between 18 to 50 yearsPradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is a life insurance which includes age between 18 to 70 yearsPradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana : The annual premium of Rs12 will be paid by the Union government Pradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana : The annual premium of Rs330 will be paid by the Union government FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q356 Which among the following are mandatory to mention on the label of the food items as per regulations of Food Safety amp Standards Regulations Act2018 1Trans fats2 Sugar 3 Salt4 Genetically Engineered Goods / ingredients derived from GMO5 Folic acidWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A 145B 1234C 123D 12345Ans BThe Food Safety and Standards Authority of India FSSAI on August 17 2018 constituted a group of experts from health and nutrition sector to look into the issue of food labellingThe expert panel will be headed by B Sesikeran former director of National Institute of Nutrition NIN and comprises Hemalatha and Dr Nikhil Tandon The panel will study in detail the concerns of the industry and make recommendations The announcement regarding the constitution of the Committee was made by FSSAI CEO Pawan Kumar Agarwal while addressing a national consultation on the draft regulation on food labelling organised by the CUTS InternationalAgarwal also made it clear that Food Safety and Standards Authority of India FSSAI will go ahead with the labelling norms even if there is no full consensus on the matter after the panel’s suggestionsIn April 2018 the FSSAI had come out with the draft of ‘Food Safety and Standards Labelling and Display Regulations 2018’ that propose mandatory red-label marking on packaged food products containing high levels of fat sugar and saltHowever for now the government has put on hold these draft regulations following the concerns raised by stakeholdersDraft provisions of Food Safety and Standards Labelling and Display Regulations 2018• The draft regulations suggest for mandatory declaration by packaged food manufacturers about nutritional information such as calories total fat trans fat sugar and salt per serve on the front of the pack• The draft pitches for a colour code proposes that the high fats such as sugar and salt trans-fat and sodium content should be coloured as ‘red’ if the value of energy from total sugar or fat is more than 10 percent of the total energy in the 100 grams or 100 ml of the product • The colour coding will make it easier for consumers to know about the nutritional value of food products and will help them make choices as per their requirements • It also makes mandatory to label food stuffs as ‘Contains GMO/Ingredients derived from GMO’ if the items contain 5 percent or more Genetically Engineered GE ingredients • The nutritional information should also be provided in the form of bar codeFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q355 Consider the following statements with reference to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that sometimes seen in news :1 It is a gyre of marine debris particles in the central North Pacific Ocean2 It is located from 135°E to 155°WWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThe Great Pacific garbage patch also described as the Pacific trash vortex is a gyre of marine debris particles in the central North Pacific Ocean It is located roughly from 135°W to 155°W and 35°N to 42°NThe collection of plastic floating trash halfway between Hawaii and California extends over an indeterminate area of widely varying range depending on the degree of plastic concentration used to define itThe patch is characterized by exceptionally high relative pelagic concentrations of plastic chemical sludge and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre3 Despite the common public image of islands offloating rubbish its low density 4 particles per cubic meter prevents detection by satellite imagery or even by casual boaters or divers in the area It consists primarily of an increase in suspended often microscopic particles in the upper water columnThe patch is not easily seen from the sky because the plastic is dispersed over a large area Researchers from The Ocean Cleanup project claimed that the patch covers 16 million square kilometers The plastic concentration is estimated to be up to 100 kilograms per square kilometer in the center going down to 10 kilograms per square kilometer in the outer parts of the patch An estimated 80000 metric tons of plastic inhabit the patch totaling 18 trillion pieces 92 of the mass in the patch comes from objects larger than 05 centimetersResearch indicates that the patch is rapidly accumulatingA similar patch of floating plastic debris is found in the Atlantic Ocean called the North Atlantic garbage patchFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q354 Consider the following statements with reference to the Heritage Irrigation Structures that sometimes seen in news :1 These structures have been created to ease irrigation by creating partition between the acidic amp alkaline soil2 This scheme has excluded old operational irrigation structures Which of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DAt the 63rd meeting of International Executive Council IEC held at Adelaide Australia on 28 June 2012 President Gao Zhanyi suggested that a process for recognition of the historical irrigation structures on the lines of World Heritage Sites as recognized by UNESCO shall be initiated Accordingly a Task Team comprising of the following members was set up to work out objectives guidelines and procedures to select the historical irrigation structures The Scheme was discussed during the meeting of WG-HIST at 65th IEC meeting The members suggested changes in the scope of the Scheme The present Scheme has been revised and updated to include both the old operational irrigation structures as well as structures that have primarily archival value It is proposed that a historical irrigation and/or drainage structure fulfilling the criterion laid down in this document shall be recognized as “Heritage Irrigation Structure” HIS The nomination forms received by 30 June every year will be processed together and presented to the following Executive Council meeting after due processing Nominations are invited from ICID National Committees for selection of “World Heritage Irrigation Structures” WHIS thatincludes both old operational irrigation structures as well as those having an archival value A Task Team is set up every year to select historical drainage/drainage structures as received from various National Committees NCs to give recognition to the historical irrigation structures on the lines of World Heritage Sites as recognized by UNESCO National Committee can nominate more than one structure using separate nomination form for each Associated Members and non-member countries can nominate their structures through the neighboring active national committees or by submitting directly to the ICID Central OfficeFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q353 Which of the following best describes “MOVE” sometimes seen in news A It is the Global Mobility Summit organized by Niti Ayog to make Indian cities pollution freeB It is an Intergovernmental agreement on the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse C It is the Global Mobility Summit organized by UNFCCC between the Commonwealth and the States on environment issuesD It is an inter governmental agreement for the promotion of political amp economic relations with the ASEANAns ATo showcase innovation and build a platform to shape the future of mobility NITI Aayog is proud to host the first Move Summit 2018 In New Delhi on 7th and 8th September 2018 stakeholders from across the sectors of mobility and transportation will gather to co-create a public interest framework to revolutionize transport Together government industry academia civil society and media will set the base for a transport system which is safe clean shared and connected and affordable accessible and inclusiveThe Move Summit will address these challenges through two major channels:THE CORE SUMMIT AND PARALLEL EVENTS It will help leverage a number of unique features of India’s mobility ecosystem:a Tremendous potential for a fundamental shiftb Low lock-in-effectc Scale and size d Frugal innovation ande Globally-recognized technological prowessThe Move Summit will seek to integrate India’s efforts around sustainable development urbanization clean energy and more through the unique lens of mobilityFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q352 With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana consider the following statements :1 Institutional treatment is the part of this Scheme2 It will cover over 10 crore people for secondary amp tertiary care hospitalization 3 Members of the family should not be more than 5 to be eligible for the scheme Which of the statements given above is/are correct A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans B1st statement : Institution treatment means a hospital nursing facility or other It is a fabricated statement3rd statement : It is also wrong It is not the feature of this schemePrime Minister Narendra Modi launched ambitious Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana PMJAY under Ayushman Bharat umbrella at Ranchi Jharkhand The scheme aims to provide annual health insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh to 1074 crore beneficiary families ie over 50 crore beneficiaries across India It is touted as world’s largest healthcare scheme that will serve beneficiary population that equals 27-28 European countries and almost equal to population of Canada Mexico and US put together The scheme will become operational from September 25 2018 ie on birth anniversary of Deendayal Upadhyay FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -JUNE 2018 Q351 Which of the following best describes “RIMPAC” sometimes seen in news A It is a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shippingB It is the world’s largest military exercise between United States amp South Korea C It is a naval ship that is built and primarily intended for naval warfareD It is the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise administered by the United States Navy’s pacific fleetAns DRIMPAC the Rim of the Pacific Exercise is the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise RIMPAC is held bienniallyduring June and July of even-numbered years from Honolulu Hawaii It is hosted and administered by the United States Navy’s Pacific Fleet headquartered at Pearl Harbor in conjunction with the Marine Corps the Coast Guard and Hawaii National Guard forces under the control of the Governor of Hawaii The US invites military forces from the Pacific Rim and beyond to participate With RIMPAC the United States Pacific Command seeks to enhance interoperability among Pacific Rim armed forces ostensibly as a means of promoting stability in the region to the benefit of all participating nations Described by the US Navy as a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceansRIMPAC 2018On 23 May 2018 the Pentagon announced that it had disinvited China because of recent militarization of islands in the South China Sea after China had announced in January that it had been invitedThe PRC has previously attended RIMPAC 2014 amp 2016On 30 May 2018 the US Navy announced that the following navies would take part in the exercise FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -JUNE 2018 Q350 With reference to the “Polargap Project” consider the following statements :1 It is an international mission to capture data about the Earth’s electrical amp magnetic field2 This project is largely funded by the World bankWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DPolarGAP is an ambitious international mission to capture new and critical data about the Earth’s global gravity field Innovative radar systems and Lidar technologies will also be deployed from Twin Otter aircraft to fill the ‘data gap’ in measurements of surface elevation over the South Pole region south of 835°Two earth observing satellite missions GOCE and CryoSat 2 mounted by the European Space Agency ESA revolutionised scientists’ ability to ‘map’ the Earth’s global gravity field and monitor how Earth’s ice fields are responding to global change However because GOCE’s orbit did not cross the Poles there is a data gap at the South PoleThe PolarGAP project will collect new gravity data and combine them with datasets from other Antarctic missions to build the first accurately constrained global gravity model This is essential as global gravity data provide unique informationon mass distribution and transport in the Earth System linked to processes and changes in the Solid Earth hydrology cryosphere oceans and atmosphere Key applications of gravity data include geodetic studies levelling and mapping navigation GPS/GLONASS and satellite orbit planningFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -JULY 2018 Q349 Recently environment minister inaugurates advanced system of air quality “SAFAR” With reference to this project consider the following statements :1 It will monitor all the weather parameters like temperature wind speed amp wind direction 2 The system will also monitor existence of Benzene Methane amp TolueneWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AScienceamp Technology Earth Sciences Environment Forest amp Climate Change Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan unveiled a state-of-the-art Air Quality and Weather Forecast System– SAFAR System of Air Quality and Weather Forecastingat ChandniChowkin Delhi today The giant true colour LED display gives out real-time air quality index on 24×7 basis with colour coding alongwith 72-hour advance forecastThe system first of its kind in the country was developed indigenously in record time by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune and operationalized by India Meteorological Department IMDThe minister said based on the Air Quality Index on a particular day Health advisory and related precaution will be notified to prepare citizens well in advance Dr Harsh Vardhan further added that in addition to monitoring and forecasting of regular air quality and weather parameters the ChandniChowk air quality station will also measure sun’s UV-Index and will provide measurement of online automatic ultrafine particles PM1 and Mercury both of which have direct relevance to human health Based on UVI skin advisories will be issued on display“Our mission model project SAFAR is implemented in four cities of India – Delhi Pune Mumbai and Ahmedabad as an operational service Accordingto a preliminary economic assessment of the benefits of the system if 5 of people suffering from air-pollution related diseases take advantage of the advisories and precautionsin Delhi alone it would result in a saving of nearly Rs 2500 crores in terms of health-related cost benefit” said Dr Harsh Vardhan addressing a large gathering at Town Hall in ChandniChowkThe system will be an integral part of India’s first Air Quality Early Warning System operational in Delhi and will strengthen the existing air quality network of SAFAR Central Pollution Control Board and Delhi Pollution Control CommitteeSAFAR will accelerate public awareness and preparedness of air pollution and weather extremes It will also lead to better understanding of linkages among emissions weather pollution and climate It will monitor all weather parameters like temperature rainfall humidity wind speed and wind directionIn addition to regular air quality parameters like PM25 PM10 Sulfur Dioxide Ozone Nitrogen Oxides Carbon Monoxide the system will also monitor the existence of Benzene Toluene and XyleneBesides health SAFAR system would benefit cost savings to several other sectors like agriculture aviation infrastructure disaster management skill tourism and many others which directly or indirectly get affected by air quality and weather FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q348 Which of the following best describes “Global Green Bond Partnership” sometimes seen in news A This partnership will spread catchment area over 689 sq km to provide water for irrigation to cities states regionsB These bonds are issued by world bank in partnership with the government bodies private organisations or individual scientists to increase forest cover C This partnership will support efforts of cities states regions corporations private companies to accelerate issuance of green bondsD These bonds are issued by world bank in partnership with the government bodies private organisations or individual scientists to provide precious water for paddy cropsAns CThe Global Green Bond Partnership GGBP launched at the Global Climate Action Summit GCAS This new partnership will support efforts of sub-national entities such as cities states and regions corporations and private companies and financial institutions to accelerate the issuance of green bondsThe founding members of the Global Green Bond Partnership GGBP include the World Bank IFC – a member of the World Bank Group Amundi European Investment Bank Climate Bonds Initiative Ceres ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate amp Energy GCoM and the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership LEDS GPFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q347 With reference to the Price Deficiency Payment Scheme consider the following statements :1 It is proposed to cover all the oil seeds for which minimum support price is notified2 It does not involve any physical procurement of the crops3 All the payments will be done directly into registered bank account of the farmer Which of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 2B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans DThe Niti Aayog has released a three-year agenda for the Centre Of the several things it has touched upon one is agriculture with a focus on doubling farmers’ income The think-tank has recommended reforms in the APMC Act and tenancy laws and tweaks to the eNAM electronic National Agriculture Market It has also suggested ‘Price Deficiency Payment’ system to address the gaps in Minimum Support Price MSP based procurement of cropsWhat is itUnder Price Deficiency Payment farmers are proposed to be compensated for the difference between the government-announced MSPs for select crops and their actual market prices For crops such as rice and wheat where it is effective now MSP announcements will continue For other targeted crops price deficiency payments will be made However it has to be noted that there may be a cap on the extent to which the Centre will bridge the gap between MSP and market priceNiti Aayog has said that the farmer may be entitled to the difference up to say 10 per cent To avail this benefit eachfarmer would have to register with the nearest APMC mandi and report the total area sown The subsidy may be paid via Direct Benefit Transfer DBT into the farmer’s Aadhaar-linked bank accountWhy is it importantThe key benefit from the price deficiency payment is that it will reduce the need for the government to actually procure food crops transport and store them and then dispose of them under PDS The difference between the support and market prices can instead simply be paid in cash to the farmer Price deficiency payment can also keep India’s bill on food subsidies under check believes Niti Aayog India’s food subsidy schemes have frequently come under the WTO scanner Even in the meeting held in March this year there were questions raised on the minimum support price programmes for wheat sugarcane and pulses by the US EU and AustraliaThese countries see India’s procurement subsidies as trade-distorting In recent years the government has been seeing the accumulation of large food grain stocks in its godowns over and above the buffer requirement This entails storage and wastage costs that add on to the subsidy billFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q346 Recently Government has hiked customs duties of several items to curb imports of non-essential goods Which among the following items are exempted under the custom duty 1 E-cigarettes2 Aviation turbine fuel3 Decorative sheets4 Beeds amp BanglesWhich of the options given above is/are correct A 234B Only 1C 1 amp 3D Only 4Ans BCustom DutySno Item 1 Air Conditioner 2 Refrigerators3 Washing Machines Less than 10kg 4 Compressor for ACs Refrigerators 5 Speakers 6 Footwear 7 Radial car tyres 8 Non-industrial diamonds 9 Diamonds semi-processed 10 Lab grown diamonds 11 Cut polished coloured gem stones 12 Jewellery- precious metal or metal clad with precious metal 13 Goldsmith or Silversmith wares – precious metal or metal clad with precious metal 14 Shower bath bath sink wash basin of plastic 15 Plastic items- boxes case containers bottles insulated ware 16 Kitchenware tableware household items of plastic 17 Other plastic items- office stationary fitting for furniture decorative sheets statuettes beads and bangles18 Trunks suitcases brief cases travel bags and other bags 19 Aviation turbine fuel FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q345 With reference to the Price Support scheme consider the following statements :1 Physical procurement of the oilseeds pulses amp Copra will be done by NAFED amp Food Corporation of India2 Procurement expenditure amp losses due to procurement will be borne by the State governmentWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAnsAProcurement expenditure amp losses due to procurement will be borne by the Union government as per normsPhysical procurement of the oilseeds pulses amp Copra will be done by Central Nodal agencies with the proactive role of the State governments FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q344 India has recently signed COMCASA Agreement What is/are the consequence/consequences for India by signing the agreement 1 It allows the India to transfer electronic systems amp ensure secrecy of its C4ISR systems2 By signing the agreement India would have to buy American Military equipmentWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-It allows the US to transfer high tech electronic systems amp ensure secrecy of its C4ISR Command Control Communications Computers Intelligence Surveillance amp Reconnaissance systems-By signing the agreement It is not mean that India would have to necessarily buy American Military equipmentExplanation :It is one of the three foundational defence pacts that needs to be signed by a country in order to obtain high-tech military hardware from the US Before COMCASA India had signed only one of these agreements – Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement LEMOA – in 2016 The two countries are yet to begin talks on the third agreement – Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-spatial Cooperation BECA2 The agreement will give Indian military access to function on high-end secured and encrypted communication equipment which are installed on American platforms obtained by Indian Armed Forces These platforms include C-130 J C-17 P-8I aircraft and Apache and Chinook helicopters3 The act is usually known as the Communication and Information on Security Memorandum of Agreement CISMOA But it was changed to COMCASA to signify its India-specific alterations4 It will also provide a legal framework for the transfer of encrypted communication security equipment from the US to India It is believed to be safer and more secure than the system that India uses right now “Signing of Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement COMCASA will enable India to access advanced technologies from USA” Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said while addressing the media5 The agreement was pending for almost ten years One of the major reasons for this was the fear that India may compromise its operational independence Critics had also pointed out that the agreement could jeopardise India’s established military ties with Russia and access to their weapons systemsThe agreement is also of political significance with the general elections scheduled to take place next year In 2016 the BJP government had to face a lot of criticism from the opposition parties for signing LEMOAThese agreements and Donald Trump administration’s decision to give India STA-1 status Strategic Trade Authorization-1 shows the country’s importance in the US strategic calculus“We’ll be meeting PM Modi on how to advance relationship in the new era of growth under his leadership and President Trump We had many productive and forward thinking conversations on our bilateral relationship and our shared future” Pompeo said after ‘22’ talksFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q343 Currently India is a member of which among the following organizations / groups 1 Missile Technology Control Regime2 Australia Group3 Wassenaar Arrangement4 Nuclear Suppler GroupWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 2 amp 3B 234C Only 1 amp 2D 123Ans DSome countries are opposing the Indian entry into NSG because India has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty NPTQ342 With respect to the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana which among the following is NOT correctA It is a social welfare scheme to provide LPG connections in BPL householdsB The scheme was launched in the year 2015C The Government has set a target of 5 crores LPG connections under the YojanaD The objective of the scheme is to safeguard the health of women and children by providing them with clean cooking fuelAns B- The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana PMUY is a welfare program of the government of India launched by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2016The stated objective of the program is providing 50000000 LPG connections to women from families below the poverty lineFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ341 Which among the following is/are correctly matched 1 COP 11 : Minimata convention on mercury2 COP 3 : Kyoto protocol on climate change3 COP 1 : Montreal ProtocolSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans BCOP-4 conference in Buenos COP 3 : Kyoto protocol on climate changegtCOP 11 : Montreal It took place between 28 November and 9 December 2005 in Montreal Quebec Canada It was the first Meeting of the Parties CMP 1 to the Kyoto Protocol since their initial meeting in Kyoto in 1997 It was one of the largest intergovernmental conferences on climate change ever gtCOP1 : Minimata convention on mercuryFRAMED FROM MAP SECTION Q340 Consider the following :1 Rajpipla range : Rajasthan2 Suket hills : Himachal Pradesh3 Kali river : DelhiSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 123D 2 amp 3Ans BRajpipla range : GujaratKali river : Source : Doon valley in UttarakhandFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q339 Which of the following is/are true with respect to the petroleum Panchayat yojna 1 It has replaced Pradhan Mantri Ujwal Yojana to deal with issue of safe use of LPG2 It was launched in 20153 Availability of refill cylinders is one of the key feature of this schemeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 3Ans DIt was launched in 23rd September 2017It is backup scheme to existing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana LPG Panchayat will serve as an interactive platform between those who received LPG cylinders under PMUY One panchayat will have around 100 LPG customers of nearby areas The panchayats discuss issues such as safe practices quality of service provided by distributors and availability of refill cylindersFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q338 Which among the following species is/are the examples of the Waterfowl 1 Wood Sandpiper2 Little cormorant3 Painted StorkSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans D The most common waterfowl are :Gadwall shoveler common teal cotton teal tufted duck knob-billed duck little cormorant great cormorant Indian shag ruff painted stork white spoonbill Asian open-billed stork oriental ibis darter common sandpiper wood sandpiper and green sandpiper The sarus crane with its spectacular courtship dance is also found hereFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q337 Which among the following statements is/are true with respect to the Special Drawing Rights 1 These are the foreign-exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the World Bank 2 Private parties are restricted to hold or use them3 South African Rand amp British pound have been added to the XDR basket effectively from October 1 2016Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans DSpecial drawing rights ISO 4217 currency code XDR1 also abbreviated SDR are supplementary foreign-exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund IMF The XDR is the unit of account for the IMF and is not a currency per se2 XDRs instead represent a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged3 The XDR was created in 1969 to supplement a shortfall of preferred foreign-exchange reserve assets namely gold and the US dollar3XDRs are allocated to countries by the IMF3 Private parties do not hold or use them4 The amount of XDRs in existence was around XDR 214 billion in August 2009 During the global financial crisis of 2009 an additional XDR 1826 billion were allocated to provide liquidity to the global economic system and supplement member countries’ official reserves By October 2014 the amount of XDRs in existence was XDR 204 billion5The value of the XDR is based on a basket of key international currencies reviewed by IMF every five years3 The weights assigned to each currency in the XDR basket are adjusted to take into account their current prominence in terms of international trade and national foreign exchange reserves3 In the review conducted in November 2015 the IMF decided that the Renminbi Chinese yuan would be added to the basket effective October 1 20166 From that date the XDR basket now consists of the following five currencies: US dollar 4173 Euro 3093 Renminbi Chinese yuan 1092 Japanese yen 833 British pound 809FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q336 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana 1 it is an annual scholarships to children of Standard VI to IX having good academic records only2 Philately as a hobby is an important component of this scheme3 Children must be between 10 to 18 years of age to be eligible for this schemeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D Only 2Ans DDeen Dayal Sparsh YojanaMinister of Communications Shri Manoj Sinha launched a Pan India scholarship program for school children called Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana to increase the reach of Philately Under the scheme of SPARSH Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude amp Research in Stamps as a Hobby it is proposed to award annual scholarships to children of Standard VI to IX having good academic record and also pursuing Philately as a hobby through a competitive selection process in all postal circles Briefing the media after the launch of the scheme Shri Sinha said that under the scheme it is proposed to award 920 scholarships to students pursuing Philately as a hobby Every Postal Circle will select a maximum of 40 scholarships representing 10 students each from Standard VI VII VIII amp IX The amount of Scholarship will be Rs 6000/- per annum Rs 500/- per monthPhilately is the hobby of collection and study of Postage stampsFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q335 Which among the following is/are the cryptocurrencies 1 Litecoin2 Bitcoin3 NamecoinSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans Dcryptocurrencies such as Litecoin Namecoin and PPCoinThe first cryptocurrency to capture the public imagination was Bitcoin which was launched in 2009 by an individual or group known under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto As of September 2015 there were over 146 million bitcoins in circulation with a total market value of 34 billion Bitcoin’s success has spawned a number of competing cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin Namecoin and PPCoinCryptocurrencies make it easier to transfer funds between two parties in a transaction these transfers are facilitated through the use of public and private keys for security purposesThese fund transfers are done with minimal processing fees allowing users to avoid the steep fees charged by most banks and financial institutions for wire transfersFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q334 With reference to the news what are Bug Zappers A It is is a bio-remediation technique to get rid of oil spillB These are the fluorescent traps to eliminate bugs amp small insectsC These are the tools or methods to reduce the greenhouse gases D These are the Ultraviolet traps to eliminate various small flying insectsAns DUltraviolet traps called bug zappers are used to eliminate various small flying insects They are attracted to the UV and are killed using an electric shock or trapped once they come into contact with the device FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q333 Which among the following are the migratory wetland species 1 White-bellied Heron2 Siberian Crane3 Red-headed Vulture4 Spoon-billed SandpiperSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 4B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 2 amp 4Ans DMigratory wetland species: Baer’s Pochard Siberian Crane and Spoon-billed Sandpiper Non-migratory wetland species: White-bellied Heron Grassland species:Bengal Florican Great Indian Bustard Jerdon’s Courser and Sociable Lapwing Forest species:Forest Owlet Scavengers: Indian Vulture Red-headed Vulture White-backed Vulture and Slender-billed Vulture Himalayan Quail and Pink-headed Duck are now considered Extinct for all practical purposesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q332 With reference to the CITES what are Appendix II species A species that are listed after one member country has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling trade in a speciesB species that are threatened with extinction and are or may be affected by tradeC species that are not necessarily threatened with extinction but may become so unless trade in specimens of such speciesD Species that are preserved under the biosphere reserves to prevent their extinctionAns CAppendix I : species that are threatened with extinction and are or may be affected by tradeAppendix II : species that are not necessarily threatened with extinction but may become so unless trade in specimens of such speciesAppendix III : species that are listed after one member country has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling trade in a speciesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q331 What does Hedge Fund means A Funds provided for replacement and renovation of industriesB Open ended funds that pools capital from accredited individuals or institutional investorsC Start-up capital provided to new entrepreneursD Fund created by the Government of India for enhancing infrastructure financing in the countryAns BHedge Funds :A hedge fund is an investment fund that pools capital from accredited individuals or institutional investors and invests in a variety of assets often with complex portfolio-construction and risk-management techniquesIt is administered by a professional investment management firm and often structured as a limited partnership limited liability company or similar vehicleHedge funds are generally distinct from mutual funds as their use of leverage is not capped by regulators and distinct from private equity funds as the majority of hedge funds invest in relatively liquid assetsHedge funds are made available only to certain sophisticated or accredited investors and cannot be offered or sold to the general publicHedge funds are almost always open-ended and allow additions or withdrawals by their investors generally on a monthly or quarterly basis1 The value of an investor’s holding is directly related to the fund net asset valueFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q330 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Vernacular Press Act 1 The Act provided for submitting to police all the proof sheets of contents of papers before publication2 Final decision on the seditious news was to be determined by the Judiciary Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AVernacular press act:It was enacted to curtail the freedom of the Indian press and prevent the expression of criticism toward British policies—notably the opposition that had grown with the outset of the Second Anglo-Afghan War 1878–80The act was proposed by Lord Lytton then Viceroy of India and was unanimously passed by the Viceroy’s Council on March 14 1878 The act excluded English-language publications as it was meant to control seditious writing in ‘publications in Oriental languages’ everywhere in the country except for the SouthLord Wellesley regulated the press again in 1799 according to which press had to show and get approval of the government before the publication of any manuscript including advertisement During the Indian Rebellion of 1857 the Gagging Act” had been passed by Lord Canning which sought to regulate the establishment of printing presses and to restrain the mad of printed mater All presses had to have a license from the government with distinction between publications in English and other regional languages The Act also held that no printed material shall impugn the motives of the British Raj tending to bring it hatred and contempt and exciting unlawful resistance to its ordersAt the time the Vernacular Press Act was passed there were thirty five vernacular papers in Bengal including the Amrita Bazar Patrika the editor of which was one Sisir Kumar GhoseThe Vernacular Press Act stated that any magistrate or Commissioner of Police had the authority to call upon any printer or publisher of a newspaper to enter into a bond undertaking not to print a certain kind of material and could confiscate any printed material it deemed objectionable The Act provided for submitting to police all the proof sheets of contents of papers before publication What was seditious news was to be determined by the police and not by the judiciaryFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q329 Who among the following is/are associated with the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha 1 G SubramaniaIyer2 Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi3 P AnandacharluSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 1 amp 2Ans BPoona Sarvajanik Sabha:It was a sociopolitical organisation in British India which started with the aim of working as a mediating body between the government and people of India and to popularise the peasants’ legal rights1 2 It started as an elected body of 95 members elected by 6000 persons on April 2 1870The Pune Sarvajanik Sabha provided many of the prominent leaders of national stature to the Indian freedom struggle including Bal Gangadhar Tilak It was formed in 1870 by S H Chiplunkar Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi Mahadev Govind Ranade et alMany eminent personalities such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak Gopal Hari Deshmukh Maharshi Annasaheb Patwardhan5 etc served as the Presidents of the organizationMadras Mahajan Sabha:The first organisation in the Madras Presidency to agitate for the rights of Indians was the Madras Native Association which was established by publicist GazuluLakshminarasu Chetty in 1849 This organisation did not survive for long and was eventually disbandedIn May 1884 M Veeraraghavachariar G SubramaniaIyer and P Anandacharlu established the Madras Mahajana SabhaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q328 Consider the following statements :1 Deposition of iron-rich dust into ocean waters enhances carbon sequestration2 Biochar is added to a landfill or used as a soil improver to create terra preta3 Harvesting of Seeweed is done to generate electricity or as a replacement for natural gasSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DCarbon SequestrationCarbon sequestration is the process involved in carbon capture and the long-term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide1 Carbon sequestration involves long-term storage of carbon dioxide or other forms of carbon to mitigate or defer global warming It has been proposed as a way to slow the atmospheric and marine accumulation of greenhouse gases which are released by burning fossil fuels artificial capture and sequestration of industrially produced CO2 using subsurface saline aquifers reservoirs ocean water aging oil fields or other carbon sinksCarbon dioxide may be captured as a pure by-product in processes related to petroleum refining or from flue gases from power generation5 CO2 sequestration includes the storage part of carbon capture and storage which refers to large-scale artificial capture and sequestration of industrially produced CO2 using subsurface saline aquifers reservoirs ocean water aging oil fields or other carbon sinksBiosequestration or carbon sequestration through biological processes affects the global carbon cycle Examples include major climatic fluctuations such as the Azolla event which created the current Arctic climate Such processes created fossil fuels as well as clathrate and limestone By manipulating such processes geoengineers seek to enhance sequestrationPeat bogs are a very important carbon store Wetland soil is an important carbon sink 145 of the world’s soil carbon is found in wetlands while only 6 of the world’s land is composed of wetlandsOcean iron fertilization is an example of such a geoengineering technique23 Iron fertilization24 attempts to encourage phytoplankton growth which removes carbon from the atmosphere for at least a period of timeNatural iron fertilisation events eg deposition of iron-rich dust into ocean waters can enhance carbon sequestration The iron rich feces causes phytoplankton to grow and take up more carbon from the atmosphereWhen the phytoplankton dies some of it sinks to the deep ocean and takes the atmospheric carbon with it By reducing the abundance of sperm whales in the Southern Ocean whaling has resulted in an extra 200000 tonnes of carbon remaining in the atmosphere each year’Seaweed grows very fast and can theoretically be harvested and processed to generate biomethane via Anaerobic Digestion to generate electricity via Cogeneration/CHP or as a replacement for natural gas Ideal species for such farming and conversion include Laminaria digitata Fucus serratus and Saccharina latissimaBio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS‘BECCS refers to biomass in power stations and boilers that use carbon capture and storageBiochar is charcoal created by pyrolysis of biomass waste The resulting material is added to a landfill or used as a soil improver to create terra pretaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q327 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the CITES 1 CITES is the conservation agreement with the largest membership with 183 Parties2 It is legally binding on the PartiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CCITES the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is an international agreement between governments Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survivalIt was drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of IUCNIt provides a framework to be respected by each Party which has to adopt its own domestic legislation to ensure that CITES is implemented at the national levelFor many years CITES has been among the conservation agreements with the largest membership with now 183 PartiesCITES is legally binding on the PartiesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q326 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Bronze icon of Nataraja 1 The classical form of the depiction appears in stone reliefs by around the 6th-century2 Torso movements are visible as the most common form of Shiva’s dance 3 It typically shows Shiva dancing holding Agni fire in his left back hand the front hand in gajahasta or dandahasta mudraSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C Only 1D 1 amp 3Ans DBronze icon of NatarajaAffiliation Shiva SymbolsAgni TextsAnshumadbhed agamaUttarakamika agamaThe classical form of the depiction appears in stone reliefs as at the Ellora Caves and the Badami Caves by around the 6th-century45 Around the 10th century it emerged in Tamil Nadu in its mature and best-known expression in Chola bronzes of various heights typically less than four feet6 some over7 The Nataraja reliefs have been identified in historic artwork from many parts of South Asia in southeast Asia such as in Bali Cambodia and in central AsiaIt typically shows Shiva dancing in one of the Natya Shastra poses holding Agni fire in his left back hand the front hand in gajahasta or dandahasta mudra the front right hand with a wrapped snake that is in abhaya fear not mudra while pointing to a Sutratext and the back hand holding a musical instrument usually a damaru6 His body fingers ankles neck face head ear lobes and dress are shown decorated with symbolic items which vary with historic period and region111 He is surrounded by a ring of flames standing on a lotus pedestal lifting his left leg or in rare cases the right leg and balancing over a demon shown as a dwarf Apasmara2 or Muyalaka who symbolizes ignoranceThe dance of Shiva in Tillai the traditional name for Chidambaram forms the motif for all the depictions of Shiva as Nataraja He is also known as Sabesan which splits as Sabayil aadum eesan in Tamil which means The Lord who dances on the dais The two most common forms of Shiva’s dance are the Lasya the gentle form of dance associated with the creation of the world and the Tandava the violent and dangerous dance associated with the destruction of weary worldviews – weary perspectives and lifestyles• The arch of fire emerges from two makara on each end which are water creatures of water and part of Hindu mythologies • • The upper right hand holds a small drum shaped like an hourglass that is called a ḍamaru in Sanskrit2728 A specific hand gesture mudra called ḍamaru-hasta Sanskrit for ḍamaru-hand is used to hold the drum• • His legs are bent which suggests an energetic dance• The second left hand points towards the raised foot which suggests the viewer to be active and dance despite the circumstances or alternatively as a sign of upliftment and liberation• • The face shows two eyes plus a slightly open third on the forehead which symbolize the triune in Shaivism The Asanapat inscription also mentions a Shiva temple in the Saivacaryas kingdomStone reliefs depicting the classical form of Nataraja are found in numerous cave temples of India such as the Ellora Caves Maharashtra the Elephanta Caves and the Badami Caves Karnataka by around the 6th-centuryNataraja is celebrated in 108 poses of Bharatanatyam with Sanskrit inscriptions from Natya Shastra at the Nataraja temple in Chidambaram Tamil Nadu IndiaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q325 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana 1 It is a Pension Scheme for the senior citizens aged 70 years and above2 The scheme is exempted from Service Tax/ GST3 On Premature exit 100 of the Purchase Price shall be refundedSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 3Ans BPradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana PMVVY is a Pension Scheme announced by the Government of India exclusively for the senior citizens aged 60 years and above which is available from 4th May 2017 to 3rd May 2018Following are the major benefits under the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana PMVVY:• Scheme provides an assured return of 8 pa payable monthly equivalent to 830 pa effective for 10 years• Pension is payable at the end of each period during the policy term of 10 years as per the frequency of monthly/ quarterly/ half-yearly/ yearly as chosen by the pensioner at the time of purchase• The scheme is exempted from Service Tax/ GST• On survival of the pensioner to the end of the policy term of 10 years Purchase price along with final pension installment shall be payable• Loan upto 75 of Purchase Price shall be allowed after 3 policy years to meet the liquidity needs Loan interest shall be recovered from the pension installments and loan to be recovered from claim proceeds• The scheme also allows for premature exit for the treatment of any critical/ terminal illness of self or spouse On such premature exit 98 of the Purchase Price shall be refunded• On death of the pensioner during the policy term of 10 years the Purchase Price shall be paid to the beneficiary• The ceiling of maximum pension is for a family as a whole the family will comprise of pensioner his/her spouse and dependants• The shortfall owing to the difference between the interest guaranteed and the actual interest earned and the expenses relating to administration shall be subsidized by the Government of India and reimbursed to the CorporationEligibility Conditions and Other Restrictions1 Minimum Entry Age: 60 years completed2 Maximum Entry Age: No limit3 Policy Term : 10 years4 Minimum Pension: Rs 1000/- per monthRs 3000/- per quarterRs6000/- per half-yearRs12000/- per year5 Maximum Pension: Rs 5000/- per monthRs 15000/- per quarterRs 30000/- per half-yearRs 60000/- per yearThe modes of pension payment are monthly quarterly half-yearly amp yearly The pension payment shall be through NEFT or Aadhaar Enabled Payment SystemThe first instalment of pension shall be paid after 1 year 6 months 3 months or 1 month from the date of purchase of the same depending on the mode of pension payment ie yearly half-yearly quarterly or monthly respectivelyFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ324 With reference to the incarnation of the Buddhas what does Ruru Jataka signifies A It is the tale of the three friends who lived in a forest: an antelope a woodpecker and a tortoiseB It is the story of The dumb Prince that is also known as Muga Pakaya JatakaC In this jataka tale the Buddha in a previous incarnation as a monkey king self-sacrifyinly offers his own body as a bridge by which his fellow monkeys can escape from a human king who is attacking themD is the story of how a past incarnation of the Buddha incarnated as a golden deer rescues a merchant from drowning in the riverAns DMahakapi Jataka : In this jataka tale the Buddha in a previous incarnation as a monkey king self-sacrifyinly offers his own body as a bridge by which his fellow monkeys can escape from a human king who is attacking them Ruru Jataka :The Ruru Jataka is the story of how a past incarnation of the Buddha incarnated as a golden deer rescues a merchant from drowning in the river bottom of medallionKurunga Miga Jataka :This story is about three friends who lived in a forest: an antelope a woodpecker and a tortoise Muga Pakaya Jataka/ Mugapakkha Jataka/ Temiya Jataka : This is the story of The dumb PrinceFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ323 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the GSF certification Gold standard foundation certificate 1 It is a standard for creating high-quality emission reductions projects in the Clean Development Mechanism CDM2 It was developed in 2003 by World Wide Fund for Nature WWF and Helio International onlySelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D GSF Gold standard foundation certificate certificationThe Gold Standard is a standard for creating high-quality emission reductions projects in the Clean Development Mechanism CDM Joint Implementation JI and Voluntary Carbon Market It was designed to ensure that carbon credits are not only real and verifiable but that they make measurable contributions to sustainable development worldwide Its objective is to add branding a label to existing and new Carbon Credits generated by projects which can then be bought and traded by countries that have a binding legal commitment according to the Kyoto ProtocolThe Gold Standard for CDM GS CER was developed in 2003 by World Wide Fund for Nature WWF SouthSouthNorth and Helio International The Voluntary Gold StandardGS VER a methodology for use within the voluntary carbon market was launched in May 2006To be eligible for Gold Standard Certification a project must:1 Be an approved Renewable Energy Supply or End use Energy Efficiency Improvement project type2 Be reducing one of the three eligible Green House Gases: Carbon Dioxide CO2 Methane CH4 and Nitrous Oxide N2O3 Not employ Official Development Assistance ODA under the condition that the credits coming out of the project are transferred to the donor country4 Not be applying for other certifications to ensure there is no double counting of credits5 Demonstrate its additionality by using the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s UNFCCC Large Scale Additionality Tool6 and show that the project is not a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario6 Make a net-positive contribution to the economic environmental and social welfare of the local population that hosts itFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ322 Consider the following statements :1 Barail range is an eastern extension of the Himalayan Range System in north eastern India2 The Garo Khasi and Jaintia hills are part of Deccan Plateau and not part of the Purvanchal rangeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CBarail range :The Purvanchal Mountains or Eastern Mountains are a sub-mountain range of the Himalayas in northeast IndiaThe Purvanchal Mountains cover the states of Assam Arunachal Pradesh Manipur Tripura Nagaland Meghalaya and MizoramThe range is an eastern extension of the Himalayan Range System in north eastern India It bends sharply to the south beyond the Dihang River gorge and spreads along the eastern boundary of India with Myanmar The Purvanchal range includes the hill ranges of the Patkai Barail range Manipur Mizoram Mizodisambiguation needed and Naga HillsThe Garo Khasi and Jaintia hills are part of Deccan Plateau and not part of the Purvanchal rangeFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ321 Which among the following protocols employed the principle of differential treatment in respect to climate change 1 Washington Naval Treaty2 Cartagena Protocol3 Part IV of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATTSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ACommon but Differentiated responsibilities amp respective capabilities :Common But Differentiated Responsibilities CBDR was formalized in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC of Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992 It was the first international legal instrument to address climate change and the most comprehensive international attempt to address negative impacts to global environment3 CBDR principle acknowledges all states have shared obligation to address environmental destruction but denies equal responsibility of all states with regard to environmental protectionCBDR is based on relationship between industrialization and climate changeCBDR was not the first differential treatments of countries in international agreements There were other protocols agreements that employed principle of differential treatment• Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer Montreal Protocol• • Washington Naval Treaty• Part IV of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT 19799• principle 23 of Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1972FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ320 Recently a national park has been set up in the Sipahijola Wildlife Sanctuary where clouded leopards are kept in enclosures in a zoological park Where this wildlife sanctuary is located A MeghalayaB TripuraC SikkimD Arunachal PradeshAns BFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ319 Recently in the news there was a term Superbugs What is this A These are the microorganism that are essential for the vital functions of the bodyB These are the enzymes that makes bacteria resistant to broad range of beta-lactam antibioticsC These are the bacteria that causes infection which is difficult to treatD These are the super weeds that are essential in the treatment of less fertile soilsAns CNew Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 NDM-1 is an enzyme that makes bacteria resistant to a broad range of beta-lactam antibiotics These include the antibiotics of the carbapenem family which are a mainstay for the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections The gene for NDM-1 is one member of a large gene family that encodes beta-lactamase enzymes called carbapenemases Bacteria that produce carbapenemases are often referred to in the news media as superbugs because infections caused by them are difficult to treat Such bacteria are usually susceptible only to polymyxins and tigecyclineThe most common bacteria that make this enzyme are gram-negative such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae but the gene for NDM-1 can spread from one strain of bacteria to another by horizontal gene transferFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ318 With reference to the ancient Pandu caves consider the following statements:1 These caves depicts the characters of the Pandavas of the Mahabharata epic2 They are a significant group of Indian rock-cut architecture representing the Hinayana tradition 3 These are a group of 22 caves carved between the 1st century BCE and the 3nd century CESelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 3Ans BPandav Caves:Pandu Caves or Trirashmi Leni Leni being a Marathi word for caves are a group of 24 caves carved between the 1st century BCE and the 3nd century CE though additional sculptures were added up to about the 6th century reflecting changes in Buddhist devotional practicesThey are a significant group of early examples of Indian rock-cut architecture initially representing the so-called Hinayana tradition Most of the caves are viharas except for Cave 18 which is a chaitya of the 1st century BCEThe location of the caves is a holy Buddhist site and is located about 8 km south of the center of Nashik or Nasik Maharashtra IndiaTheir name has nothing to do with the characters Pandavas characters in the Mahabharata epicFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ317 For which among the following purpose National Water Resource Council has been constituted A It is an international thin tank established in 1996 to promote awareness build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levelsB To advise the Prime Minister on expenditure of the Australian Government Water Fund between 2004 and 2010C To resolve the water disputes that would arise in the use control and distribution of an interstate riverD It is a non-profit organization that drives economic technology and talent development to support the global water industryAns BNational Water Resource CouncilDissolved 25 November 2014Jurisdiction Commonwealth of AustraliaHeadquarters Turner Australian Capital Territory Motto Australia’s independent voice on national water issuesEmployees 48The key function that the Commission provided was to advise the Prime Minister on expenditure of the Australian Government Water Fund between 2004 and 2010 FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA :FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ316 Who among the following are the members of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium 1 India2 China3 Malaysia4 Australia5 JapanSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 245B 1345C 2345D All are correctAns CThe Western Pacific Naval Symposium are a series of biennial meetings of the Pacific nations to discuss naval matters held on even numbered years A WPNS workshop is held on odd numbered years in between the symposiumsMember countries as of 2010: Australia Brunei Cambodia Canada Chile France Indonesia Japan Malaysia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Peoples’ Republic of China Philippines Republic of Korea Russia Singapore Thailand Tonga United States of America Vietnam Observers: Bangladesh India Mexico PeruFRAMED FROM GK TODAY MAGAZINEQ315 Who among the following is/are the members of the Boao Forum for Asia BFA 1 China2 India3 FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of CommerceSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 1 amp 2Ans AIt is a non-profit organisation that hosts high-level forums for leaders from government business and academia in Asia and other continents to share their vision on the most pressing issues in this dynamic region and the world at large BFA is modeled after the World Economic Forum held annually in Davos SwitzerlandThe Forum is committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries even closer to their development goals FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA :FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ314 Terai Arc Landscape program aims to protect which among the following terrestrial flagship species 1 African elephant2 Great Horned Rhinoceros3 Asian Elephant4 Golden LionSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 2B 234C Only 2 amp 3D 124Ans CTerai Arc Landscape Program:The program aims to protect three of the five terrestrial flagship species the tiger the Asian elephant and the great one-horned rhinoceros by restoring corridors of forest to link 13 protected areas of Nepal and India to enable wildlife migrationFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ313 What is crowdfunding A Money collected for public welfare projects by levying an entry fee to exhibitions shows etcB Money collected by charitable organisations by placing a donation box at a prominent locationsC Money raised by innovators amp inventors by launching their products amp services through the internetD Money raised by individuals by passing the hat around to onlookers at a street performanceAns CCrowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people typically via the Internet1 Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and of alternative finance In 2015 it was estimated that worldwide over US34 billion was raised this waythe term crowdfunding refers to Internet-mediated registries This modern crowdfunding model is generally based on three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded individuals or groups who support the idea and a moderating organization the platform that brings the parties together to launch the idea Crowdfunding has been used to fund a wide range of for-profit entrepreneurial ventures such as artistic and creative projects medical expenses travel or community-oriented social entrepreneurship projectsWar bonds are theoretically a form of crowdfunding military conflictsThe Crowdfunding Centre’s May 2014 report identified two primary types of crowdfunding:1 Rewards crowdfunding: entrepreneurs presell a product or service to launch a business concept without incurring debt or sacrificing equity/shares2 Equity crowdfunding: the backer receives shares of a company usually in its early stages in exchange for the money pledgedFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ312 The meaning of carbon footprint is described by the amount of :A Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual organization or communityB Greenhouse gases emitted by industries contributing to global warmingC Carbon emissions released by the burning of jet fuelD Increase in the carbon content of the atmosphere due to the felling of treesAns AA carbon footprint is historically defined as the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual event organisation or product expressed as carbon dioxide equivalentA measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4 emissions of a defined population system or activity considering all relevant sources sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population system or activity of interest Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent using the relevant 100-year global warming potentialGWP100Carbon footprint is one of a family of footprint indicators which also includes water footprint and land footprint• 4Indirect carbon emissions: the carbon footprints of productso 41Foodo 42Textileso 43Materialso 44Cement• 5Schemes to reduce carbon emissions: Kyoto Protocol carbon offsetting and certificatesCarbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and the emissions of other GHGs are often associated with the burning of fossil fuels like natural gas crude oil and coal The Kyoto Protocol defines legally binding targets and timetables for cutting the GHG emissions of industrialized countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol Accordingly from an economic or market perspective one has to distinguish between a mandatory market and a voluntary market Typical for both markets is the trade with emission certificates:• Certified Emission Reduction CER• Emission Reduction Unit ERU• Verified Emission Reduction VERlocal emissions reduction schemes have no status under the Kyoto Protocol itself they play a prominent role in creating the demand for CERs and ERUs stimulating Emissions Trading and setting a market price for emissionsFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ311 Non-performing Assets decline in value when 1 Demand revives in the economy 2 capacity utilization increases3 Capacity utilization through substantive is yet optimal4 Capacity utilization decreases consequent upon merger of unitsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 134B 124C 123D 1234Ans CA Non-performing asset NPA is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/or installment of principal has remained ‘past due’ for a specified period of time In simple terms an asset is tagged as non performing when it ceases to generate income for the lenderA Non-performing asset NPA is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/or installment of Bond finance principal has remained ‘past due’ for a specified period of time NPA is used by financial institutions that refer to loans that are in jeopardy of default the so called NPL Once the borrower has failed to make interest or principal payments for 90 days the loan is considered to be a non-performing asset Non-performing assets are problematic for financial institutions since they depend on interest payments for income Troublesome pressure from the economy can lead to a sharp increase in NPLs and often results in massive write-downsAccordingly with effect from March 31 2004 a non-performing asset NPAis a loan or an advance where• Interest and/or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 91 days in respect of a term loan• The account remains ‘out of order’ for a period of more than 90 days in respect of an Overdraft/Cash Credit OD/CC• The bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills purchased and discounted• Interest and/or installment of principal remains overdue for two harvest seasons but for a period not exceeding two half years in the case of an advance granted for agricultural purposes and• Any amount to be received remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in respect of other accounts• Non submission of Stock Statements for 3 Continuous Quarters in case of Cash Credit Facility• No active transactions in the account Cash Credit/Over Draft/EPC/PCFC for more than 91daysFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ310 Which of the following concepts are relatable to income of members of the public while considering public welfare 1 Sensitivity of demand2 Elasticity of demand3 Sensitive of expenditure 4 Elasticity of expenditureA 1 amp 2B 2 amp 3C 3 amp 4D 1 amp 4Ans BFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ309 Consider the following statements :1 Foods containing carotene Vitamin A or cooking oils are safe to be cooked in a microwave2 Thermocol plates are poor barrier to oxygen and water vapor and has a relatively high melting pointSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThermocol plates:-It is a synthetic aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene Polystyrene can be solid or foamed General-purpose polystyrene is clear hard and rather brittle It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight It is a rather poor barrier to oxygen and water vapor and has a relatively low melting pointPolystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics the scale of its production being several million tonnes per yearPolystyrene can be naturally transparent but can be colored with colorants Uses include protective packaging such as packing peanuts and CD and DVD cases containers such as clamshells lids bottles trays tumblers disposable cutlery5 and in the making of modelsPolystyrene is very slow to biodegrade and is therefore a focus of controversy among environmentalists It is increasingly abundant as a form of litter in the outdoor environment particularly along shores and waterways especially in its foam form and also in increasing quantities in the Pacific OceanPolystyrene is chemically very inert being resistant to acids and bases but is easily dissolved by many chlorinated solvents and many aromatic hydrocarbon solvents Because of its resilience and inertness it is used for fabricating many objects of commerce It is attacked by many organic solvents which dissolve the polymer Foamed polystyrene is used for packaging chemicalsLike all organic compounds polystyrene burns to give carbon dioxide and water vapor Polystyrene being an aromatic hydrocarbon typically combusts incompletely as indicated by the sooty flamePolystyrene is generally non-biodegradable Polystyrene is commonly used in containers for food and drinks The styrene monomer from which polystyrene is made is a cancer suspect agentAnother Japanese study conducted on wild-type and AhR-null mice found that the styrene trimer which the authors detected in cooked polystyrene container-packed instant foods may increase thyroid hormone levelsWhether polystyrene can be microwaved with food is controversial Some containers may be safely used in a microwave but only if labelled as such67 Some sources suggest that foods containing carotene Vitamin A or cooking oils must be avoidedLike other organic compounds polystyrene is flammableFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ308 Bio-ethanol can be produced from which of the following feedstocks 1 Bagasses2 Sorghum3 Sugar beetSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DBio-Ethanol:Ethanol can be produced from a variety of feedstocks such as sugar cane bagasse miscanthus sugar beet sorghum grain switchgrass barley hemp kenaf potatoes sweet potatoes cassava sunflower fruit molasses corn stover grain wheat straw cotton Two types of second generation processes are under development The first type uses enzymes and yeast fermentation to convert the plant cellulose into ethanol while the second type uses pyrolysis to convert the whole plant to either a liquid bio-oil or a syngas Second generation processes can also be used with plants such as grasses wood or agricultural waste material such as strawBy-products such as straw or wood chips can be converted to ethanol Fast growing species like switchgrass can be grown on land not suitable for other cash crops and yield high levels of ethanol per unit areaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ307 Which among the following has been classified under the category of Eurythermal organism 1 Red Algae2 Coral reefs3 Golden brown AlgaeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 2 amp 3Ans AEurythermal organisms:Which can tolerate amp thrive in wide range of temperaturesEx: Cat Dog Tiger Red Algae Golden brown Algae Angiosperms sea GrassCryophillic organisms:Which can thrive at lower temperature as low as zero degree centigradeSeals Coral reefs Arctic Crustaceans Salmon FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ306 As per Kyoto Protocol agreement which among the following is/are the parties of Annex-I Countries 1 Kazakhstan2 Belarus3 TurkeySelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 3D 123Ans BBelarus Malta and Turkey are Annex I Parties but do not have first-round Kyoto targetsFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ305 Consider the following :1 Bastar Iron Craft : Chhatisgarh2 Screw Pine handicraft : Odisha3 Pipili Aplique Work : KeralaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 3D Only 1Ans DBastar Iron Craft : ChhatisgarhScrew Pine handicraft : KeralaPipili Aplique Work : OdishaFROM CAPFQ304 Which of the following was/were not related to the Buddha’s life 1 Kanthaka2 Alara Kalama3 Channa4 Goshala MaskariputraWhich among the above statements is/are correct A Only 1B Only 4C 1 amp 2D 3 amp 4AnsBFROM CAPFQ303 With reference to the Wavell plan consider the following provisions :1 Under this plan India was granted dominion status2 Indians would themselves draft the constitution3 Position of secretary of state amp viceroy would remain the same4 Viceroy would retain the power of vetoWhich among the above statements is/are correct A 134B 234C Only 1 amp 4D 1234Ans DThese proposals were not to be applied to the Indian statesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q302 Which among the following is/are the examples of the Invasive Species 1 Water Hyacinth2 Wild rose3 Mimosa InvisaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B 1 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans DThe invasive water hyacinth is very common often choking the water bodies but it is cleared during destructive floods Another invasive species Mimosa invisa which is toxic to herbivores was cleared by Kaziranga staff with help from the Wildlife Trust of India in 2005Invasive species such as Mimosa and wild rose have posed a threat to the native plants in the regionFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q301 Consider the following :1 Ambubachi mela : Assam2 Anthurium Festival : Manipur3 Kut-Festival : MizoramSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 1C 1 amp 3D 1 amp 2Ans B1 Ambubachi mela : Assam2 Anthurium Festival : Mizoram3 Kut-Festival : Manipur It is an autumn festival of the different tribes of Kuki-Chin-Mizo groups of Manipur FROM IES 2018 PRELIMS Q300 Consider the following statements :Consider the following statements :1 IPDS strengthens the distribution network in urban areas while DDUGJY does the same in rural areas2 DELP focuses to substitute LED bulbs for incandescent bulbs Which of the following statements is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns C |
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2020 is the year for scaling up Trump administration workforce pilots |
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Jumpsuit bomo letos nosili kot Melania Trump |
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Trump ne veut plus que les écologistes ralentissent les grands chantiers |
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Democrats Blaming Trump and Not Iranian Lone Wolf Missile for Taking Out Passenger Plane |
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Chance of Trump removal sinks to 12 a ‘new low’ |
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For Trump’s Republican defenders is there such thing as too much presidential power |
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Trump Cuts ‘Sexual Orientation’ From Interior Department’s Discrimination Guidelines |
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The Robin Williams Trump Life Worth Living Chapter Eighteen |
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Congress • Trump News |
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Pete Buttigieg Climate Advisor Is a Fossil-Fuel-Funded Witness for The Trump Administration Against Children’s Climate Lawsuit |
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Winning Back Obama to Trump Voters at No Cost |
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Mike Pompeo contradicts Trump’s claim that Soleimani planned attack on embassies: But it was real |
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Trump Declassification News |
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Even The Baptists Are Admitting It- Trump Is Hastening The Death Of The Evangelical Christian Political Machine |
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Trump says China trade deal may be signed shortly after Jan 15 |
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Foto: Presiden AS Donald Trump dan Jenderal Iran Qassem Soleimani Tribunnews World War 3 atau Per… |
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However Trump Shakes Out on Cannabis ICBC Will Have You Prepared |
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President Trump at his best about Adam Schiff: “You little pencil neck” |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua nghị quyết ngăn cản Tổng thống Trump phát động chiến tranh với Iran |
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Pelosi mantiene la incógnita sobre la entrega de cargos para el juicio a Trump |
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Đời tư ít người biết của con trai cả nhà Tổng thống Trump |
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Fixing Law Schools: From Collapse to the Trump Bump and Beyond |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan bomba ‘Kasım Süleymani’ iddiası |
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Analysis Iraq a Costly Burden for Trump – but Leaving It Would Be Worse |
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La campaña de Trump capitaliza con la muerte del general iraní |
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Not All About Trump: Democrats Worry About State Legislative Races |
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Trump: NATO Orta Doğu’ya genişlemeli adı da NATO-ME olmalı |
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In historic moment US House impeaches Donald Trump for… |
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Trump Turns To Those He Has Scorned For Help On Iran |
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Trump to Ban All Vape Flavors Except Tobacco Menthol |
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Donald Trump’ın İran misillemesine karşı |
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Joe Biden’s ‘Trump is a racist’ message won’t win him White House |
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Last Days of Trump Bubble with US Stock Prices Rising to Unrealistic Levels and SampP 500 Price-Earnings Ratio over 28 Markets Now Vulnerable to Three Big Shocks During Month of January: Iran Crisis at Beginning Kim’s Strategic Surprise Around Mid-Month and Brexit Chaos at End! |
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Parte de los monumentos de Irán que Trump cree puede destruir |
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Buttigieg Blames Trump After Reports Indicate Iran Shot Down Ukraine Plane… |
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Trump afirma que EEUU derribó un dron iraní cerca al estrecho |
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‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ author on Trump economic optimism and your pension |
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President Trump boasts Iranian general’s death was ‘American justice’ |
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Breaking: US House Limits Trump’s Military Action Against Iran |
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Ahead of Super Bowl Trump Raises Doubts on Tackle Football for His Son |
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Nancy Pelosi Calls on Congress to Curb Trump’s War Powers |
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Justice Dept Releases Legal Opinions That Could Bolster Trump’s Claim of Executive Privilege |
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Trump pidió a las potencias que se retiren del pacto nuclear con Irán |
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‘Real rush’ of Trump rules expected ahead of 2020 election |
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Cal Thomas on President Trump’s Agenda |
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NewsChristians Who Hate Trump |
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DOJ inquiry tied to Clinton touted by Trump winds down with no tangible results: report |
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Авиалайнер Боинг -752 TRUMP сборная модель |
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Trump’s Opioid Crisis Failures Mean States Must Lead the Way |
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How the Trump administration saved the Islamic Republic |
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Gobierno de Trump celebra fallo judicial sobre el muro en la fronte |
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Trump ABD’nin Irak’tan şimdi çıkması Irak’ın başına gelebilecek en kötü şeydir |
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Trump’ın barış çağrısına İran’dan tehditli yanıt |
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Hồng Kông xuống đường tuần hành Cảm-ơn Tổng thống Trump |
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Howard Dean: Trump Is ‘Running A Criminal Enterprise Out Of The White House’ ‘Shaking Down Foreign Governments’ To Hold Their Events In His Hotels |
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Federal appeals court lifts block on 36 billion in funding for Trump border wall |
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Trump’s move against landmark environmental law caps a relentless agenda |
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Trump’s Fed tamper |
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‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin returns to mock Trump’s national emergency press conference |
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Kurt Nimmo: Trump Institutionalizes Jewish Supremacy – henrymakowcom |
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Trump risks prosecution for questionable deal |
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Protesters wave ‘Swole Trump’ posters at Thanksgiving rally |
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Do you think President Donald Trump was justified in ordering the US airstrike that killed a terrorist Iranian general |
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US House votes to rein in Trump’s war powers amid Iran tensions |
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Three Republicans Join Nancy And The Dems To Restrain President Trump’s War Powers |
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Trudeau Speaks With Trump For The Need to De escalate Middle East Tensions |
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Rep Adam Smith mocked for flip-flop on Pelosi strategy Trump Jr cites ‘BS’ from Dems’ ‘lunatic fringe’ |
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President Donald Trump hosts his first campaign rally in Toledo Ohio |
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This is the end of Iran – Trump warns |
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House passes measure seeking to limit Trump on Iran |
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Associates: Trump Said Key GOP Senators for Impeachment Trial Pressured Him to Strike Soleimani |
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Trump pred privrženci zagovarjal napad na |
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Trump turns to those he has scorned for help on OC McDaniels meets with Browns about coaching gig |
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Mitt Romney Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel |
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Seth Meyers: Congress votes to limit Trump’s War Powers after Iran lies |
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Pelosi delays sending articles of impeachment against Trump – live |
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Trump Holds Packed-Out Rally In Ohio Taunts Dems Over Iran Tests Out New Slogan For GOP click to see stats |
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Trump: “Si nuestro país permanece fiel al Creador |
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Trump seeks to make case for strike on Iranian general in address to Ohio supporters |
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Donald Trump: Soleimani plănuia să arunce în aer Ambasada SUA de |
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Huawei is a national security concern for US: Trump |
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Trump: ‘Seriously looking’ to end birthright citizenship |
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Donald Trump i-a trimis lui Kim Jong Un un mesaj de felicitare cu ocazia zilei de naştere |
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Dhoma e Përfaqësuesve bllokon Trump/ Kalon masën që pengon përdorimin e ushtrisë në Iran! |
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In Which Trump Suddenly “Remembers” Why He Ordered the Assassination of Soleimani |
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Trump Points To Stock Market Gains: ‘How Are Your 401K’s Doing’ |
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2019 in Review: Trump Modi at Howdy event symbolised growing ties |
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Trump Snubs China |
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Iran was very careful with its missile strike and maybe Trump is also looking to de-escalate… 2 |
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Trump diz que morte de general foi para parar uma guerra nã |
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Donald Trump to attend global economic forum in Switzerland |
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Trump manipulates his followers but more ominously the rest of us as well |
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Donald Trump verheugt zich op samenwerking met Britten na Brexit |
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Tổng thống Trump thông qua lệnh trừng phạt mới nhằm vào Iran |
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Ivanka Trump at CES 2020 highlights 125 Views |
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Omar Calls Trump ‘Occupant Of White House’ Giggles When US Casualties in Iraq Mentioned |
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Der Sturm hat begonnen: Q-Anon – eine geheimnisvolle Macht hinter Trump |
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The Anti-Trump Resistance Has a New Plan to Combat Gerrymandering |
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Hispanic Americans are Thriving Under Trump’s Presidency and will Re-Elect Him |
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DPR AS Kendalikan Donald Trump Agar Tidak Kobarkan Perang Lawan Iran |
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Hamaney’den Trump’a fotoğraflı mesaj |
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Senado americano aprova redução de impostos proposta por Trump |
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Assault on America Day 372: Is Biden right Is Trump really damaging the ‘soul’ of America |
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Trump: Lurching towards a New Foreign Policy |
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Donald Trump comunicó que las nuevas sanciones impuestas contra Irán ya entraron en vigor |
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Trump firma declaración de desastre en Louisiana |
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Donald Trump’s Eclipse |
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Socialist California Refuses To Fly US Flag ‘Until Trump Is Gone’ |
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Trump says he thinks ‘something very terrible happened’ to Ukraine jet that crashed in Iran |
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Escalation against Iran good for Trump stock market |
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WIPING OUT 63M VOTES Nope! Pelosi Announces Trump’s Re-Election |
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Appeals Court: Trump Can Use 36 Billion in Military Funds for Border Wall |
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Trump and China: Towards a Cold or Hot War |
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Trump asegura que mataron a Soleimani porque quería explotar la embajada de EEUU en Bagdad – VisionRDN |
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UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion Joe Biden Soros Trump amp More |
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Trump Accused the Obama Administration Of Paying For At Least 20 Iranian Missiles Fired At US-occupied Bases In Iraq |
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Ai đứng sau cánh truyền thông thiên tả tấn công báo The Epoch Times và Donald Trump |
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The Fall of Donald Trump’s Fixers |
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Stephen King on Trump’s Fanatics:“Jesus man …You act like the Red Chinese army was invading”– “They’re just a bunch of scared and hungry people…” |
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Trump briefs the nation on Iran situation—ludicrous jingoist and mendacious as usual but at least |
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Donald Trump confiesa que mataron a Qasem Soleimani porque Irán pretendía volar la embajada en Irak |
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Trump impeachment trial could begin next week as Mitch McConnell tells Senate he expects Nancy Pelosi to transmit articles as soon as TODAY |
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Trump war on Iran cartoons |
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Federal appeals courts give workers some groups outraged at Trump’s proposed rollback of infrastructure review |
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Trump moves to ease tensions over China Iran as G7 summit wraps up |
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Biden says Trump needs to stop blaming Obama for Iran problems |
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Trump Medicare Plans |
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Irán califica de “inconcecible” llamado de Trump a trabajar en… |
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Feds: Security guard threatened Trump over Iranian’s death |
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Profile of a Trump Supporter |
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In Donald Trump’s unilateral actions against Iran there are echoes of Obama’s 2011 Libya attack |
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Donald Trump İran’ın saldırılarının bilançosunu açıkladı |
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Προχωράει η τεχνική μελέτη για τη δημιουργία Παρατηρητηρίου Trump: Στις 15 Ιανουαρίου η «μεγάλη συμφωνία» με την Κίνα |
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Policía en auto sin placa y con brevete vencido intenta arrollar a inspectores inesperada condición de Corea del Norte para salvar la cumbre con Trump |
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Retired Colonel Urges Congress to Constrain Trump After Suleimani Climate Now |
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“J20: Resistance in the Age of Trump” |
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DIECIOCHO Podcast: Texas Rep Rafael Anchia – Trump Gerrymandering and Money |
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Son dk Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırımlara onay sinyali!!Son dk Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırımlara onay sinyali!! |
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House votes to curb Trump’s powers to take military action against Iran |
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Donald Trump said three words about Iran’s missile attacks that no one saw coming |
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How A Trump Tweet Shook Impeachment Hearing |
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Professor fired after suggesting Iran copy Trump list cultural sites they could attack |
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Here’s Every MUST SEE Clip From President Trump’s Ohio Rally |
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Trump áp thêm lệnh trừng phạt với Iran |
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Almagro tiene el respaldo de Trump y Bolsonaro pero tiene dos rivales El rol de Argentina México y el Caribe |
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Trump Dimakzulkan RI Perlu Waspada |
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Trump mocks Democrats’ push for notice before further military action on Iran |
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Massive President Trump Rally In Toledo OH |
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Who we are:We are a grassroots community based organization federally recognized 501c3 tax-exempt human rights entity under IRS code Our mission is to foster leadership and provide tools for greater civic participation of immigrants in DC who do not speak English as their primary language in solutions that impact their lives We mobilize the community to prompt systemic change to meet the goal of language justice in the District MLOV’s Core Values:- Low-income immigrant communities have a rightful place in the District a sanctuary city- “Sanctuary” must mean a place that is safe for EVERYONE This means individuals that identify as black Latino immigrant Muslim transgender queer gender non-conforming low-income and any combination therein that face discrimination and violence It means being safe not just from ICE but also from increased arrests criminalization It means freedom from poverty under-resourced schools lack of affordable housing homelessness and under-quality healthcare- It is most proactive working with rather than for low-income immigrant communities We must respect and follow the leadership of affected communities including immigrants workers Muslims people of color poor people queer people and young people who are the experts on their own lived experiences and are fighting for their own liberation - Our City Council and Mayor have a responsibility to protect us from the harmful policies of the Trump administration Current sanctuary policies do not go far enough in protecting all communities under attack in all the ways we remain vulnerableWe won’t let Trump divide us into good immigrants and bad immigrants We won’t let him divide our Black and Brown communities We don’t turn our back on our families and neighbors here! |
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Trump Via DOJ Has Turned Review Of FBI’s Trump-Russia Probe Into A Criminal Inquiry |
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Contingent Faculty in the Age of Trump |
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Trump’tan İran’a yeni yaptırım |
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Donald Trump oo Shaaciyey tallaabada Maraykanku kaga Jawaabayo Weerarkii Iiraan ku |
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Tony Sayegh: Dems are treating Trump like he’s beneath the law |
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Trump Says Iran Is ‘Standing Down |
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Trump’s Weird Reason For The China Tariff Bluff |
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Trump Administration officials worried Ukraine aid halt violated spending law |
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‘Impeach Donald Trump Now’ Billboard Goes Up a Mile from Mar-a-Lago |
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Christian prophet claims picture of ‘huge angel’ behind Trump is a sign of ‘victory’ |
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Can You Spell Donald Trump’s Favorite Words |
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Trump Iran and Canada: How Do You Fight an Artisanal War |
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What Trump’s tweet threatening Iran’s cultural sites could mean for Shiite Muslims |
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Ukraine US officials offer theories behind crash near Tehran Trump says he has ‘terrible feeling’ about disaster |
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Trump dice que tiene “una buena estrategia” para superar crisis en Venezuela |
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Border Patrol rescues three illegal immigrants stuck on new Trump wall |
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Brand new ‘beautiful’ equipment heading Iran’s way to hit harder ‘than ever before’: Trump goes hyperbolic on Twitter |
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Teresa Hanafin: Trump Reduces More Environmental Regulations While Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Hides Trump’s Travel Expenses |
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Dilengserkan DPR AS Trump Ngamuk! |
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Green issues will trump Brexit in 2020 say ports |
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Justice Dept winds down Clinton-related probe sought by Trump after finding nothing of consequence |
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Trump agita a Medio Oriente con ataque a general iraní |
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WATCH: Trump’s Bizarre Rant Against Wind And The Universe: ‘I Never Understood Wind’ |
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The Trump Administration and USCIS Changes Course on Previous Statements Regarding H-1B Extensions |
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Trump kicks off 2020 reelection bid as most unpopular POTUS since Gerald Ford |
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9300 Stores Closed in Trump’s 2019 Retail Apocalypse World Bank Says US GDP Will Stay Below 2 Points to Global Debt Crisis SampP 500 P/E Ratio Is Most Bloated Ever Fed Inflating Stock Market Bubble Using Repo and Quantitative Easing Injections Wall Street Already Addicted! |
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Una resolución quiere limitar la acción militar de Trump |
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Trump and Iran Pres Rouhani working together exiting Soleimani and all missiles missed target |
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What Happens when President Trump declares Demurrage on The US dollar |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 01-08-20 Presidente Trump envía mensaje conciliador a Irán tras ataque |
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Clausewitz Trump and Soleimani |
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Rutledge Praises President Trump for Signing TRACED Act into Law After She Spearheaded Anti-Robocall Efforts |
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…Claims Evangelicals Are Divided on Trump: ‘Strong Group’ Supported Christianity Today Op-Ed |
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Trump says Soleimani’s death was ‘American justice’ mocks Democrats’ opposition |
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Trump over neergestort vliegtuig Iran: ‘Ik heb zo mijn verstoort slalom in Madonna di Campiglio |
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Nhật hoàng Naruhito mở quốc yến chiêu đãi TT Trump tại Hoàng cung |
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Elizabeth Trump Grau Bio Age Height Weight Early Life Career Net worth amp More |
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US President Donald Trump Impeached By House of Representatives |
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House Democrats Unveil 2 Articles of Impeachment Against Trump |
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House Passes War Powers Resolution Curtailing Trump’s Iran Authority |
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Trump saying he was going to wipe out Iranian culture and historical sites was very poor is he even in the white house Did he get drugged or what |
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Trump Claims Iran Paid for Missiles Fired at US With Money From Obama |
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Donald Trump: Tenemos una buena estrategia sobre Venezuela |
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Trump da mensaje de no a la guerra pero sí a sanciones contra Irán |
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Cuộc tấn công ở Iran liệu có giúp Trump tái đắc cử |
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Donald Trump: Recuperar las riquezas de Venezuela tomará tiempo |
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MEMBERS ONLY: The Support We Received During Trump’s Shutdown Was Humbling |
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Juez autoriza que el muro fronterizo se construya con fondos privados ¿cree que finalmente el muro de Trump sea levantado |
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AOC Stunned by Well Wishes From Trump Supporter and Son |
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New video shows ‘missile’ hit Ukrainian Airlines Boeing 737 before it crashed killing 176 – after Trump and Trudeau both said attack was a ‘mistake’ |
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Iran : l’effet Trump |
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BREAKING: Trump Approves New Sanctions Against Iran |
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US House votes to stop Trump war limit |
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Trump yeni yaptırım kararını açıklandı |
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Trump denies low slur on migrants |
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Trump asks for Ohio’s help to get more time to build wall and drain swamp |
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Trump envia mensagem de aniversário a líder da Coreia do Norte |
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Hardnox Exclusive: The Next Front in the Left’s War of Lies on Trump satire |
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Trump újra összehozta Merkelt és Putyint |
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President Sarkissian shares photo with Ivanka Trump photos |
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Democratic groups launch ad campaign attacking Trump GOP on drug pricing |
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Trump the Evangelical Republican Right ERR and God By Steven Jonas |
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New York Times Catches Trump Deliberately Falsifying Quotes He Tweets To His 67 Million Followers |
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Ivanka Trump Congratulates Morocco for Reforms Empowering |
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Jeffrey Toobin Shreds Donald Trump: His Conspiracy Theory Found To Be ‘A Total Lie’ |
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I dazi di Trump dannosi anche per gli americani |
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This Is How Iran Is Mourning After Trump Kill |
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ScoMo loves his Trump bible |
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Amerikan Arkeoloji Enstitüsü’nden Donald Trump’a kınama |
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Tổng thống Trump nêu lý do biện minh việc loại trừ tướng đặc nhiệm Iran |
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Appeals Court Gives 36 Billion to Trump’s Stupid Wall |
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01/08/2020How Trump Can Sort Out the Middle East |
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Vape Industry Exhales but Anti-Tobacco Advocates Bristle at Trump Vape Policy |
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Alaska GOP Sen Murkowski “Disturbed” by Moscow Mitch’s Vision of Senate as Abject Rubber Stamp for Defense in Trump’s Acquittal Republican Lockstep Could Break Apart in Face of Exorbitant Demands from White House Four GOPers Plus All Democrats Can Compel Testimony from Bolton Mulvaney Giuliani Pompeo and Others Implicated Leadership Now Needed from Collins Romney Gardner McSally Tillis Alexander |
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Shame On Pastor Paula White For Endorsing Donald Trump While Leading A Predominantly Black Congregation |
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Democrats’ Response to Trump Killing Soleimani is Literally Insane |
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Why Trump Can Use the CIA Against Iran Despite War Powers Vote |
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Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri Kim Jong Un’a doğum günü mesajı |
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President Trump Announces Next Step In Conflict With Iran |
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Dịp ‘Lễ Tạ Ơn’ người Hong Kong vui mừng tuần hành sau khi Tổng thống Trump ký đạo luật Dân Chủ |
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Trump Clinton Yarışının Perde Arkası Musul Operasyonu ve Lozan- Prof Dr Hasan AYRANCI |
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TRUMP WIN: Court allows Trump to use 36 BILLION to fund border wall |
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Impeachment of Trump Versus the Future of America at Mar-a-Lago |
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Is Donald Trump The Real Terrorizer |
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OPM Implements One of the Few Uncontested Pieces of Trump’s Workforce Orders: A Database of Union Contracts |
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Trump afina estrategia frente a Venezuela: veremos qué pasa manténganse sintonizados |
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Ein fiktives Gespräch zwischen Trump und Putin |
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Florida man arrested for threatening to kill Trump over death of Iran Genera |
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Toàn văn tuyên bố chính thức của Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump sau cuộc không kích tiêu diệt tướng Iran Qasem Soleimani |
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Trump Gets Pranked April Fool’s Day |
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Hollywood celebrates Trump’s impeachment: ‘Fina fin lee!’ |
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Donald Trump’s Nether Universe and Napoleon Bonaparte |
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Ci voleva Trump per spaventarci con i dazi |
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“Seeking Guidance in the Words and Deeds of King for the Era of Trump” |
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4 President Trump’s impeachment is a matter of party politics |
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This Is It Folks: Trump Can Wage War With No Understanding Of The Consequences |
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Texas Democrats back resolution to curtail President Trump’s war powers concerning Iran |
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Rusia Tolak Ajakan Trump untuk Keluar dari Perjanjian Nuklir Iran |
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President Donald Trump Impeached in the House of Representatives |
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Trump Impeachment Inquiry |
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Things Trump Did While You Weren’t Looking Updated 8/6/18 |
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Fox Business Host: Americans Need To Understand Their Obligations To Trump |
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Trump diz que avião ucraniano pode ter sido derrubado por engano pelo Irã |
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Chris Cuomo Rips Every Lawmaker Who Voted Against Limiting Donald Trump’s… |
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Trump’a göre Ukrayna uçağı yanlışlıkla düşürülmüş olabilir |
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Trump’s Weakening of Environmental Rules Would Leave the Public in the Dark by BY SHARON BUCCINO |
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Trump s’est entretenu avec Netanyahu |
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Trump spaart de Europese auto-industrie Dit is waarom… |
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Trump eases approval process for pipelines and infrastructure projects |
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Iranian views from the street: Trump playing ‘childish dare game’ – Aljazeeracom |
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Who is lying – Iran or Trump |
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House majority heeds demands that Trump stop his war on Iran |
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Trump backs ‘right man’ Johnson at fractious G7 summit |
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Trump’tan tepki çeken açıklama! |
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Mad McCain kept the Trump-Russia collusion hoax going after the election |
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Trump is a warmonger — but too many Democrats are still working against peace |
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Trey Gowdy Reveals Real Reason Democrats Impeached Trump |
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Court Blocks Trump From Denying Green Cards to Welfare Recipients |
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Gold Plated Trump 2020 Coin |
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Trump envió mensaje de cumpleaños al líder norcoreano Kim Jong-Un |
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US House Approves Limiting Trump’s War Power on Iran |
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23 Incredible Pictures of Young Donald Trump |
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Trump is a Criminal But the Democrats Belong to the Same Mafia |
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The Daily Beast: Russian media says Soleimani was great and Trump’s a big loser |
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Trump’s Soleimani strike pays off as Iran backs away from war |
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Chris Cuomo Nails Donald Trump And GOP’s Goal In Pushing Debunked Conspiracy Theories |
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Trump dice “todos los niños están hechos a imagen de Dios” en el desayuno |
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Cámara baja le “enseña los dientes” a Trump y exige límites… |
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Asylum-seekers in Arizona sent back to Mexico as Trump’s ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’ expands1 |
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Kicauan Donald Trump Diblokir Pihak Twitter |
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Trump sends Kim Jong Un birthday wishes |
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Trump: General was ‘looking to blow up our embassy’ |
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BREAKING: Trump explains the BIG attack Soleimani was planning when he ordered drone strike |
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Trump asks South Korea to deliver birthday message to Kim Jong denies advising Prince Harry and Meghan |
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Trump vil kutte i en av USAs viktigste miljølover |
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Pompeo backs up Trump’s claim that Soleimani planned attacks on US embassies Daily Mail Online |
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Targeting IranFour Years Ago Trump Had No Clue Who Iran’s Suleimani Was Now He May Have Kicked Off WWIII |
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Trump Burned to the Ground |
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SUA: Camera Reprezentanților a adoptat o rezoluție care restricționează acțiunile lui Donald Trump împotriva Iranului Măsura trebuie votată și în Senat |
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Jim Bakker says ‘Trump is a test whether you’re even saved’ My response |
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USA Irak Iran: Trump dreht weiter an der startet das Jahr 2020 mit Verstärkung |
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Trump cuando dice que ataca para prevenir una guerra es una falacia porque la guerra ya la han empezado ellos “Guerra por Impeachment” |
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Graham: To the House Dems and GOPers who voted for this resolution: You have done nothing to legally restrict President Trump’s power as Commander in Chief |
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Ilhan Omar Berates Trump Admin Casts Iraqi People As Victims ‘Unjustly Suffering’ In A ‘Proxy War’ |
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DIECIOCHO Podcast: Dr Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda – How Trump’s tax plan affects Latinos |
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ABD Temsilciler Meclisi’nden İran kararı! Trump’ın yetkileri kısıtlandı |
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Trump Allies Believe Rudy Giuliani May Have Been Drunk Before Disastrous Interviews |
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Trump envió un mensaje de cumpleaños al líder norcoreano |
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Le cadeau inespéré de Trump à l’économie taïwanaise |
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Facebook ad campaign helped Donald Trump win election claims executive |
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Trump BLASTS Pelosi “for trying to defend this monster” Soleimani — BONUS: Reminder how Pelosi defended Obama attacks in Libya |
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Trump sanctionne de 75 Mds l’UE en relevant les droits de douane |
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Este hombre ta feo pa’ la foto amenazó a Trump por matar a general iraní |
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Progressive group under fire for taunting Trump by calling violent Baghdad protests his ‘Benghazi’ |
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GOP leadership ‘shocked’ when Trump loyalist Gaetz cites |
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Nuclear Backlash: The Dems’ Gift To Trump |
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Put an end to the unification debate Stand up for women worldwide by voting LETTERS The search for Eden and the pursuit of humanity’s origins How ownership concentration is happening and why it matters EDITORIAL: Possible interference exposed Cost of travel worth it for elections Han counts on complacent voters Aircraft should be reserved for combat The moon Mars and beyond — the space race in 2020 A very quiet hero: How a Japanese diplomat saved 6000 Jews EDITORIAL: Quality of campaigns is up to us all The Liberty Times Editorial: Infiltration act passed just in time Han only has himself to blame for his problems LETTER Australia’s bushfires are pushing countless species to extinction Soleimani killing leaves Trump’s Middle East strategy in tatters |
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Trump: «Venezuela es un buen caso de lo que hace el socialismo» |
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Kongreska Mareykanka Oo U Codeeyay In La Xadido Awoodda Uu Trump U Leeyahay Dagaal Uu Ku Qaado Iiraan |
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Qassem Soleimani Assasination: Trump’s Huge Gamble That Could Lead to Full-Fledged |
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RALLY DAY: Sights and sounds from the YUGE crowds at the Trump rally in Toledo Ohio |
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आईएएस 2019 प्रिलिम्स -मौक सवाल-हिंदी मेँ – इस लिँक पर क्लिक करेँ MOCK Q481- WILL BE UPLOADED ON 4TH january 2020 MOCK Q480 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following is/are the long term FPIs Foreign Portfolio Investors A Sovereign Wealth Funds OnlyB Pension Funds OnlyC Sovereign Wealth Funds Endowment Funds Insurance Funds Pension FundsD Sovereign Wealth Funds Insurance Funds Pension FundsAns CMarkets regulator the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI on 29 March 2016 decided to increase the Foreign Portfolio Investors FPI investment limit in Central Government securities This will boost inflows of foreign funds into Indian capital marketsThe limit for long term FPIs Sovereign Wealth Funds Multilateral Agencies Endowment Funds Insurance Funds Pension Funds and Foreign Central Banks in the Central Government securities will be enhanced to 50000 crore rupees from 4 April 2016 and 56000 crore rupees on 5 July 2016 Currently the existing limit is 44100 crore rupees for long term FPIs MOCK Q479 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Fertile Crescent sometimes seen in news A It is the Rajasthan’s state fertile soil that provides food amp firewood to support rural economyB It is the confluence of different biogeographical zones that is very rich in species diversityC It is a tree species found in a part of south India that can serve as a safety hedge against coastal calamitiesD It is an ancient area of fertile soil amp vital rivers in the middle eastAns DFertile Crescent : It is an ancient area of fertile soil amp vital rivers in the middle east-Initiative of UN’s Food amp Agriculture Organisation amp University of Birmingham’s school of Biosciences MOCK Q478 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following statements is/are correct with respect to the Angel Fund 1 It has been launched very recently under which the first generation entrepreneurs can get a maximum loan of 5 lakh rupees at 5 interest pa2 The loan will have a moratorium period of maximum 9 months during which no interest rates will be charged Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DIt has been launched in 2013 by Assam Chief Minister under which the first generation entrepreneurs can get a maximum loan of 5 lakh rupees at 5 interest paThe loan will have a moratorium period of maximum 10 months during which no interest rates will be charged MOCK Q477 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the Equity Index consider the following statements :1 It was launched in collaboration with the world bank which will help raise funds for products seeking to mitigate climate change2 It is the first equity Index linked with the Green BondSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CEquity Index :BNP PAIBAS on 18 sep 2014launched this indexIt was launched in collaboration with the world bank which will help raise funds for products seeking to mitigate climate changeIt is the first equity Index linked with the Green Bond MOCK Q476 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Maharaja Bonds to develop the infrastructure for the domestic capital markets has been issued by which of the following organization A World BankB Asian Development BankC World Bank GroupD Asian Infrastructure Investment BankAns AMaharaja Bonds to develop the infrastructure for the domestic capital markets has been issued by World Bank MOCK Q475 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the Minsk agreement consider the following statements :1 This agreement was based on 11 point peace plan that included the release of hostages 2 The agreement was brokered by the WTO World Trade OrganisationSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThis agreement was based on 12 point peace plan that included the release of hostages The agreement was brokered by the Organisation for security amp cooperation in Europe OSCEUkraine amp pro-Russian rebels agreed on ceasefire agreement called Minsk agreement MOCK Q474 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ A report titled scientific assessment of Ozone depletion revealed that the ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades The report has been prepared by which of the following organizations A UNEP amp WMOB Green Climate FundC UNDP amp UNEPD Global environment FacilityAns AA report titled scientific assessment of Ozone depletion revealed that the ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades The report has been prepared by UNEP United Nation Environment Programme amp WMO World Meteorological Organisation MOCK Q473 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which of the following given Inclusive Development Index ranking to the countries of the world A World Economic ForumB World Health OrganisationC UN Human Rights CouncilD UNDPAns AThe Inclusive Development Index IDI is an annual economic index introduced by the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Economic Progress in 2017 The IDI ranks countries’ economic performance in three pillars: growth and development inclusion and intergenerational equity and sustainability The IDI is a project of the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on the Future of Economic Progress which aims to inform and enable sustained and inclusive economic progress through deepened public-private cooperation through thought leadership and analysis strategic dialogue and concrete cooperation including by accelerating social impact through corporate action MOCK Q472 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ In order to join Euro currency a country must fulfill which of the following conditions 1 Government debt no higher than 70pc of GDP2 Budget deficit below 3pc of GDP3 Low Inflation amp Interest rates Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 3D 123Ans BGovernment debt no higher than 60pc of GDPBudget deficit below 3pc of GDPLow Inflation amp Interest rates MOCK Q471 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following has released a report titled “ Environmental Crime Crisis A Bombay Natural History Society B World Wildlife FundC Birdlife InternationalD UNEP United nation Environment ProgrammeAns D MOCK Q470 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following has published a report titled “Mysterious Mekong” mentioning the discoveriesof new exotic species in Greater Mekong Region A Bombay Natural History Society B World Wildlife FundC Birdlife InternationalD UNEP United nation Environment ProgrammeAns BWorld Wildlife Fund has published a report titled “Mysterious Mekong” mentioning the discoveriesof new exotic species in Greater Mekong Region MOCK Q469 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to ATOMEXPO an International Forum for nuclear power industry consider the following statements :1 It is an initiative of Russia’s state Nuclear Energy Corporation 2 First ATOMEXPO was held in 2009 to define the place amp role of nuclear generation in 21st century Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrect Ans CAtomexpo is a major communication company providing the whole spectrum of services in field of congress-exhibition management event-industry and business presentations worldwideAtomexpo LLC is in the market of communication services since 2009 The company is arranging the business events conducted by State Corporation Rosatom and the companies of the nuclear sector of the Russian industry as well as by the bodies of the RF executive authorities and international companies The company portfolio contains over 500 successfully led projects both in Russia and abroad MOCK Q468 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the GSAT 7 consider the following statements :1 Payload of the GSAT 7 is designed to provide communication capabilities to users in distant coastal regions2 Its solar arrays generate 2100 W of electric powerSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DGSAT 7:-Payload of the GSAT 7 is designed to provide communication capabilities to users in distant oceanic regions- Its solar arrays generate 2900 W of electric power MOCK Q467 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following factors is/are considered for cataloging the specimens in the bio Banks 1 Blood type2 Cornea of the eyes3 Hair cells of the human beingsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 1Ans DA biobank is a type of biorepository that stores biological samples usually human for use in research Since the late 1990s biobanks have become an important resource in medical research supporting many types of contemporary research like genomics and personalized medicineBiobanks give researchers access to data representing a large number of people Samples in biobanks and the data derived from those samples can often be used by multiple researchers for cross purpose research studies For example many diseases are associated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms and performing genome-wide association studies using large collections of samples which represent tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals can help to identify disease biomarkers Many researchers struggled to acquire sufficient samples prior to the advent of biobanksBiobanks have provoked questions on privacy research ethics and medical ethics While viewpoints on what constitutes appropriate biobank ethics diverge consensus has been reached that operating biobanks without establishing carefully considered governing principles and policies could be detrimental to communities that participate in biobank programsVirtual biobanks integrate epidemiological cohorts into a common poolVirtual biobanks allow for sample collection to meet national regulationsTissue banks harvest and store human tissues for transplantation and research As biobanks become more established it is expected that tissue banks will merge with biobanksPopulation banks store biomaterial as well as associated characteristics such as lifestyle clinical and environmental data MOCK Q466 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQWhich among the following is/are the applications of the Deep UV Laser device 1 Deep UV light can be used to sterilize bacteria amp Viruses decontaminate drinking water amp in fluorescence sensors to detect chemicals 2 Significant improvement in the ability to inspect microchips with solid state metrology3 Improved detection of airborne chemical amp biological agents Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DAll of the above are the applications of the Deep UV Laser device MOCK Q465 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Peace Arc sometimes seen in news A It is an international treaty to change the functioning of the European Union which must be ratified by atleast 3/4th member states of the European Union B It is a voluntary initiative that seeks to increase the maritime cooperation amongst navies of the littoral states of the Indian Ocean regionC It is the Chinese navy hospital ship to provide free medical services to people of BangladeshD It is a multilateral energy security cooperation treaty amongst the members of the East Asia SummitAns CThe ship was launched in 2007 with the stated intention of giving China a platform to provide a better means to providing quicker humanitarian response to disasters around the world but others contend it also allows China to extend the navy’s blue water capabilitiesOn 1 September 2010 the hospital ship embarked on a three-month Harmonious Mission 2010 to the Gulf of Aden with a total of 428 officers including 100 medical workers En route she visited and provided medical treatment to the local people of Djibouti Tanzania Kenya the Seychelles and BangladeshDuring Harmonious Mission 2011 Peace Ark visited Cuba Costa Rica Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago the first Chinese voyage to the Caribbean MOCK Q464 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term SEEDS PROJECT sometimes seen in news A It is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Environment amp Forests to conserve nature through action based research education amp public awarenessB It is a Tree Campaign launched by UNEP of planting 1 billion trees in 2007C It is a non-profit research research organization that focuses on management of water amp land resources enhancing food security amp reducing povertyD It is a project which directly captures the images of extra solar planets amp protoplanetary disks around thousands of nearby stars Ans DThe SEEDS Project• This discovery is the part of Strategic Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru SEEDS project It is a project which directly captures the images of extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks around thousands of nearby stars by making use of Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea Hawaii• SEEDS is a 5-year project which started off in the year 2009• SEEDS is led by Motohide Tamura at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan NAOJ• Imaging done under this project provides an insight into the orbit atmosphere temperature and luminosity of the planet However the planets are very faint and extremely close to their host stars which is why it is extremely difficult to capture them• The SEEDS project captures the images at near-infrared wavelengths by making use of the novel adaptive optics system of telescope and two instruments: the High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics and the InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph The combination of these enables the team to capture the direct images towards fainter planets MOCK Q463 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ H7N9 virus is sometimes mentioned in news with reference to which of the following disease A Bird fluB DengueC Swine FluD AIDSAns AH7N9 virus is referred with Bird flu MOCK Q462 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following areas have been focused under the Greenpeace campaigns 1 Oceans2 Forests3 Nuclear reactors4 Genetically modified foods5 VegetarianismSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1245B Only 12 amp 4C 1234D All are correctAns CVegetarianism has not been focused under the Greenpeace campaignsThe following areas have been focused under the Greenpeace campaigns 1 Oceans2 Forests3 Nuclear reactors4 Genetically modified foods MOCK Q461 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements :1 Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights2 Amnesty International operates in India with headquarters in Bangalore Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CAmnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rightsAmnesty International operates in India with headquarters in Bangalore MOCK Q460 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements about International Committee of Red Cross :1 ICRC was established in 19th century in GenevaSwitzerland2 International Committee of the red cross was awarded the nobel prize in 1917 1944 1963 – on the third occasion jointly with the League of Red Cross societies3 Red cross society was found to protect the human life amp health from the war hostilitiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 3D 123Ans DAll are correct Just memorize it MOCK Q459 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements:1 Human Development Index for any nation is calculated as geometric mean of life expectancy Index Education Index amp Income Index2 Life expectancy index in HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years amp a minimum value of 85 yearsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CHuman Development Index for any nation is calculated as geometric mean of life expectancy Index Education Index amp Income IndexLife expectancy index in HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years amp a minimum value of 85 years MOCK Q458 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following releases World Press Freedom Index A Institute for Economics and PeaceB Oxfam InternationalC Reporters Without BordersD World Economic ForumAns CThe 2019 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders RSF shows how hatred of journalists has degenerated into violence contributing to an increase in fear The number of countries regarded as safe where journalists can work in complete security continues to decline while authoritarian regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media MOCK Q457QWhich one of the following plants is popularly grown along the road for absorbing vehicular pollutantsA NeriumB NeemC BourgainvilleaD CallotropisAns CThe vine species grow anywhere from 1 to 12 m 3 to 40 ft tall scrambling over other plants with their spiky thorns They are evergreen where rainfall occurs all year or deciduous if there is a dry season Bougainvillea are popular ornamental plants in most areas with warm climates such as Florida and South Carolina and across The Mediterranean Basin MOCK Q456Q Which of the following statements correctly denotes Bio-fortification A Enrichment of the nutrient quality of the soil using biological agentsB Breeding crops to increase their nutritional valuesC Inrcrease of organo-metallic compounds in the organism through energy flow in an ecosystemD Adoption of genetic variable plants for breeding of high yielding plants Ans BBiofortification is the idea of breeding crops to increase their nutritional value This can be done either through conventional selective breeding or through genetic engineering Biofortification differs from ordinary fortification because it focuses on making plant foods more nutritious as the plants are growing rather than having nutrients added to the foods when they are being processedThis is an important improvement on ordinary fortification when it comes to providing nutrients for the rural poor who rarely have access to commercially fortified foods2 As such biofortification is seen as an upcoming strategy for dealing with deficiencies of micronutrients in low and middle-income countries In the case of iron WHO estimated that biofortification could help curing the 2 billion people suffering from iron deficiency-induced anemia MOCK Q455 Q4 What is a major use of Allethrin A In household insecticidesB In glass manufactureC In steel manufactureD In paints amp varnishesAnsA MOCK Q454 Q Custom duty on non-edible oils has been reduced to encourage soaps amp oleochemicals What are Oleochemicals 1 These are the chemicals derived from the Plant products2 They are analogous to petrochemicals derived from petroleumWhich among the above are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BThese are the chemicals derived from the Plant products amp animal fats MOCK Q453 Q Who among the following are not the members of the Arab League 1 Chad 2 Israel3 South Sudan4 Libya5 OmanWhich among the above is/are correct A 345B Only 1 amp 2C 125D All are the members Ans BThe Arab League was founded in Cairo in 1945 by Egypt Iraq Lebanon Saudi Arabia Syria Transjordan Jordan from 1946 and Yemen North Yemen later combined Yemen There was a continual increase in membership during the second half of the 20th century with additional 15 Arab states and 4 observers being admitted MOCK Q452 Q4 Which of the following is superimposed international boundary A USA –Mexico boundaryB India-Pakistan boundary along Jammu amp KashmirC 38th North parallel boundary between North amp south KoreaD Chile-Argentina boundary along AndesAns BA superimposed boundary is a boundary that has been imposed on an area by an outside or conquering power This boundary ignores the cultural organizations on this landscape MOCK Q451 Q Land reclamation is the subject dealt by :A Ministry of rural developmentB Ministry of agricultureC Ministry of panchayati rajD Ministry of earth sciencesAns BLand reclamation usually known as reclamation and also known as land fill not to be confused with a landfill is the process of creating new land from oceans seas riverbeds or lake beds The land reclaimed is known as reclamation ground or land fill MOCK Q450 QWho among the following founded Theosophical society A Madam Blavatsky amp Annie BesantB AO Hume amp Annie BesantC HS Alcott amp Annie BesantD Madam Blavatsky amp HS AlcottAns AThe Theosophical Society was an organization formed in the United States in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky to advance Theosophy The original organization after splits and realignments currently has several successors Following the death of Blavatsky competition within the Society between factions emerged particularly among founding members and the organisation split between the Theosophical Society Adyar Olcott-Besant and the Theosophical Society Pasadena Judge The former group headquartered in Indiais the most widespread international group holding the name Theosophical Society today MOCK Q449 Q The ‘Kurram’ of Chola period were : A Musicians B Union of villages C Royal officers D Temple artisansAns BChola political system was the only one which still maintained contact with the cultivator on a wild scale and retained characteristics of a centrally organized administration The political status Rajaraja I was certainly different from that of Amoghavarsha the Rashtrakuta ruler or Vishnuvardhana the Hoysala ruler The titles used by the Chola kings were Chakrvartigal or Chakravarti The royal household was run on an elaborate scale and royal patronage was lavish The political role of Purohita priest as known to northern Indian politics underwent a modification in the Chola system The Rajguru priest of the royal family of the Cholas became a confidant and confessor in addition to being the advisor in all matters temporal and sacred For further advice there was an assembly of officer whom the king would consultChola kingdom was divided into provinces mandalam their being generally eight or nine of these Each mandalam was divided into valanadus or districts These in turn were subdivided into groups of villages variously called kurram nadu or kottam Occasionally a very large village would be administered as a single unit and this was called Taniyur The administrative unit was the village and to that extent there was a little significant difference between Chola administration and that of the Guptas However the nature of the village administration was certainly of a very different order The degree of autonomy at village level was something quiet remarkable for the times Chola officials participated in village affairs more as advisors and observers than as administratorsThe basic assumption in the type of village autonomy emerging at this period was that each village should be administered by the villagers themselves For the purpose a village assembly was formed and authority was vested in this assemblyThe general assemblies included most of the local residents and were of three categories: the ur consisted of the tax paying residents of an ordinary village the sabha was restricted to the Brahmans of the village or else was found exclusively in villages gifted to Brahmans and finally the nagaram was found more commonly in trade centers In some villages the ur and the sabha were found together Very large villages had two urs if this was more convenient for their functioning The working of these assemblies differed according to local conditions The ur was open to all male adults of the village but in affect the older members took a more prominent part some of them forming a small executive body for routine matters The sabha had the same system and in addition had the power to constitute smaller committees of any size from among its membersMOCK Q448- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following passage :“The length of the saree in this folk dance is about 3 inches above the heelMusic in this dance is played using Tirio A bamboo flute with seven holesWomen dancers usually wear white or yellow sarees with red borders amp adorn their hair with wild flowersWhich among the following folk dance has been discussed in the above passage A Santhal danceB Karma danceC Bidesiya danceD Jhijhiya danceAns ASanthal dance – Jharkhand Karma dance – JharkhandBidesiya dance – BiharJhijhiya dance-BiharMOCK Q447- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q With reference to the Kolkali dance consider the following statements :1 It is basically a tribal dance form undertaken annually on the Karma festival although it is performed on different social occasions as well2Only male dancers can participate in this dance3 It is a highly rhythmic dance with the dancers wielding short sticksSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans CKarma dance: It is basically a tribal dance form undertaken annually on the Karma festival although it is performed on different social occasions as wellMOCK Q446- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following pairs :Community Place1Ahir Haryana2Manganiyars South India3Kambala Nayaka Tamil NaduSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 3D 123Ans CCommunity of people Manganiyars is well known for their musical tradition in North East IndiaAhir community of Gurgaon Haryana is known for th Dhamal danceMOCK Q445- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1 Lavani Gatka amp Thang-Ta folk dances are associated with the display of military skills by traditional community2 Chhau folk dance blends both dance amp martial arts employing mock combat techniques Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BGatka Thang-Ta amp Choliya folk dances are associated the display of military skills by traditional community but not Lavani danceChhau folk dance of West Bengal blends both dance amp martial arts employing mock combat techniques This dance is performed during night in an open space called Akhara or AsarMOCK Q444- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1 Caves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka amp his grandson Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika Monks2Bharhut stupa constructed under Mauryas shows influence of Greeks on Indian artSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns ABharhut stupa constructed under Shungas shows influence of Greeks on Indian artCaves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka amp his grandson Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika MonksMOCK Q443- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1Singhi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks which when bathed in sunlight look like a snow lion2 Wancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CSinghi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks which when bathed in sunlight look like a snow lionWancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal PradeshMOCK Q442- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q With reference to the Kangra Paintings consider the following statements :1Paintings were made on the walls of palaces inner chambers of forts amp havellis2 Theme of painting is mainly elements of nature3 Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order to separate one scene from another Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans DRajasthani Paintings : -Paintings were made on the walls of palaces inner chambers of forts amp havellis- Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order to separate one scene from another Kangra Paintings :Kangra painting is the pictorial art of Kangra named after Kangra Himachal Pradesh a former princely state which patronized the art It became prevalent with the fading of Basohli school of painting in mid-18th centuryand soon produced such a magnitude in paintings both in content as well as volume that the Pahari painting school came to be known as Kangra paintingsThe distinguishing features of the Kangra painting were: Soft colours including cool blues and greens Lyrical treatment of themesTheme of painting is mainly elements of natureMOCK Q441- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Madhubani Paintings 1 These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists of the Bihar2 No space is left empty in these paintings as the gaps are filled with the paintings of flower animals birds amp even geometric designs3 Three dimensional images are used in these types of paintingsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans AMadhubani PaintingMadhubani painting is one of the many famous Indian art forms As it is practiced in the Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal it is called Mithila or Madhubani art Often characterized by complex geometrical patterns these paintings are known for representing ritual content for particular occasions including festivals religious rituals etc The colors used in Madhubani paintings are usually derived from plants and other natural sources These colors are often bright and pigments like lampblack and ochre are used to create black and brown respectively Instead of contemporary brushes objects like twigs matchsticks and even fingers are used to create the paintings Kalighat Paintings : These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists in CalcuttaMOCK Q440- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Basholi style of painting 1 This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal painting2Human figures were shown with tight lips eyes half open small chin amp thin wristSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DGuler style : This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal paintingBikaner School : Human figures were shown with tight lips eyes half open small chin amp thin wristBasholi style of painting : Basohli Paintings is a fusion of Hindu mythology Mughal miniature techniques and folk art of the local hills evolved in the 17th and 18th centuries as a distinctive style of painting This style of painting derives its name from the place of its origin – hill town of Basohli about 80 Km from the centre of district Kathua in the state of Jammu amp KashmirThe most popular themes of Basohli Paintings come from Shringara literature like Rasamanjari or Bouquet of Delight a long love poem written in 15th century by Bhanudatta of Tirhut Bihar Gita Govinda and Ragamala These paintings are marked by striking blazing colors red borders bold lines and rich symbols The faces of the figures painted are characterized by the receding foreheads and large expressive eyes shaped like lotus petals The painting themselves are mostly painted in the primary colors of Red Blue and YellowThis style of painting was first introduced to the world in the annual report 1918-19 of the Archaeological Survey of India published in 1921 At that time this style was yet to be properly categorized and studied Ananda K Coomaraswamy was the first to publish them in Rajput Paintings in 1916MOCK Q439- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM-MODERN INDIA Q What was the reason for the congress to accept dominion status A It would offer a chance to keep India in the commonwealth B It would allow for some much needed continuity in the bureaucracy amp the army C It would provide the economic strength defence potential amp greater value of trade amp Investment in IndiaD All of the aboveAns BThe Congress was willing to accept Dominion Status for a while despite its being against the spirit of Lahore Congress 1929 declaration of “Purna Swaraj” because:-• Congress wanted a quick transfer of power in a peaceful manner• It was important for congress to assume authority and power to check the explosive situation due to communal tension• Dominion Status gave breathing time to the new administration as British officers and civil service officials could stay on till Indians get settled in their new positionsFor Britain Dominion Status offered a chance of keeping India in the Commonwealth even if temporarily Though Jinnah offered to bring Pakistan into the Commonwealth a greater store was laid by India’s membership of the Commonwealth as India’s economic strength and defence potential were deemed sounder and Britain had a greater value of trade and Investment thereMOCK Q438- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM-MODERN INDIA Q Which among the following is/are correct with reference to the Plan Balkan 1 It was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Mountbatten to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi2 This plan was welcomed by the Nehru amp other leaders Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D Plan Balkan was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Hastings Ismay to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi Due to this this plan was also called “Ismay Plan”• Balkan plan was an alternative plan to Cabinet mission Between March and May of 1947 Mountbatten decided that the Cabinet Mission Plan had become untenable and formulated an alternative plan This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces or to a confederation if formed before the transfer with Punjab and Bengal given the option to vote for partition of their provinces• The various units thus formed along with the princely states rendered independent by lapse of paramountcy would have the option of joining India or Pakistan or remaining separate The plan was quickly abandoned after Nehru reacted violently to itMOCK Q437- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU-CURRENT AFFAIRS Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Scheme consider the following statements :1 Under this scheme shopkeepers amp retail traders will receive a guaranteed monthly pension of Rs 3000 after they reach the age of 60 years2 To get benefit of this scheme It is mandatory to get register between the age of 45 years to 59 years3 Pension benefits to retail traders amp small shopkeepers with annual turnover less than Rs 15 crores Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans APradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Scheme :Pension benefits to retail traders amp small shopkeepers with annual turnover less than Rs 15 crores Under this scheme shopkeepers amp retail traders will receive a guaranteed monthly pension of Rs 3000 after they reach the age of 60 yearsMOCK Q436- FRAMED FROM Krishna Reddy-Indian History Q With reference to the Tutinama “Tales of Parrot” consider the following statements :1 It is an illustrated version containing 200 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th century2 It is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BTutinama “Tales of Parrot”is an illustrated version containing 250 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th centuryIt is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories -Adventure stories naraated by the parrot were : Ninght after Night For 52 successive nights are moralistic stories to persuade his owner Khojasta not to commit any adulterous act with any lover in the absence of her husbandMOCK Q435- FRAMED FROM Krishna Reddy-Indian History Q Who among the following Mughal Emperor put emphasis upon aristocracy amp secularism through the Mughal school of paintingA JahangirB AkbarC AurangzebD ShahjahanAns BMughal school of paintings originated in AD during the reign of AkbarThese paintings are based on the close observation of nature amp fine amp delicate drawing These paintings are themed upon aristocracy amp secularismMOCK Q434- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Consider the following statements :1 Under the Vote of Credit Lok Sabha authorizes the council of ministers to continue to incur expenditure out of the consolidated fund of India till next appropriation bill is adopted2In Budget 2017 Lok Sabha adopted Vote of CreditSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DVote of Credit – It is granted for meeting an unexpected demand upon the resources of India when on account of the magnitude or the indefinite character of the service the demand cannot be stated with the details ordinarily given in a budget Hence it is like a blank cheque given to the Executive by the Lok SabhaSo far it has not been adopted in IndiaUnder the Vote of Account Lok Sabha authorizes the council of ministers to continue to incur expenditure out of the consolidated fund of India till next appropriation bill is adoptedMOCK Q433- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Which among the following motions can be moved in Lok Sabha only 1 Call Attention Motion 2 Adjournment Motion3 Cut Motions4 Censure MotionSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2 amp 4B 134C 234D 1234Ans CAdjournment Motion Cut Motions Censure Motion- can be moved in Lok Sabha onlyCall attention motion in the Rajya Sabha is called Motion For Papersi Adjournment Motion:At the end of the question-hour in the Parliament motion moved by a member when it is desired to draw the attention of the Executive for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importanceii Privilege Motion:A motion moved by a member if he feels that a Minister has committed a breach of privilege of the House or of any one or more of its members by withholding the facts of a case or by giving a distorted version of facts etciii Censure Motion:A motion which seeks to censure the government for its “lapse” If the motion is passed in the Popular House the Cabinet resignsiv ‘No-Confidence’ Motion:A motion moved by a member to express lack of confidence in the government for any reason The motion if allowed be debated upon At the conclusion of such debate a vote of confidence is sought by the government and if it fails to get the required majority of votes it has to resignv Calling Attention Motion:A member may with prior permission of the Speaker call the attention of a Minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a brief Statement regarding the matter or ask for time to make a Statementvi Cut Motion:A motion that seeks reduction in the amount of a demand presented by the government is known as a cut motion Such motions are admitted at the Speaker’s discretion It is a device through which members candraw the attention of the government to a specific grievance or problem There are three types of Cut Motion:a Disapproval of Policy Cut:It means to express disapproval of the policy underlyingb Economy Cut:Asks for a reduction of the amount of the demand by a specific amountc Token Cut:Is a device to ventilate specific grievances within the sphere of the government’s responsibility The grievances have to be specified Usually the motion envisages a small reduc¬tion in the demandMOCK Q432- FRAMED FROM SHANKAR IAS Q Which among the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Climate Investment Funds 1 The operation of the Financial Mechanism is partly entrusted to the Global Environment Facility GEF2 These funds were approved by MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency in 2008 to address climate changeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThe Climate Investment Funds CIFs were designed by developed and developing countries and are implemented with the multilateral development banks MDBs to bridge the financing and learning gap between now and the next international climate change agreement CIFs are two distinct funds: the Clean Technology Fund and the Strategic Climate FundThe CIFs are additional to existing Official Development Assistance ODA and aim to enable countries to continue on their development path and achieve the Millennium Development Goals These funds will be operated in close coordination with existing bilateral and multilateral effortsThe funds were approved by the World Bank Board of Directors in July 2008 and on September 26 2008 received pledges of US65 billionThe Climate Investment Funds include the:• Clean Technology Fund• Strategic Climate Fund• Forest Investment Program• Pilot Program for Climate Resilience• Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program and• Private SectorMOCK Q431- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Which among the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Charged Expenditure 1It is that part of the appropriation bill which does not require approval of the Parliament2 If the appropriation bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha it has no impact on the charged expenditureSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CCharged Expenditure :It is that part of the appropriation bill which does not require approval of the ParliamentIf the appropriation bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha it has no impact on the charged expenditureMOCK Q430- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q With reference to the Parliamentary form of Government consider the following statements :1Members of executive amp legislature may be different hence coordination between them may be weak2Executive has a definite majority in Lok Sabha thus a check of legislature over executive is weakSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BPresidential Government : Members of executive amp legislature are different hence coordination between them may be weakParliamentary form of Government : Members of executive are appointed from the legislature the ability of executive to influence legislature is highExecutive has a definite majority in Lok Sabha thus a check of legislature over executive is weakMOCK Q429- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q With reference to the Deputy Prime Minister consider the following statements :1 It is the second highest rank in the council of Ministers who are given full powers in the absence of Prime Minister2 It is not a constitutional position3 Deputy Prime Minister also enjoys the rank of a Cabinet MinsterSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 1 amp 3C Only 3D 2 amp 3Ans DIst statement is a fabricated statementMinisters of State : They are the second highest ranking ministers who are not given independent charge of ministry or department Deputy Prime Minister is not a constitutional positionSupreme Court has held that Deputy Prime Minister also enjoys the rank of a Cabinet MinsterMOCK Q428- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Who among the following is considered as the custodian of the Constitution of India A Chief Justice of IndiaB Supreme Court of IndiaC President of IndiaD Attorney General of IndiaAns CPresident of India is considered as the custodian of the Constitution of India Supreme Court is considered as the Guardian of the Constitution of India MOCK Q427- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Consider the following statements :1 Discretionary powers of the President of India are exercised without the aid amp advice of council of ministers242nd amendment act restored the discretion of President to refer the advice back to the council of Ministers Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A44th amendment act restored the discretion of President to refer the advice back to the council of Ministers Discretionary powers of the President of India are exercised without the aid amp advice of council of ministersMOCK Q426- FRAMED FROM RAMESH SINGH-INDIAN ECONOMY Q With reference to the Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA consider the following statements :1 TFA was the first multilateral trade deal in 21 years signed in Bali in 2013 for easing cross border custom rules for faster movement of goods2TFA requires developed countries should reduce the domestic support given to agriculture in the form of Green box subsidies3 It contains provisions for technical amp financial assistance in trade facilitation Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 2 amp 3C Only 1D 1 amp 3Ans CTrade Facilitation Agreement TFA : TFA was the first multilateral trade deal in 21 years signed in Bali in 2013 for easing cross border custom rules for faster movement of goodsTFA contains provisions for technical assistance amp capacity building in trade facilitationProvision of Fourth Ministerial Meeting in Doha Qatar 2001 : TFA requires developed countries should reduce the domestic support given to agriculture in the form of Green box subsidiesMOCK Q425- FRAMED FROM RAMESH SINGH-INDIAN ECONOMY Q Which one of the following does not comes under the category of Back Office Outsourcing A Call centre servicesB Banking C Media amp Entertainment D Travel amp HospitalityAns ACall centre services : Front Office OutsourcingBack Office Business Process Outsourcing BPO ServicesAn organization’s back office management can significantly impact its success Large volumes of data accrue on a daily basis from various transactional processes such as order fulfilment applications processing transaction processing billing and collections that require effective back office solutions Invensis is a reputed leader in empowering numerous global businesses and organizations through high quality back office BPO services that promote enhanced business efficiency and improved bottom-lineback office outsourcing services extend across industries such as:• Finance• Banking• Insurance• Healthcare• Manufacturing amp Chemical• Travel amp Hospitality• Media amp Entertainment• Utilities• Logistics and Customs Brokerage• Automotive• Education• Mortgage• GovernmentMOCK Q424- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q Which of the following best describes the Blue Carbon Initiative A It is an international initiative to prevent climate change through conservation restoration of marine ecosystems by focusing on Mangroves Salt marshes amp SeagrassesB It refers to the technique of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere amp keeping it stored over a long period timeC It is an initiative to understand quantify amp manage greenhouse gas emissions so that rise in temperature by the end of century does not exceed 20 c or even 150c above pre-industrial levelsD It is an international initiative by providing technical amp financial support to targeted developing countries to integrate climate change into their development policies amp budgetsAns AIt is an international initiative to prevent climate change through conservation restoration of marine ecosystems by focusing on Mangroves Salt marshes amp SeagrassesThe Initiative is coordinated by Conservation International CI the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization IOC-UNESCO The Initiative works through two working groups: the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group and the International Blue Carbon Policy Working GroupMOCK Q423- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q Consider the following :Protected Area Network Fauna1 Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve : Saltwater crocodile2 Seshachalam hills : Sloth bear3 Cold Desert : Snow LeopardWhich of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ASeshachalam hills : Slender LorisPanna : Tiger Chittal Chinkara Sambhar amp Sloth BearMOCK Q422- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q With reference to the Hope Spots consider the following statements :1 Andaman amp Nicobar Islands amp Lakshadweep Islands have very recently been named as the new Hope Spots2 These are declared under the Wildlife protection Act 1972Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-Andaman amp Nicobar Islands amp Lakshadweep Islands have recently Not very recently been named as the new Hope Spots-List of Hope spots is prepared by the IUCN amp Mission Blue-Hope Spots are areas of an ocean that need special protection because of their wildlife amp significant underwater habitatsMOCK Q421- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q In which of the following region in India are you most likely to come across the ‘Golden Langur’ in its natural habitat A Grasslands of Western GhatsB Malabar region of KeralaC Western AssamD Sand deserts of north-west IndiaAns CGolden langur is an Old World monkey found in a small region of western Assam India and in the neighboring foothills of the Black Mountains of Bhutan It is one of the most endangered primate speciesof India The regions of its distribution are very small the main region is limited to an area approximately 60 miles square bounded on the south by the Brahmaputra River on the east by the Manas River on the west by the Sankosh River all in Assam India and on the north by the Black Mountains of BhutanMOCK Q420- FRAMED FROM Indian Express Q On account of which of the following reasons Chabahar port is relevant for India 1 Chabahar port will increase dependence of Afghanistan which is a landlocked country on Pakistan2 In October 2017 India began shipment of Rice Wheat amp Pulses to Afghanistan through the Iranian portof Chabahar3 Indian presence at Chabahar port will help in countering Chinese presence at Gwadar port of PakistanSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans A-Chabahar port will reduce dependence of Afghanistan which is a landlocked country on Pakistan- In October 2017 India began shipment of Wheat to Afghanistan through the Iranian port of Chabahar- Indian presence at Chabahar port will help in countering Chinese presence at Gwadar port of PakistanMOCK Q419- FRAMED FROM Indian Express Q With reference to the Official Development Assistance consider the following statements :1 ODA was coined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation amp Development OECD for the first time in 19592Japan is the only developed nation that signed a free trade agreement FTA with IndiaSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BODA was coined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation amp Development OECD for the first time is 1969India is the largest recipient of Japanese Official Development Assistance ODA MOCK Q418- FRAMED FROM Google Books Q With reference to the Dongria Kondh consider the following statements :1 These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups worshiping Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain 2 Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group amp linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman groupSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AKarbi tribe : Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group amp linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman groupDongria Kondh : Of Odisha These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups who worship Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain They also won legal battle against Vedanta group over Bauxite mining in the region MOCK Q417- FRAMED FROM Google Books Q Every year a community celebrates a festival Hari Jyoti for planting fruit bearing trees at the beginning of the rains amp the new sowing season Which of the following is such community/ tribe A GondsB Dongria KondhC BondaD KarbiAns AGonds : Of Madhya PradeshKorku tribe : Of Madhya PradeshKarbi tribe : Of AssamLimbo tribe : Of SikkimBonda : Of OdishaDongria Kondh : Of OdishaKorku tribe : Of Madhya PradeshMOCK Q416- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q To fulfill the Government of India’s mission amp to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country Academia Alliance Programme has been formed With whose initiative Academia Alliance Programme has been formed A Niti AyogB Confederation of Indian IndustriesC Startup IndiaD Ministry of New amp Renewable EnergyAns CTo fulfill the Governmentof India’s mission to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country Startup India launched the Startup Academia Alliance programme a unique mentorship opportunity between academic scholars and startups working in similar domains The Startup Academia Alliance aims to reduce the gap between scientific research and its industrial applications in order to increase the efficacy of these technologies and to widen their impact By creating a bridge between academia and industry the Alliance strives to create lasting connections between the stakeholders of the startup ecosystem and implement the third pillar on which the Startup India Action Plan is based – Industry Academia Partnerships and Incubation The first phase of Startup Academia Alliance was kickstarted through partnering with Regional Centre for Biotechnology The Energy and Resources Institute TERI Council on Energy Environment and Water and TERI School of Advanced Studies Renowned scholars from these institutes in fields such as renewableenergy biotechnology healthcare and life sciences were taken on board to provide mentorship and guidance to startups working in relevant arenasMOCK Q415- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM HISTORY Q Consider the following statements :1 In 1916 session Congress accepted theMuslim League demand of separate electorates 2 Communal award accepted all the muslim communal demands contained in the 14 pointsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CIn 1916 session Congress accepted the Muslim League demand of separate electorates amp the Congress amp The League presented joint demands to the governmentCommunal award accepted all the muslim communal demands contained in the 14 pointsMOCK Q414- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the South Asia Sub Regional Economic Cooperation SASEC consider the following statements :1 SASEC program set up in 2001 to promote regional prosperity by improving cross border connectivity 2 World Trade Organisation serves as the secretariat for the SAESC member CountriesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns ASASEC program set up in 2001 to promote regional prosperity by improving cross border connectivityIt brings together Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Myanmar Nepal Srilanka Manila Phillipines based Asian development Bank ADB serves as the secretariat for the SAESC member CountriesMOCK Q413- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the Permanent Court of Arbitration PCA consider the following statements :1 PCA was established by treaty at the first Hague Peace Conference at Netherlands2 The order is not binding on the countries as it can be appealed in the UN tribunal3 121 member states are the part of the PCA including IndiaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans APermanent Court of Arbitration PCA:PCA was established by treaty at the first Hague Peace Conference at Netherlands in 1899The order is binding on the countries as there is no appeal process in the UN tribunal121 member states 119 members of the United Nations as well as Kosovo amp Palestine are the part of the PCA India is a part to the PCA according to the Hague Convention on 1899 MOCK Q412- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing amp Urban Development APMCHUD consider the following statements :1 Sixth edition of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016 with the theme “ A Vision for sustainable Urbanisation in The Asia Pacific by 2020”2 It was established under the aegis amp support of UN HabitatSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are in correctAns BSixth edition of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016 with the theme “ Emerging Urban Forms –Policy Reforms amp Governance Structures in the Context of New Urban Agenda”2006 THEME : “ A Vision for sustainable Urbanisation in The Asia Pacific by 2020MOCK Q411- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the International Trade Centre consider the following statements :1 ITC is the joint technical corporation agency of the UN conference on trade amp Development UNCTAD amp World Trade Organisation WTO2 They are subordinate to the United Nations amp derive most of their financial resources other than the Union Nation BudgetsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are in correctAns AITC is the joint technical corporation agency of the UN conference on trade amp Development UNCTAD amp World Trade Organisation WTOITC’s regular programme is financed in equal parts by WTO amp UNMOCK Q410- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which among the following crops have been classified under the category of Minor Forest products 1 Tendu Patta2 Bamboo3 Pulpwood 4 SoapnutSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 124B Only 1 amp 3C 134D Only 1 amp 4Ans AThe Major Forest Products comprise Pulpwood Sandalwood Social Forestry that incudes Fuel and Timber The Minor Forest Products include the items such as tamarind curry leaf Tendu Patta gallnut Cane Soapnut tree moss and now Bamboo alsoMOCK Q409- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the news what is “INSTEX” A It is a 2000 ft long device to start clean up in the North Pacific OceanB It is a transaction channel that will allow companies to continue trading with Iran despite US sanctionsC It is a natural gas pipeline being developed with the participation of the Asian Development BankD It is the rule book that sets out how countries will provide information about their Nationally Determined Contributions Ans B• The transaction channel will allow European businesses to trade with Iran despite strict US sanctions• Though the payment channel is a project of Britain France and Germany it will receive the formal endorsement of all 28 EU members• It will support legitimate European trade with Iran focusing initially on the sectors most essential to the Iranian population such as pharmaceutical medical devices and agri-food goods• In the longer term INSTEX aims to be open to third countries wanting to trade with Iran• However INSTEX is not yet operational as it needs Iran to set up a parallel structure of its own which may take some time to complete• While it is aimed at small and medium-sized companies it is expected to send an important message to Iran about Europe’s commitment to keep the nuclear deal aliveObjective The launch of the special payment channel is a clear and practical demonstration of Europe’s commitment to continuing the nuclear dealIt however does not in any way preclude the European Union from addressing Iran’s hostile and destabilising activitiesEurope has toughened its tone on Iran’s ballistic missile programme human rights record and interference in Middle East conflictsMOCK Q408- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana consider the following statements :1 Spouse will not be entitled to receive pension in case of death2 Workers covered under the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation will not be entitled to pension3 It is 100 funded by the Union government Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 2D 1 amp 2Ans C• The unorganised sector workers with income of less than Rs 15000 per month and who belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years will be eligible for the scheme • Those workers should not be covered under New Pension Scheme NPS Employees’ State Insurance Corporation ESIC scheme or Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation EPFO• He or she should not be an income tax payerThe workers of unorganised sector can be home based workers street vendors mid-day meal workers head loaders brick kiln workers cobblers rag pickers domestic workers washer men rickshaw pullers landless labourers own account workers agricultural workers construction workers beedi workers handloom workers leather workers audio- visual workers and similar other occupationsBenefits under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan YojanaMinimum Assured Pension: Each subscriber under the scheme will receive minimum assured pension of Rs 3000 per month after attaining the age of 60 yearsIn case of death during receipt of pension: If the subscriber dies during the receipt of pension his or her spouse will be entitled to receive 50 percent of the pension as family pension This family pension is applicable only to spouseIn case of death before the age of 60 years: If a beneficiary has given regular contribution and dies before attaining the age of 60 years his or her spouse will be entitled to continue the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution or may even exit the schemeEqual contribution by the Central Government: Under the PM-SYM the prescribed age-specific contribution by the beneficiary and the matching contribution by the Central Government will be made on a ‘50:50 basis’MOCK Q407- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which of the following best describes SHREYAS scheme A It is the scheme launched by HRD Ministry to promote entrepreneurship by mentoring nurturing and facilitating startupsB It is the scheme implemented by Sector Skill Council for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and SkillsC It is the scheme launched by HRD ministry for translational and advanced research in Science to fund science projectsD It is the scheme implemented by Institution’s Innovation Council for self-actualisation providing opportunities for a life-long learningAns CSHREYAS: Scheme for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and SkillsFunctioning of the Scheme:The scheme will be operated in conjunction with National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme NAPS which provides for placing of apprentices or trainees up to 10 percent of the total work force in every industry The scheme will be implemented by the Sector Skill Councils SSCs initially in the Banking Finance Insurance Services BFSI Retail Health care Telecom Logistics Media Management services ITeS and Apparel More sectors would be added over time with emerging apprenticeship demandMOCK Q406- FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q With reference to the Sandbag Climate Campaign consider the following statements :1 It was launched as a campaign on the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme2 It addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilitiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A–Sandbag or Sandbag Climate Campaign is a Community Interest Company campaigning for changes to European climate change policy especially emissions trading The organisation was launched in 2008 by Bryony Worthington and was the first and founding member of The Guardian’s Environment NetworkSandbag was launched as a campaign on the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme allowing its members to campaign to reduce the number of permits in circulation and to purchase permits and cancel themClimate Vulnerable Forum CVF: The forum addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilitiesMOCK Q405- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana consider the following statements :1 It will provide assured income to all Institutional Land holders of Rs 6000 per year2 It is based on providing guaranteed amount of Rs 1000/- or Rs2000 per hectare in case of drought or loss of crop by the animalsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D• The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi will provide assured income to small and marginal farmers• All Small and Marginal Farmers SMF with 2 hectares of cultivable land will be provided income support of Rs 6000 per year• The amount will be transferred directly into their account in 3 equal installments• The complete expenditure of Rs 75000 crore for the scheme will borne by the Union Government in 2019-20• Over 12 crore farmer families will be benefitted under the schemeThe scheme is being implemented with effect from December 2018The following categories of beneficiaries of higher economic status shall not be eligible for benefit under the scheme A All Institutional Land holders B Farmer families in which one or more of its members belong to following categories: 1 Former and present holders of constitutional posts2 Former and present Ministers/ State Ministers and former/present Members of LokSabha/ RajyaSabha/ State Legislative Assemblies/ State Legislative Councilsformer and present Mayors of Municipal Corporations former and present Chairpersons of District Panchayats3 All serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries /Offices/Departments and its field units Central or State PSEs and Attached offices /Autonomous Institutions under Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies Excluding Multi Tasking Staff /Class IV/Group D employees4 All superannuated/retired pensioners whose monthly pension is ₹10000/-or more Excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class IV/Group D employees of above category5 All Persons who paid Income Tax in last assessment year6 Professionals like Doctors Engineers Lawyers Chartered Accountants and Architects registered with Professional bodies and carrying out profession by undertaking practicesMOCK Q404- FRAMED FROM Spectrum- Modern India Q Swadeshi Sangam was formed to ispire the local masses through magic lantern lectures Swadeshi songsWho was/were the members of the Swadeshi Sangam 1 VO Chidambaram Pillai2 Abanindranath Tagore3 Subramania SivaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans AIn Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu VO Chidambaram Pillai Subramania Siva amp Some lawyers formed the Swadeshi Sangam which inspired the local massesMOCK Q403- FRAMED FROM Spectrum- Modern India Q With reference to the Indian National Movement What was Official Secrets Act A Under this act Natu brothers were deported without trial amp Tilak imprisoned on charges of seditionB Repressive laws under IPC section 124 A were amplified with new provisions under IPC 156 AC It was the administrative measure to curb the freedom of pressD Under this act It ensured greater government control over the universitiesAns COfficial Secrets Act : 1904 It was the administrative measure to curb the freedom of press1897 : Natu brothers were deported without trial amp Tilak imprisoned on charges of sedition1898 : Repressive laws under IPC section 124 A were amplified with new provisions under IPC 156 AIndian Universities Act 1904 : greater government control over the universitiesMOCK Q402- FRAMED FROM The Hindu Q With reference to the Halogen Light Bulbs consider the following statements :1 White coating also known as Phosphor coating on the glass absorbs UV light amp protect from the UV rays2 They have the same tungsten filament as the typical incandescent light bulbs 3 Fluorescent coating is often used in these bulbs to add brightnessSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B 123C Only 2D 1 amp 2Ans CFluorescent bulbs : White coating also known as Phosphor coating on the glass absorbs UV light amp protect from the UV raysVapour lamps : Fluorescent coating is often used in these bulbs to add brightnessA halogen lamp also known as a tungsten halogen quartz-halogen or quartz iodine lamp is an incandescent lamp consisting of a tungsten filament sealed into a compact transparent envelope that is filled with a mixture of an inert gas and a small amount of a halogensuch as iodine or bromine The combination of the halogen gas and the tungsten filament produces a halogen cycle chemical reaction which redeposits evaporated tungsten to the filament increasing its life and maintaining the clarity of the envelope For this to happen a halogen lamp must be operated at a higher envelope temperature 250° C 482° F1 than a standard vacuum incandescent lamp of similar power and operating life this also produces light with higher luminous efficacy and color temperature The small size of halogen lamps permits their use in compact optical systems for projectors and illumination The small glass envelope may be enclosed in a much larger outer glass bulb for a bigger package the outer jacket will be at a much lower and safer temperature and it also protects the hot bulb from harmful contamination and makes the bulb mechanically more similar to a conventional lamp that it might replaceStandard and halogen incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than LED and compact fluorescent lamps and have been banned in many jurisdictions because of thisMOCK Q401- FRAMED FROM The Hindu Q Consider the following statements :1 Origin of Bitcoin is virtually anonymous amp is not monitored by any Central bank or Government2 Anyone with a bitcoin address can send amp receive bitcoins from anyone else with a bitcoin address Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CBitcoin is a cryptocurrency a form of electronic cash It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009 Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining They can be exchanged for other currencies products and services Research produced by the University of Cambridge estimates that in 2017 there were 29 to 58 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet most of them using bitcoin Bitcoin has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions its high electricity consumption price volatility thefts from exchanges and the possibility that bitcoin is an economic bubble Bitcoin has also been used as an investment although several regulatory agencies have issued investor alerts about bitcoinMOCK Q400- FRAMED FROM M LAXMIKANTH Q Consider the following statements :1In India Only the powers of the Federal Government are enumerated in the constitution amp the residuary powers are left to the states 2 Government of India Act 1935 provided for three fold enumeration ie Federal Provincial amp CurrentSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correct D Both are incorrectAns B-In US Only the powers of the Federal Government are enumerated in the constitution amp the residuary powers are left to the states -Power to make laws with respect to the residuary subjects which are not enumerated in any of the three list is vested in the ParliamentMOCK Q399- FRAMED FROM M LAXMIKANTH Q Which among the following statement best describes “Discretionary Grants” A It empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which are in need of financial assistance B These are the grants in lieu of export duties on Jute amp Jute products to the states of Assam BiharOrissa amp West BengalC Theses are the grants for promoting welfare of the scheduled tribes in a stateD These are the grants that empower both the centre amp states to make any grants for any public purpose even if it is not within their respective legislative competenceAns DStatutory Grants : Article 75 empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which are in need of financial assistanceOther Grants : These are the grants in lieu of export duties on Jute amp Jute products to the states of Assam Bihar Orissa amp West BengalDiscretionary Grants :These are the grants that empower both the centre amp states to make any grants for any public purpose even if it is not within their respective legislative competenceMOCK Q398- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the news what is Talanoa dialogue A It is a process designed to help countries enhance and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020B It is a process to help countries by forming the rule book to implement the Paris Climate AgreementC It gives countries a common framework for reporting and reviewing progress towards their climate targetsD It provides a global platform for the conservation of Migratory animals amp their habitatsAns A–The 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP23 was an international meeting of political leaders non-state actors and activists to discuss environmental issues It was held at UN Campus in Bonn Germany from 6–17 November 2017Although COP23 focused primarily on technical details of the Paris Agreement COP23 concluded with what was called the ‘Fiji Momentum for Implementation’ which outlined the steps that need to be taken in 2018 to make the Paris Agreement operational and launched the –Talanoa Dialogue – a process designed to help countries enhance and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020MOCK Q397 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Consider the following statements :1 Mangroves for the Future MFF has participation of Asian amp African nations only2 IUCN amp United Nation Development Programme UNDP developed MFF in 20063 MFF not only conserves Mangrove forests but includes all types of coastal ecosystems like coral reefsestuaries wetlands etcSelect the correct answer using the correct codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DMangroves for the Future MFFLocation: Member countries: Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Seychelles Sri Lanka Thailand and Viet Nam Outreach countries: Malaysia Dialogue countries: Kenya and TanzaniaDuration: Established in 2006 MFF is currently in its third phase 2015 – 2018 Project Background: The devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 laid bare the vital link between coastal ecosystems and human livelihoods It was United States President Bill Clinton’s vision that rebuilding in tsunami-hit areas should improve natural infrastructure and strengthen resilience against future natural disasters In response to this vision IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP developed Mangroves for the Future in 2006 Since then MFF has grown to include eight institutional partners plus a growing number of countries At the launch of the Tsunami Legacy report at the United Nations in New York in April 2009 Bill Clinton acclaimed MFF as one of the most positive and forward-looking developments of the post-tsunami periodMangroves for the Future MFF is a unique partner-led initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development Co-chaired by IUCN and UNDP MFF provides a platform for collaboration among the many different agencies sectors and countries which are addressingchallenges to coastal ecosystem and livelihood issues The goal is to promote an integrated ocean-wide approach to coastal management and to building the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities Mangroves are the flagship of the initiative but MFF is inclusive of all types of coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs estuaries lagoons sandy beaches seagrass and wetlandsMOCK Q396 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which one of the following best describes the term Malacca Dilemma sometimes seen in news A It refers to the demarcation line used initially by the government of republic of China B ONGC Videsh Limited signed a contract with the petro Vietnam to jointly explore petroleum resourcesC It is the Nine Dash line area that covers most of the South China sea amp overlaps exclusive economic zoneD It signifies China’s dependency for the energy needs on West AsiaAns DThe “Malacca Dilemma” is a term coined by their President Hu Jintao2003 on the over-reliance on the Malacca Straitssea-route where 80 of their energy needsoil imports pass en-route from the Middle East Angola etcshipping lanes through the Malacca Straitsbetween Malaysia and Indonesia This area is also prone to piracy sometimesConflict in the region and their effect on China’s geopolitical and energy strategies and other issues that can crop up from time to time together constitute the “Malacca Dilemma”MOCK Q395 – FRAMED FROM GCCA WEBSITE Q Global Climate Change Alliance Initiative for country’s vulnerability to climate change is managed by the :A The European CommissionB The Global Environment FacilityC UNDPD World BankAns AThe Global Climate Change Alliance Plus GCCA is a European Union flagship initiative which is helpingthe world’s most vulnerable countries to address climate change Having started with just four pilot projects in 2008 it has become a major climate initiative that has funded over 70 projects of nationalregional and worldwide scope in Africa Asia the Caribbean and the Pacific This EU initiative helps mainly Small Islands Developing States SIDS and Least Developed Countries LDCs increase their resilience to climate change The GCCA also supports these group of countries in implementing their commitments resulting from the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change COP21 in line with the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the new European Consensus on DevelopmentThe GCCA initiative is making a significant contribution towards achieving the overall target of at least 20 of the EU budget spent for climate action All GCCA projects must primarily aim at facilitating the transition to a climate-resilient low-carbon future in line with the 2°C targetGCCA funding increased from EUR 3175 million in the first phase 2007-2014 to EUR 420 million in the second phase 2014-2020 Read more on financial resourcesMOCK Q394 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which among the following topics are exempted from the courses covered under the LEAP amp ARPIT PROGRAMME for higher education faculty 1 Establishment of the National Anti-profiteering Authority2 Internet of Things3 Tools techniques and experiments in reducing Greenhouse gases emission4 Methodology of Teaching SanskritSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 4B Only 1C 1 amp 3D 124Ans CHRD Ministry launches LEAP and ARPIT programmes for higher education facultyThe courses cover a diverse range of topics such as:Indian culture and Heritage Studies Tribal and Regional languages Urdu French StudiesPedagogical Innovations amp Research Methodology Tools techniques and experiments in Earth ScienceLatest Trends in Pedagogy and Assessment Mathematics Statistics Zoology Chemistry Physics Biotechnology Development and Counselling Marine Science Calculus Real Time Power Analysis and Smart GridNeural Networks and Deep Learning amp Knowledge discovery Civil Infrastructure for Smart City DevelopmentICT in Science and Maths teaching Engineering Mechanics Design Spectrum DIY Manufacturing TechnologyInnovation and Best Practices in Educational Skills Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics Energy Systems EngineeringLeadership and Governance in Higher Education Engineering Mechanics Physics of Semiconductors and Devices Electrical EngineeringPublic Policy and Administration Bio-Medical engineering Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Sciences Chemical EngineeringEnglish Language Teaching Internet of ThingsHindi Literature amp Linguistics Astronomy and AstrophysicsMethodology of Teaching Sanskrit Aerospace Engineering Tourism and Hospitality ManagementEffective Creations and Innovative Researches in Medieval Gujarati Literature Political Science Economics Psychology Development Perspectives in AgricultureLibrary amp Information Science Ethics Human Rights and Environment Anthropology Gender/Women’s studies Law Social and Rural DevelopmentDisaster Management Climate change MOCK Q393 – FRAMED FROM NITIN SIGHANIA Q Which among the following is/are correctly matched :Community Place1 Dangasia Gujarat2 Gond Madhya Pradesh3 Mirgan OdishaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DDangasia GujaratGond Madhya PradeshMirgan Odisha MOCK Q392 – FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM HISTORY Q BR Ambedkar is associated With Which of the following 1 Bahishkrita Hitkarini Sabha2 Hindu Mahasabha3 Hindu Code billSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ALala Lajpat Rai involvement with Hindu Mahasabha leaders gathered criticism from the Naujawan Bharat Sabha as the Mahasabhas were non-secular which did not conform with the system laid out by the Indian National CongressHindu MahasabhaMOCK Q391 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q With reference to the Least Developed Countries Fund consider the following statements:1 This fund has been initiated in 2002 by the The Global Environment Facility GEF2 Adaptation amp Mitigation are one of the area of focus of this fundSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThis fund has been initiated in 2002 by the The Global Environment Facility GEFAdaptation is one of the area of focus of this fundMOCK Q390 – FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTUREGOV Q Consider the following :Sites Place1 Aalampur Temple : Telanagana2 European Tomb : Gujarat3 Khajurao Monuments : Madhya PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans D Other Important Sites :Maharaja Chhatrasal Museum Complex : Madhya PradeshMahabalipuram : Tamil NaduUparkot : GujaratKumarakom : KeralaMOCK Q389 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q389 The Climate Chain Coalition CCC to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain and related digital solutions emerged at :A 2017 United Nations Climate Change ConferenceB One Planet SummitC COP-24 Katowice D Paris Climate SummitAn BThe Climate Chain Coalition CCC was born during the One Planet Summit in December in Paris France The Coalition engages a multi-stakeholder group working on distributed ledger technology DLT to collaborate on mobilizing climate financePlz Note : The 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference was an international meeting of political leaders non-state actors and activists to discuss environmental issues It was held at UN Campus in Bonn from 6–17 November 2017 Also known as: COP23 UNFCCC CMP13 Kyoto Protocol CMA2 Paris AgreementMOCK Q388 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q “Partnership for Market Readiness” is an initiative which is managed by the :A Global Environment FacilityB World BankC United Nation Environment ProgrammeD UNDPAns BPartnership for Market Readiness ADMINISTERED BY: The World BankAREA OF FOCUS Mitigation DATE OPERATIONAL: 2011MOCK Q387 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q387 With reference to the religious practices in India Sarvastivadin belongs to which ancient school A TheravadaB MahayanismC RajagirikarsD HetuvadinsAns ASarvāstivāda were an early school of Buddhism established around the reign of Asoka third century BCEIt was particularly known as an Abhidharma tradition with a unique set of seven Abhidharma worksMOCK Q386 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q386 With reference to the Initial Coin Offerings ICO consider the following statements :1 It is like Initial Public Offer that refers to the issue of cryptocurrency in consideration of funds received from investors2 17 billion has been raised globally through ICOs between 2014 amp 2017Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A27 billion has been raised globally through ICOs between 2014 amp 2017- An initial coin offering ICO or initial currency offering is a type of funding using cryptocurrenciesMostly the process is done by crowdfunding but private ICO’s are becoming more common In an ICO a quantity of cryptocurrency is sold in the form of tokens coins to speculators or investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum The tokens sold are promoted as future functional units of currency if or when the ICO’s funding goal is met and the project launches In some cases like Ethereum the tokens are required to use the system for its purposesAn ICO can be a source of capital for startup companiesMOCK Q385 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q385 Nanotechnology can significantly increase manufacturing at far reduced costs What are the advantages of the Nanotechnology 1 Anti scratch components of the automobiles are possible using the Nanotechnology2 Bullet proof amp stain resistant clothing can be made using the Nanotechnology3 Nanotechnology offer cleaner technologies amp cleaner environmentSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 2B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ANano sized particles can acculumate in various body parts such as nasal cavities lungs amp brainDue to their minute size nano particles are able to accumulate in the environmentMOCK Q384 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the “India International Exchange” consider the following statements :1 It was opened very recently at the International Financial Services Centre IFSC in Gujarat2 With this it will be the third largest International Exchange in the world in terms of order responseSelect the correct answer using the using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-It was opened IN 2017 at the International Financial Services Centre IFSC in GujaratBUT NOT VERY RECENTLY – With this it will be the fastest International Exchange in the world in terms of order response with the trade speed of four microseconds-This is better than BSE’s domestic exchange in Mumbai which has an order response time of six microseconds- Singapore is the second fastest International exchange has the order response of 60 microsecondsMOCK Q383 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q383 In Context with the “Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS” consider the following statements :1 It is a greenhouse gas mitigation technology which produces negative carbon dioxide emissions2 BECSS works by involving the process of pyrogenic carbon capture and storage PyCCS or biocharSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A-Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS is a potential greenhouse gas mitigation technology which produces negative carbon dioxide emissions by combining bioenergy energy from biomass use with geologic carbon capture and storage1 The concept of BECCS is drawn from the integration of trees and crops which extract carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow the use of this biomass in processing industries or power plants and the application of carbon capture and storage via CO2injection into geological formations2 There are other non-BECCS forms of carbon dioxide removal and storage that include technologies such as biochar carbon dioxide air captureand biomass burial3 and enhanced weatheringAccording to a recent Biorecro report there is 550 000 tonnes CO2/year in total BECCS capacity currently operating divided between three different facilities as of January 2012In the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC BECCS was indicated as a key technology for reaching low carbon dioxide atmospheric concentration targets8 The negative emissions that can be produced by BECCS has been estimated by the Royal Society to be equivalent to a 50 to 150 ppmdecrease in global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations9 and according to the International Energy Agency the BLUE map climate change mitigation scenario calls for more than 2 gigatonnes of negative CO2 emissions per year with BECCS in 205010 According to Stanford University 10 gigatonnes is achievable by this dateAccording to the OECD Achieving lower concentration targets 450 ppm depends significantly on the use of BECCS13An alternative to BECSS is pyrogenic carbon capture and storage PyCCS or biochar14 Which are superior in order to fix carbon in a more stable way: solid C for longer times Carbon dioxide injected into geologic formations eventually leaks back into the atmosphere due to seismic activity and natural faults and problems with the seal of the ancient injection pitsFRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q382 Consider the following :Tribes Place1 Bhoksa Uttarakhand2 Misting Sikkim3 Gonds Madhya PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans AMisting tribe is in AssamFRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q381 Which of the following best describes Forward linkages with respect to the economic activity 1 These refer to the transactions with the consumers2 For food processing industry these linkages are associated with the primary processing centresSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2 C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AForward linkages :-These refer to the transactions with the consumers- These linkages are associated with the retail storesBackward linkages :-These refer to the transactions with the suppliers-For food processing industry these linkages are associated with the primary processing centresFRAMED FROM LUCENT PUBLICATIONS Q380 Consider the following :Hill Ranges Place1 Rajpipla : Gujarat2 Mahadeo : Madhya Pradesh3 Maikala range : Andhra PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans CMaikala range : Madhya Pradesh amp ChhatisgarhFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q379 Consider the following statements :1 Loktak lake the biggest fresh water lake is home to the endangered Sangai deer2 Keibul Lamjao is an integral part of the Loktak LakeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CLok tak lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India and is famous for the phumdis heterogeneous mass of vegetation soil and organic matter at various stages of decomposition floating over it The lake is located near Moirang in Manipurstate IndiaThe etymology of Loktak is Lok stream and tak the endThe largest of all the phumdis covers an area of 40 km215 sq mi and is situated on the southeastern shore of the lake Located on this phumdi Keibul Lamjao National Park is the only floating national park in the world The park is the last natural refuge of the endangered Sangai state animal Rucervus eldii eldii or Manipur brown-antlered deer Cervus eldi eldi one of three subspecies of Eld’s deerThe Keibul Lamjao National Park is a national park in the Bishnupur district of the state of Manipur in India It is 40 km2 154 sq mi in area the only floating park in the world located in North East India and an integral part of Loktak LakeThe national park is characterized by many floating decomposed plant materials locally called phumdis To preserve the natural refuge of the endangered Manipur Eld’s deer or brow-antlered deer Cervus eldi eldi or sangai also called the dancing deer listed as an endangered species by IUCN the park which was initially declared to be a sanctuary in 1966 was subsequently declared to be a national park in 1977 through a gazette notification The act has generated local support and public awarenessFRAMED FROM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTUNORG Q378 “Championing Green Growth and Climate Resilience” to promote green growth emerged at :A Global Green Growth InstituteB GreenpeaceC European Environment Agency D World Sustainable Development Summit 2011Ans AThe Global Green Growth Institute GGGI is a treaty-based international organization headquartered in Seoul South Korea The organization aims to promote green growth a growth paradigm that is characterized by a balance of economic growth and environmental sustainability GGGI provides research and stakeholder engagement for green growth plans especially in developing countries aiming to replace the more typical paradigm based on industrial developmentFounded to support green economic growth that simultaneously addresses poverty reduction job creation social inclusion and environmental sustainability GGGI works across four priority areas that are considered to be essential to transforming national economies including energy water land use and green citiesMotto Championing Green Growth and Climate ResilienceFormation 16 June 2010Headquarters Seoul Republic of KoreaMembership 30 Member countriesCouncil chair Ban Ki MoonDirector-General Frank RijsbermanBudget USD 55 million 2018Q377 The term “Climate Neutrality” sometimes mentioned in the news are related to :A World Wild life FundB UNFCCC SecretariatC Biocarbon FundD World wildlife TrustAns BThe UNFCCC secretariat launched its Climate Neutral Now initiative in 2015 The following year the secretariatlaunched a new pillar under its Momentum for Change initiative focused on Climate Neutral Nowas part of larger efforts to showcase successful climate action around the worldThe UNFCCC secretariat UN Climate Change was established in 1992 when countries adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCCWith the subsequent adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015 Parties to these three agreements have progressively reaffirmed the secretariat’s role as the United Nations entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate changeSince 1995 the secretariat is located in Bonn GermanyThe secretariat provides technical expertise and assists in the analysis and review of climate change information reported by Parties and in the implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms It also maintains the registry for Nationally Determined Contributions NDC established under the Paris Agreement a key aspect of implementation of the Paris AgreementThe secretariat organizes and supports between two and four negotiating sessions each year The largest and most important is the Conference of the Parties held annually and hosted in different locations around the globe It is the largest annual United Nations conference attended on average by around 25000 participants In addition to these major conferences the secretariat organizes annual sessions of the so-called subsidiary bodies as well as a large number of meetings and workshops throughout the yearIn recent years the secretariat also supports the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action agreed by governments to signal that successful climate action requires strong support from a wide range of actors including regions cities business investors and all parts of civil society At UN Climate Change Conferences a large number of events demonstrate how non-Party stakeholders are working with governments and the UN system to implement the Paris AgreementFRAMED FROM NDC PARTNERSHIPORG Q376 With reference to the Special Climate Change Fund consider the following statements :1 It was established in 1991 under UNFCCC to finance projects which enable the adaptation to climate change2 It is operated by United Nation Environment Programme UNEP amp World Meteorological Organisation WMOSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DIt was established in 2001 under UNFCCC to finance projects which enable the adaptation to climate changeIt is operated by Global Environment Facility GEFEXPLANATION :In 2001 Parties to the UNFCCC established the Special Climate Change Fund SCCF to support climate change activities that are complementary to the GEF’s climate change projects with a special focus on the most vulnerable countries The objective of the Special Climate Change Fund SCCF is to support adaptation and technology transfer projects and programs that: are countryFRAMED FROM IUCNORG Q375 Which among the following country is not the member of the “Mangroves for The Future” A Cambodia B MyanmarC LaosD MaldivesAns CMangroves for the Future MFFLocation: Member countries: Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Seychelles Sri Lanka Thailand and Vietnam Outreach countries: Malaysia Dialogue countries: Kenya and TanzaniaDuration: Established in 2006 MFF is currently in its third phase 2015 – 2018 Project Background: The devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 laid bare the vital link between coastal ecosystems and human livelihoods It was United States President Bill Clinton’s vision that rebuilding in tsunami-hit areas should improve natural infrastructure and strengthen resilience against future natural disasters In response to this vision IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP developed Mangrovesfor the Future in 2006 Since then MFF has grown to include eight institutional partners plus a growing number of countries At the launch of the Tsunami Legacy report at the United Nations in New York in April 2009 Bill Clinton acclaimed MFF as one of the most positive and forward-looking developments of the post-tsunami periodMangroves for the Future MFF is a unique partner-led initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development Co-chaired by IUCN and UNDP MFF provides a platform for collaboration among the many different agencies sectors and countries which are addressing challenges to coastal ecosystem and livelihood issues The goal is to promote an integrated ocean-wide approach to coastal management and to building the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities Mangroves are the flagship of the initiative but MFF is inclusive of all types of coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs estuaries lagoons sandy beaches seagrass and wetlandsFRAMED FROM The Hindu Q374 Which among the following is/are classified under the Third Generation Vaccines 1 DTP vaccine2 DNA Vaccine3 Polio VaccineSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D Only 2Ans DDTP vaccine – Second generation VaccineDNA Vaccine- Third generation VaccinePolio Vaccine- First generation VaccineDNA vaccination is a technique for protecting against disease by injection with genetically engineered DNA so cells directly produce an antigen producing a protective immunological response DNA vaccines have potential advantages over conventional vaccines including the ability to induce a wider range of immune response typesSeveral DNA vaccines are available for veterinary use Currently no DNA vaccines have been approved for human use Research is investigating the approach for viral bacterial and parasitic diseases in humans as well as for several cancersApplicationsNo DNA vaccines have been approved for human use in the United States Few experimental trials have evoked a response strong enough to protect against disease and the technique’s usefulness remains to be proven in humans A veterinary DNA vaccine to protect horses from West Nile virus has been approvedFirst-Generation Vaccines Attenuated and inactivated vaccines are identified in the first generation which use a primary method in their production Attenuated pathogens full organisms or inactivated bacterial toxin which are effectively immunogenic are used in making these vaccines2nd Generation Vaccines:-The second generation vaccines were created in order to minimize the risks of having the pathogen revert to a dangerous formThe way these vaccines work is that they do not contain the whole organism but rather subunits Subunits may consist of the toxins that the pathogen create if they are bacterial Another example of subunit vaccines are those that only contain protein sections of the pathogen such as an acellular formA great example of a 2nd generation vaccine is DTaP The vaccine contains diptheria toxoid tetanus toxoid pertussis toxoid as well as the acellular version of pertussisAs with the issues with the 1st generation of vaccines the 2nd generation vaccines can generate antibody response and T-helper response but AGAIN no T-Killer responseFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS Q373 Which among the following is/are the examples of The Near Field Communication 1 Public transport card readers2 Smart phones3 Touch payment terminalsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DNear-field communication NFC is a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm 16 in of each other1NFC devices are used in contactless payment systems similar to those used in credit cards and electronic ticket smartcards and allow mobile payment to replace or supplement these systems This is sometimes referred to as NFC/CTLS Contactless or CTLS NFC NFC is used for social networking for sharing contacts photos videos or files2 NFC-enabled devices can act as electronic identity documents and keycards3 NFC offers a low-speed connection with simple setup that can be used to bootstrap more capable wireless connectionsFRAMED FROM SHANKAR ENVIRONMENT Q372 With respect to the Global Tiger Forum GTF consider the following statements :1 It is an international symposium to save Tigers in the world with support of South Asian Countries2 Headquarter of the GTF is located in India because India has the largest tiger population in the world Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BGTF is an intergovernmental body to undertake worldwide campaign amp a common programme to save tigers in the worldInternational Symposium on Tiger held at New Delhi during February 1993 adopted a Delhi declaration on Tiger conservation Headquarter of the GTF is located in India because India has the largest tiger population in the world FRAMED FROM MAJID HUSSAIN’S INDIAN GEOGRAPHY Q371 Consider the following :1 Jai Samand Lake : Largest Artificial lake2 Pulicat lake : Has a largest number of islands within3 Vembanad lake : Largest KayalsWhich among the above is/are correctly matched A Only 2B 1 amp 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans BExplanation :1Kolleru lake has the largest number of islands within Kolleru lake is formed between deltas of Godavari amp Krishna riversKolleru Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in India located in state of Andhra Pradesh and formsthe largest shallow freshwater3 lake in Asia 15 kilometers away from the city of Eluru Kolleru is located between Krishna and Godavari deltas4 Kolleru spans into two districts – Krishna and West Godavari The lake is fed directly by water from the seasonal Budameru and Tammilerustreams and is connected to the Krishna and Godavari irrigation systems by over 67 major and minor irrigation canals This lake is a major tourist attraction Many birds migrate here in winter such as Siberian crane ibisand painted storks The lake was an important habitat for an estimated 20 million resident and migratorybirds including the grey or spot-billed pelican Pelecanus philippensis The lake was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in November 1999 under India’s Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and designated a wetland of international importance in November 2002 under the international Ramsar Convention The wildlife sanctuary covers an area of 308 km2Egrets grey herons painted storks and black-headed ibises gathering in thousands at Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh IndiaKolleru Lake under Ramsar Convention allowing local communities Here: Vaddi Community to continue their occupation of culture fish and caught fish covers 90100 hectares 222600 acres and Kolleru Lake underWildlife Sanctuary covers 166000 acres 67200 ha2Pulicat lake : Pulicat Lagoon is the second largest brackish water lagoon in India after Chilika Lake Pulicat Lagoon is considered to be the second largest brackish water body in India measuring 759 km2 The Lagoon is one the three important wetlands to attract North-East Monsoon rain clouds during October to December season to Tamil Nadu The lagoon comprises the following regions which adds up 759 km2 according to Andhra Pradesh Forest Department: 1 Pulicat Lake Tamil Nadu-TN amp Andhra Pradesh-AP 2 Marshy/WetlandLand Region AP 3 Venadu Reserve Forest AP 4 Pernadu Reserve Forest AP The lagoon was cut across in the middle the Sriharikota Link Road which divided the water body into lake and marshy land The lake encompasses the Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary The barrier island of Sriharikota separates the lake from the Bay of Bengal and is home to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre1 Major part of the lake comes under Nellore district of Andhra pradesh3 Vembanad lake:Vembanad Vembanad Kayal or Vembanad Kol is the longest lake in India1 and the largest lake in the state of Kerala Spanning several districts in the state of Kerala it is known as Vembanadu Lake in Kottayam Punnamada Lake in Kuttanad and Kochi Lake in Kochi Several groups of small islands including Vypin Mulavukad Vallarpadam Willingdon Island are located in the Kochi Lake portion Kochi Port is built around the Willingdon Island and the Vallarpadam islandThe Nehru Trophy Boat Race is conducted in a portion of the lake High levels of pollution have been noticed at certain hotspots of the Vembanad backwaters Government of India has identified the Vembanad wetland under National Wetlands Conservation Programme4 Jai Samand Lake:Dhebar Lake also known as Jaisamand Lake is India’s second-largest artificial lake after Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar1 It is located in the Udaipur District of Rajasthan State in western India It has an area of 87 km2 34 sq mi when full and was created in the 17th century when Rana Jai Singh of Udaipur built a marble dam across the Gomati River It is about 450 km 280 mi from the district headquarters of Udaipur When first built it was the largest artificial lake in the world The surrounding Jaisamand Wildlife Sanctuary around Dhebar Lake can be reached by the state highway to Banswara from Udaipur It is about 270 km 168 mi from Parsad A village on National Highway No 8 Jaisamand Wildlife Sanctuary protects about 1620 square kilometres 16200 ha mostly teakforest on the shores of Dhebar Lake The lake has three islands measuring from 10 to 40 acres 40000 to 162000 m2 each The Dhebar Lake Marble Dam is 3000 m 9843 ft long and is a part of the Heritage Monuments of India The dam also has the Hawa Mahal Palace winter Capital of the erstwhile Maharanas of MewarFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -MAY 2018 Q370 With reference to the CLOUD ACT consider the following statements :1 It has been passed by the US Congress very recently to make artificial rain by spraying clouds with substances like Silver Iodide 2 US has enacted in 2018 by passing the Consolidated Appropriations ActSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BCloud act – The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data CLOUD Act passed by the US Congress earlier this year seeks to de-monopolise control over data from US authorities The law will for the first time allow tech companies to share data directly with certain foreign governments This however requires an executive agreement between the US and the foreign country certifying that the state has robust privacy protections and respect for due process and the rule of law Before this Cloud Act an Indian officer investigating would have to raise a request for data to the US government where it is storedHow CLOUD act impacts law enforcement in India :- Timely access to electronic data for police is required to prevent mitigate or prosecute even a routine crime With the enactment of the CLOUD Act an Indian officer for the purposes of an investigation will no longer have to make a request to the US government but can approach the company directlyFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS -AUGUST 2018 Q369 Which among the following is/are the expected benefits to a country by signing the pact of Duqm port in Oman 1 Port is located near the Persian Gulf through which half of the world’s oil tanker pass2 It has a special economic zone where 25 billion investments are expected to be made by the Indian companiesWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AIt has a special economic zone where 18 billion investments are expected to be made by the Indian companiesPort is located near the Persian Gulf through which half of the world’s oil tanker passIt is also near the Chabahar port of IranFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS -AUGUST 2018 Q368 What is/are the consequence/ consequences of a country becoming the member of the ‘European Bank for Reconstruction amp Development’ 1 Membership would provide access to the technical amp financial assistance of the bank related to the development of the private sector2 Co-financing opportunities access to the international markets will be enhanced through the membershipWhich of the statements given above is/are correctA 1 onlyB 2 onlyC Both 1 amp 2D Neither 1 nor 2 Ans BMembership would provide access to the technical assistance amp sectoral knowledge of the bank related to the development of the private sectorCo-financing opportunities access to the international markets will be enhanced through the membershipExplanation:The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD is an international financial institution founded in 1991 As a multilateral developmental investment bank the EBRD uses investment as a tool to build market economies Initially focused on the countries of the former Eastern Bloc it expanded to support development in more than 30 countries from central Europe to central Asia Similar to other multilateral development banks the EBRD has members from all over the world North America Africa Asia and Australia see below with the biggest shareholder being the United States but only lends regionally in its countries of operations Headquartered in London the EBRD is owned by 69 countries and two EU institutions 69th being Indiarecently in July 2018 Despite its public sector shareholders it invests in private enterprises together with commercial partnersThe EBRD is not to be confused with the European Investment Bank EIB which is owned by EU member states and is used to support EU policy EBRD is also distinct from the Council of Europe Development Bank CEBFRAMED FROM INDIAN EXPRESS -AUGUST 2018 Q367 STARLINK refers to :A It is a research amp development project developed by Google X to provide internet access to rural amp remote areasB It is the solar powered drone launched by facebook to provide internet access to four billion people around the world C Any type of drone that can be controlled by the Microwave signals of high wavelengthD It is the planned constellation of satellites that would provide high speed global internet connectionAns DStarlink is a satellite constellation development project underway by SpaceX1 to develop a low-cost high-performance satellite bus and requisite customer ground transceivers to implement a new space-basedInternet communication system23 By 2017 SpaceX submitted regulatory filings to launch nearly 12000 satellites to orbit by the mid-2020s4SpaceX also plans to sell satellites that use a satellitebus that may be used for military5 scientific or exploratory purposes6 In November 2018 SpaceX received FCC approval to deploy 7518 broadband satellites in addition to the 4425 satellites that were approved in March 2018 Development began in 2015 and prototype test-flight satellites were launched on 22 February 2018Initial operation of the constellation could begin in 2020 with satellite deployment beginning mid 2019The SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond Washington houses the research and development operations for the satellite Internet projectFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q366 Which among the following sites have been identified for the development of Water Aerodromes 1 Wular lake2 Sabarmati river front3 Chilika lakeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans CChilika lake IN Orissa Gujarat’s Sardar Sarovar Dam Sabarmati river front have been identified for the development of Water AerodromesFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q365 Which among the following products have been classified into Minor Forest Products 1 Tamarind 2 Sandalwood3 Bamboo4 Cane5 Fuel amp TimberSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1345B 245C Only 2 amp 5D 134Ans DMajor Forest Produce and Minor Forest Products The Major Forest Products comprise Pulpwood SandalwoodSocial Forestry that incudes Fuel and Timber The Minor Forest Products include the items such as tamarind curry leaf Tendu Patta gallnut Cane Soapnut tree moss and now Bamboo alsoFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q364 Consider the following :1 Magnetic Rheological Fluid Damper2 Macro encapsulation device for treatment of Diabetes3 Smartphone based Camera SensorWhich among the above projects have been developed under the Imprint-2 Initiative A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 1Ans BMagnetic Rheological Fluid Damper Smartphone based Camera Sensor- are the projects of IMPRINT INITIATIVEFor details of the projects open the link : FROM THE HINDU -AUGUST 2018 Q363 Which among the following have been accorded Geographical Indication status 1 Blue pottery of Jaipur2 Tirupati ladoos3 Mahabaleshwar Strawberry4 Nagpur OrangeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 124B 2 amp 4C 234D 1234Ans DFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q362 With reference to the news what is Blockchain Bond A It is the new debt instrument issued by World Bank by using ledger technology B It is a type of bond purchased by buyers interested in earning a revenue stream from the British pound or sterlingC Republic of Seychelles has launched the Bond a novel financing initiative which taps into capital markets to fund ocean-related environmental projectsD It is the bond issued outside India but denominated in Indian Rupees rather than the local currencyAns AThe World Bank is turning to blockchain to help it raise moneyThe international lender is planning to issue what it says is the world’s first global blockchainbond a notable mainstream endorsement of the emerging technologyBlockchain is best known as the technology underpinning bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies It serves as a digital record of financial transactionsThe World Bank has hired Commonwealth Bank of Australia CBAUF to manage the bond which is expected to raise as much as 100 million Australian dollars 73 millionFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q361 Which of the following best describes the term “Mobilise Your City” sometimes seen in news A It is an initiative to support three Indian cities to reduce Green House Gas emissionsB It is a part of Swacch Bharat Mission to make Indian cities clean C It is the Heat Action Plan adopted in Climate Change Conference to keep global average temperature below 20 CD It is an initiative to support Indian cities to reduce atmospheric pollution as a part of health initiativeAns AIndia and France sign an implementation agreement on “MOBILISE YOUR CITY” MYC European Union agrees to Euro 35 million for investments and technical assistance within the Mobilise Your City MYC programme in India MYC aims at supporting three pilot cities viz Nagpur Kochi and Ahmedabad for reduction of Green House Gas GHG emissions related to urban transportFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q360 With reference to the PISA Programme For International Student Assessment consider the following statements :1 PISA test introduced in the year 2000 by UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund 2 The test is carried out once in every two yearsWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DPISA test introduced in the year 2000 by OECDThe test is carried out once in every three yearsThe Programme for International Student Assessment PISA is a worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD in member and non-member nations intended to evaluate educational systems by measuring 15-year-old school pupils’ scholastic performance on mathematics science and reading It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years Its aim is to provide comparable data with a view to enabling countries to improve their education policies and outcomes It measures problem solving and cognition The 2015 version of the test was published on 6 December 2016FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q359 With reference to O-Smart scheme consider the following statements :1 It is the Earth Ministry’s scheme to address Ocean development activities 2 The scheme covers 16 sub projects with an overall cost of Rs 1700 croresWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThe scheme covers 16 sub projects with an overall cost of Rs 1623 croresFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q358 Which among the following is/are modified Operational Guidelines for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 1 Only Perennial horticulture crops are included on pilot basis under the ambit of PMFBY 2 Farmers will be paid 11 interest by insurance companies Which of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-Farmers will be paid 12 interest by insurance companies-State Governments will have to pay 12 interest for delay in release of state share of subsidy-It includes Perennial horticulture crops on pilot basis under the ambit of PMFBY -It provides add on coverage for crop loss -Release of upfront premium subsidy FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q357 With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana consider the following statements :1 It is a life insurance scheme which includes age between 18 to 50 years2 The annual premium of Rs12 will be paid by the Union government 3 The benefit includes Rs 2 lakhs in case of death due to any causeWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans BPradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana is a accident insurance scheme which includes age between 18 to 50 yearsPradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is a life insurance which includes age between 18 to 70 yearsPradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana : The annual premium of Rs12 will be paid by the Union government Pradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana : The annual premium of Rs330 will be paid by the Union government FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q356 Which among the following are mandatory to mention on the label of the food items as per regulations of Food Safety amp Standards Regulations Act2018 1Trans fats2 Sugar 3 Salt4 Genetically Engineered Goods / ingredients derived from GMO5 Folic acidWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A 145B 1234C 123D 12345Ans BThe Food Safety and Standards Authority of India FSSAI on August 17 2018 constituted a group of experts from health and nutrition sector to look into the issue of food labellingThe expert panel will be headed by B Sesikeran former director of National Institute of Nutrition NIN and comprises Hemalatha and Dr Nikhil Tandon The panel will study in detail the concerns of the industry and make recommendations The announcement regarding the constitution of the Committee was made by FSSAI CEO Pawan Kumar Agarwal while addressing a national consultation on the draft regulation on food labelling organised by the CUTS InternationalAgarwal also made it clear that Food Safety and Standards Authority of India FSSAI will go ahead with the labelling norms even if there is no full consensus on the matter after the panel’s suggestionsIn April 2018 the FSSAI had come out with the draft of ‘Food Safety and Standards Labelling and Display Regulations 2018’ that propose mandatory red-label marking on packaged food products containing high levels of fat sugar and saltHowever for now the government has put on hold these draft regulations following the concerns raised by stakeholdersDraft provisions of Food Safety and Standards Labelling and Display Regulations 2018• The draft regulations suggest for mandatory declaration by packaged food manufacturers about nutritional information such as calories total fat trans fat sugar and salt per serve on the front of the pack• The draft pitches for a colour code proposes that the high fats such as sugar and salt trans-fat and sodium content should be coloured as ‘red’ if the value of energy from total sugar or fat is more than 10 percent of the total energy in the 100 grams or 100 ml of the product • The colour coding will make it easier for consumers to know about the nutritional value of food products and will help them make choices as per their requirements • It also makes mandatory to label food stuffs as ‘Contains GMO/Ingredients derived from GMO’ if the items contain 5 percent or more Genetically Engineered GE ingredients • The nutritional information should also be provided in the form of bar codeFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q355 Consider the following statements with reference to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that sometimes seen in news :1 It is a gyre of marine debris particles in the central North Pacific Ocean2 It is located from 135°E to 155°WWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThe Great Pacific garbage patch also described as the Pacific trash vortex is a gyre of marine debris particles in the central North Pacific Ocean It is located roughly from 135°W to 155°W and 35°N to 42°NThe collection of plastic floating trash halfway between Hawaii and California extends over an indeterminate area of widely varying range depending on the degree of plastic concentration used to define itThe patch is characterized by exceptionally high relative pelagic concentrations of plastic chemical sludge and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre3 Despite the common public image of islands offloating rubbish its low density 4 particles per cubic meter prevents detection by satellite imagery or even by casual boaters or divers in the area It consists primarily of an increase in suspended often microscopic particles in the upper water columnThe patch is not easily seen from the sky because the plastic is dispersed over a large area Researchers from The Ocean Cleanup project claimed that the patch covers 16 million square kilometers The plastic concentration is estimated to be up to 100 kilograms per square kilometer in the center going down to 10 kilograms per square kilometer in the outer parts of the patch An estimated 80000 metric tons of plastic inhabit the patch totaling 18 trillion pieces 92 of the mass in the patch comes from objects larger than 05 centimetersResearch indicates that the patch is rapidly accumulatingA similar patch of floating plastic debris is found in the Atlantic Ocean called the North Atlantic garbage patchFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q354 Consider the following statements with reference to the Heritage Irrigation Structures that sometimes seen in news :1 These structures have been created to ease irrigation by creating partition between the acidic amp alkaline soil2 This scheme has excluded old operational irrigation structures Which of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DAt the 63rd meeting of International Executive Council IEC held at Adelaide Australia on 28 June 2012 President Gao Zhanyi suggested that a process for recognition of the historical irrigation structures on the lines of World Heritage Sites as recognized by UNESCO shall be initiated Accordingly a Task Team comprising of the following members was set up to work out objectives guidelines and procedures to select the historical irrigation structures The Scheme was discussed during the meeting of WG-HIST at 65th IEC meeting The members suggested changes in the scope of the Scheme The present Scheme has been revised and updated to include both the old operational irrigation structures as well as structures that have primarily archival value It is proposed that a historical irrigation and/or drainage structure fulfilling the criterion laid down in this document shall be recognized as “Heritage Irrigation Structure” HIS The nomination forms received by 30 June every year will be processed together and presented to the following Executive Council meeting after due processing Nominations are invited from ICID National Committees for selection of “World Heritage Irrigation Structures” WHIS thatincludes both old operational irrigation structures as well as those having an archival value A Task Team is set up every year to select historical drainage/drainage structures as received from various National Committees NCs to give recognition to the historical irrigation structures on the lines of World Heritage Sites as recognized by UNESCO National Committee can nominate more than one structure using separate nomination form for each Associated Members and non-member countries can nominate their structures through the neighboring active national committees or by submitting directly to the ICID Central OfficeFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q353 Which of the following best describes “MOVE” sometimes seen in news A It is the Global Mobility Summit organized by Niti Ayog to make Indian cities pollution freeB It is an Intergovernmental agreement on the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse C It is the Global Mobility Summit organized by UNFCCC between the Commonwealth and the States on environment issuesD It is an inter governmental agreement for the promotion of political amp economic relations with the ASEANAns ATo showcase innovation and build a platform to shape the future of mobility NITI Aayog is proud to host the first Move Summit 2018 In New Delhi on 7th and 8th September 2018 stakeholders from across the sectors of mobility and transportation will gather to co-create a public interest framework to revolutionize transport Together government industry academia civil society and media will set the base for a transport system which is safe clean shared and connected and affordable accessible and inclusiveThe Move Summit will address these challenges through two major channels:THE CORE SUMMIT AND PARALLEL EVENTS It will help leverage a number of unique features of India’s mobility ecosystem:a Tremendous potential for a fundamental shiftb Low lock-in-effectc Scale and size d Frugal innovation ande Globally-recognized technological prowessThe Move Summit will seek to integrate India’s efforts around sustainable development urbanization clean energy and more through the unique lens of mobilityFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q352 With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana consider the following statements :1 Institutional treatment is the part of this Scheme2 It will cover over 10 crore people for secondary amp tertiary care hospitalization 3 Members of the family should not be more than 5 to be eligible for the scheme Which of the statements given above is/are correct A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans B1st statement : Institution treatment means a hospital nursing facility or other It is a fabricated statement3rd statement : It is also wrong It is not the feature of this schemePrime Minister Narendra Modi launched ambitious Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana PMJAY under Ayushman Bharat umbrella at Ranchi Jharkhand The scheme aims to provide annual health insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh to 1074 crore beneficiary families ie over 50 crore beneficiaries across India It is touted as world’s largest healthcare scheme that will serve beneficiary population that equals 27-28 European countries and almost equal to population of Canada Mexico and US put together The scheme will become operational from September 25 2018 ie on birth anniversary of Deendayal Upadhyay FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -JUNE 2018 Q351 Which of the following best describes “RIMPAC” sometimes seen in news A It is a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shippingB It is the world’s largest military exercise between United States amp South Korea C It is a naval ship that is built and primarily intended for naval warfareD It is the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise administered by the United States Navy’s pacific fleetAns DRIMPAC the Rim of the Pacific Exercise is the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise RIMPAC is held bienniallyduring June and July of even-numbered years from Honolulu Hawaii It is hosted and administered by the United States Navy’s Pacific Fleet headquartered at Pearl Harbor in conjunction with the Marine Corps the Coast Guard and Hawaii National Guard forces under the control of the Governor of Hawaii The US invites military forces from the Pacific Rim and beyond to participate With RIMPAC the United States Pacific Command seeks to enhance interoperability among Pacific Rim armed forces ostensibly as a means of promoting stability in the region to the benefit of all participating nations Described by the US Navy as a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceansRIMPAC 2018On 23 May 2018 the Pentagon announced that it had disinvited China because of recent militarization of islands in the South China Sea after China had announced in January that it had been invitedThe PRC has previously attended RIMPAC 2014 amp 2016On 30 May 2018 the US Navy announced that the following navies would take part in the exercise FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -JUNE 2018 Q350 With reference to the “Polargap Project” consider the following statements :1 It is an international mission to capture data about the Earth’s electrical amp magnetic field2 This project is largely funded by the World bankWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DPolarGAP is an ambitious international mission to capture new and critical data about the Earth’s global gravity field Innovative radar systems and Lidar technologies will also be deployed from Twin Otter aircraft to fill the ‘data gap’ in measurements of surface elevation over the South Pole region south of 835°Two earth observing satellite missions GOCE and CryoSat 2 mounted by the European Space Agency ESA revolutionised scientists’ ability to ‘map’ the Earth’s global gravity field and monitor how Earth’s ice fields are responding to global change However because GOCE’s orbit did not cross the Poles there is a data gap at the South PoleThe PolarGAP project will collect new gravity data and combine them with datasets from other Antarctic missions to build the first accurately constrained global gravity model This is essential as global gravity data provide unique informationon mass distribution and transport in the Earth System linked to processes and changes in the Solid Earth hydrology cryosphere oceans and atmosphere Key applications of gravity data include geodetic studies levelling and mapping navigation GPS/GLONASS and satellite orbit planningFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -JULY 2018 Q349 Recently environment minister inaugurates advanced system of air quality “SAFAR” With reference to this project consider the following statements :1 It will monitor all the weather parameters like temperature wind speed amp wind direction 2 The system will also monitor existence of Benzene Methane amp TolueneWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AScienceamp Technology Earth Sciences Environment Forest amp Climate Change Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan unveiled a state-of-the-art Air Quality and Weather Forecast System– SAFAR System of Air Quality and Weather Forecastingat ChandniChowkin Delhi today The giant true colour LED display gives out real-time air quality index on 24×7 basis with colour coding alongwith 72-hour advance forecastThe system first of its kind in the country was developed indigenously in record time by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune and operationalized by India Meteorological Department IMDThe minister said based on the Air Quality Index on a particular day Health advisory and related precaution will be notified to prepare citizens well in advance Dr Harsh Vardhan further added that in addition to monitoring and forecasting of regular air quality and weather parameters the ChandniChowk air quality station will also measure sun’s UV-Index and will provide measurement of online automatic ultrafine particles PM1 and Mercury both of which have direct relevance to human health Based on UVI skin advisories will be issued on display“Our mission model project SAFAR is implemented in four cities of India – Delhi Pune Mumbai and Ahmedabad as an operational service Accordingto a preliminary economic assessment of the benefits of the system if 5 of people suffering from air-pollution related diseases take advantage of the advisories and precautionsin Delhi alone it would result in a saving of nearly Rs 2500 crores in terms of health-related cost benefit” said Dr Harsh Vardhan addressing a large gathering at Town Hall in ChandniChowkThe system will be an integral part of India’s first Air Quality Early Warning System operational in Delhi and will strengthen the existing air quality network of SAFAR Central Pollution Control Board and Delhi Pollution Control CommitteeSAFAR will accelerate public awareness and preparedness of air pollution and weather extremes It will also lead to better understanding of linkages among emissions weather pollution and climate It will monitor all weather parameters like temperature rainfall humidity wind speed and wind directionIn addition to regular air quality parameters like PM25 PM10 Sulfur Dioxide Ozone Nitrogen Oxides Carbon Monoxide the system will also monitor the existence of Benzene Toluene and XyleneBesides health SAFAR system would benefit cost savings to several other sectors like agriculture aviation infrastructure disaster management skill tourism and many others which directly or indirectly get affected by air quality and weather FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q348 Which of the following best describes “Global Green Bond Partnership” sometimes seen in news A This partnership will spread catchment area over 689 sq km to provide water for irrigation to cities states regionsB These bonds are issued by world bank in partnership with the government bodies private organisations or individual scientists to increase forest cover C This partnership will support efforts of cities states regions corporations private companies to accelerate issuance of green bondsD These bonds are issued by world bank in partnership with the government bodies private organisations or individual scientists to provide precious water for paddy cropsAns CThe Global Green Bond Partnership GGBP launched at the Global Climate Action Summit GCAS This new partnership will support efforts of sub-national entities such as cities states and regions corporations and private companies and financial institutions to accelerate the issuance of green bondsThe founding members of the Global Green Bond Partnership GGBP include the World Bank IFC – a member of the World Bank Group Amundi European Investment Bank Climate Bonds Initiative Ceres ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate amp Energy GCoM and the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership LEDS GPFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q347 With reference to the Price Deficiency Payment Scheme consider the following statements :1 It is proposed to cover all the oil seeds for which minimum support price is notified2 It does not involve any physical procurement of the crops3 All the payments will be done directly into registered bank account of the farmer Which of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 2B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans DThe Niti Aayog has released a three-year agenda for the Centre Of the several things it has touched upon one is agriculture with a focus on doubling farmers’ income The think-tank has recommended reforms in the APMC Act and tenancy laws and tweaks to the eNAM electronic National Agriculture Market It has also suggested ‘Price Deficiency Payment’ system to address the gaps in Minimum Support Price MSP based procurement of cropsWhat is itUnder Price Deficiency Payment farmers are proposed to be compensated for the difference between the government-announced MSPs for select crops and their actual market prices For crops such as rice and wheat where it is effective now MSP announcements will continue For other targeted crops price deficiency payments will be made However it has to be noted that there may be a cap on the extent to which the Centre will bridge the gap between MSP and market priceNiti Aayog has said that the farmer may be entitled to the difference up to say 10 per cent To avail this benefit eachfarmer would have to register with the nearest APMC mandi and report the total area sown The subsidy may be paid via Direct Benefit Transfer DBT into the farmer’s Aadhaar-linked bank accountWhy is it importantThe key benefit from the price deficiency payment is that it will reduce the need for the government to actually procure food crops transport and store them and then dispose of them under PDS The difference between the support and market prices can instead simply be paid in cash to the farmer Price deficiency payment can also keep India’s bill on food subsidies under check believes Niti Aayog India’s food subsidy schemes have frequently come under the WTO scanner Even in the meeting held in March this year there were questions raised on the minimum support price programmes for wheat sugarcane and pulses by the US EU and AustraliaThese countries see India’s procurement subsidies as trade-distorting In recent years the government has been seeing the accumulation of large food grain stocks in its godowns over and above the buffer requirement This entails storage and wastage costs that add on to the subsidy billFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q346 Recently Government has hiked customs duties of several items to curb imports of non-essential goods Which among the following items are exempted under the custom duty 1 E-cigarettes2 Aviation turbine fuel3 Decorative sheets4 Beeds amp BanglesWhich of the options given above is/are correct A 234B Only 1C 1 amp 3D Only 4Ans BCustom DutySno Item 1 Air Conditioner 2 Refrigerators3 Washing Machines Less than 10kg 4 Compressor for ACs Refrigerators 5 Speakers 6 Footwear 7 Radial car tyres 8 Non-industrial diamonds 9 Diamonds semi-processed 10 Lab grown diamonds 11 Cut polished coloured gem stones 12 Jewellery- precious metal or metal clad with precious metal 13 Goldsmith or Silversmith wares – precious metal or metal clad with precious metal 14 Shower bath bath sink wash basin of plastic 15 Plastic items- boxes case containers bottles insulated ware 16 Kitchenware tableware household items of plastic 17 Other plastic items- office stationary fitting for furniture decorative sheets statuettes beads and bangles18 Trunks suitcases brief cases travel bags and other bags 19 Aviation turbine fuel FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q345 With reference to the Price Support scheme consider the following statements :1 Physical procurement of the oilseeds pulses amp Copra will be done by NAFED amp Food Corporation of India2 Procurement expenditure amp losses due to procurement will be borne by the State governmentWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAnsAProcurement expenditure amp losses due to procurement will be borne by the Union government as per normsPhysical procurement of the oilseeds pulses amp Copra will be done by Central Nodal agencies with the proactive role of the State governments FRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q344 India has recently signed COMCASA Agreement What is/are the consequence/consequences for India by signing the agreement 1 It allows the India to transfer electronic systems amp ensure secrecy of its C4ISR systems2 By signing the agreement India would have to buy American Military equipmentWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-It allows the US to transfer high tech electronic systems amp ensure secrecy of its C4ISR Command Control Communications Computers Intelligence Surveillance amp Reconnaissance systems-By signing the agreement It is not mean that India would have to necessarily buy American Military equipmentExplanation :It is one of the three foundational defence pacts that needs to be signed by a country in order to obtain high-tech military hardware from the US Before COMCASA India had signed only one of these agreements – Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement LEMOA – in 2016 The two countries are yet to begin talks on the third agreement – Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-spatial Cooperation BECA2 The agreement will give Indian military access to function on high-end secured and encrypted communication equipment which are installed on American platforms obtained by Indian Armed Forces These platforms include C-130 J C-17 P-8I aircraft and Apache and Chinook helicopters3 The act is usually known as the Communication and Information on Security Memorandum of Agreement CISMOA But it was changed to COMCASA to signify its India-specific alterations4 It will also provide a legal framework for the transfer of encrypted communication security equipment from the US to India It is believed to be safer and more secure than the system that India uses right now “Signing of Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement COMCASA will enable India to access advanced technologies from USA” Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said while addressing the media5 The agreement was pending for almost ten years One of the major reasons for this was the fear that India may compromise its operational independence Critics had also pointed out that the agreement could jeopardise India’s established military ties with Russia and access to their weapons systemsThe agreement is also of political significance with the general elections scheduled to take place next year In 2016 the BJP government had to face a lot of criticism from the opposition parties for signing LEMOAThese agreements and Donald Trump administration’s decision to give India STA-1 status Strategic Trade Authorization-1 shows the country’s importance in the US strategic calculus“We’ll be meeting PM Modi on how to advance relationship in the new era of growth under his leadership and President Trump We had many productive and forward thinking conversations on our bilateral relationship and our shared future” Pompeo said after ‘22’ talksFRAMED FROM THE HINDU -SEPTEMBER 2018 Q343 Currently India is a member of which among the following organizations / groups 1 Missile Technology Control Regime2 Australia Group3 Wassenaar Arrangement4 Nuclear Suppler GroupWhich of the statements given above is/are correct A Only 2 amp 3B 234C Only 1 amp 2D 123Ans DSome countries are opposing the Indian entry into NSG because India has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty NPTQ342 With respect to the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana which among the following is NOT correctA It is a social welfare scheme to provide LPG connections in BPL householdsB The scheme was launched in the year 2015C The Government has set a target of 5 crores LPG connections under the YojanaD The objective of the scheme is to safeguard the health of women and children by providing them with clean cooking fuelAns B- The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana PMUY is a welfare program of the government of India launched by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2016The stated objective of the program is providing 50000000 LPG connections to women from families below the poverty lineFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ341 Which among the following is/are correctly matched 1 COP 11 : Minimata convention on mercury2 COP 3 : Kyoto protocol on climate change3 COP 1 : Montreal ProtocolSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans BCOP-4 conference in Buenos COP 3 : Kyoto protocol on climate changegtCOP 11 : Montreal It took place between 28 November and 9 December 2005 in Montreal Quebec Canada It was the first Meeting of the Parties CMP 1 to the Kyoto Protocol since their initial meeting in Kyoto in 1997 It was one of the largest intergovernmental conferences on climate change ever gtCOP1 : Minimata convention on mercuryFRAMED FROM MAP SECTION Q340 Consider the following :1 Rajpipla range : Rajasthan2 Suket hills : Himachal Pradesh3 Kali river : DelhiSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 123D 2 amp 3Ans BRajpipla range : GujaratKali river : Source : Doon valley in UttarakhandFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q339 Which of the following is/are true with respect to the petroleum Panchayat yojna 1 It has replaced Pradhan Mantri Ujwal Yojana to deal with issue of safe use of LPG2 It was launched in 20153 Availability of refill cylinders is one of the key feature of this schemeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 3Ans DIt was launched in 23rd September 2017It is backup scheme to existing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana LPG Panchayat will serve as an interactive platform between those who received LPG cylinders under PMUY One panchayat will have around 100 LPG customers of nearby areas The panchayats discuss issues such as safe practices quality of service provided by distributors and availability of refill cylindersFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q338 Which among the following species is/are the examples of the Waterfowl 1 Wood Sandpiper2 Little cormorant3 Painted StorkSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans D The most common waterfowl are :Gadwall shoveler common teal cotton teal tufted duck knob-billed duck little cormorant great cormorant Indian shag ruff painted stork white spoonbill Asian open-billed stork oriental ibis darter common sandpiper wood sandpiper and green sandpiper The sarus crane with its spectacular courtship dance is also found hereFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q337 Which among the following statements is/are true with respect to the Special Drawing Rights 1 These are the foreign-exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the World Bank 2 Private parties are restricted to hold or use them3 South African Rand amp British pound have been added to the XDR basket effectively from October 1 2016Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans DSpecial drawing rights ISO 4217 currency code XDR1 also abbreviated SDR are supplementary foreign-exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund IMF The XDR is the unit of account for the IMF and is not a currency per se2 XDRs instead represent a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged3 The XDR was created in 1969 to supplement a shortfall of preferred foreign-exchange reserve assets namely gold and the US dollar3XDRs are allocated to countries by the IMF3 Private parties do not hold or use them4 The amount of XDRs in existence was around XDR 214 billion in August 2009 During the global financial crisis of 2009 an additional XDR 1826 billion were allocated to provide liquidity to the global economic system and supplement member countries’ official reserves By October 2014 the amount of XDRs in existence was XDR 204 billion5The value of the XDR is based on a basket of key international currencies reviewed by IMF every five years3 The weights assigned to each currency in the XDR basket are adjusted to take into account their current prominence in terms of international trade and national foreign exchange reserves3 In the review conducted in November 2015 the IMF decided that the Renminbi Chinese yuan would be added to the basket effective October 1 20166 From that date the XDR basket now consists of the following five currencies: US dollar 4173 Euro 3093 Renminbi Chinese yuan 1092 Japanese yen 833 British pound 809FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q336 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana 1 it is an annual scholarships to children of Standard VI to IX having good academic records only2 Philately as a hobby is an important component of this scheme3 Children must be between 10 to 18 years of age to be eligible for this schemeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D Only 2Ans DDeen Dayal Sparsh YojanaMinister of Communications Shri Manoj Sinha launched a Pan India scholarship program for school children called Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana to increase the reach of Philately Under the scheme of SPARSH Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude amp Research in Stamps as a Hobby it is proposed to award annual scholarships to children of Standard VI to IX having good academic record and also pursuing Philately as a hobby through a competitive selection process in all postal circles Briefing the media after the launch of the scheme Shri Sinha said that under the scheme it is proposed to award 920 scholarships to students pursuing Philately as a hobby Every Postal Circle will select a maximum of 40 scholarships representing 10 students each from Standard VI VII VIII amp IX The amount of Scholarship will be Rs 6000/- per annum Rs 500/- per monthPhilately is the hobby of collection and study of Postage stampsFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q335 Which among the following is/are the cryptocurrencies 1 Litecoin2 Bitcoin3 NamecoinSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans Dcryptocurrencies such as Litecoin Namecoin and PPCoinThe first cryptocurrency to capture the public imagination was Bitcoin which was launched in 2009 by an individual or group known under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto As of September 2015 there were over 146 million bitcoins in circulation with a total market value of 34 billion Bitcoin’s success has spawned a number of competing cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin Namecoin and PPCoinCryptocurrencies make it easier to transfer funds between two parties in a transaction these transfers are facilitated through the use of public and private keys for security purposesThese fund transfers are done with minimal processing fees allowing users to avoid the steep fees charged by most banks and financial institutions for wire transfersFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q334 With reference to the news what are Bug Zappers A It is is a bio-remediation technique to get rid of oil spillB These are the fluorescent traps to eliminate bugs amp small insectsC These are the tools or methods to reduce the greenhouse gases D These are the Ultraviolet traps to eliminate various small flying insectsAns DUltraviolet traps called bug zappers are used to eliminate various small flying insects They are attracted to the UV and are killed using an electric shock or trapped once they come into contact with the device FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q333 Which among the following are the migratory wetland species 1 White-bellied Heron2 Siberian Crane3 Red-headed Vulture4 Spoon-billed SandpiperSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 4B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 2 amp 4Ans DMigratory wetland species: Baer’s Pochard Siberian Crane and Spoon-billed Sandpiper Non-migratory wetland species: White-bellied Heron Grassland species:Bengal Florican Great Indian Bustard Jerdon’s Courser and Sociable Lapwing Forest species:Forest Owlet Scavengers: Indian Vulture Red-headed Vulture White-backed Vulture and Slender-billed Vulture Himalayan Quail and Pink-headed Duck are now considered Extinct for all practical purposesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q332 With reference to the CITES what are Appendix II species A species that are listed after one member country has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling trade in a speciesB species that are threatened with extinction and are or may be affected by tradeC species that are not necessarily threatened with extinction but may become so unless trade in specimens of such speciesD Species that are preserved under the biosphere reserves to prevent their extinctionAns CAppendix I : species that are threatened with extinction and are or may be affected by tradeAppendix II : species that are not necessarily threatened with extinction but may become so unless trade in specimens of such speciesAppendix III : species that are listed after one member country has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling trade in a speciesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q331 What does Hedge Fund means A Funds provided for replacement and renovation of industriesB Open ended funds that pools capital from accredited individuals or institutional investorsC Start-up capital provided to new entrepreneursD Fund created by the Government of India for enhancing infrastructure financing in the countryAns BHedge Funds :A hedge fund is an investment fund that pools capital from accredited individuals or institutional investors and invests in a variety of assets often with complex portfolio-construction and risk-management techniquesIt is administered by a professional investment management firm and often structured as a limited partnership limited liability company or similar vehicleHedge funds are generally distinct from mutual funds as their use of leverage is not capped by regulators and distinct from private equity funds as the majority of hedge funds invest in relatively liquid assetsHedge funds are made available only to certain sophisticated or accredited investors and cannot be offered or sold to the general publicHedge funds are almost always open-ended and allow additions or withdrawals by their investors generally on a monthly or quarterly basis1 The value of an investor’s holding is directly related to the fund net asset valueFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q330 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Vernacular Press Act 1 The Act provided for submitting to police all the proof sheets of contents of papers before publication2 Final decision on the seditious news was to be determined by the Judiciary Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AVernacular press act:It was enacted to curtail the freedom of the Indian press and prevent the expression of criticism toward British policies—notably the opposition that had grown with the outset of the Second Anglo-Afghan War 1878–80The act was proposed by Lord Lytton then Viceroy of India and was unanimously passed by the Viceroy’s Council on March 14 1878 The act excluded English-language publications as it was meant to control seditious writing in ‘publications in Oriental languages’ everywhere in the country except for the SouthLord Wellesley regulated the press again in 1799 according to which press had to show and get approval of the government before the publication of any manuscript including advertisement During the Indian Rebellion of 1857 the Gagging Act” had been passed by Lord Canning which sought to regulate the establishment of printing presses and to restrain the mad of printed mater All presses had to have a license from the government with distinction between publications in English and other regional languages The Act also held that no printed material shall impugn the motives of the British Raj tending to bring it hatred and contempt and exciting unlawful resistance to its ordersAt the time the Vernacular Press Act was passed there were thirty five vernacular papers in Bengal including the Amrita Bazar Patrika the editor of which was one Sisir Kumar GhoseThe Vernacular Press Act stated that any magistrate or Commissioner of Police had the authority to call upon any printer or publisher of a newspaper to enter into a bond undertaking not to print a certain kind of material and could confiscate any printed material it deemed objectionable The Act provided for submitting to police all the proof sheets of contents of papers before publication What was seditious news was to be determined by the police and not by the judiciaryFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q329 Who among the following is/are associated with the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha 1 G SubramaniaIyer2 Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi3 P AnandacharluSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 1 amp 2Ans BPoona Sarvajanik Sabha:It was a sociopolitical organisation in British India which started with the aim of working as a mediating body between the government and people of India and to popularise the peasants’ legal rights1 2 It started as an elected body of 95 members elected by 6000 persons on April 2 1870The Pune Sarvajanik Sabha provided many of the prominent leaders of national stature to the Indian freedom struggle including Bal Gangadhar Tilak It was formed in 1870 by S H Chiplunkar Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi Mahadev Govind Ranade et alMany eminent personalities such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak Gopal Hari Deshmukh Maharshi Annasaheb Patwardhan5 etc served as the Presidents of the organizationMadras Mahajan Sabha:The first organisation in the Madras Presidency to agitate for the rights of Indians was the Madras Native Association which was established by publicist GazuluLakshminarasu Chetty in 1849 This organisation did not survive for long and was eventually disbandedIn May 1884 M Veeraraghavachariar G SubramaniaIyer and P Anandacharlu established the Madras Mahajana SabhaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q328 Consider the following statements :1 Deposition of iron-rich dust into ocean waters enhances carbon sequestration2 Biochar is added to a landfill or used as a soil improver to create terra preta3 Harvesting of Seeweed is done to generate electricity or as a replacement for natural gasSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DCarbon SequestrationCarbon sequestration is the process involved in carbon capture and the long-term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide1 Carbon sequestration involves long-term storage of carbon dioxide or other forms of carbon to mitigate or defer global warming It has been proposed as a way to slow the atmospheric and marine accumulation of greenhouse gases which are released by burning fossil fuels artificial capture and sequestration of industrially produced CO2 using subsurface saline aquifers reservoirs ocean water aging oil fields or other carbon sinksCarbon dioxide may be captured as a pure by-product in processes related to petroleum refining or from flue gases from power generation5 CO2 sequestration includes the storage part of carbon capture and storage which refers to large-scale artificial capture and sequestration of industrially produced CO2 using subsurface saline aquifers reservoirs ocean water aging oil fields or other carbon sinksBiosequestration or carbon sequestration through biological processes affects the global carbon cycle Examples include major climatic fluctuations such as the Azolla event which created the current Arctic climate Such processes created fossil fuels as well as clathrate and limestone By manipulating such processes geoengineers seek to enhance sequestrationPeat bogs are a very important carbon store Wetland soil is an important carbon sink 145 of the world’s soil carbon is found in wetlands while only 6 of the world’s land is composed of wetlandsOcean iron fertilization is an example of such a geoengineering technique23 Iron fertilization24 attempts to encourage phytoplankton growth which removes carbon from the atmosphere for at least a period of timeNatural iron fertilisation events eg deposition of iron-rich dust into ocean waters can enhance carbon sequestration The iron rich feces causes phytoplankton to grow and take up more carbon from the atmosphereWhen the phytoplankton dies some of it sinks to the deep ocean and takes the atmospheric carbon with it By reducing the abundance of sperm whales in the Southern Ocean whaling has resulted in an extra 200000 tonnes of carbon remaining in the atmosphere each year’Seaweed grows very fast and can theoretically be harvested and processed to generate biomethane via Anaerobic Digestion to generate electricity via Cogeneration/CHP or as a replacement for natural gas Ideal species for such farming and conversion include Laminaria digitata Fucus serratus and Saccharina latissimaBio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS‘BECCS refers to biomass in power stations and boilers that use carbon capture and storageBiochar is charcoal created by pyrolysis of biomass waste The resulting material is added to a landfill or used as a soil improver to create terra pretaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q327 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the CITES 1 CITES is the conservation agreement with the largest membership with 183 Parties2 It is legally binding on the PartiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CCITES the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is an international agreement between governments Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survivalIt was drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of IUCNIt provides a framework to be respected by each Party which has to adopt its own domestic legislation to ensure that CITES is implemented at the national levelFor many years CITES has been among the conservation agreements with the largest membership with now 183 PartiesCITES is legally binding on the PartiesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q326 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Bronze icon of Nataraja 1 The classical form of the depiction appears in stone reliefs by around the 6th-century2 Torso movements are visible as the most common form of Shiva’s dance 3 It typically shows Shiva dancing holding Agni fire in his left back hand the front hand in gajahasta or dandahasta mudraSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C Only 1D 1 amp 3Ans DBronze icon of NatarajaAffiliation Shiva SymbolsAgni TextsAnshumadbhed agamaUttarakamika agamaThe classical form of the depiction appears in stone reliefs as at the Ellora Caves and the Badami Caves by around the 6th-century45 Around the 10th century it emerged in Tamil Nadu in its mature and best-known expression in Chola bronzes of various heights typically less than four feet6 some over7 The Nataraja reliefs have been identified in historic artwork from many parts of South Asia in southeast Asia such as in Bali Cambodia and in central AsiaIt typically shows Shiva dancing in one of the Natya Shastra poses holding Agni fire in his left back hand the front hand in gajahasta or dandahasta mudra the front right hand with a wrapped snake that is in abhaya fear not mudra while pointing to a Sutratext and the back hand holding a musical instrument usually a damaru6 His body fingers ankles neck face head ear lobes and dress are shown decorated with symbolic items which vary with historic period and region111 He is surrounded by a ring of flames standing on a lotus pedestal lifting his left leg or in rare cases the right leg and balancing over a demon shown as a dwarf Apasmara2 or Muyalaka who symbolizes ignoranceThe dance of Shiva in Tillai the traditional name for Chidambaram forms the motif for all the depictions of Shiva as Nataraja He is also known as Sabesan which splits as Sabayil aadum eesan in Tamil which means The Lord who dances on the dais The two most common forms of Shiva’s dance are the Lasya the gentle form of dance associated with the creation of the world and the Tandava the violent and dangerous dance associated with the destruction of weary worldviews – weary perspectives and lifestyles• The arch of fire emerges from two makara on each end which are water creatures of water and part of Hindu mythologies • • The upper right hand holds a small drum shaped like an hourglass that is called a ḍamaru in Sanskrit2728 A specific hand gesture mudra called ḍamaru-hasta Sanskrit for ḍamaru-hand is used to hold the drum• • His legs are bent which suggests an energetic dance• The second left hand points towards the raised foot which suggests the viewer to be active and dance despite the circumstances or alternatively as a sign of upliftment and liberation• • The face shows two eyes plus a slightly open third on the forehead which symbolize the triune in Shaivism The Asanapat inscription also mentions a Shiva temple in the Saivacaryas kingdomStone reliefs depicting the classical form of Nataraja are found in numerous cave temples of India such as the Ellora Caves Maharashtra the Elephanta Caves and the Badami Caves Karnataka by around the 6th-centuryNataraja is celebrated in 108 poses of Bharatanatyam with Sanskrit inscriptions from Natya Shastra at the Nataraja temple in Chidambaram Tamil Nadu IndiaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q325 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana 1 It is a Pension Scheme for the senior citizens aged 70 years and above2 The scheme is exempted from Service Tax/ GST3 On Premature exit 100 of the Purchase Price shall be refundedSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 3Ans BPradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana PMVVY is a Pension Scheme announced by the Government of India exclusively for the senior citizens aged 60 years and above which is available from 4th May 2017 to 3rd May 2018Following are the major benefits under the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana PMVVY:• Scheme provides an assured return of 8 pa payable monthly equivalent to 830 pa effective for 10 years• Pension is payable at the end of each period during the policy term of 10 years as per the frequency of monthly/ quarterly/ half-yearly/ yearly as chosen by the pensioner at the time of purchase• The scheme is exempted from Service Tax/ GST• On survival of the pensioner to the end of the policy term of 10 years Purchase price along with final pension installment shall be payable• Loan upto 75 of Purchase Price shall be allowed after 3 policy years to meet the liquidity needs Loan interest shall be recovered from the pension installments and loan to be recovered from claim proceeds• The scheme also allows for premature exit for the treatment of any critical/ terminal illness of self or spouse On such premature exit 98 of the Purchase Price shall be refunded• On death of the pensioner during the policy term of 10 years the Purchase Price shall be paid to the beneficiary• The ceiling of maximum pension is for a family as a whole the family will comprise of pensioner his/her spouse and dependants• The shortfall owing to the difference between the interest guaranteed and the actual interest earned and the expenses relating to administration shall be subsidized by the Government of India and reimbursed to the CorporationEligibility Conditions and Other Restrictions1 Minimum Entry Age: 60 years completed2 Maximum Entry Age: No limit3 Policy Term : 10 years4 Minimum Pension: Rs 1000/- per monthRs 3000/- per quarterRs6000/- per half-yearRs12000/- per year5 Maximum Pension: Rs 5000/- per monthRs 15000/- per quarterRs 30000/- per half-yearRs 60000/- per yearThe modes of pension payment are monthly quarterly half-yearly amp yearly The pension payment shall be through NEFT or Aadhaar Enabled Payment SystemThe first instalment of pension shall be paid after 1 year 6 months 3 months or 1 month from the date of purchase of the same depending on the mode of pension payment ie yearly half-yearly quarterly or monthly respectivelyFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ324 With reference to the incarnation of the Buddhas what does Ruru Jataka signifies A It is the tale of the three friends who lived in a forest: an antelope a woodpecker and a tortoiseB It is the story of The dumb Prince that is also known as Muga Pakaya JatakaC In this jataka tale the Buddha in a previous incarnation as a monkey king self-sacrifyinly offers his own body as a bridge by which his fellow monkeys can escape from a human king who is attacking themD is the story of how a past incarnation of the Buddha incarnated as a golden deer rescues a merchant from drowning in the riverAns DMahakapi Jataka : In this jataka tale the Buddha in a previous incarnation as a monkey king self-sacrifyinly offers his own body as a bridge by which his fellow monkeys can escape from a human king who is attacking them Ruru Jataka :The Ruru Jataka is the story of how a past incarnation of the Buddha incarnated as a golden deer rescues a merchant from drowning in the river bottom of medallionKurunga Miga Jataka :This story is about three friends who lived in a forest: an antelope a woodpecker and a tortoise Muga Pakaya Jataka/ Mugapakkha Jataka/ Temiya Jataka : This is the story of The dumb PrinceFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ323 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the GSF certification Gold standard foundation certificate 1 It is a standard for creating high-quality emission reductions projects in the Clean Development Mechanism CDM2 It was developed in 2003 by World Wide Fund for Nature WWF and Helio International onlySelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D GSF Gold standard foundation certificate certificationThe Gold Standard is a standard for creating high-quality emission reductions projects in the Clean Development Mechanism CDM Joint Implementation JI and Voluntary Carbon Market It was designed to ensure that carbon credits are not only real and verifiable but that they make measurable contributions to sustainable development worldwide Its objective is to add branding a label to existing and new Carbon Credits generated by projects which can then be bought and traded by countries that have a binding legal commitment according to the Kyoto ProtocolThe Gold Standard for CDM GS CER was developed in 2003 by World Wide Fund for Nature WWF SouthSouthNorth and Helio International The Voluntary Gold StandardGS VER a methodology for use within the voluntary carbon market was launched in May 2006To be eligible for Gold Standard Certification a project must:1 Be an approved Renewable Energy Supply or End use Energy Efficiency Improvement project type2 Be reducing one of the three eligible Green House Gases: Carbon Dioxide CO2 Methane CH4 and Nitrous Oxide N2O3 Not employ Official Development Assistance ODA under the condition that the credits coming out of the project are transferred to the donor country4 Not be applying for other certifications to ensure there is no double counting of credits5 Demonstrate its additionality by using the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s UNFCCC Large Scale Additionality Tool6 and show that the project is not a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario6 Make a net-positive contribution to the economic environmental and social welfare of the local population that hosts itFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ322 Consider the following statements :1 Barail range is an eastern extension of the Himalayan Range System in north eastern India2 The Garo Khasi and Jaintia hills are part of Deccan Plateau and not part of the Purvanchal rangeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CBarail range :The Purvanchal Mountains or Eastern Mountains are a sub-mountain range of the Himalayas in northeast IndiaThe Purvanchal Mountains cover the states of Assam Arunachal Pradesh Manipur Tripura Nagaland Meghalaya and MizoramThe range is an eastern extension of the Himalayan Range System in north eastern India It bends sharply to the south beyond the Dihang River gorge and spreads along the eastern boundary of India with Myanmar The Purvanchal range includes the hill ranges of the Patkai Barail range Manipur Mizoram Mizodisambiguation needed and Naga HillsThe Garo Khasi and Jaintia hills are part of Deccan Plateau and not part of the Purvanchal rangeFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ321 Which among the following protocols employed the principle of differential treatment in respect to climate change 1 Washington Naval Treaty2 Cartagena Protocol3 Part IV of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATTSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ACommon but Differentiated responsibilities amp respective capabilities :Common But Differentiated Responsibilities CBDR was formalized in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC of Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992 It was the first international legal instrument to address climate change and the most comprehensive international attempt to address negative impacts to global environment3 CBDR principle acknowledges all states have shared obligation to address environmental destruction but denies equal responsibility of all states with regard to environmental protectionCBDR is based on relationship between industrialization and climate changeCBDR was not the first differential treatments of countries in international agreements There were other protocols agreements that employed principle of differential treatment• Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer Montreal Protocol• • Washington Naval Treaty• Part IV of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT 19799• principle 23 of Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1972FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ320 Recently a national park has been set up in the Sipahijola Wildlife Sanctuary where clouded leopards are kept in enclosures in a zoological park Where this wildlife sanctuary is located A MeghalayaB TripuraC SikkimD Arunachal PradeshAns BFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ319 Recently in the news there was a term Superbugs What is this A These are the microorganism that are essential for the vital functions of the bodyB These are the enzymes that makes bacteria resistant to broad range of beta-lactam antibioticsC These are the bacteria that causes infection which is difficult to treatD These are the super weeds that are essential in the treatment of less fertile soilsAns CNew Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 NDM-1 is an enzyme that makes bacteria resistant to a broad range of beta-lactam antibiotics These include the antibiotics of the carbapenem family which are a mainstay for the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections The gene for NDM-1 is one member of a large gene family that encodes beta-lactamase enzymes called carbapenemases Bacteria that produce carbapenemases are often referred to in the news media as superbugs because infections caused by them are difficult to treat Such bacteria are usually susceptible only to polymyxins and tigecyclineThe most common bacteria that make this enzyme are gram-negative such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae but the gene for NDM-1 can spread from one strain of bacteria to another by horizontal gene transferFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ318 With reference to the ancient Pandu caves consider the following statements:1 These caves depicts the characters of the Pandavas of the Mahabharata epic2 They are a significant group of Indian rock-cut architecture representing the Hinayana tradition 3 These are a group of 22 caves carved between the 1st century BCE and the 3nd century CESelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D Only 3Ans BPandav Caves:Pandu Caves or Trirashmi Leni Leni being a Marathi word for caves are a group of 24 caves carved between the 1st century BCE and the 3nd century CE though additional sculptures were added up to about the 6th century reflecting changes in Buddhist devotional practicesThey are a significant group of early examples of Indian rock-cut architecture initially representing the so-called Hinayana tradition Most of the caves are viharas except for Cave 18 which is a chaitya of the 1st century BCEThe location of the caves is a holy Buddhist site and is located about 8 km south of the center of Nashik or Nasik Maharashtra IndiaTheir name has nothing to do with the characters Pandavas characters in the Mahabharata epicFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA : FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ317 For which among the following purpose National Water Resource Council has been constituted A It is an international thin tank established in 1996 to promote awareness build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levelsB To advise the Prime Minister on expenditure of the Australian Government Water Fund between 2004 and 2010C To resolve the water disputes that would arise in the use control and distribution of an interstate riverD It is a non-profit organization that drives economic technology and talent development to support the global water industryAns BNational Water Resource CouncilDissolved 25 November 2014Jurisdiction Commonwealth of AustraliaHeadquarters Turner Australian Capital Territory Motto Australia’s independent voice on national water issuesEmployees 48The key function that the Commission provided was to advise the Prime Minister on expenditure of the Australian Government Water Fund between 2004 and 2010 FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA :FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ316 Who among the following are the members of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium 1 India2 China3 Malaysia4 Australia5 JapanSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 245B 1345C 2345D All are correctAns CThe Western Pacific Naval Symposium are a series of biennial meetings of the Pacific nations to discuss naval matters held on even numbered years A WPNS workshop is held on odd numbered years in between the symposiumsMember countries as of 2010: Australia Brunei Cambodia Canada Chile France Indonesia Japan Malaysia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Peoples’ Republic of China Philippines Republic of Korea Russia Singapore Thailand Tonga United States of America Vietnam Observers: Bangladesh India Mexico PeruFRAMED FROM GK TODAY MAGAZINEQ315 Who among the following is/are the members of the Boao Forum for Asia BFA 1 China2 India3 FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of CommerceSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 1 amp 2Ans AIt is a non-profit organisation that hosts high-level forums for leaders from government business and academia in Asia and other continents to share their vision on the most pressing issues in this dynamic region and the world at large BFA is modeled after the World Economic Forum held annually in Davos SwitzerlandThe Forum is committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries even closer to their development goals FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA :FROM OUR MOCK SERIES 2018 PRELIMSQ314 Terai Arc Landscape program aims to protect which among the following terrestrial flagship species 1 African elephant2 Great Horned Rhinoceros3 Asian Elephant4 Golden LionSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 2B 234C Only 2 amp 3D 124Ans CTerai Arc Landscape Program:The program aims to protect three of the five terrestrial flagship species the tiger the Asian elephant and the great one-horned rhinoceros by restoring corridors of forest to link 13 protected areas of Nepal and India to enable wildlife migrationFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ313 What is crowdfunding A Money collected for public welfare projects by levying an entry fee to exhibitions shows etcB Money collected by charitable organisations by placing a donation box at a prominent locationsC Money raised by innovators amp inventors by launching their products amp services through the internetD Money raised by individuals by passing the hat around to onlookers at a street performanceAns CCrowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people typically via the Internet1 Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and of alternative finance In 2015 it was estimated that worldwide over US34 billion was raised this waythe term crowdfunding refers to Internet-mediated registries This modern crowdfunding model is generally based on three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded individuals or groups who support the idea and a moderating organization the platform that brings the parties together to launch the idea Crowdfunding has been used to fund a wide range of for-profit entrepreneurial ventures such as artistic and creative projects medical expenses travel or community-oriented social entrepreneurship projectsWar bonds are theoretically a form of crowdfunding military conflictsThe Crowdfunding Centre’s May 2014 report identified two primary types of crowdfunding:1 Rewards crowdfunding: entrepreneurs presell a product or service to launch a business concept without incurring debt or sacrificing equity/shares2 Equity crowdfunding: the backer receives shares of a company usually in its early stages in exchange for the money pledgedFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ312 The meaning of carbon footprint is described by the amount of :A Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual organization or communityB Greenhouse gases emitted by industries contributing to global warmingC Carbon emissions released by the burning of jet fuelD Increase in the carbon content of the atmosphere due to the felling of treesAns AA carbon footprint is historically defined as the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual event organisation or product expressed as carbon dioxide equivalentA measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4 emissions of a defined population system or activity considering all relevant sources sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population system or activity of interest Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent using the relevant 100-year global warming potentialGWP100Carbon footprint is one of a family of footprint indicators which also includes water footprint and land footprint• 4Indirect carbon emissions: the carbon footprints of productso 41Foodo 42Textileso 43Materialso 44Cement• 5Schemes to reduce carbon emissions: Kyoto Protocol carbon offsetting and certificatesCarbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and the emissions of other GHGs are often associated with the burning of fossil fuels like natural gas crude oil and coal The Kyoto Protocol defines legally binding targets and timetables for cutting the GHG emissions of industrialized countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol Accordingly from an economic or market perspective one has to distinguish between a mandatory market and a voluntary market Typical for both markets is the trade with emission certificates:• Certified Emission Reduction CER• Emission Reduction Unit ERU• Verified Emission Reduction VERlocal emissions reduction schemes have no status under the Kyoto Protocol itself they play a prominent role in creating the demand for CERs and ERUs stimulating Emissions Trading and setting a market price for emissionsFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ311 Non-performing Assets decline in value when 1 Demand revives in the economy 2 capacity utilization increases3 Capacity utilization through substantive is yet optimal4 Capacity utilization decreases consequent upon merger of unitsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 134B 124C 123D 1234Ans CA Non-performing asset NPA is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/or installment of principal has remained ‘past due’ for a specified period of time In simple terms an asset is tagged as non performing when it ceases to generate income for the lenderA Non-performing asset NPA is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/or installment of Bond finance principal has remained ‘past due’ for a specified period of time NPA is used by financial institutions that refer to loans that are in jeopardy of default the so called NPL Once the borrower has failed to make interest or principal payments for 90 days the loan is considered to be a non-performing asset Non-performing assets are problematic for financial institutions since they depend on interest payments for income Troublesome pressure from the economy can lead to a sharp increase in NPLs and often results in massive write-downsAccordingly with effect from March 31 2004 a non-performing asset NPAis a loan or an advance where• Interest and/or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 91 days in respect of a term loan• The account remains ‘out of order’ for a period of more than 90 days in respect of an Overdraft/Cash Credit OD/CC• The bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills purchased and discounted• Interest and/or installment of principal remains overdue for two harvest seasons but for a period not exceeding two half years in the case of an advance granted for agricultural purposes and• Any amount to be received remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in respect of other accounts• Non submission of Stock Statements for 3 Continuous Quarters in case of Cash Credit Facility• No active transactions in the account Cash Credit/Over Draft/EPC/PCFC for more than 91daysFROM IES 2018 PRELIMSQ310 Which of the following concepts are relatable to income of members of the public while considering public welfare 1 Sensitivity of demand2 Elasticity of demand3 Sensitive of expenditure 4 Elasticity of expenditureA 1 amp 2B 2 amp 3C 3 amp 4D 1 amp 4Ans BFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ309 Consider the following statements :1 Foods containing carotene Vitamin A or cooking oils are safe to be cooked in a microwave2 Thermocol plates are poor barrier to oxygen and water vapor and has a relatively high melting pointSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThermocol plates:-It is a synthetic aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene Polystyrene can be solid or foamed General-purpose polystyrene is clear hard and rather brittle It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight It is a rather poor barrier to oxygen and water vapor and has a relatively low melting pointPolystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics the scale of its production being several million tonnes per yearPolystyrene can be naturally transparent but can be colored with colorants Uses include protective packaging such as packing peanuts and CD and DVD cases containers such as clamshells lids bottles trays tumblers disposable cutlery5 and in the making of modelsPolystyrene is very slow to biodegrade and is therefore a focus of controversy among environmentalists It is increasingly abundant as a form of litter in the outdoor environment particularly along shores and waterways especially in its foam form and also in increasing quantities in the Pacific OceanPolystyrene is chemically very inert being resistant to acids and bases but is easily dissolved by many chlorinated solvents and many aromatic hydrocarbon solvents Because of its resilience and inertness it is used for fabricating many objects of commerce It is attacked by many organic solvents which dissolve the polymer Foamed polystyrene is used for packaging chemicalsLike all organic compounds polystyrene burns to give carbon dioxide and water vapor Polystyrene being an aromatic hydrocarbon typically combusts incompletely as indicated by the sooty flamePolystyrene is generally non-biodegradable Polystyrene is commonly used in containers for food and drinks The styrene monomer from which polystyrene is made is a cancer suspect agentAnother Japanese study conducted on wild-type and AhR-null mice found that the styrene trimer which the authors detected in cooked polystyrene container-packed instant foods may increase thyroid hormone levelsWhether polystyrene can be microwaved with food is controversial Some containers may be safely used in a microwave but only if labelled as such67 Some sources suggest that foods containing carotene Vitamin A or cooking oils must be avoidedLike other organic compounds polystyrene is flammableFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ308 Bio-ethanol can be produced from which of the following feedstocks 1 Bagasses2 Sorghum3 Sugar beetSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DBio-Ethanol:Ethanol can be produced from a variety of feedstocks such as sugar cane bagasse miscanthus sugar beet sorghum grain switchgrass barley hemp kenaf potatoes sweet potatoes cassava sunflower fruit molasses corn stover grain wheat straw cotton Two types of second generation processes are under development The first type uses enzymes and yeast fermentation to convert the plant cellulose into ethanol while the second type uses pyrolysis to convert the whole plant to either a liquid bio-oil or a syngas Second generation processes can also be used with plants such as grasses wood or agricultural waste material such as strawBy-products such as straw or wood chips can be converted to ethanol Fast growing species like switchgrass can be grown on land not suitable for other cash crops and yield high levels of ethanol per unit areaFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ307 Which among the following has been classified under the category of Eurythermal organism 1 Red Algae2 Coral reefs3 Golden brown AlgaeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 2 amp 3Ans AEurythermal organisms:Which can tolerate amp thrive in wide range of temperaturesEx: Cat Dog Tiger Red Algae Golden brown Algae Angiosperms sea GrassCryophillic organisms:Which can thrive at lower temperature as low as zero degree centigradeSeals Coral reefs Arctic Crustaceans Salmon FRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ306 As per Kyoto Protocol agreement which among the following is/are the parties of Annex-I Countries 1 Kazakhstan2 Belarus3 TurkeySelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 3D 123Ans BBelarus Malta and Turkey are Annex I Parties but do not have first-round Kyoto targetsFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIAQ305 Consider the following :1 Bastar Iron Craft : Chhatisgarh2 Screw Pine handicraft : Odisha3 Pipili Aplique Work : KeralaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 3D Only 1Ans DBastar Iron Craft : ChhatisgarhScrew Pine handicraft : KeralaPipili Aplique Work : OdishaFROM CAPFQ304 Which of the following was/were not related to the Buddha’s life 1 Kanthaka2 Alara Kalama3 Channa4 Goshala MaskariputraWhich among the above statements is/are correct A Only 1B Only 4C 1 amp 2D 3 amp 4AnsBFROM CAPFQ303 With reference to the Wavell plan consider the following provisions :1 Under this plan India was granted dominion status2 Indians would themselves draft the constitution3 Position of secretary of state amp viceroy would remain the same4 Viceroy would retain the power of vetoWhich among the above statements is/are correct A 134B 234C Only 1 amp 4D 1234Ans DThese proposals were not to be applied to the Indian statesFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q302 Which among the following is/are the examples of the Invasive Species 1 Water Hyacinth2 Wild rose3 Mimosa InvisaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B 1 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans DThe invasive water hyacinth is very common often choking the water bodies but it is cleared during destructive floods Another invasive species Mimosa invisa which is toxic to herbivores was cleared by Kaziranga staff with help from the Wildlife Trust of India in 2005Invasive species such as Mimosa and wild rose have posed a threat to the native plants in the regionFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q301 Consider the following :1 Ambubachi mela : Assam2 Anthurium Festival : Manipur3 Kut-Festival : MizoramSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 1C 1 amp 3D 1 amp 2Ans B1 Ambubachi mela : Assam2 Anthurium Festival : Mizoram3 Kut-Festival : Manipur It is an autumn festival of the different tribes of Kuki-Chin-Mizo groups of Manipur FROM IES 2018 PRELIMS Q300 Consider the following statements :Consider the following statements :1 IPDS strengthens the distribution network in urban areas while DDUGJY does the same in rural areas2 DELP focuses to substitute LED bulbs for incandescent bulbs Which of the following statements is/are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns C |
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PHOTO: 6 in Ottawa protest possible war with Iran after Trump says no plans for further military action |
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La Justicia autorizó fondos para que Trump construya el muro con México |
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Slovenya’da Trump’ın heykelini böyle yaktılar |
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Poll: Michigan majority still rejects Trump impeachment – Stats |
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Trump says US ready to strike 52 Iranian sites |
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Reuters Reports Suleimani Met Muhandis in October to Start Series of Provocations Using Iranian Weapons Designed to Elicit US Military Retaliation Goal Was to Get Pretext to Oust US from Iraq Trump Now Acting as Dupe of This Strategy! |
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Aumento el índice de aprobación del trabajo de Trump: Una economía |
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…Pence: In 2020 Have Faith in God and Trump… |
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Joe Biden critical of Trump for urging Ukraine probe |
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Declaraciones: Trump desmiente a Irán y alega que no hubo estadounidenses muertos en ataque |
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Tổng thống Trump: Mỹ đang giành chiến thắng thuế quan đang thực sự tàn phá kinh tế Trung Quốc |
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IT’S ON: 228 Democrats declare open war on the American people by voting to impeach President Donald J Trump without a shred of supporting evidence – NaturalNewscom – Mike Adams |
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The Edition podcast: what has Trump really achieved |
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Trump felicitó por su cumpleaños a Kim Jong un |
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US House votes to limit Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran |
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Trump ‘locked and loaded’ as Tehran blamed for swarm of drones that knocked out half of Saudi’s oil output |
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Department of Justice Clears Trump Less Than 24 Hours After Pelosi’s Impeachment Announcement |
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Trump anuncia que las nuevas sanciones a Irán ya entraron en vigor |
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Trump: Iran ‘standing down’ after missile strikes |
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Trump prioritizes Mexican partnership even though the nation’s top cop was on a cartel’s payroll |
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Trump Administration to Ban Most Flavored E-Cigarettes |
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How Trump’s tweets – and Cardi B – are making more Americans move to Ghana |
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Contributor News President Trump Addresses Nation Calls For Peace With Iran |
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Asylum-seekers in Arizona sent back to Mexico as Trump’s ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’ expands |
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Ivanka Trump Shines in Moroccan Kaftan at Royal Dinner |
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Ashtu siç deklaroi Trump/ Nuk ka më dyshime: Avioni ukrainas u godit nga një raketë |
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Trump mocks Macron again over French fuel tax protests |
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Donald Trump: Iran Tidak Akan Pernah Punya Nuklir! |
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Trump envía mensaje de cumpleaños a líder norcoreano |
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Trump’ın açıklamasının şifreleri |
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Las similitudes de Richard Nixon con Donald Trump |
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No US Soldier Was Killed In Iranian Attack – Trump |
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Iranian missiles fail to hit targets in Iraq full of misses and takedowns Trump says “all is well”…… |
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Trump Soleimani and Terrorism |
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US House of Representative approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Posts |
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Iran Offered 80 Million Bounties on Donald Trump Head Shoot |
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Entrevista a Gerardo Gil Valdivia colaborador de El a Trump |
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UPDATE”Operațiunea Martirul Soleimani”/Trump: SUA impun ”imediat” noi sancțiuni împotriva Iranului |
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Inilah Poin-Poin Lengkap Respon Trump atas Serangan Rudal Prancis: 4 Pesawat Turunkan Teroris Suriah di Libya |
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How Israel Views Trump’s Strike Against Iran |
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Exclusive! Hacked Email Reveals Origins of Trump’s Tweets |
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Trump and Iran: ‘Worst Throwback Thursday Ever’ Stephen Colbert v Animation: The Debate Surrounding ‘The Lion King’ |
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The Weaponization of Data: Cambridge Analytica Information Warfare amp the 2016 Election of Trump |
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CXN 01102014 717 Trâu chậm uống nước đục nhũng ai không mua vàng như CXN khuyến cáo ngày 5119 hơn 1 năm trước thì đã mất lời 25 Trích: “…Riêng CXN tin rằng Trump sẽ kéo dài cuộc chiến TM này cho hết nhiệm kỳ 2 cuối 2024 và vàng sẽ tăng nhiều nhiều thêm vì càng kéo dài thì KT TC càng lụn bại và dân TC trung lưu tới cao cấp sẽ bán hết cổ phiếu của họ mua vàng tích trử vậy thì TTCK của thế giới sẽ theo đó mà suy sụp Ngày 5119 gần 1 năm nay khi CXN cảnh báo vàng sẽ tăng giá khi cuộc chiến TM Mỹ Trung kéo dài giá vàng là 1290 usd/ounce trích link :”Giá vàng trong ngày 3/1 trên thị trường thế giới leo lên đỉnh cao mới trong hơn 6 tháng qua bất chấp đồng USD tăng giá Giá vàng thế giới giao ngay tăng lên mức 1290 USD/ounce Giá vàng giao tháng 2 năm 2019 trên sàn Comex New York ghi nhận ở mức 1292 USD/ounce”HT ngày hôm nay 121219 giá vàng tương lai tháng 22020 là 1475 usd/ounce”HT gold surpass 1600/ounce 35 years of GDP growth to pay for interest in one year the real CPV is on show during those trials what’s next after AdayroiampLotte Moody’s downgrade 18 major banks as well sold out from foreign investor before year’s end Bloomberg cast doubt on VN’s figures the sun is shinning in VN underlying inflation awaiting pork price take-off to follow suit Hospital run out of money restructuring of PN Vượng advice from Wall Street to sell National road 26 BOT collapsed the first day nationalization What’s happening to PN Vượng pork increased lead to the collapse of the regime be careful of the reverse effects on the reduction of rates the pride of Vinfast NĐ Kiên to be Chief of consultative OS group on Economic issues PN Vượng to spend 2 billion usd to get into US car market advice from Dept of Finance not to buy company bonds liquidity pressure on the banking system approaching lunar New Year top notch investors to buy gold strongly why HT Hải being investigated must have a vision MSN blown away by 7600 billion careful approach on investors’ stock parts due to so much losses market disobey direction to reduce rates: Giá vàng tăng vọt lên trên 1600 USD/ounce |
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Phe Dân chủ nỗ lực trói ‘quyền chiến tranh’ của Trump |
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Biden claims Trump does not want to face him in November election |
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Diplomacy Was Working Until Trump Abandoned It |
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Army general denies request by officer pardoned by Trump to |
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Ramón Lobo: Trump nuevamente fue el gran derrotado en elección de la directiva de la AN |
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Trump’s Red Line is the Loss of American Lives |
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White House officials defend Trump say athletes ‘can do free speech on their own time’ |
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Trump Proposes Sweeping Rollback Of Environmental Oversight |
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‘A lot of good news coming out of this Administration’: Trump says of lower cancer deaths – USA TODAY |
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Şoke eden görüntüler… Trump’ın kellesine ’80 milyon dolar’ |
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Donald Trump dice que “todo esta bien” tras el ataque de Irán |
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Trump’tan son dakika İran açıklaması geldi! İran ABD’yi vurdu mu Donald Trump açıklama yaptı |
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Vox journalist mocked for pushing theory that Trump itches face with ‘middle finger’ to dig opponents |
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McCarthy speaks after Pelosi announces vote to limit Trump’s War Powers |
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House votes to limit Trump’s war power on Iran |
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House Passes Measure Limiting Trump’s Military Moves in Iran |
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Did the Deep State Use FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump’s Personal Lawyer Rudy Giuliani |
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The Utter Emptiness of Trump’s Populism |
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California Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump Tax Return Law |
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Complex Speaks to Diverse Crowd at Donald Trump’s Inauguration |
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Cabildo rinde protesta a nueva baja de EU frena acción militar de Trump contra Irán |
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Trump: Killing of Iranian military general was ‘American justice’ |
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Trump: 95 Approval Rating in the Republican Party |
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Trump vil udvide Nato med lande fra Mellemøsten |
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Trump pulls back from war with killed seven injured as van falls into ravine near Zahir Pir |
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America casa o fortezza La strategia di Trump |
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Suprema Corte parece pronta para deixar Trump terminar o programa DACA |
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gt Hong Kong protesters waved posters of Trump’s to thank him at Thanksgiving 2019 |
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Foes Can’t Beat Trump with Caricatures |
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What Cambridge Analytica not Russia did for Trump’s “election” |
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Facebook ha avuto un ruolo importante durante l’elezione di Trump |
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Donald Trump busca regular la inteligencia artificial como estrategia nacional |
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Autovadītājs nepiekrīt fotoradarā fiksētajam ātrumpārkāpumam 55 |
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They promise to help families of fallen officers But they’re mostly paying for the Trump administration to release blacked-out Ukraine emails |
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Top 10 Donald Trump Quotes |
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As Tensions With Iran Escalated Trump Opted for an Extreme Measure |
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Top GOP consultant warns Republican Party faces ‘day of reckoning’ because of Trump |
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Senate confirms Trump’s regulations pick |
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Trump impeachment trial is not about him THIS is what Democrats want now |
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After Ilhan Omar Claims Trump Gave Her “PTSD” – A Navy Veteran Puts Squad Member In Her Place |
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Joe Biden Most Likely Democrat to Beat Donald Trump Party Members Say |
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Why Trump Might Win |
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İran’ın saldırısının ardından Trump’tan flaş açıklama! ABD barış için hazır |
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Trump slams Pelosi Newsom over California homelessness crisis |
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Trump Pastikan Tak Ada Tentara AS Tewas Akibat Serangan Rudal Iran |
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Woman Says Restaurant Threw Her Out Over Trump Hat |
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The role of Goldman Sachs in the Trump Network |
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President Trump has appointed judges at a breakneck speed More are coming |
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US Jewish Movements: President Trump Must Fire Stephen Miller |
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Is Trump Above the Law Arundhati Roy: India Modi Rise of Hindu Far Right |
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La caída de la producción los aranceles de Trump y el almacenamiento fallido de aceite lastran los precios |
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Asian shares climb on Trump trade deal hits 1-week high on yen as US-China trade deal hopes rise |
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The Art of the Deal Trump and Vape Regs |
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Kepada Trump Presiden Rouhani: Jangan Pernah Ancam Bangsa Iran |
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The Don Quixote Trump Interview |
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MSN: “Justice Dept winds down Clinton-related inquiry once championed by Trump It found nothing of consequence” |
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Reality checks INCOMING! Greg Gutfeld Brit Hume truth nuke Dem attempts to make Trump look like a warmonger |
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Se conocen las dos acusaciones que pueden echar a Trump de la Casa Blanca |
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Rambo Politics from Reagan to Trump |
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Modi Speaks to Trump:‘I Want to Continue Working With You’ |
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Trump just slapped Planned Parenthood with the worst news they’ve ever received |
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Trump’s Rule-Slashing Is Bad News for Europe’s Banks |
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Pro/Anti Trump Rallies in Seoul A Translation 한-영 |
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Melania Trump Ridiculed: FLOTUS President Donald Attacked After POTUS’s Wooden Statue Was Torched In Slovenia |
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At UN Trump to face questions about Iran Ukraine allies |
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Trump Re-Election Adviser Admits The Obvious–Republicans Cheat Video |
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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: FAKE post claiming Queen Elizabeth told Trump to emulate Duterte leadership revived |
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Broad Political Backlash Against Trump’s Reckless Actions Leading to Heightened War Danger WagTheDog Scenario as Counter to Impeachment Trial Widely Discussed No Support from UK Germany France for Suleimani Hit BoJo Reported Livid London Was Not Warned in Advance Despite British Troops in Iraq UK Defense Official Berates Trump for Acting “Like a Mafia Boss” |
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Legal Experts Destroy Giuliani’s ‘Gibberish’ Argument To Void Trump Impeachment |
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FL Man Who Called Soleimani His “Leader” Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump |
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Trump acusa administração Obama de ter financiado os ataques realizados pelo Irã |
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US Congress Votes To Limit President Trump’s Power To Wage War Against Iran |
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Trump’tan İran’a yeni yaptırım kararı |
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Trump afirma que no hubo bajas estadounidenses tras los ataques de Irán: “Los soldados muertos eran todos |
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If Iran strikes Americans we have targeted 52 Iranian sites: Donald Trump |
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Trump Orders All Border Wall Construction to Resume |
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The Anti-Trump Video That Could Backfire |
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Trump sugiere que Irán abatió avión ucraniano |
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No Telling Where Trump Will Go If Iran Chooses War |
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Donald Trump Biography Politician |
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Donald Trump ateşkes çağrısında bulunuyor |
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Omar sounds off after Minnesota county bans refugee resettlement – aided by Trump executive order |
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Deep Fake mit Donald Trump und Wladimir Putin |
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Donald Trump le desea feliz cumpleaños al líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un |
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Trump Sends North Korea’s Kim Birthday Greetings |
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In a 56 Seconds Trump Praises Nancy Pelosi Defends Bill Clinton Calls for Bush Jr’s Impeachment for ‘Lying’ over Iraq War |
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Trump Administration Announces New Sanctions On Iran |
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Trump le envía un mensaje de cumpleaños a Kim Jong-un |
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Tehran Media Claim Extravagant US Casualties but No American Fatalities Have Been Confirmed so Far Limited Scope of Response Up to Now May Reflect Cooler Heads in Tehran No Actions Reported Against Shipping Through Hormuz No Attack on Israel and No International Terrorism All Good Reasons for Trump NOT to Retaliate US Government Must Restrain Madman in White House No Legitimate Casus Belli Exists Will Iraqis Resent This Attack on Their Military Time for Macron and Abe to Provide Diplomatic Good Offices! |
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Trump sort of makes vague threat |
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Ilhan Omar Makes A Daring Promise To Trump – “I Will Continue To Be A Nightmare To This President” |
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Column: Trump’s new rules of engagement |
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Justice Dept winds down Clinton-related inquiry once championed by Trump It found nothing of consequence – Stats |
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Iran fires missiles at US forces in Iraq – No one killed: President Trump |
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Donald Trump’s rant against Iran is the howl of a dying empire |
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Guardia amenazó con asesinar a Trump por ataque a Soleimani |
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Pelosi Needed to Cut Military Funding for Iraq War in 2007 but She Caved to Bush-Petraeus Surge Will She Act Now to De-Fund Trump’s Aggression |
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Trump |
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President Trump Says Iranian General’s Killing Was ‘American Justice’ at Ohio Rally |
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Ludovic Orban a făcut anunțul momentului după întâlnirea cu Klaus Trump a anunțat motivul pentru care a fost asasinat generalul Qassem de la Spitalul Floreasca scoate la iveală castele de tip mafiot din Sănătate |
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Was it right to fire an employee for giving President Trump the finger |
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How Trump has reshaped the federal judiciary |
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Gutfeld: Trump’s not going anywhere and he always bounces back |
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Video: Esta estatua de 8 metros de Donald Trump fue quemada en Eslovenia |
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Ông Trump nghi ngờ vụ máy bay rơi ở Iran là do sai lầm của ‘một ai đó’ |
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Satire: How to Build President Trump’s Wall on the US-Mexican Border |
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La «Statue de la liberté» Trump incendiée en Slovénie |
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Sen Bernie Sanders slams Trump as ‘pathological liar’ |
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Trump Kendurkan Ancaman Perang Melawan Iran |
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Actor Sylvester Stallone working on film about Trump-pardoned boxer Jack Johnson |
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Trump turns to those he has scorned for help |
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CBS 5 Investigates looks at winners losers with President Trump’s border wall |
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Ish drejtuesi ekzekutiv: Po Facebook e ndihmoi Trump të fitonte në 2016-ën dhe mund ta bëjë sërish këtë vit! |
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Did Trump Start WWIII with Iran Harry and Meghan’s Royal Drama Australian Bushfires Impeachment Update Model Fights Fire With Nudes |
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Su 7 oggi in edicola Melania Trump: i segreti di una donna non sottomessa |
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Egyeztetett a válságról Trump és Stoltenberg |
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Trump versus Iran: Power Doesn’t Just Corrupt it Deludes By Thomas Knapp |
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Ish drejtuesi ekzekutiv: Po Facebook e ndihmoi Trump të… |
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Soleimani Mahu Letupkan Kedutaan AS Di Baghdad – Trump |
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Trump upholds tradition of war lies |
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John Katko opposes House resolution to limit Trump’s Iran war powers |
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Trump holds his first bigly rally of 2020 in Toledo Ohio |
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Not Even Democrats Believe That Trump Will Be Removed By Impeachment |
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Trump aprueba ayuda federal para Puerto Rico tras mortal terremoto |
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Do you agree with President Donald Trump’s proposal to roll back the National Environmental Policy Act which requires federal agencies to consider whether a project would harm the air land water or wildlife and gives the public the right of review and input |
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Trump administration initiated program to deport Mexican asylum seekers to Guatemala |
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No President Trump the US isn’t energy independent Middle East |
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Awooda uu ku weerari karo Madaxweyne Trump dalka Iran oo la xadiday |
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PHOTOS: Crowd gathers for Trump rally in Tupelo |
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US-China Trade Deal: Trump Says He Could Wait Until 2020 Election For Phase Two |
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Trump administration expected to announce Iran sanctions |
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Friday News Dump: Trump Lies His Ass Off At Ohio Rally And Other News |
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Ivanka Trump Sports Moroccan Style Jacket at Rabat Meeting |
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Can Workers Still Use the National Labor Relations Board under Trump |
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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Site plagiarizes FALSELY claims in its headline ‘Iran’ offered US80M for Trump’s head |
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Dinamay pa White House! US Senate OKs resolution calling on Trump to… |
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¡SEPA! Elliot Abrams aclaró que contactos entre el abogado de Trump y Maduro no fueron autorizados |
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Crise ouverte entre les Etats-Unis et l’Iran après la mort d’un général iranien commandée par Donald Trump |
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Trump administration announces new sanctions on Iran after missile strikes |
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US has really good relationship with North Korea says Trump |
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• Headline: Tragic and horrendous accident is on Trump Now we must all prevent further loss of life Editorial |
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Trump: ¨El conflicto en Venezuela podría tomar mucho más tiempo para resolverse¨ |
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McCarthy says he’s embarrassed by House over Trump impeachment |
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Bénin : Deux membres du gouvernement lancent la rentrée des classes et associations sportives contre l’Iran : l’épine démocrate dans le pied de Trump |
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«Hasta ahora todo bien» tuitea Trump tras ataques de Irán a bases de EU |
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PHOTO: American Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Trump Over Death Of Iranian General |
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Trump slaps new sanctions on Iran over missile attacks |
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Donald Trump Dimakzulkan |
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Teixeira: Trump’s Hill Gets a Little Steeper in 2020 |
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Trump Art Gallery Resim Sergisi – K Muzaffer Gençer ‘Onun Çizgileri’ |
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Obama Says “Ivanka Is Not President Trump’s Daughter” |
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Why Trump’s MAGA Agenda Is Failing: A Review of ‘Kushner Inc’ |
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Erdogan of Turkey to Visit Trump White House |
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President Trump Should Eliminate Two Agencies |
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Trump Shares Why He Didn’t Tell Congress About His Authorization to Kill Iran’s Top General |
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Did the Trump Administration Abuse the Redactions Process |
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Those who want a fight like Trump and ISIS do indeed benefit from each other |
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Truth vs Trump on Immigration |
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Is Your 409K Up 100 Or Isn’t It! Asking For Donald Trump |
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Cómo Trump reformuló la estrategia geopolítica de Estados… |
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Mike Pence denies wanting to topple Trump and take job himself |
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Trump administration says 2000 documents weren’t disclosed in census lawsuit |
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Perché Trump vuole la Groenlandia e non solo lui |
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WALL STREET DA RECORD – Dow Jones sopra 29 mila punti Trump esulta: “Con me 11 mila” |
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• Trump: Süleymani Öldürüldü Çünkü Elçiliğimizi Havaya Uçuracaktı |
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Trump distances himself from Giuliani in O’Reilly interview |
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I Don’t Care about President Trump’s Tax Returns |
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GOP Sat On Trump To Where His Doral Property Will No Longer Host 2020 G7 Summit |
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US-Iran/Iraq: Trump Says Iran Will Pay ‘Very BIG PRICE’ for Embassy Attack ‘This Is Not a Warning It Is a Threat’…… |
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Trump: Largest wage increase has been for blue collar workers |
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Trump’ın çağrısı sonrası NATO Orta Doğu’da daha fazla rol üstlenecek |
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Collins reacts to being named to represent Trump in Senate impeachment trial |
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“¡Acoso al presidente!”: Trump estalló en Twitter y denunció supuesto… |
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The Trump Administration’s New E-Cigarette Policy Is Sadly Deficient Leaving Menthol and Flavors Like Cotton Candy and Gummy Bear on the Market Placing Politics Ahead of the Protection of America’s Youth |
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Woman sues church for reporting husband’s sex abuse confession to approves measure to restrain Trump’s actions on Iran |
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Trump Reveals Soleimani Was Killed So That He Could Not ‘Blow Up Our Embassy’ |
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Donald Trump asegura “tener una buena estrategia” para darle fin a la crisis venezolana |
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US lawmaker claims Jesus had more rights before crucifixion than Trump did before impeachment |
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JUDD: Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Curbing Illegal Immigration — That’s The Real Border Wall |
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See photo of Donald Trump in the Situation Room after Iran |
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How the Trump ‘Medical Conscience’ Rule is Harming LGBTQ Liberty |
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amp039A lot of good news coming out of this Administrationamp039: Trump says of lower cancer deaths – USA TODAY |
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The Minimal Value of Trump’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ on Iran |
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Trump anuncia que firmará acuerdo con China el 15 de enero |
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Căng thẳng Mỹ-Iran kết thúc chóng vánh: Vì sao Iran “vỗ mặt” nhẹ nhàng ông Trump cũng kiềm chế “cơn thịnh nộ” |
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President Trump signals White House would attempt to limit Bolton testimony |
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Trump: S druhou fází dohody s Čínou můžeme klidně počkat až bude po volbách Zatím stál spor USA cca 46 mld USD |
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Listen: Trump’s Christmas Meltdown About Pelosi During Call With The Troops |
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9:10 am US Donald Trump Impeached |
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Adevăratul scop al lui Trump în Iran: provocarea unei „revoluţii interne” pentru a da jos clica religioaso-militară de la Teheran! Giganticele bombardiere Boeing B-52 Stratofortress se apropie de Iran… |
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House Approves Measure To Restrain Trump’s Actions On Iran |
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Iran offers 80million bounty for Donald Trump’s head after death of general |
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House adopts measure restricting Trump on Iran |
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Trump and MBS committed to resolving Florida shooting |
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Kongres AS Sepakati Batasi Wewenang Militer Trump |
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Hạ viện Mỹ bỏ phiếu hạn chế quyền lực chiến tranh của ông Trump |
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US House passes measure to limit Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran |
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Donald Trump accuses Barack Obama of helping to finance missile attacks against Iran |
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«Il n’a aucune stratégie cohérente»: les démocrates s’en prennent à Donald Trump |
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President Trump holds first campaign rally of 2020 in Toledo |
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Trump Can’t Believe That He’s Been Impeached and Wants Your Prayers |
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Trump İran’daki uçak yanlışlıkla düşürülmüş olabilir |
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SALAH Reaksi Trump Saat Mendengar Suara Takbir |
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Trump Administration OKs New Drilling and Fracking on One Million Acres Across Central California |
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Kongreß debattiert über Kürzung militärischer Befugnisse für Trump |
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House Votes To Restrict Trump’s War Powers Against Iran |
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After ‘Absolutely Insane’ Soleimani Briefing A Stunned Congress Moves To Limit Trump’s War Powers |
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The House of Representatives limit Trump’s war powers ability |
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President Trump honored with ‘Witness for Life’ award |
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Trump’s Contempt for Democracy Has Reached New Depths |
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Trump World |
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👍💗X22 Report vom 09012019 – Panikmeldung gesendet Operation Entfernen und Ersetzen aktiv…💗👍Video 💥“Der Iran wurde macht Trump die ganze kranke und perverse Kreaturen richtig fertig Es ist schwer weil sie ihre Netzwerke überall ausgebreitet haben und sind sehr fest verbunden mit vielen Ländern wo sie überall Sümpfe geschaffen haben und gegen Menschen arbeiten Ausbeutung Menschenhandel Kinderhandel Kriege angezettelt Satanismus … Das ganze muss vernichtet werden und so kranke und perverse Kreaturen dürfen nie mehr an die Macht Sie versuchen Trump mit allem satanischen Mittels loszuhaben und mit ihren Lügen machtentheben weil sie wissen das sie alle dran kommen werden In Panik sind sie und schnüren andauernd neue Lügen und durch ihren Fake News Propaganda wo nicht mehr zu ertragen ist Weil sie hoffen das sie Macht für sich gewinnen und ihre Verbrechen vertuschen Gott beschütze Trump und Patrioten weil nur so kann verhindert werden das sie uns Menschen versklaven und das Satanisten in ganzen Welt Oberhand hat |
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Profil Dan Biografi Donald Trump – Raja Real Estate Yang Menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat |
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Trump declara la emergencia en Puerto Rico en respuesta a los terremotos |
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New Fox poll shows Trump trailing badly in several |
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Trump: İran Ukrayna uçağını yanlışlıkla düşürmüş olabilir |
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Trump says DACA deal off |
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Usunęli słynną scenę z „Kevina” Grał w niej Donald Trump! WIDEO |
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Trump says he does not want regime change in Iran |
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El presidente Donald Trump afirma que la senadora Nancy Pelosi está violando la canadiense aumenta margen para inmigrantes con enfermedades |
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Nancy Pelosi guilty of ‘obstruction of Congress’ for withholding articles of impeachment that claim Trump “obstructed Congress” the hypocrisy is sickening |
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Bruce Plante Cartoon: Trump the hawk wrangler |
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Larry’s Commentary: Trump Impeachment Charges Hold No Weight |
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ABD Temsilciler Meclisi’nden Trump’ı |
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Trump már jóváhagyta Irán elleni új szankciókat |
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Trump Floats Expanding NATO to Add Middle East |
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Comment le camp Trump innove dans le marketing notre métier changer |
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How people around the world see the US and Donald Trump in 10 charts pewresearchorg |
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The US House of Representatives Votes To Limit Trump War Powers On Iran |
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Congresul american: Trump nu are dreptul să declare război Iranului |
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Letter: Roll call needed for oath in Trump’s impeachment trial |
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Trump modera su discurso bélico y anuncia nuevas sanciones contra Irán |
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Army general declines to reinstate Special Forces tab to officer pardoned by Trump |
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Cek Fakta Minggu Ini: Pertahanan Trump Ukraina Bertabrakan Dengan Fakta |
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Anthony Brindisi John Katko vote against limiting Trump’s war powers |
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Watch: House votes to limit Trump’s military action against Iran without congressional killed after Ukraine International Airlines plane crashes in Iran shortly after takeoff |
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Cum justifică Trump asasinarea generalul iranian Soleimani |
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BAFTA-Winning Lookalike Artist Alison Jackson Making Donald Trump Film For Comcast’s Sky Arts |
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Trump: We won’t stop until US infrastructure is ‘envy of world again’ |
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Donald Trump Drama Panggung Dunia Ketiga |
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Middle East Chaos in Wake of Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem |
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Trump says Iranian general was ‘actively planning new attacks’ |
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President Donald Trump claims he was the one who ‘saved Ethiopia’ and therefore deserved the Nobel Peace Prize award—not Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed |
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Pareja emocionada feliz y bendecida reclama un premio de lotería de 2 de Trump bloqueada en un tribunal afectaría a la mayoría de inmigrantes documentados |
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Here’s The Billionaire Trump Backer Who Is Reportedly Playing A Role In Zuckerberg’s Political Ad Moves |
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Donald Trump defends aid cut Imran Khan hits back |
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Lou Dobbs interviews Rep Louie Gohmert on Trump’s Declassification news |
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Trump’s December Tariffs Aim at Electronics and Manufacturing Mostly from Multinational Companies |
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Lou Dobbs Diamond amp Silk Reveal Why Trump Owes NOTHING To Democrats |
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How Trump Turned The White House Into A Ghetto Nightclub |
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Iranian Military Leader Soleimani Responsible for Terror Plots in Delhi Says Trump |
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Morgan Stanley: A Good Economy Does Not Guarantee Trump’s Re-Election |
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Trump pulls back from war with Iran in national address |
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Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran |
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Saudi Oil drone strike latest: Trump backs Pompeo’s claim Iran to blame after satellite intelligence report |
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Iraq Withdrawal Could Be a Costly Burden for Trump |
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In ‘Knives Out’ a whodunit for the Trump era |
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Bernstein: Why Utah’s Mike Lee might actually vote to remove Trump |
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‘She’s making things worse’: Byron York explains how Nancy Pelosi is basically helping Trump WIN again in 2020 |
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Trump after impeachment: All the latest updates |
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Mr Trump has violated his oath of office and must be held accountable in a fair trial |
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Dünyayı şaşkınlığa uğratan ‘Trump’ fotoğrafı! ‘Sadece bir tokat’ |
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Banned: Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump |
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House Approves Measure to Restrain Trump’s Military Action Against Iran |
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FACT CHECK: Trump Wrongly States Obama Administration Had Child Separation Policy |
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Trump Administration Injects Nonsense Into Upcoming Supreme Court Abortion Case |
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Donald Trump Melania keep candy on head of child dressed as… |
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An Attempted Thermidor in Struggle to Oust Trump: Washington Post New York Times NBC News Posture as New Committee of Public Safety in Defense of Truth – but These News Organizations Destroyed Public Trust by Letting Neocons Invade Iraq in Search of WMD That Inflicted the Imbecilic Hillary Clinton Email Scandal on Public Concealed the FBI Probe of Trump Campaign And Are Now Falsifying History with 1619 Project Chuck Todd Confessed to Getting Duped by GOP Mind Benders Total Ideological Homogeneity Demanded Are They Helping or Hurting Trump |
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Tucker: Joe Biden lashes out at President Trump for not embracing open borders |
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The US House of Representatives voted on Thursday to stop President Donald Trump from further mili… |
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La popolarità di Trump rimane alta |
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Trump raises ‘constitutional concerns’ over requirement to report on military cyber operations |
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ABD’de Trump’a İran kısıtlaması |
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Trump just exposed Obama’s link to a terrorist plot that could destroy America |
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Thousands of Muslims in Asia protest against Trump’s Jerusalem plan |
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Trump non potrà più fare la guerra |
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Trump fires hardline adviser John Bolton |
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We Now Have Proof Trump’s Family Separation Policy Was Meant To Traumatize Children |
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Trump a las congresistas demócratas: “Vuelvan a su país” |
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Trump Batal Targetkan Situs Budaya Iran |
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How can Donald Trump be impeached |
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Cámara de Representantes de EEUU aprueba resolución que limita la capacidad de Trump para emprender acciones militares contra Irán – VisionRDN |
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No War With Iran House Tells Trump Next Up: Finally Forbidding Military Force in Iraq |
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Donald Trump comprometido a modernizar las políticas ambientales |
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Mad Men: Trump’s Perilous Approach to Dictators |
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Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump ‘knew they were lying’ over ploy to sell condos book claims |
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Trump Has Made Us All Stupid |
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Trump spielt auf Zeit aber die Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen den Iran gehen weiter |
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One thing has united different Latino generations — defeating Trump |
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Vilniaus tarptautinis trumpųjų filmų festivalis |
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President Trump’s First Step Act Released Him from Prison After 25… |
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Abashingamateka b’Amerika Babujije Trump Gutera Irani |
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CNN Panelists Discuss President Trump’s Comment About Kim Jong Un Regarding Otto Warmbier’s Torture Death with Trump 2020 Campaign Advisor Anthony Shaffer |
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La fase dos del acuerdo con China llegaría tras las elecciones dice Trump |
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How Trump’s tweets and Cardi B are making more Americans move |
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Geraldo Blames Pelosi For ‘Distracting’ Trump With Impeachment |
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Trump administration proposal would ease environmental impact reviews for federal projects |
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Desired effect: Terrorists in Iraq said to be ‘fleeing and hiding’ after Trump’s strike against Soleimani |
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New Missile Test Looms as Trump Fails to Sway Kim |
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Las guerras de Trump: ‘baches’ en el comercio internacional mexicano |
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Trump Looks To Speed Up Oil Pipeline Permits By Dropping Climate Reviews |
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Democrats eyeing new evidence in Trump impeachment probe |
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VICTORY FOR TRUMP ADMINISTRATION: Appeals Court Approves Administrations 36 Billion Fund For Border Wall Despite Left’s Repeated Attempts To Block It |
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GOP Senator Goes Off: Trump Admin Briefing on Iran Was ‘Insulting’ and ‘Demeaning’ to the Constitution |
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President Trump — Love Him or Hate Him He’s Changed America |
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“Irani nuk do të ketë kurrë armë bërthamore” Franca mendon ndryshe nga Donald Trump: Brenda një ose dy vitesh… |
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OPM launches new online collection of agency bargaining agreements per Trump workforce EOs |
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Cámara de Representantes de EEUU intenta limitar la capacidad de Trump para emprender acciones militares contra Irán |
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Donald Trump’s Campaign of Violence Against Children |
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The Trump Years |
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Aaron Sorkin says Trump couldn’t even be good at Fictional Prez in ‘West Wing’ |
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Donald Trump is an inspiration |
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During Iran Speech Trump Demonstrated That He Is Not Well |
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Protests and pregames planned for Trump’s Wildwood rally |
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Area activists enraged with Trump’s actions against Iran |
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Trump sospecha que Irán derribó por error el avión ucraniano |
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17 surreal things that happened during the Donald Trump-Kanye West summit |
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El petróleo de Texas cae un 49 tras palabras de Donald Trump y reducción de tensión con Irán |
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Former FBI agent reveals Trump is begging for help in latest tweet |
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Seven Things You Should Know About Donald Trump |
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On First Business Day of New Year Fed Pumps 57 Billion More into Repo Markets 500 Billion of Year-End Liquidity Announced Previously Daily Cash Injections Occurring Daily Since Mid-September Forbes Magazine Reports Rumors That Money Is Being Used to Rescue an Insolvent Bank A “Mid-Sized Japanese Bank” Possibly at Center of Crisis Other Reports Suggest That Japanese Banks Suffering Revenue Loss Under Negative Interest Rates NIRP Have Turned to Very Risky Interest-Bearing Debt Australian Stocks Fall on Investor Worries About US Repo Crisis Unpredictable Shocks Like Brexit North Korea and Iran Could Trigger Systemic Crisis Emails Show Pentagon Knew Ukraine Aid Freeze Ordered by Trump Was Illegal |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 12-18-19 El juicio político al presidente Trump ha dividido al congreso y a la nación |
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Pompeo speaks with Danish Foreign Minister after Trump cancels visit |
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House to rein in Trump on Iran |
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News Related Videos On: Cooper calls out WH press secretary: Are you working against Trump |
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Iran Crisis: How Far Does Trump’s Authority Go |
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Trump administration raises legal age to smoke vape |
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Trump descarta que accidente de avión en Irán se debiera a un fallo mecánico |
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Bolsonaro abre escritório comercial em Jerusalém alinhado a Trump e ao genocida Estado de Israel |
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Trump enloqueció |
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GOP Sen Mike Lee Calls Trump Team’s Briefing on Iran “Insulting” “Demeaning” amp “The Worst” One on a Military Issue |
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Trump reaviva la guerra comercial con China |
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Dixville Notch New Hampshire Votes for Clinton 4 Trump 2 |
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Għamilna iktar minn dak kollu possibbli – Joe Caruana Curran President Uniti: Vot biex jillimita l-poteri ta’ Trump dwar l-Iran |
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‘Damn Right!’: Colbert Shocked Republican Stood Up to Trump |
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Donald Trump Salahkan Barack Obama |
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How ‘Israel Hayom’ became Trump’s mouthpiece in the Middle East |
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Deserve Nobel Prize for serving up ‘American Justice’ by ordering killing of Soleimani: Trump |
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Prima reacție a lui Trump după atacul Iranului asupra bazelor militare americane din Irak |
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09:54 – Dupa criza cu Iranul NATO i se supune lui Trump si se implica in Orientul Mijlociu Ce inseamna asta pentru Romania Interviu |
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Nouvel ambassadeur du Sénégal aux États-unis – Mansour Élimane Kane reçu par Trump |
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The Trump approach is more promising than ‘leading from behind’ |
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El “favor” que le costó a Trump un juicio político |
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Donald Trump 2020 Make Jeeps Great Again shirt Hoodie Sweater Ladie Tee Vneck Bellaflowy Kids Shirt Unisex and Tank Top T-shirt |
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Ivanka Trump Shows Off New 1100 Cut amp Color Before Starting New White House |
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Watch: Donald Trump fights Chinese president on Scarborough beach – all thanks to a York student |
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Ep 90 Why Trump’s Ukraine Call Was Small Potatoes |
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Donald Trump est le premier résultat de la recherche de skiddie sur Google Images |
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US Waits for Madman Kim’s Christmas Provocation Warships from Iran-Russia-China Mount Joint Drills in Gulf of Oman Trump Is Main Catalyst of This Convergence Ukraine Wants to Buy Another Round of Javelin Missiles Despite Trump’s Sabotage |
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Jason Nichols: As a Democrat and impeachment supporter I want Pelosi to let Trump’s Senate trial begin |
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Trump’s Latest Environmental Proposal Is A Middle Finger To Common Sense |
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How the Public Feels About Trump’s Iran Strategy |
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¡ALERTA MUNDIAL! Redes acusan a Trump de utilizar al Proyecto HAARP para causar terremotos a Irn |
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Televangelist Jim Bakker: “Only ‘saved’ people can love Trump” |
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Trump’tan kafaları karıştıran mesaj! |
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Donald Trump Murdered Qassim Suleimani |
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Notes from the IAC2019 – Or What I Heard Trump Actually Say |
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Donald Trump hit Iran with an ultimatum that has all hell breaking loose |
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UNESCO President Donald Trump really deserve the Nobel peace prize |
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Trump says he ordered the strike that killed an |
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Entregan sillas de rueda a Baja de EEUU reivindica su autoridad ante acciones de Trump en Irán |
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Trump Administration Introduces New Rule Reducing Duration of Environmental Studies for Infrastructure Projects |
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LA Mayor Garcetti Asks Trump Administration for Federal Funding to Address Homelessness Crisis |
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On President Trump’s Assumption of Another Man’s Arms |
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Γιατί η συνάντηση Trump – Μητσοτάκη ήταν φιάσκο |
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Trump to Iran: Want to Play “52 Pick Up” |
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Are Steve Schmidt And Howard Schultz Helping Trump Get Re-elected Maybe Maybe Not |
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Hillary Clinton Takes Heat on Social Media After Dissing Trump During Cummings’ Euology |
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Trump target Africans to face more us visa |
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18 Inch Btype Trump |
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Trump seeks sweeping rollback of environmental oversight |
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Blog42 Continue reading Compromise In The Age of Trump: Centrists Are Handing Trump The 2020 Election |
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Trump proposal would eliminate benefits for tens of thousands of people with disabilities |
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Trump hotel paródia – domain védjegyvita |
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Ready for the NH Primary and Trump vs Bernie Get tix for Comedy Night at the Shaskeen |
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Trump Barnstormed Into Reno Yesterday Speech Briefly Interrupted By Security Scare |
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President Trump Has Been Impeached…Now What |
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La Partie d’Échecs en 5D de Trump ! |
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Texas revoked a Fort Worth man’s anti-Trump license plate See what other vanity plates were rejected |
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Trump plan would speed up Louisiana infrastructure projects critics call out threat to environment |
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‘Trump can say whatever he wants!’ Live Wire buckles up as Young backs Maduro in Venezuela crisis |
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Lou Dobbs and guest bash Rep Matt Gaetz for voting to limit Trump’s war powers |
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Hamaney Trump’la ilgili öyle bir fotoğraf paylaştı ki |
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L’assassinat de Donald Trump en 2020 |
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Trump relaja la ley ambiental para acelerar grandes infraestructuras |
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Trump Murders Canadians…NOT 9/1/20 |
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Donald Trump nemi erőszak miatt mehet bíróságra |
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Trump slams Democrats for criticism over strike on Iranian general |
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Trump Jadikan Pembunuhan Qassem Soleimani Tema Kampanye Pilpres |
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Así justifica Trump asesinato de Soleimani |
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El Departamento de Justicia de EEUU cierra sin resultados la investigación por corrupción sobre Clinton alentada por Trump |
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Trump become softens in Muslim issue |
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Creemos que Irán derribó el avión Donald Trump |
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As duas faces do processo contra Trump |
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President Trump Announces Phase One Deal with China Suspends Tariff Increase |
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Air Force acknowledges crew stayed at Trump resort during refueling but says it was ‘not unusual’ |
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Trump Biden spar over Ukraine after whistleblower complaint |
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Trump Arap Liderleri Camp David’de Toplayacak‘’Yüzyılın Anlaşması’’ |
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Para Trump Irán derribó el avión ucraniano con misiles “por error” |
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“Trump: White House — Impeachment’: Another year another review |
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Stephen King Ofrece Pagar 75000 para que la Secretaria de Prensa de Trump Haga su Trabajo |
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Trump: The Most Corrupt President in US History |
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It’s Trump Folks! The Future of Trump Cannabis |
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Live de Bolsonaro assistindo a Trump rende coletânea de memes |
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Posobiec: The Trump rally line in Toledo is so long you can’t even see the end of it |
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Trump says he may wait to finish Phase 2 China trade deal until after November10/01/2020 |
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During Iran Speech Trump Demonstrated That He Is Not Well The American public has a right to know aboutComments gt |
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Ivanka Trump Tweets About Dad’s Winning Week Gets Destroyed For Omitting ‘A Couple Things’ |
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Ilhan Omar Says Trump Admin Triggering Her ‘PTSD’ Internet Explodes |
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Konflikti me Iranin demokratët i “lidhin” duart Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump: Narsisizm sanatı |
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Today’s Quotefall Puzzle by Donald Trump |
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Debatten: Danmark og Trump i Mellemøsten |
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Weshalb die Importzölle von Donald Trump nicht funktionieren können |
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Trump at Rally: Action Against Iran in Iraq was the ‘Anti-Benghazi’ |
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Iran strikes likely to delay Democrat push for war powers resolution to hamstring Trump |
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Trump Proposes Change To Environmental Rules To Speed Up Highway Projects Pipelines And More |
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Trump’s tariffs cost US firms US46 bln to date: report |
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Trump si lamenta per non aver vinto il Nobel per la pace |
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Pelosi still defiant refuses to send over Trump articles of impeachment to Senate |
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Trump se biztos benne hogy műszaki hiba miatt zuhant le az ukrán utasszállító |
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Judge shoots down Trump’s attempt to dismiss defamation suit brought by sexual assault accuser |
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Search Graham Paul rift deepens over Trump’s war powers |
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An Unfollowing of Trump not on Twitter |
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ACLU: Trump Administration Denying Passport to US Citizen in Colorado |
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‘Maybe I will go’ Trump floats idea of attending correspondents’ dinner |
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Shock as Female Afghan MP praises President Trump: Soleimani Was Responsible for the Death of Thousands of Afghan Youth |
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Encuesta FT-Peterson: aumenta el apoyo al manejo económico de Trump |
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Trump anuncia “sanciones económicas adicionales” inmediatas contra Irán tras ataque en Irak |
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Israelis Support Trump More Than Almost Any Other Nation Poll Shows |
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Why Soleimani Was Assassinated By US – Trump |
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Trump sale beneficiado del proceso de residenciamiento |
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Trump’s Iran Speech Had Three Audiences |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 12-17-19 Republicanos mantienen apoyo monolítico al presidente Trump |
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Germany rejects Trump call to ditch Iran 2015 nuclear pact |
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Ivanka Trump is Given The ‘Friend of Israel’ Award |
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Ông Trump tuyên bố “cao tay hơn” Trung Quốc về thương mại |
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Rudal Hellfire AS Tewaskan Jenderal Besar Iran Trump: Dia Monster |
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Full-Scale War Avoided amp Trump Goes Right Back to Warmongering |
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Trump kërkon që disa vende të Lindjes së Mesme t’i bashkohen NATO’s |
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Did Trump do what he accused of what Obama did to get reelected |
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Trump-Pardoned Soldier Won’t Regain His Elite Patch: General |
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Trump administration considers funding guns in schools |
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Trump rails against impeachment at first rally of 2020 |
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ABD’de Trump’a İran Şoku |
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La Cámara baja de EEUU aprobó una declaración para limitar las decisiones militares de Trump |
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US Targeting 52 Iranian Sites if Tehran Attacks Americans: Trump |
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Trump Legacy Film |
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Trump quer detonar os vinhos europeus com super-sobretaxas o que os brasileiros podem ganhar com isso |
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Trump décroche 36 milliards pour son mur à la frontière |
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Etats-Unis : la Chambre adopte une résolution pour limiter les pouvoirs militaires de Trump en Iran |
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Oil Prices Sink Nearly 5 To Under 60 After Trump Says Iran Is Standing Down In Middle East Fight |
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2020 Is The Year For A New House Church Movement – Trump Persecution End-Time Church |
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9:07 AM – Trump aleja el conflicto militar con Irán pero no convence al Congreso |
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Negar Mortazavi: Trump’s strategy of maximum pressure on Iran keeps getting close to a military conflict |
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Trump campaign trolls Biden by purchasing his Latino voter website |
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Iran Launches Missiles At US Troops In Iraq – Trump To Address The Nation Today |
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Greta Thunberg overshadows Trump at UN climate summit |
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At Harvard Law reluctance to apply for clerkships with Trump-appointed judges |
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Trump loses problem to New York regulation permitting tax returns launch |
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Leaked Audio: NY Times Executive Editor Tells Staff To Ditch Russia Collusion Lies And Start Focusing On Trump’s ‘Racism’ For Election |
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Moscú rechazó el llamado de Trump a las potencias mundiales… |
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Corte de Apelaciones da importante luz verde al muro de Trump |
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The Untold Story of the Trump-Ukraine ‘Scandal’ |
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Pro-Trump Congressman Sided With Democrats to Reign in Trump’s War Powers and MAGA Trolls Are Going After Him Hard |
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Neuwagen waren 2019 klimaschädlicher Trump Iran und Impeachment – gibt es da einen Zusammenhang |
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Gobernadora de Puerto Rico pedirá a Trump que declare la isla como zona de desastre tras sismos |
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Your feelings and emotions will trump your words every time |
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Estátua de madeira de Trump é queimada na Eslovênia |
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briefings Trump speech CT lawmakers remain critics of Iran policy |
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Remember When Impeaching Trump Was the Most Urgent Matter Before Congress |
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Donald Trump’tan flaş uçak kazası açıklaması |
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‘American Oligarchs’ Reveals How Trump Kushner Families Learned To Work The System |
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Trump offers new name for NATO in Middle East: NATOME |
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Messaggio di Trump a Pyongyang: ‘Buon compleanno Kim’ |
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Former 007-star praises Trump over economy |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri |
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Trump felicitó a Kim Jong-un por su cumpleaños |
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Trump’s assassination of Soleimani is a gift to Xi Jinping |
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Sen Bernie Sanders slams Trump as ‘pathological liar’ |
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Trump aseguró que la muerte del general iraní fue “justicia estadounidense” |
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How Tehran Rolled Donald Trump In Iraq |
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Revealed: The ‘big powerful and lethal’ hypersonic weapons that Trump boasted the US is currently building that can travel more than five times the speed of sound |
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Webinar: Immigration Risk amp Compliance in the Trump Era |
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US vs Iran: Congress Cripples Trump’s Military Action Against Iran |
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Why did Trump ditch his church in Palm Beach on Christmas Eve for evangelical service |
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Trump’s Pyrrhic victory |
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Hollywood Whack Job Alyssa Milano’s Latest Idea To Get Trump Involves Yoga And A Chant |
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Bunge Marekani limepitisha azimio kumzuia Trump kuipiga Iran |
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About That Trump Troll Doll by Chuck Williams |
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Mansour Élimane KANE nouvel ambassadeur du Sénégal aux États-unis reçu par le Président Donald John TRUMP |
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Trump sa podľa Schwarzenberga nakazil terorizmom |
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Secret Service Looking Into Actor George Lopez For Threatening President Trump |
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CRUCh cancela PSU de historia definitivamente y fija 27 y 28 de enero para pruebas del Supuesto derribamiento por parte de misiles de Irán sobre avión Ucraniano y declaraciones de Trump y Trudeau |
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LA CAMERA CONTRO TRUMP – Approvata risoluzione sui limiti ai poteri di guerra del presidente Casa Bianca: ”È ridicola” |
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Trump Victory Coin |
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How Much Do Federal Employees Earn Trump Signs Pay Raise Order |
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Introducing The Power of One a new Maclean’s Trump gets impeached—63 Canadians die |
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Jetzt sind wir die Nachrichten und keine VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORETIKER hat den Kopf der Schlange abgeschlagen und somit eine Warnung an alle Kriegstreiber ausgesprochen So macht man Frieden! Trump ist genial und ehrlich |
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Trump tells raucous rally why ‘leaker’ Dems were left in dark on Iran: ‘Can you imagine calling crooked Adam Schiff |
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TDS Peggy agrees with Trump but won’t admit it |
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Trump Claimed He Went After Soleimani Because Iran Wanted ‘To Blow Up Our Embassy’ and People Are Convinced It’s a Lie |
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Trump Claims Qassem Soleimani Wanted to Blow Up US Embassy i |
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Aaron Sorkin Says Trump Couldn’t Even Be Good at Fictional Prez |
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We’re Asking and Telling: Trump’s Trans Ban Stops Progress |
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Trump tones down war rhetoric announces more ‘punishing sanctions’ on Iran |
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Trump turns to those he has scorned for help with Iran |
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01/09/2020After Soleimani assassination Dems denounced amp Reps cheered Trump But he refused to start all-out war and everyone feels cheated |
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World Leaders Caught Talking St About Trump |
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Seth Meyers Stunned By Donald Trump’s ‘Insane New Paranoid’ Conspiracy Theory |
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Bolsonaro reforça apoio a Trump contra Irã e rebate… |
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Trump ve a Irán “en retroceso” |
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AVOID WAR WITH IRAN: How President Trump should respond after missile attacks on US bases in Iraq |
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Trump demands withdrawal of India’ |
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Inside Sloktin’s Measure To Limit Trump In Iran |
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États-Unis : La Chambre rabote les pouvoirs militaires de Trump contre l’Iran |
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Trump Suggests Soleimani Was Looking To Blow Up A US Embassy |
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Etats-Unis : la Chambre adopte une résolution pour limiter les pouvoirs militaires de Trump |
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Running For Congress amp Trump’s Attacks Won’t Stop Them |
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Trump cree que el avión ucraniano fue derribado por un error del otro Árabes Unidos realiza en 20 horas cinco vuelos para la siembra de nubes |
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Donald Trump’s Iran Policy Comes Down to One Word: Chaos |
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Trump verteidigt seinen Regierungsstil: „Ohne Twitter wären wir verloren“ |
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Ieri 19:31 – Donald Trump suspecteaza ca Iranul a doborat din greseala avionul ucrainean |
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Impeachment live updates: Senate awaits word from Pelosi on articles of impeachment against Trump – The |
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Trump wins huge wall funding court case |
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News Related Videos On: Trump furious over House War Powers vote sources say |
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La Cámara de Representantes aprueba una resolución para limitar las acciones militares de Trump |
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Trump negociará con China hasta después de la elección |
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Trump felicita cumpleaños a Kim Jong-un en muestra de simpatía pese a roces |
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Alasan Trump Membunuh Qassem Soleimani |
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FreedomWorks Rallies Over 100 Activists on Capitol to Demand the Senate Acquit President Trump |
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Klaus ml: Trumpův krok považuji za státní chce Trumpovi omezit vojenský postup vůči Íránu |
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Sharon Stone Reveals Difference in Leadership Styles of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin |
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Until recently President Donald Trump’s pro-Israel policy was centered on taking steps related to fulfilling campaign promises and strengthening his standing domestically with his evangelical base |
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Senators Graham and Paul Feud Over President Trump’s War Powers |
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Trump’s Legacy May Include New Limits On Presidential Powers |
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President Trump Should Not Rely on NATO |
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Buttigieg Would Repeal the Entire Trump Tax Cut |
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Trump a cerut si NATO a acceptat sa se implice mai mult in procesul din Orientul Mijlociu: Ce presupune asta si cu ce implicatii pentru Romania Interviu |
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President Trump Blames Obama for Iranian Missile Attack in Scathing Decries Democrats’ Impeachment Dealings with ‘No Haggling’ Line |
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Wichtig Artikel wird aktualisiert! Trump Q- Anon amp Co besiegen den Schattenstaat |
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Lima Point Utama Isi Pidato Trump Pasca Serangan… |
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US President Trump tiwalang may kinalaman ang Iran sa Ukrainian plane crash |
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Wendy Sherman Complains About Trump Blaming Obama |
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Trump: NATO Orta Doğu’ya genişlemeli adı da NATO-ME İçin İmza Töreni |
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Florida man threatens to kill President Trump in Facebook Live video authorities say |
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Trump Administration Slaps Iran With New Sanctions |
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President Trump: If you dare threaten our citizens you do so at your own grave peril |
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“Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is Dead” – Donald Trump |
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Liberal critics of Trump’s Iran belligerence got a bipartisan boost this week but they should watch out for their sudden allies’ adjacent agendas |
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Ông Trump chưa chắc chắn ký thỏa thuận thương mại toàn diện với Trung Quốc trước bầu cử |
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Trump Sends North Korea’s Kim Birthday Wishes |
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PROOF: The World is Laughing at Donald Trump |
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Pelosi likely to send Trump impeachment articles to Senate soon |
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Dyshime në administratën e Trump Irani mund të ketë shmangur qëllimisht zonat me amerikanë |
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Trump Is Completely Remaking A Regulation Enviros Often Use To Stymie Oil Pipeline Construction |
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US Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks Trump Tax |
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MASONIC VISIONS: ‘The Trump Prophesies’ Meet The Internet Seers Who Foretold His Rise Flashback |
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FOCUS: Everything From Trump and Cronies About Iran Is a Lie |
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Democrats Predictably Bash Trump for Decisive Military Retaliation |
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Tam quyền phân lập kiểu Mỹ: Hạ Việnđa số ĐB Đảng Dân Chủthông qua biện pháp hạn chế quyền của Trump trong chuyện chiến tranh với 1 RănIran |
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El Congreso busca remarcar su autoridad ante Trump para declarar la guerra |
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Trump Says China Trade Deal May Be Signed Shortly After January 15 |
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Why Donald Trump Should Be Impeached But Probably Won’t Be |
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The 50 Most Hilarious Donald Trump Photoshops on the Internet |
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“Autocracy and Populism on the Rise: Lessons from Turkey in the Trump Era” |
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Iran and US step back from all-out war giving Trump a win for now |
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Trump 2020 The MAGA Human |
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Trump: Tak długo jak będę prezydentem USA Iran nie będzie miał broni atomowej |
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Trump twitter üzerinden ABD düşmanları ile amansız bir savaş yaptığını ve kendisine yardımcı olmayanların bu kutsal savaşta vatansever olmadıklarını söyledi Erdoğan Suriyeli mültecileri vatandaş yapıp Libya’ya askere gönderiyor AKPliler bedelli asker İdlibte MİTci IŞİDciler aralarında çatıştı… |
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Tổng thống Trump: Mỹ đang bảo vệ châu Âu khỏi Nga |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’a darbe Azledildi |
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Asesinatos selectivos ordenados por Trump son crímenes terroristas |
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3 psihiatri din SUA avertizează că „starea de sănătate mintală a preşedintelui Trump se deteriorează”! Încă nu au licenţele ridicate |
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Clooney Calls Trump a Xenophobic Fascist |
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Trump és Bloomberg is kampányol a Super Bowl reklámszüneteiben |
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Trump Finds a New Way to Lick the Boot of the Fossil Fuel Industry |
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New Donald Trump 2020 Cap USA Flag Baseball Caps 1299 |
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Trump tiene mala imagen en todo el mundo excepto en un video del momento en que el avión ucraniano es alcanzado por un misil iraní |
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Quando Trump è meglio e Pelè |
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Whistleblower zum FBI: Kredite der Deutschen Bank an Trump waren abgesegnet durch Russenbank VTB |
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Is President Trump To Blame For The Ukraine Plane Crash |
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“As we all remember Trump promised to end endless wars Tragically his actions now put us on the path to another war” |
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The Iran Business Ties Trump Didn’t Disclose |
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DAAWO: Wararkii u dambeeyey Xiisadda IRAN iyo Maraykanka Hanjabaadda Trump Mowqifka Caalamka iyo Dareenka Jira |
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Mvutano: Trump anataka vita bunge linamgomea |
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Trump’s Comment About Hitting Iran’s Cultural Sites Stirs Controversy In Iran US |
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Ilhan Omar ni inde Umugore wavukiye i Mogadishu ’uteye ubwoba’ Trump! |
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Mi Bebé Que Usa Pañales Tiene un Mejor Control de los Impulsos Que Trump: Afirma Héroe de Guerra |
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Trump Effigy Burned To The Ground In Melania’s Home Country |
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Estatua de Trump arde en llamas en el país natal de su esposa Melania |
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Opinion: Why higher stock prices a strong economy and Trump’s re-election are likely in 2020 |
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President Trump addresses nation |
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Court APPROVES 36 Billion For Trump’s Border Wall |
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Trump Revamps Environmental Review Process Activists Shriek |
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India with US in all areas of mutual interest: Modi tells Trump on phone |
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House approves measure limiting Trump’s authority to take further military action against Iran |
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Trump wins – The astrology of it – Is Trump going to build the wall |
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Dusabimana Emmanuel yabonanye na Donald Trump Beyonce na Rihanna agiye kubazana mu Rwanda VIDEO |
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Trump Said in the Shootout at Florida School- Keep Teachers Too |
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Public Memo For 7/25 Trump-Ukraine Phone Call Was Missing Key Data |
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Trump Listening To Russian And Hungarian Talking Points Regarding Ukraine |
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Cámara baja de EE UU no respaldará decisiones de Trump sobre conflicto con Irán |
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realclearp: Trump’s Handling of Iran Deserves Praise |
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Mitt Romney Stabs Trump In Back Introduces Bill To Block POTUS |
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Something Wonderful: Translucent Deepstaria with Resident Anchorman Interviews President Trump |
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Trump supporter forced to pull GUN on Trump hater who tried to remove his MAGA hat |
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Trump corruption Nazi’s and integrity – Dude Talk |
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Trump participates in video call with military officials |
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Trump nimmt Abstand von Vergeltungsdrohungen wegen der iranischen Raketenangriffe und verspricht neue Sanktionen |
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Trump bizarrely brags that he gives up most of his |
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Trump felicita a Kim Jong-un por su Y CULTURA |
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Tổng thống Trump gửi thông điệp chúc mừng sinh nhật cho ông Kim Jong-un |
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Iran’s Missile Launch Against Two US Bases in Iraq Calls Trump’s Bluff |
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Tom Brady walks out of presser after Donald Trump question VIDEO |
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Iran Fires Missiles At US Forces In Iraq President Trump Says “All Is Well!” |
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Will Donald Trump Resign |
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The Legality of the Trump Administration’s Iran Actions |
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Son dakika haber: Erdoğan’ın İncirlik resti ABD’de patladı! Trump da veto etti! |
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US President Trump delivers statement on situation with Iran at the White House in Washington |
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Just 67 more votes for removal trial and Trump may soon become the ex-President! |
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Donald Trump felköszöntötte Kim Dzsong Unt |
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Why Trump Talked Kashmir In His Kabul Talk |
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Front features President Trump’s Portrait |
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Trump Economy Delivers Lowest Unemployment Rate in 50 Years |
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Trump Described By US Intelligence Officials As Willfully Ignorant |
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‘Fake news’ la excusa de Trump ante su retraso con la Reina |
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Countdown: i dazi Trump e il mondo del vino |
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George Lopez’s latest anti-Trump statement is so extreme he could end up in jail |
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At Trump’s First Campaign Rally Of 2020 He Defends Killing Of… |
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Trump claims Qassem Soleimani was plotting to BLOW UP the US embassy in Iraq after days of pressure to explain the ‘imminent threat’ |
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Trump fitili ateşledi! Peş peşe son dakika açıklamaları |
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WiCipedia: Ivanka Trump’s CES Keynote amp Male Bosses Promote Men More |
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Will War Derail Trump’s Reelection – Patrick J Buchanan – Official Website |
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BREAKING: Trump imposes new sanctions on Iran… FULL VIDEO |
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Thế giới 24h: Hạ viện Mỹ ra nghị quyết ngăn Tổng thống Trump tấn công Iran |
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Yes Trump is Worse |
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Trump slams Iran with new sanctions |
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Declaraciones del Presidente Donald Trump |
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Manafort Said Hannity Served as His Trump Backchannel: Docs |
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How Russia saw Trump: ‘A potential asset and an exploitable victim’ |
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The Mentally Ill Liberals Who Blamed Trump for Iranian Plane Crash |
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Trump says forthcoming vape policy may raise age requirement to 21 |
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Trump: ‘Birileri hata yapmış Fuarı’na Bursa İmzası |
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Anuncia Trump cambios a ley ambiental |
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Donald Trump İran uçağı yanlışlıkla düşürmüş olabilir Dünya 22 saat önce |
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Teixeira: Turn Trump Disapproval Into Democratic Votes |
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Top Trump Challenger Made This Campaign Killing Mistake |
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Tras ataque Trump anuncia nuevas sanciones a Irán y niega bajas |
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Chicago Tribune: Pressuring Iran Trump adds diplomacy to deterrence |
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Irán le respondió a Donald Trump tras la amenaza de más ataques |
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Postcard From Kyiv: Trump Ukraine Controversy Raises New Fear Over Russia’s Aggression |
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US House passes resolution to rein in Trump’s war power against Iran |
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Jokes Will Be Used Against You: Florida Security Guard Threatened To Kill Trump In Facebook Live Video |
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St Louis Post-Dispatch: John Bolton’s offer to testify upsets Senate GOP’s plan for Trump’s quick acquittal |
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Trump Backs Away from Threats to Retaliate for Iranian Missile Strikes Promises New Sanctions |
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Teperő Trump uniós húsos fazék búcsúzó britek – brutál év lesz 2020 |
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Press Release: Norton Cites Major Deficiencies in Trump Administration Briefing on Qassem Soleimani… |
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Trump begins re-election campaign in Toledo |
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Trump Afganistan için Yeni Bir Açıklama Yaptı! |
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Trump defende que Irã abra mão de armas nucleares |
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Trump Promises to Crash Terrorists in Africa and Arab Countries |
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Satanás planea la destrucción del Presidente Trump |
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Außenpolitik à la Trump Einmal Sanktionen für alle |
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In the Season of Charity Democratic Candidates Must Stress Need to Defeat Republican Assault on Obamacare ACA Trump Demanding End to Medicaid Expansion Ten Essential Medical Benefits and Ban on Discrimination Against Pre-Existing Conditions Recent Split Decision by Fifth Circuit Striking Down Individual Mandate Shows Grave Danger Trump and Barr Want Packed Supreme Court to Follow Crackpot Texas Ruling Ending Entire Law Partial Insolvency of Medicare Due Midway Through Twenties but Dem Debates Are Mired in Unreality of Ultra-Left Bidding War over Single Payer |
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CBC Removes Donald Trump’s Cameo From “Home Alone 2” |
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Mistakes To Avoid When You Get Fired: Persuasion Scorecard In The Trump-McCabe Feud |
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Presidente Trump: No permitiremos que Irán tenga armas nucleares |
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In Defense of Iran’s terrorist regime Muslim rep Ilhan Omar calls for to stop Trump |
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MEMBERS ONLY: Trump Needs His Shutdown To Last Forever |
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Shock as Trump loyalist bucks prez on war powers5:44 AM |
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Roger Ailes el arquitecto que construyó a Donald Trump |
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Trump: İran’daki uçak yanlışlıkla düşürülmüş olabilir |
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TrumpWatch Day 1085: Trump Trial — Pelosi Stands Firm: There Must Be Witnesses |
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Trump opta por más sanciones económicas tras el ataque de Irán a bases de EEUU |
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Dwelling Approves Measure to Restrain Trump’s Navy Action Against Iran |
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GOP Rep Matt Gaetz explains why he voted for War Powers Resolution despite his ‘love’ for Trump |
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Trump rompe con la Unesco por su continua discrimi |
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Trump praises Danish PM he called ‘nasty’ over Greenland row |
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trump 2020 t shirtTitle |
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Spicer: How Warren’s wine-cave attack on Buttigieg helps Trump |
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Florida Man Charged For Threatening To Kill Trump To Avenge Soleimani |
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GOP Sen Mike Lee Slams Pentagon Iran Briefing: ‘Worst Briefing I’ve Seen’ ‘Unconstitutional’ amp Diplomat Saeed Jalili Mocks Trump By Tweeting Iranian Flag After Attack On US Troops |
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POTUS Trump Tweets… |
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Editorial: After Puerto Rico Earthquake Trump |
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Filha de general morto pelos EUA ameaça Trump com ‘dias revela que em cada dez brasileiros apenas um tem r |
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House votes to rein in Trump on Iran |
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Can Science explain Why Trump |
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Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Report Exonerates President Trump |
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Russians Think Soleimani Was Great and Trump’s a Big Loser |
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President Trump is Correct: It’s Time to Bring NEPA Into the 21st Century |
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TOLEDO Ohio – Président américain Donald Trump fait le meurtre du général iranien Qassem Soleimani … |
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Trump dice que el acuerdo comercial con China podría firmarse poco después del 15 de enero |
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Donald Trump destituido y a juicio |
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House OKs War Powers Resolution to Limit Trump on Iran |
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EEUU: Cámara Baja aprueba resolución para frenar acción militar de Trump contra Irán |
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‘Not Even a Tweet’: Judge Blasts Trump and Lawyer for Sloppy Efforts in E Jean Carroll Case |
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Irán pone precio a la cabeza de Donald Trump |
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Trump Opens Re-election Year at Rally in Ohio |
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Trump’ı protesto etmek için elindeki silahla köprüyü kapatan adamın 6 yıl hapsi istendi |
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Download your Trump Tax Laws Guide |
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İran’da düşen Ukrayna uçağına ilişkin Trump’tan son dakika açıklaması |
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Trump natal chart Can you guess which will be his main challenges Read it here! |
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Trump Supporter Flummoxed By Question |
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Trump empêche à l’Iran de se rendre à l’ONU |
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Bolsonaro faz live para assistir discurso de Trump e critica Lula |
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Cámara de EEUU le pone límites a acción militar de Trump contra Irán |
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Misiles hipersónicos: las armas que anunció Donald Trump para el conflicto con Medio Oriente |
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Donald Trump or Tony Robbins |
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Kampanye Pilpres Trump Banggakan Keberhasilannya Menghabisi Jenderal Iran |
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Activismo y Derechos de Trump pide liberación de José Daniel Ferrer |
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Trump pleit voor vrede en gematigdheid |
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Trump jugando con fuego |
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Trump get tough on Pakistan |
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Carter Page and the Trump/Russia Connection – Revisited |
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Pelosi descarta mantener en el “limbo político” al presidente Trump |
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WATCH LIVE: Trump Addresses Nation Following Iran’s Attack on US Bases in Iraq |
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Crisis PR: Can a Strong CEO Trump Crisis |
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Hundreds protest before Trump is impeached |
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Trump und die Loser |
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A Crushing Revenge will Kick Trump’s Soldiers out of the Region |
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Trey Gowdy on impeachment: ‘There is no mathematical way’ Trump will be convicted and Democrats know it |
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Oil drops below 60 after Trump downplays Iran missile attacks |
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Esta es la razón que esgrimió Trump para matar al general iraní Qasem Soleimani |
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After Mass Shootings Trump says Prosecutions for Firearms Offenses hit Record in 2018 |
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Trump To Hold 1st Campaign Rally Of Election Year In Ohio |
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VIDEO: ‘You Little Pencil Neck’: Trump has rally crowd rolling with mocking quips about Schiff and Pelosi |
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El avión ucraniano se estrelló cuando regresaba al aeropuerto debido a un problema ¿Qué ganará el Gobierno con la venta de Punta Catalina EEUU e Irán retroceden del borde de una posible guerraLos precios de los alimentos tocan máximos en cinco años Velo misterioso envuelve crimen niña en Santiago Miguel Castro: “Ayer pudo ser el último día de mi vida”Justin Bieber revela que padece la enfermedad de Lyme Caen las ventas de pollo en el país debido a rara enfermedadMonseñor Jesús Castro dice muerte de la niña Yanesy evidencia irresponsabilidad de algunos padres Solicitud para anular candidatura Leonel será conocida en TSA Onamet advierte sobre oleaje anormal en las costas habrá lluvias débiles Trump frena la escalada de tensiones con Irán |
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SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 1 |
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Trump obtiene ‘victoria’ legal para construir parte de su muro fronterizo |
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US Home to vote on limiting Trump’s actions in opposition to |
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Trump taciz suçlamasına cevap verdi: Tipim değil |
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Trump Is Close to Committing a Massive War Crime in Afghanistan |
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China wants to negotiate over trade war: Trump |
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Yes President Trump – Moderators Matter: How Moderators Influence the Debate |
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President Donald Trump’s Reelection Campaign is Selling LGBT ‘Pride’ Merchandise |
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Camera Usa vota risoluzione per ridurre poteri di guerra a Trump |
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President Trump becomes third US president to be impeached |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Çin’le ticaret anlaşmasını 15 Ocak’ta imzalayacağız |
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Türkiye’de Trump’a güvenenlerin oranı kaç |
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Cámara de Representantes aprueba limitar la capacidad de Trump de declarar guerra a Irán |
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Proyecto Puente – Trump – Marta Sahagún – EEUU – Irán – Medio Oriente -Insabi – AMLO – 9 de enero |
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Trump Tax Plan Upends Year-End Tax Planning |
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The Christian Case for Donald Trump |
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Judge refuses to throw out lawsuit from columnist who says Trump raped her |
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Soros Praises Trump’s China Policy As ‘Greatest Accomplishment’ |
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Trump’tan infazcı askerlere af! |
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Cardi B says Trump’s decision to kill Soleimani has put Americans’ lives in danger |
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Trump moves closer to the meaning of America First by killing Suliemani |
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South Korea says it sent birthday message from President Trump to Kim Jong Un |
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As Trump’s Impeachment Trial Approaches Bolton Announces He Is Willing to Testify Under Senate Subpoena But Will He Testify in Favor of Trump or Against Him Incorrigible Neocon Warmonger Has Many Reasons to Favor Aggressor Trump! Dems Must Focus on Schumer’s Witness List of Pompeo Mulvaney Blair and Duffey! |
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Këshilla e Donald Trump për suksesin e vajzës që 14 vje |
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House Votes To Limit Trump’s Iran War Powers |
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Trump claims Iranian general was plotting to blow up our embassy before strike |
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Russia’s and Trump’s actions hurt Ukraine |
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Twin Court Rulings Buoy Construction of Trump’s Border Wall |
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Trump hace campaña en templo evangélico hispano en medio de juicio político |
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Trump discusses campaign tactics during Ohio rally |
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Tổng thống Trump không có nhiều lựa chọn khi chế tài thêm Iran |
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Trump y Kim se han reunido tres veces desde junio de 2018 pero no se ha registrado un avance |
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Slowenischer Trump brennt lichterloh |
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Trump Draft Dodger Shirts |
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Trump: Changes needed in NEPA |
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Trump’s lies do stack up |
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Economists: Trump Set for a 2020 Electoral College Landslide |
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EDITORIAL: Of course war with Iran is intended as a ‘nifty distraction’ from his crimes Everything Trump does is… |
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Trump’tan Yahudilere Servetiniz için bana oy vereceksiniz |
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TRUMP AT HIS FINEST: Iran is right where we want them |
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Trump reportedly ‘furious’ some House |
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Trump felicita a Kim Jong-un en su cumpleaños como gesto de distensión pese al contradictorias: Atlético no recibió un pedido de Colón por Bianchi |
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Trump Wishes North Korea’s Kim a Happy Birthday |
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House Passes War Powers Resolution In Effort To Restrict Trump’s Actions Against Iran |
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Trump contra Persia |
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Warum lebt Trump immer noch |
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Army to consider returning award to Matthew Golsteyn soldier pardoned by Trump |
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Trump Tower Residence |
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Tulsi Gabbard Calls Trump’s Foreign Policy “Impulsive Short-Sighted Erratic” |
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Trump s’exprime après les frappes iraniennes : «Nos missiles sont gros et puissants» |
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Kongressen: Trump kan ikke gå til krig uten godkjennelse – Latterlig svarte han |
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Donald Trump Interview |
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Edo Taskforce assures continued support for returnee Trump approves new sanctions against Iran |
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Trump împuterniciri limitate privind operațiunile militare |
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Donald Trump odstupio od nove vojne akcije protiv Irana ali ne odustaje od novih sankcija |
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Trump and Obama congratulate- US golf legend Tiger Woods |
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Trump Speaking Live in Ohio |
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9:01 AM – Irán se muestra escéptico ante el tono conciliador de Trump debido a las sanciones |
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Brit Press Reports Iraqi PM Claim That Trump Set-Up Soleimani For the Kill |
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Trump: Eravamo pronti a reagire a missili Teheran |
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Trump avoids escalation says Iran ‘standing down’ |
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Breaking News: President Donald Trump Given The Go Ahead To Build World’s Largest Wall Ever |
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‘Fase dois’ do acordo EUA-China ocorreria após eleições diz Trump |
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Turkish President Erdogan says he ‘can’t overlook’ Trump’s letter |
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Donald Trump avait-il le droit d’agir unilatéralement pour éliminer Soleimani |
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EEUU: Cámara baja lamita las acciones de Trump en el tema Irán |
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Trump’tan ‘İdlib’ açıklaması: Türkiye katliamı durdurmaya çalışıyor |
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US judge in Hawaii puts emergency halt on Trump’s new travel ban |
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Xi calls Trump to urge restraint over North Korea: Chinese leader pleads with President to avoid ‘exacerbating’ nuclear tensions after warning that US armed forces are ‘locked and loaded’ |
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Trey Gowdy: Democrats Have Devious Plan With Impeachment Goal Is Not To Remove Trump click to see stats |
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Oficialmente hay juicio político contra Trump // VIVO |
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Yes Trump will possibly survive impeachment |
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Trump will possibly survive impeachment |
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Pourquoi Trump a-t-il donné l’ordre de tuer le général iranien Soleimani |
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Les Brigandes – One more time with Donnie song for Trump |
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Followed Trump’s Order – DOJ investigate |
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‘So far so good’ Trump says after Iran fires missiles at US facilities in Iraq |
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Firing Back at ABC Reporter for ‘Deceptive’ Question About the Middle East President Trump Hits the Point on Endless Foreign Wars and the Kurds |
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Dhoma e Përfaqësuesve bllokon Trump/ Kalon masën që pengon përdorimin e ushtrisë në sot 10 Janar 2020 – Zhvillimet në tregjet globale dhe tregun lokal |
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Tiêu điểm phiên Mỹ 08/01 – Thị trường “nín thở” chờ ông Trump |
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Two years after Trump’s tax reform middle-class incomes aren’t keeping up |
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‘I don’t want your money or fameI want your soul’: How Donald Trump’s faith advisor won favour with the US President |
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Andrew P BakajWhistleblower’s Lawyer Bio Wiki Age Education Career Wife Daughter Suspension Investigation Anonymous Client Trump Impeachment |
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Joe Biden despre Trump: „Incompetent periculos Nimeni nu vrea război dar putem ajunge acolo |
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Trump Acusa a Obama de Darle a Irán el Dinero que Pagó por el Ataque con Misiles Sin Evidencia |
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Kremlin posts readout of Trump-Putin call |
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Why are there so few stories about Trump’s health and sexual harassment scandals |
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Vote NO! on Trump |
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Netanyahu: Trump Should Be Congratulated for Targeting Soleimani |
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Sorry Democrats There Is A Trump Doctrine And It’s A Good One |
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Trump anunció “poderosas sanciones” económicas contra Irán |
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10 câu nói truyền cảm hứng của tân Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump |
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UNESCO’dan Trump’un ’52 hedef belirledik’ tweetine uyarı |
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Trump Surrenders To Pelosi On SOTU But For How Long |
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NATOME – L’idea spiazzante di Trump per rianimare l’Alleanza Atlantica di G Belardelli |
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Princeton professor and MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude Jr called President Trump the “manifestation of the ugliness that’s in us” in a monologue delivered Monday on MSNBC |
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Donald Trump Tells Iranian Terrorists to ‘Bring It’ US Won’t Yield for Terror |
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Langworthy: President Trump is under attack |
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Ask the Mayor Trump to Phase Out Climate Change Laws How the Trumps and the Kushners Got to the White House |
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Trump: Solejmani planifikonte ta sulmojë Ambasadën e SHBA-së në Bagdad |
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Trump arremete contra 85 reglas medioambientales hasta hoy |
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WOW!… Pete Buttigieg Accuses Trump and US of Role in Shooting Down Ukrainian Plane in Iran! — Go to Hell Pete! |
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GOP senator says Iran briefing so ‘insulting’ he’ll vote to curb Trump |
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Trump trashes Adam Schiff during Ohio rally |
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Statement: Trump administration undermines key protections in bedrock environmental law |
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Trump Makes Border Wall Breakthrough – Finds Solution In Texas |
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Whistleblower zum FBI: Kredite der Deutschen Bank an Trump waren abgesegnet durch |
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Trump in regional talks with Netanyahu |
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BREAKING: Dow Jones just broke a new record and Trump loves it! |
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Trump Blamed in Two Mass Shootings |
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177 US evangelical leaders complain about Christian magazine’s editorial against Trump |
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Trump Admin Says It Will Back ‘Voluntary Standards’ By Driverless Technologists |
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Donald Trump affirme que l’Iran semble avoir reculé |
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Trump criticizes Twitter in tweet urges ‘fairer’ social media |
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The Trump administration announces additional sanctions against Iran |
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PELOSI WRONG AGAIN! Iraq Is Covered by the AUMF – Trump Has Authorization to Call Strikes in Iraq |
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Trump Takes Group Six |
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Trump Administration Planning 14 Million Acre Expansion Of Hunting And Fishing In Wildlife Refuges |
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CIA en crise: L’ère numérique va tuer et les États-Unis reculent devant une guerre totale donnant une victoire à Trump |
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Nancy Pelosi accused of using ‘delaying tactics’ with Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in Senate |
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Uncovered-Iranian woman praises Trump attacks Leftists amp media for mourning a terrorist who murdered thousands of people |
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Benghazi Denier Susan Rice Claims Trump Spread ‘Vicious Lies’ on Obama’s Iran Deal |
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Trump is 100 On His Game |
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Pentagon Tolak Pernyataan Trump Soal Serang Situs Iran |
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Trump impeachment: McConnell can start trial delay on witnesses |
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Chứng khoán Mỹ vượt đỉnh cao nhất mọi thời đại Tổng thống Donald Trump đăng tweet ăn mừng |
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Trump’s Proposed European Tariffs Would Be Terrible for People Who Like Good Wine and American Jobs |
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Creep of the Week: Donald Trump |
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President Trump Speeds Up Infrastructure Permitting with NEPA Reform |
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VIDEO Trump nu știa în 2015 cine era Qasem Soleimani Liderul… |
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Baisse du taux de cancer : Trump se fait reprendre par un spécialiste après une déclaration |
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Sen Graham: Pelosi has no evidence against Trump and is violating the Constitution by stalling |
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Nick Martin: Trump finds a new way to lick the boot of the fossil fuel industry |
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លោក Donald Trump F-35A… |
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Crash aérien à Téhéran: Trump fait part de ses doutes |
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WATCH LIVE: President Trump Hosts First ‘Keep America Great’ Rally of 2020 |
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Presiden Erdogan : “Saya Tegaskan pada Putin dan Trump Turki Tidak |
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Trump’a arkadaşça öğütler |
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Here Is Another Trump Financial Crime While The Media Chases War Video |
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Cutremur în Orientul Mijlociu! Planul lui Trump pentru rezolvarea conflictelor în zonă |
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Washington prepares for Donald Trump’s big moment |
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Democratic lawmakers criticize Trump administration policy after Soleimani targeting |
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Trump impeachment: Pelosi continues to frustrate Republicans as she puts next step on hold live – The Guardian |
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Trump’s Pompous Speech Goes in Wrong Direction Unrealistically Demanding More Economic Sanctions and Expanded Role for NATO in Iraq All Set in Context of 58 Sniffles Slurred Speech and Ignorant Malapropisms! |
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President Trump hosts first ‘Keep America Great’ rally of 2020 |
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Iran illustrates why we have a president War Powers Resolution ties Trump’s hands |
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Trump urged to keep America in Paris Agreement for health’s sake |
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Ông Trump ký ban hành dự luật ngân sách giúp chính phủ tránh phải ‘đóng cửa’ |
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¡GRAVE! Trump advierte que crisis en Venezuela podría tomar “mucho más tiempo para resolverse” Video |
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‘Seriously looking’ to end birthright citizenship: Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump sugerează că Soleimani încerca să arunce în aer ambasada SUA |
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Three Ukrainian Officials Swear Under Oath that Ukraine Interfered in the 2016 US Election Against Donald Trump VIDEO |
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Trump Turns to Those He Has Scorned for Help on Iran |
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Trump’s troubling overhaul of the federal courts |
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Pojedynek reklamowy Trump-Bloomberg podczas Super Bowl |
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Benghazi Hero Says Trump’s Decisive Action Would Have Saved His Team |
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My Thoughts on the MSM Getting President Trump Elected and Then Some |
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Donald Trump says he should have won Nobel Peace Prize not Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed |
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Trump Threatens Veto After Missing Key PFAS Drinking Water Deadline |
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Awoodaha militari ee Trump oo la xadiday |
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Shock as Trump loyalist buck president over war powers |
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Ilhan Omar labels Trump’s new Iran sanctions as ‘economic warfare’ demands similar measures against |
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La Cámara baja aprueba limitar acciones militares de Trump contra Irán |
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Trump Responds to Iran’s Act of War |
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Câmara prosseguirá com impeachment de Trump |
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We can’t let Trump’s belligerence undermine the climate fight |
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Lindsey Graham: If Iran Defies Trump He Will Destroy their Economy |
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Trump Transactionalism Writ Large: The Soleimani Assassination and the Letter |
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House Approves Measure to Rein in Trump on patches Firefox zero-day reported by Qihoo 360 |
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Trump aims to weaken prime environmental law |
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Eins zu null für Trump Ein Kommentar von US-Korrespondent Roland Nelles |
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Interview with Dr Sharifullah Dorani on American Foreign Policy under the Trump Presidency |
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Congress must hold Trump accountable |
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Trump Süleymani’nin neden öldürüldüğünü açıkladı! |
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Suleimani Assassination: President Trump is Leading America Toward War Without End in the Middle East |
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Which Elton John song did President Donald Trump use to nickname North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un |
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Trump : Iran Tunduk Setelah Serang Pangkalan Militer Amerika Serikat |
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Duda Trump que avionazo en Teherán haya sido accidente |
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All is well: Trump after Iran launches missile attacks at US bases in Iraq |
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Rowan University takes position against Trump’s immigration ban |
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As A Candidate Trump Lauded American Workers Now He Ignores Them |
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Poll: World skeptical Trump will do right in |
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Trump erkänner klimatförändringar |
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“Tengo mis sospechas”: Trump insinúa supuesto error de Irán al… |
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Venezuela I vescovi appoggiano la pagliacciata di Guaidò a beneficio degli Usa Arreaza: Trump prenda atto della sconfitta |
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Trump Was Impeached Will He Ever Be Convicted |
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Twitter has theories why Trump slurred words and ‘sniffed 58 times in FOUR MINUTES’ during Iran address |
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Trump suggested nuking hurricanes: Report |
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Sau Trung Quốc Tổng thống Trump sẽ nhắm đến nước nào tại châu Á |
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A hosszú és egészséges élet titka egyszerűbb mint megéri Trump felvetette a NATO kibővítését közel-keleti országokkal új nevet is különbségen alapszik a gyöngyöspatai jogvita |
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Trump’s critics are damaging US institutions: WaPo Op-Ed |
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Trump Tech and Trade |
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By Doing Trump Awards Claremont National Humanities Medal |
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Mike Pence Stands Up To Republican Rebel – Declares That President Donald Trump Prevented Imminent Attack |
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Trump’s Been Impeached Now What |
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How Trump’s lies may cost him during the Iran saga |
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In related news media reports say that Trump told people that he had watched Carlson’s Fox News show Buzzfeed calls him “an influential voice for anti-interventionism” and “it had affected Trump’s view on the Iran situation” |
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Investigation into Hillary Clinton pushed by Trump comes up empty after two years: report |
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Trump’tan İran açıklaması |
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Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri |
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Bitcoin’in fiyatı ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın dünkü İran saldırısına ilişkin yumuşak tondaki açıklamalarının ardından düşüşe geçti |
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DPR AS Hadang Trump Berperang dengan Iran |
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Trump is thinking of sending troops to Venezuela |
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Donald Trump bei UFC 244: US-Präsident wird erneut ausgebuht – GMXAT |
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Security Risks: Why President Trump is Right Not to Trust Adam Schiff or the House Intelligence Committee |
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Trump in talks with Netanyahu over Iran |
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Has President Trump Prepared The US Military For Whatever Comes Next |
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Trump Layangkan Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun pada Kim Jong-un |
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BREAKING: US Actor Accepts Iran’s 80 Million Bounty To Kill Trump |
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SNL: Kicks Off Season 45 With Star-Studded Mockery of Trump’s Impeachment |
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First Lady Of The United States Melania Trump Visits The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage In Kenya VIDEO |
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Leia na íntegra o discurso do presidente Donald Trump sobre o Irã |
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Secret Service Now Responding to Latest Mar-a-Lago Security Causes Twitter Uproar by Offering to Assassinate Trump for ‘Half Price’ |
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Fundraiser For Illinois Democrat Featured Mock Trump Execution… |
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Trump and His Associates Had More Than 100 Contacts With Russians Before the Inauguration |
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FACT-CHECK: Can The Supreme Court Extend Trump’s Term By 3 Years If He’s Acquitted In The Senate |
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Cameroun: Tibor Nagy le «Monsieur Afrique» de Donald Trump a reçu Maurice Kamto le principal opposant à Paul Biya |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua Nghị quyết ngăn Tổng thống Donald Trump phát động chiến tranh với Iran |
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Republicаn Nаtionаl Committee spent neаrly 100K on Donаld Trump Jr’s book: report |
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Trump’tan İran’a gözdağı O silahları çekinmeden kullanırız |
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US President Donald Trump press conference |
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Iraque: o erro de Soleimani e o desastre de Trump |
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Judge Denies Trump Effort to Stop Columnist Defamation Suit |
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Trump’tan bomba gibi iddia! Ukrayna uçağı |
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Anti-Trump activists drum up ‘Impeach Trump’ rallies across the US |
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Now Trump Blames Google for Spreading Fake News |
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Trump celebró decisión judicial que le permite construir el muro… |
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Al-Baghdadi Takedown: Trump Okays Special Ops Raid Multi-Video |
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Cardi B Threatens To File For Nigerian Citizenship After Trump Made |
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Dow Tops 29000 Trump Says “Best Is Yet To Come” |
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Trump’s Order to Kill Soleimani Helps ‘Reestablish Deterrence:’ Petraeus |
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Tổng thống Trump tiết lộ về âm mưu thổi bay Đại sứ quán Mỹ khiến ông ra quyết định trảm tướng Iran |
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Quand Guy Joao a été pris pour Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès c’était “de la Abdeslam a raconté sa nuit du 13 novembre à ses Chambre adopte une résolution bridant les pouvoirs militaires de Trump contre l’Iran |
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Trump se vante d’avoir fait baisser le taux de cancer et se fait recadrer |
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El discurso de Trump calmó las tensiones con Irán y se registran máximos históricos en Wall Street |
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It is Bigger than Burisma and the Bidens Trump Knows |
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House Passes Resolution To Limit Trump’s War Powers Against Iran |
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Grassroots help raise record 1 billion for Democratic candidates to oust Trump |
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Usvojena rezolucija kojom se Trump ograničava u vojnim akcijama protiv Irana |
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Restoran Kanibal: Menu Daging Pemakzulan Trump Menguat Karena Pembunuhan Soleimani |
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Trump Cites Plot to ‘Blow up’ US Embassy as Element in Decision to Kill Soleimani |
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TrumpWatch Day 1085: Trump Trial ̵ |
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S Korea conveys Trump’s birthday message to Kim Jung Un |
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Kann Trump den Sumpf des Schattenstaates trockenlegen |
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House Votes to Restrain Trump’s Iran War Powers |
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Trump’s takedown of Soleimani has Iran utterly off its evil game |
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Make Dog Toys Great Again With The Realistic Looking Trump Dog Squeaker Toy |
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La estrategia de Donald Trump frente a Irán se mantiene inalterable |
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Chính quyền Donald Trump chơi đẹp cân nhắc gia hạn miễn thuế 34 tỷ USD hàng Trung Quốc |
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The Latest: Trump urges preparation for ‘monster’ storm |
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Cámara Baja reivindica autoridad ante acciones de Trump en Irán |
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Trump felicita a Kim Jong-un en su cumpleaños como gesto de distensión pese al distanciamiento |
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President Donald Trump tells cheering evangelicals the Iranian general’s is over |
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16:54 – Trump verlängert Iran-Sanktionen |
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TU-leserne tror på mer Trump mer vindkraft flere kabler og nye oljefunn i 2020 |
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Trump prácticamente le declaró la guerra a actual |
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TT Trump gửi lời chúc mừng sinh nhật ông Kim Jong-un |
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Trump’s World ASEAN50: Op-eds and Lectures |
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US-Iran crisis Who is Trump’s Swiss postman in Tehran |
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Anti Trump Anti Nazi Anti Fascist |
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Bebek Trump balonu ABD-Meksika sınırında havalandı |
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Irán strieľal aby netrafil A Trump to pochopil19 932 |
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10pcs/lot Newest Unique verson 45th America presidnet Trump 100 dollars |
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Ex-DOJ official: Trump was ‘vulnerable’ to foreign intelligence |
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Wird Kaliforniens Anstieg von erneuerbare Energien durch Trump gestoppt |
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Roseanne Barr stood up for President Trump and what she said is making liberals absolutely furious |
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ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Trump’ın azil sürecini onayladı |
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Cámara baja le “enseña los dientes” a Trump y exige límites en el caso Irán |
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Trump declines to formally address the nation following Iran attack |
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Jeff Sessions: Trump’s devil in the bed – view |
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Trump Quotes Soundboard |
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Trump: katastrofa ukraińskiego boeinga mogła być pomyłką Iran zaprzecza |
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Judge sentences ex-Trump campaign aide Gates to probation and 45 days in jail |
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MARK ‘OZ’ GEIST: I was at Benghazi and Trump would have saved our team |
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Trump: US to Leave Syria ‘Very Soon’ to Let Others Take Care of It |
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President Trump Calls On Republicans To Stand Up To Pelosi After She Takes Authoritarian Action |
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Tensions with Trump over Iran expose concerns about the role of Congress in making war |
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Santa Claus na Twitterze Trump vs Rothschild |
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Trump envía mensaje al presidente norcoreano Kim Jong Un en su cumpleaños |
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Case for Impeachment Grows Stronger After Pelosi Pause: Trump’s Role in Blocking Aid to Ukraine Proven Beyond Doubt by Just Security Emails Trump Knew or Should Have Known Impoundment Was Illegal After August Warnings from Pompeo Esper and Bolton US Corporate Media in Awe of Suleimani Cable Networks Swoon for State Funeral in Tehran |
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Facebook Quietly Made a Ton of Updates Hours After Trump Got Impeached |
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Hunting For The Truth In Media Coverage Of Donald Trump Jr |
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JPSUV convocó a estudiantes a movilizarse este 21 de Nov en defensa de la de Representantes de EEUU limita capacidad de Trump para emprender acciones militares contra Irán |
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La nueva guerra de Trump contra Irán |
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Wiki Favorite Things Spiritual amp Political Trump – Full Biography Of Donald Trump’s Daughter |
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Blowback From The Soleimani Assassination Increases As Iraq Reveals How Trump Tried To Steal Its |
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Trump Obviously Thinks He Doesn’t Need Medical Cannabis Users As Voters For 2020 |
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Will President Trump’s Impeachment Turn Financial Markets Upside Down |
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Trump felicita a líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un… |
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CAIR ‘Appalled’ by Appointment of Trump’s New Acting National Security Adviser Who Served on Board of Anti-Muslim Hate Trends Impacting the Mining Industry 2019 Report |
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El presidente estadounidense Donald Trump deseó un feliz cumpleaños al líder norcoreano Kim Jong Un en un momento en que las Juez brasileño ordena a Netflix que retire del aire una sátira natalina sobre Jesús |
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Dünyanın gözünü diktiği İran saldırısıyla ilgili Donald Trump’tan ilk açıklama |
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Trump: Soleimani was looking to blow up US embassy |
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In Peach Donald Trump! |
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As a Democrat and impeachment supporter I want Pelosi to let Trump’s Senate trial begin |
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You’ll Never Look at Fox News the Same After You See This Poll About Trump |
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Trade Talks Episode 117: Trump’s Import Tariffs Have Hurt US Exports |
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Blocked: Knight Institute Fractures Trump’s Twitter Shield |
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Three Republicans Cross Party Lines to Vote for Resolution to Limit Trump’s Military Actions Against Iran |
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Trump Loses Bid to Dismiss Rape Accuser’s Defamation Lawsuit in New York |
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Trump administration tightens regulations on electronic cigarettes bans flavor |
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LIBERAL’S PANIC: Trump’s Ninth Circuit Court |
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Small donations to The Grayzone were delayed and reversed by PayPal because they mentioned the word “Iran” in messages praising our coverage of the US conflict At the same time Facebook censored a factual Grayzone video reporting on Hezbollah Iran and Trump |
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Trump’tan Türkiye’ye yaptırımlara onay |
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Trump Only Pulled the Trigger |
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Trump steps back from new military action against Iran |
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Trump anuncia que las nuevas sanciones contra Irán ya están vigentes |
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Trump reportedly told associates he killed Qassem Soleimani to appease GOP senators before his impeachment trial |
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At Trump’s First Campaign Rally Of 2020 He Defends Killing Of |
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Trump afirma que Irã está ‘se acalmando’ e que… |
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Trump fails to follow through on a promised flavored liquid ban |
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Trump pitches major environmental rule changes to aid private projects Utah Rep Lee praises plan |
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FEATURE: Clock ticking for once-vast island in the Brahmaputra US to boost its Asia cyberforce Tensions flare in French pension protests N Ireland draft published Puerto Rico government seeks earthquake aid Muslim militants kill 25 soldiers in Niger attack Court ruling in US paves way for wall work by company World News Quick Take Singapore party files suit over misinformation law German ‘preschool Picasso’ shaking up the world of art Scientists optimistic about using fake rubber hands feces to help treat OCD Plane crash in Iran prompts questions Standoff over the Trump impeachment deepens Rocket part starts out on Mississippi journey Japan seeks Ghosn return after he defends his escape Brexit changes the conversation over Ireland: Sinn Fein World News Quick Take |
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Trump’s Golfing Has Cost Taxpayers 296 Years Of Presidential Salary Video |
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7 Stocks to Buy That Trump’s Tax Cut Truly Rewarded |
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Trump pide a potencias mundiales romper acuerdo nuclear con Irán |
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Shadowy Big Tech Group Raising 100 Million Warchest to Beat Trump |
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Sentinel-2’s response to Trump’s Election |
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Donald Trump Calls Adam Schiff ‘Little Pencil Neck’ At Ohio Rally |
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Trump says ICE will deport millions of undocumented immigrants |
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Trump responds to Iranian missile strikes with new economic sanctions |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua nghị quyết mới ngăn Tổng thống Trump gây chiến với Iran |
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Trump afirma que impondrá sanciones contra el regimen irani tras ataques |
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18 Very Attractive Ivanka Trump Hairstyles |
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Trump Signs Law To Lower The Age Of Consensual Sex To 13 Years Of Age |
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Donald Trump Faces Rape Charges From Woman Who Said He Raped Her In A Dressing Room |
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Donald Trump e la guerra del vino: danni anche per il |
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Donald Trump Temporarily Bans Immigration from 7 Muslim Countries |
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The Deep State Trump amp Democracy Why your vote never really matters |
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Ketegangan AS-Iran: Kekuatan Perang Apa yang Dimiliki Trump |
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WATCH LIVE: Trump Addresses Nation Following Iran’s Attack on US Bases in Iraq |
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Awoodaha Milateri ee trump oo la xadidayyaase xadiday |
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Iran Puppet Master: Mike Pompeo Talked Trump Into Killing Soleimani – Reports |
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Trump’s Tariffs Cost US Companies 46 Billion to Date Data Shows |
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Trump Faces Swift Backlash for Killing Soleimani as Iraqi Parliament Votes to Expel US Troops |
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US envoy Bill Taylor testifies Trump tied Ukraine aid to Biden DNC investigations – Axios |
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Commander Of Iran’s Quds Force Killed In A US Air Strike Ordered By President Trump – Pentagon Confirms |
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Trump Must Face Rape Accuser Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit |
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Como magnate de bienes raíces y político Donald Trump siempre ha querido romper las reglas y dar un espectáculo Ahora en el caso de Irán sigue el mismo patrón solo que esta vez como comandante en jefe de la mayor fuerza militar del mundo |
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LIVE NOW: President Trump Addresses The Nation After Iran Launches Ballistic Missiles |
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Trump Logo |
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Trump Claims Credit For Drop In Cancer Deaths No Way Says |
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Recaudación de la campaña de reelección de Trump supera a la de los demócratas |
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Reason Donald Trump’s second wife divorced him |
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US-Iran war: Trump tones down war rhetoric announces more ‘punishing International College selects Blackboard Open LMS to support online teaching |
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WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING: With Iran Trump adds diplomacy to deterrence |
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US House votes to curb Trump’s war powers on Iran |
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Elizabeth Warren Shuts Down Meghan McCain’s Defense of Trump on Iran |
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Steve Schmidt: Trump is spilling American blood in bid to get re-elected in 2020 |
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Iran vs US: Real Reason Trump Assassinated Soleimani |
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Trump Irán y la guerra |
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As A Candidate Trump Lauded American Workers Now He Ignores Them By Ted Millar 2 |
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Trump Administration had Set a Trap for Soleimani |
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Jueza de Nueva York frena medida de Donald Trump contra ciudadanos musulmanes de siete países |
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Trump-Kim Talks A Flop Kim Says North Korea’s New Weapon Is His Father’s Legacy |
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Trump Vows Never to Allow Iran to get Nuclear Weapons |
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Pro-Trump ‘journalist’: That red shoe in Tom Hanks’ movie was actually made out of ‘baby skin’ |
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Frappes iraniennes en Irak : la mise en garde de Trump |
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Statement: PennEnvironment criticizes President Trump’s visit to pro-fracking Shale Insight conference |
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Trump cites plot to ‘blow up’ US embassy as element in decision to kill Soleimani |
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Trump autoriza nuevas sanciones contra Irán en medio de fuertes tensiones con… |
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Trump Threatens Afghan Armageddon |
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Trump: «Mientras sea presidente de EEUU a Irán no se le… |
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Trump: Soleimani „chtěl vyhodit do povětří naši ambasádu“ |
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Oil Jumps on Christmas Eve as Russia Trump Rehash Deal Talks By Investingcom |
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Follow us on Instagram Reasons Why Every Christian Should Vote to Re-Elect President Trump |
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Trump’s mixed messages on Iran |
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Muslims in Sweden Beat TV Chef For Crime of Looking ‘Like Mr Trump’ |
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Trump’s Contempt for Democracy Has Reached New Depths During the Iran Crisis |
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Corporate Media Pushing Big Lie of Trump’s “Booming Economy” Wall Street Bubble Depends on Stock Buy-Backs Funded by 2017 GOP Tax Scam Yearend Fed Injection of 500 Billion in to Repo Market Is Basis of New Highs Doctored Unemployment Statistics Hide Labor Force Participation of Just 63 Suggesting Real Jobless Above 20 Any January Wage Hikes Will Come Thanks to Fight for Fifteen by Unions Not GOP Largesse The Strange Case of Medicare-Medicaid Administrator Seema Verma Pence’s Austerity Enforcer Who Wants Taxpayers to Replace Her Lost Jewels! |
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เกาะติด!!! คือใคร ตรวจพบการปลดปล่อย มวลโคโรนา เมื่อทรัมป์ ‘ตะเบ๊ะ’ เรียกร้องสหรัฐฯ “ตัดสินใจอย่างฉลาด” “อาเบะ – ‘ทรัมป์’ โดนัลด์ ทรัมป์ Donald Trump แห่งสหรัฐฯ ผู้ป่วย ‘มะเร็งเต้านม’ – นักศึกษาหด |
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Lincoln Project Statement on Trump’s Impeachment |
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Pompeo allegedly convinced Trump to assassinate Soleimani |
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Will Trump turn Iraq into a full-blown enemy |
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US Border Arrests Drop as Trump Administration Turns Focus to Mexicans |
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Có gì đáng đọc trong cuốn sách “Nuôi dạy con Trump” của vợ cả tổng thống Mỹ |
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Trump campaign launches website to help supporters win arguments with liberal relatives |
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Iran Warns That Israel Will Be Bombed If Trump Responds To The Missile Attack On US Bases In Iraq |
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Simba vs Yanga maandalizi yakamilika vingilio Trump anataka vita bunge linamgomea |
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Israel and Trump’s Executive Order Killing Free Speech |
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Why Duterte can’t commit to Trump invite |
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Gab Critiques Supposed Plan to Move Trump From Twitter to Parler |
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Majority of Americans unhappy with Trump’s handling of Iran |
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Unknown Facts about Melania Trump |
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Appeals Court Hands Trump A Major Immigration Victory — Another 36 Billion Freed Up To Build The Wall |
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Justin Trudeau Donald Trump y Boris Johnson dice que un misil iraní estuvo detrás del accidente en Teherán el miércoles |
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Las políticas migratorias de Donald Trump |
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Trump made Ukraine aid contingent on public pledge to investigate Bidens and 2016 election US envoy says he was told |
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Trump felicita cumpleaños a Kim Jong-un en muestra de simpatía pese a los roces |
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La irónica Política Comercial de Trump |
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Trump: 3 milyon göçmen sınır dışı edilecek |
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Trump Statement after Iran Attack on US Troops Bases |
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Trump Kral Selman ile görüştü |
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Perang AS – Iran Dimulai Kepala Trump Bernilai Rp11 Islam |
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Trump propose new African visa ban in 2020 |
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Utah Sen Mike Lee fumes over ‘worst’ military briefing ever favors limits on Trump Submitted By Stephen Fox |
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Feds say Florida security guard threatened Trump over Iranian’s death |
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Ilhan Omar Says that President Trump Triggers Her PTSD |
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Trump se reúne con secretarios de Estado y de Defensa después de ataque iraní |
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Letter: Don’t get fooled by Donald Trump |
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Beyaz Saray alarmda! Trump’tan ilk açıklama |
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Grotesque Liberal Academic Elites Falsely Trash Trump at Nadler’s Ridiculous Hearing–I am Outraged ! |
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Poroşenko ve Trump BM’de pişti oldu |
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Army general denies request by officer pardoned by Trump |
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Donald Trump faces a trial in the US Senate |
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House Votes to Limit Trump’s Military Action Against Iran Without Congressional Approval |
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Trump Threatens Iranian Cultural Sites |
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Ethiopia – People of Addis Ababa about Donald Trump |
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Letter: Trump haters should not focus on words |
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Dump Trump |
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In Search Of The Next “Trump’s African-American” |
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In Nov 2019 NY Appeals Court Has Determined That Trump Must Turn Over His Tax Records |
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Why Trump must get ready for |
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Ofrecen 80 millones de dólares por la cabeza de Trump |
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Gönül Tol: “Süleymani’nin öldürülmesi Trump’ın çerçevesinden baktığımızda şaşırtıcı bir karar değil” |
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The Supreme Court is About to Give Trump One Win That Has Chuck Schumer Seeing Red |
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Amazon denuncia que presiones de Trump le costaron contrato con el Pentágono |
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Mecidiyeköy Trump Towers Metro-Metrobüs Bağlantı Yolları Tünel Altgeçit |
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Appeals Court Allows Trump To Divert 36B In Military Funds For Border Wall |
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“The First Amendment and President Trump” |
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The impeachment charges against US President Donald Trump |
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Trump says US-China commerce deal might be signed on January 15 |
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Trump: Soleimani progettava di far esplodere l’ambasciata Usa a Baghdad |
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Iberyjskie media: Trump zdecydowanie ograł Iran |
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Czego chce Trump z Iranem |
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Trump’tan ilk açıklama: |
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Bursele americane au atins maxime record după discursul lui Donald Trump despre situaţia din Iran Investitorii aşteaptă un acord comercial Beijing – Washington |
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Trump’s Deadly Message to Iran’s Terrorist Regime |
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McConnell’s Senate Confirms 12 More Trump-Appointed Federal Judges Video |
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Mainstream media spread Trump’s misinformation from his environmental deregulation event |
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Yes absolutely! Fasting does not trump any previous or current health conditions and medications If medications need to be taken 12 hours apart and with food please do so—we can modify the fasting schedule as needed |
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Cámara de Representantes votará resolución para limitar poderes militares de Trump |
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Coopération sénégalo-américaine : Les engagements de Trump |
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Chance of Trump removal sinks to 12 a ‘new low’ |
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US President Donald Trump on Thursday said he supported expanding the North American Treaty Organi… |
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Bộ quốc phòng Mỹ trao hợp đồng dịch vụ đám mây 10 tỉ USD cho Microsoft Amazon bị Trump “hất cẳng” |
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Home Alone: With Donald Trump |
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US ‘locked and loaded’ to respond to Saudi oil attack says Trump |
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In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics” Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and Presidency |
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For the record Obama and Biden are the ones who screwed over Ukraine not Trump |
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Erdoğan-Trump görüşmesine saatler kala ABD’den skandal açıklama! |
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Noticias de Venezuela★★MADURO amenaza ARSENAL guerra pero Trump lo enfrenta con mensaje enigmático |
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Trump Jr backs Mo Brooks’ concern over Dem members of Congress leaking classified info |
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Hamaney’den Trump’a mesaj! |
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Trump के बयान से शेयर बाजार में राहतसेंसेक्स 375 निफ्टी 115अंक ऊपर1000am |
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Americans Should Stand And Applaud President Trump For Changing The Course Of History |
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False Belief: Iraq Is Satisfy With Their Response to Trump’s Assassination |
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Amerikan Arkeoloji Enstitüsü’nden Trump’a Kınama |
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Trump Fails in Attempt to Dismiss Rape Accuser’s Lawsuit |
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Donald Trump Tak Akan Biarkan Iran Punya Senjata Nuklir |
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Kobe Bryant Hosts ‘Just Mercy’ Community Screening Killed My Leader’: Florida Man Chauncy Lump Arrested for Threatening Trump on Facebook Live |
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Donald Trump Vows To Hit 52 Iranian Sites After Announcement Of 35 Americans Targeted For Retaliatory Attacks Over General Soleimani’s Death |
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Secretario de Estado de Trump “Mi Fé en Jesucristo hace la diferencia en la |
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How Trump’s Trade War Went From 18 Products to 10000 |
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Trump at Ohio rally says Democrats would have leaked Soleimani attack plans |
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İran’dan Trump’a ‘tokatlı’ mesaj! |
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Beyaz Saray: Erdoğan ve Trump görüştü |
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Opinion: Why Trump’s tweets really have no control over stock prices |
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South Korea says it shared Trump birthday message with Kim Jong Un |
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Assault risk: Iran condemns Trump as ‘terrorist in a go well with’ |
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WATCH: Trump says ‘Highly likely’ Iran downed Ukrainian jetliner |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump NATO Genel Sekreteri Jens Stroltenberg ile NATO’nun Orta Doğu’daki süreçlere daha fazla mampu |
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İran’ın saldırısının ardından ABD Başkanı Trump’tan kritik açıklamalar |
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Trump pitches major environmental rule changes to aid private projects Utah |
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Trump says someone else got his Nobel peace prize |
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‘Phase Two’ China trade deal may come after US election: Trump |
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Trump: Erdoğan’ın büyük bir hayranıyım |
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Roger Stone: I wasn’t a link between Trump team WikiLeaks |
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Celebra Trump fallo judicial favorable para construir gran parte del muro con México |
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US vs IRAN: Finally no More War As Trump’s Response To Iran Retaliatory Attacks Suggests Ceasefire |
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The President Trump 2020 Freedom coin |
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Tentang Impeachment Donald Trump |
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Tensions avec l’Iran Trump prêt à tout pour faire oublier l’impeachment |
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Private Border Wall Gets Go-Ahead From Judge—Despite Trump Administration Objection |
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Fox News panel analyzes the Dems’ investigations into Trump in 2019 |
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The US President Donald Trump to Invite the Winner of MAGACHALLENGE to the White House |
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Trump rischia di perdere l’olio d’oliva e il formaggio europeo |
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Trump Sebut Tidak Ada Korban Militer AS Dalam Serangan Iran |
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Trump’a İran freni |
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USA : la Chambre limite les pouvoirs militaires de Trump contre l’Iran |
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WATCH: Security throw out Trump protesters as crowd chants USA! USA! |
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Trump: Akhiri Perang! Terkait Tewasnya Jenderal Qasem – PILKADA |
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Trump started to become President again election campaign |
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A Guide to the Best Donald Trump Shirts on the Internet |
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Reverse features President Trump’s many accomplishments |
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Trump-Bloomberg la sfida inizia al Super Bowl |
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How migrants at Texas border and Trump’s immigration policies intersect |
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9:30 AM – Una universidad de Florida honrará a Melania Trump por su labor contra el acoso |
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Mark ‘Oz’ Geist: Trump’s decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team |
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Trump avoids escalating crisis says Iran is ‘standing down’ |
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Donald Trump Jr is considering a run for Congress against Jerry Nadler |
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Trump Recounts Calling Don Imus After Son Barron was Born |
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Donald Trump manda deportar la madre de Hugo Chávez rumor |
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‘I narrowly avoided a major parenting fail!’: Ivanka Trump |
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Refuse to fund Trump et al |
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Donald Trump: Top 10 Must-Know Facts About US President |
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King Solomon Blog Quandary President Trump Knows Himself or… |
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É meme: Felipe Neto compra briga com Trump “doente” |
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Trump says Iran ‘appears to be standing down’ – The president also announced that he would ask NATO |
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Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri Kim’e |
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Donald Trump reacts after Greg Gutfeld called him a game changer a once in a century kind of leader Video |
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Haaretz’s Odeh Bisharat Falsely Insists Trump Executive Order Bans All Criticism of Israel |
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Trump: Soleimani’s death was ‘American justice’ |
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Trump impeachment articles to be sent ‘soon’: Pelosi |
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Cooper calls out WH press secretary: Are you working against Trump |
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gainful general faulty Trump |
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Nouvel Ambassadeur Du Sénégal Aux Usa: Mansour Élimane Kane Reçu Par Trump |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump İran’ın Ukrayna uçağını kazara düşürdüğü iddiasına ilişkin “Birileri hat… |
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Trump makes misleading brag about lower cancer deaths |
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Gobierno con dignidad dice AMLO ante alardes de Trump |
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Trump quiere restablecer todas las sanciones a Irán |
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Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran: A Closer Look |
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Iranul oferă o recompensă de 80 de milioane de dolari pentru „capul” lui Donald Trump după asasinarea lui Soleimani |
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BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump Becomes 3rd President to Ever be Impeached |
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Trump’s Real Trade War Is Being Waged on the WTO |
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Iraqi Parliament Resolves to Kick Out US Troops and Trump Threatens Mother of All Sanctions |
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Trump on Twitter Oct 2: USMCA Ronald Shurer II |
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Trump: İran saldırısında hiçbir Amerikalı hayatını Gelmiş Geçmiş en Korkunç Ölüm Cezaları… |
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Tras ataque a tropas Trump anuncia nuevas sanciones a Irán |
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Trump envía al Congreso cambios para aprobación del T-MEC |
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Iran la Camera limita i poteri di guerra di Trump La Casa Bianca: Ridicolo |
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Câmara dos EUA aprova limite para atuação de Trump |
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Omar rips Minnesota counties for Trump refugee resettlement ban |
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China hits back at Trump slaps new tariffs on US goods worth up to 3 billion |
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Die wahre Macht hinter der Psychometrie und Cambridge der Massen” erklärt das Phänomen des Trump-Kults |
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Trump in Control of Iran Looking Glass B2T Show Jan 8 |
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Trump Launched Iran Strikes to Avenge Murder of Muslim-American Immigrant |
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The Attacks Now Coming At President Trump From Progressive Laodicean Evangelicals Reveals Deep Infiltration By George Soros Front Groups |
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Trump a dat ordinul sunt vizate 52 de ţinte din Iran Ripostă dură a Teheranului |
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La Chambre des représentants vote jeudi pour empêcher Trump de faire la guerre à l’Iran |
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Trump attempts to pin some blame for missile attacks on Obama outraging Democrats |
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Notenbanken und Trump: Was wird Sind 10000 Wertsteigerung Auf diese Risiken sollten Anleger achten! |
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Unless you’re a millionaire the second birthday of the Trump-GOP tax cuts is nothing to celebrate |
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Crokin: How Mueller amp President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History |
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Several Republicans May Back Kaine’s War Powers Resolution Checking Trump |
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Muslim Ohio State Rep Candidate Calls for “Immigrants to unite their vote to eliminate Donald Trump” |
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Legal Experts Destroy Giuliani’s ‘Gibberish’ Argument To Void Trump Cooper Has A Theory About Stephanie Grisham Secretly Working Against Trump |
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Letter to the Editor: Senate needs to insist on testimony from Trump advisers |
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Letizia de España y Melania Trump se visten de blanco y negro: ¿a quién le queda mejor |
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Trump Commander in Chief Coin |
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Trump aides hold daily meetings on vaping as White House scrambles to formulate policy |
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Trump: ha a Szulejmáni elleni csapás tervéről egyeztetek a kongresszussal a demokraták kiszivárogtatták volna |
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Trump announces new retaliatory tariffs on China |
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Trump: Nie wyjdziemy z Iraku chyba że nam zapłacą |
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Poll: Michigan majority still rejects Trump impeachment |
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Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University v Trump |
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Trump Threatens Iraq With Crippling Sanctions |
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Memorable Trump feuds with celebrities from 2019 |
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Trey Gowdy on impeachment: ‘There is no mathematical way’ Trump will be convicted and Democrats know it |
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As Russia probe turns to fake Facebook ads Trump follows with a tweet |
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Hạ viện Mỹ thông qua nghị quyết ngăn Trump gây chiến với Iran |
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Cámara Baja de EU bloquea cualquier acción militar de Trump |
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Trump: ‘I Give Up My SalaryI Give It Mostly To Drugs’ |
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The Closer with Keith Olbermann – Why Trump’s Russian Connection is a Big Problem |
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Militares querem que Bolsonaro fique fora do conflito Trump-Irã diz site |
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Trump afirmă că Qassem Soleimani voia să arunce în aer Ambasada SUA din Irak |
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Join Our IranDonald Trump Murdered Qassim Suleimani |
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Ivanka trump CES 2020 TOT TV |
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Democrats promise action against Trump NEPA vehicles choke cities with pollution — report |
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House passes War Powers Resolution in rebuke of Trump’s actions against Iran |
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Trump felicitó por su cumpleaños a Kim Jong-un |
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Temsilciler Meclisi Trump’ın askeri yetkilerini kısıtlayan tasarıyı kabul etti |
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Highlights from President Trump in the Oval Office |
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Donald Trump wil vervolgakkoord met China mogelijk pas na verkiezingen afronden want hij denkt een betere deal te kunnen maken |
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Trump and Apple’s CEO talk business in Texas |
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Don Jr and Ivanka Trump “intentionally inflated numbers” to defraud condo buyers: report |
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VIDEO: President Trump Reacts As Iran fires missiles at US facilities |
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A Christian’s Perspective on the Impeachment of Donald Trump |
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FOCUS: Donald Trump Jr Posts Crusader Symbol Image Amid Middle East Turmoil |
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Florida man arrested for threatening Trump on Facebook Live:’ He killed my leader’ |
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Harvard Law Students Snub Trump Judges |
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“No More Threats” – Trump Warns Iran “52 Targets Will Be Hit Very Fast amp Hard” |
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Trump propone reducir drásticamente supervisión ambiental |
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VIDEO Trump nu știa în 2015 cine era Qasem Soleimani Liderul de la Casa Albă a aruncat Orientul Mijlociu în aer |
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Iran will never have a nuclear weapon: Trump |
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Un ejecutivo de Facebook dijo que la plataforma es responsable por la victoria de Trump: |
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I am Eric Trump ! |
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Iran Strikes Iraqi Air Bases Housing US Troops Pres Trump Consulting With National Security Team |
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Avión en Irán pudo ser derribado por error: Trump |
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How much Trump’s Secret Service travel could be costing |
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Donald Trump has reportedly lost hundreds of millions this year |
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Trump: İran’la yeni anlaşma yapılmalı |
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US-Iran war: Trump tones down war rhetoric announces more ‘punishing GSK JV produces medicines in UAE |
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Trump Can’t Believe His ‘Wag The Dog’ Attack Didn’t Make Everyone Love Him |
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Caricature: MBS Trying to Distance From Trump |
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Trump mập mờ về thời điểm ký thỏa thuận thương mại giai đoạn 1 |
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DPR AS Halangi Donald Trump Perang dengan Iran |
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Cardi B wants to become a Nigerian after Trump ‘puts Americans’ lives in danger’ |
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Donald Trump Doesn’t Know the Diffrence Between an Unfunded Mandate and a Bailout |
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Trump’s Business of Corruption |
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Iran’s Zarif short G7 visit stumps Trump |
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January 10th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 1086 |
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Chomsky: De Trump espera-se qualquer catástrofe |
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Fotos: Abaten a 8 del Cártel del Noreste que atacaron a policías así de Trump bloqueada en un tribunal afectaría a la mayoría de inmigrantes documentados |
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Donald Trump tenta impulsionar o mercado de ações e isso pode afetar o Bitcoin |
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Pelosi mantiene la incógnita sobre entrega de cargos para el juicio a Trump |
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President Donald Trump Pardoning War Criminals on Memorial Day |
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Protests planned in St Pete in response to Trump’s ‘reckless action in Iran’ |
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The Latest: Israeli PM congratulates Trump on Iran sanctions |
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Szalony krzykacz Trump cichy zabójca Obama i dyplomacja dronów |
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Trump Admin Doesn’t Want To Degrade India’s Defence Capabilities: US Official On CAATSA |
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PROCHE-ORIENT : Trump a déclenché un conflit avec l’Iran sans en mesurer les conséquences |
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China Rejects Donald Trump’s Call to Quit Iran Nuclear-deal |
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Trump anuncia que las nuevas sanciones contra Irán ya están vigentes – VisionRDN |
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Trump facilita la construcción de infraestructuras a costa del medioambiente |
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Donald Trump cree que Irán derribó avión ucraniano por errorInternacional |
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Cristina Balan la Casa Albă Donald Trump i-a urat succes |
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Part of the issue regional analysts said was Trump’s unpredictability “The problem with Trump is that it’s basically impossible to know what he does next” said Michael |
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‘He Killed My Leader’: Florida Man Chauncy Lump Arrested for Threatening Trump on Facebook Live |
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Iran ‘offers 80million bounty for Donald Trump’s head’ after death of general report |
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NK Foreign Minister to UN: Trump’s ‘Insults’ Make Attack ‘Inevitable’ |
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UE apără acordul nuclear cu Iranul în pofida apelurilor lui Trump către europeni |
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Does Trump Want to Withdraw from South Korea if He’s Re-Elected |
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WATCH: Trump Tells Rally Crowd “All of you…You’re the leader of your party” |
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États-Unis Environnement : Donald Trump dérégulateur en chef |
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Breitbart Live Wire Trump Holds Ohio RallyPacked Crowd in Toledo‘Here we go for a big 2020 Win!’ |
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Trump asks appeals court to reconsider Twitter-blocking case |
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Trump calls Iranian general’s death ‘justice’ |
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Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill President Trump Over the Killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani |
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Trump Tells Iran the Endgame Remains the Same Offers a Chance to Renegotiate |
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Team of Whistleblowers: Taking Out Trump amp Biden With One Bullet |
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America’s first mercenary president: Donald Trump is blinded by greed and self-interest |
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Así fue como Mike Pompeo convenció a Trump de eliminar a Soleimani y cumplió una meta de hace una década |
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Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran |
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Mensagem nas redes simula diálogo entre Trump e Khamenei sugerindo que morte de Soleimani pode ter sido tramada entre os líderes do Irã e dos EUA |
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Trump 2020 Hat WHITE |
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Read the Trump Derangement Behind ‘Party of Five |
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Amy Klobuchar Keeps Voting for Trump’s ‘Horrific’ Judges |
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Trump Calls Off His War With Iran to Campaign on Soleimani |
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Trump admin does not want to degrade India’s defence capabilities |
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Trump Gives A Big Decision To Maintain Army In Afghanistan |
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Trump megnyitná a NATO-t a közel-keleti országok előtt |
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Reacția SUA la atacul Iranului Donald Trump se adresează… |
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Trump na predizbornom skupu govorio o likvidaciji Soleimanija |
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Tổng thống Trump: Soleimani định ‘thổi bay’ đại sứ quán Mỹ |
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Mexicano crea papel higiénico marca ‘Trump’ para apoyar inmigrantes |
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UCID ” Waxaan Keenay Koox Trump La Shaqeysa |
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Trump Fails to Quash E Jean Carroll’s Defamation Suit |
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BREAKING: President Trump Address To The Nation |
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Lindsey Graham Breaks Ranks With Trump Declares Ukraine Conspiracy Theory False |
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House votes to impeach Trump |
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Trump’s Empathy |
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Poll Shows Majority Support Impeachment If Trump’s Indicted |
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Somebody should tell Trump Administration it’s not 2003 |
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İran dini lideri Hamaney’den Trump’a |
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US House limits Trump’s war power on Iran |
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Vape Flavors To Be Possibly Banned in US After FDA Presents Trump with a New Plan |
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The Trump Impeachment Theme Song: ‘Is That All There Is’ |
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Monitor Langsung Balasan Iran Trump Masuk Situation Room |
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Hun eigen geld verdienen Dat hoeven Harry en Meghan in dit leven niet dit twitterde Trump in 2013 over Derde Wereldoorlog |
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Oil prices retreat as Trump eases Iran fears |
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What did we do on holiday break A toilet paper Trump changes terms of 2020 race with Iran turmoil |
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In wake of UN speech Kim calls Trump a ‘dotard’ Trump fires back at ‘madman’ |
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Donald Trump – will he resign |
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Trump donates 3rd-quarter salary to help fight opioid crisis |
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Piercing the Veil of Secrecy Shrouding the Trump Deal in the Republic of Georgia |
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US lifts tariffs on 400 Chinese products Trump cites trade progress |
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Trump respondeu o Irã retrocedendo em seu guerrerismo |
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Fighting Trump’s environmental policies Tong picks up where Jepsen left off |
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Trump blasts Pelosi: ‘She hates the Republican Party’ |
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Trump Arap Liderleri Camp David’de Toplayacak |
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Makin Mesra Trump Ucapkan Selamat Ulang Tahun kepada Kim Jong Un |
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Trump – Anggota Parlemen AS Bertarung Rebutkan Kekuatan Perang Di Tengah Ketegangan dengan Iran |
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What Is Trump’s Problem With Dogs |
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House To Vote On Restraining Trump’s Actions Against Iran |
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Ilhan Omar Berates Trump Admin Casts Iraqi People As Victims ‘Unjustly Suffering’ In A ‘Proxy War’ |
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Defense Secty Contradicts Trump: No Iranian Cultural Sites Will Be Targeted UPDATE ADDED |
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Equality California Calls for Impeachment Removal of President Donald J Trump |
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Trump Threatens Sanctions on Iraq if US Forces are Expelled |
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Paolo Chica: ¿Qué dirían si Donald Trump le ofreciera dinero a ISIS |
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Matt Gaetz Sucks Up to Trump After Voting With Democrats |
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Trump says China trade deal may be signed shortly after January 15 |
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Trump Organization McLean Golf School |
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Haitians gained protections to stay in the US after a devastating quake A decade later Trump wants that to end |
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TrumpWatch Day 1085: Trump Trial — Pelosi |
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Esper: IG Not Questioning Legality of Trump’s Border Deployment |
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La mano dura de Trump amenaza a mexicanos |
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Donald Trump 2020 Make Jeeps Great Again shirt |
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Trump can raid 36bn of defense funds for wall court rules |
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Soleimani planned the terror in India says Trump Delhi has a diplomatic cord |
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Irán clama venganza contra EEUU por asesinato de Soleimani Trump crearía conflicto acorralado por el Nieto no hace nada sin consultar al Presidente” responde AMLO |
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¡Adiós Yaneisy! Uno de sus asesinos era violador La OIM revela cómo los haitianos vuelven a RD tras ser deportadosEEUU participará en pesquisas de accidente aéreo en Irán La Cámara Baja de EEUU saca músculo ante las acciones del presidente Trump en Irán Feminicidios no paran ahora fue a Franyelis Rosalía de 22 años Cae la demanda de pollos por temor al virus Yaneisy! Uno de sus asesinos era violador |
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Trump plantea eliminar los estudios de impacto ambiental de los grandes proyectos |
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Madaxwayne Trump Oo Raysal Wasaare Abiy Ahmed Ku Haysta Abaal Marinta Nabadda |
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Donald Trump’s Most Controversial Insults As Celebrity Candidate and President |
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Trump claims Nancy Pelosi is ‘not operating with a full deck’ |
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Naice Zulu Envia Um Recado à Donald Trump |
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Camera Usa approva risoluzione per limitare poteri di guerra a Trump |
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trump 2020 t shirt |
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David Ortíz sobre Trump «No quieres darle la mano a un hombre que trata a los inmigrantes como si fueran un obstáculo» |
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Trump’s Iran Endgame Remains the Same |
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FRIDAY: Unlike Obama Trump Won’t Run From Iran |
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Ini Alasan Trump Tak Balas Serangan Iran Dua Kali Berturut-turut |
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Chavistas quieren que Luis Parra hable con Trump para quitar sanciones |
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Jail For Dope Who Spit On Trump Supporter |
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Kristen Stewart es super gay y quiere que Donald Trump lo sepa |
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Donald Trump: ‘Iran appears to be standing down’ |
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The Internet Is Applauding Nancy Pelosi After She Threw Some Epic Shade At Trump Following His Iran Briefing |
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“He Killed My Leader and I Have To Kill Him” : Florida Security Guard To Trump |
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Ilhan Omar labels Trump’s new Iran sanctions as ‘economic warfare’ demands similar measures against Israel |
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Ethiopians puzzled as Trump claims hand in Nobel Peace Prize |
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Not to mention that with the new Trump tax law W2’d employees are no longer able to itemize their expenses like independent contractors are |
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New Book Review: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump |
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Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Trump Over Killing Of Iranian General Soleimani |
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Trump Claims Record-Breaking Support Among Evangelicals |
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Why an unbuilt Moscow Trump tower caught Mueller’s attention |
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Trump to increase military spending |
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Trump Bashing |
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Top Facebook exec: Yes we got Trump elected and it may happen again |
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Why was Trump bothered |
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Trump anuncia que sanciones a Irán ya entraron en vigor |
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Eine Identität der Weißen ohne Psychopathie Gruppennarzissmus und Social droht Attentat gegen Trump an – was der dümmst-mögliche Schachzug wäre |
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Trump says ‘not happy’ about latest North Korea missile test |
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Video: Trump’s Tax Reform Hoax |
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Stunning 3 Bedroom at Trump III in Sunny Isles Beach |
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‘Can I play today’: Trump gives pep talks ahead of Army-Navy college football game |
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Donald Trump in the Situation Room after Iran Launches Missiles at US Forces in Iraq Photo |
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ประธานาธิบดี โดนัลด์ ทรัมป์ Donald Trump แห่งสหรัฐฯ “ทรัมป์-คิม” “ทรัมป์” 25 ตั้งเป้าแข่ง “แอมะซอน โก” |
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Qassem Soleimani killing: US House passes war powers resolution in bid to limit Donald Trump’s action against Iran |
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LeBron James amp Pastor John Grey: What’s Trump Got to Do With It |
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Iran : comprendre la politique de Trump |
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President Donald Trump Signs Bill Raising Federal Wages 26 |
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HUGE NEWS: Iranian Regime Offers 80 MILLION for President Trump’s Head! VIDEO |
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Senate Confirms Trump’s Pick for Regulations Czar |
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Trump Silver Dollar Coin |
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PIERS MORGAN: US looks stronger after Trump decided to kill Soleimani |
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Trump’s Iran ‘Punching Bag’: US Provocations to Continue |
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Traders Flummoxed in World of Trump Turmoil |
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‘Yerli’ otomobil üretirken otomotiv fabrikalarını en az güvenilen lider Trump en çok güvenilen lider Putin’ |
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Why Business Owners Support Trump’s Reelection – Op-Ed in WND |
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The Elephant in the Room isn’t Trump |
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Trump amenaza a Irán con «respuesta rápida y totalmente quizá de forma desproporcionada» México pide mesura |
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Trump endurece su discurso sobre Irán |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump Kasım Süleymani’yi Neden Öldürdüklerini Açıkladı |
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US house to vote on halting Donald Trump to go for… |
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US house to vote on halting Donald Trump to go for |
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Wisconsin GOP becomes 10th state party to rig its primary for Trump |
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“Nos despertamos en un mundo más peligroso”: motivaciones y repercusiones del ataque de Trump |
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Ocasio-Cortez And Omar Vow To Remove Senior’s ‘Entitlements’ Social commentator: Biden relies on ‘illusion’ he is best candidate to beat Trump |
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Facebook a contribué à l’élection de Trump admet un responsable |
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Gaetz: President Trump should trust his instincts not his war hawk advisers and bring our troops HOME |
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SUA impune noi sancţiuni Iranului Trump: Niciun soldat american nu a fost rănit |
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ABD Başkanı Trump’tan Kuzey Kore lideri Kim’e doğum günü tebriği |
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ABD Başkanı Trump İran liderlerine seslendi: Birlikte çalışabiliriz |
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Los sitios culturales iraniés más emblemáticos amenazados por Trump |
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Trump Administration Effort to Weaken NEPA Takes Our Country in the Wrong Direction |
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Trump descarta que accidente de avión en Irán se debiera a un fallo es la segunda economía más dinámica de Centroamérica según Banco Mundial |
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Trump sends North Korea’s Kim birthday greetings |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump “İran hiçbir zaman bir savaşı kazanmadı ama hiçbir müzakereyi de kay… |
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El proteccionismo de Trump pone en riesgo el sistema multilateral |
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Caen las bolsas europeas con la atención puesta en Trump |
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Trump Should Go Home Says Half Of US |
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Trump: US lawmakers to start impeachment VIDEO |
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All is well: President Trump addresses Iranian missile strike in Tweet |
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House Democrats Will Vote To Yank Trump’s War-Making Power Iran Threatens Harsher Revenge Against US |
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Democrats Now After Trump via War Powers |
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Donald Trump becomes president of the United States of America |
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Police arrest man for threatening to kill President Trump in Facebook video |
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‘Go to hell’: Buttigieg Dems feel heat when they pin blame for downed Ukrainian jet on US and Trump |
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Donald Trump uron për ditëlindje liderin e Koresë së Veriut Kim Jong-Un |
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A 16-year old girl was assaulted by her teacher when he tried to rip her “Women For Trump” button off her shirt |
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Only President Trump’s name will appear on Minnesota Republican primary ballot after court decision |
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House votes to limit Trump’s military action against Iran without congressional approval |
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Tôi yêu thích Bitcoin đây là câu nói thượng nghị sĩ đứng đầu Đảng Cộng hòa thách thức Trump |
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In MSN Poll 54 Want Trump Ousted Voters Prefer a Democrat to Don by 50 to 42 Trump Still Reeling from Finding of 43 Support for His Removal Among Evangelicals 500 Billion in Cash Infusions to Repo Market Account for Manic Bubble on Wall Street |
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Trump says Soleimani plotted to blow up US embassy |
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Rassurée par la sagesse de Trump Wall Street repart à la hausse |
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La Cámara de Representantes de EEUU frena a Trump y… |
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Only the Unintelligent Question Trump’s Soleimani Intelligence |
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Trump Gold Dollar Coin |
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Covering Trump’s impeachment the Washington Post and the Associated Press best the New York needs to make way for reality-testing and calls to arms for political journalists |
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National Terrorism Advisory / President Trump’s Response to Iran |
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SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 2 |
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Limitan a Trump |
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Will your retirement be affected by the Trump Tax Laws |
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Pres Trump Sends Iran’s “Red Napoleon” to Meet The Reaper |
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Rally in India: Donald Trump hands off Venezuela! |
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Why Did Trump Order Strike on Soleimani |
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Cartoonist Branco is part of Trump’s dirty tricks against US Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib |
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Trump Has An Epic Sunday Meltdown At Nancy Pelosi |
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Adam Schiff launched a new line of attack against President Trump that could lead to disaster |
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AfriqueMali : L’ancien Responsable De La Communication De La Présidence écroué Après Un Tweet Sur Trump |
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BUSTER: Workplace Argument Over Trump Iran Ends In Fisticuffs And Then Handcuffs |
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As Drugged Markets Hit New Highs Federal Reserve Openly Functioning as Trump’s Personal Plunge Protection Team to Prepare for November SampP 500 Companies Now in Official Bubble Territory with Price-Earnings Ratio Exceeding Critical 28 Level |
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Economy Eclipses Foreign Affairs As Trump Triumph – Ira Stoll |
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Trump Claims He Was Snubbed for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize |
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President Trump is giving the US back to the people |
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Rep Engel leads congressional call to Trump to rescind White |
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Ivanka Trump Alexy Tote |
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Acceptance rate for US asylum seekers at historic low under Trump |
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Survey: Germans say Trump is more dangerous than Putin Kim Jong-un Submitted By Meryl Ann Butler 3 |
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With Bolton Willing to Testify Before Senate Sanders Asks Trump: ‘What Are You Afraid Of’ |
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Trump’s National Security Adviser Resigns |
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Irankonflikt – wie die Welt hinters Licht geführt Methode Trump und Allzeithochs! Die Verteilung des Bärenfells! Marktgeflüster Video |
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AP Exclusive: Trump ally may have broken Venezuela sa |
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Sin bajas ataque a bases estadounidenses Trump anuncia «poderosas» sanciones contra Irán |
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My comment: He completely misjudged Trump His arrogance caught up with him and was his own undoing Instead of talking softly while carrying a big stick he bellowed loudly while brandishing a stick that may have not been as big as he thought |
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Podcast: Is Trump De-Escalating the War With Iran |
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Moderada respuesta de Trump al ataque iraní contra bases en Irak |
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BREAKING: Buttigieg Puts Blame on Trump for 176 Dead in Plane Iran Shot Down |
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Trump’s Decision To Assassinate Soleimani Likely Violated International Law |
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Trump war auch kein Friedenspräsident: Jemen Irak Syrien Afghanistan BlackOps im Iran China und noch mehr Rüstung |
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Insiders: Trump Is Deeply Scarred By Impeachment ‘Created A Monster’ |
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‘Typical Trump rally’ ‘Spectacle’: How US media described ‘Howdy Modi’ |
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Camera Reprezentanţilor votează o rezoluţie pentru a limita iniţiativele militare ale lui Trump împotriva Iranului |
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How Progressives Should Respond to Trump |
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Workplace Argument Over Trump Iran Ends In Fisticuffs And Then Handcuffs |
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Trump Touts New Rule as Way to Improve Roads Bridges Faster |
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Oklahoma lawmakers reject resolution to limit Trump’s actions against Iran |
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Indulhat a fal Donald Trump javára döntött a bíróság |
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McConnell Pelosi stand firm as Trump’s impeachment still frozen |
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In Trump’s Economy Working Class Employees Are Getting Bigger Raises Than Their Bosses |
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Oil prices sink nearly 5 to under 60 after Trump says Iran is standing down in Middle East fight |
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Iran : Trump joue la carte de l’apaisement face à l’option |
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¿Ataque de Trump a Irán pone al mundo en riesgo de una guerra |
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Iran will never have a nuclear weapon – President Trump |
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Trump l-a dat de gol pe liderul de la Phenian Secretul bine păzit al lui Kim Jong Un dezvăluit de președintele SUA |
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ВИДЕО Институт „ХРИСТО УЗУНОВ“ – 23ти Септември промоција на Trump: I am NATIONALIST! – дел од интервјуто за телевизијата FOX NEWS |
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Irán vs Estados Unidos: quién es Nawres Hamid el contratista de EEUU en Irak tras cuyo asesinato Trump ordenó matar a Soleimani |
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Many People are Reaching Out Across the Partisan Divide After Trump’s Election |
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What This Ohio Voter Said About Union Workers And Trump Should Worry Democrats |
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A Medical Assessment of Trump’s Asylum Policy |
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Estamos listos para estrechar su mano: Trump a Irán |
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LibyenEuropäer sind nicht bereit Druck auf Haftars Unterstützer in den USATrump will weniger nimmt erste Hürde |
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Sanders Condemns Trump for Putting US on Path to Another Disastrous War |
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Greta Thunberg amp Donald Trump |
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Ross Perot Left 100 Million to the Trump 2020 Campaign |
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President Trump at the National Day of Prayer Service |
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Florida’s GOP Lawmakers Applaud Trump for Assassination of Iranian Leader |
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GUEST COLUMN: Trump continues unjust history of US aggression against Iran |
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House impeaches President Trump on abuse of power – What Next |
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Despite Trump’s efforts Stacey Abrams’ credentials cannot be denied |
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The Source of Trump’s Totally Not Weird Way of Standing |
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NYT reported a couple days ago that Secretary of State Michael Pompeo also called Trump’s Shadow SecDef by Politico’s Nahal Toosi reportedly told Mitch McConnell that he would not run for Senate from Kansas his home state a blow to GOP hopes there https://nytims/2ZVU0Nn |
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Letter: Trump vs Impeachment |
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Senate GOP has votes to begin Trump impeachment trial immediately without witnesses |
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Trump Says Soleimani Plotted to Bomb the US Embassy in Baghdad |
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Trump wonders if he should get credit for… |
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DPR AS Batasi Wewenang Trump Terkait Iran |
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Court allows Minn GOP’s primary ballot with only Trump January 9 |
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CAL THOMAS: Trump demonstrates proper toughness with Iran |
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Trump Wag the Dog Scenario Launched with Five US Attacks on Hezbollah Subsidiaries in Iraq and Syria Followed by Jihadi Retaliation Failure to Consult Baghdad in Advance Needlessly Humiliates Friendly Government US AFRICOM Strikes Jihadis in Somalia Corporate Media Silent on Suspicious Provocations Coming During Impeachment Crisis! |
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Aqalka Wakiilada Oo Xadiday Awoodaha Dagaal Ee Madaxweyne Trump |
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Why do congressmen support Trump |
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BREAKING: House Just Voted To Limit President Trump 224 – 194 |
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Trump sends N Korea’s Kim birthday wishes |
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Trump Touts Soleimani Killing as ‘American Justice’ at Campaign Rally |
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Full-Scale War Avoided amp Trump Goes Right Back to Warmongering – Consortiumnews – Caitlin Johnstone |
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Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has a diabolical plan to stop Donald Trump |
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Trump: “Birileri hata yapmış olabilir” |
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Dosiye y’Ubuhamya mu Ruhame ku Iperereza Kuri Perezida Trump |
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US likely to sign trade deal with China on Jan 15: Trump |
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Army won’t reinstate elite status of soldier given clemency by Trump |
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GOP leader suggests Trump had to strike Iran because of impeachment |
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REPORT: NY judge denies Trump request to dismiss lawsuit by accuser |
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Trump: Iran ‘Appears to Be Standing Down’ |
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This Plan To Kick Trump Off The 2020 Ballot Just Took An Unexpected Turn |
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Trump Says Less Military Action In Iran Crisis Following Iran Concluding Their Response To The Kil |
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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump |
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US Democrats slam Pence for staying at Trump hotel in Ireland |
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Amid Show of Support Trump Meets With Giuliani Over Harry and Meghan Markle Wax Figures Removed at Madame Tussauds |
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Court APPROVES 36 Billion For Trump’s Border Wall |
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Male Teacher Assaults Female Student Over “Women for Trump” Pin |
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Trump launches 2020 bid with promise to ‘keep America great’ |
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Title IX Under Trump |
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Keep Trump Impeach T Shirts |
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Trump to clamp down on Cuba travel trade curbing Obama’s detente |
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Trump propone reducir regulaciones ambientales para construir sin velar por la ecología |
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Mark Zaid amp Andrew Bakaj the Lawyers who Plot for the Coup Against Trump |
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Donald Trump statue in Slovenia torched |
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Somebody Said Yes! Jackie Evancho Will Sing At Donald Trump’s Inauguration |
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Trump Bashing Comes First |
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Sukces mimo wszystko Donald Trump – PRZEDSPRZEDAŻ – audiobook – Meredith McIver Donald J Trump |
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Capodanno con Trump per la modella folignate Eleonora Pieroni |
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Trump göreve çağırmıştı! NATO hamleyi yaptı |
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Melania Trump Named 2020 Woman of Distinction – Stats |
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Donald Trump apuesta en grande como comandante en jefe militar |
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Cámara de Representantes de EU aprueba resolución que limita la capacidad de Trump |
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Japan abductee family get a letter from President Trump |
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Donald Trump anunció nuevas y poderosas sanciones económicas contra Irán |
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Tambores de Guerra en Medio Oriente: Trump Asesina a Importante Militar |
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OAN John Kerry held secret meetings with Iran to undermine President Trump |
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Pa’s Congressional delegation splits on party lines on House vote to check Trump on Iran |
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Trump slams ‘partisan’ whistleblower Biden pushes back |
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Procesul de destituire a lui Donald Trump: Şefa democraţilor prelungeşte aşteptarea |
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Dare chairman Bob Woodard appears at White House announcement by President Trump |
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US news : War US House of Representatives decides on Iran gives Trump ultimatum |
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Trump Signs 0 Tax Penalty |
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Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital |
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‘I beat Abraham Lincoln’: Trump celebrates Iranian drone strike at rally |
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Republicans struck one deal on impeachment that left Trump stunned into silence |
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Space Force will start small but let Trump claim |
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Democrats Go Full Communism With Green New Deal Has AOC Just Handed Trump the 2020 Election |
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Do You Think The Trump Administration Should Have Dismantled These 10 Environmental Regulations |
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Trump Claims Soleimani was Planning on Blowing up US Embassy |
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Gobierno de Trump pide liberación de José Daniel Ferrer |
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Trump vs Schiff Soros and Socialism |
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Donald Trump’s Reelection May Hinge on His Ability to Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Start a War with Iran |
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Trump’tan Kim’e doğum günü tebriği |
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Trump celebrates killing ‘blood thirsty’ Soleimani in first re-election rally |
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G20 summit: President Donald Trump to hold Bilateral meeting with China Russia Others |
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3 Reasons Why Every Christian Should Vote to Re-Elect President Trump in 2020 |
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Preşedintele american Donald Trump a ameninţat că SUA va ataca 52 de ţinte din Iran dacă regimul de la Teheran se va răzbuna pentru moartea generalului Soleimani |
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VIDEO: Trey Gowdy weighs in on Trump’s chances and impeachment |
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DPR AS Gelar Voting untuk Hentikan Agresi Trump |
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“NATOME” – L’idea spiazzante di Trump per rianimare l’Alleanza Atlantica di G Belardelli |
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Donald Trump Just Tweeted This: How He REALLY Sees Himself |
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Trump Lies About Iran Crisis Blames Obama: A |
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Iran droht Attentat gegen Trump an – was der dümmst-mögliche Schachzug wäre |
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Trump: “Soleimani should’ve been taken out years ago”…… |
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Budget deal advances VA private care program backed by Trump |
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Trump Claims Credit For Drop In Cancer Deaths No Way Says… |
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Spoke to Ukraine Prez on corruption: Trump |
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Democrats Press for Details on Suleimani Strike but Trump Administration Gives Few |
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HUGE — BREAKING NEWS: Iranian Regime Offers 80 MILLION for President Trump’s Head! —VIDEO |
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OPINION: North Carolina Court Beats Back Extreme Partisan Trump’s Appearance At CES 2020 Draws Criticism |
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‘All is well’ says Trump after Iran missile to go hostless again for 2020 ceremony |
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Épülhet a fal Donald Trump javára döntött a bíróság |
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Trump Çin’le Ticaret Anlaşmasını Bitirmek için 2020 Seçim Sonrası Yorumunu Yineledi |
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Calling All Patriots: Some Republicans Aren’t Toeing Trump’s Line On Iran Which Ones Should We Interview |
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No Donald Trump we will not kneel |
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Christian university names Melania Trump as a ‘Woman of Distinction’ |
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The GOP Won’t Disavow Trump but Nikki Haley Has Another Strategy |
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Trump Bakal Cabut Akses Keamanan Eks Pejabat Intel |
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Exclusive: Americans say Soleimani’s killing made US less safe Trump ‘reckless’ on Iran – USA TODAY |
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The Third Presidential Debate 2016 Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton Final Presidential Debate |
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NATO Agrees to Trump’s Calls to ‘Become More Involved in the Middle East’ |
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Letter From President Trump Final |
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Trump Tariffs Spark Growth of Global Cooperation Trade Expos for Small and Medium Businesses – Holmes Stoner – PRBC /Co-Modeco Co-Founder to Deliver Keynote Speech |
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De Block: ‘Te vroeg voor grote conclusies rond Huis van Afgevaardigden zet Trump een hak |
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CBC removes Donald Trump from Home Alone 2 |
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Reflexões sobre a “guerra comercial” a economia mundial e suas derivações e impactos das tarifas de Trump na Argentina e no Brasil |
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ABD Başkanı Trump Kuzey Kore Lideri Kim’in Doğum Gününü Kutladı |
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US House Limits Trump War Powers Against Iran |
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Trump says Soleimani’s death was ‘American justice’ mocks Democrats’ opposition |
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La Camera ha dato il via libera alla limitazione dei poteri di guerra di Trump |
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Trump wählt nur Optionen für den Iran die das Militär ihm bringt positiven Artikel über Schießtraining für Zivilisten wegen russischer des Bundes für den Krisenfall: 20 Cent pro Bürger pro Jahr |
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Shadowy big tech group ‘Mind the Gap’ raising 100 million warchest to beat Trump |
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Türkiye’de Putin ve Trump’a güven duyanların oranı yüzde kaç çıktı |
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Liveticker Trump: Soleimani hatte US-Botschaften im Visier Aussenminister Pompeo widerspricht |
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ភាពអស្ចារ្យ ៩ Donald Trump ដែលអ្នកគួរតែដឹង |
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The Weaponization of Data: Cambridge Analytica Information Warfare ampamp the 2016 Election of Trump |
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President Trump and Vice President Pence Surprise Troops for Thanksgiving |
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Ready to See President Trump LIVE in Miami! |
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House votes to rein in Trump’s war powers over Iran strike |
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The Impact of Trump’s Tariffs on the Oil Industry |
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In killing Soleimani Trump showed Iran’s power an illusion generated by DC’s willingness to look other way…… |
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¡MUY SEGURO! Trump aseveró que EEUU tiene “una buena estrategia” para acorralar al régimen de Nicolás Maduro |
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Trump asks South Korea to deliver birthday message to Kim Jong Un |
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Ted Cruz blasts fake news AP for it’s phony ‘fact check’ of Trump claim Obama gave Iran 150 billion |
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The whistleblower and Trump phone call: What we know |
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Trump hits back at China with more tariffs amid escalating trade war |
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‘SNL’ host Don Cheadle makes fashion statements dons Trump Soviet Union jersey |
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Trump y los fantasmas de la redenci贸n |
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More powerful than Rush Limbaugh Smarter than Mark Levin Better looking than Sean Hannity Not as big as Donald Trump but NRO’s National Review Online Bill Whittle says that it is mindbogglingly brilliant and the idea has been banned on TED and both Facebook and Yahoo’s advertising platforms for being too effective at supporting conservatism We’re serious about that last part Republican patriots like Ted Cruz Mike Pence Donald Trump and Trey Gowdy would be immensely aided in their fight for capitalism liberty and freedom national loyalty and family values if it was known throughout the nation But for that we need your help This is the new idea sweeping behind the scenes in Political Science and being discussed in hushed tones by professors throughout Leftist academia It asserts that Liberalism is a programmed psychology designed to exploit resource excess within our populations It is based upon the foundational concept in the study of reproductive strategies called r/K Selection Theory and no political junkie who reads it can help but be awed In r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology if you provide a population with free resources those who will come to dominate the population will exhibit five basic traits called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy These traits are all designed to best exploit the free resource availability In nature the r-selected strategy is best seen in the rabbit which lives in fields of grass it will never fully consume The five traits are competition and risk avoidance promiscuity low-investment single parenting earlier age of sexualization of young and no loyalty to in-group These traits are ultimately designed to maximize the numbers of offspring produced Each of these offspring though of lesser fitness will be able to survive and reproduce freely themselves due to the free resource availability In r/K Theory there is also a strategy exactly opposite to the rabbit’s which emerges under conditions of resource scarcity It is called the K-selected Reproductive Strategy There where resources are scarce competition for resources is everywhere and some individuals will die due to failure in competition and the resultant resource denial that this produces This produces the K-strategy which is best seen in the wolf This strategy also has five psychological traits – mate monopolization/monogamy high-investment two-parent child-rearing later age of sexualization of young and high loyalty to in-group This psychology is designed to form highly fit and competitive groups that succeed in group competition all while capturing and monopolizing the fittest mate possible as a means of making their offspring genetically fitter than those of competitors Here the goal is not to simply consume as much as possible yourself and produce as many baby-making machines as you can with little regard to their fitness Here the goal is to help your group succeed in its competition for the scarce resources and then produce offspring of as high a fitness as possible so they may carry your genes forward by succeeding in competition themselves The premise of this highly substantiated scientific work is that all of politics is really a battle between the K-strategist wolves within our society designed to battle in a world of scarce resources and fierce competition and the r-strategist rabbits designed to freely graze the bounty of a sudden resource glut and rapidly explode in numbers to exploit such a glut The implications of such a work on our perceptions of each ideology’s morals and propriety are mind boggling Get the book for free and see for yourself! |
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TRUMP ON SOLEIMANI: ‘They Were Looking to Blow Up Our Embassy’ So We ‘Took Him Out’ |
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Cámara de Representantes aprueba limitar la capacidad de Trump de declarar guerra a en Bolivia fuga de dinero supuestamente vinculada con PDVSA |
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El petróleo de Texas cae un 49 tras las palabras de Trump y la reducción de la tensión con Irán |
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Kongresi amerikan i kufizon Trump-it veprimet ushtarake kundër Iranit |
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Iranul oferă o recompensă de 80 de milioane de dolari pentru „capul” lui Donald Trump după asasinarea… |
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Iran : Trump veut une sortie désescalade en vue |
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Trump Vows New Sanctions In Response to Iranian Strike |
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Trump administration rejects Center for Public Integrity request for transparency |
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Donald Trump se mordió la lengua y al final quedó como un cobarde en campaña / En opinión de José Vilchis Guerrero |
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Maduro habla en ingles a Donald Trump |
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Pelosi Says House Likely to Send Trump Impeachment Articles ‘Soon’ |
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Goodman: Col Lawrence Wilkerson calls out Trump’s lies on Iran |
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Needy Trump thanks Fox News host Greg Gutfeld for |
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Trump Qanon amp Co besiegen den Schattenstaat |
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Congreso EEUU frena acciones de Trump contra Irán |
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How Trump’s ‘War’ On The ‘Deep State’ Is Leading To The Dismantling Of Government |
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Trump and Moon are the most Dovish Presidents Ever on N Korea and Kim will Still Give Them Nothing |
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US House votes to limit Trump war powers against Iran: AFP |
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Trump mulling response to so-called bloodless Iranian attack |
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The Trump/Republican 2020 Health Care Plan |
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Trump Celebrates Takes Credit For Historically Low Cancer Death Rates |
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Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff PDF |
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From the local-news crisis to Trump’s lies 2019 was a year to put behind us |
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Trump envia manda ”feliz aniversário” a líder norte-coreano |
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Germany rejects Trump’s call to ditch Iran nuclear pact |
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Ce atac ar fi plănuit Soleimani asupra Statelor Unite Trump a dezvăluit motivul pentru care generalul a fost asasinat |
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House approves resolution limiting Trump’s war powers as 3 Republicans join Democrats |
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Giuliani breaks down Trump’s 2020 rivals reacts to Epstein arrest |
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Huis stemt voor inperken militaire macht Trump |
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Who Benefits From Escalation With Iran Defense Must Forcibly Limit Trump’s Power to Attack Iran |
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En vez de guerra prosperidad paz y armonía dijo Donald Trump |
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Related: Trump Seeks Environmental Rules Changes New York Critics Say It Compromises Public Health |
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Dr Martin Luther King and Donald Trump |
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Trump impeachment: Pelosi continues to frustrate Rep |
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Obama official was in contact with Russian Embassy a month prior to Trump inauguration |
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KETTER: Trump’s dangerous war on the press |
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SALAH Video Reaksi Trump Saat Mendengar Suara Takbir |
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Trump suspeita das causas de queda de avião no Irã |
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Conflicto con Irán huele a campaña electoral de Trump en EEUU afirma Lula |
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Politico: House votes to rein in Trump on Iran |
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How Trump’s Environmental Policy Rollback Affects The Northwest |
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