BOOM! Trump DOUBLES DOWN on Drug Testing Joe Biden Before the Debates! |
26 |
Trump denies calling US war dead ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
21 |
Pence: Any suggestion Trump doesn’t love respect armed forces is ‘absurd’ |
14 |
Trump says Americans can expect another round of coronavirus stimulus payments |
13 |
Trump-Putin: The understandable story |
13 |
Konfirmon Trump: Izraeli njeh zyrtarisht Kosovën |
13 |
Who handled Kenosha crisis better: Trump or Biden |
13 |
Trump denies calling US war dead ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
11 |
Trump encourages supporters to try to vote twice sparking uproar |
10 |
‘Losers’ and ‘suckers’: Trump denies insulting fallen American soldiers |
9 |
Biden to assail Trump on US economy as campaign enters more intense phase |
9 |
Izraeli njeh zyrtarisht Kosovën e konfirmon Trump |
9 |
Gobierno de Trump consideró usar “rayo de calor” contra solicitantes de asilo en 2018 |
8 |
Trump White House deny report he called fallen soldiers ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ |
7 |
TikTok Bid Highlights Oracle’s Public Embrace of Trump |
7 |
Alleged Antifa Killer Of Trump Supporter In Portland Was Previously Arrested—And Released—For Bringing Illegal Loaded Gun To A Riot |
7 |
Presidenti i SHBA Donald Trump: Marrëveshja Kosovë-Serbi një përparim i madh |
7 |
Report: Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
7 |
TikTok to legally challenge Trump’s administration order banning transactions |
7 |
Trump: Kosova dhe Izraeli vendosin marrëdhënie diplomatike |
7 |
Thống đốc New York không tiếc lời chỉ trích Tổng thống Trump |
7 |
‘Dark shadows’ and ‘thugs’ in planes: Trump echoes old hoax in attack on Biden |
7 |
John Bolton Accidentally Debunked Key Claim In The Report On Trump’s Alleged Comments On Dead Soldiers |
6 |
Donald Trump |
6 |
Trump’s mysterious visit to Walter Reed revealed |
6 |
Lara Trump Shows Some Leg In A Short Pink Mini Dress For Family Photo: ‘We Woke Up Like This’ |
6 |
Trump allies beating path to battleground Pennsylvania |
6 |
Me bekimin e Presidentit Donald Trump FIRMOSET në Shtëpinë e Bardhë marrëveshja Kosovë-Serbi |
6 |
Trump fires FBI Director Comey |
6 |
Çfarë kërkoi Ivanka Trump vajza e presidentit amerikan në takimin Hoti-Vuçiq |
6 |
Kosova dhe Serbia nënshkruajnë marrëveshjet me Amerikën prania e Trump |
6 |
Judges skeptical toward Trump plan to exclude many immigrants from representation |
6 |
Tiffany Trump’s Lifestyle Full Biography and Latest Photos |
6 |
Trump’s tweets are felt in Ethiopia Washington should use its power wisely |
5 |
TikTok to fight legally against Trump over ban |
5 |
Trung Quốc khởi động ‘chiến tranh bán dẫn’ với chính quyền ông Trump |
5 |
Presidenca Trump- Një “aksident” i vogël historik apo një pikë kthese në politikën botërore |
5 |
Trump Wants To Force Immigrants To Submit Eye Scans Voice Prints And DNA |
5 |
Nënshkruhet Marrëveshja Kosovë-Serbi në praninë e Donald Trump! |
5 |
Trump denies report claiming he made disparaging remarks about fallen service members |
5 |
Trump denies report that he spoke disparagingly of US war dead |
5 |
US police union endorses Trump in November election |
5 |
Nënshkruhet MARRËVESHJA Kosovë-Serbi në praninë e Donald Trump |
5 |
Trump besucht kranken Bruder in Klinik |
5 |
Melania Trump Donald Trump’s Wife Full Biography and all Info |
5 |
Trump won’t join a WHO-organized coronavirus vaccine development effort That could leave the US in the lurch if domestic candidates fail |
5 |
Trump says that ‘if we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases’ of the coronavirus |
5 |
Lawless Liberal Democrat Cities Go Crazy Over Trump’s Action |
5 |
Përmbyllet takimi i Uashingtonit Trump nënshkruan marrëveshje me Kosovën e Serbinë |
5 |
According to WSJ Mark Zuckerberg used a private Trump meeting to hurt TikTok |
5 |
House Democrat targets Trump adviser Navarro in probe over pandemic response |
4 |
Trump rallies in Pennsylvania as presidential race tightens |
4 |
Marrëveshja Kosovë-Serbi Trump: Izraeli njeh zyrtarisht Kosovën |
4 |
Donald Trump o koronawirusie |
4 |
Judge Sides With Trump Puts a Stop to… |
4 |
High Tensions As Trump Visited Kenosha Wisconsin After Demonstrations Sparked By Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake |
4 |
Nënshkuhet marrëveshja mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë në Washington firmos edhe Trump |
4 |
Wall Street Prediction: Trump Could Win |
4 |
Karma Alert: Liberals Try to Steal Mans Trump… |
4 |
Frankenstein en la Casa Blanca – Trump y el interregno global |
4 |
Trump and top aides ditch masks after saying patriots wear them |
4 |
Trump’s Future Depends on the Path of COVID-19 |
4 |
Trump angrily denies report that he denigrated US service members |
4 |
Encuestas dan a Biden ventaja en EEUU frente a Trump |
4 |
Trump believes amputees should be excluded from military parades: ‘Nobody wants to see that’ |
4 |
Joe Biden Losing Hispanic Voters to Trump in Florida |
4 |
Çfarë po ndodh në Uashington Ekipi i Kosovës vonohet për takimin me Trump tërheqja… |
4 |
We’ve worked well with the Trump administration |
4 |
Trump Müslümanlara ‘terörist’ diyen sunucunun kovulmasını istedi |
4 |
Trump calls on Iran to not execute wrestling star Navid Afkari |
4 |
Donald Trump Job Approval Bounces to 52 Percent |
4 |
Zyrtari i Trump: Kosova e Serbia janë dakorduar për normalizim ekonomik |
4 |
Jini Thornton Explains Donald Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral Promise EXCLUSIVE AUDIO |
4 |
US Election 2020 Updates Part-2: Is Trump Feeling Incompetent after Seeing Biden’s Rising Popularity |
4 |
Judge Sides With Trump Puts a Stop to Dems |
4 |
Hashim Thaçi falenderon presidentin Trump ja çfarë thotë për nënshkrimin e marrëveshjes |
4 |
Donald Trump – US Presidency Family Businesses and Career |
4 |
Court Blocks Trump Administration Abortion Rules in Maryland |
4 |
Trump For Calls Soldiers ‘Losers’ According To An Atlantic Story |
4 |
We Are Not Safe In Trump’s America |
4 |
Zyrtare! Izraeli njeh Kosovën pas nënshkrimit të marrëveshjes nga Trump |
4 |
Election 2020 live updates: Biden to speak on economic fallout of pandemic Trump hosting diplomatic talks – The Washington Post |
4 |
Trump’s Vaccine Can’t Be Trusted |
4 |
Attorneys argue Trump’s exclusion order for count is illegal |
4 |
Pas marrëveshjes në Shtëpinë e Bardhë asistenti i Trump nxjerr detaje: Ja çfarë u… |
4 |
LAJM I FUNDIT/ Pas nënshkrimit të marrëveshjes Trump paralajmëron vizitë në Kosovë |
4 |
La campaña sucia de Trump |
4 |
US Election 2020 Updates Part-4: Why Trump Says Ivanka is Better than Kamala Harris as VP |
4 |
LAJMI I FUNDIT/ HISTORIKE Kosova dhe Serbia nënshkruajnë marrëveshjen me Donald Trump |
3 |
Trump’s McCain Defense Gets Immediately Undone By One Of His Own Tweets |
3 |
President Trump takes office vowing to restore prosperity ‘fight’ for country |
3 |
Sospechoso de matar a activista partidario de Trump fue abatido por al menos 4 agentes en medio de arresto en Washington |
3 |
US-Autoren um Paul Auster protestieren gegen Trump |
3 |
In unhinged rally Trump says he hopes ‘things work out’ if |
3 |
Sen Tammy Duckworth ‘Appalled’ By Trump’s Reported Comments Denigrating Fallen Troops |
3 |
Cuomo Threatens President Trump Warns him to Stay Away from New York or Come With the Military |
3 |
Trump denies calling US war dead ‘losers’ |
3 |
Ông Trump chốt thương vụ TikTok: Cho 45 ngày không bán thì “nghỉ chơi”! |
3 |
Biden hits back at Trump for reportedly calling dead US troops ‘losers’ |
3 |
Trump Delivers Campaign Speech In Pennsylvania |
3 |
Donald Trump-ın seçkiqabağı reklam kampaniyası |
3 |
John Trump |
3 |
President Trump Embraces Supporters of Far-Right QAnon Conspiracy Theory |
3 |
Presidenti Trump mohon komentet përçmuese për ushtarakët amerikanë |
3 |
Duitse Joden bezorgd over anti-Joodse complottheorieën in Leonard Cohen boos op Trump door gebruik song ‘Hallelujah’ |
3 |
‘Losers’ and ‘suckers’: Trump denies insulting fallen American soldiers |
3 |
Election 2020 live updates: Biden visiting Kenosha Wis while Trump travels to Pennsylvania – The Washington Post |
3 |
‘’Faleminderit Trump’’ Thaçi “bekon” marrëveshjen: Kosova tani të punojë për t’u anëtarësuar në organizata ndërkombëtare dhe njohje të reja |
3 |
Tiktok-Trump gerginliğinde yeni perde! |
3 |
Un agente mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump en Portland |
3 |
Trump Encourages Voter Fraud — And Major Media Outlets Shrug |
3 |
Trump supporters traveled to Kenosha with plan to ‘pick people off’: Report |
3 |
Trump uzay madenciliği ile ilgili yeni bir kararname yayınladı |
3 |
Trump üniversiteye girmek için sahtecilik yaptı iddiası |
3 |
Trump Encourages People in North Carolina to Vote Twice: Which Is… |
3 |
According to WSJ Mark Zuckerberg used a private Trump meeting to |
3 |
Donald Trump Censored Dude Gotta Go T shirt Hoodie |
3 |
It’s Time for the Generals to Go on the Record About Trump |
3 |
Trump’s MAJOR Request Before Debating Biden |
3 |
Ivanka Trump Diamonds Embroiled in Alleged Money-Laundering Scheme |
3 |
Republican Traitor Said WHAT About Trump Supporters |
3 |
Fact check: Trump says he’s done more for veterans than John McCain did — while taking credit for McCain’s veterans bill |
3 |
Trump walks back suggestion that voters should cast ballot twice urges visit to polls to double-check |
3 |
Trump furiously denies report he disparaged military service insulted dead and disabled troops |
3 |
Trump says he doesn’t want to talk to Xi right now Situation is different now! |
3 |
Thoughts on Trump’s Potential Plan to Cut Federal Grants to Anarchist Jurisdictions |
3 |
Trump matiza unas polémicas declaraciones en las que pidió votar dos veces |
3 |
Violando la ley Trump insta a los habitantes de Carolina del Norte a votar dos veces |
3 |
President Trump’s New COVID-19 Advisor Is Making Public Health Experts Nervous |
3 |
“Trump es el presidente equivocado” |
3 |
Trump’s Law And Order Message Isn’t Resonating With Most Americans |
3 |
Trump gets trashed by Mr Rogers’ widow for visiting her neighborhood |
3 |
Beijing backs TikTok lawsuit against Trump administration’s sell order |
3 |
Court blocks Trump administration abortion rules in Maryland |
3 |
US President Donald Trump has urged residents in the |
3 |
Trump Denies Report That He Called Captured or Killed US Soldiers ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
3 |
Double Standard: Nets Tout Biden Kenosha Visit After Hating Trump’s |
3 |
Donald Trump says reported remarks about US troops were ‘made up Fake News’ |
3 |
American Warriors Did Not Defeat Fascism To Watch Our Freedoms Be Trampled By Mobs: USA President Trump |
3 |
Ivanka Trump merr pjesë në takimin Hoti-Vuçiç pse ishte prezente vajza e presidentit amerikan… |
3 |
12 Great Donald Trump Quotes That You Can Share With Your Friends |
3 |
‘Follow Your Vote’ Trump Tells Mail-in Ballot Voters |
3 |
Stronger India-US relations a common point for Trump and Biden: Jaishankar |
3 |
Special Guests Discuss President Trump’s Prescription Drug Executive Orders |
3 |
Fox News Host BETRAYS Trump |
3 |
The Toxic Antisemitism That Trump and Corbyn Share |
3 |
“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election |
3 |
Karma Alert: Liberals Try to Steal Mans Trump Signs Then He Takes Matters into His Own Hands |
3 |
‘Coastal Elites’ Starring Bette Midler Is Hollywood’s Anti-Trump Rage-Fest With 5 Incredible Performances |
3 |
Barron Trump Towers Over Mike Pence At RNC |
3 |
Goldman Sachs says ‘gold is a better hedge than oil’ as Trump-Iran tensions heat up |
3 |
Trump Scrambles to Make Good on Trade Promises in Swing States |
3 |
What Will You Do if Trump Doesn’t Leave |
3 |
Dalam Survei Terbaru Jelang Pilpres AS Biden Masih Mengungguli Trump |
3 |
Trump vs Hiden |
3 |
As Russia Provokes Trump Remains Silent |
3 |
Tashmë është zyrtare Kosova merr lajmin e madh nga vetë Presidenti Trump |
3 |
Economic Crisis Caused By Coronavirus Pandemic May Strike Trump’s Re-election Prospects |
3 |
Trump’ın hamlesi Microsoft’a geri adım attırdı |
3 |
Pelosi’s NO MASK hair blowout hypocrisy hands Trump election gift |
3 |
How Trump And COVID-19 Have Reshaped The Modern Militia Movement |
3 |
My Own Personal Trump |
3 |
Facebook Trumpın corona virüs paylaşımını sildi! Yanlış iddialar içeriyor |
3 |
Trump and His Grifters |
3 |
Sen Tammy Duckworth Joins Fellow Veterans Slamming ‘Cowardly’ Trump for Reported Military Comments |
3 |
Trump advocates improving relations with Russia |
3 |
‘Trump seçilirse NATO’dan çekilebilir’ |
3 |
Tổng thống Trump gây phẫn nộ vì kêu gọi cử tri bỏ phiếu hai lần |
3 |
Trump campaign bracing for legal battle over elect |
3 |
Trump je odkril emotikone na Twitterju nekateri pa v tem vidijo slabo znamenje |
2 |
Snobé par Trump Jacob Blake approché par Joe Biden |
2 |
Trump: Kovid-19 aşısı belki ekim sonundan önce dağıtılır |
2 |
Trump: Pas d’immigration aux USA jusqu’au 31 décembre |
2 |
Judges skeptical toward Trump plan to exclude immigrants from Congressional representation |
2 |
CUOMO’S WARNING: NY Gov Says Trump ‘Better Have an Army’ if He Comes Back to New York City |
2 |
Trump calls for boycott of Goodyear Tires prohibiting Blue Lives Matter |
2 |
The Choice 2020: Trump vs Biden |
2 |
Judges grill Trump administration over excluding undocumented immigrants from census data |
2 |
Trump criticized for reported military comments: ‘He doesn’t understand bravery’ – live |
2 |
What Muslim Countries Did Trump Ban |
2 |
Dow Rallies 200 Points as Trump’s Tough China Tactics Bear Fruit – CCN Markets Crypto Coins News |
2 |
Trump confía en tener una vacuna para octubre y agita polémica sobre el voto |
2 |
Trump Dönemi ABD Ekonomisi |
2 |
Donald Trump un enfant dans un corps d’adulte |
2 |
The Trump Administration Is Transforming a Hair Salon Owner Into a Martyr |
2 |
VoA: Trump to meet with Vučić and Hoti today an agreement to be signed |
2 |
Trump incide en las protestas y Biden condena la brutal |
2 |
Trump’s poll numbers soar as Joe spreads fake news |
2 |
Statement: UN Was Right to Reject Trump’s Iran Embargo But Danger Is In What Comes Next |
2 |
Biden Blasts Trump’s Handling of COVID-19 Saying the President ‘Has No Real Plan’ for Getting Students and Teachers Back to School Safely |
2 |
How Conway And Bannon Will Help Trump Win The Election |
2 |
The Media Onslaught Against Trump Continues |
2 |
Më ndërmjetësimin e Trump cili është aleati i fuqishëm i SHBA-së që pritet të… |
2 |
Trump Scrambles To Deny Trashing John McCain And Fallen Soldiers |
2 |
Trump Fires Back at Michelle Obama |
2 |
Donald Trump confía en tener una vacuna para octubre |
2 |
The Atlantic Posts Ridiculous Hit Piece on President Trump and His Treatment of Veterans — President Trump Responds to Junk Report VIDEO |
2 |
Trump niega haber llamado «perdedores» a soldados muertos |
2 |
USA : la Maison-Blanche dément une insulte de Trump envers les soldats américains |
2 |
UK’s Johnson met Trump advisor Kushner discussed Middle East: PM’s office |
2 |
US: Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran Laws of War Prohibit Deliberate Attacks on Cultural Property |
2 |
Nhóm Cộng hòa quyền lực đồng lòng ủng hộ Biden phản đối Trump |
2 |
A Trump Second Term: Upside and Risks |
2 |
Trump’s border wall may collapse as funds linked to Steve Bannon’s non-profit: ‘They’re cutting corners everywhere’ |
2 |
Trump pide votar dos veces en elección presidenciales de noviembre |
2 |
PBS Reporter: Some Trump Fans Find It OK to Shoot Unarmed Protesters |
2 |
Pastor Snow – Trump on Steroids |
2 |
President Trump’s October SURPRISE Interview with Brad Parscale |
2 |
Le jour où Kim Jong Un est tombé sous le charme d’une collaboratrice de Donald Trump |
2 |
„Trump i Pence muszą odejść” czyli kolejny protest w Chicago! Ponoć pokojowy |
2 |
Trump’s niece posts dad Fred’s pic in Air Force uniform to clap back at POTUS’ ‘suckers’ comment on dead soldiers |
2 |
Kurt Bardella tells us the sinister truth behind Trump’s racist coronavirus propaganda |
2 |
Creep of the Week: Donald Trump |
2 |
Rechtsterrorist für immer in den Häf‘n – Trump und ein Schreihals am Parteitag |
2 |
Desperate Trump Orders “Emergency Plasma Treatment” For Covid-19 May Fast-Track Vaccine Like Russia |
2 |
Is a rogue Trump appointee trying to deep six the President’s America First agenda on trade |
2 |
Trump Vučić i Hoti u Bijeloj kući potpisali sporazum Srbije i Kosova |
2 |
Biden trước sức ép “phải khác” Trump trong chính sách với Trung Quốc |
2 |
In unhinged rally Trump says he hopes ‘things work out’ if he has heart attack |
2 |
EPA Chief Previews a Second Trump Term: More Deregulation Fewer Environmental Protections |
2 |
Un criminal y líder neonazi financia la campaña de Trump desde 2017 |
2 |
The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump |
2 |
Four state attorneys general back Trump on social media regulation push |
2 |
Trump amplified a bogus QAnon misinformation campaign against the CDC that is now flooding social media |
2 |
GOYA CEO Says ‘Destruction and hatred tearing down businesses’ is Driving Latinos to Trump! |
2 |
Why was Donald Trump’s account unaffected by mass hacking on Twitter |
2 |
Just How Much Legal Trouble Is Trump In |
2 |
How often does Donald Trump lie |
2 |
Key Pollster Predicts Trump Will Win Michigan and Wisconsin |
2 |
Trump invita a votar por duplicado y lo critican sus adversarios |
2 |
Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral Won’t Give Benefit to This Group of People |
2 |
Campañas de Trump y Biden se pronuncian sobre Venezuela |
2 |
Update About Moderna After Trump Tightens Targets For A COVID-19 Vaccine MRNA |
2 |
Trump’tan İran’a Güreşçi Afkari’yi idam etmeyin çağrısı |
2 |
‘Trump seçimleri yeniden kazanırsa ABD’yi NATO’dan çekebilir’ |
2 |
Başımıza Brexit ve Trump’ı getiren anti-politik isyanın içyüzü… |
2 |
Ο Trump θεωρεί losers τους Αμερικανούς νεκρούς και τους ήρωες πολέμου |
2 |
Trump blir tv-karaktär i ”The Comey Rule” |
2 |
HISTORIKE / Nënshkruhet marrëveshja mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë me ndërmjetësimin e presidentit Trump |
2 |
Trump Helplessly Twitter Tantrums After Getting Busted Calling Fallen US Troops Losers |
2 |
Whistleblower Edward Snowden Vindicated as 9th Circuit Rules NSA Spying on Americans’ Phones is Illegal – Will Trump Pardon Him |
2 |
Report: Trump Disparaged US War Dead as ‘Losers’ ‘Suckers’ |
2 |
Donald Trump est le propriétaire des plus grandes pertes d’emplois de |
2 |
Former Swedish Prime Minister Frederick has called Trump an “Authoritarian King” |
2 |
President Trump Delivers Unbelievable Speech: “I Have a Lot of Enemies…This May Be the Last Time You’ll See Me for a While” Video |
2 |
You’ll Never Be Able To Unsee This Frog On Trump’s Chin |
2 |
Thaçi përshëndet nënshkrimin e marrëveshjes: Mirënjohës Trump dhe Grenell |
2 |
Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend |
2 |
US protests: Memorial service for George Floyd Trump threats rebuked |
2 |
McEnany Dismisses ‘Conspiracy Theories’ On Trump’s Mystery Hospital Visit |
2 |
Pres Trump Tells North Carolina Voters To Vote Twice |
2 |
Trump Wants to Help Mexico Fight Against Drug Cartels |
2 |
Trump denies calling dead US soldiers ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ |
2 |
Trump reportedly disparaged captured or killed military officers many times – live |
2 |
Attorney General James Fights Trump Administration Proposal Allowing Predatory Lenders to Take Advantage of New York’s Most Vulnerable Communities |
2 |
Hậu đại hội đảng ông Biden vẫn dẫn trước Tổng thống Trump ở nhiều cuộc khảo sát |
2 |
US-Wahltalk: «Nach der Trump’schen Narrenshow jetzt ein Stiller ein Stotterer – vielleicht das Richtige für die USA» |
2 |
IDC Commends the Trump and Macron Administrations for Supporting Lebanon |
2 |
Pas nënshkrimit të marrëveshjes Trump paralajmëron vizitë në Kosovë dhe Serbi |
2 |
Multiple state attorneys general back Trump on social media regulation push |
2 |
You can bet on it: What will Dana White say in support of Donald Trump at the RNC |
2 |
Gun-toting Trump supporters attack George Floyd protesters in rural Ohio town |
2 |
Trump paralajmëron vizitë në Kosovë |
2 |
MIC DROP! Kayleigh McEnany DUNKS on Democrats Attacking President Trump Over the Riots |
2 |
FOTO-LAJM: Momenti i nënshkrimit të marrëveshjes Kosovë-Serbi në Shtëpinë e Bardhë Trump hyn “mik” te Izraeli për Kosovën |
2 |
Biden hits back at Trump for reportedly calling… |
2 |
China’s reins in Trump’s coercion to buy tickets |
2 |
Trump’s sister says in a secret tape that the president is a liar who is unprepared |
2 |
Trump puts pressure on FDA for coronavirus silver bullet ahead of Election Day |
2 |
Zogby Poll shows Biden holds small but weak lead over Trump |
2 |
The Republican Convention Is Going Well for President Trump |
2 |
Americans more polarized over racial justice protests after Jacob Blake shooting favor Biden over Trump: Poll |
2 |
North Carolina Election Board issues sharp rebuke against Trump for telling his fans to vote twice |
2 |
Trump allies beating path to |
2 |
President Trump Was Right – Study Confirmed The Benefits Of Hydroxychloroquine |
2 |
Trump’s re-election pitch American dream vs Socialist |
2 |
Uproar as supporters are encouraged to try to vote twice by Trump |
2 |
‘Hombres de negro’ y ‘sombras tenebrosas’: Trump acusa golpe de Estado |
2 |
‘His soul is that of a coward’: Biden camp blasts Trump over stories he known as useless US troops ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ |
2 |
“Donald Trump es el mejor vendedor que he conocido en mi vida” – Barbara Corcoran |
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Minnesota’s First Asian American GOP Chairwoman Defends Trump’s Use of ‘China Virus’ |
2 |
Donald Trump’s latest attack on mask-wearing may be his worst yet |
2 |
Donald Trump’s Fan Base Will Love Him Even Long After His Presidency Says Keep America Great Singer-Sister Duo Camille And Haley |
2 |
Man who allegedly shot Portland Trump supporter killed in arrest |
2 |
La Luna se está oxidando y los científicos están dispuesta a seguir con demanda contra Administración Trump por excluir a indocumentados del censo |
2 |
Trump encouraged his supporters to commit voter fraud but too much of the media responded with a shrug |
2 |
Donald Trump Furious at The Atlantic Claiming He Disparaged Fallen Soldiers |
2 |
Trump denies mocking US soldiers captured and killed in battle |
2 |
Trump asks crowd to wear masks despite not donning one himself calls Biden ‘puppet of extremists’ at rally |
2 |
With all the mail-in ballots ahead of the Nov 3 election should President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden’s three debates be moved up |
2 |
Republican strategist Ana Navarro claps back at Trump for obsessing over Pelosi salon visit |
2 |
After wild week Trump looks close to |
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Trump Called Veterans and Deceased Members of the Armed Forces ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
2 |
Trump flips script on Biden debates by hitting the books first |
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Trump Elçilik Saldırısından İran’ı Sorumlu Tuttu |
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Trump Ripped On Twitter After Reportedly Calling War Dead ‘Losers’ And ‘Suckers’ |
2 |
US Election 2020: Cracking the Sabotage Efforts TRUMP – Part 2 |
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Presidenti Trump ia sjell Kosovës njohjen nga Izraeli sot Netanjahu do t’ia konfirmojë Hotit |
2 |
Did Trump Tell People To Vote Twice |
2 |
Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal: The Movie |
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Long before Trump bipartisan group of elder statesmen flagged mail ballot fraud risks |
2 |
Kenosha shooting suspect Kyle Rittenhouse has become a potent symbol for the right and experts say Trump’s refusal to disavow him makes things worse |
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Aufruf zum Wahlbetrug: Twitter straft Trump erneut ab |
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When ignorance and violence are permitted to trump justice |
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The fast-spreading coronavirus… Donald Trump About corona |
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0:05 / 4:17 Self-Described Former Democrats Flood C-span With Pro-Trump Calls |
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David Plouffe just explained how Democrats can generate a landslide to beat Trump |
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Trump Who Definitely Called John McCain A Loser Is Denying Calling John McCain A Loser |
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Trump Scales Back Huawei Restrictions amidst Trade War with China |
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Trump’s Twitter letter to WHO chief Tedros is full of political threats |
2 |
Trump visits Kenosha |
2 |
Konfirmon Trump: Izraeli njeh zyrtarisht i parë Grubi i dhuron plis ambasadorit të BE-së Samuel Zhbogar |
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US-Wahlblog: Medienbericht: Trump soll gefallene US-Soldaten „Loser“ genannt haben |
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Étudiants étrangers privés de visas: l’administration Trump recule face au tollé |
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New report says Trump called dead US veterans “suckers” and “losers” |
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Trump Angrily Denies Report He Known as Fallen Troopers ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
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SNOTTY Prank: Ruhle Faux-Blows Nose to Show Trump Contempt of Subpoena |
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Trump threat to Democratic-led cities provokes outcry |
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Trump oversees economic deal that sees Kosovo recognize Israel Serbia move embassy to Jerusalem |
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‘No one is safe in America under Trump’ |
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CNN Badgers Black Trump Voter For Calling Out Biden’s Racist Comments |
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Trump’s vaccine chief says he would resign if there was undue interference in Covid-19 vaccine process |
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Tuesday News: “Trump Had One Good Response to Covid-19 His Party Killed It” “Biden Wants to Know If We’re Willing to Rid Ourselves of… |
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Wednesday News: “Russian trolls are back” “Trump Is Inciting Violence” “Trump is too loony even for Laura Ingraham” “How Markey Took Down a Kennedy”… |
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CPI: Trump dénonce un système de corruption et sanctionne Bensouda |
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Trump’tan İran’a: Güreşçi Afkari’yi idam etmezseniz çok memnun olurum teşekkürler |
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Trump’s “Law and Order” Is Feeding Racist Violence and Chaos |
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Policía de EEUU mata durante un arresto a sospechoso de asesinar a un seguidor de Trump |
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Trump Kudüs’ü İsrail’in başkenti olarak tanıdığını ilan etti |
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Trump confía en tener una vacuna para octubre |
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Small farmers left behind in Trump administration COVID-19 |
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Trump ‘coddling’ Turkey despite expansionist Islamic leanings – Washington Post |
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Trump danas s Vučićem i Hotijem na potpisivanju sporazuma |
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Wednesday News: “Russian trolls are back” “Trump Is Inciting Violence” “Trump is too loony |
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US President Trump’s Travel Bans: NIGERIA ON THE DILEMMA |
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Sugjerimet e Presidentit Trump për votimin shkaktojnë konfuzion reagim nga Facebook-u |
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Trump Reportedly Referred To American War Dead As ‘Losers’ And ‘Suckers’ |
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Report: Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
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Joe Biden Says USA President Trump ‘Offered Nothing But Failure And Delusions From Start To Finish’ |
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Donald Trump says China is making things difficult with North Korea |
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Wisconsin’s Gov Tony Evers tells Trump not |
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The SHOCKING Truth about Trump and 5G |
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Nënshkruhet marrëveshja Kosovë-Serbi në praninë e Donald Trump! |
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Trump TikTok y el fin de la internet abierta: ¿hacia un movimiento de países no alineados |
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TikTok Will sue Trump administration over the ban |
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Trump ‘anarchist’ order would hit cities’ enviro programs |
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WTF: Trump Told Sarah Sanders To “Take One For The Team” After Wink From Kim Jong-un |
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Can Trump still win |
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Biden addressing fallen US soldiers’ kin in old video makes Internet cry as Trump’s ‘losers’ jibe draws flak |
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La delgada “línea azul” entre las violentas milicias pro Trump y la policía |
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Explosive Report Reveals Trump’s Deep Contempt For Troops |
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Trump and Biden campaigns will still receive in-pe |
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Donald Trump promet la suspension temporaire de l’immigration aux USA |
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Biden Claims Trump Has ‘Planned Cuts To Social Security’ By Killing The Payroll Tax What Are The Facts |
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White Voters Are Turning Away from Donald Trump |
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Tổng thống Trump: Trong nhiệm kỳ thứ hai tôi sẽ chiến đấu cho những đứa trẻ chưa chào đời |
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Hungry Families Dealt Additional Blow: Letter Signed by Trump Included in Food Aid Boxes |
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Florida man Rick Wilson reveals his secret to trolling Trump successfully |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump ‘xin’ Iran ‘tha mạng’ cho võ sĩ Navid Afkari |
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Pence rejects report on Trump disparaging fallen soldiers as ‘anonymous smear job’ |
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Debunking the Lies about Trump’s Social Security Plan |
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Trump is a racist if you support him are you |
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Democracy under threat: Trump’s attempts to dismantle the postal service |
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Cartoon: Trump vs Hiden |
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Trump backs military support in election polls |
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Facebook braces itself for Trump to cast doubt on election results |
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The Latest: Trump mocks the way Biden wears his mask |
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Black Trump Supporters Go VIRAL for Awesome Pro-America Message |
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Why Trump’s Convention Hatch Act Violations Truly Matter |
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Biden Harris criticize Trump response to unrest |
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Këto janë tri pikat e marrëveshjes së nënshkruar nga Trump |
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Trump says Biden would bring chaos and socialism to America |
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Trump suggère aux Américains d’essayer de voter deux fois tollé général |
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Front Page News: Donald Trump Goes To Kenosha Wisconsin Master P’s New Food Products WATCH |
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Venezuela y la política electoral irracional de Trump |
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Trump’s EPA chief: Climate change efforts hurt the poor |
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Donald Trump ‘disparaged US war dead as losers’ |
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Trump Targets Seattle Portland NYC DC By Threatening Federal Funding For ‘Anarchist’ Cities |
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Trump: Joe Biden wird „von dunklen Mächten“ gesteuert |
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Just before Trump’s Big Lies Speech the Lincoln Project releases “Daughters” “Protect” and “Decency” |
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Trump: Americans who died in war are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
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Thursday News: Trump Lets Putin Poison Opponents with Impunity Trump Encourages Felony Voter Fraud |
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Trump: Izraeli njeh zyrtarisht Kosovën |
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Trump Encourages People in North Carolina to Vote Twice: Which Is Illegal |
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Thursday News: Trump Lets Putin Poison Opponents with Impunity Trump Encourages Felony Voter Fraud “Biden raises a record-shattering 364 million in August” “Devin Nunes… |
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Laporan Langsung VOA untuk TVRI: Rivalitas Trump dan Biden di Pilpres AS |
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Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump |
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Donald J Trump – 45th President of the United States |
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Trump Outwits Dems on Mail in Voting |
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Trump denies calling John McCain and fallen soldiers ‘suckers and losers’ accuses ‘fake news’ of smear campaign |
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Trump’s US EPA chief claims climate-change fight hurts the poor |
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Vučić i Hoti potpisali sporazum Trump sve nadgledao |
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Governor Cuomo takes Trump to the woodshed after he claims he can win New York this election |
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Más que el covid el conflicto racial domina los discursos de Trump y Biden |
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Audio: Donald Trump and the Triumph of Islam |
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Trump Encourages People in North Carolina to Vote Twice: Which Is |
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Trump Admin Slams Proposal To Alter Historic DC Monuments |
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Did Sarah Sanders Say Trump Told Her To Take ‘One… |
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Ông Trump gây bão với đề nghị ‘đặc biệt’ về bầu cử |
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Trump menace de taxer la Chinede 2000 nouveaux décès |
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Here’s why Trump’s disdain for military heroes is totally consistent with his view of the world |
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Donald Trump Economic Successes Quiz |
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Ο Trump δύσκολα θα χάσει |
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La policía mata al sospechoso de asesinar a un fan de Trump en las protestas de Portland |
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Fox News Host Names The Trump Talking Point She’d Scratch From The List |
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Barceló sobre las PCR: No es un problema de planificación Trump hizo acopio de producción |
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Iran Issues Warrant for Donald Trump’s Arrest on ‘Murder and Terrorism’ Charges |
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People Bring the Receipts After Trump Tries to Claim He Never Called John McCain a ‘Loser’ |
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Trump: Covid-19 aşısı belki ekim sonundan önce dağıtılır |
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US President Donald Trump has urged residents |
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Donald Trump plans to Establish a Military base in Poland |
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Trump viaja a Kenosha Wisconsin pero nunca menciona el nombre de Jacob Blake |
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Why This Urban Feminine Woman Not a Feminist! Is Voting for Trump in 2020 |
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Trump’s battle with the Europeans |
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Trump Fights New World Order! |
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Judges Skeptical Toward Trump Plan to Exclude Many Immigrants From Representation |
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Corte dispuesta a seguir con demanda contra Administración Trump por excluir a indocumentados del censo |
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Trump’s Misleading Claims about US Covid-19 Death Rates during interview with Axios |
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Trump Sends 7-Year-Old Attacked At DNC A Signed ‘MAGA’ Hat And Other Goodies |
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Jill Biden Donald Trump Jr to visit Minnesota on Wednesday |
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Monday News: “How Climate Change Is Fueling Hurricanes And Wildfires” “Trump Vicar of Fear and Violence” “Don’t let Trump’s distractions bury his record” “Trump… |
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La plainte de AILA contre le décret de Trump déposée aujourd’hui |
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Tổng thống Donad Trump bác bỏ tin đồn từng bị hàng loạt cơn đột quỵ |
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Donald Trump do të presë sot në takim Vuçiçin dhe Hotin do nënshkruhet marrëveshje… |
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Who is Erica Kious Trump wants SF salon owner who ‘set up’ Pelosi to be Speaker of the House |
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TT Trump bác bỏ bài báo nói ông chê bai tử sĩ Mỹ |
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Twitter e Fb censurano invito Trump a votare due volte |
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President Trump Calls US Soldiers Who Were Injured And Died In War “Losers” |
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Zyrtari i Trump: Kosova e Serbia kanë arritur marrëveshje për normalizim ekonomik |
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How Pigs Helped Trump Win the Trade War |
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Trump finds his own health under scrutiny |
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Setelah TikTok Trump Mau Larang Alibaba Dkk Beroperasi di AS |
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Bo Trump hujskal privržence naj zaprejo Melanio Prva dama je storila nekaj česar ne bi smela |
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Trump denies report he made disparaging remarks about US war dead |
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Kjo pritet të jetë marrëveshja në Shtëpinë e Bardhë para Trump-it |
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Un policía mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump en Portland |
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This Meeting Really Happened Trump Was Targeted |
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Trump accuse la Chine de se dérober à ses responsabilités |
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Northern Command apologizes for ‘inadvertently retweeting’ Trump rally announcement on official site |
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Trump Falsely Claims He Never Called John McCain a Loser – Watch Him Do Just That Video |
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Why Trump Supporters Can’t Admit Who He Really Is |
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Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
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Friday News: Trump: “Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’” “After wild week Trump looks close to full derailment” “Another Holiday Weekend… |
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Leon Cooperman undecided on 2020 election between Trump and Biden |
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New York Valisi Cuomo’dan Trump’a: “Sokakta yürümeye korumaları yetmez” |
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Trump Müslümanlar için terörist ifadesini kullanan sunucunun kovulmasını istedi |
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CBS CENSORS Andrew Cuomo Threatening Physical Harm to Trump |
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Donald Trump Never Said ‘Vote Twice’ He Said ‘Boat Mice’ |
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Beyaz Saray: Kosova ve Sırbistan liderleri Başkan Donald Trump’ın da katıldığı törende İki ülke arasında ekonomik normalleşme anlaşmasını imzaladı |
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Trump: Marëveshja Kosovë-Serbi nënshkrim historik do t’i vizitoj të dyja vendet |
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Twitter and Facebook label yet another Trump comment on mail-in ballots |
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WATCH: Mob Menaces Rand Paul Wife as They Leave Trump Speech at White House |
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Contrasting styles: Here is how Trump and Ardern talk about Muslims |
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Trump delivers campaign speech in Pennsylvania August 3 2020 |
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Nurse Tells CNN: Trump’s Virus Response Is His ‘Greatest Achievement’ |
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Trump Signs Decrees – and is Rolled Over for Them |
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Billie Eilish protesta contra Trump |
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Sharon Stone tachó de «asesino» a Donald Trump |
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Trump pide votar dos veces en la elección de noviembre |
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Trump llama “fracasados” a soldados muertos en guerras |
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President Trump Visits Kenosha Wisconsin |
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le suspect du meurtre d’un partisan de Donald Trump à Portland |
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Trump administration continues its process of unraveling ties with the WHO |
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Fact Check Friday: Trump on ‘law and order’ and protests |
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Suspeito de matar apoiador de Trump em Portland é morto em ação policial |
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Trump’s Trade War with China :2018 Great Miscalculation |
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T-Mobile CEO warns Dems that ‘Defund the Police’ message guarantees Trump’s reelection |
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Trump has called American war dead ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ |
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Andrew Cuomo During Rant Said Trump ‘Better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York’ |
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America’s ‘Digital Strike’ On China Trump Said – Tik-Tok Will Ban In 24 Hours |
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Trump: America Needs More Jews Who Love Israel – Breaking Israel News |
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Die skurrilsten Sprüche von Donald Trump |
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An ER doctor just explained why you should NEVER listen to Trump’s medical advice |
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Trump mówił że amerykańscy żołnierze to „frajerzy” i trzeba było nie ginąć w wojnach |
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US-Wahl: Mehr als 100 Republikaner wenden sich gegen Trump |
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“I Could Have And Should Have Done A Better Job” Hillary Clinton Discusses Private Email Donald Trump and Iran VIDEO |
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An epidemiologist just explained why Trump’s Tulsa rally can be a deadly super-spreader event |
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American Honey Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on the Street |
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México sabe que pagará por muro- Trump |
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US WeChat user group sues Trump over messaging app ban |
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US Coronavirus Update: Trump Suspends Immigration Colombia Extends Lockdown Bolsonaro Joins Protests |
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TikTok Employee Asks Court to Immediately Stop Trump Order |
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Trump prohibió hacer negocios con TikTok y We Chat: el gobierno chino prometió represalias |
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Joe Biden: “Maduro se ha fortalecido desde que Donald Trump llegó al poder” |
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Donald Trump Denies He Called Fallen War Veterans ‘Losers’ |
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Trump urges supporters to go to polls even after voting by mail |
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Trump Rallies Return |
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US security chief backs Trump’s law-and-order message |
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Trump’s niece calls on him to resign |
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Boat Parade In Support Of President Trump Planned For Labor Day Weekend |
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A 12-Year-Old Boy Was Repeatedly Punched in the Head and Arms For Having a Trump Sign |
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Trump Finally Drops the Sledgehammer and its Beautiful |
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Friday News: Trump: “Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’” “After wild |
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After wild week Trump looks close to full derailment |
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Trump ka vetëm 5 minuta për Hotin e Vuçiqin në Zyrën Ovale – nënshkrimi në “Roosevelt Room” |
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Trump is again criticized for asking to vote twice |
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Trump lambasts at China-born reporter Ask China Don’t Ask Me |
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Cuomo Threatens President Trump On Going To New York: “He Better Have An Army If He Thinks He’s Gonna Walk Down the Street in New York” |
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Trump Full Interview with David Muir |
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US Election 2020: Donald Trump Urges North Carolina Residents to Try to Vote Twice Facebook And Twitter to Take Action US President’s Controversial Statement |
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Biden and Harris must challenge Trump and redefine ‘law and order’ |
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Robert Mugabe Donald Trump and Boris Johnson |
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COMMENTARY: Trump is ancient history |
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Imágenes de la destrucción causada por la explosión en Trump presidente de Estados Unidos/ Foto EFE |
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Tom Arnold just revealed the inside story of Michael Cohen flipping on Trump – 1 of 3 |
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5 popular reasons for Trump’s succession in the 2016 election |
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If there’s one talking point constantly used against President Trump is that he’s divisive |
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Trump Orders Feds To Begin Process To Defund 4 ‘Lawless’ Cities That Have Cut Police Budgets |
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Trump Leaves Joe Biden Pelosi EXPLODES Goes On VIOLENT Attack On Trump Lawyers |
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Antifa Gunman Shot Dead by Cops Said His Killing of Trump Supporter Felt Like Start of “Civil War” |
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6 Million Stricken with Covid-19: Trump has turned the US into a Shthole Country |
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Trump accusé d’avoir qualifié des soldats morts de « losers » la Maison Blanche dément |
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Trump task force to dismantle MS-13 takes down key leaders |
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Trump Victory – The Political Version of Holyfield-Tyson |
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Contributor Post Created with Sketch The First Trump–Biden Debate |
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New focus for campaign: Will Biden or Trump keep you safer |
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‘Losers suckers’: Donald Trump calls US fallen soldiers denies report later |
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Ledek CEO Apple Trump Lebih Suka iPhone dengan Home Button |
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Trump’s vaccine chief says unlikely one is ready by announces official manufacturing PMI for August |
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Robert Pattinson da positivo a covid y paran rodaje de de negro’ y ‘sombras tenebrosas’: Trump acusa golpe de de negro’ y ‘sombras tenebrosas’: Trump acusa golpe de Estado |
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Caldron Pool’s Video Goes VIRAL: ‘This Needs to Be a Trump Ad’ |
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PepsiCo: En Alemania Trump le habría requerido a Macri su inmediato desalojo |
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Trump Orders TikTok Parent Company to Sell US Assets Authorizes Full Audit |
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Despite All Those Fireworks Trump Still Had Lower Convention Ratings Than Spears’ Court Filing Gives Shout Out To FreeBritney Movement |
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Trump pide recuperar la educación patriótica en las escuelas de Estados Unidos |
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Trump anuncia acordo Sérvia-Kosovo para ‘normalizar’ relações econômicas |
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Colombia registra 9270 nuevos contagios y 296 muertes por asume candidatura y promete «sacar a EEUU de la oscuridad en la que Trump lo sumió» |
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¿Qué ha hecho Trump por nosotros |
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FACT CHECK: Trump’s distortion on Dems and the pledge |
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FACT CHECK: Trump payroll tax cut is Social Security risk |
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Trump administration imposes new Huawei restrictions |
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Trump ua bën të qartë: SHBA-të nuk do ta paguajnë për |
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Trump’s Impeachment Trial Just Started Even Though It’s Not “Official” News Analysis |
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National security expert says Trump just carried out one of Nixon’s impeachable offenses |
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Trump claims coronavirus vaccine could be delivered next month |
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Trump’s Kenosha visit goes off the rails as he says cops just “choke” and fails to endorse body cams |
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TikTok boss quits as Trump’s ban looms |
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US Treasury should get cut of TikTok deal: Trump |
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New Trump Ad Leaves Biden’s Team Speechless |
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Donald Trump’s on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been defaced again |
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Karma Alert: Liberals Try to Steal Mans Trump Signs Then He Takes |
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Trump refuses to say if he slowed down coronavirus testing |
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Mary Trump Calls On President Trump To Resign |
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Trump and the Triumph of Law in the Asian Century |
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Stati Uniti polizia spara e uccide un Antifa Poco prima il tweet di Trump: «Sbrigatevi a fare il vostro mestiere» |
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Missouri Trump Supporters Came To Kenosha To ‘Pick People Off’ |
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Canada Aims To Join Vaccine Alliance Of 150 Countries That Trump Renounced |
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Olimpic Athlete Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel |
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Report: Trump Disparaged US War Dead as ‘Losers’ ‘Suckers’ click to see stats |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump geri adım Inzaghi: “Vedat Muriqi ile 0-1 |
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Sweden Also Embraced Herd Immunity with Business as Usual and Rejected Effective Public Health Measures Sweden’s Deaths per Unit Population Are Worse Than US and Far Worse Than Neighbors Norway Denmark and Finland Trump’s Attempt to Reduce Testing Is Coherent with This Analysis |
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Get This Message Quickly to Feckless Democratic Officials in Washington Oregon and Other States Who Have Failed to Confront Mercenary Wreckers Trump Refuses to Condemn Violence and Murder Provided They Are Carried Out by His Own Fanatical Supporters Acting as Provocateur in Chief He Plans Trip to Kenosha Tuesday Despite Urging from Mayor and Governor to Stay Away |
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Breaking: Eric Trump Harangues GOP Convention but Claims “The Constitution” Says He Does Not Need to Testify in New York Imagines US as Envy of World Where Reality is Often Scorn and Pity! Bondi Parrots Kremlin Propaganda against Bidens |
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Cseh Katalin biztos elmorzsolt egy könnycseppet Trump új ígérete hallatán |
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Chuck Schumer Slams Donald Trump’s Bragging of Unemployment Rate ‘Great Jobs Numbers’ |
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Today Donald Trump finally noticed that Steph Curry detests him |
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Malcolm Nance just debunked GOP conspiracy theories and the Trump-Russia truthers who push them |
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Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images The Washington Post confirmed and added to the Atlantic’s reporting that President Donald Trump denigrated US soldiers killed or captured in war |
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Trump Executive Order to Threaten Social Security a Danger to 16 Million Virginians and Their Families |
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Më ndërmjetësimin e Trump cili është aleati i fuqishëm i SHBA-së që pritet të njohë… |
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Who is Navid Afkari Dana White wants Donald Trump to save wrestler from execution |
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Former Trump Aide Calls for Olympic Investigation of Iranian Wrestler’s Death Sentence |
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Trump walks back statement urging supporters to commit voter fraud |
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Vector Donald Trump |
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Trump Says US Will Have COVID Vaccine Before End of 2020 |
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Cuomo advierte a Trump que sus guardaespaldas serían insuficientes si quiere caminar por Nueva York |
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The Atlantic: Trump llama “perdedores” a soldados estadounidenses heridos y muertos en guerra |
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Tổng thống Trump bị chỉ trích khi cáo buộc cử tri bỏ phiếu hai lần |
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¿Qué son las cintas de Melania y cómo afectarían a Trump |
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I’m taking Trump seriously |
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Trump-Xi rift plays out with some 100 canceled exchanges talks |
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In Pennsylvania Donald Trump Mocks Joe Biden for Backtracking on Fracking |
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Get as supporters are encouraged to try to vote twice by Trump |
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Biden Press Conference Provides Humane and Practical Plan to Fight Virus Fully Invoking the Defense Production Act and Including Low-Cost Day Care and with Child Care and Costs Per Family Kept Below 7 of Income Opening Schools and Businesses Presupposes Vanquishing Contagion He Calls for US World Leadership the Opposite of Trump’s America First of Appeasement |
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Donald Trump’s Remarks About The Military Will Haunt And Hurt Him |
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Donald Trump: Paycheck President |
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Trump Tells Residents of North Carolina Pennsylvania to Vote Twice |
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Video: Pro-Trump Counterprotesters Received NYPD Escort Before Driving Through Black Lives Matter March |
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Fox News Mocked For Blasting Through Disastrous Trump Poll Numbers At Warp Speed |
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Bantah Soal Video Tonton PSK Trump: Itu Semua Berita Palsu! |
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Alma Bravo México: “Donald Trump es una marca personal de peso político |
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Trump’tan yine ilginç öneri: Kuzey Karolina’da yaşayanlar iki kere oy kullansın |
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US Intel Officials Have Warned That Russian Interference into US Vote Is Aggressive and Ongoing What Form Is Their Meddling Taking Tonight Giuliani Lauds Trump’s Work Ethic in Raving Speech! |
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As Trump takes on China on trade reciprocity time for a second look at zero for zero on sugar and |
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Governor Could Face Prison Time After Threatening Trump’s Life |
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Trump presiona a Duque a que violente Constitución colombiana |
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Subscribe to man Rick Wilson reveals his secret to trolling Trump successfully |
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La règle Trump limitant les demandeurs d’asile annulée par le tribunal |
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Bill Barr will do anything for Trump |
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USA: Trump i Biden oskarżają się nawzajem o przemoc w Ameryce |
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Hivatalosan is Donald Trump a Republikánus Párt és szívtelenség |
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Battered by Democrats Trump fires back against ‘total anarchy madness and |
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“Hatemonger”: Author Jean Guerrero on Stephen Miller Trump’s White Nationalist Immigration Henchman |
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Trump calls his supporters ‘peaceful’ and defends a 17-year-old who shot three people in Wisconsin |
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US President Donald Trump has urged residents in the critical political battleground of North Carolina to try to vote |
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Author Christine Pelosi praises resisters fighting Trump’s ongoing threats to democracy |
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Aksi Penolakan Kebijakan Donald Trump di Makassar |
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A Little Reported Donation of Kodak Shares Congregation Chemdas Yisroel Insider Trading and President Trump |
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Merkel bật cười về tin Trump ‘quyến rũ’ bà |
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Trump calls article accusing him of disparaging military ‘disgraceful’ ‘fake news’ |
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Trump llamó “perdedores” y “fracasados” a los estadounidenses muertos en la… |
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Tin Şéт đáɴɦ: TT Trump dán nhãn TQ tội dιệт cɦủɴɢ ở Tân Cương có khả năng Tập Cận Bình bị bắt |
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Tổng thống Donal Trump đã ký hiến pháp gì về bạn… |
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…Poll: Joe Trails Trump with Hispanics in Florida |
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Biden acusa a Trump de fomentar la violencia: “Falló en proteger a Estados Unidos y ahora quiere asustar a Estados Unidos” |
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Sondage US : Donald Trump a le vent en poupe |
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Is Trump a Turning Point in World Harry and Meghan sign sprawling Netflix deal |
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Nueva demanda contra Trump y uno de sus tuits de parte de un artista |
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Cuomo says Trump would need ‘army’ to safely walk New York City streets |
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Bekende Nederlandse supermarkt-‘acteur’ wil geen carrière in Hollywood want Trump |
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Trump Suggests Polling Place Double-Check For Mail-In Voters |
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Jangankan dengan Mercedes Lawan Honda dan Renault Saja Ferrari Ejek Tentara AS yang Ditangkap dan Tewas Ini Respons Trump |
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Greystone Nursing Homes Whose Executives Gave 800000 to Trump Are Epicenters of Covid-19 Deaths |
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Donald Trump do të presë sot në takim Vuçiçin dhe Hotin do nënshkruhet marrëveshje mister… |
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Car that sped through BLM mob in Times Square may have been Targeted and Attacked as ‘Trump Supporters” |
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Son dakika… Erdoğan Trump’a Twitter’dan seslendi! |
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Donald Trump autoriza ayudas por 300 dólares a desempleados afectados por el coronavirus |
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Nóng: Iran ra lệnh bắt Tổng Thống Trump yêu cầu Interpol giúp đỡ |
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A Trump-like anti-intellectual |
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Ha kell Donald Trump a hadsereget is beveti |
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Trump pushes anti-immigrant message |
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Trump didn’t cancel visit to American military cemetery in France over disdain for slain veterans sources say |
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Europeans Can Soon Travel to US president Trump hinted |
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Owner of burned Kenosha business says Trump used his story for |
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Judges Skeptical of Trump Bid to Exclude Undocumented from Congressional Apportionment |
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Biden Furious At Reporter Over ‘Hostile’ Trump Slams Liberal Media Hosts — Then Offers A Great Suggestion |
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Top Trump official blasted by Ruth Bader Ginsburg from her hospital bed in live SCOTUS hearing |
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By a thousand cuts Trump trying to exterminate unions |
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Trump’s Overreach in Latest Government Relief Executive Orders |
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Brian Karem just asked why it took Trump’s “propaganda artist” so long to leave |
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Pentagon brass have a duty to go on the record after Trump denies shocking new military scandal |
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Trump llamó fracasados a los estadounidenses muertos en la primera guerra mundial |
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Presidenti Trump ia sjell Kosovës njohjen nga Izraeli sot Netanjahu do t’ia konfirmojë Ho |
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Determination helps as Trump praises Nigerian-born artist who drew his portrait |
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Salon owner responds to Trump’s call for her to take over as House speaker |
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Trump Initial Talks With Saudi / Russia |
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«¡Quiero apostar!»: gobernador Cuomo volvió a lanzar dardos contra Donald Trump |
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GM CEO Mary Barra to meet with Ivanka Trump on Wednesday |
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VIDEO Detik-detik Donald Trump kena ajab Allah swt ‘ kena STROKE |
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Donald Trump és orvosa is cáfol |
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Trump dismissed US war dead as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ – report |
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Latest Mainstream Media Lie: Trump calls fallen soldiers losers |
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Estados Unidos: La familia de Jacob Blake organiza un acto pacífico contra la visita de Donald Trump a Kenosha |
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Trump-Supporting Marine Mobbed By BLM Kicked In Head Media Say Event ‘Mostly Peaceful’ |
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Driver who plowed into BLM protesters in NYC ‘is a Trump supporter’ |
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Trump quickly challenged on threat to cut funding to Democratic-led cities |
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Donald Trump Encourages Supporters To Try To Vote Twice Sparking Uproar |
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Health experts decry Trump’s shunning of virus rules |
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More sources confirm that Trump called fallen veterans ‘losers’ as… |
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Investigating Donald Trump Jr Part 2: The Hundred Million Dollar House and the Russian Oligarch |
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‘His soul is that of a coward’: Biden camp blasts Trump over reports he called dead US troops ‘suckers’ and |
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Trump Wants To Hold The G7 Summit In Person But He Didn’t Ask Other World Leaders About The Idea Before Tweeting It |
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Trump vergisi kalktı ABD’ye çelik ihracatı arttı |
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Trump Golf Golf Shafts |
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Mary Trump on her dangerous uncle Donald |
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Analysis: Donald Trump’s latest attack on mask-wearing may be his worst yet |
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President Trump MAGA Rally in Latrobe Pennsylvania – 7:00pm ET Livestream… |
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Could western Pennsylvania win Trump a second term |
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Donald Trump Will Be Moving Out of the QVC House amp Joe Biden Will Return it to the White House! |
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Donald Trump’s Thursday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet! |
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08/31/20: President Trump Holds a News House |
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Trump back in rally form in Tulsa but the promised crowd doesn’t show |
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Trump Favored Again at Bovada First Time Since June 3 |
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Trump Administration To Shutter Stars amp Stripes A Voice For Troops Since 1861 |
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Jon Stewart Calls Trump’s 2020 Campaign ‘Single Most Divisive’ Americans Have Seen |
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États-Unis Le médecin de Trump nie que celui-ci a eu un AVC en novembre |
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Trump’ın şahin Almanya büyükelçileri ve ABD’nin Balkan-Doğu Avrupa politikası |
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En direct de la CROI 2019 : Trump et la fin de l’épidémie sida aux Etats-Unis |
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EndorseThis: Every Annoying Trump Bot On Twitter — In 43 Seconds |
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Trump campaign blasts Biden’s ‘purely political’ Kenosha visit |
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Trump confía en tener una vacuna para octubre y agita la polémica sobre el voto |
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WH Flacks Insist Donald Trump Loves Troops Most Donald Trump Loves Troops Most Donald T |
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Karine Jean-Pierre explains why Trump will have an asterisk next to his presidency forever |
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TT Trump: Obama có thể đã ƥhạm tội ƥhảท quốc |
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Başkan Donald Trump’ın ABD Büyükelçiliği’ni Kudüs’e taşıma girişimlerinin konuşulduğu şu günlerde İran İslam Cumhuriyeti’nin başkenti Tahran’da |
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Nordstrom drops Ivanka Trump clothing line accessories |
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Woman Repeatedly Punches Child In Head For Having Pro-Trump Sign: Police Report – Stats |
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Breaking — Trump’s October Surprise: Letter Sent to 50 States Ordering Preparations to Receive Non-Existent Covid Vaccine on November 1 Just Before Presidential Election Harvard Medical Veteran Haseltine Calls Move “Very Unwise” Says He Would Not Accept a Shot Resulting from Such an Irresponsible Rush Job Adds That Leading Vaccine Candidates Must be Supercooled to -70°or -20° Which Currently Is Not Practical Notes That Authorities Lending Their Authority to Current Regime Ops Are Discrediting Themselves |
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Trump’s Hail Marys by JE Dean |
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Rage Against The Machine se arrepiente de haber mostrado póster de Donald Trump como presidente |
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Donald Trump Toilet Paper |
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Green Shirt Guy just revealed a new way to defeat Trump’s racist immigration policies |
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Trump Humor Part I |
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State Asks President Trump For Federal Disaster Declaration Regarding August Storms |
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Trump Takes A First Step Towards The “Deal Of The Century” |
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Pelosi Says Biden Should Not Debate Trump! |
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Trump administration reportedly orders military newspaper Stars and Stripes to shut down |
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Antifa Member Who Shot Trump Supporter Killed By Law Enforcement |
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United States Of American Lawmakers Has Formalise Donald Trump Impeachment Process |
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Rage Against The Machine es «kármicamente enteramente responsable» de Trump |
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Democratic Convention Moves Towards Recreation of Franklin D Roosevelt National Coalition Capable of Ending Paranoid Nightmare of Trumpism United Front Now Extends from AOC and Bernie Across Entire Democratic Party to Lincoln Project and Never Trump Republicans Kasich Hagel Whitman and Cindy McCain Trump’s Stock Slander About Biden’s Alleged Senility Utterly Annihilated as Dem Candidate Delivers Tour de Force Confirming Maxim That Fighting Against Trump Brings Out the Best in Everyone – Including Biden Himself! Bernie Shows Realism but Will His Followers Get the Message |
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Trump become softens in Muslim issue |
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It’s Trump Folks! The Future of Trump Cannabis |
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Trump asfixia a Huawei pero la ayuda ofrecida al mercado del… |
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White House fights back against claims Donald Trump called WWI Marine |
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Specter of “Herd Immunity” Grips Washington as New Obscurantists Gain Ascendancy in Trump’s Court of Miracles Latest Panacea Involves Letting Covid Run Wild through Society in Hopes That Survivors Will Acquire Antibodies and Some Degree of Immunity First Problem Is Terrifying Death Toll from Refusing to Contain Scope of Infections and Deaths Second Problem Is That Any Antibodies and Immunity May Be Short-Lived Leaving Society with No Net Gain After Extravagant Losses Also Cases of Short-Term Re-Infection Have Been Observed |
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Biden: Revertiré la reciente decisión de Trump de limitar las remesas a la familia cubana 2 |
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Obama Sticks His Nose Into Presidential Race Again Accuses Trump of Wanting To Steal Election |
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Trump explică ce a vrut să spună când a îndemnat americanii să voteze şi prin poştă şi la secţie |
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Trump accused of describing war dead as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ He denies allegations Here’s what we know |
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Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers – The Atlantic |
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Trump’s convention offers misleading portrait of his presidency |
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Attorney: Trump Will Receive Highest Number Of Black Votes In Modern GOP History |
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BBC-sjef varsler endringeri Trump-dekningen |
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Twitter Facebook Hit Trump Over Post Suggesting Children are ‘Almost Immune’ From Coronavirus |
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Trump News – Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump – trump-newsorg |
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RNC Night 2: Trump Loyalists amp Family Members Ignore COVID Death Toll amp Flout Election Laws |
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US President Donald Trump suspends work visas till year |
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Melania Trump Breaks Silence Rips Media For Focusing On “Delusional Malicious Gossip” |
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Donald Trump’s Locker Room Talk |
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In 1992 Trump Held ‘VIP Party’ With Just Himself Epstein And 28-Women |
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CNN Medical Reporter Cohen: Trump ‘Has Blood on His Hands’ When He Mocks People ‘Wearing a Mask’ |
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Türk ordusunun söz konusu şartlara uyması için başka tehditler de geldi Örneğin Pentagon olarak da bilinen Amerikan Savunma Bakanlığı yazılı açıklamada Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Türkiye’nin Suriye’nin kuzeyine planladığı operasyonu hiçbir şekilde onaylamadığı ve Amerikan ordusunun da desteklemediğini belirtti Cumhuriyetçi Senatör Lindsey Graham bu kararın basına yansıdığı şekliyle olması halinde “felakete mahkum” olduğunu belirtti ve söz konusu planın hayata geçirilmesi halinde Senato’da kararın iptal edilmesini isteyen bir karar çıkartacaklarını söyledi ve ekledi “Türkiye’nin Suriye’ye adımını atması halinde ordusu ve ekonomisine yaptırım uygulanması için elimden gelen her şeyi yapacağım“ ABD’nin eski BM Büyükelçisi Nikki Haley TurkeyIsNotOurFriend Türkiye dostumuz değil etiketiyle birlikte paylaştığı Twitter mesajında “Eğer arkamızı kollamalarını istiyorsak her zaman müttefiklerimizi desteklememiz gerekir Kürtler Suriye’de IŞİD’e karşı başarılı mücadelemizde kilit rol oynadı Onları ölüme terk etmek büyük bir hata” dedi ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın “gerekirse güç kullanabileceğini” söyledi Pompeo “Barışı savaşa tercih ediyoruz Ancak askeri tutum almak gerekirse Başkan Trump’ın buna hazır olduğunu bilmelisiniz” dedi |
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Trump puts pressure on FDA for coronavirus silver bullet ahead… |
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TRUMP : Et s’il gagnait encore |
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Intimidation at the polls: Trump’s election patrols |
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ViacomCBS’s Offload Trump Likes Oracle For TikTok Target and Apple |
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NBC Video: Trump Delivers Campaign Speech In Pennsylvania |
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Trump’tan aşı müjdesi: Se |
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NC Elections Board Warns Of Felony Charges If Voters Follow Trump’s ‘Illegal’ Advice To Vote Twice |
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Trump diz que pandemia é pior que Pearl Harbor e 11 de Setembro |
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El periodismo buchón el impeachment a Trump y la CONADEP de la prensa |
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President Trump denies report saying he called US war dead ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
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Fact check: Trump says he’s done more for veterans than John McCain did — while taking credit for McCain’s veterans Boys’ dresses up one of TV’s most daring shows in a superhero costume |
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Donald Trump calls for identity of whistle blower |
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Journalist to appeal ruling that Telegraph apology over her Melania Trump reporting was not defamatory |
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Trump awashawishi watu wake kupiga kura mara mbili |
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Trump’s Visa Ban Has Sent Foreign Workers And Families In A Panic: We Don’t Know What Else To Do |
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Even after Learning the FBI Was Investigating Trump Berated Flynn for Not Being Obsequious Enough to Putin |
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Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’: report |
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Tổng thống Trump kêu gọi Iran ‘tha mạng’ cho võ sĩ Navid Afkari |
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Robert De Niro Crosses Line In New Attack On Trump: “He Doesn’t Care if People Die Only Pretends To Care” VIDEO |
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Goya CEO‘s EXCLUSIVELY Reacts To Hate Over Trump Support And White House’s Plan To Help Hispanics |
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Ucciso dalla polizia l’«antifa» che sparò al patriota pro-Trump |
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Trump oversees deal normalizing Serbia-Kosovo economic relations |
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Trump campaign sues Montana over voting option |
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Court Blocks Trump Removal of LGBTQ-Bias Shields in Health Care |
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Konselir Jerman Kecam Ancaman Trump Pada Korut |
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Xúng xính váy đầm đệ nhất phu nhân Mỹ trẻ đẹp lấn át con gái TT Trump |
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Versus Trump: Trump Versus Mail Voting |
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Trump SHREDS Ocasio-Cortez |
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Trump Ends Special Status For Hong Kong To Punish China China Vows Retaliation |
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Recommended by Ricochet Members Created with Sketch ‘Trump Supporters’ Creating Portland Unrest |
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Will Michael Cohen flip on Trump |
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Does Trump have presidential powers to impose a national lockdown |
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Trump’s Debate Plan Try To Make Biden Stutter Because These People Are FILTH |
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Un policía mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Donald Trump en Portland |
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Trump says federal government to provide 40 million after Kenosha incidents |
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Trump Administration Still Missing Mark on Biofuels |
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The Trump Investigations |
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Trump recognizes Golan Heights as part of Israel |
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États-Unis: la police abat un suspect du meurtre d’un militant pro-Trump |
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Trump ‘savaşta ölmüş aske |
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New York Valisi’nden Trump’a tartışma yaratacak sözler! ABD’de gerilim |
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Joe Biden Taps Ranchera Singer to Tell Latinos He’s Had it with Donald Trump |
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Trump llamó “perdedores” y “fracasados” a los estadounidenses muertos en la |
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Usa 2020 Trump accetta nomination “Se Joe Biden sarà eletto Gaudiano M5S: “Guide turistiche e Operatori del settore Ok del |
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“Pragmática” y “con piel de cocodrilo”: lo que la ex mejor amiga de Melania Trump desvela de ella en su nuevo libro |
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Bannon has been telling friends he and Trump occasionally speak source says |
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Trump 2020 Keep America Great! Hooded Sweatshirt |
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Investigate in depth Trump Kushner Putin German Intelligence Russian Intelligence Russian Mob and many other players! |
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US Advises Public To Wear Masks – But Trump Says No |
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Stars and Stripes Donald Trump United States Department of Defense The |
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Ivanka Trump की निजी सहयोगी Corona Positive |
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Trump Faces Pushback For Urging People To Vote Twice As Test |
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Giuliani dit qu’une bataille juridique s’ensuivrait si Mueller citait le président Trump: ABC |
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Suspect in Portland shooting of Trump supporter KILLED during attempted arrest – reports |
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Trump pide votar dos veces en la elección presidencial de noviembre |
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President Trump’s Deferral of Payroll Tax Goes Into Effect Guidance Issued |
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Trump’tan ‘kasırga’ gafı: En azından tekneniz var! |
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Trump Denies Reports of Calling Vets “Losers” as More Outlets Corroborate Story |
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Watch: Kayleigh McEnany Blasts Gov Andrew Cuomo For Warning Trump Not To Visit Without An ‘Army’ |
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Acusa Trump golpe de Estado |
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Michelle Obama signe son retour en politique et s’en prend violemment à Donald Trump |
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Trump vs Biden: la advertencia de Michael Moore a los demócratas sobre el creciente apoyo del presidente a dos meses de las Jessica Krug: el caso de la historiadora estadounidense blanca que se hizo pasar por negra |
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TheHill The Hill First Thing: Trump encourages voter fraud and threatens to cut funding to Democrat-led cities The Guardian Trump’s “anarchist jurisdictions” memo is authoritarian and likely unconstitutional Voxcom Age and Health on the Ballot The New York Times How to Watch Live Stream Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally on Thursday Newsweek View Full Coverage on Google News |
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Trump Encourages People in North Carolina to Vote Twice Which Is Illegal |
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On the Trump presidency and why I’m conflicted about the Women’s March on Washington |
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4 septiembre 2020 México sabe que pagará por muro- Trump |
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At the Republican National Convention Trump Uses White House Setting to Toxic Advantage |
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It Takes More than a Medal Trump Is Demonstrably Racist |
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Trump chamou veteranos de perdedores e otários afirma revista |
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Etats-Unis : Donald Trump critique la NBA et l’accuse d’être devenue une « organisation politique » |
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Trump: I didn’t call dead American soldiers ‘suckers’ |
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Opinion The Toxic Antisemitism That Trump and Corbyn Share |
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Biden nominates Democrat presidential candidate over Trump |
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Election Live Updates: Biden Campaign Responds to Report Trump Called Fallen Soldiers ‘Losers’ |
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Trump furiously refutes claims he called First World War veterans ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ |
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News Biden had bigger conference TV audience but Trump keeps declaring victory anyway |
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Massive pro-Trump Car Rally In Portland |
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As Labor Day Approaches Biden Should Campaign on Strong Program of New Deal Style Mass Traction Economic Demands Including Immediate 15 Minimum Wage Job Creation on Scale of WPA 600 per Week Extra Jobless Benefit for Duration of Trump Depression Post Office Support Saving Medicare Medicaid and Social Security More Money for Food Stamps and School Meals Passage of HEROES Act Make Wall Street Pay the Costs |
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Do Dick Grenell And Other Gays For Trump Suffer From Stockholm Syndrome |
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Trump Orders Federal Probe Into Multiple Democrat Cities Wants Them Defunded |
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Trump vil stanse utgivelse av fagblad for soldater |
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Tom Brady walks out of presser after Donald Trump question VIDEOThe Sports Daily |
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Trump Tee |
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US States Sue Trump Administration |
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Two Princeton Professors explained the virulent roots of Trump’s Republican Party |
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Trump administration urged to sanction Russian individuals and groups for election meddling |
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‘Vote twice’ Trump tells North Carolina voters |
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Trump Was Right The Woke Mob Is Coming For The Washington Monument |
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Political Patriotic Trump 2020 Keep America Great T-shirt |
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Pro-Trump boulder is the talk of Ohio town |
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Trump ateşkesten 4 gün sonra “Suriye’de ateşkese uyuluyor ufak çatışmalar devam ediyor Kürtlere 400 yıl boyunca bölgede kalacağız diye bir söz vermedik Eğer Türkiye uygunsuz davranırsa yaptırımlar ve vergiler uygularız Suriye’nin kuzeyinde Kürtlerin Suriye petrolünden elde edilecek gelire nakit akışına erişimlerinin olması için bir şeyler düşüneceğiz“ dedi |
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Trump planea recortar millones de dólares en ayuda federal a ciudades que considera “jurisdicciones anarquistas” |
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Sep 4 Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
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Why you might not know that Trump is threatening your Social Security |
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Biden Gets On The Trump Train |
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Controversial Video Of Donald Trump Kissing Campaign Aide Alva Johnson Released To The Public |
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VIDEO Angela Merkel intrebata de jurnalisti daca a fost fermecata de Donald Trump: ”Nu voi comenta asupra subiectului acum!” |
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Trump pede que eleitores cometam fraude e votem 2 vezes para ‘testar sistema’ |
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Lincoln Project burns Trump for calling dead troops ‘losers’ in scathing new video click to see stats |
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Kenosha given 5M by Trump Admin for Riots Damages |
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Trump Tells Supporters To Vote Twice Which Is A Felony In NC |
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Hispanics in Florida More Likely to Vote for Trump |
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Trump Urges Iran Not To Execute Iranian Wrestler |
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Kurz-Fan und Ex-Trump-Mann Bannon aus Häf’n freigekauft – Spendenmissbrauch bei Quarantäne für Österreich-Reisende – Neben Kroatien und Trinidad |
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Before he was killed by officers an activist described shooting a Trump supporter in Portland as ‘like the beginning of a war’ |
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American Workers Have Been Given a Raw Deal Throughout the Trump Era |
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Diễn từ thật cảm kích của một nữ tu đối với chính nghĩa phò sinh của Tổng thống Trump |
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Analysis: Trump’s attack on mask-wearing may be his worst yet |
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A psychologist just revealed the horrifying truth about Trump’s malignant narcissism |
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Trump anunță un acord istoric privind relațiile economice dintre Serbia și Kosovo De asemenea Kosovo va recunoaște Israelul iar Serbia își va muta ambasada la Ierusalim |
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Another Trump appointee has been removed from a top communications |
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Feds Fight to Lift Block of Trump Immigration Restriction |
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How the American stock market is being affected by the current presidential run of Donald Trump |
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Trump’s Student Loan Forgiveness For Veterans Update |
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Post RNC Polls Black Support for Trump Skyrocketing |
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‘You can’t bully New Yorkers’ Cuomo blasts Trump for threats to defund New York City |
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Trump retira a EEUU de OMS en medio de mortal pandemia |
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Trump noemde Amerikaanse oorlogsdoden verliezers en sukkels |
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Donald Trump amp Malcolm Turnbull are shilling for Goldman Sachs Activist-News |
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Is It Just a Phase Redesigning Trade Deals in the Age of Trump |
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CUCKOO CUOMO: Trump ‘Better Have an Army’ to Walk Through NYC |
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Donald Trump obiecał zaprzestanie finansowania przemysłu aborcyjnego |
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All the times Kareena Kapoor Khan and sequins made for a winning Trump Encourages Supporters To Try To Vote Twice Sparking Uproar |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump: Người đầu tiên ρнά bỏ mọi luật lệ ngầm và hết ʟòɴɢ vì nước Mỹ |
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Trump Doesn’t Get Brazil Deal For Iowa Ethanol Tariff Reinstated For Now |
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Biden v Trump |
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House Republicans Ask AG Bill Barr to Determine Whether Nancy Pelosi Committed a Crime When She Decided to Rip Up Trump’s SOTU Speech click to see stats |
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Trump is conducting interview of Trump video goes viral |
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Así es Triller la app impulsada por Trump para ser la competencia de Tik Tok |
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Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ – Stats |
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Alienta Trump a votar dos veces en noviembre |
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Kudlow: Trump administration to unveil |
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Trump Support Is Growing |
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Was Biden’s trip to Kenosha too late Trump thinks so |
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Trump Claims the US is the Top Producer of Oil and Gas |
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Escobilla de baño y papel higiénico de Trump Make your Toilet… |
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Portland Fire amp Rescue claps back at Trump after he says their “entire city is ablaze” |
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«Trump es un troll» |
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Trump to Push Hard Line to Oregon Voters in November |
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How Fascism Works: Trump’s “Law amp Order” Is Lawlessness Fueling Racist Violence amp Chaos |
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Trump threatens to defund NYC |
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Devamında Trump’un açıklamaları: “Türkiye’ye ABD’nin Suriye’de insancıl olmayan bir uygulama görmesi durumunda ekonomilerinin büyük zarar göreceğini söyledim“ |
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Etats- Unis: Trump va interdire l’application TikTok |
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Cities Are BurningMayors Blame Trump! |
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EXCLUSIVE: Pastor James Ward Explains What He Told Trump About Healing Racial Unrest |
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COVID-19: Trump Discloses Quantity of Ventilators He’s Sending to Nigeria |
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Elecciones en EEUU: Si Biden rechaza a su base progresista cantará victoria Trump |
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Dana White asks Iran govt to spare Navid Afkari’s life President Trump tweets in support of wrestling star |
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New York Belediye Başkanından Trump’a: Mahkemede görüşürüz |
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Bombshell Details Just Released About Missing Key Document In Trump Spy Case |
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Trump 2020 Keep America Great! Women’s short sleeve t-shirt |
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Donald Trump Gives iBio Reason to Rejoice but Caution is Advised IBIO |
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Dismal US economy could be Trump’s secret weapon |
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Trump seeks to cut federal funding to what he calls ‘anarchist jurisdictions’ |
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‘I Will See You On Tuesday’: Trump Says He Will Go To Kenosha Despite Wisconsin Governor’s Objection |
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Donald Trump: who is Marla Maples his second forgotten wife |
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A whistleblower just connected Trump-like retaliation to coronavirus hospital shortages |
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Two journalists just revealed how they helped expose the Trump Russia affair |
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Celebrate Robert Mueller’s 74th Birthday with 74 reasons to Impeach Trump |
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Donald Trump Delivers Acceptance Speech |
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Presentazione del libro di Luca Marfè Yes we Trump! Chi riuscirà a fermarlo Paesi |
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Usa ucciso uomo sospettato dell’omicidio del sostenitore di Trump |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ABD Başkanı Trump ile telefon görüşmesi… |
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Donald Trump Signed executive orders to lowering the prices of prescription drug |
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Trump Commander in Chief Coin |
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Trump refers to US marines killed in WWII battle as ‘losers’: report |
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Trump Admin: The COVID Vaccine Will Be Ready By January But Also By The Election |
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Trump Pardoned Susan B Anthony But Her Museum Rejected His Pardon |
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Trump – “Funniest” World vs New World Wine Debate |
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John Bolton’s Allegations Against Trump Are Nonsense |
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New poll: Virginians support Northam’s handling of COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump’s ineffective response |
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Kreml: Trump tájékoztatta Putyint a kibővített G7-csúcs lehetőségéről |
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Wrong president for our country: Michelle Obama slams Trump |
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Donald Trump lands in South Korea amid tensions with North |
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Trump’tan aşı müjdesi: Seampcced |
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Memos claim Trump’s lawyer helped Russia |
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Ông Trump muốn dựng liên minh 11 cường quốc cô lập Trung Quốc |
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Microsoft in talks to buy TikTok as Trump mulls US ban |
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Sharpton accuses Trump of ‘trying to make BLM look like hoodlums and thugs’ – Stats |
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As Mike Pence Plans Trip to VMI Virginia Democrats Expose the Trump Administration’s Broken |
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“Trump es tan peligroso que usa a su favor que le digan peligroso” |
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US WeChat users sue Trump over order banning messaging app |
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How Trump attacks India’s Developing Country status |
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Manastirliu risjell në vëmendje masat e Njeriu më i sëmurë mendor në Amerikë tani për tani është Donald Trump! |
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Both Dangerous: Trump and Jeffrey Goldberg By David Swanson |
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Trump Administration Restarts Family Separations |
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Trump bruker strømbrudd i California som advarsel mot Biden og fornybar energi |
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Why President Trump Has Lost His Posts |
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Trump administration will cancel 150M federal student loans After DeVos losing court battle |
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Denoncimi: Donald Trump më kapi nga gjoksi ndërsa hyja në hotel për të festuar mbarimin e shkollës |
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After wild week Trump looks close |
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Donald Trump có nói dối thường xuyên không |
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Trump Correctly Predicts Brexit Because He Actually Knows Things |
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As Many As 240000 Americans Could Die From Coronavirus President Trump Warns |
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September 1 Marks Start of Trump’s Plan to Destroy the Entire FDR-LBJ Social Safety Net FICA Tax to Be Waived from Now to End of Year Some Employers Want to Offer Their Employees the Chance to Opt Out and Keep Paying as Usual They Should Note That Any Tax Not Paid in 2020 Will Have to be Paid in Full in Early 2021 Any Arrears Not Made Up by May 2021 Will Generate Fines and Penalties These Problems Inherent in Trump’s Unconstitutional Insistence on Solo Executive Action with No Approval by Congress Smart Taxpayers Will Decline |
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TikTok Employee Asks Federal Court to Immediately Stop Trump Order |
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Ivanka Trump: The President’s Daughter Business Woman and Mother |
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AOC challenges Trump to release his college transcript |
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Trump has a plan to steal the election — in fact he has a bunch of them |
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Why Trump Doesn’t Just ‘Send In the Troops’ |
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International Students Are Trying To Cope With Trump’s Online Class Rule: America Is Ready To Kick Me Out |
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2019 White House Donald Trump Cameo Ornament |
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Biden follows Trump to battleground state of Wisconsin |
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Do You Buy That Backlash Against The Protests Helps Trump |
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Will Trump Policies Lead to Higher US Dividends |
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Donald Trump Awkwardly Refused to Shake German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Hand |
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Nothing but crickets from Republican senators over Trump’s disparagement of… |
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Largest police union endorses Trump for reelection – Stats |
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Twitter pone la etiqueta ‘Medio manipulado’ en un video editado de Joe Biden retuiteado por Trump |
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Trump Mocks Biden for Hanging Mask Off of His Ear |
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As Trump takes on China on trade reciprocity time for a second look at zero for zero on sugar and other agricultural subsidies |
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Polícia mata suspeito de ter assassinado apoiador de Trump |
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Former Detroit Lions Star Calvin Johnson Blasts Donald Trump for COVID-19 Response |
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Trump Revealed How He’ll Steal the Election |
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Trump denies making disparaging comments about US military |
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Biden Paints Contrast to Trump in Kenosha Visit |
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Conway says even more ‘hidden undercover’ Trump voters will help him win reelection |
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Donald Trump Visits Kenosha Not To Urge Racial Healing But To Back Police |
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Legal Experts Say Trump’s Push to Defund ‘Anarchist’ Cities Would Face Difficulty in Court |
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“After Trump’s remarks election officials warn that trying to vote twice is a crime and could undermine the system” |
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US President Donald Trump has urged residents in |
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What Trump Didn’t Say In His RNC Speech Is As Important As What He Did Say |
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This is a message for President united states “Donald Trump” |
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Trump Blasts Supporters Who Plan to Vote for Him Only Once |
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Prayer Patriots: Religiöse Fanatiker unterstützen Trump |
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Trump 2020 Hat WHITE |
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Riotous or Racist CNN’s Chris Cillizza Blasts President Trump For Using The Word “Riots” |
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Trump berates reporters during coronavirus briefing: ‘You will never make it’ |
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Trump Sanctions ICC Leaders Probing US War Crimes |
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28 Mayıs 2018’de Trump: ”Brunson masum O casus ise ben ondan da casusum Türkiye’de yargılanması devam ediyor ama yargı süreci de pek yargı süreci değil Türkiye’dekilerle bu konuda bir şey yapılması için konuşuyoruz Rahip Brunson umarım bizi duyabiliyorsunuz bir noktada size yardım edeceğiz Bunun üzerinde uzun zamandır çalışıyoruz” dedi Bundan sonra F-35 savaş uçaklarının teslimatı konusu ABD’de Brunson ile birlikte anılmaya başlandı |
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Tổng thống Trump kêu gọi cử tri kiểm tra đảm bảo phiếu bầu của mình được tính |
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Paolo Chica: ¿Qué dirían si Donald Trump le ofreciera dinero a ISIS |
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Tổng thống Trump công kích Chủ tịch Hạ viện Mỹ vì tới tiệm làm tóc |
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Chữ ký của ông Trump cắt đứt quan hệ kinh tế công nghệ Mỹ – Trung |
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Ông Trump ‘chấp nhận rủi ro để đối phó Trung Quốc’ |
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A medida que la crisis por Coronavirus se sale de control Trump emite directivas pero sin un plan claro |
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Trump » |
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Trump News |
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Twenty Whoppers: Trump’s Dinner Menu or a Catalogue of His Falsifications in Acceptance Speech |
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Trump defiende al adolescente acusado de matar a dos manifestantes e |
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Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump ‘cầu xin’ tha mạng cho đô vật Iran |
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A psychologist just confirmed that Trump is a true sociopath |
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United States – Trump Unlocks some of his Detractors on Twitter |
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Volkswagen Amarok Yan Basamak Trump 90mm |
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‘What animal would say such a thing’ Trump trashes anonymous claims he called dead veterans ‘losers amp suckers’ |
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Trump encourages supporters to vote twice which is illegal |
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President Trump’s New COVID-19 Adviser Is Making Public Health Experts Nervous |
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Trump paralajmëron vizitë në Kosovë e Serbi |
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Tales of the Sausage Factory: Breaking Down and Taking Down Trump’s Executive Order Spanking Social Media |
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Americans hear positives about both Biden and Trump out of their conventions — but more for Biden |
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Trump Forms New Legal Team to Battle 2020 Election Results |
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Beware pride and prejudice: Reporting amp writing on India-China relations need India-US relations a common point for Trump and Biden: Jaishankar |
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The Rights of the President: Joe Biden Trump and the Ukraine |
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Trump targets ICC with sanctions after court opens war crimes investigation via the Guardian |
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Moments ago: Trump holds meeting with Serbian president PM of Republic of Kosovo |
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Old Video of Trump Explaining What Would Happen If ‘You Told a Republican to Vote Twice’ Did Not Age Well at All |
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Trump Administration May Use Mafia Law on Protesters |
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Ex Buzzfeed Employee Tweets: ‘I Prayed for God to Kill Trump’ — Likes Own Tweet |
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Home – Erdogan and Trump Must Work Together |
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Trump walks back suggestion that voters should cast ballot twice urges visit to polls to investigation finds over 1B in suspected COVID-19 aid fraud |
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Donald Trump and ‘Billie belongs behind Barr’s’ election law crime spree |
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RIPIZZICATO – Twitter e Facebook censurano l’invito di Trump a votare due volte alle elezioni |
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Donald Trump dice que oró a Dios por la economía de Estados Unidos: ‘La respuesta fue favorable’ |
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The Portland Antifa Guy Who Killed the Trump Supporter He’s Dead click to see stats |
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James to Trump: Prepare for Legal Action if You Threaten New |
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Other Speakers Project on Biden the Desire for Authoritarian Control Which Is the Essence of Trump Regimed Pence as the Earnest-Faced Willie Whopper of Mendacity |
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Crisis analysis: How much damage can Trump do A lot |
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Policías abaten a sospechoso de asesinar en Portland a seguidor de Trump |
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Twitter e Fb censurano l’invito di Trump a votare due volte |
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Donald Trump Stirs Social Media by Asking Supporters to Volunteer to Be a ‘Trump Election Poll Watcher’ |
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How Fox News’ ‘low-quality information’ fuels Trump |
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‘Great Recession’ to Hit US Jeopardize Trump’s Reelection Hopes: Peter Schiff |
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If Trump’s supporters vote more than once would he not win |
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Presidenti Trump jep lajmin e madh: Vaksina kundër koronavirusit mund të |
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Trump Believes Daughter Ivanka Should Be First Female President |
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Trump novemberi esélyei nagyobbak mint hiszik |
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Donald Trump High risk doctrine Threat for the world |
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Qualcomm busca que Trump les permita hacer negocios con Huawei |
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Twitter verpasst Donald Trump nächsten Warnhinweis |
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DEM ANALYST: TRUMP VICTORY A ‘RED MIRAGE’ — Supreme Court may decide outcome |
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Trump Defends Kenosha Shooter |
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El FBI mató a un sospechoso que era buscado por matar a un partidario de Trump |
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‘This ad is sublime’: New anti-Trump ad has Twitter cracking up Image: Flickr / Gage Skidmore |
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Trump’ın Karayipler’deki evi: 28 milyon dolar |
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New York State Attorney General Letitia James Sues Trump Organization and CEO Eric Trump Goal of Civil Action Is to Compel Eric to Testify Under Oath on Financial Dealings Which He Has Evaded Eric Trump Still Scheduled as Major Speaker for Republican National Convention Tuesday Evening |
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Carolina Journal – Civitas Poll shows stable approval rating for Trump Cooper’s approval ticks down slightly |
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Dow jumps to record high as hope grows that Trump would lift economy |
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President Donald Trump campaigns in Old Forge |
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Baseball Legend Darryl Strawberry Backs POTUS Will Join Black Voices For Trump |
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Trump extiende ayudas económicas ante el bloqueo en el Congreso de |
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‘Rename 737 MAX 8’ screams Donald Trump! |
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Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump: ‘Nếu tôi không thắng cử Trung Quốc sẽ sở hữu nước Mỹ’ |
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Biden Pittsburgh Speech Condemning Political Violence and Naming Trump as Top Fomenter Reverberates Across Political Spectrum Will Dems Get the Message |
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Noam Chomsky on the new Trump era – UpFront special: 25:30 mins |
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El FBI mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump en Portland |
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Paul Rayan and Trump Fight Again |
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Ukranian Oligarchs Money Laundering Impeachment Hearings Real Estate Moguls and US President Trump |
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boldly patrioticPresident Trump’s favorite authorPresidential Appointee |
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‘It’s a total lie’: Trump strongly denies account that he disparaged US war dead |
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Trump TikTok satışını zorlamak için yeni emirlerde bulundu |
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Fake News: Media Publishes Lies About President Trump amp the Military |
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Tổng thống Trump ký lệnh cấm nhập cảnh: Visa định cư EB5 và Visa E2 không bị ảnh hưởng |
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Trump claims ‘total’ authority uses coronavirus briefing to try to prove ‘everything we did was right’ |
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Xem cách Hollywood đối xử với Tổng thống Trump và Obama |
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Trump Moves to Open up Drilling in National Forests |
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23 Temmuz 2019’da Beyaz Saray’daki “Türkiye Yaptırımları” toplantısına katılan 45 Cumhuriyetçi senatörden biri olan Lindsey Graham Başkan Trump’ın kendisinden Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nu aramasını ve ABD yaptırımlarına hedef olmamak için S-400’leri aktive etmemeleri çağrısında bulunmasını istediğini söyledi Ardından Türkiye’nin S-400’leri aktive edilmesinin ertelemesini kabul etmesi karşılığında Amerika CAATSA yaptırımlarını askıya aldı |
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How Radicals Help Trump |
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They Teach Chinese Kids English Online Now They’re Caught In Trump’s War On TikTok |
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Trump who has railed against voter fraud suggests that people vote twice |
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Trump vs Biden: en qué cree realmente el presidente de Estados Unidos |
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Facebook and Twitter labeled Trump’s Post About Voting Twice |
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Chris Hayes On Trump’s Coronavirus Failings: ‘Global Embarrassment’ |
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Trump and White House deny he called fallen US service members «losers» |
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DONALD TRUMP 45th President 1976 Bicentennial IKE Eisenhower Genuine Dollar Coin with Premium Display Box |
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The stock market — and President Trump — really wanted the Federal Reserve to cut… |
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Trump News TV |
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US President Donald Trump signs 100BILLION coronavirus relief package |
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Sep 2 Trump’s IRS chief earns over 100000 per year from Trump properties while in office |
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Antifa member who ‘killed Trump supporter’ called himself ‘security’ |
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Melania vs Ivanka Trump wedding cost: Huge price of Trump celebrations exposed |
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Oscar Parrilli dio duro discurso contra Donald Trump y el embajador de EEUU en Argentina |
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Cử tri ủng hộ Trump tăng mạnh sau màn tấn công dồn dập của gia tộc 4 cựu Tổng thống Mỹ |
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People Are Feeling All Kinds Of Weird About One Of Trump’s Latest Misogynist’: Tony Abbott Blasted In The UK |
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Hundreds of doctors urge Trump to remove limits on President Dies Suddenly after Expelling WHO for False Pandemic |
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LAUGHABLE: MSNBC Host Blames Trump Supporters For The Violence In Portland VIDEO |
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Why Trump Doesn’t Just ‘Send In the Troops’ by Kurt Schlichter |
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Trump administration is ignoring Supreme Court ruling on LGBTQ discrimination |
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Trump denies calling US war dead ‘losers’ ‘suckers’8:53 AM |
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TikTok Bid Highlights Oracles Public Embrace of Trump |
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Trump Visits Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood Pisses Off His Widow |
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Trump raser motartikkel: – Hvilket dyrville sagt noe sånt |
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Trellick Tower – Paint With Donald Trump-ed |
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‘Rounding that turn’: Trump defends coronavirus response during Pennsylvania rally – USA TODAY ‘Rounding that turn’: Trump defends coronavirus response during Pennsylvania rally USA TODAYView Full Coverage on Google News |
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In the end the American people have a choice They can vote for the party that kneels during the National Anthem that hates historical monuments that despises the working class that demonizes the successful that would force Christian businesses to provide abortion coverage and participate in same-sex weddings or they can vote to re-elect Trump one of the few Republicans that is willing to fight the culture war |
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Milwaukee September 20 2020: Essential Worker Rally to Stop Trump |
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Hillary Clinton in white pantsuit for Trump KİM İCAT ETTİ |
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RESIST-Force Meets Immovable Object: Advantage Trump |
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Donald Trump Jr: Joe Biden ‘Shipped More Jobs to China than Probably Any Human Being Alive’ |
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14 Millionen neue Jobs im August – Trump begrüßt großartige Zahlen |
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If we hadn’t heard Trump call John McCain a loser for having been captured and if four witnesses hadn’t confirmed what the article in TheAtlantic reports Trump said about our fallen heroes this story would be unbelievable as well as sickening But it seems to be 100 true |
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Krugman: GOP kills Trump’s one good COVID move |
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Mary Trump: «Mi tío Donald Trump sufre delirios de grandeza» |
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Trump Denies Report That He Called Fallen American Soldiers ‘Losers’ Calls The Story A ‘Fraud’ |
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Trump wants relief money for jobs kids |
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What Does Trump Think REST API |
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Bülent Pakman Çırak yıllar öncesinin ilginç Amerikan televizyon şovuydu Donald Trump her hafta iki grup yarışmacıyı değişik bir konuda görevlendirirdi Sonuçlara bakarak serbest piyasa becerilerinde daha az başarılı olan grubu sorgular aralarında en sorumlu bulduğu kişiye “YOU’ER FIRED” KOVULDUN derdi Diğer gruptan en başarılı olarak seçtiği kişiyi de şirketlerinde işe alırdı |
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Campaña de Trump “envejece” a Joe Biden en avisos publicitarios |
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Rae Sremmurd – Up Like Trump |
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President Obama says he could have beaten Trump — Trump says ‘NO WAY!’ |
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Portland Antifa member who murdered Trump supporter was KILLED by US |
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Trump Must Back Iraq Withdrawal Promise With Action9/1/20 – By Ron Paul |
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Google could face an antitrust case before the end of Trump’s term says report |
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Does running as a pro-Trump Republican help or hurt in Maryland |
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DONALD TRUMP 45th President of the United States 10 Piece Life amp Times Ultimate US Coin amp Trading Card Collection |
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CEO de Univision desmiente a Trump |
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Rosie O’Donnell just slammed Trump for giving fascism a foothold in America |
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USA – Donald Trump “Not Excited” by the Rate Hike Followed by the Fed |
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“Trump’s false claims on mail-in voting do more to harm elections than threat of fraud experts say” |
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GOP organizations in Texas Oklahoma and California are using a flyer with the QAnon slogan to promote pro-Trump events |
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Related Videos On: Trump Delivers Campaign Speech In Pennsylvania |
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New Study Reveals That WNBA Players Earn Less Than NBA the Lies about Trump’s Social Security Today’s Two Religious Liberty Supreme Court Decisions |
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New Melania Trump Video Goes VIRAL |
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Chính quyền Donald Trump chơi đẹp cân nhắc gia hạn miễn thuế 34 tỷ USD hàng Trung Quốc |
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Get Insulted by Trump |
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Trump Slammed For Using Former Owner Of Kenosha Store For Photo Op When Current Owner Said No |
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During Suicide Prevention Month Trump needs to do more for troops’ mental health |
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US President Donald Trump has raised binds with India like |
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Do you agree with Trump that mail-in voting is more likely to perpetuate and encourage fraudulent activity especially among Democrats |
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Another swag platform cancels a Trump critic UPDATED |
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President Trump appears to encourage voters in North Carolina to attempt to vote both by mail and at the polls |
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Trump and the chaos strategy |
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When Trump robs a bank |
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Trump Biden will both mark 9/11 anniversary in Shanksville |
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Trump’s re-election pitch American dream vs Socialist USA |
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Trump signs executive order to defer payroll taxes |
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Trump Encourages Voter Fraud Asks North Carolinians to Vote Twice |
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Trump Proposes New Federal Agency Overseeing Tobacco |
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4:27 PM – Nueva York llevará a Trump a los tribunales si le recorta fondos federales |
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“Trump no es un rey” responde Cuomo ante amenazas a Nueva York |
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Can Iowa Farmers Survive without Ethanol Can Trump Survive without Iowa Farmers |
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Trump hammers China over virus as US health secretary heads to |
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Ex-Obama advisor: Dems should come down and compromise with Trump over 600 unemployment boost |
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Zyrtare: Trump merr pjesë në takim kokë më kokë me Hotin e Vuçiqin |
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Trump Defends Teenager Who Reportedly Shot And Killed Two |
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Former judge slams GOP Rep for posting photo with his alt-right Trump supporter |
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Trump administration embraces a vision of nuclear armament it cannot afford this policy will bankrupt US |
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Trump still wants US to get piece of any TikTok sale |
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Zuckerberg vows to fact-check Trump if he declares premature victory: Critics are skeptical |
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Élections aux USA : Donald Trump crée une grosse polémique |
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President Trump Delivers Remarks Following Iranian Attack |
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When Politics Trump Science: The Erosion of Science-Based Regulation |
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Trump llamó fracasados a estadounidenses muertos en guerras según Atlantic |
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Trump’s America |
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PM Modi asked me to meditate on Kashmir issue: Trump to Imran Khan |
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Mike Pence Joins Trump In The Battle Against Hillary |
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Trump Destroys Hillary In His Best Speech Yet |
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Trump Serbia sposterà l’ambasciata a Gerusalemme |
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KYK: Woede ná Trump sê kiesers moet twee keer probeer stem |
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Why does Trump want to ban WeChat |
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Trump Administration Announces Ban on Flavored Vape Juice |
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Report Alleges Trump Called Veterans ‘Suckers’ And ‘Losers’ |
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Un criminal y líder neonazi financia la campaña de Trump desde… |
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Biden to assail Trump on US economy as campaign enters… |
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Donald Trump is a traitor and should be removed NOW |
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“Terrorismo doméstico”: Trump sobre protestas contra el racismo |
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Trump’s newest McCain claims are quickly discredited click to see stats |
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Trump 2020 Keep America Great! Coffee Mug |
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États-unis gt Mort de Kobe Bryant: Obama Bolt Trump Parker Jay-Z… pluie |
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Trump’s ties to the Orthodox Jewish community is no surprise to those of us researching these topics He did after all commute the sentence of Shalom Rubashkin heavily tied to both the Chabad and the Satmar communities This was undoubtedly a favor returned for the bloc vote and likely other personal and professional benefits for friends and family |
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Trump defiant and dark as ever claims Biden would destroy America |
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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump |
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Ivanka Trump Diamonds Embroiled in Alleged |
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Pre-med student just exposed Trump’s lice-infested ICE detention camps are far worse than we feared |
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TikTok Takes On Trump |
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PM Pakistan Imran Khan’s and US President Donald Trump complete Discussion on Kashmir |
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Donald Trump replaces campaign manager amid sinking poll numbers |
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Trump-Russia News/Analysis |
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kelly trump Kamasutra scene 3 |
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Conservatism in the Age of Trump |
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Former Melania Trump Adviser Describes Job As ‘Worst Mistake Of My Life’ |
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Trump’s latest attempt to change the past |
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Largest police union endorses Trump for re-election |
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White House: Trump to Meet with Vucic Hoti on Sept 4 Belgrade Pristina to Sign Document |
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It’s A Good Time To Be A Trump Supporter |
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Trump llamó perdedores y fracasados a los estadounidenses muertos en la I Guerra Mundial |
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3e mandat de Ouattara: Des citoyens américains demandent au président Trump de prendre position en C |
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TT Trump: Ngày càng τức gιậท Trung Quốc hơn khi đại dịϛh laท tràท |
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Vị tướng gốc Việt đã trυy lùng được βăทg đảng phát động βạo loạท chốทg Trump tại Mỹ |
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Mark Ruffalo Criticises Trump Administration |
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James to Trump: Prepare for Legal Action if You Threaten New York Again |
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Military Times Poll Finds Biden Leading Trump by 6 Among Active Duty US Military Democrat Is Ahead by 43 to 37 In 2016 Trump Had Led This Survey by 20 Points 47 Don’t Like Don with Officers More Critical Than Enlisted Troops |
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Aseguran que Melania Trump usó email privado para asuntos oficiales |
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After Witnessing Total Destruction – Trump Vows To Take Over |
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The Trump Administration must reunite families seeking asylum! Click to support/donate to end global hunger by supporting/donating to Rise Against Hunger! |
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Trump Pledges Millions to Rebuild Kenosha After Rioting Arson |
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Trump anuncia “una suspensión muy poderosa” de pagos de EEUU a la OMS y la acusa de “estar muy centrada en China” por desacuerdos sobre el covid-19 |
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Trump’s border wall will fail according to engineering report |
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Andrew Cuomo’s Threatening Diatribe Against Trump |
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Trump Denies Calling US War Dead ‘Losers’ ‘Suckers’ |
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News Scrutinize are residing: Trump holds White Dwelling recordsdata convention |
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Coronavirus: Trump says he wants quarantine over by 12 April because it could ‘destroy’ the country |
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Trump Boosts Virus Aid Warns Governors to Be ‘Appreciative’ |
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L’administration Trump sanctionne Fatou Bensouda |
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Michael Bloomberg pourrait-il être celui qui fait dérailler la machine Trump |
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Trump gives 45 days window to ByteDance for selling TikTok to Microsoft |
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Trump Visits Kenosha After Sparring with Biden Over Security |
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Trump Biden Trade Barbs as President Visits Wisconsin |
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Trump allies beating path to battleground |
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Comey Issues THREAT To Trump If He Wins In 2020 |
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Student’s Love Trump’s Second Term Agenda…When They Think It’s Biden’s |
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Ivanka Trump Poses with Can of Goya Beans Hilarity Ensues |
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Biden Shipped Jobs to China and ‘Literally Decimated The Middle Class’ – Don Trump Jr |
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Study: While CNN Bashes Trump They Barely Covered Virus Outbreak |
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Anonymous Sources Tell Mag Trump Called Dead Troops ‘Losers’ Five Witnesses Go on Record to Dispute |
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Donald Trump saluda al presidente chino Xi Jinping en reunión del G20 |
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Trump threatens to defund NYC attorney general to legal action while Cuomo blasts president |
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Liberal Star Has Mental BREAKDOWN Over Trump |
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TheHill – The Hill Judges grill Trump administration over excluding undocumented immigrants from census data |
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REPORT: Trump Repeatedly Held Wounded And Dead Military Members In Utter Contempt |
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Ambasador Nsofor and his wife with US President Trump at the White House |
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Reality-Based Community Fights Back: Biden Shows That Trump is Rooting for More Political Violence Pouring Gasoline on the Fires of Conflict Pandemic Is Out of Control with 185000 Dead and 15 Million Unemployed Highest Since Herbert Hoover Depression Biden Condemns Violence from Any Quarter Harris Takes over Typical Vice-Presidential Chores of Countering Republican Falsifications |
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Sudán: 30 años de poder Trump’s Inevitable Decision |
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Wrong almost half the time! New report says Trump’s White House COVID-19 testing is deeply flawed |
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Trump aconseja votar por correo y de forma presencial para probar si el sistema es tan bueno como dicen |
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Nuevo libro que pone en jaque a la Casa Blanca: La autora es ex amiga de Melania Trump |
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Trump annonce un accord Serbie/Kosovo sur une normalisation économique |
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Glenn Beck Issues Heartfelt Apology To President Trump |
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President Trump touts law and order during Kenosha visit |
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Joe Biden’s Kenosha Visit Did What Donald Trump’s Didn’t: Centered On The Community In Crisis |
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Trump Tests NEGATIVE for Corona |
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Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect ranks near the bottom of all states in completing coronavirus tests new data is still way behind in coronavirus testing despite recent people saw this they would stay home” What the war against the coronavirus looks like inside two Bronx Conditioning Spreads supplier says FEMA seized 400000 N95 masks has them ‘just sitting on a loading dock at JFK’ |
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Facebook Twitter move to suppress Trump message about trying to vote twice |
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The Ultimate Donald Trump Quiz |
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Trump International Golf Links Scotland |
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“Phớt lờ” ông Trump nhóm cựu thống đốc Cộng hòa ủng hộ Biden tranh cử |
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Trump 2020 T-Shirt |
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OUTDOOR President Trump Red Tie – Plastic Cutout 3525 |
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Los trucos sucios de Trump |
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Trump Is a Machine-Learning Algorithm Gone Wrong |
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03 september 2020 — Öppet brev till Donald Trump gällande Edward Snowden |
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Clintons: Trump ‘is a clear and present danger to our freedoms our liberties our unity’ |
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İnsan ne diyeceğini bilemiyor Okul bahçesinde iki çocuğun kavga etmelerine izin vermek ne demek Ne hasta bir zihniyet ABD’nin Suriye eski özel temsilcisi Brett McGurk da Trump’ın “kavga eden iki çocuk” benzetmesini “ayıp ve cahilce” şeklinde niteledi |
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Trump’u inşaat-emlak işleriyle büyük paralar kazanmakta olan başta Manhattan’daki 58 katlı olmak üzere birçok yerde Trump Tower gökdelenlerinin sahibi olarak tanıyordum Sektörün içinde taahhüt ve yap-sat patronlarının kişilikleri hakkında epey fikir edindiğimden şovlarını izlerken “adam kendini oynuyor olmalı” diye düşünmüştüm |
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USA: President Trump tramples right to protest |
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Sad Pathetic Rick Reilly Begs Trump For a Twitter Mention |
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Study Finds Network News Way More Negative Toward Trump |
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Trump passed on visit to WWI cemetery near Paris called… |
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Mr Modi stands second only to Mr Trump in terms of incompetent economic mismanagement –Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram |
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Schmidt: ‘Hawaiian Shirt-Clad’ Trump Supporters Want a ‘Second Civil War’ |
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Branded: ABCNews: Donald Trump Keeps Up the Heat on Bill Clinton: 5:06 secs |
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Trump llama “fracasados” a víctimas |
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Second Trump appointee out at FDA over credibility concerns |
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Trump Campaign Running Photo Ads Edited To Make Joe Biden Appear Older |
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As the mail-in ballots are tallied the Trump leads erode But the situation is genuinely unclear Trump is on the warpath raging about fraud |
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Kelly Trump Meine Geile Freundin |
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2020 Trump Flag |
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A Judge Blocked The Deportation Of A 16-Year-Old Boy Who Claims Trump Is Using The Coronavirus As An Excuse |
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Trump Pressures FDA for Coronavirus Silver Bullet |
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Juli Briskman just revealed how Trump’s brand damages Republicans in every election |
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Trump Told Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Take One For The Team After Kim Jong Un Wink |
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The odd case of the Donald Trump mindset: Why does he keep cappin’ |
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Donald Trump acuzat că a adresat injurii soldaților americani morți în război Reacția Casei Albe |
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Trump Gold Dollar Coin |
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‘Trump noemt gesneuvelde Amerikaanse militairen sukkels’ |
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Fauci Tries To Calm Fears Of Trump Rushed Faulty Vaccine: FDA Is ‘Very Committed’ To Science Over Politics |
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Trump Ban Halted But Borough Immigrant Groups Remain Vigilant |
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Conservative leaders should rebuke Trump’s outrageous behavior |
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Fascism the US ruling class and Trump |
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NRKs Sigurd Falkenberg Mikkelsen gjengir Trump helt feil |
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Birth Control Deliveries Are Delayed Thank Trump’s Postmaster General |
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Tragédia: Buszmegállóban várakozók közé csapódott egy közben lelőtték a férfit aki megölte Trump elnök egyik hívét |
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Tôi yêu thích Bitcoin đây là câu nói thượng nghị sĩ đứng đầu Đảng Cộng hòa thách thức Trump |
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Estados Unidos acelera la recuperación del empleo y se fortalece candidatura de Trump |
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Trump anuncia restricciones a acero de México |
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Twitter esconde parcialmente el mensaje de Trump que pedía verificar el voto |
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Snapchat follows Twitter further silences President Trump |
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Lysandre’s Trump Card 118 Full Art Foil |
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Bou concejal del PP en el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona mediador con los federales de EEUU matan al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump en Portland |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’tan yine ilginç bir öneri |
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10 Miles Of Cars Line Up For Trump And A Raucous Night In A Small Town click to see stats |
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TRUMP EN LA BOCA DEL LOBO visita Wisconsin y justifica exceso de la rumbo a los 50000 casos de COVID-19 según régimen de Maduro |
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Trump Nyatakan ‘Penggemar Berat’ Erdogan |
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Revela Trump ‘complot de avión lleno de matones para dañar convención Republicana’ |
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¿Necesita Trump una «sorpresa de octubre» para la reelección |
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Trump is nuts |
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Anglers Praise Trump Administration for Stopping Trump Administration |
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Usa Trump c’è una guerra contro le forze dell’ordine schiererò la |
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Trump quiere vacuna contra COVID-19 solo para ganar las elecciones según artículo de “El País” nota de Xinhua |
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Key House Judiciary Dem just explained the roadmap to end Trump’s corruption |
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News US election: Trump’s White Dwelling convention speech idea condemned |
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Rest Easy Everyone! Former Trump Spokesliar Says Comments Disparaging Troops Never Happened! |
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Kjo pritet të jetë marrëveshja që Hoti dhe Vuçiq do ta nënshkruajnë para Trump-it |
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”Nobody Outside of the Beltway Really Cares”: The Trump Administration Faces New Allegations Of Hatch Act Violations Updated |
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MI Joins States Refusing An Inadequately Vetted But Trump-Approved COVID Vaccine |
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Did Cuomo Just Threaten President Trump |
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‘Traiciona’ Kloss a Trump apoya la modelo a Biden |
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Hollywood Singer Says The UNTHINKABLE About Trump |
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Abdülhamit siyasetinin ilk kurbanı: Kıbrıs Sinan Meydan Sözcü 1 Temmuz 2019 Gerçeği Acheson Planları Neydi Erenköy Savaşı Sinan Meydan Sözcü 21 Ekim 2019 Vance İlter Türkmen Hürriyet 19 Ocak 2002 anlatıyor: Kıbrıs Barış Harekatının perde arkası OdaTV 20072019 Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti’nin dış ilişkileri Vikipedi ve ABD Al Jazeera Turk the Middle East Condoleezza Rice The Washington Post 782003 Promise of Democratic Peace Condoleezza Rice The Washington Post 11122005 US Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative International Crisis Group 762004 Türkiye haritası Skandalı Habertük 28092006 Eş Başkanlığı Görevini Kim Verdi Yeniçağ 30082012 İslam Vikipedi Democratic Islam: Partners Resources and Strategies Cheryl Benard RAND National Security Research Division 2003 Çekiç Güç Yalanı Mehmet Ali Güller ODATV 20052011 Mart Tezkeresi’nin tutanakları açıklanacak mı Habertürk 12022013 askerinin başına çuval geçirilmesi olayının kritik ismi yıllar sonra konuştu 472019 Başbuğ Irak’ta Türk askerinin başına çuval geçirilmesi olayının tüm detaylarını anlattı Haberlercom 04072019 TCG Muavenet’i vurarak verdiği mesaj 3102018 Parti-Gülen Hareketi çatışması Vikipedi Aralık 2011’de bulundu Serpil Çevikcan Milliyet 26 Aralık 2012 odasına böceği kim yerleştirdi Haber 61 27 Ocak 2014 hala “BOP Eşbaşkanı” mı Müyesser Yıldız ODATV 342015 dakika: Trump’ın Erdoğan’a yazdığı mektup ortaya çıktı Zeynep GÜRCANLI 16 Ekim 2019 Sözcü adım Brunson krizi: Nereden çıktı nasıl çözüldü Sertaç Aktan Euronews 12/10/2018 Tayyip Erdoğan: Bir papaz da sizde var onu bize verin Cumhuriyet Türkiye belirlediğim sınırların dışına çıkarsa ekonomisini mahvederim Euronews 07/10/2019 Türkiye’yi neden F-35 programından çıkardı ve türbülans neden daha da artacak Soner Çağaptay Euronews 26/07/2019 Hedef Olmamak İçin S-400’leri Aktive Etmeyin’ Amerika’nın Sesi 25 Temmuz 2019 News: Pastör Brunson serbest kalmasaydı Trump Türkiye’den tüm diplomatik personeli çekecekti 15 Ekim 2018 kritik duruşması öncesi gizli tanıklardan yeni iddialar ortaya çıktı İHA Gündem 9102018 lideri El Bağdadi’nin estetik ameliyatı ve ABD’nin şeytanı Türkiye planı Gürbüz Evren Gerçek Gündem 4 Kasım 2019 ile ‘ateşkes’ anlaşması Birgün 18102019 yurt dışındaki mal varlığı meselesi artık ulusal güvenlik sorunudur T24 İnternet Haber 20 Ekim 2019 Türkler ve Kürtlerin iki çocuk gibi kavga etmesi gerekiyordu Deutsche Welle Türkçe davaları 15 Temmuz’un hazırlık hareketi Star 22062019 kadar sızarlarsa sızsınlar Türk ordusunun ana gövdesi Atatürkçü ve laiktir İpek Yezdani Hürriyet 21012017 Dilara Gül… Amiraller nasıl ‘fuhuş sanığı’ yapıldı Hikmet Çiçek Aydınlık 2912019 dergisinden ses getirecek Türkiye yazısı Sözci 29 Kasım 2019 tansiyon yüksek: Yine PKK yine veto tehdidi Zeynep GÜRCANLI Sözcü 28 Kasım 2019 yetkili Reuters’a konuştu krizi ifşa etti Sözcü 28 Kasım 2019 Devreye Girişi Bülent Pakman Ekim 2010 Topraklarının İşgali Bülent Pakman Ekim 2010 Verdiği Söz Bülent Pakman Ekim 2010 Bülent Pakman Ekim 2010 Libya askerî müdahalesi Vikipedi İstanbul bir ABD projesidir! – Arslan BULUT Yeniçağ Gazetesi İstanbul’un altından ne çıktı Türker Ertürk ODATV 07022016 Ekonomik Tetikçinin İtirafları: Yeni Dünya Düzeni Ahmet Ünlü Okuyanbir Yazanbir 2322011 Kosova Krizi ve NATO’nun Kosova Müdahalesi Tunahan ODUNCU MAKÜ-BİFD 21 1-15 2019 Güç Harekâtı İnsani Müdahalelerin Bir İstisnası mıdır NATO’nun Kosova’ya Yönelik Harekâtının Uluslararası Hukuk ve Askeri Bakış Açılarından Değerlendirilmesi Ahmet Çevikbaş Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi Kasım 2011 Cilt 10 Sayı 2 18-57 Zirvesi’nde neler oldu Zeynep Gürcanlı Sözcü 4 Aralık 2019 Rahip Brunson açıklaması: Erdoğan ve Türk halkına minnetarız NTV Anadolu Ajansı 25082020 Pakman Kasım 2019 Ekleme Ağustos 2020 İzin alınmadan ve aktif link verilmeden alıntı yapılamaz |
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WATCH LIVE: Biden Speaks On Trump’s Pandemic Failure |
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The Atlantic Daily: Trump Calls Americans Who Died in War ‘Losers’ |
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NYT: Trump Will Probably Pull Out Of NATO If He… |
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President Trump’s New COVID-19 Adviser Is Making Public Health Experts… |
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It’s not just Donald Trump Immigration agencies and officials also use language of hate |
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Ambasador Nsofor presents his credentials to President Trump |
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Ông Trump thông báo cắϯ đứt qυaท Һệ với WHO vì Trung Quốc “kiểm soát hoàn toàn” tổ chức |
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Trump backs Oracle bid for TikTok in US |
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Trump overtakes Biden as favorite to win in November |
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What Trump’s big win over the House of Representatives means |
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Trump responsabiliza líderes democratas pelos confrontos em Kenosha |
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Trump disparaged US military casualties as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ report says click to see stats |
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Is Trump doing better with the black vote than he did in 2016 |
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Trump and UFC President Dana White have pleaded with Iran not to execute a champion wrestler sentenced to death after attending a peaceful protest |
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Trump: Bush Had “Advanced Notice” of 9/11 |
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Trump Attacks Allies and Cuddles With Dictators PODCAST |
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TikTok Countdown: Trump To Give Chinese Owner 45 Days To Sell App |
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President Trump Arguably Broke North Carolina Law in Suggesting That Voters Try to Vote by Mail and In Person |
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Trump and Trumpism |
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Trumpism And Trump – trumpismandtrumpcom |
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President Vucic Tells Trump He’s Done A “Great Job” And Invites Him To Visit Serbia As The First US President Since Jimmy EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Courage Determination And True Grit With Deputy Prime Minister Of New Zealand The Rt Hon Winston Peters |
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After Nancy Pelosi Gets Caught In Hairgate – President Trump Says She Should Be Sent Packing |
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What Trump Got Right: Our Choice Isn’t Democrats Vs Republicans But Socialism Vs Democracy |
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CONCACAF suspende fechas FIFA de octubre y noviembre por y Facebook colocan etiquetas de advertencia en publicaciones de Donald Trump |
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Carrera apretada: se estrecha la ventaja de Biden sobre Trump en Florida según nueva encuesta |
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Fox News: Abraham Accord Is A Massive Win For The Trump Admin |
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The truth about Donald Trump and Andrew Cuomo |
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Trump noemde Amerikaanse oorlogsdoden ‘verliezers’ en ‘sukkels’ |
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Trump Doctrine Can America Stay Steady |
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Trump: Mattis’ view on torture will override his own beliefs |
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Trump asked China to help him win in 2020 offered ‘favours to dictators’ John Bolton says in book |
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What Can Business School Grads Look Forward to in the Trump Era |
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Trump to visit Kenosha Tuesday |
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Trump says coronavirus will ‘go away without a vaccine’ |
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Susan Collins refuses to endorse Trump because she’s ‘in a difficult |
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Family Of Jacob Blake Hosts Block Party Voter Drive Drowns Out Trump Visit |
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President Trump Characterizes the Democratic Convention as Gloomy and an Attack |
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Trump đề nghị hoãn bầu cử Tổng Thống |
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Trump disparaged US military casualties as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ report says – Stats |
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Rather Than Focus on the Phony Apocalypse of Q-Anon and Similar Adolescent Trash Americans Would Do Well to Mobilize against the Real Apocalypse of Dictatorship Fascism and Genocide Which Could Start as Early as November 3 Don’t Look Now but the One Trying to Peddle Untested Vaccine Is Now Officially Trump And Beware Dr Scott Atlas Advocate of “Herd Immunity” Chimera |
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Trump alienta a votar dos veces un fraude electoral |
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Police kill suspect in Portland Trump rally shooting after he comes forward to claim self-defense |
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General Election: Biden Leads Trump In Battleground States |
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The Man Determined to Deliver Trump’s Alaskan Oil Promise |
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Minneapolis duri scontri Trump viola ancora le regole e non solo di twitter blacklivesmatter |
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Which Theory about President Trump’s Rise to Power is More Credible |
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Law Column: Does right to privacy trump press freedom on reporting restrictions |
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Michelle Obama wows Dems and blasts Trump at Convention |
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McCain thinks Trump will face foreign crisis early in presidency |
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The Tremendous Trump Thread – Første periode Les førstepost 27 663 nirolo · 2 minutter siden |
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Trump puts pressure on FDA for coronavirus silver bullet ahead of… |
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Οι ΗΠΑ θα μπορούσαν να αποβληθούν από τους Ολυμπιακούς λόγω των απειλών Trump Διεθνή |
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Trump Investigations Blog |
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LI’s Lee Zeldin fighting to hold his seat makes case for Trump |
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Trump under pressure: How the Deep State tries to manipulate White |
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Hoax: Donald Trump Fox Info and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth |
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CPI : lourdes sanctions de Trump contre Fatou et Coronavirus : Didier Raoult une radiation en question vidéo |
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Donald Trump dạy con với nguyên tắc ‘3 không’ |
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Agente mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump en Portland |
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le suspect du meurtre d’un partisan de Donald Trump à Portland tué par la police |
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Fabulous Quote From Black Conservative Lady amp Trump Supporter She Likely Was Not The Originator Of It |
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Biden slams Trump on unsafe school reopening demand |
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Trump Suspends Immigration to USA – With Notable Exceptions |
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Trump vs California |
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Etats-unis: Trump épingle la cheffe des démocrates vue chez le coiffeur sans masque |
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Investigative reporter Wendy Siegelman just revealed the Trump campaign’s 94 million mystery payments |
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”Undergräver Trumps Trump kallade döda soldater förlorare |
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Máy bay tiêm kích bảo vệ Tổng thống Trump hạ cánh |
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Today’s D Brief: Trump called US war dead “losers” A spike in Russian provocations Vaccine test sites chosen More election-fraud disinfo And a bit more |
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HISTORIKE – Në zyrën ovale të Presidentit Trump nënshkruhet marrëveshja Kosovë- Serbi detajet e saj… |
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Amerikansk politi har dræbt mand der er mistænkt for at dræbe Trump-tilhænger |
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Voter suppression: how Trump is undermining the US election – video explainer |
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Trump Orders Feds To Begin Defunding Four Cities |
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How many times did Obama play golf Obama or Trump |
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Over Trump en andere gekke Amerikaanse presidenten |
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What animal would say such a thing – Trump says as he denies calling dead US soldiers ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ |
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Pelosi: Trump coronavirus missteps ’caused unnecessary death and economic disaster’ |
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Türkiye’de oy açısından kan kaybetmekte olan AKP iktidarının kamuoyunun gözünü boyayabilmesi için Trump bir miktar güvenli bölgenin Türklere bırakılmasına Kürtlere fazla dokunmaması şartıyla onay vermişti Bir diğer şart Kürtlerin elinde olan Suriye’nin petrol yatakları Türklerin istediği güvenli bölgenin güneyinde kalacaktı Trump’un bahsettiği sınır buydu |
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Trump Wins Backing Of Largest US Police Union As He Touts ‘Law And Order’ |
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LOONY: Woman Assaults 12-Year Old Boy Over Pro-Trump Antifa Rioter Cries Like A Baby Upon Arrest |
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If Only the Media Hadn’t Peddled Fake Trump Scandals for the Past Four Years… |
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Trump lies repeatedly about the military John McCain and veterans in late-night rant |
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Trump delivers remarks in Pennsylvania |
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Donald Trump Chamatkarai Chamatkar by Dipesh Kc |
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El presidente de EE UU Donald Trump aumentó la tensión con la Organización Mundial de la Salud amenazando de nuevo con retener fondos y |
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Chess is from Iran Poker is from Trump |
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Trump’ın CNN muhabirleri ile başı dertte…”Geveze gösteri teknesi!” |
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Are the powers-that-be ready to dump Trump |
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Trump campaign struggles to defend his bizarre claim about a sinister airplane “loaded with thugs” |
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Trump Backer David Clarke Urges Gun Owners To ‘Plan’ Self-Defense Strategy In Protests |
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Joe Biden Blames Trump for Riots and Violence in America’s Cities |
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Breaking: 238 Million Viewers Watch Trump Acceptance Speech Fewer Than the 246 Who Watched Biden Last Week Don’s Viewership Down 25 from His 2016 Acceptance Trump Regime Cancels Briefings to Congress on Russian and Other Election Interference Democrats Must Go Beyond Mere Indignation! |
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Exclusive – Donald Trump Jr: Joe Biden ‘Shipped More Jobs to China than Probably Any Human Being Alive’… |
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Donald Trump Translator |
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Antifa Member Suspected Of Fatally Shooting Trump Supporter Killed By Police |
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Ông Trump tuyên bố không muốn làm ăn với Trung Quốc |
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Exclusive: Congresswoman is first US Rep to demand Trump’s resignation |
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Former federal prosecutor just said no set rule prevents indictment of Trump in office with DOJ permission |
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Coronavirus live updates: Trump’s vaccine chief says unlikely one is ready |
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Le fissazioni di Trump e il cavallo che corre al galoppo contro il vento politico AmericaCina del 4 settembre |
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Nicolás Maduro: «Donald Trump aprobó que me maten” |
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Donald Trump: Apple sẽ xây 3 nhà máy lớn ở Mỹ |
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Photos and analysis: Trump visits Wilmington double-voting supporters and protestors |
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Trump’s Latest Attempt To Strangle Latin America: The Inter-American Development Bank |
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NYT: ABD Kongresi ve Avrupa başşehirlerinde Trump’ın tekrar seçilirse NATO’dan çıkacağı korkusu hakim |
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Climate Justice Alliance Demands an Immediate End to Trump’s Xenophobia and Negligence |
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Trump calls on Iran not to execute 27-year-old champion wrestler |
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Trump ‘enthusiastic’ over unproven coronavirus therapeutic MyPillow creator says |
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Nova safra de séries tem podres de Trump Alice Braga e nova Walking Dead |
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Reporte: Trump llamó “perdedores” a soldados muertos |
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Pro-Trump Super PAC Thinks this Ad Is in Spanish |
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Actress Patricia Arquette Says Trump amp Pompeo Are Trying To Protect Themselves From The International Criminal Court |
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FOCUS: China hopes for Trump’s reelection despite escalating tensions |
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Latest : High Tensions As Trump Visited Kenosha Wisconsin After Demonstrations Sparked By Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake |
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Trump heads to politically urgent Wisconsin in the midst of viciousness racial distress |
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Un agente mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump en |
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Nënshkruhet marrëveshja Kosovë- Serbi Trump i pranishëm në takimin me Hotin dhe Vuçiç |
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Biden Stresses Reconciliation in City Where Trump Called for Law and Order |
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Trump Ban On Chinese Drone Parts Risks Worsening Wildfires arstechnicacom 81 |
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Trump claims he never directed Giuliani on Ukraine |
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trump Trump’s border wall will fail according to engineering report Mark Frauenfelder |
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Trump regime vs the ICC: The Wrong Side of Sovereignty By Thomas Knapp |
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Trump’s Single Finger Salute To America |
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Trump Heading To Kenosha Tuesday |
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Trump predicts ‘a lot of death’ to come |
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Nobel Peace Prize For Trump Over Abraham Accord |
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Ông Biden dẫn trước ở 2 bang từng mang lại chiến thắng cho ông Trump năm 2016 |
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ABD Başkanı Trump Pensilvanya’da |
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TPSianos preocupados por nueva decisión de la administración Trump |
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Son dakika haberi: ABD Başkanı Trump tarih vererek ‘kapatacağız’ demişti! TikTok’ta deprem üstüne deprem |
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Trump floats treating coronavirus patients with light and disinfectants |
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Demócratas revelan cómo le ganarán a Trump |
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Democrat Mayors Of ‘Lawless’ Cities That Trump Intends To Defund Respond To His Plan |
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Michael Avenatti says the fight is just beginning to reunite families Trump’s policy separated |
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Nhà chiêm tinh Phố Wall và Đạo diễn nổi tiếng dự đoán: Ông Trump sẽ thắng cử và giá v àng sẽ tăng |
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Agentes federales matan al sospechoso de asesinar a un fan de Trump en Portland |
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Trump suggests polling place double check for mail in voters |
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Trump plans Blue Angels and Thunderbirds air-shows to perform over US cities as tribute to health workers |
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Trump-Biden cosa dicono i sondaggi |
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Analysis: After wild week Trump looks close to full derailment |
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NFL legend rips Trump’s response to virus pandemic |
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«¿Quién debería dirigir el Congreso»: la razón por la cual Trump volvió a llamar «loca» a Nancy Pelosi |
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Trump Leaves Joe Biden SPEECHLESS |
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Democrats Lie Claim Trump Told People to Vote Twice Twitter Interferes in Election Again |
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Joe Biden don’t let Donald Trump run as the antiwar candidate! By Tom Gallagher 6 |
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Trump matiza unas polémicas declaraciones en las que pidió votar dos |
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Attorney General James Leads Fight Against Trump Administration’s Attempts to Reduce… |
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Waa Maxay Sababta loogu Maadeysanayo Madaxweyne Donald Trump |
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Chiếท dịch trục xuất công dân Trung Quốc của Trump đã βắҭ đầu |
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Melania in Donald Trump: Zopet mu je izmuznila roko tokrat še bolj očitno! poglejte video |
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Polémica opinión Donald Trump y su tendencia natural al delirio según Jaime Bayly apunta contra Joe Biden: «Está cargando pesadamente la campaña» |
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“Not an acceptable answer”: Trump slams Dr Fauci’s Senate testimony on school reopenings |
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The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – ‘Dark side’ to ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden-Trump trade barbs in swing states |
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Racial ethnic and immigration protest during year one of the Trump presidency |
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Trump en exclusiva |
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100 days out Donald Trump is in dire straits |
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Nicolás Maduro: Donald Trump aprobó que me maten |
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Sen Tammy Duckworth slammed President Donald Trump for allegedly making disparaging comments about soldiers and marines interred in an American WWI war cemetery calling him |
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Trump ekim sonuna işaret etmişti: DSÖ’den yeni aşı açıklaması geldi |
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Esto va de Trump |
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‘Our country wasn’t built to be shut down’: Trump pushes back against health experts |
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President Trump Fires ‘Deep-Swamp’ Officials – Donald Says They “Betrayed American Workers” By Outsourcing Jobs |
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Will Trump or Biden win the US election This could be a better predictor than the polls |
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WATCH: In 2019 Trump Publicly Mocked John McCain’s War Injury |
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Blowout! Trump mocks Pelosi for saying a salon set her up |
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12-year-old punched repeatedly for holding Trump sign in Colorado mountain city |
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Trump Releases His 2nd Term Agenda Including Congressional Term Limits |
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Schiff Says Trump ‘Fanning The Flames’ Of Violence At Protests |
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President Vucic Tells Trump He’s Done A “Great Job” And Invites Him To Visit Serbia As The First US President Since Jimmy Carter |
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President Trump greets crowds at Wilmington International Airport |
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Trump ignites uproar by asking supporters vote twice |
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Donald Trump: The Journey from Real Estate Mogul to President |
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Biden on report Trump called war dead ‘losers:’ Their sacrifice ‘should be honored’ |
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Por qué Trump lo volverá a hacer y por qué es bueno que lo haga |
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Minnesota Trending Toward Trump |
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POTUS Trump Commemorates 67th Anniversary of Korean War Armistice |
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Trump explică ce a vrut să spună când a îndemnat americanii să voteze şi prin poştă şi la secţie – 04 sep 2020 |
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Michael Avenatti just told us what Trump’s lawyers tried to suppress |
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Trump has called American war dead ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ 6 hours ago |
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Breaking: Niece Mary Trump Calls Don “Anti-American Anti-Military Traitor” in Response to Reports of His Contempt for War Dead Almost Two Decades after 9/11 World Geopolitics Have Flipped |
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The Real Reason Behind the US Trade Deficit and Why Trump’s Trade War Is Insane |
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United States: Donald Trump accepts Republican Party’s Presidential nomination for was an attack on India’s unorganized economy: Rahul Gandhi |
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Liebesbrief nach Moskau – Trump-Flirt von 2007 enthüllt |
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Joe Biden Matches Jacob Blake’s Household in Wisconsin says Trump promotes Individual’dark side’ |
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Atlantic magazine reports Trump called US Marines killed in WWI battle ‘losers’ |
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Donald Trump hace una petición ilegal a sus seguidores |
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Trump says his good relationship with China’s Xi has changed |
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YES I’m a TRUMP Girl Get Over It Mug |
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Trump prezent/ Kosova amp Serbia nënshkruajnë sot dokumentin në Shtëpinë e |
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Amenazas de Trump de revocar fondos federales a NYC desata guerra con líderes neoyorquinos |
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Trump Campaign |
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Trump warns of “Total Anarchy Madness and Chaos” but they are his Reelection Strategy |
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Trump Just Used Emojis On Twitter For The First Time And People Are Totally Weirded Out |
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“Donald Trump was never investigated to determine if he is a Russian agent or asset according to an explosive book published today by a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter” |
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Dems 2020 Strategy: From Resistance To Blame Trump For Everything! |
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Başkan Trump: Korona virüs aşısı Ekim ayından önce dağıtılabilir |
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The Atlantic: Trump—Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ |
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September 3 2020 – Win Trump |
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Indian software engineer honoured with US citizenship in a rare ceremony at White House hosted by Trump |
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Trump tuyên bố 99 ca nhiễm nCoV ở Mỹ là ‘vô hại’ |
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Tổng thống Trump nói thích đeo khẩu trang vì trông giống “Kỵ sỹ cô đơn” |
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World Peace on The Horizon Trump Tackles Iranian Dictator Meeting |
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Trump gets third degree burn from holding Bible |
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…Drilling Mines Other Projects Hastened by Trump Order |
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Presidential Debate Commission Picks FORMER BIDEN INTERN to Moderate Trump-Biden Debate! |
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True Trump: An Honest Biography of Donald Trump for Young Adults by Ross Rosenfeld |
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Woman sues sperm bank after paying 75000 for “Donald Trump’s semen” |
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Reclama Joe Biden a Trump por escuelas |
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Alcaldes denuncian amenaza de Trump de recortar fondos federales |
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breitbart news: Rasmussen: Donald Trump Job Approval Bounces to 52 Percent |
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Politik Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Dari Obama ke Trump |
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Paul Manafort just flipped Trump and Putin must be furious |
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Trump pleads for life of condemned Iran wrestler |
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Tổng thống Trump: Mỹ đang giành chiến thắng thuế quan đang thực sự tàn phá kinh tế Trung Quốc |
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Democratic Minnesota mayor voting for Trump speaks out on Fox News |
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On June 22 2020 the Trump Administration issued a Presidential Proclamation temporarily suspending the issuance of certain categories of non-immigrant visas including J-1 au pair visas until December 31 2020 |
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The stock market — and President Trump — really wanted the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates as soon as… |
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Cartoon: Trump pins election hopes on COVID-19 vaccine |
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Trump’s Executive Orders TikTok WeChat The Bill amp Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Production and Uber |
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Trump Comes Up Empty When Pressed for Evidence of Election Fraud in Court |
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TOP 10 MEDIDAS Económicas de Trump Que Hicieron la “MEJOR Economía de la Historia” |
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Congratulations on North Korea Mr Trump Now go to Flint Michigan |
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El deporte en EEUU se planta contra el racismo y Trump carga contra la NBA |
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Trump’s guidelines for reopening country show it could take a while |
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Putin Like Trump Regularly Demeans US Military Sacrifices |
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Gold Guns Republicans and Trump |
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Tin tặc dọa tiết lộ tin mật của ông Trump đòi 42 triệu USD tiền chuộc |
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Michelle Obama thrashes Trump quite gracefully |
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Trump says Serbia and Kosovo reach ‘breakthrough’ agree to normalize economic ties |
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Kenosha residents say there is still more to be done after Trump and… |
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Andrew Cuomo Perfectly Shames Donald Trump After He Threatens to ‘Defund’ New York City |
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Trump Defends Kyle Rittenhouse After Alleged Antifa Member MURDERS a Trump Supporter |
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Wall Street Journal: Trump Wins in Portland |
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PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR: Trump/Bolsonaro: um amor não correspondido |
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Bị Michelle Obama chỉ trích là “Tổng thống sai lầm” Trump đáp trả: Nhờ chồng bà thất bại tôi mới vào Nhà Trắng |
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Editorial: Our New Publication Schedule amp Podcast Plus: Trump Has To Go |
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Geraldo Calls Out Biden’s Bait And Switch – On Video He Says Joe Can’t Admit Riots And Also Blame Trump |
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Internet mocks Trump’s ‘Great Wall of Colorado’ |
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Furor over Trump’s ‘vote twice’ idea which is legal in New York |
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Donald Trump and others on a plane |
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New Zealand Lawmakers Are Hitting Back At Trump For His Comments About Their Coronavirus Cases |
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Top psychiatrist explains why Trump’s coronavirus response is worse than having no leader at all |
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Donald Trump pide votar dos veces en la elección de noviembre |
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Trump ignora el racismo como raíz de las protestas y aboga por la mano |
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Adam Schiff Says He’s Launching Another Russia Investigation of Trump Admin |
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Honest Government Ad Trump 2020 |
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Trump states He Does Not Know Much About the QAnon Movement While Praising List of QDrops that have been Debunked |
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Donald Trump just received some terrible news about his election prospects |
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Trump was elected in the Rust Belt of the United States |
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Has Trump really won 5 questions! |
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Democrats Turn to Rural Issues: Rural Midwest Democrats Promote Infrastructure and Divergent Strategy From Trump Years |
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États-Unis – Trump accusé d’attiser les tensions raciales – Tribune… |
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Behind Trump and Sessions Twitter row a key Senate seat |
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The Full Weimar: Kenosha Police Fraternize with Pro-Trump Fascist Militias Leaving Two Dead and Several Wounded in Attacks on Jacob Blake Protest |
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Trump admin denies report Trump called fallen soldiers ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
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Can Ron DeSantis Deliver a Victory in Florida to Donald Trump |
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JUST IN: Trump blasts Minneapolis mayor vows military support if needed |
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Now Trump Blames Google for Spreading Fake News |
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Gallery of Trump Spokespersons Resembles Casting Call for Sci-Fi Bond Villains They Defend Trump’s Latest Tall Tale about Black-Clad Thugs on a Plane |
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Trump’s Attack On Democracy |
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EP 36 Tucker Releases Bombshell Chris Cuomo Audio Brian Stelter Grilled on C-SPAN amp Trump’s Health |
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Trump confía en tener una vacuna lista para octubre |
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How Trump Can Help Reopen America’s Schools |
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Trump banned TikTok and WeChat Are video games next |
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Archbishop Vigano writes to President Trump on the spiritual forces at work in the US |
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America reaches out to the world ignoring Trump |
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Trump Should “Avert His Cowardly Eyes” from Amputee Veterans |
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Dems Come Unhinged After Trump Tells NC Residents to Vote Twice |
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Gold Plated Trump 2020 Coin |
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Further Proof Donald John Trump Doesn’t Care About Our Active Duty Veterans and Retirees – Breaking World News! |
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Donald Trump Russian interference and Democratic Party ineptitude |
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Poll: Trump’s Approval Hits 50 |
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President Trump Takes On Biden Pelosi Cuomo and De Blasio in Pennsylvania Speech |
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Fifth District Republican Convention Saturday June 138:30am – 7:00pm Tree of Life Ministries LynchburgVote for the Only Candidate Supported by President Trump |
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Donald Trump in 2013 |
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BREAKING: Alleged Antifa Shooter Who Assassinated Trump Supporter in Portland Wrote Antifa Manifesto On Instagram |
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Trump llamó “fracasados” a estadounidenses muertos en Guerra Mundial |
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VIDEO Driver of sedan that plowed through crowd of BLM demonstrators in Times Square ‘is a Trump supporter who attended a Keep America Great rally hours earlier |
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Nhà tiên tri người Anh: Ông Trump sẽ tái đắc cử Trung Quốc có βạo ℓoạɴ thế giới có nhiều độɴɢ đất |
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Mỹ vượt lập kỷ lục buồn: 3 triệu ca nhiễm Covid-19 Tổng Thống Trump ép trường học mở cửa |
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Branded: Donald Trump Ted Cruz Spar Over New York values: 5:23 Techcrunch : 2:21 secs |
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Trump is Using the Pandemic to Expedite Fossil Fuel Projects |
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Ep 1725 Can Trump Win |
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“There’ll be a lot of death”: Trump says presses unproven cures in Saturday pandemic press briefing |
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Fauci Tries To Calm Fears Of Trump Rushed Faulty Vaccine: FDA Is ‘Very Committed’ To Science Over Politics |
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Donald Trump takes aim at NFL’s concussion protocol |
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Analyse: 4 grunde til at Biden holder fast i føringen over Trump |
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A political awakening in the age of Trump |
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Trump Told One Key Truth at His Convention |
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Peter Morley just revealed his vital campaign to stop Trump from harming our healthcare |
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Amid Coronavirus Trump Moved to Expel Immigrants — But Border Patrol Didn’t Test Any of Them |
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It’s Been Three Months Where Are Trump’s Ventilators By Fredrick Nwabufo |
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Debates políticos: ¿cómo medir quién armas de los demócratas para vencer a Trump |
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Biden Contrasts With Trump Meets Blake Family During Kenosha Trip |
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Melania Trump gets happiness lesson at a Delhi school |
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Trump and the politics of ‘mean world’ |
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Trump has Ordered General Motors to Make Ventilators Under Defense Production Law |
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Trump’un Tweet paylaşımları: “Daha önce de açık bir şekilde söylediğim gibi tekrar ediyorum eğer Türkiye benim müstesna ve eşsiz bilgeliğimle belirlediğim sınırların dışına çıkarsa daha önce yaptığım gibi Türkiye ekonomisini mahvederim Türkiye Avrupa ve diğerleri ile birlikte IŞİD savaşçıları ve ailelerine nezaret etmek zorundalar ABD IŞİD halifeliğini tamamen ele geçirme dahil kendisinden beklenebileceklerin çok daha fazlasını yerine getirdi Bazıları çok zengin olan bölge ülkelerinin kendi topraklarını koruma vakti geldi ABD muhteşemdir“ |
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Trump Told Sanders ‘Take One for the Team’ After Kim’s Wink |
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Trump’s Monumental Election Task |
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Trump called US Marines who died during World War I ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ report says – Stats |
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Snoop Dogg Arrested For Conspiracy After Talking About His ‘Murder Trump’ Video |
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Trump: Küzdeni fogok a születendő gyermekek életéért! |
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After Pelosi Suggests Biden Shouldn’t Debate – President Trump Demands From Joe “Written Confirmation” |
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Man sought in the fatal Portland shooting after Trump rally killed by officers in WA published report says |
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Trump 2020 Make Liberals Cry Again With Flag Coffee Mug |
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Mayors Call Trump Funding Threat ‘Unlawful’ |
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El Dow Jones le regala 30 mil puntos a Donald Trump |
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President Trump doesn’t seem to understand Apple or 5G |
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If Trump refuses to accept defeat the republic will survive intact as it has done in the past |
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Meurtre d’un militant pro-Trump : le suspect tué par la police |
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Trump vs Biden Political Fantasy Game |
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The economic impact of COVID-19 has been magnified by Trump’s intentional Postal Service delays |
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Vote twice : Illegal prompt by Donald Trump might result in domain sale |
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One-on-one with Eric Trump |
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Trump and Antifa |
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House Ag Chair Backs Biden on Killing Trump Tariffs |
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El segundo mayor donante de la OMS anuncia más dinero para el coronavirus tras el portazo de Trump |
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Former Press Sec Says Trump Tried To Pimp Her Out To Kim Jong Un |
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Trump Approves Diverting More Water to Central Valley |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump: “Tôi rất thích các vị lãnh đạo Việt Nam” |
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Trump Denies Report Alleging He Called American War Dead ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ click to see stats |
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Is Trump Hoping to Appeal to Wall Street for Permanent Dictatorship Based on Trifecta of Destruction Including Social Security 2023 Medicare Already Predicted for 2024 and Obamacare/ACA Targeted by Texas-Led Lawsuit of State AGs |
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News Brief: Portland Shooting Suspect Rochester Protests Trump’s Pennsylvania Visit |
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Trump Withdraws The US From The WHO’s Covax Program |
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Trump Wrongly Claims He Never Called John McCain a Loser– See Him Do Just That Video |
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Trump’s daughter and son-in-law have deep heavily leveraged and big money ties to the Jewish community most particularly as it connects to Chabad Ivanka’s former business partner has millions in taxes forgiven by the Internal Revenue Service with many of us left to shake our heads He was then accused of duping diamond dealers It should be noted that Ivanka’s former partner denied he owed taxes But then there’s the odd arson claim involving the same partner |
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New York : ‘India Pakistan Two Nuclear Countries at Serious Odds Got to Work It Out’: Trump Plays Peacemaker Again |
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Trump alienta a votar dos veces un fraude recientes |
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US Election 2020: RNC Nominate Trump/Pence |
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Tammy Duckworth Slams Trump For Remarks on US War Dead: ‘I’d Take My Wheelchair and Titanium Legs’ Over His ‘Supposed Bone Spurs Any Day’ |
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— President Donald J Trump |
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Covid-19 Live Updates: Trump Vaccine Chief Casts Doubt on Vaccine by Election Day |
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Organizers Expect Hundreds at Thursday’s New Braunfels Trump Train Event |
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Tales of the Sausage Factory: The Trump Administration Goes to War over 5G with Itself |
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Trump says he has evidence coronavirus came from a Chinese lab but he can’t reveal it |
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Trump Announces Historic Peace Deal Between Israel UAE |
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Biden Plan a Reminder of Trump’s Broken Promises to Latino Virginians |
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Worker says he was fired from shipyard for wearing Trump hat |
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audio Senior fellow CSPA R Husarski dla Radia TOK FM o spotkaniu Trump-Kim |
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Trump vs Biden: la recta final |
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Media Quotes of the Week: From reporter waits five years to quiz Trump on lies to PR soft soaps journalist in bid to promote cleaning products |
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Mary Trump Book Pdf |
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Analysis: Trump’s latest attack on mask-wearing may be |
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Trump’s Tariffs Will Reduce Trade Deficits By Reducing Trade |
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États-Unis : Trump a-t-il vraiment traité les soldats morts de losers |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump – vị khắc tinh của ĐCSTQ phần 2 |
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Twitter flags and fact checks Trump’s tweets for first time |
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Donald Trump kritizuje NBA: Stali ste sa politickou organizáciou |
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Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump Which Could Bolster Him in Iowa |
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Trump’s newest McCain claims are quickly discredited – Stats |
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Rasmussen: Trump Surges to Pre-Pandemic Approval of 52 |
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Had Trump taken the lockdown seriously US would’ve not been facing |
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As violence escalates in Portland President Trump declares if ‘mayor doesn’t clean it up we will go in and do it for them’ |
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HampM: Donald Trump reacts to Brussels attack: 10:51 |
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Mr Rogers’ Widow Has Some Not-So-Neighborly Words For Trump |
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Rick Gates Ex-Trump Aide and Mueller Witness Is Publishing a Memoir |
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Trump aurait annulé sa visite d’un cimetière américain près de Paris car il était rempli de à ne pas rater |
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Trump interrupts nurse in Oval Office when she mentions protective equipment shortages |
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President Trump renews threat to declare national emergency to |
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How to Buy President Trump |
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Man fired for refusing to remove ‘Trump 2020’ hat at Newport News Shipbuilding |
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Vuçiq ka bërë gati një dhuratë për presidentin Trump |
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It’s Not the Four Year Old Counterintelligence Investigation intro Trump We Need to Be Most Worried About — It’s the Ones Bill Barr May Have Killed |
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Trump is guilty as hell so he might as well collude with Putin in public now |
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Trump Admin Asks Supreme Court to Require In-Person Doctors Appointment for Women Seeking Abortion Pills |
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“Authoritarian Nightmare”: John Dean Helped Bring Down Nixon over Watergate He Says Trump Is Worse |
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Judges skeptical toward Trump plan to exclude many immigrants from In The Time Of Covid |
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Flet Donald Trump: Marrëveshje historike shumë shpejtë mund të vizitojë Kosovën |
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Money Stops COVID-19: Bishop Harry Jackson Trump’s Easter Blesser |
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Trump’s Flavor Ban a Big Mistake |
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On Yom HaShoah we recommit to resist Trump |
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The danger is now clear: Trump is destroying democracy in broad daylight |
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Facebook Twitter react to President Trump’s urging of voting twice |
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Trump 2020 yılı Ağustos ayı sonlarında Beyaz Saray’da Rahip Brunson’un da aralarında bulunduğu farklı ülkelerde tutuklu ya da rehin tutulmuş 6 vatandaş ile gerçekleştirdiği söyleşide gerçeği açıklayarak rahip Andrew Craig Brunson’un serbest bırakılmasından dolayı “Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan çok iyiydi” değerlendirmesinde bulundu Trump “Erdoğan ile birkaç konuşma yaptıktan sonra onunla anlaştık Bunun için minnettarız ve Türk halkına da minnettarız Brunson’a Anladığım kadarıyla sen de minnettarsın” diye konuştu Brunson ise bunun üzerine serbest bırakılması için yaptıklarından dolayı ABD Başkanı Trump’a teşekkür etti |
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En los Estados Unidos desconfían de la vacuna electoral de Trump |
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Violence: This is Trump’s America today |
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Quick Note To ‘Black Lives Matter’ From A Progress amp Unity Loving Trump Supporter |
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Trump Spent Years Undermining Global Charities Now Crucial To Fighting Coronavirus |
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Why Trump was never investigated as a Russian agent |
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Bei Festnahme Polizei erschießt Verdächtigen der Trump-Anhänger in Portland getötet haben soll |
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Le grand jury américain interroge un conseiller en médias sociaux auprès d’un partisan clé de Trump |
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Report by GOP-Led Senate Intelligence Committee Confirms Mueller Report and More Criminal Referrals Issued Last Year for Kushner Bannon Donald Trump Jr Eric Prince and Sam Clovis! |
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Trump Once Again Tells Americans To Vote Twice In November |
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Trump Is Trying To Rig The Census And Hopes You Won’t Notice Key Senator Warns |
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AG Barr Signals That The Trump Administration Is Preparing to Crush Antifa amp BLM’s Criminal Members |
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New details reveal another Trump coronavirus misstep in early February |
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UFC: Raucous reception for Trump at Mixed Martial Arts – BBC News |
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TikTok to sue US administration over app ban ordered by Trump |
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Jeffrey Epstein and President Trump – Indictment – Video – So Was that a Threat or a “Have Your Back”… |
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Liar Racist And Predator: This Is How His Ex-Lawyer Describes Trump In A Book |
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Disebut Tidak Kompeten Trump Lakukan Ini Terhadap Obama |
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A new documentary just revealed the money trail from Trump to Putin and the Russian mob |
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Trump Made Fun Of Politicians Wearing Masks During A Crowded Rally Where Many Didn’t Wear Masks |
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‘You’re No Patriot!’: Retired General Shreds Trump Over ‘Losers’ And ‘Suckers’ |
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Donald Trump Bobblehead |
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Super Trump |
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Officers suspended in suffocation death protesters Donald Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
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Médico é denunciado por ‘promoção indevida da e Facebook bloqueiam posts de Trump sobre votar 2 vezes |
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Federal judge blocks Trump immigration ‘public charge’ rule due to pandemic |
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VIEWPOINT: Election process dysfunction behind Trump success |
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If you vote Trump loses |
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El campo estadounidense aumenta la presión sobre Trump para que no deje el TLC |
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En visite à Kenosha Donald Trump assimile les manifestations à du « terrorisme intérieur » |
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31082020: Dialekte im Check amp Trump im In den Tiefen einer der weltgrößten Videos |
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Cara Pakai Masker Joe Biden Jadi Bahan Ejekan Trump |
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After That Horrible Joke By Biden in Kenosha I Can See Why Some Dems Don’t Want Him to Debate Trump |
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Largest police union endorses Trump for reelection click to see stats |
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Meryl Streep Takes Down Donald Trump In Her Golden Globe Speech |
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Evangélicos piden a Ivanka Trump que ayude a proteger a niños expande la línea de los light-duty con el TRX 1500 del 2021 |
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19 Nisan 2018’de ABD Başkanı Trump “Papaz Brunson Türkiye’de zulme uğruyor” dedi ve hemen ardından ilk yaptırım uyarısı ABD Dışişleri Bakan Yardımcısı Wess Mitchell’dan geldi Mitchell Brunson’ın serbest bırakılmaması halinde ‘Türkiye için sonuçları olabilir” tehdidini yaptı Bir gün sonra iki senatör yaptırım için çalışma başlattı Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu rahibin serbest bırakılması için Washington’dan gelen çağrılara hukuki sürece müdahale edilemeyeceği ve mahkemenin sonucunun beklenmesi gerektiği yanıtını verdi |
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Tin tức thế giới 4/9: Con gái Tổng thống Donald Trump vận động tranh cử giúp cha |
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Pelosi Comes Clean…Creepy Joe Biden Cannot Debate Trump |
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Chứng khoán Mỹ vượt đỉnh cao nhất mọi thời đại Tổng thống Donald Trump đăng tweet ăn mừng |
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Think Twice Before You Follow Trump’s Advice to Vote Twice in North Carolina |
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Ailing Kenosha on edge as Donald Trump visit looms amid tensions |
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“History Evangelicals and Trump” at the Reintegrate Podcast |
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Trump llamó fracasados a estadounidenses muertos en guerras según The Atlantic |
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Supporters welcome President Trump to Old Forge |
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US Presidential Debate To Have “Shastrartha” Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump |
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Trump-Biden Debates: 3 Matchups With Solo Moderators – Chris Wallace of Fox News Steve Scully of C-SPAN and Kristen Welker of NBC News |
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LIVING PRESIDENTS and FIRST LADIES Historical Official Genuine Legal Tender US 2 Bill Obama Bush Bill Clinton Carter Trump |
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Musician Eddy Grant sues Trump campaign over use of ‘Electric Avenue’ |
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Trump administration to purchase 150 million rapid COVID-19 tests |
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Imagining a post-Trump Republican Party |
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Trump suggests polling place double-check for mail-in voters |
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Oscar Parrilli salió a criticar a Donald Trump y también al embajador de EEUU en Argentina |
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One Thing Donald Trump JFK and FDR All Have In Common |
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White House attacks ‘false’ Atlantic story about Trump insulting dead soldiers: ‘What a disgrace!’ – Fox News White House attacks ‘false’ Atlantic story about Trump insulting dead soldiers: ‘What a disgrace!’ Fox NewsView Full Coverage on Google News |
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Trump Weaponizes “Law ‘n’ Order” |
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Trump ABD askerleri hakkındaki hakaret iddialarını reddetti |
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Judges skeptical toward Trump plan to exclude many immigrants from running for US Congress from California’s 11th |
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Trump to ban Alibaba after Tik Tok More Chinese apps may be banned |
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Trump xem xét cấм gã khổng lồ Alibaba của Trung Quốc tại Mỹ |
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Trump Angrily Denies Report He Called Fallen Soldiers ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ click to see stats |
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Trump Furious over Story Claiming He Disparaged Fallen Soldiers… |
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Biden Makes Promise To America’s War Dead After Trump’s Reported Insults |
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Trump assails rival Biden in White House speech accepting nomination |
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Cseh Katalin biztos elmorzsolt egy könnycseppet Trump új ígérete … |
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Examiga de Melania y su experiencia al trabajar con los Trump: ‘Fue el peor error de mi vida’ |
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Trump Ban On Chinese Drone Parts Risks Worsening Wildfires |
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George Floyd Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech |
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Coronavirus: Twitter et Google demandent à leur personnel de faire du télétravailLes géants des technology Twitter et Google ont demandé à leurs employés de faire du télétravail afin de limiter los angeles propagation du coronavirus dont l’épidémie a déjà contaminé plus de 92000 personnes à travers le monde «Nous encourageons fortement tous nos employés dans le monde à travailler de chez eux s’ils le peuvent» a annoncé los angeles responsable des ressources humaines de Twitter Jennifer Christie dans un communiqué posté sur le blog de l’entreprise «Notre but est réduire les risques de propagation de l’épidémie de Covid-19 chez nous et dans notre environnement» a-t-elle ajouté Le géant des réseaux sociaux a précisé que les employés de ses bureaux en Corée du Sud Hong Kong et au Japon auront l’duty de faire du télétravail en raison des mesures de sécurité locales À LIRE AUSSI : Google Maps fait peau neuve pour ses quinze ans De son côté Google a demandé mardi par précaution aux employés de son siège européen à Dublin de travailler de chez eux vehicle l’un d’entre eux présentait des symptômes grippaux Ils devraient toutefois retourner à leurs bureaux dès mercredi «Nous continuons à prendre des mesures de précaution pour protéger la santé et los angeles sécurité de notre employees» a annoncé un porte-parole de Google dans un communiqué Les deux entreprises ont aussi annulé ou reporté des conférences qui étaient prévues aux Etats-Unis L’épidémie de coronavirus a contaminé plus de ninety two000 personnes dans le monde et fait three127 morts selon un bilan établi par l’AFP à partir de resources officielles mardi à 12h00 1 commentaire Leahn-5e5fa6c86920c le 04/03/2020 à 05:28 Voilà enfin des dirigeants d’entreprise qui demandent à tous leurs salariés qui le peuvent de passer au télétravail En 2020 tous les outils sont là pour le faire c’est du bon sens tout simplement! Mieux vaut pour une entreprise s’adapter maintenant et sereinement face à la scenario plutôt que devoir fermer ses bureaux et bouleverser brusquement l’activité parce qu’un cas de coronavirus a été détecté Si à l’avenir l’entreprise n’était pas touchée tant mieux mais au moins elle s’est préparée à cette éventualité Nombreuses sont les entreprises en France qui semblent s’en remettre aux recommandations du gouvernement A minima il le faut évidemment Mais rien ne leur interdit de prendre des mesures simples de leur propre initiative tel que le télétravail afin de limiter l A Propagation de la maladie Bravo à Twitter et à Google sur ce factor ! En espérant que les entreprises françaises grandes ou petites suivent cet exemple Vous êtes dirigeant Qu’avez-vous préparé concrètement face à los angeles crise du coronavirus Question ouverte Dans mon entourage privé et professionnel je constate que malheureusement rien n’est fait rappel des gestes barrières rappel des règles d’isolement si l’on a voyagé dans des régions à risque ou côtoyer des personnes sales de ces régions en France ou à l’étranger préparation d’un plan de passage au télétravail and so forth Michael Consultant LIRE LE COMMENTAIRE À lire aussi Natixis: los angeles filiale H2O droop huit de ses fonds en raison «d’incertitudes de valorisation» Natixis: los angeles filiale H2O suspend huit de ses fonds en raison «d’incertitudes de valorisation» Alinéa: remark des actionnaires peuvent-ils reprendre leur propre entreprise Alinéa: comment des actionnaires peuvent-ils reprendre leur propre entreprise Pôle emploi va recruter 2800 personnes pour accompagner les jeunes et les chômeurs Pôle emploi va recruter 2800 personnes pour accompagner les jeunes et les chômeurs Plus de offerings L’actualité à ne pas manquer Résultats des élections Elections municipales 2020 Brexit : tout savoir Tension Iran-Etats Unis Crise politique italienne Mandat Donald Trump Corée-Du-Nord Actualité politique en temps réel Analyses débats politiques et sociétaux Crise des prisons Programme TV Programme TV ce soir Programme TV en ce second Programme TV TNT Séries Netflix HBO OCS et TV Election et images Miss France Programme TV film Programme TV Canalsat Programme TV Free Programme TV SFR Actu humans Sport Calendriers et résultats des matchs en direct Résultats classement général Tour De France Ballon d’Or France Football Actualité cyclisme Actualité Euro 2020 Transferts soccer Classement Ligue 1 Jeux Olympiques Japon Tokyo 2020 Calendrier Euro 2020 Classement pinnacle 14 Madame Horoscope Guide du mariage Recettes de delicacies Brigitte Macron Actu mode Apéritif dînatoire Fête des mères Tendance bijoux Meghan Markle Gainer son corps Santé Fiches et publications des médicaments Astuces et conseils bien-être Santé et sexualité Index des maladies Conseils alimentation vitamins et santé L’encyclopédie des organes Conseils en psychologie La pollutants va t-elle nous tuer Apnée du sommeil : Comment mieux dormir 15 mythes sur les vertus des aliments Guide d’achat Guide d’achat maison et jardin Guide d’achat santé et beauté Guide d’achat excessive-tech Guide d’achat smartphones et tablettes Comment choisir le meilleur extracteur de jus Quelle est l A Meilleure montre connectée Quel est le meilleur domestic cinéma sans fil Comparatif semelle gel Quel épilateur électrique choisir Bons plans Education et orientation Résultats Bac Révisions du Bac Parcoursup Annuaire des écoles de commerce Les entreprises qui recrutent Trouver un degree Résultats Brevet des collèges Classement des écoles de commerce Trouver une alternance Agenda étudiant : JPO salons… Culture Succession de Johnny Hallyday Sorties cinéma Guide arts et expositions Actualité musicale Actualité jeux-vidéo Citations et proverbes Réservation de spectacles et théâtre Sortir à Paris Histoire de France Langue française |
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Melania Trump Channels Kate Middleton in a Polka Dot Dress by Designer Debuting at PFW This Month |
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ABD Başkanı Trump: Kovid-19 aşısı belki ekim sonundan önce dağıtılır |
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12:16 – Militari morti in Primul Razboi Mondial considerati niste ratati si cretini de catre Trump Casa Alba dezminte aceste acuzatii |
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Bad poll for Trump: Pandemic not law and order the main issue in US |
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Video – Nancy Pelosi Says Republicans Are The “Enemy” amp Infers Trump Is A Cock Roach Who Will Have To Be Thrown Out! |
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Latinos for Trump Want you to Feed Goya Adobo to your Dog |
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MAGA Hulk calls out Trump haters: they have no facts and do no research |
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Sep 3 Donald Trump and William Barr plan to defund America’s cities using authority they just made up |
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Donald Trump Claims Prediction Of ‘Red Mirage’ Election Night |
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Netzwerke versehen Trump-Aufruf zu Stimmabgabe mit Warnhinweisen |
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Trump’tan Koronavirüs Vakalarına İlişkin İlginç Açıklama: Yüzde 99’u Zararsız |
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Report: Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ – The Boston Globe Report: Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ The Boston Globe State Department announces ‘next steps’ in withdrawal from World Health Organization Fox News Biden response to Trump reported comment calling dead troops ‘losers’ – Business Insider Business Insider Trump cancels 62M of US funding for World Health Organization Washington Examiner State to reassign officials as part of WHO withdrawal |
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BREAKING: Antifa Killer Michael Reinoehl Interviewed by VICE — Shot amp Killed by Police Minutes Before President Trump Demands Investigation |
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Joe Biden Says USA President Trump ‘Offered Nothing But Failure And Delusions From Start To Siddiqui Set To Entertain His Fans With An Array Of Movies |
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‘His soul is that of a coward’: Biden camp blasts Trump over stories he known as lifeless US troops ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ |
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Dana White says it’s ‘Critically important to re-elect President Trump’ |
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Presiden Donald Trump Kirim Bantuan ke Palu dan Donggala |
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Sharpton accuses Trump of ‘trying to make BLM look like hoodlums and thugs’ click to see stats |
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Attend Nationwide Demonstrations in Support of Postal Service and Mail-In Voting at 11am Local Time Saturday Morning In Special Saturday Session Pelosi Seeks 25 Billion for USPS Which Trump Threatens to Veto |
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Coronavirus relief: Can President Trump bypass Congress |
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The Trump Administration amp US – Indo-Pacific Relations |
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Are you surprised that Trump referred to the 1800 US Marines and others who died at Belleau Wood as suckers and losers |
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Trump defends Kenosha killer Biden says president is ‘toxic’ |
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Keluar Dari WHO Trump Ogah Bayar Iuran 62 Juta Dolar AS |
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Preparing for Trumpxit: Could a President Trump Withdraw the US from International Treaties and Agreements |
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Tom Arnold just revealed he knows who sent Russian hookers to Trump’s Moscow hotel room during Miss Universe – Part 2 of 3 |
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Nothing but crickets from Republican senators over Trump’s disparagement of military |
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Brazil’s Bolsonaro channeling Trump dismisses coronavirus measures — it’s just ‘a little cold’ |
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Fraternal Order of Police Unanimously Endorses Trump in US Presidential Race |
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Çka kërkoi Ivanka Trump në takimin Hoti – Vuçiq |
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The Threat of the Republican Party Goes Deeper Than Trump |
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Video: Actor Anthony Sabato Jr talks about his new book Trump The election and defending his beliefs in hostile liberal Hollywood – Remnant News |
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Trump ve “Tweetinvest” Dönemi |
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99 la sută din cazuri de COVID-19 sunt inofensive spune Donald Trump |
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Trump Wants to Punish US Cities That Don’t Pledge Allegiance to Him |
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What was the Battle of Belleau Woods the Slain Marines at which Trump called “Losers” and “Suckers” |
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Ateşkes ilan edilmesini yorumlayan Trump ise abukluğunu sabukluğunu sürdürüyordu Türkiye’nin Suriye’de Kürt grupların kontrolü altındaki bölgelere yönelik operasyonunu “okul bahçesinde kavga eden iki çocuğa” benzeterek “Ben biraz kavga etmeleri gerekiyor dedim Okul bahçesindeki iki çocuk gibi kavga etmelerine izin vereceksiniz sonra da ayıracaksınız Birkaç gün kavga ettiler ve oldukça şiddetliydi Biz oraya gittik ve bir ara vermelerini istedik Kürtler müthişti Biraz geri çekilecekler” diyordu |
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Trump threatens to ‘close down’ social media firms amid Twitter row |
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Burnett: Mueller drops a major bomb on Trump |
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Trump reiterates call for drug test before debates claims Biden ‘is on some kind of an enhancement’ |
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The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg Says Administration Insiders Are in ‘Disbelief’ Over Trump’s Attitude Toward Veterans Video |
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Đua đòi lập tổ chức ͼhốทg TT Trump GS Ngô Bảo Châu đang toan tính điều gì |
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San Francisco Mayor Blames Trump For Pelosi’s Salon Mistake |
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Barr defends Trump use of treason against Biden Obama insists it was ‘colloquial’ Trump’s own words suggest otherwise |
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Trump’s contempt for military service spurs massive outrage on Twitter |
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Parlement européen : nouveau coup de pression sur Trump un enfant dans un corps d’adulte |
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Trump llamó “fracasados” a estadounidenses muertos en guerras según Atlantic el presidente lo niega |
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Trump a-t-il annulé sa visite d’un cimetière américain près de Paris car il était “rempli de losers” |
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Trump daily virus presser: boasting about his Facebook popularity and talks of “Mexican violence” |
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Tammy Duckworth: Trump Should Avert His Cowardly Eyes from Amputee Veterans |
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Apakah Video Poker Online Adalah Pilihan Bagus – Trump Channel |
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‘We don’t have any words for the Orange man’ – Jacob Blake’s family refuse to meet Trump |
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Trump Administration Releases Draft Framework for the Ethical Use of Data |
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Senate Democrats are pushing to undo President Trump’s payroll tax deferral |
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Thấy gì từ việc vợ chồng Obama cùng nhau nói xấu bỉ bôi Tổng thống Trump |
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Trump restringe derechos a migrantes |
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Donald Trump’s latest attack on mask-wearing may be his worst yet |
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Video emerges of Trump going on bizarre rant about antifa using “big bags of soup” as a weapon |
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Twitter hid Trump’s email voting messages |
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Shortages threaten Trump’s plan for rapid |
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Chinese Social Media Giant TikTok Sues Trump Administration |
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Trump’s Rally at Mount Rushmore Will Move Forward Despite Risks |
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Trump hopes to have vaccine by October stirs up controversy over vote |
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After Trump |
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BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win |
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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Follows Verified Antifa Account Doxxing Trump Boat |
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White House Says Story About Trump Insulting Dead Soldiers ‘False’ |
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Antes de elección Trump entregará vacuna contra covid |
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Gaslighting and Superspreading: Trump Ends Convention of Dark Forces with Crescendo of Lies and Empty Promises Public Health and Empirical Economics Not on Program Don’s Name Up in Lights but as a Failure Who Has Choked Across the Board |
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Trump Can’t Change Election Day But His Suggestion is Alarming |
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Donald Trump e quajti kërcënim të sigurisë kombëtare TikTok padit qeverinë e SHBA-së |
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Trump silent after an ally urges vigilantes to ‘have a plan’ to justify shootings |
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Giá bitcoin tăng lên tới 10380 đô la khi Trump dọa đàn áp biểu tình bằng quân sự |
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Tổng thống Trump đẩy nhanh tốc độ ‘нủy ժιệȶ Trung Quốc’ Đại sứ Thôi Thiên Khải để lộ sự н0ảռɢ ƨợ |
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Trump Headquarters |
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Gaslighting in Review: Nikki Haley Suggests Kim’s Love Letters Prove US Has Nothing More to Fear from Unstable Leadership Clique in North Korea Forgetting Don’s Helsinki Grovel to Putin Asserts That Trump Has Never Backed Down in Service of America Don Poses as Tough on China but Appeases His Great Friend Xi Haley Dreams That Wrecking Iran Nuclear Accord Has Been Great Success Although It Has Totally Isolated US |
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Trump’s Many Withdrawals |
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Trump Rally – Manchester Airport – “Exclusive” Grok Video – Donald Trump Speaks! |
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Dear Trump Voters |
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Trump Needs a Convention Bounce |
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kelly trump Babewatch 5 scene 2 |
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Trump Attacks USPS in Cheat-to-Win Campaign |
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Millions of Texans could be shielded from evictions under new Trump administration order |
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Trump’s Call For Opening Puts School Kids At Frontline of Risk and Re-election |
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Vì sao ông Trump kêu gọi cử tri bang chiến địa bỏ phiếu 2 lần |
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Former Mattis Comms Chief just revealed which reckless Trump tweets caught the Pentagon “off guard” |
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Cher LGBT ช่วย Joe Biden หาเสียงสู้ Trump ในการเลือกตั้งสหรัฐฯ ด้วยเหตุผลว่า ตอนที่ 4 |
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Trump hands out autograph: ‘Sell this on eBay tonight you’ll get 10000’ |
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Gobernador de Nueva York: Donald Trump como comandante en jefe perdió la guerra de COVID-19 |
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Trump Visits Kenosha Calls for ‘Tough’ Response to Protests |
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Zuckerberg AD di Facebook cambia idea su Trump |
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Will Trump Secure the Evangelical Vote With Abortion |
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Trump’s Soaring and Stinging Substance – Sadly Subdued |
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Trong Cuộc Phỏng Vấn với Trang Báo Điện Tử Axios Trump Tuyên Bố Sai về Tỷ Lệ Tử Vong Của Covid-19 Ở Hoa Kỳ |
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Retro Boaters For Trump 2020 Trump Supporters Classic T-Shirt |
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Chiến lược Trump ‘tung hỏa mù’ bằng thuyết âm mưu |
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Trump junto al muro: los inmigrantes “son escaladores profesionales” |
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Thaçi përshëndet nënshkrimin e marrëveshjes Kosovë-Serbi falënderon presidentin Trump |
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White House fights back against claims Donald Trump called WWI Marine… |
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Trump ontkent dat hij gesneuvelde militairen losers en sukkels noemde |
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Twitter slaps warning labels on Trump tweets that suggest voting twice |
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Trump hints at Mediator role over Kashmir conflict in a talk with King of Pop Michael Jackson |
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Democratic Party Alleges Trump-Russia Conspiracy in New Lawsuit |
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Vanity Fair provides an inside look at Donald Trump’s two months of wasteful coronavirus dithering |
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Fact check: Trump says he’s done more for |
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nytimes health: Covid-19 Live Updates: Trump Administration Vaccine Chief Casts Doubt on Vaccine by Election Day |
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Court shields Trump tax returns likely until after election |
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Nueva York amenaza con demandar a Trump si retiene fondos de ciudades |
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Trump administration takes aim at Australia’s tech giant crackdown |
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Nabestaanden Leonard Cohen boos op Trump door gebruik song ‘Hallelujah’ |
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Trump delar USA men oerhört många läser böcker om honom många böcker |
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Melania Trump encourages everyone to vote “so that we may continue to build the brightest future for all of our children” 08/24/20 |
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The Socialist Equality Party denounces Trump’s mass arrest of 2000 immigrants! |
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Başkan Trump: “Korona virüs aşısı Ekim ayından önce Erdoğan IKBY Başkanı Barzani’yi kabul etti |
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Video – Biden: Trump can’t stop violence because for years he’s fomented it |
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Debattartikel: Korruption fördärvar svensk brev till Donald Trump gällande Edward Snowden |
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Trump Erdoğan’a Suriye’de görevli ABD’lilerin incinmesi durumunda da ‘büyük bir sorunları’ olacağını ilettiğini kaydetti Trump ayrıca aldığı Suriye’den çekilme kararıyla kimsenin tarafını seçmediğini de belirtti Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’la iyi bir ilişkileri olduğunu kaydeden Trump “Erdoğan’a IŞİD’liler sizin sorumluluğunuz dedim” dedi |
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Hillary Clinton reveals Why Biden Shouldn’t Concede ‘Defeat’ To Trump |
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President Trump Defense Secretary Esper Commemorate V-J Day with USS North Carolina USS Missouri Vets Sailors |
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RNC: POTUS Trump’s Rallying Cry For American Patriotism |
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Trump’s Plans To Pull Out Troops From Germany Has Many Holes |
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Joe Biden told residents of Kenosha Wisconsin that recent turmoil following the police shooting of Jacob Blake a Black man could help Americans confront centuries of systemic racism drawing a sharp contrast with President Donald Trump amid a reckoning that has galvanized the nation |
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Donald J Trump’s No Good Very Bad Rigged Fake News Google Search Results |
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Donald Trump 2020 Scholarship Application for Africans to Study in the |
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Ông Trump lội ngược dòng ngoạn mục tái đắc cử tăng cao |
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Especial EUA: Quem vai ganhar Trump ou Biden Veja as últimas pesquisas |
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Hellertown Girls Stole Damaged ‘Trump’ Signs Police Say |
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No New GOP Platform This Year but Trump Campaign Issues 50 Bullet Point One Line “Core Priorities” Including 10 Million Jobs 1 Million Small Businesses and 1 Million Jobs Repatriated from China But No Details and No Way to Pay Sketchy Laundry List Looks Like Just Another Pro-Forma Infrastructure Week Dems Must Counter with WPA-Style Serious Job Creation Plan! |
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Trump rallies in Des Moines |
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Ep 1726 Conservatism in the Age of Trump |
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‘Catastrophe’: Jim Carrey Just Launched His Fiercest Attack Yet On Donald Trump |
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Does John Bolton’s memoir undercut The Atlantic on Trump’s canceled visit to US cemetery in France |
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Trump kërkon ndryshimin e kokës së dushit: ‘Uji s’po rrjedh shpejt nga çezmat’ |
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Anonymous sources in The Atlantic’s Donald Trump bombshell urged to go on the record – Fox News |
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FABRIZIO IODICE DELGADO: Video of Trump calling John McCain a ‘loser’ resurfaces after president denies calling war hero the same name |
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A Texas pre-med student just revealed Trump’s ICE agents threatening refugees who need medical help |
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I don’t know about you but Donald Trump isn’t going to pay your bills |
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Un agente mata al sospechoso de haber asesinado a un fan de Trump |
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Trump Allegedly Smeared Dead Disabled Veterans |
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US Could Be Thrown Out of Olympics Over Trump Funding Threats World Anti-Doping Agency Warns : worldnews |
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Joe Biden calcă pe urmele lui Donald Trump |
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Trump signed a Space Policy Directive to create US Space Force |
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Waters Turn Trump Red in Alexandria Area Sunday |
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MLK’s Niece Statement About Alleged ‘Shole’ Remark Crushes Every Liberal Who Dared Call Trump Racist |
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Lancez-vous sur YouTube avec une strategie Trump interdit aux Européens d’entrer aux Etats-Unis |
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Está atacando la integridad del sistema de elecciones: críticas a Trump por sugerir que se vote dos veces en noviembre |
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Trump’s finger-pointing on USPS is latest attempt to rewrite history in real time |
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New Narrative Being Pushed: Trump Will Lead Big On Election Night |
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Trump Suggests Salon Owner Should Run For Congress After Pelosi Fued |
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Joe Biden: I’m More In Touch With Women Voters Than Trump |
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Trump’s rhetoric on protests seen as detrimental by majority of Americans |
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Venezuela toma espacio en las campañas de Trump y Biden |
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hotair: Did Trump refuse to visit war cemeteries because soldiers were losers and suckers |
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There are over 10 million Google results for “Trump divisive” but less than 14 million results for “Trump uniter” |
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September 4th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day 1324 |
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Don’t be hoodwinked by Trump’s UAE-Israel ‘peace deal’ |
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Dan Brown om Trump: ”Går inte att skriva om – är för overkligt” |
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”Vinner Trump igen förtjänar vi allt som drabbar oss” |
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Trump Admin Seeks Supreme Court Stay in Abortion Pill Litigation |
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La ‘guerra comercial’ podría tener un ‘efecto boomerang’ para Donald Trump |
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Largest US Police Union Unanimously Endorses Trump |
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What happens when public SaaS companies don’t meet heightened investor and Facebook wrestle with Trump telling Americans to vote twice |
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Why We Struggle to Agree on Loving/Hating Donald Trump |
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John Oliver debunks RNC’s repeated lies that voting for Trump doesn’t make you racist |
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Centenarian World War II Veteran Trump Fan Dies POTUS Trump Invited to Speak at Celebration of Life Service |
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Trump’s pick to run Latin America’s Development Bank is the last thing it needed |
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President Trump Indicates That He Has Info Regarding Aliens |
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COVID-19 Response Governor Cuomo amp others praising President Trump for the fight against Corona Virus |
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Trump suggests accused Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense |
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Experterna: Sex aktier du ska stoppa i byrålådan – ”brutala Aktierna som vinner om Trump förlorar – ”ett ganska lätt spel” |
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Poll: Trump Is Right Huge Percentage Of Fans Turning Off NBA Because It’s ‘Too Political’ click to see stats |
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Trump to Suspend TikTok by Executive Action |
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At Beginning of Final Push for White House Calls for Democrats to Shut Down Violent Anarchist Vandals and Provocateurs Who Are Trump’s Most Precious Resource and the Greatest Threat to Biden-Harris Don Lemon of CNN Gets It Thinks Democrats Have “Blind Spot” on This Issue and Offers Draft of Tough Speech for Biden Some Dems Attempt to Evade Issue |
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‘Late Show’ Bit Mocks Donald Trump Jr With A Powder-Packed Punchline |
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kelly trump Biancaneve 10 Anni Dopo |
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Election 2020 live updates: Biden to speak on economic fallout of pandemic Trump hosting diplomatic talks |
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Ebola research physician says “Trump can’t spin death” recommends cities take drastic measures |
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STONED: Trump’s dirty trickster caught covering up meeting Russian for dirt on Hillary and lying about to Congress about it |
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Trump ignora el racismo como raíz de las protestas y aboga… |
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Exclusive: Bipartisan campaign aims to reassure US voters as Trump questions election integrity – Reuters Exclusive: Bipartisan campaign aims to reassure US voters as Trump questions election integrity ReutersView Full Coverage on Google News |
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Trump: US should get ‘substantial portion’ of TikTok operations sale price |
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Trump’s 40 biggest broken promises |
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Trump’s Power Of Revisionist History: 6 Key Issues |
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Trump’s ‘rat-infested’ attack on lawmaker was racist says House Speaker Pelosi |
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Colorado communities of color ail under Trump’s EPA |
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Trump supporters traveled to Kenosha with plan to |
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Trump… |
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Trump allows defense contractors to sell more armed drones to foreign |
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American Pastor Released – Trump Lauds India For Upholding Request |
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Trump Rusya kelimesini duyunca bakın ne yapıyormuş |
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Obama nỗ lực cứu vãn di sản từ tay Trump |
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Second Trump-Kim Summit set for Vietnam |
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Trump Says Serbia Kosovo Agree To Normalize Economic Ties |
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Trump’s 2020 campaign just started its nazi outreach program |
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Michael Rapaport says we’ll be stuck cleaning up Trump’s s for years |
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Weekly output: online-video churn Trump vs social media online-video UX Tim Cook’s App Store history Saudi Twitter spies online-video ads online-video lessons Trump vs TikTok |
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Trump called American war dead ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ report alleges |
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Trump believes amputees should be excluded from mi |
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Over Trump en andere gekke Amerikaanse Papierfabriek is nog even culinaire hotspot |
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Trump Forces Rep Ilhan Omar Into Revealing Her True Colors on Muslim Matters |
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Analysis: Donald Trump bets presidency on ‘law and order’ theme |
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The TpP is dead! Announced nearly an hour after Trump’s visit to Obama |
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Trump signals he has ‘interesting’ details on Roswell as son grills him about aliens |
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Trump’s conduct risks a post-election crisis |
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Student Loan Forgiveness for Disabled Veterans By Trump Administration |
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Here are some basic concepts that Donald Trump does not understand: sacrifice selflessness patriotism heroism decency https://tco/4GYCduENS0 |
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Lawmaker: Trump a clear and present danger to |
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Ghế tổng thống của Trump lung lay vì suy thoái kinh tế |
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Salonejer slår tilbage mod Pelosi og hyldes af Trump |
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México podría ser alternativa para vuelos de Europa tras prohibición de Trump |
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Trump to face hard hitting questions at UN |
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Two more Trump staffers test positive for coronavirus after Tulsa rally |
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Joe Biden’s Golf Tweet About Trump Receives Hilarious Responses |
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Biden Visit to Kenosha Wisconsin Gives Voters an Example of Presidential Decorum after Years of Scurrilous Hooliganism Biden’s Quest for National Harmony Contrasts with Destructive Divide and Conquer Demagogy Practiced by Trump |
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Jessie Jane Duff on President Trump’s proposed tariffs on China |
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Tramos privados del muro fronterizo de Trump corren peligro de se imponen y eliminan al Thunder de Chris Paul en los playoffs de la NBA |
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Trump’s True Relationship With Russia Still Not Known |
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US Presidential Election 2020: First debate between Donald Trump Joe Biden to be held on September 29 |
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Trump Unraveling Brooch |
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Investigator reveals Trump’s billion-dollar Russian money laundering secret |
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16:45 Başkan Trump: Korona virüs aşısı Ekim ayından önce dağıtılabilir |
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Trump team plots how to bust Biden in the debates |
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Donald Trump Couldn’t Hold Honest Abe Lincoln’s Top Hat! |
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BREAKING! Donald Trump Quits Full CNN Interview |
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Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘An Armed Militia In This Country’ |
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Letter to Donald Trump |
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Verified Antifa Member Doxing Trump Boat Parade on Twitter — Twitter |
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‘The Five’ condemn Cuomo’s language toward Trump as ‘unhelpful’ |
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TQ tạo tường lửa ngăn văn minh thế giới vào Trump dựng luôn tường sắt biến TQ thành ốc đảo |
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Đáp trả Triệu Lập Kiên Tổng thống Trump: ‘Nói cho tên ngốc này biết là do Trung Quốc bất tài gây ra Ͳʜảᴍ sάᴛ!’ |
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Executed Trump Supporter: A Victim of the Left’s Anti-Trump Hate Narrative |
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10 Miles Of Cars Line Up For Trump And A Raucous Night In A Small Town – Stats |
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A READ! Don Lemon Poses Public Question To Trump: ‘What is it about Obama that gets under your skin’ VIDEO |
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‘Violent Trump’ Ad Ties The President To US Hate Explosion |
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Trump tweets about McCain denies disparaging US war dead as ‘losers’ |
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Trump’s Speech in Pennsylvania by Open Mind – 9420 |
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Trump designa delegación presidencial asistirá a juramentación de Abinader |
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HUGE NUMBERS: Trump Approval Surges to 52 |
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US President Trump once again offers to mediate on Kashmir |
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Trump’s denials that he called US troops ‘losers’ take center stage in The New York Times |
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The tech industry is culpable for Trump |
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Black women leaders respond to Trump’s charge |
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From the frontline of Portland’s resistance to Trump’s occupation |
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The Democrat Gambit to Destroy Trump Has Failed Their Only Hope Now Is to Destroy America |
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Two Senior Officials Confirm Trump’s Remarks About Fallen Soldiers To AP |
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Trump dismantle American democracy – Hillary Clinton |
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ABD’de polis Trump destekçisi aktivistin katil zanlısını gözaltına alırken öldürdü |
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Trump Unites The GOP During The Republican National Convention |
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Cumhuriyetçi Bush döneminde çizilen bu stratejiyi Demokrat Obama da sürdürmüş Cumhuriyetçi Trump da sürdürmektedir Afganistan ve Irak işgalleri ile Kuzey Afrika’dan Suriye’ye uzanan sözde Arap Baharları Suriye’ye asker göndermeler bu doğrultuda gelişmiştir |
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US journalist loses in libel action against Telegraph over Melania Trump apology |
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Quand Trump suggérait à son ancienne porte-parole d’avoir une liaison avec Kim Jong Un |
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Coronavirus and Student Loans: Trump waiving Federal Student Loan Interest |
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Colorado boy punched repeatedly for holding Trump sign |
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STUDY: 150 TIMES More Negative News on Trump than Biden |
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Trump Has Failed Americans |
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ADHEMAR BAHADIAN: Trump e seus labirintos |
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Trump resta importancia a los sondeos: Se supone que deben deprimirte |
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Mike Bates Show: President Trump is NOT Destroying the Postal Service |
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Fuoco e furia Trump Biden e l’America al voto per posta |
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Melania Trump To Skip Davos Not To Acco |
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Why “Animal Lovers” Need to Join TheResistance Against Trump: Trump Hates Dogs AND PETS |
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The Ferguson Report: Trump gets on the right side of history by rewriting it |
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Trump campaign ‘puzzled’ by Biden visit to Kenosha |
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Trump’s National Security Adviser Resigns |
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En su discurso de aceptación en la Convención Republicana Trump ataca “agenda socialista” de Biden |
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Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump win |
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Mời tham dự diễn hành bằng thuyền tại Virginia và Tampa Bay ủng hộ liên danh Trump amp Pence cuối tuần này |
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Attorney General James Fights Trump Administration Proposal Allowing Predatory Lenders to |
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Trump Minta Iran Tak Eksekusi Mati Pegulat Terkait Pembunuhan pada 2018 |
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Polémica luego de que Trump llama a votar por Video gallery now only available in pro version |
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Today’s D Brief: Trump called US war dead “losers” A spike in Russian provocations Vaccine test sites chosen More election-fraud disinfo And a bit more |
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Protests continue to erupt across US as President Trump threatens to deploy military |
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Coronavirus: Gusaba green cards bishobora guhagarikwa uyu munsi – Trump |
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173 Leading American footwear companies including Major brands urge Trump to remove footwear from |
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Film diagnoses Trump a ‘malignant narcissist’ |
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Trump Made Fun Of Politicians Wearing Masks During A Crowded Rally Where Many Didnt Wear Masks |
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Trump Panicking: Poll Shows Military Backs Biden |
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Both Rod Rosenstein and Richard Burr Chose Not to Investigate Trump’s Biggest Counterintelligence Vulnerability |
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Democratic strategist Michael Gordon: How the ghastly RNC could get Trump re-elected |
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ELI Report Looks At Trump Administration’s Impact On Environmental Law And Policy And What Lies Ahead |
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Donald Trump pushes law and order message at election rally |
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Trump Administration to Send New COVID-19 Rapid Tests to State Leaders |
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Biden Leads Trump Across US But Key Election States Remain Close |
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Why Trump Held Up The Bible |
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Governor Ron DeSantis Requests Major Disaster Declaration from President Donald Trump |
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Taj a testament to diversity of Indian culture: Trump |
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Breton: “Trump ha ragione su TikTok Anche i dati degli europei siano archiviati ed elaborati nell’Ue” |
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Twitter e Facebook censurano l’invito di Trump a votare due volte |
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Trump Is Denying the US’s Racism While Stoking Its Flames in Kenosha |
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Tổng thống Trump hứng bão chỉ trích vì kêu gọi cử tri bỏ phiếu 2 lần |
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Defying critics US security chief pushes Trump’s law-and-order message |
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Trump and Cuomo threats and accusations By Dave Lefcourt |
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Einmischung in die Wahl : Trump erledigt Putins Mission |
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Trump encourages voter fraud asks North Carolinians to vote twice |
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Bir müjdedir gidiyor! Trump da bugün bir müjde açıklayacak… Koronavirüs ilacı bulundu mu |
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On 9/11 Trump vows to hit Taliban ‘harder’ than ever |
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Gutsy Trump Threatens to Pull Federal Funding from “Lawless” Cities |
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“Populism” Is Euphemism for Fascism Twilight of the Phony Populist Dictators Signaled by Trump’s Sinking Polls by Xi’s Factional Purge of Top Communist Party Cadre and by Challenge to Putin by Opposition from St Petersburg and Moscow All the Way to Khabarovsk on the Pacific Comatose Navalny en Route to Treatment in Berlin |
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The Third Presidential Debate 2016 Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton Final Presidential Debate |
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Trump Vows To ‘End Cancer’ By Deregulating ‘Hidden Drugs’ |
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Archbishop Vigano writes to President Trump on the spiritual |
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Ankara’da Trump markası yerine Next Level’ı seçti |
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Trump Rows Back On Comments Suggesting Voters Cast Ballots Twice |
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Weekly output: TikTok x3 Apple TV social-media satisfaction AMC TV metrics NBCUniversal x2 5G flavors Disney Fox tech journalism Facebook and Twitter vs Trump Roku Instagram Reels election security influence operations online |
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Biden faz gol em Trump ao visitar família de negro baleado por policial |
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Trump winning the vaccine debate with health experts |
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Dem Candidate Urges Followers To ‘Report’ Trump Supporters And “Fight” |
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Trump threatened to cut funding if |
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New York judge halted the publication of President Trump’s niece’s “tell-all” book |
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Trump doesn’t seem to understand how voting works Here’s what you need to know |
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Trump neve beragyogta az eget |
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Trump Is Leading The Great American Economic Comeback |
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Trump says military experts tell him Beirut blast a ‘bomb of some kind’ |
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White jefe de la UFC pide a Trump que salve al luchador iraní condenado a muerte |
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Flotilla for Trump Tenney on Saturday on Oneida Lake |
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Trump’s Protectionism and China’s Emergence as a World Economic Power |
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Joe Biden a Kenosha accusa Trump: Le parole di un presidente possono far scoppiare una guerra |
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OPINION: Problems with post office are not new to Trump administration |
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Sep 1 Trump denies ’mini-strokes’ after a visit to Walter Reed Medical Center last year |
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Trump orders review to defund NYC other ‘anarchist’ cities nypostcom |
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Trump Seeks To Clarify Comments About Voting Twice |
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US Donald Trump reverses comments suggesting voters cast votes twice |
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Howdy Modi ! Decoding Modi-Trump BROMANCE |
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Pilpres AS 2020: Joe Biden Unggul Telak dari Trump |
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Call me ageist if you want – but Trump and Biden are both past it: YP Letters Letters |
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Dana White support speech for Donald Trump at the 2020 Republican National Convention video |
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As Death Toll Mounts Trump Backs “Herd Immunity” Quackery Peddled by Incompetent Advisors |
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Trump Is Now Official Republican Candidate To Chagrin of His Handlers His Acceptance Speech a Tissue of His Personal Grievances and Self-Pity He Plans Week of Pop-Up Demagogic Harangues |
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Trump’s Triumph |
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As Tycoons Gain Amid National Pain Trump Pushes Capital Gains Tax Cut for Rich Investors |
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Trump’s outrageous response to Kennedy primary loss targets Biden with copious lies |
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Trump wants a Covid-19 vaccine by Election Day But will one be ready |
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Journalist who first exposed Jeffrey Epstein just laughed at Acosta’s Trump-like lies |
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Loggerheads – Trump And The American Intelligence Community |
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“Donald Trump’s Encouragement to Vote Twice Could Cause Election Day Chaos” |
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Wali Kota New York City Geram Bakal Seret Presiden Trump ke Pengadilan |
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House GOP candidate praised as an upcoming ‘star’ by Trump posts photo of herself holding a gun next to images of ‘Squad’ members |
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Republican Convention Peddles Trump’s Paradise Lost a Fantastic Never-Never Land of Economic Prosperity and Good Health That Never Was on Land or Sea Trump’s Job Creation Was Decidedly Inferior to Obama’s Last Three Years GOP Tax Scam Kept Wall Street Bubble Going for Two Years with Ballooning Deficits for No Public Benefit Repo Crisis of September 2019 Signaled Collapse of Trump Bubble but Fed Countered with 1 Trillion per Week in Overnight Loans US Was in Recession Even Before Pandemic Began Trump’s Wipeout of Social Security Payroll Tax Is Worst GOP Attack on Pensions in Decades Scalise Lies That US Has Lowest Jobless Rate Ever When It Is Really the Highest Since the 1930s |
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When asked about Ghislaine Maxwell President Trump states “I wish her well” |
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Senate‘s Trump-Russia Report Shows What Mueller Missed |
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Man who Shot Trump Supporter Claims ‘Self Defense’ in Interview Has not Been Arrested yet- Watch Thursday 11 PM |
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Comparing Biden and Trump on 2020 campaign trail |
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Trump declares state of emergency as storm approaches |
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Biden aventaja a Trump por más de siete puntos en encuestas |
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Republicans make their case for Donald Trump as party begins Day 2 of convention |
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Trump to increase military spending |
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Trump Biden Spar over US Protest Violence |
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Elizabeth Warren slams Trump’s Buy American Executive Order for essential medicines |
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John Bolton Already Debunked Key Claim In Atlantic Report On Trump’s Alleged Comments On Dead Soldiers click to see stats |
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Dette er forskjellen på Trump og Biden |
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Trump Really Could Win Again but Progressives Can Still Stop Him |
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Trump: Vote by Mail But Vote in Person Too if Vote Isn’t Tabulated |
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Trump’s reelection campaign gets a reboot as virus persists |
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COMMUNITY VOICES: Trump’s job application |
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Fact check: Trump says he’s done more for veterans than John McCain did — while taking credit for McCain’s veterans bill |
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Trump on the right side of history after rewriting it |
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This Labor Day numbers tell why we must dump Trump |
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It’s Way Too Soon To Count Trump Out |
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Donald Trump yakuriye inzira ku murima igikomangoma Harry |
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Republican Presidential Debate – Jan 14 2016: How to Watch the Free Live Stream TV start time and webcast – Will GOP candidates attack either Donald Trump or President Obama |
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Twitter deletes claim minimizing coronavirus death toll which Trump to Blog via Email |
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Stunning 3 Bedroom at Trump III in Sunny Isles Beach |
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US Urges Supreme Court To Let Trump Block Twitter Critics |
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TikTok may be going to Ban in America also : Donald Trump |
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Aktualitet Tashmë është zyrtare Kosova merr lajmin e madh nga vetë Presidenti Trump |
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Trump Silver Dollar Coin |
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Trump promises a safe effective vaccine for Covid-19 before year’s end — ‘or maybe even sooner!’ So where does that leave the in biotech |
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Trump promises to end the lawlessness that he promised to end four years ago… |
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“Trump Campaign Running Photo Ads Edited To Make Joe Biden Appear Older” |
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Biden Seeks To Make Trump Play Defense On Coronavirus |
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Chủ tiệm bị đốt ở Kenosha cáo buộc TT Trump đánh lừa dư luận |
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Trump amenaza con enviar fuerzas federales a Portland incluso si no se lo pide el alcalde |
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Surviving Trump Barely |
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Trump Sued for Shredding Landmark Environmental Law |
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Free Trump 2020 Socks |
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Rolling Stones: Απειλούν να οδηγήσουν στα δικαστήρια τον Donald Trump |
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Cuomo says Trump better have an army to come to NYC after labeling it an anarchist jurisdiction |
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Booba ridiculise Donald Trump sur Instagram et c’est hilarant ! |
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Trump to Big Ten: Play! |
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Free Resist Trump Sticker |
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TikTok says to sue over Trump crackdown |
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Trump full in the counterattack |
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Ret Major General Blasts Trump Over ‘Losers’ And ‘Suckers’: “You’re No Patriot” |
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ABD’li basın kuruluşu ABC News’e göre ABD Başkanı Donald Trump Amerikalı Pastör Andrew Brunson’ın serbest kalmaması durumunda tüm Amerikan diplomatların Türkiye’den çekilmesi yönünde bir plan hazırlamıştı Washington’un üzerinde çalıştığı diğer seçenekler arasında Türk iş dünyasına ve yetkililere yönelik yaptırımların artırılması da vardı Haberde “Türkler her düzeydeki öfkeyi açıkça gördüler Eğer Erdoğan Brunson’ı Ekim’deki duruşmada serbest bırakmasaydı her şey ortaya dökülecekti Yaptırımlar diplomatları çekme her şey masada olacaktı Her türlü diplomatik baskının masada olduğu mesajı açıkça verildi” deniliyordu |
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Trump’s war on India’s Developing Country status intensifies |
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Mike Tyson đã từng thuê Donald Trump để làm việc cho mình: Nhân viên của bạn hôm nay có thể làm Tổng Thống ngày mai |
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Lincoln Project releases new video targeting Trump comments on Ghislaine Maxwell |
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Twitter And Snapchat Are Reining Trump In Critics Want Them To Do It To Politicians Around The World |
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US Election 2020: Trump mention North Carolina voters to vote twice |
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Taylor Swift tiene toda la razón sobre Donald Trump |
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The Poll Watcher Site for The Trump Campaign Has the URL ArmyForTrumpcom |
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Facebook Will Censor Trump Victory Declaration Ban Ads in Week Ahead of Election |
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Trump’s Ellis Island Award for Being a “Developer” of German Descent |
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Trump invokes CDC’s quarantine authority to ban evictions |
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“Bu hayatı nasıl Brexit ve Trump’ı getiren anti-politik isyanın içyüzü… |
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America’s ‘Digital Strike’ On China Trump Said – Tik-Tok Will Ban |
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In Texas President Trump’s team hits the road to shore up support |
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Trudeau government must stand up against Trump’s escalating attacks on International Criminal Court |
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Trump Tower à Moscou : Sur la piste d’un |
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Ông Trump gây bão với đề nghị đặc biệt về bầu cử |
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Trump’s Posts Suggesting Americans Vote Twice Flagged by Facebook Twitter |
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Trump puts pressure on FDA for coronavirus silver… |
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Almost 300 Miles Of Border Wall Have Been Constructed Under Trump |
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Donald Trump Sebut Nama George Floyd |
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US election: Trump tells North Carolina voters to vote twice Popular Post |
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Trump Corbyn Share Toxic Antisemitism |
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Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Declines Federal Riot Assistance Just 48 Hours Before Antifa Terrorist ASSASSINATES Trump Supporter In Portland |
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Mitt Romney: Trump Wants To ‘Inflame Racial Tensions’ Trump: ‘Mitt Romney Couldn’t Be Elected Dog-Catcher Right Now In Utah’ |
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Trump: Kurdi Suriah Mungkin Sengaja Bebaskan Tahanan ISIS untuk Pancing AS |
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Trump’s job losses are the worst of any American president on record |
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Trump Calls Americans Who Died in War ‘Losers’ |
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Trump Officials Removed Social Distancing Stickers |
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Trump le cere alegătorilor săi să voteze de două ori |
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kelly trump Das Madchen internat scene 1 |
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Trump raser mot artikkel: – Hvilket dyr ville sagt noe sånt |
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Kim Klacik: Black Voters ‘Are Definitely Listening’ To Trump’s Messaging |
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Trump tosses veterans aside says those who die in war are ‘losers’ |
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Analysis: Trump’s attack on mask-wearing may be his worst yet |
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Trump Mocks The Way Biden Wears His Mask |
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Tổng thống Trump kêu gọi cử tri bảo đảm phiếu bầu của mình được tính |
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Khizr Khan responds to reports Trump disparaged service members: ‘His life is a testament to selfishness’ |
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Joe Biden se rend à Kenosha deux jours après Donald Trump |
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COLUMN: Thanks to Trump Manufacturing is Moving Back from China to the US |
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“Trump skewers Biden suggests again supporters vote twice in Pennsylvania” |
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“This Is Democrats’ Doomsday Scenario for Election Night: What if early results in swing states on Nov 3 show President Trump ahead and he declares victory before heavily Democratic mail-in votes which he has falsely linked with fraud are fully counted” |
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Retired General Responds to Trump Mocking Soldiers: “You’re No Patriot” |
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As Trump rails against mail-in voting DHS warns Russia is doing the same |
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Sexy Funny video of Girls Donald Trump’s and pranks in Coronavirus Covid-19 |
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Wow Trump And Russia Totally Agree On Mail-In Voting! Probably A Big Coincidence! |
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‘We will see him in court’: Lightfoot strikes back after Trump threatens to cut federal funding |
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Twitter places notice on Trump’s tweets of double voting |
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China plans reforms to protect the chip industry from Trump threat |
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Donald Trump visits Kenosha calls violence ‘domestic terrorism’ |
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Trump denies report he called US service members buried in France ‘losers’ ‘suckers’ |
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Bill Clinton Declares Trump Will ‘Sandbag’ Himself Inside White House If He Loses |
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Fayetteville Observer – NC surveys say Gov Cooper Ahead President Trump slightly down |
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President Trump Designates First American World War II Heritage City |
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Hevder Trump stemplet døde soldater som «tapere» og «duster» |
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Stories Readers for Atlantic Story on Trump Attacking Troops |
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New Lincoln Project video blasting Trump: POW |
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Procédure de destitution : ce que la carte complotiste peut rapporter à Donald Trump |
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Trump llama “fracasados” a víctimas de |
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Michael Cohen’s secret tape of Trump just got released and it’s damning |
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Preacher: God Put Trump In Office But Satan Wants To ‘Take Back Over This Country’ |
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Trump urdhëron rishikim të ndihmës federale për ‘juridiksionet anarkiste’ |
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Will Portland Killing Set Up Another Trump Military Occupation |
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Trump gets defensive when questioned about double standard of White House testing availability |
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Abatido durante un operativo policial en Washington el sospechoso de matar a un activista partidario de Trump en Portland De Grazia: Maduro quiere que a cambio de rehenes avalemos el fraude electoral |
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pbs newshour: Trump pullback from bipartisan health care fix gives Washington whiplash |
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Microsoft Signed Nonbinding Agreement to Acquire TikTok before Trump Banned the Company |
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‘India Pakistan Two Nuclear Countries at Serious Odds Got to Work It Out’: Trump Plays Peacemaker Again |
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A journalist from Yemen just explained why Trump enables Saudi war crimes in his home country |
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It’s a very big deal — Something only Trump could do |
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Pija në të cilën betohet Melania Trump: Zvogëlon apetitin dëshirën për ëmbëlsira dhe përshpejton humbjen e peshës trupore! |
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Miles Taylor who served as DHS chief of staff under Trump says the president is dangerous |
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Trump May Have Gotten A Convention Bounce But It’s Very Slight And May Already Be Fading |
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Trump doubles down on urging voters to break law |
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St Michael’s debacle ● USPS ‘not to be messed with’ ● Trump vs Social Security |
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Donald Trump Told His Press Secretary To ‘Take One For The Team’ After Kim Jong-un Winked At Her |
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Donald Trump Explains How Anarchists Are Using Cans Of Chicken Soup As Weapons |
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JSL – Pres Trump Takes Action to Protect the American People |
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“ US President Donald Trump said he discussed the issue of Kashmir with the leaders of India and Pakistan during his meetings with them and offered to … Thursday September 26 2019 |
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Do Americans Need to Be Entertained in a Pandemic No Matter How Much Donald Trump Minimizes It |
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Can Trump recover from poll deficit |
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‘His soul is that of a coward’: Biden camp blasts Trump over reports he called dead US troops ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ |
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Trump calificó de «terrorismo doméstico» a las protestas contra la policía en Wisconsin |
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What President Trump Promised Me Personally |
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Trump Doctrine of Moral Clarity |
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Trump RNC Ends With Ave Maria Sung From The White House |
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Melania in Donald Trump: Zopet mu je izmuznila roko tokrat še… |
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AMERICA – Michael Forest Reinoehl accusato dell’omicidio di un sostenitore di Trump ucciso dai così una sentenza apre le porte ai colossi del web di G Colombo |
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Violando la ley Trump insta a los habitantes de Caroli… |
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John Bolton Already Debunked Key Claim In Atlantic Report On Trump’s Alleged Comments On Dead Soldiers – Stats |
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Donald Trump prezent/ Kosova amp Serbia nënshkruajnë dokument në Shtëpinë e |
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Trump’s Latest Gambit of “Herd Immunity” Horrifies US Public Will Become Another Huge Negative for Regime in November Election |
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Judd Trump and Neil Robertson |
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Trump Blocks US Charter Flights to Cuba |
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Người dùng WeChat yêu cầu bằng chứng đằng sau lệnh cấm của ông Trump |
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Trump-US and China: outlook of competitiveness |
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Trump Makes No Mention of LGBTQ People in Republican National Convention Speech |
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NY Attorney General asks judge to order Trump’s son to testify in probe |
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Erdogan and Trump Must Work Together |
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Bonacci Massimo: Donald Trump denies calling American servicemen who died in war ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ |
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Lupus patient says it appears “Trump is selling drugs to fund his presidential campaign” |
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This House Republican just used his infant daughter to push Trump’s racist lies |
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Trump faces pushback for urging people to vote twice |
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Getting devout and dirty: will the Falwells’ fall from grace hurt Trump’s evangelical vote |
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Israel-UAE agreement a meek version of the historic Mideast deal Trump pledged |
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Donald Trump indicates delaying US election because mail-in voting |
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kelly trump Dangerous Dreams 3 |
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Fake News Gonna Fake – MSM Caught Using Footage From An Italian Hospital AGAIN This Time On A Report From Bolton Accidentally Debunked Key Claim In The Report On Trump’s Alleged Comments On Dead Soldiers |
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Mike Pompeo responds to report Trump insulted military: ‘I never heard him say it’ |
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Trump says the measure of his success against coronavirus will be the final death toll How’s he doing |
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Trump’s new COVID-19 adviser is making public health experts nervous |
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Jim Carrey su Trump: “Sembra di vedere Michael Corleone nel Padrino 3” |
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Aktualitet LAJMI I FUNDIT/ HISTORIKE Kosova dhe Serbia nënshkruajnë marrëveshjen me Donald Trump |
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Ertesi gün 18 Ekim’de ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’un Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanına gönderdiği 9 Ekim 2019 tarihli zehir zemberek bir mektup ortaya çıktı Beyaz Saray’dan sızdırıldığı anlaşılan tarafların varlığını kabullendikleri mektubunun tam metni: |
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Don Lemon examines Trump’s slur at Navajo event |
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Trump’s Wechat ban to have little effect on Tencent’s revenue: Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi launches service in Russia |
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‘Lawyers for Trump’ Gear Up for Contested Election |
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Lần đầu tiên vợ ông Obama chỉ đích danh ông Trump là ‘tổng thống sai lầm’ |
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Trump ofende heróis falecidos na I Guerra Mundial acusa o ‘The Atlantic’ |
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TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer resigns amid ongoing feud with Trump administration |
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Trump Is Right: The US History Curriculum I Teach Needs A Massive Overhaul |
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Trump Kovid-19 aşısının dağıtımı için tarih verdi |
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Trung Quốc khởi động ‘chiến tranh bán dẫn’ với chính quyền ông Trump |
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Medien: Trump nannte im Ersten Weltkrieg gefallene US-Soldaten Verlierer |
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Republicans’ rabid anti-communism is a sign of their political seems forever ago but Trump’s Washington still a swamp of corruption |
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Rob Goldstone just told us everything about the Trump Tower meeting |
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Outrage after Trump excludes US from WHO-backed global vaccination cooperation pact |
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Trump Campaign Files Federal Lawsuit Against Montana’s Expanded Mail-In Balloting in November |
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Corona-Pandemie : Der Sieg gegen das „China-Virus“ soll Trump retten |
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Thiếu nữ Việt Ủng hộ ông Trump !!! |
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Trump recalienta la campaña electoral |
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Trump primio Vučića i Hotija u Bijeloj kući: Uskoro potpisivanje sporazuma |
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Trump Supporter Executed Walking Down The Street In Portland BLM Celebrates And Cheers The Killing |
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Agencia del Gobierno de EEUU confirman que Trump está “orgulloso de ayudar a Nayib Bukele” |
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SUA Declarație controversată a Președintelui Trump care își îndeamnă susținătorii să meargă și la secțiile de votare chiar dacă au votat prin corespondență Deși Trump i-a îndemnat să verifice dacă votul a fost deja înregistrat procurorul general din Carolina de Nord a interpretat declarația ca pe o instigare la vot multiplu |
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Pas TikTok Donald Trump mbyll një tjetër aplikacion kinez përdoret nga miliona njerëz në mbarë botën |
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Donald Trump says reported remarks about US troops were ‘made up |
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UNFIT – The Psychology of Donald Trump |
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Donald Trump oficjalnym kandydatem Republikanów do Białego Domu |
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Media To Trump: ‘Either Start WWIII Over Unverified Rumors Or You’re A Russian Spy’ |
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What animal would say such a thing Trump trashes anonymous claims |
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Trump Admits He’s Undermining the US Postal Service to Thwart Mail-in Voting |
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Donald Trump sẽ thương mại hóa giáo dục |
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Biden’s Polling Lead over Trump Remains Stable After Both Conventions Former PA Gov Rendell Reports That Trump’s Race-Baiting Propaganda Fails to Gain Traction Among Suburban White Women Violence vs “Law and Order” Is Only Remaining Staple for GOP Demagogy |
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Trump Says Many Out Demonstrating against Him Are “Fascists” WaPo Tries to Measure “How Fascist Is Trump’ In Survey Would-Be Strongman Garnered 47 of 76 Possible Benitos for 620 Batting Average Making Him Easily the Greatest Threat to American Democracy Since Civil War |
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Branded: Jimmy Fallon: Hillary Clinton Is Not Intimidated by Donald Trump : 3:56 mins |
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Breaking: Trump on Jimmy Kimmel: 21:31 secs |
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Today’s D Brief: Trump spreads COVID misinformation New USAF chief wants ‘urgent action’ Key DoJ leader replaced Asian NATO And a bit more |
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Trump Administration Orders Nationwide Eviction Ban |
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Trump alienta a estadounidenses a votar dos veces |
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Donald Trump calls for delay of 2020 US Presidential |
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Trump gives Piers Morgan an interview aboard Air Force One |
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Los aranceles Trump arruinan al vino francés |
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inquisitr: Lara Trump Shows Some Leg In A Short Pink Mini Dress For Family Photo: We Woke Up Like This |
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Trump verwendet Leonard Cohens Hallelujah für Wahlkampf |
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A constitutional lawyer just laid out the case for Trump’s impeachment |
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New Trump Adviser Likes Sweden’s Deadly Virus Plan |
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Gay Decatur couple who won lawsuit against Trump administration will join Decaturish Twitch Show |
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‘Tune Has Not Changed’: Pardon for Snowden Wouldn’t End Trump’s ‘Major Attack on ! |
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WKI President: We call upon President Trump to reverse his decision |
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Az „ígéret földjén” Trump a „Föld ígérete” |
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Bill Clinton: Trump will be ‘stacking sandbags’ to stay in White House after defeat – Washington Examiner Bill Clinton: Trump will be ‘stacking sandbags’ to stay in White House after defeat Washington ExaminerView Full Coverage on Google News |
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Trump’s planned order on ‘dreamer’ immigrants will not include amnesty -White House |
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Vučić i Hoti danas potpisuju historijski dokument sastanku prisustvuje i Trump |
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Trump won’t back down criticizes The Fed for interest rate hikes |
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Trump and the Black Vote |
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Trump gets trashed by Mr Rogers’ widow for |
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Amagan con llevar a Trump a tribunales |
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Trump pek çok basın kuruluşunun Beyaz Saray’a girmesini yasakladı |
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Trump Boasts Of Falling US Unemployment – But Democrats Say It’s ‘Nothing To Brag About’ |
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Why This Archbishop Wrote A Letter To President Trump |
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From ‘dark shadows’ to ‘thugs’ on a plane Trump wades deeper into conspiracy theories as election nears |
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Trump’s daughter and wife meeting video viral and in discussion Melania smiled first upon meeting the daughter then twinkled |
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Trump’s visit to Bakersfield |
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Hoti niset drejt Shtëpisë së Bardhë ku do të pritet nga Trump |
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Breitbart Live Wire Trump Holds Pennsylvania Rally… |
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Are there any known specific reasons why President Trump has suggested that his supporters illegally vote twice in North Carolina |
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Analysis: Trump’s latest attack on mask-wearing may be his worst yet |
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Nëse Kosova dhe Serbia sot pajtohen për marrëveshjet Donald Trump nesër i përuron në takimin me dy delegacionet |
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White House fights back against claims Donald Trump called WWI Marine heroes ‘losers’ |
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Experts say Trump’s voter fraud claims are hollow but perilous |
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Biden: “Trump legjitimon anën e errët të natyrës njerëzore! |
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Even New York City’s Michelin-Starred Restaurants Are Struggling to Survive – The Wall Street Journal Even New York City’s Michelin-Starred Restaurants Are Struggling to Survive The Wall Street Journal Gutfeld on the New York City exodus and De Blasio’s response Fox News City Council Speaker Corey Johnson calls for immediate start to NYC indoor dining New York Post Cuomo slams Trump over threat to defund NYC New York Daily News Queens restaurant sues over NYC dining restrictions: ‘500 feet from my location you’re allowed to eat inside’ Fox News View Full Coverage on Google News |
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Trump quiere ser nada menos que el libertador |
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Trump bashes Atlantic over report he insulted fallen soldiers |
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Después de las convenciones ¿qué dicen las encuestas sobre Trump versus Biden |
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Donald Trump’s newest assault on mask-wearing is also his worst but |
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Billie Eilish llama a la movilización: Trump está destruyendo América |
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Elecciones en el BID: jaque al candidato de Trump |
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Unnamed Lawyer Claims Trump Touched Her Breast Two Months After Melania Gave Birth to Son |
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Biden Campaign: Statement on Commitment to Renewable Fuel Standard Amid Trump Administration’s Repeated Attacks on Farmers and Producers |
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Pide Trump “votar dos veces” en las elecciones presidenciales |
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DAN ZA POVIJEST Trump Vučić i Hoti u Bijeloj kući: Potpisan sporazum između Srbije i Kosova Predsjednik SAD-a Trump je izjavio kako su Beograd i Priština posvećeni ekonomskoj normalizaciji |
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Trump 2020 |
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Michael Reinoehl sought in fatal Portland shooting after Trump rally killed by officers in Washington |
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In DC Ultra-Left White Sectarians and Anarchists Harass Friendly Outdoor Diners in Columbia Heights Giving Trump a Helping Hand Carville Notes That Harassers Are Not Democrats Calls on Biden to Proclaim Hard Line against Anarchist Violence Arson and Provocation |
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Trump’s Goal Is Using Fascist Militias to Spread Chaos and Mayhem as Toxic Atmosphere for November GOP Candidate for Congress Angela Stanton King GA-5 Proclaims “The Storm Is Here” Reactionary Broadcasters Had Forecast Huge Upheaval for May-August Period Q Anon Proud Boys Patriot Prayer Boogaloo American Wolf and Others Mobilizing for Four More Years |
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Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era |
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Donald J Trump on Twitter |
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Han er verdt 10 mill for – Trump kommer til å lede stort |
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Trump thinks the military are losers but does it really matter |
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Nancy Pelosi is seen maskless after slamming Trump on masks |
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The Trump Administration Will Soon Deny Work Permits For Asylum-Seekers Who Enter The US Without Authorization |
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Corona : l’action d’une compagnie israélienne monte en flèche après l’annonce de Donald Trump |
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Trump Adviser says ‘kids don’t spread the virus’ pushes herd immunity Realme 7 And 7 Pro Wallpapers From Here |
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Trump’s Razor – Biden’s Chainsaw |
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Attorneys argue Trump’s exclusion order for count is illegal |
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9:17AM – Trump voters are happy with the so-called president |
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ETATS-UNIS : Trump dit que les troupes américaines quitteront l’Irak sous peu ” mais ne fournissent aucun calendrier |
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An Award for Being an Immigrant For TRUMP |
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Trump Victory Coin |
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President Trump “celebrated” teen gunman lieutenant governor says |
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Patriot Prayer supporter killed in Portland cancelled 40th birthday plans to go to pro-Trump rally |
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Blaming Trump For The Riots |
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Rob Reiner just predicted how Trump’s “corrupt and criminal” presidency will end |
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Donald Trump – Presidente de los Estados Unidos |
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El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo Trump y el Perú |
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Secret Weapon to Defeat Trump |
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Trump Delays Announcement Of Running Mate In Lieu Of France Attack |
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Huawei VS Google amp Trump สงครามการค้า จีนกับอเมริกา OSAKA Japan |
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Nýggi BBC-stjórin: BBC ov kristiskt móti konservativu Donald Trump og Brexit |
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Mort de Robert Trump frère cadet de Donald Trump – Le HuffPost |
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Rage Against The Machine Reunion Album Bashes Trump |
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Donald Trump Inauguration Christmas Medallion |
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Dark Shadows Into Thugs: Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Continue |
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Op-Ed: EPA Chief — If re-elected Trump will dump our environmental laws |
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Ông Trump đình chỉ mọi chuyến bay của hãng hàng không Trung Quốc đến Mỹ |
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‘Trump is a Terminator He Wants to End Progress and Future’ Hardcore Pro Series |
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It Gets Worse: Actuaries forecast That Trump’s Freeze on Social Security FICA Tax Would Lead to the Total Depletion of Social Security Trust Fund by Mid-2023 Triggering Devastating Benefit Cuts to Pensioners – a Decade Sooner Than 2033 as Anticipated |
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Cancela Trump contrato de compra de emergencia de respiradores en EEUU |
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Cadena hotelera Marriott abandona Cuba presionada por Donald Trump |
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Como «fracaso abyecto» califica Biden política de Trump para Venezuela |
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Make America Great Again—Trump Must Go! 187 |
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CfP: The impossibility of liberal nationalism in the age of Trump and the Catalan conundrum – Moving beyond the binaries of Nationalism Studies University of Edinburgh Proposal Deadline: 15 March 2018 |
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You Have Libertarian Alternatives to Biden and Trump This November |
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Understanding Donald Trump May Help to Avoid US-China Trade War |
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Trump derided US war dead as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ according to the Atlantic |
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President Trump Signs the PPP Flexibility Act Into Law |
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Top Hotel CEOs Meet with President Trump Vice President Pence On Urgent Assistance to Keep Hotels From Shuttering Protect Millions of Employees From Losing Jobs |
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President Trump Has Flipped America’s Most Liberal Court |
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Extremist Accused Of Murdering Trump Supporter In Portland Gets Killed During Arrest Report Says |
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Trump’s press secretary won’t blame Russia for Navalny poisoning |
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Trump Real |
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18 Temmuz 2018’de Başkan Trump Twitter üzerinden Brunson’un tahliye talebinin reddedilmesini ‘rezalet‘ olarak tanımladı Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a çağrıda bulunarak Brunson’ın serbest bırakılmasını istedi Türkiye’de dolar kuru yükselmeye başladı Ertesi hafta Brunson ev hapsine çıkarıldı ABD bunun yeterli olmadığını açıkladı Ertesi gün ABD Başkan Yardımcısı Mike Pence ile hemen ardından Başkan Trump’tan peş peşe yaptırım açıklamaları geldi Pence “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Türkiye hükümetine ABD Başkanı Trump adına mesajım var: Pastor Andrew Brunson’u hemen serbest bırakın ya da sonuçlarına katlanmaya hazır olun” ifadelerini kullandı Pence “ABD Türkiye’ye karşı bazı ekonomik yaptırımlar uygulayacak” dedi Trump da Twitterde “ABD harika bir Hristiyan aile babası ve harika bir insan olan Rahip Andrew Brunson’ın uzun süreli tutukluluk hali sebebiyle Türkiye’ye geniş yaptırımlar uygulayacak Brunson çok acı çekiyor Bu masum din adamı hemen serbest bırakılmalı” paylaşımını yaptı Açıklamalar gündeme bomba gibi düştü Hem siyasette hem de piyasalarda şok etkisi yarattı Ocak’ta 375 Temmuz başında 457 olan Dolar kuru tarihi rekor kırarak 14 Ağustos’ta 690’a çıktı |
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We have labored effectively with the Trump administration |
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House Democrat targets Trump adviser Navarro in probe |
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Trump Sticks to His Personal Phone Despite Security Risks |
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POTUS Trump Threatens to Pull Billions in Federal Funding from Lawless Cities NY Gov Cuomo Says Don’t Come Back to Town Without Bodyguards |
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THE STING: Patriot Robert Trump Went Undercover for the FBI to Stop BCCI Hillary Clinton’s BNL Fraud in Iraqgate |
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Union urges Trump administration to make payroll tax deferral optional… |
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Trump exhorta a sus seguidores a votar dos veces |
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‘I Did Not Hit Anyone Innocent’ Portland Man Suspected of Killing Trump Supporter Says |
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More than 175 current former law enforcement officials endorse Joe Biden slam Trump as ‘lawless’ president – Stats |
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Tổng thống Trump chơi lớn lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử yêu cầu đột ngột đóng đại sứ quán Trung Quốc |
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Sau lệnh cấm của ông Trump gã khổng lồ công nghệ lớn nhất TQ mất 45 tỷ USD |
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Trump 2020 “Liberals are CRAZY” Keep America Great! Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt |
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The Trump Era: US-Iran Relations reach its Lowest Ebb |
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Don’t ignore Trump fanning the flames of QAnon conspiracy theories |
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Tổng thống Trump lên tiếng sau khi bị άм ƨάт hụt gần Nhà Trắng |
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DACA Recipients Are Shocked And Relieved After The Supreme Court Ruled Against Trump |
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Reacionário Trump nega racismo na polícia e diz que protestos são atos de terrorismo |
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Investigating Donald Trump Jr Part 1: His Russian Real Estate Conference |
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Ông Trump tuyên bố “cao tay hơn” Trung Quốc về thương mại |
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Trump administration ‘ramrodding’ DOL rule to beat 2020 presidential election depriving advisors ability to comment says Ex-Obama DOL official Phyllis Borzi the ‘Godmother’ of ERISA |
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India is ready to Respond Trade Salvo of Donald Trump |
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Trump’s push for TikTok fee confounds policy experts |
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Trump Faces Pushback for Urging People To Vote Twice as Test |
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OUTDOOR President Donald Trump Standee – 2752 |
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Trump Doubles Down On Call To Supporters To Illegally Vote Twice |
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Sot firmoset marrëveshja Kosovë-Serbi në prani të Donald Trump |
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Trump đã chuẩn bị hậu sự cho Tập |
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Cities Targeted by President Trump Unite in Response |
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Next Trump List of SCOTUS Candidates Coming Soon |
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Trump set to announce purchase of 150M rapid coronavirus tests |
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65892 Scientists Sign Letter Claiming Trump’s Upcoming Tulsa OK Rally Is Literally Hitler’s Mom SATIRE |
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Dạy dỗ Trung Quốc Tổng thống Donald Trump qυyếϯ định chơi ѕáт νáи chứ không dọa |
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Ebola Obama Covid amp Trump |
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Anonymous Sources Tell Mag Trump Called Dead Troops ‘Losers’ 5 Witnesses Go On Record To Dispute – Stats |
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President Trump and CIA To Soon Deploy Highly Trained Vigilante To Clean Up Streets of Chicago |
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Donald Trump’ın 4 Yıllık Başkanlık by Email |
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Zbardhen prapaskenat e forta! Sherr në mes të Uashingtonit ekipi i Kosovës vonohet për në takimin me Trump Arsyeja |
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Flet Donald Trump: Kosova dhe Izraeli vendosën marrëdhënie diplomatike |
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Maddow just uncovered Devin Nunes and the House GOP’s plot to foil Mueller’s Trump Russia probe |
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“How the Trump Campaign Pushes Voting by Mail on Facebook” |
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Ông Biden giành lợi thế lớn tại bang chiến địa từng giúp tổng thống Trump thắng cử năm 2016 |
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Biden Blasts Trump’s Handling of COVID-19 Saying the President ‘Has No Real Plan’ for Getting Students and Teachers Back to School Excerpt: 15 Years After Katrina New Orleans School Miracle Emerges as a ‘Surprising’ Mix of Free Market Choice and Strong Government Accountability |
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USA: Benshi baguye mu kantu kubera iyi foto y’umgore wa Perezida Trump yambaye ubusa buri buri yashyizwe ahagaragara na Cardi B |
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Melania Trump Brutally Mocked For Her Wardrobe On Live TV Last Night By Stephen Colbert ! Video |
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NY Post Op-ed Editor Praises Trump’s Handling Of The Middle East |
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On Anniversary of Voting Rights Act Virginia Democrats Condemn Trump’s Anti-Democratic Voter Suppression |
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Zoombombers briefly disrupt Duke Students for Biden event spam pro-Trump messages and racial slur |
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Russian Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab has been removed from approved list of software vendors by the Trump government |
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Can Trump make a bigger fish out of America |
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İran Trump’ un Başına 3 Milyon Dolar Ödül Koydu ! |
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If Trump loses perhaps he can follow in Jimmy Carter’s footsteps |
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Musician Eddy Grant sues Trump campaign over use of ‘Electric |
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Bài học “vaccine tranh cử” cho Tổng thống Trump từ Gerald Ford |
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Razões e impactos das tarifas de Trump na Argentina e no Brasil |
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Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ says report |
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Sep 1 DOJ ‘preparing’ to indict top Trump fundraiser in scandal over foreign corruption of US government: Washington Post |
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Trump says US economy entitled to ‘substantial’ interest rate cut |
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White House attacks ‘false’ Atlantic story about Trump insulting dead |
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Trump claims coronavirus vaccine could be |
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President Trump tours areas devastated by Hurricane Laura |
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Trump critica Nancy Pelosi por ter ido a salão de beleza sem máscara |
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Let us also ignore how many of those people had insider knowledge and were making trades as early as negotiations had begun with the Trump Administration and the Kodak executives for Kodak to pivot to pharmaceuticals |
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WATCH Trump Mocks Biden’s Mask Wearing |
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Hackers Might Be Chasing Pro-Trump Websites |
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Trump y la violencia |
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Joe Biden: Trump a ‘toxic presence in our nation’ Video |
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Trump sale beneficiado del proceso de residenciamiento |
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Nga Silvana Begaj: Përpara se të na kërkoni e njeriut më të pasur në botë siguron të ardhura marramëndëse nga Trump takon sot Vuçiçin dhe Hotin e Kosovës |
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Donald Trump suggests polling place double-check for mail-in voters |
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TikTok’un sahibi ByteDance Trump’a dava açacak |
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Trump julkisti Serbian ja Kosovon sopimuksen ainoaa aarrelaivaa rosvottu jo vuosikymmenten ajan – kultaisia nuuskarasioita kadonnut keräilijöille: Lastilla rakentaisi muutaman omakotitalon |
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Many Orthodox Jews support President Trump I’m one of them |
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Attorney General James Continues Fight to Protect Dreamers from Trump Administration |
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Is Kamala Harris As VP Pick A Challenge To The DNC or Trump Prof David Monda Talks 2020 Elections |
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Không phải tôi ủng hộ Trump mà tôi đã chờ đợi một người như ông ấy từ rất lâu rồi |
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Biden blasts Trump over Homeland Security report on Russians health |
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Es más fácil tener éxito que mantenerlo – Donald Trump Vídeo |
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Concerned About Voter Fraud Trump Urges Voters to Commit Voter Fraud |
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Ông Trump đề nghị cử tri bỏ phiếu hai lần gây náo động nước Mỹ |
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Trump exhortó a residentes de Carolina del Norte a votar dos veces |
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Analysis: Trump’s conduct risks a post-election crisis |
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The Trump Administration Will Start Charging Immigrants Fees For Applying For Asylum |
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Violence Ahead Of The Election Won’t Lead to Trump Second Term |
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Twitter esconde parcialmente el mensaje de Trump que p |
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NDRC Statement on Trump’s Unconstitutional Attack on 2020 Census |
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Trump tells Americans to try to vote twice |
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Op-Ed: What Message Does ‘Trump Train’ Send to the Community |
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Trump gives 45 days window to |
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Three Eyewitnesses Say “Anonymously Sourced” Atlantic Anti-Trump Story Is False |
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What are Trump’s and Biden’s Polling Strong Points |
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Trump and Biden to both visit Shanksville for 9/11 investigation finds over 1B in suspected COVID-19 aid fraud |
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Biden Announces He’ll Repeal Trump’s Tax Cut |
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Trump Investigations News Review |
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POLL: Donald Trump Takes Lead in Crucial 2020 Swing State |
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Barr suggests studies showed mail-in voting promoted fraud but narrative changed because of Trump |
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Trump supporter: ‘I’m not kidding I truly believe that Donald Trump was sent by God’ |
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Tiffany Trump’s Lifestyle Full Biography and Latest Product You Purchase |
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US Election 2020: who was the oldest US president – and how do Donald Trump and Politics |
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The Boy Scouts can do better than teaming up with Trump’s EPA |
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Trump and the end of an era |
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‘Restoring patriotic education’ How Trump rejects grappling with Amer |
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Trump Supporters Have Been Right About Literally Everything |
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Cuomo rebukes Trump for threat to cut federal funds to Democratic cities |
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Take a Dump with Trump |
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Dear Trump Chumps |
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21 Trump Signs Stolen from Upper Bucks Property Police Say |
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Washington Post Adds New Reporting: Trump Believes Vietnam Veterans Are |
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As violence escalates in Portland President Trump declares if ‘mayor doesn’t clean it up we will go in and do |
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Trump Humor Part II |
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Donald Trump amp Elon Musk Think Chloroquine is The Answer to Coronavirus |
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Conexión Global EEUU capítulo 1: Las claves que definirán la elección entre Trump y Biden |
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US Postmaster General says Trump attacks on mail-in ballots ‘not helpful’ |
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Trump sticks to law and order stance at Pa rally |
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Bob Woodward’s new Trump book ‘Rage’ due out next month |
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Mary Trump says President ‘is not going to get better to get worse’ |
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As Others Condemn Putin Critic’s Poisoning Trump Just Wants to ‘Get Along’ |
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Venezuela and Trump’s Irrational Electoral Policy |
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Trump |
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Trump sends 7-year-old attacked at Democrat convention a signed ‘MAGA’ hat and other goodies |
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Aumento el índice de aprobación del trabajo de Trump: Una economía |
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Epstein and His Lust for Young Girls The Arrest of Maxwell – and Trump Wished her Well… 60 Min Australia |
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Ivanka Trump Plans Campaign in Pennsylvania Touts Trump’s Position as Ally of American Workers |
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«Donald Trump está destruyendo nuestro país»- Billie Eilish |
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Trump Biden’ın maske takmasıyla dalga geçti! |
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Barack Obama: Trump has not taken job of the president seriously |
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CNN Video: Trump’s mysterious visit to Walter Reed revealed |
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Trump 2020 Keep America Great! Baby One Piece T-Shirt |
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What Biden and Trump are saying on the campaign trail |
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Deconstructing Today’s Roanoke Times Op-Ed “Don’t Be Fooled Virginia Trump Just Might Pull Off |
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Trump nomme Fears comme conseiller à la sécurité intérieure: Maison Blanche |
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Recent Military Trump Unfit Veterans |
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Trump Plays On Racist Fears About Low-Income Housing |
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President Trump demands tougher response as protests escalate across America – BBC News |
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Trump accused of describing war dead as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ He denies allegations Here’s what we know |
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Battle brews for control of Latin American lender as some reject Trump candidate |
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Trump Admin Ramping Up Attacks on GDPR – Says It Helps Cybercrime Threatens Public Health |
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Nhóm cựu lãnh đạo Cộng hòa liên minh ủng hộ đối thủ của Tổng thống Trump |
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Trump announces historic accord between former foes Serbia Kosovo |
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Appeals court tosses Trump bid to roll back fuel efficiency penalties |
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Biden on report Trump called war dead ‘losers:’ Their sacrifice ‘should be honored’ |
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Trump slams ‘China-centric’ WHO |
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Fact Check: Is First Lady Melania Trump Fluent in Five Languages |
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Trump’s Economic Power Revealed |
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Donald Trump slates Joe Biden for not social distancing – then goes maskless |
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Trump Beyaz Saray’da Sırbistan ve Kosova Liderlerini Ağırlayacak |
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Trump 2020 Keep America Great! Bubble-free stickers |
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Donald Trump invita a sus seguidores a que voten dos veces |
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‘Trump Hates Veterans’ Trends on Twitter After Trump Reportedly Calls Fallen US Soldiers ‘Losers’ |
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Friday News: Trump: “Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’” “After |
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Trump denies calling US war dead ‘losers’ ‘suckers’9:26 AM |
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VIDEO: MARXIST PRIESTS — And they hate Trump |
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President Trump’s New COVID-19 Advisor Is Making Public Health Experts Nervous |
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Ted Wheeler Blames Trump For Portland Violence After Right-Wing Protester Killed |
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Alyssa Milano just demanded Trump’s resignation for separating refugee families |
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Here Come the Feds: Vice News Interview Results with Death of Shooter Trump Tweet and end of Lenient Charges for Antifa |
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«Lagos-Piñera: los Trump chilensis» |
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What kind of conspiracy theorist is Trump – Politics Weekly Extra |
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Suspect in Trump Supporter Execution Had Been Arrested for Allegedly Taking a Gun to Earlier Riot |
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Second Trump administration appointee ousted at FDA amid credibility Spears’ lawyer says she wants court battle over conservatorship made public |
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Trump Jr: You don’t see the conservatives burning down businesses |
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US Could Be Tossed From Olympics Over Trump Funding Threats WADA Says |
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ABD Başkanı Donald Trump MSNBC sunucusu Joy Reid’in katıldığı bir yayında “Müslüman ter… |
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Türkiye Suriye’de güvenli bölge oluşturma önerisini 2012’den beri gündeme getiriyordu Ancak bu öneriye hem eski ABD Başkanı Barack Obama hem de halefi Donald Trump sıcak bakmıyorlardı ABD ile sürdürülen görüşmeler sonucu nihayet Eylül 2019’da Türkiye Suriye’nin kuzeydoğusuna bu amaçla bir operasyon/harekat başlatma olanağı bulacaktı ABD Başkanı Trump Twitterdeki bir dizi paylaşım ve sözlü açıklamalarla: Türkiye’nin kendisinin harekat için belirlediği sınırları aşması durumunda ülke ekonomisini daha önce Brunson olayında yaptığı gibi tamamen mahvedeceği Türkiye’nin insancıl olmayan uygulamalar yapması halinde ekonomisinin büyük zarar göreceği tehditlerinde bulundu |
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Trump says some really strange things Republicans say no comment again |
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Here’s More Evidence That Trump Is an Algorithm |
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Uber Lyft Trump’s Enhanced Unemployment Benefits and SoftBank’s Comeback |
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Nationwide Novena of 5400 Masses for President Trump |
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Watch: President Trump’s Remarks In Pennsylvania On Thursday |
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However Trump Shakes Out on Cannabis ICBC Will Have You Prepared |
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Jill Biden slams Donald Trump’s ‘chaos’ in virtual stop at Pasco-Hernando State College |
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Is the Trump administration bluffing about a vaccine timeline Scientists are skeptical |
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Trump tung đòn mới: Không cho phép người Trung Quốc định cư tại Mỹ |
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The 2018 Midterms Were a Warning for Trump |
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Woman Repeatedly Punches Child In Head For Having Pro-Trump Sign: Police Report click to see stats |
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Trump recorta la ventaja de Biden tras las convenciones |
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Elected officials and unions urge HEROES Act passage blast Trump and McConnell |
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Trump llamó “fracasados” a estadounidenses muertos en guerras según Atlantic el… |
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Trump obiecuje zaprzestanie finansowania aborcji |
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Trump 2020 Keep America Great! Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt |
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Great News For President Trump As “Basement Joe” Biden’s Supposed Polling “Lead” Evaporates |
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Trump vows to continue military rebuild halt endless wars |
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Official Confirms Trump Called Fallen Troops ‘Losers’ |
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Donald Trump just invited Putin to Washington in an insane criminal defense strategy |
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Many Orthodox support Trump I’m one of them |
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Stigma in a Polarized Society: The Case of Trump’s Family Separation Policy |
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Trump to meet Jordan’s King Abdullah at White House June 25 |
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Trump: Vaksina e COVID-19 ndoshta shpërndahet përpara fundit të tetorit |
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Six Minnesota Democrat Mayors Revolt Endorse Donald Trump Over Joe Biden |
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Trump on Top of the Game as Tiktok CEO Kevin Maye Resigns |
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Why Trump’s ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ slurs cut especially deep for Marines |
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Donald Trump received the Republican nomination and announced a tough election |
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Donald Trump o podzieleni w sprawie koronawirusa |
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USABedächtiger Biden polternder Trump: US-Bürger haben eine klare Economiesuisse-Präsident gewählt |
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ABD’de polis Trump destekçisi aktivistin katil zanlısını gözaltına alırken öldürdü |
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President Trump Tweets Urging Iran to Spare Life of Popular Wrestler |
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Trump’s latest attack on mask-wearing may be his |
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Breaking news: Trump supporter shot dead in Portland |
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“It is you who have created the hate “ Portland mayor blasts Trump |
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Related Videos On: Trump’s mysterious visit to Walter Reed revealed |
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Trump Jr tweets name of sacred whistleblower Anti-Trump lawyer tweets coupmp4 |
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Erol Mütercimler – Trump: Erdoğan beni dinliyor Erdoğan’ın müjdesi AK Partili vatandaşın dikkat çeken sohbeti: Ağalarınıza diye |
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“Promises Made Promises Broken”: Trump Has Not Delivered on His Bombastic Promises to Improve Real Wages Here Too His Performance Falls Short of Obama’s Record Pandemic of Homelessness Made Worse by Housing Deficit of at Least 12 Million Units to Be Paid for by the Federal Reserve over Next Few Years – Somebody Tell Sanctimonious Ben Carson! |
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Woman sues sperm bank after paying 75000 for “Donald Trump’s semen” and giving birth to… |
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BUSTER: Landlord 74 Arrested After Stealing Tenant’s Donald Trump Flag Cops Report |
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US House of Representatives impeach President Donald Trump |
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Democrats challenge President Trump on partial government shutdown |
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15 Hilarious Donald Trump Pictures |
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Ghislaine’s Trump Card |
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Trump Tak Pakai Masker saat Kunjungi Lokasi Korban Badai Laura |
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Trump wants country “opened up and just raring to go by Easter” |
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Trump’s new eviction moratorium: Everything renters need to know |
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Your Good News of the Day: cold blooded Murderer Michael Reinoehl guilty in fatal Portland protest shooting of Trump supporter killed by feds during arrest attempt |
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Trump contre le VIH : fake news |
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CCC hackt digitale Angriff der Trump-Regierung auf Open-Source-Projekte ist auch Technologiepolitik: Anonymisierung und Verschlüsselung ohne Hintertüren sichern Menschenrechte |
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Watch: NYPD Escorts Pro-Trump Protesters Into Car Moments Before It Plows Through a BLM March in Times Square |
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Trump attacks Nancy Pelosi over ‘Salongate’ – video |
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Biden warns Trump ‘legitimizes dark side of human nature’ in Kenosha visit |
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Trump “We’re Going To Fill It” |
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WSJ: Zuckerberg avisó a Trump hace un año sobre la amenaza de TikTok y ahora este quiere bloquear la plataforma china |
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Donald Trump’s Friday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet! |
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Donald Trump Broken Promises to America Since Day One amp More… |
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Donald Trump Posts a Letter! – Breaking World News… |
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WATCH: Trump Accepts Endorsement From National Border Patrol Council |
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Trump’s “Bank and Landlord Relief” bill |
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Trump Gets Rid Of Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski |
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Trump amenazó con militarizar las calles si los gobernadores y alcaldes no frenan las protestas |
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ABD Başkan Yardımcısı Mike Pence Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile görüşmesinin ardından basın açıklaması yaparak Türkiye ABD ile Suriye’de ateşkes için anlaştığı için ABD’nin Türkiye’ye yaptırım uygulamayacağını ifade etti ve ekledi: “ABD Başkanı Trump net bir şekilde ifade etti bugün ateşkes olmasaydı Türkiye’ye çok büyük yaptırımlar gelecekti“ |
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Trump pide votar dos veces en la elección presidencial |
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A menos de 100 días para las presidenciales Trump y Biden se pronuncian sobre Venezuela |
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Trump pas nënshkrimit të marrëveshjes paralajmëron vizitë në Kosovë dhe Serbi! Izraeli njeh Kosovën shtet i pavarur |
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Biden vs Trump |
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Legacy Media Dance Like Elaine The ‘Let’s Make Mary Trump Trend’ Remix |
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Bài phát biểu của đệ nhất phu nhân Melania Trump không hề có hận thù chỉ chất chứa lòng nhân ái! |
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LIVE: President Donald Trump in Latrobe PA |
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Trump’s Popularity Slips in Latest Military Times poll |
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Postmaster General DeJoy Refuses to Restore US Postal Service to Traditional Standard of Service Before He Started Junking 671 Sorting Machines He Denies Collusion with Trump for His Sabotage and Vandalism Democrats Must Impeach DeJoy This Week |
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Por que pressa de Trump por vacina para covid-19 é arriscada |
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Trump Leads Biden At The Bookies Amid Surge In Black Americans’ Support |
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Another Lost Week for Trump |
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Donald Trump v The United States – Inside the Struggle to Stop a President |
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erdogan and trump must work together |
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“Exclusive: Bipartisan campaign aims to reassure US voters as Trump questions election integrity” |
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Book Download PDF Trump and the American Future: Solving the Great Problems of Our Time by Newt Gingrich |
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Facebook Twitter seek to limit spread of Trump remarks on voting twice to test system |
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22 Times Trump Told America the Coronavirus Would Go Away |
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Donald Trump’s Statement about doing other things if we lose Elections |
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In Ex-Wife’s Prenup Trump Said He’d Cut Daughter Off If She Joined The Military |
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Trump wins backing of largest US police union as he touts ‘law and film-maker braves double COVID quarantine for Venice festival |
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Trump culpa al alcalde de Portland de la situación en la ciudad |
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Democrats press Trump to intervene on background test invoice Full Version |
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Police warns public against ‘dangerous’ ecstasy Trump-shaped tablet |
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Snapchat removes Donald Trump’s account from Discover page due to ‘racial violence’ |
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TT Trump: TQ liên hệ giữa đêm họ không muốn mất chuỗi cung ứng |
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Did Hillary Clinton Just Give Away Democrat Game Plan To Take The Presidency From Donald Trump A Court Battle |
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Oscar Parrilli: El embajador enviado por Trump debería callarse la boca |
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“Trump’s New Election Law Pitbull Goes to War With Transparency Groups Trey Trainor is accusing groups like Common Cause and CREW of trying to force the FEC into enacting a liberal agenda” |
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Donald Trump äußert sich zum ersten Mal zu „QAnon“ |
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Barceló sobre las PCR: No es un problema de planificación sino de Trump que hizo acopio de producción |
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Trump Executive Order – H1B Jobs in Federal Govt LCA PERM Affected |
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Donald J Trump: The Greatest President Of All Time In History |
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Get That Donald Trump Look with this Makeup Tutorial |
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Trump’s vaccine can’t be trusted |
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Trump administration pushes for early antitrust suit against Google: Report |
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Crime Trump Unfit |
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LEXO MË është zyrtare Kosova merr lajmin e madh nga vetë Presidenti Trump |
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The Latest: Trump ready to rally voters in battleground Pa |
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Como si fuera un superhéroe Trump lanza la “Operación Velocidad de la Luz” que busca para… |
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X22 Report vom 192020-Trump entlarvt den unsichtbaren Feind der sich im dunklen Schatten verbirgt |
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Fox host claims Donald Trump “never said” there were “very fine people on both sides” |
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FACT: Donald Trump a ‘man’ who thinks American service members are suckers and losers is Commander in Chief of the United States Military |
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Presidente Trump alienta a violar la ley y votar dos veces |
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GOP Convention Lurches into Final Day with More and Bigger Lies and Positive Platitudes from Employees and Family Members Blanket Flight from Reality into Magical Delirium at Fort McHenry Pence Gravely Intones That Voters Will Not Be Safe in Biden’s America Evidently Overlooking That Today’s Threatened Existence Is at Risk in the America of Trump-Pence White House Officials Claim that Current Clashes Allow Don to Contrast Himself with Dems Time to Apply Test of Cui Bono to Ongoing Political Violence Trump Unlikely to Abandon His Signature “Crippled America” and “American Carnage” Motifs of Despair |
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For the time being let’s set aside our belief that the entire Kodak transaction was cagey from the get-go President Donald Trump was going to magically turn a legendary camera and film company into a Pharmaceutical Giant with a simple Samantha-esque shaking of his nose Or perhaps more like Genie stepping out of the bottle Hmmmm… were those shows filmed in Kodachrome |
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Pollster who Called MI Right in 2016 has Trump Up ‘Bigly’ in MO will win MI WI and LA |
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Democrats disagree as Trump administration halts election security briefings |
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Five trump real estate india projects |
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Biden Tries To Take Credit For Trump’s Peace Deal Gets Blasted By Trump |
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La apuesta de Trump a la polarización |
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Trump postpone his Tusla rally to June 20 for Juneteenth holiday |
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Donald Trump is gaslighting America |
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Trump Looking To Ban More Chinese Apps |
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باجافزار Trump Locker |
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Joe Biden’s Agenda is ‘made in China’ – Trump says |
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Donald Trump est le propriétaire des plus grandes pertes d’emplois de tous les présidents de l’histoire |
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Trump Says Serbia to Move Its Embassy to Jerusalem Kosovo to Recognise Israel |
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Former Pepp Dean Serves on Trump’s Impeachment Defense Team |
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For the Trump Chumps |
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Poll: Trump Is Right Huge Percentage Of Fans Turning Off NBA Because It’s ‘Too Political’ – Stats |
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Trump Condo Hotels |
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Biden visita família de Jacob Blake e ataca Trump |
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Landlord 74 Arrested After Stealing Tenant’s Donald Trump Flag Cops Report |
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Domestic Terror in the Age of Trump |
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Trump: No Mask Try Scarf for COVID-19 Protection |
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Trump suggests polling place double-check for mail-in honored as hometown hero in native South Carolina |
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Trump calls Putin to offer crash condolences |
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Jacob Blake: Father ‘refuses to play politics’ as Trump visits Kenosha |
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US Could Be Thrown Out of Olympics Over Trump Funding Threats World Anti-Doping Agency WarnsComments gt |
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Press Secretary: Report That Trump Called Dead Soldiers Losers Is “Garbage” |
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Creep of the Week: Donald Trump Again |
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Andrew Cuomo’s gift to Donald Trump |
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Don’t vote for Trump if you are a genuine animal lover |
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Trump’s daughter and wife meeting video viral and in discussion Melania s |
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CNN ‘Should Fire’ TV host Chris Cuomo Over Sexual Harassment Allegations – Donald Trump Says |
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Maxine Waters Issues Open THREAT To Trump |
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FOCUS: Pandemic comes back to bite Trump with only 3 months until election |
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Trump confía en tener una vacuna para octubre y agita |
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Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ Submitted By Rob Kall 6 |
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Video: Pakistan has abundant Kashmir: Sajid Tarar Advisor to Donald Trump |
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Michael Avenatti told us it would be tough to reunite the families Trump separated Here is one |
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Top House Judiciary Dem just revealed Trump’s “Achilles Heel” in the impeachment inquiry |
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4 Selebriti yang ‘Katanya’ Akan Hengkang Jika Trump Menang |
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Trump News on YT |
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Original Ideas That Trump Fans Will Enjoy Watching The Media Hate |
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Medienbericht Besuch von Militärfriedhof: Hat Donald Trump gefallene Soldaten Loser und Trottel genannt |
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Retired general blasts Trump on reported military comments: ‘You’re no… |
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Dân mạng truy lùng hình ảnh thời thơ ấu của ái nữ nhà Trump |
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Democrat NY Governor Cuomo Makes Sick THREAT Against Trump if He Comes to NYC |
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Trump Re-elected Because Of CHAOS: IT’S ON! |
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The Blade: Sherrod Brown: In crisis Ohioans need Biden’s Three Ohio business owners tell Sherrod Brown they’re struggling under Donald Trump in DNC video |
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UH OH: Trump Orders Feds To Begin Defunding Four Cites That Cut Police Budgets |
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Ridiculous Fight at Running Track Trump Supporter Goes Off |
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Covid-19: les préparatifs pour la distribution d’un vaccin avant l’élection s’accélèrent aux Etats-Unis Le gouvernement de Donald Trump prépare activement la distribution à grande échelle d’un éventuel vaccin contre le coronavirus d’ici le 1er novembre soit juste avant l’élection présidentielle démont |
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Donald Trump 6 Bronze Bust |
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Kudlow: Trump administration to unveil aid for |
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President Trump Leaves Minneapolis Hanging After City Requests 16M in Assistance |
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President Donald Trump – Cardboard Cutout – 2213 |
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12 Ekim 2018’de Brunson’un 4 duruşmasında tanıklar ifadelerini değiştirdiler böylece Rahip mahkemece serbest bırakıldı ve Trump tarafından karardan önce gönderilmiş İzmir’de beklemekte olan özel bir uçak ile Türkiye’den ayrıldı Uçağın Türkiye Hava sahasının dışına çıkmasından hemen sonra yaptığı açıklamada Trump “Onu tekrar yanımızda görmekten onur duyuyoruz Çok çekti” dedi Brunson’u Beyaz Saray’da ağırlayan Trump Twitter mesajında Türkiye ile “hiçbir anlaşma yapmadıklarını” söyledi “Rehineler için anlaşma yapmam” ifadelerini kullandı |
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CBS News tours construction of Trump’s border wall |
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Trump acepta nominación republicana para un segundo mandato |
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fascism 1940s anti-fascist cartoons updated with Trump as the dictator Mark Frauenfelder |
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Fox C-SPAN NBC moderators for upcoming Trump-Biden debates |
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Trump Denies Report He Disparaged Military |
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Your Thoughts: Can Trump Ban Transgender from the US… |
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Trump’s parade dreams in US over military |
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Facebook took down a Trump post for the first time |
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Endorsement SPEECH for Donald Trump : 3:56 mins |
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Gov Andrew Cuomo Tells President Donald Trump He’ll Need ‘an Army’ to Protect Him to Return to New York City |
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Personne ne croit Trump |
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Golf-Experte Rick Reily Er muss gewinnen Egal wie – Wie Donald Trump beim Golf betrügt |
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